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02-12-20, 21:50
Completely agree with what you have said which is something that can be hard to comprehend for many, myself included. Don't worry. I'm sure you'll soon be cussing me out again.

I don't (at least I try) disagree with a particular person. I disagree with what they've written. Sometimes it gets nasty. We all want to protect our sacred cows. But I really don't take it personal. There's not a guy on here that I wouldn't happily sit down and have a beer, coffee, or fruit juice with. I'll even come to them and buy. Within reason. I'm not flying to Copenhagen to buy someone a beer, but if I'm in Copenhagen, hit me up.

Still figuring out dates for my next visit. Now that I can almost afford to take a trip any time, I can't find any time to take a trip.

Mojo Bandit
02-12-20, 23:19
I guess that I will finish my SA visit in Medellin here. Tijuana, read the general info for more on SA, but I will start first off by saying that your thought process for using SA is wrong at least for Colombia.

That is the thing with SA. It is 90 bucks a month and 90 bucks can get you some decent pussy in Colombia. There are the no shows, the singles, the occasional home run, but it is when you hit a fucking grand slam, that SA and that 90 bucks a month is so worth it.Thank you for the report. I have seen SA mentioned several times on here but this is the most I have seen anyone report on the details of their experience with it.

02-12-20, 23:59
Whats the transport scene like now since Uber left the country?In Bogota a lady told me that Colombians use Didi. (There's an app for that! She said the cars were not as new but the price was less. I had somebody pull one in online so I'm sure it's a very viable replacement option.

02-13-20, 00:21
Whats the transport scene like now since Uber left the country?There are several other apps that we use to replace Uber.

02-13-20, 02:19
I am looking to book a guest friendly place for the spring. I have noticed almost all the AIRBNB rentals have a strict no prostitution policy. Are these policies heavily enforced? I saw some even warned of a fine and eviction. Is Medellin really cracking down on sex tourism? My last stay I did notice that when checking in a chica / guest that I was kinda getting a dirty look. I never checked in more than one per day. I didn't think much of it at the time, but after looking into so many hotels and rentals that openly state they are not guest friendly, its starting to concern me. If anyone is familiar with the situation and could offer some insight as to how Hotels who allow registered guests view people bringing back working girls, that would be really cool. I just don't want to book a hotel that gets pissed at me for bringing girls back.

Has anyone ever had trouble entering Colombia due to the crackdown on sex tourism? I didn't have trouble entering, but returning to the states the customs guy grilled / interrogated the shit out of me. Is Laurelas or another neighborhood more open to mongers than Poblado?

Elvis 2008
02-13-20, 03:14
In Bogota a lady told me that Colombians use Didi. (There's an app for that! She said the cars were not as new but the price was less. I had somebody pull one in online so I'm sure it's a very viable replacement option.Yes, Didi works and is cheaper than Uber. I used in all over Colombia.

Elvis 2008
02-13-20, 03:19
Can the girls message you if you haven't paid the 90. Also do you put a picture up with your profile. I'm assuming wo a picture you won't get hits. Are the pictures of the girls accurate when in person.You can't message when you don't pay the money. I don't have a picture up, but I do have one that I can give the women access to if they request it. Maybe a picture would help with my hit rate, but I am not putting one up.

02-13-20, 07:32
Whats the transport scene like now since Uber left the country?I have been using Uber for almost two months in Medellin. Now I use Didi. I must to say, I'm impressed with this Chinese app. It is better than Uber in Medellin. My USA Credit card works great with didi, I get rides faster compared to Uber (probably because didi now gets all uber's traffic), and it is slightly cheaper. The best part is that they automatically translate Spanish chat to English. I have been using it for more than a week, it surpasses Uber in every way.

Mojo Bandit
02-13-20, 07:41
However, if someone comes along interested in learning, I am always happy to offer advice.
I have been reading this forum for years, I have spend most of my trips going to Cartagena but even before I ever went to Medellin I would follow the Medellin Reports thread. It is obvious to me that you have little to learn by reading the thread because you have a very good knowledge of everything already, which means that all you do here is provide information and some very wise advice. So thank you.

02-13-20, 12:27
........... Then there are girls I can spend 6 hours with and I hate to see them go..........If ever I meet a girl like that I may stop mongering.

02-13-20, 17:19
If ever I meet a girl like that I may stop mongering.Girls like that are why I started mongering.

Problem was, every time I met a girl like that, when she did leave she'd take a chunk of my heart and a chunk of my money with her. I decided it was cheaper to settle the price in advance.

Elvis 2008
02-13-20, 17:22
Is Medellin really cracking down on sex tourism? My last stay I did notice that when checking in a chica / guest that I was kinda getting a dirty look. I never checked in more than one per day. I didn't think much of it at the time, but after looking into so many hotels and rentals that openly state they are not guest friendly.

I didn't have trouble entering, but returning to the states the customs guy grilled / interrogated the shit out of me.Njoean, I think you are to something. When I checked into a hotel in Bogota on my first trip to Bogota, I saw the sign up warning the hotel does not support human trafficking. I was like what the fuck? Here in Colombia too?

Unlike a lot of guys in the USA sex prison, I knew what law enforcement, LE, was up to. LE thinks that any money illegally obtained belongs to them. There was a poor kid names Joseph Rivers who was trying to make it in LA. He took the train from Detroit to LA with his life savings, $16,000, on him. A DEA agent just took it in Albuquerque: no warrant, no criminal intent, nothing. Just fucking took the whole thing. If you have a lot of cash on you, these days you have to prove it wasn't drug money.

The problem with prostitution is that is a victim-less crime, and it is hard to get a prosecution, so the feds invented human trafficking as a way to seize money associated with prostitution. Yes, there are some women trafficked, and it is a tragedy, but when LE sets up a sting, you see like a 1,000 arrests for prostitution for every one for trafficking.

For me, when I saw what LE was doing, I was out of the game in the USA. A lot of guys gave me shit about this when I warned them. Then Robert Kraft got busted, and everybody shut up. The woman Kraft got a hand job from was of Chinese origin but she was American, and she didn't testify against him, so how did LE have a case? LE put in a camera in the massage parlor after evacuating the building with a fake bomb scare! This shows you how desperate LE is to seize the money associated with prostitution. The DA in the case droned on and on about trafficking when there was no trafficking.

The reason I am bringing this up is that the ugly hand of American LE may be extending to Medellin. Unlike in Bogota and Barranquilla, I was charged a guest fee in Medellin. The last half dozen or so times that I have come back from Mexico and South America, customs hasn't asked me a question, not one. It was almost a joke.

Not this last time. The customs guy went on and on with questions. He put my passport in a plastic container, and I had to go to a desk that I hadn't been to before. I didn't go to an interrogation room or anything that like that. I go to a desk out in the open and two agents are there. All I was asked was where did I depart from and if I had anything on me from Colombia. I was given my passport and let go after those two questions. This customs agent asking me this didn't grill me like the first one did. In fact, he looked bored.

Does it mean anything? I think so. I am not sure what American LE can do. I think it is against the law for Americans to go abroad for purposes of solely having a sex vacation and being with someone under 18 is illegal as well, but it would be tough to prove.

In Mexico, one chick I saw got her phone stolen by some gangbanger types. They texted me, claimed she was the girl's mother, and said that she was underage, and tried to blackmail me. I knew she wasn't because the hotel let her up to my room and checked her ID. Eventually, the girl got her phone back and explained to me what happened. She could have been in on the whole scam for all I know but I believed her. Still, it was kind of scary that these gangbangers knew how to blackmail an American tourist, and I made up my mind I was not seeing that chica again.

The age of consent was weird in Mexico. In some areas, it is as low as 14, but where I was, it was 18. I asked a different chica what Mexican LE would do if the girl was 16 or so and filed a complaint about me, and she gave me an honest answer, "Nothing. Police don't care about consensual sex. " is what she told me. It was the same thing I read on line.

The American federal government has a very long arm, and I do think that you are onto something, but I am not sure what to do about it. It seems to me that it may be worth considering staying in hotels that do not have an American presence and maybe buying airline tickets once you are in Colombia versus getting them in advance through an American company like Expedia. I think that is where LE would put the pressure the easiest. It wouldn't surprise me at all for the Feds to get a hold of a list of Americans who paid for guest fees and targeting them.

Maybe I am a little paranoid but being paranoid has kept me out of trouble. Between what you posted and what happened to me, maybe LE is stepping up policing of Americans going abroad, and all of us need to put our heads together and come up with strategies to stay out of trouble.

02-13-20, 17:40
Whats the transport scene like now since Uber left the country?I had been using Cabify because they were the only app that let me authenticate via WhatsApp. I am mostly using my cellphone via WiFi so far it works for me (need to plan ahead and ask a lot of places for their Wifi passwords).

I pay in cash so there is no real danger of stolen data. Cabify is one of the rideshare options integrated into Google Maps when you ask for directions to a specific address.

02-13-20, 17:46
I have been reading this forum for years, I have spend most of my trips going to Cartagena but even before I ever went to Medellin I would follow the Medellin Reports thread. It is obvious to me that you have little to learn by reading the thread because you have a very good knowledge of everything already, which means that all you do here is provide information and some very wise advice. So thank you.I appreciate the thanks.

You're wrong about one thing. I learn something new here every day, often from the most unlikely sources. Even if I'm just sharing information or giving advice, I've either learned or remembered something important.

Since I'm here, I'll take a moment to thank all the guys I've disagreed with over the years. Whether it was a minor thing or a death match, I appreciate each of you. You teach me and inspire me, even if you do say "not another long-winded bunch of bullshit from that asshole", when my name pops up. I occasionally say the same, then I read the post and I learn something.

John Gault
02-13-20, 18:55
I think you're onto something.

I'm not normally a MSOG guy. My recharge time wasn't super fast when I was in my 20's and it hasn't gotten better. I enjoy a long build up and a long cool down period afterwards. I'm also not a pure jackhammer guy. Pounding a pussy for 30 minutes straight, like I'm trying to break up a section of sidewalk, isn't my style, although it does depend on the girl.

All this leads to longer sessions, which is why I spend more effort on Facebook. Most of the girls, in my experience, are happy to take the time. It has also, on a few occasions led to the girl initiating a second and even a third round. No discussion, no extra charge, no move on my part. Just the girl taking matters into her own hands (or mouth), literally.

Frankly, I thing some guys are trying to over negotiate. They want a notarized contract, stipulating every action (Party be agrees to provide at least 24 inches of mercury vacuum upon the sexual appendage of Party A, orally, without coverage by any type of prophylactic device, for a period, of not less than 7 minutes and 19 seconds).

Then they're disappointed with the mechanical service.

You're not hiring someone to remodel your kitchen. In my opinion, other than a few details, it's better to be flexible. See what works for each girl. You can get many girls to agree to let you pull their hair and spank their ass, for a price, but it's a helluva lot better when you find a girl who gets off on it. Plus, you don't have to pay extra.

If MSOG is your thing, concentrate on making the girl want more. If you leave her with quivering thighs, she's a lot more likely to want round 2, than if you just pound away. Sure, you can get her to agree to it in advance, for a price. But, if she's not into what you're doing, it's just going to be a chore for you and you're paying extra for service that wasn't worth the original price.You hit the nail on the head.

02-13-20, 19:07
The American federal government has a very long arm, and I do think that you are onto something, but I am not sure what to do about it. It seems to me that it may be worth considering staying in hotels that do not have an American presence and maybe buying airline tickets once you are in Colombia versus getting them in advance through an American company like Expedia. I think that is where LE would put the pressure the easiest. It wouldn't surprise me at all for the Feds to get a hold of a list of Americans who paid for guest fees and targeting them.

Maybe I am a little paranoid but being paranoid has kept me out of trouble. Between what you posted and what happened to me, maybe LE is stepping up policing of Americans going abroad, and all of us need to put our heads together and come up with strategies to stay out of trouble.Perhaps your a little to paranoid about all this. As long as your not doing anyone under the age of 18, and are not doing anything illegal, or have anything illegal with you when returning to the USA you shouldn't be so paranoid. LE has much bigger fish to fry than tracking gringos travelling to Colombia, like stopping illegal immigration and drugs.

John Gault
02-13-20, 19:16
Njoean, I think you are to something. When I checked into a hotel in Bogota on my first trip to Bogota, I saw the sign up warning the hotel does not support human trafficking. I was like what the fuck? Here in Colombia too?

Unlike a lot of guys in the USA sex prison, I knew what law enforcement, LE, was up to. LE thinks that any money illegally obtained belongs to them. There was a poor kid names Joseph Rivers who was trying to make it in LA. He took the train from Detroit to LA with his life savings, $16,000, on him. A DEA agent just took it in Albuquerque: no warrant, no criminal intent, nothing. Just fucking took the whole thing. If you have a lot of cash on you, these days you have to prove it wasn't drug money.

I have known about this government scam for quite a while. No seems to care about this abuse. To get your money back you have to go to court. It takes about six months to get a hearing. Unless you can afford the legal costs you are out of luck. If you win you are still out the legal costs. A lot of local governments use the money they take from innocent people to pad their local budgets.

Mr Enternational
02-13-20, 19:22
Njoean, I think you are to something. When I checked into a hotel in Bogota on my first trip to Bogota, I saw the sign up warning the hotel does not support human trafficking. I was like what the fuck? Here in Colombia too?

The problem with prostitution is that is a victim-less crime, and it is hard to get a prosecution, so the feds invented human trafficking

The reason I am bringing this up is that the ugly hand of American LE may be extending to Medellin. Unlike in Bogota and Barranquilla, I was charged a guest fee in Medellin.You are way off. Prostitution may be a victimless crime, but human trafficking does exist and is not something made up by America. Hell, HT is much older than America, so how could it be made up by America. Shit. Europeans built the Americas by human trafficking! So it is definitely not something made up by American law enforcement.

I have met plenty of women around the world that were trafficked. Maybe you are thinking they have been initially kidnapped, but it does not work that way. In many cases women will be told they will be working some other job overseas, but when they get there their passport is taken and they are forced into prostitution. (Keeping in mind that people are not only trafficked for prostitution.) It is so bad that the Filipino government makes it very hard for a single woman to leave the country alone.

In other cases a sponsor foots the bill for chicks to come to a certain country. When they arrive, their passports are taken and they have to hook until the sponsor gets whatever is owed back.

I see those signs in many hotels around the world. I saw one the other day in the Ibis Hotel in Rio de Janeiro. Ibis is owned by Accor, which is a French company. So one of those signs inside of a French hotel in Brazil has shit to do with American law enforcement. Those same signs are all over Asia as well.

I am not sure what a guest fee has to do with anything, but in Bogota a lot of hotels will allow you one guest and start charging you after that. Some places will only charge you if someone stays overnight. This is nothing new and has been happening at least since I started going to Colombia in 2005.

Bogota is the first place I even ever heard of guest fees. And it has nothing to do with women or hookers. Many moons ago me and 2 friends had to stay in Bogota for the night in order to go to Cali the next day. We opted for a room with 3 beds to save money. The next day at checkout we were charged the same as if we would have gotten 3 seperate rooms. This was because they charge by the person (no matter the sex) and not by the room as many of us are used to.

They also operate like this in Cali. I have never experienced these charges in hotels that are American chains. If you suspect American law enforcement is responsible for any of this, then it would make more sense for these practices to be seen in American hotels. But it is the exact opposite. You just have to be clear of the rules of the hotel you are staying in.

I think it is against the law for Americans to go abroad for purposes of solely having a sex vacationNo it is not. I have come back into the USA and told immigration that is exactly what I was doing and they told me to have a good day.

02-13-20, 21:02
I agree completely but I can't help but wonder what legitimate purpose there is in 2020 to be carrying US $10,000+ in cash. We have to admit it looks suspicious.

I have known about this government scam for quite a while. No seems to care about this abuse. To get your money back you have to go to court. It takes about six months to get a hearing. Unless you can afford the legal costs you are out of luck. If you win you are still out the legal costs. A lot of local governments use the money they take from innocent people to pad their local budgets.

02-13-20, 21:11
You had problems with a USA credit card using uber?

I have been using Uber for almost two months in Medellin. Now I use Didi. I must to say, I'm impressed with this Chinese app. It is better than Uber in Medellin. My USA Credit card works great with didi, I get rides faster compared to Uber (probably because didi now gets all uber's traffic), and it is slightly cheaper. The best part is that they automatically translate Spanish chat to English. I have been using it for more than a week, it surpasses Uber in every way.

02-13-20, 22:52
No it is not. I have come back into the USA and told immigration that is exactly what I was doing and they told me to have a good day.You got balls to tell immigration that you were banging hookers in a foreign Country. One day you may run into a "holy roller" who will send you to secondary and give you a bunch of shit and will later let you go.

But I suppose in your case, if you were speaking to the immigration officers like you do in some of your posts, they were probably so "shell shocked" by all the nasty details of your escapades they didn't know what to think, except to give you a funny look and let you go.

02-14-20, 01:33
I have been using it for more than a week, it surpasses Uber in every way.This true since years ago, and not just this. Have you been to China?

02-14-20, 01:42
You had problems with a USA credit card using uber?No more Uber in Columbia, try DiDi when you get there. Can't active it in the states, since no service here.

02-14-20, 03:13
You got balls to tell immigration that you were banging hookers in a foreign Country.Not really, but he is drawing attention to himself.

Your title implication is incorrect. For the US citizen / resident, it is only illegal to travel to pay for sex only when that person is a minor.


I've had male immigration officials ask me which countries I've been to. I tell them, but I never mention girls. Sometimes they ask, how are the girls, and then give me an envious smile, and then tell me to have a nice day.

02-14-20, 06:12
You had problems with a USA credit card using uber?What? Of course not. Uber is an American company and didi is Chinese, I had a ton of issues using my US credit card, debit card and checking account with WeChat. Until this day, I still don't have my bank connected to wechat, the only option to connect to wechat pay is to get a Chinese bank account, and it turned out if you are an US citizen it is hard to open a Chinese bank account.

Mojo Bandit
02-14-20, 06:49
. I think it is against the law for Americans to go abroad for purposes of solely having a sex vacation and being with someone under 18 is illegal as well, but it would be tough to prove.
.It is only illegal if the person is under the age of 18! Need we be reminded that prostitution is also legal in parts of Nevada. Mr E is correct that trafficking does exist and that many women are doing it against their will, its one of the reasons I never mongered when visiting western europe, because places like Italy and France are awash with women who were trafficked from eastern europe. The legal definition of trafficking though simply requires a third person who is making money off the transaction who is not directly involved in the sex, or when the girl is not of legal age of consent. So when you see on the news that people are charged with trafficking that is just old fashion pimping.

Elvis 2008
02-14-20, 07:12
It is only illegal if the person is under the age of 18!Thanks for the info, Mojo! I wasn't sure. I did see LE prosecute some companies promoting sex tourism. It must have been sex and minors.

The legal definition of trafficking though simply requires a third person who is making money off the transaction who is not directly involved in the sex, or when the girl is not of legal age of consent. So when you see on the news that people are charged with trafficking that is just old fashion pimping.I know what you mean, and I didn't mean to say there is no human trafficking, but if you look at what LE is doing, they set up stings and net 1 guy trafficking and charge like a 1,000 guys with prostiution, and LE is going after men.

American LE has said that they think the way to stop trafficking is to stop men from paying for sex. Look it up. That is how they got Kraft. If you are paying for sex in the sex prison, LE's attitude is that you are supporting trafficking even if the woman has no pimp and is not trafficked.

02-14-20, 08:00
You got balls to tell immigration that you were banging hookers in a foreign Country...........Sometimes the balls is just to say so on ISG. Let a gullible reader do the same and see where that leads him. Once I was re-entering the US and stupidly tried to speak Spanish with the Latina immigration officer. It went ok initially then she said something and I had no idea what she said and it did not end well for me. I will not go into details, the less I recall of that encounter the better.

02-14-20, 11:43
Sometimes the balls is just to say so on ISG. Let a gullible reader do the same and see where that leads him. Once I was re-entering the US and stupidly tried to speak Spanish with the Latina immigration officer. It went ok initially then she said something and I had no idea what she said and it did not end well for me. I will not go into details, the less I recall of that encounter the better.

Just out of curiosity, are you a US citizen?

P.S: With all government officials I only talk on need to know basis. I never talk more than its required.

02-14-20, 13:20
Sometimes the balls is just to say so on ISG. Let a gullible reader do the same and see where that leads him. Once I was re-entering the US and stupidly tried to speak Spanish with the Latina immigration officer. It went ok initially then she said something and I had no idea what she said and it did not end well for me. I will not go into details, the less I recall of that encounter the better.I believe Mr. E did tell immigration what he was doing, albeit using softer words than saying he was banging hookers.

Regardless, how could speaking Spanish with an immigration officer go badly for you. If you didn't understand something she said I'm assuming you reverted back to English. And why would you speak with a US immigration officer in Spanish to begin with, unless perhaps your a Latino or native speaker.

Sounds like you insulted her somehow, maybe you said something in Spanish not knowing what you said really means, and don't get me wrong, that happens to me a lot. As an example, to say "I don't care" you would say "no importa", however to say "I don't give a fuck" you would say "no me importa".

So I guess you learned your lesson and haven't been practicing your Spanish with US Latina immigration officers anymore, however in speaking with women Colombian immigration officers, they will light up and give you a nice smile for doing so, but perhaps they will be laughing at your Spanish.

02-14-20, 15:05
Once I was re-entering the US and stupidly tried to speak Spanish with the Latina immigration officer. It went ok initially then she said something and I had no idea what she said and it did not end well for me. I will not go into details, the less I recall of that encounter the better.

You have not elaborated how bad it ended up for you. Plenty of people enter US not knowing English everyday.

What do you think the immigration think what sex vacation is?

02-14-20, 16:48
Just out of curiosity, are you a US citizen?
P.S: With all government officials I only talk on need to know basis. I never talk more than its required.Last fall, I went to and came back from Colombia three times within a month-and-a-half. Brief forays. The second time, there were questions. The third time (this was in Nashville) it was back to the small room, with bags open where they tried some chummy talk. The agent (50+ or so) tells me his nephew told him there were lots of girls there, it that true, what's it like? I told him: 'yeah, I don't doubt that's true but that's a mans' game, I'm too old for that. ' hahaha. Right answer.

Charm City Dave
02-14-20, 16:53
If you make a cita with a chica for 3 PM, it is reasonable to expect her to arrive at 3:30 PM. If she shows up after 4 PM, turn her sorry ass away without taxi money. After that she will be on time. I have had girls swear they are in the taxi and send me photos with different date stamps or show up in different clothing than they are wearing in the 'look see I'm in the taxi' photo. You can also request girls send you their location via Google Maps and you can track their progress. All my regulars now do this so I can 'be ready for their arrival'. Given the chronic inability of chicas to keep citas I had to assume most guys sit in their apartments with their dicks in their hand for however long it takes her to show. But if most of us didn't. Rant off.

02-14-20, 17:20
Just out of curiosity, are you a US citizen?

P.S: With all government officials I only talk on need to know basis. I never talk more than its required.I take a different approach. I'm back at my old job, where I travel in and out of Canada twice a week. I couldn't resist. My old boss offered me a 40% raise to do the same thing I was doing 3 years ago. Cross border traffic is way down from 3 years ago, so I get paid more for less hassle.

That means dealing with 4 border patrol agents (2 Canadian, 2 US) every week. I smile, greet them, and hand over my paperwork and passport card. If there's an opportunity for a few words, I'll toss them in. "Stay warm", "have a good night" or just a quick thanks helps. They're mostly bored, scanning in 50 people per hour, stuck alone in a little booth. In 6 months most will recognize me and look forward to passing me through.

If nothing else, I'm the relaxed, smiling guy with nothing to hide.

02-14-20, 18:23
If you make a cita with a chica for 3 PM, it is reasonable to expect her to arrive at 3:30 PM. If she shows up after 4 PM, turn her sorry ass away without taxi money. After that she will be on time. I have had girls swear they are in the taxi and send me photos with different date stamps or show up in different clothing than they are wearing in the 'look see I'm in the taxi' photo. You can also request girls send you their location via Google Maps and you can track their progress. All my regulars now do this so I can 'be ready for their arrival'. Given the chronic inability of chicas to keep citas I had to assume most guys sit in their apartments with their dicks in their hand for however long it takes her to show. But if most of us didn't. Rant off.If I want her there by 3, I'm telling her 2. If you know the rules of the game, use them to your advantage. If she's someone I have experience with, I'll cut her some slack. Things happen.

From my end, I'm sitting around picking out a woman to fuck me. From her end? She needs someone to watch the kids. Her hair needs washed. The clothes she wants to wear are dirty and she needs to pick out something else. The friend who'll watch the kids is cooking dinner and needs 15 more minutes, but takes 30, then her boyfriend shows up and she can't. Now she needs to find someone else. She needs someone to loan her 20 k for the taxi. She needs to walk 6 blocks to find a taxi. There's a wreck on the autopista.

After doing all that and spending the 20 k, she has to figure out how to get back to Bello with no money? And what do I get out of it? The satisfaction of spitting on a poor person?

I'm on vacation. I'm drinking cheap beer, eating cheap food and fucking young, beautiful women for less than I spend on a good steak dinner. Why create stress with artificial deadlines? Why punish myself, to flex my muscles at someone? Sure. I taught her a lesson. Now I get to go pick out someone else, wait 2 hours and maybe turn her away too. I could end up wasting 6 hours before having to resort to a trip to a strip club to get what I had knocking at my door.

Some girls lie about being on the way. They need the money and don't want to miss out. Frankly, most are terrible at time management. Their lives are a never ending train wreck, stumbling from one problem to the next.

Instead of screwing them and screwing myself (by turning away the woman who wants to screw me), I try to avoid the problem.

Tell her ahead of time that you need her to be on time. Give her enough time to deal with her home situation. Ask if she's certain she can be on time. "A las 3 o es 4 mejor para ti?" Let her know to keep you updated if any problems come up. Ask where she's coming from. Remind her about the traffic. Give her the opportunity to put it off until tomorrow.

Clearly she's someone you want to fuck, otherwise you wouldn't be talking with her. Find a way to make it happen.

02-14-20, 18:59
I take a different approach. I'm back at my old job, where I travel in and out of Canada twice a week. I couldn't resist. My old boss offered me a 40% raise to do the same thing I was doing 3 years ago. Cross border traffic is way down from 3 years ago, so I get paid more for less hassle.

That means dealing with 4 border patrol agents (2 Canadian, 2 US) every week. I smile, greet them, and hand over my paperwork and passport card. If there's an opportunity for a few words, I'll toss them in. "Stay warm", "have a good night" or just a quick thanks helps. They're mostly bored, scanning in 50 people per hour, stuck alone in a little booth. In 6 months most will recognize me and look forward to passing me through.

If nothing else, I'm the relaxed, smiling guy with nothing to hide.It never hurts to be nice to people especially when it's sincere. You understand their situation and try to make it a little better in your short interactions with them. How refreshing to see such a positive person. Same thing with police at home and abroad. A little respect as long as it's not overdone. Works with most working girls too.

02-14-20, 19:48
I think you're onto something.

Frankly, I think some guys are trying to over negotiate. They want a notarized contract, stipulating every action (Party be agrees to provide at least 24 inches of mercury vacuum upon the sexual appendage of Party A, orally, without coverage by any type of prophylactic device, for a period, of not less than 7 minutes and 19 seconds).

Then they're disappointed with the mechanical service.

You're not hiring someone to remodel your kitchen. In my opinion, other than a few details, it's better to be flexible. See what works for each girl. You can get many girls to agree to let you pull their hair and spank their ass, for a price, but it's a helluva lot better when you find a girl who gets off on it. Plus, you don't have to pay extra.

If MSOG is your thing, concentrate on making the girl want more. If you leave her with quivering thighs, she's a lot more likely to want round 2, than if you just pound away. Sure, you can get her to agree to it in advance, for a price. But, if she's not into what you're doing, it's just going to be a chore for you and you're paying extra for service that wasn't worth the original price.I would much rather not try to knock a girl down on price. But rather just have her come over and get her to spend the day or night and just get a lot more out of her after we have met. But that is because I can get a lot more out of them. Some guys can't. Hell as soon as the chicks show up at some guys places they want to leave immediately. And those are the guys that need to negotiate very thing they want for a set price. Or they aren't going to get anything they want without and up-sell and then some.

02-14-20, 21:21
and it turned out if you are an US citizen it is hard to open a Chinese bank account.It's hard to open a Chinese bank account for all foreigners now. This is a new development for the past three years or so. It has to do with frauds and scams because it is too easy to transfer money in China. You can pay for sex using wechat but these are cash transactions, not credit card.

A person used to be able to bring passport to the bank and be out within 30 minutes with a new account. I was so impressed at the time how efficient it was.

They also limit forefinger usage because I can't use it outside of China.

Mojo Bandit
02-14-20, 21:38
You can also request girls send you their location via Google Maps and you can track their progress. .You can also track their location using Facebook Messenger, have them click on (touch on a phone I guess) the four blue dots at the bottom left of the screen when their chat is open with you, this reveals a blue circle with a white arrow looking icon, says "location" below it, the push that and it sends you their location. I've used it a couple of times and was even able to guide the chicas taxi away from heavier traffic areas toward faster route by checking traffic on Google Maps while they are sending the location. Many taxi drivers don't use GPS, let alone check traffic on Google Maps, once a chicas taxi was coming from Bello to Energy Living, and he was going to go all the way to Calle 10 which was all bumper to bumper red on Google Maps, do I told her to tell him to take Las Palmas to Transversal Inferior and shave 15 minutes.

02-14-20, 22:09
I take a different approach. I'm back at my old job, where I travel in and out of Canada twice a week. I couldn't resist. My old boss offered me a 40% raise to do the same thing I was doing 3 years ago. Cross border traffic is way down from 3 years ago, so I get paid more for less hassle.

That means dealing with 4 border patrol agents (2 Canadian, 2 US) every week. I smile, greet them, and hand over my paperwork and passport card. If there's an opportunity for a few words, I'll toss them in. "Stay warm", "have a good night" or just a quick thanks helps. They're mostly bored, scanning in 50 people per hour, stuck alone in a little booth. In 6 months most will recognize me and look forward to passing me through.

If nothing else, I'm the relaxed, smiling guy with nothing to hide.You said earlier I might be cussing you out or perhaps busting your chops so here goes.

Nice story, but what does this have to do with the experiences people are having when returning from Colombia to the US.

Lucky Nuts
02-14-20, 22:44
Sometimes the balls is just to say so on ISG. Let a gullible reader do the same and see where that leads him. Once I was re-entering the US and stupidly tried to speak Spanish with the Latina immigration officer. It went ok initially then she said something and I had no idea what she said and it did not end well for me. I will not go into details, the less I recall of that encounter the better.I always tell the immigration officers the true purpose of my travels and they clearly appreciate the honesty. Last year one officer told me he had a suspicious guy earlier that day he had to question extensively until the guy finally admitted what I blurted out immediately. Other times they replied "smart man", "keep moving" and "thanks for your honesty". It's definitely not an issue with immigration.

02-14-20, 23:03
I always tell the immigration officers the true purpose of my travels and they clearly appreciate the honesty. Last year one officer told me he had a suspicious guy earlier that day he had to question extensively until the guy finally admitted what I blurted out immediately. Other times they replied "smart man", "keep moving" and "thanks for your honesty". It's definitely not an issue with immigration.For those with Global Entry and SENTRI, I would be concerned about telling immigration officers about the true purpose of your travels as it might affect your ability to renew into these programs at a later date.

02-14-20, 23:35
You said earlier I might be cussing you out or perhaps busting your chops so here goes.

Nice story, but what does this have to do with the experiences people are having when returning from Colombia to the US.Customs and Border Patrol. I see the connection.

Last month coming from Asia I was stopped, questioned and had my suitcase emptied out and searched. Of course nothing illegal founded. He went thru my meds and asked what each one was, they were all in compartment plastic box without any script. He came to the blue pills and I said Viagra, he was a little embarrassed and quickly put them all away.

BTW, there were 2 officers doing the search. Possibly a slow night for them.

A few times in the past coming from Manila thru Guam I have been asked “how are the girls?”, I respond “pretty dang good” but never say I paid money for services.

02-14-20, 23:43
Know your rights as an American returning from overseas.

You have rights.


02-15-20, 03:45
I would much rather not try to knock a girl down on price. But rather just have her come over and get her to spend the day or night and just get a lot more out of her after we have met. But that is because I can get a lot more out of them. Some guys can't. Hell as soon as the chicks show up at some guys places they want to leave immediately. And those are the guys that need to negotiate very thing they want for a set price. Or they aren't going to get anything they want without and up-sell and then some.That's exactly right.

Every single guy obviously is different.

Some guys just give off a cool, relaxed, 'me gusta mucho estar aquí con el' , I dig being with this guy, Vibe.

Others, not so much, LOL.

Your comment on how the chica wants to split as soon as she arrives, is true.

Like many of us I imagine, I've befriended many of these girls thru the years.

They tell me some funny stories of mostly gringos.

We all have our strengths and weaknesses; looks, money, personality, health, fitness, spanish, etc.

Just play to your strength.


02-15-20, 04:00
Hit Parque Lleras a couple nights last week.

Man has that place gone down hill!

The quality of the chicas walking the park is looooooow! IMO.

Looks like they opened the gates for every barrio rata to show up.


I was stunned at the lack of any quality really.

It was a gringo fest as well.

Felt like I was in some US city where they allowed ugly Colombian hookers to walk about.

I think of the many chicas I saw, maybe 5 doable for me, maybe.

True, this is all my opinion, but damn it was nasty, and trannies all over as well.

Sad really.

I remember when the park was full of real Colombianas, not working girls, but hot!

Fun to gaze and possibly chat.

Not anymore.

Didn't hit Gustos, just not my thing, though I know some of you guys dig it.

On another note.

On a whim, I got into the FB game.

This one girl and I hit it off online, went to WhatsApp, we met up.

Never talked money, we kinda played the lovey dovey thing online, LOL.

I knew I was going to help her out though, I always do.

It's a tough life there.

She came over and just punished me! LOL.

Like a total nympho, I had to raise the white flag, LOL.

I can see why FB scene has taken off!

Great chance to hit it with semi pro types.


Botero was a total winner for me too!

The Vennies Rock!

I speak good Spanish, lived in Caracas a bit, I can speak some Venezuelan smack, LOL.

They laugh and like it.

Waaaay better than the Lleras ratas, Imo.

Enjoy guys!

02-15-20, 04:21
I am looking to book a guest friendly place for the spring. I have noticed almost all the AIRBNB rentals have a strict no prostitution policy. Are these policies heavily enforced? I saw some even warned of a fine and eviction. Is Medellin really cracking down on sex tourism? My last stay I did notice that when checking in a chica / guest that I was kinda getting a dirty look. I never checked in more than one per day. I didn't think much of it at the time, but after looking into so many hotels and rentals that openly state they are not guest friendly, its starting to concern me. If anyone is familiar with the situation and could offer some insight as to how Hotels who allow registered guests view people bringing back working girls, that would be really cool. I just don't want to book a hotel that gets pissed at me for bringing girls back.

Has anyone ever had trouble entering Colombia due to the crackdown on sex tourism? I didn't have trouble entering, but returning to the states the customs guy grilled / interrogated the shit out of me. Is Laurelas or another neighborhood more open to mongers than Poblado?Assume most Airbnb's don't want sex tourists. Nothing new. Just they are realizing they have to state it explicitly. Most Airbnb's are in peoples homes or in residential areas. Why would this be surprising.

Hotels. Sure, probably more than in the past. There is a movement to discourage or stop sex tourism. Little posters in some hotels, etc. Again. Not a big surprise due to so many stupid mongers. Sorry, I'm one of them.

So. Basically you have to ask. Airbnb, hotel, whatever. What is your guest policy.

02-15-20, 05:20
You said earlier I might be cussing you out or perhaps busting your chops so here goes.

Nice story, but what does this have to do with the experiences people are having when returning from Colombia to the US.It's the same game, just a different field.

The CB and P people at the airport are doing the same thing as the people at the border crossings. They have only 2 responsibilities:

1. Make sure you're legal to enter.

2. Make sure you're not bringing in anything illegal.

That's it. They have no legal authority over what you did in the foreign country. The most they can do is hold you and turn you over to the appropriate authorities. They're only asking to decide whether or not you might be bringing in anything illegal.

In your case, the amount of contraband you can bring in is limited by the capacity of your luggage and your ass. Maybe a few kilos. In my case, I could smuggle about 45 tons each week, each direction. That's without sticking anything in my ass.

In either case, if you're relaxed, smiling and open, you're a lot less suspicious than if you're worried about what questions they're going to ask you.

My finest moment:

I got sent around to go through x-ray. Usually they would also send me inside for a paperwork verification, but they didn't mention it. Just to be safe, I went inside to ask if I was cleared to go.

"Can I help you?" "I don't think I need to see you, but I want to make sure." "Did you go through x-ray?" "Yes. " "Did they find anything?" "They said I have 2 cavities. " "What? They're not supposed to x-ray you." "It's part of my health insurance plan.'

At which point the CBP officer said "ah. Obamacare. " The whole place busted up.

Mojo Bandit
02-15-20, 08:58
That's it. They have no legal authority over what you did in the foreign country. The most they can do is hold you and turn you over to the appropriate authorities. They're only asking to decide whether or not you might be bringing in anything illegal.

In your case, the amount of contraband you can bring in is limited by the capacity of your luggage and your ass. Maybe a few kilos. In my case, I could smuggle about 45 tons each week, each direction. That's without sticking anything in my ass.

Each time I have returned from Colombia the first stop and so then my Border Patrol / Customs experience is always Miami. I think maybe the third time a BP agent ask me on a return from Cartagena, "why Cartagena?" and I said "its a beautiful city. You should visit" and he said "what about the women?" and I said "just as beautiful". He smiled. I never even suspected that he might have known I was mongering until you guys started this conversation. Other than that time though I have never been questioned more than asking me the purpose of my visit, and I always just say "vacation".

That being said, I remember when leaving Colombia was a whole different show than it is now. I cannot attest to what Medellin was like but ten years ago when I would leave Cartagena, before the airport was as big as it is now, it was like something out of bad movie about a foreign country, guys standing / sitting around in Army uniforms toting machine guns and opening your suitcases on tables and sending me to the conveyor belt x ray machine. It would have done no good to stick it in my ass LOL.

02-15-20, 09:27
Hit Parque Lleras a couple nights last week.
Didn't hit Gustos, just not my thing, though I know some of you guys dig it.
On another note.
On a whim, I got into the FB game.
This one girl and I hit it off online, went to WhatsApp, we met up.
Never talked money, we kinda played the lovey dovey thing online, LOL.
I knew I was going to help her out though, I always do.
It's a tough life there.
She came over and just punished me! LOL.
Like a total nympho, I had to raise the white flag, LOL.
I can see why FB scene has taken off!
Great chance to hit it with semi pro types.
Botero was a total winner for me too!
The Vennies Rock!
I speak good Spanish, lived in Caracas a bit, I can speak some Venezuelan smack, LOL.
They laugh and like it.
Waaaay better than the Lleras ratas, Imo.
Enjoy guys!I had a very good time in Parque Lleras. Only complaint was that it was expensive. If I am flying to another country, I don't want to pay near USA rates to party. I too noticed you had to weed out some of the trashier WGs in Lleras, but if you went into some of the clubs, you could find some very decent ones for around 200 k, solid 7's and some 8's. They were fun to party and drink with as well. Gusto had a decent number of 8's, maybe some 9's as well. To me they didn't seem old LOL, but I have noticed on this forum that anything over 24 years old for WGs is considered old, so I guess they were in the mid to late twenties range, but definately some younger ones too. They were asking for 200 USD for all night in Gustos. I made the best of Lleras and compared to local party scene where I live, it was well worth the money I spent. I have no regrets and can't wait for round two.

So, my question is. Your saying Botero Plaza is "Better Than Parque Lleras" in sheer terms of quality of girls and enjoyment?

I understand its definately cheaper, but the girls are hotter and funner to hang with? I never made it out to Botero, but I keep reading better and better things. I am a bigger guy and have no problem in terms of safety in any American city, but obviously I know even in American cities no matter how tough you are there are certain neighborhoods you just don't fuck with. Number 1- theres no reason to go there, no girls, bars, etc. Number 2- Crime and Poverty is rampant. I read on some sources that Botero Plaza / Centro is a crime and poverty ridden neighborhood and other people swear its awesome. I have a high risk tolerance, but I am not stupid. Is it just plain stupid for me to party there at night? Everywhere I read it says once its gets dark, gringos should get out of there.

Are Centro and Lleras the only areas to find quality WGs? What would my chances be of finding a quality WG in Laureles around 70th street nightlife? On my last trip I never made it out of Parque Lleras, but I definately want to explore the city more.

I also really want to give Facebook a try, but I don't have a Facebook account. I also don't want to create a Facebook account and fill it up with Colombian WGs for my family, friends, and co-workers to see LOL. Sorry, never had a Facebook account. Is there a way to create a fake profile, or somehow create a FB profile which is only active in Colombia and hidden to people who would know me in the US?

02-15-20, 10:10
Assume most Airbnb's don't want sex tourists. Nothing new. Just they are realizing they have to state it explicitly. Most Airbnb's are in peoples homes or in residential areas. Why would this be surprising.

Hotels. Sure, probably more than in the past. There is a movement to discourage or stop sex tourism. Little posters in some hotels, etc. Again. Not a big surprise due to so many stupid mongers. Sorry, I'm one of them.

So. Basically you have to ask. Airbnb, hotel, whatever. What is your guest policy.I just don't want to stay at a place and bring WGs back and start getting the evil eye from the staff like last time LOL. Narrowing my trip hotel choices down to Poblado Plaza, Lloyds, Maderio, Holiday Inn, or maybe go all out and stay at Dann Carlton if I can catch it at a good sale rate. Sorry for listing hotels, but these are pretty prominent Hotels on any website search, so I figured it won't make too big a difference. Anybody have any experience mongering at any of these places?

02-15-20, 10:53
I also really want to give Facebook a try, but I don't have a Facebook account. I also don't want to create a Facebook account and fill it up with Colombian WGs for my family, friends, and co-workers to see LOL. Sorry, never had a Facebook account. Is there a way to create a fake profile, or somehow create a FB profile which is only active in Colombia and hidden to people who would know me in the US?Everybody makes a fake FB account for their supply of Bello chicas. I just have to warn that after cambridge Analytica scandal FB is actively suspending accounts which feels like a fake account.

My advice is to add the girls slowly, also add some guys to your account, mostly other mongers and give your FB 3 months to have a collection of 200 Bello beauties in your friend list.

02-15-20, 12:57
You have not elaborated how bad it ended up for you. Plenty of people enter US not knowing English everyday.

What do you think the immigration think what sex vacation is?It was actually quite foolish on my part. I thought my Spanish was improving as I had successfully interacted with some working girls while in Medellin. Landing at the airport and happening upon this Latina immigration officer I thought I'd give my Spanish a try. It went well for the first couple exchanges but then she would have discovered that I was not a Spanish speaker at all and somehow that might have pissed her off. After I left immigration I was met by some officers who ushered me into a room and gave me the third degree obviously at the behest of the immigration officer.

02-15-20, 13:11
I always tell the immigration officers the true purpose of my travels and they clearly appreciate the honesty. Last year one officer told me he had a suspicious guy earlier that day he had to question extensively until the guy finally admitted what I blurted out immediately. Other times they replied "smart man", "keep moving" and "thanks for your honesty". It's definitely not an issue with immigration.I will never tell the Immigration officer the true purpose of my travels, I'm not that stupid. I have learnt from my previous interactions with immigration officers. Always answer the questions of the officer never volunteer information and speak in your native language. Question: What was the purpose of your trip? Answer: Tourism. To any monger who follows the advice given by posters on this site and answers "having sex with prostitutes', you get what you deserve. Immigration officers are human and action from them varies from one to the other and sometimes on a whim. They have great power over you and at the time you have no recourse. The least that can happen to you is much inconvenience and embarrassment. The worst, your guess is as good as mine.

Mr Enternational
02-15-20, 14:47
I made the best of Lleras and compared to local party scene where I live, it was well worth the money I spent. I have no regrets and can't wait for round two.

So, my question is. Your saying Botero Plaza is "Better Than Parque Lleras" in sheer terms of quality of girls and enjoyment?

I understand its definately cheaper, but the girls are hotter and funner to hang with? I never made it out to Botero, but I keep reading better and better things.You probably would not like Botero. It is nothing like Lleras where people go to party and it is nothing like the local party scene where you live. It is just hookers out trying to make some money. There, you have to be in charge of creating your own fun.

Why don't you ever see Colombian guys picking up chicks in Parque Lleras?

02-15-20, 15:26
After missing my connecting flight in Bogota (not enough time to get through immigration), it was a long day. Made the mistake of getting a freelance taxi driver. I'm sure I paid too much at 80 k, but at least he was honest and delivered me to my hotel. He even paid for the tunnel himself for that price. Arrived at the Nutibara Hotel around 1 pm.

I went out to look for some fruit around 3 pm. I got a pineapple, 4 large avocados and this type of fruit that seems to be like a pear but is pink inside and has lots of hard seeds (didn't like it and threw it away). The pineapple and avocado were really good.

Unpacked and took a nap. Loud noise outside with the fruit sellers calling out on loud speakers so I popped in some ear plugs. Got up around 6:30 pm and walked toward Conjetas. Still lots of people around. Stopped at a restaurant and ordered a chicken dinner and beer 8300 pesos). Went to Conjetas where I was warmly greeted. Drank too much beer. Mostly girls I wasn't attracted to, but also couldn't see anyone taking girls for sexo. Went to a little bar on a side street and bought a girl a drink but my phone had no data so couldn't communicate on google translate. She was trying to break a world record for drinking her beer so I bounced before she could ask for another. I was kind of frustrated by then so I walked over to Botero plaza and grabbed the second SW who approached me. I gave her 50 k and still she kept trying to up-sell me. I know, I should have done a lot of things differently. Not a good experience. Total for all my mistakes yesterday: about $100. We'll let's see if I can do better today!

On the point of safety here, it seems chaotic but there are lots of people and police around even at 10:30 pm on a Friday night. I didn't feel unsafe.

Lucky Nuts
02-15-20, 15:33
For those with Global Entry and SENTRI, I would be concerned about telling immigration officers about the true purpose of your travels as it might affect your ability to renew into these programs at a later date.I've had Global Entry since 2013 and so had to renew it in 2018. I discussed my hobby with the officer during the interview in Maimi. He asked me what county was best and I told him I like the Paisas in Colombia. He said he has heard the Paisas are beautiful and would love to make a trip to Medellin. Our hobby is definitely not an issue with USA Immigration.

02-15-20, 15:45
I will never tell the Immigration officer the true purpose of my travels, I'm not that stupid. I have learnt from my previous interactions with immigration officers. Always answer the questions of the officer never volunteer information and speak in your native language. Question: What was the purpose of your trip? Answer: Tourism. To any monger who follows the advice given by posters on this site and answers "having sex with prostitutes', you get what you deserve. Immigration officers are human and action from them varies from one to the other and sometimes on a whim. They have great power over you and at the time you have no recourse. The least that can happen to you is much inconvenience and embarrassment. The worst, your guess is as good as mine.I totally agree.

They are all individuals, mostly cool I've found.

I travel international quite frequently, probably like a lot of us here.

There are some, however, that may or can turn something you say into something else, etc.

I just keep it friendly and simple, no sly remarks, etc.

Why do that?

Like Turgid said, even after everything gets cleared up, you've still most likely been greatly inconvenienced.

02-15-20, 15:55
I had a very good time in Parque Lleras. Only complaint was that it was expensive. If I am flying to another country, I don't want to pay near USA rates to party. I too noticed you had to weed out some of the trashier WGs in Lleras, but if you went into some of the clubs, you could find some very decent ones for around 200 k, solid 7's and some 8's. They were fun to party and drink with as well. Gusto had a decent number of 8's, maybe some 9's as well. To me they didn't seem old LOL, but I have noticed on this forum that anything over 24 years old for WGs is considered old, so I guess they were in the mid to late twenties range, but definately some younger ones too. They were asking for 200 USD for all night in Gustos. I made the best of Lleras and compared to local party scene where I live, it was well worth the money I spent. I have no regrets and can't wait for round two.

You probably would not like Botero. It is nothing like Lleras where people go to party and it is nothing like the local party scene where you live. It is just hookers out trying to make some money. There, you have to be in charge of creating your own fun.

Why don't you ever see Colombian guys picking up chicks in Parque Lleras?I agree w Mr Ent.

If you like P Lleras and that scene, and those girls there, you most likely won't like Botero.

Go out to Botero and take a look though, there are all shapes and sizes out there.
More of an afternoon to dusk type endeavor and definitely dont expect a P Lleras atmosphere at all.
Keep an eye on your stuff, your pockets, dont flash your phone, wallet, etc.
Doesnt matter how big you are, they just hit quick and run.
Theyre (the lurking thieves) arent there to fight you, just looking for a quick grab and run.

I personally like Botero, but others are definitely better suited by the insulated P Lleras / el Poblado scene.

I cant stand when those Lleras chicas approach and say Hola, fuky fuky, sucky, sucky.
Im not into the chicas who’ve been w lots of gringos.
I have nothing against gringos, Im one as well, Lol.

The girls normally get spoiled and ruined though.
Not my thing.

I like and Im good at the hunt for unspoiled talent.

Also, I have seen Veracruz and Mayorista girls walking Lleras.

Quite a few actually.

They've found where to find the quick peso from the gringo.

Definitely get on FB though.

02-15-20, 16:11
I had a very good time in Parque Lleras. Only complaint was that it was expensive. If I am flying to another country, I don't want to pay near USA rates to party. I too noticed you had to weed out some of the trashier WGs in Lleras, but if you went into some of the clubs, you could find some very decent ones for around 200 k, solid 7's and some 8's. They were fun to party and drink with as well. Gusto had a decent number of 8's, maybe some 9's as well. To me they didn't seem old LOL, but I have noticed on this forum that anything over 24 years old for WGs is considered old, so I guess they were in the mid to late twenties range, but definately some younger ones too. They were asking for 200 USD for all night in Gustos. I made the best of Lleras and compared to local party scene where I live, it was well worth the money I spent. I have no regrets and can't wait for round two.

So, my question is. Your saying Botero Plaza is "Better Than Parque Lleras" in sheer terms of quality of girls and enjoyment?

I understand its definately cheaper, but the girls are hotter and funner to hang with? I never made it out to Botero, but I keep reading better and better things. I am a bigger guy and have no problem in terms of safety in any American city, but obviously I know even in American cities no matter how tough you are there are certain neighborhoods you just don't fuck with.On Botero

Plaza Botero isn't a party zone. It's a open plaza area full of Fernando Botero's statues. People come from all over the world to take selfies with the statues, often with their hand in an inappropriate place. On one side of the Plaza is the Museum of Antioquia. On the other side is the Palace of Culture. Both are worth a visit.

With the influx of Venezuelan refugees in recent years, the Plaza has become populated with Venezuelan working girls. Not far from the plaza are the main areas where Medellin prostitutes offer their services.

These are daytime activities. After 8 pm, the Plaza empties out and the police go home. After 9 pm there's nothing open except for the strip clubs and bars across the street.

There are night club areas in El Centro similar to Parque Lleras, on a smaller scale. The Tranvia (part of the Metro system, accessible at San Antonio station) will take you to one of them. However, you will find no gringos there. I suspect you may find some working girls. There are nightclub areas all over the city and you're likely to find working girls in any. They like to party. The difference is, when they go to Parque Lleras, they go to work. When they go to La 70 or any other zone, they go to party. I'd tone down my approach and let them come to me. On the plus side, prices will be less and you'll be the only gringo there.

On Facebook

Create a new email account. Do not use it for anyone associated with friends and family. Use that email to set up a Facebook account. Don't put your phone number into Facebook. Don't let Facebook import your contacts. Don't use pictures of yourself which you have shared with friends and family. Don't put in your home city, place of employment, high school, etc. Use other information.

Once you have set up Facebook, add in some interests. Search for night clubs you've visited in Parque Lleras. Search for restaurants you like. Add a few photos. Travel photos are good. You want Facebook to think you're a normal guy doing normal things.

Now add some "friends. " From the search bar type "happy ending Medellin. " It's an account which was a massage parlor. The friend list can be viewed by anyone. The women on the friend list are almost all prostitutes. Many of the men are gringos who go to Medellin for prostitutes. It's like a LinkedIn for getting laid.

Start requesting to add women as friends. Don't try to add them all at once. Start slow. Here's the method I used:

1. View the girls profile. Look at her "About Info. " Look for a birthday. This is just to get an idea of her age.

2. Look at her pictures. Sexy pictures? Pool pics? Pics in elevators? Look at a few sexy pics. Who commented? Who liked? These are possibly other people you want to friend.

3. Can you see her friend list? Her friends are another source of possible friends. I'll often go 4 levels deep (friend of a friend of a friend of the girl) looking for girls to add.

4. Like what you see? Click add friend. Now back up, pick another girl and repeat. Take your time. Every time you have a few minutes, try to add a few girls. Don't try to add 50 at a time. Paying attention to the whole profile slows you down.

5. Wait for responses. Women will start accepting your friend request. Some will message you.

After that, keep your Facebook active. Add an occasional picture. Share something you see on a girl's Facebook.

Mr Enternational
02-15-20, 16:31
I totally agree. They are all individuals, mostly cool I've found. I travel international quite frequently, probably like a lot of us here. There are some, however, that may or can turn something you say into something else, etc.Responding to the post that you responded to: I for one have no need to lie to immigration. I was coming back from Tijuana and the officer asked me what I was doing there. I said fucking them hoes. He said okay have a good day.

Had I said tourism and he looked into the computer and saw that I had been there 100 times, I would look quite the fool. He would then ask well what are you seeing there that you have had to see 100 times? Do you have any souvenirs or pictures from your trip? Allow me to peruse your electronics. Not telling them the truth is what gets you in trouble; not stating you did something that is not illegal.

02-15-20, 16:47
Responding to the post that you reaponded to: I for one have no need to lie to immigration. I was coming back from Tijuana and the officer asked me what I was doing there. I said fucking them hoes. He said okay have a good day. Had I said tourism and he looked into the computer and saw that I had been there 100 times, I would look quite the fool. He would then ask well what are you seeing there that you have had to see 100 times? Do you have any souvenirs or pictures from your trip? Allow me to peruse your electronics. Not telling them the truth is what gets you in trouble; not stating you did something that is not illegal.Well that's great, and I'm glad that works for you.

I would never ever, say what you said.

Not my technique, and I just don't say, "fucking them hoes".

Not my way.

If I was in your shoes with many trips like that, I may say, “checking out the bars, having fun”, however, I'm glad that line works for you.

I never said to not tell the truth, I said friendly and simple, and I personally dont use sly remarks like you, that could get some officer riled up someday.
Have at it though if it makes you feel good.

02-15-20, 17:00
I've had Global Entry since 2013 and so had to renew it in 2018. I discussed my hobby with the officer during the interview in Maimi. He asked me what county was best and I told him I like the Paisas in Colombia. He said he has heard the Paisas are beautiful and would love to make a trip to Medellin. Our hobby is definitely not an issue with USA Immigration.Sounds like a "cool" immigration officer who interviewed you. So I suppose based on your opinion that mongering is not an issue with USA immigration and if the officer who interviewed you had been a female, you would of been just as candid? Mongering and sex tourism may not be illegal, but it can raise issues. During your interview you could of have ended up with a "holy roller" officer and things may have went differently.

In addition to Global Entry, I have SENTRI and during my last interview process they went thru my tax returns, and asked me all kinds of personal questions. I was shocked by some of the questions they asked, like about my family, etc. However none of the questions were so tough that I couldn't give straight forward and logical answers short of mentioning any "hobbies".

With you having Global Entry you are aware of the expedited benefits of having it besides TSA Pre-check. I typically fly back from my overseas trips thru LAX and when they see my ticket from the Global Entry kiosk, they just wave me thru, no questions asked. So my point is, I would never do anything to jeopardize having this as I travel a lot, hence as far as any hobbies I have during an interview, "mums" the word. I am sure there are others on this board who will agree with me on this.

02-15-20, 17:12
I will never tell the Immigration officer the true purpose of my travels, I'm not that stupid. I have learnt from my previous interactions with immigration officers. Always answer the questions of the officer never volunteer information and speak in your native language. Question: What was the purpose of your trip? Answer: Tourism. To any monger who follows the advice given by posters on this site and answers "having sex with prostitutes', you get what you deserve. Immigration officers are human and action from them varies from one to the other and sometimes on a whim. They have great power over you and at the time you have no recourse. The least that can happen to you is much inconvenience and embarrassment. The worst, your guess is as good as mine.Redefine the purpose of your visit and you can be completely open and honest without telling anyone the purpose of your visit.

It's all about perception. Obviously, you enjoy your visits, but you see (or so it appears) your visits as something that might get you into trouble. So change your perception. Instead of seeing your visit as a trip to pay girls for sex, it's a vacation. Having sex is just one of the things you do on vacation. You do other things: eat local food, sightsee (looking for girls to pay for sex), have some adventure (paying girls for sex), embrace the local culture (naked, with the girls you pay for sex), try to improve your Spanish (with girls you pay for sex). You can have sex anywhere. Paying for the sex is just a minor detail, rather than the focus.

Now you have nothing to hide.

"What was the purpose of your trip?" "Vacation. " "You take a lot of trips to Colombia. " "I love it there. " "Why do you love it?" "What's not to love? The climate is almost perfect. Everything is cheap. A hotel room that costs $100 here costs $30 there and the free breakfast is better. The people are super friendly. It's just so easy to relax there. Plus I eat better for almost nothing. Lunch with soup, salad, 2 kinds of veggies, choice of beef, chicken, pork or fish and fresh fruit juice costs $3 including the tip. It's almost cheaper than staying home. " "What about the women?" "They're beautiful."

At that point all they can do is either come out and ask if you have sex with Colombian women, or change the subject. You've been honest, you haven't tried to hide anything and you've answered every question. Are they likely to ask an uncomfortable question? If they do, give an honest answer that makes them more uncomfortable. Remember, nothing about what you did with women in Colombia pertains to their job.

02-15-20, 17:18
I agree w Mr Ent.

If you like P Lleras and that scene, and those girls there, you most likely won't like Botero.

Go out to Botero and take a look though, there are all shapes and sizes out there.
More of an afternoon to dusk type endeavor and definitely dont expect a P Lleras atmosphere at all.
Keep an eye on your stuff, your pockets, dont flash your phone, wallet, etc.
Doesnt matter how big you are, they just hit quick and run.
Theyre (the lurking thieves) arent there to fight you, just looking for a quick grab and run.

I personally like Botero, but others are definitely better suited by the insulated P Lleras / el Poblado scene.

I cant stand when those Lleras chicas approach and say Hola, fuky fuky, sucky, sucky.
Im not into the chicas whove been w lots of gringos.
I have nothing against gringos, Im one as well, Lol.

The girls normally get spoiled and ruined though.
Not my thing.

I like and Im good at the hunt for unspoiled talent.

Also, I have seen Veracruz and Mayorista girls walking Lleras.

Quite a few actually.

They've found where to find the quick peso from the gringo.

Definitely get on FB though.I ll check it out during the day I guess and see what's up for myself.

When creating a fake FB profile, I just use a fake name but use real pictures correct? Then start messaging girls from Medellin slowly as not to get my profile deleted? And theres no chance someone from my local area will see my profile or find out?

02-15-20, 17:19
Responding to the post that you responded to: I for one have no need to lie to immigration. I was coming back from Tijuana and the officer asked me what I was doing there. I said fucking them hoes. He said okay have a good day.

Had I said tourism and he looked into the computer and saw that I had been there 100 times, I would look quite the fool. He would then ask well what are you seeing there that you have had to see 100 times? Do you have any souvenirs or pictures from your trip? Allow me to peruse your electronics. Not telling them the truth is what gets you in trouble; not stating you did something that is not illegal.You never cease to amaze me Mr. E, no candy coating anything. I of course would not do what you do, however Tijuana with Coauhilla and its red light district is very well known, and the officers know exactly what guys are doing down there, because I suspect a lot of them go there themselves. So I guess the question is it almost sounds as though your boasting about what your doing there when they already know, so why bother? I've crossed thru that border hundreds of times after spending a long weekend there and when I am asked the question what was I doing there, my answer is, I was hanging out, I go to Caliente, eating tacos, etc. All of it a truthful answer, and they can see on their screens how often I have been there, and they have never pulled me into secondary and gone thru my stuff.

02-15-20, 17:47
I ll check it out during the day I guess and see what's up for myself.

When creating a fake FB profile, I just use a fake name but use real pictures correct? Then start messaging girls from Medellin slowly as not to get my profile deleted? And theres no chance someone from my local area will see my profile or find out?You don't need anything elaborate.

Just a name and whatever photo you want, fake or not.

Put in the Settings that no one can see your friends on FB but you.

Just an avenue to make initial contact, then go to WhatsApp.

Very simple.

Charm City Dave
02-15-20, 18:11
I will never tell the Immigration officer the true purpose of my travels, I'm not that stupid. I have learnt from my previous interactions with immigration officers. Always answer the questions of the officer never volunteer information and speak in your native language. Question: What was the purpose of your trip? Answer: Tourism. I agree. The less you volunteer the better. I also have the added benefit of being retired so I sometimes add I'm snow birding (if the season is appropriate). With the highlight on Human Trafficking you never know when you might get an over zealous idiot. Doesn't matter if 99 times you are waved through or even high-fived. Yes it is not illegal going into the US, but go ahead and try to prove that 19 year old you have a naked photo of on your phone is not under 18. It is good to have a non-sex tourism story available if pressed. If I'm asked if I saw a prostitute I won't lie, but why volunteer? Federal agents can lie to you but if you lie to them you have committed a felony. I have a few pictures of myself and one of my older favoritas in an easily accessible folder on my phone so if pushed I'll say I have a girlfriend there, I was once asked to show those going into Colombia. Was a snippy female immigration officer but once she saw the photos she waved me through. All my sexy pics are encrypted and backed up to the Web. I delete my fakebook account and Whatsapp from my phone before I go through customs. Takes two seconds to add back on. Two years ago I was detained questioned and searched for 3 hours entering New Zealand. They gave me a hard time about the emergency antibiotics I travel with and confiscated my benedryl and sudafed. They also gave me a hard time about one commercial porno movie that I had long forgotten was on my tablet. Fortunately it was commercial with the mandatory age notification at the beginning indicating all the actresses are over 18 and where the record holder an be contacted. I was given the choice of letting them examine my electronics (fortunately sanitized) or being denied entry. I had a very expensive 2 week escorted hiking tour paid for so I was not going to get back on a plane and leave. They were very suspicious because before arrive in NZ I had visited PI, Cambodia, Thailand and Indonesia. They asked me if I had sex with under aged girls and I honestly answered no. After sweating me for three hours (seemed longer) and having 3 different people interview me they allowed me enter. I left the airport at 11:30 PM, no taxis, no buses, no uber and had to walk 2 miles with my luggage to my airbnb. I am very sure if I volunteered my leisure activities in those other countries I would have at best been denied entry.

02-15-20, 19:23
Assume most Airbnb's don't want sex tourists. Nothing new. Just they are realizing they have to state it explicitly. Most Airbnb's are in peoples homes or in residential areas. Why would this be surprising.

Hotels. Sure, probably more than in the past. There is a movement to discourage or stop sex tourism. Little posters in some hotels, etc. Again. Not a big surprise due to so many stupid mongers. Sorry, I'm one of them.

So. Basically you have to ask. Airbnb, hotel, whatever. What is your guest policy.I would try and avoid places that openly state "No sex tourism" in their policy guidelines. But I have stayed with prepagos even when renting a room in a large penthouse that stated "no sex tourism" . I just added the prepago on to the reservation when I booked the room and the chick just stayed with me while I was there. Obviously guys that want a lot of short time prepagos or don't know many prepagos well enough to book them in your apartment can't do this. But I rented a three bedroom apartment on Airbnb that allowed six registered guests and I added five prepagos that I wanted to see to the reservation. The apartment said 'no sex tourism" but nobody questions registered guests.

02-15-20, 20:01
Redefine the purpose of your visit and you can be completely open and honest without telling anyone the purpose of your visit.
It's all about perception.Yep, it's all in the answers you give to the immigration officers questions, of which they have no way of verifying or checking the answers you give them when it comes to whether your seeing hookers. I am amazed at how "naive" or perhaps "foolish" some of are other posters have been on this subject. But this is just my opinion.

02-15-20, 21:22
I agree. The less you volunteer the better. I also have the added benefit of being retired so I sometimes add I'm snow birding (if the season is appropriate). With the highlight on Human Trafficking you never know when you might get an over zealous idiot. Doesn't matter if 99 times you are waved through or even high-fived. Yes it is not illegal going into the US, but go ahead and try to prove that 19 year old you have a naked photo of on your phone is not under 18. It is good to have a non-sex tourism story available if pressed. If I'm asked if I saw a prostitute I won't lie, but why volunteer? Federal agents can lie to you but if you lie to them you have committed a felony. I have a few pictures of myself and one of my older favoritas in an easily accessible folder on my phone so if pushed I'll say I have a girlfriend there, I was once asked to show those going into Colombia. Was a snippy female immigration officer but once she saw the photos she waved me through. All my sexy pics are encrypted and backed up to the Web. I delete my fakebook account and Whatsapp from my phone before I go through customs. Takes two seconds to add back on. Two years ago I was detained questioned and searched for 3 hours entering New Zealand..That's a different situation, but worth knowing about.

My attitude when coming back to the US is "it's my country." I can trace my roots back all the way to the Mayflower. Well, I can't. Genealogy bores me. I leave that crap to my cousin. It's more interesting listening to him talk about family history than listening to him talk about religion.

The point is, I belong here. I pay taxes, vote and open doors for little old ladies. I've broken no rules, no laws. The person I'm standing in front of is just doing their job. They aren't there to give me problems. They're like the greeter at Walmart. I give a cheerful greeting. I show interest. If they ask how I'm doing, I answer and ask how they are doing. When I walk away, I want them to be a little bit happier than when I arrived.

Think about it. Most of you have made dozens, if not hundreds of international trips. You've got a thousand stories to tell, on many different subjects. You're a walking encyclopedia and travel guide and you're standing in front of someone who has probably never left the US. If they even go on vacation, instead of sitting at home, they probably go to some place less than 2 hours from home and do the same crap with the same people, year after year. Have some confidence, some enthusiasm. Leave them thinking "that sounds like a great place. I want to go there."

You can control the situation. In your case, you had paid for an excursion in New Zealand. Bring it up. Be excited about it. Talk about similar excursions in the other countries you've visited. It doesn't matter if you've taken the excursions. Surely you know something about them. Be something more than a collection of passport stamps to them.

Mojo Bandit
02-15-20, 21:38
I ll check it out during the day I guess and see what's up for myself.

When creating a fake FB profile, I just use a fake name but use real pictures correct? Do not use any photos that you have published online before. I have no idea what the capabilities of FB's confirmation abilities are but I would not underestimate them. You can not say there is "no chance" anyone from your local area will see it but you can certainly make the odds astronomical.

02-15-20, 22:01
When creating a fake FB profile, I just use a fake name but use real pictures correct? And theres no chance someone from my local area will see my profile or find out?Can 'real' pictures on FB be found on traced? Try here and see. https://tineye.com/.

02-15-20, 23:14
After doing all that and spending the 20 k, she has to figure out how to get back to Bello with no money? And what do I get out of it? The satisfaction of spitting on a poor person?

I'm on vacation. I'm drinking cheap beer, eating cheap food and fucking young, beautiful women for less than I spend on a good steak dinner. Why create stress with artificial deadlines? Why punish myself, to flex my muscles at someone? Sure. I taught her a lesson. Now I get to go pick out someone else, wait 2 hours and maybe turn her away too. I could end up wasting 6 hours before having to resort to a trip to a strip club to get what I had knocking at my door..I couldn't agree more. I use to get annoyed when they show up an hour late, and they know I'm not happy when it happens. But as long as they show up, I always pay for the taxi, for exactly the reason you have described. Sometimes the fucking taxi driver, probably their boyfriend, pimp or brother, asks for 50 k from Bello to Poblado, that's where I get pissed off. She is an hour late and her driver has the audacity to ask for more than double the fair. I use to reasonably explain to them that I'M not new, and I know how things work in Medellin; now I just tell them to fuck off and throw them a 20. For my regulars, they all know I hate when they show up late, and they almost always show up on time now, within 15 minutes of the promised time, and no one has the balls to over charge me on taxi now.

02-15-20, 23:56
I agree. It's more about how you answer than what you answer. Unless of course you confess to illegal acts. The ICE guys look for signs of nervousness, deception, or irrational responses (E. G. A guy carrying only a small backpack and stating that he was away for six weeks). A common question is "you are a frequent visitor to country X, do you have friends or family there?" Any answer will do. Friends, family, work commitments, but if a guy goes deer in the headlights or is stumped, that's going to be a problem.

Yep, it's all in the answers you give to the immigration officers questions, of which they have no way of verifying or checking the answers you give them when it comes to whether your seeing hookers. I am amazed at how "naive" or perhaps "foolish" some of are other posters have been on this subject. But this is just my opinion.

02-16-20, 00:04
I started out today trying to get my cell phone a local SIM card and some data. That turned out to be kind of difficult with no Spanish knowledge. I got the card, but no internet. The guy pointed me up the street and indicated that I need to pay 3 mil. I needed to charge the phone. I wandered up the street but didn't see a cell phone store and asked another vender. After some sign language and pointing at my non-working phone they pointed me to a little stand that looked like they were providing financial services of some kind. First it was a no-go because I didn't remember which service provider my SIM card was for and then I didn't know my new phone number. So I was going back and forth down the street and working with the guy who sold me the SIM card to get the answers. After all that it still didn't work until a sequence of symbols and numbers was typed into the phone to activate an amount on the phone.

Now that I got. Working phone I used it to track down a Scotiabank Colapatria ATM to withdraw money. I have a Capital One checking account that doesn't charge international fees etc. And the Scotiabank doesn't charge fees either. Exchange rate: 3385.113.

So off I go looking for trouble and found it. Skinny Vinnie who quoted me 50 k and of course I didn't negotiate down to 30 k like I should have. And when we get to the room she asks for payment up front. Now I should have negotiated all this beforehand but didn't. So I get what is coming to me in spades. I tried the "if you do a great job you get a great tip, not good then no tip. " So she proceeds to ask for another 50 k. Wait, that's not the way this is supposed to go! Anyway that's two for two in Botero Plaza up selling me without Mersey.

After lunch and a rest I walked over to Yakusa. The ladies at reception were nice and asked me to sit down and wait for the introductions. Kind of to my surprise the lady behind the desk got up and introduced herself first. She was seriously pretty and she was flirting with me as the second lady came in to introduce herself. Then I was asked to choose. Yeah only two. Well I picked the receptionist of course. And let me tell you I made the right choice. We started out dancing together. She slowly stripped off her clothes as we continued to dance together. Well the rest of the time was spent not totally GFE but with great enthusiasm. We pretty much finished when I gave her the big O. After that I was too tired to do more although she was willing.

Lesson learned: unless you have great negotiating skills (which I don't) I now think it's better for me to go to the casas. For some reason I have worse luck in Medellin than in Tijuana with SWs.

Lucky Nuts
02-16-20, 02:20
Yep, it's all in the answers you give to the immigration officers questions, of which they have no way of verifying or checking the answers you give them when it comes to whether your seeing hookers. I am amazed at how "naive" or perhaps "foolish" some of are other posters have been on this subject. But this is just my opinion.I think it's less "all in the answers" and more in judging how you deliver your answers. They are trained to look for deception. I'd say it's foolish to not be honest if you have nothing to hide.

Of course I start with "vacation" but when they ask me why I travel to Colombia so often I tell them I like the ladies in Medellin. At this point the questions end. I've never had an immigration officer ask me if I'm paying money to enjoy these ladies. They have no interest in that and they already know the answer anyhow. Same in my Global Entry interview. You are correct I would have been less forthright with a female officer as I am with my friends' wives. But out of respect. And for no other reason. But if hard questions are asked they will get accurate answers. No deception.

You sound like you feel you're doing something wrong. I don't feel that way. And I know US Immigration has no issue with it. Everyone should be aware that while it's ok to give vague responses to their questions be careful not to outright lie to an immigration officer. That can get you into some trouble.

Lucky Nuts
02-16-20, 02:57
I would try and avoid places that openly state "No sex tourism" in their policy guidelines. But I have stayed with prepagos even when renting a room in a large penthouse that stated "no sex tourism" . I just added the prepago on to the reservation when I booked the room and the chick just stayed with me while I was there. Obviously guys that want a lot of short time prepagos or don't know many prepagos well enough to book them in your apartment can't do this. But I rented a three bedroom apartment on Airbnb that allowed six registered guests and I added five prepagos that I wanted to see to the reservation. The apartment said 'no sex tourism" but nobody questions registered guests.I'm at Energy Living this week because I changed travel plans at the last minute and my usual apartment building is sold out. After five years in Medellin first time I've ever stayed here. It's gringo and puta central here LOL. How funny that the sign in the elevator states " sex tourism is explicitly prohibited". This place was built for sex tourists. So worry less about the building's sex tourism policy and more about the airbnb host's "guest policy". The building I usually stay at some hosts allow guests and others do not. Same as Energy Living there is a "no prostitution" policy. Wink wink. Just make sure your airbnb host allows you to have guests visit. In other buildings some hosts do not allow guests. I'm guessing all Energy Living hosts allow guests. It's one big fukin' ***** house. Also the only place I've ever stayed where all the front desk employees speak english.

02-16-20, 03:35
I'm at Energy Living this week.You're living your best life. That is a nice building.

Lucky Nuts
02-16-20, 04:15
You're living your best life. That is a nice building.If you're here for a party week I agree. It's the place to stay. But I live in Medellin in the winters. This place is full of loud gringos. It's not for me. I prefer being in a quiet building.

02-16-20, 04:33
Yep, it's all in the answers you give to the immigration officers questions, of which they have no way of verifying or checking the answers you give them when it comes to whether your seeing hookers. I am amazed at how "naive" or perhaps "foolish" some of are other posters have been on this subject. But this is just my opinion.Great thoughts! Lots of truthful things to tell them and no reason to lie but why tell them everything? Seems like bragging about buying pussy?

I grew up in an area where silence was golden. Keeps everyone out of trouble.

02-16-20, 04:55
But I live in Medellin in the winters. Why only for there winter?

Lucky Nuts
02-16-20, 07:40
Why only for there winter?Because that's when the weather is bad in northern Michigan where I live. I'm a Yooper.

02-16-20, 12:00
Well that's great, and I'm glad that works for you.

I would never ever, say what you said.

Not my technique, and I just don't say, "fucking them hoes".

Not my way.

If I was in your shoes with many trips like that, I may say, checking out the bars, having fun, however, I'm glad that line works for you.

I never said to not tell the truth, I said friendly and simple, and I personally dont use sly remarks like you, that could get some officer riled up someday.
Have at it though if it makes you feel good.Agree; isn't it possible that the immigration officer could be some religious freak who thinks fornication is a grievous sin? It is true that the monger is entering his country but that officer has great power over him at the time and could cause him much grief and could even flag him for future problems. Mongers should be well aware to take some posts with a pinch of salt.
In any event, the bottom line - have some couth.

02-16-20, 13:24
Agree; isn't it possible that the immigration officer could be some religious freak who thinks fornication is a grievous sin? It is true that the monger is entering his country but that officer has great power over him at the time and could cause him much grief and could even flag him for future problems. Mongers should be well aware to take some posts with a pinch of salt.Mongering is not an accepted "hobby" in the USA, with that being said, why would someone even "own" up to it, especially to US Immigration, which I don't understand. Divulging that you are a monger could open up a Pandora's box, but for some members on this board they don't believe it's an issue.

02-16-20, 20:26
I Lesson learned: unless you have great negotiating skills (which I don't) I now think it's better for me to go to the casas. For some reason I have worse luck in Medellin than in Tijuana with SWs.I wouldn't give up on the SW's in Medellin just yet. The reason you think your having worse luck in Medellin with the SW's than in Tijuana is because most of the services in Tijuana are kind of set on a menu with typically includes a base price which includes two positions and their pants or skirt off, and then you have the add ONS, etc. So basically your getting a menu, where as here, it doesn't work that way, and anything goes.

You don't really need any negotiating skills, yet you do need some basic Spanish speaking skills. You can ask the SW's what they want, and after you hear the number, you just tell them what you are willing to pay and what you expect for their services and that they can "take it or leave it". It's that simple, and this is exactly how the Colombians go about it.

And always tell them that you pay afterwards, and make that clear before you go upstairs with them versus after your in the room. I personally don't like the Vennies that much, they seem to have an attitude like they are better than the Colombians and smarter which is a perfect example of what happened to you, however there are some nice ones around.

02-16-20, 20:29
Mongering is not an accepted "hobby" in the USA, with that being said, why would someone even "own" up to it, especially to US Immigration, which I don't understand. Divulging that you are a monger could open up a Pandora's box, but for some members on this board they don't believe it's an issue.Think about the reaction of the secondary or the boss when all mongers are recorded and sent to secondary. I know they have to be kept busy, but probably not like this. This has nothing to do with border security.

Charm City Dave
02-16-20, 21:10
The person I'm standing in front of is just doing their job. They aren't there to give me problems. They're like the greeter at Walmart. I give a cheerful greeting. I show interest. If they ask how I'm doing, I answer and ask how they are doing. When I walk away, I want them to be a little bit happier than when I arrived.Let me state I respect border agents who are doing an important job trying to keep dangerous people out of our country. And as Frank Burns said, its nice to be nice to the nice. But they are not Walmart greeters, they are looking for someone to bust. The more people they catch, the better for their career. Get an asshole or even worse an asshole having a bad day, they can greatly inconvenience you or worse. Be polite, be direct and move on.

02-16-20, 22:45
How funny that the sign in the elevator states " sex tourism is explicitly prohibited". This place was built for sex tourists.Never been to Energy but similar buildings. In those buildings, the posters in elevator doesn't say "Sex tourism is explicitly prohibited" but "child prostitution is prohibited and should be reported".

02-17-20, 00:01

I have been doing more research on Medellin, and a few girls on the Photoprepagos site caught my attention. A lot of these girls seem to have their own apartments around the city, and are willing to do incall. This feels more convenient for me, since a) I don't have to rent a love motel, and b) I can go to the girl at my own time without having to sit around waiting.

A few posts from a while back mentioned that these incalls are safe, but is it advised to just rent a love motel? Is there a risk of running into anything at the incall location? LOL this is going to be my first time visiting, so just wanted to see what the more experienced mongers think about this.

02-17-20, 00:55
If the USA Border Folks ask you about the "women in Colombia" simply tell them you are gay then ask politely if you may proceed.

02-17-20, 01:15
Any tips, advise. I will be in a great location in laureles near la70. Can I find out best way to exchange money. Best taxi app to use at the airport around the town. I exchanged $200 through us bank and lost $30 doing so 580000 pesos. My thought is there must be a better way. Can I get names or address of all the casas in laureles. Also it seems like more foreigners like the hunt in el centro than parque lleras. Can I get feedback.

02-17-20, 03:50
If the USA Border Folks ask you about the "women in Colombia" simply tell them you are gay then ask politely if you may proceed.Hahaha. Too funny.

02-17-20, 04:31
So off I go looking for trouble and found it. Skinny Vinnie who quoted me 50 k and of course I didn't negotiate down to 30 k like I should have. And when we get to the room she asks for payment up front. Now I should have negotiated all this beforehand but didn't. So I get what is coming to me in spades. I tried the "if you do a great job you get a great tip, not good then no tip. " So she proceeds to ask for another 50 k. Wait, that's not the way this is supposed to go! Anyway that's two for two in Botero Plaza up selling me without Mersey.I started the day taking a trip on the Metro Cable line. I got some good pictures of the city from the height and also some pictures of the Favelas. On the way back I picked up some beer, nuts and cheese at the Exito store on CL. 48 #46-115, Medellin. On the way back I passed the Botero Plaza and didn't see anyone from the day before.

I was thinking of eating something but also wanted to see if the girl from Yakusa was working this Sunday. So instead I popped a Viagra and took a shower. I made sure to shave closely and ensure that every part of me was clean and ready for our date. But to my disappointment; upon reaching the said establishment I was told that there was only one girl there today and she wasn't the one I was looking for. And as I looked a the guy that was waiting his turn; I just knew the right answer was to say "thank you very much. I will come back on Monday."

Immediately after exiting Yakusa I got a text from Skinny Vinnie. I almost decided to put her off, but I had this crazy idea in my head that I could turn a money first clock watcher into a GFE. I looked at that idea and turned it around in my head. On the one point I was very nice to her the day before. I could play up that store of good will and maybe turn it into a nice encounter. So she is texting me devils and lovey stuff and says she is hungry for me. "OK", I said. "Where do we meet?

The biggest cons are possible on people who con. My con? I was thinking about how I could get something that doesn't belong to me. Kind of like the FBers who are trolling FaceBook looking for naive young girls who they hope are going to give them more than they have a right to. They want GFE without paying for the commitment of a family or even the commitment of a boyfriend. That was my con. My con was the gasoline that made her con burn. But when you are feeling the flames it is like sacrificing a pawn in Chess. The pawn has a purpose. It is an acceptable price.

So we agreed to meet at the place where we met the day before. The street near the museum that some have named little Caracas. She asked that we don't go to the short time hotel we went to last time, but go to her hotel room. I thought "that sounds kind of girlfriend." And said "yes that sounds good". We walk quickly up the street; she almost runs.

She asks to buy some beer for the room. The room price was 20 k pesos. I gave her money and something additional to buy some beer. We walked up the stairs to her room. Of course I thought that could be the price to add me for the night. The room was as expected. It was a mess.

As I sat on the bed I noticed that there were crumbs of marijuana on the bed. Empty beer bottles on the dresser. Clothing popped out of drawers and cubbyholes. And I identified a pipe.

Part One of a multiparty post.

02-17-20, 04:55
To notes for you: (1) ATMs and (2) RTFF.

Any tips, advise. I will be in a great location in laureles near la70. Can I find out best way to exchange money. Best taxi app to use at the airport around the town. I exchanged $200 through us bank and lost $30 doing so 580000 pesos. My thought is there must be a better way. Can I get names or address of all the casas in laureles. Also it seems like more foreigners like the hunt in el centro than parque lleras. Can I get feedback.

Fun Luvr
02-17-20, 05:35
Any tips, advise. I will be in a great location in laureles near la70. Can I find out best way to exchange money. Best taxi app to use at the airport around the town. I exchanged $200 through us bank and lost $30 doing so 580000 pesos. My thought is there must be a better way. Can I get names or address of all the casas in laureles. Also it seems like more foreigners like the hunt in el centro than parque lleras. Can I get feedback.If you are in the situation in which you must exchange money rather than use ATM's, go to the Unicentro shopping center. A place in there named Panacambios had the best rate when I checked last month. The xe.com rate was 3395/$1 and they were giving 3250/$1. DiDi and Beat are the most popular ride-share apps. I think DiDi may have more cars. Cabify is the yellow taxi app. I use the bus from the airport, so I don't know if any of those apps work at the airport. I use Facebook as my source for chicas, thus I don't know much about casas, el centro, or Parque Lleras.

02-17-20, 05:47
Any tips, advise. I will be in a great location in laureles near la70. Can I find out best way to exchange money. Best taxi app to use at the airport around the town. I exchanged $200 through us bank and lost $30 doing so 580000 pesos. My thought is there must be a better way. Can I get names or address of all the casas in laureles. Also it seems like more foreigners like the hunt in el centro than parque lleras. Can I get feedback.Nothing more to add.

02-17-20, 09:37
If the USA Border Folks ask you about the "women in Colombia" simply tell them you are gay then ask politely if you may proceed.Border folk will respond "How are the men?".

02-17-20, 13:09
You can also WU your self the $. I forget what the sweet spot for fees vs $ is.

Any tips, advise. I will be in a great location in laureles near la70. Can I find out best way to exchange money. Best taxi app to use at the airport around the town. I exchanged $200 through us bank and lost $30 doing so 580000 pesos. My thought is there must be a better way. Can I get names or address of all the casas in laureles. Also it seems like more foreigners like the hunt in el centro than parque lleras. Can I get feedback..

02-17-20, 13:25
I wouldn't give up on the SW's in Medellin just yet. The reason you think your having worse luck in Medellin with the SW's than in Tijuana is because most of the services in Tijuana are kind of set on a menu with typically includes a base price which includes two positions and their pants or skirt off, and then you have the add ONS, etc. So basically your getting a menu, where as here, it doesn't work that way, and anything goes.

You don't really need any negotiating skills, yet you do need some basic Spanish speaking skills. You can ask the SW's what they want, and after you hear the number, you just tell them what you are willing to pay and what you expect for their services and that they can "take it or leave it". It's that simple, and this is exactly how the Colombians go about it.

And always tell them that you pay afterwards, and make that clear before you go upstairs with them versus after your in the room. I personally don't like the Vennies that much, they seem to have an attitude like they are better than the Colombians and smarter which is a perfect example of what happened to you, however there are some nice ones around.That's great advice. Thank you so much.

I wrote a much longer continuation of my previous post regarding "scam alert", but I'm not sure it got posted or not so I will just conclude it shortly here.

I paid in advance for a TLN and promised services. However right after renting a room for the night I got a threesome pushed on me from a cousin that needed our help. So while I already paid for GFE for the night, we couldn't do that unless I paid for her cousin (in advance) too. So I told both of them to just go away.

So this is perfect advice from Surfer. Pay after only.

John Gault
02-17-20, 14:31

I have been doing more research on Medellin, and a few girls on the Photoprepagos site caught my attention. A lot of these girls seem to have their own apartments around the city, and are willing to do incall. This feels more convenient for me, since a) I don't have to rent a love motel, and b) I can go to the girl at my own time without having to sit around waiting.

A few posts from a while back mentioned that these incalls are safe, but is it advised to just rent a love motel? Is there a risk of running into anything at the incall location? LOL this is going to be my first time visiting, so just wanted to see what the more experienced mongers think about this.They are not 100 % safe. There have been times when the girl drugs the victim or a male shows up after you are in place and then he robs you.

For a new man to MDE your best bet to be on the safe side is to go to a casa. I have never heard of any real problems with safety in a casa.

If you are thinking about not have to wait on a Chica then a casa is also a no waiting game.

John Gault
02-17-20, 14:35
For the 1001 time. Use the ATM in MDE. They have them right at the airport and then after that they are all over MDE.

No other method to obtain pesos comes close.

02-17-20, 14:50
Border folk will respond "How are the men?".ROFL! Turgid, thank you! You made my day.

Mojo Bandit
02-17-20, 15:04
Any tips, advise. I will be in a great location in laureles near la70. Can I find out best way to exchange money. Best taxi app to use at the airport around the town. I exchanged $200 through us bank and lost $30 doing so 580000 pesos. My thought is there must be a better way. Can I get names or address of all the casas in laureles. Also it seems like more foreigners like the hunt in el centro than parque lleras. Can I get feedback.Normally just using your ATM card is the best way to get cash. Sounds like they charged you 15% yo get currency up front. I have seen steep prices like this before. Your bank gets the best exchange rate when you use the ATM in a foreign country, you still pay international exchange fee of a anywhere from $1 -$3 depending on the percentage your bank is charging you and the amount. Colpatria Scotia ATMs (there are also Colpatria and Scotia but it must say Colpatria -Scotia) have been reported as not having ATM fees but these can be harder to find.

To learn more about casas around Medellin you need to study this thread that I am supplying the link to. There is a map and a list. The list is a downloadable PDF file and the map is a custom made Google Map with the link in post #52 in the Medellin Map and List thread. I noticed that the closest Casas to Laureles seem to be along Avenida 33. Thank World Travel 69 for putting in the research and time on these.


The information on the map is always changing so I would suggest looking at specific places and then researching by plugging the name into the search feature of the Medellin Reports thread, you find this toward the top of the page to the right of in the middle gray bar running across the top the thread. Click where is says "Search Thread" then a search box opens.

Mr Enternational
02-17-20, 17:31
For the 1001 time. Use the ATM in MDE. They have them right at the airport and then after that they are all over MDE.

No other method to obtain pesos comes close.If they make it that complicated to get money, you can imagine how complicated it will be to get a woman.

02-17-20, 18:29
Let me state I respect border agents who are doing an important job trying to keep dangerous people out of our country. And as Frank Burns said, its nice to be nice to the nice. But they are not Walmart greeters, they are looking for someone to bust. The more people they catch, the better for their career. Get an asshole or even worse an asshole having a bad day, they can greatly inconvenience you or worse. Be polite, be direct and move on.People will rise to meet your expectations. If you expect them to be nice, they're usually nice. If you expect an asshole, you get an asshole.

I did some figuring a few days ago. Over the past 7 years I've crossed into and out of Canada, in a commercial truck nearly 500 times. That's almost 500 interactions with Canada CBP and almost 500 with US CBP. I've probably been sent to secondary inspection about 40 times. 4 times were in Canada, 3 for paperwork not being registered and 1 for a load inspection.

Most of the trips to secondary on the US side were for X-ray. Between midnight and 2 am they do certification and training for the X-ray equipment. If you cross the border at that time, in a truck, you've got about a 75% chance of getting sent to x-ray. Once I realized that, I changed my schedule and almost never got sent to secondary.

My negative experiences with CBP - 6. The first 2 were on my first trip. Got a bit of flack from both sides. Problem was, I was nervous. I didn't know the routine. I didn't know to shut my truck off at the booth. One time I'd been switched to a rental truck at the last minute and the license plate didn't match the paperwork. That time probably would have been OK, except the woman was training another agent.

Of the other 3, 2 were with the same asshole and 1 was with a guy having a bad day.

My airport entries are few. Nothing like you guys whose passports have more stamps than the post office. My first time, I screwed up using the kiosk, and the photo was only the bottom half of my face. Straight to secondary. Had to wait 20 minutes, then they emptied my luggage, 2 suitcases plus a guitar in a flight case. I've learned to travel lighter. When the officer started with the questions he was rather harsh. By the time he finished, he and 2 other agents were hanging out and laughing with me.

So out of about 1,000 face-to-face dealings with CBP, including about 40 additional interactions in secondary inspection, I've had 7 negative experiences and 4 were my fault. And the worst that happened was a few people were briefly rude to me.

I probably shouldn't count the Canadian CBP interactions, because Canadians are always nice and polite. If they caught you smuggling in 500 guns, they'd ask you if you like to hunt while handcuffing you.

Most of the CBP I encounter are just bored. They look at the same stuff, ask the same questions, hundreds of times a day. You think they're looking for someone to bust? Not in my experience. They're looking to get out of there and go home.

At the airport they're dealing with grumpy, cramped travelers. At the border they're dealing with tired, grumpy (and often stinky) truck drivers. All the time looking for someone who won't make eye contact or who seems nervous. Why be that guy? When I walk up, or drive up, I've got a bounce in my step and a smile on my face. I don't start spouting out all the details of my trip, but I do give them a bit of humanity.

On slow nights I've sat at the booth talking with an officer for 5 minutes, about sports, the product I haul, bad drivers or the crazy stuff they see. The next time I see that officer, they're all smiles.

I don't recommend blurting out the number of hookers you saw, or talking about how cheap cocaine is in Colombia. But I do recommend treating it just like all the other interactions you have every week. Unless you're one of the guys who is rude to everyone.

Waitress: "How are you today?" "I'm great. How are you?

Cashier: "How are you today?" "I'm great. How are you?

CBP: "How are you today?" "I'm great. How are you?

I expect every CBP officer to be a nice person doing a job they frequently complain about. I treat every CBP officer like they're a nice person doing a job they probably complain about. In response, almost every one turns out to be a nice person who is just doing their job.

I can't imagine how difficult my life would be if I treated each one like some asshole who's looking for the chance to ruin my day because he's having a bad day.

02-17-20, 18:32
If the USA Border Folks ask you about the "women in Colombia" simply tell them you are gay then ask politely if you may proceed.Right idea, but a better response is "if you think the women are hot, you should see the men."

02-17-20, 19:07
Just got back from a 3 week stint and had a great time. I stayed in Poblado at the Medellin Plaza hotel.

I will start with the the SW of Centro and the casas. Never saw anything that I absolutely had to have among the street walkers, so I passed. Another day, I figured I'd give the centro casas a try. Again, while the price is attractive, I found the few casa I visited (New Life, sexy Amigas and a couple more) did not have the facilities and performance levels that I was looking for. Even a promise of generous tips did not improve the experience.

I had put a lot of faith on my FaceBook game and that too was a bit of a disappointment. The 6 FB connections I had were a bit of a let down. They were as hardened as the regular bar girls and lacking any motivation to perform.

What really made the difference for me was the superbowl party I attended early on my trip. It seems to have brought out the semi-pro girls whose contacts I collected and later used extensively.

I also used Mileriticos quite extensively and lucked out with some really good providers. One stunner claimed that she was in Medical school which I took with a load of salt until she started throwing medical terminology around.

Also, took a trip to Gutape to climb the rock.

02-17-20, 19:32
Any tips, advise. I will be in a great location in laureles near la70. Can I find out best way to exchange money. Best taxi app to use at the airport around the town. I exchanged $200 through us bank and lost $30 doing so 580000 pesos. My thought is there must be a better way. Can I get names or address of all the casas in laureles. Also it seems like more foreigners like the hunt in el centro than parque lleras. Can I get feedback.Tip #1: Read the forum, or RTFF as they say. There's a search function. It's very useful. There is more information just waiting for you than you can imagine. There are answers to at least 30 questions which you don't know you need to ask.

Tip #2: Follow up your trips with trip reports. If you went to Pattaya, you should have written a report in the Pattaya thread. Even if you spent 28 days sitting in your hotel room, you should have written something. Writing a report helps everyone. Anyone who gave you advice is curious how your trip turned out. Any other first timers want to know what a first timer experienced. It's one thing to read a report from a guy who is now fucking the granddaughters of the first women he fucked in a city. It's a completely different perspective from a new visitor.

Tip #3: Read the forum. Yes. It's that important. There are plenty of guys here with hundreds of trip reports in dozens of countries. They read the forum and most learn something new every week. Can you imagine how much you'll learn?

Advice: Check the rates before exchanging money. A few banks will offer a great exchange rate, most won't. Depending on your bank, using ATMs gets the best rate. Cost is generally between 1% and 6%. If you insist on exchanging dollars, search Google maps for casa de cambio. Some have websites. Check the rates first. They will be posted at the casa de cambio.

Advice: Read the forum. The airport is 30-45 minutes away from Medellin, depending on if you use the new tunnel. There are several ways to get to Laureles from the airport:

1. Airport bus. Get on the one going to Nutibara. It drops you 3 minutes walk away from Parque Berrio Metro station. Take the metro south one stop to San Antonio, switch trains, get off at the 3rd stop, Estadio. Walk south. Cost, under $4.

2. Airport taxi. These are white taxis. Current price is posted on a big sign just outside the airport doors. I think current rate is 80 k. Find the sign. Know the rate. Ask the driver how much. If he says more, tell him the rate.

3. Colectivo, or shared taxi. Also white taxis, but they wait for 4 passengers. Each pays one quarter of the posted rate.

4. Freelance taxi. The drivers will try to grab you inside the airport. They charge whatever they think they can get. Best to avoid them.

5. Rideshare. Didi and Beat apps have been recommended by others.

6. Facebook Uber. There are several working girls with cars who will do airport pickup. The price is comparable to the taxis with the bonus of having 30 minutes of foreplay and your first session in Medellin 5 minutes after checking in to your room. These women tend to be late 20's to early 30's. Read the forum for more information.

Advice: The majority of casas are in El Centro. There are some in Laureles, but they are more expensive. It's quick, easy and cheap to get to El Centro by the Metro.

Feedback: You should have started with reading the forum. The most powerful weapon in the world is knowledge (actually it's an angry honey badger with the coronavirus, but who knows where to find one). This forum is the monger's equivalent to the Library of Congress. Arm yourself.

There are many different options for sex in Medellin. Every guy has their favorite. Without knowing anything about you (like what we could learn from a trip report) nobody knows what way will work best for you.

There are streetwalkers, casas, massage spas (casas with uncomfortable beds), shared apartments (casas without a business license), strip clubs (casas with music and a stripper pole), prepago agencies, Tinder, Colombian Cupid, Seeking Arrangements, Mileroticos, Photoprepagos and Facebook. Read the forum and figure out which one you prefer.

02-17-20, 21:03
I wouldn't give up on the SW's in Medellin just yet. The reason you think your having worse luck in Medellin with the SW's than in Tijuana is because most of the services in Tijuana are kind of set on a menu with typically includes a base price which includes two positions and their pants or skirt off, and then you have the add ONS, etc. So basically your getting a menu, where as here, it doesn't work that way, and anything goes.

You don't really need any negotiating skills, yet you do need some basic Spanish speaking skills. You can ask the SW's what they want, and after you hear the number, you just tell them what you are willing to pay and what you expect for their services and that they can "take it or leave it". It's that simple, and this is exactly how the Colombians go about it.

And always tell them that you pay afterwards, and make that clear before you go upstairs with them versus after your in the room. I personally don't like the Vennies that much, they seem to have an attitude like they are better than the Colombians and smarter which is a perfect example of what happened to you, however there are some nice ones around.I have been putting this advice to practice today. I started out creating a translation on Google Translate of my "want list". And then I took a screenshot of it so I can show it to the girl without a data connection. Something like this:

Sexo por una hora.

** # sin ropa.

** # chupar con condón.

** # follar con condon.

** # te llamo el coño.

** # Toco tu cuerpo, tus senos y tu coño.

Doy una propina por un buen servicio. No hay propina para el servicio regular.

# todo el dinero se paga después del final de la hora #.

The first girl was OK with everything but I had written that I would pay $40 for the hour and she didn't like that. I think it is working better to leave the dollar figure off and just hold up fingers if I need to negotiate price. It was difficult to find anyone (yet) who would agree to "sin condon services". I am going to follow up with making two sets of images. One for 30 minutes and one for an hour. Each set removes a condition like sin condom services so I can show three possibilities I would agree to.

The first girl was 50 k for the hour, everything covered. She actually offered less and I had written on my list 50. So a little mistake there and she objected to sin condom services. Fine. No problems doing anything with her that was on the list otherwise, it was just that she was a total starfish. She didn't even ask for the tip and none given. 24 k for the hotel.

Second girl quoted me 3 k (and I already took my pricing off the list so that was good) but when we got in the room she up-sold me on touching her breasts for the hour. I didn't blame because 3 is too little for an hour and offered her 50. She was good and I counted the 20 as her tip. 50 for her and 20 room.

Third girl objected to the hour so I agreed to her request of 50 for 30 minutes. I probably should have tried to negotiate down the price for 30 minutes, but didn't. She was OK, not great, but I gave her a 10 k tip anyway because I liked her. 60 k girl and 10 k room.

This is very much the culture here. Create the contract ahead of time and there are no problems. Leave anything off the contract and it's extra money. One of the girls asked to see the "contract" again in the room so she could get things right.

Thanks again Surfer!

El Bacano
02-17-20, 21:40
Ok guys lets get off the bank business. And on to the women. We all know how to make and save money. OUR MISSION is the beauties, we arent getting in the USA Not the teller machines.

02-17-20, 22:38
Ok guys lets get off the bank business. And on to the women. We all know how to make and save money. OUR MISSION is the beauties, we arent getting in the USA Not the teller machines.Fine.

There's this girl I met 2 years ago. Actually met her at the impromptu going away party some Colombian friends threw me on the last night of my year in Medellin. She just recently turned 21 and is cute as can be. We've kept in touch and I planned on hooking up with her last summer. Just never managed to get around to it.

Part of the problem, even though the Colombian friends who invited me over have played the P4P game, I don't think this girl has. We just talked and danced a bit. So, I wasn't sure whether taking her straight to bed was the right approach. I also didn't want any issue with the friend, who wanted a big chunk of my time.

Recently she hit me up and I could tell right away she was going to ask for money. She lost her job as a hairdresser, times are tough, yada, yada, yada. So I switched her onto a different track. She wants to open her own salon. I want to find a woman who will cut my hair wearing next to nothing. Somewhere between a lap dance and a haircut.

For the right girl, if I could find that in the US, I'd pay well for it. I've got a lot of hair. I've always, once I graduated from the local barber, enjoyed having my hair cut. I like a good lap dance. If the whole thing can be followed by a shower together and sex, take my money.

I brought it up to her and she got all excited. Offered her services on my next visit. Got her talking about the whole idea and she completely forgot to ask me if I'd send some money. Now she's thinking about opening a salon for men.

Am I the only one interested in something like this? If not, how much would you pay? The girl is hot (if you like petite flacas), clean, low mileage (doesn't appear to know any other gringos) and sweet. I know how much to pay her for sex. I am certain I can get her to do the whole thing for 150 k, over about 3 hours. I'm just curious what people think about a good price for the haircut, lapdance maybe partial strip tease.

02-18-20, 00:31
I have been putting this advice to practice today. I started out creating a translation on Google Translate of my "want list". And then I took a screenshot of it so I can show it to the girl without a data connection. Something like this:

Sexo por una hora.

** # sin ropa.

** # chupar con condn.

** # follar con condon.

** # te llamo el coo.

** # Toco tu cuerpo, tus senos y tu coo.

Doy una propina por un buen servicio. No hay propina para el servicio regular.

# todo el dinero se paga despus del final de la hora #..Your really making this much more complicated than it needs to be, and these street walkers are not like the one's in Tijuana.

Here's what I suggest you tell the next one that you like.

Quiero tener sexo contigo, chupame sin condon, puedo entregarte 30 Mil, no mas, tomalo o dejalo, voy a pagar por la habitacion.

Don't get into time or anything else with these SW's as it isn't going to matter as nobody will be knocking at the door after 30 or 60 minutes and when you finish the session is over.

Again, you need to realize that this is not Tijuana.

Report back on how it goes, and standby your guns on the price as the majority of the girls will accept this amount. If a girl asks for more, just say "adios" and start walking.

And if you have a good experience with one, and want to repeat with them, give them a tip for sure as the next time you go with them they will most probably will treat you well.

Your in the drivers seat with these girls, so don't waffle with them if they ask for me. They would be lucky to get a Colombian to pay them 30 K as most of the Colombians just make "take it or leave it" offers to these girls at less than 30 K for short time.

02-18-20, 00:41

There's this girl I met 2 years ago. Actually met her at the impromptu going away party some Colombian friends threw me on the last night of my year in Medellin. She just recently turned 21 and is cute as can be. We've kept in touch and I planned on hooking up with her last summer. Just never managed to get around to it.

Part of the problem, even though the Colombian friends who invited me over have played the P4P game, I don't think this girl has. We just talked and danced a bit. So, I wasn't sure whether taking her straight to bed was the right approach. I also didn't want any issue with the friend, who wanted a big chunk of my time..I don't know about the low end of the price scale. I think if she made it more upscale with a nice place with shower and or bathtub and added more service like a sensual shave, manscaping trim, lots of teasing, ball massage and 2 pops by BJ and FS I would pay US $100+. Of course if she was dressed up in lingerie and stiletto with long flowing hair for an unforgettable experience.

Good luck to her.

02-18-20, 00:49
Am I the only one interested in something like this? If not, how much would you pay? The girl is hot (if you like petite flacas), clean, low mileage (doesn't appear to know any other gringos) and sweet. I know how much to pay her for sex. I am certain I can get her to do the whole thing for 150 k, over about 3 hours. I'm just curious what people think about a good price for the haircut, lapdance maybe partial strip tease.All due respect Jbee, but you sound totally infatuated with this girl. You can get a great haircut in Poblado for 30 K, and I think giving her 150 K is more than generous. In fact, if she has never worked before, and doesn't have any FB girl friends, she might even go for less. But if she is such a turn on for you, ask her if it's okay if you give her 150 K for three hours including the haircut and take it from there. If she jumps on it, then you will know if she's a rookie. If not, you might have to raise the offer.

As far as the lap dance and the strip tease, I have no idea as to what those are worth. If they are naked and sucking my cock, that's enough of a tease for me.

02-18-20, 00:51
I don't know about the low end of the price scale. I think if she made it more upscale with a nice place with shower and or bathtub and added more service like a sensual shave, manscaping trim, lots of teasing, ball massage and 2 pops by BJ and FS I would pay US $100+. Of course if she was dressed up in lingerie and stiletto with long flowing hair for an unforgettable experience.

Good luck to her.We actually discussed a full day spa experience. Someone doing massage, manicure and pedicure, manscaping and a relaxation area with sauna and jacuzzi. Not geared towards the straight casa experience, more towards sexy pampering.

Her personally I don't see going the FS route as a part of business. At the moment, at least it seems, she's fairly inexperienced in the pay game. But I know several stylists who are very experienced.

02-18-20, 00:58
I think I read somewhere that there are chicas with cars, that give tours and take care of your other needs. Not sure if they are on FB or not. Any advice on how to find them. Thanks.

Mr Enternational
02-18-20, 01:40
The first girl was OK with everything but I had written that I would pay $40 for the hour and she didn't like that. I think it is working better to leave the dollar figure off and just hold up fingers if I need to negotiate price.

The first girl was 50 k for the hour, everything covered. She actually offered less and I had written on my list 50. So a little mistake thereYou should not be using dollar figures at all. You should be using peso figures. Maybe the second chick mistook you for saying 40,000 pesos when you wrote $40. So she negotiated up to 50,000 pesos. Glad it worked out in your favor.

02-18-20, 03:10
Tip #1: Read the forum, or RTFF as they say. There's a search function. It's very useful. There is more information just waiting for you than you can imagine. There are answers to at least 30 questions which you don't know you need to ask.

Tip #2: Follow up your trips with trip reports. If you went to Pattaya, you should have written a report in the Pattaya thread. Even if you spent 28 days sitting in your hotel room, you should have written something. Writing a report helps everyone. Anyone who gave you advice is curious how your trip turned out. Any other first timers want to know what a first timer experienced. It's one thing to read a report from a guy who is now fucking the granddaughters of the first women he fucked in a city. It's a completely different perspective from a new visitor.

Tip #3: Read the forum. Yes. It's that important. There are plenty of guys here with hundreds of trip reports in dozens of countries. They read the forum and most learn something new every week. Can you imagine how much you'll learn?

Advice: Check the rates before exchanging money. A few banks will offer a great exchange rate, most won't. Depending on your bank, using ATMs gets the best rate. Cost is generally between 1% and 6%. If you insist on exchanging dollars, search Google maps for casa de cambio. Some have websites. Check the rates first. They will be posted at the casa de cambio.

Advice: Read the forum. The airport is 30-45 minutes away from Medellin, depending on if you use the new tunnel. There are several ways to get to Laureles from the airport:.I have read many forums, my notes is extensive. Being my first time your never absolutely confident you have everything. Have you ever traveled on a trip, thought you packed everything and discovered when your in your hotel something is missing. Well I don't want that to happen to me so I seek out as much input as possible. Maybe the next person will make a point that thousands have not. By the way I did do a report on Pattaya. Read the forum you should find it. Absolutely loved my trip. Appreciate the input.

02-18-20, 03:19
You should not be using dollar figures at all. You should be using peso figures. Maybe the second chick mistook you for saying 40,000 pesos when you wrote $40. So she negotiated up to 50,000 pesos. Glad it worked out in your favor.Oh, that $ symbol shouldn't be there. I am pretty sure I didn't have it in the translation. I don't think anyone thought I was quoting dollars. I actually don't think it's a good idea to put prices in the contract (patent pending) anymore so I took them out. But the second girl quoted like 40 k and my contract said 50 k. So I had to pay 50.

FYI: here is the breakdown of my expenses today (nothing near $40).

Girl one: 75,000 pesos ($22.16) 1 hour including hotel.

Girl two: 66,000 pesos ($19.50) 1 hour including hotel.

Girl three: 80,000 pesos ($23.63) half hour including hotel.

Girl four: 55,000 pesos ($16.25) half hour including hotel.

Avocado: 1,000 pesos ($ 0.30).

Totals: 277,000 pesos ($81.83).

I love Medellin!

02-18-20, 04:35

There's this girl I met 2 years ago. Actually met her at the impromptu going away party some Colombian friends threw me on the last night of my year in Medellin. She just recently turned 21 and is cute as can be. We've kept in touch and I planned on hooking up with her last summer. Just never managed to get around to it.

Part of the problem, even though the Colombian friends who invited me over have played the P4P game, I don't think this girl has. We just talked and danced a bit. So, I wasn't sure whether taking her straight to bed was the right approach. I also didn't want any issue with the friend, who wanted a big chunk of my time..For me its a novelty, I would try it once and then continue if I liked it. 50 k is easy and maybe up to 80-100 k depending on the service.

02-18-20, 04:58
For me its a novelty, I would try it once and then continue if I liked it. 50 k is easy and maybe up to 80-100 k depending on the service.I had kind of settled on the 80 k figure as well.

02-18-20, 05:05
Part One of a multiparty post.Great story, finally some different writing style in the forum. I am waiting for the rest of the parts.

02-18-20, 05:40
Just got back from a 3 week stint and had a great time. I stayed in Poblado at the Medellin Plaza hotel.

I will start with the the SW of Centro and the casas. Never saw anything that I absolutely had to have among the street walkers, so I passed. Another day, I figured I'd give the centro casas a try. Again, while the price is attractive, I found the few casa I visited (New Life, sexy Amigas and a couple more) did not have the facilities and performance levels that I was looking for. Even a promise of generous tips did not improve the experience.

I had put a lot of faith on my FaceBook game and that too was a bit of a disappointment. The 6 FB connections I had were a bit of a let down. They were as hardened as the regular bar girls and lacking any motivation to perform.

What really made the difference for me was the superbowl party I attended early on my trip. It seems to have brought out the semi-pro girls whose contacts I collected and later used extensively.

I also used Mileriticos quite extensively and lucked out with some really good providers. One stunner claimed that she was in Medical school which I took with a load of salt until she started throwing medical terminology around.

Also, took a trip to Gutape to climb the rock.Who were the fb contacts to avoid, that way we can avoid them to. I had a great experience with Fb when I came two weeks ago, some pieces that still chat with me everyday. Can gives the names so we can avoid them. Thanks.

02-18-20, 08:19
Your in the drivers seat with these girls, so don't waffle with them if they ask for me. They would be lucky to get a Colombian to pay them 30 K as most of the Colombians just make "take it or leave it" offers to these girls at less than 30 K for short time.I know that what you are saying is true, and I cruised around el centro a few times (never sessioned there though). But I still can't believe the price. A beer at gusto costs 30 k after tip. Gusto to centro is a 15 minutes cab ride when there is no traffic, how could the price differential be this kind extreme.

02-18-20, 11:48
Oh, that $ symbol shouldn't be there. I am pretty sure I didn't have it in the translation. I don't think anyone thought I was quoting dollars. I actually don't think it's a good idea to put prices in the contract (patent pending) anymore so I took them out. But the second girl quoted like 40 k and my contract said 50 k. So I had to pay 50.

FYI: here is the breakdown of my expenses today (nothing near $40).

Girl one: 75,000 pesos ($22.16) 1 hour including hotel.

Girl two: 66,000 pesos ($19.50) 1 hour including hotel.

Girl three: 80,000 pesos ($23.63) half hour including hotel.

Girl four: 55,000 pesos ($16.25) half hour including hotel.

Avocado: 1,000 pesos ($ 0.30).

Totals: 277,000 pesos ($81.83).

I love Medellin!Sounds like your getting in the groove with the SW's, I never heard of anyone walking around with a contract for services with the SW's, but if that works for you that's great.

So where does the avocado fit into all of this.

02-18-20, 15:24
After spending Christmas and new years in Rio, I decided to head back to my old stomping ground, Medellin, where the pretty paisa pussy drips for cash.


150 + 30 for Oral natural.


I arrived on a Sunday night and knew the city was dead and didn't even bother searching for pussy. I knew Monday was the move and I could get a first catch if I hit the pages by 11 am. I went to one of the most popular independant prepago buildings, Torres Del Rio. After security checks IDs and waits for approval from the girl, you spend more time figuring out which elevator goes to which tower than the actual taxi ride took to get there. The door opens and I am met with a petite spinner. She is cute with perky tits. Her face is ok but she has one of those colombian pimple moles on the top right of her eyebrow. It's not too big but she is new to the game and hasn't had a chance to give herself a surgical make over. She doesn't ask for money upfront and she puts some music on and grinds her 5'1 body into me. I can feel her tight small as and she removes the bikini she is wearing. I am greeted with those natural stand up tits that only a girl under 21 can posses. She gets closer and kisses on the lips with slight tounge. She gets me on the bed and gets all my clothes off. I can tell she is reaching for the condom for a BJ and almost like a reflex I tell her natural for a tip. We agree on 30 and she is excited to put it in her mouth. She is super soft and suave, and licks the balls just perfectly. After about 10 minutes of getting me close she wants to hop on top. She lubes up her pussy and in one motion puts the my trojan ultra thin that I bought with me. It slides right in but she is soo small I can feel the bottom of her snatch. She gets close and we start to fuck more, the kissing increases and after 5 minutes of pumping she is kissing me like her novio bought her a car for navidad! We switch and I get on top. Her body is soo smalll that half her face is covered from me. I try to get a good grab of her tits and she likes it harder. We move to quatro which is her favorite she tells me. I can see how small her wasit is in this position. But there is just a very slight musk that I picked up earlier. This girl def has to make sure she is taking some moistate. I am sort of turned off after 3 miunutes of doggy and loose it a little. I tell her to finish me off and let me cum on her tits. She is totally cool with it and grabs some lotion and gives me a nice long slow handjob. I shoot hot custard all over her perky tits and some goes astray and lands on her hair. She laughs a bit. After she grabs a wet nap and cleans me up and then gies me a nice massage. She wants to go again but I ask for a BJ. She goes for it and somehow I am able to stand up again only for her to knock me down with another spit and rub BJ. I finish while she lays next to me. We kiss a little more, I get a glass of water and I am on my way.

Danielle Energy. 160 K + 50 K propina.

This was a Tuesday LU and it wasn't looking amazing. I have been hearing how Energy is becoming hit or miss and it is sort of true (don't worry there is a big hit later in the review) I see about 10 girls and go for the one that has the best vibe. She wasn't totally my type BUT she looked at me and we connected with eye contact that it totally seemed like the move. Daniella is blond and a little older like 32 with small be cups about 5 7 with heels and a firm ass. She did have a kid but zero baby damage in site. She spoke some english and when we stared for the massage she actually gave a REALLY GOOD ONE. I mean it was intense like 20 minutes. When it came time for the flip we agreed on 50 K for oral natural. The truth is, she was in a weird positon so we was almost streching my dick out when she was giving it. Not reccomented. I am surprised that somoene is 32, I would expect better head. I played with her pussy and noticed she had one of those gaps on either side of the pussy. Its tight but just that gap between the inner and outter labia was pronouced, No meat curtains. I was super relaxed cause I drank 2 pilsens so she hopped on top and I let her dod all the work. She actually made me cum this way. I mostly just wanted to releease and it was actually pretty good. I owe half of it to my trojan superthin. I can't stress enough how important it is to bring your own condoms from home!. I got her # but I doubt I'll use it.

Estefan Independant from SA for 5 hours. 300 K for 5 hours.

This deal happened kind of quick. I saw her on SA the night before and got her # that morning. She lives in Sabenta and said that she could be to me in 45 min. I mean in real time or in colombian 2 hour time. It was legit. The reason I agreed to the price was she said she would take it in the face! She came by, wearing short jean shorts with a cute top and addias sneakers. She smelled like strawberries. Sort of same MO as the spinner I had early but her face was much prettier. We got to relax and I had some candies and made a fresh pitcher of sangria. We drank half the thing and started kissing and making out like novia why novios. Her box was super clean and shaved. One funny thing is, when I went down there, I noticed my colonge. She went to the bathroom and sprayed it on her box haha. I was ok with it but she didn't need to mask her smell. She was fine but I like the fact that she knew enough to take care. Banging her was fun, she did all the positions. When she rode me, she grabbed onto the bed post. She was grinding so hard she came! Like real climax no faking. We went to quatro and I was pounding her little pussy soo hard I just couuldn't wait to finish on her little 22 yo face. I asked her if she wanted my leche and she was like "baby, yo quiero en mi cara, por favor!" within 10 seconds she hoped, turn around ripped off the rubber and proceeded to get her entire face coverd with cum! My goodness, such a little * I love it. I made her wait for a bit and then she went to the bathroom. She couldn't belive how much I came! I didn't tell her but I was taking the holy grail stack for my jizz and had reserves built up! Super fun time. We had some time for round two but this time I just came in the condom. I didn't have much left in me. We showered together, I paid her and she was out after a couple hours of just hanging and sleeping in bed.

Ele Independant from SA, Only paid for Taxi fair and dinner!

Wow, let me tell you this girl's ass is REAL and fucking BUILT! She is one of those sort of master of squats in the gym types. She is 5 ft 22 , has hazel eyes with a touch of green, A cups but with BIG GRAPE NIPPLES. We walked in Poblado on during that Sunday walk. Bought her a juice then went back to my place. We shopped at carulla and then I cooked her some amazing italian. She went insane and the truth is, I actually was impressed with my 3 course tasing menu. Caprezzo salad, gnocci with peso and then a nice salmon in wine garlic butter sauce. Anyway, after she was kissing me and stuff but was a little reluctant. We discussed what we wanted and how she needed help. I asked her to put an ammount on it. She didn't say. THen we just started going at it a little more. It got ot the point where our clothes were off and my dick was hovering over. We played "just the tip just to see how it feels" then I knocked some sense into myself. RAN to get a rubber and almost slipped and fell on the way to the bathroom! We fucked in all types of positions and her pussy was sooo fucking tight, even with the wetness it took like a full 2 minutes to get all the way in! Her pussy was like one that looked like it was drawn it was soo perfect. Her labia made a nice little triangle and her pale skin contrasted perfectly with her bright pink pussy. It was a good 28 minutes of hard core pound FUCKING. She came hard and knew her body well. It was one of the first time the girl came when I was on top. After I finished she started to suck me. I had to test her out and wouldn't you know it, another girl raised on pornhub because she took it all IN THE FACE!! Ahhh it was easily an 8 roper, it dripped down her chin and she smiled. I just gave her cab money and extra like 100 K. We met anohter time and bascially the same thing happened. I could tell, she is more of a nympo who wants to fuck gringos and less of a SB material. WHich is great for my wallet!! She is pretty smart though, a med student. So I wish her luck.

160 K Kelly Energy.

Well, it was my last day there and I had a late flight so what else to do but to have my bags on hold and take a trip to the old energy. It sucks that uber is no longer working, but telling the taxi to drive to Obelesco is much easier then telling them the exact address of energy (just a little quick tip for all those out there) The LU was MUCH better this time, of the 15 girls I would say half were 7's or better. It was not an easy choice but I decided to go with Kelly. She was 5 1 with nice fake tits, brillo pad hair and a tight stomach with a cute ass. We get in there, do a little kissing and then after a shower she starts with a massage. Despite her small package she is quite strong and actually gives me a really good one. The flip came and she insiste no oral natural. I was surprised but fuck it, oh well. The BJ is quick as I'm not a fan of covered head. I just want to fuck her tight pussy. And fuck, it was super tight. She has one of those little tiny simp pussys. We fuck on top, side, miss and then I just have to finish inside the rubber. But the connection was pretty good. She is originally from Cali, I get her # and we have been in contact since. I think the next time I see her, I'll bring her over and get a proper fucking.

Laura SA 250 K.

I had been talking with her for a minute. She is the typical light skinny paisa girl that lives in bello. Super cute face and body. I dunno but she was a little bit tooo shy. I could tell she hasn't been around the block that much. She just turned 20 and was looking for some cash for school or an iphone. Whatever. She came over, would barely drink. Her kissing was just reserved and I tried to open her up. It wasn't until I went down on her little clit and sucked it that she finally opened up! I later found out she never had an orgasm from oral and that me taking my time and going slow made her have an intense orgams. Finally! When it came time for her to return the favor, her oral was like soo amatuer. She didn't get the rhytym at all and was mechancial. She just didn't know what we was doing. I did al lthe work when it came time to fuck. I just wound up cumming on her ass and she had a fun time trying to clean it off. I gave her the money nad off she went. Soo much for that.

02-18-20, 17:07
After spending Christmas and new years in RioDamn, you the real MVP!

02-18-20, 17:38
I know that what you are saying is true, and I cruised around el centro a few times (never sessioned there though). But I still can't believe the price. A beer at gusto costs 30 k after tip. Gusto to centro is a 15 minutes cab ride when there is no traffic, how could the price differential be this kind extreme.Because it does not take a lot to survive. If you are off the tourist area, the least expensive beer is 2 for 5 mils in a bar. You can get a meal for under 10 mils, or even 4 mils. The ambiance is not the same. One needs to get used to it and some people just don't like it.

02-18-20, 20:49
All due respect Jbee, but you sound totally infatuated with this girl. You can get a great haircut in Poblado for 30 K, and I think giving her 150 K is more than generous. In fact, if she has never worked before, and doesn't have any FB girl friends, she might even go for less. But if she is such a turn on for you, ask her if it's okay if you give her 150 K for three hours including the haircut and take it from there. If she jumps on it, then you will know if she's a rookie. If not, you might have to raise the offer.

As far as the lap dance and the strip tease, I have no idea as to what those are worth. If they are naked and sucking my cock, that's enough of a tease for me.I think you missed the whole point here. I'll have her for 150 k for a solid 3 hours regardless. I'll even get the haircut, lapdance, strip tease, along with BBBJ thrown in as well. And the next night I'll probably have her again as part of a threesome, with everything, except the haircut.

The questions were:

How much is it worth, without the sex?

Does anyone else have any interest in something like that?

Totally infatuated? No more than I'm totally infatuated with any new girl. Which is, I look forward to giving them a test run, but will walk away without trying if they annoy me.

You need to shop around more for haircuts. I got great haircuts in Poblado for 21 k, until I learned I could get great haircuts in Laureles for 8-11 k. And my hair requires a lot more than 5 minutes with an electric trimmer.

From Parque Poblado hop on a yellow bus going south. Go past Oviedo and Santa Fe malls, keep going all the way to La Frontera. Mall La Frontera is on the left, Sao Paulo Plaza is on the right. There's a Carulla on the corner to the right and a Euro store across the street on the left. Walk around the Carulla store to the backside of Sao Paulo Plaza. There's 4 or 5 beauty salons on the backside. Should have no trouble getting your haircut for under 25 k. While you're there the food court has some great options for 15 k. Quite a bit pricier than El Centro, but the scenery is nice.

02-18-20, 21:01
I know that what you are saying is true, and I cruised around el centro a few times (never sessioned there though). But I still can't believe the price. A beer at gusto costs 30 k after tip. Gusto to centro is a 15 minutes cab ride when there is no traffic, how could the price differential be this kind extreme.A beer in El Centro costs 3 k. Looks like the math is right.

But it's not a fair comparison with the girls. 30 k in El Centro is getting you 20-30 minutes. 300 k in Poblado is getting you 2-3 hours. When you add in 10 k for the 20-30 minute room, the price is about the same.

Some guys just want a quick bump and run. They can hit 3 El Centro girls for under 150 k in 2 to 3 hours. Some want something much longer. For 150-300 k they can find it in Poblado (or find it in Bello and get it to come to Poblado).

02-18-20, 22:06
I have read many forums, my notes is extensive. Being my first time your never absolutely confident you have everything. Have you ever traveled on a trip, thought you packed everything and discovered when your in your hotel something is missing. Well I don't want that to happen to me so I seek out as much input as possible. Maybe the next person will make a point that thousands have not. By the way I did do a report on Pattaya. Read the forum you should find it. Absolutely loved my trip. Appreciate the input.My apologies. I skimmed past your Pattaya trip report. After going back and reading your report I repeat Tip #2 - post reports. 28 days in Thailand and your report is just 1 paragraph. No report for Johannesburg or Tijuana, only the bare minimum for Pattaya.

If I made other errors, feel free to point them out.

1. You bought pesos from your bank. That very subject was discussed in January. Using ATMs as the best option is discussed on the forum more often than sex. If you have been reading the forum, how did you miss that? Even using Casas de Cambio is a common topic, along with recent mention of sending Western Union to yourself.

2. You asked the best taxi app to use from the airport. Since the end of January, marking the end of Uber in Colombia, taxi and rideshare apps have been discussed several times. Airport transportation has also been commonly written about. Yet, you read the forum and found no mention of either?

3. You asked for names and addresses of all casas in Laureles. In all of your research, you never found mention of World Travel's Medellin map and associated Chica List? That's like going to the grocery store and being unable to find any food.

4. You don't appear to have learned anything about the actual scene in Medellin. Other than casas in Laureles, you only mention Parque Lleras and El Centro, apparently, thinking about the street scene in both places, as if they were comparable. It's literally night and day. There are no streetwalkers in Parque Lleras during the day and you probably shouldn't be looking for streetwalkers in El Centro at night. The forum has beaten that subject to death.

Pull back your ego for a few and read this next sentence slowly:

I'm trying my very best to help you.

Got it? I'm not trying to scare you away, or make you look bad. I'm trying to help you. The best way I know to help you is to get you to help yourself. That means getting you to dig into the forum like it was freshly washed and waxed 18 year old pussy.

I don't know what you like. I don't know what your comfort zone is, or how much Spanish you know. I don't know what is important to you on this trip. I don't even know if you like freshly washed and waxed 18 year old pussy. For all I know you prefer jungle Bush that smells like the shithouse door on a tuna boat. The only person who knows is you. The only person who can figure out what information you need is you. Your initial questions aren't easily answered, because they're the wrong questions.

Instead of what's the best taxi app to use from the airport, ask what's the best way to get to Laureles from the airport. The best way is not to use a taxi app. I listed all the options, other than hitchhiking or buying a donkey. Which one works best for you?

Nothing wrong with asking if there's a better way to get pesos than paying 15% commission to your bank, but you should have asked, or read it in the forum before you bought from the bank.

Instead of asking the names and addresses of all casas in Laureles, ask for casa recommendations, or ask if there is a list. Laureles poses a special problem, since there are many groups of girls running unnamed casas out of apartments. You can only find most of them through the Mileroticos or Photoprepagos ad sites.

The hunt in Lleras and El Centro is like hunting tigers or mushrooms. The mushrooms are just standing around waiting for you to find them in El Centro, except for the trannies. Some of them can be aggressive. The tigers are in Parque Lleras, at night, hunting you. They're looking for someone who they can bleed. That mushroom in El Centro will take 30-40 k from you all day. The tigers in Lleras are looking for 200 k minimum and most of them will start at $200 (almost 700 k). Many will ask for even more. In El Centro, you can find the girl of your dreams right after breakfast. In Lleras you won't find anyone until after 10 pm and the options are limited until after midnight.

My advice is to take some time. Search the forum for the subjects you need more information on, skip back 20 pages and read a few pages. Then skip back another 20. Repeat until you have a grasp on mongering in Medellin. Identify the areas where you need more information and ask more specific questions.

02-18-20, 22:07
I think I read somewhere that there are chicas with cars, that give tours and take care of your other needs. Not sure if they are on FB or not. Any advice on how to find them. Thanks.Send me a PM and I'll give you some leads.

02-18-20, 22:11

Danielle Energy. 160 K + 50 K propina.Was she wearing the green bikini? She was a lot of fun when I saw her. I'm amazed she's still working at Energy. I'm not 100% certain, it's been 2.5 years, but I'm pretty sure I got BBBJ from her with no upcharge.

02-18-20, 23:07
Today there was a surprise in my Facebook feed. One of the most brazen prepagos using Facebook has found a gringo to marry her. She's a sweet girl and reportedly a lot of fun. I've met her before and have been debating giving her a shot next time. I guess I waited too long.

No more "citas" posts with pictures of her fine ass.

Dammit guys! Quit proposing to all the good prostitutes!

02-18-20, 23:09
After spending Christmas and new years in Rio, I decided to head back to my old stomping ground, Medellin, where the pretty paisa pussy drips for cash.


150 + 30 for Oral natural.


I arrived on a Sunday night and knew the city was dead and didn't even bother searching for pussy. SNIP!World Class Report!

02-19-20, 00:09
I'm a Asia guy when it comes to the game, been going for years now. This whole Corona-V got me thinking why not try something different. I live in San Diego so Tijuana and the famous Hong Kong is a monthly spot for me.

Without sounding like to much of a wimp, is it safe for a white guy around 50 to travel alone in Medellin? I don't go to Tijuana alone so little tentative to go to Colombia solo as well. My main goal is obviously to get girls. In Asia I walk around feeling safe and secure, but let's be honest Bangkok and AC are not Colombia. Any words of advise on if you think I should venture that way would be so appreciated. As well as where should a solo guy stay area wise so walking is his form of transport.

02-19-20, 01:40
Sounds like your getting in the groove with the SW's, I never heard of anyone walking around with a contract for services with the SW's, but if that works for you that's great.

So where does the avocado fit into all of this.Actually that was everything I bought that day. Including the avocado.

I really do have a reason for everything on my "contract".

1) time. If the girl gives me a highball figure, I dial in an hour contract (which I preference). 30 k is going to be a 30 minute contract. Plus I have been in many places that do knock after the half hour. Or maybe 45 minutes. But if the hotel is getting paid again, the girl wants to get paid again too.

2) sin ropa. If the girl is uncomfortable with her body she may try to keep her top on. I don't care about that. Good, bad; I want to see and touch flesh.

3) touching her body. One girl used that glitch in my contract to up sell me, so I put it in there to prevent future incidents.

4) sin condom oral services. Nobody is going to dispute that.

5) con condom FS. To make the girl feel safe.

6) licking the pussy. I like it, lots of girls are hesitant. I was up-sold on that a few times or told no in the room.

7) payment after! Definitely needed because if you don't say so she is definitely going to ask for it first.

02-19-20, 03:06
Great story, finally some different writing style in the forum. I am waiting for the rest of the parts.Happy you are enjoying the story. Here is part two.

She immediately looks for her bottle opener to open the beer bottles we brought from the downstairs office. It is a worn out aluminum key and she is having trouble popping the cap. I told her "here, let me try" and even though it is in English, she readily hands over the bottle and opener to me.

As we sat on the bed she texted me on WhatsApp and let me know that this is how we would communicate. She gave me the hotel WiFi connection to make the process easier. As she texted me I would highlight the text, copy it and then open google translate to read her words. To respond to her, I simply wrote my message in google translate and showed it to her.

She asked about me. Where are you from? How long are you in town? Tell me about yourself? I didn't go into much detail, preferring to give just the basics. I really didn't want to go into the complexities of my life story. When I told her I am just here a few more days and then I go to Bogota, she brightened and said "Oh I have just come here from Bogota, I arrived on Wednesday". "Oh", I said, "we arrived together", drawing my index fingers together to illustrate our travels to the same point. She said she has always been poor. "It was my turn, to always fight, I have never been happy, you know?

I asked why she came to Medellin and am met with an avalanche of WhatsApp texts and emotion. She said:

"Because they killed my friend's husband and then she was living here. And I wanted to come stay with her. And when I had already traveled I was killed by my cousin. And after the burial I came here. " And she continued; "As if to distract us together and more with this pain". And "touch to be strong, following life is like that."

This was followed by a tearful search of her Facebook page for photos of the deceased.

Google translate didn't do a great job, but I got that there was a lot of death and despair. She followed that up with what do you want me to tell you about me. And so I'm thinking let's lighten up this party. "What kind of music do you like?" I asked. She rattled of a list of things kids like these days and asked me what I like. I said classic rock, reggae and classical music. We found bob Marley on her phone and started playing "One Love".

Up until this point she had been pounding beer after beer until we were suddenly out. I was thinking this was going to be an all night party (I shouldn't have assumed that, but when communication is so difficult, you just skip over the seemingly less important stuff) and asked about the crumbs of marijuana on the bed. "Do you like weed?" She said "yes". I asked "do you have any?" Of course the answer is no, but she knows where to get it inside the building. So I offered a few bills and she declined, saying she would need 150 k and she would be back soon.

I used the time she was gone to straighten out the bed. I swatted the crumbs off the bed with the sheet and made it. Then I just sat a few minutes before I heard her running back down the hall. And when she opened the door she had four bottles of beer and four long marijuana cigarettes.

I opened two bottles while she lit the first cigarette. She took a few puffs and handed it to me. It has been many years since I smoked anything. I used to have a medical permit, but even then I vaped the flower. So I knew I was going to cough after the first hit. But then she sat on my lap and started shotgunning her smoke to me. As she exhaled, I inhaled her smoke and she finished with a kiss. After maybe six of these shotguns, I was feeling pretty amorous.

We started by her putting on the condom. I hate the way they do it in Colombia. They start out by inserting their fingers into the condom and stretching it out so that it doesn't roll over the penis, but instead it is put on with air inside.

I motioned to her to get in a 69 position. She hesitated but said "OK but I'm keeping my panties on. " So I am of course not letting that stop me. As she is doing her thing I am proceeding to do mine. But before things even got started she stopped and said I need to tip her for that.

Well I have been saying that I would tip after. But she wanted to know how much and wanted it now. I asked her what she wanted and she threw the question back to me "whatever you want she said, how much do you want to pay?" I said I will pay after. "And what are you paying for?" she wanted to know? I said "we can do what ever we both want to do, but if you don't want to do it then we won't do it."

She was satisfied with that for now.

She took off her panties and climbed back into 69 position. This was nice. Normal at first. But then she started just sitting on my face. Yes full on face sitting. And she covered both my airways for a brief moment. She asked if I liked that and maybe I did.

She then got on top and started to ride me and she switched between lightly slapping me and lightly choking me. This continued until she became tired or came, but I think it was just tired.

She got off me and she headed for more beer while I headed for the bathroom. I tossed the condom and started washing up. But then she is at the door saying the time is up. The hotel called and our time is over.

Part two of a multi-part post.

02-19-20, 03:29
I really do have a reason for everything on my "contract".Do you also have them sign it with a witness, take a copy of their ID, and head to a lawyers office to notarize it before heading to the hotel?

You're making this way more complicated than it needs to be.

02-19-20, 03:30
You need to shop around more for haircuts. I got great haircuts in Poblado for 21 k, until I learned I could get great haircuts in Laureles for 8-11 k. And my hair requires a lot more than 5 minutes with an electric trimmer.

From Parque Poblado hop on a yellow bus going south. Go past Oviedo and Santa Fe malls, keep going all the way to La Frontera. Mall La Frontera is on the left, Sao Paulo Plaza is on the right. There's a Carulla on the corner to the right and a Euro store across the street on the left. Walk around the Carulla store to the backside of Sao Paulo Plaza. There's 4 or 5 beauty salons on the backside. Should have no trouble getting your haircut for under 25 k. While you're there the food court has some great options for 15 k. Quite a bit pricier than El Centro, but the scenery is nice.I get my haircut in Patio Bonito, I have a guy that charges me 22 K and I tip him 8 K because I get what is called a precision haircut. The cut is done with scissors only and my hair, what's left of it, is cut into layers exactly the same length. This is the same technique that was developed by Vidal Sasson, a famous hair stylist. So I have no need to shop around for a barber in town with an electric trimmer.

02-19-20, 03:44
Sin ropa is so Tijuana. I don't think you are going meet one that don't do that. FS with condon is default.

4) sin condom oral services. Nobody is going to dispute that.

You need to check your Spanish in your other post. I got confused by your other post

# chupar con condn.

If you are going to taste them, I think you should add one, shower before.

02-19-20, 03:51
Without sounding like to much of a wimp, is it safe for a white guy around 50 to travel alone in Medellin? \I think no one can give you an exact answer. You age and race should not be a big factor. You just need to keep your guard up at all time no matter how comfortable you are. You can't go out walking around 24 hours a day like in Asia.

02-19-20, 03:59
But it's not a fair comparison with the girls. 30 k in El Centro is getting you 20-30 minutes. 300 k in Poblado is getting you 2-3 hours. When you add in 10 k for the 20-30 minute room, the price is about the same.
I think the length of time is flexible for the girls in Plaza Botero. I have never met one that put a time restriction on the session. I have girls ask for 30 K but I almost always pay more. Often I just agree to a price even I know it is higher.

02-19-20, 04:09
You need to check your Spanish in your other post. I got confused by your other post
I have a total of six contracts. Three with 60 minute times and three with 30 minute times. The variables changed in each category to make up the three are:

1) Without condom oral services and touching the pussy.

2) with condom oral services and touching her pussy.

3) with condom oral services and without touching her pussy.

I am just anticipating objections to 1) without condom services and 2) touching her pussy. Both of these I am OK to exclude if the girl is otherwise to my liking.

Sin ropa. Yeah so Tijuana.

Shower? A wet wipe will work. Some guys on here like it bloody!

02-19-20, 04:21
A beer in El Centro costs 3 k. Looks like the math is right.

But it's not a fair comparison with the girls. 30 k in El Centro is getting you 20-30 minutes. 300 k in Poblado is getting you 2-3 hours. When you add in 10 k for the 20-30 minute room, the price is about the same.

Some guys just want a quick bump and run. They can hit 3 El Centro girls for under 150 k in 2 to 3 hours. Some want something much longer. For 150-300 k they can find it in Poblado (or find it in Bello and get it to come to Poblado).Your comparison doesn't make sense to me, especially when you factor in the range of options available in El Centro.

On the backside of the Church a lot of the girls will go for 20 K including the room for thirty minutes, albeit these are not beauty queens. So a guy could hit 3 El Centro girls for less than half of the 150 K number you have thrown out, but again most guys on this board wouldn't go with them and neither would I.

A better illustration of what can happen in El Centro is as follows. Rooms in the walkway between the Museum and the Church, such as at the Premium Plaza or Zona Rosa range from 13 K to 16 K and you can have the room for at least two hours at that rate, and if you go to the Calle Real towards the Metro rooms there cost 22 k and include three hours. I know this as I am a customer at these establishments.

So lets talk about girl pricing, for me personally, I pay all of my regulars around 50 K, and this is for between one and two hours. So between the room and the cost of the girl, I'm paying approximately 65 K for say an hour and a half. So for the guy paying between 150 K and 300 K in Poblado that are getting say 2.5 hours for one girl according to your math, I am getting at least three girls for up to 6 hours versus one for 2.5 hours. So is the price the same, I don't think so which begs the following question for others, would you like to have three girls for say and hour and a half each, or one girl for 2.5 hours for the same amount of money.

02-19-20, 04:29
Actually that was everything I bought that day. Including the avocado.

I really do have a reason for everything on my "contract".

1) time. If the girl gives me a highball figure, I dial in an hour contract (which I preference). 30 k is going to be a 30 minute contract. Plus I have been in many places that do knock after the half hour. Or maybe 45 minutes. But if the hotel is getting paid again, the girl wants to get paid again too.

2) sin ropa. If the girl is uncomfortable with her body she may try to keep her top on. I don't care about that. Good, bad; I want to see and touch flesh.

3) touching her body. One girl used that glitch in my contract to up sell me, so I put it in there to prevent future incidents.

4) sin condom oral services. Nobody is going to dispute that.

5) con condom FS. To make the girl feel safe.

6) licking the pussy. I like it, lots of girls are hesitant. I was up-sold on that a few times or told no in the room.

7) payment after! Definitely needed because if you don't say so she is definitely going to ask for it first.You should post your contract on this thread. Perhaps others could help you with some of the translations and other items to be included that you hadn't thought of.

02-19-20, 05:17
Today I went to the Museum de Antioquia. It's right on Botero Plaza. It's mostly an art museum with a few artifacts as examples of art. Parts were interesting. The section on pottery from around the country stood out for me as well as a discussion of the Colombian culture associated with religion.

After the museum I get some coffee and watched the plaza. I didn't see too many girls out at around 11 am. I walked over to Calle 52 and was walking along and this girl calls out to me. She was the one from yesterday that quoted my 30 k but up-sold me on touching her breasts. I thought about it for a minute. I just popped a Viagra and it didn't have time to work yet. But I said "yes", hoping I would be up to the task. We didn't negotiate anything since it was a repeat. One hour, covered blowjob and the rest was OK. Well she was even better than the day before. 50 k for her and 20 k for the room.

After resting for awhile I decided to try Yakusa again. My girl from last time wasn't in the lineup, but they had a girl with a pretty smile, happy attitude and a nice body. So I paid for the hour. We played around a little bit with the dancing and that made me stand up. She acted surprised by my apparent size and wanted to get my underwear off pronto. But I was having fun with the teasing.

We finally got to the BJ and she chose covered. After an OK job she jumped on top. And again a girl from Yakusa came on me. When she got off me I could tell. Well we played around, chatted on translator and did the sex thing again and again over two hours. At the end of the session I gave her an additional 50 k. Total cost with the beer and tip 250 k.

After Yakusa I went to the Exito again for beer, mouthwash and nuts. I bought another avocado on the way home. I saw my GFE in Botero park but am too tired to see her again.

I leave for Bogota in the afternoon tomorrow. I really like Yakusa. I wonder if other places have the same vibe. I really should try to get to another casa before I check out in the morning. New life? Opens at 11 am. Too late. Maybe Chickas Punto Com. But I wouldn't mind seeing any one of my repeats again too. Maybe I can do both if I get an early start on Calle 52. We will see.

02-19-20, 05:27
I think you missed the whole point here. I'll have her for 150 k for a solid 3 hours regardless. I'll even get the haircut, lapdance, strip tease, along with BBBJ thrown in as well. And the next night I'll probably have her again as part of a threesome, with everything, except the haircut.

The questions were:

How much is it worth, without the sex?

Does anyone else have any interest in something like that?

Totally infatuated? No more than I'm totally infatuated with any new girl. Which is, I look forward to giving them a test run, but will walk away without trying if they annoy me.

You need to shop around more for haircuts. I got great haircuts in Poblado for 21 k, until I learned I could get great haircuts in Laureles for 8-11 k. And my hair requires a lot more than 5 minutes with an electric trimmer..I'm confused. Why not just book her for 3 hours, and see where it goes. If you don't want sex during the three hours, just don't do it; if the naked haircut turns you on, then just fuck her. It is a win win situation. If she turns out to be a gem, then definitely secure the threesome.

02-19-20, 05:31
I think no one can give you an exact answer. You age and race should not be a big factor. You just need to keep your guard up at all time no matter how comfortable you are. You can't go out walking around 24 hours a day like in Asia.For me, Medellin is way safer than Bangkok, I don't speak a single word of Thai nor Spanish, but I feel people in Medellin are less contaminated by the influx of tourist.

Mojo Bandit
02-19-20, 06:34
6) licking the pussy. I like it, lots of girls are hesitant. I was up-sold on that a few times or told no in the room.

I never met a Colombiana or Vennie (I have only been with one Vennie) that was hesitant to have her pussy licked. I even use it as a conversation starter on FB messenger and Whatsapp, they love it. It is also the one English phrase I teach the Colombianas that I like "Lick my pussy" it usually comes out something like "wick my pootsy".

02-19-20, 06:52
Actually that was everything I bought that day. Including the avocado.

I really do have a reason for everything on my "contract".

1) time. If the girl gives me a highball figure, I dial in an hour contract (which I preference). 30 k is going to be a 30 minute contract. Plus I have been in many places that do knock after the half hour. Or maybe 45 minutes. But if the hotel is getting paid again, the girl wants to get paid again too.

2) sin ropa. If the girl is uncomfortable with her body she may try to keep her top on. I don't care about that. Good, bad; I want to see and touch flesh.

3) touching her body. One girl used that glitch in my contract to up sell me, so I put it in there to prevent future incidents.

4) sin condom oral services. Nobody is going to dispute that.

5) con condom FS. To make the girl feel safe.

6) licking the pussy. I like it, lots of girls are hesitant. I was up-sold on that a few times or told no in the room.

7) payment after! Definitely needed because if you don't say so she is definitely going to ask for it first.Have you considered using fb or tinder. It is just less than 90 dollars more than what you pay in centro, but you can skip all these interview question and you will get 2+ hours of unlimited and unrestricted sex. With all due respect, the things you have on your contract are below basic service in Medellin.

02-19-20, 06:55
I think the length of time is flexible for the girls in Plaza Botero. I have never met one that put a time restriction on the session. I have girls ask for 30 K but I almost always pay more. Often I just agree to a price even I know it is higher.Jjbee is right, for 300 k you easily get 10 x of service and enjoyment from a fb or tinder girl. It actually adds up.

02-19-20, 07:00
Today there was a surprise in my Facebook feed. One of the most brazen prepagos using Facebook has found a gringo to marry her. She's a sweet girl and reportedly a lot of fun. I've met her before and have been debating giving her a shot next time. I guess I waited too long.

No more "citas" posts with pictures of her fine ass.

Dammit guys! Quit proposing to all the good prostitutes!I don't know which one is more unbelievable, a gringo knowingly propose to a fb hooker or a fb hooker keeps her working fb account after getting engaged?

Mojo Bandit
02-19-20, 08:06
I'm a Asia guy when it comes to the game, been going for years now. This whole Corona-V got me thinking why not try something different. I live in San Diego so Tijuana and the famous Hong Kong is a monthly spot for me.

Without sounding like to much of a wimp, is it safe for a white guy around 50 to travel alone in Medellin? I don't go to Tijuana alone so little tentative to go to Colombia solo as well. My main goal is obviously to get girls. In Asia I walk around feeling safe and secure, but let's be honest Bangkok and AC are not Colombia. Any words of advise on if you think I should venture that way would be so appreciated. As well as where should a solo guy stay area wise so walking is his form of transport.

I think no one can give you an exact answer. You age and race should not be a big factor. You just need to keep your guard up at all time no matter how comfortable you are. You can't go out walking around 24 hours a day like in Asia.Nounce gives good advice but I would ask you to be more specific. There are many areas in Medellin, depending on what type of mongering you are into. Centro is the "downtown" area of Medellin and center of the Street Walkers action but also the place a person has to be the most guarded most particularly at night, I was there during the day and while there was a cast of characters wondering around, they did not seem to be intimidating, I certainly would not walk around with my phone in my hand where someone could grab and run. There are areas that are more heavily policed than others. On the other end of the spectrum for night time action there is Lleras Park in Poblado, it's perfectly safe with a heavy police presence and many tourists mixed in with the locals. It's just not the best place in Medellin to be mongering, although compare it say, Mission Beach San Diego, and its paradise. When people complain about the going rate in Lleras Park being 200 K ($58) it is not that relative to someone who has been paying 3000 Bhat ($96) for a go go girl in Nana Plaza. What is the going rate in TJ, $80? Of course the selection is but a mere fraction of Nana Plaza or Soi Cowboy. But I have pulled a couple of sweet pretty little things from Lleras Park.

Of course there is the safest of all options and that is that you hold up in a nice apartment in Poblado or a decent apartment in Laureles, build up a base of Facebook contacts, download the Rapi app for food delivery and then you never have to leave your apartment, eat a different variety of food 3 times a day and a different chica every night. Or you can study the casa / stripclub scene and just taxi / didi your way around and your feet barely touch the pavement.

I have only been to Thailand once and only took in the scene at Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy in Bangkok , Bangla Road in Patong Beach, but the impression I got was for the most part the bar girls are what there is, and seeing as how prostitution is technically and legally against the law in Thailand, common sense says that the police and probably other powers that be are getting a piece of the action somewhere along the way. In Colombia prostitution is legal and that creates many more avenues of opportunity, websites, incall apartments, strip clubs of varying quality and prices, casas, Facebook chicas that range from hardened pro to sweet semi-pro, Street Walkers in centro that can be had for short time for $15 all the way up to Gustos where the well heeled pay $200 USD to dance and screw a Miss Colombia clone all night. There is plenty of variety and plenty of strategies to go about Medellin. One thing I like about Facebook is it reminds me a little of when I was kid, many many years ago and I would flip through the Sears catalog and put together my dream christmas list, the difference being that you had to wait so many weeks to get the stuff to come to you from Sears and I never got half what I put on that list, now I make a list I may have to wait to go to it, but I get what is on that list.

I always found it ironic that prostitution is legal in Colombia and yet it is subtle, but walk down Soi Cowboy in Bangkok or Bangla Road in Patong Beach in Thailand where it is illegal and the pomp and splendor the go go clubs even attract family of tourists walking around taking it in. My favorite story is the time Rihanna went to take in a show and tweeted about a girl shooting ping pong balls out of her pussy (a show that was literally listed in guidebooks) and the police, acting as though this was the first they had heard of such a thing ran to shut the place down. We can be sure that they did not leave one of their cash cows shut down for long.

So bottom line is that Medellin can be what you make it, if you stay in well lit crowded areas then you are most likely going to be fine. That same thing probably goes for any area of Medellin but Poblado and Laureles are safe bets, Centro gets a little bit more sketch but again that is mostly at night. Nounce can tell you much more about Centro than I but I wanted to point out that Medellin is large place with different areas and your strategy can make a difference in how comfortable you feel there. I probably have not scratched the surface of all the options that are available.

The Critic
02-19-20, 08:17
After spending Christmas and new years in Rio, I decided to head back to my old stomping ground, Medellin, where the pretty paisa pussy drips for cash.

We shopped at carulla and then I cooked her some amazing italian. She went insane and the truth is, I actually was impressed with my 3 course tasing menu. Caprezzo salad, gnocci with peso and then a nice salmon in wine garlic butter sauce. All women loves a man that can cook. Sounds like you got skills. Thanks for a great report. Keep up the good work.

The Critic
02-19-20, 08:37
Centro is the "downtown" area of Medellin and center of the Street Walkers action but also the place a person has to be the most guarded most particularly at night.I find your report very informative. Questions.

1. What is the best time (s) to be in Centro for SWs?

2. When do the best SWs show up? Any particular location they post up at?

3. If night-time what is the latest you can be in Centro since it is often said in the forum not to be in Centro at night?


02-19-20, 08:45
Nounce gives good advice but I would ask you to be more specific. There are many areas in Medellin, depending on what type of mongering you are into. Centro is the "downtown" area of Medellin and center of the Street Walkers action but also the place a person has to be the most guarded most particularly at night, I was there during the day and while there was a cast of characters wondering around, they did not seem to be intimidating, I certainly would not walk around with my phone in my hand where someone could grab and run. There are areas that are more heavily policed than others. On the other end of the spectrum for night time action there is Lleras Park in Poblado, it's perfectly safe with a heavy police presence and many tourists mixed in with the locals. It's just not the best place in Medellin to be mongering, although compare it say, Mission Beach San Diego, and its paradise. When people complain about the going rate in Lleras Park being 200 K ($58) it is not that relative to someone who has been paying 3000 Bhat ($96) for a go go girl in Nana Plaza. What is the going rate in TJ, $80? Of course the selection is but a mere fraction of Nana Plaza or Soi Cowboy. But I have pulled a couple of sweet pretty little things from Lleras Park..First, thank you so much for such a well written thought out response. I guess looking back I was a little nervous my first time in many of the Asian countries I first started this great past time. Now I look at Asia as the same as many cities I've been in the US, good and bad parts. I guess watching to much narcos on Netflix still makes a fella a little nervous.

Maybe this will help with the advise. I'm all about visual stimulation first. I like being out in the "wild" as they say. I like to walk around and see what's out there. Like you mentioned, Thailand really spoils you for just V walking down a street and grabbing a girl for 1500-3000 baht and having a good time. I like strip clubs and freelancer bars. Being able to interact to see if I'm bringing home a dud. I know that much of this may require me to be out at night. So maybe the spot with the most gringos out at night would be best for me LOL.

It's funny, when I was young and in the Marines I never had fear, even after being shot at in Africa. I guess the unknown of a country that was bad for so long just sits a little uneasy with me. It's another reason I've never gone to Brazil and it's on my bucket list.

As always, thank you for your input. In just wish the Corona-V would go away and I can go back to my Asians LOL.

02-19-20, 10:33
Poblado and Laureles are safe bets, I probably have not scratched the surface of all the options that are available.Excellent explanation Mojo.

I am a paranoid guy. And reading about all the robberies and scopolamine incidents by putas in Medellin I was very apprehensive before coming to Medellin. So being the pussy I am, I booked two places while I was staying in Poblado. One, a chica non-friendly place where I put all my valuables and where I sleep at night. And another one, a chica friendly cedula compulsory place used as a fuck pad.

I had already made a list of 200 Bello beauties in my FB. I mostly called girls who also had family and friends in their facebook account and whose fb account was not recently made. When they came they saw a squeaky clean apartment with no luggage, no valuables etc. Idea behind this was that this would de-incentivice them to scopolamine a man who doesn't have anything in the apartment and also their cedulas had been photographed and recorded at the reception.

I had taken many other small precautions when I was new to Colombia like taking taxi / uber only during the day and having a secondary phone but won't bore you with that.

Having stayed in Colombia for a decent portion of a year, I think the only thing that worries me is being drugged when I put my guard down during my future visits.

02-19-20, 13:38
Master Blue Change, PLEASE share your technique and supplement / drug stack for mega jizz shots. Man I have been researching this shit for a while and have yet to find something good that works. Any other monger feel free to chime in on this one. Is there something out there that helps with Jizz volume and ejection power? The only time I can get mine to shoot more than a few inches is when I don't ejaculate for a week. But in Medellin, that ain't happening. Thanks for the report.

My goodness, such a little * I love it. I made her wait for a bit and then she went to the bathroom. She couldn't belive how much I came! I didn't tell her but I was taking the holy grail stack for my jizz and had reserves built up! Super fun time. We had some time for round two but this time I just came in the condom. I didn't have much left in me. We showered together, I paid her and she was out after a couple hours of just hanging and sleeping in bed.

John Gault
02-19-20, 14:07
Master Blue Change, PLEASE share your technique and supplement / drug stack for mega jizz shots. Man I have been researching this shit for a while and have yet to find something good that works. Any other monger feel free to chime in on this one. Is there something out there that helps with Jizz volume and ejection power? The only time I can get mine to shoot more than a few inches is when I don't ejaculate for a week. But in Medellin, that ain't happening. Thanks for the report.There are many things you can take but the single best one is zinc. Take 30 MG.

Mr Enternational
02-19-20, 14:12
seeing as how prostitution is technically and legally against the law in Thailand, common sense says that the police and probably other powers that be are getting a piece of the action somewhere along the way.Illegal or not, they still want a piece of the action. My ex-girlfriend owned a totally legit business but still had to pay the police $500 per month. She didn't stay open long at those prices.

02-19-20, 17:32
I never met a Colombiana or Vennie (I have only been with one Vennie) that was hesitant to have her pussy licked. I even use it as a conversation starter on FB messenger and Whatsapp, they love it. It is also the one English phrase I teach the Colombianas that I like "Lick my pussy" it usually comes out something like "wick my pootsy".Well my luck must be bad. Yesterday at Yakusa I got a firm "no". But this morning I got a threesome and while I licked one girl's pussy; she licked and fingered the other girl. So maybe that canceled out the day before! But I have had too many "no"s this trip. Maybe the difference is I am looking at Centro and Casas.

02-19-20, 18:52
Master Blue Change, PLEASE share your technique and supplement / drug stack for mega jizz shots. Man I have been researching this shit for a while and have yet to find something good that works. Any other monger feel free to chime in on this one. Is there something out there that helps with Jizz volume and ejection power? The only time I can get mine to shoot more than a few inches is when I don't ejaculate for a week. But in Medellin, that ain't happening. Thanks for the report.(1) L-Arginine, 1000 MG Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 1000 MG.

(2) Zinc, 50 MG Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 50 MG.

(3) Pygeum, 100 MG Strength, Taken 2 times daily = 200 MG.

(4) Lecithin, 1200 MG Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 1200 MG.

You can skip the Pygeum as its hard to find and also the most expensive. But it will make you leak a lot of pre-cum too.

Drink a lot of water also. It takes a couple days for the effect to kick in, The first load after not jizzing for a couple days is insanly huge, then each one after that is still big. It is also a more intense feeling orgasm.


02-19-20, 19:00
I find your report very informative. Questions.

1. What is the best time (s) to be in Centro for SWs?

2. When do the best SWs show up? Any particular location they post up at?

3. If night-time what is the latest you can be in Centro since it is often said in the forum not to be in Centro at night?

Thanks.It seemed to me that four in the afternoon the park would start looking like rush hour for hookers. They all get there for the Colombian business guys getting off work. But you can always find girls on Calle 52. I think an hour or two after dark would be prudent especially on a Friday or weekend. I saw lots of people in the park and lots of police. Especially police tasked to look for minors.

02-19-20, 19:04
Master Blue Change, PLEASE share your technique and supplement / drug stack for mega jizz shots. Man I have been researching this shit for a while and have yet to find something good that works. Any other monger feel free to chime in on this one. Is there something out there that helps with Jizz volume and ejection power? The only time I can get mine to shoot more than a few inches is when I don't ejaculate for a week. But in Medellin, that ain't happening. Thanks for the report.Leading edge health has great volume pills for sperm and the orgasm is much more intense.

02-19-20, 19:05
I get my haircut in Patio Bonito, I have a guy that charges me 22 K and I tip him 8 K because I get what is called a precision haircut. The cut is done with scissors only and my hair, what's left of it, is cut into layers exactly the same length. This is the same technique that was developed by Vidal Sasson, a famous hair stylist. So I have no need to shop around for a barber in town with an electric trimmer.Either I'm losing my touch, or your more confused than normal.

No electric trimmer ever touches my hair. My local stylist and the best I've found over the years uses only a straight razor. Before you get confused again, I keep my hair long. It's no longer down to my shoulders, but still longer than most. Because of the thickness and curl, a razor cut gets the best results. Hard to find these days. Most stylists don't own a straight razor.

In La Frontera I paid 21 k and gave a 4 k tip, because I prefer to keep my small bills and coins. In Laureles, I only paid 11 k, no tip and got an excellent cut, with scissors. I didn't bother with the row of places behind Unicentro mall, just to save 3 or 4 k.

02-19-20, 19:13
For me, Medellin is way safer than Bangkok, I don't speak a single word of Thai nor Spanish, but I feel people in Medellin are less contaminated by the influx of tourist.Interesting, I find the reverse to be true, I speak a fair amount of Spanish and not a single word of Thai and feel way safer in Bangkok.

02-19-20, 19:18
Jjbee is right, for 300 k you easily get 10 x of service and enjoyment from a fb or tinder girl. It actually adds up.I see it differently, for 300 K I get a minimum of four girls that provide stellar service versus one Fayboo or Tinder Chica.

02-19-20, 19:34
It seemed to me that four in the afternoon the park would start looking like rush hour for hookers. They all get there for the Colombian business guys getting off work. But you can always find girls on Calle 52. I think an hour or two after dark would be prudent especially on a Friday or weekend. I saw lots of people in the park and lots of police. Especially police tasked to look for minors.There will be girls out as early as 8 AM in the morning primarily Venezuelans and the volume will grow as the day progresses. The best time as you mentioned is in the late afternoon at 5 PM. What actually happens is there is somewhat of an overlapping shift change starting around 4 PM when girls who work into the evening come out, and then a lot of girls leave when the sun goes down. Every day is good in El Centro at this time, but Sunday's are a bit slower. However Sundays can also be good as well as there will be part timers that come out only on this day to pick up some extra cash as they have normal jobs Monday thru Saturday. Intersection of Calle 52 and Carrea 52, aka Little Caracas formerly known as ground zero is where to be at 5 PM in the afternoons.

02-19-20, 20:04
Master Blue Change, PLEASE share your technique and supplement / drug stack for something good that works. Is there something out there that helps with Jizz volume and ejection power? .Ejaculoid from Goliath Labs is our product of choice. https://www.goliathlabs.com/product-category/sexual-enhancement/.

A proliferation of things to choose from at Vitamine Shoppe and the other places. Try a cocktail of several and go for it.

Husker Dude
02-19-20, 20:13
(1) L-Arginine, 1000 MG Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 1000 MG.

(2) Zinc, 50 MG Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 50 MG.

(3) Pygeum, 100 MG Strength, Taken 2 times daily = 200 MG.

(4) Lecithin, 1200 MG Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 1200 MG.

You can skip the Pygeum as its hard to find and also the most expensive. But it will make you leak a lot of pre-cum too.

Drink a lot of water also. It takes a couple days for the effect to kick in, The first load after not jizzing for a couple days is insanly huge, then each one after that is still big. It is also a more intense feeling orgasm.

Enjoy.You might look into adding L Lysine 1000 MG and Maca 500 MG to the above list. I've found all on eBay even Pygeum, great formula.

02-19-20, 20:17
Your comparison doesn't make sense to me, especially when you factor in the range of options available in El Centro.

On the backside of the Church a lot of the girls will go for 20 K including the room for thirty minutes, albeit these are not beauty queens. So a guy could hit 3 El Centro girls for less than half of the 150 K number you have thrown out, but again most guys on this board wouldn't go with them and neither would I.

A better illustration of what can happen in El Centro is as follows. Rooms in the walkway between the Museum and the Church, such as at the Premium Plaza or Zona Rosa range from 13 K to 16 K and you can have the room for at least two hours at that rate, and if you go to the Calle Real towards the Metro rooms there cost 22 k and include three hours. I know this as I am a customer at these establishments.

So lets talk about girl pricing, for me personally, I pay all of my regulars around 50 K, and this is for between one and two hours. So between the room and the cost of the girl, I'm paying approximately 65 K for say an hour and a half. So for the guy paying between 150 K and 300 K in Poblado that are getting say 2.5 hours for one girl according to your math, I am getting at least three girls for up to 6 hours versus one for 2.5 hours. So is the price the same, I don't think so which begs the following question for others, would you like to have three girls for say and hour and a half each, or one girl for 2.5 hours for the same amount of money.Finally all those math classes pay off!

First, comparing your experience in El Centro with the experience of a first time visitor, isn't going to yield the same results. You're more of a fixture in El Centro than Edificio Coltejer. I bet you show up in the background of 10,000 vacation photos. "Honey. How come this guy with the layered hair shows up in all our pictures from Botero Plaza?

You have regulars, something the infrequent or first time visitor doesn't have. If we look at them we see 30-50 k plus 10 k for the room. We also hear about getting a knock on the door after 20-30 minutes. Call it 20 minutes in the room (you get more girls that way) and 10 minutes to find the next one. The new guy spends about 100 k per hour. Assuming he can do 4 or 5 in 3 hours, he spends 160-250 k. Ask the first timers what they're paying for 1 to 2 hours. Or just read the forum. I think Pollo Negro wrote about how much his approach has changed from his first visits.

There's nothing wrong with that. For the guys who are looking for numbers, it's a great deal. For some mongers it's heaven on Earth. For others it's a nightmare.

I probably need to repeat, because you seem to be in one of your moods. The average guy visiting El Centro for the first time, isn't getting the deals you get. He's showing contracts on his phone, or accepting whatever the girl throws out. You've read the reports. Tell me I'm wrong.

Now the new guy in Parque Lleras is also not getting the best deal. He's got girls in Gusto asking for $300 for an hour. He's got girls walking the park asking 300 k or more. However, if he's read the forum, or is using Facebook, he's got hundreds of options ready to take 150-200 k. If he treats them right, they'll do everything he wants and stay until he gets tired of them.

For the average guy, not the constant visitor, not the expat, the average guy, the price difference is negligible. The difference is in the type of encounters.

My preference? 1 girl for 2-3 hours. I take my clothes off once. I take 2 showers. I only have 1 girl to keep my eye on. I only pull out money to pay once. I only use 1 or 2 condoms. I only have to worry about picking up some bug from 1 person. I don't have to go walking around trying to find the next one.

02-19-20, 21:22
Finally all those math classes pay off!

First, comparing your experience in El Centro with the experience of a first time visitor, isn't going to yield the same results. You're more of a fixture in El Centro than Edificio Coltejer. I bet you show up in the background of 10,000 vacation photos. "Honey. How come this guy with the layered hair shows up in all our pictures from Botero Plaza?

You have regulars, something the infrequent or first time visitor doesn't have. If we look at them we see 30-50 k plus 10 k for the room. We also hear about getting a knock on the door after 20-30 minutes. Call it 20 minutes in the room (you get more girls that way) and 10 minutes to find the next one. The new guy spends about 100 k per hour. Assuming he can do 4 or 5 in 3 hours, he spends 160-250 k. Ask the first timers what they're paying for 1 to 2 hours. Or just read the forum. I think Pollo Negro wrote about how much his approach has changed from his first visits.

There's nothing wrong with that. For the guys who are looking for numbers, it's a great deal. For some mongers it's heaven on Earth. For others it's a nightmare..One girl, one payment, one way to stay safe. Number 1 reason my approach has changed! Too many risks, & I was lucky to not be drugged or robbed. Pollo negro is out!

02-19-20, 21:28
Either I'm losing my touch, or your more confused than normal.

No electric trimmer ever touches my hair. My local stylist and the best I've found over the years uses only a straight razor. Before you get confused again, I keep my hair long. It's no longer down to my shoulders, but still longer than most. Because of the thickness and curl, a razor cut gets the best results. Hard to find these days. Most stylists don't own a straight razor.

In La Frontera I paid 21 k and gave a 4 k tip, because I prefer to keep my small bills and coins. In Laureles, I only paid 11 k, no tip and got an excellent cut, with scissors. I didn't bother with the row of places behind Unicentro mall, just to save 3 or 4 k.Aren't you afraid that the guy who cuts your hair might cut your throat by mistake.

Anyways, your original post said you were getting your haircut done with an electric trimmer, so I am confused now to hear your getting your hair cut with a razor, versus an electric trimmer, or scissors.

Regardless, I am jealous, sounds like you have a full head of hair where as most of mine is gone.

02-19-20, 21:43
Jjbee is right, for 300 k you easily get 10 x of service and enjoyment from a fb or tinder girl. It actually adds up.I think what JB is saying that it is not the same comparison. Use the your logic. I can say 300 K can easily get 10 x girls in El Centro. You see what I mean? I am pretty sure you don't need to spend 300 K to get the same enjoyment from a El Centro girl. That is an absurd amount of money to pay there. I know mongers that can get all the things FB girls provide and more in El Centro regularly but that does not mean they are the same from my perspective.

It is a matter of perspective, no one is absolutely right or wrong. I try to understand the post from the poster's perspective.

02-19-20, 21:48
After spending Christmas and new years in Rio, I decided to head back to my old stomping ground, Medellin, where the pretty paisa pussy drips for cash.


150 + 30 for Oral natural.


I arrived on a Sunday night and knew the city was dead and didn't even bother searching for pussy. I knew Monday was the move and I could get a first catch if I hit the pages by 11 am. I went to one of the most popular independant prepago buildings, Torres Del Rio. After security checks IDs and waits for approval from the girl, you spend more time figuring out which elevator goes to which tower than the actual taxi ride took to get there. The door opens and I am met with a petite spinner. She is cute with perky tits. Her face is ok but she has one of those colombian pimple moles on the top right of her eyebrow. It's not too big but she is new to the game and hasn't had a chance to give herself a surgical make over. She doesn't ask for money upfront and she puts some music on and grinds her 5'1 body into me. I can feel her tight small as and she removes the bikini she is wearing. I am greeted with those natural stand up tits that only a girl under 21 can posses. She gets closer and kisses on the lips with slight tounge. She gets me on the bed and gets all my clothes off. I can tell she is reaching for the condom for a BJ and almost like a reflex I tell her natural for a tip. We agree on 30 and she is excited to put it in her mouth. She is super soft and suave, and licks the balls just perfectly. After about 10 minutes of getting me close she wants to hop on top. She lubes up her pussy and in one motion puts the my trojan ultra thin that I bought with me. It slides right in but she is soo small I can feel the bottom of her snatch. She gets close and we start to fuck more, the kissing increases and after 5 minutes of pumping she is kissing me like her novio bought her a car for navidad! We switch and I get on top. Her body is soo smalll that half her face is covered from me. I try to get a good grab of her tits and she likes it harder. We move to quatro which is her favorite she tells me. I can see how small her wasit is in this position. But there is just a very slight musk that I picked up earlier. This girl def has to make sure she is taking some moistate. I am sort of turned off after 3 miunutes of doggy and loose it a little. I tell her to finish me off and let me cum on her tits. She is totally cool with it and grabs some lotion and gives me a nice long slow handjob. I shoot hot custard all over her perky tits and some goes astray and lands on her hair. She laughs a bit. After she grabs a wet nap and cleans me up and then gies me a nice massage. She wants to go again but I ask for a BJ. She goes for it and somehow I am able to stand up again only for her to knock me down with another spit and rub BJ. I finish while she lays next to me. We kiss a little more, I get a glass of water and I am on my way.

Danielle Energy. 160 K + 50 K propina.

This was a Tuesday LU and it wasn't looking amazing. I have been hearing how Energy is becoming hit or miss and it is sort of true (don't worry there is a big hit later in the review) I see about 10 girls and go for the one that has the best vibe. She wasn't totally my type BUT she looked at me and we connected with eye contact that it totally seemed like the move. Daniella is blond and a little older like 32 with small be cups about 5 7 with heels and a firm ass. She did have a kid but zero baby damage in site. She spoke some english and when we stared for the massage she actually gave a REALLY GOOD ONE. I mean it was intense like 20 minutes. When it came time for the flip we agreed on 50 K for oral natural. The truth is, she was in a weird positon so we was almost streching my dick out when she was giving it. Not reccomented. I am surprised that somoene is 32, I would expect better head. I played with her pussy and noticed she had one of those gaps on either side of the pussy. Its tight but just that gap between the inner and outter labia was pronouced, No meat curtains. I was super relaxed cause I drank 2 pilsens so she hopped on top and I let her dod all the work. She actually made me cum this way. I mostly just wanted to releease and it was actually pretty good. I owe half of it to my trojan superthin. I can't stress enough how important it is to bring your own condoms from home!. I got her # but I doubt I'll use it.

Estefan Independant from SA for 5 hours. 300 K for 5 hours.

This deal happened kind of quick. I saw her on SA the night before and got her # that morning. She lives in Sabenta and said that she could be to me in 45 min. I mean in real time or in colombian 2 hour time. It was legit. The reason I agreed to the price was she said she would take it in the face! She came by, wearing short jean shorts with a cute top and addias sneakers. She smelled like strawberries. Sort of same MO as the spinner I had early but her face was much prettier. We got to relax and I had some candies and made a fresh pitcher of sangria. We drank half the thing and started kissing and making out like novia why novios. Her box was super clean and shaved. One funny thing is, when I went down there, I noticed my colonge. She went to the bathroom and sprayed it on her box haha. I was ok with it but she didn't need to mask her smell. She was fine but I like the fact that she knew enough to take care. Banging her was fun, she did all the positions. When she rode me, she grabbed onto the bed post. She was grinding so hard she came! Like real climax no faking. We went to quatro and I was pounding her little pussy soo hard I just couuldn't wait to finish on her little 22 yo face. I asked her if she wanted my leche and she was like "baby, yo quiero en mi cara, por favor!" within 10 seconds she hoped, turn around ripped off the rubber and proceeded to get her entire face coverd with cum! My goodness, such a little * I love it. I made her wait for a bit and then she went to the bathroom. She couldn't belive how much I came! I didn't tell her but I was taking the holy grail stack for my jizz and had reserves built up! Super fun time. We had some time for round two but this time I just came in the condom. I didn't have much left in me. We showered together, I paid her and she was out after a couple hours of just hanging and sleeping in bed.

Ele Independant from SA, Only paid for Taxi fair and dinner!

Wow, let me tell you this girl's ass is REAL and fucking BUILT! She is one of those sort of master of squats in the gym types. She is 5 ft 22 , has hazel eyes with a touch of green, A cups but with BIG GRAPE NIPPLES. We walked in Poblado on during that Sunday walk. Bought her a juice then went back to my place. We shopped at carulla and then I cooked her some amazing italian. She went insane and the truth is, I actually was impressed with my 3 course tasing menu. Caprezzo salad, gnocci with peso and then a nice salmon in wine garlic butter sauce. Anyway, after she was kissing me and stuff but was a little reluctant. We discussed what we wanted and how she needed help. I asked her to put an ammount on it. She didn't say. THen we just started going at it a little more. It got ot the point where our clothes were off and my dick was hovering over. We played "just the tip just to see how it feels" then I knocked some sense into myself. RAN to get a rubber and almost slipped and fell on the way to the bathroom! We fucked in all types of positions and her pussy was sooo fucking tight, even with the wetness it took like a full 2 minutes to get all the way in! Her pussy was like one that looked like it was drawn it was soo perfect. Her labia made a nice little triangle and her pale skin contrasted perfectly with her bright pink pussy. It was a good 28 minutes of hard core pound FUCKING. She came hard and knew her body well. It was one of the first time the girl came when I was on top. After I finished she started to suck me. I had to test her out and wouldn't you know it, another girl raised on pornhub because she took it all IN THE FACE!! Ahhh it was easily an 8 roper, it dripped down her chin and she smiled. I just gave her cab money and extra like 100 K. We met anohter time and bascially the same thing happened. I could tell, she is more of a nympo who wants to fuck gringos and less of a SB material. WHich is great for my wallet!! She is pretty smart though, a med student. So I wish her luck.

160 K Kelly Energy.

Well, it was my last day there and I had a late flight so what else to do but to have my bags on hold and take a trip to the old energy. It sucks that uber is no longer working, but telling the taxi to drive to Obelesco is much easier then telling them the exact address of energy (just a little quick tip for all those out there) The LU was MUCH better this time, of the 15 girls I would say half were 7's or better. It was not an easy choice but I decided to go with Kelly. She was 5 1 with nice fake tits, brillo pad hair and a tight stomach with a cute ass. We get in there, do a little kissing and then after a shower she starts with a massage. Despite her small package she is quite strong and actually gives me a really good one. The flip came and she insiste no oral natural. I was surprised but fuck it, oh well. The BJ is quick as I'm not a fan of covered head. I just want to fuck her tight pussy. And fuck, it was super tight. She has one of those little tiny simp pussys. We fuck on top, side, miss and then I just have to finish inside the rubber. But the connection was pretty good. She is originally from Cali, I get her # and we have been in contact since. I think the next time I see her, I'll bring her over and get a proper fucking.

Laura SA 250 K.

I had been talking with her for a minute. She is the typical light skinny paisa girl that lives in bello. Super cute face and body. I dunno but she was a little bit tooo shy. I could tell she hasn't been around the block that much. She just turned 20 and was looking for some cash for school or an iphone. Whatever. She came over, would barely drink. Her kissing was just reserved and I tried to open her up. It wasn't until I went down on her little clit and sucked it that she finally opened up! I later found out she never had an orgasm from oral and that me taking my time and going slow made her have an intense orgams. Finally! When it came time for her to return the favor, her oral was like soo amatuer. She didn't get the rhytym at all and was mechancial. She just didn't know what we was doing. I did al lthe work when it came time to fuck. I just wound up cumming on her ass and she had a fun time trying to clean it off. I gave her the money nad off she went. Soo much for that.I forgot to add.

New Life 90 K Camila.

I hadn't ventured here in a while. I decided to take a taxi and it was a big mistake! I was about 15 blocks away and traffic stopped moviing. After 20 minutes I decided to pay the driver and hoof it. I'm not a fan of walking in Centro but I just made a lazer beam towards New Life. As I made my way past the traffic jam, it turns out there was a HUGE bus blocking the way and all traffic was stuck until they got a tow truck! So I got to new life, grabed a pilsen and saw the LI. About 12 girls, 3 of which were bangable. About 7 or better. I chose camila. She is about 5 4, a slight carmel tint with a cute face and smile. She sort of looked farmilar. We get into the room, she won't kiss or oral natural for a tip. Oh well. After I cum. She tells me she remembers me from Energy like 3 years ago! I was much skinner haha (I have to lay off the palieto de queso) I sort of remember it now, and the room we banged in was the basement room at energy. She has these distinct Inverted Nipples that pop out when you suck or lick them. Sex was ok, and I asked her if she used to kiss and do oral natural. She said she did but now that she works in centro and has see some accounts first hands of girls getting sick she doesn't take chances anymore. We talked a bit more and went on our way. For the Value, New Life is prime and there is no reason not to check out this place first on your list when you go to Centro.

02-19-20, 21:51
First, comparing your experience in El Centro with the experience of a first time visitor, isn't going to yield the same results.
The average guy visiting El Centro for the first time, isn't getting the deals you get. He's showing contracts on his phone, or accepting whatever the girl throws out. You've read the reports.

Now the new guy in Parque Lleras is also not getting the best deal. He's got girls in Gusto asking for $300 for an hour. He's got girls walking the park asking 300 k or more. However, if he's read the forum, or is using Facebook, he's got hundreds of options ready to take 150-200 k. If he treats them right, they'll do everything he wants and stay until he gets tired of them.

For the average guy, not the constant visitor, not the expat, the average guy, the price difference is negligible. The difference is in the type of encounters..I agree with what you have said here. None of my posts were mentioned as comparisons to first time visitors, but were relative to my personal experiences to illustrate to others as to what can be had in El Centro.

02-19-20, 22:00
For me, Medellin is way safer than Bangkok, I don't speak a single word of Thai nor Spanish, but I feel people in Medellin are less contaminated by the influx of tourist.If you move over to BKK forum, no one is talking about needing language skill to have a good time. I never have the need to use translator. The girls are used to English, Japanese, and Chinese. I don't have to worry about someone will take my phone because the girls have better phone. I can stay in a nice US chain hotel on lower Sukhumvit and walk out of the hotel to pick up girls 24 hours a day. It's like El Centro except more expensive but much safer.

02-19-20, 22:10
If he treats them right, they'll do everything he wants and stay until he gets tired of them.Isn't this true regardless how you meet the girl?

02-19-20, 22:34
Interesting, I find the reverse to be true, I speak a fair amount of Spanish and not a single word of Thai and feel way safer in Bangkok.I agree. With the exception of drunken farang or the crazy ass traffic. No way Medellin is more safe than Bangkok, IMHO. Unless you are talking about Poblabo at Noon I suppose.

02-19-20, 22:39
I also agree with this. I think one of the main reasons is that Thailand is very protective of the reputation in regards to tourism vs Colombia that still has a minuscule number in comparison.

I agree. With the exception of drunken farang or the crazy ass traffic. No way Medellin is more safe than Bangkok, IMHO. Unless you are talking about Poblabo at Noon I suppose.

Iguana Six
02-19-20, 23:14
Today there was a surprise in my Facebook feed. One of the most brazen prepagos using Facebook has found a gringo to marry her. She's a sweet girl and reportedly a lot of fun. I've met her before and have been debating giving her a shot next time. I guess I waited too long.

No more "citas" posts with pictures of her fine ass.

Dammit guys! Quit proposing to all the good prostitutes!I saw that, too! Very sweet spinner!

Iguana Six
02-20-20, 00:06
For poster of the month!

02-20-20, 01:31
If we look at them we see 30-50 k plus 10 k for the room. We also hear about getting a knock on the door after 20-30 minutes. Call it 20 minutes in the room (you get more girls that way) and 10 minutes to find the next one. I have not read about posters getting knock on the door in El Centro. You number is off or at least you can't generalize it that way. I think Premier is at least an hour. If you tip the receptionist, she will give you more hours. This is straight from the receptionist. Zona Rosa is for 3 hours. You can bring several back to Hotel Botero that costs nothing as long as they have ID or passport. AirBnB will work the same way for FB or El Centro girl so I don't think room cost can be factored into consideration like that.

02-20-20, 01:44
Aren't you afraid that the guy who cuts your hair might cut your throat by mistake.

Anyways, your original post said you were getting your haircut done with an electric trimmer, so I am confused now to hear your getting your hair cut with a razor, versus an electric trimmer, or scissors.

Regardless, I am jealous, sounds like you have a full head of hair where as most of mine is gone.Naw. I said my hair requires more than 5 minutes with an electric trimmer. I should have been more specific.

There was a time in Daytona Beach, back when I had a full beard that made me nervous. The guy was waving the razor around like he was John Belushi, Samurai Barber. I thought it was going to lose my nose.

My brothers aren't as lucky. They just got common sense instead of hair.

02-20-20, 02:02
Isn't this true regardless how you meet the girl?Just my impression, but I see the El Centro girls as relying more on volume. She needs 3 or 4 customers a day. The Facebook girls only need 1.4 in a week is big money. However, there's always an upside to treating them right.

02-20-20, 02:05
Interesting, I find the reverse to be true, I speak a fair amount of Spanish and not a single word of Thai and feel way safer in Bangkok.I'm curious. Did seeing your girl get robbed change your opinion on the safety of Medellin?

02-20-20, 02:07
I saw that, too! Very sweet spinner!I'm still hitting her up when I get back.

02-20-20, 02:24
I have not read about posters getting knock on the door in El Centro. You number is off or at least you can't generalize it that way. I think Premier is at least an hour. If you tip the receptionist, she will give you more hours. This is straight from the receptionist. Zona Rosa is for 3 hours. You can bring several back to Hotel Botero that costs nothing as long as they have ID or passport. AirBnB will work the same way for FB or El Centro girl so I don't think room cost can be factored into consideration like that.Now you're going to make the math difficult.

I was figuring for new guys letting the girl take them to her usual hotel. Outside of that it gets complicated. 5-10 minute walk to your Airbnb, maybe a taxi fee depending, a tip for the receptionist.

Frankly, very few guys are doing that on their first trip, unless one of the Centro vets takes them under his wing.

On a side note, something bad is about to happen. I can feel it. In the past 2 weeks both Surfer500 and Pollo Negro have agreed with me.

I'll probably get struck by a meteor or raped by a moose. Maybe it will be a cute moose.

02-20-20, 03:15
Yeah, but you are a Centro rat (it takes one to know one). But seriously, you made the case for YMMV. I takes very little time to find complaints about underwhelming facebook experiences here, and the same is true about my primary provider corps of Plaza Botero Bunnies. In the end I think it boils down to managing the transaction. Guys who leave things to chance and aren't clear about expectations will be lucky enough from time to time to have decent sessions. Guys who set fair expectations and make reasonable deals will have good experiences more often than not. The casas are a middle ground where very little is left to chance. They are not a bad option for guys who don't want to bother with making their own way or stretching boundaries. I like them every so often to break up the routine and broaden my circle of provider acquaintances. It's all good but at my core I am a Centro rat.

I see it differently, for 300 K I get a minimum of four girls that provide stellar service versus one Fayboo or Tinder Chica.

02-20-20, 04:15
For poster of the month!Hahah thank you! Just trying to make the stories and experience intresting so others will contribute. It takes time to write them out but its fun. It's also good to break up the normal chatter on the board lately of bank fees and where to stay. Lets keep it about the pussy.

Mojo Bandit
02-20-20, 09:43
cities I've been in the US, good and bad parts.
Maybe this will help with the advise. I'm all about visual stimulation first. I like being out in the "wild" as they say. I like to walk around and see what's out there. Like you mentioned, Thailand really spoils you for just V walking down a street and grabbing a girl for 1500-3000 baht and having a good time. I like strip clubs and freelancer bars. Being able to interact to see if I'm bringing home a dud. I know that much of this may require me to be out at night. So maybe the spot with the most gringos out at night would be best for me LOL.

It's funny, when I was young and in the Marines I never had fear, even after being shot at in Africa.

As always, thank you for your input. In just wish the Corona-V would go away and I can go back to my Asians LOL.I want to reiterate that no matter which part if Medellin you are in, it is best to to stay around well lit crowded areas, I say this because one poster reported not too long ago that he and his chica were walking down a not so crowded road and two guys pulled up on a motorcycle and demanded the chicas purse at gunpoint. I feel like these type of incidence are more on the rare side than the common side just like posters have reported being drugged and robbed by chicas they brought back to their apartments, again rare but these things happen. It pays to be careful and not let your guard down. Until you have a good feel for the place it is probably better to stay in an apartment or hotel that has security and vets the chicas that you bring their. I have to say though that I never heard of a guy getting robbed at a love hotel, but I have heard guys say that they never let their stuff out of their site and take their wallet and phone to the bathroom with them in those situations.

From your description of wanting to be out interacting I have to say that Centro is the spot but the mongering there happens during the day from what I gather. And this is the edgier part of town. I have not gone fishing in that hole so I am not the one to know everything about it. But there are the strip clubs and casas where you can interact and feel out the chicas too. Lleras park is where the most gringos are going to be hanging out but it is mostly a Thursday through Saturday happening, and even then there are nights where working girls are hit or miss. There can be some aggressive ones there too, not like the Southeast asia girls who walk up and grab your crotch and giggle but the pestering type that will try to "talk" you into a session with them, I avoid them because they are annoying and I just can't possibly be attracted to a chica that was annoying.

When I went to Thailand the only part of Colombia I had visited was Cartagena, and when I came back I described Thailand as a megamall versus Cartagena being a department store, the numbers in Thailand are staggering. But Medellin has the numbers also, its just not a place where the chicas are in a few areas like Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy. So I repeat my first advice again, study this thread, take the time to go back for months. Even though as you can see from recent back and forth a lot of posts are the going back and forth about Fayboo vs Centro chicas, each arguing there points, there is stuff in each of the posts like this to learn from. Casa experiences and strip clubs are more often found in straight up trip reports. But I think that once you have studied enough then you can begin to develop a strategy. For the overall numbers Thailand still beats Medellin but for quality and variety, Colombia wins for me. When I went to Thailand 9 years ago the prices were better there than Colombia but with changes in exchange rates, now Colombia is cheaper and it's not a 20 hour flight away. A nice one bedroom apartment can be found in Medellin for the same price or cheaper than a one bedroom hotel suite in Bangkok. I am not trying to favor a mongering method when I say this but I have about 1300 contacts in Medellin now, about half of them are "doable" and around 100 or so are hot so the numbers are there enough to keep a man busy.
This is a pretty good resource for helping develop a strategy find the list and the map

02-20-20, 11:39
It seemed to me that four in the afternoon the park would start looking like rush hour for hookers. They all get there for the Colombian business guys getting off work. But you can always find girls on Calle 52. I think an hour or two after dark would be prudent especially on a Friday or weekend. I saw lots of people in the park and lots of police. Especially police tasked to look for minors.I have seen girls working the streets in El Centro who definitely look like minors. No police around. You still definitely want to keep far away from them.

02-20-20, 12:52
I have seen girls working the streets in El Centro who definitely look like minors. No police around. You still definitely want to keep far away from them.Very true and most of them work on the backside of the Church.

02-20-20, 12:54
I have seen girls working the streets in El Centro who definitely look like minors. No police around. You still definitely want to keep far away from them.Yes, I saw some girls that looked too young too. I only saw some police action once. Instead they seem to just put up a tent and sit inside it.

02-20-20, 13:04
I have not read about posters getting knock on the door in El Centro. You number is off or at least you can't generalize it that way. I think Premier is at least an hour. If you tip the receptionist, she will give you more hours. This is straight from the receptionist. Zona Rosa is for 3 hours. You can bring several back to Hotel Botero that costs nothing as long as they have ID or passport. AirBnB will work the same way for FB or El Centro girl so I don't think room cost can be factored into consideration like that.This is good information for others to know in that it dispels what has been posted by others that all the Hotels in El Centro have time limits of 20-30 minutes.

The Premium Plaza easily allows two hour stays, and tipping as you mentioned goes a long way at these Hotels. I typically give the receptionists a 2,000 Peso tip which is huge. So having preferred status at these establishments doesn't get me say an early check in, but I am given the better rooms, extra towels / soap, and I guess you might call it a later check out time. If I could only earn points at these places I would have several free nights accumulated by now.

02-20-20, 15:55
They will approach with what looks like CD jackets fanned out and will bend down while smiling and pushing them against your pocket with one hand while covering the other in your pocket. Often in pairs. Speaking english loudly or dressed unlike a local will get you singled out and the crowds of people milling about will watch everything. Good luck.

02-20-20, 16:57
Interesting, I find the reverse to be true, I speak a fair amount of Spanish and not a single word of Thai and feel way safer in Bangkok.Agree! I feel the same, and I just got back from there after spending 20 days between Thailand and Phnom Penh, Cambodia. To my surprise, I found the hysteria over the Corona virus worse in the US than over there. My reasoning, there are over 4 billion people in that part of the world. The chances of me catching that virus are fairly small. And if I did catch it and died from it, than it would just be my time to go.

02-20-20, 18:24
Is there a metro estacion near Parque lleras? For my research the nearest one is Estacion Poblado but looks a little far away. Is there another much closer to get in 5 min on foot?

02-20-20, 18:31
Just my impression, but I see the El Centro girls as relying more on volume. She needs 3 or 4 customers a day. The Facebook girls only need 1.4 in a week is big money. However, there's always an upside to treating them right.It will be a mistake to generalize it. As far as vennies are concerned, most don't get that much business, often none at all.

There was one who I sessioned with twice. Her friends thought she was my novia after. She is decent looking but her makeup made her look like a clown. You have to see thru that to pick her. She no longer works en El Centro because she does not have customer. I did not session with her again because her performance isn't great but she did do everything I asked. Some girls are not cut out for this type of work. That is one reason that girls in El Centro are changing.

02-20-20, 18:54
It's not difficult to prevent this sort of thing. Follow the general rule to not allow people to touch you. In very crowded areas like the metro, sidewalks, or the Opera commercial center, where close contact and touching is unavoidable, be extra mindful of your pockets and their contents.

They will approach with what looks like CD jackets fanned out and will bend down while smiling and pushing them against your pocket with one hand while covering the other in your pocket. Often in pairs. Speaking english loudly or dressed unlike a local will get you singled out and the crowds of people milling about will watch everything. Good luck.

02-20-20, 19:03
Breaking news (good): Uber is back.

We've created a new business model to be able to operate in Colombia.

This new model, which is temporary, allows you to reach your destination by renting a car with driver. How? By accepting a contract via our application with a single click.

The new uber also offers you more transportation options.

Creamos un nuevo modelo de negocio para poder operar en Colombia.

Este nuevo modelo, que es temporal, te permite llegar a tu destino alquilando un carro con conductor. ¿seeómo? Aceptando un contrato a través de nuestra aplicacióand con un solo clic.

El nuevo Uber tambiéand te ofrece más opciones para poder moverte.

Mojo Bandit
02-20-20, 20:41
Just saw this article and thought I should share it.


02-20-20, 21:03
They will approach with what looks like CD jackets fanned out and will bend down while smiling and pushing them against your pocket with one hand while covering the other in your pocket. Often in pairs. Speaking english loudly or dressed unlike a local will get you singled out and the crowds of people milling about will watch everything. Good luck.Also the ones with fruit / drink menus.

02-20-20, 21:11
From your description of wanting to be out interacting I have to say that Centro is the spot but the mongering there happens during the day from what I gather. And this is the edgier part of town.
http://www.internationalsexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?4002-Medellin-Map-and-ListHaving just spent the last five days in and around Botero Plaza and now in Santa Fe area of Bogota; I can definitely say they Medellin (no matter where you go likely) is kindergarten compared to doing time in a prison. Or something like that. Nice people in Medellin and nasty people in Bogota.

Example: beggars are nice in Medellin and angry if you don't contribute in Bogota. I had one girl follow me begging for money for three blocks. One guy snarled at me when I told him "no tango dinero".

I was in both Botero Plaza and last night Santa Fe past 10 pm. I wasn't worried about Botero at all, but Santa Fe puts goose bumps on the back of my neck.

Prey for me: I'm going back to Santa Fe tonight LOL. But for everyone worried about Botero Plaza. It's way over done.

02-20-20, 21:24
I'm curious. Did seeing your girl get robbed change your opinion on the safety of Medellin?I have some facts and thoughts to throw out regarding this topic, and am anticipating a total lambasting from you on it, but that's okay, I'm getting used to it, but just don't spank me to hard!

I'm not really sure where to begin except to say "you can get robbed when you least expect it". In reference to my Chicas robbing at gunpoint, it was in Poblado during a torrential downpour referred to as an "Aquacero" in Spanish. Having difficulty just trying to walk to avoid all the puddles, referred to as "charcos" in Spanish with are heads down, and boom a motorcycle pulls up, a guy puts a gun to my Chicas's head, and within five seconds he has her bag and is gone.

So would you ever expect to get robbed during a heavy rainfall event on a street in Poblado versus riding the Metro or walking the streets of El Centro? What happened to me was an eye opener and I wasn't even the target. Colombians all over town are targets as well, and I have heard some interesting tales, like thieves boarding a bus in Bello and taking everybody's stuff at gunpoint. I am sure other posters have some similar tales to tell.

I know lots of gringos that have had problems in El Centro and in Poblado as well, which are the two places I spend my time in, and the common denominator for them has been they are obvious gringos or foreigners. So what exactly is an obvious gringo or foreigner? Simply put, anyone that does not fit in whether it be the color of their skin, their hair, what their wearing, etc. So to make it simple, if your a foreigner you basically have a big "X" on your back identifying you as a target. If I were a thieve I would most definitely target a foreigner versus a local.

I am fortunate that the majority of the time I can pass as a Colombian looks wise when I keep my mouth shut, and have been told this by several Colombians. So when I am in El Centro I wear jeans, a t-shirt, and have a backpack, a burner phone, a Civica card for riding the Metro, a copy of my ID, and no more than 200 K cash on me. So I am never stressed about losing anything of value when I am down there. There have been other posters on this board who find it hard to believe that a gringo can pass as a Colombian, but there are, and I am not Hispanic. As an example, about three weeks ago I was walking on the backside of the Church along where all the bars are, and a foreigner was walking in front of me about thirty feet away. He got looks from everybody and two Chicas went up to him who were basically pawing him which he almost had to push away. When I walked by, nobody even looked at me. So I feel fortunate that I basically can move about under the radar in Medellin, however when I start speaking, the cat's out of the bag.

So your question was, has my opinion changed regarding safety in Medellin, and the answer is yes. You should never under estimate thieves, some of them are very cunning, and taking precautions to lower your exposure to them, and losing your valuables is to be taken very seriously. There have been lots of posts regarding this, and you cannot ever let your guard down here.

Mr Enternational
02-20-20, 21:51
They will approach with what looks like CD jackets fanned out and will bend down while smiling and pushing them against your pocket with one hand while covering the other in your pocket.Who would let someone get that close to them?

Example: beggars are nice in Medellin and angry if you don't contribute in Bogota. I had one girl follow me begging for money for three blocks. One guy snarled at me when I told him "no tango dinero".None of his damn business what you had or didn't have. Shake your head and wag your finger at him before he even gets up on you.

I wasn't worried about Botero at all, but Santa Fe puts goose bumps on the back of my neck.

Prey for me: I'm going back to Santa Fe tonight LOL. But for everyone worried about Botero Plaza. It's way over done.What about Santa Fe put goosebumps on your neck? All I ever see is bars and clubs and people on the sidewalks or walking down the streets. Nothing to be alarmed about at all. And the only people that will really talk to you is the guys trying to get you inside of the bars where they work.

Mr Enternational
02-20-20, 22:36
I will say that before I was shocked when it was reported that people fell for Mickey Mouse scams and the like. Now I must admit that I am beginning to understand. Right now I am traveling with my girlfriend in Brazil who is from a small town here. She has to ride the bus all night to even get to the closest city that has an airport.

I am from the street, and everyday she does something and I am like what the fuck? This has made me understand that maybe some people are too trusting and really just don't know any better.

The GPS sent us down a dirt road and to a raggedy ass bridge that was built with fallen trees. We are in a big ass SUV and she tells me to go ahead and cross it. I say are you fucking crazy. Some guy comes along and she asks him how to get to the city we are going to. He says to cross over that bridge. She says he said to go that way. I said are you high? I am not listening to him, the same way I am not listening to you. The last thing I needed was for this rental car to end up in a river ditch in the middle of nowhere. I turned around and went to look for some pavement.

The other night we were somewhere taking selfies and a guy walks by asking if we wanted him to take the pictures for us. She said yes. I am thinking Hell No, but I just told the dude no thanks. Again, the last thing I was going to do was hand my phone over to a complete stranger just to see them run off with it.

Last night we were in a city and walked from the hotel to a restaurant for dinner and back. On the way back we passed a guy at one corner sitting down. I looked at her and saw she had her wallet and cell phone in her hand. I snatched it from her and said are you crazy? You should never be walking in the street like that holding shit for someone to come snatch from you and run.

Then today I was going to pass a landmark that she told me last night she wanted to take a picture of. I gave her my phone but she is more so taking a picture of the mirror of the car. So I pull over in front of the thing and get out to take the picture myself. I left her in the car with it running. Soon after, she gets out of the car too with it still running. I yelled at her. Where I am from it is first nature not to do shit like that.

Then in the various cities that we have been to people come up asking stuff, whether it is sellers, beggars, timeshare people. I do not give them the time of day and wave them off when I see them walking my way. She wants to listen to what people have to say. I told her there is no sense in me wasting their time and mine. If a stranger comes up to you then the only thing it could possibly be about is you giving them money. So why would I even want to entertain it?

Before I always thought how could people fall for this shit? But now I see it is not hard at all. Stop being so trusting of strangers. Don't let them get up on you and if possible, don't even give them the time of day. Operating like this, Medellin (especially downtown) and Santa Fe and other places will be no problem for you.

02-20-20, 22:48
I will say that before I was shocked when it was reported that people fell for Mickey Mouse scams and the like. Now I must admit that I am beginning to understand. Right now I am traveling with my girlfriend in Brazil who is from a small town here. She has to ride the bus all night to even get to the closest city that has an airport.

I am from the street, and everyday she does something and I am like what the fuck? This has made me understand that maybe some people are too trusting and really just don't know any better.

The GPS sent us down a dirt road and to a raggedy ass bridge that was built with fallen trees. We are in a big ass SUV and she tells me to go ahead and cross it. I say are you fucking crazy. Some guy comes along and she asks him how to get to the city we are going to. He says to cross over that bridge. She says he said to go that way. Well I am not listening to him, the same way I am not listening to you. The last thing I needed was for this rental car to end up in a river ditch in the middle of nowhere. I turned around and went to look for some pavement.

The other night we were somewhere taking selfies and a guy walks by asking if we wanted him to take the pictures for us. She said yes. I am thinking Hell No, but I just told the dude no thanks. Again, the last thing I was going to do was hand my phone over to a complete stranger just to see them run off with it.

Last night we were in a city and walked from the hotel to a restaurant for dinner and back. On the way back we passed a guy at one corner sitting down. I looked at her and saw she had her wallet and cell phone in her hand. I snatched it from her and said are you crazy? You should never be walking in the street like that holding shit for someone to come snatch from you and run.

Then today I was going to pass a landmark that she told me last night she wanted to take a picture of. I gave her my phone but she is more so taking a picture of the mirror of the car. So I pull over in front of the thing and get out to take the picture myself. I left her in the car with it running. Soon after, she gets out of the car too with it still running. I yelled at her. Where I am from it is first nature not to do shit like that.

Then in the various cities that we have been to people come up asking stuff, whether it is sellers, beggars, timeshare people. I do not give them the time of day and wave them off when I see them walking my way. She wants to listen to what people have to say. I told her there is no sense in me wasting their time and mine. If a stranger comes up to you then the only thing it could possibly be about is you giving them money. So why would I even want to entertain it?

Before I always thought how could people fall for this shit? But now I see it is not hard at all. Stop being so trusting of strangers. Don't let them get up on you and if possible, don't even give them the time of day. Operating like this, Medellin (especially downtown) and Santa Fe and other places will be no problem for you.Not just country bumpkins. Reminds me of traveling to Hong Kong and China with my American wife. She did shit like that and I had to constantly warn her and she would get pissed at me. Said I was paranoid. Her behavior stressed me out where ever we went out and she didn't like me "badgering" her. I put her on an earlier flight home! I wasn't going to let her ruin my vacation.

02-20-20, 23:29
What about Santa Fe put goosebumps on your neck? All I ever see is bars and clubs and people on the sidewalks or walking down the streets. Nothing to be alarmed about at all. And the only people that will really talk to you is the guys trying to get you inside of the bars where they work.I was struck by the aggressiveness of people in Bogota. Reminds me more of Jamaica in the 80's. I had a few attempted robberies there. Couple of guys on a dark beach following me. A guy trying to grab my car key out of the ignition. A guy trying to snatch my wallet and when I didn't let go came back waiving a knife. I get the same feeling about Bogota.

02-20-20, 23:57
Breaking news (good): Uber is back.

We've created a new business model to be able to operate in Colombia.

This new model, which is temporary, allows you to reach your destination by renting a car with driver. How? By accepting a contract via our application with a single click.

The new uber also offers you more transportation options.

Creamos un nuevo modelo de negocio para poder operar en Colombia.

Este nuevo modelo, que es temporal, te permite llegar a tu destino alquilando un carro con conductor. seemo? Aceptando un contrato a travs de nuestra aplicaciand con un solo clic.

El nuevo Uber tambiand te ofrece ms opciones para poder moverte.I'm not sure why we need Uber when there is didi, its faster, cheaper and more reliable. I have been using Uber around the world for almost 8 years now, I know the product well. In my opinion didi is superior in every way.

Iguana Six
02-21-20, 00:30
Is there a metro estacion near Parque lleras? For my research the nearest one is Estacion Poblado but looks a little far away. Is there another much closer to get in 5 min on foot?No, there is not. You must either walk down Heart Attack Hill, or up it. Or take a cab.

Iguana Six
02-21-20, 00:34
I'm still hitting her up when I get back.Great minds think alike.

Mojo Bandit
02-21-20, 02:18
Is there a metro estacion near Parque lleras? For my research the nearest one is Estacion Poblado but looks a little far away. Is there another much closer to get in 5 min on foot?It's a very cheap taxi ride from Poblado station to Park Lleras.

02-21-20, 02:34
Just saw this article and thought I should share it.

https://colombiareports.com/amp/uber-returns-to-colombia-after-finding-loophole-to-evade-ban/Just got an email today. They are back up, but there is a new process where you have to sign some sort of contract after settling a route etc. I think it's a workaround. Like you are prepaying them.

02-21-20, 03:29
Just got an email today. They are back up, but there is a new process where you have to sign some sort of contract after settling a route etc. I think it's a workaround. Like you are prepaying them.I used Uber today, from the airport to Poblado. There was no contract. It appeared to work just as it does in the States.

Just want to mention, I tried using Didi. The rates were much cheaper, at least in the route I was asking for. (Airport to my AirBnB near Lleras.) But it was taking a long time finding a driver.

For that route, taxi is about $80 mil, Uber $58 mil and Didi $30 mil when I priced it at about 3:30 PM.

02-21-20, 03:48
I'm still hitting her up when I get back.Perfect punishment for that gringos actions would be posting her fayboo contact here. Lmao.

02-21-20, 03:53
This is good information for others to know in that it dispels what has been posted by others that all the Hotels in El Centro have time limits of 20-30 minutes.

The Premium Plaza easily allows two hour stays, and tipping as you mentioned goes a long way at these Hotels. I typically give the receptionists a 2,000 Peso tip which is huge. So having preferred status at these establishments doesn't get me say an early check in, but I am given the better rooms, extra towels / soap, and I guess you might call it a later check out time. If I could only earn points at these places I would have several free nights accumulated by now.Premium suite is 3 hours period. I don't need to tip or be nice. I ask them how long can I be in there from the beginning and if they say anything other than 3 hours I correct them. Then no body better be knocking on my door before my time is up. The fact that they now require me to walk around with my fucking passport which I dislike to do is the only thing that irritates me about this hotel. Other than that it's a nice little spot. Just don't leave before your 3 hours is up or you forfeit your time. Any new girl you call in costs 10 mil regardless if you pay for the entire day at around 32 mil which I like to do because it comes out cheaper if you take multiple girls back.

Mojo Bandit
02-21-20, 05:18
I find your report very informative. Questions.

1. What is the best time (s) to be in Centro for SWs?

2. When do the best SWs show up? Any particular location they post up at?

3. If night-time what is the latest you can be in Centro since it is often said in the forum not to be in Centro at night?

Thanks.I am not a Centro expert at all , I am glad that Loverboy1024 addressed your question. But I do RTFF, one of the best single reports for a newbie made about where to look in Centro was by Wolf662, the report was on 12-08-19 at 11:31 post #33300 he actually made a map and drew red lines on the best areas to monger. I have gotten on Google Street maps and done "virtual" recons of those streets and if you look carefully you can see hookers hanging out in their tight dresses (Raudal, northwest corner of Avenida de Greiff and Carrera 54) tight jeans and cropped halter tops on Avenida Cundinamarca (Carrera 53) between Calle 51 and 52, and you probably want to heed his warning about the "ladies" near Parque Bolivar, if on Google Street maps you cruise west on Calle 55 from Parque Bolivar, the second building on the left called Hotel Milan has some "ladies" hanging in front that look a little tall and if Google did not blur their neck and face I would not be surprised if you saw a pronounced adam's apple. You can see all this without leaving your home. I should mention that on Avenida Cundinamarca (Carrera 53) between Calle 51 and 52, the current 2019 Google Street view looks to be take in the morning by looking at the shadows, if you are using a desk / lap top you can switch the view back to 2017 where is shows later afternoon and there is more action.

02-21-20, 06:32
for a newbie.The easiest way is to go to Plaza Botero. There is no need to go anywhere else. In addition to the intersection of Calle 52 and Carrera 52. You see short metal fences all around the Plaza. You will find girls standing by the fences as far out as to the Metro line. many of these girls will whisper to you if you are standing near by. Plaza Botero is safer because the police presence.

I personally don't think there is a constant presence of pick pockets in the Plaza area. If it is constant, the police will know about them and ban them from the plaza. Having said that, there could be many that pass by looking for target once in a while to avoid police.

02-21-20, 06:43
I will be going to Medellin in the summer, and want to try something different. I need some advice. I'm pushing 50 and want to change my routine and avoid the hard core hookers. I'm looking for quality over quantity this trip. I want to use SA for the whole week, and avoid the casas and all the strip clubs except the Isla strip club which I liked. I spent a bunch of time last night looking at hundreds of girls on SA and was very happy with what I saw. Do you guys think most of the girls there are semi pros or college girls that need some extra cash or am I being naive about it. I want to do the full GFE and go hang out a a club or have dinner and then screw at my hotel. I can't Nut like I use too. I'm good for 1 a night, or maybe 2 if I'm feeling good, so I want to spend more time with a girl I hit it off with. Do you think I'll be successful with this or will I tire of SA after a day or 2 and go back to the cases and strip clubs. Also, are the pictures on SA more accurate than what you see on a escort site or mileroticos. They seem to be real and not photoshopped.

The Critic
02-21-20, 08:19
I am not a Centro expert at all , I am glad that Loverboy1024 addressed your question. But I do RTFF, one of the best single reports for a newbie made about where to look in Centro was by Wolf662, the report was on 12-08-19 at 11:31 post #33300 he actually made a map and drew red lines on the best areas to monger. I have gotten on Google Street maps and done "virtual" recons of those streets and if you look carefully you can see hookers hanging out in their tight dresses (Raudal, northwest corner of Avenida de Greiff and Carrera 54) tight jeans and cropped halter tops on Avenida Cundinamarca (Carrera 53) between Calle 51 and 52, and you probably want to heed his warning about the "ladies" near Parque Bolivar, if on Google Street maps you cruise west on Calle 55 from Parque Bolivar, the second building on the left called Hotel Milan has some "ladies" hanging in front that look a little tall and if Google did not blur their neck and face I would not be surprised if you saw a pronounced adam's apple. You can see all this without leaving your home. I should mention that on Avenida Cundinamarca (Carrera 53) between Calle 51 and 52, the current 2019 Google Street view looks to be take in the morning by looking at the shadows, if you are using a desk / lap top you can switch the view back to 2017 where is shows later afternoon and there is more action.Thanks MoJo Bandit and Loverboy1024.

I'll do the "virtual" google recon as well as read more posts.

02-21-20, 10:53
Having just spent the last five days in and around Botero Plaza and now in Santa Fe area of Bogota; I can definitely say they Medellin (no matter where you go likely) is kindergarten compared to doing time in a prison. Or something like that. Nice people in Medellin and nasty people in Bogota.

Example: beggars are nice in Medellin and angry if you don't contribute in Bogota. I had one girl follow me begging for money for three blocks. One guy snarled at me when I told him "no tango dinero".

I was in both Botero Plaza and last night Santa Fe past 10 pm. I wasn't worried about Botero at all, but Santa Fe puts goose bumps on the back of my neck.

Prey for me: I'm going back to Santa Fe tonight LOL. But for everyone worried about Botero Plaza. It's way over done.I was once punched by a druggie in Botero Plaza who I refused to give money to when asked. I was seated on a bench, was whalloped and she went off running. Shit can happen in El Centro too.

02-21-20, 12:12
Premium suite is 3 hours period. I don't need to tip or be nice. I ask them how long can I be in there from the beginning and if they say anything other than 3 hours I correct them. Then no body better be knocking on my door before my time is up. The fact that they now require me to walk around with my fucking passport which I dislike to do is the only thing that irritates me about this hotel. Other than that it's a nice little spot. Just don't leave before your 3 hours is up or you forfeit your time. Any new girl you call in costs 10 mil regardless if you pay for the entire day at around 32 mil which I like to do because it comes out cheaper if you take multiple girls back.Nobody say's you have to tip anyone, but I do because there are added benefits by doing so.

I had one experience where I had thought a girl had taken my wallet in the room, and the two girls running the Hotel turned the room upside down and found it, it had fallen and become hidden between the bed frame and the mattress, not sure how it got there. Basically the girls took care of me in this situation because I was a valued customer.

As far as being nice, well I have found always being nice, versus not being nice when dealing with Colombians in general works best for me.

And the Passport issue, well that is a pain in the ass for sure, however they should accept a color copy of it versus the original. As far as the joiner fee, they used to not charge that many years ago. And what you probably don't know is that the Premium Plaza gives kickbacks to certain girls who bring them lots of customers. They are one of the most expensive short time Hotels in the Botero area, and the girls (not all of them) get 5 K for bringing in their customers.

02-21-20, 13:33
I'm not sure why we need Uber when there is didi, its faster, cheaper and more reliable. I have been using Uber around the world for almost 8 years now, I know the product well. In my opinion didi is superior in every way.My experience with didi is terrible. I had 4 different drivers to try to get to the airport. Once canceled when I had my bags in the car and asked me to pay cash. Another canceled as soon as he saw my bags, another cancel after he ask me how much the app says it pay and the last one just never got into his car and wait forever. Never again. So happy Uber is back.

02-21-20, 14:24
Is there a metro estacion near Parque lleras? For my research the nearest one is Estacion Poblado but looks a little far away. Is there another much closer to get in 5 min on foot?Estacion Poblado is the only Metro station near Parque Lleras. It's about 10-12 minutes walk downhill. You might want to take a taxi back up. That hill may wear you out.

02-21-20, 14:38
I have some facts and thoughts to throw out regarding this topic, and am anticipating a total lambasting from you on it, but that's okay, I'm getting used to it, but just don't spank me to hard!

I'm not really sure where to begin except to say "you can get robbed when you least expect it". In reference to my Chicas robbing at gunpoint, it was in Poblado during a torrential downpour referred to as an "Aquacero" in Spanish. Having difficulty just trying to walk to avoid all the puddles, referred to as "charcos" in Spanish with are heads down, and boom a motorcycle pulls up, a guy puts a gun to my Chicas's head, and within five seconds he has her bag and is gone...No lambasting at all from me on that. I'll still spank you if you want, just leave the money on the nightstand.

I actually agree with almost everything you said. The only exception is "passing for Colombian." I'm not saying you can't, I'm saying it's not the passing for Colombian which keeps the target off your back, it's a different kind of blending in.

There's not much chance of me passing for Colombian. Although I tend to dress the same as you, nobody is thinking I'm a native. But, I can walk almost anywhere and rarely get more than the tongue click from the girls in the stairwells. The reason is, I've spent so much time walking the streets, from Envigado to Bello, that I move like a local. I'm not gawking, I'm not looking like I'm ready to panic, I'm not trying to look tough. I'm just another guy passing through.

All the rest, I'm completely onboard with. Minimize your potential losses, know where you're at and where you're going and consider the potential risks.

02-21-20, 14:39
I was once punched by a druggie in Botero Plaza who I refused to give money to when asked. I was seated on a bench, was whalloped and she went off running. Shit can happen in El Centro too.Yeah, You have to keep your guard up if you are going to tell a girl no dinero. Remember: a block is just a punch thrown at an arm or leg. And a sitting position makes you vulnerable because you can't move. The only place I ever sat was in the cafe overlooking the park.

Agreed, things can happen everywhere.

02-21-20, 14:47
I was once punched by a druggie in Botero Plaza who I refused to give money to when asked. I was seated on a bench, was whalloped and she went off running. Shit can happen in El Centro too.Had a reasonably large beggar guy get aggressive towards me up by Prado station. Then I stood up and raised my voice. He kept yelling, but he backed off.

02-21-20, 19:55
I know the standard rates for a few hours with a FB chica or a TLN but wondering if anyone has found a chica they like enough that they want to spend a few days or week together rather than having her come back everyday for 4-5 hours and what one should offer in this situation. I'm looking forward to checking out different scenes but have a solid line up from FB, so that will be my main source. I'll be in Medellin for 3 weeks and then back again for a month. I like variety but I also know when I find something special, I like to hold on to that for a few days. If you've found yourself in this situation, what is an appropriate offer for a) a few days (per day) or b) a full week?

02-21-20, 19:56
Just curious.

You've got a new girl you've chatted with on FB at your place. She is being coy and "shy" but you both know why she's there.

Do you immediately have her head toward the bedroom or shower three minutes after she's in your apartment (the "All Business" routine)?

Or do you chill, smoke a bit, have a bit to eat, drink and listen to some music and or watch some Netflix before after say an hour or two start the ball rolling (the "No Rush Stay Awhile" routine)?

I'm going to be with some new ones this next trip and as I get older and they stay 20 to 23 years old I'm starting to have trouble getting a vibe on what makes them comfortable as the generation gap widens.

02-21-20, 20:37
Just curious.

You've got a new girl you've chatted with on FB at your place. She is being coy and "shy" but you both know why she's there.

Do you immediately have her head toward the bedroom or shower three minutes after she's in your apartment (the "All Business" routine)?

Or do you chill, smoke a bit, have a bit to eat, drink and listen to some music and or watch some Netflix before after say an hour or two start the ball rolling (the "No Rush Stay Awhile" routine)?

I'm going to be with some new ones this next trip and as I get older and they stay 20 to 23 years old I'm starting to have trouble getting a vibe on what makes them comfortable as the generation gap widens.I've never experienced that issue. Then again, most Facebook girls I've taken straight to a love Motel (my living situation made it difficult to bring girls to the apartment). When they see the stripper pole, sex chair and jacuzzi, they figure it out.

If the girl agrees to come straight to your place, she knows the game. Just do what works for you. I wouldn't try anything for "an hour or two" unless you've already agreed on several hours. You may end up paying for nothing because she only has an hour or two available.

02-21-20, 20:37
Just curious.

You've got a new girl you've chatted with on FB at your place. She is being coy and "shy" but you both know why she's there.

Do you immediately have her head toward the bedroom or shower three minutes after she's in your apartment (the "All Business" routine)?

Or do you chill, smoke a bit, have a bit to eat, drink and listen to some music and or watch some Netflix before after say an hour or two start the ball rolling (the "No Rush Stay Awhile" routine)?

I'm going to be with some new ones this next trip and as I get older and they stay 20 to 23 years old I'm starting to have trouble getting a vibe on what makes them comfortable as the generation gap widens.It depends on the girl, some girls will be business like regardless how you treat them. Some are uncomfortable at first, once they open up, they will show you a great time. Some are total party animals, they will force you to party with them for 24 hours. Some girls don't like drugs, some can't live without them. If you guys are not discussing party preferences on fb, then you have to read them after they arrive. Asking how long they will stay on fb also helps you gauge what kind girl she is.

Having a place with good decore and great speaker system helps. Always have a joint laying around so they can see it and fill your frige with corona; a bottle of whiskey also comes handy. I always start by asking them about music and the kind party they like. If you can speak Spanish, it will help a lot. I don't know any Spanish, it is a challenge at first, but it can be done. Good luck!

02-21-20, 22:14
Just curious.

You've got a new girl you've chatted with on FB at your place. She is being coy and "shy" but you both know why she's there.

Do you immediately have her head toward the bedroom or shower three minutes after she's in your apartment (the "All Business" routine)?

Or do you chill, smoke a bit, have a bit to eat, drink and listen to some music and or watch some Netflix before after say an hour or two start the ball rolling (the "No Rush Stay Awhile" routine)?

I'm going to be with some new ones this next trip and as I get older and they stay 20 to 23 years old I'm starting to have trouble getting a vibe on what makes them comfortable as the generation gap widens.I wouldn't be worrying about the generation gap, your both know why your together. She's there for the money, and your there to get your rocks off. However anything you can do to warm her up before getting down to business may help on the session. If you speak some Spanish, talk with her about her life, give her something to drink, maybe something to eat, you will find out right away whether you have a "no rush stay awhile" girl very quickly. Another thing you can do when appropriate is ask them if they want a massage. I do this all the time with new girls I meet and it can be a heavy duty indicator of things to come. In the instances where the girl say's no, things don't typically go well. For the one's that say okay, it can be quite telling to say the least. Sometimes the girls just kind of melt, where others are not used to guys giving them pleasure and welcome it for a change resulting in them taking care of you.

I had this very experience today in a massage place. The allotted time was one hour and when the girl came in that I had chosen she asked me if I wanted to get down to business or get a massage. I said okay give me a massage as I waiting for the 1/4 Viagra to totally kick in. After about ten minutes I said let me massage you a while which kind of surprised her, and after a few minutes she just kind of melted. If you think about it, most hookers are not used to getting serviced whereas they are the ones providing the service. Regardless, after a while she was kissing me and and it turned out to be quite a session.

So anything you can do to warm them up beforehand will hopefully enhance your experience.

02-21-20, 22:29
I like some of these shy girls and some of the most shy are the newer girls. I tend to go between the two extremes you mention. I offer them something to drink. We engage in a bit of conversation. If they want, we pass a little time in the jacuzzi. I find that most of them will make the first move when they are comfortable. But I would never waste an hour or two. Because they are there for a reason and they know it.

Just curious.

You've got a new girl you've chatted with on FB at your place. She is being coy and "shy" but you both know why she's there.

Do you immediately have her head toward the bedroom or shower three minutes after she's in your apartment (the "All Business" routine)?

Or do you chill, smoke a bit, have a bit to eat, drink and listen to some music and or watch some Netflix before after say an hour or two start the ball rolling (the "No Rush Stay Awhile" routine)?

I'm going to be with some new ones this next trip and as I get older and they stay 20 to 23 years old I'm starting to have trouble getting a vibe on what makes them comfortable as the generation gap widens.

02-22-20, 01:01
I wouldn't be worrying about the generation gap, your both know why your together. She's there for the money, and your there to get your rocks off. However anything you can do to warm her up before getting down to business may help on the session. If you speak some Spanish, talk with her about her life, give her something to drink, maybe something to eat, you will find out right away whether you have a "no rush stay awhile" girl very quickly. Another thing you can do when appropriate is ask them if they want a massage. I do this all the time with new girls I meet and it can be a heavy duty indicator of things to come. In the instances where the girl say's no, things don't typically go well. For the one's that say okay, it can be quite telling to say the least. Sometimes the girls just kind of melt, where others are not used to guys giving them pleasure and welcome it for a change resulting in them taking care of you.

I had this very experience today in a massage place. The allotted time was one hour and when the girl came in that I had chosen she asked me if I wanted to get down to business or get a massage. I said okay give me a massage as I waiting for the 1/4 Viagra to totally kick in. After about ten minutes I said let me massage you a while which kind of surprised her, and after a few minutes she just kind of melted. If you think about it, most hookers are not used to getting serviced whereas they are the ones providing the service. Regardless, after a while she was kissing me and and it turned out to be quite a session.

So anything you can do to warm them up beforehand will hopefully enhance your experience.All the fellas here have suggested great ideas but I like this massage idea the most.

Unfortunately, I haven't taken any massage classes so I'd have to go by the guidance of YouTube videos and I'm not sure how that'd work out, LOL!

Mr Enternational
02-22-20, 01:15
You've got a new girl you've chatted with on FB at your place. She is being coy and "shy" but you both know why she's there.

Do you immediately have her head toward the bedroom or shower three minutes after she's in your apartment (the "All Business" routine)?What do you mean coy and shy? Didn't she know that she was coming to fuck for money? I will give you a piece of my report from the Bogota thread a couple weeks ago...

I arrived in from Medellin yesterday afternoon and told old girl that I was here. She said she would come at 6 and we could go to dinner. Negativo! You arrive before 6:15 and we fuck, then go eat, then come back and fuck some more. She agreed. Always fuck first guys. You don't know what the future will hold while you are out and about.

She arrived at 5:57. I was in the bed sleep so she took her clothes off and got in the bed with me.

02-22-20, 01:16
Background: I'm not a quantity guy. 2-3 blasts a day is a great day. First trip to Medellin. This short trip came together quickly and the best I could do is a crash course of RTFF. Huge thank you to MojoBandit!

Land in Medellin. As I mentioned in an earlier post, Uber is back. Staying at AirBnB in Poblado. Completely underwhelmed with this place. Don't get me wrong, it has what you need. But luxury it is not. The place has about 10 different names. But Soy Local is the most identifiable name. I'm actually nervous about bringing a chica back here. Paper thin walls! Can't beat the location though.

I planned to hit a spa, Lleras and maybe Mansion the first night. But showing my age, I was wiped out. I was up for 15 hours by the time I got in the room. Tried to sleep but just felt like I was wasting valuable time. Headed out about 9. Walked through Lleras. I was blown away. I read Lleras was hit or miss. And there are plenty of 5's there. But I saw several 8's on my scale. Walked around in a bit of disbelief. Colombia has some beautiful women. Even the local women just enjoying the night were gorgeous. Went to Gusto, just wanted to scout it out for when I actually had energy. And again, jaw dropping beauty. I went in there maybe a bit after 10 PM. There were at least three 9's in my book. Several 8's. I read it doesn't get going until 11. And it got pretty packed at 11. The number of 9's didn't increase. So maybe early bird gets the worm? Drank too much and stumbled up the hill, anxious for the next day.

Slept well despite a lot of noise outside and the family next door. Laid around and decided to check out the nuru option at Oriental. Ubered over there and got caught in a downpour. Not fun when you're trying to find someplace you don't know. Went in. Lineup of 3. Two were 7.5. Chose Estefany. Back we go. The nuru part was a letdown. The whole thing was a letdown. The mood killer for me was she would not stay off her phone. She had a phenomenal body. And the massage was actually pretty good. But the phone just aggravaated me. The main event was actually good. The girl can ride. But as I let go, she stopped. Didn't move. After a few shots into the bag, she slowly disengaged. And that was it. Will I return? No, and not just because this is a short trip. On the bright side though, the whole thing cost me what the house fee is for an AMP in the US.

More to come. Walking around Poblado this evening, I am just blown away by the beauty of these women.

02-22-20, 03:55
What do you mean coy and shy? Didn't she know that she was coming to fuck for money? I will give you a piece of my report from the Bogota thread a couple weeks ago...Does every NEW girl who comes to your apartment to fuck you for money jump on your dick as soon as they walk in the door?

Mr Enternational
02-22-20, 06:03
Does every NEW girl who comes to your apartment to fuck you for money jump on your dick as soon as they walk in the door?And even some that do not come to fuck for money! As you can see in my report at the beginning of the month in this thread. They know what they are there for, but it seems that some of us don't.

Mojo Bandit
02-22-20, 06:38
The easiest way is to go to Plaza Botero. There is no need to go anywhere else. In addition to the intersection of Calle 52 and Carrera 52. You see short metal fences all around the Plaza. You will find girls standing by the fences as far out as to the Metro line. many of these girls will whisper to you if you are standing near by. Plaza Botero is safer because the police presence.

I personally don't think there is a constant presence of pick pockets in the Plaza area. If it is constant, the police will know about them and ban them from the plaza. Having said that, there could be many that pass by looking for target once in a while to avoid police.

Thanks MoJo Bandit and Loverboy1024.

I'll do the "virtual" google recon as well as read more posts.I want to call The Critic's attention to Nounce's post, I know that Nounce has spent a heck of a lot of time pounding the pavement far and wide in the Centro area.

02-22-20, 16:12
I like some of these shy girls and some of the most shy are the newer girls. I tend to go between the two extremes you mention. I offer them something to drink. We engage in a bit of conversation. If they want, we pass a little time in the jacuzzi. I find that most of them will make the first move when they are comfortable. But I would never waste an hour or two. Because they are there for a reason and they know it.Ya'll actually believe this new girl act? These [Deleted by Admin] been fucking and sucking [Deleted by Admin]. If they shy it's because they don't know you and that's just their personality. But yah doing extra shit to make them more comfortable with you does usually lead to a better experience. And if not then yah those are the girls who shouldn't even be getting dates. Especially with all the options available.

02-22-20, 16:35
Ya'll actually believe this new girl act? These bitches been fucking and sucking since they were 12 or even younger. If they shy it's because they don't know you and that's just their personality. But yah doing extra shit to make them more comfortable with you does usually lead to a better experience. And if not then yah those are the girls who shouldn't even be getting dates. Especially with all the options available.I originally wrote "shy" but that may have been the wrong word. "Cautious" is better. More about (from their perspective) "I don't know this guy or what he has in this apartment and I am uncomfortable".

Mr Enternational
02-22-20, 17:55
I originally wrote "shy" but that may have been the wrong word. "Cautious" is better. More about (from their perspective) "I don't know this guy or what he has in this apartment and I am uncomfortable".To me it has always been the other way. I will even tell them. This is not my country and not my first language. Even if it is a place I am temporarily renting, she still has the home field advantage. Besides, she does this everyday. You do it every blue moon. You should be the cautious one.

The Tall Man
02-22-20, 19:55
Background: I'm not a quantity guy. 2-3 blasts a day is a great day. First trip to Medellin. This short trip came together quickly and the best I could do is a crash course of RTFF. Huge thank you to MojoBandit!Your not a quantity guy just 2 to 3 blasts a day, damn what were you like before you slowed down.

The Tall Man.

El Bacano
02-22-20, 21:08
Yes gents, some beers at Gustos are 30 k. Be careful which girl you get it from. Must be a kickback. Just get a colombiano or something. About 8 k. Stay away from corona or american which they have to import. I don't think its a ripoff. But premium beer in Colombia is hard to come by.

02-22-20, 23:42
As I expected, I think a 3.5 day trip just isn't enough. LOL. I've not been to half the places I want to go. That said, some good experiences. The highlight from yesterday was an unexpected and odd TLN. I went to Lleras again after a bit of tourist sightseeing. It was relatively quiet about 9 PM. Returned at 11 and still fairly quiet, due to a light rain, I assume. Walked to Gusto, which was packed. The door man, who I tipped $5 mil the day before picked me out of the crowd and saved me probably 20 minute wait time. Gustos was fun. Connected with a girl and her amiga. We had fun, agreed to a 3 hour date. I declined, and then immediately regretted her offer for a 3 some with her friend. Then, she wanted one more drink. And one more drink. And one more drink. Just ticked me off so I bailed. Walked outside, thinking of going to La Isla. I walked right by 2 chicas trying to get my attention. I'd say a 7 (from MDE) and a 7. 5 from Venezuela. It was one of those feelings that you knew if you give a little on looks, it was going to be a good session. So after walking by them, I turned around and they giggled. They knew they had me. We negotiate 2 hours back at my room. Took a taxi to avoid the drizzle and wearing myself out walking that hill for the 10th time that day. Came back and had a fantastic session. After an odd goodbye, 5 minutes after they leave, the MDE chica sends me a message on WhatsApp and said she wants to hang out tomorrow. OK. Maybe. Then ultimately, she says she wants to come back and stay the night. I'm thinking OK, here it comes. She said she doesn't want more money. She comes back, we go at it again. Then we go eat. This is about 4 AM. We run into her mother, who sells chiclets and cigarettes at Calle 10. That was just an odd experience. LOL We come back to the room for round 3. We sleep and I wake up to round 4. At this point, I enjoyed her company but I just needed a break so sent her away. She's finally stopped the messaging. She wanted to sightsee with me. And accompany me to the airport. No thanks. Nice girl. Typical rough life story. I did give her a bit of extra money without her asking.

Trying to determine how to enjoy my last hours. With an afternoon flight on Sunday, I hope for one more party.

Mojo Bandit
02-22-20, 23:59
Yes gents, some beers at Gustos are 30 k. Be careful which girl you get it from. Must be a kickback. Just get a colombiano or something. About 8 k. Stay away from corona or american which they have to import. I don't think its a ripoff. But premium beer in Colombia is hard to come by.I bought a Heineken at Gusto and it was 30 k, a little later in the same night I walked across Lleras Park to the liquor / beer store and bought a Heineken out of the cooler and it costs 8 k. Gusto and the store most likely pay the same price to the distributor. The overhead in a bar obviously explains some of the markup of the price but it doesn't completely explain the price difference between a Colombiano and a Heineken. Whats more is I bought a Stella Artois at the same store I bought that Heineken and paid the same 8 k price, but one can pop into an Exito supermarket and buy a six-pack of Stella Artois for 23,500 k so the single beer out of the cooler at the liquor store costs about $2. 35, buy the six-pack at Exito and you pay around pay around $1. 20 apiece. A single Becks costs. Exito sells a 12 oz can of Becks for about $. 82. We can assume that Exito is buying at a larger bulk rate than either Gusto or the liquor store.

The bottom line is at Gusto you pay for the ambiance of an upscale night club and being surrounded by $200 a night hookers in a land where $120 will get you a comparable hooker all night on Facebook and $1. 20 can buy you a Heineken at Exito.

02-23-20, 01:03
I don't enjoy Corona. To me it lacks flavor and body. I think it's popular in the Americas for the same reason the Rolling Rock brand is. The Americas taste preference for beer leans toward the watery (Budweiser, Coors Light, etc.) It's not a bad thing, it's just very different than most of the rest of the world. I notice a can of Baltika beer from the Baltic States region. I really like that brand, and not just because it reminds me of some good times in Belarus. LOL!

I bought a Heineken at Gusto and it was 30 k, a little later in the same night I walked across Lleras Park to the liquor / beer store and bought a Heineken out of the cooler and it costs 8 k. Gusto and the store most likely pay the same price to the distributor. The overhead in a bar obviously explains some of the markup of the price but it doesn't completely explain the price difference between a Colombiano and a Heineken. Whats more is I bought a Stella Artois at the same store I bought that Heineken and paid the same 8 k price, but one can pop into an Exito supermarket and buy a six-pack of Stella Artois for 23,500 k so the single beer out of the cooler at the liquor store costs about $2. 35, buy the six-pack at Exito and you pay around pay around $1. 20 apiece. A single Becks costs. Exito sells a 12 oz can of Becks for about $. 82. We can assume that Exito is buying at a larger bulk rate than either Gusto or the liquor store.

The bottom line is at Gusto you pay for the ambiance of an upscale night club and being surrounded by $200 a night hookers in a land where $120 will get you a comparable hooker all night on Facebook and $1. 20 can buy you a Heineken at Exito.