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11-13-20, 14:59
But damn that's how I feel when I stick my dick in them and eat there pussy til they cum. You owe me be**ch


You like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime. 90% of the girls you get would hit you up for free. Plus a body oil massage. Not to mention my famous popcorn.

Has anyone normal looking on this forum gotten the similar deals as Blackman? The deals I was getting pre covid was 150 k plus taxi per hour for a Blakman 6.5. What should the normal man around mid 30's be looking to pay for a four hour Blakman 8? TLN? Week long stay? All my numbers seem way too low now..

Fun Luvr
11-13-20, 16:36
I wanted to go in December to Medellin. I know they don't need pcsr test anymore. However do they still want you to download the coronoapp and check in every day? And if so did they want you to report everyone you hanged out with every day?Downloading and following up with the app has never been a requirement as far as I know. I know it hasn't been for the past month.

From what I am reading its just a entry form you have to fill out 24 hours before entry.You must fill out the entry form at https://apps.migracioncolombia.gov.co/pre-registro/public/preregistro.jsf, or be delayed at MDE while you provide all the information.

Also what do you think about traveling for three weeks in December I am concerned they might close the borders down and I can't return state side until it reopens.United States citizens and premanent residents have never been prohibited from leaving Colombia nor returning to the United States.

Mr Enternational
11-13-20, 17:38
Has anyone normal looking on this forum gotten the similar deals as Blackman? The deals I was getting pre covid was 150 k plus taxi per hour for a Blakman 6.5. What should the normal man around mid 30's be looking to pay for a four hour Blakman 8? TLN? Week long stay? All my numbers seem way too low now.One key thing you left out is how you were getting the deal that you got. Nobody can tell you anything without that information. Years before Blakman came along telling his fabulous stories I was doing the same thing, but I was called a liar because it was impossible for these things to happen. I would even lay out exactly how something is done. For me it was all too natural and I could not see how it was NOT possible seeing that I was living it. The thing with all the doubters is they never TRIED any of these methods to see if it actually worked, they only went on the experience of it never happened for them before so it is not possible.

Maybe it is just ingrained in people to do the same old thing they have always been doing and not try something else. Just like the tipping discussion. No matter how much you tell guys to leave that shit in their country, they may not feel right inside if they do not do it anyway; even though in places like Japan it is actually considered an insult. But you can not tell them anything because that is how it is done where they are from and they have no cultural sensitivity.

Unlike SR, I have never found a hooker to give a rat's ass what I was wearing. Half of you guys are getting the chicks from online anyway so really how would she know you were not dressed like Bruce Wayne at his $100,000/plate foundation dinner? Now if you were making a date to go to a fashion show things may be different, but you are making a date to take all of that shit off anyway.

How much should you be looking to pay? That depends on how much you are willing to pay and how much she is willing to accept. The reason why people do not get deals like Blakman is because they simply do not ask. They treat chicks like a shopping mall back in their own country. The price on the tag is the price that you pay. So obviously the price that the girl tells them is the price they must pay.

I do not think I have ever lived by those rules and that is why I am in the Cheap Charlie Hall of Fame along with Blakman. I don't accept the first price as the final price. I open my mouth and negotiate. A lot of people do a lot of unnecessary shit and make things harder than they really are.

When I bought my car, no down payment. When I bought my house, no down payment. (Not sure why people make it a big deal to close on a house. I was in and out of the room in 10 minutues while other people are talking about months.) Like most people I was asked how much I wanted to put down. But unlike most people I did not assume it was a requirement so I told them zero. And they said okay. When I bought my motorcycle off ebay I paid $700 less than what the guy had it listed for ($3700) because I simply opened my mouth (or my keyboard actually) and asked. When I buy my guns I never pay the price that is asked. At the very least they will take off the tax. But none of this happens without asking.

Another thing people make complicated is divorce. Why the hell would it take years to get a divorce? It only takes a few hours. I did my own. I asked my wife how she wanted to split the stuff up. I looked online for an example of how to write the document, and I went to the courthouse to file it for like $55. Most people expect it to be a process that is going to rip them off, so they accept it as a long drawn out process whose purpose is ripping them off.

Hookers are no different than anything else. See the price and negotiate it down. One of my favorite movies give a good example of how this is done. I use some of the exact techniques. Chick tells me x amount. I say no I only want 2 hours; you are giving me the price for 2 weeks. Or chick tells me a price and I say but this is all my mother allows me to spend.


As with anything it becomes easier and second nature with practice. Can every hooker on the planet be negotiated down? No. But there are enough of them that can that it makes no difference. I have never seen a turtle with speed or a broad that I need. I look at it as I am doing her a favor and trying to help her out. My money is doing good right here in my pocket. If she does not want to accept what I am willing to spend then I have no problem searching for someone else that will.

11-13-20, 18:53
Additionally, I'll say that it is nearly impossible to know what another person "sees" when they look at you. There are thousands of cultural factors and past associations, unique to that particular observer, in play. On the other hand, I believe everyone should make an effort to look their best most of the time. Anything less is an undignified way of living.

And, read the forum discussions about dressing to fit in here bit and not look like a dorky, vulnerable, out of place gringo. Its been a recurring topic of discussion over the years.
"I usually wear a tshirt w a sports team logo." is not really itHaha, I was reading your post thinking, exactly, this guy makes sense, til I read the remark about "a dorky, vulnerable, out of place gringo" / tshirt with a sports logo", Lol.

It's only about what half the guys out walking Botero wear, locals.

Soccer jerseys, logo tshirts, etc.

And dude, I've been walking Medellin and all of Colombia before you even knew it existed.

I've befriended many, I'm a pretty cool guy (IMO anyway, LOL), speak fluent Spanish, definitely know what I'm doing, and being a "dorky, vulnerable, out of place gringo" haha is not me.

Interesting that yesterday, arriving at immigration, the official that I approached to check passport, etc, recognized me from previous trips, and he chatted with me about Brazil, the USA etc for about 5-10 min.
Im no better than anyone else, Ive just been around, and made the effort, starting many moons back to fit in, and not be a dorky, vulnerable, out of place gringo, lol.

Sometimes guys just can't resist making dumb remarks to make themselves feel better.


11-13-20, 19:21
Be yourself, if you're "nice" be nice. But it gets you no dividends, don't fool yourself.
Definitely disagree with that statement.

Being nice pays back big.

It's common sense.

Meet a girl, chat, comment nicely on her looks, ask about kids, family etc.

It's all about making her feel comfortable.

Pays big dividends!

There's a big difference between being nice and being bobo.

Being nice is great, just got to know when someone is trying to take advantage, and shut it down.

Common sense stuff.

11-13-20, 19:47

You like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime. 90% of the girls you get would hit you up for free.

Has anyone normal looking on this forum gotten the similar deals as Blackman? The deals I was getting pre covid was 150 k plus taxi per hour for a Blakman 6.5. What should the normal man around mid 30's be looking to pay for a four hour Blakman 8? TLN? Week long stay? All my numbers seem way too low now.What deal are you talking about? The one where the gal called the cops.

Don't believe everything you read here. You get what you pay for. Movie stars don't go for Centro rates. An 8 in Medellin is not a movie star but well above normal. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Wait till you get there, meet some guys in person and see what they are getting and for how much.

I was with a guy in Centro who bragged about paying 15 to 20 k for beauties. Then I saw what he considered beauties. Dirty nasty glue sniffer types. And this guy is a veteran monger. But these gals would walk up to him and talk to him like he was the king and that made him feel good.

11-13-20, 21:19
I wanted to get a membership but if I don't use my credit card its going to be like 2 weeks before I get it back, trip will almost be over by then. But I will for next time.

How do you find these girls on fb? I tried to look but no luck.

Thank you for the heads up about the tinder girls, I guess I should learn from Blakman's experience specially since this is my first trip.Go to the General Topics thread. Search for Facebook. Look for my post. I wrote a step by step guide to build a Facebook list.

11-13-20, 21:30
Actually read it as was challenged by my best friend. Google it an get back to me..Or I could try to find try to find the name of my exgf's OB / GYN. She opted for a full hysterectomy, rather than just getting her tubes tied. During his examination of her he pointed out, I'll try to explain this. As we age our internals shift a bit. With men it means that your penis will likely start to get smaller, as it gets pulled inward. With women it changes the alignment of the urethra which makes bladder control difficult. The older they get, the more difficult. Laughing, sneezing, or a good orgasm and control slips. The result, during sex is squirting.

During the hysterectomy he rearranged her plumbing and no more squirting.

11-13-20, 21:41
Haha, I was reading your post thinking, exactly, this guy makes sense, til I read the remark about "a dorky, vulnerable, out of place gringo" / tshirt with a sports logo", Lol.

It's only about what half the guys out walking Botero wear, locals.

Soccer jerseys, logo tshirts, etc.

And dude, I've been walking Medellin and all of Colombia before you even knew it existed.

I've befriended many, I'm a pretty cool guy (IMO anyway, LOL), speak fluent Spanish, definitely know what I'm doing, and being a "dorky, vulnerable, out of place gringo" haha is not me.

Interesting that yesterday, arriving at immigration, the official that I approached to check passport, etc, recognized me from previous trips, and he chatted with me about Brazil, the USA etc for about 5-10 min.
Im no better than anyone else, Ive just been around, and made the effort, starting many moons back to fit in, and not be a dorky, vulnerable, out of place gringo, lol.

Sometimes guys just can't resist making dumb remarks to make themselves feel better.

Peace!Hawaiian shirts. Cargo shorts. Black socks and sandals (with cargo shorts). Cowboy boots. Cowboy hats. Although not complete, that's most of the "dress like a dork" list.

I stick with jeans, t-shirts or polos and some comfortable sneakers. I'd feel fine wearing something with some team logo and I expect it would only attract good attention.

11-13-20, 22:01
Its all good. I got my greatness from you lol0

One key thing you left out is how you were getting the deal that you got. Nobody can tell you anything without that information. Years before Blakman came along telling his fabulous stories I was doing the same thing, but I was called a liar because it was impossible for these things to happen. I would even lay out exactly how something is done. For me it was all too natural and I could not see how it was NOT possible seeing that I was living it. The thing with all the doubters is they never TRIED any of these methods to see if it actually worked, they only went on the experience of it never happened for them before so it is not possible.

Maybe it is just ingrained in people to do the same old thing they have always been doing and not try something else. Just like the tipping discussion. No matter how much you tell guys to leave that shit in their country, they may not feel right inside if they do not do it anyway; even though in places like Japan it is actually considered an insult. But you can not tell them anything because that is how it is done where they are from and they have no cultural sensitivity.

Unlike SR, I have never found a hooker to give a rat's ass what I was wearing. Half of you guys are getting the chicks from online anyway so really how would she know you were not dressed like Bruce Wayne at his $100,000/plate foundation dinner? Now if you were making a date to go to a fashion show things may be different, but you are making a date to take all of that shit off anyway.

How much should you be looking to pay? That depends on how much you are willing to pay and how much she is willing to accept. The reason why people do not get deals like Blakman is because they simply do not ask. They treat chicks like a shopping mall back in their own country. The price on the tag is the price that you pay. So obviously the price that the girl tells them is the price they must pay.

I do not think I have ever lived by those rules and that is why I am in the Cheap Charlie Hall of Fame along with Blakman. I don't accept the first price as the final price. I open my mouth and negotiate. A lot of people do a lot of unnecessary shit and make things harder than they really are.

When I bought my car, no down payment. When I bought my house, no down payment. (Not sure why people make it a big deal to close on a house. I was in and out of the room in 10 minutues while other people are talking about months.) Like most people I was asked how much I wanted to put down. But unlike most people I did not assume it was a requirement so I told them zero. And they said okay. When I bought my motorcycle off ebay I paid $700 less than what the guy had it listed for ($3700) because I simply opened my mouth (or my keyboard actually) and asked. When I buy my guns I never pay the price that is asked. At the very least they will take off the tax. But none of this happens without asking.

Another thing people make complicated is divorce. Why the hell would it take years to get a divorce? It only takes a few hours. I did my own. I asked my wife how she wanted to split the stuff up. I looked online for an example of how to write the document, and I went to the courthouse to file it for like $55. Most people expect it to be a process that is going to rip them off, so they accept it as a long drawn out process whose purpose is ripping them off.

Hookers are no different than anything else. See the price and negotiate it down. One of my favorite movies give a good example of how this is done. I use some of the exact techniques. Chick tells me x amount. I say no I only want 2 hours; you are giving me the price for 2 weeks. Or chick tells me a price and I say but this is all my mother allows me to spend.


As with anything it becomes easier and second nature with practice. Can every hooker on the planet be negotiated down? No. But there are enough of them that can that it makes no difference. I have never seen a turtle with speed or a broad that I need. I look at it as I am doing her a favor and trying to help her out. My money is doing good right here in my pocket. If she does not want to accept what I am willing to spend then I have no problem searching for someone else that will..

11-13-20, 22:02
Took a fellow board member on a much longer walk around El Centro than he expected (sorry man). Started out walking from our building to the metro, Estadio station and got off at San Antonio. Coming from Poblado I would get off at Parque Berrio, but from Laureles it's not worth changing trains and dealing with the crowds to go 4 blocks.

Walked from the station to Plaza Botero. Seems to be a lot more kiosks set up than before. Plaza Botero wasn't particularly crowded, but saw several girls hanging out. Made a lap around the plaza, before heading down the Veracruz alley. Didn't see any trannies out today. Saw several who were tempting along the Veracruz block and saw a couple of more decent ones over by Raudal. From there headed up to the Junin walking street and pointed out a few restaurants, before taking a short break in Parque Bolivar.

From there the tour went downhill, except we were going uphill. I had planned on pointing out a few of the casas, particularly New Life, but after crossing Oriental I zigged when I should have zagged and lost my sense of direction. Did manage to get to Parque de LOS periodistas and eventually to New Life. For some reason nothing looked familiar today. Maybe dementia is setting in.

I did finally get us going the right direction and got back to Parque Berrio. Took the metro to Industriales and Ciudad del Rio, looking for my favorite Italian restaurant. It's closed. Gone. Grabbed a taxi back to Laureles and had lunch at SaludPan.

SaludPan is a bit more expensive, but they have an excellent menu of the day with vegetarian and vegan options along with meat options. The menu changes daily. Highly recommended.

11-13-20, 22:36
I decide to go see a mileroticos chica. Her price was 70 mil an hour. The addres happened to be right next to energy life. I ended up in energy life and host was trying to tell me we have the real carolina next door is lower level carolina. Energy had the girls coming out and the choices look good. But anyways 70 mil looks good as well so off I go next door. Walk upstairs and meet my Carolina. Well Carolina was a little bit thicker than her pics. I thought about skipping out but that didn't go well this week. And really she wasnt bad. She tries to put on music yall no the deal I tell her play mines. I need to sell this playlist its so fucking effective. I get a sexy kiss and kisses. There is chemistry. I told her I like great blow jobs. She tries to upsell but i say prefer condom. Lets stay at 70 mil. I put on the condom she starts out slow and looks me in the eyes. She then goes deep throat and stays there so I give her some help with my hands on her head. No resistance. Ok fuck mouth city here I go. I fuck her mouth for about 10 minutes. She comes back up for air and goes back down. I mean I am pressing down on her head to the max. She likes it, go little further say she loves it. Gives me head for like 15 minutes. She gets on top the riding is good. We go to doggy and she has a long mirror we can see ourself. Dicking it down and she has good moans. I am looking in the mirror admiring my diet. I see a 6 pck LOL. I ask her get on all fours. My new position I love. Giving her more doggy. Then we go to missionary. I tried real hard to come but had to have her jerk me off. I then went to san peters to see about an apartment, then i went to centro to find hotel premiere plaza. The taxi driver sent me on a wild goose chase i finally i found it right near church. I didnt see much. Wasnt in the mood to hang around since i am now reduce to a 1nut maybe 2 nut man. Bought some fruits and veggies grab taxi and headed home. Surfer i think i would have to live or stay in that area to appreciate Centri. I cannot deal with the dumpsters on a daily basis. I think i want to give energy life a shot though its pricey.

11-13-20, 23:15
Exactly how did I answer my own question since I'm not on the ground? Yes it has been a recommended place for bringing girls back but in case you have not noticed the current situation is extremely dynamic and likely to change on a whim which is the reason for gathering the latest intel. What was allowed 1 month ago does not automatically apply today and I'm sure as hell not going to be happy paying for an airbnb upfront and then finding out I'm not allowed to bring girls back.

To the guys on the ground that have confirmed there are no issues, I appreciate it. Damn I'm so tempted to go this month rather than wait until Jan as there are some great reports coming out.Some of my post got cut off? Anyway I here your concerns about what's happening now on ground, I'm also with you about jumping on plane very soon before things (requires test) change again, stay safe, party hard!

11-14-20, 01:04
The brand X Carolina is cute Blakman. She is a little thicker than I normally go with but something about her photo is very appealing.

Energy as you say is pricey. You are paying extra for the very clean and comfortable rooms and the well groomed providers. I mention this because you might experience some frustration because of your ongoing conversion into a Centro rat.

I decide to go see a mileroticos chica. Her price was 70 mil an hour. The addres happened to be right next to energy life. I ended up in energy life and host was trying to tell me we have the real carolina next door is lower level carolina. Energy had the girls coming out and the choices look good. But anyways 70 mil looks good as well so off I go next door. Walk upstairs and meet my Carolina. Well Carolina was a little bit thicker than her pics. I thought about skipping out but that didn't go well this week. And really she wasnt bad. She tries to put on music yall no the deal I tell her play mines. I need to sell this playlist its so fucking effective. I get a sexy kiss and kisses. There is chemistry. I told her I like great blow jobs. She tries to upsell but i say prefer condom. Lets stay at 70 mil. I put on the condom she starts out slow and looks me in the eyes. She then goes deep throat and stays there so I give her some help with my hands on her head. No resistance. Ok fuck mouth city here I go. I fuck her mouth for about 10 minutes. She comes back up for air and goes back down. I mean I am pressing down on her head to the max. She likes it, go little further say she loves it. Gives me head for like 15 minutes. She gets on top the riding is good. We go to doggy and she has a long mirror we can see ourself. Dicking it down and she has good moans. I am looking in the mirror admiring my diet. I see a 6 pck LOL. I ask her get on all fours. My new position I love. Giving her more doggy. Then we go to missionary. I tried real hard to come but had to have her jerk me off. I then went to san peters to see about an apartment, then i went to centro to find hotel premiere plaza. The taxi driver sent me on a wild goose chase i finally i found it right near church. I didnt see much. Wasnt in the mood to hang around since i am now reduce to a 1nut maybe 2 nut man. Bought some fruits and veggies grab taxi and headed home. Surfer i think i would have to live or stay in that area to appreciate Centri. I cannot deal with the dumpsters on a daily basis. I think i want to give energy life a shot though its pricey.

11-14-20, 02:06
Definitely disagree with that statement.

Being nice pays back big.

It's common sense.

Meet a girl, chat, comment nicely on her looks, ask about kids, family etc.

It's all about making her feel comfortable.

Pays big dividends!

There's a big difference between being nice and being bobo.

Being nice is great, just got to know when someone is trying to take advantage, and shut it down.

Common sense stuff.Agree. If it makes the mongerer feel better to be selfish about it then think of it as being motivational for the one you are about to fuck. If someone thinks there is no difference between fucking a motivated, happy girl compared to the opposite, then I feel for your not being able to tell the difference. Or maybe being satisfied with the least is the smarter way to go, who is to say? If any wet hole will do then do any wet hole. But here is one concrete example of a "payoff" from being "nice" or however you want to put it. One of my regular putas in a brothel had fantastic skills. I got started out at the going flat rate and as anyone knows who had been there, the "extras" after that are negotiable. Not the first time, or the second, or the fourth, but soon I was fucking her for the standard flat rate and getting everything and anything I wanted at no extra charge. No bullshit, no upcharges, whatever my warped mind could dream up. We had sessions that I could have been charged triple of what I paid with the exception being, we actually liked each other. We never got together outside the brothel, but I knew she lived with her kid and mom. One time I walked her to the bus stop when I kept her late. Our relationship was strictly professional and she was definitely NOT one of my "regular" non-professional girls I talk about a lot here. She was full time in the brothel. Being nice and showing some human interest in her beyond a wet hole probably saved me 50% cash overall. Sometimes I bought lunch for all the girls (it was a small place) but everything was returned to me and then some. I normally don't go back to the same girl at a brothel over and over but she was that good, a master of the Venezuelan Soft Swirl blow job with endurance longer than her shift. And much more. I think if a guy is happy not engaging a girl on any level other than purely physical, then he can happily continue. However, if someone can appreciate what a little psychological and emotional motivation can do for a "wet hole," then play the game.

11-14-20, 02:22
I don't ever think I can get comfortable with the undesirables and extent you have to go to find a solid person in centro. The price is luring though. I love grocery shopping and now I am getting into shopping so it as potential outside of mongering. I love laureles, theres casas stacked everywhere. Lleras park is losing ground cause 200 mil is above the price I want to pay for the quality girls. And average girls are following the trend.

The brand X Carolina is cute Blakman. She is a little thicker than I normally go with but something about her photo is very appealing.

Energy as you say is pricey. You are paying extra for the very clean and comfortable rooms and the well groomed providers. I mention this because you might experience some frustration because of your ongoing conversion into a Centro rat..

Mr Enternational
11-14-20, 02:57
As we age our internals shift a bit. With women it changes the alignment of the urethra which makes bladder control difficult. The older they get, the more difficult. Laughing, sneezing, or a good orgasm and control slips. The result, during sex is squirting. During the hysterectomy he rearranged her plumbing and no more squirting.But all the chicks that I have been with that squirted (at least 10 - 3 of them being hookers) were young ladies, not old ass women whose internals had shifted.

11-14-20, 03:24
then i went to centro to find hotel premiere plaza. The taxi driver sent me on a wild goose chase i finally i found it right near church. I didnt see much. Wasnt in the mood to hang around since i am now reduce to a 1nut maybe 2 nut man. Bought some fruits and veggies grab taxi and headed home. Surfer i think i would have to live or stay in that area to appreciate Centri. I cannot deal with the dumpsters on a daily basis. I think i want to give energy life a shot though its pricey.Premier Plaza Hotel has a balcony above it and is on the same side of the Church about 150 feet away. I would suggest that next time your in El Centro, go around 5 PM and go inside the Premier Plaza Hotel, ask them if you can buy some beverages and sit on their balcony while consuming your drinks. From there you will be able to observe and see most of the girls that work the area walking by. You don't need to live or stay there, but you cannot expect to show up, spend a small amount of time there, and understand and really see what is available.

11-14-20, 04:28
Hawaiian shirts. Cargo shorts. Black socks and sandals (with cargo shorts). Cowboy boots. Cowboy hats. Although not complete, that's most of the "dress like a dork" list.

I stick with jeans, t-shirts or polos and some comfortable sneakers. I'd feel fine wearing something with some team logo and I expect it would only attract good attention.I guess ima continue looking like a gringo with my cargo shorts because it is way too hot to be wearing some jeans for me in these hot ass climates.

11-14-20, 04:31
But all the chicks that I have been with that squirted (at least 10 - 3 of them being hookers) were young ladies, not old ass women whose internals had shifted.I've been with girls who squirted too. The shift in the bladder, etc just makes it more likely. If you're doing women over 40, it's a more common occurrence, at least that's my experience and what the doctor explained. There's 2 likely possible causes and a less likely one.

1. The woman already has an issue with bladder control, causing the squirting. If that's the case, it's probably going to be a regular thing.

2. The woman orgasmed so hard, she completely lost control. If that's the case, it's probably going to be a rare occurrence.

3. The unlikely answer, the girl intentionally lets loose because she's watched too much porn and thinks it's normal. Had a webcam model who kept doing that until I told her to stop.

Mojo Bandit
11-14-20, 06:08
But all the chicks that I have been with that squirted (at least 10 - 3 of them being hookers) were young ladies, not old ass women whose internals had shifted.I am sure that I am not telling Mr E or for that matter a lot of board members anything that they do not already know but I wanted to throw my two cents in on this topic in case there are people who are unaware.

First of all I am not arguing with either Mr E or JjBee62. Just adding to the conversation. Many years ago when I was a younger man I had a Chicano chica that could make herself squirt by mounting me facing my feet while I lay flat and she would grind back and forth, I did not really get much out of it except that at the point she ejaculated it was my signal to flip her over and pin her knees against her ears and take advantage of that soaking wet pussy. Later I had an caucasian girlfriend who taught me exactly how to locate that little raised bumpy area on the front wall of the vagina called the G spot and tap it just the right way and send her to heaven as she squirted and again taking advantage of that soaking wet pussy to pound her head into the headboard and listen to her scream, in both cases afterward they were hot blooded and passionately into the sex they I have tried this with multiple women since to varying degrees of success. One in particular that I met in Mexico City that was like 32 years old and who to my surprise was not aware of the G spot but had a very intense experience when I engaged with hers, and after I set off her orgasm with her G Spot, she fucked me like a wild animal. For my experience this little exploration can sometimes pays dividends turning a 'just lay there' fuck into a fire breathing sex beast.

This first article is written for women but gives an explanation about the squirting of younger women




11-14-20, 06:46
My physician says eating pussy can cause throat cancer, HPV.

He is an HIV expert, he's a smart dude so I listen to him.

He says eating puta pussy is even higher risk, Eddie Van Halen just died of throat cancer, did he eat too much vagina?

Too many slutty vaginas? Michael Douglas had throat cancer I believe I read at the time they said it was from HPV.

Proceed accordingly.

11-14-20, 08:03
This a classic case of someone trying to use false rhetoric to hoodwink you into thinking he is right and knowledgeable about squirting. Theres thousands, maybe millions of young squirters in porn or chatutbating, reality and etc to dispute this assinine assertion. Dumpster bullshit jjbee. Ccut it out LOL

But all the chicks that I have been with that squirted (at least 10 - 3 of them being hookers) were young ladies, not old ass women whose internals had shifted..

11-14-20, 11:57
There are some casas in Centro. You can rotate between them and Plaza Botero without taking a taxi or uber across traffic jams.

I don't ever think I can get comfortable with the undesirables and extent you have to go to find a solid person in centro. The price is luring though. I love grocery shopping and now I am getting into shopping so it as potential outside of mongering. I love laureles, theres casas stacked everywhere. Lleras park is losing ground cause 200 mil is above the price I want to pay for the quality girls. And average girls are following the trend..

11-14-20, 12:23
Downloading and following up with the app has never been a requirement as far as I know. I know it hasn't been for the past month.

You must fill out the entry form at https://apps.migracioncolombia.gov.co/pre-registro/public/preregistro.jsf, or be delayed at MDE while you provide all the information.

United States citizens and premanent residents have never been prohibited from leaving Colombia nor returning to the United States.Thank you for this information!

John Gault
11-14-20, 14:23
Agree. If it makes the mongerer feel better to be selfish about it then think of it as being motivational for the one you are about to fuck. If someone thinks there is no difference between fucking a motivated, happy girl compared to the opposite, then I feel for your not being able to tell the difference. Or maybe being satisfied with the least is the smarter way to go, who is to say? If any wet hole will do then do any wet hole. But here is one concrete example of a "payoff" from being "nice" or however you want to put it. One of my regular putas in a brothel had fantastic skills. I got started out at the going flat rate and as anyone knows who had been there, the "extras" after that are negotiable. Not the first time, or the second, or the fourth, but soon I was fucking her for the standard flat rate and getting everything and anything I wanted at no extra charge. No bullshit, no upcharges, whatever my warped mind could dream up. We had sessions that I could have been charged triple of what I paid with the exception being, we actually liked each other. We never got together outside the brothel, but I knew she lived with her kid and mom. One time I walked her to the bus stop when I kept her late. Our relationship was strictly professional and she was definitely NOT one of my "regular" non-professional girls I talk about a lot here. She was full time in the brothel. Being nice and showing some human interest in her beyond a wet hole probably saved me 50% cash overall. Sometimes I bought lunch for all the girls (it was a small place) but everything was returned to me and then some. I normally don't go back to the same girl at a brothel over and over but she was that good, a master of the Venezuelan Soft Swirl blow job with endurance longer than her shift. And much more. I think if a guy is happy not engaging a girl on any level other than purely physical, then he can happily continue. However, if someone can appreciate what a little psychological and emotional motivation can do for a "wet hole," then play the game.What in the Sam Hill is that?

I have been around a little bit but never heard of that. Never to old to go to school.

11-14-20, 14:51
My physician says eating pussy can cause throat cancer, HPV.

He is an HIV expert, he's a smart dude so I listen to him.

He says eating puta pussy is even higher risk, Eddie Van Halen just died of throat cancer, did he eat too much vagina?

Too many slutty vaginas? Michael Douglas had throat cancer I believe I read at the time they said it was from HPV.

Proceed accordingly.Your taking the fun out of life, nothing like an El Centro pussy to knaw on, and some are very flavorful to boot!

11-14-20, 14:55
I've been with girls who squirted too. The shift in the bladder, etc just makes it more likely. If you're doing women over 40, it's a more common occurrence, at least that's my experience and what the doctor explained. There's 2 likely possible causes and a less likely one.

1. The woman already has an issue with bladder control, causing the squirting. If that's the case, it's probably going to be a regular thing.

2. The woman orgasmed so hard, she completely lost control. If that's the case, it's probably going to be a rare occurrence.

3. The unlikely answer, the girl intentionally lets loose because she's watched too much porn and thinks it's normal. Had a webcam model who kept doing that until I told her to stop.I'll take responsibility for promulgating this topic in response to your first post, yet I'm amazed there has been so much interest, and commentary on this topic, which at this point seems to be enough.

11-14-20, 15:19
I don't ever think I can get comfortable with the undesirables and extent you have to go to find a solid person in centro. The price is luring though. I love grocery shopping and now I am getting into shopping so it as potential outside of mongering. I love laureles, theres casas stacked everywhere. Lleras park is losing ground cause 200 mil is above the price I want to pay for the quality girls. And average girls are following the trend..Speaking of. Do you have a list of casas that you've hit in Laureles? I'm going to be there for two weeks starting tmrw. Are they named places, do you find them of mileroticos? Just go to and knock? Tried to rtff but casa returns more than a bunch of hits. Much appreciated.

11-14-20, 15:25
I awoke Friday morning around 6 AM and discovered a leaking valve in a bathroom. I had to turn off the water, went to a hardware store that opens at 7 AM and returned and replaced the valve and had the water back on by 7:30 AM. Not the greatest way to start the day playing plumber, so I decided I would rather be laying pipe instead, so I fired up my Colombian burner phone and dialed up one of my El Centro Chicas and asked if she you could meet me at 9 AM. Betty's her name and she said yes, and was right on time at the Zona Rosa Hotel. A bigger gal, not fat, and nice for a change from all the dinky thinner women I normally do, nice big titties and something to ride, kind of like a wave. After our session, I decided to give her 70K versus the 40K I normally give her. I'm not a cheap charlie with my regulars because I get the full monty. Regardless, Betty started jumping up and down profusely thanking me for giving her extra money to buy food for her and her kids. She's just a Mom trying to make ends meet, not a full time streetwalker in El Centro and I have a few others like that I didn't run into his trip. After laying pipe or I should say getting my pipes cleaned, I decided to get a workout and went to Bellen and swam laps for forty five minutes and then went back to the apartment. Later in the afternoon around 3 PM I went back to El Centro to see what was available and spent an hour making laps around the area looking for something out of the ordinary but low and behold all of a sudden one of my long time performers appeared at her "station" by the telephones adjacent to the Church. I gave her the signal and she met in the lobby of the Zona Rosa and it was like make up sex after not being together for over eight months. So after that I went over to my buddies apartment in La Linde and we had cocktails / wine and ordered thru Rappi for dinner. It rained most of the evening, so no activity in Lleras with the curfew set for 11 PM. An okay day for a Friday.

11-14-20, 15:52
Or Knowledge your just providing knowledge so I can have a better time. Has anyone stayed at primeir plaza over night. Is it nice enough for that. I have seen some big rats around Centro and I am not talking about jjbee and Surfer LOL.

There are some casas in Centro. You can rotate between them and Plaza Botero without taking a taxi or uber across traffic jams..

11-14-20, 17:15
This is a little shocking but as a matter of fact there are people who not only stay overnight but stay long term. The hotel has separate designated areas for short time and long term residents. The places across the street are all short time and slightly cheaper.

I posted about rats back during the height of the quarantine when no one was supposed to be out on the street. At the time I wrote something along the lines of "this Centro rat ran into a real Centro rat". Slightly smaller than a squirrel, it was lounging on the sidewalk in front of a deserted Parque Berrio. I also saw an Andean condor on top of a building on la Oriental. I wish I had taken more pictures of Centro during the quarantine because we aren't likely to ever see it like that again. At least I hope not.

Or Knowledge your just providing knowledge so I can have a better time. Has anyone stayed at primeir plaza over night. Is it nice enough for that. I have seen some big rats around Centro and I am not talking about jjbee and Surfer LOL..

11-14-20, 17:24
Medellin is a hot climate? What would you wear in the Caribbean or Thailand, a speedo and flip flops?

I guess ima continue looking like a gringo with my cargo shorts because it is way too hot to be wearing some jeans for me in these hot ass climates.

11-14-20, 17:58
Or Knowledge your just providing knowledge so I can have a better time. Has anyone stayed at primeir plaza over night. Is it nice enough for that. I have seen some big rats around Centro and I am not talking about jjbee and Surfer LOL..Jbee2 is not a street rat, he doesn't qualify as he never earned his whiskers!.

As far as Premier Plaza I used to many years ago stay there. It's probably the best place to stay in El Centro for a a day or too at a time in that it is right at ground zero the intersection of Carrea / Calle 52. You can literally stay right in front of the Hotel and when you see something you like take them to your room. There used to be no joiner fee but I don't know what the current policy is. They check Cedulas, have hot water and if you get a room on the top floor in the middle it should be fairly quiet. Don't take a room on the backside as there is a bar back there, and the front rooms on the top floor overlooking the walkwway can be hot with noise from down below. The Hotel also serves as a mini Police Station at times as the staff gives the Cops free coffee and they use their WiFi there.

I think what should be obvious to you is that Knowledge and I are both bonfide "street rats" and I think Knowledge would agree that we see potential in you becoming a member of this special group.

11-14-20, 19:03
I love grocery shopping and now I am getting into shopping so it as potential outside of mongering
.Have you been to Minorista yet? It's walking distance from El Centro. Besides grocery, you can get cheap food too, 4 mil for Lechona but they only come out in the morning.

11-14-20, 19:08
I've been working this for nearly 2 months. It finally happened.

Coin Slot came over around midnight on Thursday night. A little miscommunication as she said 1030 p and I thought I said UNTIL 1230 a but she understood come at 1230. Around 1130 p we got on the same page and she hurried over. Usually, she is an afternoon delight type, because she lives at home. She might have a boyfriend, idk, she is tough to communicate with via her cell.

Anyway, Pinky was hesitant because she saw multiple occasions when Coin Slot was messaging and asking to see me, alone. Well, they hit it off right away. It was amazing. This was Coin Slot's first experience with another girl. I had explained to her she doesn't need to do anything that makes her feel uncomfortable, but come over and let's see what happens. We were in the jacuzzi for awhile, loosening up, and they were chit chatting the whole time, sharing stories and laughing. Eventually, a little make out, and when I came back from grabbing a beer from the fridge, they said no no no, let's go to the bedroom. Coin Slot got right into the action (as seen below). I was going back and forth banging them, they were going back and forth switching roles. It was heaven. Aside from the fact that I couldn't cum. I think she left around 4 a. I gave her 200 k, which is more than I usually give her, and she didn't seem to look at it or count it.

Well, that wasn't enough. So, around 530-6 a, we invited over one of Pinky's friends who just moved to town. She's a lesbian, I believe, which I guess makes her bi. Not too sure about her sexual history or identity, but we had a round two with her. She is boyish in her style and vibe, but tender and pretty. Beautiful curly hair and stunning light eyes with a spinner body. I don't really remember the second round, but Pinky confirmed it happened. I'll definitely be rotating her back in, in the future. Something about her. I think I owe her 200 k, but her and two other girls are still here from last night, so maybe she'll mention it, maybe she'll let it go.

Last night, during ley seca, I ordered beer twice from Rappi. I ordered from restaurants, as the liquor stores and markets were blocking alcohol sales. I also noticed the order would get cancelled if you didn't order a food item. Not sure if you could order a 12 pack with a side of BBQ sauce, but maybe Blakman will have a chance to inform us, before he heads to Kenya.

11-14-20, 20:02
Nounce you are talking to man that has not entertain a restaurant since I been here. I pay for extra luggage to bring my own food LOL. Just remember vote me as cheapy charlie of the year LOL.

Have you been to Minorista yet? It's walking distance from El Centro. Besides grocery, you can get cheap food too, 4 mil for Lechona but they only come out in the morning..

11-14-20, 20:47
What in the Sam Hill is that?

I have been around a little bit but never heard of that. Never to old to go to school.In my small sample size of 8-10 blowjobs from Venezuelan chicas, they seemed to be schooled similarly, although this puta was the best at it. She was so good at blowjobs I brought in my Numero Dos and Tres regular chicas to the Brothel for her to give instruction, live, on me of course. The house charged me 20 mil extra each time for bringing in my own girls, but Soft Swirl didn't charge me any extra for the lessons.

I can't explain it. Her head moves very little. All the work is done with her tongue and intermittent suction. Her tongue was on all four sides of my cock and her lips were super soft. Sometimes, as I was laying on my back, I could not imagine how she was creating the sensations I was feeling and I would pick up my head wanting to see what she was doing, but like I said, her head was still with very little motion. Nothing to see here. I told one of my friends to imagine your dick was on the delicate cycle in a dryer full of silk scarves, with suction, not that I have direct experience with that but it's the closest I could come, jajajajajaaa.

11-14-20, 21:08
I don't ever think I can get comfortable with the undesirables and extent you have to go to find a solid person in centro. The price is luring though. I love grocery shopping and now I am getting into shopping so it as potential outside of mongering. I love laureles, theres casas stacked everywhere. Lleras park is losing ground cause 200 mil is above the price I want to pay for the quality girls. And average girls are following the trend..Here are some shopping options:

Mayorista. You can get there cheaply by taking the metro south to Ayura station. When you exit the station turn left. Follow that street. Mayorista is the southern wholesale area. Liquor, food, popcorn. All at wholesale prices. There's also a good court area with good food.

If you continue walking past Mayorista you'll come to a casino on your left. That's the beginning of the Mayorista red light district. You probably won't find anything there to interest you. Continue for 2 blocks. You'll see a park across the street on the right. Turn left. For the next 4 or 5 blocks it's nothing but clothing stores.

Plaza de mercado la America. You can look it up to get directions. It's a big, indoor, fruit and vegetable market. Probably not as cheap as El Centro, but a more refined environment, for your sensitive tastes.

11-14-20, 21:12
Nounce you are talking to man that has not entertain a restaurant since I been here. I pay for extra luggage to bring my own food LOL. Just remember vote me as cheapy charlie of the year LOL.

.Haha, It's street food, not a restaurant. You also can't cook that yourself. It's only about $1. 3 so don't tell me that is out of your price range. The saving you get from shopping at Minorista can easily make up for that.

11-14-20, 21:19
I've been working this for nearly 2 months. It finally happened.

Coin Slot came over around midnight on Thursday night. A little miscommunication as she said 1030 p and I thought I said UNTIL 1230 a but she understood come at 1230. Around 1130 p we got on the same page and she hurried over. Usually, she is an afternoon delight type, because she lives at home. She might have a boyfriend, idk, she is tough to communicate with via her cell.

Well, that wasn't enough. So, around 530-6 a, we invited over one of Pinky's friends who just moved to town. She's a lesbian, I believe, which I guess makes her bi. Not too sure about her sexual history or identity, but we had a round two with her. She is boyish in her style and vibe, but tender and pretty. Beautiful curly hair and stunning light eyes with a spinner body. I don't really remember the second round, but Pinky confirmed it happened. I'll definitely be rotating her back in, in the future. Something about her. I think I owe her 200 k, but her and two other girls are still here from last night, so maybe she'll mention it, maybe she'll let it go.Love me some nice slot pussy. Jajaja at, "I don't really remember the second round, but Pinky confirmed it."

11-14-20, 22:16
Agree. If it makes the mongerer feel better to be selfish about it then think of it as being motivational for the one you are about to fuck. If someone thinks there is no difference between fucking a motivated, happy girl compared to the opposite, then I feel for your not being able to tell the difference. Or maybe being satisfied with the least is the smarter way to go, who is to say? If any wet hole will do then do any wet hole. But here is one concrete example of a "payoff" from being "nice" or however you want to put it. One of my regular putas in a brothel had fantastic skills. I got started out at the going flat rate and as anyone knows who had been there, the "extras" after that are negotiable. Not the first time, or the second, or the fourth, but soon I was fucking her for the standard flat rate and getting everything and anything I wanted at no extra charge. No bullshit, no upcharges, whatever my warped mind could dream up. We had sessions that I could have been charged triple of what I paid with the exception being, we actually liked each other. We never got together outside the brothel, but I knew she lived with her kid and mom. One time I walked her to the bus stop when I kept her late. Our relationship was strictly professional and she was definitely NOT one of my "regular" non-professional girls I talk about a lot here. She was full time in the brothel. Being nice and showing some human interest in her beyond a wet hole probably saved me 50% cash overall. Sometimes I bought lunch for all the girls (it was a small place) but everything was returned to me and then some..I have found most putas respect the guy that pays less, this is a generalization of course, the greediest ones (the sharks won't) but in my experience the less I offer, the less I pay, the more I get literally and figuratively, but go ahead and pay more than you have to and believe this if you want, but I seriously doubt grown men here with healthy self esteem will agree.

You talk about a payoff, LOL my idea of a payoff is getting it for free when I'm looking to pay for it, now that's what I call a payoff.

I'm looking to get it cheaper than everyone else, and I wind up getting it free.

At least in my case paying the minimum can lead to freebies, conversely I know guys that pay the max and totally get shammed and get nothing.

As goffering likes to write, paying more than one has to doesn't endear oneself to 3rd world putas, it only gets oneself labeled as an easy mark.

This is not rocket science bro.

Black Page
11-14-20, 22:16
Have you been to Minorista yet? It's walking distance from El Centro. Besides grocery, you can get cheap food too, 4 mil for Lechona but they only come out in the morning. Definitely a good advice!

In Bogota, for lechona I recommend to go explore the area around the Bodegas in San Andresito district. There is a couple of streets all full of lechonerias de Tolima. If I am not wrong, it should be around Cr. 20-21 and CL 8-8a. A true delicacy! (at least until you do not try "porchetta" in Central Italy).
You walk, and sellers give you a taste piece on a fork to try, trying to lure you to seat and eat. It is more expensive than 4 mil (8-12), but it's a large plate with rice.

In the last years, I have been used to plan my flights with a stop over in Bogota taking at least 7-8 hours, say from Medellin to Cartagena. I land, I take a taxi to San Andresito, eat lechona, then walk slowly to centro passing by Plaza de Los Martires, Tercero Millenio, see Bronx archeology, Museo del Oro, Santa Fe, taxi back to airport for next flight. What a nostalgy!

11-14-20, 22:17
I guess ima continue looking like a gringo with my cargo shorts because it is way too hot to be wearing some jeans for me in these hot ass climates.Besides this depressing ass rain we've been getting lately I can say it gets a bit chilly at night. Just landed in Medellin yesterday and had to pull out a long sleeve.

11-14-20, 23:36
I guess ima continue looking like a gringo with my cargo shorts because it is way too hot to be wearing some jeans for me in these hot ass climates.Hot ass climate? I take it you haven't been to Medellin before, or you live north of the Arctic circle.

High temperature right now is hitting about 80°. When it gets over 85°, which doesn't happen often, the natives act like they're melting. Humidity peaks at about 50% mid-morning, but drops to about 35% in the afternoon. Low temperature at night is usually about 60°. There's usually a nice breeze, especially around 4 pm which cools things down nicely.

With the low humidity and moderate high temperature, jeans are almost always comfortable. In 4 days I've walked 31 miles, as a 58 year old, overweight man with a heart condition, mostly during the hottest part of the day, much of the time climbing hills and stairs, without serious amounts of sweat.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to start walking as a fit 30 year old with a larger penis.

11-14-20, 23:36
I have found most putas respect the guy that pays less, this is a generalization of course, the greediest ones (the sharks won't) but in my experience the less I offer, the less I pay, the more I get literally and figuratively, but go ahead and pay more than you have to and believe this if you want, but I seriously doubt grown men here with healthy self esteem will agree.

You talk about a payoff, LOL my idea of a payoff is getting it for free when I'm looking to pay for it, now that's what I call a payoff.

I'm looking to get it cheaper than everyone else, and I wind up getting it free.

At least in my case paying the minimum can lead to freebies, conversely I know guys that pay the max and totally get shammed and get nothing.

As goffering likes to write, paying more than one has to doesn't endear oneself to 3rd world putas, it only gets oneself labeled as an easy mark.

This is not rocket science bro.Absolutely not true. Lmao😂128514;128514;.

A girl is selling her body to make $$ because she has to. This is not her first choice in life nor is it something she is proud of. It's strictly for money.

These girls want $$$ nothing more. And on the other end wtf do we care to care about her emotions or feelings. If that's the case then we wouldn't fuck any of these girls cause they all have sob stories.

This is just another of many examples of just hating on others. That's all it is.

Look at Blakmans post he keeps it real. He pays minimum and there's nothing wrong with that but it doesn't make him any less susceptible to bad things happening.

The fact is more $$ you spend in this business girls will want your repeat business and do whatever it takes to keep you happy.

That's common sense.

11-14-20, 23:36
Medellin is a hot climate? What would you wear in the Caribbean or Thailand, a speedo and flip flops?And a shitload of sunscreen.

11-14-20, 23:38
The one girl I paid 150 deserved 30 mil And the girl I just gave gifts, deserved 200 mil. Also Its like the more you show you like them the more they try to take advantage.

I have found most putas respect the guy that pays less, this is a generalization of course, the greediest ones (the sharks won't) but in my experience the less I offer, the less I pay, the more I get literally and figuratively, but go ahead and pay more than you have to and believe this if you want, but I seriously doubt grown men here with healthy self esteem will agree.

You talk about a payoff, LOL my idea of a payoff is getting it for free when I'm looking to pay for it, now that's what I call a payoff.

I'm looking to get it cheaper than everyone else, and I wind up getting it free.

At least in my case paying the minimum can lead to freebies, conversely I know guys that pay the max and totally get shammed and get nothing.

As goffering likes to write, paying more than one has to doesn't endear oneself to 3rd world putas, it only gets oneself labeled as an easy mark.

This is not rocket science bro..

11-14-20, 23:39
Jbee2 is not a street rat, he doesn't qualify as he never earned his whiskers!.

As far as Premier Plaza I used to many years ago stay there. It's probably the best place to stay in El Centro for a a day or too at a time in that it is right at ground zero the intersection of Carrea / Calle 52. You can literally stay right in front of the Hotel and when you see something you like take them to your room. There used to be no joiner fee but I don't know what the current policy is. They check Cedulas, have hot water and if you get a room on the top floor in the middle it should be fairly quiet. Don't take a room on the backside as there is a bar back there, and the front rooms on the top floor overlooking the walkwway can be hot with noise from down below. The Hotel also serves as a mini Police Station at times as the staff gives the Cops free coffee and they use their WiFi there.

I think what should be obvious to you is that Knowledge and I are both bonfide "street rats" and I think Knowledge would agree that we see potential in you becoming a member of this special group.I am definitely not a Centro street rat. I love walking the streets, but I don't have any urge to pull from there. Although I do have a thing for the girls in the diviest of the dive bars. I'll have to make at least 1 visit there before I go.

11-14-20, 23:40
I don't ever think I can get comfortable with the undesirables and extent you have to go to find a solid person in centro. The price is luring though. I love grocery shopping and now I am getting into shopping so it as potential outside of mongering..Several great choices for shopping in Centro, there are 2 walking streets with tons of stores that go on for blocks and are clean and seem safe, one, Carr 52/ Ave Carabobo starts at the Vera Cruz Church (there has been a church at that spot since 1682, the current one built in 1791) and goes south / south-west (if you came out the door of the church and walked straight to the street, go right) The other starts at the south end of Parque Bolivar, the end opposite the big brick church, the Catedral Basilica Metropolitana de Medellin, the landmark early-20th-century cathedral noted for its brick construction & romanesque architecture. That walking street, carrera 49, Paseo de Junin has lots of good eating choices also, for breakfast I like Versalles Restaurante & Pasteleria (if it looks full find the stairs to the upstairs) Cra. 49 Junin #53-39, and for a great traditional Colombian dinner Hacienda has great food, Cra. 49 Junand #52-98. Hacienda is not very expensive but not for cheap Charlies. There is also a indoor mall, Commercial Pasaje Junin Maracaibo with entrances on Carr 50 next to Hotel Nutibara and one on Paseo Junin between call 52 and 53, Cra. 49 Junand #52-141, on the north side of street. (NW actually).

11-15-20, 01:17
Blakman is in that gray zone between denial and resignation but I know a Centro rat when I smell one. I takes one to know one.

Jbee2 is not a street rat, he doesn't qualify as he never earned his whiskers!.

As far as Premier Plaza I used to many years ago stay there. It's probably the best place to stay in El Centro for a a day or too at a time in that it is right at ground zero the intersection of Carrea / Calle 52. You can literally stay right in front of the Hotel and when you see something you like take them to your room. There used to be no joiner fee but I don't know what the current policy is. They check Cedulas, have hot water and if you get a room on the top floor in the middle it should be fairly quiet. Don't take a room on the backside as there is a bar back there, and the front rooms on the top floor overlooking the walkwway can be hot with noise from down below. The Hotel also serves as a mini Police Station at times as the staff gives the Cops free coffee and they use their WiFi there.

I think what should be obvious to you is that Knowledge and I are both bonfide "street rats" and I think Knowledge would agree that we see potential in you becoming a member of this special group.

Mr Enternational
11-15-20, 03:56
That's actually funny to me, Lol. The girls respect more the guys that pay less. Ok. So, don't be nice. It doesn't pay off. Pay as little as possible, which will in turn, gain their respect. Ok.I can not tell a mf what to do or what not to do. I can not tell a mf how to act or how not to act. I can not tell a mf what to pay or what not to pay. I can not tell a mf what to wear or what not to wear.

It may take some guys buttering a chick up. It may take some guys putting on their Sunday best. It may take some guys paying way more than other guys. It may take some guys bringing hookers gifts besides money.

All I can say is that I am just myself and I get great results just being me. No special nothing. Just plain old me. If you are trying to make yourself into something that you are not then it probably will not work anyway. Like when I tried to make myself into a married guy. That lasted all of 2 years. No fights or arguments or anything like that, but I could no longer fool myself. I am a player. That is just my personality.

11-15-20, 04:14
Enjoy brother happy safe mongering.

I've been working this for nearly 2 months. It finally happened.

Coin Slot came over around midnight on Thursday night. A little miscommunication as she said 1030 p and I thought I said UNTIL 1230 a but she understood come at 1230. Around 1130 p we got on the same page and she hurried over. Usually, she is an afternoon delight type, because she lives at home. She might have a boyfriend, idk, she is tough to communicate with via her cell.

Anyway, Pinky was hesitant because she saw multiple occasions when Coin Slot was messaging and asking to see me, alone. Well, they hit it off right away. It was amazing. This was Coin Slot's first experience with another girl. I had explained to her she doesn't need to do anything that makes her feel uncomfortable, but come over and let's see what happens. We were in the jacuzzi for awhile, loosening up, and they were chit chatting the whole time, sharing stories and laughing. Eventually, a little make out, and when I came back from grabbing a beer from the fridge, they said no no no, let's go to the bedroom. Coin Slot got right into the action (as seen below). I was going back and forth banging them, they were going back and forth switching roles. It was heaven. Aside from the fact that I couldn't cum. I think she left around 4 a. I gave her 200 k, which is more than I usually give her, and she didn't seem to look at it or count it.

Well, that wasn't enough. So, around 530-6 a, we invited over one of Pinky's friends who just moved to town. She's a lesbian, I believe, which I guess makes her bi. Not too sure about her sexual history or identity, but we had a round two with her. She is boyish in her style and vibe, but tender and pretty. Beautiful curly hair and stunning light eyes with a spinner body. I don't really remember the second round, but Pinky confirmed it happened. I'll definitely be rotating her back in, in the future. Something about her. I think I owe her 200 k, but her and two other girls are still here from last night, so maybe she'll mention it, maybe she'll let it go.

Last night, during ley seca, I ordered beer twice from Rappi. I ordered from restaurants, as the liquor stores and markets were blocking alcohol sales. I also noticed the order would get cancelled if you didn't order a food item. Not sure if you could order a 12 pack with a side of BBQ sauce, but maybe Blakman will have a chance to inform us, before he heads to Kenya.

11-15-20, 08:22
Took a cab to lleras. Nice crowd. Few girls in the park area. Decided to go in lleras park club. I love the music there. Bought a drink 20 mil. They have girls working in there to get you to buy drinks and to go home with. Approach a few girls get there numbers. Dance a little. Girls are nice but not stunners. Finish my beer check out the park area. Notice quite a few people going in gustos. Decide to head up there. I start to understand the dynamics of Gusto. The girls really look hot. Dolled up and everything. The fellas are business men, ballers, are fake ballers looking to have a good time. I am debating do I scrap my cheapy charlie mentality cause last week proved to me chicks going to hold at there price. Maybe things change at closing. I decide to stay being me and just enjoy window shopping. I take a look and guess who I see. My 8th. Oh shit. Looking blazing. She notices me as well and we smile. I realize the situation and she does as well. She's in the club to make money. She knows I am not spending. So my decision is to give her space and she carries on doing what girls do in gusto. She disappears with a group of vip guys. The music is banging. Majority blacks and other professionals who are very comfortable with having good time forking out big cash. A chick gets aggressive with me. I say how much. She says 160 dolares. I guess mil pesos language doesn't exist here LOL. I dance with a chick. I am in love. But then she ask me to by a drink. I say later. She says well dance with me later then. I space myself from her. I see my 8th. A guy is buying her shots. She looks at me smiling and giving me the middle finger while the guy doesn't see. I am kinda shock of the attention cause the guy is focus on taking her back to the hotel. She does it a couple times to me again. I blow her a kiss and smile. Understanding the dynamics. She did tell me she gets 300 mil for like 10 minutes when we spent time in quarantine. Wondering why I am fussing over 300 mil a week I am paying for her time. I am starting to think maybe she really liked me. I mean she looked hot. Easily top 10 in there. The most I have done for her was had burger king delivered once. Each time she ask for money in the states I deleted her. Since I have been I rejected her. And when she came she let me videotape everything. So two things happened here. She did leave with the guy who was spending money on her. But at the same time she showed respect for someone who has not spent lots of money on her. This seg way into the argument of paying less or more. Who the girl respects. As the night was ending I surprised myself and went after a 19 year old. Very pretty chick obviously no kids. I thought she was from Cali. She look like a newbie in porn. We agreed on 130 mil 1 leche. I scratch my other agreement. We got in the can and I took my viagra pill right front of her. I did not look at the meter so midway I noticed it wasnt on. I told the taxi driver 6 mil. He tried to say 20 mil. I told him fuck that he then dropped it to 10 mil. Its really 6 mil but I agreed. Showed security cedula. We get to my place and shorty ask for money first. I say no. She says show me. I show her. She then says pay me. I say no. She seems really confuse. We get into it and she's really affectionate. Moan while I am kissing on her neck. Sucking on her titties. I motion for head job. She pause then goes at it for little. Tries to put on the condom. I say no mas. She continues to suck and I force her head down. She likes that. 2 girls in a row. She sucks more with no needed assistance except for forcing her head down. You see the saliva. Nice she's into it. We put on the condom but she's shielding me from really fucking her. She gets a call and she's frustrated. I hear het tell the person 20 minutes. I tell her listen if its good I will bring you back. She says ok but clearly she's worried about the person rushing her. We go doggy. She lets me hit it good for few minutes then act like I hurt the pussy LOL. I remind her cut the bullshit. We go to missionary and I try to cum but can't. Get her to jerk it and she jerks me off. Normally I would be pissed. But I really couldn't blame her. I honestly think she wanted to get freaky but she came with others and had time restraints. I got my moneys worth from looking at that fresh body. And that's my night.

11-15-20, 13:38
Took a cab to lleras. Nice crowd. Few girls in the park area. Decided to go in lleras park club. I love the music there. Bought a drink 20 mil. They have girls working in there to get you to buy drinks and to go home with. Approach a few girls get there numbers. Dance a little. Girls are nice but not stunners. Finish my beer check out the park area. Notice quite a few people going in gustos. Decide to head up there. I start to understand the dynamics of Gusto. The girls really look hot. Dolled up and everything. The fellas are business men, ballers, are fake ballers looking to have a good time. I am debating do I scrap my cheapy charlie mentality cause last week proved to me chicks going to hold at there price. Maybe things change at closing. I decide to stay being me and just enjoy window shopping. I take a look and guess who I see. My 8th. Oh shit. Looking blazing. She notices me as well and we smile. I realize the situation and she does as well. She's in the club to make money. She knows I am not spending. So my decision is to give her space and she carries on doing what girls do in gusto. She disappears with a group of vip guys. The music is banging. Majority blacks and other professionals who are very comfortable with having good time forking out big cash. A chick gets aggressive with me. I say how much. She says 160 dolares. I guess mil pesos language doesn't exist here LOL. I dance with a chick. I am in love. But then she ask me to by a drink. I say later. She says well dance with me later then. I space myself from her. I see my 8th. A guy is buying her shots. She looks at me smiling and giving me the middle finger while the guy doesn't see. I am kinda shock of the attention cause the guy is focus on taking her back to the hotel. She does it a couple times to me again. I blow her a kiss and smile. Understanding the dynamics. She did tell me she gets 300 mil for like 10 minutes when we spent time in quarantine. Wondering why I am fussing over 300 mil a week I am paying for her time. I am starting to think maybe she really liked me. I mean she looked hot. Easily top 10 in there. The most I have done for her was had burger king delivered once. Each time she ask for money in the states I deleted her. Since I have been I rejected her. And when she came she let me videotape everything. So two things happened here..And you didn't even say Hello. If you had been carrying around a bag of popcorn I would have recognized you.

11-15-20, 14:04
First thing, I've been out of commission since Friday afternoon. Had a health issue pop up that kept me laid up all Friday night. My Saturday plans for Guatape got moved to Tuesday because one girl has a sick mother. Instead I took a BM to Comuna 13 for the Jjbee graffiti tour. It's like the official graffiti tour except it's free and over much quicker. Afterwards took the metrocable up from San Javier to check out the view, then had lunch. There's a restaurant a block away from the metro station with bandeja Paisa for 10k.

Had some time to kill and a Facebook girl hit me up. However, by the time she responded I was already headed to Parque Lleras.

Another BM wanted to check out Gusto, so we agreed to meet at the Beer Store. I showed up an hour early to grab dinner at The Greek Connection. Expensive, but it's one of my favorites. Plus they had a sweet tiny girl belly dancing.

Headed to the Beer Store and waited for the BM while drinking a Lleras priced beer. Shortly after 9 we headed to Gusto. Place was fairly crowded, but not packed. Heavy concentration of gringos and at least one Indian. Saw one guy digging through all the couch cushions looking for change. I didn't realize Blakman was going to be there.

The guy I was with said it felt just like an American club. Probably close to a 50-50 mix of men to women. The music is loud and the drinks are expensive, but it's a place worth experiencing.

I saw several women who I would have taken for Facebook rates, but only 1 tempted me to pay Gusto rates. Overall I'd say the average girl was a 7, with almost no 9's or above and several 5's. Average age looked about 25.

BM got quoted $200 by one and 400 k by another. Just my quick glance at the park and I think the average girl in the park is better looking and cheaper than the average Gusto girl.

John Gault
11-15-20, 14:50
Have you been to Minorista yet? It's walking distance from El Centro. Besides grocery, you can get cheap food too, 4 mil for Lechona but they only come out in the morning.Mayorista is quite a ways from Centro. It is even a long ride on the Metro right before Envigado.

John Gault
11-15-20, 15:00
Here are some shopping options:

Mayorista. You can get there cheaply by taking the metro south to Ayura station. When you exit the station turn left. Follow that street. Mayorista is the southern wholesale area. Liquor, food, popcorn. All at wholesale prices. There's also a good court area with good food.

If you continue walking past Mayorista you'll come to a casino on your left. That's the beginning of the Mayorista red light district. You probably won't find anything there to interest you. Continue for 2 blocks. You'll see a park across the street on the right. Turn left. For the next 4 or 5 blocks it's nothing but clothing stores.

Plaza de mercado la America. You can look it up to get directions. It's a big, indoor, fruit and vegetable market. Probably not as cheap as El Centro, but a more refined environment, for your sensitive tastes.Yes you know the area well. Pinpoint directions.

If any of you guys do go to the clothing area make sure you don't pay the sticker price. A great place to get a good deal.

11-15-20, 15:05
Mayorista is quite a ways from Centro. It is even a long ride on the Metro right before Envigado.True for Mayorista. But Minorista is walkable from Centro, not that I would recommend it.

11-15-20, 15:28
I enjoyed this Blakman. It is really fun watching your gradual but steady conversion. You earned a whisker for the way you managed Gustos.

Took a cab to lleras. Nice crowd. Few girls in the park area. Decided to go in lleras park club. I love the music there. Bought a drink 20 mil. They have girls working in there to get you to buy drinks and to go home with. Approach a few girls get there numbers. Dance a little. Girls are nice but not stunners. Finish my beer check out the park area. Notice quite a few people going in gustos. Decide to head up there. I start to understand the dynamics of Gusto. The girls really look hot. Dolled up and everything. The fellas are business men, ballers, are fake ballers looking to have a good time. I am debating do I scrap my cheapy charlie mentality cause last week proved to me chicks going to hold at there price. Maybe things change at closing. I decide to stay being me and just enjoy window shopping. I take a look and guess who I see. My 8th. Oh shit. Looking blazing. She notices me as well and we smile. I realize the situation and she does as well. She's in the club to make money. She knows I am not spending. So my decision is to give her space and she carries on doing what girls do in gusto. She disappears with a group of vip guys. The music is banging. Majority blacks and other professionals who are very comfortable with having good time forking out big cash. A chick gets aggressive with me. I say how much. She says 160 dolares. I guess mil pesos language doesn't exist here LOL. I dance with a chick. I am in love. But then she ask me to by a drink. I say later. She says well dance with me later then. I space myself from her. I see my 8th. A guy is buying her shots. She looks at me smiling and giving me the middle finger while the guy doesn't see. I am kinda shock of the attention cause the guy is focus on taking her back to the hotel..

11-15-20, 15:33
Yes you know the area well. Pinpoint directions.

If any of you guys do go to the clothing area make sure you don't pay the sticker price. A great place to get a good deal.Yes. This is the best place to buy denim. Great pricing with huge selections. Bargaining is encouraged and required to avoid overpaying.

Fun Luvr
11-15-20, 15:51
...I see my 8th. A guy is buying her shots. She looks at me smiling and giving me the middle finger while the guy doesn't see. I am kinda shock of the attention cause the guy is focus on taking her back to the hotel. She does it a couple times to me again. I blow her a kiss and smile. ... I am starting to think maybe she really liked me. ... But at the same time she showed respect for someone who has not spent lots of money on her. This seg way into the argument of paying less or more. Who the girl respects. ...The only meaning of the middle finger that I know of is "Fuck you" or "Fuck off". Do you understand a different meaning of that gesture?

11-15-20, 15:57
Took a cab to lleras. Nice crowd. Few girls in the park area. Decided to go in lleras park club. I love the music there. Bought a drink 20 mil. They have girls working in there to get you to buy drinks and to go home with. Approach a few girls get there numbers. Dance a little. Girls are nice but not stunners. Finish my beer check out the park area. Notice quite a few people going in gustos. Decide to head up there. I start to understand the dynamics of Gusto. The girls really look hot. Dolled up and everything. The fellas are business men, ballers, are fake ballers looking to have a good time. I am debating do I scrap my cheapy charlie mentality cause last week proved to me chicks going to hold at there price. Maybe things change at closing. I decide to stay being me and just enjoy window shopping. I take a look and guess who I see. My 8th. Oh shit. Looking blazing. She notices me as well and we smile. I realize the situation and she does as well. She's in the club to make money. She knows I am not spending. So my decision is to give her space and she carries on doing what girls do in gusto. She disappears with a group of vip guys. The music is banging. Majority blacks and other professionals who are very comfortable with having good time forking out big cash. A chick gets aggressive with me. I say how much. She says 160 dolares. I guess mil pesos language doesn't exist here LOL.I was in Lleras last night too from about 9-11 and I agree with you that the pickings were not what I hoped for on a Saturday night. I got a couple number form ones I thought were decent looking though. I didn't go in to gustos but I thing I would have a hard time keeping my face straight if a girl quoted me 160 dollars haha. I would have a hard time not laughing my ass of, after all that money would pay for 6 of my Facebook girls! I'm heading back to the states tomorrow but I had a great week here in Medellin. Specially thanks to Jbee62 who was great to hang out with and showed me around the city. I'm already planning a return trip in January haha.

11-15-20, 16:35
Took a cab to lleras. Nice crowd. Few girls in the park area. Decided to go in lleras park club. I love the music there. Bought a drink 20 mil. I take a look and guess who I see. My 8th. Oh shit. Looking blazing. She notices me as well and we smile. I realize the situation and she does as well. She's in the club to make money. She knows I am not spending. So my decision is to give her space and she carries on doing what girls do in gusto. She disappears with a group of vip guys.. I see my 8th. A guy is buying her shots. She looks at me smiling and giving me the middle finger while the guy doesn't see. I am kinda shock of the attention cause the guy is focus on taking her back to the hotel. She does it a couple times to me again. I blow her a kiss and smile. Understanding the dynamics. She did tell me she gets 300 mil for like 10 minutes when we spent time in quarantine. Wondering why I am fussing over 300 mil a week I am paying for her time. I am starting to think maybe she really liked me. I mean she looked hot. Easily top 10 in there. The most I have done for her was had burger king delivered once. Each time she ask for money in the states I deleted her. Since I have been I rejected her. And when she came she let me videotape everything. So two things happened here. She did leave with the guy who was spending money on her. But at the same time she showed respect for someone who has not spent lots of money on her. This seg way into the argument of paying less or more. Who the girl respects..20 mil for a beer? A cheap guy wouldn't pay 20 mil for a beer or am I missing something? Your 8 gave you the finger and you think maybe she likes you? You paid 120 mil for a cutie and that's a good price but for how long and you were rushed because of phone call plus HJ finish. You should have been pissed but you only paid 120 mil that's why you got half ass treatment and phone call. The call is a scam to cut things short. As long as you are happy is what counts, I guess but please explain how buying a beer for 20 mil is being cheap and getting the finger means she likes you.

11-15-20, 16:51
Its a signature humorous thing she loves to do. She did it in dancing video. She did it in a video while she was sucking my cock. She does it when we are joking around. I could understand your misinterpretation having not been around her. Very silly and humorous girl. Even in bed. But her performance to be so pretty is incredible.

The only meaning of the middle finger that I know of is "Fuck you" or "Fuck off". Do you understand a different meaning of that gesture?.

11-15-20, 16:53
So two things happened here. She did leave with the guy who was spending money on her. But at the same time she showed respect for someone who has not spent lots of money on her. We got in the can and I took my viagra pill right front of her. She gets a call and she's frustrated. I hear het tell the person 20 minutes. I tell her listen if its good I will bring you back. She says ok but clearly she's worried about the person rushing her. Blakcardman, look at you! Who is this guy?! I can't believe you didn't sneak a small bottle of aguardiente into Gusto, given the prices in there. Anyway, solid move with the 8, because the alternative was paying whatever the 4-night stay guy was offering. Sounds like you made out, in the end. Although, what are the chances it was a little role reversal, and YOU were the guy spending lots of money on the 19 yo, while she was rushing off to her traqueto boyfriend? The popping a viagra while you guys were in the can is just next level veteran confidence.

Gusto is straight up business, typically, in USD, as you mentioned. The nice thing is, you can get lucky with timing. Now, you have an ally in the viper pit. If you walk in there early or late enough, and she is there, you can take her at 130 k, or less, or maybe even one of her friends / colleagues.

I hate the taxi bullshit, but you probably won't make that mistake again. Good report.

11-15-20, 17:31
She says show me. I show her. She then says pay me. I say no. She seems really confuse. We get into it and she's really affectionate. Moan while I am kissing on her neck. Sucking on her titties. I motion for head job. She pause then goes at it for little. Tries to put on the condom. I say no mas. She continues to suck and I force her head down. She likes that. 2 girls in a row. She sucks more with no needed assistance except for forcing her head down. You see the saliva. Nice she's into it. We put on the condom but she's shielding me from really fucking her. She gets a call and she's frustrated. I hear het tell the person 20 minutes. I tell her listen if its good I will bring you back. She says ok but clearly she's worried about the person rushing her. We go doggy. She lets me hit it good for few minutes then act like I hurt the pussy LOL. I remind her cut the bullshit. We go to missionary and I try to cum but can't. Get her to jerk it and she jerks me off. Normally I would be pissed. But I really couldn't blame her. I honestly think she wanted to get freaky but she came with others and had time restraints. I got my moneys worth from looking at that fresh body. And that's my night.Your reports never cease to be entertaining while being honest, keep them coming.

Regarding your evening, was your eight flipping you off, or just teasing you in Gustos. And then upon leaving Gusto's the taxi driver tries to rip you off, the Chica wanted to be paid first, then she pulls the cock blocking maneuver on you, and then tells you she can't take any more of a pounding, and your out 140 K for all of this. If it had been a stellar experience it would of been worth it, but as it turned out it wasn't, and don't take this the wrong way, but I think operating as a Cheap Charlie in Gustos is rarely going to reap good experiences versus the big spenders in the place. And contrary to what you may think, being cheap with the chicas in El Centro can have the same result as well, with hurried and rushed sessions.

11-15-20, 17:44
You are dead on with the 19 year old. Cause the guy on the phone sounded angry and she seem so confused. So yes she probably was in a haste to get back to boyfriend. She ask for cab money. I said no. Saw her walking the streets to a cab. About the viagra. She said what is that cause I had the prescripted bottle LOL. I said viagra get my dick hard. About the liquor. There was an african guy next to me getting blitz. Offered me few shots. So no need to buy or sneak liquor in. Slapwisdom you should know by now I aint spending lots of money on nobody except my 2 daughters and momma. But I like Gusto. One day I will surprise yall and pay for something LOL.

Blakcardman, look at you! Who is this guy?! I can't believe you didn't sneak a small bottle of aguardiente into Gusto, given the prices in there. Anyway, solid move with the 8, because the alternative was paying whatever the 4-night stay guy was offering. Sounds like you made out, in the end. Although, what are the chances it was a little role reversal, and YOU were the guy spending lots of money on the 19 yo, while she was rushing off to her traqueto boyfriend? The popping a viagra while you guys were in the can is just next level veteran confidence.

Gusto is straight up business, typically, in USD, as you mentioned. The nice thing is, you can get lucky with timing. Now, you have an ally in the viper pit. If you walk in there early or late enough, and she is there, you can take her at 130 k, or less, or maybe even one of her friends / colleagues.

I hate the taxi bullshit, but you probably won't make that mistake again. Good report.

11-15-20, 17:44
I am definitely not a Centro street rat. I love walking the streets, but I don't have any urge to pull from there. Although I do have a thing for the girls in the diviest of the dive bars. I'll have to make at least 1 visit there before I go.As you recall I was curious as to how you roll in Medellin, and find it interesting that you have no desire to pull from the streets. I thought you might, and would of never known until you started reporting since arriving.

What's so nice about Medellin is that there are so many ways to roll, with something for everybody, with no way being the right way or the wrong way.

11-15-20, 19:22
I can not tell a mf what to do or what not to do. I can not tell a mf how to act or how not to act. I can not tell a mf what to pay or what not to pay. I can not tell a mf what to wear or what not to wear.

It may take some guys buttering a chick up. It may take some guys putting on their Sunday best. It may take some guys paying way more than other guys. It may take some guys bringing hookers gifts besides money.
Mr E, Your wisdom is always refreshing.

11-15-20, 19:34
I have found most putas respect the guy that pays less, this is a generalization of course, the greediest ones (the sharks won't) but in my experience the less I offer, the less I pay, the more I get literally and figuratively, but go ahead and pay more than you have to and believe this if you want, but I seriously doubt grown men here with healthy self esteem will agree.

You talk about a payoff, LOL my idea of a payoff is getting it for free when I'm looking to pay for it, now that's what I call a payoff.

I'm looking to get it cheaper than everyone else, and I wind up getting it free.

At least in my case paying the minimum can lead to freebies, conversely I know guys that pay the max and totally get shammed and get nothing.

As goffering likes to write, paying more than one has to doesn't endear oneself to 3rd world putas, it only gets oneself labeled as an easy mark.

This is not rocket science bro.While mongering pros can easily see through such, this type of a post can mislead newbies into unnecessarily miserable experiences.

It is true that a correlation between donation rate and experience is poor, but claiming that paying less earns you better service / more respect and even freebies is just ridiculous. Occasionally getting lucky should not be confused for solid proof.

11-15-20, 20:28
While mongering pros can easily see through such, this type of a post can mislead newbies into unnecessarily miserable experiences.

It is true that a correlation between donation rate and experience is poor, but claiming that paying less earns you better service / more respect and even freebies is just ridiculous. Occasionally getting lucky should not be confused for solid proof.Guys that don't overpay tends to mean said guy has game. Having game even when dealing with putas is what gets you better experience. It really has nothing to do with paying less or more. Also being willing to walk away or tell a ***** to leave if she ain't being cooperative regardless if you paying her or not is what increases positive experiences. Many women out here regardless of where they live ain't worth a shit but guys keep putting them on a pedestal. So charge these bitches and move on to someone who is enjoyable to be around. Your time should be the most valuable thing to you.

11-15-20, 20:29
While mongering pros can easily see through such, this type of a post can mislead newbies into unnecessarily miserable experiences.

It is true that a correlation between donation rate and experience is poor, but claiming that paying less earns you better service / more respect and even freebies is just ridiculous. Occasionally getting lucky should not be confused for solid proof.I wrote.

I have found most putas respect the guy that pays less, this is a generalization of course, the greediest ones (the sharks won't) but in my experience the less I offer, the less I pay, the more I get.

I clearly wrote this was a generalization for mongers, do you know that word?

Occasionally getting lucky? That wouldn't apply to me because this is they way I monger, and I stand by the results.

The less I pay the more I get period, this is not serendipity!

And yes I have paid $500 before.

So I feel qualified to compare price vs service recd, it is solid proof for me if not for you.

"It is true that a correlation between donation rate and experience is poor" you write this then say what I state is ridiculous? Really? You seem confused.

And I have found the less I offer indicates to them they are going to have to accept the little I offer or get nothing.

If they want to fuck me they better take what I offer, and that leads some of them to fuck me for free because my theory is.

They may want to fuck me and consider it was a non P4P screw for them and forego the stipend I was offering.

Because that's what I consider my payment a stipend, not a King's ransom.

I prefer to give them money for a meal not to buy a car.

11-15-20, 20:54
Medellin is a hot climate? What would you wear in the Caribbean or Thailand, a speedo and flip flops?Maybe some of y'all speak that fluent Spanish with no hint of an accent. If not then you are labeled a gringo. Even fluent speakers sound like gringos. So wear what you want is all I'm saying because it doesn't matter. What matters is whether you are that seasoned accent no BS gringo or that naive or carefree / flaunt yo wealth gringo. These people been dealing with gringos for decades. So I'm going to continue wearing what's comfortable and everyone should too. If you like rocking jeans then do you.

11-15-20, 20:55
I can not tell a mf what to do or what not to do. I can not tell a mf how to act or how not to act. I can not tell a mf what to pay or what not to pay. I can not tell a mf what to wear or what not to wear.

It may take some guys buttering a chick up. It may take some guys putting on their Sunday best. It may take some guys paying way more than other guys. It may take some guys bringing hookers gifts besides money.

All I can say is that I am just myself and I get great results just being me. No special nothing. Just plain old me. If you are trying to make yourself into something that you are not then it probably will not work anyway. Like when I tried to make myself into a married guy. That lasted all of 2 years. No fights or arguments or anything like that, but I could no longer fool myself. I am a player. That is just my personality.Exactly! However, there are MFs who thrive on telling others what to do.


11-15-20, 21:09
I almost went to Parque Lleras last night.

Watch the show, LOL.

The girls trolling around, the Google translators out!

Fun to watch.

The girls roaming Parque Lleras I've seen recently are mostly barrio rats, with a few exceptions.
I like the Botero girls better, and some are the Botero girls, lol.

I haven't been up to Gustos in a bit.

I usually tire of the scene in about 15 minutes up there in Gustos.

Nothing wrong with it, just not my thing.

I figured I'd check out the Centro Strip clubs first though, since I'm already staying out this way.

Glad I did!

I was already tired from the day's activities, however, I met a nice one.

She was sitting with a Colombian dude when I spotted her.


I was willing him to leave. I wanted him gone, LOL.

Sadly she went to do a session with him, but I thought wtf, I'll wait 30 min, see if they come out, if not, off to Lleras.

To my delight, they returned in like 15 min. LOL.

I quickly had a waiter guy grab her for me.

That's it!

We sat, drank, etc, together till closing.

She's coming over later this evening to my hotel.

I got lucky!

11-16-20, 00:33
As you recall I was curious as to how you roll in Medellin, and find it interesting that you have no desire to pull from the streets. I thought you might, and would of never known until you started reporting since arriving.

What's so nice about Medellin is that there are so many ways to roll, with something for everybody, with no way being the right way or the wrong way.Thirty years ago I pulled a few from the street in San Diego (California). That was when the cleaned out all the red light stuff from downtown, by the harbor. Almost overnight there were 30 hookers working down by the Sports Arena in Point Loma. I picked up a few, but was always disappointed. Rushed service, all business.

That may be what cooled me on street sweeties. But, hang out in a bar, talk to a girl for 10 minutes and I'm ready to go.

11-16-20, 00:58
Friday one of the Medellin regulars I know sent me some messages. He said he had a girl I had to try. Usually I prefer to find my own, but there are a few guys I'll take referrals from.

Chatted with the girl a bit Friday and then last night. Told her today was probable for a meeting. Hit her up about 11:30 this morning and told her 4 pm. I wanted her here between 4:30 and 5, which is why I said 4. At 4:20 she was in the lobby.

She showed up wearing a short skirt and a thin halter top. She's thin, but not skinny, a few tattoos but not out of control yet. Got comfortable quickly and chatted for a few minutes, the went into full GFE mode. Plenty of DFK along with some grinding. Things proceeded well from there.

Made it to the bedroom and she was a fun handful. BBBJ was excellent. I rarely get close to finishing with oral, but she had me pulling her back in 2 minutes. DATY was sweet, she's smooth as can be. Worked through all my normal positions and she did well in each with the appropriate reaction. CFS, of course. She did ask if I use a condom with everyone and I told her, truthfully, I do.

Hung out chatting for about another hour and finished with a nice make out session. Excellent session. 200 k, 2 hours.

11-16-20, 03:13
Guys that don't overpay tends to mean said guy has game. Having game even when dealing with putas is what gets you better experience. It really has nothing to do with paying less or more. Also being willing to walk away or tell a ***** to leave if she ain't being cooperative regardless if you paying her or not is what increases positive experiences. Many women out here regardless of where they live ain't worth a shit but guys keep putting them on a pedestal. So charge these bitches and move on to someone who is enjoyable to be around. Your time should be the most valuable thing to you.And can I get some writing tips? LMAO.


11-16-20, 03:48
Raudal may be your jam.

Thirty years ago I pulled a few from the street in San Diego (California). That was when the cleaned out all the red light stuff from downtown, by the harbor. Almost overnight there were 30 hookers working down by the Sports Arena in Point Loma. I picked up a few, but was always disappointed. Rushed service, all business.

That may be what cooled me on street sweeties. But, hang out in a bar, talk to a girl for 10 minutes and I'm ready to go.

11-16-20, 04:12
Friday one of the Medellin regulars I know sent me some messages. He said he had a girl I had to try. Usually I prefer to find my own, but there are a few guys I'll take referrals from.

Chatted with the girl a bit Friday and then last night. Told her today was probable for a meeting. Hit her up about 11:30 this morning and told her 4 pm. I wanted her here between 4:30 and 5, which is why I said 4. At 4:20 she was in the lobby.

She showed up wearing a short skirt and a thin halter top. She's thin, but not skinny, a few tattoos but not out of control yet. Got comfortable quickly and chatted for a few minutes, the went into full GFE mode. Plenty of DFK along with some grinding. Things proceeded well from there.

Made it to the bedroom and she was a fun handful. BBBJ was excellent. I rarely get close to finishing with oral, but she had me pulling her back in 2 minutes. DATY was sweet, she's smooth as can be. Worked through all my normal positions and she did well in each with the appropriate reaction. CFS, of course. She did ask if I use a condom with everyone and I told her, truthfully, I do.

Hung out chatting for about another hour and finished with a nice make out session. Excellent session. 200 k, 2 hours.Her second face also known as her pussy. Leftover Lasagna? Catcher's Mitt? Shipwreck? Coin Slot? Hamburger Patty with Lettuce? No Lettuce? Beef Curtains? Trimmed Jib? Mudflaps? Rose Petals? Fat? Hollow? Shaved?

11-16-20, 05:28
Maybe some of y'all speak that fluent Spanish with no hint of an accent. If not then you are labeled a gringo. Even fluent speakers sound like gringos. So wear what you want is all I'm saying because it doesn't matter. What matters is whether you are that seasoned accent no BS gringo or that naive or carefree / flaunt yo wealth gringo. These people been dealing with gringos for decades. So I'm going to continue wearing what's comfortable and everyone should too. If you like rocking jeans then do you.The point is Medellin is not exactly hot (unless as another poster said, you're accostumbed to an Arctic climate). The typical high of the day is about 80 degrees and it doesn't vary much from that.

11-16-20, 07:31
Done Cartagena, killed it.

Arriving in Medellin in a couple days.

And Centro peaks my interest.

100% fluent in Espaol from Chicago so the fear factor doesn't exist in this one.

Any tips advice, street talent, casas.

11-16-20, 13:34
Maybe some of y'all speak that fluent Spanish with no hint of an accent. If not then you are labeled a gringo. Even fluent speakers sound like gringos. So wear what you want is all I'm saying because it doesn't matter. What matters is whether you are that seasoned accent no BS gringo or that naive or carefree / flaunt yo wealth gringo. These people been dealing with gringos for decades. So I'm going to continue wearing what's comfortable and everyone should too. If you like rocking jeans then do you.Actually it does matter, quite a bit.

If you're dressed somewhat in the local style, everyone knows you're a tourist, but you don't stand out, unless your behavior is out of the ordinary. You're a tourist, but you're the same type of tourist everyone sees every day.

But when you're dressed much different from the norm, it's like a neon sign over your head.

Saw a friend of mine walking through Botero Plaza one night, along with another guy. The other guy was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. I chased them down and walked with them. The other guy wanted to check out Veracruz area. So I led the way.

Occasionally a few hookers have tried to get their hands around me. I grab their wrists, gently, tell them no and they leave me alone. I've never had one get really aggressive. Halfway down the block a girl zeroed in on the guy in shorts trying to get her hand in his pocket. She ended up tearing his shorts before he could get free. Drew enough attention to us that I thought there was going to be a fight.

Three obvious gringos, nobody bothered the two dressed normally.

There's a huge difference between being seen as a tourist and being seen as a target.

11-16-20, 14:00
Saturday at lleras I had a brief conversation with an unassuming young lady. What I recognized was her body and at 27 she had no kids. I made my 100 mil 3 HR 2 leche oral without condom pitch. She rejected but I acquired her number. I wanted to see if my hunch was right about her body. Sunday we text I come with the same offer which she intellectually rejects. Inquires why I pay so little and require so much. I say its my standard please take no offense to you. I Guarentee a very good time, pleasure for both of us. She rejects again but later suggest I pay taxi. I say ok. Meet is at 4:30 pm. What do you know. On time. Fashion needs some work but its underneath I am concerned about. We hug she's very giggly throughout the meet. She shows me taxi amount 21 mil. Says she came from popular. I don't believe but say I will deal with it at the end. At the table is pineapples mix with grapes and my infamous popcorn. There was no 10 mil wine at exito so scratch the wine. We get romantic with the pineapples which was sweet. Hugs and kisses which she laughed everytime. Says she rarely kisses. Off to the bedroom. Couple pictures in front of the big mirror. Massage time. She takes off her clothes. Beautiful skin. Flat tummy, perfect tits, I mean perfect, nice ass, curves like I like. She's giggly throughout the massage, and when I go to eat her pussy. She says nooo. I keep my cool suspiciously motion to her to suck my dick. She comes to the dick with no hesitation. This might be the beginning of new discovery. Forget eating pussy and just recieve blowjobs instead. She takes her time with the head, getting it wet with saliva, wiping of the saliva and stroking the dick. Clearly I could see oral sex is her comfort zone. I did not need to say anything. All I had to do was just enjoy, let her work. It reach a point that I want to lay on my back and view her in action so we switch to that position. She continued her excellence. When I mentioned leche in la boca. Seem to excite her but she responded with confusion. First no mucho lecho, then no mucho tiempo and kept sucking. I was close to nutting then I said fuck that I want to fuck this pussy. So put on a condom and was hitting it doggy. It was okay but wasnt exciting. Then she got on top and that was okay but the passion wasnt there. She was a little boring in the fucking department mostly cause she was giggly and shy. Anyways we get to missionary and I get my mind to think of other chicks and big explosive nut. She likes it. Seems to make her feel good. Now here's the part I like about 3 hrs 2 leche. Rather than the girl get up and leave you can be social, feel some companionship and rest up to go again. You know you got a keeper if she patiently waits til your ready. 2nd go around I tell her we do not need to fuck. Just suck and jerk me off. She has no problem with this plan and went to work. 15 to 20 minutes later she shot me into heaven. I was convulsing, tony the tiger roar, and she did everything to continue the convulsions. Afterwards She took a shower and was trying to figure out what to wear to lleras park. I helped her out and showed her how to cook chicken in oil. She got more comfortable every minute and was jamming to my infamous playlist. She added salt to my plain popcorn and finished the bowl lol. I Walked her to the cab. Real smooth Sunday. Fell asleep and slept like a baby through the night. 120 mil well spent.

11-16-20, 14:32
I managed to get a spy into Blakman's love shack. Trying to find out all of his secrets. So far, she only sent me this picture.

11-16-20, 17:09
Her second face also known as her pussy. Leftover Lasagna? Catcher's Mitt? Shipwreck? Coin Slot? Hamburger Patty with Lettuce? No Lettuce? Beef Curtains? Trimmed Jib? Mudflaps? Rose Petals? Fat? Hollow? Shaved?Damn. I should have brought my micrometers to give you some exact measurements.

She had the fairly typical protruding inner lips, but not the beef curtains. Freshly shaved. Maybe an 8. 3 on the pussy appearance scale.

11-16-20, 17:10
More for less. I live by it. I am trying to figure out how I can market it. Popfrodisiacorn maybe the title.

I managed to get a spy into Blakman's love shack. Trying to find out all of his secrets. So far, she only sent me this picture..

11-16-20, 17:13
Maybe some of y'all speak that fluent Spanish with no hint of an accent. If not then you are labeled a gringo. Even fluent speakers sound like gringos. So wear what you want is all I'm saying because it doesn't matter. What matters is whether you are that seasoned accent no BS gringo or that naive or carefree / flaunt yo wealth gringo. These people been dealing with gringos for decades. So I'm going to continue wearing what's comfortable and everyone should too. If you like rocking jeans then do you.Colombians haven't been dealing with Gringos for decades, basically nobody went there up until just over a decade ago.

As far as the language, unless your a Native born Colombian living in Colombia all your life, versus someone with Spanish as a second language after English, they are going to know your a foreigner. The accent will be the giveaway, not the absence of it.

As far as how you dress, regardless of what your wearing, if you have blue eyes and blond hair it won't matter.

11-16-20, 17:15
I managed to get a spy into Blakman's love shack. Trying to find out all of his secrets. So far, she only sent me this picture.I can't wait to see a photo of the vending machine where the weed and salt are kept! I heard it only takes bills, and doesn't give change, but don't quote me.

11-16-20, 17:17
There's a girl on tinder that's an absolute 7. I sexed her during quarantine but turned her down next meet after a full night with my 8th. She would not meet with me again for the 150 3 hrs given first meet. The sex was unbelievable, body is like 2 percent body fat. Due to corona it was no kissing and eating her pussy. Anyone finds her is a lucky guy. Her voice sounds like she's european. Good luck gents.

11-16-20, 17:23
Actually it does matter, quite a bit.

If you're dressed somewhat in the local style, everyone knows you're a tourist, but you don't stand out, unless your behavior is out of the ordinary. You're a tourist, but you're the same type of tourist everyone sees every day.

But when you're dressed much different from the norm, it's like a neon sign over your head.

Saw a friend of mine walking through Botero Plaza one night, along with another guy. The other guy was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. I chased them down and walked with them. The other guy wanted to check out Veracruz area. So I led the way.

Occasionally a few hookers have tried to get their hands around me. I grab their wrists, gently, tell them no and they leave me alone. I've never had one get really aggressive. Halfway down the block a girl zeroed in on the guy in shorts trying to get her hand in his pocket. She ended up tearing his shorts before he could get free. Drew enough attention to us that I thought there was going to be a fight.

Three obvious gringos, nobody bothered the two dressed normally.

There's a huge difference between being seen as a tourist and being seen as a target.All due respect Jbee2, but I don't see the distinction between being a tourist and a target. I look it as though all tourists are targets, regardless of how their dressed, and they all have targets on their backs.

How is a thief going to know whether the guy wearing shorts versus the guy wearing long pants has more or less valuables on them.

I believe it boils down more to which is going to be easier prey at any one moment and the physical surroundings, versus the clothes being worn.

11-16-20, 17:28
I can't wait to see a photo of the vending machine where the weed and salt are kept! I heard it only takes bills, and doesn't give change, but don't quote me.I feel sorry for the fly's on the wall witnessing what goes on during the inetrcourse and jerk off sessions inside the apartment. If fly's can communicate, I wonder what they would be saying to one another.

11-16-20, 17:29
Thats the secret weapon. All the skimming is forgotten when they get the massage. There is sanity behind the madness. Both you and jjbee is getting billed for this.

I can't wait to see a photo of the vending machine where the weed and salt are kept! I heard it only takes bills, and doesn't give change, but don't quote me..

11-16-20, 19:45
Can anyone list the top 5 in MDE?


Muchas gracias.

11-16-20, 21:48
Wanted to ask some general questions before making the booking for next month.

1. Is there a 10 pm Curfew still? Saw reports regarding the Gusto and Parque Lleras and was a bit confused of current situation.

2. Any feedback on the flights being cancelled? There were some previous reports on Copa airline flights being cancelled frequently and Spirit airline as well.

11-16-20, 23:04
12 am bar closes. Copa has cancelled my flight twice and changed hours another time. Being in the united states just reschedule but pain in the but in Colombia because of long hold time with customer service.

Wanted to ask some general questions before making the booking for next month.

1. Is there a 10 pm Curfew still? Saw reports regarding the Gusto and Parque Lleras and was a bit confused of current situation.

2. Any feedback on the flights being cancelled? There were some previous reports on Copa airline flights being cancelled frequently and Spirit airline as well..

11-16-20, 23:39
Guys that don't overpay tends to mean said guy has game. Having game even when dealing with putas is what gets you better experience. It really has nothing to do with paying less or more. Also being willing to walk away or tell a ***** to leave if she ain't being cooperative regardless if you paying her or not is what increases positive experiences. Many women out here regardless of where they live ain't worth a shit but guys keep putting them on a pedestal. So charge these bitches and move on to someone who is enjoyable to be around. Your time should be the most valuable thing to you.Yeah, guys with game always travel to third world countries to pay for sex. Just like the NY Jets are the best team in the NFL this year. If you believe that, then it's no wonder you believe MS when he says he offers girls so little that they decide to fuck him for free instead LOL. Guess they have a different version of fuck off.

The guys with the lowest self esteem are the ones bragging about how much self esteem aka game they have. If you have self esteem you don't run around telling people you're getting sex from hookers for free. When I hear that, I wonder what kinda disease ridden, octogenarians, you're fucking.

If you really value your time, you don't waste it haggling with girls until you find one that gives you a pity fuck. "Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen. " Stop worrying about the extra $30 and fuck the girl you want, not Miss Congeniality.

11-17-20, 00:01
Hey fellow mongers,

Touched down in Medellin and this is what I see so far. Bars close at 11-12 am depending on the establishment. Only two strip clubs open until 4 am if you want to drink and fuck after 12 am (feel free to name drop places if there are others).

I went to Gusto on Sunday. Closes at 12, kicks you out by 1230. Club is packed. Some talent in there but girls are expensive. Everyone wants an overnight experience. I paid for one but boy did she regret it because we were going all night hahaha.

La Islas. Closes at 4 am. I went in there around 8 pm on a Saturday night. There's some decent looking girls. You can of course take them to the room for an hour if you don't want the overnight experience. First time to the club but for the guys who buy bottles, they essentially get a few girls to the table and the girls are stuck there the whole night? That's some bullshit. There were 2 hotties in 2 different tables that I wanted to fuck but they kept saying no and I asked the staff and they said those girls were off limits even though the guys at their tables aren't interested. I mean if you aren't interested why not share the wealth and let me get a spin haha.

Anyways there wasn't anything that caught my attention so I went to Faison. It's a hole in the wall club but girls are cheaper. The personality on the girls here are better as they aren't as stuck up. Took a cutie upstairs and did our thing. Be careful fellas there is no hot water in here. I ended up using some baby wipes to clean myself off. Didn't leave this place until around 5 am and passed out.

11-17-20, 00:35
All due respect Jbee2, but I don't see the distinction between being a tourist and a target. I look it as though all tourists are targets, regardless of how their dressed, and they all have targets on their backs.

How is a thief going to know whether the guy wearing shorts versus the guy wearing long pants has more or less valuables on them.

I believe it boils down more to which is going to be easier prey at any one moment and the physical surroundings, versus the clothes being worn.Sure all tourists are targets. Some are just more obvious targets. The guy talking in English loudly trying to fake a Spanish accent thinking somehow that will make the shopkeeper understand English is carrying a "Rob Me" sign. The guy gawking at everything might as well be waving his wallet. The guy with the Hawaiian shirt and the cargo shorts fits right in with them.

However, the guy who moves smoothly through the crowds, who looks relaxed and comfortable, mostly flies under the radar. Still a target, just less obviously an easy target.

11-17-20, 00:36
I feel sorry for the fly's on the wall witnessing what goes on during the inetrcourse and jerk off sessions inside the apartment. If fly's can communicate, I wonder what they would be saying to one another.Ran it through Google Translate. The flies are saying "I missed out on a fresh dog turd for this?

Game Time
11-17-20, 00:39
Done Cartagena, killed it.

Arriving in Medellin in a couple days.

And Centro peaks my interest.

100% fluent in Espaol from Chicago so the fear factor doesn't exist in this one.

Any tips advice, street talent, casas.How was the scene in Cartagena? Has it improved?

11-17-20, 00:39
Wanted to ask some general questions before making the booking for next month.

1. Is there a 10 pm Curfew still? Saw reports regarding the Gusto and Parque Lleras and was a bit confused of current situation.

2. Any feedback on the flights being cancelled? There were some previous reports on Copa airline flights being cancelled frequently and Spirit airline as well.1. Except for certain occasions curfew is midnight at this time.

2. Had no problem with Copa cancellation, although they changed the time on my flight from PTY which got me to Medellin 90 minutes earlier.

11-17-20, 00:52
Guys I'm almost ready to book my flights. As soon as this year is done I'm ready to go. I'm thinking of giving it about a week after New Year. My question is this, how long after NY will things be back to full swing and the putas back from spending Christmas and New year with family as well as all bars and Casas etc open again. Obviously I know there'll still be the usual corona restrictions but I'm just wondering if there are any special events or holidays or something I need to be aware of right after New year, as I'm thinking about booking around the 5th Jan.

Also Blakman, what type of popcorn do you recommend and have you ever provided peanuts? 😜

11-17-20, 00:52
Yeah, guys with game always travel to third world countries to pay for sex. Just like the NY Jets are the best team in the NFL this year. If you believe that, then it's no wonder you believe MS when he says he offers girls so little that they decide to fuck him for free instead LOL. Guess they have a different version of fuck off.

The guys with the lowest self esteem are the ones bragging about how much self esteem aka game they have. If you have self esteem you don't run around telling people you're getting sex from hookers for free. When I hear that, I wonder what kinda disease ridden, octogenarians, you're fucking.

If you really value your time, you don't waste it haggling with girls until you find one that gives you a pity fuck. "Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen. " Stop worrying about the extra $30 and fuck the girl you want, not Miss Congeniality.I might need to print this out and frame it.

All the talk about "game" and "respect" concerning hookers boggles the mind. If you need to believe that a woman, who will sell her pussy to anyone, respects you, then go right ahead. Just gave me a million dollar business idea: Sell coupon books like the old Entertainment books. Instead of half price deals the coupons will get you double the respect from all hookers. Only $19.95. Get yours Today!

11-17-20, 01:56
No item under $2 is off limits to me. My 8th who I saw at gustos this weekend was snacking on kettle corn, peanuts, fruits and choroz hotdogs. Dick them down good they don't give a damn what you feed them. They will make up the difference from.

The next big spender LOL

Guys I'm almost ready to book my flights. As soon as this year is done I'm ready to go. I'm thinking of giving it about a week after New Year. My question is this, how long after NY will things be back to full swing and the putas back from spending Christmas and New year with family as well as all bars and Casas etc open again. Obviously I know there'll still be the usual corona restrictions but I'm just wondering if there are any special events or holidays or something I need to be aware of right after New year, as I'm thinking about booking around the 5th Jan.

Also Blakman, what type of popcorn do you recommend and have you ever provided peanuts? 😜.

11-17-20, 02:01
I decided to take it slow tonight and I'm glad I did. This Miss Universe Colombia live show on RCN is pretty awesome. Tomorrow I'm thinking of honoring Blakman with a Laureles casa run. No promises Blakman but we shall see.

11-17-20, 02:02
Yeah, guys with game always travel to third world countries to pay for sex. Just like the NY Jets are the best team in the NFL this year. If you believe that, then it's no wonder you believe MS when he says he offers girls so little that they decide to fuck him for free instead LOL. Guess they have a different version of fuck off.

The guys with the lowest self esteem are the ones bragging about how much self esteem aka game they have. If you have self esteem you don't run around telling people you're getting sex from hookers for free. When I hear that, I wonder what kinda disease ridden, octogenarians, you're fucking.

If you really value your time, you don't waste it haggling with girls until you find one that gives you a pity fuck. "Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen. " Stop worrying about the extra $30 and fuck the girl you want, not Miss Congeniality.We all know none of us are getting the level of talent for free in the USA We can get in MDE or a top mongering destination for money. It still boggles my mind the G. F. E. Sessions I've gotten on my mongering trips for 100 bucks or even less sometimes. On short trips, yes fuck it, spend the extra 30. Dudes who are there on longer trips, it absolutely makes sense to get it a little cheaper to fit your budget.

The main point I want to make is, lets not fuck the market up. Why pay 200 when you can pay 100 with a little negotiation? I am not speaking from experience, but I have heard places like Thailand and Costa got fucked up from too many mongers just throwing unnecessary funds at hoes without thinking about fucking the market up for us all. That being said, I don't want to tell any other man what to do with his money, but the point should be made to preserve Medellin as long as we can. I don't know of any city in the USA that can even come close to what you can get for 200 k. Will an extra 30 bucks fuck that up over night, no obviously not. But knowing the market prices and not being a total dumbass,"which I have fucking done and know it was fuckin stupid", is something it wouldn't hurt to take into consideration. I can't speak for anyone else, but for some reason, the less I pay, the better I feel when its all over. The worst is over paying and not getting what you expected.

11-17-20, 02:07
Guys I'm almost ready to book my flights. As soon as this year is done I'm ready to go. I'm thinking of giving it about a week after New Year. My question is this, how long after NY will things be back to full swing and the putas back from spending Christmas and New year with family as well as all bars and Casas etc open again. Obviously I know there'll still be the usual corona restrictions but I'm just wondering if there are any special events or holidays or something I need to be aware of right after New year, as I'm thinking about booking around the 5th Jan.

Also Blakman, what type of popcorn do you recommend and have you ever provided peanuts? 😜I partied right through Christmas in Medellin last year and had the time of my life. Christmas was dead, but I actually had a chick I banged a few days before txt me to see if we could go see the Christmas lights together that night haha. I met her at the mansion. I turned her down and used that night to recover from my hangovers. I ll be visiting again at the end of this year and plan on another great trip.

11-17-20, 02:37
I am there every year for new year's the and week after. Things start back up just about right away. The fun is over and now there is rent to be paid and babies to be fed. January 5 should be more than good enough.

Guys I'm almost ready to book my flights. As soon as this year is done I'm ready to go. I'm thinking of giving it about a week after New Year. My question is this, how long after NY will things be back to full swing and the putas back from spending Christmas and New year with family as well as all bars and Casas etc open again. Obviously I know there'll still be the usual corona restrictions but I'm just wondering if there are any special events or holidays or something I need to be aware of right after New year, as I'm thinking about booking around the 5th Jan.

Also Blakman, what type of popcorn do you recommend and have you ever provided peanuts? 😜

11-17-20, 03:17
Damn. I should have brought my micrometers to give you some exact measurements.

She had the fairly typical protruding inner lips, but not the beef curtains. Freshly shaved. Maybe an 8. 3 on the pussy appearance scale.But getting both is the bomb. Chicas love it when you tell them their pussy is cute. I'll be in Medellin soon and provide plenty of close ups jajajajja. One time I walked in on one of my regular chicas, she was sitting on the floor in front of a full length mirror staring at her cono, tears streaming down her face. She told me her pussy was like a "black spider" and she couldn't stand to look at it. I told her the white lie to make her feel better, but she was right, her pussy was not as cute as the rest of her. Once my face is buried I can't see a thing so it kinda doesn't matter, but I love talking to chicas about their chochos, when they're good. I find most Colombianas get turned on by dirty talk. I don't go slutty unless they ask for it. Colombian men have practically zero imagination. I will post a transcript soon you won't believe straight off Wassap.

11-17-20, 03:44
I partied right through Christmas in Medellin last year and had the time of my life. Christmas was dead, but I actually had a chick I banged a few days before txt me to see if we could go see the Christmas lights together that night haha. I met her at the mansion. I turned her down and used that night to recover from my hangovers. I ll be visiting again at the end of this year and plan on another great trip.I met her at the mansion.

11-17-20, 04:03
Yeah, guys with game always travel to third world countries to pay for sex. Just like the NY Jets are the best team in the NFL this year. If you believe that, then it's no wonder you believe MS when he says he offers girls so little that they decide to fuck him for free instead LOL. Guess they have a different version of fuck off.

The guys with the lowest self esteem are the ones bragging about how much self esteem aka game they have. If you have self esteem you don't run around telling people you're getting sex from hookers for free. When I hear that, I wonder what kinda disease ridden, octogenarians, you're fucking.

If you really value your time, you don't waste it haggling with girls until you find one that gives you a pity fuck. "Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen. " Stop worrying about the extra $30 and fuck the girl you want, not Miss Congeniality.I have game in the states, not braggin. But my game there is like game on steroids when mongering. I got tired of the "game" in the states after being a perfect husband for XX years. When I started dating after divorce I felt like a target with women going after half my net worth. Much more honest and open in Colombia. Everyone understands the situation. I'd rather pay up front for the buffet than get chained to the some American golddigger who considers herself fine dining for gawd knows how many years. I noticed the younger the girls got the happier I felt and now here I am. I don't analyse it. Gringos who want no game and a wet hole only, more power to you. You may actually be the smarter one because you are contented with less. I never try to tell someone to be like me but I won't apologize for how I roll, either. Works for me.

11-17-20, 04:12
I decided to take it slow tonight and I'm glad I did. This Miss Universe Colombia live show on RCN is pretty awesome. Tomorrow I'm thinking of honoring Blakman with a Laureles casa run. No promises Blakman but we shall see.Venezuela has produced seven Miss Universe winners, six Miss Worlds and seven Miss Internationals. On a per capita basis, no other country in the world comes close. Venezuela chicas are the best. And there are tens of thousands of them in Colombia due to the refugee crisis.

11-17-20, 04:20
But getting both is the bomb. Chicas love it when you tell them their pussy is cute. I'll be in Medellin soon and provide plenty of close ups jajajajja. One time I walked in on one of my regular chicas, she was sitting on the floor in front of a full length mirror staring at her cono, tears streaming down her face. She told me her pussy was like a "black spider" and she couldn't stand to look at it. I told her the white lie to make her feel better, but she was right, her pussy was not as cute as the rest of her. Once my face is buried I can't see a thing so it kinda doesn't matter, but I love talking to chicas about their chochos, when they're good. I find most Colombianas get turned on by dirty talk. I don't go slutty unless they ask for it. Colombian men have practically zero imagination. I will post a transcript soon you won't believe straight off Wassap.I could care less how cute a pussy is. The only thing that matters to me is how tight and wet the girls pusssy is. If they open up like a house and my dick is flopping against the sides, I'm not going to finish. If it's tight as a drum, and "silky wet", now your talking! And if they can squeeze and clamp down on you while penetrating them, in other words make you scream "uncle" meaning you blowing your load, that's a keeper.

Lucky Nuts
11-17-20, 06:04
All due respect Jbee2, but I don't see the distinction between being a tourist and a target. I look it as though all tourists are targets, regardless of how their dressed, and they all have targets on their backs.

How is a thief going to know whether the guy wearing shorts versus the guy wearing long pants has more or less valuables on them.

I believe it boils down more to which is going to be easier prey at any one moment and the physical surroundings, versus the clothes being worn.So I was part of this experience. My friend wearing cargo shorts, although a rather big guy, appeared to be the easier target because he didn't blend into Veracruz atmosphere very well. And he thought he could just walk thru Veracruz without interacting with the girls. A girl approached and got her hand in an empty pocket and he overreacted with a 360 degree spin which ripped it. Would have been better to just look her in the eye and say 'no no no' without the drama. I'd say the cargo shorts made him look like a guy that didn't belong walking Veracruz and he probably shouldn't have been there. I'll blame that on jbee LOL.

11-17-20, 12:06
I might need to print this out and frame it.

All the talk about "game" and "respect" concerning hookers boggles the mind. If you need to believe that a woman, who will sell her pussy to anyone, respects you, then go right ahead. Just gave me a million dollar business idea: Sell coupon books like the old Entertainment books. Instead of half price deals the coupons will get you double the respect from all hookers. Only $19.95. Get yours Today!I don't know about respect from the chicas, I don't care too much as long as they are giving up the pussy and a GFE. But any guy who gets laid for free gets a certain amount of respect from me, because its not easy. I doubly repect them if the dude is ugly / old / gross and still gets chicas for free. Its a challenge that not everyone can do. Sure anyone can spend 100 bucks and can get laid. Not everyone has game. Most people here do not, That's why we're here paying money. The closer you can get to free and be happy the better IMO. In the same vein, I don't give girls respect for fucking dudes for free. LOL. Because its easy, any dude will fuck you for free if you're the slightest bit attractive as a girl. Now if you're an ugly chica, that can get dudes to pay $100 USD to fuck you, you get my respect as well. LOL in that rare case, I might just pay it to see what all the fuss is about LOL.

Its okay not to have game, that's why we have money, but I give respect where its due.

But hey if you get off on spending more than you need to, that's your thing. Enjoy yourself. Personally I don't have the big bucks to throw out the windows. If I did maybe I'd spend 300k per chica.... or maybe I'd just have 10 times the number of cheap hookers! HAHAH

11-17-20, 12:40
So I was part of this experience. My friend wearing cargo shorts, although a rather big guy, appeared to be the easier target because he didn't blend into Veracruz atmosphere very well. And he thought he could just walk thru Veracruz without interacting with the girls. A girl approached and got her hand in an empty pocket and he overreacted with a 360 degree spin which ripped it. Would have been better to just look her in the eye and say 'no no no' without the drama. I'd say the cargo shorts made him look like a guy that didn't belong walking Veracruz and he probably shouldn't have been there. I'll blame that on jbee LOL.I'll take the blame I should have put you in front and him in the middle so I could intercept anyone who got too aggressive.

D Cups
11-17-20, 13:51
I could care less how cute a pussy is. The only thing that matters to me is how tight and wet the girls pusssy is. If they open up like a house and my dick is flopping against the sides, I'm not going to finish. If it's tight as a drum, and "silky wet", now your talking! And if they can squeeze and clamp down on you while penetrating them, in other words make you scream "uncle" meaning you blowing your load, that's a keeper.Yeah, man, that's why I like the Filipinas. Tight as a vice grip. Hard to find one with big boobs, tho, I keep trying!

D Cups
11-17-20, 13:53
Venezuela has produced seven Miss Universe winners, six Miss Worlds and seven Miss Internationals. On a per capita basis, no other country in the world comes close. Venezuela chicas are the best. And there are tens of thousands of them in Colombia due to the refugee crisis.The two Venezolas I have had were outstanding specimens of boobage, beauty and bangability. Viva la Venezolas!

Mr Enternational
11-17-20, 14:44
Yeah, guys with game always travel to third world countries to pay for sex. It is not an either or. People can like to do both you know? I have a car to drive around town, but sometimes I like to take my motorcycle. I have ribeye steaks in the freezer, but I have sandwich meat in the refrigerator. I have tailor made suits in my closet, but I also have $5 shorts from Goodwill. I have crocodile shoes in my closet, but I also have $10 flip flops. Just because I can get chicks at home for free does not mean I do not want to travel to fuck paid chicks.

It seems most people do not understand what game is. Why is one guy getting BBBJ with no upcharge while another guy constantly pays 20K more? How is Blakman paying chicks 60K to chicks that originally wanted 150K while other mongers are reportedly paying 200K? All game is is people skills and personality. Looks like people are taking it to be some kind of magic spell or something. Blakman does not even speak the language but he has enough people skills and personality (it even shows through in his writing) to not only get these chicks down on price, but also have them having a great time with him and 5K peso popcorn, THEN wanting to come back.

When a coworker showed me Cupid in 2005 I already had people skills and personality. I said man if I could speak Spanish I would be hell. I ended up learning Spanish and I have been easily able to get non-pros in Latin America and have to work hookers in between them. As I said before, you can pay the listed price for something or you can use your people skills and personality or "game" to talk the person down and happily (not begrudgingly as some mongers imagine the case to be) give you a lower price.

Mr Enternational
11-17-20, 14:51
Venezuela chicas are the best. And there are tens of thousands of them in Colombia due to the refugee crisis.Heading to the airport in Bogota the Uber driver had a talk show on the radio. They said there were over 1 million Venezuelan refugees in Colombia.

11-17-20, 15:22
Actually it does matter, quite a bit.

If you're dressed somewhat in the local style, everyone knows you're a tourist, but you don't stand out, unless your behavior is out of the ordinary. You're a tourist, but you're the same type of tourist everyone sees every day.

But when you're dressed much different from the norm, it's like a neon sign over your head.

Saw a friend of mine walking through Botero Plaza one night, along with another guy. The other guy was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. I chased them down and walked with them. The other guy wanted to check out Veracruz area. So I led the way.

Occasionally a few hookers have tried to get their hands around me. I grab their wrists, gently, tell them no and they leave me alone. I've never had one get really aggressive. Halfway down the block a girl zeroed in on the guy in shorts trying to get her hand in his pocket. She ended up tearing his shorts before he could get free. Drew enough attention to us that I thought there was going to be a fight.

Three obvious gringos, nobody bothered the two dressed normally.

There's a huge difference between being seen as a tourist and being seen as a target.I've been pounding the table on this for years. Some get it, others are determined to reject and eschew. And, obviously most foreigners visiting are not aware of the issue or what has been debated about it in any forums or verbal discussions amongst travelers and hobbyists. At least once a week I see a example that just makes me shake my head in amazement of how out of place and oblivious they appear. Like walking through Manhattan wearing the Urban Sombrero

Elvis 2008
11-17-20, 18:28
We all know none of us are getting the level of talent for free in the USA We can get in MDE or a top mongering destination for money. It still boggles my mind the G. F. E. Sessions I've gotten on my mongering trips for 100 bucks or even less sometimes. On short trips, yes fuck it, spend the extra 30. Dudes who are there on longer trips, it absolutely makes sense to get it a little cheaper to fit your budget.

The main point I want to make is, lets not fuck the market up. Why pay 200 when you can pay 100 with a little negotiation? I am not speaking from experience, but I have heard places like Thailand and Costa got fucked up from too many mongers just throwing unnecessary funds at hoes without thinking about fucking the market up for us all. That being said, I don't want to tell any other man what to do with his money, but the point should be made to preserve Medellin as long as we can.Sigh. The egos of mongers blow me away. One of them posts about game, and all it shows me is that he has none. The price hookers take has to do with the wages of an economy. If a girl can make a decent wage, then she is not going to be making it on her back with a sweaty, fat, bald guy on top of her. None of the women want to do this even in Latin American countries. So if you mongers really want us to be getting cheap pussy, we should be all we can to sabotage the Colombian economy. Let's start blowing up oil wells!

As for one guy ruining it all with price, look at hotels. You guys staying at the Marriott or Hyatt are ruining it for all of us! These hotel owners think they can get $100 or $200 a night will make all the hotels raise their prices, and we cannot stay there for $30 or $40 a night. Why does nobody make those posts? Obviously, because there are only so many people who can pay top $ or are willing to pay top $ for the high end hotels.

To me, guys making excuses about money are cheap asses who cannot get women to take their measly amount of money and want to blame someone else. I paid $2000 total for my last trip to Colombia just for travel and lodging and some dummy is lecturing me about spending $50 too much on a 10. If I cared about saving money that much, I would have stayed at a cheaper hotel. I was on vacation and wanted to stay at a nice place and somewhere where I felt comfortable.

I do not care really all that much about how many $$$ I spend on a woman as long as I do not feel ripped off in Colombia. If a woman gives a shit effort, that is the only time I am upset about spending the money. Getting it for $20 versus $40 when I am on vacation, who gives a shit about that?

And for the guys who brag about their looks but also complain about other guys spending too much, I want to tell them, "Hey, why don't you go add on another 20 pounds to your mid section. You know to be fair to all of us?

There is a difference between real self-esteem and fake self-esteem, and I am not letting someone with six pack abs tell me that he owns all the best looking women. "You know those women only want you for money?" I have been told. Well, while you worked on your abs, I worked my ass off to put myself in a position to make the money I do. The truth is that I have learned that a whole lot of hot women are really more interested in men like me than men like you, and men like you cannot take it.

If I had your money, Elvis, I would. Here is a little tip. Why don't you go out it and earn your own money you lazy ass and quit bitching about what I do with my money?

You want to know what a loser really is? It is someone who cannot get what he wants and blames someone else.

11-17-20, 18:49
Guys I'm almost ready to book my flights. As soon as this year is done I'm ready to go. I'm thinking of giving it about a week after New Year. My question is this, how long after NY will things be back to full swing and the putas back from spending Christmas and New year with family as well as all bars and Casas etc open again. Obviously I know there'll still be the usual corona restrictions but I'm just wondering if there are any special events or holidays or something I need to be aware of right after New year, as I'm thinking about booking around the 5th Jan.

Also Blakman, what type of popcorn do you recommend and have you ever provided peanuts? 😜I'll be there from Jan. 2-25 . Had to cancel my trip in March this year. Such bad luck that my flight in March was the day after they locked down otherwise I wouldn't had mind being stuck there.

11-17-20, 19:02
I don't know about respect from the chicas, I don't care too much as long as they are giving up the pussy and a GFE. But any guy who gets laid for free gets a certain amount of respect from me, because its not easy. I doubly repect them if the dude is ugly / old / gross and still gets chicas for free. Its a challenge that not everyone can do. Sure anyone can spend 100 bucks and can get laid. Not everyone has game. Most people here do not, That's why we're here paying money. The closer you can get to free and be happy the better IMO. In the same vein, I don't give girls respect for fucking dudes for free. LOL. Because its easy, any dude will fuck you for free if you're the slightest bit attractive as a girl. Now if you're an ugly chica, that can get dudes to pay $100 USD to fuck you, you get my respect as well. LOL in that rare case, I might just pay it to see what all the fuss is about LOL.

Its okay not to have game, that's why we have money, but I give respect where its due.

But hey if you get off on spending more than you need to, that's your thing. Enjoy yourself. Personally I don't have the big bucks to throw out the windows. If I did maybe I'd spend 300k per chica.... or maybe I'd just have 10 times the number of cheap hookers! HAHAHTouche Kazeu.

11-17-20, 22:32
Just when I was being converted into a Gusto man, I heard a voice say go to centro go to centro. So I followed the voice. I see a big ass chocolate girl. Lose my sanity for a minute, but said not this time. Going to throw slapobservant for a curve. Took a spin around the block. I was determine to try premier plaza but I wanted something slim and nice. Giving chocolate girls a break today. Spot this perfectly shaped venuezlan good height and appears to not have kids. A voice again spoke in my ears. Said get her so I did. After 15 minutes of trying to sort out if premier allows venez. Off we go. 30 mil 20 mil for premier plaza. Sounds too much but you guys will clear that up for me. She is cool, no problem so far. She takes off her clothes and I want to fucking melt. I hit the jackpot. She wanted to move fast. I said suave and she was cool with it. Got handsy with me. Then I ask for the blowjob. Condom on and hey sensuous blowjob. She stops I direct her for more. She says mas. I say mucho. Great job. A little deepthroat. She gets on top ride me a little. Her skin is beautiful. Nice tits. Then doggy. Thats when the moaning started. Nice moans. Beautiful curves. I wanted a pic but I didn't want to stop the flow with the camera. Then missionary. She let me bang it for a bit. I tried hard to come but couldn't. Told her jerk it off. While jerking she gave me the look and licked her lips. I said si mi amor si. She kept doing it and I shot my load. Man that was good. So I was done and she ask for 50. I said 30 so compromise to 40 mil. The best part was the shower. Steaming hot water. I loved it. Was in there 15 minutes. Man I am close to being a centro rat for real. Now as Joe Biden would say at lleras park i picked up a similar youngie 130 mil, Centro with Hotel 60mil. From a cheapy charley point of few thats points for Centro. Surf have to give you credit as well.

11-17-20, 22:45
Sigh. The egos of mongers blow me away. One of them posts about game, and all it shows me is that he has none. The price hookers take has to do with the wages of an economy. If a girl can make a decent wage, then she is not going to be making it on her back with a sweaty, fat, bald guy on top of her. None of the women want to do this even in Latin American countries. So if you mongers really want us to be getting cheap pussy, we should be all we can to sabotage the Colombian economy. Let's start blowing up oil wells!

As for one guy ruining it all with price, look at hotels. You guys staying at the Marriott or Hyatt are ruining it for all of us! These hotel owners think they can get $100 or $200 a night will make all the hotels raise their prices, and we cannot stay there for $30 or $40 a night. Why does nobody make those posts? Obviously, because there are only so many people who can pay top $ or are willing to pay top $ for the high end hotels.

To me, guys making excuses about money are cheap asses who cannot get women to take their measly amount of money and want to blame someone else. I paid $2000 total for my last trip to Colombia just for travel and lodging and some dummy is lecturing me about spending $50 too much on a 10. If I cared about saving money that much, I would have stayed at a cheaper hotel. I was on vacation and wanted to stay at a nice place and somewhere where I felt comfortable.

I do not care really all that much about how many $$$ I spend on a woman as long as I do not feel ripped off in Colombia. If a woman gives a shit effort, that is the only time I am upset about spending the money. Getting it for $20 versus $40 when I am on vacation, who gives a shit about that?

And for the guys who brag about their looks but also complain about other guys spending too much, I want to tell them, "Hey, why don't you go add on another 20 pounds to your mid section. You know to be fair to all of us?

There is a difference between real self-esteem and fake self-esteem, and I am not letting someone with six pack abs tell me that he owns all the best looking women. "You know those women only want you for money?" I have been told. Well, while you worked on your abs, I worked my ass off to put myself in a position to make the money I do. The truth is that I have learned that a whole lot of hot women are really more interested in men like me than men like you, and men like you cannot take it.

If I had your money, Elvis, I would. Here is a little tip. Why don't you go out it and earn your own money you lazy ass and quit bitching about what I do with my money?

You want to know what a loser really is? It is someone who cannot get what he wants and blames someone else.1000% agreed.

And guess what you can still get 6 packs abs anytime you want.

But can the guy with 6 pack abs get the $$ you got??

It's hilarious to me that people would even brag about game with HOOKERS.

If you get a service for a bit cheaper than the next guy did you ever think her situations change too. Maybe she was in desperate need of $$ at that time and had to make a rash decision?

I think everyone has their own comfort zone in where they like to play.

Whether it be 30-100 k range or 100-200 k range or 300 and up.

And I'm never one to judge someone but it's hilarious so many judge the ones who spend the most.

Guys should be using this board to share quality info. And honestly no one is doing much sharing.

But for the few that are giving useful info Cheers!!

11-17-20, 23:08
It is not an either or. People can like to do both you know? I have a car to drive around town, but sometimes I like to take my motorcycle. I have ribeye steaks in the freezer, but I have sandwich meat in the refrigerator. I have tailor made suits in my closet, but I also have $5 shorts from Goodwill. I have crocodile shoes in my closet, but I also have $10 flip flops. Just because I can get chicks at home for free does not mean I do not want to travel to fuck paid chicks.

It seems most people do not understand what game is. Why is one guy getting BBBJ with no upcharge while another guy constantly pays 20K more? How is Blakman paying chicks 60K to chicks that originally wanted 150K while other mongers are reportedly paying 200K? All game is is people skills and personality. Looks like people are taking it to be some kind of magic spell or something. Blakman does not even speak the language but he has enough people skills and personality (it even shows through in his writing) to not only get these chicks down on price, but also have them having a great time with him and 5K peso popcorn, THEN wanting to come back.

When a coworker showed me Cupid in 2005 I already had people skills and personality. I said man if I could speak Spanish I would be hell. I ended up learning Spanish and I have been easily able to get non-pros in Latin America and have to work hookers in between them. As I said before, you can pay the listed price for something or you can use your people skills and personality or "game" to talk the person down and happily (not begrudgingly as some mongers imagine the case to be) give you a lower price.Game is closing the girl you want. "A sale is made on every call you make. Either you sell her or she sells you a reason she can't. Either way a sale is made, the only question is who is going to close? You or her?" Going from girl to girl until you find one that says yes. That's not game. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in awhile.

BM also reported paying a girl twice because the cops came over. What happened to his "game" Guess it only works sometimes, like a broken clock.

11-17-20, 23:17
Just got to my hotel in Laureles. Staying at the San Peter. Anyone want to meet up? Thinking of going to Poblado tonight.

Mr Enternational
11-17-20, 23:37
BM also reported paying a girl twice because the cops came over. What happened to his "game" Guess it only works sometimes, like a broken clock.Same thing with your money. You can not fuck every chick on the planet because you offer them money. That only works sometimes.

11-17-20, 23:55
Hookers are still women. All things being equal they'd rather go with a guy that can make them laugh and / or is not gross to look at. That's just common sense, and yea there are guys with money that also have interesting personalities and / or haven't let their appearance go. These also may get more mileage in the cama if the girl is physically attracted to them. So if a guy thinks he has game, or looks or whatever that helps him, so what? Let him share. The guys that get so defensive when this subject comes up are also likely the ones that have little personality and / or are disgusting to look at.

11-18-20, 00:13
All the talk about "game" and "respect" concerning hookers boggles the mind. If you need to believe that a woman, who will sell her pussy to anyone,This is generally true but not always true. Hookers are free to screen out guys. The curtains are there at the casas for a reason, so they can choose not to "present" to certain guys. And at places without curtains like New Life I've seen them skip past guys, though this doesn't happen often. Facebook girls are the ones more liable to pick and choose their appointments. It's a dual selection process.

11-18-20, 00:17
I can't stop smiling. This is the next to last stage Blakman. You are going to make the rounds of mid range Laureles joints and have a Facebook girl or two and then you will hear that voice again "Centro, Centro" LOL! The next trip you make to Centro will likely be your whisker ceremony in which you become a full fledged Centro rat. Hell, you might even move out of Poblado to get closer to the action. Quick question you don't have to answer: did you get that Venezuelan's phone number?

In all honesty I am a little jealous and angry because I planned to roll through Plaza Botero today but I got roped into helping a friend shop for linen. By the time that was over the heavens opened up and a two hour thunderstorm rolled through until almost dark. Tomorrow is another day!

Just when I was being converted into a Gusto man, I heard a voice say go to centro go to centro. So I followed the voice. I see a big ass chocolate girl. Lose my sanity for a minute, but said not this time. Going to throw slapobservant for a curve. Took a spin around the block. I was determine to try premier plaza but I wanted something slim and nice. Giving chocolate girls a break today. Spot this perfectly shaped venuezlan good height and appears to not have kids. A voice again spoke in my ears. Said get her so I did. After 15 minutes of trying to sort out if premier allows venez. Off we go. 30 mil 20 mil for premier plaza. Sounds too much but you guys will clear that up for me. She is cool, no problem so far. She takes off her clothes and I want to fucking melt. I hit the jackpot. She wanted to move fast. I said suave and she was cool with it. Got handsy with me. Then I ask for the blowjob. Condom on and hey sensuous blowjob. She stops I direct her for more. She says mas. I say mucho. Great job. A little deepthroat. She gets on top ride me a little. Her skin is beautiful. Nice tits. Then doggy. Thats when the moaning started. Nice moans. Beautiful curves. I wanted a pic but I didn't want to stop the flow with the camera. Then missionary. She let me bang it for a bit. I tried hard to come but couldn't. Told her jerk it off. While jerking she gave me the look and licked her lips. I said si mi amor si. She kept doing it and I shot my load. Man that was good. So I was done and she ask for 50. I said 30 so compromise to 40 mil. The best part was the shower. Steaming hot water. I loved it. Was in there 15 minutes. Man I am close to being a centro rat for real. Now as Joe Biden would say at lleras park i picked up a similar youngie 130 mil, Centro with Hotel 60mil. From a cheapy charley point of few thats points for Centro. Surf have to give you credit as well.

11-18-20, 00:41
Same thing with your money. You can not fuck every chick on the planet because you offer them money. That only works sometimes. "Whoever said money can't solve your problems
Must not have had enough money to solve 'em"

We're talking about pros not every chick. And there are way more pros wanting my money than pros I'd be willing to pay to fuck. If it's a choice between my money or your game, my money wins. When does a pro turn down money for a cunning linguist.

Your game would magically disappear if you lost your money. 20 year old Colombian girls aren't interested in you for your personality. They see a passport, money, and a chance at a better life. You're a walking lottery ticket. And not the only one. They probably have dozens, hoping one pays off.

Being nice to people is expected and normal. Does being a decent human being make you Don Juan. No. Does finding an uneducated, jobless, single mother in a pandemic, recessioned 3rd world country that accepts your low-ball offer mean you have game. No. No. No. No. No.

11-18-20, 00:52
Game doesn't mean your perfect. Honestly I do not like the usage game. What I will say is I can outsmart most gamer. In the case with the cops, I let my guards down committed several mistakes and got gamed because theres no defense against policia in foreign country.

Game is closing the girl you want. "A sale is made on every call you make. Either you sell her or she sells you a reason she can't. Either way a sale is made, the only question is who is going to close? You or her?" Going from girl to girl until you find one that says yes. That's not game. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in awhile.

BM also reported paying a girl twice because the cops came over. What happened to his "game" Guess it only works sometimes, like a broken clock..

11-18-20, 02:20
Just got to Medellin. First time. Staying at San Peter in Laureles. Anyone want to hit La 70 or Lleras?

11-18-20, 02:54
12 am bar closes. Copa has cancelled my flight twice and changed hours another time. Being in the united states just reschedule but pain in the but in Colombia because of long hold time with customer service.

.Thank you for the response.

1. Except for certain occasions curfew is midnight at this time.

2. Had no problem with Copa cancellation, although they changed the time on my flight from PTY which got me to Medellin 90 minutes earlier.Thanks for your response.

Hey fellow mongers,

Touched down in Medellin and this is what I see so far.
La Islas. Closes at 4 am. I went in there around 8 pm on a Saturday night. There's some decent looking girls. First time to the club but for the guys who buy bottles, they essentially get a few girls to the table and the girls are stuck there the whole night? That's some bullshit. There were 2 hotties in 2 different tables that I wanted to fuck but they kept saying no and I asked the staff and they said those girls were off limits even though the guys at their tables aren't interested.

Thanks for the actual report. La Islas is always hit or miss for me. Have you try Fase Dos?

11-18-20, 03:18
Just when I was being converted into a Gusto man, I heard a voice say go to centro go to centro. So I followed the voice. I see a big ass chocolate girl. Lose my sanity for a minute, but said not this time. Going to throw slapobservant for a curve. Took a spin around the block. I was determine to try premier plaza but I wanted something slim and nice. Giving chocolate girls a break today. Spot this perfectly shaped venuezlan good height and appears to not have kids. A voice again spoke in my ears. Said get her so I did. After 15 minutes of trying to sort out if premier allows venez. Off we go. 30 mil 20 mil for premier plaza. Sounds too much but you guys will clear that up for me. She is cool, no problem so far. She takes off her clothes and I want to fucking melt. I hit the jackpot. She wanted to move fast. I said suave and she was cool with it. Got handsy with me. Then I ask for the blowjob. Condom on and hey sensuous blowjob. She stops I direct her for more. She says mas. I say mucho. Great job. A little deepthroat. She gets on top ride me a little. Her skin is beautiful. Nice tits. Then doggy. Thats when the moaning started. Nice moans. Beautiful curves. I wanted a pic but I didn't want to stop the flow with the camera. Then missionary. She let me bang it for a bit. I tried hard to come but couldn't. Told her jerk it off. While jerking she gave me the look and licked her lips. I said si mi amor si. She kept doing it and I shot my load. Man that was good. So I was done and she ask for 50. I said 30 so compromise to 40 mil. The best part was the shower. Steaming hot water. I loved it. Was in there 15 minutes. Man I am close to being a centro rat for real. Now as Joe Biden would say at lleras park i picked up a similar youngie 130 mil, Centro with Hotel 60mil. From a cheapy charley point of few thats points for Centro. Surf have to give you credit as well.Your metamorphosis is in progress, and I nominate you for your first whisker. And instead of being a Cheap Charlie, you compromised by giving her a 10 K propina. By doing this she will want to go with you again, because the locals aren't giving out 10 K tips.

And if you decide to hit her up again, which sounds like you will, you can tell her that the BJ will be uncovered and if she asks for more which I suspect she might, just say no, and don't worry, she will fold and go with you.

So know that you have earned your first whisker, perhaps you ought to try something a little different. You need to look at this as though your a "cub scout" completing tasks along the way until you become a full fledged "street rat", meaning you have lots of whiskers. With extra whiskers earned for doing a "Sacalero" (glue sniffer) and yes there are some hot ones around. Or a very pregnant Chica, however I didn't see any out last week, or perhaps even a deaf mute you can share with Slapshot. What's nice about the mutes are they don't talk back to you.

So congrats on your new found playground!

Ho Lover1
11-18-20, 03:51
Anyways there wasn't anything that caught my attention so I went to Faison. It's a hole in the wall club but girls are cheaper. The personality on the girls here are better as they aren't as stuck up. Took a cutie upstairs and did our thing. Be careful fellas there is no hot water in here. I ended up using some baby wipes to clean myself off. Didn't leave this place until around 5 am and passed out.Never heard of this club. Can you give us a little more info.

11-18-20, 03:55
Never heard of this club. Can you give us a little more info.It's usually the after hours party spot for Fase Dos, San Diego, and Luna Lanera girls. It's a hole in the wall like previously stated but once in a while you can find a hottie.

It's like Paradise which is the after party for La Isla and Gustos girls. But less expensive and overall lower quality of talent. Last time I was there in March it was 190 to fuck on site. But since Fase Dos went up from 190-300 k now idk. I'm thinking the price is up here too.

11-18-20, 06:34
I have a question. If I book a hotel with 3 people. I am a tutorial and my 2 friends are local Colombian. Do I still have to pay the 19% fee for hotel that they charge for non-tourist?

11-18-20, 07:23
Hookers are still women. All things being equal they'd rather go with a guy that can make them laugh and / or is not gross to look at. That's just common sense, and yea there are guys with money that also have interesting personalities and / or haven't let their appearance go. These also may get more mileage in the cama if the girl is physically attracted to them. So if a guy thinks he has game, or looks or whatever that helps him, so what? Let him share. The guys that get so defensive when this subject comes up are also likely the ones that have little personality and / or are disgusting to look at.I didn't express myself well about "game. " I don't fake the funk. I treat people as individuals including putas and I try to stay in the moment. Game to me is more in the Shakespearean sense, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." In reality, my game is that I have no game but I thought (probably wrongly) that writing it like that would make it more relatable to this audience. You got to admit, there is a ton of gamemenship that goes on here. Which is why I call the atmosphere a bunch of swinging dicks with aerosolized testosterone, jaja. That doesn't bother me, it's the nature of the beast and to be expected. This is a sex site.

11-18-20, 10:27
No no no. I could never live with myself if I go the full whiskers. Lets stick with first whisker of finding a slim clean cutie and premier plaza. Simple works for me. Now break down premier plaza to me. It did not make much sense. A day is 32 mil. She says 20 mil is 4 hours. I paid 19 mil and only got 1 HR. Then she mentioned something about bringing a girl. I really didn't tip. She tried to get 50 mil and I just compromise to 40 mil.

Your metamorphosis is in progress, and I nominate you for your first whisker. And instead of being a Cheap Charlie, you compromised by giving her a 10 K propina. By doing this she will want to go with you again, because the locals aren't giving out 10 K tips.

And if you decide to hit her up again, which sounds like you will, you can tell her that the BJ will be uncovered and if she asks for more which I suspect she might, just say no, and don't worry, she will fold and go with you.

So know that you have earned your first whisker, perhaps you ought to try something a little different. You need to look at this as though your a "cub scout" completing tasks along the way until you become a full fledged "street rat", meaning you have lots of whiskers. With extra whiskers earned for doing a "Sacalero" (glue sniffer) and yes there are some hot ones around. Or a very pregnant Chica, however I didn't see any out last week, or perhaps even a deaf mute you can share with Slapshot. What's nice about the mutes are they don't talk back to you.

So congrats on your new found playground!.

11-18-20, 10:59
Gustos is a prime example. You have girls starting at 300 us dollars not 300 mil pesos. That should be ridiculous. But obviously some hard working guy if you say so that has great income has made these prices the norm to these girls. I think most of the business men have scammed people out of money and is lavishly and illegally spending other peoples money but that's just speculation LOL. Some of these same girls work as prepagos for 130 mil pesos and hour. Speculation again. Theres reasons for pricing regulations. Centro 10 to 30 k, casas 50 to 130 k, lleras park 150 k, How the fuck did gustos shoot up to 300 Us dollars. Because selfish guys say I got the money, I am going to have a good time. Whatever it cost me I am paying it. Once a girl who makes 100 mil discovers she can make 300 us dollars why go back to 100 mil. Why not tell my girlfriends about this discovery. Bottom line is you have every right to spend what the hell you want. But dont act like it doesn't have an impact on the pricing.

1000% agreed.

And guess what you can still get 6 packs abs anytime you want.

But can the guy with 6 pack abs get the $$ you got??

It's hilarious to me that people would even brag about game with HOOKERS.

If you get a service for a bit cheaper than the next guy did you ever think her situations change too. Maybe she was in desperate need of $$ at that time and had to make a rash decision?

I think everyone has their own comfort zone in where they like to play.

Whether it be 30-100 k range or 100-200 k range or 300 and up.

And I'm never one to judge someone but it's hilarious so many judge the ones who spend the most.

Guys should be using this board to share quality info. And honestly no one is doing much sharing.

But for the few that are giving useful info Cheers!!.

11-18-20, 11:22
Heading to the airport in Bogota the Uber driver had a talk show on the radio. They said there were over 1 million Venezuelan refugees in Colombia."Tens of Thousands" I was taking my best guess out of the million or so Venezuelan refugees who are here, how many of them would be Fuckable Chicas, jajajaja?

Mi Numero Uno novia es Colombiana. But then of Chicas number 2 thru 6 in my line-up, four are Venezuelans. One was an accountant in Venezuela and she never thought she would be a sex worker. Actually she's not anymore but she still fucks me. For free. Had something to do with how do we put it, being "nice?" There may have even been a little gamesmenship involved (gasp).

The Venezuelan chicas are not hard to spot. For one thing, they are prettier. And taller. If you find yourself with a chance to hook up with a Venezuelana for half an hour or half a year, consider it. And they give better blow jobs, although that conclusion is a stretch on my part, I think it's true.

Please don't Private Message me and tell me your Venezuelan girl was a disappointment, or that you like Paisas better. Good for you, and that information would be irrelevant to me.

11-18-20, 11:53
I could care less how cute a pussy is. The only thing that matters to me is how tight and wet the girls pusssy is. If they open up like a house and my dick is flopping against the sides, I'm not going to finish. If it's tight as a drum, and "silky wet", now your talking! And if they can squeeze and clamp down on you while penetrating them, in other words make you scream "uncle" meaning you blowing youBrr load, that's a keeper.That along with a certain look comes a certain feel. And did you know some guys like a loose pussy? Not me, but supposedly there is a group who like the rattling around against the walls, feel. Jajaja. A yoga instructor I was fucking back in the day taught me this. The first time right before we fucked she asked me did I like a loose pussy or a tight pussy, because with her muscle control, she had both? I said tight, but check this out. Loose did feel good in a different kind of way. Probably because I knew tight was there on demand, jajajaja. I asked her how many guys said "loose" and her answer was, "Enough to ask the question. " Brilliante.

Pussy appearance does matter, if not to you. As I write this, the Number One female cosmetic surgery in the United States is labioplasty or basically a "facelift" for the vagina. That is making a lot of money for a lot of plastic surgeons and GYNs. As the saying goes, follow the money jajaja.

11-18-20, 12:46
Gustos is a prime example. You have girls starting at 300 us dollars not 300 mil pesos. That should be ridiculous. But obviously some hard working guy if you say so that has great income has made these prices the norm to these girls. I think most of the business men have scammed people out of money and is lavishly and illegally spending other peoples money but that's just speculation LOL. Some of these same girls work as prepagos for 130 mil pesos and hour. Speculation again. Theres reasons for pricing regulations. Centro 10 to 30 k, casas 50 to 130 k, lleras park 150 k, How the fuck did gustos shoot up to 300 Us dollars. Because selfish guys say I got the money, I am going to have a good time. Whatever it cost me I am paying it. Once a girl who makes 100 mil discovers she can make 300 us dollars why go back to 100 mil. Why not tell my girlfriends about this discovery. Bottom line is you have every right to spend what the hell you want. But dont act like it doesn't have an impact on the pricing..If someone earns 200K US $ or Euro per year and doesn't care if a girl at Gustos asks 300US$ and he doesn't care if she asks too much or not we can't blame him. Even if the girls in Gusto ask 300US$ those guys who don't want to pay that price will look to a different place to find a girl that they like in the price that they think it's fair. But you can't blame those guys who have money and they do not care if they ask too much or not. I guess same thing happens in the US. Don't tell me that in the US everybody can have sex with the most expensive escorts. Only those that they can afford it. Why in Colombia it should be different? It doesn't make sense.

11-18-20, 14:26
Only know she's 21 vene. Very submissive and docile. Doesn't smoke weed but smoke cigarettes. She's very noticeable. Or that was my lucky day where she looked her best. Body is dead right. Like size 4-6 LOL. Any other hotels clean like priemier plaza in that area and cheaper.

I can't stop smiling. This is the next to last stage Blakman. You are going to make the rounds of mid range Laureles joints and have a Facebook girl or two and then you will hear that voice again "Centro, Centro" LOL! The next trip you make to Centro will likely be your whisker ceremony in which you become a full fledged Centro rat. Hell, you might even move out of Poblado to get closer to the action. Quick question you don't have to answer: did you get that Venezuelan's phone number? Any other hotels clean like premier plaza in the area

In all honesty I am a little jealous and angry because I planned to roll through Plaza Botero today but I got roped into helping a friend shop for linen. By the time that was over the heavens opened up and a two hour thunderstorm rolled through until almost dark. Tomorrow is another day!.

11-18-20, 16:46
Gustos is a prime example. You have girls starting at 300 us dollars not 300 mil pesos. That should be ridiculous. But obviously some hard working guy if you say so that has great income has made these prices the norm to these girls. I think most of the business men have scammed people out of money and is lavishly and illegally spending other peoples money but that's just speculation LOL. Some of these same girls work as prepagos for 130 mil pesos and hour. Speculation again. Theres reasons for pricing regulations. Centro 10 to 30 k, casas 50 to 130 k, lleras park 150 k, How the fuck did gustos shoot up to 300 Us dollars. Because selfish guys say I got the money, I am going to have a good time. Whatever it cost me I am paying it. Once a girl who makes 100 mil discovers she can make 300 us dollars why go back to 100 mil. Why not tell my girlfriends about this discovery. Bottom line is you have every right to spend what the hell you want. But dont act like it doesn't have an impact on the pricing.

.Gustos girls are going to charge what they charge. But here's the thing if a few guys spend 300 usd on a girl it doesn't mean that the girl will get that all the time.

What it does do is bring out new girls into the game all the time. Even normal girls will go out to Lleras look to make some extra $$. When your talking a 500 mil pesos and up it changes a girls mind quick.

These are girls from the mid to upper stratas.

They're not who you would find in Centro or a strip club.

Now yes there are girls who work online or at a casa and try to hit the jackpot in Lleras. However the overall quality of these girls in Gustos is a notch above.

I've banged girls from webcam sites and Bang bros porns. These girls already made $$$ and it would take them a certain amount of $$$ to open their legs.

I can understand when a guy goes to Centro and pays a girl 100 k or when you go to a casa and pay double the price but when it comes to Lleras there is no ruining the market.

If the girl is hot enough she will get her $$.

So overall it won't change the scene. There's the Centro scene, strip club scene, Lleras scene, fb scene.

I think each scene has to be separated from another.

11-18-20, 16:52
No no no. I could never live with myself if I go the full whiskers. Lets stick with first whisker of finding a slim clean cutie and premier plaza. Simple works for me. Now break down premier plaza to me. It did not make much sense. A day is 32 mil. She says 20 mil is 4 hours. I paid 19 mil and only got 1 HR. Then she mentioned something about bringing a girl. I really didn't tip. She tried to get 50 mil and I just compromise to 40 mil..A couple of comments. In regards to what Premium Plaza charged you, I don't know what the current rates are there as I didn't use the Hotel last week, but what I do know is that certain girls who use the Hotel get kickbacks from the Hotel when they bring in a client. In the past I've seen some of my regulars handed a few thousand pesos upon departing and others nothing. You should of been allowed to stay for a more than an hour if not at least 3 hours for what you paid, so I'm confused about the hour. If when you arrived at the Hotel they didn't check her ID, then she probably has a track record with the Hotel, especially if she is a looker. You might want to try Zona Rosa across from the Church next time, it's only 13 K for a few hours and not nearly as nice, but works for me, but you will have to ask for an extra towel.

As far as what you paid the girl, well I personally would not of wasted my time with her. Slim and clean I like, but having to be cute is not so important for me. Given your description of her, she's seasoned, being with other gringos, and hustled you, albeit over chump change.

Lot's of guys come to El Centro looking for "trophy fucks", and I mean this on a totally visual level. For the other "street rat's" here which may not be willing to admit it, if you can get beyond how pretty the face is, there is a lot to be had, and available versus the hustlers, meaning the ones seasoned, and knowing how to play it with the Gringos, and I don't blame them, I would do the same. After a while you can learn to weed out the "hustlers" most of the time during the interview process, yet you need to have Spanish speaking skills to do so.

Now as far as your whisker status, well I'm going to suggest you try something a little bit different next time. I'm not suggesting a glue sniffer, albeit a few are good once you get beyond the stench, LOL, or a very pregnant Chica, or a deaf mute, but perhaps a "plain Jane" Chica with what appears to be a killer body, that's at least what I look for. I'm suggesting this to see how your experience might be compared to a seasoned Chica who knows how to hustle Gringos. You might be pleasantly surprised as to the outcome.

11-18-20, 17:33
I have a question. If I book a hotel with 3 people. I am a tutorial and my 2 friends are local Colombian. Do I still have to pay the 19% fee for hotel that they charge for non-tourist?Technically if you have a USA Passport then the 19% would be two thirds of that amount. I checked in once to a Hotel with a Colombian with my USA Passport and was only charged 1/2 of the 19 %. However what you need to be careful of are Hotels that will try to charge you the full IVA 19% that only Citizens and Residents of Colombia are subject to.

11-18-20, 17:56
Gustos is a prime example. You have girls starting at 300 us dollars not 300 mil pesos. That should be ridiculous. .Agreed.

They have probably been watching the Girlfriend Experience on Amazon Prime where guys are paying $2000 to fuck Elvis Presley's granddaughter.

11-18-20, 18:20
There was a girl in Gusto that we spent quite a bit of time during quarentine. She initially wanted 250 prior to covid. With some good reasoning that covid has affected my earnings she dropped to 150 3 hrs, with some good fucking 250 for a day, then some more good fucking 300 mil for a week. Then 150 mil a day. This trip with out quarentine I did get 150 for 4 hrs. But she has been trying to increase to 200 and 300 mil for less hours. Why is that? The influx of guys willing to pay whatever they feel like. I think it does have impact and you think it doesn't but its one love. We agree to disagree.

Gustos girls are going to charge what they charge. But here's the thing if a few guys spend 300 usd on a girl it doesn't mean that the girl will get that all the time.

What it does do is bring out new girls into the game all the time. Even normal girls will go out to Lleras look to make some extra $$. When your talking a 500 mil pesos and up it changes a girls mind quick.

These are girls from the mid to upper stratas.

They're not who you would find in Centro or a strip club.

Now yes there are girls who work online or at a casa and try to hit the jackpot in Lleras. However the overall quality of these girls in Gustos is a notch above.

I've banged girls from webcam sites and Bang bros porns. These girls already made $$$ and it would take them a certain amount of $$$ to open their legs.

I can understand when a guy goes to Centro and pays a girl 100 k or when you go to a casa and pay double the price but when it comes to Lleras there is no ruining the market.

If the girl is hot enough she will get her $$.

So overall it won't change the scene. There's the Centro scene, strip club scene, Lleras scene, fb scene.

I think each scene has to be separated from another..

11-18-20, 18:23
My closing statement was you can pay whatever you like its your right but do not ignore that your amount does affect the pricing

If someone earns 200K US $ or Euro per year and doesn't care if a girl at Gustos asks 300US$ and he doesn't care if she asks too much or not we can't blame him. Even if the girls in Gusto ask 300US$ those guys who don't want to pay that price will look to a different place to find a girl that they like in the price that they think it's fair. But you can't blame those guys who have money and they do not care if they ask too much or not. I guess same thing happens in the US. Don't tell me that in the US everybody can have sex with the most expensive escorts. Only those that they can afford it. Why in Colombia it should be different? It doesn't make sense..

11-18-20, 18:36
If someone earns 200K US $ or Euro per year and doesn't care if a girl at Gustos asks 300US$ and he doesn't care if she asks too much or not we can't blame him. Even if the girls in Gusto ask 300US$ those guys who don't want to pay that price will look to a different place to find a girl that they like in the price that they think it's fair. But you can't blame those guys who have money and they do not care if they ask too much or not. I guess same thing happens in the US. Don't tell me that in the US everybody can have sex with the most expensive escorts. Only those that they can afford it. Why in Colombia it should be different? It doesn't make sense.Even if you met Colombians outside of Colombia (in Panama or Mexico) they don't charge $200 USD for a fuck. Gustos is a clip joint. You're being robbed.

11-18-20, 18:38
If someone earns 200K US $ or Euro per year and doesn't care if a girl at Gustos asks 300US$ and he doesn't care if she asks too much or not we can't blame him. Even if the girls in Gusto ask 300US$ those guys who don't want to pay that price will look to a different place to find a girl that they like in the price that they think it's fair. But you can't blame those guys who have money and they do not care if they ask too much or not. I guess same thing happens in the US. Don't tell me that in the US everybody can have sex with the most expensive escorts. Only those that they can afford it. Why in Colombia it should be different? It doesn't make sense.Why do you think guys fly from the USA to South America? Because the market prices are fucked up there. Why do you want to compare what they overpay in USA London Tokyo, seriously? Col is not any of those places, at least not yet, but if it was up to you it would be just like them.

Weak mongers that overpay and write about it here commit 2 crimes, they overpay then they write about it here encouraging others to do the same.

ISG was started to help one another, not to fuck one another over!!

Don't be a misandrist.

11-18-20, 18:40
1 beer or drink, cover charge, taxi and a pretty mamacita. Pm. Blakman LOL.

11-18-20, 19:20
Even if you met Colombians outside of Colombia (in Panama or Mexico) they don't charge $200 USD for a fuck. Gustos is a clip joint. You're being robbed.You are right about Panama and even Mexico. I have met plenty of Colombian and Venezuelan women in Europe and the US that will definitely ask for 200 $+ for an hour even. Now no way in hell I'm going to pay that much but it is what they are asking because guys can afford to pay it.

Now IN Colombia, not many other than tourists would come even close to that. This week was my first time in Medellin and I tried really hard to hold to standard prices as I hugely over paid the first times I went to Mexico city and the first time I went to Bogota. In those cases I took only one or two trips a year and spend several months worth of money in the few says I visited. Now though (before COVID) I take several trips a year and try to get the best bang for my buck. I think the most I paid out of the 15 visits to my apartment this trip was 200 mil + 20 mil for taxi and that was to a smoking hot 19 year old that I HAD TO HAVE! The old me would not have thought for a second about paying her 100-200 $ dollars for a couple hours because I had the money to spend. New me talked her down from the 250 k + 50 k for taxi she was originally asking.

11-18-20, 19:35
I guess I should have marked it on my calendar. Every 3 months we go over the same tired arguments over pricing and it's always the same stuff.

Blakman, the reason why your quarantine girl dropped her price so much during quarantine is simple, she had no other customers. Now she has other options and the chance of her getting her original price has gone up.

Yippiekayay, Gusto is Gusto. It's not for someone wanting to watch their budget. You find that all over. I can go to Golden Corral and Spend $15 for steak and all I can eat of everything, or I can go to Ruth Chris for steak and spend $80 for half as much food. In Vegas I can go spend $20 a night for a hotel or $400 per night. The people who drop $1000 a night in Gusto are no different than the people dropping $50,000 in a weekend at the Bellagio. If it's in your budget and that's your scene, it's the place to be.

Sangnyc, the girls in Parque Lleras are the same low estrato girls you'll find on Facebook and elsewhere. The high estrato girls are there hanging out and partying with their friends, not looking for a gringo payday.

There are women in the US charging $10,000 and up for a date. There are women in the US charging $60 for a blowjob. No matter how many guys pay $60 for a blowjob, not one of the $10 k girls is coming down to $60. There are girls in Colombia charging $1000 and more. Doesn't matter how many of us spend $12-$15 in El Centro, the girls asking top dollar are still going to ask top dollar.

Pay the price you want to pay. If the girl won't take it move on. If you want to pay more, pay more. Unless you're paying 10,000 times the normal price you're not going to overcome the price pressure from the Colombian mongers.

The Rimmer
11-18-20, 19:49
You are right about Panama and even Mexico. I have met plenty of Colombian and Venezuelan women in Europe and the US that will definitely ask for 200 $+ for an hour even. Now no way in hell I'm going to pay that much but it is what they are asking because guys can afford to pay it.

Now IN Colombia, not many other than tourists would come even close to that. This week was my first time in Medellin and I tried really hard to hold to standard prices as I hugely over paid the first times I went to Mexico city and the first time I went to Bogota. In those cases I took only one or two trips a year and spend several months worth of money in the few says I visited. Now though (before COVID) I take several trips a year and try to get the best bang for my buck. I think the most I paid out of the 15 visits to my apartment this trip was 200 mil + 20 mil for taxi and that was to a smoking hot 19 year old that I HAD TO HAVE! The old me would not have thought for a second about paying her 100-200 $ dollars for a couple hours because I had the money to spend. New me talked her down from the 250 k + 50 k for taxi she was originally asking.BootyBandit84,

Was curious where you were finding these girls for visits? Online or clubs? Thanks.

11-18-20, 19:52
I've been out of commission since Monday night. Hoping to be back on my feet tomorrow or Friday. I started coming down with something Monday night and by Tuesday morning I would have paid someone to put me out of my misery. My amateur diagnosis is strep throat. Should have an idea by tomorrow if the antibiotics knock it back.

One of the non-pros brought me food, medicine and some basic supplies today, so I can continue to isolate and rest up. Many thanks to the ISG members I've been talking with for their offers of assistance.

Yesterday's thunderstorm in Laureles was a big one. Not a bad day to stay inside, although I'd rather have been inside doing something warm and wet.

Spent a few hours Monday meeting with the non-pro who would really like an old, fat and tall gringo husband. Unfortunately, it was just a public meeting and lunch. Hoping to get her over before I go.

Last Saturday 3 of the other girls were supposed to take me to Guatape, but one has a sick mother. The trip got moved to Tuesday and then to today, when I had to cancel. I'm hoping I feel good enough to get the trip in Friday or Saturday.

Sunday is my exit day and my boss is already calling wanting me back earlier. Like the girls of Medellin, he'll just have to wait.

11-18-20, 20:08
You are right about Panama and even Mexico. I have met plenty of Colombian and Venezuelan women in Europe and the US that will definitely ask for 200 $+ for an hour even. Now no way in hell I'm going to pay that much but it is what they are asking because guys can afford to pay it.

Now IN Colombia, not many other than tourists would come even close to that. This week was my first time in Medellin and I tried really hard to hold to standard prices as I hugely over paid the first times I went to Mexico city and the first time I went to Bogota. In those cases I took only one or two trips a year and spend several months worth of money in the few says I visited. Now though (before COVID) I take several trips a year and try to get the best bang for my buck. I think the most I paid out of the 15 visits to my apartment this trip was 200 mil + 20 mil for taxi and that was to a smoking hot 19 year old that I HAD TO HAVE! The old me would not have thought for a second about paying her 100-200 $ dollars for a couple hours because I had the money to spend. New me talked her down from the 250 k + 50 k for taxi she was originally asking.Living expenses are higher in Europe and the US. I would understand $200 USD for a hot working girl. That is not the case in Colombia. Very rarely will a chica say no to a reasonable offer. The only times I have gotten a no to 200 K is when I wanted more than just a straight covered fuck (not bareback). The only other time I saw 200 k being turned down is during the busy season in Cartagena. If the chica has lots of offers she will turn you down. If you ask for something above normal she may turn you down. Otherwise they are almost always going to take 200 k. And currency valuation does not matter. It never has and never will. Unless the cost of living goes up they won't expect more.


Incidently, I did post this in the past about Gustos. I, not once but twice, met a chica in there got her number and told her I wouldn't pay 200 USD. THE SAME NIGHT I would bump into her in lleras and she would go for 200k. There's something about that place that makes the chicas always ask for 200 USD. Even if they go for less outside of Gustos.

11-18-20, 20:25
There was a girl in Gusto that we spent quite a bit of time during quarentine. She initially wanted 250 prior to covid. With some good reasoning that covid has affected my earnings she dropped to 150 3 hrs, with some good fucking 250 for a day, then some more good fucking 300 mil for a week. Then 150 mil a day. This trip with out quarentine I did get 150 for 4 hrs. But she has been trying to increase to 200 and 300 mil for less hours. Why is that? The influx of guys willing to pay whatever they feel like. I think it does have impact and you think it doesn't but its one love. We agree to disagree.

.This is not the reason the prices in Gustos is high. The majority of mongers paying for pussy at Gustos or other higher end establishments are not on this board.

The real reason and the real guys who fuck shit up in general as far as outrageous prices is because of the true idiots in this game.

I'm not talking about the guy who spends 500 usd for a night of pussy. I will never judge a man how much he pays to fuck a girl.

It's the mongers who fall in love with hookers and think they are special. Because all the money in the world can't buy this. So what do men with $$ do? They think throwing lavish gifts and offering a girl a different lifestyle is the way to go all the while emptying out their bank accounts.

I personally know three prepagos who work at Gustos driving Audis in Colombia.

Another one has a house that a gringo bought for them. A fuckin house! Lmao.

The monthly stipend sent through western union.

This is what I call the jackpot for these girls. I'll go out and buy Dom Perignon at Gustos and get the attention of every single girl in there and IF I like one I offer a fair price and exact details of what I want. Once I drop one down their throat I'm done with them. I have repeated with very few girls but none from Gustos.

But I'm paying for MY good time and benefit.

When you consider the REAL IDIOTS whom fall in love with working girls, this is the reason they jack up their prices. Hoping to hit the jackpot. They feel like they can hit the jackpot more than once. And some girls have.

Almost every prepago usually has had one of these types of guys in their lives.

These are the men that feed these girls egos into thinking they deserve the world cause some moron gave it to them.

Even if I pay 200-300 usd when I'm done with them they earned their $$ cause I want nothing more to do with them.

11-18-20, 22:58
Thanks for the actual report. La Islas is always hit or miss for me. Have you try Fase Dos?I have not been there. Is it any good? I asked my taxi if it was open and he said it wasn't but then again he may have been a lazy driver. If it's open, I'll try to check it out later this week.

11-19-20, 00:29
Across from Premier Plaza at 15 K are Boulevard Botero and Zona Rosa. I don't believe either of them have hot water but you should confirm. I was asking about the veneca's phone number for you not for me. .

I did a quick stroll through Botero Plaza a little while ago. This might be my imagination but it seems like the number of kiosks and cart vendors is way up since only last week. There is barely room to walk for heaven's sake.

Only know she's 21 vene. Very submissive and docile. Doesn't smoke weed but smoke cigarettes. She's very noticeable. Or that was my lucky day where she looked her best. Body is dead right. Like size 4-6 LOL. Any other hotels clean like priemier plaza in that area and cheaper..

11-19-20, 00:29
Azythromicin 500 MG. Take everyday. Cheap right across from san peters on the side. You drank some bad squirt but you will live. My brother is in the DR. A girl told him her son is sick. I said I know you do not believe that shit LOL. Get better and move your mouth next time she squirt.

I've been out of commission since Monday night. Hoping to be back on my feet tomorrow or Friday. I started coming down with something Monday night and by Tuesday morning I would have paid someone to put me out of my misery. My amateur diagnosis is strep throat. Should have an idea by tomorrow if the antibiotics knock it back.

One of the non-pros brought me food, medicine and some basic supplies today, so I can continue to isolate and rest up. Many thanks to the ISG members I've been talking with for their offers of assistance.

Yesterday's thunderstorm in Laureles was a big one. Not a bad day to stay inside, although I'd rather have been inside doing something warm and wet.

Spent a few hours Monday meeting with the non-pro who would really like an old, fat and tall gringo husband. Unfortunately, it was just a public meeting and lunch. Hoping to get her over before I go.

Last Saturday 3 of the other girls were supposed to take me to Guatape, but one has a sick mother. The trip got moved to Tuesday and then to today, when I had to cancel. I'm hoping I feel good enough to get the trip in Friday or Saturday.

Sunday is my exit day and my boss is already calling wanting me back earlier. Like the girls of Medellin, he'll just have to wait..

11-19-20, 00:32
First time poster on the board however I have been around for a while. I'm visiting Medellin for the 3rd time with some friends from December 1-8. Staying near el poblano. I'm trying to find out if there will be a dry weekend with alcohol while I'm there? From what I can tell, they tend to do one on the weekend with holidays. Greatly appreciate any information you can offer.

11-19-20, 00:39
1 beer or drink, cover charge, taxi and a pretty mamacita. Pm. Blakman LOL.Do you live in Medellin?

11-19-20, 00:39
I think I walked maybe 5 miles trying to decide, looking for someone clean and pure. Wrong environment right. But that's my mindset. I approach a few and tried 30 mil for 1 hour. I got 30 for 30 minutes 80 for an hour responses. I am like the math doesn't add up. Surf and knowledge explain that one. Then few didn't have cedula. I don't know if they just said that but wasnt going to chance it. Then the big no no of them all. I do not want to say it. Made me feel very uncomfortable out there. Lets say I want no problem with the law. So after 6 miles of walking I passed and hit the vegetable and fruit market.

11-19-20, 00:48
You are overcomplicating with discussions about minutes and hours. One polvo or two is a more meaningful point to cover. This is Centro, where popcorn and playlists don't matter.

Now, I need your help. And this may be a naive question. Do fruit vendors on the street charge you more in Poblado? I don't have a way to know because I don't remember ever shopping for produce there except in Carulla. I'm curious if there is a Poblado premium among street vendors.

I think I walked maybe 5 miles trying to decide, looking for someone clean and pure. Wrong environment right. But that's my mindset. I approach a few and tried 30 mil for 1 hour. I got 30 for 30 minutes 80 for an hour responses. I am like the math doesn't add up. Surf and knowledge explain that one. Then few didn't have cedula. I don't know if they just said that but wasnt going to chance it. Then the big no no of them all. I do not want to say it. Made me feel very uncomfortable out there. Lets say I want no problem with the law. So after 6 miles of walking I passed and hit the vegetable and fruit market.

11-19-20, 00:59
Azythromicin 500 MG. Take everyday. Cheap right across from san peters on the side. You drank some bad squirt but you will live. My brother is in the DR. A girl told him her son is sick. I said I know you do not believe that shit LOL. Get better and move your mouth next time she squirt..One step ahead of you. Already had the azithromycin delivered along with some lozenges and lunch. My nurse also brought a bunch of candy. I'll have to meet up with you and leave them with you to restock your vending machine.

11-19-20, 01:13
I guess I should have marked it on my calendar. Every 3 months we go over the same tired arguments over pricing and it's always the same stuff.

Blakman, the reason why your quarantine girl dropped her price so much during quarantine is simple, she had no other customers. Now she has other options and the chance of her getting her original price has gone up.

Yippiekayay, Gusto is Gusto. It's not for someone wanting to watch their budget. You find that all over. I can go to Golden Corral and Spend $15 for steak and all I can eat of everything, or I can go to Ruth Chris for steak and spend $80 for half as much food. In Vegas I can go spend $20 a night for a hotel or $400 per night. The people who drop $1000 a night in Gusto are no different than the people dropping $50,000 in a weekend at the Bellagio. If it's in your budget and that's your scene, it's the place to be.

Sangnyc, the girls in Parque Lleras are the same low estrato girls you'll find on Facebook and elsewhere. The high estrato girls are there hanging out and partying with their friends, not looking for a gringo payday.

There are women in the US charging $10,000 and up for a date. There are women in the US charging $60 for a blowjob. No matter how many guys pay $60 for a blowjob, not one of the $10 k girls is coming down to $60. There are girls in Colombia charging $1000 and more. Doesn't matter how many of us spend $12-$15 in El Centro, the girls asking top dollar are still going to ask top dollar.

Pay the price you want to pay. If the girl won't take it move on. If you want to pay more, pay more. Unless you're paying 10,000 times the normal price you're not going to overcome the price pressure from the Colombian mongers.The sky is the limit on overpaying unless you hit 100000% over, otherwise you're not overdoing it or harming the market.

Thanks for clearing that up for us all.

11-19-20, 05:01
I guess I should have marked it on my calendar. Every 3 months we go over the same tired arguments over pricing and it's always the same stuff.

Blakman, the reason why your quarantine girl dropped her price so much during quarantine is simple, she had no other customers. Now she has other options and the chance of her getting her original price has gone up.

Yippiekayay, Gusto is Gusto. It's not for someone wanting to watch their budget. You find that all over. I can go to Golden Corral and Spend $15 for steak and all I can eat of everything, or I can go to Ruth Chris for steak and spend $80 for half as much food. In Vegas I can go spend $20 a night for a hotel or $400 per night. The people who drop $1000 a night in Gusto are no different than the people dropping $50,000 in a weekend at the Bellagio. If it's in your budget and that's your scene, it's the place to be.

Sangnyc, the girls in Parque Lleras are the same low estrato girls you'll find on Facebook and elsewhere. The high estrato girls are there hanging out and partying with their friends, not looking for a gringo payday.

There are women in the US charging $10,000 and up for a date. There are women in the US charging $60 for a blowjob. No matter how many guys pay $60 for a blowjob, not one of the $10 k girls is coming down to $60. There are girls in Colombia charging $1000 and more. Doesn't matter how many of us spend $12-$15 in El Centro, the girls asking top dollar are still going to ask top dollar.

Pay the price you want to pay. If the girl won't take it move on. If you want to pay more, pay more. Unless you're paying 10,000 times the normal price you're not going to overcome the price pressure from the Colombian mongers.I agree a lot of them are. But you should know there is a different breed of girls in Lleras as well.

Just like anywhere in the states there's always girls who consider themselves upper echelon and don't take Centro or even fb prices.

I've been to medellin 10 x in 2 years and there is a distinct difference in the type of girl working in Lleras.

I'm not saying all of them are more attractive but definitely a different breed.

My only point I've been making everytime this convo comes up and I see someone bashing another for spending too much and act like we're ruining something for them. Which is completely untrue.

A simple monger who pays a girl for sex and moves onto the next will not ruin anyone's market.

It's the ones who fall in love and go heads over heels for these girls that's feeds their ego and makes them think they are more than a puta. That's what ruins the market.

11-19-20, 05:25
I think I walked maybe 5 miles trying to decide, looking for someone clean and pure. Wrong environment right. But that's my mindset. I approach a few and tried 30 mil for 1 hour. I got 30 for 30 minutes 80 for an hour responses. I am like the math doesn't add up. Surf and knowledge explain that one. Then few didn't have cedula. I don't know if they just said that but wasn't going to chance it. Then the big no no of them all. I do not want to say it. Made me feel very uncomfortable out there. Lets say I want no problem with the law. So after 6 miles of walking I passed and hit the vegetable and fruit market.Blakman, all due respect, but your over thinking things, and focusing on the wrong things in navigating El Centro.

First off, if you have even the slightest thought in your mind that the girl your thinking of going with is less than 18, and doesn't have either a Cedula or Passport, don't even engage with her, and walk away, which you have been doing, and is smart to do.

Moving past this, stick to either the Premier Plaza or Hotel Zona Rosa (ZR), and yes ZR has hot water, and they will check ID's if they think anyone is under age. I have one Chica that is over thirty and was refused entry at Zona Rosa because they thought she was under age, and didn't have a Cedula. These two Hotels, which I know from personal experience, are very diligent in this regards, so I stick with them, albeit I use others as well where there are no obvious age issues.

You also have to get out of the mindset of negotiating time with the El Centro Chicas. Keep in mind that probably over 99% of the El Centro Chicas clients are locals, so they are not there to be romancing these Chicas, but to blow a load, and a get out of dodge. Therefore, stop getting quotes for extended time until you find a repeat that you want to spend time with. Most encounters for these Chicas are short, so when you ask for more time, of course they are going to ask for more, and Colombians math skills as you have noticed don't add up meaning 1 plus 1 doesn't equal 2 but 3.

You should also be focused on the services your looking for such as a BBBJ, versus how many minutes as I have mentioned. Basically, once you blow a load, your time is up, and that is how it works in El Centro until you establish a rapport and repeat with the Chicas. Agreeing to set time may set you you up for being dinged for more money if you exceed your time. For a first time Chica, never mention time, just focus on the services you want.

It's so fucking cheap in El Centro that if you have a bad session, and / or don't finish, you just go back outside and get another one, as I have done this before.

Also, I don't know what your Spanish speaking skills are, but if you're having to rely on a translator, this is going to put you at a dis-advantage.

Again, El Centro is a "locals" venue versus Tinder or Fayboo, so how you operate is going to be different.

I hope this makes sense and helps.

11-19-20, 05:32
Across from Premier Plaza at 15 K are Boulevard Botero and Zona Rosa. I don't believe either of them have hot water but you should confirm. I was asking about the veneca's phone number for you not for me. .

I did a quick stroll through Botero Plaza a little while ago. This might be my imagination but it seems like the number of kiosks and cart vendors is way up since only last week. There is barely room to walk for heaven's sake.Zona Rosa is 13K, at least that was what I was charged last week, and has hot water, yet you have to ask for a second towel. Since I'm a preferred client, they automatically give me a second towel along with an upgraded room, LOL, but I'm a big tipper giving the girls at the front desk 2 K each.

11-19-20, 05:59
The sky is the limit on overpaying unless you hit 100000% over, otherwise you're not overdoing it or harming the market.

Thanks for clearing that up for us all.Why can't anyone around here handle basic math? Surely I didn't go to the only school where it was a required subject? I'm sorry the education system failed you.

There is 1 spot in Medellin where gringos outnumber Colombians: The Mansion (search Hotel M Medellin). Even in Gusto and New Life, Colombians outnumber the gringos. Everywhere else it's not even close. Don't believe me? Tell me how many gringos you've seen along Veracruz, Raudal or Botero Plaza compared to the number of Colombians. Tell me, of all the times you've been in Aiffe, Chicas Punta Com, Club Amigas Sexy, Zandalay, Yakuza and all the other El Centro casas, what was the ratio of Colombians to gringos. Sorry about that. Ratios require knowledge of mathematics. Counting on your fingers, of all the customers you've seen in all the Medellin strip clubs, how many were gringos?

We are a tiny part of the customer base. Any impact we have is temporary. You think the Colombians living in La Ladera, La Milagrosa or Doce de Octubre are paying 600 k for sex because some weekender from NYC was throwing money around Parque Lleras last weekend?

You know what happens when 1 guy overpays 1 girl? The next guy who hits her up, she throws out that number. Then when the guy says he isn't paying that much, she comes right back down. Do you honestly believe all the girls are going to sit at home for 6 weeks waiting for someone else to pay that price?

Had a girl tell me she wouldn't accept anything under 250 k. What the hell, I paid it. Two weeks later I had a friend who was looking for her type. I told her he wouldn't pay more than 150 k. She was at his door 2 hours later. The last time I saw her I paid 90 k.

Empty bellies influence the price a lot more than any overpaying gringo.

11-19-20, 06:25
I agree a lot of them are. But you should know there is a different breed of girls in Lleras as well.

Just like anywhere in the states there's always girls who consider themselves upper echelon and don't take Centro or even fb prices.

I've been to medellin 10 x in 2 years and there is a distinct difference in the type of girl working in Lleras.

I'm not saying all of them are more attractive but definitely a different breed.

My only point I've been making everytime this convo comes up and I see someone bashing another for spending too much and act like we're ruining something for them. Which is completely untrue.

A simple monger who pays a girl for sex and moves onto the next will not ruin anyone's market.

It's the ones who fall in love and go heads over heels for these girls that's feeds their ego and makes them think they are more than a puta. That's what ruins the market.I spent practically every night and quite a few of the days in Parque Lleras for 7 months. Same girls. They come from the same neighborhoods. They will hold out for the higher price right up until closing time, but when they're staring at a 20 k taxi ride and only have 30 k, the price becomes negotiable.

Sure, if some guy comes along trying to turn a hooker into a housewife, her friends hope it will happen to them, but that doesn't put rice in the pot. In the end, they either accept what's offered or they go hungry.

11-19-20, 06:43
What would be a good alternative to Gusto, where an average monger doesn't have to compete with high ballers throwing money at girls and be quoted 2-300 USD?

11-19-20, 07:10
What would be a good alternative to Gusto, where an average monger doesn't have to compete with high ballers throwing money at girls and be quoted 2-300 USD?Do you mean bar / club type scene or just the girls in general?
Also there is no need to be intimidated by the scene guys spend a lot in the vips for themselves but most of the girls don’t get pulled.
They party with the girl and drink with them and a lot of times guys don’t pull. But if you want that rare 8-9 type girl then she’s gonna get her $$

Lucky Nuts
11-19-20, 07:13
You are overcomplicating with discussions about minutes and hours. One polvo or two is a more meaningful point to cover. This is Centro, where popcorn and playlists don't matter.

Now, I need your help. And this may be a naive question. Do fruit vendors on the street charge you more in Poblado? I don't have a way to know because I don't remember ever shopping for produce there except in Carulla. I'm curious if there is a Poblado premium among street vendors.My experience is that a glass of orange juice or a bag of mango is pretty much the same price in el centro, poblado, laureles, or up on the hillside. Don't go out of your way for fruits and produce.

One step ahead of you. Already had the azithromycin delivered along with some lozenges and lunch. My nurse also brought a bunch of candy. I'll have to meet up with you and leave them with you to restock your vending machine.Sucks to get a bug on vacation. Hope you're feeling better soon.

The sky is the limit on overpaying unless you hit 100000% over, otherwise you're not overdoing it or harming the market.

Thanks for clearing that up for us all.Just curious have you ever been to Medellin? You have a lot of posts on this forum.

What would be a good alternative to Gusto, where an average monger doesn't have to compete with high ballers throwing money at girls and be quoted 2-300 USD?Fase dos and San Diego. Better talent at Fase dos. But I don't know if they are open since covid hit.

11-19-20, 08:07
Part of the enjoyment of centro is the 2 mil deals. Most items are packed for 2 mil and you get a whole bunch. Take the word of cheapy charlie. Buying fruits and veggies is how I compensate for the 26 mil round trip taxi.

My experience is that a glass of orange juice or a bag of mango is pretty much the same price in el centro, poblado, laureles, or up on the hillside. Don't go out of your way for fruits and produce.

Sucks to get a bug on vacation. Hope you're feeling better soon.

Just curious have you ever been to Medellin? You have a lot of posts on this forum.

Fase dos and San Diego. Better talent at Fase dos. But I don't know if they are open since covid hit..

11-19-20, 08:19
Today there were many signs telling me centro is a health risk and a legal risk. I know you can catch covid anywhere but the overcrowded lack of social distancing and mask wearing cannot be overlooked.

You are overcomplicating with discussions about minutes and hours. One polvo or two is a more meaningful point to cover. This is Centro, where popcorn and playlists don't matter.

Now, I need your help. And this may be a naive question. Do fruit vendors on the street charge you more in Poblado? I don't have a way to know because I don't remember ever shopping for produce there except in Carulla. I'm curious if there is a Poblado premium among street vendors..

11-19-20, 08:20
No I do not live in medellin

Do you live in Medellin?.

11-19-20, 08:29
The shield may look awkward but shit it will protect you much better than candy. Then you can go all in on squirting without fears. My chicas are happy with popcorn. You are happy with Candy. Seems like you are easy to satisfy.

One step ahead of you. Already had the azithromycin delivered along with some lozenges and lunch. My nurse also brought a bunch of candy. I'll have to meet up with you and leave them with you to restock your vending machine..

Just Incognito
11-19-20, 14:08
One step ahead of you. Already had the azithromycin delivered along with some lozenges and lunch. My nurse also brought a bunch of candy. I'll have to meet up with you and leave them with you to restock your vending machine.You should be isolating, quarantined and tested for coronavirus based on your symptoms. Nobody should be visiting you and until you get a negative test it would be morally wrong and just plain stupid to fly!

If you have the virus-you could kill people.

You have some of the symptoms.

Basic morality and decency need to apply. Good luck!

11-19-20, 14:37
I think I walked maybe 5 miles trying to decide, looking for someone clean and pure. Wrong environment right. But that's my mindset. I approach a few and tried 30 mil for 1 hour. I got 30 for 30 minutes 80 for an hour responses. I am like the math doesn't add up. Surf and knowledge explain that one. Then few didn't have cedula. I don't know if they just said that but wasnt going to chance it. Then the big no no of them all. I do not want to say it. Made me feel very uncomfortable out there. Lets say I want no problem with the law. So after 6 miles of walking I passed and hit the vegetable and fruit market.Blakman what's the latest you've been around Centro, just wondering if you been around there after dark and how it is?

11-19-20, 14:49
Part of the enjoyment of centro is the 2 mil deals. Most items are packed for 2 mil and you get a whole bunch. Take the word of cheapy charlie. Buying fruits and veggies is how I compensate for the 26 mil round trip taxi..And you call yourself a cheapy Charlie. SMH. 5100 round trip on the metro. 4600 on the bus. Two trips and you save enough for a Centro girl and a bag of popcorn. Metro is faster, but you've got the hill on the return and Poblado station gets busy.

11-19-20, 15:50
Do you mean bar / club type scene or just the girls in general?
Also there is no need to be intimidated by the scene guys spend a lot in the vips for themselves but most of the girls dont get pulled.
They party with the girl and drink with them and a lot of times guys dont pull. But if you want that rare 8-9 type girl then shes gonna get her $$Yes, an establishment where I don't have to pay take out fees to pull a girl. Meet and greet type of place, maybe a bar or outdoor lounge.

Fase Dos was recommended, I've been there a few times, but as far as I remember girls there prefer to fuck on site or at the motel nearby, and then come back to the club in search of the next client. I'm interested in TLN or a longer term arrangement.

11-19-20, 15:58
Blakman what's the latest you've been around Centro, just wondering if you been around there after dark and how it is?Not a good idea.

No police, plenty of banditos.

I know the tough guys, the Kung Foo fighters, etc will chime in and disagree, however, it's not a great idea to be out there strolling at night.

Black Page
11-19-20, 17:01
Not a good idea.No police, plenty of banditos.
I know the tough guys, the Kung Foo fighters, etc will chime in and disagree, however, it's not a great idea to be out there strolling at night.I have been walking around Centro after midnight even until 2 am in the past years, I had my adventures, and exactly because I know what is the environment, I strongly advise anyone who reads this forum to NOT GO there as soon as it becomes dark and normal people stops strolling and shopping. Indeed, the first cause of danger is the lack of perception there is danger.

11-19-20, 17:02
Yes, an establishment where I don't have to pay take out fees to pull a girl. Meet and greet type of place, maybe a bar or outdoor lounge.

Fase Dos was recommended, I've been there a few times, but as far as I remember girls there prefer to fuck on site or at the motel nearby, and then come back to the club in search of the next client. I'm interested in TLN or a longer term arrangement.There are probably 30 bars like that in El Centro, although I didn't cruise by them this time. Not sure how busy they are. Warning: Most of the girls are just there to get you to buy drinks. Other than Gusto there are no other clubs in Parque Lleras with a regular crowd of working girls, although you can find working girls in all of them.

The bar at the Medellin Mansion (search Hotel M Medellin) is like that, but there's a big cover charge if you're not staying there.

There is no onsite at Fase dos. Unless you're fucking on the stage everything takes place next door.

11-19-20, 17:05
Not a good idea.

No police, plenty of banditos.

I know the tough guys, the Kung Foo fighters, etc will chime in and disagree, however, it's not a great idea to be out there strolling at night.Unless you're really interested in passed out glue sniffers, there's no good reason to walk around El Centro after 8 or 9. Go to a bar, go to a strip club, but there's not much else available.

11-19-20, 17:20
I would jump on your advise if it wasnt for covid. Thanks much.

And you call yourself a cheapy Charlie. SMH. 5100 round trip on the metro. 4600 on the bus. Two trips and you save enough for a Centro girl and a bag of popcorn. Metro is faster, but you've got the hill on the return and Poblado station gets busy..

11-19-20, 17:25
Since I roam solo I don't chance anywhere at night. I didn't do a session yesterday cause it was getting dark. But besides covid concerns it could be an interesting area to wonder around. I am not a centro expert. Other guys are more experience to advise.

Blakman what's the latest you've been around Centro, just wondering if you been around there after dark and how it is?.

11-19-20, 17:51
Today there were many signs telling me centro is a health risk and a legal risk. I know you can catch covid anywhere but the overcrowded lack of social distancing and mask wearing cannot be overlooked..I agree with you as to Centro being a health risk, but being a "legal risk" is completely avoidable.

Last Thursday and Friday I was like a rabid dog in Centro taking girls upstairs, unmasked, rolling around, and huffing and puffing and pounding on Chicas at the Zona Rosa Hotel in rooms that weren't being dis-infected, and touching multiple surfaces.

I understand your concerns, and each one of us who mongers, wherever it may be, has to make a decision as to how much risk they are willing to take, and it's very hard to quantify / identify given all the unknowns of COVID. Yes, if someone completely isolate's away from everyone they should be immune, and lots of people are living that way.

Everybody has a different take on things, and a different "tolerance level" for risk which I have asked of others on this board. I returned to Medellin only for a week, and don't get me wrong, at the end of the week I didn't want to leave. I had a great time with a Nympho in my place for three days of bliss, and getting to bang a handful of my favorites in El Centro.

I was honestly "gun shy" to return to Medellin, and cancelled a couple of flights that I had, which were during the height of the lockdown and finally pulled the trigger after the lockdowns were over.

I decided to only stay a week, with my biggest fear being getting sick while away. I know others will clamor that there are good Hospitals in Medellin, but being a foreigner poses challenges in many ways besides just the language, although I did have an all inclusive insurance policy for the week in case something arose.

As far as your concerns, and I know the Centro scene is not you at least not yet, albeit I believe you would take to it if there was no Pandemic, but for others like Knowledge I believe, and as he has previously remarked, it can be addictive. I'm home now, hopefully I didn't get infected while away, but believe if I had stayed another week or weeks or months, and given how I roll, my odds of catching COVID are much higher in Centro which you have brought up.

When you think about the girls that work there, if they have a runny nose, a few aches and pains, no symptoms, maybe a slight cough, maybe even a low grade fever, some of them knowingly or unknowingly are going to be working no matter what, as this is there only way to survive.

And now being back in the USA, and seeing what's happening, I'm having second thoughts about whether I should of even returned with the COVID infection rates going the roof while subsiding at least for the time being in Medellin.

Since March of this year, everything has been a mult-dimensional moving target for those who monger. And Colombia right now, at least in my opinion is one of the few wide open mongering options available on the planet. Hopefully it will remain that way into next year and not go thru what's happening in the USA right now.

11-19-20, 18:16
Yes, an establishment where I don't have to pay take out fees to pull a girl. Meet and greet type of place, maybe a bar or outdoor lounge.

Fase Dos was recommended, I've been there a few times, but as far as I remember girls there prefer to fuck on site or at the motel nearby, and then come back to the club in search of the next client. I'm interested in TLN or a longer term arrangement.There's a few actually. Right across the street a club called Lleras Park. And down by where Hotel Paris use to be right across from there there's a bar / club downstairs and upstairs just forgot the name ATM. Tabu also has working girls. All cheaper options.

11-19-20, 18:23
There is no onsite at Fase dos. Unless you're fucking on the stage everything takes place next door.I've watched a few videos, but never seen this in person. How do you get to fuck on the stage? I understand it is part of the show, but do they just randomly pick guys willing to participate from the crowd? Do they get charged? Just curious how this thing works.

11-19-20, 18:45
I'm contemplating Colombia next week after Thanksgiving. I wanted to do Bogota; however, due to the weather temperatures during this time of year, I decided on Medellin or Cartagena. I've been to Medellin twice and it was OK but I think Cartagena might be my cup of tea.

My question is concerning flights. Should I fly directly into Medellin then set up a flight for Cartagena. Or should I fly directly to Cartagena? How often are the flights from Cartagena to Medellin. Should I reserve one well in advance or can I just wait until I get there? My price to go to Medellin is about $250. My flight to Cartagena is about $550. With Medellin I can fly directly there one way in 4 hours. Cartagena is a six hour flight there and seven hour flight back with a layover in Miami.

My arrival time if I chose the Medellin route is 1 PM. Would that be enough time for me to just jump onto a flight to Cartagena?

11-19-20, 18:52
Since I roam solo I don't chance anywhere at night. I didn't do a session yesterday cause it was getting dark. But besides covid concerns it could be an interesting area to wonder around. I am not a centro expert. Other guys are more experience to advise..It is an interesting area to walk around, in the daytime. At night it's like a lot of downtown areas: almost everything is closed and not many people are around. But daytime, there's the moto zone, the lighting zone, the sewing zone, the recycling zone, plus all the shops and kiosks.

Going up the hill to the east there are a few nice buildings, there's Parque del Periodista, Parque Bolívar, Parque Boston. There's the tranvía to ride up to a metrocable with great views. Plenty of restaurants, some are quite good and of course the girls. It's fun to walk through just to count the visible nipples, either because of see-thru clothes, or in the case of the tall woman with the big boob job by the Raudal corner, because she just lets them pop out.

Mr Enternational
11-19-20, 19:16
Unless you're really interested in passed out glue sniffers, there's no good reason to walk around El Centro after 8 or 9. Go to a bar, go to a strip club, but there's not much else available.I am always able to find something to my liking on Degreiff in the late hours (10 pm - 2 am). No passed out glue sniffers on that corner.

Mr Enternational
11-19-20, 19:21
I've watched a few videos, but never seen this in person. How do you get to fuck on the stage? I understand it is part of the show, but do they just randomly pick guys willing to participate from the crowd? Do they get charged? Just curious how this thing works.LOL. He was making a joke. This does not go down in Fase 2, but in the other strip clubs downtown it does. All part of the show. Just volunteer when the time comes. Most of the time you do not know what you are volunteering for though. It could just as well be you are about to be a part of that shaving cream shit and not fucking.

Just Incognito
11-19-20, 19:54
I'm contemplating Colombia next week after Thanksgiving. I wanted to do Bogota; however, due to the weather temperatures during this time of year, I decided on Medellin or Cartagena. I've been to Medellin twice and it was OK but I think Cartagena might be my cup of tea.

My question is concerning flights. Should I fly directly into Medellin then set up a flight for Cartagena. Or should I fly directly to Cartagena? How often are the flights from Cartagena to Medellin. Should I reserve one well in advance or can I just wait until I get there? My price to go to Medellin is about $250. My flight to Cartagena is about $550. With Medellin I can fly directly there one way in 4 hours. Cartagena is a six hour flight there and seven hour flight back with a layover in Miami.

My arrival time if I chose the Medellin route is 1 PM. Would that be enough time for me to just jump onto a flight to Cartagena?You may want to pay attention to the world, read the news, use google. Cartagena is currently flooded, in the middle of a major crisis, and is a disaster area with extra complications as the pandemic explodes in that area. Common sense says to avoid for now.


11-19-20, 20:18
I've watched a few videos, but never seen this in person. How do you get to fuck on the stage? I understand it is part of the show, but do they just randomly pick guys willing to participate from the crowd? Do they get charged? Just curious how this thing works.Really good looking sex worker pulled my buddy out of the audience, and gave him a great blow job on stage in front of the audience, random and free. He was super good looking ladies man. His O face was hilarious. She was that good and he was that uninhibited. Brilliant marketing, the line to get to her after the show was at least ten guys deep, jajaja just for a quickie blowjob.

Elvis 2008
11-19-20, 21:11
I'm contemplating Colombia next week after Thanksgiving. I wanted to do Bogota; however, due to the weather temperatures during this time of year, I decided on Medellin or Cartagena. I've been to Medellin twice and it was OK but I think Cartagena might be my cup of tea.

My question is concerning flights. Should I fly directly into Medellin then set up a flight for Cartagena. Or should I fly directly to Cartagena? How often are the flights from Cartagena to Medellin. Should I reserve one well in advance or can I just wait until I get there? My price to go to Medellin is about $250. My flight to Cartagena is about $550. With Medellin I can fly directly there one way in 4 hours. Cartagena is a six hour flight there and seven hour flight back with a layover in Miami.

My arrival time if I chose the Medellin route is 1 PM. Would that be enough time for me to just jump onto a flight to Cartagena?Go to skyscanner.com and put in the information. For shits and grins, I looked into flights. When I went from MDE to CTG, there was one nonstop flight and I missed it because I did not get there 2 hours early. I am not sure you need to get there that early now but I did not, huge long lines outside the airport. Anyway, there are three non-stops on the date I looked.

CTG was pretty lame when I was there, and they have just had a flood. My chica there showed me pictures and it was pretty brutal. Maybe things are better there but honestly, I didn't see much that was great outside of my chica. My take based on my one day there, so take it for what it is worth, was the pickings were much better in Medellin and Bogota.

My take on things is that Medellin may have a higher percentage of better looking women than Bogota and the weather is better and I feel normal in Medellin but if you want to go on a cheap fuckathon, I think Bogota has Medellin beat hands down. It has more of everything.

I do not know how many days you are there, but if you are worried about the weather, you could find a girl you like in Bogota and take her to Villavicenio or another town that is warmer but only a few hour bus ride from Bogota.

My take is that you should go direct to Cartagena instead of through Medellin. It is a pain in the ass to travel within Colombia now, but it really is a question of how much your time is worth.

As for women, I have two great women in Medellin but to me there is no question that the women in Bogota are far less snobby than those in Medellin, and there are way more of them. The good looking women in Medellin were ridiculously snobby.

11-19-20, 21:21
I am always able to find something to my liking on Degreiff in the late hours (10 pm - 2 am). No passed out glue sniffers on that corner.There's a remarkable difference between going to one corner, or going to one of the strip clubs, and walking around El Centro at night. I'm kind of confused (since this isn't the first time) why you equate going to a place where things are open with walking around El Centro.

If I said Montana was mostly empty, would you reply that there are strip clubs in Missoula (the ones I've been to weren't great, but had a few lookers)? What's with the non sequitur reaction?

Starting about 8 pm most places in El Centro start closing down. By 9 pm the vast majority are closed, Plaza Botero is almost empty, all the stores and restaurants between Plaza Botero and the San Antonio Metro station are closed, all the kiosks are closed and the police are a lot more scarce.

Apparently I need to specify that El Centro is slightly larger than the corner of Avenida De Greiff and Carrera 54. To put it in perspective, De Greiff, commonly referred to as Raudal, is Missoula and El Centro is Montana. We'll add in Conejitas as Billings and Barra Ejecutivo and Club Maracaibo as Helena. There are a few other little areas, but you get the idea.

If you go to Missoula, Billings or Helena at night you can find something going on. If you decide to just drive randomly around Montana at night, unless you're into stargazing, you're going to use a lot of gas with no guarantee of finding any place to refuel before morning.

Still baffled? Do you recommend, between 10 pm and 2 am walking from De Greiff to Carrera 56 and Calle 52? How about strolling along Carrera 54 from De Greiff to Calle 60? What are all the fun and exciting things to do there?

For the monger, who travels to Medellin to pursue his hobby, walking around El Centro at night is, at best, a waste of time. Anyone who tells you that walking around El Centro at night, particularly after 10 pm, is giving extremely bad advice.

Go to De Greiff. Go to the strip clubs. Go to the bars. Then hop in a taxi and go back to wherever you're staying. That's my advice. Or just have the taxi driver drop you on a random corner and just wander around. After all, since De Greiff is a good spot at night, what could go wrong?

11-19-20, 21:40
And you call yourself a cheapy Charlie. SMH. 5100 round trip on the metro. 4600 on the bus. Two trips and you save enough for a Centro girl and a bag of popcorn. Metro is faster, but you've got the hill on the return and Poblado station gets busy.I would avoid the Metro and bus's for the time being as they are quite crowded with little to no ventilation and much worse than an airplane. I agree with you how cheap they are, but given Blakmans fear / risk adverse tolerance level that's why I believe he has been taking taxi's.

11-19-20, 21:51
I'm contemplating Colombia next week after Thanksgiving. I wanted to do Bogota; however, due to the weather temperatures during this time of year, I decided on Medellin or Cartagena. I've been to Medellin twice and it was OK but I think Cartagena might be my cup of tea.

My question is concerning flights. Should I fly directly into Medellin then set up a flight for Cartagena. Or should I fly directly to Cartagena? How often are the flights from Cartagena to Medellin. Should I reserve one well in advance or can I just wait until I get there? My price to go to Medellin is about $250. My flight to Cartagena is about $550. With Medellin I can fly directly there one way in 4 hours. Cartagena is a six hour flight there and seven hour flight back with a layover in Miami.

My arrival time if I chose the Medellin route is 1 PM. Would that be enough time for me to just jump onto a flight to Cartagena?There are normally hourly flights early between Cartagena and Medellin. If you want to go to the beach and don't want being in a tourist area Cartegena is great. . If you're looking for strictly mongering opportunities then Medellin which feels like a bigger city is a much better opportunity. I just don't really care for the architecture in Medellin too many brick buildings for me. I wouldn't sweat it out either way as a matter of fact the best way is to just play it by ear. Go to one see if you like it if not fly out immediately. I flew out of Medellin after just one day. Like I say it's great for mongering but for the rest I prefer the beach.

11-19-20, 21:57
I am always able to find something to my liking on Degreiff in the late hours (10 pm - 2 am). No passed out glue sniffers on that corner.My first trip to Colombia last year I stayed at Hotel DeGrieff on the 3rd floor corner room with a window on each side to view. It sucked but wanted to watch Centro. Centro was a ghost town by 9:30 PM.

I was visiting Centro July, August, September, and October this year (returned home Oct 27,2020). Half the girls left by 6:30-7:00.80% of the Centro girls were gone by 8:00-8:30 when most the shops and street vendors were closed or left. Nearly all were gone by 9:00. Most girls after 8:30 were hard core or desperate. By chance are these the non-pros that you find and brag about? I fail to understand why someone who bags all these non-pros would be on this site at all. All the time spent writing 11,000 posts you could have written a book.

11-19-20, 22:11
Last Thursday and Friday I was like a rabid dog in Centro taking girls upstairs, unmasked, rolling around, and huffing and puffing and pounding on Chicas at the Zona Rosa Hotel in rooms that weren't being dis-infected, and touching multiple surfaces.Definitely a comedy jaja.

11-19-20, 22:17
We headed out for dinner. Just dinner. Ended up splitting a bottle of sake and had a couple beers. This led to taking a lap around Lleras. The next stop was Chupa Shots (east side of Gusto's block). 10.000 COP for each round of a shot and a beer. This is a decent spot to take a walking break, and check out the comers and goers from Calle 10 to Lleras. It's also a good spot to take a younger chick or a group, between dinner and a club, or as a pregame spot. The bartender did not accept a 50 k bill that had a small tear / hole in it. So, I went to a street vendor, bought some Christmas gifts, and came back. Then, another lap, and a decision between Lleras Park or Gusto. Went to Gusto then had to hit the ATM next to the place with the Colombian and USA flags, which is a bit more private than the Calle 10 corner ATMs. 10 k cover. Ran into a flame from Nov / Dec trip, who spent her quarantine in Mexico. She has new titties and looks great. I think she left with an older gringo, when the lights came on. She said to message her, and seemed down for a trio. She is the one that I pulled from Gusto for free, last trip. She can speak English, and at the time, was stressed and pissed from helping her friends try to seal their deals, that night.

Beers are close to 20 k, and the place had a decent amount of people but not too packed. There were a couple decent looking girls that you could tell were past their prime but knew how to wear the right clothes, pick the right gringos, etc. Didn't discuss pricing with anyone. They closed at midnight, and we ended up getting in a taxi to La Isla.

Cover 10 k for me, 20 k for her. 50 k for a round of two beers. 25 k for a margarita for a working girl. I was surprised, I thought the girl drinks were more expensive. They want cash, but you can open a tab to pay with CC.

A girl chats me up at the bar. She's wearing a white body suit, face like Megan Fox or Fairuza Balk, and more tattoos than I usually like. She just had a look. Among all the fake asses, fake tits, and girls bothering for a propina when you just sat down and they got off stage 5 minutes ago, she just had something going on. So, my chica starts negotiating, after they hit it off. They went on a couple quick smoke trips, and had a connection. She says - 170 k bar fine, and 800 k. Now, she's coming over to hit the jacuzzi and party. I almost had a heart attack. I told my chica that's 1.000.000 AND I'd be buying the party favors and drinks. So, we went back and forth. She said 400 k for another day. She could come over tomorrow afternoon. I said ok, that's better. Then, all of a sudden, La Isla was closing. I thought it closed at 4 a but we were getting escorted out at 2a. I think maybe it is 4a on the weekends. So, the girls exchange numbers. Now that La Isla is closed, there is no bar fine, and the girl wants to join us. We settle on 500 k. I think it's the most I've paid in 8+ months of being here. She had a look, and she got a good number because we had been drinking for 6 hours and wanted to keep the party going. She arranged for a blunt for Pinky, and got to the apartment before we did. The girls had a great vibe going, wanting to take lots of photos, and conversing all night.

We eventually made it to the room. She wouldn't go down on Pinky, but did everything else. I was having trouble keeping it up, at 5a, after 9 hours of partying. BUT, Pinky worked her magic and the story had a happy ending. I tried to get a second round out of the chica, but it was almost 8a and had to leave.

So, as most already know, it wasn't worth it. However, that's only if you are comparing 500 k to a freebie or to 55 k at New Life or 100 k for a ST, or 200 k for the last trio with Coin Slot. That being said, I don't regret it. We had a great time, and I think we could easily have her back for 200-300 k the next time. $137 USD for a 5 hour party with two hot Colombian bisexual chicas. I'm not complaining. Would a 150 k chica been more fun? Who knows. Could I have had the same level of experience for much less? Yep. Do I care? Nope.

Based on JJbee's episode, I wanted to share a number. I had an antibody test, yesterday, and found out same-day (negative). They do a variety of tests, and come to your apartment or hotel. They're gone within minutes. +57 315 467 7121 - Unidad Medica Centrolab. I paid 70 k for the test and maybe 13 k for domicilio. I cannot comment on if this pricing is competitive or not.

The place we ate dinner was a new ramen place in Lleras, on the same street as Park 37 Medellin and Pergamino. I had a spicy wok entree that was legit spicy and she had a ramen. We had a couple starters that were also decent. It is a nice mixup to the standard parrilla routine.

11-19-20, 22:20
I am always able to find something to my liking on Degreiff in the late hours (10 pm - 2 am). No passed out glue sniffers on that corner.Someone is going to read this and think with 11,000 posts that you know what you are talking about. They will go to Centro area and get seriously hurt! I have street smarts but do not go there after 9:00 because it is not enjoyable to not let my guard down for a second in that area. I am one and they are many. I could see it coming but unable to do much about it. Easily 80% but most likely 90% of us on this Board should not be down there late at night. If someone goes down there you should be in a group of 3 or more. Two is not enough.

11-20-20, 00:18
So, as most already know, it wasn't worth it. However, that's only if you are comparing 500 k to a freebie or to 55 k at New Life or 100 k for a ST, or 200 k for the last trio with Coin Slot. That being said, I don't regret it. We had a great time, and I think we could easily have her back for 200-300 k the next time. $137 USD for a 5 hour party with two hot Colombian bisexual chicas. I'm not complaining. Would a 150 k chica been more fun? Who knows. Could I have had the same level of experience for much less? Yep. Do I care? Nope.

Based on JJbee's episode, I wanted to share a number. I had an antibody test, yesterday, and found out same-day (negative). They do a variety of tests, and come to your apartment or hotel. They're gone within minutes. +57 315 467 7121 - Unidad Medica Centrolab. I paid 70 k for the test and maybe 13 k for domicilio. I cannot comment on if this pricing is competitive or not.

The place we ate dinner was a new ramen place in Lleras, on the same street as Park 37 Medellin and Pergamino. I had a spicy wok entree that was legit spicy and she had a ramen. We had a couple starters that were also decent. It is a nice mixup to the standard parrilla routine.Personally I'm always down to pay more if I'm having a good time with a beautiful chica (unpopular opinion). If I wanted something cheap I'd get a cheap street walker or just wank myself out.

Good to know about the COVID testing. Do they offer any rapid PCR testing?

Makes me want ramen. I might go stop by sometime soon and see how's it taste.

11-20-20, 01:00
I think it's kind of become a sport to get suckers to go down there...... It's kind of a sport get the gringo.

Someone is going to read this and think with 11,000 posts that you know what you are talking about. They will go to Centro area and get seriously hurt! I have street smarts but do not go there after 9:00 because it is not enjoyable to not let my guard down for a second in that area. I am one and they are many. I could see it coming but unable to do much about it. Easily 80% but most likely 90% of us on this Board should not be down there late at night. If someone goes down there you should be in a group of 3 or more. Two is not enough.

Mr Enternational
11-20-20, 01:27
I think it's kind of become a sport to get suckers to go down there...... It's kind of a sport get the gringo.It all depends on someone's comfort level. It has nothing to do with suckers. Everything is not for everybody. I reported a couple of years ago that my young cousin and his best friend tagged along on a trip. We arrived downtown where we were staying about 9 pm. We all did the tour around and finally went in about 1 am. The next morning him and his friend said they went back out to Degreiff at 2 am and came back in at 4 am. They had no problems and were not shaking in their boots as some posters here are.

I do realize that everyone's comfort level is not the same. People are scared to go to Santa Fe in Bogota. People are scared to go to Vila Mimosa in Rio. People are scared to go to 18th street in Guayaquil and Trocadero in Lima. Once again everything is not for everybody.

11-20-20, 01:53
I do realize that everyone's comfort level is not the same. People are scared to go to Santa Fe in Bogota. People are scared to go to Vila Mimosa in Rio. People are scared to go to 18th street in Guayaquil and Trocadero in Lima. Once again everything is not for everybody.Have not been to Santa Fe in Bogota, but now I want to go!

11-20-20, 02:14
It all depends on someone's comfort level. It has nothing to do with suckers. Everything is not for everybody. I reported a couple of years ago that my young cousin and his best friend tagged along on a trip. We arrived downtown where we were staying about 9 pm. We all did the tour around and finally went in about 1 am. The next morning him and his friend said they went back out to Degreiff at 2 am and came back in at 4 am. They had no problems and were not shaking in their boots as some posters here are..There's a bit of mis-information here relative to being out late in El Centro. If your going to Avendia Degrieff, and hanging out at that corner it's going to be a lot safer than hanging around the Veracruz Church area late at night. If you take a cab to this area, and leave by a cab, and don't walk away from the area, most guys should be fine. However walking around areas with no activity where everything is shut down, as an example like after 10 PM, it's like a ghost town around the Veracruz Church area. And yes, an obvious gringo should be "shaking in their boots" if walking around deserted areas around El Centro.

11-20-20, 02:25
It all depends on someone's comfort level. It has nothing to do with suckers. Everything is not for everybody. I reported a couple of years ago that my young cousin and his best friend tagged along on a trip. We arrived downtown where we were staying about 9 pm. We all did the tour around and finally went in about 1 am. The next morning him and his friend said they went back out to Degreiff at 2 am and came back in at 4 am. They had no problems and were not shaking in their boots as some posters here are.

I do realize that everyone's comfort level is not the same. People are scared to go to Santa Fe in Bogota. People are scared to go to Vila Mimosa in Rio. People are scared to go to 18th street in Guayaquil and Trocadero in Lima. Once again everything is not for everybody.There were many drug users and glue sniffers socializing after it gets dark in the area because drugs are plentiful there. Locals use them openly in the bars. I took a bar girl there and the first thing she did was taking out a bag of tussi to share when we got into the room. It is still popping in some areas late at night because the locals live there. For the same reason, I don't see many robberies happening there because if I want to rob someone, I will go to an area with better targets. I am talking about the whole areas between Berrio station and Prado station.

I went to Trocadero late near closing time because the Uber driver was looking for a street instead of an entrance into the unpaved road. Then the driver wanted to charge me too much to stay with me. I almost could not find my way back.

11-20-20, 03:55
It all depends on someone's comfort level. It has nothing to do with suckers. Everything is not for everybody. I reported a couple of years ago that my young cousin and his best friend tagged along on a trip. We arrived downtown where we were staying about 9 pm. We all did the tour around and finally went in about 1 am. The next morning him and his friend said they went back out to Degreiff at 2 am and came back in at 4 am. They had no problems and were not shaking in their boots as some posters here are.

I do realize that everyone's comfort level is not the same. People are scared to go to Santa Fe in Bogota. People are scared to go to Vila Mimosa in Rio. People are scared to go to 18th street in Guayaquil and Trocadero in Lima. Once again everything is not for everybody.Mr. E may have a better tan which helps him blend in more with the locals than those of us allergic to the sun.

11-20-20, 04:11
Mr. E may have a better tan which helps him blend in more with the locals than those of us allergic to the sun.Naw Mr E just knows what he is doing and his advice is always worthy.

11-20-20, 04:23
I would avoid the Metro and bus's for the time being as they are quite crowded with little to no ventilation and much worse than an airplane. I agree with you how cheap they are, but given Blakmans fear / risk adverse tolerance level that's why I believe he has been taking taxi's.Metro hasn't been too crowded at all. Only hopped one bus and there were no more than 10 people on it, with the windows open. If you stand by the doors on the metro the ventilation blows in right there.

11-20-20, 04:32
Evening, gentleman. I touched down in Medellin three nights ago. And so far I'm four chicas deep, and tres leches out. I was here summer 2019, but I was only an ISG lurker back then. Well, no more. I signed up, paid my membership (that baby is processing), and now I'm posting. Yup, it's a done deal.

(Early 30's, fit and all that, non white, decent Spanish. Not too cost-sensitive, because the lord has been good to me, what with being a corporate lawyer and all. Now on to business.).

Tuesday: Spa energy fantasia.

In summer 2019, Energy was the first place I hit up after arriving to Medellin monger-fully starved from Cuba. So this time, I had to continue the tradition. I got there at 8:30 pm (they close at 9). The lineup is decent, very decent. A couple made a compelling case, but ultimately I was won over by a certain curly-haired, initially timid diva by the name of Kelly. Prettiness in a pot. 140 k, can't remember.

Well she waddin't too timid after all. Loosened up quickly when we got in. She was eager to get to business, which I didn't like. I had her stay in the lingerie for a bit. She massaged me a little, all good, then she got to hand-massaging the wolf. Now, get used to it folks, but I love me a little hand lovin' down there. So when she asked me if I'm ready for the covered BJ, I told her I'the rather her keep doing what she's doing. And on she went, onward and onward, and she almost had the wolf howling but I told her to stop, and we got to business.

Less interesting from here on, unfortunately. Mechanic city. And what's with the fake moaning? Sweetheart, relax, I know what I'm doing. Anyways, did a couple of positions just to go through the motions, but there was no way I'd reward that performance with a finish. I had her finish me with the hand instead. All good there.

We showered together. Cold water (oh Medellin, how I missed you). I took her whatsapp numero and I hit the exit.

I checked out Lleras just for fun. Had a drink on one of the bars there, smoked a stogie, and called it a night.

Wednesday: Oriental spa Medellin.

Another spot from my summer 2019 exploits. They used to have a rockstar of a gal, Melissa was her name. We were supposed to get dinner last summer before I left Medellin, but I got busy last few days. Anyways, she's not here no mo.

And who's here now? Well I got there around 4, and they only had two available. Some Yaritzka (or something like that), and an Isabel. They were a 5 and a 6, respectively, and I was really put off by the quality. I didn't really fancy tapping into either one of them, so what did I do, walk out? Wrong. Cuatro manos, baby. Both chicks, and just a massage. 160 k.

Off to the room we went. Pseudo Hindu music queues in. Folks, I have to say, it was a damn good time in there. The Yaritzka girl is no bueno, but man, that Barranquilla Isabel's got some touches. Terrific stuff. They went to work on the wolf, all four hands on deck, on and around it, and man oh man. Eventually, when it was to "go", I noticed that Isabel had a pair of knockers on her that can down a fighter jet. I had her wrap them around the minister, and it made for a grand finish.

They showered me. Hot water, I'll be damned. One scrubbed the front and one scrubbed the back. I have to say, you often get this kinda lovin' from lower-tiered gals. It's as if they make up for their lack in other parts. I dressed, and left.

On the way out, I saw in the other room a girl that apparently was occupied when I walked in. Tall, brunette, heavenly. We locked eyes for a second. She mouthed an "hola" that I felt in my spine. I'm definitely coming back for that, got her name from the madam. Don't get excited, won't give out the name quite yet. Don't want the sharks dipping into the pool before I've had my bite.

Took an Uber to Laureles. Dinner at La Bodeguita Havana. Ropa vieja for my main, and after emptying a pack of salt, it was edible. Oh well. At least that means it was authentic. Got home, stogie on the porch with a little Ron de Caldas, and I hit the sack.

Thursday: Donde mi rey tantric spa.

Another old spot. Used to tap a certain Carolina flakita over there. This time I went around 4, and I have to say, really impressed with the lineup. 6-7 chicks. There were a couple of head turners in the lineup, but my gut told me to go with one of the less hot ones. Brenda is the name. Not sure why I chose her, just got that vibe, I guess. She's probably a 6 on the scale, if scale there needs be. 130 k.

Sweet as sugar. Venezuelan. We chatted for a few minutes, the usual stuff, then got down to business. She massaged the old friend, you know the drill by now, and 10-15 later she got on top. Performance there was average, so I decided to make matters into my own hands. Had her lay belly down, and went to work.

Folks, that rear of hers is incredible. I mean, I didn't know they could be built like that. It's natural, wide, and protruding. It's got the angularity of a BMW 6-Series, and the width of a Dodge Challenger. It's the vulgar kind of big, not the product of the gym nor the surgeon. And damn fun.

After we finished, I was pleasantly surprised that she was in no rush at all. Laid down with me, and we cuddled and chatted for 20 mts. Talked about everything, and laughed and giggled. Lovely time. Eventually I told her let's shower. Hot water, I'll be damned. Took her WhatsApp.

I ubered back to El Poblado. Sent a few emails from home, then hit the Provenza for dinner, from where I wrote this, during a few sangrias and a big dinner. Life is beautiful, folks.

With that, I conclude my report. I'm here for a couple of months, and I plan to remain active in the Medellin thread during that time that is, with the permission of the plenty of old caps in the room. Seems like a few regulars her: all due respect to you, from this new cat on the block.

Over and out. Monger kindly, gentlemen.

11-20-20, 04:32
We headed out for dinner. Just dinner. Ended up splitting a bottle of sake and had a couple beers. This led to taking a lap around Lleras. The next stop was Chupa Shots (east side of Gusto's block). 10.000 COP for each round of a shot and a beer. This is a decent spot to take a walking break, and check out the comers and goers from Calle 10 to Lleras. It's also a good spot to take a younger chick or a group, between dinner and a club, or as a pregame spot. The bartender did not accept a 50 k bill that had a small tear / hole in it. So, I went to a street vendor, bought some Christmas gifts, and came back. Then, another lap, and a decision between Lleras Park or Gusto. Went to Gusto then had to hit the ATM next to the place with the Colombian and USA flags, which is a bit more private than the Calle 10 corner ATMs. 10 k cover. Ran into a flame from Nov / Dec trip, who spent her quarantine in Mexico. She has new titties and looks great. I think she left with an older gringo, when the lights came on. She said to message her, and seemed down for a trio. She is the one that I pulled from Gusto for free, last trip. She can speak English, and at the time, was stressed and pissed from helping her friends try to seal their deals, that night.

Beers are close to 20 k, and the place had a decent amount of people but not too packed. There were a couple decent looking girls that you could tell were past their prime but knew how to wear the right clothes, pick the right gringos, etc. Didn't discuss pricing with anyone. They closed at midnight, and we ended up getting in a taxi to La Isla.

Cover 10 k for me, 20 k for her. 50 k for a round of two beers. 25 k for a margarita for a working girl. I was surprised, I thought the girl drinks were more expensive. They want cash, but you can open a tab to pay with CC.1. You could have paid more, you could have paid less. In the end it doesn't matter. The memories are worth a lot more than a few dollars.

2. That's good information on the testing.

3. Just walked by that Ramen place tonight. Ended up ordering appetizers at Dallas BBQ. If the entrees are anything like the appetizers, save your money.

11-20-20, 04:35
Wow your girl selection is great.

We headed out for dinner. Just dinner. Ended up splitting a bottle of sake and had a couple beers. This led to taking a lap around Lleras. The next stop was Chupa Shots (east side of Gusto's block). 10.000 COP for each round of a shot and a beer. This is a decent spot to take a walking break, and check out the comers and goers from Calle 10 to Lleras. It's also a good spot to take a younger chick or a group, between dinner and a club, or as a pregame spot. The bartender did not accept a 50 k bill that had a small tear / hole in it. So, I went to a street vendor, bought some Christmas gifts, and came back. Then, another lap, and a decision between Lleras Park or Gusto. Went to Gusto then had to hit the ATM next to the place with the Colombian and USA flags, which is a bit more private than the Calle 10 corner ATMs. 10 k cover. Ran into a flame from Nov / Dec trip, who spent her quarantine in Mexico. She has new titties and looks great. I think she left with an older gringo, when the lights came on. She said to message her, and seemed down for a trio. She is the one that I pulled from Gusto for free, last trip. She can speak English, and at the time, was stressed and pissed from helping her friends try to seal their deals, that night.

Beers are close to 20 k, and the place had a decent amount of people but not too packed. There were a couple decent looking girls that you could tell were past their prime but knew how to wear the right clothes, pick the right gringos, etc. Didn't discuss pricing with anyone. They closed at midnight, and we ended up getting in a taxi to La Isla.

Cover 10 k for me, 20 k for her. 50 k for a round of two beers. 25 k for a margarita for a working girl. I was surprised, I thought the girl drinks were more expensive. They want cash, but you can open a tab to pay with CC.

A girl chats me up at the bar. She's wearing a white body suit, face like Megan Fox or Fairuza Balk, and more tattoos than I usually like. She just had a look. Among all the fake asses, fake tits, and girls bothering for a propina when you just sat down and they got off stage 5 minutes ago, she just had something going on. So, my chica starts negotiating, after they hit it off. They went on a couple quick smoke trips, and had a connection. She says - 170 k bar fine, and 800 k. Now, she's coming over to hit the jacuzzi and party. I almost had a heart attack. I told my chica that's 1.000.000 AND I'd be buying the party favors and drinks. So, we went back and forth. She said 400 k for another day. She could come over tomorrow afternoon. I said ok, that's better. Then, all of a sudden, La Isla was closing. I thought it closed at 4 a but we were getting escorted out at 2a. I think maybe it is 4a on the weekends. So, the girls exchange numbers. Now that La Isla is closed, there is no bar fine, and the girl wants to join us. We settle on 500 k. I think it's the most I've paid in 8+ months of being here. She had a look, and she got a good number because we had been drinking for 6 hours and wanted to keep the party going. She arranged for a blunt for Pinky, and got to the apartment before we did. The girls had a great vibe going, wanting to take lots of photos, and conversing all night.

We eventually made it to the room. She wouldn't go down on Pinky, but did everything else. I was having trouble keeping it up, at 5a, after 9 hours of partying. BUT, Pinky worked her magic and the story had a happy ending. I tried to get a second round out of the chica, but it was almost 8a and had to leave.

So, as most already know, it wasn't worth it. However, that's only if you are comparing 500 k to a freebie or to 55 k at New Life or 100 k for a ST, or 200 k for the last trio with Coin Slot. That being said, I don't regret it. We had a great time, and I think we could easily have her back for 200-300 k the next time. $137 USD for a 5 hour party with two hot Colombian bisexual chicas. I'm not complaining. Would a 150 k chica been more fun? Who knows. Could I have had the same level of experience for much less? Yep. Do I care? Nope.

Based on JJbee's episode, I wanted to share a number. I had an antibody test, yesterday, and found out same-day (negative). They do a variety of tests, and come to your apartment or hotel. They're gone within minutes. +57 315 467 7121 - Unidad Medica Centrolab. I paid 70 k for the test and maybe 13 k for domicilio. I cannot comment on if this pricing is competitive or not.

The place we ate dinner was a new ramen place in Lleras, on the same street as Park 37 Medellin and Pergamino. I had a spicy wok entree that was legit spicy and she had a ramen. We had a couple starters that were also decent. It is a nice mixup to the standard parrilla routine.

11-20-20, 04:57
In 1980's New York it was a nightly event in Times Square at the Show World Center's "Triple Treat Theater".

Really good looking sex worker pulled my buddy out of the audience, and gave him a great blow job on stage in front of the audience, random and free. He was super good looking ladies man. His O face was hilarious. She was that good and he was that uninhibited. Brilliant marketing, the line to get to her after the show was at least ten guys deep, jajaja just for a quickie blowjob.

11-20-20, 05:12
We headed out for dinner. Just dinner.Looked at the fotos only, jajaja. Great pics, even a little artsy, 'preciate it. Sometimes I wish the fotos were bigger here but the storage for this site must already be a killer.

11-20-20, 05:20
Another BM got into town today and wanted to visit El Centro. We headed to the Metro around 4 pm and rode to San Antonio. Seats were all filled, but not many people standing. Walked from the station to the Veracruz alley took a quick stroll. There were plenty within my tolerance range. I would say the quality is much better than pre-covid.

Back to Botero Plaza and then down the fruit and vegetable alley. Couldn't find the bulk popcorn place Blakman uses. Back south on Carrera 53 to Avenida De Greiff and down to Raudal. Sat down in a bar and had a couple of beers, checking out the talent. Again, I think it's much better than last year.

I wanted to show him the lowest dive bar I know, Bar Montijo, but it's closed up and for rent. Since we weren't too far away we walked to Barra Ejecutivo and got there shortly after 6. Club Maracaibo wasn't open. The bar was nearly empty but the girls who were there were mostly good looking. Only stayed for 1 beer, and he got a phone number before we left.

Because he brought dollars and needed to exchange some, grabbed a taxi to Oveido mall. Best rate was 3510, worst was 3400. And yes, I know you get a better rate from an ATM, but that doesn't help someone who has dollars and needs to exchange them.

From Oveido crossed the street to Rio Sur. Pointed out the massage spas in there, 3 of them. Rates run from 90 k to 120 k for 60 minutes, happy ending is extra.

We walked a little further to La Strada. Several of the restaurants are gone. Not sure what is still open. Grabbed a taxi to Lleras and did some walking. Even at 7:30 there were several girls working.

We had walked out to Calle 10 and I was pointing out some places. There was a taxi at the corner and 2 girls eventually got out. Didn't pay much attention to them since I was talking. One of them was hanging close, obviously looking for a customer, but I ignored her. Then she started talking and grabbed my crotch. That was the point when I realized they weren't girls.

Continued our tour. Jade Palace spa is closed along with the Shawarma place across the street. So many places gone. Eventually decided to try Dallas BBQ, which is across the street from the Beer Store. We ordered some appetizers and I'm glad we didn't waste money on entrees. At least we had a good view of the park.

There seem to be a lot more girls working the park now. Personally, I'd say the girls in the park, except for the trannies, are better looking than the girls I saw in Gusto. However, be careful. I saw 2 girls there who looked no more than 13.

By 9:30 I was wiped out and hopped a taxi back. Hoping I have more energy back tomorrow.

11-20-20, 06:25
It all depends on someone's comfort level. It has nothing to do with suckers. Everything is not for everybody. I reported a couple of years ago that my young cousin and his best friend tagged along on a trip. We arrived downtown where we were staying about 9 pm. We all did the tour around and finally went in about 1 am. The next morning him and his friend said they went back out to Degreiff at 2 am and came back in at 4 am. They had no problems and were not shaking in their boots as some posters here are.

I do realize that everyone's comfort level is not the same. People are scared to go to Santa Fe in Bogota. People are scared to go to Vila Mimosa in Rio. People are scared to go to 18th street in Guayaquil and Trocadero in Lima. Once again everything is not for everybody.Comfort level is important. But there's more to it, especially the way you state it, "shaking in their boots. "

Your cousin and friend went from the hotel to the place they had just been, De Greiff. If they had just started walking around El Centro, not knowing where they were going, not knowing where anything else was, mostly they would have just been walking dark streets and watching all the zombies sort through the garbage. They might not have had any problems. They might not have pissed their pants, but I doubt if they would ever do that again. Because walking dark streets watching the homeless people pick through the garbage doesn't rank very high on the "why I went to Medellin" list.

Which is it? Are guys "shaking in their boots" or is it all about comfort level? The way you keep putting it, it is about luring suckers to El Centro. You've never seen 1 robbery. You've never had 1 problem. You've hung out at 1 place and everything is always scrumpdillyishous. I'm surprised Mary Poppins wasn't there.

If someone's comfort level is a 5 star hotel, they aren't shaking in their boots because they don't stay in a $17 a night El Centro hotel. If someone's comfort level is Parque Lleras, it's not cowardice because they aren't walking blindly around El Centro at 3 am.

I used to walk about 3 miles, 3 or 4 times a week, from Parque Lleras to just north of Envigado, between midnight and 5 am. I never had a problem. But I would never recommend anyone else do it. I would never suggest they're a coward for not doing it. If someone told me they wanted to do it, I'd ask them why. There's no reason to do it. I did it because I was walking home and the walk helped me unwind.

For the same reason, if someone asks if it's okay to walk around El Centro at night, I say no. There's no reason to do it. There are a few places to go in El Centro at night. If you want to go there, go. Don't just go walking around El Centro at 1 am. What would be the point? There's no monger merit badge for it. If you go into Gusto and tell a girl "I walked around El Centro at 2 am", she's not going to start humping your leg. It doesn't even get you a free Grand Slam at Denny's.

I once pulled up to a big steel gate about 100 miles south of the border in Baja California. It was 1 am. There were 3 pickups parked there and 5 guys with pistols, shotguns and assault rifles. They politely told me where I made a wrong turn and I turned the car around and had no problem. I'll give you directions if you want. Are you shaking in your boots because you don't want to go there? For the record, if you don't make the wrong turn, you end up at La Bocana de Santo Tomas.

11-20-20, 06:44
Someone is going to read this and think with 11,000 posts that you know what you are talking about. They will go to Centro area and get seriously hurt! I have street smarts but do not go there after 9:00 because it is not enjoyable to not let my guard down for a second in that area. I am one and they are many. I could see it coming but unable to do much about it. Easily 80% but most likely 90% of us on this Board should not be down there late at night. If someone goes down there you should be in a group of 3 or more. Two is not enough.Exactly right!

Believe want you want.
Listen to the bravado if you like.
However, going out and walking Centro after 9 pm is just dumb.

Hitting a strip club is fine, but just to be out and about? Why?

I know Mr E and his cousins and / or nephews do it.
They're not afraid and find plenty of girls.
Most guys, however, aren't going to enjoy it, and may just get hurt and / or robbed.

Not shaking in my boots.
I've been a street guy for 2 decades now.
Medellin, Rio, Sao Paulo.
Just being smart.

There are plenty of other things to do that are fun and not get yourself in a pinch.


VM in Rio is a whole different ballgame than el Centro Medellin.
Protected 24 hours.
Maybe petty theft, sticky finger girls, but you're not going to get jacked up.
I practically live there!
Love the place!

I'm back in Sao Paulo now.

11-20-20, 07:02
Beautiful. Does Pinky get a piece of the other girls action?

We headed out for dinner. Just dinner. Ended up splitting a bottle of sake and had a couple beers. This led to taking a lap around Lleras. The next stop was Chupa Shots (east side of Gusto's block). 10.000 COP for each round of a shot and a beer. This is a decent spot to take a walking break, and check out the comers and goers from Calle 10 to Lleras. It's also a good spot to take a younger chick or a group, between dinner and a club, or as a pregame spot. The bartender did not accept a 50 k bill that had a small tear / hole in it. So, I went to a street vendor, bought some Christmas gifts, and came back. Then, another lap, and a decision between Lleras Park or Gusto. Went to Gusto then had to hit the ATM next to the place with the Colombian and USA flags, which is a bit more private than the Calle 10 corner ATMs. 10 k cover. Ran into a flame from Nov / Dec trip, who spent her quarantine in Mexico. She has new titties and looks great. I think she left with an older gringo, when the lights came on. She said to message her, and seemed down for a trio. She is the one that I pulled from Gusto for free, last trip. She can speak English, and at the time, was stressed and pissed from helping her friends try to seal their deals, that night.

Beers are close to 20 k, and the place had a decent amount of people but not too packed. There were a couple decent looking girls that you could tell were past their prime but knew how to wear the right clothes, pick the right gringos, etc. Didn't discuss pricing with anyone. They closed at midnight, and we ended up getting in a taxi to La Isla.

Cover 10 k for me, 20 k for her. 50 k for a round of two beers. 25 k for a margarita for a working girl. I was surprised, I thought the girl drinks were more expensive. They want cash, but you can open a tab to pay with CC.

A girl chats me up at the bar. She's wearing a white body suit, face like Megan Fox or Fairuza Balk, and more tattoos than I usually like. She just had a look. Among all the fake asses, fake tits, and girls bothering for a propina when you just sat down and they got off stage 5 minutes ago, she just had something going on. So, my chica starts negotiating, after they hit it off. They went on a couple quick smoke trips, and had a connection. She says - 170 k bar fine, and 800 k. Now, she's coming over to hit the jacuzzi and party. I almost had a heart attack. I told my chica that's 1.000.000 AND I'd be buying the party favors and drinks. So, we went back and forth. She said 400 k for another day. She could come over tomorrow afternoon. I said ok, that's better. Then, all of a sudden, La Isla was closing. I thought it closed at 4 a but we were getting escorted out at 2a. I think maybe it is 4a on the weekends. So, the girls exchange numbers. Now that La Isla is closed, there is no bar fine, and the girl wants to join us. We settle on 500 k. I think it's the most I've paid in 8+ months of being here. She had a look, and she got a good number because we had been drinking for 6 hours and wanted to keep the party going. She arranged for a blunt for Pinky, and got to the apartment before we did. The girls had a great vibe going, wanting to take lots of photos, and conversing all night.

We eventually made it to the room. She wouldn't go down on Pinky, but did everything else. I was having trouble keeping it up, at 5a, after 9 hours of partying. BUT, Pinky worked her magic and the story had a happy ending. I tried to get a second round out of the chica, but it was almost 8a and had to leave.

So, as most already know, it wasn't worth it. However, that's only if you are comparing 500 k to a freebie or to 55 k at New Life or 100 k for a ST, or 200 k for the last trio with Coin Slot. That being said, I don't regret it. We had a great time, and I think we could easily have her back for 200-300 k the next time. $137 USD for a 5 hour party with two hot Colombian bisexual chicas. I'm not complaining. Would a 150 k chica been more fun? Who knows. Could I have had the same level of experience for much less? Yep. Do I care? Nope.

Based on JJbee's episode, I wanted to share a number. I had an antibody test, yesterday, and found out same-day (negative). They do a variety of tests, and come to your apartment or hotel. They're gone within minutes. +57 315 467 7121 - Unidad Medica Centrolab. I paid 70 k for the test and maybe 13 k for domicilio. I cannot comment on if this pricing is competitive or not.

The place we ate dinner was a new ramen place in Lleras, on the same street as Park 37 Medellin and Pergamino. I had a spicy wok entree that was legit spicy and she had a ramen. We had a couple starters that were also decent. It is a nice mixup to the standard parrilla routine.

11-20-20, 12:15
Damn. My biggest fare. Spending alot $ for pussy that's not worth it. Examine the fact you pay all that money and she says she's not going down on pretty pinky. I would lose my mind, be livid, and my immaturity would resonate with anger, then imagine she telling me no seconds. I can see policia coming to my apartment again LOL. Anyways don't feel bad a chica that doesn't look nearly as good ask me for 500 mil yesterday. I said chao baby. Honestly I think if you were not at la isla you would not entertain the offer. I think you just wanted a la isla girl on your record book.

We headed out for dinner. Just dinner. Ended up splitting a bottle of sake and had a couple beers. This led to taking a lap around Lleras. The next stop was Chupa Shots (east side of Gusto's block). 10.000 COP for each round of a shot and a beer. This is a decent spot to take a walking break, and check out the comers and goers from Calle 10 to Lleras. It's also a good spot to take a younger chick or a group, between dinner and a club, or as a pregame spot. The bartender did not accept a 50 k bill that had a small tear / hole in it. So, I went to a street vendor, bought some Christmas gifts, and came back. Then, another lap, and a decision between Lleras Park or Gusto. Went to Gusto then had to hit the ATM next to the place with the Colombian and USA flags, which is a bit more private than the Calle 10 corner ATMs. 10 k cover. Ran into a flame from Nov / Dec trip, who spent her quarantine in Mexico. She has new titties and looks great. I think she left with an older gringo, when the lights came on. She said to message her, and seemed down for a trio. She is the one that I pulled from Gusto for free, last trip. She can speak English, and at the time, was stressed and pissed from helping her friends try to seal their deals, that night.

Beers are close to 20 k, and the place had a decent amount of people but not too packed. There were a couple decent looking girls that you could tell were past their prime but knew how to wear the right clothes, pick the right gringos, etc. Didn't discuss pricing with anyone. They closed at midnight, and we ended up getting in a taxi to La Isla.

Cover 10 k for me, 20 k for her. 50 k for a round of two beers. 25 k for a margarita for a working girl. I was surprised, I thought the girl drinks were more expensive. They want cash, but you can open a tab to pay with CC.

A girl chats me up at the bar. She's wearing a white body suit, face like Megan Fox or Fairuza Balk, and more tattoos than I usually like. She just had a look. Among all the fake asses, fake tits, and girls bothering for a propina when you just sat down and they got off stage 5 minutes ago, she just had something going on. So, my chica starts negotiating, after they hit it off. They went on a couple quick smoke trips, and had a connection. She says - 170 k bar fine, and 800 k. Now, she's coming over to hit the jacuzzi and party. I almost had a heart attack. I told my chica that's 1.000.000 AND I'd be buying the party favors and drinks. So, we went back and forth. She said 400 k for another day. She could come over tomorrow afternoon. I said ok, that's better. Then, all of a sudden, La Isla was closing. I thought it closed at 4 a but we were getting escorted out at 2a. I think maybe it is 4a on the weekends. So, the girls exchange numbers. Now that La Isla is closed, there is no bar fine, and the girl wants to join us. We settle on 500 k. I think it's the most I've paid in 8+ months of being here. She had a look, and she got a good number because we had been drinking for 6 hours and wanted to keep the party going. She arranged for a blunt for Pinky, and got to the apartment before we did. The girls had a great vibe going, wanting to take lots of photos, and conversing all night.

We eventually made it to the room. She wouldn't go down on Pinky, but did everything else. I was having trouble keeping it up, at 5a, after 9 hours of partying. BUT, Pinky worked her magic and the story had a happy ending. I tried to get a second round out of the chica, but it was almost 8a and had to leave.

So, as most already know, it wasn't worth it. However, that's only if you are comparing 500 k to a freebie or to 55 k at New Life or 100 k for a ST, or 200 k for the last trio with Coin Slot. That being said, I don't regret it. We had a great time, and I think we could easily have her back for 200-300 k the next time. $137 USD for a 5 hour party with two hot Colombian bisexual chicas. I'm not complaining. Would a 150 k chica been more fun? Who knows. Could I have had the same level of experience for much less? Yep. Do I care? Nope.

Based on JJbee's episode, I wanted to share a number. I had an antibody test, yesterday, and found out same-day (negative). They do a variety of tests, and come to your apartment or hotel. They're gone within minutes. +57 315 467 7121 - Unidad Medica Centrolab. I paid 70 k for the test and maybe 13 k for domicilio. I cannot comment on if this pricing is competitive or not.

The place we ate dinner was a new ramen place in Lleras, on the same street as Park 37 Medellin and Pergamino. I had a spicy wok entree that was legit spicy and she had a ramen. We had a couple starters that were also decent. It is a nice mixup to the standard parrilla routine..

11-20-20, 12:59
This is my go to offer. And I seem to always get great service. The key is 3 hours. It offers you so much time to do so much things with the chica. You aint got to rush. When you nut just relax, she will text her other clients or fb and when you get hard back again for rnd 2. Yesterday I invited a young lady I had 2 threesomes with. Chocolate, tall, sexy face, nymphomaniac. If I use my vibrator on her I have to fight her to get it back. It makes her cum like every 10 seconds. She arrives and already paid the cab. Thats always a good sign. Also means cab was cheaper than there quote. We walk to the woods to smoke some crepa weed. One tote I am high. She continues to smoke. I do 2 more tote. No mas 4 me. Time to go back to the apartment. She holds my hands on the walk back. Such an affectionate and sexy girl. We get in the apartment and we kiss. I mean sensous, I miss you daddy kisses. Your my man kisses. Music is playing and she is a great dancer. So well its Like do you strip on the side. She unbutton my pants. I am ready to go at least I think. I bite a half of viagra. Later than I like but its always work for me. I will be fine. We head to the bedroom skipping you guest it popcorn and strawberries. She begins sucking my dick. And the passion, effort, variety, relentless performance is unbelievable. Slapshot this work is worth 500 k. As she continues on I feel something happen in my body. I don't know if it was the weed or what. But my dick just shut down. Its crazy. I have this sexy nympho going all out to please and the dick is not responding. She's in disbelieve and tries everything imaginable to get the dick in and no go. I give her the wand vibrator to keep her occupied. She's orgasming like crazy. I take it from her. She grabs it back and compromises sucking my dick while trying to get the vibrator on her pussy. That was a funny scene. My dick got hard but when she tried to put it in using a condom no go. But she didn't stop with the affection. And I was able to nut by her jerking me off. Everytime I would put the condom on the dick would get soft. Don't get old guys LOL. Anyways round 2. She is still horny and affectionate but again no improvement on the dick staying hard. We work it out by giving her time with the vibrator and Her Sucking and jerking me off. Even though my dick did not get hard. Her display of continual attention and performance was 500 k. Afterwards she had some strawberries and then devoured the famous plain popcorn with added salt. Jjbee, surfer, slapshot. I had to pop a second round LOL. She asked to order a chicken sandwich but I objected. Cheapy charlie. I gave her 120 k walked her out and she gave me a kiss and into the taxi. I have some gifts. If I see her again I will give it to her. Her performance is always great. Lets hope the dick not getting hard is an isolated instance. I was dehydrated from working out without fueling with water. Maybe that was it.

11-20-20, 13:21
This is my go to offer. And I seem to always get great service. The key is 3 hours. It offers you so much time to do so much things with the chica. You aint got to rush. When you nut just relax, she will text her other clients or fb and when you get hard back again for rnd 2. Yesterday I invited a young lady I had 2 threesomes with. Chocolate, tall, sexy face, nymphomaniac. If I use my vibrator on her I have to fight her to get it back. It makes her cum like every 10 seconds. She arrives and already paid the cab. Thats always a good sign. Also means cab was cheaper than there quote. We walk to the woods to smoke some crepa weed. One tote I am high. She continues to smoke. I do 2 more tote. No mas 4 me. Time to go back to the apartment. She holds my hands on the walk back. Such an affectionate and sexy girl. We get in the apartment and we kiss. I mean sensous, I miss you daddy kisses. Your my man kisses. Music is playing and she is a great dancer. So well its Like do you strip on the side. She unbutton my pants. I am ready to go at least I think. I bite a half of viagra. Later than I like but its always work for me. I will be fine. We head to the bedroom skipping you guest it popcorn and strawberries. She begins sucking my dick. And the passion, effort, variety, relentless performance is unbelievable. Slapshot this work is worth 500 k. As she continues on I feel something happen in my body. I don't know if it was the weed or what. But my dick just shut down. Its crazy. I have this sexy nympho going all out to please and the dick is not responding. She's in disbelieve and tries everything imaginable to get the dick in and no go. I give her the wand vibrator to keep her occupied. She's orgasming like crazy. I take it from her. She grabs it back and compromises sucking my dick while trying to get the vibrator on her pussy. That was a funny scene. My dick got hard but when she tried to put it in using a condom no go. But she didn't stop with the affection. And I was able to nut by her jerking me off. Everytime I would put the condom on the dick would get soft. Don't get old guys LOL. Anyways round 2. I know what the problem was. You broke the routine. Didn't get her to the popcorn first. All the time your brain is worried that's she's going to be hungry and that she'll find your secret stash of Fig Newtons.

11-20-20, 14:02
This story never happened.

On the night of November 19, in an undisclosed location we'll call Parque Lleras a tourist walked alone. Several times he was distracted by the cries of the native chicas, "papi mi amor, papi mi amor. " he felt strangely attracted to these calls as they suggested promises of forbidden pleasures. Several times he approached one, feeling her powers of seduction, and each time he pulled away.

As the time rolled into the new day one of the chicas finally ensnared him and a brief discussion led them to a waiting taxi. Little did he know, this taxi ride would change his life forever.

Within minutes the ride was interrupted by the police. They wanted to check for identification, they wanted to search for drugs, they wanted to find an excuse to acquire some of the tourist's money.

That's when the trouble began. The girl had no identification. The police, sensing an opportunity, began to harass the tourist. He was in big trouble. Undaunted, the tourist pulled out his phone a placed a call to his "lawyer. " While he discussed his legal options, the girl, taxi driver and police continued to argue.

After a 10 minute delay, the police released the taxi and they continued onward. That's when a new problem appeared. The number on the taxi meter had increased significantly, what should have been 15,000 had exceeded 45,000 and continued to climb.

Once again the "lawyer" was called and he talked to the taxi driver, letting him know the fare was unacceptable. The taxi driver ended the call and sensing more trouble might erupt, the "lawyer" put on his shoes and rushed downstairs, arriving just as the tourist had paid a compromise fare. He paid too much, but much less than the taxi driver wanted.

Finally at his destination the tourist thought his troubles were over. Perhaps they were, but the night would not be ending as he hoped. The girl had no identification and could not enter the building sensing his best interest was to send the girl away, he was left to spend the night alone.

11-20-20, 16:07
You see she wanted me, and tried her darndest in every possible way to please me. It was off the charts as far as girlfriend treatment. I feel guilty I didn't do more as far as feeding her. But my motto mongering, pay for the fuck and that's it. Gifts for the fuck and that's it. The money I pay the chica she can use to buy food whatever else she wants.

I know what the problem was. You broke the routine. Didn't get her to the popcorn first. All the time your brain is worried that's she's going to be hungry and that she'll find your secret stash of Fig Newtons..

11-20-20, 16:40
A story that's as broad as you know what. Back we are dumpster diving again. Just when I thought you were sane LOL. I am going to blame this post on your recent medical woes.

This story never happened.

On the night of November 19, in an undisclosed location we'll call Parque Lleras a tourist walked alone. Several times he was distracted by the cries of the native chicas, "papi mi amor, papi mi amor. " he felt strangely attracted to these calls as they suggested promises of forbidden pleasures. Several times he approached one, feeling her powers of seduction, and each time he pulled away.

As the time rolled into the new day one of the chicas finally ensnared him and a brief discussion led them to a waiting taxi. Little did he know, this taxi ride would change his life forever.

Within minutes the ride was interrupted by the police. They wanted to check for identification, they wanted to search for drugs, they wanted to find an excuse to acquire some of the tourist's money.

That's when the trouble began. The girl had no identification. The police, sensing an opportunity, began to harass the tourist. He was in big trouble. Undaunted, the tourist pulled out his phone a placed a call to his "lawyer. " While he discussed his legal options, the girl, taxi driver and police continued to argue.

After a 10 minute delay, the police released the taxi and they continued onward. That's when a new problem appeared. The number on the taxi meter had increased significantly, what should have been 15,000 had exceeded 45,000 and continued to climb.

Once again the "lawyer" was called and he talked to the taxi driver, letting him know the fare was unacceptable. The taxi driver ended the call and sensing more trouble might erupt, the "lawyer" put on his shoes and rushed downstairs, arriving just as the tourist had paid a compromise fare. He paid too much, but much less than the taxi driver wanted.

Finally at his destination the tourist thought his troubles were over. Perhaps they were, but the night would not be ending as he hoped. The girl had no identification and could not enter the building sensing his best interest was to send the girl away, he was left to spend the night alone.

11-20-20, 16:52
Metro hasn't been too crowded at all. Only hopped one bus and there were no more than 10 people on it, with the windows open. If you stand by the doors on the metro the ventilation blows in right there.Depends when you ride it, and where, as your aware. I used it once and basically held my breath from Poblado to Parque Berrio around 4 PM on a weekday and it was crowded, and I did not to ride it again, as there were no open windows in the car I was in.

I don't advise anyone to be riding the busses or Metro at this time, there have been reports at least in Europe of people getting infected on the subways. Granted the Metro system in Medellin is not underground, but a certain times of the day it can be quite crowded with I doubt any type of filtration except a ventilation system within the cars. Additionally, the buses from what I noticed during rush hours are quite crowded as well. People aren't socially distancing from what I saw on the buses, they were just trying to get home.

Granted while in Medellin I had to take taxi's most everywhere, and I didn't like doing so, as I typically could leave my apartment and within 25 minutes on the metro be at Parque Berrio station right at ground zero, versus upwards of 45 minutes stuck in a taxi travelling there.

Again, I would stay away from the taxi's and busses for the time being, unless it's at an hour when there are not a lot of passengers like you experienced.

11-20-20, 17:04
We had walked out to Calle 10 and I was pointing out some places. There was a taxi at the corner and 2 girls eventually got out. Didn't pay much attention to them since I was talking. One of them was hanging close, obviously looking for a customer, but I ignored her. Then she started talking and grabbed my crotch. That was the point when I realized they weren't girls..I encountered a pair that weren't girls as well on Calle 10 last week, probably the same ones, just a few blocks down from Lleras. It was the first time in the last three years I had ever seen them working in Poblado. And they were higher end ones, not like those that congregate at the Veracruz Church. They tried to engage me but I just kept walking not wanting any altercations with a pair that would probably be able to kick the shit out of me along with slicing me up!

11-20-20, 17:28
She's in disbelieve and tries everything imaginable to get the dick in and no go. I give her the wand vibrator to keep her occupied. She's orgasming like crazy. I take it from her. She grabs it back and compromises sucking my dick while trying to get the vibrator on her pussy. That was a funny scene. My dick got hard but when she tried to put it in using a condom no go. But she didn't stop with the affection. And I was able to nut by her jerking me off. Everytime I would put the condom on the dick would get soft. Don't get old guys LOL. Anyways round 2. She is still horny and affectionate but again no improvement on the dick staying hard. We work it out by giving her time with the vibrator and Her Sucking and jerking me off. Even though my dick did not get hard. Her display of continual attention and performance was 500 k. Afterwards she had some strawberries and then devoured the famous plain popcorn with added salt. Jjbee, surfer, slapshot. I had to pop a second round LOL. She asked to order a chicken sandwich but I objected. Cheapy charlie. I gave her 120 k walked her out and she gave me a kiss and into the taxi. I have some gifts. If I see her again I will give it to her. Her performance is always great. Lets hope the dick not getting hard is an isolated instance. I was dehydrated from working out without fueling with water. Maybe that was it.I'm going to give you some advice here based on personal experience. You said in your post you smoked some "Crepa". Don't ever do that again. And if your with a Chica that smokes that stuff, you probably shouldn't allow it. I don't know what is in that stuff, but it is bad news and attributed to you not finishing.

About three years ago I was with a Chica who was smoking that stuff, she eggged me on to try it and I thought okay, I thought it was just weed as she didn't tell me at the time it was Crepa, I think it is drug laced and I took one little tiny puff. I was very fucked up in a daze for a few hours and a bit frightened, and couldn't finish, and the Chica being totally wasted on that shit being insanely horny, was hell bent on getting me to blow a load. The reason your Chica was such a "horn dog" was as a result of the Crepa, and they smoke it to enhance the sex.

Here's some other advice, if your with Chica's who smoke weed at your place, always ask if it's Crepa before they smoke, and quite frankly, I wouldn't allow it. It's bad news.

11-20-20, 17:32
Beautiful. Does Pinky get a piece of the other girls action?Does a bear shit in the woods!

Pinky is no dummy, she's been burning the candle on both ends. But does it really matter at the end of the day, probably not, as the experiences are beyond worth it, whatever her cut may be from the other participants.

11-20-20, 18:15
Do they offer any rapid PCR testing?I believe so. WhatsApp that number and they can send you everything they offer. I saw the list on my buddy's phone, but I don't have it on mine.

My dick got hard but when she tried to put it in using a condom no go. But she didn't stop with the affection. And I was able to nut by her jerking me off. Everytime I would put the condom on the dick would get soft. Don't get old guys LOL. I forgot to mention the condom in my last post. My chica's friends don't make me wear one. It's been awhile, and the combination of 9 hrs of partying + a condom was too much for me. I couldn't focus my way thru it, or imagine anything crazy enough to overcome it. Also, Bman, about the La Isla thing. Yes, it wasn't so much the La Isla chica to add to my trophy case, as that's been done. However, it was just a spur of the moment. It's 2a on a Wednesday night. What am I going to do? Have Pinky call her friend to come over a few hours before work? Go home and spend an hour on Tinder, FB, WhatsApp? Nah, just take what's available and focus on making a memory.

I encountered a pair that weren't girls as well on Calle 10 last week, probably the same ones, just a few blocks down from Lleras. It was the first time in the last three years I had ever seen them working in Poblado.FYI there is a black tranny with braids that is maybe 5'8, skinny, walks kinda funny in heals, and loves putting on a show. Careful you don't end up shitting out her kids in the morning!

I'm going to give you some advice here based on personal experience. You said in your post you smoked some "Crepa". Don't ever do that again. And if your with a Chica that smokes that stuff, you probably shouldn't allow it. I don't know what is in that stuff, but it is bad news and attributed to you not finishing.
I think it is drug laced and I took one little tiny puff. Creepy Krippy Cripi however you might see it spelled, is not laced. It's a genetically-modified marijuana strain that has much more THC than normal. So, your warning is fair, but not for the reason you think. Amateurs should stray away, unless you're trying it just to see the effect. If you're doing it to build chemistry with a chica and then bang, it's probably better you don't inhale haha.

Kafka, no Pinky does not get a cut, but that's a solid idea. She gets a cut, I take a cut.

11-20-20, 18:16
Anyways its my 3rd session. One tote I am coughing. I feel much safer that I bought it. The young lady I smoke with yesterday is a repeat that we have smoked a few times before. I still have a third left based on how little I smoke. But yesterday I did go for my phone and forgot what the hell I got it for. Problem that happens when I am sober. Old age LOL. But thanks for your concern will overlook your advice on this blunt and pay more attention if I get a next one.

I'm going to give you some advice here based on personal experience. You said in your post you smoked some "Crepa". Don't ever do that again. And if your with a Chica that smokes that stuff, you probably shouldn't allow it. I don't know what is in that stuff, but it is bad news and attributed to you not finishing.

About three years ago I was with a Chica who was smoking that stuff, she eggged me on to try it and I thought okay, I thought it was just weed as she didn't tell me at the time it was Crepa, I think it is drug laced and I took one little tiny puff. I was very fucked up in a daze for a few hours and a bit frightened, and couldn't finish, and the Chica being totally wasted on that shit being insanely horny, was hell bent on getting me to blow a load. The reason your Chica was such a "horn dog" was as a result of the Crepa, and they smoke it to enhance the sex.

Here's some other advice, if your with Chica's who smoke weed at your place, always ask if it's Crepa before they smoke, and quite frankly, I wouldn't allow it. It's bad news..

11-20-20, 18:19
A story that's as broad as you know what. Back we are dumpster diving again. Just when I thought you were sane LOL. I am going to blame this post on your recent medical woes.Most of the guys here would prefer to say nothing, when bad things happen to them. Several guys have told me about being robbed, scammed or taken advantage of in some way, but they don't want to put it on the board.

Sometimes the story needs to be told anyway, but there's no need to include the names.

Put yourself in the story. You're staying in Laureles, but have spent the night in Parque Lleras, leaving popcorn trails wherever you go. You finally find a girl, settle on a price and ask if she has a cedula, but in the excitement of the moment you don't ask to see it. Then the cops pull your taxi over, she doesn't have her cedula and the cops are telling you you're in big trouble. What do you do? They're saying you're diddling girls below the legal limit. What's your honest reaction?

These things can and do happen. Fortunately, this time the guy kept calm and called someone who could at least give him moral support. By keeping calm he probably saved himself a fair amount of money and possibly worse.

By not asking to see the cedula, not only did he risk problems with the cops, but he ended up without the treat he expected for the night. 99 times out of 100 you're probably okay. It's that one time which makes for a bad day. Same with your issue with the girl and the cops.

The other part is something to be aware of. Taxi drivers aren't always trustworthy. I jumped in a taxi last week and the meter was already above 13 k. I pointed it out to the driver and he reset it. How many new guys are going to know they got charged an extra 10 k? Look at the meter. It should start at 3600. Pay attention to the meter. Before the police stop, the meter was reading normally. A few minutes after, the guy sees it clicking over 40 k. Meters get tampered with. Some rack charges up faster. Some can be dialed up.

11-20-20, 18:25
Hey if it gets a girl horny. I am all for it. The only thing that went wrong I couldn't stay hard in the condom and she wasnt down for bareback. I only smoke if the girl smokes and only before the session and never after. She has consistently shown the same behavior every encounter. She and the 8th we have a good connection.

I'm going to give you some advice here based on personal experience. You said in your post you smoked some "Crepa". Don't ever do that again. And if your with a Chica that smokes that stuff, you probably shouldn't allow it. I don't know what is in that stuff, but it is bad news and attributed to you not finishing.

About three years ago I was with a Chica who was smoking that stuff, she eggged me on to try it and I thought okay, I thought it was just weed as she didn't tell me at the time it was Crepa, I think it is drug laced and I took one little tiny puff. I was very fucked up in a daze for a few hours and a bit frightened, and couldn't finish, and the Chica being totally wasted on that shit being insanely horny, was hell bent on getting me to blow a load. The reason your Chica was such a "horn dog" was as a result of the Crepa, and they smoke it to enhance the sex.

Here's some other advice, if your with Chica's who smoke weed at your place, always ask if it's Crepa before they smoke, and quite frankly, I wouldn't allow it. It's bad news..

11-20-20, 20:10
That was a savage takedown but there was provocation.

OK, switching gears, I will give credit where credit is due. I bowed to peer pressure yesterday and veered off my well beaten path rat race to Veracruz / Botero / Berrío. Truth be told it was only partially due to peer pressure from Blakman and Surfer. Their virus risk admonitions gave me a moment of pause. It was long enough to be distracted by messages from my old friend Cata the administradora at Zandaly. She playfully scolded me because I did not honor my promise to stop in since their triumphant reopening. We go back more than ten years so our relationship does not have as many boundaries as it probably should. Anyway, I reluctantly passed on the street opportunities and stopped in to inspect the recent renovations. It is quality work. There is brand new tile flooring throughout. It's not done yet but the already completed rooms give a view of a bright future. A USA size water heater feeds all the fully renovated en suite bathrooms. The biggest change (rather than improvement) is the addition of session rooms on the previously unused basement level. I don't expect the additional capacity will lead to a New Life type of environment. The bar was intentionally left unfinished and its stools are gone. This is a nod to the ongoing virus situation so they can demonstrate social distancing. The bar scene at Zandaly has always been one of my favorite things about the place. I've met many Colombian after work punters there, and many uniformed policemen. I almost laughed out loud when I saw that each room is equipped with two face shields hung on the clothing rack hooks. I was told it is for the benefit of health inspectors. No one expects punters and providers to wear them during sessions. Long before the virus came, Zandaly cleaned its rooms between sessions. Uniformed attendants (both male and female) have always been on standby for this purpose. There were many new faces among the girls and a couple I recognize from Aiffe when they and AmigasSexxy were the only two Centro casas open last summer during the quarantine.

Rats always come home to roost. I have not turned my back on the street.

A story that's as broad as you know what. Back we are dumpster diving again. Just when I thought you were sane LOL. I am going to blame this post on your recent medical woes.

11-20-20, 20:14
I agree with this. It's better to leave home early and stay off public transport.

Depends when you ride it, and where, as your aware. I used it once and basically held my breath from Poblado to Parque Berrio around 4 PM on a weekday and it was crowded, and I did not to ride it again, as there were no open windows in the car I was in.

I don't advise anyone to be riding the busses or Metro at this time, there have been reports at least in Europe of people getting infected on the subways. Granted the Metro system in Medellin is not underground, but a certain times of the day it can be quite crowded with I doubt any type of filtration except a ventilation system within the cars. Additionally, the buses from what I noticed during rush hours are quite crowded as well. People aren't socially distancing from what I saw on the buses, they were just trying to get home.

Granted while in Medellin I had to take taxi's most everywhere, and I didn't like doing so, as I typically could leave my apartment and within 25 minutes on the metro be at Parque Berrio station right at ground zero, versus upwards of 45 minutes stuck in a taxi travelling there.

Again, I would stay away from the taxi's and busses for the time being, unless it's at an hour when there are not a lot of passengers like you experienced.

11-20-20, 20:25
Evening, gentleman. I touched down in Medellin three nights ago. And so far I'm four chicas deep, and tres leches out. I was here summer 2019, but I was only an ISG lurker back then. Well, no more. I signed up, paid my membership (that baby is processing), and now I'm posting. Yup, it's a done deal.

(Early 30's, fit and all that, non white, decent Spanish. Not too cost-sensitive, because the lord has been good to me, what with being a corporate lawyer and all. Now on to business.).

Tuesday: Spa energy fantasia.

In summer 2019, Energy was the first place I hit up after arriving to Medellin monger-fully starved from Cuba. So this time, I had to continue the tradition. I got there at 8:30 pm (they close at 9). The lineup is decent, very decent. A couple made a compelling case, but ultimately I was won over by a certain curly-haired, initially timid diva by the name of Kelly. Prettiness in a pot. 140 k, can't remember.

Well she waddin't too timid after all. Loosened up quickly when we got in. She was eager to get to business, which I didn't like. I had her stay in the lingerie for a bit..Welcome to the block. Excellent report.

Energy does have excellent hot water, but sometimes it takes some fiddling around to find it.

If massages with hand action make you happy go to the Rio Sur mall. It's directly across the street from Oviedo mall. There are 3 massage spas in there. They are Om Spa, Zen Spa and Dan Spa.

Massage rates run from 90 k to 120 k for the hour, happy ending is extra. I don't know if you'll be able to get much more, but the two times I've been getting the girls to come out to play took no effort at all. Girls I've seen there looked good.

11-20-20, 21:22
Alright boys, I'm planning a trip in the next few weeks. I'm Asian as * and speak absolutely 0 Spanish. Rather than furiously try to learn random words, does anyone have any tips on certain phrases I should know? Don't want to google translate my way through.

Also, is Parque Lleras as loud as everyone says it is? I'm thinking about staying in a hotel or airbnb in that area. As I RTFF, I'm realizing there's a lot of places that aren't chica friendly anymore. Do I just have to chance it?

11-20-20, 21:27
It took my assistance and guide to bring the best out of your story. But don't think its free. Thats going to cost you a mamacita.

Most of the guys here would prefer to say nothing, when bad things happen to them. Several guys have told me about being robbed, scammed or taken advantage of in some way, but they don't want to put it on the board.

Sometimes the story needs to be told anyway, but there's no need to include the names.

Put yourself in the story. You're staying in Laureles, but have spent the night in Parque Lleras, leaving popcorn trails wherever you go. You finally find a girl, settle on a price and ask if she has a cedula, but in the excitement of the moment you don't ask to see it. Then the cops pull your taxi over, she doesn't have her cedula and the cops are telling you you're in big trouble. What do you do? They're saying you're diddling girls below the legal limit. What's your honest reaction?

These things can and do happen. Fortunately, this time the guy kept calm and called someone who could at least give him moral support. By keeping calm he probably saved himself a fair amount of money and possibly worse.

By not asking to see the cedula, not only did he risk problems with the cops, but he ended up without the treat he expected for the night. 99 times out of 100 you're probably okay. It's that one time which makes for a bad day. Same with your issue with the girl and the cops.

The other part is something to be aware of. Taxi drivers aren't always trustworthy. I jumped in a taxi last week and the meter was already above 13 k. I pointed it out to the driver and he reset it. How many new guys are going to know they got charged an extra 10 k? Look at the meter. It should start at 3600. Pay attention to the meter. Before the police stop, the meter was reading normally. A few minutes after, the guy sees it clicking over 40 k. Meters get tampered with. Some rack charges up faster. Some can be dialed up..

11-20-20, 21:29
In 1980's New York it was a nightly event in Times Square at the Show World Center's "Triple Treat Theater".Was the smut center of the city, and not the Disney-Like tourist attraction it is now. I was in Manhattan recently during COVID, of course most stuff was closed, BUT the Empire State Building was open. My Girl and I had the place to ourselves. We were alone in the elevators all the way up and down, and alone on the viewing deck. I'll look for some pics now. The shots are so rare they are worth a look-see. And she's easy on the eyes.

Even Times Square on a Saturday was nearly abandoned. It was an experience I will never forget.