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12-16-21, 02:49
This has been addressed numerous times. There's no way anyone can guarantee you will have good luck with Facebook girls. A lot of FB girls (but by no means all) are the "girl next door" type and others are looking for business and are far more professional. You can tell from their posts. Once you build up a few friends, you'll be able to decide which is which and what suits your fancy.

Is FB worth it? For me it has been and about 80% of the chicas I've met in Medellin have come from FB. Generally, I've had great times with all of them, some actual conversations, and not quite as much of a "hardened" or "professional" relationship. GFE would be a good description.

How do you do it? Again. Addressed hundreds of times. Make an account. Post some pictures. Request some chica friends. Use their friends to request more friends. About a week before you get to Medellin post you're coming. You'll start getting requests and chats. Then. It's up to you to figure it out.Thanks for the reply. I'm comfortable on how to do it. I have a few chicas I've talked to. I was more just curious on the experiences. Your answer helps. I'm definitely more of a GFE guy than a PSE or hit it and quit it type. (Probably why casas aren't as appealing to me.)

I do wonder about Centro. That is a bit of a mystery. Never went there. And because of that, it is a bit intimidating. I'm by no means a guy filled with fear. I've foolishly walked the streets in Tijuana in the wee hours of the morning. But for some reason, the mongers here have me worried about the craziness that is Centrom LOL And I'm not a big fan of the SG game in Tijuana anyway. So not sure Centro would be a good fit for me. But I think I'll give it a look just out of curiosity this visit.

Again, thanks!

12-16-21, 02:52
In your opinion, which place has the hotter women, La Isla or Hong Kong?

From my trips, Hong Kong had more hot women overall but La Isla had a higher percentage of them.I'll give my unsolicited opinion. I've spent dozens of nights in HK. Only two nights in La Isla, so maybe not a fair comparison. But HK easily won on both quality and quantity. It absolutely could have been timing, though I was there on a Friday night.

That said, La Isla does not have meseros up your ass every time you blink. So I'm going to try La Isla again and cross my fingers.

12-16-21, 02:56
In your opinion, which place has the hotter women, La Isla or Hong Kong?

From my trips, Hong Kong had more hot women overall but La Isla had a higher percentage of them.I am of the same opinion as you, regarding La Isla vs Hong Kong club in Tijuana.

Fun Luvr
12-16-21, 02:57
Except that I was physically there with him, and I can assure you that his story is accurate.

I am not sure how you are coming up with these conclusions. You may disagree with his opinions about Colombian women, but you have no right to question his integrity, just out of whim. There were 2 other mongers there too, who can verify the accuracy of this story.He didn't say the story sounded fishy, he said it sounded like a fish story. Almost the complete report was about the fish smell coming from the woman. His comment was tongue-in-cheek, a fish story, not questioning anyone's integrity.

12-16-21, 03:04
And there's nothing wrong with being picky, or speaking your mind. However, it can become an issue when you fail to recognize that the problem isn't with whatever you're criticizing, but instead is your own issue.Hey, I never said that I always agree with him. If you check the Tijuana forum, you will find out that I often disagree with him, especially when he compares Tijuana women to Colombian women. This was his first trip to Colombia, yet he has been critical of Colombian women for a while longer before coming here. I guess he is clearly biased towards Mexican chicks.

But I don't hold that against him. Met him for the first time last week and we had a few beers together. From my part, he is entitled to his opinion.

12-16-21, 03:07
He didn't say the story sounded fishy, he said it sounded like a fish story. Almost the complete report was about the fish smell coming from the woman. His comment was tongue-in-cheek, a fish story, not questioning anyone's integrity.I suppose you are right. I interpreted it differently, and I am ready to apologize. I did not mean any harm.

12-16-21, 04:14
First you have to get past the airline check in. If it goes badly you can find yourself on a no fly list. If you manage to get to Colombia then you have to get past immigration. If that goes badly you will be deported on the next flight back, which could land you on the no fly list. Anyone who goes this route please let us know how you make out.

I think what he's trying to say is if you have a fake vaccination card you can get in.

Which is the same thing as when the 3 gringos in Cartagena thought using a fake Covid test would get them out, or (was it Cali or Bogota?) when the guy who was supposed to quarantine decided he didn't need to. Or when guys think that they're okay with girls who have a fake cedula.

It's all the same thing. Each country has their rules. You can often figure out how to bypass those rules, but the penalty if you get caught greatly exceeds the price to abide by the rules. With the fake vaccination cards, it's only a matter of time before they start finding them and then the clever people will find themselves banned from Colombia.

12-16-21, 04:20
Never heard of a foreign transaction fee on a debit card.Welcome to Canada and a few other places. But actually Schwab charges foreign transaction fees if you actually BUY something with their debit card vs. Make an ATM / cash machine / cajero withdrawal. 1%. E-Trade too. The solution to that is the Capital One credit card: no FOREX fees, no annual fee, 1.5% cash back on everything, 25 day billing cycle, no minimum reward redemption. However in LatAm (and elsewhere when traveling), very occasionally you have to use a debit card on line for a purchase, bus tickets, etc. And Schwab does charge for that.

12-16-21, 04:50
Hey guys, do you know if there are any casas within walking distance of San Peter apartments that's worth going to? TIA.

12-16-21, 07:06
Its the vax card that they want to see. If you have had a vax and don't have a card, they won't allow you entry. But if you have a vax card and no vax, they will. So the vax card wins every time.

It will be interesting to see if and what they question. I know some vax cards have QR codes that they could scan to authenticate, like those from Europe, but the majority of the world does not. An immigration official would not be able to authenticate a vax card that does not a have a QR code, despite what the fear mongers here might think.Many years ago I worked with a guy who thought the same as you. He had found a way to steal from the company and he didn't see any way that anyone could find out. I don't know how long he got away with it, he started before I worked there. When he did get caught it was through a series of coincidences, all because he lacked the imagination to see how he could be discovered. The beauty of his plan was that it didn't show up on the books, it was impossible for accounting to detect his theft. The flaw was that to me it was, once those coincidences happened, painfully obvious.

Over the 1 year period which he was charged with he had gotten away with just over $20,000. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison, although I'm sure he only had to serve 2 years. Not really worth it, in my opinion.

With or without a QR code, authenticating a vax card is ridiculously easy. I expect someone will be exploiting that opportunity soon.

And if anyone has $1 million to get started on on a vax verification business which could easily generate $100 million, I'll happily show you how to do it, once the money is in my account.

12-16-21, 08:15
My biggest cost is always the foreign exchange difference, on my debit card. It's not a fee, its the exchange rate your bank gives you. In my case it is always 2. 5 to 3. 5% depending on which of my banks I use. It is in addition to any foreign transaction fees, ATM fees, or fees that the bank in Colombia may charge. I've been told that see Shwab does not do this. But I cannot get a CS account as I live outside of the US.There is a service called Remitly which I have found gives the best exchange rates. Go to their website, request the remission, and pick up the cash at Bancolombia.

12-16-21, 15:39
LOL. They get up and go to work everyday like most other people in the world. You act like they are living in igloos, have to lay traps for food, and worship the flying spaghetti monster everyday.Paisas describe Bogota as being basically like that.

12-16-21, 16:16
I am a hypocrite. I complain about ongoing threads about debit and credit cards that start to read like promotional brochures but here I am prolonging yet another one of them. So, I think most agree there are many credit cards that do not assess foreign transaction fees. Why anyone would not use them for purchases instead of a debit card that does assess the fees is, I suppose, a matter of personal choice or personal finance sophistication. Reeling the discussion back to ATM withdrawals, there are comparable options to the sacrosanct Schwab card. Among several others are debit cards online banks issue associated with checking and / or brokerage accounts. Anyone interest in comparing offers should fire up the search engine of their choice and have at it. The alternative is to follow financial advice available on this site and hope for the best.

Welcome to Canada and a few other places. But actually Schwab charges foreign transaction fees if you actually BUY something with their debit card vs. Make an ATM / cash machine / cajero withdrawal. 1%. E-Trade too. The solution to that is the Capital One credit card: no FOREX fees, no annual fee, 1.5% cash back on everything, 25 day billing cycle, no minimum reward redemption. However in LatAm (and elsewhere when traveling), very occasionally you have to use a debit card on line for a purchase, bus tickets, etc. And Schwab does charge for that.

12-16-21, 16:18
It won't be long before more press reports appear about guys who tried to game the system.

Many years ago I worked with a guy who thought the same as you. He had found a way to steal from the company and he didn't see any way that anyone could find out. I don't know how long he got away with it, he started before I worked there. When he did get caught it was through a series of coincidences, all because he lacked the imagination to see how he could be discovered. The beauty of his plan was that it didn't show up on the books, it was impossible for accounting to detect his theft. The flaw was that to me it was, once those coincidences happened, painfully obvious.

Over the 1 year period which he was charged with he had gotten away with just over $20,000. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison, although I'm sure he only had to serve 2 years. Not really worth it, in my opinion.

With or without a QR code, authenticating a vax card is ridiculously easy. I expect someone will be exploiting that opportunity soon.

And if anyone has $1 million to get started on on a vax verification business which could easily generate $100 million, I'll happily show you how to do it, once the money is in my account.

12-16-21, 17:16
It won't be long before more press reports appear about guys who tried to game the system.Apparently it's a felony in the USA to forge a vax card. I'm from California and they have a registry like most other states, so verification at least in Country is easy if actually required. Yet, it's a total joke for International travel without a worldwide verification system in place. No different than for the Yellow Fever shot issued by WHO.

It's just a matter of time until something is put in place. So for the time being, and I know guys that have done it, is they print up a vax card, insert the data required, and they are good to go at least for those from the USA.

A total joke for the time being.

12-16-21, 18:28
Yet, it's a total joke for International travel without a worldwide verification system in place. No different than for the Yellow Fever shot issued by WHO.
Could you imagine being denied travel despite having a vax card, just bcos your doctor or his secretary made a database entry error? You might cosnider it fine in your own personal situation, but coming from a developing country, you can not expect the same level of competence.

The world accepts card based evidence for all other vaxxes. I expect they will continue with this one, especially since the data will need to be updated every 6 months per person.

12-16-21, 18:32
With or without a QR code, authenticating a vax card is ridiculously easy. I expect someone will be exploiting that opportunity soon.

And if anyone has $1 million to get started on on a vax verification business which could easily generate $100 million, I'll happily show you how to do it, once the money is in my account.MyChart already has a head start.

Captain Solo
12-16-21, 18:43

I never posted anything about Colombia, and was never critical of her women in the past, until I actually went to Colombia this month. I only post about places I actually went to and people I actually met. Even among Tijuana's 6 most popular bars, I reported factually their ambiances, shows qualities and quantities and qualities of their girls. They are not all my favorites. Hong Kong club has always come out on top based on those measures. I am not alone to favor Hong Kong, thousands guys pack into it every night. The other bars are not doing anywhere as well. The noobs would walk into the other bars, looking around at the girls for less than 5 minutes and immediately want to go back to HK. I am not biased for Mexican or against Colombian girls. That's just how attractive and fun HK is to the large crowd of mongers.

As you and I were checking out the girls at Pargue Lleras, even you admitted to me that most were over weight, grotesquely out of shape, crudely tattooed, ugly faces, only 1 or 2 were attractive spinners, and we were sitting at the bar looking out at the park, waiting for them to show, but the quality did not improve by midnight when I decided to dump Camilla and went out for a street girl. There was only 1 spinner whom I was mildly interested in and was negotiating a deal with her, but Bay went out and informed me that she had cheated you the night before. So I dropped her.

I came back to LA Monday night, spent Tuesday replacing the stolen phone. Wednesday a wingman wanted to go to Tijuana so we drove down, arriving about 7 PM. The weather was very cold, about 50 F. The poor street girls were shivering in the cold wind, turning purple, their bare legs shaking. Tall Veronica was in front of Azuls, wrapped in many layers of clothes, but her face had turned ashen and she was shaking. One of my wingman really likes her. I really feel sad for these poor girls.

HK was nice, warm, well-ventilated inside, packed with over 200 girls, girls to guys ratio was probably 3 to 1, many new ones trying to make Christmas money, most were not wearing masks, looking nice, clean, pretty, slim, beautiful, smiling, friendly, flirty, attractive, many looked good enough to qualify for international modeling jobs. Many girls were hitting on us for drinks, sex, Christmas presents. The tiny Cesia was there, hitting on my wingman. She's normally very aloof and reticent, so she must have been desperate for business.

Sasha was drinking her beers at the bar as usual, one of the top HK girls 10 years ago, her torso and arms have gotten bigger with age, and she books very few clients now. Skinny Estephanie from GDL, looking like Maria Shriver, was hugging, squeezing me hard, trying to get me to go to the hotel. Sadly very few girls were bought fichas or taken upstairs, most were just hanging around the club looking desperate.

We were drinking, smoking, ogling the beauty and grace and absorbing the youthful sexual charms of over 2 hundred beautiful girls all around us. I felt like, yes, I am back with real beautiful, soft, sweet, sexy girls in the Hong long club, not lost among the ugly, mean, aggressive, beastly thieving freaks in Colombia. It's very hard for any bar in the rest of the world to compete against HK in beautiful girls availability and the fun, excitement factors. Quite a few seasoned international mongers would admit so. One said HK is the best club in the world in front of senor Frogg as we sat drinking rum one night in club Friese in Bogota. That bros should know. He spends most of his time traveling the world to have fun in putas bars.

I reported on various locations and venues in Colombia while I was still on site, so I would not forget the specifics. I actually used very mild language as I know there are guys with their heads all wrapped up in this mythical beautiful Medellin girls bull shit. In truth, almost all Lleras girls were obese, tattooed, pierced ghetto punks strung out on drugs. A bro posted that they might stab you with a knife. I would not be surprised.

Isla girls were way too huge, disproportional, pear-shaped, looking ridiculous like tattooed ghetto freaks. I was shocked to see their huge, freakish bodies. Guys must be very stupid and hard pressed for sex to pay money to fuck those huge pear-shaped creatures.

The women at New Life casa were similarly huge and repulsive. The poor women were not happy walking up the stairs again and again to present themselves to new guys every 5,10 minutes and got rejected for their $10 sessions in bed.

Found a few hot young girls near Iglesia de Vera Cruz at Plaza Botero, but that area is crime-ridden and risky to hang out even in day time; night time it's a wasteland. Any bros want those sweet, pretty young girls' phone numbers for take out, let me know.

For a couple afternoons, I was standing in front of the hotel watching hundreds civie girls walk home from Santa Fe mall, found very few, actually none, attractive enough for romantic pursuit. The myth about Medellin having lots of beautiful women is just bull shit. But I have to admit, I was looking at thousands of women workers going home at the Panasonic plant in Tijuana, almost all were overweight and unattractive. We should limit the discussion to just bar and street girls available for sex.

My opinion remains that guys would be wasting time and money flying to Colombia for girls. Tijuana is a much better option.

I was there at the same time as him, and I am still in Medellin. I even met Captain Solo and had a few beers with him at a bar in parque Lleras in Medellin. My wingman and I also spent some time in Cartagena.

From what I read about Captain solo extensive posting in the Tijuana forum, he has always been biased towards Mexican chicks. He was also always critical of Colombian women, yet I believe this is the first time has visited the country.

I was there at the same time as him, and I am still in Medellin. I even met Captain Solo and had a few beers with him at a bar in parque Lleras in Medellin. My wingman and I also spent some time in Cartagena.

From what I read about Captain solo extensive posting in the Tijuana forum, he has always been biased towards Mexican chicks. He was also always critical of Colombian women, yet I believe this is the first time has visited the country.

12-16-21, 20:09
I am a hypocrite. I complain about ongoing threads about debit and credit cards that start to read like promotional brochures but here I am prolonging yet another one of them. So, I think most agree there are many credit cards that do not assess foreign transaction fees. Why anyone would not use them for purchases instead of a debit card that does assess the fees is, I suppose, a matter of personal choice or personal finance sophistication. Reeling the discussion back to ATM withdrawals, there are comparable options to the sacrosanct Schwab card. Among several others are debit cards online banks issue associated with checking and / or brokerage accounts. Anyone interest in comparing offers should fire up the search engine of their choice and have at it. The alternative is to follow financial advice available on this site and hope for the best.Not in Canada. Using Visa or Mastercard debit cards is 2. 5% - that only applies to a purchase. That is better than using an ATM, but still is high. All Canadian banks charge at least 2. 5% plus other fees, such as a foreign transaction fee, and ATM fees at the end you withdraw the from if that applies. So a typical cost for a cash withdrawal is $5 per withdrawal outside of Canada, US, or sometimes Mexico. Plus 2. 5 or 3. 5 % hit on the exchange rate. Plus an ATM fee where you are, if there is a fee. So on average if I take out $300 Canadian equivalent (in pesos for example) I am around a 5 or 6% cost. And I have not found a cheaper way of doing this.

And to make it clear. There is no Scwab option, etc. Etc.

The only real option is to have shares in Canadian banks and when they make outrageous profits collect the dividends.

Elvis 2008
12-16-21, 21:23
There is a service called Remitly which I have found gives the best exchange rates. Go to their website, request the remission, and pick up the cash at Bancolombia.Having rented a place in Cartagena, the complex wanted a $5000 deposit as I live out of the country. I had to send some of the money in to my gal, and I first used Western Union. First transfer was fine. Next three were held up. I got sick of it and called and cancelled them. They let me cancel one. It has been four weeks and the money from two transfers is still in limbo.

I have had similar issues with Xoom. Thing is that I know now is that if you ever need a large amount of cash to spread the money over various services: one with WU, one with Remitly ETC.

I signed up with Remitly, sent money, and it went smoothly. I then used Pangea and it went pretty good as well.

I sent a second transfer with both, and both times it was held up, but when I cancelled, the money was back in no time with both, no WU type shit. I waited two days, sent money with Remitly, and it was no problem.

So yeah, I have now had to use four money transfer services, and I agree Remitly is the best. It was the smoothest with the best exchange rate. I also like the number of places you can send the money to. You could send money to Exito or a grocery store or a bank.

I sent $990 yesterday, got charged a $4 fee, and she got 3,828,250. 00 COP. With Western Union today, and the exchange rate is up, it would be 3555265.00 COP.

12-16-21, 22:41
I am a hypocrite. I complain about ongoing threads about debit and credit cards that start to read like promotional brochures but here I am prolonging yet another one of them. So, I think most agree there are many credit cards that do not assess foreign transaction fees. Why anyone would not use them for purchases instead of a debit card that does assess the fees is, I suppose, a matter of personal choice or personal finance sophistication. Reeling the discussion back to ATM withdrawals, there are comparable options to the sacrosanct Schwab card. Among several others are debit cards online banks issue associated with checking and / or brokerage accounts. Anyone interest in comparing offers should fire up the search engine of their choice and have at it. The alternative is to follow financial advice available on this site and hope for the best.There are also many credit unions which offer similar benefits. I agree search engines are your friend.

12-17-21, 00:27
My opinion remains that guys would be wasting time and money flying to Colombia for girls. Tijuana is a much better option..Well, some things that others should know about Tijuana.

Such that the street girls can cost more than double then their Colombian street counterparts, with a la carte pricing, with the base price only including their pants off only, two positions, twenty minutes, lots of rules, and a guaranteed knock on the door when the time is up.

And also that the Hong Girls can be upwards of $ 100 USD, and less than an hour of time.

I used to live at Leyva on the weekends, and was a Tijuana regular up until about ten years ago. It used to be one heck of a mongering destination, and I loved going there until I discovered Colombia.

However, according to my buddies that are there every week, it has only gotten worse and worse every year in terms of street action, and as usual the cops are total assholes.

So stating that Tijuana is a better option really depends on how someone rolls, so for guys that like very short sessions, it might be a perfect fit, especially for guys living in Southern California, however Tijuana does not offer multiple mongering venues like Medellin.

Your actually the first poster I've ever heard making a recommendation of Tijuana over Medellin.

Regardless, your posts in Medellin were quite entertaining to say the least, and it sounds like you had a good time.

And I do miss the food in Tijuana, so hands down, Tijuana has Medellin beat in that department.

12-17-21, 00:50
Were you referring to Canadian credit cards or debit cards? You wrote "debit cards". In either case it's a pity about the fees. I suppose it's an advantage that they are functional in Cuba. I spent a few years in Toronto. I liked everything except the winter weather, the OPP, and the surly Russian provider I used to deal with there.

Not in Canada. Using Visa or Mastercard debit cards is 2. 5% - that only applies to a purchase. That is better than using an ATM, but still is high. All Canadian banks charge at least 2. 5% plus other fees, such as a foreign transaction fee, and ATM fees at the end you withdraw the from if that applies. So a typical cost for a cash withdrawal is $5 per withdrawal outside of Canada, US, or sometimes Mexico. Plus 2. 5 or 3. 5 % hit on the exchange rate. Plus an ATM fee where you are, if there is a fee. So on average if I take out $300 Canadian equivalent (in pesos for example) I am around a 5 or 6% cost. And I have not found a cheaper way of doing this.

And to make it clear. There is no Scwab option, etc. Etc..

12-17-21, 00:54
Yes, one of the cards I use is issued by a credit union. I like to keep accounts with several types of issuers so I'm not inconvenienced by withdrawal limits or lost / damaged / stolen card situations.

There are also many credit unions which offer similar benefits. I agree search engines are your friend.

12-17-21, 01:02
Am I misinterpreting or are you basing your assessment on Parque LLeras and Centro? I have not been to Tijuana is at least ten years so I can't make an assessment other than to say I'm OK here. Even without taking into account the cost premium I agree with you that the talent in Parque Lleras is generally underwhelming. It bears repeating that some of the talent in Parque Lleras is also the talent in Plaza Botero.


I never posted anything about Colombia, and was never critical of her women in the past, until I actually went to Colombia this month. I only post about places I actually went to and people I actually met. Even among Tijuana's 6 most popular bars, I reported factually their ambiances, shows qualities and quantities and qualities of their girls. They are not all my favorites. Hong Kong club has always come out on top based on those measures. I am not alone to favor Hong Kong, thousands guys pack into it every night. The other bars are not doing anywhere as well. The noobs would walk into the other bars, looking around at the girls for less than 5 minutes and immediately want to go back to HK. I am not biased for Mexican or against Colombian girls. That's just how attractive and fun HK is to the large crowd of mongers.

As you and I were checking out the girls at Pargue Lleras, even you admitted to me that most were over weight, grotesquely out of shape, crudely tattooed, ugly faces, only 1 or 2 were attractive spinners, and we were sitting at the bar looking out at the park, waiting for them to show, but the quality did not improve by midnight when I decided to dump Camilla and went out for a street girl. There was only 1 spinner whom I was mildly interested in and was negotiating a deal with her, but Bay went out and informed me that she had cheated you the night before. So I dropped her...

12-17-21, 02:22
LaIsla. Never cared for it. Overprices and chicas not my type. Colombianos and certain gringos like the pair shape and the silicone.

Don't look for civilian girls in Santa Fe. Go to the barrios is you dare.

I wish more guys would feel like they are wasting there time and stay the fuck out of Medellin. I want my city back. Tired of weekend warriors who overpay and give all of us a bad name (not saying you are a weekend warrior, but there are plenty of them).


Isla girls were way too huge, disproportional, pear-shaped, looking ridiculous like tattooed ghetto freaks. I was shocked to see their huge, freakish bodies. Guys must be very stupid and hard pressed for sex to pay money to fuck those huge pear-shaped creatures.

For a couple afternoons, I was standing in front of the hotel watching hundreds civie girls walk home from Santa Fe mall, found very few, actually none, attractive enough for romantic pursuit. The myth about Medellin having lots of beautiful women is just bull shit. But I have to admit, I was looking at thousands of women workers going home at the Panasonic plant in Tijuana, almost all were overweight and unattractive. We should limit the discussion to just bar and street girls available for sex.

My opinion remains that guys would be wasting time and money flying to Colombia for girls. Tijuana is a much better option.

12-17-21, 02:25
As an FYI, I arrived today. I have a vax card from March which is handwritten on a CDC vax card. The airline and migracion looked at it without issue. I have my CVS 3rd vaccination proof in my e-mail on my phone, just in case, but I did not need it.

12-17-21, 04:49
I heard a concerning story from a tourist last night. He was picked up from the airport on Thursday by an Uber and right before arriving to Messiah hostel in Poblado a motorcycle rear-ended the Uber and the driver pulled over. One of the men on the motorcycle put a gun to his head and stole his belongings including his passport, he said that the Uber driver was also robbed and the incident was reported to the police.

12-17-21, 04:50
Were you referring to Canadian credit cards or debit cards? You wrote "debit cards". In either case it's a pity about the fees. I suppose it's an advantage that they are functional in Cuba. I spent a few years in Toronto. I liked everything except the winter weather, the OPP, and the surly Russian provider I used to deal with there.I was referring to debit cards. The major banks (at least 3 or the 5) use the Visa or Mastercard networks for their debit cards. But they still have their own foreign exchange mark up. TD is 3. 5%, CIBC 2. 5%, and Scotia I believe is also 3. 5% Royal was 2. 5% last I checked, and BMO I'm not sure.

With large depositors (half million or more) it might be possible to get a different deal. I've also checked with brokerage account type set ups. But so far only have info on one of them, and there is nothing equivalent to Charles Schwab.

12-17-21, 05:01
Yes, one of the cards I use is issued by a credit union. I like to keep accounts with several types of issuers so I'm not inconvenienced by withdrawal limits or lost / damaged / stolen card situations.I learned that trick after having my 1 card cancelled due to a fraud attempt, the day I arrived in Medellin for my 1 year stay. I had a bit of cash, had my brother send me a few hundred, borrowed some from a friend and mostly sat in the apartment for over 5 weeks.

Getting a new card was a disaster. I had the card rushed to my brother, who I told to UPS overnight to me. Instead he put it in the US Mail. It took a few days to get to Bogota, where it entered 4/72, the Colombian postal service. It took 6 weeks to get from Bogota to Medellin. After 4 weeks I cancelled that card, had another sent UPS overnight to me. About 1 week after the 2nd card arrived, the first one finally showed up.

Now I keep 2 debit cards and 2 credit cards, along with a small cash emergency fund.

12-17-21, 05:06
As an FYI, I arrived today. I have a vax card from March which is handwritten on a CDC vax card. The airline and migracion looked at it without issue. I have my CVS 3rd vaccination proof in my e-mail on my phone, just in case, but I did not need it.That's useful information. I was wondering whether they are relying solely on the airlines to check cards, or if Migracion is also looking.

Just got my 3rd dose today from Walgreens. My girlfriend* has been trying to get her 2nd dose, but is having difficulty. Her first dose was AstraZeneca and every time she goes they only have Moderna.

12-17-21, 05:16
LaIsla. Never cared for it. Overprices and chicas not my type. Colombianos and certain gringos like the pair shape and the silicone.

Don't look for civilian girls in Santa Fe. Go to the barrios is you dare.

I wish more guys would feel like they are wasting there time and stay the fuck out of Medellin. I want my city back. Tired of weekend warriors who overpay and give all of us a bad name (not saying you are a weekend warrior, but there are plenty of them).La Isla, as a place to get girls, I agree with you. I haven't been amazed with the girls there. However, with a good group of friends it's a lot of fun.

In my opinion, beautiful women (5'6" or less, 120# or less) are everywhere in Medellin. I used to count them as I walked from near UPB to the SurAmerica metro station each morning. In about 10 minutes of walking I routinely saw over 100 girls who I would happily bed (without being drunk or desperate), out of about 150 who were in my preferred age range (18-30).

If I only want tall women, skinny women or fat women, I'd have to work much harder in Medellin.

Elvis 2008
12-17-21, 05:56
For a couple afternoons, I was standing in front of the hotel watching hundreds civie girls walk home from Santa Fe mall, found very few, actually none, attractive enough for romantic pursuit. The myth about Medellin having lots of beautiful women is just bull shit. But I have to admit, I was looking at thousands of women workers going home at the Panasonic plant in Tijuana, almost all were overweight and unattractive. We should limit the discussion to just bar and street girls available for sex.

My opinion remains that guys would be wasting time and money flying to Colombia for girls. Tijuana is a much better option.

I was there at the same time as him, and I am still in Medellin. I even met Captain Solo and had a few beers with him at a bar in parque Lleras in Medellin. My wingman and I also spent some time in Cartagena. I can see why you say that. Routard wrote, "I use to say that if you are looking for PSE, go to Rio, if you are looking for GFE, go to Bogota. Why is attitude so good in Colombia? It's cultural of course, as Colombians are genuinely nice people and girls are full of passion and tenderness."

FWIW, I was like you. I had stopped in Colombia after having been in Argentina and let me tell you Colombia was a letdown fifteen years ago. The women were not as hot, and they wanted more money and were distant. There was one exception, a secretary, a tall thin jaw dropping 10, and she was super, super nice to boot. I just asked her for directions but I cannot recall ever seeing someone that hot and that sweet in real life.

I went to the high end clubs and only that one night in La Isla did I see anything in Colombia that compared to Hong Kong. HK has more 9 and 10 types and La Isla that night had a higher percentage of them. But attitude wise, I cannot say there was that much different. Stripper types are pretty much all the same right?

After a bad breakup, I used seeking / SA and tried to date more regular women, and that is when I saw the difference. Colombian women have a very small wall you have to jump over and they let their guard down. Mexican women have a damned fortress and they have much the same "All men are assholes" attitude as American women. They do not have it when you cross over the fortress but it is there until you do.

When a Colombian woman cares for you, that is when the magic happens. You get the upbeat attitude, the insatiable sex, the desire to make you happy, the willingness to do practically everything for you. They are GFE at a whole new level.

For sex that is pay for play, you have to go to Sao Paulo to beat HK quality. In the P4 P game, what Colombia offers is a ton of women and cheap prices but the quality IMO is kind of so-so.

As for that banking secretary 10, it took me two years but I landed one who looked like her and was as sweet as her. Of the five hottest women I met off of SA in Mexico, two were Colombian, one was Venezuelan, and two were Mexican. A cabbie picked out my gal was Colombian, and she was surprised. I was not. You do not find beauties like her from Mexico.

A friend of mine came to Colombia and met her, and we got to talking, and he was interested in someone like her. He tried coming up with all these short cuts and finally I said, "I found her after dozens of bad dates over 2 years. That is what it takes. Trial and error. There are other women like her here but they are hard to find. No short cuts."

But most guys do not want to do that. Like you said, you want easy. You want quick, and you want many. Black's and Madaho's in Argentina could compete with and exceed HK but they have been shut down. Of all the places I have been, you have to go to Sao Paulo and the boates to do better. And of course, you are talking about a 10 or 12 hour flight, and that is if you go nonstop.

For the most part, if you just want quality CFS and a lot of it, HK is tough to beat. I said the same thing after my first trip to Colombia. What is all the fuss about?

12-17-21, 06:03
Among several others are debit cards online banks issue associated with checking and / or brokerage accounts. Anyone interest in comparing offers should fire up the search engine of their choice and have at it. The alternative is to follow financial advice available on this site and hope for the best.Another alternative would be for you to tell us what is a better card than Schwab. But you can't because there isn't.

12-17-21, 08:08
46 mil COP per pair of X chromosomes or chica or pussy, however you want tally it. Actually, some of those chicas at Ground Zero may not be playing with the right number of sex chromosomes, and I don't just mean the trannies, jajaja.

I have that figure in an E-mail from the hotel, which as we know in Colombia is not binding or proof of anything, jaja. Interestingly, they quoted price per day and not price per pussy, so maybe I'll catch a break on multiple chica days, but I have a feeling their intent was lost in translation.

The amount is not crucial (about $11 USD), but it supports that Nutibara allows that activity which I have seen here as a question not too long ago. Personally, I love The Nutti.

(say it like "nutty") and have mongered there before. For Medellin, their free breakfast is above average. I will be paying less than half of what I was at the Dorado La 70 in Estadio. The rooms are comparable. They both have location, location, location, proximity to metro, albeit very different neighborhoods and atmosphere. For sure the Nutti is "dicier" in El Centro. I used to stay in the old Hotel Botero high rise (closed down) for months at a time less than one block from The Nutti without issue.

The staff at The Nutti were very accommodating. The night guy was fluent in English. They were very polite to any girls I brought over, and the guy who spoke English would usually say something like, "Mr. Xxxxx, may I say that your girlfriend is very beautiful," jajajaja. There were all pre-Covid experiences.

The Nutti is three stars, but whatever amenities they are lacking under their roof, they can fill in the gaps with the surrounding businesses and restaurants. The BBQ place in the back at street level that connects thru the lobby is good, chicas love it. I bought lunch at least half a dozen times for the girls at a nearby brothel and they ordered ribs from that place every single time, jaja. Also, opposite the bar in the food court area of The Nutti is a top notch and rare find in MDE, a Peruvian restaurant. Very tasty.

You can't beat the airport shuttle bus dropping you off at the Nutibara Hotel's back door, I think it was 11 mil COP last time I rode, used to be ten. A taxi is over 80, which is still cheap by American standards especially considering the distance.

Yeah, you would be nuts to go roaming at dark outside The Nutti, especially in the direction opposite of Botero Park, and including thru Botero Park, jaja so that covers both directions, but I've never had an issue.

Dude here mentioned Scarlet's delivery service, jaja, She started out as a random P4 P girl over two years ago who I never thought would last. Now she's a friend with benefits and holds down the Number Two spot in my ranking system. She likes to see me happy, so she brings girls over, usually at the last minute. They are not strangers to her. Interestingly, she also uses that as a way to socialize with her friends, since they often cannot afford to meet on their own. Win-win. Yes, of course I pay the girls she brings over, fair market value. Out-the-door, that means including taxi, not more than 150 mil COP. She's got a new one lined up waiting and ready that she showed me on video the other day. The foto of the pussy is of that new girl who I haven't shagged yet. I have another name for pussy fotos girls send in Medellin. I call it their CCC, or a Colombiana Calling Card, jajaja.

I generally try not to repeat fotos but this is a special case. The theme is these are only fotos of Scarlet and her friends she has brought me. The list is not all-inclusive but I still count six different chicas not including Scarlet:

12-17-21, 08:11

I never posted anything about Colombia, and was never critical of her women in the past, until I actually went to Colombia this month. I only post about places I actually went to and people I actually met. Even among Tijuana's 6 most popular bars, I reported factually their ambiances, shows qualities and quantities and qualities of their girls. They are not all my favorites. Hong Kong club has always come out on top based on those measures. I am not alone to favor Hong Kong, thousands guys pack into it every night. The other bars are not doing anywhere as well. The noobs would walk into the other bars, looking around at the girls for less than 5 minutes and immediately want to go back to HK. I am not biased for Mexican or against Colombian girls. That's just how attractive and fun HK is to the large crowd of mongers.

As you and I were checking out the girls at Pargue Lleras, even you admitted to me that most were over weight, grotesquely out of shape, crudely tattooed, ugly faces, only 1 or 2 were attractive spinners, and we were sitting at the bar looking out at the park, waiting for them to show, but the quality did not improve by midnight when I decided to dump Camilla and went out for a street girl. There was only 1 spinner whom I was mildly interested in and was negotiating a deal with her, but Bay went out and informed me that she had cheated you the night before. So I dropped her.

I came back to LA Monday night, spent Tuesday replacing the stolen phone. Wednesday a wingman wanted to go to Tijuana so we drove down, arriving about 7 PM. The weather was very cold, about 50 F. The poor street girls were shivering in the cold wind, turning purple, their bare legs shaking. Tall Veronica was in front of Azuls, wrapped in many layers of clothes, but her face had turned ashen and she was shaking. One of my wingman really likes her. I really feel sad for these poor girls.

HK was nice, warm, well-ventilated inside, packed with over 200 girls, girls to guys ratio was probably 3 to 1, many new ones trying to make Christmas money, most were not wearing masks, looking nice, clean, pretty, slim, beautiful, smiling, friendly, flirty, attractive, many looked good enough to qualify for international modeling jobs. Many girls were hitting on us for drinks, sex, Christmas presents. The tiny Cesia was there, hitting on my wingman. She's normally very aloof and reticent, so she must have been desperate for business.

Sasha was drinking her beers at the bar as usual, one of the top HK girls 10 years ago, her torso and arms have gotten bigger with age, and she books very few clients now. Skinny Estephanie from GDL, looking like Maria Shriver, was hugging, squeezing me hard, trying to get me to go to the hotel. Sadly very few girls were bought fichas or taken upstairs, most were just hanging around the club looking desperate.

We were drinking, smoking, ogling the beauty and grace and absorbing the youthful sexual charms of over 2 hundred beautiful girls all around us. I felt like, yes, I am back with real beautiful, soft, sweet, sexy girls in the Hong long club, not lost among the ugly, mean, aggressive, beastly thieving freaks in Colombia. It's very hard for any bar in the rest of the world to compete against HK in beautiful girls availability and the fun, excitement factors. Quite a few seasoned international mongers would admit so. One said HK is the best club in the world in front of senor Frogg as we sat drinking rum one night in club Friese in Bogota. That bros should know. He spends most of his time traveling the world to have fun in putas bars.

I reported on various locations and venues in Colombia while I was still on site, so I would not forget the specifics. I actually used very mild language as I know there are guys with their heads all wrapped up in this mythical beautiful Medellin girls bull shit. In truth, almost all Lleras girls were obese, tattooed, pierced ghetto punks strung out on drugs. A bro posted that they might stab you with a knife. I would not be surprised.

Isla girls were way too huge, disproportional, pear-shaped, looking ridiculous like tattooed ghetto freaks. I was shocked to see their huge, freakish bodies. Guys must be very stupid and hard pressed for sex to pay money to fuck those huge pear-shaped creatures.

The women at New Life casa were similarly huge and repulsive. The poor women were not happy walking up the stairs again and again to present themselves to new guys every 5,10 minutes and got rejected for their $10 sessions in bed.

Found a few hot young girls near Iglesia de Vera Cruz at Plaza Botero, but that area is crime-ridden and risky to hang out even in day time; night time it's a wasteland. Any bros want those sweet, pretty young girls' phone numbers for take out, let me know.

For a couple afternoons, I was standing in front of the hotel watching hundreds civie girls walk home from Santa Fe mall, found very few, actually none, attractive enough for romantic pursuit. The myth about Medellin having lots of beautiful women is just bull shit. But I have to admit, I was looking at thousands of women workers going home at the Panasonic plant in Tijuana, almost all were overweight and unattractive. We should limit the discussion to just bar and street girls available for sex.

My opinion remains that guys would be wasting time and money flying to Colombia for girls. Tijuana is a much better option.

I was there at the same time as him, and I am still in Medellin. I even met Captain Solo and had a few beers with him at a bar in parque Lleras in Medellin. My wingman and I also spent some time in Cartagena.

From what I read about Captain solo extensive posting in the Tijuana forum, he has always been biased towards Mexican chicks. He was also always critical of Colombian women, yet I believe this is the first time has visited the country.This is a great post! Not because I agree with you but because I'am greedy and I want you to spread this to the Tijuana mongers. The hottest girls are not in La Isla nor any of the places you mentioned. If you have the network and are in the know then you know. My recent trip I noticed a trend at LLeras Gusto and the other one diagonally from it ( I forgot the name) A lot of loud east coast non Spanish speaking young guys hanging out buying these girls hooka sessions and beers. These are the guys that were in less abudance 2-3 years ago my prior trip.
I used to easily negotiate down a hot 9 from Gusto down from their ridiculous price to 200k for an hour. Those days are long gone at least for now. I blame all these guys driving up the prices unable to negotiate.
I'am hoping Philippines opening adds to less mongers as well. So yes Hong Kong is the best! The best girls and the best Meseros who will be your best friends. Viva Colombia!

12-17-21, 08:20
Well, some things that others should know about Tijuana.

Such that the street girls can cost more than double then their Colombian street counterparts, with a la carte pricing, with the base price only including their pants off only, two positions, twenty minutes, lots of rules, and a guaranteed knock on the door when the time is up.

And also that the Hong Girls can be upwards of $ 100 USD, and less than an hour of time.

I used to live at Leyva on the weekends, and was a Tijuana regular up until about ten years ago. It used to be one heck of a mongering destination, and I loved going there until I discovered Colombia.

However, according to my buddies that are there every week, it has only gotten worse and worse every year in terms of street action, and as usual the cops are total assholes.

So stating that Tijuana is a better option really depends on how someone rolls, so for guys that like very short sessions, it might be a perfect fit, especially for guys living in Southern California, however Tijuana does not offer multiple mongering venues like Medellin.

Your actually the first poster I've ever heard making a recommendation of Tijuana over Medellin.

Regardless, your posts in Medellin were quite entertaining to say the least, and it sounds like you had a good time.

And I do miss the food in Tijuana, so hands down, Tijuana has Medellin beat in that department.Don't say this too loud I want them all to think that. I used to monger alot in Tijuana 2010-2016. Those were the best peak years for Tijuana. I will take Paisa over a Tijuana girl any fkn day.

12-17-21, 08:33
I am going to have to agree with Captain Solo and Knowledge that the girls are better in Hong Kong than the best girls in Parque Lleras (Gustos, Parque Lleras Bar, the streets, and even La Isla). I have mongered in over 23 countries (Tijuana, Colombia, Panama, Brazil, Costa Rica, Philippines, Thailand, Jakarta are just a few to name) and have very discerning taste. I tried Medellin 3 times, and there is just not a big supply of quality girls in Parque Lleras. It has many average looking Venezuelan and Paisa girls. The better girls charging more in Gustos did not also overly impress me. They cannot hold a candle to the top girls in Hong Kong. Plus, Medellin is further to those of us on the West Coast and Midwest.

For vacation purposes, yes Tijuana is boring and is a shithole, and Medellin would beat it out with better scenery, architecture, restaurants, but that was it for me. The weekend warriors have also ruined the market for top tier girls in Lleras by not negotiating.

I do believe long term, if you have months to be there, which most of us don't then Medellin could be a gold mine if you work the Facebook girls and develop a roster. But, I don't have the time for more than a week vacation. So, I understand how the guys that really love Medellin and have the time to work it truly call it a great mongering destination (albeit only for long term for me).

I do recommend Jaco Beach for a nice option for quality and diversity, specifically Frog's Bar at Cocal. Hot girls from several countries and its like shooting fish in a barrel. I also liked Habanos in Panama which will return to its heyday soon, and get busier. Scandolo in Brazil is about the only place that I know that beats HK for quality women but it is $200 plus when you factor in entrance costs, room, girls so that does not make it the best destination. I think Hong Kong is a great value for what you can get for your dollar. To each his known. Just my opinion.

12-17-21, 09:34
...but it is $200 plus when you factor in entrance costs, room, girls...It's not fixed rate so it is not $200 but it really depends on exchange rate. Currently, it can be $100 or it can be $200, for at least an hour or for multiple hours. It can be a better deal if you take the girl out for all night or multiple days when compared to HK. The room is about $50 for an hour and is far better than the room in HK. No one is going to pressure you to buy drink at Scandallo. It's a high end place and they treat you like one.

12-17-21, 14:06
I am going to have to agree with Captain Solo and Knowledge that the girls are better in Hong Kong than the best girls in Parque Lleras (Gustos, Parque Lleras Bar, the streets, and even La Isla). I have mongered in over 23 countries (Tijuana, Colombia, Panama, Brazil, Costa Rica, Philippines, Thailand, Jakarta are just a few to name) and have very discerning taste. I tried Medellin 3 times, and there is just not a big supply of quality girls in Parque Lleras. It has many average looking Venezuelan and Paisa girls. The better girls charging more in Gustos did not also overly impress me. They cannot hold a candle to the top girls in Hong Kong. Plus, Medellin is further to those of us on the West Coast and Midwest.I suppose for guys looking for a trophy fuck, meaning how pretty the girl is face wise, are content with very short sessions, and a generally mechanical session, than Hong Kong is perfect as it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

However, the notion that quality girls don't exist anywhere in Medellin is kind of absurd. They are all over the place, waiting to be harvested, but you need to have time on the ground here and some Spanish speaking skills to do so.

12-17-21, 14:13
This is a great post! Not because I agree with you but because I'am greedy and I want you to spread this to the Tijuana mongers.!This is all kind of like the COVID variants, with the first wave being the Philippine mongers, and now we have the Tijuana mongers, what the hell is going to be next! LOL.

12-17-21, 16:22
I suppose for guys looking for a trophy fuck, meaning how pretty the girl is face wise, are content with very short sessions, and a generally mechanical session, than Hong Kong is perfect as it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

However, the notion that quality girls don't exist anywhere in Medellin is kind of absurd. They are all over the place, waiting to be harvested, but you need to have time on the ground here and some Spanish speaking skills to do so.At the risk of being labeled a Tijuana monger or weekend warrior, I have to agree with Surfer. Obviously, we all have our preferences, and therefore, have differing opinions. But for my money, I think Medellin chicas are far hotter than Tijuana. As some have said (myself included), when I've walked around Medellin, I am stunned by how beautiful the "average" chica is.

I was in Tijuana a week ago and, no joke, the hottest girl I found was from Cali, Colombia. (Of all places, in Adelitas!) So it's safe to say my preference is the Colombian look. (I'd note that big, fake, implant asses are a huge turnoff for me.)

Service-wise, the average HK girl is fairly mechanical. My limited experience with the paisas is that they are far more personal. Here again, my preference fits the Colombian way. A good session for me is less about the mechanics of the sex than it is about the interpersonal connection. I'd stop short of saying it is a GFE menu list. It's simply about do we enjoy each other's company. As another poster said it, it's as though a paisa isn't as walled off.

Don't get me wrong. I love Tijuana and have had some amazing experiences there. This whole topic and thread has made me acknowledge and appreciate the differences between the two.

12-17-21, 17:27
I suppose for guys looking for a trophy fuck, meaning how pretty the girl is face wise, are content with very short sessions, and a generally mechanical session, than Hong Kong is perfect as it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

However, the notion that quality girls don't exist anywhere in Medellin is kind of absurd. They are all over the place, waiting to be harvested, but you need to have time on the ground here and some Spanish speaking skills to do so.I can't speak for Tijuana. The last time I was there looking for girls has been over 30 years ago. At the time there wasn't anything like the description of the HK. Probably 3 or 4 clubs, with no more than 5 girls in the busiest one.

My last visit was for my post bachelor party, the day after my wedding with a friend who couldn't make it early enough before the wedding. So my wife, who was wonderful, let me take him to Tijuana. My friend, after every shot, was leaving his change on the table. We probably bought $50-$60 worth of booze and beer, but $500 disappeared from the table. When he got ready to take a girl upstairs, he didn't have any money left.

Personally, I'm happy with all of the grossly obese and ugly girls in Medellin. They're cheaper, sweeter and everywhere you go doesn't smell like stale piss.

12-17-21, 17:34
I suppose for guys looking for a trophy fuck, meaning how pretty the girl is face wise, are content with very short sessions, and a generally mechanical session, than Hong Kong is perfect as it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

However, the notion that quality girls don't exist anywhere in Medellin is kind of absurd. They are all over the place, waiting to be harvested, but you need to have time on the ground here and some Spanish speaking skills to do so.Aka by mongers with self esteem as a Booby prize.

12-17-21, 18:00
Cuba followed by the Dominican Republic is my guess. My goal is to become a Centro rat in Caracas or Valencia.

This is all kind of like the COVID variants, with the first wave being the Philippine mongers, and now we have the Tijuana mongers, what the hell is going to be next! LOL.

12-17-21, 18:11
I am going to have to agree with Captain Solo and Knowledge that the girls are better in Hong Kong than the best girls in Parque Lleras (Gustos, Parque Lleras Bar, the streets, and even La Isla). I have mongered in over 23 countries (Tijuana, Colombia, Panama, Brazil, Costa Rica, Philippines, Thailand, Jakarta are just a few to name) and have very discerning taste. I tried Medellin 3 times, and there is just not a big supply of quality girls in Parque Lleras. It has many average looking Venezuelan and Paisa girls. The better girls charging more in Gustos did not also overly impress me. They cannot hold a candle to the top girls in Hong Kong. Plus, Medellin is further to those of us on the West Coast and Midwest.I agree, I did not have high expectations for HK Club, but took my first trip there earlier this month as I was in SoCal and it was convenient. I sure as hell did not expect so many 8's+ at HK club on a Monday night, but the place was packed with stunners.

As for Jaco Beach, the talent is ok and rates are very similar to Tijuana. I agree with Captain, HK Club talent is hard to match. I have not checked out the other clubs in Tijuana as there were enough sexy chicas in HK. I've only sessioned with two, the first was terrible, the second girl was one of the best and will be repeating with her my next visit in a month.

12-17-21, 18:13
I think you and Stud Bucket are talking about two different things. You are talking about Medellin and Stud Bucket is talking about Parque Lleras. I think you are both correct.

I suppose for guys looking for a trophy fuck, meaning how pretty the girl is face wise, are content with very short sessions, and a generally mechanical session, than Hong Kong is perfect as it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

However, the notion that quality girls don't exist anywhere in Medellin is kind of absurd. They are all over the place, waiting to be harvested, but you need to have time on the ground here and some Spanish speaking skills to do so.

12-17-21, 18:17
This is all kind of like the COVID variants, with the first wave being the Philippine mongers, and now we have the Tijuana mongers, what the hell is going to be next! LOL.It's not all bad Surfer, after visiting HK club, I'm probably sticking with Tijuana due to the convenience. That means 1 less "overpaying" monger that you hate in MDE jaja. I will visit MDE if it's 7+ days as I'the get bored out of my mind if I spend more than 2 nights in Tijuana.

12-17-21, 18:21
It's only my opinion. Parque Lleras belongs to the weekend warriors. Anyone concerned with cost, quality, or market dynamics should opt for the many other options in Medellin. If you really must have girls who work Parque Lleras, and you are willing to deal with the during daytime hours, you can find some of them in Plaza Botero.

I am going to have to agree with Captain Solo and Knowledge that the girls are better in Hong Kong than the best girls in Parque Lleras (Gustos, Parque Lleras Bar, the streets, and even La Isla). I have mongered in over 23 countries (Tijuana, Colombia, Panama, Brazil, Costa Rica, Philippines, Thailand, Jakarta are just a few to name) and have very discerning taste. I tried Medellin 3 times, and there is just not a big supply of quality girls in Parque Lleras. It has many average looking Venezuelan and Paisa girls. The better girls charging more in Gustos did not also overly impress me. They cannot hold a candle to the top girls in Hong Kong. Plus, Medellin is further to those of us on the West Coast and Midwest.

For vacation purposes, yes Tijuana is boring and is a shithole, and Medellin would beat it out with better scenery, architecture, restaurants, but that was it for me. The weekend warriors have also ruined the market for top tier girls in Lleras by not negotiating.

I do believe long term, if you have months to be there, which most of us don't then Medellin could be a gold mine if you work the Facebook girls and develop a roster. But, I don't have the time for more than a week vacation. So, I understand how the guys that really love Medellin and have the time to work it truly call it a great mongering destination (albeit only for long term for me)..

12-17-21, 18:27
There you are then, you've made your decision and saved others from looking into it themselves.

Another alternative would be for you to tell us what is a better card than Schwab. But you can't because there isn't.

12-17-21, 18:34
Thank you for this, you said it well.

LaIsla. Never cared for it. Overprices and chicas not my type. Colombianos and certain gringos like the pair shape and the silicone.

Don't look for civilian girls in Santa Fe. Go to the barrios is you dare.

I wish more guys would feel like they are wasting there time and stay the fuck out of Medellin. I want my city back. Tired of weekend warriors who overpay and give all of us a bad name (not saying you are a weekend warrior, but there are plenty of them).

Captain Solo
12-17-21, 19:06
You are right the showoffs have gotten ridiculous in Hong Kong in the past few years.

An old, chubby Spanish-speaking guy always buys dozen snack plates, spreads out on 2 tables in the middle of the club, throws a hundred dollar bills on the floor, tramples on them while bull shitting with his 2 favorite girls all night. He wants to show he's a big man with lots of money, and he wants to make the other girls jealous. The rest of the hungry girls would look on his dog show with resentment and disgust.

A Mexican American jewelries store owner in LA was far cooler. He would party quietly with his friends but order meseros to bring a drink to every girl in the main floor, not talking to, touching or demanding anything from the girls.

A few guys would rain a few hundreds dollars bills on the strip stage throughout the night. These guys are loaded with so much money they feel thay have to reward strippers with their spare change regardless how ugly they are. HK girls have been spoiled by these thoughtless acts and have been raising their expectations as well as prices, making it difficult for new guys to have decent sessions with reasonable prices. However, regulars are known to the girls and still have sessions at old prices, about 1,000 pesos or $50. A wingman repeated with a girl a few times, now he has been having long sessions or TLNs, all-out BB sex with her for $100, sometimes he ran out of money and had nothing to pay her, but she would call him every time she flies down to Tijuana to work and give the first sessions of the trip hehe.

Meanwhile Chicago Club has been trying hard with multiple strippers constantly on 3 stages, girls in bathtub doing lesbo show, couples doing kinky sex on a bed in the middle of the club. In one show a guy was spinning a huge dildo with a power tool into a girls' pussy while she was squirming and shaking in bed. Damn gross and tasteless freak show to me! Adelita has some hot strippers lately, but as in Chicago, nobody tips these girls.

Don't worry. I will leave these fine Medellin girls with basket ball butts, cantaloupe boobs, spare-tire bellies and their quick sticky fingers all for you. I will encourage all brash non Spanish-speaking young East Coast guys to go to Medellin to join you.

Captain Solo
12-17-21, 20:30

I was back in HK Wednesday night. Over 200 hot girls were available at 7 PM, smiling, talking, flirting. Perhaps half of those HK that night look attractive enough for international modeling jobs. HK was having continuous strip shows on 3 stages. The club was nice, clean, well ventilated, smelling good, and I can smoke while I drink and ogle hot girls, a big plus. There are hot HK girls who would do TLNs, all-out, anything goes, BB sessions with videos for small premiums. You just have to ask around discreetly.

HK has so many young, fresh, beautiful girls ready to have fun and deliver sex and hot passion any time, any day of the year, quickly and cost effectively. Their business model just works a lot better for most mongers than other bars in Tijuana and Colombia.

Got to admit, Colombians are nice, sweet and loving people with old-world manners. They would go out of the way to be helpful to me. I also saw lots of sibling girls walk on the streets of Medellin, arms in arms like they really love each other. Colombians are still in their innocent age. Americans are hardened people. You will never see US siblings walk arms in arms. Most just hate each other.

I also felt the innocence, love and passion in a few civie girls in Medellin I came in contact with.

Glad you found a beautiful girl in Colombia who gives you all that innocent love.

12-17-21, 20:40
It's not all bad Surfer, after visiting HK club, I'm probably sticking with Tijuana due to the convenience. That means 1 less "overpaying" monger that you hate in MDE jaja. I will visit MDE if it's 7+ days as I'the get bored out of my mind if I spend more than 2 nights in Tijuana.Your right in that I don't like the transformation of Centro caused by all the newbie mongers, but for me and others on this board who have been around a while, they don't like it either, it's like our personal turf has been invaded. I don't really hate the overpaying mongers, even though I wish they would leave and not come back.

You can't blame them for being here because of the Pandemic. Put yourself in their shoes, if I was an exclusive pre-pandemic SEA guy, I would be here in a heartbeat as well.

For many guys who aren't retired and don't have as much free time on their hands, hitting Tijuana for a few days, and then being able to come to Medellin for a week like in your case is perfect.

I used to do exactly the same thing years ago, but every time after visiting Medellin for a few weeks and then visiting Tijuana, I found it to be very depressing, and couldn't wait to get back to Medellin.

12-17-21, 20:40
I suppose for guys looking for a trophy fuck, meaning how pretty the girl is face wise, are content with very short sessions, and a generally mechanical session, than Hong Kong is perfect as it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

However, the notion that quality girls don't exist anywhere in Medellin is kind of absurd. They are all over the place, waiting to be harvested, but you need to have time on the ground here and some Spanish speaking skills to do so.That's not true. Even though the standard rate is $100/30 min, the girl stayed close to an hour unrushed. She's an 8+ in looks and provided BBBJ without an upcharge. The service was top level as well. If you would like to see how she looks, feel free to send me a PM.

My #1 ATF is still the venny from Cartagena. I have pics of her as well, she's also an 8+ in my book. So not all trophy fucks provide mechanical sessions.

12-17-21, 21:20
At the risk of being labeled a Tijuana monger or weekend warrior, I have to agree with Surfer. Obviously, we all have our preferences, and therefore, have differing opinions. But for my money, I think Medellin chicas are far hotter than Tijuana. As some have said (myself included), when I've walked around Medellin, I am stunned by how beautiful the "average" chica is.

I was in Tijuana a week ago and, no joke, the hottest girl I found was from Cali, Colombia. (Of all places, in Adelitas!) So it's safe to say my preference is the Colombian look. (I'd note that big, fake, implant asses are a huge turnoff for me.)

Service-wise, the average HK girl is fairly mechanical. My limited experience with the paisas is that they are far more personal. Here again, my preference fits the Colombian way. A good session for me is less about the mechanics of the sex than it is about the interpersonal connection. I'd stop short of saying it is a GFE menu list. It's simply about do we enjoy each other's company. As another poster said it, it's as though a paisa isn't as walled off.

Don't get me wrong. I love Tijuana and have had some amazing experiences there. This whole topic and thread has made me acknowledge and appreciate the differences between the two. Mechanical mostly but their entire system is designed to fill everyone's pockets in TJ. The top tier in HK are not going to give you GFE.
Can easily find an amazing service provider GFE for the week from Facebook in MDE. Mexican girls genetic features are less attractive than a Colombian girl imo. On average Colombians wear far less makeup than their Mexican counterparts and have better hip to waist ratio. But to each his own. Walk in to Adelitas and HK most of the girls are unattractive and have tons of makeup on with squarish shaped bodies. Now another metric GFE and overall personality non mechanical service goes to Colombia. In HK/Adelitas everything is handed to you on a platter no Spanish or much negotiation is needed, you can get BBBJ and GFE but much lower chance vs Medellin: but you're still funneled through the Gringo idiot tax system : Taxed by Mesero, Taxed by the robe guy, taxed by the Telechera room guy LOL. Its great for all the low hanging fruit "No hablo Espanol Gringos"

FYI The hottest girls I've seen have been at Smart Fit gym and Tesoro.

12-17-21, 21:42
Don't worry. I will leave these fine Medellin girls with basket ball butts, cantaloupe boobs, spare-tire bellies and their quick sticky fingers all for you. I will encourage all brash non Spanish-speaking young East Coast guys to go to Medellin to join you.If I hadn't experienced this before, I wouldn't believe it. Unfortunately, people bring their attitude with them and see what they want to see. It's a form of bigotry, the result of dedication to something else and it affects everyone to some degree. It causes them to view things differently.

You can find examples of this everywhere. Look at reviews for restaurants and hotels (in any city). They might be mostly 4 or 5 stars, but there are almost always some claiming it's the worst place ever, finding fault with everything, often with things that are ridiculous. Just look at the Google reviews for Hong Kong club and you'll see what I mean; 5 stars, 1 star.

Many people are set in their ways. They want only one type of experience. If they can't find it in a new place, their opinion of the place goes way down. Medellin has a ridiculous number of options for girls, girls which anyone who is being objective would agree are some of the most beautiful they've ever seen. However, finding the right girls requires a tiny bit of effort.

That effort involves learning a bit about Medellin. For example, if you decide to go to La Isla at 7 pm, instead of 11 pm you're going to have a different experience. If you decide to go to Botero Plaza at 11 pm instead of 11 am, it's much different. If you're looking for girls in Parque Lleras before 11 pm, again your experience will be different.

And, if those are the only venues you visit, you've only exposed yourself to about 5% of the scene, or less.

From my own experiences, I've had one girl with a belly. She showed up with a girdle holding it in. Turns out she had just recently had a baby. There was another girl who was large, not fat, just a big, solid girl. She fooled me, because I had been with her before at the Mansion, but her Facebook pictures didn't look like the same girl. If I had known it was her, I wouldn't have invited her over. Her service was excellent, no complaints, but I prefer the super spinners.

Other than a few casa girls with boob jobs, I've never encountered any girls who fit your description. I know they exist, but I've never been in a situation when I didn't have at least 20 other options who fit my preferred body type. I'd say my average girl has been 5'2" or less and under 100#, flat stomach, nice, natural breasts and buttocks. However, most of them have at least a few tattoos.

Lots of guys visit Medellin. Almost every one of them raves about the place and can't wait to return. I've had the pleasure of meeting many of them. Rarely, someone comes along and trashes the place. I can either assume that my experiences, along with those of many friends, are all wrong, or I can assume the problem lies solely with the 1 out of 100 who hates the place.

12-17-21, 21:53
Can we talk about the amount of fragrance both men and women wear here? I'm extra sensitive to it because of allergies but I think anyone will notice it. Sometimes when I get in an empty elevator I'm overwhelmed by the lingering odor. They wear so much that I often have to change my shirt after using a seatbelt because it was impregnated with the strong smell of cheap fragrance.

Mechanical mostly but their entire system is designed to fill everyone's pockets in TJ. The top tier in HK are not going to give you GFE.
Can easily find an amazing service provider GFE for the week from Facebook in MDE. Mexican girls genetic features are less attractive than a Colombian girl imo. On average Colombians wear far less makeup than their Mexican counterparts and have better hip to waist ratio. But to each his own. Walk in to Adelitas and HK most of the girls are unattractive and have tons of makeup on with squarish shaped bodies. Now another metric GFE and overall personality non mechanical service goes to Colombia. In HK/Adelitas everything is handed to you on a platter no Spanish or much negotiation is needed, you can get BBBJ and GFE but much lower chance vs Medellin: but you're still funneled through the Gringo idiot tax system : Taxed by Mesero, Taxed by the robe guy, taxed by the Telechera room guy LOL. Its great for all the low hanging fruit "No hablo Espanol Gringos"

FYI The hottest girls I've seen have been at Smart Fit gym and Tesoro.

12-17-21, 22:33
As I mentioned, my vax card was viewed by BOTH Copa and Migracion.

That's useful information. I was wondering whether they are relying solely on the airlines to check cards, or if Migracion is also looking.

Just got my 3rd dose today from Walgreens. My girlfriend* has been trying to get her 2nd dose, but is having difficulty. Her first dose was AstraZeneca and every time she goes they only have Moderna.

Just Incognito
12-17-21, 23:11
More talk about Mexico than Medellin. Maybe have that conversation in the Mexico chats?

Just sayin'!

And kudos to Colombia for requiring the vaccine to enter. This is the way and most countries, including the USA, will do the same. Biden is probably waiting until after the mid-terms to announce the change (sadly since he should announce it now!

The data shows: its now a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Vaccinated people are getting the virus but not ending up in the ICU. Unvaccinated people-including tourists- are filling hospital spaces and taking up beds in places like Colombia- so Colombia aid enough of the nonsense. Get vaxxed or fuck off! This approach along with the other rules about needing to be vaxxed to go to clubs, bars, restaurants etc only make me want to spend more time in Medellin!

Meanwhile one of the 25 year old hotties I banged on my last trip has been messaging a little with me. She wants to come visit me for a week. I pay flight, nothing else-she'll come with std test papers and proof she is clean so its bareback everything for the week at my place. Probably just after the holidays we may do this. Working on navigating how to have fun with her and not hide her--but keep her away from people who might ask too many questions LOL.

12-18-21, 00:16
It's only my opinion. Parque Lleras belongs to the weekend warriors. Anyone concerned with cost, quality, or market dynamics should opt for the many other options in Medellin. If you really must have girls who work Parque Lleras, and you are willing to deal with the during daytime hours, you can find some of them in Plaza Botero.I don't get the Parque Lleras thing. When I was there the authorities had basically chased all the chicas out. It was not a place to pick up chicas in comparison to the other options. Sure, sometimes the working girls do the stroll there and it is possible to find one for a date. But I would not, as they also were the most likely to be looking for a gringo to drug or rob.

Anyway. Parque Lleras is a night time spot for locals. Bars, restaurants, clubs, all of that. I don't consider it as a place to find chicas. At all. Never did in the past anyway. Perhaps it has changed.

12-18-21, 00:22
It has changed. Locals or not, few people frequent the place unless they are associated with the game as providers, clients, or facilitators. Even Centro is more civilian friendly because unlike Parque Lleras there are businesses that aren't catering to prepagos and punters.

I don't get the Parque Lleras thing. When I was there the authorities had basically chased all the chicas out. It was not a place to pick up chicas in comparison to the other options. Sure, sometimes the working girls do the stroll there and it is possible to find one for a date. But I would not, as they also were the most likely to be looking for a gringo to drug or rob.

Anyway. Parque Lleras is a night time spot for locals. Bars, restaurants, clubs, all of that. I don't consider it as a place to find chicas. At all. Never did in the past anyway. Perhaps it has changed.

12-18-21, 00:26
US $100? That is an upcharge.

That's not true. Even though the standard rate is $100/30 min, the girl stayed close to an hour unrushed. She's an 8+ in looks and provided BBBJ without an upcharge. The service was top level as well. If you would like to see how she looks, feel free to send me a PM.

My #1 ATF is still the venny from Cartagena. I have pics of her as well, she's also an 8+ in my book. So not all trophy fucks provide mechanical sessions.

Mr Enternational
12-18-21, 01:29
And kudos to Colombia for requiring the vaccine to enter. This is the way and most countries, including the USA, will do the same. Biden is probably waiting until after the mid-terms to announce the change (sadly since he should announce it now!I guess you are behind on the news.The USA already requires tourists to be vaccinated to enter as of November 8.

Unvaccinated people-including tourists- are filling hospital spaces and taking up beds in places like Colombia- so Colombia aid enough of the nonsense.How many unvaccinated tourists are in Colombian hospitals with covid at the moment?

Mojo Bandit
12-18-21, 01:51
Personally, I'm happy with all of the grossly obese and ugly girls in Medellin. They're cheaper, sweeter and everywhere you go doesn't smell like stale piss.I guess there must be something wrong with us guys who love these grossly obese and ugly girls in Medellin.

Mojo Bandit
12-18-21, 02:01
I know there are guys with their heads all wrapped up in this mythical beautiful Medellin girls bull shit.
Pegasis, Unicorns, Pheonix, just a few of the myths about beautiful creatures so yes by all means add "beautiful women in Medellin" to that list and encourage all to go to Tijuana. It just fine with me. ISS only allows ten photos or I could do this all day. Hundreds like this a Whatsapp message away, do not have to leave my apartment. Of course there is no accounting for tastes especially bad tastes like mine. I can't help myself thise ugly women just do it for me.

12-18-21, 02:08
I like the photos. Thank you for posting them. I feel no need to engage in photo debating. In fact, I will go as far as to say I accept the judgments that (insert your choice here: Mexico / Thailand / Philippines / etc) are all around better and Medellin is to be avoided.

Pegasis, Unicorns, Pheonix, just a few of the myths about beautiful creatures so yes by all means add "beautiful women in Medellin" to that list and encourage all to go to Tijuana. It just fine with me. ISS only allows ten photos or I could do this all day. Hundreds like this a Whatsapp message away, do not have to leave my apartment. Of course there is no accounting for tastes especially bad tastes like mine. I can't help myself thise ugly women just do it for me.

Captain Solo
12-18-21, 02:17

Don't know where the pics come from, but why the women at P Lleras, La Isla and casas are just the opposites of your pics?

Beautiful and ugly women are in every country. You can't expect the casual mongers to go to Colombia and spend 10 years hopefully to find a few hot women. We are talking about mongering chasing WGs here, not spending years chasing a few women.

12-18-21, 02:20
I invested in a Dollar Store mirror for less than nine bucks. There were cheaper ones but this one was actually pretty nice without distortion and I'm going to hand it down to one of my novias when I leave on Wednesday.

The fotos are a small sample of the action you will get when a girl sees a mirror in your room including dancing with other girls. I did not ask any of these girls to pose for these shots, they did it on their own.

I claim they get moist and dewey inside from looking at themselves which puts them more in the mood, and improves their performance, jajajaja.

If you're just a wet mud hole fucker and this kind of stuff doesn't matter to you then forget about it which you probably have already done if you even read this far, jajajaja, perhaps I am delusional but I have this crazy idea that you can get a lot more bang for the buck, pun intended, with what should be a trivial amount of extra money for anybody who can afford to be here except maybe I do not have a good feel for the guys who are here on a shoestring budget. Keep On Keepin' On, Osteeeee Out!You sir, are a genius.

12-18-21, 03:01
Pegasis, Unicorns, Pheonix, just a few of the myths about beautiful creatures so yes by all means add "beautiful women in Medellin" to that list and encourage all to go to Tijuana. It just fine with me. ISS only allows ten photos or I could do this all day. Hundreds like this a Whatsapp message away, do not have to leave my apartment. Of course there is no accounting for tastes especially bad tastes like mine. I can't help myself thise ugly women just do it for me.Can you please share their contacts and rates?

12-18-21, 03:14
Your right in that I don't like the transformation of Centro caused by all the newbie mongers, but for me and others on this board who have been around a while, they don't like it either, it's like our personal turf has been invaded. I don't really hate the overpaying mongers, even though I wish they would leave and not come back.

You can't blame them for being here because of the Pandemic. Put yourself in their shoes, if I was an exclusive pre-pandemic SEA guy, I would be here in a heartbeat as well.

For many guys who aren't retired and don't have as much free time on their hands, hitting Tijuana for a few days, and then being able to come to Medellin for a week like in your case is perfect.

I used to do exactly the same thing years ago, but every time after visiting Medellin for a few weeks and then visiting Tijuana, I found it to be very depressing, and couldn't wait to get back to Medellin.I also don't speak any Spanish, so it's all google translate in Colombia. Most of the girls at HK club that I chatted with spoke enough English that I never had to use google translate. On top of that, I can feel on their tits and ass for $1 which is a great value. I'm more of a gusto guy, so in terms of cost vs HK club it's a wash. It's a cheap 1 hour flight from the Bay Area to San Diego airport and a 30 min Uber ride to the border vs 10 hours flight time from the bay to Colombia. I think the SEA mongers will leave MDE as soon as SEA opens back up as they likely fly all the way out there because they prefer Asians over other races. Cost of sex has increased in Tijuana as well, pre-pandemic they were $80, now the standard is $100.

I disagreed with Captain and another member in the Tijuana thread when they mentioned Colombia has a lot of fat women. Colombians, Venezuelans, and Brazilians take much better care of their body than Mexicans and the obesity data confirms this.

12-18-21, 03:34
I have not been to Parque Lleras in a number of years. I will go on occasion for celebrations or sporting events. I do know that many of the girls that I inseminate in the afternoon go there to sell it at night for 10 or 15 times more than they are paid by me.

12-18-21, 04:39

Don't know where the pics come from, but why the women at P Lleras, La Isla and casas are just the opposites of your pics?

Beautiful and ugly women are in every country. You can't expect the casual mongers to go to Colombia and spend 10 years hopefully to find a few hot women. We are talking about mongering chasing WGs here, not spending years chasing a few women.Do a survey on ISG and ask the black mongers why they like Colombia / MDE so much?

12-18-21, 05:32
I guess you are behind on the news.The USA already requires tourists to be vaccinated to enter as of November 8.

How many unvaccinated tourists are in Colombian hospitals with covid at the moment?It has nothing to do with unvaccinated tourists in the hospitals. What Colombia is trying to do is to protect their unvaccinated people until they can get the rest of them vaccinated. They really don't care about tourists who are stupid enough to fake a vaccine card and enter the country illegally.

12-18-21, 05:44

Don't know where the pics come from, but why the women at P Lleras, La Isla and casas are just the opposites of your pics?

Beautiful and ugly women are in every country. You can't expect the casual mongers to go to Colombia and spend 10 years hopefully to find a few hot women. We are talking about mongering chasing WGs here, not spending years chasing a few women.Well said Captain, I agree. The casual monger going in for a week or 2 will not land these type of women consistently. The casas, OMG, I could not find 1 hot girl in New Life, Energy, or Zandaly that I could bang. Parque Lleras, as I said, had very few hot girls. The long term monger living in any destination such as Medellin, Pattaya, Bangkok, Angeles City, Kiev, Sao Paulo, Jaco, etc. will easily be able to develop a huge roster of top notch gals after having lived in the city. Nobody is saying there are not top beauties in Medellin; it's just not the mythical place some mongers make it out to be for the short term monger like several of us have said. It really takes time and duration to develop girls on a roster like this. One of my friends was there 2 months and he did have several regulars like Mojos so they can be had but who has this kind of time for 1 destination except for a handful of us.

So, again, like you said, it has to be in context of short term mongering duration as this is what most of us do and this is what Mojo is doing which is comparing apples to oranges (short term mongering destinations vs. living in a popular mongering city).

12-18-21, 05:50

Don't know where the pics come from, but why the women at P Lleras, La Isla and casas are just the opposites of your pics?

Beautiful and ugly women are in every country. You can't expect the casual mongers to go to Colombia and spend 10 years hopefully to find a few hot women. We are talking about mongering chasing WGs here, not spending years chasing a few women.On average I spend about 15 minutes per woman finding girls like that in Medellin. Actually, I don't even look for them these days. Mostly they find me. At one point I was getting more than 50 new girls hitting me up every week.

It's funny you mentioned in another post about HK girls who could be international models. I've got contact info for about 20 girls in Medellin who are international models. I haven't pursued many of them because I prefer the girl next door type. I also don't see a need to pay $100-$150 for a 9.5, when I can get a 9 for half the price who will stay twice as long.

12-18-21, 06:14
Well said Captain, I agree. The casual monger going in for a week or 2 will not land these type of women consistently. The casas, OMG, I could not find 1 hot girl in New Life, Energy, or Zandaly that I could bang. Parque Lleras, as I said, had very few hot girls. The long term monger living in any destination such as Medellin, Pattaya, Bangkok, Angeles City, Kiev, Sao Paulo, Jaco, etc. will easily be able to develop a huge roster of top notch gals after having lived in the city. Nobody is saying there are not top beauties in Medellin; it's just not the mythical place some mongers make it out to be for the short term monger like several of us have said. It really takes time and duration to develop girls on a roster like this. One of my friends was there 2 months and he did have several regulars like Mojos so they can be had but who has this kind of time for 1 destination except for a handful of us.

So, again, like you said, it has to be in context of short term mongering duration as this is what most of us do and this is what Mojo is doing which is comparing apples to oranges (short term mongering destinations vs. living in a popular mongering city).For a short term weekend romp, Medellin is the best all rounder when you factor in distance from USA, price of girls, selection of girls, gringo friendly city, safety, looks / attitude of girls, types of venues, and weather. Now it may not be best in all of these categories, and of course beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but factoring all that together Medellin is the best city for Mongering if you are coming from the USA. I have been all over Mexico, DR, and Colombia. Medellin is your best bet. If you have money, want a classier experience, the big cities of Mexico are better. Don't show up looking like a lazy slob with a wad of cash, you'll get a bad experience. One thing I have learned, making the most of your trip is not so much about the destination or even the girl, its' about you and being on top of your game and being ready to enjoy yourself. If you are your best self, eating right, exercising, being socially appropriate, brushing up on Spanish, dressing with style, budget appropriately, etc. You will have a great fucking time almost anywhere in Latin America. Maybe you won't party like a Rockstar with a 10, but you will have a hell of a time with a 7 or 8 if you give it your all and prepare right.

Sleeper city- Mazatlan, Mexico. Get fucked up and drive a rental Razr UTV along the Malecon with a bottle of bubbly and a young Latina, can't go wrong. Only downside is the heat.

12-18-21, 06:25
Pegasis, Unicorns, Pheonix, just a few of the myths about beautiful creatures so yes by all means add "beautiful women in Medellin" to that list and encourage all to go to Tijuana. It just fine with me. ISS only allows ten photos or I could do this all day. Hundreds like this a Whatsapp message away, do not have to leave my apartment. Of course there is no accounting for tastes especially bad tastes like mine. I can't help myself thise ugly women just do it for me.I have seen plenty glamor shots of facebook girls, but when they arrive, they do not look as glamorous. Most of the time, she would be like girl next door type rather than 8 or 9 she appear in her pictures. So I have lowered my expectations in Columbia and get happy when I hit 7 and occasional 8. It does not cost so much, so it is easy to be happy with whatever I get for so little.

I have been to HK in Tijuana few times, and I was blown away by stunner quality of girls at HK. But I did not partake any at HK and used mostly agency escorts as I look for GFE provider which is rare in HK. It is rare in Columbia too unless one spends many months in Columbia. I found many GFE among fb girls but they were not stunners.

Mojo Bandit
12-18-21, 06:28
So, again, like you said, it has to be in context of short term mongering duration as this is what most of us do and this is what Mojo is doing which is comparing apples to oranges (short term mongering destinations vs. living in a popular mongering city).I do not undersand why you say this. I do not live in Medellin nor have I ever spent more than 10 days there. I had chicas like those every day on my first trip (some of those very chicas) all coming to my apartment. I did spend about 2 months studying the Medellin thread and reading back for several moths. I think you can make several trips and come up dry if you do not prepare properly and use this forum wisely.

You really need to actually read the forum. Not just this thread either, you could start by look through the "links to posts of distinction" as they are related to Medellin, pay particular attention to Nounces post with my moniker on it and JjBee62 and JohnHancock11. Your last line of defense now is to complain about how long the homework I have just given you is going to take. But its what there is of you want to see the truely quality women in Medellin.

Mojo Bandit
12-18-21, 06:33
I found many GFE among fb girls but they were not stunners.I probably put more research time in than most guys are willing to do, making sure they have consistent photos that are recent for example and discussing GFE upfront before I even set a date. Because of this I have not had any show up that did not look like their photo and I have always gotten GFE plus -.

12-18-21, 07:06
I do not undersand why you say this. I do not live in Medellin nor have I ever spent more than 10 days there. I had chicas like those every day on my first trip (some of those very chicas) all coming to my apartment. I did spend about 2 months studying the Medellin thread and reading back for several moths. I think you can make several trips and come up dry if you do not prepare properly and use this forum wisely.

You really need to actually read the forum. Not just this thread either, you could start by look through the "links to posts of distinction" as they are related to Medellin, pay particular attention to Nounces post with my moniker on it and JjBee62 and JohnHancock11. Your last line of defense now is to complain about how long the homework I have just given you is going to take. But its what there is of you want to see the truely quality women in Medellin.My apologies and I retract my statement then Mojo. I made the assumption you lived there as your prior posts said from "my apartment in Medellin" so I assumed you lived there which wouldn't be so bad. Also, I looked back on your last 12 pages of posts and all were from Medellin. Incidentally, I actually was with one of the gals you had, Kate Zualaga and she is from Bello. It's the first girl on the lower right of your first set of pics. She does not look quite as good in person as her photos and actually had a smelly odor down south in my session but she was very nice. I must say, some of your girls were really hot.

I do agree, that maybe I hit the ground running and should have done more FB setups. I will take your advice, read those other mongers reports and do it on the next trip.
Last question, just curious, were most or all of these gals from FB ?

12-18-21, 07:12
Sure they do. But in their quest to fit in, some foreigners hold it dear to their hearts that if they wear shorts or ballcaps then they are breaking some kind of cultural law and will be made fun of before being banished from the country.

No problem being seen picking up hookers anytime of day or night, but do not dare be caught in a pair of shorts.

In reality nobody gives a shit what you wear. Most people are too busy minding their own business.Ok great. I dgaf what people think, but if this was some sort of cultural thing then I didn't want to be "that" guy. I've been to other places in SA where literally nobody gave a shit about anything.

12-18-21, 07:14

Girls at p Lleras, some really lumpy, gross-looking, heavily tatted, all quoted 200 M Cops or $50 for half and 300 M Cops for full hour. They fixed their prices.

Camilla was the nice, clean, best-looking in the area. I could not get away with less. I was disgusted with her dead fish odor in the first round, would never want to stick my dick into her stinky, infected pussy again, but asked for second any way just to see how she would react. If she did not play hard games and try to steal my luggage, I would have given her double that rathhhatj mom.Hahah dude the fish market snatch would be enough for me to boot her right out the door. I only smelled that once when I was like 20 years old in the back of my car at a keg party. Soon as I took off her pants I was punched in the face with the fish smell. I ended up smashing with rolling the windows down, but I told myself never again.

12-18-21, 07:21
Don't know where the pics come from, but why the women at P Lleras, La Isla and casas are just the opposites of your pics?

Beautiful and ugly women are in every country. You can't expect the casual monger.

I will say, these chicas don't take a lot of work to date, or do they take a lot of time to find. I visit a couple times a year & have dated 3 of the girls that mojo featured in his pics. I found them on Facebook & made a quik ez date, $50-$60 usd was the price, for 2 hrs in my hotel room with DFK, BBBJ etc etc. As 4 Tijuana, in Hong Kong, its $100 usd for 1/2 HR. , + $19 room fee, + $9 to buy a drink to try to chat her up, + tip for waiter, robe guy, room cleaner. About $130 for actually 25 minutes, as the guy is knocking on the door to get you out, & BBBJ etc is very, very difficult to find. You make the call!

12-18-21, 07:21
I guess there must be something wrong with us guys who love these grossly obese and ugly girls in Medellin.Too bad there is no upvote button.

The is the Medellin I know. Most of the so called hot ones in HK, you wouldn't even recognize during the day in sunlight because of the cake up makeup. Don't be fooled by the dark HK lighting amigos.

These paisas blow HK hotties away imo.

Mojo Bandit
12-18-21, 07:41
Last question, just curious, were most or all of these gals from FB ?Check your PM.

12-18-21, 13:56
I have checked few fb links of girls posted in this thread and contacted / befriended them. However, it is quite painful and takes long time to contact their friends and so on.

Does anyone here have any contacts that you can kindly PM me. I prefer English speaking girls because my Spanish is very basic and I don't enjoy sex without any connection at all.

Thank you.

Steve 9696
12-18-21, 14:31
I probably put more research time in than most guys are willing to do, making sure they have consistent photos that are recent for example and discussing GFE upfront before I even set a date. Because of this I have not had any show up that did not look like their photo and I have always gotten GFE plus -.I know there has been a lot of contention in this thread but there are a few nuggets of wisdom to be had I think.

1. Research matters. A lot. You have to spend the time to figure out what format is going to meet your needs and dig in deeply once you figure it out. At first I thought London was lame. Until I figured out the escort agencies are where it's at. Then I figured out the best three. Then I figured out how to pick the best girls there. And now London is awesome.

I used to think the US was lame. Then through a lot of research I found P411 which was pretty good. Then I found Seeking which was a whole new world. Then I built a process on Seekkng for finding the gems. And yes it. Takes an hour a day to keep weeding and feeding but the bounty is so worth it.

2. Venue matters. A lot. Your research leads you to the correct venue FOR YOU and that is the key. Once you find the venue that offers what you want you can then invest the time to get the girl you want. I happen to be a complete newbie to Medellin. But I've done the research. I've made friends on ISG who know it deeply. For my style I will use Facebook girls, as my ISG friend is forever sending me videos of fucking Facebook hotties (three at a time) bareback and yes they are hotties and yes it's him and videos don't lie like pics can. But the point is not FB girls are the best. Simply the best FOR ME after researching.

Have fun fellas. Good news is there is as much pussy in the world as there are opinions on this forum!

Captain Solo
12-18-21, 17:16

I have never met so many fast thieving putas anywhere in the world like in Medellin. It's obvious they intended and planned to steal from the start.

To blame mongers for having their valuables stolen by putas is just a losers' argument.

The bros should take pictures of the putas and their IDs before letting them into the room as a security measure. It should help deter crimes unless the putas steal their phones and disappear fast.

This pretty half Venezuelan spinner in CTG was a fully documented sweetheart. She was mice, sweet, fun and sexy, open to anything. I gave her tel to a few bros and they were able to make contact. Be nice and have sexy fun with her.

12-18-21, 18:02
It has changed. Locals or not, few people frequent the place unless they are associated with the game as providers, clients, or facilitators. Even Centro is more civilian friendly because unlike Parque Lleras there are businesses that aren't catering to prepagos and punters.That is a huge change then. Last time I stayed there (small hotel on corner beside Gustos), just before the pandemic, on a Friday or Saturday night there would be tens of thousands of locals there at bars, clubs, etc. And only a small proportion of them were working girls, or their clients. The party went all night, but would finally get quiet around 7 AM.

12-18-21, 18:56
That is a huge change then. Last time I stayed there (small hotel on corner beside Gustos), just before the pandemic, on a Friday or Saturday night there would be tens of thousands of locals there at bars, clubs, etc. And only a small proportion of them were working girls, or their clients. The party went all night, but would finally get quiet around 7 AM.If you walk thru Lleras these days, and I walk thru there every couple of days, it's at about 50% in terms of eating and drinking establishments that are in business. Yet, if you go up 2-3 blocks above Lleras, to the Provenza area, it's in full swing with literally no vacant, abandoned, and / or boarded up places.

I ate in Provenza Friday night, and after dinner took a stroll around the area and it was hopping. Totally different than the Lleras area, which I walked thru a few evenings ago.

It's almost like a war took place around the Lleras area, with vacant and deserted places along the park being shuttered and abandoned.

I also believe that there are more girls now working LLeras than before the Pandemic. I think this because of the economy, the influx of Venezuelans, and the smarter Centro girls trying to hit pay-dirt.

I also noticed over the last few weeks a few girls working on Calle 10 as well, from about Parque Poblado up to the Provenza area.

And about six months ago, there were some very questionable providers working Calle 10, but haven't noticed them lately.

12-18-21, 18:58
I have checked few fb links of girls posted in this thread and contacted / befriended them. However, it is quite painful and takes long time to contact their friends and so on.

Does anyone here have any contacts that you can kindly PM me. I prefer English speaking girls because my Spanish is very basic and I don't enjoy sex without any connection at all..Then Colombia is the wrong destination for you my friend. Based on my experience, only one girl I found off tinder was fluent in English and she spent years using duo lingo. I get what you're saying, it's a hassle having to use google translate to communicate and after the session I'm too lazy to pull my phone out to have a conversation with the girl over google translate. As stated, that is the key advantage I found in HK club at Tijuana over Colombia. Communication is a must if GFE is what you like.

12-18-21, 19:02
I will say, these chicas don't take a lot of work to date, or do they take a lot of time to find. I visit a couple times a year & have dated 3 of the girls that mojo featured in his pics. I found them on Facebook & made a quik ez date, $50-$60 usd was the price, for 2 hrs in my hotel room with DFK, BBBJ etc etc. As 4 Tijuana, in Hong Kong, its $100 usd for 1/2 HR. , + $19 room fee, + $9 to buy a drink to try to chat her up, + tip for waiter, robe guy, room cleaner. About $130 for actually 25 minutes, as the guy is knocking on the door to get you out, & BBBJ etc is very, very difficult to find. You make the call!I was a bit skeptical as the girls mojo posted look like the Colombian IG models that I follow. I sure didn't see talent like that on the streets. Good to know the photos mojo posted are legit. Some fake mongers would steal photos off blogs and try to pass it off as real personal experience jajaja.

Fun Luvr
12-18-21, 19:09
I arrived Thursday night at about 11 pm. Immigration was checking everyone's vaccine card and the Check-mig document. That is the first time they have checked Check-mig on arrival. I had spent 161 days in Colombia this year. I am staying 11 days this trip. The immigration agent questioned me about the number of days I had remaining. He said he could only authorize 14 days. That was more than I needed, but I thought it was strange. That would take me to December 30. He wrote 14 on the visa stamp.

While standing in line at immigration, a couple behind me asked about entry requirements. I told them all the requirements that are on the Copa website. I also discussed the entry requirements to the US when they return. I commented that it was a stupid Biden rule to get the Covid test one day before departure, and repeated what the CEO of Southwest Airlines said about masks on airplanes. There was a young woman in front of me who turned around and said "You all can stop that conversation". I suppose she is the typical liberal - suppress all speech they don't agree with.

Because it was late, I could not check in at the airbnb I rented. I stayed one night at Hotel Sauces del Estadio in Laureles. Costs was 132,000 COP for one "king-sized" room with free breakfast. The room was pretty small with a queen-sized bed, even though their web site says a king-sized bed. The hotel is chica friendly for one guest if you reserve for two, no extra charge. I didn't ask if a different guest was allowed. The hotel staff were very friendly, both at night and the next morning.

12-18-21, 19:32
I arrived Thursday night at about 11 pm. Immigration was checking everyone's vaccine card and the Check-mig document. That is the first time they have checked Check-mig on arrival. I had spent 161 days in Colombia this year. I am staying 11 days this trip. The immigration agent questioned me about the number of days I had remaining. He said he could only authorize 14 days. That was more than I needed, but I thought it was strange. That would take me to December 30. He wrote 14 on the visa stamp.

While standing in line at immigration, a couple behind me asked about entry requirements. I told them all the requirements that are on the Copa website. I also discussed the entry requirements to the US when they return. I commented that it was a stupid Biden rule to get the Covid test one day before departure, and repeated what the CEO of Southwest Airlines said about masks on airplanes. There was a young woman in front of me who turned around and said "You all can stop that conversation". I suppose she is the typical liberal - suppress all speech they don't agree with.

Because it was late, I could not check in at the airbnb I rented. I stayed one night at Hotel Sauces del Estadio in Laureles. Costs was 132,000 COP for one "king-sized" room with free breakfast. The room was pretty small with a queen-sized bed, even though their web site says a king-sized bed. The hotel is chica friendly for one guest if you reserve for two, no extra charge. I didn't ask if a different guest was allowed. The hotel staff were very friendly, both at night and the next morning.One-guest-free policy means that each additional guest that you bring will cost you at a rate that they don't advertise until you check-in the first time. They do not disclose these policies and charges on booking sites. So its a scam.

At one hotel, they would not let the girl come to my room until I come down to reception in person and sign some paper.

12-18-21, 19:35

I have never met so many fast thieving putas anywhere in the world like in Medellin. It's obvious they intended and planned to steal from the start.

To blame mongers for having their valuables stolen by putas is just a losers' argument.

If you already know that you are a mark in Medellin, than you play at your own risk. Self awareness is very important. I never blame the girls because I think many people would do the same or worse if they were in their shoes. I'm actually surprised more dudes don't report getting got given the economy and poverty in Medellin.

12-18-21, 19:43
If you walk thru Lleras these days, and I walk thru there every couple of days, it's at about 50% in terms of eating and drinking establishments that are in business. Yet, if you go up 2-3 blocks above Lleras, to the Provenza area, it's in full swing with literally no vacant, abandoned, and / or boarded up places.

I ate in Provenza Friday night, and after dinner took a stroll around the area and it was hopping. Totally different than the Lleras area, which I walked thru a few evenings ago.

It's almost like a war took place around the Lleras area, with vacant and deserted places along the park being shuttered and abandoned.

I also believe that there are more girls now working LLeras than before the Pandemic. I think this because of the economy, the influx of Venezuelans, and the smarter Centro girls trying to hit pay-dirt.

I also noticed over the last few weeks a few girls working on Calle 10 as well, from about Parque Poblado up to the Provenza area.

And about six months ago, there were some very questionable providers working Calle 10, but haven't noticed them lately.Are you saying lots of working girls now hang out in Provenza or just that the businesses are in full swing?

12-18-21, 20:43
I have checked few fb links of girls posted in this thread and contacted / befriended them. However, it is quite painful and takes long time to contact their friends and so on.

Does anyone here have any contacts that you can kindly PM me. I prefer English speaking girls because my Spanish is very basic and I don't enjoy sex without any connection at all..The solution is to spend some effort learning better Spanish. If you limit yourself to English speaking girls in Colombia you've already eliminated 95% of them.

12-18-21, 20:50
I know there has been a lot of contention in this thread but there are a few nuggets of wisdom to be had I think.

1. Research matters. A lot. You have to spend the time to figure out what format is going to meet your needs and dig in deeply once you figure it out. At first I thought London was lame. Until I figured out the escort agencies are where it's at. Then I figured out the best three. Then I figured out how to pick the best girls there. And now London is awesome.

I used to think the US was lame. Then through a lot of research I found P411 which was pretty good. Then I found Seeking which was a whole new world. Then I built a process on Seekkng for finding the gems. And yes it. Takes an hour a day to keep weeding and feeding but the bounty is so worth it.

2. Venue matters. A lot. Your research leads you to the correct venue FOR YOU and that is the key. Once you find the venue that offers what you want you can then invest the time to get the girl you want. I happen to be a complete newbie to Medellin. But I've done the research. I've made friends on ISG who know it deeply. For my style I will use Facebook girls, as my ISG friend is forever sending me videos of fucking Facebook hotties (three at a time) bareback and yes they are hotties and yes it's him and videos don't lie like pics can. But the point is not FB girls are the best. Simply the best FOR ME after researching.That should be required reading. I would add in location. Once you know what venue and type of girls you prefer, find the country which has what you want.

As a younger man, 30-40, I would have loved Hong Kong club, or FKK clubs, but these days that's not appealing to me. Once you disappear down the Facebook rabbit hole, it's a whole new world.

12-18-21, 21:15

I have never met so many fast thieving putas anywhere in the world like in Medellin. It's obvious they intended and planned to steal from the start.

To blame mongers for having their valuables stolen by putas is just a losers' argument.

The bros should take pictures of the putas and their IDs before letting them into the room as a security measure. It should help deter crimes unless the putas steal their phones and disappear fast.

This pretty half Venezuelan spinner in CTG was a fully documented sweetheart. She was mice, sweet, fun and sexy, open to anything. I gave her tel to a few bros and they were able to make contact. Be nice and have sexy fun with her.To refuse to acknowledge your actions enabled the theft is a losers argument.

We're all adults, responsible for our own actions. If you left your new BMW running while you went into a convenience store in a low income neighborhood, when you found someone had stolen it, would you be blaming the thief, or would you accept that your failure to protect your valuables, contributed to your loss?

Most of the girls live way below the poverty line. For many of them, hot water is a luxury. For some of them, running water and windows with glass, rather than a sheet of plastic, are luxuries. Quite a few of them sleep on a piece of foam on the floor, which is either simple cement, or even dirt. You don't know them, they aren't your friend. They probably don't even like you. If you leave valuables, worth 4 months of their income, laying around unattended, why wouldn't you expect something to be taken?

There are certainly women in Medellin who I wouldn't trust alone with my valuables. The simple solution is, I don't leave them alone with my valuables. They are there to fuck me. They aren't there to establish a long term business partnership based on mutual trust. Except for what I'm paying them, the money I have isn't something I need to make available to them. My wallet, credit cards and electronics aren't necessary for the fucking process. All of that stuff should be out of sight and inaccessible.

If you leave it all out in the open, accept responsibility for failing to protect your stuff.

Mr Enternational
12-18-21, 21:17
I have never met so many fast thieving putas anywhere in the world like in Medellin. It's obvious they intended and planned to steal from the start.

To blame mongers for having their valuables stolen by putas is just a losers' argument.The problem is being naive as to think hookers do not or should not steal. That is all in the job description. They get it with their lips, hips, and fingertips. How is this a newsflash for you when it has been going on for centuries? Most hookers could steal stink out of shit if they wanted to, especially from a dude with a hard dick that is not thinking right.

12-18-21, 21:23
If you walk thru Lleras these days, and I walk thru there every couple of days, it's at about 50% in terms of eating and drinking establishments that are in business. Yet, if you go up 2-3 blocks above Lleras, to the Provenza area, it's in full swing with literally no vacant, abandoned, and / or boarded up places.

I ate in Provenza Friday night, and after dinner took a stroll around the area and it was hopping. Totally different than the Lleras area, which I walked thru a few evenings ago.

It's almost like a war took place around the Lleras area, with vacant and deserted places along the park being shuttered and abandoned.

I also believe that there are more girls now working LLeras than before the Pandemic. I think this because of the economy, the influx of Venezuelans, and the smarter Centro girls trying to hit pay-dirt.

I also noticed over the last few weeks a few girls working on Calle 10 as well, from about Parque Poblado up to the Provenza area..By questionable providers are you referring to the couple of trannies working Calle 10? Saw them last year. Didn't spend much time in Provenza, just dinner one night, but Lleras was as you described. Lots of empty places, minimal crowds.

As for working girls in the area, the low hanging fruit are in the park. You'll find better ones in Gusto, at much higher prices. The best ones I've seen are in the surrounding streets, in the other clubs or restaurants.

12-18-21, 23:46
I arrived Thursday night at about 11 pm. Immigration was checking everyone's vaccine card and the Check-mig document. That is the first time they have checked Check-mig on arrival. I had spent 161 days in Colombia this year. I am staying 11 days this trip. The immigration agent questioned me about the number of days I had remaining. He said he could only authorize 14 days. That was more than I needed, but I thought it was strange. That would take me to December 30. He wrote 14 on the visa stamp.

While standing in line at immigration, a couple behind me asked about entry requirements. I told them all the requirements that are on the Copa website. I also discussed the entry requirements to the US when they return. I commented that it was a stupid Biden rule to get the Covid test one day before departure, and repeated what the CEO of Southwest Airlines said about masks on airplanes. There was a young woman in front of me who turned around and said "You all can stop that conversation". I suppose she is the typical liberal - suppress all speech they don't agree with.

Because it was late, I could not check in at the airbnb I rented. I stayed one night at Hotel Sauces del Estadio in Laureles. Costs was 132,000 COP for one "king-sized" room with free breakfast. The room was pretty small with a queen-sized bed, even though their web site says a king-sized bed. The hotel is chica friendly for one guest if you reserve for two, no extra charge. I didn't ask if a different guest was allowed. The hotel staff were very friendly, both at night and the next morning.You started off strong. It's good to know Migracion is also checking the Check Mig form now. The way they figure days is confusing at times. I had stayed 178 days before I got my 6 month student visa, but the expiration of my student visa was 1 year and 1 week after my initial entry.

After that you went downhill.

The girl was right. There's a time and place for certain conversations and that was neither the time nor the place. Try a different subject and see how it makes you feel? For example, if someone behind you said "If Trump hadn't been stupid about Covid, we wouldn't have to get tested now", how would you feel?

*The preceding was merely an illustration to show how different people are offended by different things. It is not a judgement on any political party or figure.

Continuing, she was not suppressing your speech. She simply stated that that was not the place for that type of talk. Examples are easy to come by. Here's one which has happened to me. You're sitting and enjoying your meal at a nice restaurant and the people at the next table are loudly discussing their various health issues, including all the gory details. It's disgusting. If you ask them to save that discussion for another time and place, are you suppressing their speech?

The irony of your mention of the CEO of Southwest airlines argument against masks on planes is that he just tested positive for Covid.

There's a quite simple way to look at masks on planes. Every flight, the safety briefing mentions the life vests and seat cushions as flotation devices, in the event of a water landing. Not all flights fly over any body of water big enough for a water landing, but they still give all the details.

The safety briefing is mainly to make passengers feel safer. Let's face it, if the plane crashes, they'll be picking up body parts with a shovel. There are plenty of people with anxiety about flying. Would you rather be sitting next to one who is freaking out, or one who believes that seatbelt is going to do any good in event of a crash?

There are plenty of people who have anxiety about Covid. Even if the masks are not effective in any way, they serve to provide a bit of peace of mind for some people.

As for the continued lament about the 1 day prior testing requirement, at worst it's a minor inconvenience. Why are people treating it as if it's the end of the world? It only takes an hour or less to get the results, so 3 days or 1 day really doesn't matter. I suppose if you were flying back to the US at 12:10 am on Monday, and your only option was to get tested Sunday and Sunday was Christmas day, it might be a problem.

12-19-21, 00:45
If you already know that you are a mark in Medellin, than you play at your own risk. Self awareness is very important. I never blame the girls because I think many people would do the same or worse if they were in their shoes. I'm actually surprised more dudes don't report getting got given the economy and poverty in Medellin.Just a matter of reporting.

12-19-21, 00:54
This went over my head. What are you getting at?

Do a survey on ISG and ask the black mongers why they like Colombia / MDE so much?

12-19-21, 01:01
There are comparatively few providers around Provenza and they operate very subtly. Even fewer of them stroll the area unaccompanied because the business owners and city agencies don't permit it. It's nothing like Parque Lleras. As I wrote in an earlier post, Parque Lleras is all about punters, providers, and the businesses that cater to them. Provenza is a place to go out where you don't have to deal with a punter / provider centric environment. A well known restaurant in Provenza for years has prominently displayed a sign in its entrance area that reads (in English) "say no to the sex tourist!

Are you saying lots of working girls now hang out in Provenza or just that the businesses are in full swing?

12-19-21, 01:21
The problem is being naive as to think hookers do not or should not steal. That is all in the job description. They get it with their lips, hips, and fingertips. How is this a newsflash for you when it has been going on for centuries? Most hookers could steal stink out of shit if they wanted to, especially from a dude with a hard dick that is not thinking right.Almost everyone of the working girls in SF and walking the street are controlled by boyfriends. And many of them have the devils breath and will use it when the time is right. Be careful eating or drinking anything when you are with these girls. Lock your door and inspect their handbags before you let them out. MY old wing man, God rest his soul, was very lax with these girls and had one girl steal a few dresses he had for gifts for other girls, never saw a bump under her clothes or anything. I suspect she put them on under her jeans and coat in the bathroom. Remember these girls are very street smart and have lived in Bogota their whole life and are 2 steps ahead of 90% of Gringos.

12-19-21, 03:40
Don't know where the pics come from, but why the women at P Lleras, La Isla and casas are just the opposites of your pics?

Beautiful and ugly women are in every country. You can't expect the casual monger.

I will say, these chicas don't take a lot of work to date, or do they take a lot of time to find. I visit a couple times a year & have dated 3 of the girls that mojo featured in his pics. I found them on Facebook & made a quik ez date, $50-$60 usd was the price, for 2 hrs in my hotel room with DFK, BBBJ etc etc. As 4 Tijuana, in Hong Kong, its $100 usd for 1/2 HR. , + $19 room fee, + $9 to buy a drink to try to chat her up, + tip for waiter, robe guy, room cleaner. About $130 for actually 25 minutes, as the guy is knocking on the door to get you out, & BBBJ etc is very, very difficult to find. You make the call!Shemp, you got this all wrong.

Firstly, many HK girls will go for 80 dollars and there is no time limit if you get a room.

If I am travelling to Tijuana, I go for at least 1 night or 2 nights and get a hotel room at Cascadas which is the hotel owned by HK. There is no charge for bringing a girl to a room if you are staying there. Also, if I go to Medellin, I am getting a hotel room as well, so the cost of room is pointless and cannot be brought up.

Buying a drink to chat her up is optional. You can go straight to your hotel room at Cascadas and not buy a drink. Heck, I always buy girls a drink in Medellin, Tijuana, Costa Rica, and anywhere I go to see if there is chemistry. So this also makes no sense to bring up in a comparison of Tijuana to Medellin.

If you go to Tijuana, do it for at least a couple of nights, and get a hotel room at Cascadas. You then tell your girl that you will go with her for an hour or 45 minutes for xyz price. Its all negotiable. Don't buy a drink if you do not want.

So the cost apples to apples is 50-80 dollars at HK and Captain Solo who is a regular says he gets many for 50 dollars. No sense in bringing up drinks, hotel fees which are or are not applicable in both countries / cities.

12-19-21, 03:43
Are you saying lots of working girls now hang out in Provenza or just that the businesses are in full swing?Provenza is not an area to find girls for mongering. It is 95 percent regular gals on dates with Colombian dudes, mongers, or with other friends. You may be lucky and find a few regular girls looking to meet gringos but they will not be hot quality young gals. It is a great place to start for dinner and drinks and then head down to PL or hit your gals on FB. Also, you can make a date with a gal there. But for straight-up mongering, Provenza is not the place.

12-19-21, 04:18
Are you saying lots of working girls now hang out in Provenza or just that the businesses are in full swing?I never said there are working girls in Provenza, I only mentioned them at Lleras and on Calle 10.

12-19-21, 04:27
Provenza is not an area to find girls for mongering. It is 95 percent regular gals on dates with Colombian dudes, mongers, or with other friends. You may be lucky and find a few regular girls looking to meet gringos but they will not be hot quality young gals. It is a great place to start for dinner and drinks and then head down to PL or hit your gals on FB. Also, you can make a date with a gal there. But for straight-up mongering, Provenza is not the place.Sounds like for whatever reason, that my post about Provenza inferred that there are working girls there, but if there are, I've never seen any. It's pretty much how you've described it.

12-19-21, 06:09
Hahah dude the fish market snatch would be enough for me to boot her right out the door. I only smelled that once when I was like 20 years old in the back of my car at a keg party. Soon as I took off her pants I was punched in the face with the fish smell. I ended up smashing with rolling the windows down, but I told myself never again.Bwahaha- you'd fuck her again.

12-19-21, 06:23

I have never met so many fast thieving putas anywhere in the world like in Medellin. It's obvious they intended and planned to steal from the start.

To blame mongers for having their valuables stolen by putas is just a losers' argument.

The bros should take pictures of the putas and their IDs before letting them into the room as a security measure. It should help deter crimes unless the putas steal their phones and disappear fast.

This pretty half Venezuelan spinner in CTG was a fully documented sweetheart. She was mice, sweet, fun and sexy, open to anything. I gave her tel to a few bros and they were able to make contact. Be nice and have sexy fun with her.LOL. I have never been anywhere where I assume the girl won't go through my pants if I have never seen her before. OK here's a story. When I first started to hobby. In Canada- I wanted to give a girl I had seen a few times a tip- I pulled out my wallet which even then I normally didn't take with me but I trusted her. She said to me- don't take your wallet in with you - _ I said why. She said one day you will come see me and you will forget about some money and you will think I stole it. And- she said. Most of these girls will steal it if they get a chance- BTW. What do you suppose you would do with their picture? Go to the police? I could absolutely see them putting out a APB to get your money back.

12-19-21, 06:28
Almost everyone of the working girls in SF and walking the street are controlled by boyfriends. And many of them have the devils breath and will use it when the time is right. Be careful eating or drinking anything when you are with these girls. Lock your door and inspect their handbags before you let them out. MY old wing man, God rest his soul, was very lax with these girls and had one girl steal a few dresses he had for gifts for other girls, never saw a bump under her clothes or anything. I suspect she put them on under her jeans and coat in the bathroom. Remember these girls are very street smart and have lived in Bogota their whole life and are 2 steps ahead of 90% of Gringos.Wrong city. If anyone is picking up street girls in Santa Fe and bringing them to Medellin, they might want to work on their mongering skills.

Once again, these are women you're paying for sex. They aren't your favorite cousin who has come to hang out with you for a few days. The only things they should be touching are the condom and the money you hand them on the way out the door. The only time they should be out of your sight is if they're in the bathroom and there shouldn't be anything in the bathroom worth stealing. Your wallet, passport, money and all other valuables should be out of sight and out of reach.

It's the same as having children in the house. You don't leave knives, poison and loaded guns laying around and then leave the children unsupervised. It's not a trust issue. It's simply understanding why the girl is there and sticking with the program.

12-19-21, 06:35
Pegasis, Unicorns, Pheonix, just a few of the myths about beautiful creatures so yes by all means add "beautiful women in Medellin" to that list and encourage all to go to Tijuana. It just fine with me. ISS only allows ten photos or I could do this all day. Hundreds like this a Whatsapp message away, do not have to leave my apartment. Of course there is no accounting for tastes especially bad tastes like mine. I can't help myself thise ugly women just do it for me.Top left is Angie Varona. Your not bagging Angie Varona so makes me wonder about all these other beauties you posted.

12-19-21, 11:57
Shemp, you got this all wrong.

Firstly, many HK girls will go for 80 dollars and there is no time limit if you get a room.

If I am travelling to Tijuana, I go for at least 1 night or 2 nights and get a hotel room at Cascadas which is the hotel owned by HK. There is no charge for bringing a girl to a room if you are staying there. Also, if I go to Medellin, I am getting a hotel room as well, so the cost of room is pointless and cannot be brought up.

Buying a drink to chat her up is optional. You can go straight to your hotel room at Cascadas and not buy a drink. Heck, I always buy girls a drink in Medellin, Tijuana, Costa Rica, and anywhere I go to see if there is chemistry. So this also makes no sense to bring up in a comparison of Tijuana to Medellin.

If you go to Tijuana, do it for at least a couple of nights, and get a hotel room at Cascadas. You then tell your girl that you will go with her for an hour or 45 minutes for xyz price. Its all negotiable. Don't buy a drink if you do not want.

So the cost apples to apples is 50-80 dollars at HK and Captain Solo who is a regular says he gets many for 50 dollars. No sense in bringing up drinks, hotel fees which are or are not applicable in both countries / cities.I'll take the comfort in my nice Hotel Du Parc room or the Energy airbnb over Cascadas shithole any day. Side Note: I would love to see the talent's face pics that charge $50 in HK!

As you said not buying 1 ficha, means there is no way to feel her mood / attitude. You can do that days / weeks in advance with a Facebook girl leading up to your trip, arrange a meeting time and place, have drinks if you wanted to build chemistry and get some mind blowing GFE BBBJ, even bare back pre negotiated if your Spanish is good if you wanted.

You have more control as a Monger to negotiate, more time to build some type of rapport. I live 10 minutes away from the San Ysidro border with a Sentri card, and MDE and Colombia just ruined TJ for me. And this coming from a weekly regular at HK. I only go once every 4-5 months now. But everyone is different.

12-19-21, 15:57
.... I'm actually surprised more dudes don't report getting got given the economy and poverty in Medellin.Not a bad point. In my close to 50 years of pursuing our hobby there was an attempted theft on me once which was in Medellin about 15 years ago. I was in a shower in a casa after the deed and got a compelling desire to go look at my trousers which were near the bed. I then saw the chica riffling through my pockets; she screamed when she saw me looking at her. It was quietsville while I put on my clothes. She followed me with a very concerned expression on her face as I passed the papasan on my way out telling him "gracias".

12-19-21, 16:39
I'll take the comfort in my nice Hotel Du Parc room or the Energy airbnb over Cascadas shithole any day. Side Note: I would love to see the talent's face pics that charge $50 in HK!

As you said not buying 1 ficha, means there is no way to feel her mood / attitude. You can do that days / weeks in advance with a Facebook girl leading up to your trip, arrange a meeting time and place, have drinks if you wanted to build chemistry and get some mind blowing GFE BBBJ, even bare back pre negotiated if your Spanish is good if you wanted.

You have more control as a Monger to negotiate, more time to build some type of rapport. I live 10 minutes away from the San Ysidro border with a Sentri card, and MDE and Colombia just ruined TJ for me. And this coming from a weekly regular at HK. I only go once every 4-5 months now. But everyone is different.I agree with you on all this, am a Sentri holder as well, meaning I can cross the border without having to wait in line, and live less than 2 hours from the border, but haven't been back in years.

What has precipitated all of these posts about Tijuana versus Medellin, which most guy's are tired of, is that we've had one poster who has come along and has basically dished all the women of Medellin, and I don't recall anyone doing something like this in the past on this board.

And I have no disrespect whatsoever for this poster, as everybody rolls different, and his reports were a welcome change-up and quite entertaining to say the least compared to lots of the posts we've been seeing lately.

Never seems to be a dull moment here!

Captain Solo
12-19-21, 16:45
Where have you been?

Plenty HK girls would go for $50 If they think they cannot squeeze more out of you.

Even the ugliest HK girls look better and act with more class than the fat freaks at Club Gusto and La Isla.

I did both girls for 1,000 pesos, BB with Mitzy. Mitzy is a fun girl from GDL. She moved to Tijuana so she's available year round. I have done the same deal with many other top HK girls, reported before, too many to repost.

Rafi Xo
12-19-21, 18:56
As you said not buying 1 ficha, means there is no way to feel her mood / attitude. You can do that days / weeks in advance with a Facebook girl leading up to your trip, arrange a meeting time and place, have drinks if you wanted to build chemistry and get some mind blowing GFE BBBJ, even bare back pre negotiated if your Spanish is good if you wanted.Pardon my ignore but what search criteria should I be using to find these type of girls in Facebook?

Mojo Bandit
12-19-21, 21:11
Top left is Angie Varona. Your not bagging Angie Varona so makes me wonder about all these other beauties you posted.I have not bagged that girl and yes it is Angie Verona, but I did not get that photo from Angie Verona's profiles. This profile that I took the photo from is catfishing and I assumed she was a Medellin FB prepago because she came up in my suggested friends and we have mutual friends in Medellin. I do not see any gringos in the catfish profile but she has 2700 friends so maybe. So I am posting her profile if anyone wants to check if she is in their list.


As for you "wondering" about the other photos, I just do not care. The guys who I wanted to help out all sent me private messages and I guided them to making their own lists. I never said that I had been with "all" those chicas, though I have been with most of them, the others on my immediate lists of want to get with next but that list has about 50 names. Minus the catfish chica now, thanks for that.

Mojo Bandit
12-19-21, 21:21
Pardon my ignore but what search criteria should I be using to find these type of girls in Facebook?Go to this link where BM Nounce made a post to the links to three different posts describing how to go about it.


Pinga 98
12-19-21, 22:01
All this conversation about "girl thieves" in Medellin made me reflect on my last few trips there. I have spent roughly five weeks there in the last three months on two different trips. Never a girl stole anything from me. I like to choose a few girls from Tinder and Cupid, get to know them well and then repeat them. Picking girls from street in Parque Lleras or Centro is beyond my pay grade. I am also not fluent in Spanish.

I stay in Airbnb and often go to the main entrance of the apartment building to pick up food / beer delivered by Rappi, leaving the girl alone in the room. Not once I saw something disappear. In fact, I intentionally left 50-100 k COP laying around on bed-side table and my wallet in the drawer. Just to test if I can trust the girl for repeat visits. I like to sleep with the girl overnight. A girl who steals 100 k COP is not worth the risk of falling asleep next to. So far, I have been lucky.

The girls who have "stolen" from me in Colombia are those whom I trusted and sent money in advance, before meeting them. I know, some of you will scream "How stupid are you?" But I have gained much more from girls who were needy than lost to those who were thieves. Among my regular Colombian chica friends are medical school student, a student of culinary school, an on-line "model", a waitress, an industrial safety expert and a teacher. I am curious about people, their lives and I stay in touch with those who have spent time with me. And yes, I help them when they are desperate because there is always a "next time".

For those mongers who are not simply trying to maximize their body-count or going after that illusive 10, I have a simple recommendation. If you have time, meet regular girls, take interest in their lives, treat them with respect and most of them will not violate your trust. I think if I was poor like them, I would be a much worse person than they are. I love the company of Paisas, I think they are beautiful and generous. I like to become part of their lives and I am rewarded by their love and generosity. Exciting though it is, sex is only a small part of my interaction with them.

12-19-21, 22:37
Well said. This is my experience in Medellin as well, down to the mongering style. Only difference is that I stay at hotels now and not Airbnb.

I find the girls that I hangout with are not thieves. In almost 8 years of my very frequent visits, only one item was ever stolen from me. I routinely leave girls in my room and go do stuff and come back. Lot of it is also selection. Like the original poster said, if you are seeing an college student or someone with a job already, highly unlikely that you will issues.

All this conversation about "girl thieves" in Medellin made me reflect on my last few trips there. I have spent roughly five weeks there in the last three months on two different trips. Never a girl stole anything from me. I like to choose a few girls from Tinder and Cupid, get to know them well and then repeat them. Picking girls from street in Parque Lleras or Centro is beyond my pay grade. I am also not fluent in Spanish.

I stay in Airbnb and often go to the main entrance of the apartment building to pick up food / beer delivered by Rappi, leaving the girl alone in the room. Not once I saw something disappear. In fact, I intentionally left 50-100 k COP laying around on bed-side table and my wallet in the drawer. Just to test if I can trust the girl for repeat visits. I like to sleep with the girl overnight. A girl who steals 100 k COP is not worth the risk of falling asleep next to. So far, I have been lucky.

The girls who have "stolen" from me in Colombia are those whom I trusted and sent money in advance, before meeting them. I know, some of you will scream "How stupid are you?" But I have gained much more from girls who were needy than lost to those who were thieves. Among my regular Colombian chica friends are medical school student, a student of culinary school, an on-line "model", a waitress, an industrial safety expert and a teacher. I am curious about people, their lives and I stay in touch with those who have spent time with me. And yes, I help them when they are desperate because there is always a "next time".

For those mongers who are not simply trying to maximize their body-count or going after that illusive 10, I have a simple recommendation. If you have time, meet regular girls, take interest in their lives, treat them with respect and most of them will not violate your trust. I think if I was poor like them, I would be a much worse person than they are. I love the company of Paisas, I think they are beautiful and generous. I like to become part of their lives and I am rewarded by their love and generosity. Exciting though it is, sex is only a small part of my interaction with them.

12-19-21, 23:26
Top left is Angie Varona. Your not bagging Angie Varona so makes me wonder about all these other beauties you posted.LOL I did mention that some of them look like IG models that I follow, and what do you know, I follow Angie Varona jaja.

12-19-21, 23:53
Where have you been?

Plenty HK girls would go for $50 If they think they cannot squeeze more out of you.

Even the ugliest HK girls look better and act with more class than the fat freaks at Club Gusto and La Isla.

I did both girls for 1,000 pesos, BB with Mitzy. Mitzy is a fun girl from GDL. She moved to Tijuana so she's available year round. I have done the same deal with many other top HK girls, reported before, too many to repost.I don't know what HK girls you're talking about that are available for $50 or 1000 pesos. Everyone on the HK board talks about chicas standing firm at $100/30 minutes and then service isn't guaranteed to be good. The latest reports are the street girls are holding out for $50 for a 20 minute session. You should know, you post on the Tijuana boards all the time.

We get it. You didn't like the chica experience in La Isla or Luna Lunera. I didn't even see that you posted being in Gusto's. What you fail to understand is that Medellin is completely different than Tijuana. In Tijuana. The scene is HK. That's pretty much it. Adelita's and Chicago are really down. The scene in Medellin is much more spread out and varied. FB, online, Lleras, Centro, even civilian chicks. Something for everyone to pick from. La Isla is a good time. But there are many options you didn't even explore. There are 10 x as many chicas in Medellin that are as hot or better than your "top tiered" girls in HK.

Moving on. Or better yet. Keep posting about how much better Tijuana is than Medellin. Everyone. Go to Tijuana. Stay away from Medellin!

Elvis 2008
12-20-21, 00:15
All this conversation about "girl thieves" in Medellin made me reflect on my last few trips there. I have spent roughly five weeks there in the last three months on two different trips. Never a girl stole anything from me. I like to choose a few girls from Tinder and Cupid, get to know them well and then repeat them. Picking girls from street in Parque Lleras or Centro is beyond my pay grade. I am also not fluent in Spanish.Great post, Pinga. That is practically a how to guide on the best way to meet and treat Colombian women.

Mr Enternational
12-20-21, 00:28
If you have time, meet regular girls, take interest in their lives, treat them with respect and most of them will not violate your trust. I think if I was poor like them, I would be a much worse person than they are. Why do you only meet poor chicks?

12-20-21, 01:16
So you're trying to justify that Medellin has hot girls by posting Catfish profile? That's kind of defeating the purpose of your posts.

I have not bagged that girl and yes it is Angie Verona, but I did not get that photo from Angie Verona's profiles. This profile that I took the photo from is catfishing and I assumed she was a Medellin FB prepago because she came up in my suggested friends and we have mutual friends in Medellin. I do not see any gringos in the catfish profile but she has 2700 friends so maybe. So I am posting her profile if anyone wants to check if she is in their list.


As for you "wondering" about the other photos, I just do not care. The guys who I wanted to help out all sent me private messages and I guided them to making their own lists. I never said that I had been with "all" those chicas, though I have been with most of them, the others on my immediate lists of want to get with next but that list has about 50 names. Minus the catfish chica now, thanks for that.

Pinga 98
12-20-21, 01:26
I don't possess the charm of Mr. E. 😆.

I am also not delusional to think that well-to-do Paisas are holding their breadth to meet middle-aged out-of-shape gringos.

Why do you only meet poor chicks?

Mr Enternational
12-20-21, 01:48
I am also not delusional to think that well-to-do Paisas are holding their breadth to meet middle-aged out-of-shape gringos.But there is also something in between those extremes.

12-20-21, 01:56
I have not bagged that girl and yes it is Angie Verona, but I did not get that photo from Angie Verona's profiles. This profile that I took the photo from is catfishing and I assumed she was a Medellin FB prepago because she came up in my suggested friends and we have mutual friends in Medellin. I do not see any gringos in the catfish profile but she has 2700 friends so maybe. So I am posting her profile if anyone wants to check if she is in their list.


As for you "wondering" about the other photos, I just do not care. The guys who I wanted to help out all sent me private messages and I guided them to making their own lists. I never said that I had been with "all" those chicas, though I have been with most of them, the others on my immediate lists of want to get with next but that list has about 50 names. Minus the catfish chica now, thanks for that.Might be a guy on the other end tbh. Think you assisted me back on my first trip. My Facebook list is pretty decent now thanks to you and a few others guidance. But I had to call BS on Angie. I've yet to see a Colombiana on her level of attractiveness. Maybe the face but not with the body to match. Most chicas over there don't work out so their bodies are average at best. You really got to spend some time to find gems in Colombia. I'm talking the real dimes. Most mongers coming here for a week or two tops will be disappointed when you gas them up with all those pics you posted catfish or real.

Pinga 98
12-20-21, 02:07
But there is also something in between those extremes.You are right, sir.

It was not that I was seeking poor chicks. It is just that the people I met, students, normal working people from every day life, faced hardships and odds, that were much greater than anything in my life. My reaction was more of an owe for their grit, surprise for their tenacity, respect for how they keep their dreams alive. I feel, a broad stroke to label all women who meet us as potential thieves, is unfair. I just wanted to present my experience as part of the overall picture.

12-20-21, 02:17
I agree with you on all this, am a Sentri holder as well, meaning I can cross the border without having to wait in line, and live less than 2 hours from the border, but haven't been back in years.

What has precipitated all of these posts about Tijuana versus Medellin, which most guy's are tired of, is that we've had one poster who has come along and has basically dished all the women of Medellin, and I don't recall anyone doing something like this in the past on this board.

And I have no disrespect whatsoever for this poster, as everybody rolls different, and his reports were a welcome change-up and quite entertaining to say the least compared to lots of the posts we've been seeing lately.

Never seems to be a dull moment here!He was like this on another monger boar old Tijuana Amigos. I think its all amusing and good fun.

12-20-21, 02:27
Where have you been?

Plenty HK girls would go for $50 If they think they cannot squeeze more out of you.

Even the ugliest HK girls look better and act with more class than the fat freaks at Club Gusto and La Isla.

I did both girls for 1,000 pesos, BB with Mitzy. Mitzy is a fun girl from GDL. She moved to Tijuana so she's available year round. I have done the same deal with many other top HK girls, reported before, too many to repost.I do agree I wouldn't pay more than $50 for these 2.

12-20-21, 02:31
Hey guys, I heard they opened a bar at the bottom of San Peter. Can anyone who's been there recently tell me how it is and how late it stays open? I'm going to stay there in a week and was wondering if they show American football there. TIA.

12-20-21, 02:41
I have a trip planned to Medellin the first week of January from the 5th to the 11th but I just found out it's a holiday. Do you guys think it would be still be a good time to go?

12-20-21, 02:53
Where have you been?

Plenty HK girls would go for $50 If they think they cannot squeeze more out of you.

Even the ugliest HK girls look better and act with more class than the fat freaks at Club Gusto and La Isla.

I did both girls for 1,000 pesos, BB with Mitzy. Mitzy is a fun girl from GDL. She moved to Tijuana so she's available year round. I have done the same deal with many other top HK girls, reported before, too many to repost.These girls would be the ugliest in Gustos. Are you blind?

12-20-21, 03:24
Who told you that? The holidays are over on January 1. Rent is due, services to be paid, food to buy. Back to normal. No problem finding needy chicas.

I have a trip planned to Medellin the first week of January from the 5th to the 11th but I just found out it's a holiday. Do you guys think it would be still be a good time to go?

Mojo Bandit
12-20-21, 03:26
So you're trying to justify that Medellin has hot girls by posting Catfish profile? That's kind of defeating the purpose of your posts.I posted 20 photos and one of them turned out to be a catfish, did you just jump into the middle of a conversation without reading back to the original post? But hey if you think the rest are fake you keep doing what you are doing and I will keep doing what I am doing. By the way you posted of photo of at least one of the same chicas in a previous post yourself - her first name is Kate. I met her back in 2019, another member PMed me and said he met her lately and he did not think she looked as good in person as her FB photos, in the photo that I posted of her she is wearing a a black top with thin straps holding it up over delicious titties and holding a phone that is in a blue case, and yes I sucked on those titties.

Your post with her photos is 07-19-21 11:07 #47626


12-20-21, 04:53
These girls would be the ugliest in Gustos. Are you blind?The girls he posted are not top talent at HK club. I would not pay $100 for them, which is probably why he's been able to get them at $50. They are not curvy at all, more like what you would find in SEA.

The top girls at HK club are in line with Gusto girls. As you already know, the gusto chicas are expensive, roughly the same price as HK girls. I went to Tijuana earlier this month with low expectations, but there are lots of 8's+ in the club. The rates are for 30 min because the ST room rates are $30 for 30 min and the towel boy knocks and kicks you out at the 30 min mark. If you book the room overnight, it's unrushed and the girl will easily stay for an hour or more for $100. Tijuana is a great spot for those living in California and want to do a 2-3 day monger trip.

12-20-21, 05:13
Hello gents,

After few cancellations, finally rebooked for Feb 18th week to Medellin.

Its been a while since I logged into this site (no travel for the past 2 years).

I am currently going thru the last 10 pages but don't see what's the latest info on ground.

I remember seeing a trip report or distinct post for the first timers with the do and don'ts.

Appreciate if any of you post that link so that I will try to take a note of the answers.

Regarding the accommodation, I am inclined towards either of the hotels and would love to hear any feedback on chica friendly access or Airbnb's.


CAT 4 https://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/mdemc-medellin-marriott-hotel/.

CAT 2 https://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/mdefp-four-points-medellin/.


Hampton by Hilton Medellin.

Calle 6 Sur 42 - 14 Barrio El Poblado, Medellin, Colombia.

Second, looking for good full service massage parlor which is currently opens and good feedback from the members.

Third, casa / clubs that are recommended by the group.

Fourth, Dentist for regular cleanup.

Appreciate any latest info or any link that provides the info.

12-20-21, 07:35
I have a trip planned to Medellin the first week of January from the 5th to the 11th but I just found out it's a holiday. Do you guys think it would be still be a good time to go?Have a back up plan. I mean if you have some facebook girls ready to go you're good. If you plan to go places like like La Isla and Fase II, I was there late last month and looks like talent is sparse compared to every other times. Same goes for the casas.

El Moreno 92
12-20-21, 07:48
I guess there must be something wrong with us guys who love these grossly obese and ugly girls in Medellin.Dude!

Girl #2 is FUN AS SHIT to hang out. Not only will she F your brains out, but she is little comedian (Assuming one can speak and understand Español) and can dance good. She's a classic and trusted Facebook girl who I have "hung out with and smashed" many times since October 2019.

Girl #9 is a Facebook who added me about a month ago. Now that I am here, she did not lie nor disappoint. She got some BIG AZZ TETAS for her body. First time in a while I blew multiple loads from TF'ing.

Man, these Facebook Medellin girls are no joke. They are showing and proving. I love this city!

El Moreno 92
12-20-21, 08:03
Sleeper city- Mazatlan, Mexico. Get fucked up and drive a rental Razr UTV along the Malecon with a bottle of bubbly and a young Latina, can't go wrong. Only downside is the heat.I can confirm your Mazaltan assessment. Everything 100% true! Best fun I ever had in Mexico (CDMX, Cancun, Tulum included).

El Moreno 92
12-20-21, 08:45
To refuse to acknowledge your actions enabled the theft is a losers argument.

We're all adults, responsible for our own actions. If you left your new BMW running while you went into a convenience store in a low income neighborhood, when you found someone had stolen it, would you be blaming the thief, or would you accept that your failure to protect your valuables, contributed to your loss?

Most of the girls live way below the poverty line. For many of them, hot water is a luxury. For some of them, running water and windows with glass, rather than a sheet of plastic, are luxuries. Quite a few of them sleep on a piece of foam on the floor, which is either simple cement, or even dirt. You don't know them, they aren't your friend. They probably don't even like you. If you leave valuables, worth 4 months of their income, laying around unattended, why wouldn't you expect something to be taken?

There are certainly women in Medellin who I wouldn't trust alone with my valuables. The simple solution is, I don't leave them alone with my valuables. They are there to fuck me. They aren't there to establish a long term business partnership based on mutual trust. Except for what I'm paying them, the money I have isn't something I need to make available to them. My wallet, credit cards and electronics aren't necessary for the fucking process. All of that stuff should be out of sight and inaccessible.

If you leave it all out in the open, accept responsibility for failing to protect your stuff.Preach bro.

12-20-21, 09:03
Where have you been?

Plenty HK girls would go for $50 If they think they cannot squeeze more out of you.

Even the ugliest HK girls look better and act with more class than the fat freaks at Club Gusto and La Isla.

I did both girls for 1,000 pesos, BB with Mitzy. Mitzy is a fun girl from GDL. She moved to Tijuana so she's available year round. I have done the same deal with many other top HK girls, reported before, too many to repost.I'm confused. The 2 pictures are of top HK girls? When you say you paid 1,000 pesos was that for both of them? Because 1,000 pesos for each seems really high. I guess with Tijuana being convenient it explains the high price.

I don't really do the casas much, but I'd pay the 3 k viewing fee and head out the door, if those girls were the best options at a Medellin casa, where the price is about 50 k, or around $13. For Facebook girls, who usually cost around $50, I might choose one of those 2 if my first 20 options had fallen through, but not for more than 100 k.

I've often wondered how things have changed in Tijuana since my last visit 30 years ago. At least now I have no desire to return and check it out.

Mojo Bandit
12-20-21, 09:20

Girl #2 is FUN AS SHIT to hang out. Not only will she F your brains out, but she is little comedian (Assuming one can speak and understand Espaol) and can dance good. She's a classic and trusted Facebook girl who I have "hung out with and smashed" many times since October 2019.

Girl #9 is a Facebook who added me about a month ago. Now that I am here, she did not lie nor disappoint. She got some BIG AZZ TETAS for her body. First time in a while I blew multiple loads from TF'ing.

Man, these Facebook Medellin girls are no joke. They are showing and proving. I love this city!Thanks for the report on #2, I have not tagged her yet but from your description I will mover her up the list. I smashed #9 a couple of years ago when she was still 18, I am not usually a fan of thick girs but her tits are a prize.

12-20-21, 12:02
I guess there must be something wrong with us guys who love these grossly obese and ugly girls in Medellin.Sup with girl number 8 with the khakis?

12-20-21, 12:41
Thanks for the report on #2, I have not tagged her yet but from your description I will mover her up the list. I smashed #9 a couple of years ago when she was still 18, I am not usually a fan of thick girs but her tits are a prize.Thanks for the review.

Name of #2 and #9 please. I want to see if I have them in my friends list.

12-20-21, 12:45
Returning to MDE in a few days reminded me that I said I would let you know what happened with Catgirl's 2022 Vulcan Moto.

She didn't seem to like it at first, it is a bit too big of a machine for her sub 4-11 frame. She is strong enough, but simply not tall enough. Riding it was making her pussy so sore I couldn't touch it. Obviously, something had to be done. Jaja. Praise the Cosmic Blueberry Muffin we have an open relationship so I did not suffer.

I was going to trade in the moto and start with the contact info you gave me, but inertia set in, she adapted, so she kept the moto and seems to love it. She put little custom hot pink tweaks on it so I think she owns it for real now. And her pussy did not get callouses, jaja.

The moto will make it up the dirt road to the mountain top where our eternal casa build continues, but she can't do it by herself, it's too dangerous, so that issue was not resolved.

Anyway, the leads you provided for potential trade in looked like gold but I did not have to use them. I very much appreciated the effort. Most of us guys on that board seem a lot less like ass-holes the further away we get from ISG.

I am not a tit-for-tat, who-owes-who-what kinda guy, but if I can ever return the favor, don't hesitate to ask.

Amazonia looks like she should've delivered her baby 2 weeks ago, she's so big and miserable, yet she wrote me today and said she is dying to fuck me before she delivers. The plan is to check-in at The Nutbara, bring her over ASAP and start trying to induce labor by pounding on her non-stop until her next stop is the hospital. Seriously, that's the plan! Jaja. If she needs to tap out or the baby really doesn't want to drop, she has no issues sitting at bedside and watching me work my way through my rotation for Round 1. In fact, she likes it. We are not in Kansas anymore, Toto.

Well, plans usually don't come to fruition in MDE I have noticed, but the fantasy is worth the attention and a lot of times what plays out is even better.

Ostee Out, and don't forget to what? Keep On Keepin' On.

Thanks again,

Ostee, en Espanol "Asti".

P.S. You might find this amusing. I can't remember if I posted before that I also bought Sexy Dexy a moto before I left MDE, used. Dang if she didn't use it right away delivering Rappi. She quickly had get enough money to fly her and her kid back to Venezuela. So now the moto is sitting at the apartment building where she last lived in MDE. Supposedly if I go pay her Dec rent of 400 mil COP the landlady will hand me the keys to the moto. Sexy Dexy is s faxing me some paperwork so if I get stopped by the policia at least they shouldn't haul me or the moto or both, away.

Normally, a moto for 400 mil COP would be a really sweet deal, except wait-a-minute, didn't I pay for that moto once already? Jajajajjjjaja. I thought you would get a kick out of that one. I'm sure a lot of mongers on ISG would see that as a mini-cluster-fuck, but as usual, I'm having a good time with no regrets.

12-20-21, 15:24
Who told you that? The holidays are over on January 1. Rent is due, services to be paid, food to buy. Back to normal. No problem finding needy chicas.He's probably talking about 6 de enero, El theía de LOS Tres Magos or Three Kings' Day. That is the main gift-exchanging day in some Latin countries. The Feast of the Epiphany in religious terms. Not a big deal in MDE.

12-20-21, 16:05
Preach bro.Guys,

I don't have a dog in this fight. In full disclosure, I have never met but have certainly communicated with Captain Solo regarding Tijuana. I've found him to have a lot of intel and experience. He is picky and for whatever reason, rubs some guys the wrong way. But none of that really matters.

What I don't understand is why we are attacking Solo and defending chicas stealing from mongers. Yes, we should all be aware and we are all responsible for caring for our belongings. But having expectations that this is what hookers do? Blaming the BMW driver and not the car thief? Solo reported his experiences. More information is valuable. Solo also makes comparisons between Tijuana and MDE girls. I disagree with him and find MDE chicas more attractive. But his comparisons between Tijuana chicas stealing and MDE girls stealing is a fair comparison of his experiences. His report is a good reminder for us to be aware and cautious. Attacking him for his report and simultaneously defending the thieves is lunacy.

Just want to add my two cents. I don't think we are better when trying to mute others' experiences.

Captain Solo
12-20-21, 16:42
El Moreno.

I know a beautiful Mexican civi girl in Guadalajara. Invited her to a vacation in Mazatlan but she declined, said mazatlan is full of putas, she would never go there.

Mazatlan is on my radar for a combined trip of fishing and hooking putas.

So where do we find putas in Mazatlan?

Captain Solo
12-20-21, 16:57

The 2 are HK girls, top or not depending on your preferences. They are popular and in high demands.

1,000 pesos is $50 in current exchange rate. That is about 1/4 what old, ugly, skanky, tattooed ghetto hoes in US would charge for a session. Why are you saying it's too high? You will never find such nice, clean girls in Colombia in such good shape for $50. I had a session with Camilla from Parque Lleras for 200 M Cops, or $50, but her pussy was extremely stinky, had to get rid of her quickly.

The dozen women I saw at La Isla and New Life casa were huge, lumpy, tattooed, looking grotesque. Don't know how they sell any sex.

Fun Luvr
12-20-21, 17:08
Hey guys, I heard they opened a bar at the bottom of San Peter. Can anyone who's been there recently tell me how it is and how late it stays open? I'm going to stay there in a week and was wondering if they show American football there. TIA.It closes at either 11 or 12, depending on the night. American football games are shown. The games are satellite feeds, so the broadcast is the same as you see in the US. Only one TV has sound. You may have to bribe the bartender to put your game on sound. The cook has limited hours, but you can order food to be delivered and eat it there. It is the closest to an American neighborhood bar that I have found in Medellin.

12-20-21, 17:19
Exactly I don't post catfish pics or profile. #7 pix is also Catfish, she's an instagram model you can google search her pix.

And why would I care about you sucking on Kate's titties? You're not the first and won't be the last. I'm sure there are plenty of guys on this forum that had their fun with her, so did I.

I read those previous post about dudes bashing Medellin vs Tijuana. I've been to both places and prefer Medellin over Tijuana any day, I have friend that live in San Diego and also liking Medellin better than Tijuana. I'm just calling you out for bragging about Catfish profiles, that's like false advertising.

I posted 20 photos and one of them turned out to be a catfish, did you just jump into the middle of a conversation without reading back to the original post? But hey if you think the rest are fake you keep doing what you are doing and I will keep doing what I am doing. By the way you posted of photo of at least one of the same chicas in a previous post yourself - her first name is Kate. I met her back in 2019, another member PMed me and said he met her lately and he did not think she looked as good in person as her FB photos, in the photo that I posted of her she is wearing a a black top with thin straps holding it up over delicious titties and holding a phone that is in a blue case, and yes I sucked on those titties.

Your post with her photos is 07-19-21 11:07 #47626


12-20-21, 17:30
Get fucked up and driveReally? And you can't go wrong? You're already so, way wrong. Sigh.

12-20-21, 18:30
... I'm just calling you out for bragging about Catfish profiles, that's like false advertising.I think it is a good thing that you point out the fake profiles. He would not have posted the profiles if he knew they were fakes. MB is one of the most generous guy I know here that share information publicly or via PMs so I don't think he is bragging in that sense.

12-20-21, 18:48
...What I don't understand is why we are attacking Solo and defending chicas stealing from mongers. Yes, we should all be aware and we are all responsible for caring for our belongings. But having expectations that this is what hookers do?...I don't think anybody is attacking Captain Solo on this point. I had the pleasure of meeting him in Medellin and shared a few beers together. I also exchanged some private messages with him on this very same point.

Moreover, my wingman was drugged and stolen from recently in Cartagena. Worse, I was there with him in the apartment, but I went to sleep a little past midnight, but the misdeed happened a bit later in the night. My wingman wanted to call the police and report the incident but the building management convinced him to forget about it. They were concerned about the bad publicity.

I was not present during the discussion but I agreed with the building management. I did not expect much from the police in Cartagena.

I think what people are saying is that it's the responsibility of the monger to protect their belongings. Once they are stolen, they are gone. Time to learn from that incident and do better next time. As my local buddy says, look at the incident as the price of tuition in the university of life.

12-20-21, 18:50
Returning to MDE in a few days reminded me that I said I would let you know what happened with Catgirl's 2022 Vulcan Moto.

She didn't seem to like it at first, it is a bit too big of a machine for her sub 4-11 frame. She is strong enough, but simply not tall enough. Riding it was making her pussy so sore I couldn't touch it. Obviously, something had to be done. Jaja. Praise the Cosmic Blueberry Muffin we have an open relationship so I did not suffer.

I was going to trade in the moto and start with the contact info you gave me, but inertia set in, she adapted, so she kept the moto and seems to love it. She put little custom hot pink tweaks on it so I think she owns it for real now. And her pussy did not get callouses, jaja.

The moto will make it up the dirt road to the mountain top where our eternal casa build continues, but she can't do it by herself, it's too dangerous, so that issue was not resolved.

Anyway, the leads you provided for potential trade in looked like gold but I did not have to use them. I very much appreciated the effort. Most of us guys on that board seem a lot less like ass-holes the further away we get from ISG..I'll delete a few of the death threats from my inbox.

Speaking of the contact I sent you and Rappi and the moto you might be re-buying. That same contact has a fleet of Rappi drivers, about 150 of them last I checked. He has a daily rental program that seems to be working out pretty good. He's also the guy responsible for all those video display advertising screens you'll see on cars and Motos.

Which leaves us with the mini-cluster-fuck. Let's face it, your days in Medellin are an x-rated Keystone Kops show. That's the way you like it and it makes for interesting reading.

12-20-21, 19:09
What I don't understand is why we are attacking Solo and defending chicas stealing from mongers. ...I think it is Solo's writing style. It exaggerates.

The dozen women I saw at La Isla and New Life casa were huge, lumpy, tattooed, looking grotesque....

This is one example, I think it is an honest report from his point of view. He only saw a doze women at La Isla and no strip show. From that I know he went at the wrong time and he made the conclusion based on one visit. He provided the full context for me to see that so it is not a bad report.

... I don't think we are better when trying to mute others' experiences.Agreed.

12-20-21, 19:12

I don't have a dog in this fight. In full disclosure, I have never met but have certainly communicated with Captain Solo regarding Tijuana. I've found him to have a lot of intel and experience. He is picky and for whatever reason, rubs some guys the wrong way. But none of that really matters.

What I don't understand is why we are attacking Solo and defending chicas stealing from mongers. Yes, we should all be aware and we are all responsible for caring for our belongings. But having expectations that this is what hookers do? Blaming the BMW driver and not the car thief? Solo reported his experiences. More information is valuable. Solo also makes comparisons between Tijuana and MDE girls. I disagree with him and find MDE chicas more attractive. But his comparisons between Tijuana chicas stealing and MDE girls stealing is a fair comparison of his experiences. His report is a good reminder for us to be aware and cautious. Attacking him for his report and simultaneously defending the thieves is lunacy.

Just want to add my two cents. I don't think we are better when trying to mute others' experiences.I never defended the thieves. I simply point out that most thefts can be prevented if the victim recognizes the risk and takes protective measures.

Nobody is going to steal a locked car at a convenience store, when the owner is coming back out in 2 minutes. Leave the car unlocked, keys in the ignition, motor running and the chance of theft goes way up.

Very few girls are going to go through your suitcase while you're in the room watching them. Leave the room for 15 minutes and the story changes.

As for Solo, his comparison of anything between Tijuana and Medellin is not a fair comparison. He's a regular at HK, yes? The girls there know him, yes? Probably many of the staff there know him. He's dealing with girls inside a controlled environment, where he's recognized as a regular. He's comparing those women to 1 woman in Medellin, who he met 1 time and then made the mistake of leaving her alone with his stuff. He did something rather dumb and because of his mistake he has declared all the women in Medellin are thieves. He has also declared all the women in Medellin as fat and ugly. He spent a few days in a city of 5 million and has passed judgement on the entire city?

Just my preference, but I prefer people who recognize their mistakes, take responsibility for their actions and don't judge everyone based upon minimal information and their own pre-existing bias.

12-20-21, 20:03

The 2 are HK girls, top or not depending on your preferences. They are popular and in high demands.

1,000 pesos is $50 in current exchange rate. That is about 1/4 what old, ugly, skanky, tattooed ghetto hoes in US would charge for a session. Why are you saying it's too high? You will never find such nice, clean girls in Colombia in such good shape for $50. I had a session with Camilla from Parque Lleras for 200 M Cops, or $50, but her pussy was extremely stinky, had to get rid of her quickly.

The dozen women I saw at La Isla and New Life casa were huge, lumpy, tattooed, looking grotesque. Don't know how they sell any sex.First thing, for about $200 in the US (depending on your location) you can easily find clean, attractive, reasonably 25-35 women for sex. The old, skanky, etc you're describing typically can be found for $100 or less, again depending on your location.

The reason I'm saying $50 for those girls is too high, is because you're comparing those 2 girls to Medellin girls, not US girls. You're also comparing the girls who you consider top at HK to 1 girl you picked up, in the worst area to pick up a girl, in Medellin (for price and quality).

As for never finding girls like the ones you are touting for $50 in Medellin, I agree. Those girls are $15 all day, every day if you put them in Medellin.

You're saying I will never find such nice clean girls in Colombia in such good shape for $50? I have found many over the past 7 years in Colombia, and over the past 5 years in Medellin. I have no problem finding them. I even stopped looking for them, but they still find me. All I need to do is post that I'm landing in Medellin and within 24 hours, over 20 women (clean, nice, in good or better shape, prettier, lower mileage and probably younger) will have asked me if they can come and see me. Unfortunately, I don't have time to see most of them.

Medellin is not Tijuana. That's the core issue you have with it. Tijuana, you cross the border, have a taxi take you to HK and you can sort through the girls, pick the one you want and get down to business. If that's the environment you want, you should have stayed at the Mansion. The pool of girls is smaller, but at least you're doing a fair comparison.

You went in with only minimal research and didn't have the success you expected. That's to be expected. However, instead of recognizing you didn't do your homework and didn't properly prepare, you decided that everyone in Colombia is a fat, ugly, stinky thief. That's your choice, but it isn't accurate and only makes you look bad, since the majority who visit Medellin have a completely different opinion.

The only thing accurate about your description of Colombian women are the tattoos. They do like their tattoos, and many of the tattoos are poorly done. Tattoos don't bother me. In this age I expect most women to have at least 1.

You saw a dozen women at La Isla? At 7 pm? That's 7 pm when there are almost no customers and no girls. It wasn't 1 am when the place is jam packed and there are 100 girls. I imagine, if I picked the worst possible time to visit HK, I'd probably have the same opinion, except I would recognize that my bad timing does not give a fair assessment.

Mr Enternational
12-20-21, 20:47
What I don't understand is why we are attacking Solo and defending chicas stealing from mongers. Yes, we should all be aware and we are all responsible for caring for our belongings. But having expectations that this is what hookers do? Attacking him for his report and simultaneously defending the thieves is lunacy.Nobody is defending hoes. It is just that everyone else realizes that it comes with the territory but he seems oblivious to this. It is like he has been a snake charmer all these years, but is all of a sudden surprised and taken a back when a couple of snakes bite.

There is a 1973 movie called The Mack where a trick goes to see a hooker after work on a Friday. He is in the bathtub and she is fully clothed talking about all the things she is going to do to him. (Don't take your clothes off until her clothes are off!) He is closing his eyes relaxing and she is busy stealing his paycheck money out of his pocket. She sneaks out and when he realizes she is gone, he runs outside naked yelling for help about how she just ripped him off and how his wife is going to kill him with the whole neighborhood looking on and laughing.

That movie is an example of how the game really goes. This is real street shit. For some reason some mongers choose to see it as the movie Pretty Woman instead, where they can ride off into the sunset with the hooker with the heart of gold.

Yes you should have expectations that hookers steal, the same way you should have expectations that snakes bite. Again, it comes with the territory, and thinking it does not or should not is just plain naive.

12-20-21, 20:58
Hi everyone,

I'm glad I found this gem of a site and look forward to being a long term member. I'm planning my first mongering trip to Medellin sometime in March or April and just wondering if anyone else is going to be down there or also planning a trip. I've been doing a lot of research on here and also on tinder getting some girls contact info. I'm 26 and have no problem getting ladies here in the states but I wouldn't mind to have someone that knows the ropes that I could possibly meet up with while I'm down there.

Captain Solo
12-20-21, 21:00
How many times have you read posts or know mongers who had things stolen in Tijuana?

How many times in Colombia?

Nobody is defending WG. It is just that everyone else realizes that it comes with the territory but he seems oblivious to this. It is like he has been a snake charmer all these years, but is all of a sudden surprised and taken a back when a couple of snakes bite.

12-20-21, 21:45
El Moreno.

I know a beautiful Mexican civi girl in Guadalajara. Invited her to a vacation in Mazatlan but she declined, said mazatlan is full of putas, she would never go there.

Mazatlan is on my radar for a combined trip of fishing and hooking putas.

So where do we find putas in Mazatlan?Not by asking the Medellin section. Why not ask in one of the Mexico sections.

12-20-21, 21:57

The 2 are HK girls, top or not depending on your preferences. They are popular and in high demands.

1,000 pesos is $50 in current exchange rate. That is about 1/4 what old, ugly, skanky, tattooed ghetto hoes in US would charge for a session. Why are you saying it's too high? You will never find such nice, clean girls in Colombia in such good shape for $50. I had a session with Camilla from Parque Lleras for 200 M Cops, or $50, but her pussy was extremely stinky, had to get rid of her quickly.

The dozen women I saw at La Isla and New Life casa were huge, lumpy, tattooed, looking grotesque. Don't know how they sell any sex.Man,

Give it up. So there's 2 chicas out of 200-300 at HK (that may not be your so-called "top tier" chicas) that may do a 30 minute session for $50. And you generalize every chica in Medellin by your view of 12 chicas at La Isla. I'm sorry. That's just stupid. You love HK. It's where you're comfortable. Just drop it at this point.

Fun Luvr
12-20-21, 22:21
... You will never find such nice, clean girls in Colombia in such good shape for $50.I think you should have inserted "IMO" before that statement. I have been with many ladies for 200 mil and less in Medellin that look much better than the ones in the photos you posted, and they were clean and nice.

12-20-21, 22:28
I think you should have inserted "IMO" before that statement. I have been with many ladies for 200 mil and less in Medellin that look much better than the ones in the photos you posted, and they were clean and nice.I think it is a language thing.

12-21-21, 00:36
Let's face it, your days in Medellin are an x-rated Keystone Kops show. That's the way you like it and it makes for interesting reading.I don't see myself quite as bumbling as Keystone Kops. More like Charlie Chaplain. Yes, I enjoy my lifestyle. I've had more happiness in Medellin in the past couple of years, than my entire preceding life, which wasn't that bad BTW.

I am documenting a journey, and I will put my mistakes out there right next to the endless stream of gorgeous chicas. Everyone in my family knows my epitaph will read, "If I Die Tomorrow, I Die a Happy Man. ".

There are a TON of people in Medellin who view a moto (scooter) as the missing piece of the puzzle to their financial independence, and not just for Rappi. Your contact is obviously a very astute businessman and deserves mucho respeto and props. I love hearing about successful business stories in MDE such as his.

When you live life like I do, then there is no choice other than, Keep On Keepin' On!

Maybe that should be my epitaph instead of "Happy Man" above? Get bigger tombstone, use both. Jajajaja.

Two old random gratuitous fotos.

I'll give you Keystone Kops around these two sisters I banged in Cucuta. I had to jump out of a second story balcony and do a tuck and roll onto fortunately some thick and soft St. Augustine grass to escape their three friends who were pulling in the front and coming up to rob me or worse. I fucked the sisters brains out first for three days, and they were hawt as fuck. Since I got away unscathed, worth it! Jajajaja.

Mojo Bandit
12-21-21, 00:39
I think it is a good thing that you point out the fake profiles. He would not have posted the profiles if he knew they were fakes. MB is one of the most generous guy I know here that share information publicly or via PMs so I don't think he is bragging in that sense.Thank you Nance, your contributions to this thread have been above and beyond. I consider you to be in the top five Centro experts and you have certainly giving me great info on that account.

Exactly I don't post catfish pics or profile. #7 pix is also Catfish, she's an instagram model you can google search her pix.

And why would I care about you sucking on Kate's titties? You're not the first and won't be the last. I'm sure there are plenty of guys on this forum that had their fun with her, so did I.

I read those previous post about dudes bashing Medellin vs Tijuana. I've been to both places and prefer Medellin over Tijuana any day, I have friend that live in San Diego and also liking Medellin better than Tijuana. I'm just calling you out for bragging about Catfish profiles, that's like false advertising.I am not going to get in a pissing contest with you. You can think what you want to think. I do not care. The point of posting the photos was not to "brag". I am not going to brag about chicas I paid to fuck when any guy who has money can fuck them also. The post was in reponse to a guy who said that all the women in Medellin were fat and ugly, and that beautiful women in Medellin were a "myth". Did I accidently post a photo from a profile that was catfishing? Not on purpose. I posted the profile so others would know. I post on here to help other people find quality chicas, if you do not want to recieve what I say as positive, I do not care.

The fact is I have a mailbox full of two types of messages. One is from BMs who do not like that I share photos of hot Medellin FB photos beause they want to keep the base of clientel small. But I know how large it is already because I have been monitoring the FB scene in Medellin for years and I see all the Mongers in the chicas friends lists and in my 'people you may know' feed. The few guys I help our are not going make a big difference. The second kind of messages that are in my inbox are thank yous from guys who have had excellent trips to Medellin becuase I helped them.

To your comment about number 7 being a catfish. I call bullshit. I could be wrong but I doubt it. Number one; there is really no such thing as an "Instagram Model". There are attractive or interesting people who amass enough followers to gain sponsorship and become "influencers" but it is not like Instagram is hiring models. Some influencers get paid and some just get free shit from thier sponsors. Number of social media followers in Medellin doesn't mean they are not working girls. There are working girls in Medellin who have tens of thousands of social media followers, but they are working girls not instagram models. I think once upon a time this discussion came up and it was Mr. E who said for a chica in Medellin to have thousands of followers is like having thousands of dollars in Monopoly money - it des not pay the bills. In Medellin, hell in Bello alone there are dirt poor chicas walking around that are just as attractive as any Kardashian–Jenner family member - that is a fact whether you believe it or not. So why don't you show a photo of her with products from her sponsors?

But in the meantime I will show you photos of her in Medellin and a photo of her posing with other chicas in my FB friends list that are from Medellin and have fansOnly pages. (I could also show you photos of chicas that have fanso0nly pages that I have fucked but its not worth my time to get too deep into this) Now if you doubt that the photos I am about to post are the same chica. Then you have to explain how they have the same tatoos.

In the photo of the group of girls, our girl had pink hair. Just in front of her is a blond and I will post a photo of that same blonde where you see behind her out the window that tall buildng sitting near the base of a steep mountain. A lot of regular visitors to Medellin recognize as a telltale sign of Medellin and the Aburr Valley.

Then just for the fuck of it I will post some photos that I did take myself.

Mojo Bandit
12-21-21, 00:50
I have only seen one report about how travelers are actually required to show their proof of vaccine. The BM said that he had to show it at the airport to get his boarding pass and that he had to do something related to it on checkmig the Colombian online immigration form. Anyone had any recent experience with this they can share? You can either respond here but if you do not want to clutter the reports thread or you can post it in my thread "Colombia / Travel Coronavirus Updates" which is under the User Blogs section of the Colombia Forum, its where I will post the info once I get it anyway.

12-21-21, 00:55
You answered your own question. You have to present your vaccination at your airline's departure check in and again at immigration when you arrive. The check migracion online landing card has been in place for several months. The list of questions related to health status has changed from time to time but the requirement to complete it as a condition of entry is not new.

I have only seen one report about how travelers are actually required to show their proof of vaccine. The BM said that he had to show it at the airport to get his boarding pass and that he had to do something related to it on checkmig the Colombian online immigration form. Anyone had any recent experience with this they can share? You can either respond here but if you do not want to clutter the reports thread or you can post it in my thread "Colombia / Travel Coronavirus Updates" which is under the User Blogs section of the Colombia Forum, its where I will post the info once I get it anyway.

12-21-21, 00:59
Capt. I've enjoyed your posts. I don't agree with this one but I like to keep an open mind. Are you basing this statement on something beyond your Parque Lleras and New Life experiences mentioned in the post? This is not an attempt to dispute or convince you of anything. I honestly want to understand where you are coming from.


The 2 are HK girls, top or not depending on your preferences. They are popular and in high demands.

1,000 pesos is $50 in current exchange rate. That is about 1/4 what old, ugly, skanky, tattooed ghetto hoes in US would charge for a session. Why are you saying it's too high? You will never find such nice, clean girls in Colombia in such good shape for $50. I had a session with Camilla from Parque Lleras for 200 M Cops, or $50, but her pussy was extremely stinky, had to get rid of her quickly.

The dozen women I saw at La Isla and New Life casa were huge, lumpy, tattooed, looking grotesque. Don't know how they sell any sex.

12-21-21, 01:45
Hi everyone,

I'm glad I found this gem of a site and look forward to being a long term member. I'm planning my first mongering trip to Medellin sometime in March or April and just wondering if anyone else is going to be down there or also planning a trip. I've been doing a lot of research on here and also on tinder getting some girls contact info. I'm 26 and have no problem getting ladies here in the states but I wouldn't mind to have someone that knows the ropes that I could possibly meet up with while I'm down there.Welcome! Just one small morsel of advice. Colombia is very Catholic. Holy Week (Semana Santa) is likely to be dead as hell. So make your plans so that you aren't here during Easter week.

12-21-21, 01:54

The 2 are HK girls, top or not depending on your preferences. They are popular and in high demands.

1,000 pesos is $50 in current exchange rate. That is about 1/4 what old, ugly, skanky, tattooed ghetto hoes in US would charge for a session. Why are you saying it's too high? You will never find such nice, clean girls in Colombia in such good shape for $50. I had a session with Camilla from Parque Lleras for 200 M Cops, or $50, but her pussy was extremely stinky, had to get rid of her quickly.

The dozen women I saw at La Isla and New Life casa were huge, lumpy, tattooed, looking grotesque. Don't know how they sell any sex.I'll add some more color to the equation. You are reporting your experiences in December? You know the girls go on a spree last half of November and first week of December. The best looking girls have made their Christmas bounty by then and are off to spend the next three weeks with their families. The girls that are still working are generally the less desirables that are still trying to make enough to buy all the presents they want to give. I can't say for sure but I would expect that you didn't come at the best time to optimize your experience.

12-21-21, 01:59
So you're saying you're personally have her coming over to your apartment for the usual FB rate? Or you know someone that had a cita with her for the usual rate. There are a couple of FB profiles with her pix, one link to an Instagram influencer with Onlyfans page. You are grouping a normal FB chica that come over for cita the the usual rate (150-200) with someone that earn US dollars with their Onlyfans page or webcam jobs. I call Bullshit.

There are people that use Instagram influencer photos and make FAKE FB profiles to ask for money but have no intention of meeting you. That's the reason I called you out, not to get into a pissing contest but to serve as a warning for newbies. But feel free to prove me wrong, get her over to your apartment for a cita and make sure you take pics for proof. I'm happy to apologize.

To your comment about number 7 being a catfish. I call bullshit.

12-21-21, 02:00
Hey guys, I heard they opened a bar at the bottom of San Peter. Can anyone who's been there recently tell me how it is and how late it stays open? I'm going to stay there in a week and was wondering if they show American football there. TIA.I met the owner last time I was in Medellin. He told me that this was a sports bar and he would be showing American sports. So I expect they will definitely have football.

12-21-21, 03:01
Thank you Nance, your contributions to this thread have been above and beyond. I consider you to be in the top five Centro experts and you have certainly giving me great info on that account.

I am not going to get in a pissing contest with you. You can think what you want to think. I do not care. The point of posting the photos was not to "brag". I am not going to brag about chicas I paid to fuck when any guy who has money can fuck them also. The post was in reponse to a guy who said that all the women in Medellin were fat and ugly, and that beautiful women in Medellin were a "myth". Did I accidently post a photo from a profile that was catfishing? Not on purpose. I posted the profile so others would know. I post on here to help other people find quality chicas, if you do not want to recieve what I say as positive, I do not care.

The fact is I have a mailbox full of two types of messages. One is from BMs who do not like that I share photos of hot Medellin FB photos beause they want to keep the base of clientel small. But I know how large it is already because I have been monitoring the FB scene in Medellin for years and I see all the Mongers in the chicas friends lists and in my 'people you may know' feed. The few guys I help our are not going make a big difference. The second kind of messages that are in my inbox are thank yous from guys who have had excellent trips to Medellin becuase I helped them..I think #4 is Agata Ruiz, she's so hot. Have you sessioned with her? If so, how much did she cost? She only does girl on girl in her onlyfans / porn videos.

Mojo Bandit
12-21-21, 05:53
I think #4 is Agata Ruiz, she's so hot. Have you sessioned with her? If so, how much did she cost? She only does girl on girl in her onlyfans / porn videos.That is not her name on FB. Look for my PM I will send you more info. Too many trolls on here to be posting details.

Mojo Bandit
12-21-21, 07:06
Or you know someone that had a cita with her for the usual rate. There are a couple of FB profiles with her pix, one link to an Instagram influencer with Onlyfans page. You are grouping a normal FB chica that come over for cita the the usual rate (150-200) with someone that earn US dollars with their Onlyfans page or webcam jobs. I call Bullshit.

There are people that use Instagram influencer photos and make FAKE FB profiles to ask for money but have no intention of meeting you. That's the reason I called you out, not to get into a pissing contest but to serve as a warning for newbies. But feel free to prove me wrong, get her over to your apartment for a cita and make sure you take pics for proof. I'm happy to apologize.The link to her profile was given to me by another BM who was recommending her. He has been a member for several years.

For the record, Onlyfans pages do not mean anything. Webcam models? I have been with them also. You think they are getting rich because their FB page has a link to a FansOnly page or they are working as a webcam model? This has been discussed in this thread before because guys are such doubters. Yes there are chicas with onlyfans pages that still do citas. Yes there are webcam models who do citas. For the record though not all chicas I know of that have FansOnly pages do citas for the standard (150 k - 200 k) some want 250 some want 300 k, themost I ever paid a chica was 250 k because the BM that recommended her to me vouched for her talent level, and she did not disappoint. Looks and talent. She is on FanCentro. I do know of chicas that used to work as prepagos but stopped once they started getting steady income from those pages but not all of them stop working as prepago.

I posted photos of Medellin chicas that are hot, and yes the vast majority of them can be gotten, to counter the guy who said all the chicas in Medellin are fat and ugly, you decided in all your wisdom to troll this information?

As for chicas stealing other chicas photos and posing as FB chicas and asking to send money? Here is a thought, I mean it's just a thought but who are these guys who are sending money to chicas they have never met? How about they should not send money to any chica that has never gotten naked for them in person?

Here are photos of three chicas I have been with, one has a FansOnly page, one has a FanCentro page and the other is a webcam model. If you do not believe me I do not care, I am just telling people what is possible.

12-21-21, 07:36
Thank you Nance, your contributions to this thread have been above and beyond. I consider you to be in the top five Centro experts and you have certainly giving me great info on that account.

I am not going to get in a pissing contest with you. You can think what you want to think. I do not care. The point of posting the photos was not to "brag". I am not going to brag about chicas I paid to fuck when any guy who has money can fuck them also. The post was in reponse to a guy who said that all the women in Medellin were fat and ugly, and that beautiful women in Medellin were a "myth". Did I accidently post a photo from a profile that was catfishing? Not on purpose. I posted the profile so others would know. I post on here to help other people find quality chicas, if you do not want to recieve what I say as positive, I do not care.

The fact is I have a mailbox full of two types of messages. One is from BMs who do not like that I share photos of hot Medellin FB photos beause they want to keep the base of clientel small. But I know how large it is already because I have been monitoring the FB scene in Medellin for years and I see all the Mongers in the chicas friends lists and in my 'people you may know' feed. The few guys I help our are not going make a big difference. The second kind of messages that are in my inbox are thank yous from guys who have had excellent trips to Medellin becuase I helped them.

To your comment about number 7 being a catfish. I call bullshit. I could be wrong but I doubt it. Number one; there is really no such thing as an "Instagram Model". There are attractive or interesting people who amass enough followers to gain sponsorship and become "influencers" but it is not like Instagram is hiring models. Some influencers get paid and some just get free shit from thier sponsors. Number of social media followers in Medellin doesn't mean they are not working girls. There are working girls in Medellin who have tens of thousands of social media followers, but they are working girls not instagram models. I think once upon a time this discussion came up and it was Mr. E who said for a chica in Medellin to have thousands of followers is like having thousands of dollars in Monopoly money - it des not pay the bills. In Medellin, hell in Bello alone there are dirt poor chicas walking around that are just as attractive as any KardashianJenner family member - that is a fact whether you believe it or not. So why don't you show a photo of her with products from her sponsors?

But in the meantime I will show you photos of her in Medellin and a photo of her posing with other chicas in my FB friends list that are from Medellin and have fansOnly pages. (I could also show you photos of chicas that have fanso0nly pages that I have fucked but its not worth my time to get too deep into this) Now if you doubt that the photos I am about to post are the same chica. Then you have to explain how they have the same tatoos.

In the photo of the group of girls, our girl had pink hair. Just in front of her is a blond and I will post a photo of that same blonde where you see behind her out the window that tall buildng sitting near the base of a steep mountain. A lot of regular visitors to Medellin recognize as a telltale sign of Medellin and the Aburr Valley.

Then just for the fuck of it I will post some photos that I did take myself.Numero 4 is definite catfish, I've verified with the girl via her onlyfans. Remember to never send any money before hand people.

12-21-21, 07:38
I have only seen one report about how travelers are actually required to show their proof of vaccine. The BM said that he had to show it at the airport to get his boarding pass and that he had to do something related to it on checkmig the Colombian online immigration form. Anyone had any recent experience with this they can share? You can either respond here but if you do not want to clutter the reports thread or you can post it in my thread "Colombia / Travel Coronavirus Updates" which is under the User Blogs section of the Colombia Forum, its where I will post the info once I get it anyway.A few clubs in poblado have asked to see the card.

12-21-21, 07:43
I have only seen one report about how travelers are actually required to show their proof of vaccine. The BM said that he had to show it at the airport to get his boarding pass and that he had to do something related to it on checkmig the Colombian online immigration form. Anyone had any recent experience with this they can share? You can either respond here but if you do not want to clutter the reports thread or you can post it in my thread "Colombia / Travel Coronavirus Updates" which is under the User Blogs section of the Colombia Forum, its where I will post the info once I get it anyway.https://co.usembassy.gov/health-alert%E2%80%AFnew-covid-19-entry-requirements-colombia/

I personally know two tourists who were denied boarding. Vaccine is nor mandatory. If not fully vaccinated, you need a negative PCR 72 hours or less prior to boarding.

12-21-21, 07:43
So you're saying you're personally have her coming over to your apartment for the usual FB rate? Or you know someone that had a cita with her for the usual rate. There are a couple of FB profiles with her pix, one link to an Instagram influencer with Onlyfans page. You are grouping a normal FB chica that come over for cita the the usual rate (150-200) with someone that earn US dollars with their Onlyfans page or webcam jobs. I call Bullshit.

There are people that use Instagram influencer photos and make FAKE FB profiles to ask for money but have no intention of meeting you. That's the reason I called you out, not to get into a pissing contest but to serve as a warning for newbies. But feel free to prove me wrong, get her over to your apartment for a cita and make sure you take pics for proof. I'm happy to apologize.Let me clear it up for you. Here's a simplified timeline:

1. A recent visitor stated that there are only fat and ugly women in Medellin. Since then he's said there are only fat, ugly, stinky thieves in Medellin. He also posted that the belief there are beautiful women in Medellin is a myth.

2. Myself and others joked about the fat and ugly women in Medellin who we enjoy.

3. Mojo joined in the joking and posted pictures of some Medellin women. He never claimed he had been with all the women, or that all were available at a specific price point.

4. Someone identified one of the pictures. Mojo checked, discovered a catfish FB profile and shared the profile.

5. The pissing contest began.

Since the start of the pandemic a lot of Medellin girls have opened OnlyFans accounts, but they're still selling the pussy. I know girls with OnlyFans accounts who never have, never will sell the pussy. An OnlyFans account indicates nothing.

I have girls on FB who I found first on Instagram, and vice versa. Some want regular rates, some want more. The question isn't whether or not an available girl is available for a specific price. The question is whether or not beautiful women, for paid sex, can be found in Medellin. I say yes.

12-21-21, 08:06
I have a trip planned to Medellin the first week of January from the 5th to the 11th but I just found out it's a holiday. Do you guys think it would be still be a good time to go?Definitely a good time to go. I like Jan in Medellin. Weather is good and good time to get away from freezing North America.

There are too many generalizations being made about Medellin, almost leftover from Pre Facebook myths. There is no bad time to go to Medellin these days. Things have changed. There is so much supply that you can fund dates year round, that come to you all dolled up, smelling fresh, delivered in an air conditioned Uber, even on Christmas Eve.

Pre Facebook, most certainly it was different. We (I) depended on establishments or few known street corners. Now it is all FB or WhatsApp groups. I have even moved away from FB. Now I am exclusively, amigas of amigas. In two years, I have not seen a girl who is not an amiga of an amiga. There is a proper way to build that network but it is not hard.

As a first timer, above may be less relevant, but not to worry. Everything is open in Jan. Have fun.

12-21-21, 09:37
There was a young woman in front of me who turned around and said "You all can stop that conversation". I suppose she is the typical liberal - suppress all speech they don't agree with.My god, I would've ripped into this dumb broad.

12-21-21, 09:42
Bwahaha- you'd fuck her again.Haha I did fuck her again actually, but after she washed her crabby cooter.

12-21-21, 09:55
I can confirm your Mazaltan assessment. Everything 100% true! Best fun I ever had in Mexico (CDMX, Cancun, Tulum included).Some good pussy in tulum?

12-21-21, 11:34
In two years, I have not seen a girl who is not an amiga of an amiga. There is a proper way to build that network but it is not hard.Siiiiiii, I am glad someone else has found the low hanging fruit of personal referrals or as you put it, "amigas of amigas." That is my Holy Grail for meeting chicas in Colombia, but the only feedback I saw was, "how could that possibly work" or "I've never had any luck with personal referrals."

I don't know if you saw my friends of Scarlet post the other day about The Nutibara Hotel, but she is one branch of my referral base. Fuck, who am I kidding? She is the main trunk but personal referrals can always branch out at any one person.

I've never had a FB account. I haven't been to most of the places discussed here because my teleological thinking created a system that delivers great girls to my doorstep instead of me going out on a constant hunt. Call me lazy.

I will do Ground Zero to break the routine, but even from there, the best chica I found during my last trip a couple months ago, was technically a personal referral. She's the sister of a tranny who I chatted up (trannies have the best intel, in general), and she is anxious to do an overnight with me this next trip. She's not ranked yet, but I did give her a name, Pumpkin, because of her round head and face and big smile. All ten fotos are of Pumpkin, some at my hotel, some at Ground Zero. The one foto showing another person in white leopard print is her tranny brother.

Perhaps personal referrals don't work as well for mongers who are only in town for a quick visit. But when I think back to when I first came to Medellin in 2019, from the start I used to tell certain chicas they could give out my Whassap number to their friends. I don't remember exactly how long it took, but I recall hitting critical mass very quickly with more chicas than I needed. Then out of necessity I created my transparent ranking system which drove the best girls to the top. I've been on auto-pilot ever since.

I would suggest to any mongerer who thinks he will be making return trips to MDE, even short ones, that you build a referral base at least as another option to the smorgasbord of ways of meeting chicas in Medellin. I use WhatsApp exclusively. I try to avoid handing out direct advice, but frankly when I log on here and read about some of the capitulations and hoops the guys here jump thru to find girls, and with an overall disappointment rate that I would consider unacceptable, I am more glad of the space in which I find myself.

I've always said, find what works best for you. If you don't already, I bet if you consider personal referrals, as with Vitrea and I (I hope he doesn't mind my association) you will discover that can be a great way to meet new girls. Vitrea mentioned there is a "proper way" to go about it, and he's right. I don't want to put words in his mouth but I believe it boils down to knowing how to treat these chicas in a way which results in a very professional anad satisfying interaction.

Basically, if they are willing to refer their friends then they are saying they trust you enough and feel safe enough with you to do so. Getting quality personal referrals is not about the money, or your looks, or real emotion, but it's a reflection on how you monger. Ostee Out!

All fotos, same girl, Pumpkin, over three different encounters. She's a Vennie. The foto with the person in the white leopard print is her tranny brother who told me about his sister after I refused his advances, jaja.

12-21-21, 11:40

I personally know two tourists who were denied boarding. Vaccine is nor mandatory. If not fully vaccinated, you need a negative PCR 72 hours or less prior to boarding.It says that for non-resident visitors vaccine IS mandatory. The minor exception is that if you had the second dose less than 14 days before you can get the negative PCR test less than 72 hours before boarding and be admitted to the country.

12-21-21, 12:05
While standing in line at immigration, a couple behind me asked about entry requirements. I told them all the requirements that are on the Copa website. I also discussed the entry requirements to the US when they return. I commented that it was a stupid Biden rule to get the Covid test one day before departure, and repeated what the CEO of Southwest Airlines said about masks on airplanes. There was a young woman in front of me who turned around and said "You all can stop that conversation". I suppose she is the typical liberal - suppress all speech they don't agree with.The Southwest CEO isn't a contagious disease specialist plus he walked back that statement after becoming acquainted with Covid first hand.


Also the couple asked about the entry requirements, not for a political diatribe so you set yourself up for that unfortunate confrontation.

Captain Solo
12-21-21, 12:32
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

12-21-21, 13:22
A few clubs in poblado have asked to see the card.Actually a lot of the eating places in Provenza are asking to see proof of vaccination.

I ate at Sambombi on Friday night and they checked, and then on the closed street they are on I saw other places checking as well.

What I have done is taken my card and put it on the upper half of my Passport and have a color copy that I carry around with me.

Nobody is actually studying them or trying to verify whether they are fakes. They want your business, so they basically are answering the mail by seeing something that looks like a vaccine card, and they are different from each country.

It's interesting how lax it can be though for checking with higher end establishments. I entered a restaurant in a Hyatt hotel in Bogota the other day, and they didn't even ask, and this is a Hotel with all kinds of protocols.

As far as for immigration and travel, I have the original of my vax card clipped to my Passport.

So for those who have been vaxed, just carrying a photocopy of the card with your ID which could also be on your phone will get you in anywhere, but for travel it's better to have the original with you for presentation.

12-21-21, 13:32
Definitely a good time to go. I like Jan in Medellin. Weather is good and good time to get away from freezing North America.

There are too many generalizations being made about Medellin, almost leftover from Pre Facebook myths. There is no bad time to go to Medellin these days. Things have changed. There is so much supply that you can fund dates year round, that come to you all dolled up, smelling fresh, delivered in an air conditioned Uber, even on Christmas Eve.

Pre Facebook, most certainly it was different. We (I) depended on establishments or few known street corners. Now it is all FB or WhatsApp groups. I have even moved away from FB. Now I am exclusively, amigas of amigas. In two years, I have not seen a girl who is not an amiga of an amiga. There is a proper way to build that network but it is not hard.

As a first timer, above may be less relevant, but not to worry. Everything is open in Jan. Have fun.The weather can be so awesome in Medellin. However, February at times is not a good month as there can be a lot of contamination in the air, and it can get very bad, to the point where they are adjusting pico why placa for when cars can be on the road.

And in addition to this, when the contamination levels get so high, they shut down the sports complexes like in Estadio and Bellen, along with others which means the soccer fields, basketball courts, tennis courts, and pools are closed. I remember back in February 2020 they had shut downs of three to four days at a time.

Captain Solo
12-21-21, 14:19

I went by my wingmen recommendations. As a casual visitor, I did not want to spend months researching and making contacts via Facebook. I expected the puta business in Medellin to offer beautiful talents, good values, security, nice, safe, honest, efficient, low costs, like what Hong Kong club does with its business and its nice, clean, honest, fun, glamorous girls in Tijuana.

One wingman worked hard on Tinder but got nothing in Medellin. He got some girls in Cartagena but they looked old, unattractive, way to homely with their pear-shape bodies like worn-down housewives. I was not interested.

Went to Club Space inside Cartagena's walled city. Again old, ugly, lumpy overweight women, none was attractive enough for companies or sex. One tall, slim, half-way attractive girl was standing quietly by herself all night near the door, not talking, not socializing with anyone. I got over talking to her a couple times to check her out. Half of her left body was spray painted with ugly tattoos (OK, I am exaggerating the spray paint part). The music was very loud. She spoke very little, one word at a time, wanted $100. All clues point to a flaming trannie. Afterwards she kept giving me the eyes, but no thanks. I would not want to be near a woman whose dick is bigger than mine hehe. Then I picked up a girls outside Space to go back to the hotel, quickly got my phone stolen by this nasty puta. She will get the harshest punishments for the rest of her miserable life.

The bros showed me the talents at Parque Lleras around midnight. Almost all were skanky or obese, tatted up, drugged up ugly freaks. Frankly I was disgusted with the freaks hanging out in P Lleras. A wingman was waiting for his girl who showed up with this girl Camilla. She looked pretty with her slim body, but she thought I was really hooked, lied and jacked up her $500 all night quote, which was outrageous and I would never accept. Then in the room she had an extremely offensive dead-fish pussy and was trying to steal from my luggage like an animal. Man, she was having a long series of orgasms, moaning and gasping, probably could not get any guy to fuck her stinky pussy in years.

I tried La Isla at 9 PM. 2 dozens girls were putting on make up in their dressing room, all looked like big, ugly, lumpy, tatted up, pear-shaped ghetto hoes. I would never consider sitting with such low-quality women, left alone fucking and paying them. If you think the big, lumpy, pear-shaped La Isla women are beautiful, send them to any beauty pageant. They would be laughed at as sideshow freaks!

Mongers would bear very high security risks having valuables stolen by nasty WGs for little gain, potentially getting in disputes and get stabbed by hoes or their pimps. They would face very hard times explaining to their wives, relatives, friends, business associates and bosses where they had been, and how they lost their phones, passports, wallets, credit cards ect. Very likely their passports will be sold and used by criminals or terrorists. These incidents have ways to get into the FBI files. Forget about security clearances for military or defense jobs and any federal privileges like Global Entry.

So my conclusion is, mongers would waste their time and money going to Colombia for WGs.

It's dumb how a bunch of O'Bamma Secret Service agents and supervisors risked their presidential security clearances with Cartagena hoes, lost their jobs, their families and any serious future employment. They are probably trying hard to hang on to their night watchmen jobs at Walmart.

12-21-21, 16:55

I went by my wingmen recommendations. As a casual visitor, I did not want to spend months researching and making contacts via Facebook. I expected the puta business in Medellin to offer beautiful talents, good values, security, nice, safe, honest, efficient, low costs, like what Hong Kong club does with its business and its nice, clean, honest, fun, glamorous girls in Tijuana.

One wingman worked hard on Tinder but got nothing in Medellin. He got some girls in Cartagena but they looked old, unattractive, way to homely with their pear-shape bodies like worn-down housewives. I was not interested.

Went to Club Space inside Cartagena's walled city. Again old, ugly, lumpy overweight women, none was attractive enough for companies or sex. One tall, slim, half-way attractive girl was standing quietly by herself all night near the door, not talking, not socializing with anyone. I got over talking to her a couple times to check her out. Half of her left body was spray painted with ugly tattoos (OK, I am exaggerating the spray paint part). The music was very loud. She spoke very little, one word at a time, wanted $100. All clues point to a flaming trannie. Afterwards she kept giving me the eyes, but no thanks. I would not want to be near a woman whose dick is bigger than mine hehe. Then I picked up a girls outside Space to go back to the hotel, quickly got my phone stolen by this nasty puta. She will get the harshest punishments for the rest of her miserable life..I had the same experience. I can see how some like MDE, but it definitely not Paradise and yes, Mexico blows away Colombia, in all aspects.

12-21-21, 17:18
The weather can be so awesome in Medellin. However, February at times is not a good month as there can be a lot of contamination in the air, and it can get very bad, to the point where they are adjusting pico why placa for when cars can be on the road.

And in addition to this, when the contamination levels get so high, they shut down the sports complexes like in Estadio and Bellen, along with others which means the soccer fields, basketball courts, tennis courts, and pools are closed. I remember back in February 2020 they had shut downs of three to four days at a time.I have never heard of the pollution problem in February but it makes sense since I understand that is is a drier month with little to no rain to clean the air. I know there have been many times that leaving my windows open during the day has me coming back to dusty floors. I just don't remember what month. I wish I would have know this before I booked my next trip.

12-21-21, 17:47
The pissing contest began.Did not try to start any contest, simply point out another pix of the fake profile #7. He single out Kate (I posted her pix before) about how he fuck and suck her titties too like I should care. When I posted her pix, I already passed her information to my friends to tried her out and they did as well. Don't pm me for profile, I only share with few people I know irl and hang out in Medellin. Do your research by reading forum to get the pussy you want or hire a guide if you're too lazy.

Since the start of the pandemic a lot of Medellin girls have opened OnlyFans accounts, but they're still selling the pussy. I know girls with OnlyFans accounts who never have, never will sell the pussy. An OnlyFans account indicates nothing.Yes, I know a few that start doing Onlyfans but still taking cita (Angie come to mind). I'm not talking about those. I'm talking about girls who has a good supply of subscriber on Onlyfans, whose real FB profile said they don't do cita except those that are on their Onlyfans. I'm assuming this is just to get people to subscribe to her Onlyfans. #7 is one of those unless you can prove me wrong. I will post pix of those I'm confident that are Catfish / Fake profile.

The question is whether or not beautiful women, for paid sex, can be found in Medellin. I say yes.And I agree, that's why I'm in medellin all the time and plan to retire there. I just want to correct the information posted because a lot of people use it to do their research (myself included 2 years ago). People exaggerate too much that readers think that they found those hot girls by walking around parque lleras. There are tons of hot girls in Medellin but it's not like HK in Tijuana where you point and fuck. If you want point and fuck like HK in Tijuana, I suggest Santa Fe in Bogota. I consider Santa Fe like Tijuana on steroid.

These pix below serve as a warning, their FB profiles are probably fake and just trying to get you to send money or subscribe to their Onlyfans page. And I say FUCK Onlyfans!

12-21-21, 17:58
I expected the puta business in Medellin to offer beautiful talents, good values, security, nice, safe, honest, efficient, low costs, like what Hong Kong club does with its business and its nice, clean, honest, fun, glamorous girls in Tijuana.Hahaha sorry to disappoint but there isn't!! There are similar clubs but if you want HK, just go there. Why go to a different city in a different country and expect to get the same thing? HK isn't the Hilton!

Captain Solo
12-21-21, 18:06

For a few seconds I thought those pics were Mojo Bandit's regular Medellin girls hehe.

These pix below serve as a warning, their FB profiles are probably fake and just trying to get you to send money or subscribe to their Onlyfans page. And I say fuck Onlyfans!

12-21-21, 18:32
[QUOTE=MojoBandit;2640997]The link to her profile was given to me by another BM who was recommending her. He has been a member for several years.

For the record, Onlyfans pages do not mean anything. Webcam models? I have been with them also. You think they are getting rich because their FB page has a link to a FansOnly page or they are working as a webcam model? This has been discussed in this thread before because guys are such doubters. Yes there are chicas with onlyfans pages that still do citas. Yes there are webcam models who do citas. For the record though not all chicas I know of that have FansOnly pages do citas for the standard (150 k - 200 k) some want 250 some want 300 k, themost I ever paid a chica was 250 k because the BM that recommended her to me vouched for her talent level, and she did not disappoint. Looks and talent. She is on FanCentro. I do know of chicas that used to work as prepagos but stopped once they started getting steady income from those pages but not all of them stop working as prepago.

I posted photos of Medellin chicas that are hot, and yes the vast majority of them can be gotten, to counter the guy who said all the chicas in Medellin are fat and ugly, you decided in all your wisdom to troll this information?
/QUOTE]The chicas you and slapshot share with the board are the true 8's+. They sure as hell aren't wandering around el centro for 30 k COP.

12-21-21, 20:57
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was pointless, unproductive drama. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

12-21-21, 21:10
Then just for the fuck of it I will post some photos that I did take myself.All ugly!

I'm going to Mexico! LOL.

What happened to Colombia and the forum?

Can we please have Colombia back! LOL.

Ridiculous shit these days smh.

12-21-21, 21:21
Man what a shit day yesterday. I got back to Medellin yesterday. My SA girl is sick and can't play. So I was talking to another SA girl and we got things set up for 6 pm and she bails at 5 says she can come tomorrow after sending about 20 texts. Well fuck. So I get a well reviewed girl for mileroticos to come over. The outcall lis a little pricey but fuck it I didn't want to go out in the rain and the traffic. So as you would expect she shows up an hour late and she is a vennie and she does not have documents. Well I did feel bad for her so I slid her a bit of cash anyway (Ya I know. I'm soft) - she didn't ask for it. And I think this may pay dividends- so. Now it's 8:00 and what the fuck Lleras is a couple blocks away. There were a few doable girls. I asked they said 300 kcop but immediately dropped to 200- one agreed to kissing and BBBJ. Well there was a little kissing but that was it. Banged her in mish for a while but it wasn't going to happen so I got her to finish me off with a HJ. Fuck Lleras- it's the same everywhere man. If they were organized straight shooters they would prolly have good jobs and wouldn't be ho's. What you going to do.

12-21-21, 21:25
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was pointless, unproductive drama. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

Captain Solo
12-21-21, 21:44
In comparison hotels near CDMX's tourists area are cheaper, nicer, cleaner, with hot water. Hotels in Colombia are much older, poorer, dirtier. Hotel San Francisco in Bogota is a very good deal at $35, but the walls are paper thin. By 6 AM and all morning the cleaning women talk so loud and make so much noise in the hallway, so loud it was like they were in bed with you. I had to complain to the reception desk.

Mexico's Telcel SIM works perfectly with voice, data, texts in Mexico. The Claro SIM sold to me was promised to include voice and text to the US but it never worked. I went to a couple branches to figure out how I could call and text the US, the kept telling me I needed to add money. I went to Claro's main service center near Plaza Botero. There was a line of a couple hundred people waiting to get in the building for billing and technical issues. Would take hours just to get in. I talked to accounting reps, they said to add more money, but it still did not work. After talking to many technical service people, they finally figured out that I had to buy a special plan to have voice and text to the US. Then their network was working only intermittently.

Hundreds of poor people were waiting outside Claro's Technical Service center for hours to get in to fix simple billing and technical problems. Claro's people and organization are just way to incompetent and inefficient. They don't give a fuck about servicing their customers. I bet some assholes are colluding with the assholes in Colombia's government to have monopoly in mobile services to suck the blood out of this very poor people, make billions every year, so they can drink very expensive liquors and fuck the obese, lumpy freaks in La Isla every night.

Reputable sources told me Colombia is still a narco state, controlled and run by drug lords, splitting drugs profits with government officials.

Mojo Bandit
12-21-21, 21:52
Numero 4 is definite catfish, I've verified with the girl via her onlyfans. Remember to never send any money before hand people.How did you ask her about the catfish situation? I did not post a link to her profile so the only thing I can think is that she denied having an FB account all together?

This girl used to post short videos in FB "stories" all the time, but I have not seen any lately but I do not see how a catfish could also post video.

I am definitely not sure that she is currently a working girl, l I now she was a couple of years ago, but at this point I do not think that her profile is a catfish. I have a some PMs going on with other BM looking into the situation but she has a lot of things that insinuate her profile to be legit. She has a group photo of her that one of the other chicas in the photo has "liked" which only makes sense if both profiles are fake. She also has the other chicas at least three of them in her friends list and vica versa which means it would have to be a coordination of 5 catfish profiles?

12-21-21, 22:17
I got a little confused in my most recent post. This is the tranny-sister couple from Ground Zero. The tranny is super cute in the red and orange and the white visor but I have to be super drunk before I roll that way (kidding, jaja). S / he grabbed her sister for me to fuck who was also hanging out by the church. Her sister had a butter face but blowjob skills that could overcome any type of condom, and a nine body and I don't hand out tens. I fucked the sister at least three different times and I will bring her to The Nutti in a heartbeat if I am lucky enough to cross paths with her again.

The other couple shown in my most recent "amigas of amigas" post were best friends forever, literally since young childhood, but not related. The first two times I banged Pumpkin her tranny best friend came in the Ground Zero Love Motel room with us and watched at their request, I didn't care, I think she felt more relaxed with her BFF there, jaja. After that I got rid of her (the tranny) by buying her a beer.

Ostee Out, and don't forget, in these crazy times to Keep On Keepin' On.

P.S. Under the topic of differences between Thailand and Medellin, in MDE I have never had a tranny try to trick me into believing she's really a girl. Up front, all I say to her is "tranny"? And they instantly let you know. In Thailand, they might tell you the truth, but sometimes the 'ladyboys" run it like a little extortion scam where they wait until they are in the room with you, and then if you back out they insist on payment and can get violent if you don't pay up.

12-21-21, 22:37
So. I have been less than all safe and I was thinking I should get tested. No symptoms but I would like a fresh certificate because I am liking the SA thing and I suppose it is the responsible thing. I seem to remember a thread where someone was highlighting how quick and easy it was here. I can not find the thread. I did find a test lab off of google (SynLab) and it seemed like they would do the job done for about 450 kcop. When I finally found the place. Waited in line. Had a very embarrassing conversation in front of about 10 people. I was turned away because I didn't have my passport. Does anyone have any good ideas? Also it did seem a bit pricey though I really have no idea.

12-22-21, 01:26
In comparison hotels near CDMX's tourists area are cheaper, nicer, cleaner, with hot water. Hotels in Colombia are much older, poorer, dirtier. Hotel San Francisco in Bogota is a very good deal at $35, but the walls are paper thin. By 6 AM and all morning the cleaning women talk so loud and make so much noise in the hallway, so loud it was like they were in bed with you. I had to complain to the reception desk.

Mexico's Telcel SIM works perfectly with voice, data, texts in Mexico. The Claro SIM sold to me was promised to include voice and text to the US but it never worked. I went to a couple branches to figure out how I could call and text the US, the kept telling me I needed to add money. I went to Claro's main service center near Plaza Botero. There was a line of a couple hundred people waiting to get in the building for billing and technical issues. Would take hours just to get in. I talked to accounting reps, they said to add more money, but it still did not work. After talking to many technical service people, they finally figured out that I had to buy a special plan to have voice and text to the US. Then their network was working only intermittently.

Hundreds of poor people were waiting outside Claro's Technical Service center for hours to get in to fix simple billing and technical problems..You seem to have an excessive hate on for Colombia. Perhaps it would be best if you went to Mexico.

12-22-21, 01:48
So. I have been less than all safe and I was thinking I should get tested. No symptoms but I would like a fresh certificate because I am liking the SA thing and I suppose it is the responsible thing. I seem to remember a thread where someone was highlighting how quick and easy it was here. I can not find the thread. I did find a test lab off of google (SynLab) and it seemed like they would do the job done for about 450 kcop. When I finally found the place. Waited in line. Had a very embarrassing conversation in front of about 10 people. I was turned away because I didn't have my passport. Does anyone have any good ideas? Also it did seem a bit pricey though I really have no idea.https://www.bioreferencia.com has various physical locations, and they will come to you for the blood draw also. I've been very happy with their services. 450 k seems very high, I pay less for much more than STI testing. Results available online a few hours later.

12-22-21, 01:58
Look I don't have a dog in this Mexico VS Colombia fight that seems to be going on. But I will give my two cents. I was born in Mexico city and spent the first 1/3 of my life there before I moved to southern California. Spanish is my first language and I have played in several places in Mexico. Mexico city, Guadalajara, Cacun / Tulum and many others but I was a regular in Tijuana. Since I lived little over an hour drive I was there several times a month going to H. K and using SA or escort sites like Musas and I loved it.

I visited Colombia the first time in Bogota and honestly I wasn't really all that impressed but had a decent time over all. Then I started reading the post in this section and diced to give Colombia another try but visited Medellin, and wow what a world of difference!

It definitely takes more work to get a lay of the land. I was luck enough to meet JjBee on my first trip and he showed me the ropes around he city. But once you know how the place works there is no real comparison between the two. Its way I could very easy spend 500 $ in one night in Tijuana, and I did often enough. Now It takes me almost a week of fucking a minimum of two girls a day to spend the same amount in Medellin because several of my regular FB girls don't even ask me for X amount of money. I'm not saying they see me for free, they don't, they just no longer ask me for a specific number and are happy with what ever I give them. That's something that is never going to happen in Mexico I think. Many of the FB girls I see are equal or way better looking than any girls I ever met in HK and I was there a lot.

Mexico and Tijuana in general is easier for you to enjoy for sure. Its convenient and feels safer because everything in the city organized to serve the American tourist. A vast amount of people speak or at least understand English which is not the case in Colombia. Both places you can have a great time. One is easier but will cost you way more money to get model level girls, the other is farther and takes more work but you can find runway model caliber girls cheaper than pretty much any other country I think.

I'm Mexican and very proud of it. I however haven been going exclusively to Medellin for my adult fun for almost 2 years now and don't see it changing any time soon. In fact I booked my trip for next month earlier today haha. Now if I can just find good Mexican food in Medellin I might just move there haha!

Mr Enternational
12-22-21, 02:48
Hotel San Francisco in Bogota is a very good deal at $35,Make that the 3rd time you have been robbed on the same trip. I have never paid more than $23 and no less than $17.

12-22-21, 02:50
I have never heard of the pollution problem in February but it makes sense since I understand that is is a drier month with little to no rain to clean the air. I know there have been many times that leaving my windows open during the day has me coming back to dusty floors. I just don't remember what month. I wish I would have know this before I booked my next trip.Your going to be fine in February, the good thing is it will be drier, and you can't always predict how the contamination might be, so come and enjoy yourself!

12-22-21, 02:58
Yes, enough is enough. Can we get Pollo Negro back on here please to restore some order!

All ugly!

I'm going to Mexico! LOL.

What happened to Colombia and the forum?

Can we please have Colombia back! LOL.

Ridiculous shit these days smh.

12-22-21, 03:06
OK, thanks for going over that again. I will search your handle the next time I need Mexico information.


I went by my wingmen recommendations. As a casual visitor, I did not want to spend months researching and making contacts via Facebook. I expected the puta business in Medellin to offer beautiful talents, good values, security, nice, safe, honest, efficient, low costs, like what Hong Kong club does with its business and its nice, clean, honest, fun, glamorous girls in Tijuana.

One wingman worked hard on Tinder but got nothing in Medellin. He got some girls in Cartagena but they looked old, unattractive, way to homely with their pear-shape bodies like worn-down housewives. I was not interested.

Went to Club Space inside Cartagena's walled city. Again old, ugly, lumpy overweight women, none was attractive enough for companies or sex. One tall, slim, half-way attractive girl was standing quietly by herself all night near the door, not talking, not socializing with anyone. I got over talking to her a couple times to check her out. Half of her left body was spray painted with ugly tattoos (OK, I am exaggerating the spray paint part). The music was very loud. She spoke very little, one word at a time, wanted $100. All clues point to a flaming trannie. Afterwards she kept giving me the eyes, but no thanks. I would not want to be near a woman whose dick is bigger than mine hehe. Then I picked up a girls outside Space to go back to the hotel, quickly got my phone stolen by this nasty puta. She will get the harshest punishments for the rest of her miserable life.

The bros showed me the talents at Parque Lleras around midnight. Almost all were skanky or obese, tatted up, drugged up ugly freaks. Frankly I was disgusted with the freaks hanging out in P Lleras. A wingman was waiting for his girl who showed up with this girl Camilla. She looked pretty with her slim body, but she thought I was really hooked, lied and jacked up her $500 all night quote, which was outrageous and I would never accept. Then in the room she had an extremely offensive dead-fish pussy and was trying to steal from my luggage like an animal. Man, she was having a long series of orgasms, moaning and gasping, probably could not get any guy to fuck her stinky pussy in years..

12-22-21, 03:22
You can set your watch by the 4 PM rain showers April through early June and November through January. It's no fun when it lasts up to 12 hours. All in all it's pretty awesome to not deal with sweltering heat and humidity or freezing cold.

The weather can be so awesome in Medellin. However, February at times is not a good month as there can be a lot of contamination in the air, and it can get very bad, to the point where they are adjusting pico why placa for when cars can be on the road.

And in addition to this, when the contamination levels get so high, they shut down the sports complexes like in Estadio and Bellen, along with others which means the soccer fields, basketball courts, tennis courts, and pools are closed. I remember back in February 2020 they had shut downs of three to four days at a time.

12-22-21, 03:24
How did you ask her about the catfish situation? I did not post a link to her profile so the only thing I can think is that she denied having an FB account all together?

This girl used to post short videos in FB "stories" all the time, but I have not seen any lately but I do not see how a catfish could also post video.

I am definitely not sure that she is currently a working girl, l I now she was a couple of years ago, but at this point I do not think that her profile is a catfish. I have a some PMs going on with other BM looking into the situation but she has a lot of things that insinuate her profile to be legit. She has a group photo of her that one of the other chicas in the photo has "liked" which only makes sense if both profiles are fake. She also has the other chicas at least three of them in her friends list and vica versa which means it would have to be a coordination of 5 catfish profiles?Thanks for sharing the Fb links. I will start building up the roster to prep for Medellin trip in 2022. Lots of sexy paisas, just need to weed out the fakes. Looks like the FB route requires the most effort & time, but it pays dividends in the long term. Great to see so many FB success stories in this thread.

12-22-21, 03:26
I did find a test lab off of google (SynLab) and it seemed like they would do the job done for about 450 kcop. Ouch! Here let me help you.

About 3 blocks from New Life is www.adilab.com.co Calle 54 # 42-47.

8,000 Syphilis.

25,000 HIV.

45,000 Gonorrhea and Chlamydia.

30,000 HepatitusB.

80,000 Covid antigen.

12-22-21, 04:09
..Many of the FB girls I see are equal or way better looking than any girls I ever met in HK and I was there a lot...I think that is hard for people to agree, similar to what Solo is doing the other way.

12-22-21, 04:52
A few observations. In the end to each their own.

1) For those on short trips, Medellin gets better every time until you get the hang of it 3-4 x in. The reason is that it is a versatile destination, and between lleras, clubs, casas, FB and Tinder, SA, Centro etc. Everyone has their preferences. What works for one doesn't work for the other. Heck many mongers don't even know what the fuck they prefer as nowhere I know has this number of venues to source chicas.

2) More chicas in MDE are open to P4 P than anywhere I know, not sure if it is the narco history, the culture, the extraordinary desire for material things, or what exactly, but the pool of available 18-25 yr olds seems much higher here than anywhere I know.

3) Mexico is more of a plug and play, and it's organized better. The chicas are also from all over, DR V'zla, Mexico, Cuba, Haiti and Colombia, etc. even seen Europeans, So clearly variety is more. In MDE at the most you might find is Vennies in addition to paisas, even other types of Colombianas are rarer than you would think.

4) I have found huge variance in chicas in MDE from starfish scammers to GFE sweethearts, but once you get a curated pool, it's game on. Even though it's clearly P4P, many girls there look at it as some kind of friends with benefits arrangement even with 600 friends jajaja. However the flake rate is worse in Medellin too.

5) Crime is an issue both places, but MDE is probably worse. Though the Mexican cops are worse than Colombians from what I have seen. Many chicas do Tussi and weed and some more in MDE. It's a party culture. I haven't seen as much in Mexico but I also have not been all over Mexico.

6) as for climate, food, activities, cost of living etc. I give the edge to MDE even though the distance of travel probably goes in Mexico's favor.

In the end it is a personal choice. You have to experience it for yourself no one can tell you because no one is you.

12-22-21, 05:36
I have the perfect solution. Those who think Mexico is better than Colombia should go to Mexico and never come back to Colombia. Seems like the best solution without arguing and trying to win that pointless argument.

Mojo Bandit
12-22-21, 06:37
Thanks for sharing the Fb links. Shhhh!! I sent them in a PM for a reason LOL.

12-22-21, 07:25
Now if I can just find good Mexican food in Medellin I might just move there haha!Hey Dude!

Dig your screen name. I only hesitate making this referral because not being Mexican, I can't vouch for the authenticity, but all I know is the food tasted great with high-quality fresh ingredients, good Margaritas, great cafe' vibe, as you can see a super colorful decor, and friendly waitresses. Of course, the prices are good.

Restaurante Mexicano Orale.

CL. 41 A ## 70-138, Medellin, and, Antioquia, Colombia.

This place is a couple of blocks off of Avenida 70, the tourist corridor. The closest metro is Estadio, would be 15 minute walk from there, and would be a right turn of the Avenida.

I think it's super close to the San Peter apartments that so many people here talk about here. I've stayed for months in that neighborhood, never a felt a pull toward Strange Peter, guess I should check it out some day.

Fotos are there with my Spanish Teacher. I took her out to lunch after she gave me some really good deep lessons one afternoon. Yeah, that Spanish teacher, jeje.

If you check it out, PM me with the feedback soes I know.

Ostee Out!

12-22-21, 08:42
Man what a shit day yesterday. What you going to do?You're going to remember that your bad day in Medellin beats almost all your good days back home, jeje.

And to Keep On Keepin' On.

12-22-21, 09:55
Look I don't have a dog in this Mexico VS Colombia fight that seems to be going on. But I will give my two cents. I was born in Mexico city and spent the first 1/3 of my life there before I moved to southern California. Spanish is my first language and I have played in several places in Mexico. Mexico city, Guadalajara, Cacun / Tulum and many others but I was a regular in Tijuana. Since I lived little over an hour drive I was there several times a month going to H. K and using SA or escort sites like Musas and I loved it.

I visited Colombia the first time in Bogota and honestly I wasn't really all that impressed but had a decent time over all. Then I started reading the post in this section and diced to give Colombia another try but visited Medellin, and wow what a world of difference!I will say that Tijuana is the only place where I had someone offer to sell me a machine gun. He was getting frustrated because I didn't want to buy anything, so he asked if I wanted a machine gun.

It was fun hanging out with you. That was a really good trip for me. And I agree, obviously, with your opinion of Medellin. I hope to head back in a few months.

For Mexican food in Medellin, try Milagros. They have a few locations. There's also a place in Parque Lleras and Laureles that does decent tacos. The name is Ajua. There's also Wajaca in Envigado. Not Mexican food, but I highly recommend Salpijugo, also in Envigado.

12-22-21, 10:55
Shhhh!! I sent them in a PM for a reason LOL.These girls aren't really hard to find if you just use the friend of friends methods (not the catfish ones) . Its like 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon. Found a couple of your girls posted earlier took like 5 minutes tops.

12-22-21, 13:57
Yes, enough is enough. Can we get Pollo Negro back on here please to restore some order!The old guys who are truly bullshitting you about how pretty the girls in Tijuana really are, I have been to Tijuana more times than I can count. My brother was stationed in 29 Palms for many years and I would fly out to visit him and I would just camp down in Tijuana and enjoy the scenery. If you like short women with express-less faces who are always trying to hustle you, then Tijuana is the spot for you. It's quite entertaining to watch guys from the Mexico forum bounce over to the Colombia forum and throw shade on Colombian Women and Medellin. No one flies 6 hours from one coast to another coast in America, then another 3.5 hours down to Medellin, just to see grossly obese ugly women?

You have never heard me write about or mention Mexico or San Pedro Sula Honduras and I once stayed in both of those destinations. I once considered retiring to Honduras as it was only 2.5 hours away from Houston and my job allows me to move to anywhere and receive a great pay increase. But you never see me mention anything about Central America. Since visiting Colombia, I have no reason to mention Central America. You don't see me post as much in this forum, not because I am not getting as much action as I once did, why mention it you have Pulitzer Prize writers on the board who have never visited Medellin who can read the forum and cause chaos as if they have really been to Medellin, but as they say in my circles, it takes all kinds.

Allow me to justify my words and claims, Tall Man, Sjobs, Rice Rocket, and Nounce are all from California, they could easily fly down to San Diego California and trot across the boarder to Tijuana, guess where they are? They are all in Medellin or Brazil, I deal with facts, not the Bull$hit. You have to weed through what's real and what's fiction. No one in his or her right mind, goes to a Mercedes dealership looking to buy a BMW. If Mexico is where you want to be, why are you on the Medellin forum keeping up a fuss. Of all women I have ever taken to bed, they all had 2 tit $ and a split. If you are expecting more than that, then my good board members, shame on you all! Pollo Negro is out!

12-22-21, 14:51
Yes, enough is enough. Can we get Pollo Negro back on here please to restore some order!Maybe Slapshot can join in as well!

12-22-21, 14:52
These girls aren't really hard to find if you just use the friend of friends methods (not the catfish ones) . Its like 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon. Found a couple of your girls posted earlier took like 5 minutes tops.Yes, but who wants to pay Kevin Bacon for sex?

12-22-21, 15:06
Ouch! Here let me help you.

About 3 blocks from New Life is www.adilab.com.co Calle 54 # 42-47.

8,000 Syphilis.

25,000 HIV.

45,000 Gonorrhea and Chlamydia.

30,000 HepatitusB.

80,000 Covid antigen.Thanks very much. I did try bioferencia and the initially quoted me 752,000 (maybe I should change my WhatsApp handle from Papi Papaya) - I said something and the price went to $275,000 - dyslexia? Anyway I guess if I'm going to New Life anyway.

12-22-21, 15:21

I'm in MDE for a few weeks and wanted to know if someone wants to have a beer together and exchange chicas experiences. Regards.

12-22-21, 16:54
I have the perfect solution. Those who think Mexico is better than Colombia should go to Mexico and never come back to Colombia. Seems like the best solution without arguing and trying to win that pointless argument.Lets get back to all the great things about Medellin, the other posts are obvious in their intent.

12-22-21, 18:47
Thank you! This truth bomb is exactly what was needed.

The old guys who are truly bullshitting you about how pretty the girls in Tijuana really are, I have been to Tijuana more times than I can count. My brother was stationed in 29 Palms for many years and I would fly out to visit him and I would just camp down in Tijuana and enjoy the scenery. If you like short women with express-less faces who are always trying to hustle you, then Tijuana is the spot for you. It's quite entertaining to watch guys from the Mexico forum bounce over to the Colombia forum and throw shade on Colombian Women and Medellin. No one flies 6 hours from one coast to another coast in America, then another 3.5 hours down to Medellin, just to see grossly obese ugly women?

You have never heard me write about or mention Mexico or San Pedro Sula Honduras and I once stayed in both of those destinations. I once considered retiring to Honduras as it was only 2.5 hours away from Houston and my job allows me to move to anywhere and receive a great pay increase. But you never see me mention anything about Central America. Since visiting Colombia, I have no reason to mention Central America. You don't see me post as much in this forum, not because I am not getting as much action as I once did, why mention it you have Pulitzer Prize writers on the board who have never visited Medellin who can read the forum and cause chaos as if they have really been to Medellin, but as they say in my circles, it takes all kinds.

12-22-21, 18:55
A machine gun? That made me laugh out loud because it's so crazy. That is the Mexico I know, anything you want you can get. Back to Medellin, I've been to Milagros a couple of times. I found it very mediocre and I have no plans to return. It's neither authentic nor on the level of the chain Mexican restaurants you find in the US. The past couple of years here there has been an explosion of low end taco "restaurants", especially in Laureles and Provenza. As best I can tell the core customer base are gringos and younger Colombians. It's a bit of a gold rush because the places make nice profits on heavy sales of alcoholic beverages and the food costs are next to nothing. Beans, tortillas, scraps of pork and chicken, and salty sauces. I respect the hustle but it's a stretch to call it Mexican food.

I will say that Tijuana is the only place where I had someone offer to sell me a machine gun. He was getting frustrated because I didn't want to buy anything, so he asked if I wanted a machine gun.

It was fun hanging out with you. That was a really good trip for me. And I agree, obviously, with your opinion of Medellin. I hope to head back in a few months.

For Mexican food in Medellin, try Milagros. They have a few locations. There's also a place in Parque Lleras and Laureles that does decent tacos. The name is Ajua. There's also Wajaca in Envigado. Not Mexican food, but I highly recommend Salpijugo, also in Envigado.

12-22-21, 20:01
Last year during the peak of the pandemic, I was in Medellin from Nov 2020 to Feb 2021. Daily curfews and weekend lookdowns were commonplace, but I still had a blast! I made the best of it and enjoyed the lockdowns with different girls and sometimes multiple girls. Being in Medellin for that long during those restrictive measures and still was able to have limitless fun, I knew I was ready to buy a place here and eventually make a permanent move.

Fast forward to Dec 2021, now that I have my own apartment and all the amenities (remember tussi makes the pussy juicy!) And so far, none of the curfews or lockdowns, and all the fat, ugly, lumpy, tatted up, low-quality chicas at my disposal (shout out to Captain Solo), it really feels like I'm living the Colombian Dream haha. Past couple days I had to reject so many chicas because even God had to rest on the 7th day, and many of them were enticing me with photos of their amigas that were all up for grabs (150-200 mil BB everything for multiple hours). I would give amigas 50 mil propina for chica introductions, and the new chicas would introduce me to their other amigas and it becomes a well-oiled sex machine cycle.

It's definitely a buyer's market right now and lots of chicas doing last minute Christmas shopping and looking for some extra cash. My current rotation of girls know that I love BB everything and will send amigas my way. Sorry folks, please don't PM me for contacts, I'm just too selfish to share, plus it just takes one guy to fuck it all up for the rest of us, but best of luck to everyone!

BTW, mind as well put my opinion out there. I have been to Tijuana numerous times and I love the HK scene. I also developed good list of SA contacts as well. It's a short 1. 5 hour flight and I have Global Entry so crossing the border is a piece of cake. I admit, they do have some of the hottest chicas. I was there in summer of 2020 when nothing else was open and I had a blast, spent at least 1 grand for the weekend partying it up, and loved every dollar of it haha. I had multiple and memorable BBFS sessions with mostly drunk chicas hehe, but I will still take Medellin over Tijuana any day of the week and thrice on Sunday. For me, it's not even a discussion, just my 2 cents. It's time to move on, and sorry for bringing it up again. And YES, Medellin is full of fat, ugly, lumpy, tatted up, low-quality chicas, so please don't come out here and let us enjoy them all! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone out there! Have fun and stay safe!

On a side note, I'm loving the exchange rate. Been getting exactly 4,001 pesos per dollar on Scotia Colpatria ATM with 900 mil transaction limit and 2. 7 million daily limit. And now that I have a Bancolombia account, I'm stashing extra pesos away. But watch it hit 4,100, then 4,200, and then I'll look stupid haha.

12-22-21, 20:14
It's definitely a buyer's market right now and lots of chicas doing last minute Christmas shopping and looking for some extra cash. My current rotation of girls know that I love BB everything and will send amigas my way. Sorry folks, please don't PM me for contacts, I'm just too selfish to share, plus it just takes one guy to fuck it all up for the rest of us, but best of luck to everyone!I'm the same way LOL. Besides, I'm picky and like a certain type of chica. I'm planning to arrive in Medellin in March, so I'd love to buy you or any other senior member a beer.

12-22-21, 20:18
Back to Medellin, I've been to Milagros a couple of times. I found it very mediocre and I have no plans to return. It's neither authentic nor on the level of the chain Mexican restaurants you find in the US. The past couple of years here there has been an explosion of low end taco "restaurants", especially in Laureles and Provenza. As best I can tell the core customer base are gringos and younger Colombians. It's a bit of a gold rush because the places make nice profits on heavy sales of alcoholic beverages and the food costs are next to nothing. Beans, tortillas, scraps of pork and chicken, and salty sauces. I respect the hustle but it's a stretch to call it Mexican food.Your right Knowledge, finding authentic Mexican food in Medellin is a challenge. There is only one, named Chilaques, that used to be located in the Patio Bonito barrio, then moved to the Manilla barrio, and supposedly is now located somewhere in Laureles, and I haven't been there to confirm it's the same owner.

So what was so special about Chilaques. Well for starters they make all their tortillas by hand, they have carnitas and other pork dishes, they have dishes with mole sauces, along with chili verde sauces, and they make refried beans from scratch.

I have not encountered any other Mexican restaurant in Medellin that has dishes with mole sauces.

And what always gets me about the Mexican places in Medellin, is they seem to think Pineapple goes on tacos.

12-22-21, 20:42
Has anyone heard of gringos being screened for fotos on their phone or computer entering MDE or is it just leaving?

Yeah, I am a little paranoid, I think I should be after my little run it with the policia last time. I am taking the necessary steps but I keep finding fotos buried in files I did not know existed? Jaja, if you play you pay, I get it, don't worry.

Just the facts and first hand knowledge, please.

Ostee Out.

12-22-21, 21:17
Jaja, if that's even possible. Fuckin' lucky stars you were born under gave you an insurmountable head start.

Thanks for mentioning the propina for a referral from an amiga for another amiga, completely appropriate. I forget about that in my post. I would tip any other girl besides Scarlet for a referral, she's already getting more than her fair share.

I also back you (not that you need it) that sharing contacts is generally not worth the downside. I do it on very rare occasions for guys who I can personally vouch for. I might point a fellow monger in the direction of a good encounter I had with an El Centro bottom feeder who is already out there for anyone, but even then, do your own legwork and find her like I did. Mongering is a balance between, we got each other's backs to every man for himself. Also realize, there's a big difference between a FB chica who is advertising for anyone, and a regular girl who a monger only got thru individual and persistent effort.

I might be chained to a bed for a bit until Amazonia birfuses her baby. She Whassap'd me yesterday to tell me her friends are telling her that sex is the best way to induce labor, thank your very much. Of course with that said, and the way "plans" never seem to pan out in MDE, I will wait and see if she even shows up. One thing for sure, there will be options and most of the time what plays out was better than what I had in my warped mind to begin with, jeje.

That exchange rate sounds wonderful, anything above 4000 and we're doing great.

I am doing all the last minute running around you do before you leave the country for months at a time. Several people have asked me why I look so happy. If they only knew! Jajaja. Ostee Out.

Last year during the peak of the pandemic, I was in Medellin from Nov 2020 to Feb 2021. Daily curfews and weekend lookdowns were commonplace, but I still had a blast! I made the best of it and enjoyed the lockdowns with different girls and sometimes multiple girls. Being in Medellin for that long during those restrictive measures and still was able to have limitless fun, I knew I was ready to buy a place here and eventually make a permanent move.

Fast forward to Dec 2021, now that I have my own apartment and all the amenities (remember tussi makes the pussy juicy!) And so far, none of the curfews or lockdowns, and all the fat, ugly, lumpy, tatted up, low-quality chicas at my disposal (shout out to Captain Solo), it really feels like I'm living the Colombian Dream haha. Past couple days I had to reject so many chicas because even God had to rest on the 7th day, and many of them were enticing me with photos of their amigas that were all up for grabs (150-200 mil BB everything for multiple hours). I would give amigas 50 mil propina for chica introductions, and the new chicas would introduce me to their other amigas and it becomes a well-oiled sex machine cycle..

12-22-21, 22:05
Much has been made recently regarding the busy times at La Isla. My one experience was about 9 or 10 PM. I was underwhelmed. But I've since learned that I should target after 12 AM.

Question: will I be disappointed with a 12 AM or 1 AM visit on a Wednesday or Thursday night? (As opposed to a weekend night).

12-22-21, 22:23
No one in his or her right mind, goes to a Mercedes dealership looking to buy a BMW. Which are you saying is better, Mercedes or BMW?

Rhetorical question, jaja, and well said as usual.

12-22-21, 22:39
Hey Dude!

Dig your screen name. I only hesitate making this referral because not being Mexican, I can't vouch for the authenticity, but all I know is the food tasted great with high-quality fresh ingredients, good Margaritas, great cafe' vibe, as you can see a super colorful decor, and friendly waitresses. Of course, the prices are good.

Restaurante Mexicano Orale.

CL. 41 A ## 70-138, Medellin, and, Antioquia, Colombia.

This place is a couple of blocks off of Avenida 70, the tourist corridor. The closest metro is Estadio, would be 15 minute walk from there, and would be a right turn of the Avenida.

I think it's super close to the San Peter apartments that so many people here talk about here. I've stayed for months in that neighborhood, never a felt a pull toward Strange Peter, guess I should check it out some day.Damnit! Orale is the one other Mexican restaurant I was going to mention. They have multiple locations. In Laureles the one you're talking about is about a block west of San Peter, and there's an Orale seafood place right next to San Peter.

There's another Mexican restaurant in the area I liked, but I can't remember the name.

Since the subject is food, and Mexico has been dominating the discussion, has anyone been to Puerto Nuevo, about 30 minutes south of Tijuana, for lobster? Tiny little town with practically nothing except for restaurants that serve lobster. It was ridiculously cheap back in the 80's. Last time I was there, 92?, we had 6 adults and 1 kid, got 2 huge lobsters, rice beans, tortillas, about 8 beers and we spent $70.

We had headed down on a Friday morning. My wife's best friend was in San Diego with her boyfriend, so we loaded them, 2 of my friends with their son, into my old land yacht (76 Monte Carlo) and headed down for lunch. We didn't realize that it was the day before Cinco de Mayo. When we arrived everything was closed, streets were blocked off and everyone was partying in the streets. Local kids were performing, dancing, singing, acrobatics, all the women dressed up in white dresses with rainbow petticoats. There were mariachi bands playing. It was quite an experience. Plus they were passing out free tequila.

We drank and enjoyed the festivities until the restaurants reopened, then had our lunch. On the way out the door, my friend was drunk, jumped on the other guys back and 3 people ended up knocked down in the street. A group of cops standing down the street started talking and headed our way. The wife's friend's boyfriend said he would handle it. He went over and talked to them for a few minutes and soon they were all laughing and waving at us.

The guy was a cop, Ontario PD. He explained that the Mexican cops have a hero worship thing for US cops. Once he showed them his badge we were free to do just about anything.

12-22-21, 23:13
First time poster, long time reader. As I am concluding five months in Medellin I thought I would share what I have been up to.

About me: mid thirties, work remotely, experienced monger, conversational Spanish skills. Not my first time in Colombia. Previously short trips to Bogota and Cartagena.

I stayed in Poblado close to Provenza and Parque Lleras. I highly recommend Lettera Hotel. I do not recommend Dann Carlton, 23 Hotel. Charlee Hotel or Park 10.

I also stayed at the Intercontinental in Las Palmas which I liked but it's not walking distance to Provenza / Lleras. Great restaurant and grill there. Big pool. Gym. Very nice.

Primary hunting ground was Seeking. Lots of girls available. Negotiated up front and then sent them an Uber and had them dropped off directly at my hotel. Very easy. Very efficient.

I spent a lot of time at Parque Lleras when I first arrived. Highly amusing but gets old after a few weeks. Tons and tons of girls on the weekends. It's certainly a sight to see. I recommend the hookah bar with green lights with a perfect view of the busiest corner in the park. Invite a girl up for a drink and send her back if she's not for you. A hundred more are waiting.

Casas: Checked out Newlife but didn't like any of the girls. Paid the viewing fee and left. Went to Spa Energias. Didn't like the line up but picked a young Venezuelan. Never returned to either casa.

Went to Loutron's one night. Small line up. Mostly girls who had been operated on. Not my style but picked a girl. Terrible service. Upsold me but failed to deliver the goods. Had the audacity to ask me for a tip at the end. Do not recommend this establishment.

Checked out La Isla but left within 15 minutes of arrived. The girls started harassing me for tips before I had even gotten a drink and watched a dance.

The girls at the Do Men's Spa below Diez Hotel in Poblado are available for whatever you can negotiate. The massages however are mediocre.

Overall, I had a great time here. I definitely recommend visiting Medellin. Having said that, I prefer la playa why el sol. Headed to the DR next.

12-22-21, 23:25
Damnit! Orale is the one other Mexican restaurant I was going to mention. They have multiple locations. In Laureles the one you're talking about is about a block west of San Peter, and there's an Orale seafood place right next to San Peter.And I like recommending specific locations, hopefully the same people are working there as when I frequented the place. Sometimes the quality within a restaurant chain can vary considerably, or even the same restaurant day to day, depending on who's doing the food prep and cooking. I have no experience per se with that in Colombia.

12-22-21, 23:25
There's a Ryan Castro (local trap / reggaeton artist) concert in Manrique (Club Zenith) tonight. I'll be there with a few chicas, to those brave souls who want a true paisa party and adventure and absolutely 0 gringos (except for me haha), come through! Invite a chica and you'll def impress her by going vip bottle service. Actually, she’ll be more impressed that you even know about the club and concert. Party goes from 8 pm to 6 am!

12-23-21, 00:18
Much has been made recently regarding the busy times at La Isla. My one experience was about 9 or 10 PM. I was underwhelmed. But I've since learned that I should target after 12 AM.

Question: will I be disappointed with a 12 AM or 1 AM visit on a Wednesday or Thursday night? (As opposed to a weekend night).I was there on a random Thursday night 11:30 pm - 1:00 am and left disappointed due to lack of talent. There were probably two or three 8's, but they were busy with regulars / weekend warriors in VIP sections. All others looked average and did not deserve my attention and money.