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10-18-23, 05:37
I know nothing about Korean taxes or laws. But the impression I had was he could write these visits off as businesses expenses. Somehow hide or not need to hide the girl rental aspect of the visit. I do not think any of the Western countries can do this. If Koreans can do this legally and tax wise then game over....

Koreans in general will have some of the hottest girls. But you will never see them....It's easy to stay under the radar with expenses but if a company wants to check, then software is available to flag that a credit card expense for XYZ Restaurant Manila is really a AC massage joint.

Correct. Many of the hottest and busiest girls will also build up their own contacts and drop out of the bar system all together. Guys call and book direct and no need for her to split the money with anyone. Over the years, I've known several privateer girls where it was essential to book ahead to reserve a place lest she already be taken.

Enjoy. G.

10-18-23, 05:48
Curious. What high standard are you talking about?Girl #3, butt shot in the G-string, is my pick for the winner.

I know we have been lamenting the growing girth of bar girls but I hope you bought the others a Jollie Burger. 😜.

Honest question: Is the last girl with blue background pinay? Very rare to see bolt-ONS. Or do my eyes deceive me?

Enjoy. G.

10-18-23, 06:23
7 years ago I had a Korean guy I bar hopped a few times with. We went to 3-4 bars per night, Then 5-7 months later he would visit again for 3-4 days and we might barhop to 3-4 bars for 1 or 2 nights. We did this on 4 of his visits. He said he owned a construction company and he came to Angels with clients. I know nothing about Korean taxes or laws. But the impression I had was he could write these visits off as businesses expenses. Somehow hide or not need to hide the girl rental aspect of the visit. I do not think any of the Western countries can do this. If Koreans can do this legally and tax wise then game over. None of us can outspend Samsung's, KIA's, or LG's company credit cards. FYI My cousin (USA) was a pharmaceutical sales rep 20+ years ago and at that time he had a company credit card to buy breakfasts, lunches, dinners, balloons, fruit baskets, whatever on the doctors, nurses, and receptionists. He would get in trouble if he did not spend that money of $20,000+. If the Koreans have anything similar, then that is near impossible to compete with.
This is exactly what happened when Koreans first started turning up in AC in numbers. The overwhelming amount of mongering done in Korea is put on the company credit card, that in turn jacked prices there 10 X and the guys there had to find a new playground, AC. Unfortunately they also brought their company cards with them to AC and set up pretty much the same practices they were escaping from as back home. A lot of people still don't understand how much dark money from Korean companies in Clark and subic was used to get a foothold in the AC bar industry, and then secure credit card spending from the motherland by bringing in hundreds of salarymen at a time for weekend millionaire trips.

These days there's now a mixture of the kinds of Koreans you'the find in AC, and even they are starting to complain about prices and quality of girls (gee I wonder why). And now they're moving on to fresher grounds in SE Asia, doing the same thing over and over again, never learning from their mistakes.

10-18-23, 07:11
Curious. What high standard are you talking about?

Also you drew a distinction between the K and western bars, saying you are not interested in what the western bars offer. The lineups at K bars are not necessarily better in terms of looks than western bars. Look at how Las Vegas has stumbled. The lineup in Lollipop is better than LV. Can you name a specific bar where you think the lineup is tops? We'd like to compare.

Do the girls in the pics posted not measure up to your (K) standard? If you can't describe it in detail (the standard), show us a picture. You have consistently droned on about a standard that possibly does not exist. I see an entire range in most bars, K or western.If you read my last bar report westy you would know exactly what bar I think has the best girls in angeles, not only my last report but my last multiple reports.

Again if you and the other board members are happy with what you find in lollipop bar and the other western orieted bars then I'm happy for you guys.

I write my reports on what I honestly see in my multiple visits to the angeles bars which is exactly what this board is designed to do.

Not sure why you guys take such offence that me, multiple barhop friends as well as multiple board members here do not see what you like in the western bars.

Just on last nights barhop we had several angeles bar owners complaining to us at the lack of pretty young girls that they are able to find to work in their bars, the quality of angeles girls is low compared to nearby mongering destination as has been said by many recent members, yes many angeles die hard guys have a if it has a pulse and fucks bareback she is a yes girl but some others have slightly higher standards, simple to understand really.

10-18-23, 09:58
I should have specified. Of the five pics. All were posted here in the AC thread in the past month or so. One is mine. The others were posted by other punters. They are representative of bar availability in AC.

Honest question: Is the last girl with blue background pinay? Very rare to see bolt-ONS. Or do my eyes deceive me?Only the OP can answer that.

Sailor Jack
10-19-23, 09:16
I should have specified. Of the five pics. All were posted here in the AC thread in the past month or so. One is mine. The others were posted by other punters. They are representative of bar availability in AC.

Only the OP can answer that.

"Quote Originally Posted by Goferring
Honest question: Is the last girl with blue background pinay? Very rare to see bolt-ONS. Or do my eyes deceive me?"

SkinnyR is Filipina. SkinnyR has natural, real susus, a god-damned unicorn. Tighter than a mouses ear and loud enough to wake up the neighbors.

Image; more SkinnyR.

10-20-23, 04:39
The Chinese would probably out do even the Korean when it comes to segregation and control. I'm not only talking about the attitudes towards girls trained by westerners but also the mechanisms put in place to retain punters' time and money. It's very rare to see a couple of Chinese aimlessly wandering around town and checking out various places. All-in tour packages are prepaid before departure. Busses transport the groups from Chinese controlled attraction to attraction. They eat enmass at commission paying restaurants and have fun at Chinese run establishments. Even the girls, with high upfront fees, are lumbered with expenses and fines that stay in house.

While the punters may spend a lot, very little remains in the destination establishments. It all filters back to the mainland.

Enjoy. G.I also heard that Chinese go to Cambodia and Vietnam to select and 'buy' wives.

10-20-23, 04:50
Sorry for posting in wrong place but it's urgent. ER in Manila said I had TIA. British doctor reviewing report say unlikely. Still symptomatic and need to see neurologist in Angeles as I'm extremely concerned. Went to ER in Angeles last night and they gave me a long list of names and numbers. Not one of them works to get me through to someone.

Desperate. Please help.

D Cups
10-20-23, 05:28
"Quote Originally Posted by Goferring
Honest question: Is the last girl with blue background pinay? Very rare to see bolt-ONS. Or do my eyes deceive me?"

SkinnyR is Filipina. SkinnyR has natural, real susus, a god-damned unicorn. Tighter than a mouses ear and loud enough to wake up the neighbors.

Image; more SkinnyR.Those are not bolt-ONS. I consider myself an expert on the subject.

10-20-23, 07:07
I also heard that Chinese go to Cambodia and Vietnam to select and 'buy' wives.True. Some horrific stories there.

It's similar to maids going to the Middle East only to return in a box, if at all.

I'm as guilty as the next guy for enjoying the bright lights and fun times but there is definitely a seedy undertone to our hobby.

Enjoy. G.

10-20-23, 18:40
Sorry for posting in wrong place but it's urgent. ER in Manila said I had TIA. British doctor reviewing report say unlikely. Still symptomatic and need to see neurologist in Angeles as I'm extremely concerned. Went to ER in Angeles last night and they gave me a long list of names and numbers. Not one of them works to get me through to someone.

Desperate. Please help.Personally, I'd be in the next flight to Mt Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore but that's me.

Why did you leave a hospital in Manila only to move to AC?

The options are much better in Manila. I'm not a doc and never had any neuro issues but I'd start with St Luke's if you must stay in PI.

Good luck.

10-20-23, 23:39
I also heard that Chinese go to Cambodia and Vietnam to select and 'buy' wives.The traditional Chinese marriage was just a contract for one family to another to purchase a daughter for child bearing and domestic services. The commies originally tried to change things, but as time went on Chinese culture slips back to it's roots.

10-21-23, 06:16
Those are not bolt-ONS. I consider myself an expert on the subject.I remain unconvinced. 🤔.

I'm not normally into super skinny chicks but if needed, I could be available to provide full verification and functional testing. For the sake of science, of course. 😜.

Enjoy. G.

Mr Hawaii
10-21-23, 07:15
Sorry for posting in wrong place but it's urgent. ER in Manila said I had TIA. British doctor reviewing report say unlikely. Still symptomatic and need to see neurologist in Angeles as I'm extremely concerned. Went to ER in Angeles last night and they gave me a long list of names and numbers. Not one of them works to get me through to someone.

Desperate. Please help.Time is very important. If possible, call your own MD in your home country, USA?, and arrange for a video chat. If in MNL, St. Luke's is considered the best hospital. - Retired RN.

10-21-23, 09:47
Sorry for posting in wrong place but it's urgent. ER in Manila said I had TIA. British doctor reviewing report say unlikely. Still symptomatic and need to see neurologist in Angeles as I'm extremely concerned. Went to ER in Angeles last night and they gave me a long list of names and numbers. Not one of them works to get me through to someone.

Desperate. Please help.Teledoc, website below. Make an account. Online video call with a doctor, 24/7. Prescriptions and advice available (for a price on your CC dime, and / or your health insurance).


10-21-23, 14:05
Sorry for posting in wrong place but it's urgent. ER in Manila said I had TIA. British doctor reviewing report say unlikely. Still symptomatic and need to see neurologist in Angeles as I'm extremely concerned. Went to ER in Angeles last night and they gave me a long list of names and numbers. Not one of them works to get me through to someone..Try Clark City Medical inside Clark.

10-25-23, 12:40
Hello Guys,

Thanks for the feedback, I didn't wanted to be rude in my previous post, just wanted to try to make my "soso" experience helpfull.

The best way to find out was to try it myself, and now, I know I am quite sure that I may did things wrong, will not lie I didn't had much time either.

I have legit girls and indo / filipinas friends here in HK, I wouldn't say I am an Apolon but I am not Gollum either: the, but yeah as you said I should have done more research on the city itself.

I wasn't really complaining, it's just that bad experience should also be shared.

In BKK, in pattaya and even in phnom phen there was extra things to do, in AC it's SM mall: Unless going out to big beach quite far of AC.

Thank you very much for your wise feedback, and sorry again, I didn't wanted to be rude to my fellow elders.

Best regards all, see you in my next destination forum.Been here in PH a couple months now. From Manila to Cebu to Angeles. I can confidently say as a guy that's younger than you even; this place isn't it for young guys. Especially if you are in decent / good shape and stuff. Poor bang for buck.

Waaaay too many desperate, thirsty, beer belly, sex or affection starved old guys out here shelling out money for 4's and 5's. So imagine what's going on for hot girls. The good looking ones have multiple 'LDRs' sending them money, not even here and all kinds of stuff. Its like the young and good looking girls here either get snatched up, go abroad, have simps feeding their ego or are looking to be sugar babies, and they usually get their way.

In my 2 months here I have yet to see a single expat or foreign guy with a good looking filipina on his arm, except one. And no, these chubby chubsters or post 30 'spinners', and single moms don't count. I think a lot of guys in this thread as well also have low standards for what it is hot. And the few times I saw someone in public with a filipina that was at least decent looking she was late 20's /30+ of looked emotionally detached. And BTW guys women in that age range are the ones the men here consider used goods / low quality. So just because you get with a skinny 30+ or late 20's girl doesn't make her a 'stunner'.

Sailor Jack is the only dude I see sometimes posting girls that are actually not bad looking, but he even says himself its his 'archive'. Might be once every 3 years he encounters one that looks decent for all we know.

Us young guys know this stuff and keep it real. I'm not starving for sex so I'm not just going to pipe a bunch of late 20's /30+ women and say I had a good time just cause I got laid. I got plenty action in Europe, Miami, LatAm etc. And I'm not bragging cause obviously I wouldn't be here, downside is, young girls nowadays demand way too much time to get some action sometimes, so sometimes I trick. I'm not perfect, but not desperate.

Its simply not enough actually good looking young girls with a decent head on their shoulders here or that arent trying to scam / do nonsense.

No, I'm not paying almost 100, exactly 100 or especially over 100 dollars for a hour of fun with a girl that isn't a stunner in a developing country where the median salary (not average even) is 250 bucks a month. That would be like paying 2. 5 K USD for sex for an hour in America (almost half the median).

These girls have been pimping these old desperate beer bully foreigners for decades and it shows they happily pay them.

If I'm going to deal with all this and have this bad of a pool to pick from Ill just go to East Asia or a HK or something and just go old school and approach or club. At least its free, at least its better looking girls and at least they arent so short for money and common sense they don't try to scam you for a damn phone load.

And yes, some of us young guys monger too, to save time and to just get some ass without all the daygame stuff and rizz wed have to do otherwise. But here it isn't worth it. I legit would rather jerk off and just go old school and take my shot at gaming every weekend in a place with better looking women than pop 4-6 K peso to get with a chubster, single mom, 30+ woman or a straggler that may have STI / STD.

Oh yeah, and I caught fuckin clap out here. First time in my life getting a STI, and it was here. Been to over 10 countries. We know a lot of white guys like going raw andn ot caring about sex hygiene and all that stuff, so enjoy the STI feast. Had two other friends also experience this.

These old dudes posting pics of these 3 and 4/10's can have alllll this.

Let them hate, but I am 100% with your review you dropped.

Oh and don't believe the hype about the white man lust thing. Most Gen Z and young girls now are checkin for Kpop and hot guys of any race now. That white card is played out now, its not 2013 or 2003 anymore; proof of that is I've seen over a dozen white foreign guys here and not a single one was with a baddie. I saw only one white dude with a good looking girl and he was at most 24 years old, babyface and he had a KOREAN / Chinese girl on his arm. Not a Filipina.

I've even seen white guys out here openly with a single mom and her kid, looking miserable. Why are you with her then? Desperation.

Yes, the millennial (30+) and post wall washed up white washed filipinas with that 20th century thinking still have the white lust, but dudes of any race don't want those past expiration date women anyways.

So all this 'Caucasian' talk is old news, not the 2010's anymore.

Anyone telling you otherwise tell them to post a pic of the woman they are dealing with. 80% sure she's either going to be 30+, a single mom, chubby, or ugly in the face.

Going to check out another country in the region. This aint it chief.

Also I like Sailor Jacks reviews theyre funny and entertaining. Thanks for those that are honest on here.

Expat American
10-25-23, 16:40
Been here in PH a couple months now. From Manila to Cebu to Angeles. I can confidently say as a guy that's younger than you even; this place isn't it for young guys. Especially if you are in decent / good shape and stuff. Poor bang for buck.

Waaaay too many desperate, thirsty, beer belly, sex or affection starved old guys out here shelling out money for 4's and 5's. So imagine what's going on for hot girls. The good looking ones have multiple 'LDRs' sending them money, not even here and all kinds of stuff. Its like the young and good looking girls here either get snatched up, go abroad, have simps feeding their ego or are looking to be sugar babies, and they usually get their way.

.There may be some kernel of truth to your rant but you miss an important point. When you are young your dick is happy with a blow up doll as long as she looks like the fake porn star you jerked off to since middle school. Which in your case was probably not that long ago. As you age, connection and sexual skill matter more than looks. I will take high performing 7 over a dead fish 9 who looks at her phone through the entire act every day of the week. So, yeah, the PI is not the place for what the Germans call an "Optifuk". Go to a FKK, a Sauna in Macau, Termas in Rio where you will find 8's and 9's all over the place. The Phils is a different flavor. If its not for you, that's cool.

10-26-23, 02:03
So imagine what's going on for hot girls. The good looking ones have multiple 'LDRs' sending them money, not even here and all kinds of stuff...

And the few times I saw someone in public with a filipina that was at least decent looking she was late 20's /30+ of looked emotionally detached. And BTW guys women in that age range are the ones the men here consider used goods / low quality.

Oh yeah, and I caught fuckin clap out here. First time in my life getting a STI, and it was here.

That white card is played out now...

I've even seen white guys out here openly with a single mom and her kid, looking miserable. Why are you with her then? Desperation.

Also I like Sailor Jacks reviews They're funny and entertaining.Sadly, you are 100% correct. However, I don't think you know / have told the whole story. I've included some suggestions and rebuttals below.

Cheers. G.

Cashed up idiots in mom's basement certainly have ruined the market. However, these girls are not off the market. Who do you think the hotties are fucking while Daddy is stuck in his Pussy Wasteland? Hot young guys who tickle her fancy. Some will even fuck ugly old guys too if the time / price is right. Most older guys here have had to stop mid coitus before to allow the girl to express her undying love for her LDR in suburbia.

Totally agree that most pinoy guys would not touch girls that foreigners adore with a barge pole. Actually, the girls have to PAY trike drivers to get fucked and have as a supposed boyfriend.

You rolled the dice and won the prize. Fucking hookers bareback stands up to no reasonable assesment, despite what many guys say here about decades of fucking with no consequence. Take these comments with a huge grain of salt.

We white guys had decades at the top of the heap but sadly those days are gone. Nothing we can do about it. Add it to all the other 'good ol' days' complaints.

Guys parading their 30 yo single mum and her kids by a long gone other guy deserve everything they get. I put them in the same basket as the LDR guys above. Some live happily ever after but those that don't can't be surprised.

Agree. Sailor Jack is the most entertaining contributor on the Philippine boards.

Enjoy. G.

P.S. A general comment is that this is the AC forum. Wider AC, and specifically the foreigner red light area with in it, is a complete shit hole. Any girl arriving here is the absolute bottom of the barrel. It's the wrong place to go to seek quality stunners.

Expat American
10-26-23, 07:45
So back in the day (circa 2008) my buddy and I went to AC for what turned out to be one of our best trips ever. My buddy had been talking to Abby, a 18 yo online and the first day there she came over to meet us. She was cute and I asked her why she didn't bring a friend for me. So she calls over her friend, Sheryl, who was all of 19 and even cuter than Abby. We hung out with these girls for 3 days. None of them were bar girls. None of them asked for a penny. We took them around, fed them and partied with them around the clock, mostly in the room where we would play music and the girls would dance and grind on each other and us for hours. Back in private they both delivered the kind of enthusiastic but innocent sex only teenagers are capable of. Reason for this post today? Google Pics threw out some memory pics and thought ID share one here just to show you what used to be available for free even in AC back then. I don't know what happened to them but probably single moms in their 30's now. Such is life.

Sheryl (19) on the Left, Abby (18) on the Right.

10-26-23, 15:39
Been here in PH a couple months now. From Manila to Cebu to Angeles. I can confidently say as a guy that's younger than you even; this place isn't it for young guys. Especially if you are in decent / good shape and stuff. Poor bang for buck.

Waaaay too many desperate, thirsty, beer belly, sex or affection starved old guys out here shelling out money for 4's and 5's. So imagine what's going on for hot girls. The good looking ones have multiple 'LDRs' sending them money, not even here and all kinds of stuff. Its like the young and good looking girls here either get snatched up, go abroad, have simps feeding their ego or are looking to be sugar babies, and they usually get their way.

In my 2 months here I have yet to see a single expat or foreign guy with a good looking filipina on his arm, except one. And no, these chubby chubsters or post 30 'spinners', and single moms don't count. I think a lot of guys in this thread as well also have low standards for what it is hot. And the few times I saw someone in public with a filipina that was at least decent looking she was late 20's /30+ of looked emotionally detached. And BTW guys women in that age range are the ones the men here consider used goods / low quality. So just because you get with a skinny 30+ or late 20's girl doesn't make her a 'stunner'.Thanms for being brave enough to write up your honest thoughts and review, its not easy to be honest and face the couple of Angeles city fan club members here who will flame anyone that does nkt bang the same drum as them.

Have to fully agree that most of the older western guys here that swear blind they see and fuck 8's,9's girls are in truth either drunk or dreaming, fully agree that not seen an older westerner with even an ok looking girls drinking in an Angeles bar or on their arm heading home or in the mall or at the breakfast table in multiple years.

Fully agree that the very few Angeles girls that have the looks, youth and body to be considered attractive have guys throwing money at them big time, buying ipads, laptops, new motorbikes, gold rings, necklaces, watches, houses, land etc and still not getting laid.

Talk of old out of shape westerners getting with anything decent looking from the bars of Angeles is dreaming at best and I'm so glaf you had the alls to speak up and back me and so many others up about the very low quality of girls available to westerners, well done.

10-26-23, 19:56
thought ID share one here just to show you what used to be available for free even in AC back then.The other day, I had a chuckle that YouTube vloggers now need AI image generators to get photos of attractive girls. 😜.


10-26-23, 22:06
Does anyone know if the hotel minibus service to Subic has restarted? When I was there 12 months ago they werent running.

10-27-23, 04:53
Thanms for being brave enough to write up your honest thoughts and review, its not easy to be honest and face the couple of Angeles city fan club members here who will flame anyone that does nkt bang the same drum as them.

Have to fully agree that most of the older western guys here that swear blind they see and fuck 8's,9's girls are in truth either drunk or dreaming, fully agree that not seen an older westerner with even an ok looking girls drinking in an Angeles bar or on their arm heading home or in the mall or at the breakfast table in multiple years.

Fully agree that the very few Angeles girls that have the looks, youth and body to be considered attractive have guys throwing money at them big time, buying ipads, laptops, new motorbikes, gold rings, necklaces, watches, houses, land etc and still not getting laid.

Talk of old out of shape westerners getting with anything decent looking from the bars of Angeles is dreaming at best and I'm so glaf you had the alls to speak up and back me and so many others up about the very low quality of girls available to westerners, well done.While AC might have it's own problems with girls being available. One thing I've noticed in the last year across the whole country is Filipinas have a very short shelf life. While visiting places such as Cebu and random islands I've seen plenty of foreigners in the 45+ age bracket with decent looking young girls 25 and under. I've also seen the majority with over 25 and they really don't seem to last as well as other Asians or even Western girls. Even middle class and up Filipinas really don't look after themselves these days as a general rule. Eat trash sugar diets is the norm across most classes. While some might stay slim due to eating small portions. It's usually a skinny fat and it has a harsh effect on their looks as they push 30.

If being confined to the 30+ or higher age group of Filipinas is the only option for low spenders / 60+ tourists or retirees then I foresee Angeles and Philippines becoming a less popular destination in the coming years. Certainly not enough hot 30+ Filipinas to go around. The younger ones becoming more and more hardcore.

10-27-23, 07:00
While AC might have it's own problems with girls being available. One thing I've noticed in the last year across the whole country is Filipinas have a very short shelf life. While visiting places such as Cebu and random islands I've seen plenty of foreigners in the 45+ age bracket with decent looking young girls 25 and under. I've also seen the majority with over 25 and they really don't seem to last as well as other Asians or even Western girls. Even middle class and up Filipinas really don't look after themselves these days as a general rule. Eat trash sugar diets is the norm across most classes. While some might stay slim due to eating small portions. It's usually a skinny fat and it has a harsh effect on their looks as they push 30.

If being confined to the 30+ or higher age group of Filipinas is the only option for low spenders / 60+ tourists or retirees then I foresee Angeles and Philippines becoming a less popular destination in the coming years. Certainly not enough hot 30+ Filipinas to go around. The younger ones becoming more and more hardcore.Yes have to fully agree that pinays in general tend to lose their looks and pile on the pounds in thier late 20's, the angeles girls working as a prostitute since they were teenagers and the birth of multiple kids to untold fathers by these pros has catastrophic affects on their looks and body.

Was in a high end manila mall this last weekend and the amount of cuties 18 to 20 years old was very high unfortunately they were holding hands with thier young handsome pinoy boyfriend / husband and gave not even a sideways look to anyone else let alone an older westerner.

Many moons ago there were girls like this dancing in angeles bars, what's left now in angeles western bars is the bottom of the barrel in truth and what's worse the girls demand crazy prices for an hour or less of thier time, that's if you can get the want to be angeles princesses to fuck at all.

As far as westerners avoiding angeles then its already happened in a very big way, the last several months in angeles have been totally dead for western tourists, high air fares, girls that won't barfine, girls that are asian only, drink sluts, constant menstration girls, cherrie girls and mostly old fat and ugly girls have made westerners vote with thier feet to not visit at all.

D Cups
10-27-23, 22:48
While AC might have it's own problems with girls being available. One thing I've noticed in the last year across the whole country is Filipinas have a very short shelf life. While visiting places such as Cebu and random islands I've seen plenty of foreigners in the 45+ age bracket with decent looking young girls 25 and under. I've also seen the majority with over 25 and they really don't seem to last as well as other Asians or even Western girls. Even middle class and up Filipinas really don't look after themselves these days as a general rule. Eat trash sugar diets is the norm across most classes. While some might stay slim due to eating small portions. It's usually a skinny fat and it has a harsh effect on their looks as they push 30.

If being confined to the 30+ or higher age group of Filipinas is the only option for low spenders / 60+ tourists or retirees then I foresee Angeles and Philippines becoming a less popular destination in the coming years. Certainly not enough hot 30+ Filipinas to go around. The younger ones becoming more and more hardcore.Hello JC and Napa Slapper. I disagree. Of course you both make good points but what you fail to acknowledge is the innate sweetness of the Filipina which is considered by most to be their best quality as compared to most other women around the world and even in Asia. I'm 68, not too chubby still guapo, have a busty live-in 23 yo girlfriend here in Valencia, Negros, with her 18 year old beauty queen cousin but still manage to monger in AC, Manila, Subic, Cebu, Pattaya, Sacramento USA and Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, Land of the Giant Boobs! I try to have a good time with sexy 20-30 somethings no matter where I'm at. And I'm not a rich guy. Retired professors don't make that much. Bottom line: MOST Filipinas are terrific lovers with tight twats and super sweet so keep that in mind amidst your bashing of them. Sheesh, shades of Choca Monger and Engine Driver reappearing their ugly heads. Cheers.

Expat American
10-28-23, 06:07
Hello JC and Napa Slapper. I disagree. Of course you both make good points but what you fail to acknowledge is the innate sweetness of the Filipina which is considered by most to be their best quality as compared to most other women around the world and even in Asia. I'm 68, not too chubby still guapo, have a busty live-in 23 yo girlfriend here in Valencia, Negros, with her 18 year old beauty queen cousin but still manage to monger in AC, Manila, Subic, Cebu, Pattaya, Sacramento USA and Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, Land of the Giant Boobs! I try to have a good time with sexy 20-30 somethings no matter where I'm at. And I'm not a rich guy. Retired professors don't make that much. Bottom line: MOST Filipinas are terrific lovers with tight twats and super sweet so keep that in mind amidst your bashing of them. Sheesh, shades of Choca Monger and Engine Driver reappearing their ugly heads. Cheers.Well said. If you are looking for porn star looking plastic fuck dolls with fake boobs and nose jobs, Philippines is not for you. Theres a lot of that in Thailand. Filipinas are generally sweeter, more giving in bed and more fun to be around than Thai or other P4 P destinations. The civilians are also more approachable. Sadly though, except for default BBFS, AC has lost most of its value proposition. And the provinces is hard for a 2 week tourist to access. But the non pro scene in cities like Cebu hit the sweet spot. Lots of online girls from outright hookers to those looking just for fun without pay and single moms needing to buy diapers. All easy to meet and fuck.

10-28-23, 11:48
Hello JC and Napa Slapper. I disagree. Of course you both make good points but what you fail to acknowledge is the innate sweetness of the Filipina which is considered by most to be their best quality as compared to most other women around the world and even in Asia. I'm 68, not too chubby still guapo, have a busty live-in 23 yo girlfriend here in Valencia, Negros, with her 18 year old beauty queen cousin but still manage to monger in AC, Manila, Subic, Cebu, Pattaya, Sacramento USA and Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, Land of the Giant Boobs! I try to have a good time with sexy 20-30 somethings no matter where I'm at. And I'm not a rich guy. Retired professors don't make that much. Bottom line: MOST Filipinas are terrific lovers with tight twats and super sweet so keep that in mind amidst your bashing of them. Sheesh, shades of Choca Monger and Engine Driver reappearing their ugly heads. Cheers.There are always exceptions to any rule. I'm talking in general. Sweetness wouldn't make up for looks though.

Are you saying you bang her cousin too? If so, congrats.

10-28-23, 14:17
Hello JC and Napa Slapper. I disagree. Of course you both make good points but what you fail to acknowledge is the innate sweetness of the Filipina which is considered by most to be their best quality as compared to most other women around the world and even in Asia. I'm 68, not too chubby still guapo, have a busty live-in 23 yo girlfriend here in Valencia, Negros, with her 18 year old beauty queen cousin but still manage to monger in AC, Manila, Subic, Cebu, Pattaya, Sacramento USA and Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, Land of the Giant Boobs! I try to have a good time with sexy 20-30 somethings no matter where I'm at. And I'm not a rich guy. Retired professors don't make that much. Bottom line: MOST Filipinas are terrific lovers with tight twats and super sweet so keep that in mind amidst your bashing of them. Sheesh, shades of Choca Monger and Engine Driver reappearing their ugly heads. Cheers.Innate sweetness of the filipina?

Is that before one bought them the house and lot?

Never found pinays to be any tighter or better lovers than any other nationality, maybe just wishful thinking on your part.

10-28-23, 15:10
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was pointless, unproductive drama. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

D Cups
10-29-23, 03:03
Innate sweetness of the filipina?

Is that before one bought them the house and lot?

Never found pinays to be any tighter or better lovers than any other nationality, maybe just wishful thinking on your part.Yeah, man, sweet as pie most of them. Can't buy property or home unless you're married to Filipina, Napa. You should know that with all your profound knowledge of all things Filipino. Also, maybe your girth or length is insufficient for their tiny twats, I dunno. Careful you don't get slapped again, amigo!

10-30-23, 02:46
Yeah, man, sweet as pie most of them. Can't buy property or home unless you're married to Filipina, Napa. You should know that with all your profound knowledge of all things Filipino. Also, maybe your girth or length is insufficient for their tiny twats, I dunno. Careful you don't get slapped again, amigo!How about owning a Philippines Company Business with over 120 high paying employees?

10-30-23, 09:09
So back in the day (circa 2008) my buddy and I went to AC for what turned out to be one of our best trips ever. My buddy had been talking to Abby, a 18 yo online and the first day there she came over to meet us. She was cute and I asked her why she didn't bring a friend for me. So she calls over her friend, Sheryl, who was all of 19 and even cuter than Abby. We hung out with these girls for 3 days. None of them were bar girls. None of them asked for a penny. We took them around, fed them and partied with them around the clock, mostly in the room where we would play music and the girls would dance and grind on each other and us for hours. Back in private they both delivered the kind of enthusiastic but innocent sex only teenagers are capable of. Reason for this post today? Google Pics threw out some memory pics and thought ID share one here just to show you what used to be available for free even in AC back then. I don't know what happened to them but probably single moms in their 30's now. Such is life.

Sheryl (19) on the Left, Abby (18) on the Right.I guess this is why I didn't like the Philippines, I'm not attracted to either one of those girls. That's pretty much the body type of 90% of the girls I saw. Any guy that's attracted to that look will love AC and burgos street.

D Cups
10-30-23, 11:00
How about owning a Philippines Company Business with over 120 high paying employees?Yes I am aware of the business exception, Dg. My understanding is it would be easier to marry a Filipina than do that. Cheers.

D Cups
10-30-23, 11:00
There are always exceptions to any rule. I'm talking in general. Sweetness wouldn't make up for looks though.

Are you saying you bang her cousin too? If so, congrats.I wish I was but no.

Expat American
10-30-23, 15:42
I guess this is why I didn't like the Philippines, I'm not attracted to either one of those girls. That's pretty much the body type of 90% of the girls I saw. Any guy that's attracted to that look will love AC and burgos street.So basically you went to a Mexican restaurant, tried to get Chinese food and ended up disappointed. Got it.

10-30-23, 19:00
I guess this is why I didn't like the Philippines, I'm not attracted to either one of those girls. That's pretty much the body type of 90% of the girls I saw. Any guy that's attracted to that look will love AC and burgos street.

So basically you went to a Mexican restaurant, tried to get Chinese food and ended up disappointed. Got it.TjB: Those girls *are* typical. We've posted several AC girls pics recently, and hundreds of others in the Phils Photo Gallery section over the years that are similar. It would almost seem a dereliction of duty (a failure to RTTF the massive Phils Photo Gallery, see pic, more than 19,000 pictures) or a contradiction that you would say that you don't find them attractive, then travel there to see them, then complain about them.

By chance can you post a few pics of your girls from your travels to Brazil or other places that you find attractive for comparison? Feel free to blur their faces. It would help us better direct (or re-direct) later gents considering a trip to Phils.

10-30-23, 19:22
I wish I was but no.Everyone here is thinking the same thing but it would get censored if I wrote it.

So why aren't you banging the cousin?

You are in the phillipines man.

Get on it.

10-31-23, 01:53
TjB: Those girls *are* typical. We've posted several AC girls pics recently, and hundreds of others in the Phils Photo Gallery section over the years that are similar. It would almost seem a dereliction of duty (a failure to RTTF the massive Phils Photo Gallery, see pic, more than 19,000 pictures) or a contradiction that you would say that you don't find them attractive, then travel there to see them, then complain about them.

By chance can you post a few pics of your girls from your travels to Brazil or other places that you find attractive for comparison? Feel free to blur their faces. It would help us better direct (or re-direct) later gents considering a trip to Phils.You make a valid point, but I was tired of asking questions and wondering what the place was like, so I decided to just go. I went and it's over. I don't take pictures on mongering trips, but I did post that video of the girl on the subway that I said was a 10, and I was flamed and everyone said she was a 6.

10-31-23, 02:01
I guess this is why I didn't like the Philippines, I'm not attracted to either one of those girls. That's pretty much the body type of 90% of the girls I saw. Any guy that's attracted to that look will love AC and burgos street.Actually 80% have more curves than those two girls. Continue on with your worldly search and the rest of us will take care of them.

D Cups
10-31-23, 23:14
Everyone here is thinking the same thing but it would get censored if I wrote it.

So why aren't you banging the cousin?

You are in the phillipines man.

Get on it.Working on it.

11-01-23, 03:36
I guess this is why I didn't like the Philippines, I'm not attracted to either one of those girls. That's pretty much the body type of 90% of the girls I saw. Any guy that's attracted to that look will love AC and burgos street.Take no notice of the couple of hardcore angeles city fan club members here that will flame anyone that does not see what they see.

Most recent members and trip reports have said exactly what you are saying, that is angeles is mostly full of fat, older, ugly girls in the bars and that is 100% true.

You came, you tried, you hated it, there is nothing wrong with that, at least you tried.

Time to move on to pastures new and better like most of the other members have done, have a great trip where ever you end up next and please keep posting your findings good or bad.

11-01-23, 04:04
Whats happening on the town over the last few barhops.

The weather has not been kind, plenty of rain which makes getting out a chore.

The town as has been reported by most is mainly asians, with koreans making up the most numbers, starting to see more and more chinese and indians on the town.

Popped into the new margarita station which has moved from near to walking street up to perimeter road past petron petrol station, its a vast place was the 1st thoughts, couple of good pool tables, clean cr, menu same as old place, prices quite high for average food, had 2 guys playing pool,2 guys eating and the rest of the place empty, one of the wait staff was real cute which was the highlight of our visit.

While we were down on perimeter road after margarita station we thought we would try the very few bars that are still open in this area like candy bar etc, beer cheaper than walking st, very few girls working, mostly oldies, won't be back for a good while.

Walking street, the best bars are Q bar, Xs bar, avalon bar, each had a handful of girls that were ok looking and fairly slim, mixture of drinks only girls and korean only girls, it is what it is unfortunately.

Western bars, geckos, lollipop, owls nest, pirates, champagne 1 bar etc, very quiet indeed, few customers and a few girls, nothing caught our fancy so no lady drinks purchased.

Heading out to thailand as of today for a few days on business, mostly Bangkok but will try to get down to pattaya for a night out, looking forward to it and will post of any barfines in the thailand forums.

11-01-23, 07:36
This video from today entertained me very much:


Imagine you live in this poor country in this s-hole town, probably barely scraping by. Average wage $9 usd a day, living conditions are absolute garbage, but you put together costumes and an effort and you look like you're having a million times more fun than the people in my neighborhood who are making a million times more money. This is (in part) why I find this country charming (also all the hot girls who will do you bare).

Expat American
11-01-23, 07:53
This video from today entertained me very much:


Imagine you live in this poor country in this s-hole town, probably barely scraping by. Average wage $9 usd a day, living conditions are absolute garbage, but you put together costumes and an effort and you look like you're having a million times more fun than the people in my neighborhood who are making a million times more money. This is (in part) why I find this country charming (also all the hot girls who will do you bare).Kids with pumpkins in the middle of Hooker central. LOL. Reminds me of a time when I was in a Perimeter bar and the owner (an expat) brings in his 6 or 8 year old daughter into the bar. This was the days the girls got naked on stage or at least topless. It was an only in the Philippines moment for sure.

11-01-23, 08:08
But is it bad? I grew up in a world where sex outside of marriage was an evil similar to murder. Imagine what that does to a kid. Normalizing sexuality, or at least separating it from ethical behavior, I think is probably a good thing. People smarter than I, and with hard data, will probably have better judgement on this. But when I understood that being ethical, a 'good' person, and having sex, were separate issues, I got a lot more comfortable in my skin. Now they just need to get these girls on birth control. I remember being in the elevator at Central Park with one of my Gecko's regulars where she busted out a birth control pill and popped it right there and I thought 'maybe there is some hope'.

Kids with pumpkins in the middle of Hooker central. LOL. Reminds me of a time when I was in a Perimeter bar and the owner (an expat) brings in his 6 or 8 year old daughter into the bar. This was the days the girls got naked on stage or at least topless. It was an only in the Philippines moment for sure.

Expat American
11-01-23, 08:25
But is it bad? I grew up in a world where sex outside of marriage was an evil similar to murder. Imagine what that does to a kid. Normalizing sexuality, or at least separating it from ethical behavior, I think is probably a good thing. People smarter than I, and with hard data, will probably have better judgement on this. But when I understood that being ethical, a 'good' person, and having sex, were separate issues, I got a lot more comfortable in my skin. Now they just need to get these girls on birth control. I remember being in the elevator at Central Park with one of my Gecko's regulars where she busted out a birth control pill and popped it right there and I thought 'maybe there is some hope'.I wasnt making a moral judgement. Hate to say it but you are probably looking at future bar girls of AC. As for BC, I actually thank the Pope daily for providing a never ending supply of young supple LBFMs into our groping hands. LOL. Overpopulation is the root cause of poverty which leads girls into prostitution which we are all enjoying.

11-02-23, 15:11
20-25 years ago, Angeles was a monger paradise simply because the supply of girls was plentiful and the Asians were still working hard. I used to have 3 day weekends from Hong Kong and had 3 to 6 babes for about 1000 USD total cost, all in including airfares, hotels and the best food I could find. Now the Asians are richer and playing more. The supply of babes is way down due to dramatically lower birth rates starting 20-30 years ago, is down. Angeles as a destination is dying. I was there in October 2022. I said farewell as I boarded the bus to the airport in Manila. It was fun while it lasted. I think the golden age came to an end with the GFC.

11-02-23, 15:41
the best bars are Q bar, Xs bar, avalon bar, each had a handful of girls that were ok looking and fairly slim.That was my experience a couple months ago. The town ain't what it used to be but you can still find some nice girls in the classic Filipina LBFM style. I can understand why a newbie might turn around and leave in disgust. But for those of us who have a long history with the place, it's still fun to try to find a gem, or at least a semi-precious one. And when you eventually get a good one -- and I still seem to, every trip -- you think, yeah, this is what the PI is all about. And I say this as someone who lives in Thailand, where we certainly don't lack for girls.

11-02-23, 22:54
Other opportunities have opened up. Use Pina Love as your data base. Check the amount of them who have travelled, those who have had boob jobs and others who offer cam shows. I know babes made big bucks from cam shows. Not my thing but it is a mega market. Then there are the Koreans bonking away like rabbits, according to the hotel staff.

Hookers and poverty have not gone away, Elements of the market have simply changed. Why work in a bar when more bucks are to be made onlimne through your phone and from Korean and flyover state remittances?

11-03-23, 09:35
I said farewell as I boarded the bus to the airport in Manila. It was fun while it lasted. I think the golden age came to an end with the GFC.Sometimes I wonder who is most disappointed: old guys trying to relive the past or new guys wondering where all the hot girls are. 😁.

I learnt long ago to let the past be. You can never make it come back.


11-05-23, 16:55
But is it bad? I grew up in a world where sex outside of marriage was an evil similar to murder. Imagine what that does to a kid. Normalizing sexuality, or at least separating it from ethical behavior, I think is probably a good thing. People smarter than I, and with hard data, will probably have better judgement on this. But when I understood that being ethical, a 'good' person, and having sex, were separate issues, I got a lot more comfortable in my skin. Now they just need to get these girls on birth control. I remember being in the elevator at Central Park with one of my Gecko's regulars where she busted out a birth control pill and popped it right there and I thought 'maybe there is some hope'.My parents were strict conservative Catholics as was everyone in our neighborhood. Extra marital sex was a sin and masturbation was evil and health damaging. My neighbor's father demanded that my buddy whistle a hymn every time he entered the bathroom. Every time I think of his relating to me and my brother how his tune changed while he was climaxing I crack up.

11-06-23, 06:23
It seems the best bars for quality and quantity is Dragon Bar and XS. What other bar comes close in regards to quality/quantity?

You need to get to Dragon Bar close to opening time at 5 pm to get the opportunity to choose the best girls. Many Koreans get there early to choose. If you get there around 10 or 11 pm, it can be empty. Dragon Bar is definitely a Korean bar. That Eastern European looking guy (he told me he's Italian) told me he was hired to take care of the non-Koreans. He guessed/estimated that half of the girls are "Korean only".

What idiot would take their Korean customers barhopping, and not take them to Dragon bar. Only a fake one. If you're entertaining Korean customers, you need to take them to Dragon Bar. At the latest, 7 pm; better at 5 pm.

XS has 5 groups of girls. The "taped supermodels" group was pretty good. There was one that was a stunner. I was told they are "super selective".

Q Bar (party of the Wolf Pack group) is definitely not a Korean bar, whatever definition you lose. It seems our delusional, self-professed Angeles expert has been reading the wrong Facebook group. Even the quality is poor. I used to go there a lot when Paul (manager/part owner) was there, but he passed away (RIP). Quality was always marginal, and it still is.

Soya is definitely a Korean bar. I was there today at 12 pm. Saw a skinny cute girl. I was going to buy her a drink, but the papasan said she was already taken / reserved. She had a red ribbon attached to her, which indicates that she was already barfined. The bar opens at 9:30 am. I'm not going to go there that early. Maybe I should, since there might be better ones.

Usually, Korean bars open early. You have to get there really early to get the best ones. Korean bars has to have a Korean papasan, since many Koreans can't speak English. They have Korean owners, usually play K-pop songs, and usually have higher prices. The Koreans brought the demise of the single/double lady drinks.

11-07-23, 03:49
Sometimes I wonder who is most disappointed: old guys trying to relive the past or new guys wondering where all the hot girls are. 😁.

I learnt long ago to let the past be. You can never make it come back.Lately I have been educated on 2 types of people going to the bars.

Group one goes to have a few drinks, touch a few girls and ultimately barfine and fuck. The lineups are still better than the home country. Yes, Pinays are built different from others but these mongers will make the adjustment after a few days. They will understand the value of the Pinays.

The other group I have been told by ED who goes and socialize with other ED's, drinking and telling lies and stories about the good old days. Like how many girls they used to fuck, the 9's that they would get for bargain prices-some free just on their good looks. Some will brag about the muscle cars they owned. Some will regale about the big businesses they owned or still own. They all sit around drinking and BS each other but never will barfine a girl. The ED's will tell each other how ugly the girls are as their excuses and that it is not like the good old days anymore. No Shit.

11-07-23, 08:27
Hey guys,

Just wanted to add a quick summary of the last few weeks here.

Was taking notes for a detailed report but I'm too busy smashing. Might add details later.

Just noting that I've been coming here for last 5-6 years with a gap during covid. I noticed immediately abd was shocked at higher priced bar fines on ws with pretty much all at 4500/5000 p for the Spinner type I like.

Needless to say I know my budget and have forked out 5 x of these bar fines with some amazing girls. All have been great fucks with tight bods however 3 bola bola even after promising to stay till morning they want to leave after a fuck or 2 to go to megadance and score another 2 k or just spend thier barfine money with thier gfs.

I also have been on pinalove as its my usual go to for topping shags up during the day especially since perimeter bars are dry right now and since last 3 weeks. 1 bar fine took me to mischief bar now called some other random name but it was the gilf shift with 1 girl bar fined only out of 7 at 2500 p.

I haven't been able to stay awake until megadance gets going but did so once and a hottie came home with me then asked for 4 k. Almost told her to get fucked. But then again this was after a fuck. So negotiated her to stay all night for that much. She said Koreans, Japanese and Chinese readily pay her 4 k st so that's all she does. 2 customers a night and she's happy as Larry.

Just wanted to add my 2 cents. I've got a healthy body count this trip and there as amazing 35 kg fucks majority of the time. I always have a ball here.

Take care lads. Life's what you make of it. Price has gone up but pay a 5 k then it will cost 2 k next time. Worth the investment although I don't repeat haha too much new pussy around.


11-07-23, 09:02
Lately I have been educated on 2 types of people going to the bars.

Group one goes to have a few drinks, touch a few girls and ultimately barfine and fuck. The lineups are still better than the home country. Yes, Pinays are built different from others but these mongers will make the adjustment after a few days. They will understand the value of the Pinays.

The other group I have been told by ED who goes and socialize with other ED's, drinking and telling lies and stories about the good old days. Like how many girls they used to fuck, the 9's that they would get for bargain prices-some free just on their good looks. Some will brag about the muscle cars they owned. Some will regale about the big businesses they owned or still own. They all sit around drinking and BS each other but never will barfine a girl. The ED's will tell each other how ugly the girls are as their excuses and that it is not like the good old days anymore. No Shit.What are EDs.

11-07-23, 14:37
Just wanted to add a quick summary of the last few weeks here.

Cheers.Excellent report. I take it you are British from your terms. Money also does not seem to be a consideration, so good for you.

Here is my question. Is it better to shop in Picadilly / Oxford St (ie Angeles) or go to some remote outpost where the service might be better? I am in touch with hookers based in Angeles, Manila and Negros and the last one is a tiger but would entail an extra plane, bus, taxi amnd probably a jeepney too. A long way for a long bonk.

11-07-23, 14:51
Like how many girls they used to fuck, the 9's that they would get for bargain prices-some free just on their good looks. Some will brag about the muscle cars they owned. Some will regale about the big businesses they owned or still own..While there might have been more choice and therefore a higher number of girls who are better looking. Any photos I've seen from 80's 90's and early 00's have very rarely shown anything over a 7 or 8. Many had good bodies but in terms of face, the quality looks around the same as it is today on average. Stories of 9's are 99% a guy over estimating a girl he had feelings for.

The major difference today is less girls in bars and the lower end of the scale are fatties.

11-07-23, 16:17
While there might have been more choice and therefore a higher number of girls who are better looking. Any photos I've seen from 80's 90's and early 00's have very rarely shown anything over a 7 or 8. Many had good bodies but in terms of face, the quality looks around the same as it is today on average. Stories of 9's are 99% a guy over estimating a girl he had feelings for.

The major difference today is less girls in bars and the lower end of the scale are fatties.I think that's pretty accurate.

The joy of AC previous to the K invasion around 2013-14 (especially the 00's and before), was large numbers of 7's, with a small number of 8's tossed in, at cheap prices for LT. After all the girls were coming from the far-flung off-island provinces, and on recommendation from a cousin. Its not like the bars were advertising for 'hotties only'. I could get a spinner who ticked all my boxes easily in the first bar I walked into. If that failed, there was the bar next door. On one of my first trips I was in Body Shop one evening. The dance stage is long / skinny, with two rows of girls: One row facing the right wall, the other row faces the left wall. There were 9 girls facing each wall. They slowly rotated counter-clockwise. Of the 18 girls, only one girl had larger than B cups. When the shift changed and the girls were replaced with 18 new girls, there were only 2 gals with larger than B cups. That's 3 of 36 girls that weren't flat-chested. I would guess that if you went to the provinces of Surigao, Samar, and Leyte, where the girls often come from, you'd find about the same large % of flatness. Their ribs often showed. You got a spinner who would bang you in the evening and again in the morning for $25-$30. The girls were sweet, fun-loving, spoke a modicum of English, and were spunky; not only in the bar, but in the room. For many of us, that was heaven.

I would imagine that if a fella was an 8's-and-up guy, AC was the bottom end of joy for him and he was off to Thailand to never return to AC. Its not for everyone.

D Cups
11-07-23, 22:23
What are EDs.Not sure if he means Engine Driver, fellow ISGer, or Erectile Dysfunctionals. They could be one and the same.

11-08-23, 04:23
I think that's pretty accurate.

The joy of AC previous to the K invasion around 2013-14 (especially the 00's and before), was large numbers of 7's, with a small number of 8's tossed in, at cheap prices for LT. After all the girls were coming from the far-flung off-island provinces, and on recommendation from a cousin. Its not like the bars were advertising for 'hotties only'. I could get a spinner who ticked all my boxes easily in the first bar I walked into. If that failed, there was the bar next door. On one of my first trips I was in Body Shop one evening. The dance stage is long / skinny, with two rows of girls: One row facing the right wall, the other row faces the left wall. There were 9 girls facing each wall. They slowly rotated counter-clockwise. Of the 18 girls, only one girl had larger than B cups. When the shift changed and the girls were replaced with 18 new girls, there were only 2 gals with larger than B cups. That's 3 of 36 girls that weren't flat-chested. I would guess that if you went to the provinces of Surigao, Samar, and Leyte, where the girls often come from, you'd find about the same large % of flatness. Their ribs often showed. You got a spinner who would bang you in the evening and again in the morning for $25-$30. The girls were sweet, fun-loving, spoke a modicum of English, and were spunky; not only in the bar, but in the room. For many of us, that was heaven.

I would imagine that if a fella was an 8's-and-up guy, AC was the bottom end of joy for him and he was off to Thailand to never return to AC. Its not for everyone.Can you explain the Korean invasion. Korea has always been close to Manila. What happened since 2014 to change AC. It looked like a dump when I was there. You're saying it was beautiful 10 years ago. LOL.

11-08-23, 07:05
Can you explain the Korean invasion. Korea has always been close to Manila. What happened since 2014 to change AC. It looked like a dump when I was there. You're saying it was beautiful 10 years ago. LOL.Apology TjB. I often assume that everyone here is old guard, and we were all around way back then.

Not sure exactly when the K's started the takeover. 2014 is not an exact point in time that the Koreans started coming to Phils, they were here prior in smaller numbers. But at some point (2010 - 2014? They started showing up with large sums of pesos, and started barfining bunches of girls at once (sometimes Japanese groups did this also). A bunch of K buddies come for vacation (say, half a dozen). One of them goes to a bar with many lovelies when the bar opens at, say, 5 pm. A mama recognizes large money, and puts a lineup of a dozen hotties in front of him. He chooses 6 of the prettiest, pays the barfine for all of them, tells the mama that his friends will be by later to pick up the girls. The K fellas occupy their time in the evening however K's do, and about midnight they show up and take the 6 barfined girls. They often took the girls out drinking / dinner. Each fella may or may not take the girl to his hotel (he might just turn her loose for the evening). Regardless, they give large tips (often larger than the barfine amount), and the girls are happy as pigs rolling in mud at your grand pappy's farm. That's how we got Korean-only girls (girls who only barfine with Koreans). That was then. Today is similar, but the barfined gals might be quickly transported in vans in groups to the Korean-town area. Koreans also started buying up bars.

The pre-K invasion times, almost any girl in any bar needed a barfine, and regarded any poor-Paulie gringo with enough money for a barfine tonight as the cat's meow. Now, poor-Paulie is at least partially invisible in AC, overshadowed by K's who walk around with obscene amounts of money. Another clear difference: In the 00's, gringos aged 40-70 were the bulk of fellas on WS. Today, 2/3 of the fellas on WS are Korean. Before, it was uber-easy to go into any gogo bar, find a mediocre 7, and be out the door with her quickly (they rarely said no) on your way to your hotel for tonight's first bonk. Today, the bar's MO is to get you buying LD's for each girl, you being completely unaware that she does not go with gringos (K-only girl). She will have oodles of excuses to get additional drinks from you before divulging that she won't barfine with you: "I am having my blood". Unhappy after wasting your money on LD's, you bring down a second girl, and have the same difficulty. Which is smarter for the girl (or bar): She gets one LD from you and then barfines, gets Jollibee, f*cks twice, spends the night, and gets no tip or a small tip (say, 500). Or alternately she gets 2 LD's from you, says she can't barfine with you, then barfines later with a Korean (who tips the mama and waitress nicely), gets a nice dinner at a nice resto, gets 1 f*ck (or none), gets a p5000 tip (she might have to give some to the mama), and goes home early?

There is a clear break in time: Covid. Pre-covid, I think there were only 2 or 3 Korean bars. Then the Covid closure for 2 years. Upon re-opening about 18 months ago, we have about half the bars are now K-bars (run by Koreans, catering to Korean clientele). Koreans are loved in the bars as even with no barfines, they are much more likely to be the ones who make it rain.

Someone correct me if I am wrong.

11-08-23, 09:28
I don't know. My experience has been different. I'll estimated I've barfined 100 girls, and I'll exclude all the freebies and club girls. My usual line, if I want to take her out, is "Do you want to leave with me? She usually nods excitedly and we call over the waitress. If she doesn't get it, I have to clarify that we should barfine. And then she usually nods excitedly. Of the estimated 100, I can think of one who said she was a cherry girl, pass obviously. Another who said she doesn't barfine. I didn't ask any followups, and a grand total of one who said she was on her menses, and one who said condoms required. Hard pass, thanks for letting me know. I'm a gringo in his 40's. True I usually frequent the gringo bars, so maybe that influences it. I don't mind the lady drink interview price. Hell I'm coming from a land where buying a girl a drink is thirteen bucks and if you grope her while she drinks it you'll go to jail. Either way I'll be there in a few weeks and report on whether things have changed.

Apology TjB. I often assume that everyone here is old guard, and we were all around way back then.

11-08-23, 11:17
Koreans are loved in the bars as even with no barfines, they are much more likely to be the ones who make it rain..That is how any tourist joint goes. The women are there to make money and the Koreans are the new good tourists. Kim chee, chicken adobo style all round. It is the way of the world everywhere. Clark is literally their backyard. Let's not forget they have been in Malate with upgrade internet bars for decades and that lots of Koreans go there to learn 1-1 English at bargain rates. They have even, I believe, bought up vast tracts of coast land.

I recently visited remote parts of Italy that had been on The Grand Tour that Europe's rich did in the 18/19th century and that Mark Twain also visited. Think of that. Your servants pack your many cases and you arrive in remote Italy with only you, a few others of the idle rich and lots of big breasted Italian women. Now, there are gap year students and vaping clowns all over the place, to say nothing to the big chested male arrivals from Africa. Time for the idle rich to go elsewhere.

What I want from the Philippines is this: a quiet place, reasonaby prices, not too many foreigners, safeish, with lots of pussy available. I don't need no 5 star hotel or sleeping under a bridge. Just my basic needs. Angeles is a mixture of the worst of first world tourism and the worst of third world tourism.

Hw about all those one horse towns in Mindanao, the smaller ones?

11-08-23, 11:48
You must be extremely guapo or the luckiest guy to have ever visited AC! That was my experience 30 years ago and you didn't even have the LD bullshit to put up with. Now.

11-08-23, 13:06
I don't know. My experience has been different. I'll estimated I've barfined 100 girls, and I'll exclude all the freebies and club girls. My usual line, if I want to take her out, is "Do you want to leave with me? She usually nods excitedly and we call over the waitress. If she doesn't get it, I have to clarify that we should barfine. And then she usually nods excitedly. Of the estimated 100, I can think of one who said she was a cherry girl, pass obviously. Another who said she doesn't barfine. I didn't ask any followups, and a grand total of one who said she was on her menses, and one who said condoms required. Hard pass, thanks for letting me know. I'm a gringo in his 40's. True I usually frequent the gringo bars, so maybe that influences it. I don't mind the lady drink interview price. Hell I'm coming from a land where buying a girl a drink is thirteen bucks and if you grope her while she drinks it you'll go to jail. Either way I'll be there in a few weeks and report on whether things have changed.Yes, my previous post might be read as today's market is all K-based, and lookers aren't available anymore. As FG says, that is not true. There is a strong K presence (especially in K-owned bars). To make that case, in several different K bars, mamas sat with me for some chat (I have a gentle face, maybe). I was curious one evening if I could get some intel from the first such bar where a mama sat down with me without my calling her over. There were more than half a dozen Korean customers in the bar, and me. It was about 10 pm. When the mama waived her hand at the ladies dancing on stage and suggested she call one down for a drink, I demurred. Over chat she mentioned that a Korean had come in near opening and taken more than half of her girls. I said I had just got into town and needed a night's rest, but I'd like to come back another night and barfine. I played the part of the regular Joe, who DOES HIS RESEARCH and reads stuff about AC bars on the Internet. I said something like: If I come back here for a barfine, I don't want to sit and buy LD's for girls who only go with Asian guys. And I don't want to be wasting money buying drinks for girls on her mens. I mean to BARFINE. I then ticked off my short list of needs. She immediately started pointing to 3 girls on the stage as recommendations. "If they are not here when you return I will find you another girl. You chat me when you are here". Oh and I don't want any ST bullshit I've been reading about. As you have raised the barfine amount to more than p4000, its LT and 2 pops like before. "Yes we have and can do that. Just you talk to me". I played this same card game in two other K bars with mamas and got similar responses. Common theme: We have a girl for everyone.

In addition, my mates who live in AC (or alternately who live in Phils and visit AC a few times a year -- like me) have no trouble barfining, especially from Wolfpack bars. They have pics or vids in their phones of girls at their home or hotel, girls who are dancing on stage while we are drinking in non-K bars. Barfining for those gents means little more than buying a girl a drink and asking if she wants to go, yes / no? Keep in mind that once barfined, if she likes you, there's at least a modest chance you can get her to come by for afternoon or pre-shift shenanigans at your place for half the barfine amount.

There seem to be two systems at play now, the game I described in the paragraphs above for the gringos, and the K-game. I think some of what NS says about the current AC is true. There are solid K-only girls in the bars, and LD-only girls. But especially in the non-K bars, the gringos should not have that difficult a time finding a honey for some ugly-bumpin' (sorry NS). However having said that, right here in the AC thread since the covid re-opening last year, are full-on reports of fellas getting the LD runaround inside bars where girls gimmick the fella to buy her LD's until into the AM: "I can not barfine until 1 AM". She is clearly an LD plant, her beauty being used to wring as many LD's from as many customers as possible before allowing her to barfine later in the evening (its something I love: profit maximizing; and its also sh*tty if its not communicated to the customer before he agrees to buy her a drink).

Schizoid? You decide.

For security purposes, I am hoping that I didn't use any specific bar (or mamas) names in this post.

11-08-23, 14:56
As in life your space in the world is not the same as everyone else. You get what you make of it. Your issues do not disappear when you come here. I was in a pharmacy here waiting on a script to be filled when a foul mouth westerner walks in and loudly ask for something for allergies and nasal meds to the counter person and then turns to me and says to me rudely and loudly "they don't have a fucking clue what I am talking about". Low life's are still low life's here. Maybe a little richer here but still a low life.

Yes, Koreans have populated AC more and more. Do they affect me in mongering? Hell no! Do I enjoy better Korean food? Heck yes!

I had barfined a girl who has a lesbian lover working in the same bar with her. I had heard the lesbian was quite a jealous person from some of the other girls. I wanted to barfine both together and was told the lesbian won't go with me. Even the barfined girl told me so. The next time I was back I had a lady drink with the girl and asked about her lover, again I was told the lover would not go with me. After a few minutes I called the lover down and bought her a lady drink. She would freeze up when I touched her. I was beginning to think she was one of those dreaded man haters. So I kept my hands off her and we just talked for a while. At the end of the drink I politely told her she was very sexy, which she was and asked her if I can barfined her and her friend? I told her we would start things off slow and easy and I wasn't looking for a 3 some. However if they wanted to make out together it was fine with me. The other girl smiled and nodded willingly.

The lesbian agreed. When we got to the hotel they said they were hungry as was I. We ordered room service. These spinners ordered and shared one Pancit Canton and water! LOL. Long store short we had a great time. The lesbian was really tight and a moaner. She wasn't a man hater just hated how some men treated her. BTW, she had a body to die for. Can't wait for the next time with them together.

My point is AC has something for us today and tomorrow. It is all what you make of it. All this talk about the Korean factor is meaningless.

11-08-23, 18:07
..I played the part of the regular Joe, who DOES HIS RESEARCH....

However having said that, right here in the AC thread since the covid re-opening last year, are full-on reports of fellas getting the LD runaround inside bars where girls gimmick the fella to buy her LD's until into the AM: "I can not barfine until 1 AM".I find a lot of the complaints about AC are self inflicted. Sure, we have all paid out newbie tax but if a guy is being ripped off at every night out then he needs to look at how gullible he is being.

In today's market, who sits there buying drink after drink for no immediate return or even an outright rejection? An interview drink then out? Fine. As ongoing payment for a face full of tatas and a fist full of mutt? Fine. For 4 hours of "Where you from? Where you stay?" And a rejection to go home? Fuck that.

I have a weakness for dancers and they often do have minimum work hours. If she can't leave before 12, then it's drink, barfine and I'll be back at 11:45. Not endless drinks while I sit there bored out of my brain.

I'd certainly agree that long term residents and weekend millionaires are different worlds. Being under no time pressure and available when she needs a cash top up opens up many opportunities. Again, anyone who can't or doesn't use that to their own benefit is only missing out.

Enjoy. G.

11-08-23, 18:39
This is true. If I were only there for 3 days and didn't have any luck finding what I wanted even one of those days, I'd be pissed. I stay for almost a month now, so if there's a night were nobody catches my fancy or I'm not feeling it, no big deal. Or I use my new technique of hitting the 24 hour massage place at the end of the night, getting a nice release, and heading home for a good night's sleep alone.

I'd certainly agree that long term residents and weekend millionaires are different worlds.

11-09-23, 02:25
Apology TjB. I often assume that everyone here is old guard, and we were all around way back then.

Not sure exactly when the K's started the takeover. 2014 is not an exact point in time that the Koreans started coming to Phils, they were here prior in smaller numbers. But at some point (2010 - 2014? They started showing up with large sums of pesos, and started barfining bunches of girls at once (sometimes Japanese groups did this also). A bunch of K buddies come for vacation (say, half a dozen). One of them goes to a bar with many lovelies when the bar opens at, say, 5 pm. A mama recognizes large money, and puts a lineup of a dozen hotties in front of him. He chooses 6 of the prettiest, pays the barfine for all of them, tells the mama that his friends will be by later to pick up the girls. The K fellas occupy their time in the evening however K's do, and about midnight they show up and take the 6 barfined girls. They often took the girls out drinking / dinner. Each fella may or may not take the girl to his hotel (he might just turn her loose for the evening). Regardless, they give large tips (often larger than the barfine amount), and the girls are happy as pigs rolling in mud at your grand pappy's farm. That's how we got Korean-only girls (girls who only barfine with Koreans). That was then. Today is similar, but the barfined gals might be quickly transported in vans in groups to the Korean-town area. Koreans also started buying up bars..Pretty spot on mr westy, you are indeed correct sir.

I would like to add that yes probably 50% of bars are owned by Koreans now in Angeles but many of the western owned bars now have seen that Koreans are far more in number and greatly outspend the westerner that they too have hired Korean managers, dressed the girls in long dresses to cater to the Korean taste all for the slice of more bums on seats and much higher profits.

There is no getting away that Angeles is a Korean town, they are no1 when it comes to getting the better looking girls to barfine, saying that, many girls just do not barfine at all so even if one is Korean does not mean one can get laid at will, many times having to waste money and time until even a Korean can get laid.

It is what it us unfortunately, talk of westerners getting any attention from angles top girls is dreaming IMHO, am shocked at the amount of Angeles bargirls that can converse in the Korean language, goes to prove a lot as to who is no1 in this town for a pinay bar girl to actually take the time to study something, times have indeed changed in Angeles.

11-09-23, 03:16
Most all bargirls I know have to barfine a certain minimum to collect the higher salary amount along with a minimum of drink commissions. For instance a few girls have told me her daily salary is 500 if she has x barfines. If she doesn't meet x amount then her daily salary is reduced to 300 a day. There is a formula for lady drinks too which influences the daily salary.

There is an incentive to barfine. Contrary to some posts here.

BTW, some girls have protested the increased barfine of 5 k and have had it reduced back to 4 k. Thou it is not publicized by the you know which bar. Barfines were much slower for them at 5 k and reducing their daily salary.

11-09-23, 03:39
This is true. If I were only there for 3 days and didn't have any luck finding what I wanted even one of those days, I'd be pissed. I stay for almost a month now, so if there's a night were nobody catches my fancy or I'm not feeling it, no big deal. Or I use my new technique of hitting the 24 hour massage place at the end of the night, getting a nice release, and heading home for a good night's sleep alone.To be fair, the Weekend Warrior is paying 5000ST to jump to the front of the queue and ensure that Hottie1 finds him more handsome than you or I.

OTOH, If we find that Salesgirl72 is working today but off on Sunday, who cares. 😁.

Enjoy. G.

Too many guys get pissed when I comment that Hottie1 may also msg a preferred local that she urgently needs 2000 today. RIGHT NOW!! - so let's not comment about differential pricing. Those that need to believe that their 5000 girl doesn't offer emergency rates to others can do so. 😜.

11-09-23, 12:07
I find a lot of the complaints about AC are self inflicted. Sure, we have all paid out newbie tax but if a guy is being ripped off at every night out then he needs to look at how gullible he is being.

In today's market, who sits there buying drink after drink for no immediate return or even an outright rejection? An interview drink then out? Fine. As ongoing payment for a face full of tatas and a fist full of mutt? Fine. For 4 hours of "Where you from? Where you stay?" And a rejection to go home? Fuck that.

I have a weakness for dancers and they often do have minimum work hours. If she can't leave before 12, then it's drink, barfine and I'll be back at 11:45. Not endless drinks while I sit there bored out of my brain.

I'd certainly agree that long term residents and weekend millionaires are different worlds. Being under no time pressure and available when she needs a cash top up opens up many opportunities. Again, anyone who can't or doesn't use that to their own benefit is only missing out.

Enjoy. G.TRUE! I live in the Philippines and it's night and day from a tourist. Living there, I get many girls that will call me up to spend the night, just to be in a nice place with air conditioning and not charge me anything. In my 6 years of living in the Philippines, I've probably paid only 5 barfines.

11-09-23, 12:09
To be fair, the Weekend Warrior is paying 5000ST to jump to the front of the queue and ensure that Hottie1 finds him more handsome than you or I.

OTOH, If we find that Salesgirl72 is working today but off on Sunday, who cares. 😁.

Enjoy. G.

Too many guys get pissed when I comment that Hottie1 may also msg a preferred local that she urgently needs 2000 today. RIGHT NOW!! - so let's not comment about differential pricing. Those that need to believe that their 5000 girl doesn't offer emergency rates to others can do so. 😜.FACTS! I'm a local and that 5000 p girl will go with me anytime for only 1,000 p.

D Cups
11-09-23, 23:13
As in life your space in the world is not the same as everyone else.
My point is AC has something for us today and tomorrow. It is all what you make of it. .Well said, Dg. I have had many, many good times in AC. Even tho it is hard to find top-heavy, bottom-light <wink .

11-10-23, 00:48
FACTS! I'm a local and that 5000 p girl will go with me anytime for only 1,000 p.I went back through your posts. You said you often tipped 1500 PHP plus. Good on you. Angeles' only advantage is it is handy to get to.

I may have found an alternative. Small island near Cebu where money is appreciated. I am also following up Samar. The only problem is getting there. They are long extra hikes with little city amenities. I am thinking of going for 4 months but Angeles would do my head in.

Here is my recipe: quiet place + 24/7 bonking + some wench to cook, clean etc + no city smells (too stressful) + beach + not too many foreigners (non Pinoys and no loud mouths).

The only thing is it means a long extra hike and if I draw a dud.

11-10-23, 02:26
I'd certainly agree that long term residents and weekend millionaires are different worlds. Being under no time pressure and available when she needs a cash top up opens up many opportunities. Again, anyone who can't or doesn't use that to their own benefit is only missing out.

TRUE! I live in the Philippines and it's night and day from a tourist.Oh yeah. Some advantages there. Amazing things can be had here during Emergency Season (all year long).

11-10-23, 03:10
Here is my recipe: quiet place + 24/7 bonking + some wench to cook, clean etc + no city smells (too stressful) + beach + not too many foreigners (non Pinoys and no loud mouths).

The only thing is it means a long extra hike and if I draw a dud.There was a time when a provincial visit meant that you planned to BYO a girl or were going to meet someone already there.

The internet has changed that as girls can now be found anywhere. I would even say BYO (how will she behave when I'm stuck with her 24/7) or LDR meetups (what's she like in person vs video) have so many risks that it's better to arrive first then make contact. It will take a few days to find your feet and girls will not be point and shoot but you have months so you can select the girl (s) you like the best and reject / return those that don't work out.

For out of the way beaches research Cebu province, Mindanao and Mindoro.

Good luck. G.

11-10-23, 03:20
Well said, Dg. I have had many, many good times in AC. Even tho it is hard to find top-heavy, bottom-light <wink .I have one firm top heavy, light bottom tight pussy 8. 5/10 regular beauty in my treasure chest. Always a delight. Mostly I prefer the thin ones with some curves therefore we are competing for the same ones. Some chubs have performed well for me too.

Like a stated AC has something for all. Only the Ed's will complain how ugly they are here.

11-10-23, 03:30
Today is November 10, 2023. You can live in the past (some still 30+ years ago) or make some new history today! I prefer today and tomorrow. Yes, yesterday was cheaper but I was only making $1.35 an hour.

11-10-23, 08:42
Few thoughts and up to date information from those of us that are actually in angeles and not relying on the word of bargirls from afar for our up to date information.

The town remains very quiet especially for western tourists, there are asians around during the week in fairly high numbers but by the weekend those numbers grow much more with mostly younger high spending koreans making up the larger numbers.

Took member green buds glowing review of Dragon bar on walking st and gave it an early try again after not visiting in some while due to low numbers of girls and warm beer in the past, have to say nothing has changed for the better, beer still not cold and only 1 girl that was a yes girl, she was in street clothes and talking to the cashier but I got her attention and called her over, offered her a lady drink but she said she is already long term bar fined with a korean and was only in picking up some money the bar owed her, had two drinks, nothing to see here so left for pastures new.

Pirates bar,20 girls in total,2 girls that were not fat or old, called them down for a drink, pretty enough apart from the bad breath, one was a cherry girl the other wanted 5,000 peso short time, probably worth half of that at a push, passed.

Monsoon bar, me and my two drinking pals were the only westerners in, about 15 asian customers, again about 20 girls, four asians already buying drinks for the couple of just ok looking girls,1 slow drink moved, on.

Q bar, a step up in quality, no stunners, but better, about 25 girls.

Gold bar, very busy with asians throwing money around, plenty of girls, hard to count exactly, beer was ice cold, a couple of cuties, unfortunately as usual they only had eyes for asian punters.

Xs bar, I keep saying this and I will say it again, this bar is the no1 bar for lookers, not all the girls but certainly a good few and many more than any other bar in angeles, most of the lookers were show girls so busy doing shows, as I was with korean friends this evening obviously many girls wanted to sit for drinks, at one time we had 8 girls sitting for the 3 of us, we never barfined them from xs bar but they heard us say we were heading out clubbing and found us after their work in hammer club.

IN summing up, the guys I find that are having the good time is the guys that find every girl a yes girl regardless of age, size or looks, as long as its lower priced and fucks bareback all is grand.

In honesty Be even slightly more fussy as a westerner the the chances of getting laid with a fairly slim ok looking girl that is not in her 30's-40's is slim at best.

It is what it is, claims of asians are no match for me and I have a great time with 8. 5 girls are easy to fantasise about but much harder to produce in real life.

Bar fines remain 4,000 peso for the no thank you girls,5-6,000 peso for the maybe after a few more beers girls, of course drink only girls and asian only girls don't have a bar fine price as they are just not available to mr westerner in truth.

11-10-23, 08:55
I have one firm top heavy, light bottom tight pussy 8. 5/10 regular beauty in my treasure chest...Out of interest, where is she from? I've found most tits on sticks are not pure bred but from parents of mixed provinces.

Lots of areas generate DDs or spinners. Tall and slim is a rarity. Mixed can give tiny with big tits or tall bikini bods. 🙏.

Enjoy. G.

11-10-23, 14:11
I would even say BYO (how will she behave when I'm stuck with her 24/7) or LDR meetups (what's she like in person vs video) have so many risks that it's better to arrive first then make contact. It will take a few days to find your feet and girls will not be point and shoot but you have months so you can select the girl (s) you like the best and reject / return those that don't work out. For out of the way beaches research Cebu province, Mindanao and Mindoro..The situation is I arose this morning (West European time) to find some naked pics had been sent to me just after I went to bed. To that was added, an hour to my checking, you don't love me, why you no reply etc Now I had stuff to do this morning and I am going to have lunch soon. I have found a small hotel 5 minutes from where she lives but she behaves as if we are almost married, meet the family bla bla (equals be paraded around like a prize pig, send a fortune giving them days out. Ok up to a point, and having zero privacy and being the talk of the area. That is not my scene.

I want to relax, have a lady. / ladies on retainers, no major drama and, let's face it, I don't want relatives having the run of my room. I don't want to be stranded like Desert island Dick with no money or passport when light fingered relatives come to visit. I wouldn't even enjoy sex, thinking I was being boxed in.

The idea would be a quiet seaside / fishing / mountain town where life goes on and I can do my stuff and bonk as the fancy takes me. Maybe idealistic but I don't want to end up in a one horse town with no means of escape when the local cane cutters ask why I am bonking their sisters and daughters.

11-10-23, 14:13
Out of interest, where is she from? I've found most tits on sticks are not pure bred but from parents of mixed provinces.

Lots of areas generate DDs or spinners. Tall and slim is a rarity. Mixed can give tiny with big tits or tall bikini bods. 🙏.

Enjoy. G.I believe from the Manila area. As far as the family tree I don't know.

11-10-23, 23:19
The situation is I arose this morning (West European time) to find some naked pics had been sent to me just after I went to bed. To that was added, an hour to my checking, you don't love me, why you no reply etc Now I had stuff to do this morning and I am going to have lunch soon. I have found a small hotel 5 minutes from where she lives but she behaves as if we are almost married, meet the family bla bla (equals be paraded around like a prize pig, send a fortune giving them days out. Ok up to a point, and having zero privacy and being the talk of the area. That is not my scene.

I want to relax, have a lady. / ladies on retainers, no major drama and, let's face it, I don't want relatives having the run of my room. I don't want to be stranded like Desert island Dick with no money or passport when light fingered relatives come to visit. I wouldn't even enjoy sex, thinking I was being boxed in.

The idea would be a quiet seaside / fishing / mountain town where life goes on and I can do my stuff and bonk as the fancy takes me. Maybe idealistic but I don't want to end up in a one horse town with no means of escape when the local cane cutters ask why I am bonking their sisters and daughters.If I can be brutally frank, you fucked up by giving her the impression that you are going just to see her and there is a potential for happily ever after. Doesn't matter if you expressly promised or it was just implied. Chat for a couple of months, then travel half way around the world, promising to visit a girl in the middle of nowhere and she's going to think it's serious. Hence my previous comments about early contact being a waste of time and even a negative.

Option 1 is to be upfront with her and explain that she's great but you are not looking for a full time commitment to one person. Certainly give the whole happy family and meet the in-laws a wide berth. She will be shattered and majorly pissed off if you meet the whole fam then get seen banging someone else in town.

Option 2 is to cut losses and go somewhere else and meet girls upon arrival. Personally, I like employed girls as it gives me peace, and potentially a infill, while they are at work. Again, be honest and upfront that you are happy to meet as "friends".

Good luck. G.

11-11-23, 00:00
The situation is I arose this morning (West European time) to find some naked pics had been sent to me just after I went to bed. To that was added, an hour to my checking, you don't love me, why you no reply etc Now I had stuff to do this morning and I am going to have lunch soon. I have found a small hotel 5 minutes from where she lives but she behaves as if we are almost married, meet the family bla bla (equals be paraded around like a prize pig, send a fortune giving them days out. Ok up to a point, and having zero privacy and being the talk of the area. That is not my scene.

I want to relax, have a lady. / ladies on retainers, no major drama and, let's face it, I don't want relatives having the run of my room. I don't want to be stranded like Desert island Dick with no money or passport when light fingered relatives come to visit. I wouldn't even enjoy sex, thinking I was being boxed in.

The idea would be a quiet seaside / fishing / mountain town where life goes on and I can do my stuff and bonk as the fancy takes me. Maybe idealistic but I don't want to end up in a one horse town with no means of escape when the local cane cutters ask why I am bonking their sisters and daughters.Jarango, welcome to Gilligans Manila island. I hope you don't get stuck there for years. Maybe you can fix an old radio and reach Gof, so he can rescue you.


11-11-23, 04:37
Took member green buds glowing review of Dragon bar on walking st and gave it an early try again after not visiting in some while due to low numbers of girls and warm beer in the past, have to say nothing has changed for the better, beer still not coldLow numbers? You're being delusional again.

I've never had a warm beer there, always been cold.

Only thing I totally agree with you is that XS has the best lookers. But many of the "blacktaped supermodels" have boyfriends/sponsors.

11-11-23, 15:50
If I can be brutally frank, you fucked up by giving her the impression that you are going just to see her and there is a potential for happily ever after. Doesn't matter if you expressly promised or it was just implied. Chat for a couple of months, then travel half way around the world, promising to visit a girl in the middle of nowhere and she's going to think it's serious. Hence my previous comments about early contact being a waste of time and even a negative..They nearly all think that way or just think we are horny old dudes. I did fuck up but I have blocked and bye byed her and I am sure I am not the first. Pity but I don't want to be in the middle of nowhere with a lynch mob.

Option 1 is to be upfront with her and explain that she's great but you are not looking for a full time commitment to one person. Certainly give the whole happy family and meet the in-laws a wide berth. She will be shattered and majorly pissed off if you meet the whole fam then get seen banging someone else in town.Hence, stay anonymous unless going to produce a ring or some such.

Option 2 is to cut losses and go somewhere else and meet girls upon arrival. Personally, I like employed girls as it gives me peace, and potentially a infill, while they are at work. Again, be honest and upfront that you are happy to meet as "friends"..Yes but I guess sex tourists generally end up with sex providers. In my journeys in the Phils, I have seen happy young couples together and working women have told me abut their boyfriends sailors and the like.

The place is such an uneven dump that we only get the uneducated Juliets looking for their pot belied grand papas to fund them and their local boyfriends.

I will reassess.

I do prefer out of the way, pleasant places but I am past the days of prancing from one end of the Phils to the other Thanks for the food for thought. Angeles has convenience, medics etc but it does not have raw outback hookers.

11-11-23, 16:51
Low numbers? You're being delusional again.

I've never had a warm beer there, always been cold.

Only thing I totally agree with you is that XS has the best lookers. But many of the "blacktaped supermodels" have boyfriends/sponsors.It's a rerun post. Been reruns going on 8 years now. Another Ed report goes home emptied handed blaming only ugly and fat girls available.

11-13-23, 19:46
I'm an Italian guy, I'm not a newbie in AC even though I haven't been there for at least 8 years and many things have changed since then, but many things have remained the same and won't change for many, many years. The first of these is the more than sufficient quantity of girls ready to open their legs in exchange for an acceptable and much lower price than in Europe or the US. The second is the possibility of getting girls not only from bars but in many other ways and often more convenient than barfine. In Angeles there are girls for all tastes and wallets. I got to know him very well.

"Bar life" world, my ex was mamasan on Fields Av. At the now defunct "one eyed wench" bar. In six years of relationship she showed me the various aspects of life in bars and the modus operandi. It is clear that in the last 10/15 years prices have increased for both barfines and freelancers and also for LDs but it is also true that in the same period the ability to spend for us Westerners has increased in the same way. I wouldn't worry too much about korean boys. There are plenty of girls available in AC. I beg to differ with the fact that girls don't go with Westerners otherwise they would be excluded from the kboys. The kboys will also leave AC after 2 or 3 weeks of vacation. So why give up staying with a western boy if the kboy will no longer be there in 15 days. Finally if we want quality, first class girls with 8/9/10 bodies. We need to have the strength and courage to compete with the yellow faces not just using money. 8/9/10. Or 6/7. It's not important, what matters is that it makes you feel good, that you are satisfied, whether you take her out to dinner or take her to fight on the mattress in your bed.

I apologize for my rather basic English and I hope I was able to clearly explain my thoughts.

11-14-23, 03:02
I'm an Italian guy, I'm not a newbie in AC even though I haven't been there for at least 8 years and many things have changed since then, but many things have remained the same and won't change for many, many years. The first of these is the more than sufficient quantity of girls ready to open their legs in exchange for an acceptable and much lower price than in Europe or the US. The second is the possibility of getting girls not only from bars but in many other ways and often more convenient than barfine. In Angeles there are girls for all tastes and wallets. I got to know him very well.

"Bar life" world, my ex was mamasan on Fields Av. At the now defunct "one eyed wench" bar. In six years of relationship she showed me the various aspects of life in bars and the modus operandi. It is clear that in the last 10/15 years prices have increased for both barfines and freelancers and also for LDs but it is also true that in the same period the ability to spend for us Westerners has increased in the same way. I wouldn't worry too much about korean boys. There are plenty of girls available in AC. I beg to differ with the fact that girls don't go with Westerners otherwise they would be excluded from the kboys. The kboys will also leave AC after 2 or 3 weeks of vacation. So why give up staying with a western boy if the kboy will no longer be there in 15 days. Finally if we want quality, first class girls with 8/9/10 bodies. We need to have the strength and courage to compete with the yellow faces not just using money. 8/9/10. Or 6/7. It's not important, what matters is that it makes you feel good, that you are satisfied, whether you take her out to dinner or take her to fight on the mattress in your bed.

I apologize for my rather basic English and I hope I was able to clearly explain my thoughts.Wait a moment, you have not been in angeles for over 8 years but know what's going on in angeles as of now? The mind boggles.

Take a few moments to read through the forums last 50 pages, I think you will find that anyone who has been in Angeles recently and have made a report are all saying quality is well down, drinks only girls and Asian only girls are way up, runners, short time only girls are alive and well, many of the slim ok looking girls only barfine with Asians or not at all, its all there to read if you take the time.

The blanket statement of Angeles city has something for everyone used by a certain couple of angeles appologists does not stand up to reason, why, nobody knows another guys taste in women so cannot speak for others in reality.

Maybe making a recent visit and seeing what is actually going on will have you singing a different tune, I await your trip report.

11-14-23, 03:57
Saturday night bar hop and thoughts.

Was determined to have a Saturday night in for a change but a couple of expat old friends were having a bit of a farewell drink on walking st before they departed for good for pastures new in another part of asia, it seems as of late many old friends are either passing away or leaving angeles.

We met up in lollipop bar 7. 00 sharp, was fairly quiet for a Saturday night for both punters and girls, stayed for 2 drinks and headed to Hi quality bar.

Hi quality bar, about 15 girls,5 Asian customers and us,1 girl cute, called her over for drinks, this bar has special beer prices at 95 peso all night, lady drink 300 peso.

Wanted to try dragons den bar again as member green bud was insisting lots of lookers and cold beer, sorry to say we found none of that here, out of 30 odd girls 3 or 4 girls were cute, obviously already seated with angeles new kings (the Asians) beer although had been in the fridge had not been in there long enough and again was no where need cold enough, not sure why other bars can sell ice cold beers but this bar constantly cannot.

Boys wanted to carry on barhopping, I was bored of bar hopping and made my excuses and headed home to my live in girlfriends arms.

Its true to say that most expat guys that live in or nearby angeles all get bored of the low quality bars and therefore have a wife or a live in lover, yes if something young, nice looking and slim is available in the bars then we take it, if not we either return home or contact one of many regular non bargirl lovers for fun, one way or another, whether bar girl (only some times due to quality issues and girl nationality preference issues) ,non bar girl lover, live in girlfriend or wife no need to be going without pussy for those of us who have made near angeles our home and have invested the time and effort to have many options.

11-14-23, 10:26
I'm an Italian guy, I apologize for my rather basic English and I hope I was able to clearly explain my thoughts.I thought your English was quite good. As were your comments.

11-14-23, 17:26
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

11-14-23, 19:02
For a number's check, you went there way too late. You seem to double down on your mistakes, like the "Lolipop" example.

I say with 98% probability, you are not even in Angeles now.I would double down on the balance of 2%. It's just another Ed rerun.

11-14-23, 19:41
Wait a moment, you have not been in angeles for over 8 years but know what's going on in angeles as of now? The mind boggles.

Take a few moments to read through the forums last 50 pages, I think you will find that anyone who has been in Angeles recently and have made a report are all saying quality is well down, drinks only girls and Asian only girls are way up, runners, short time only girls are alive and well, many of the slim ok looking girls only barfine with Asians or not at all, its all there to read if you take the time.

The blanket statement of Angeles city has something for everyone used by a certain couple of angeles appologists does not stand up to reason, why, nobody knows another guys taste in women so cannot speak for others in reality.

Maybe making a recent visit and seeing what is actually going on will have you singing a different tune, I await your trip report.Just one consideration. Economic availability makes a man more or less interesting in the eyes of girls. Both in AC and in the rest of the world. So the competition with K boy is won by playing the same game as them, "the ability to spend", and let me say that a little empathy with girls (which kboy lacks, can help a lot. For my part, I have planned a trip for the spring and with flight and hotel already paid in advance I will use my budget of around 10 k a day for everything else. I think it will be more than enough to spend 2 weeks taking advantage of beautiful girls whether they are bar girls what a freelancer. I conclude by saying that. If you want to win an F1 grand prix you have to compete with a Ferrari and not with a Fiat 500.

11-15-23, 08:11
Just one consideration. Economic availability makes a man more or less interesting in the eyes of girls. Both in AC and in the rest of the world. So the competition with K boy is won by playing the same game as them, "the ability to spend", and let me say that a little empathy with girls (which kboy lacks, can help a lot. For my part, I have planned a trip for the spring and with flight and hotel already paid in advance I will use my budget of around 10 k a day for everything else. I think it will be more than enough to spend 2 weeks taking advantage of beautiful girls whether they are bar girls what a freelancer. I conclude by saying that. If you want to win an F1 grand prix you have to compete with a Ferrari and not with a Fiat 500.Not so easy, if you had been reading the forum of late you would have seen many members posts explaining why koreans are the girls go to choice, including koreans out number westerners by many many times with 500 more arriving every day to replace those that have just left, most if these koreans / japanese / chinese are on big company expense accounts, as many have said is hard if not impossible to compete with the likes of honda / toyota and the likes expense card.

But mostly money only plays a small part in who an angeles bargirl chooses, why fuck a 350 pound western guy who is old enough to be the girls grand daddy high on viagra and wants porn star perfomance all night long into the morning when she can choose a slim much younger korean that takes her out for food, clubbing, pays the same or more and many times does not even fuck the girl or is happy with a quick 1 pop and release so the bar girl has plenty of time to go back to the bar and secure a 2nd or 3rd paying asian punter, or just go hang with her pinoy husband / trike driver lover.

Have many times barhopped with western friends and its almost impossible to get any attention from the few younger, attractive, slim girls, barhop with koreans and the girls are fighting each other to sit with them, it is what it is, unfortunately girls choose their bed partners if at all and the westerners are at the bottom of the list.

As always, good luck with your your trip and plan to out spend the asians and please post a few photos and trip report.

11-15-23, 08:18
Just one consideration. Economic availability makes a man more or less interesting in the eyes of girls. Both in AC and in the rest of the world. So the competition with K boy is won by playing the same game as them, "the ability to spend", and let me say that a little empathy with girls (which kboy lacks, can help a lot. For my part, I have planned a trip for the spring and with flight and hotel already paid in advance I will use my budget of around 10 k a day for everything else. I think it will be more than enough to spend 2 weeks taking advantage of beautiful girls whether they are bar girls what a freelancer. I conclude by saying that. If you want to win an F1 grand prix you have to compete with a Ferrari and not with a Fiat 500.Not so easy, if you had been reading the forum of late you would have seen many members posts explaining why koreans are the girls go to choice, including koreans out number westerners by many many times with 500 more arriving every day to replace those that have just left, most if these koreans / japanese / chinese are on big company expense accounts, as many have said is hard if not impossible to compete with the likes of honda / toyota and the likes expense card.

But mostly money only plays a small part in who an angeles bargirl chooses, why fuck a 350 pound western guy who is old enough to be the girls grand daddy high on viagra and wants porn star perfomance all night long into the morning when she can choose a slim much younger korean that takes her out for food, clubbing, pays the same or more and many times does not even fuck the girl or is happy with a quick 1 pop and release so the bar girl has plenty of time to go back to the bar and secure a 2nd or 3rd paying asian punter, or just go hang with her pinoy husband / trike driver lover.

Have many times barhopped with western friends and its almost impossible to get any attention from the few younger, attractive, slim girls, barhop with koreans and the girls are fighting each other to sit with them, it is what it is, unfortunately girls choose their bed partners if at all and the westerners are at the bottom of the list.

As always, good luck with your your trip and plan to out spend the asians and please post a few photos and trip report.

11-15-23, 14:17
On my messenger profile, on wapp and instagram I have at least fifty contacts: bargirls, freelancers, students, shop assistants, girls next door, ready to enter my bed for 2/3 k LT. Doesn't this seem like a sufficient number? Tell me where in your country you have so many options, without considering the barfines that can be done and fishing in shopping centers or discos.

Of course, Angeles is no longer what it once was but the whole world has changed and we have had to adapt everywhere. 10/12 years ago I took a young and beautiful pinay to bed with 1500 pesos. But it's true that I earned 1200/1300 euros a month. Now I earn 3000/3500 so the proportions remain almost unchanged if I have to pay 4000/4500 pesos.

11-15-23, 15:08
10 k a day for everything else Ferrari and not with a Fiat 500.Hey Mr Alfa Romeo / Lamborghini / Masarati man What are you going to splurge 10 k a day on? Why not drop it to 4 k and give me the rest? I'll write poems to Alberto Adcari and Nino Farina for that, and sing you Bella Ciaio, Bandiera Rossa and Arivederci Roma better than Pavarotti himself as many times as you like. Make it 7 k for me and I'll wear a knock off Italian football shirt for as long as you are in town. Either way, just enjoy yourself.

11-15-23, 18:49
if you had been reading the forum of lateI have. Your write-ups are such full of exaggeration, hyperbole, and BS.

koreans out number westerners by many many timesMore BS numbers. You mentioned 20 X previously. What is many, many times? If you look at the official statistics of tourist arrivals, the Korean numbers are not that much higher than the US. The percentages between East Asian and Western countries are similar. I am not sure what the percentages are in Angeles. Hard to say. Probably more Koreans than Westerners. In the Korean Bars, majority are Koreans. In the ex-pat bars, majority are Westerners. More Koreans playing poker; more Westerners hanging out at the outside places (Kokomos, Envy, and Phillies). Probably more Koreans inside of Clark; a lot of them play golf. Once I was on Walking Street at 12 pm. Ya, it looked like a 20 X ratio; I think Koreans like to go out early. But around 9 pm, ratio is more even. Maybe slightly more Koreans; not sure.

Q Bar is not a Korean bar. Obviously, you've never been to the Q Bar.

most if these koreans / japanese / chinese are on big company expense accounts, as many have said is hard if not impossible to compete with the likes of honda / toyota and the likes expense card.I doubt that's true. Some might be, but not enough to move the needle. How the hell would I or anymore know if they are on a business account. Ya, I know businesses in Korea and Japan pay for drinking among co-workers. But sending them on a sex-filled adventure to Angeles during the "Me too" movement. Especially the large corporations. I doubt that.

why fuck a 350 pound western guyThere aren't that many 350 pound guys there.

Westerners will not have trouble with any girls at the ex-pat bars. In the Korean bars, that's a different story. Not sure of the percentage. I've talked to a few of them. I don't think it's the tips. Koreans do not tip better than the Americans. The common answer is they are more culturally similar to the Koreans. Not sure. I haven't done enough research.

trike driver lover.More BS that is repeated. I can almost guarantee you that no one (obviously not you) on this board knows any girl that will admit to having a trike driver lover / boyfriend. They may, but they will not admit to it. I often joke with the girls that they have a trike driver boyfriend. They ALL roll up their eyes and say "NO!" Same thing as the US. IMO, most girls do not want to admit that they want to seriously date a guy that works at McDonalds.

Have many times barhopped with western friends and its almost impossible to get any attention from the few younger, attractive, slim girls,More BS. Just get the mamassan to point their green laser at the girls, and they will come and sit with you. They may not agree to the barfine, but they will definitely will want a ladys drink. Some girls are Korean only (especially at the Korean bars), some girls have sponsors / boyfriends (especially at XS). At the ex-pat bars, the girls will barfine with Westerners.

girls are fighting each other to sit with them,No they don't; or at least not to the scale that you are implying. How are they fighting. The girls usually act aloof, usually not desperate. They act calm. The mamasan will usually bring over the girls, for the Koreans to choose.

Actually, the couple of times I remember girls going crazy is when 2 young (I guess good looking) White guys walked into the bar.

westerners are at the bottom of the list.For some of the girls. I admit, I do not know the percentages. It's funny that some guys here have to find a reason for the Westerners not being the preferred choice.

The funny thing is that I agree with your sentiment in a lot of the areas, but not to the degree and exaggeration that you state.

11-15-23, 19:44
I've been offline since I sent in my TR's from my first visit last March. (Huge thanks to the rouges gallery here who provided me with info and advice!) But now I'm planning to return Feb 2024 for a full moth, mostly in AC.

I've been catching up on recent posts and see much (continued) discussion of the growing Korean presence and over consumption of "key" resources (I. E. : fresh pussy).

The stories all look similar: Some guy (a front man?) gets to the club early, tags the best hotties and pre-pays their bar fines. The chosen will then only pimp LDs until the van shows up to take them away for a few hours of easy-time with the Korean whales.

My question / idea: What if instead of trying to snag the bar girls before they get tagged, I just come in late, maybe after Midnight to enjoy those who return for an extra BF before the club closes? Am I over-simplifying the problem? Or should I plan on staying up late so I can, well, stay UP late?

11-15-23, 20:14
Hey Mr Alfa Romeo / Lamborghini / Masarati man What are you going to splurge 10 k a day on? Why not drop it to 4 k and give me the rest? I'll write poems to Alberto Adcari and Nino Farina for that, and sing you Bella Ciaio, Bandiera Rossa and Arivederci Roma better than Pavarotti himself as many times as you like. Make it 7 k for me and I'll wear a knock off Italian football shirt for as long as you are in town. Either way, just enjoy yourself.Ah Ah Ah. I'm sorry I can only offer a beer. I need other money for my pleasure. And for the pleasure of my little friend into the pants.

11-15-23, 20:29
Just one consideration. Economic availability makes a man more or less interesting in the eyes of girls. Both in AC and in the rest of the world. So the competition with K boy is won by playing the same game as them, "the ability to spend", and let me say that a little empathy with girls (which kboy lacks, can help a lot. For my part, I have planned a trip for the spring and with flight and hotel already paid in advance I will use my budget of around 10 k a day for everything else. I think it will be more than enough to spend 2 weeks taking advantage of beautiful girls whether they are bar girls what a freelancer. I conclude by saying that. If you want to win an F1 grand prix you have to compete with a Ferrari and not with a Fiat 500.For 10 k pesos a day, you can easily outspend 1-2 k-boys. The problem is the other 5-7 k-boys they came to angeles with, and the other 5-10 k-boys that will replace that group once they hop on the plane back to Korea after their weekend visit. You as the lone westerner will always be outnumbered, outgunned and outspent, there's no two ways about it.

You will still be able to get freelancers galore, but the bar scene for the most part will be a disappointment compared to your last experience from 8 years ago. That doesn't mean you won't be able to barfine pretty girls from the bar, but the availability of the best girls in bars will not be in your favour.

11-15-23, 22:05
I've been offline since I sent in my TR's from my first visit last March. (Huge thanks to the rouges gallery here who provided me with info and advice!) But now I'm planning to return Feb 2024 for a full moth, mostly in AC.

I've been catching up on recent posts and see much (continued) discussion of the growing Korean presence and over consumption of "key" resources (I. E. : fresh pussy).

The stories all look similar: Some guy (a front man?) gets to the club early, tags the best hotties and pre-pays their bar fines. The chosen will then only pimp LDs until the van shows up to take them away for a few hours of easy-time with the Korean whales.

My question / idea: What if instead of trying to snag the bar girls before they get tagged, I just come in late, maybe after Midnight to enjoy those who return for an extra BF before the club closes? Am I over-simplifying the problem? Or should I plan on staying up late so I can, well, stay UP late?It is impossible to flip the script with Korean guys barfining all hotties. These are not actual punters. Usually they have their middle men who do this for a group. For the bar and the girls it is a win win situation.

However with hundreds of available girls one should not have any problem finding one like able girl. Some girls and bars exclusively prefer Koreans. There are others who do not care. Not all Koreans pay exorbitant prices and tips.

11-15-23, 23:53
Korean guys ... Usually they have their middle men who do this for a groupWell said. Market has changed. Place I am checking into has special Korans numbers so no doubt where they see their future and it ain't in Peoria.

11-16-23, 01:28
I have. Your write-ups are such full of exaggeration, hyperbole, and BS.

More BS numbers. You mentioned 20 X previously. What is many, many times? If you look at the official statistics of tourist arrivals, the Korean numbers are not that much higher than the US. The percentages between East Asian and Western countries are similar. I am not sure what the percentages are in Angeles. Hard to say. Probably more Koreans than Westerners. In the Korean Bars, majority are Koreans. In the ex-pat bars, majority are Westerners. More Koreans playing poker; more Westerners hanging out at the outside places (Kokomos, Envy, and Phillies). Probably more Koreans inside of Clark; a lot of them play golf. Once I was on Walking Street at 12 pm. Ya, it looked like a 20 X ratio; I think Koreans like to go out early. But around 9 pm, ratio is more even. Maybe slightly more Koreans; not sure.

Q Bar is not a Korean bar. Obviously, you've never been to the Q Bar.

I doubt that's true. Some might be, but not enough to move the needle. How the hell would I or anymore know if they are on a business account. Ya, I know businesses in Korea and Japan pay for drinking among co-workers. But sending them on a sex-filled adventure to Angeles during the "Me too" movement. Especially the large corporations. I doubt that.

There aren't that many 350 pound guys there.

Westerners will not have trouble with any girls at the ex-pat bars. In the Korean bars, that's a different story. Not sure of the percentage. I've talked to a few of them. I don't think it's the tips. Koreans do not tip better than the Americans. The common answer is they are more culturally similar to the Koreans. Not sure. I haven't done enough research.

More BS that is repeated. I can almost guarantee you that no one (obviously not you) on this board knows any girl that will admit to having a trike driver lover / boyfriend. They may, but they will not admit to it. I often joke with the girls that they have a trike driver boyfriend. They ALL roll up their eyes and say "NO!" Same thing as the US. IMO, most girls do not want to admit that they want to seriously date a guy that works at McDonalds.

More BS. Just get the mamassan to point their green laser at the girls, and they will come and sit with you. They may not agree to the barfine, but they will definitely will want a ladys drink. Some girls are Korean only (especially at the Korean bars), some girls have sponsors / boyfriends (especially at XS). At the ex-pat bars, the girls will barfine with Westerners.

No they don't; or at least not to the scale that you are implying. How are they fighting. The girls usually act aloof, usually not desperate. They act calm. The mamasan will usually bring over the girls, for the Koreans to choose.

Actually, the couple of times I remember girls going crazy is when 2 young (I guess good looking) White guys walked into the bar.

For some of the girls. I admit, I do not know the percentages. It's funny that some guys here have to find a reason for the Westerners not being the preferred choice.

The funny thing is that I agree with your sentiment in a lot of the areas, but not to the degree and exaggeration that you state.Haters will always be haters and try to disrupt and throw doubt on others for their agenda, I normally file these attempts and hate in the simpletons file.

Maybe making an angeles visit for more than a couple of days every multiple years will enable your good self to have a clue as to what's going on in angeles as of now.

As per your glowing report of dragons den bar again I throw doubt on your posts, have visited on 3 seperate occasions since your glowing report of a bar full of great lookers and only a crazy person would not visit, I could not disagree with you more, what I found on 3 visits (at the times you said to go) was 1 in 10 girls were just barely cute, no not a stunner, not great lookers, not perticularly slim or young in age, in fact most could be discribed as fat old dogs, maybe we just have a different level of wants in our bed partners.

As normal I find in life some have great taste in women and want to choose carefully, some are easily pleased, I find that those that are easily pleased are the ones singing angeles praises.

11-16-23, 02:00
I've been offline since I sent in my TR's from my first visit last March. (Huge thanks to the rouges gallery here who provided me with info and advice!) But now I'm planning to return Feb 2024 for a full moth, mostly in AC.

I've been catching up on recent posts and see much (continued) discussion of the growing Korean presence and over consumption of "key" resources (I. E. : fresh pussy).

The stories all look similar: Some guy (a front man?) gets to the club early, tags the best hotties and pre-pays their bar fines. The chosen will then only pimp LDs until the van shows up to take them away for a few hours of easy-time with the Korean whales.

My question / idea: What if instead of trying to snag the bar girls before they get tagged, I just come in late, maybe after Midnight to enjoy those who return for an extra BF before the club closes? Am I over-simplifying the problem? Or should I plan on staying up late so I can, well, stay UP late?The info you have been receiving of korean vans picking up the hottest girls that of course will actually barfine is 100% true, in fact a certain bar group have just ordered 3 more brand new vans to keep up with demand.

Many Certain girls in angeles will not barfine except with asians, they are asian only girls so no matter what time one hits the bar it will be a no from these girls.

Best advice is if you are a westerner, not too old, not too fat then hit the few western oriented bars, lollipop bar, geckos bar etc where one can easily get laid, the quality of ladies in these bars is low in honesty or try your luck online but again don't expect high quality girls as the koreans are also hunting online in numbers.

Unfortunately for westerners the angeles pool is rather slim if one is even the slightest fussy, either except what angeles has become or choose a different location where girls will not choose bed partners by race.

Happy mongering where ever you end up and please post a trip report.

Banana Boi
11-16-23, 03:04
, most if these koreans / japanese / chinese are on big company expense accounts, I will assume that the Korean and Japanese men who go to AC and Makati are the same demographics hitting Thailand, Vietnam, etc. That means they are in their 20's. Salary men from Korea and Japan DO NOT have big expense accounts. In fact, their income is very low compared to USA or Europe. Average wage for a salary man in his 20s in Korea is under 30k USD. A bit higher for Japan but still under 35 k USD. This is pre-tax! In other words, they do not have much disposable income. The problem is when a girl quotes them ridiculous prices they will say yes cause it's much cheaper than back home and there is no art of negotiation in Japan or Korea.

11-16-23, 03:53
I will assume that the Korean and Japanese men who go to AC and Makati are the same demographics hitting Thailand, Vietnam, etc. That means they are in their 20's. Salary men from Korea and Japan DO NOT have big expense accounts. In fact, their income is very low compared to USA or Europe. Average wage for a salary man in his 20s in Korea is under 30k USD. A bit higher for Japan but still under 35 k USD. This is pre-tax! In other words, they do not have much disposable income. The problem is when a girl quotes them ridiculous prices they will say yes cause it's much cheaper than back home and there is no art of negotiation in Japan or Korea.You could say the same thing about Americans in Latin America. When a girl quotes them crazy prices, they will say yes because it is much cheaper than back home. As for the art of negotiation, at least in South Korea, there is a lot of haggling in the markets in South Korea and the businessmen are known as very smart negotiators.

You are correct in that the Koreans don't make more money than Americans. It is just that South Korea is only 4 hours from Manila so guys can go short trips to the PI and not worry about money as much. It is no different than Americans flying to Costa Rica, Mexico or Colombia. They have the same reputation of overpaying at times.

Keep in mind that there is no such thing as how Koreans behave. Substitute the word Americans and you can see how silly that statement is. Koreans who come to the PI are young and old, frugal and free spending, slim and fat, they are not a single entity who behave the same way. There are stereotypes which are sometimes true and sometimes false depending on the particular Korean person.

11-16-23, 08:13
I will assume that the Korean and Japanese men who go to AC and Makati are the same demographics hitting Thailand, Vietnam, etc. That means they are in their 20's. Salary men from Korea and Japan DO NOT have big expense accounts. In fact, their income is very low compared to USA or Europe. Average wage for a salary man in his 20s in Korea is under 30k USD. A bit higher for Japan but still under 35 k USD. This is pre-tax! In other words, they do not have much disposable income. The problem is when a girl quotes them ridiculous prices they will say yes cause it's much cheaper than back home and there is no art of negotiation in Japan or Korea.Right. Whereas it might have happened for a few mid or senior level employees a few times, then get's reported as the norm. 95% of them aren't successful enough to be having extravagant weekend trips paid for by their company. Work culture in Japan and Korea is you'll bust your ass for us and you'll be grateful. They're not being flown around Asia every weekend on luxury holidays. Far from it.

However they do come in groups and they do overspend on girls, but let's not exaggerate it here.

Also men in general still have more leverage over women in Korea. Not like the west. If anyone is ruining the scene all around the world it's the Western simps sponsoring these girls they'll never meet in real life. This is 90% a Western thing and has had a far bigger effect overall when it comes to availability of girls.

11-16-23, 12:46
I will assume that the Korean and Japanese men who go to AC and Makati are the same demographics hitting Thailand, Vietnam, etc. That means they are in their 20's. Salary men from Korea and Japan DO NOT have big expense accounts. In fact, their income is very low compared to USA or Europe. Average wage for a salary man in his 20s in Korea is under 30k USD. A bit higher for Japan but still under 35 k USD. This is pre-tax! In other words, they do not have much disposable income. The problem is when a girl quotes them ridiculous prices they will say yes cause it's much cheaper than back home and there is no art of negotiation in Japan or Korea.I lived in Japan for 3 years and had this Japanese co-worker. He would have to save up money for 2 months, just to monger with one girl every other month. Prices in Japan are CRAZY! MANY Clubs won't allow foreigners inside. We were able to get into some whenever he was with us. One bar we went to had like a $100 (US) cover charge and to take the girl across the street to the hotel for 1 hour was $300 (US).

11-16-23, 14:13
One bar we went to had like a $100 (US) cover charge and to take the girl across the street to the hotel for 1 hour was $300 (US).I have friends in the US who go back to the Redbook website days (2000's) were giving $200/ hour 20 years ago, $300/ hour pre-covid (Redbook closed down around 2014-15), and covid / post-covid its $500/ hour (with fewer girls available) for college-age hotties. That's a clock-watched hour, +condom, 1-pop ends the session, money given in advance. Another guy I knew but lost touch with around the mid-2010's utilized Playboy-material lookers in LA and NY. I nearly choked one day when he said something like this when I asked him what they cost: "In the good old days in the 90's it was $500. Now I don't touch anything under $1000 an hour. I know guys who pay five times that" for the same 1 hour. Do recall a former NY Attorney General and Governor who was caught paying $ thousands per hour for the fancy flesh.

While I prefer the lower end of the $ for my feminine company, I find it odd that some of the gents on ISG rail against ladies in poor countries who happen to command a pretty penny with high-end clientele.

11-16-23, 14:55
I lived in Japan for 3 years and had this Japanese co-worker. He would have to save up money for 2 months, just to monger with one girl every other month. Prices in Japan are CRAZY! MANY Clubs won't allow foreigners inside. We were able to get into some whenever he was with us. One bar we went to had like a $100 (US) cover charge and to take the girl across the street to the hotel for 1 hour was $300 (US).Japan, like the United States or anywhere else, has horses ad hookers for courses. It is awash with love hotels and its hooker industry is vibrant, as is that of the USA, with its lot lizards. A lot of Japanese do ok and are not on that kind of gross money. They get short holidays and some of them will use it to bang Thai and Pinay hookers. Most will not pay that stupid prices and it is silly to think they do.

I spoke to a European night club owner and I asked him if he got many VIPs and. Or old creeps. He said yes but lots of ordinary dicks save up for a month and then blow it all in a night, acting large.

Like it or lump it, Pampanga is now a major Korean monger destination.

I said in an earlier message, the hotel I stay at has Korean phone numbers. It also has a KAKAO ID but no wattsapp or viber. Kakao seems to be it in Korea but it gets awful reviews.

Here are the airlines using Clark and their destinations Korea is it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clark_International_Airport#Airlines_and_destinations.

11-16-23, 19:49
Where are all these pinays who got rich with kboys money? Perhaps a few dozen compared to the hundreds perhaps thousands of Pinays living in Angeles City. I have many contacts on Facebook, Instagram and Wapp and when they show me the places where they live I see poverty and misery and almost all of them are desperate due to the difficulty of paying the rent or buying enough food for them and their families. So Angeles still offers the possibility for us Westerners to "buy sex" on the cheap. In Italy if you want to have fun for 1 hour with a beautiful young girl the prices start from 150/200 euros, unless you are satisfied with a road one which still costs you 50 euros (3000 php) for a 15 minute quickie. Bottom line. For me spending 5 k php for a LT with a young pinay girl is still a good deal, I know it's cynical to say but it's true.

11-17-23, 01:00
Where are all these pinays who got rich with kboys money? ... I have many contacts on Facebook, Instagram and Wapp and when they show me the places where they live I see poverty and misery... In Italy ... Bottom line. For me spending 5 k php for a LT with a young pinay Medellin, You disappoint me. Angles, "our" part, is a transient population. They come, they get tatted up and they leave. Those who have sound business sense can do well. I have met them, they know they can make big and steady bucks and they settle in. One of them, not a hooker, has married her daughters off the medium level EU diplomats. Another, a hooker, has a thriving pig business in Visayas.

I look at the single moms on Pinay and I almost weep for them, doomed as they are.

We all love Italy but you are not in Italy. Pay local prices and blend in. When in Rome.

Why are you doing tours of slums to see where they live? That is simply life.

11-17-23, 01:45
I will assume that the Korean and Japanese men who go to AC and Makati are the same demographics hitting Thailand, Vietnam, etc. That means they are in their 20's. Salary men from Korea and Japan DO NOT have big expense accounts. In fact, their income is very low compared to USA or Europe. Average wage for a salary man in his 20s in Korea is under 30k USD. A bit higher for Japan but still under 35 k USD. This is pre-tax! In other words, they do not have much disposable income. The problem is when a girl quotes them ridiculous prices they will say yes cause it's much cheaper than back home and there is no art of negotiation in Japan or Korea.I've lived in Korea for a number of years, so I know the people well. As someone who is knowledgeable about the country, there are a few things that you might have overlooked in your analysis.

For instance, I happen to know that the youth in this country have a very large disposable income. Many of the young people who earn the relatively low average salary still have lots of disposable income because they have no bills. This might sound crazy to Westerners, but It's the norm in Korea to live with one's parents until marriage, and with marriage rates declining in Korea, more young men are living with their moms and dads well into middle age. No rent, no vehicle loan, free food and utilities, and a family phone plan mean that these young people have their entire salary to save or spend as they please. And unlike in America, in Korea there's no shame whatsoever with living with one's mom and dad. In fact, it's seen as financially prudent and socially beneficial.

I also know that the average salary mentioned by Banana Boi is just that, an average. And as it's an average taken across the entire country, including the poorer half who live outside the greater Seoul region, it skews low. Imagine how much higher the average income would be if you were to remove the poorest 10% or 20% from the equation. Without counting struggling farmers, unskilled construction workers, janitorial staff, food delivery men and the like, the true average increases by quite a bit.

Of course, the average is pulled in the other direction by the highest income earners, but they don't make as much as you might think. As many people already know, money earned from investment is not considered income. Thus the richest multi-millionaires and billionaires aren't actually included in the math at all. And even those with real estate investments (those who collect rent from tenants, which could be considered income) aren't counted because the vast majority live off of bank loans and use the collected rents to pay down these loans and thus avoid paying income tax altogether.

This is all to say that Koreans inclined to go on an international holiday, even to a place like Angeles City, almost certainly live in Seoul, probably earn well above the national average, and have plenty of disposable income.

11-17-23, 02:07
That is a lot of posts about the Koreans. I would just say focus on yourself and don't worry about the Koreans. When I am in Angeles, I don't worry about the Koreans and what they do or don't do. I just try my best to have fun. I don't interact with them and they don't bother me so it's all good.

Now, if you're not happy with Angeles City, remember that the PI is not just Angeles City. I don't spend as much time anymore in Angeles City. I have been visiting Cebu and working the online dating sites. It takes a bit more work but I am happy with the results.

11-17-23, 02:13
Here's a video worth your time. A show inside Shooters. I don't even really like Shooters that much. In the first group. 3 do-able, 1 superstar. In the second group, black tape, most are do-able, with 3 superstars. See any Koreans in the crowd? No, not that I care. Keep telling people AC isn't worth your time. I'm counting down the days.


11-17-23, 02:15
I've lived in Korea for a number of years, so I know the people well. As someone who is knowledgeable about the country, there are a few things that you might have overlooked in your analysis.

For instance, I happen to know that the youth in this country have a very large disposable income. Many of the young people who earn the relatively low average salary still have lots of disposable income because they have no bills. This might sound crazy to Westerners, but It's the norm in Korea to live with one's parents until marriage, and with marriage rates declining in Korea, more young men are living with their moms and dads well into middle age. No rent, no vehicle loan, free food and utilities, and a family phone plan mean that these young people have their entire salary to save or spend as they please. And unlike in America, in Korea there's no shame whatsoever with living with one's mom and dad. In fact, it's seen as financially prudent and socially beneficial.

I also know that the average salary mentioned by Banana Boi is just that, an average. And as it's an average taken across the entire country, including the poorer half who live outside the greater Seoul region, it skews low. Imagine how much higher the average income would be if you were to remove the poorest 10% or 20% from the equation. Without counting struggling farmers, unskilled construction workers, janitorial staff, food delivery men and the like, the true average increases by quite a bit.

Of course, the average is pulled in the other direction by the highest income earners, but they don't make as much as you might think. As many people already know, money earned from investment is not considered income. Thus the richest multi-millionaires and billionaires aren't actually included in the math at all. And even those with real estate investments (those who collect rent from tenants, which could be considered income) aren't counted because the vast majority live off of bank loans and use the collected rents to pay down these loans and thus avoid paying income tax altogether.

This is all to say that Koreans inclined to go on an international holiday, even to a place like Angeles City, almost certainly live in Seoul, probably earn well above the national average, and have plenty of disposable income.Have to agree with your detailed explanation 100%.

I too have visited Korea on business trips, have hosted many korean business associates from Korea here in angeles, have quite a few korean business owner friends here who I often bar hop with.

I findn the koreans to be humble, extremely polite and easy to get along with and extremely generous.

Yes they party in slightly different ways to westerners but for sure their way plays into their hands as they are always with the better looking, slim, younger girls, there is no denying that.

Yes many westerners take exception at their massive numbers in angeles and are envious of their popularity by the angeles bar girls, I have no problem with it, I have already come to terms with what angeles has become and am at peace with that, as I previously said, for those of us that live here then we are not going without pussy, one just need to find other ways to get get laid, spend enough time here and most find a wife, girlfriend that is not a working girl and much higher quality than what is found in most bars.

11-17-23, 02:35
In the first group. 3 do-able, 1 superstar. In the second group, black tape, most are do-able, with 3 superstars.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62t0Y-09KNASuperstars?! Well I am not trying to be a Prude. But have you considered Jakarta Indo? Place like Classic has ladies that Blow the Ballz off the Quality of the YouTube video of Shooters here. True, I liked AC back in the day and the English speaking ladies is a plus. But if this is top tier for AC PI - I don't think I'll be back. Not trying to be mean. Just saying the Beauty factor is lacking in my opinion.

Banana Boi
11-17-23, 02:37
Here's a video worth your time. A show inside Shooters. I don't even really like Shooters that much. In the first group. 3 do-able, 1 superstar. In the second group, black tape, most are do-able, with 3 superstars. See any Koreans in the crowd? No, not that I care. Keep telling people AC isn't worth your time. I'm counting down the days.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62t0Y-09KNAHmmm, maybe I'm expecting too much? Maybe I just have different taste than guys who go to AC? I wouldn't even buy any of those girls a lady drink let alone bar fine them.

I see an old man walking around with a SLR? Is this normal? You can just take videos and photos with your camera? Another girl was shooting video on her phone.

But have you considered Jakarta Indo? Place like Classic has ladies that Blow the Ballz off the Quality of the YouTube video of Shooters here.

The bottom of the barrel girls at Classic, Travel, Malio, King Cross, etc blow away any of these girls. Luckily we all have different taste so every girl can make money.

11-17-23, 02:41
It's a relative term. I count 4 AC superstars here (not in that first group). Who will do you bare for cheap or free. If that's not your jam, ok, become a billionaire and date a Victoria's Secret model.

Also nobody said this was the top tier of girls in AC. But this is a pretty typical lineup of what you’ll find in a western bar.

Superstars?! Well I am not trying to be a Prude. But have you considered Jakarta Indo? Place like Classic has ladies that Blow the Ballz off the Quality of the YouTube video of Shooters here. True, I liked AC back in the day and the English speaking ladies is a plus. But if this is top tier for AC PI - I don't think I'll be back. Not trying to be mean. Just saying the Beauty factor is lacking in my opinion.

11-17-23, 02:54
Here's a video worth your time. A show inside Shooters. I don't even really like Shooters that much. In the first group. 3 do-able, 1 superstar. In the second group, black tape, most are do-able, with 3 superstars. See any Koreans in the crowd? No, not that I care. Keep telling people AC isn't worth your time. I'm counting down the days.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62t0Y-09KNAYou are kidding right?

Not sure who would travel half way around the world and actually pay anything for this type of girl quality.

Not trying to be mean, if your happy with this quality then ill leave them all to you, enjoy.

11-17-23, 03:05
Where are all these pinays who got rich with kboys money?It's exceedingly rare to find a hooker in Asia who has made and kept a good sized nest egg. They tend to be very frivolous with their money and can go through it like water. What ever remains, family, boyfriend's and friends will quickly consume. The only girls I know who maged to get ahead by hooking are those that distanced themselves from their family and old friends. However, these are very strong bonds to break.

Even the IG girls are flying Business to Dubai for their glamour posts on Daddy's dime, not money they have saved up so that they can afford to work in the high income areas.

Cheers. G.

11-17-23, 08:45
Where are all these pinays who got rich with kboys money?They receive good coin, but they don't often keep the coin.

It's exceedingly rare to find a hooker in Asia who has made and kept a good sized nest egg. They tend to be very frivolous with their money and can go through it like water. What ever remains, family, boyfriend's and friends will quickly consume. The only girls I know who maged to get ahead by hooking are those that distanced themselves from their family and old friends. However, these are very strong bonds to break.Well-said. Pinay typically can only see today or tomorrow. They might be smart enough to go to college, and they might even want to do that. But spending that kind of money is a family decision (not the decision of the academically gifted son / daughter). Even if the son / daughter earns enough money aside from the fam, the fam (or boyfriend) might take the money. Also they tend to be cultured to consume quickly everything they purchase, and to purchase until the money is spent. They tend to do things that might sound financially un-sound to westerners, but are taken for granted in Phils. Few people here would caution or call out a relative or friend who appeared to be blowing his money quickly or investing poorly in a biz venture.

The money rolls in, the money rolls out.

11-17-23, 09:54
I see an old man walking around with a SLR? Is this normal? You can just take videos and photos with your camera? Another girl was shooting video on her phone.
It's pretty obvious he is doing a promo shoot with the full cooperation of the bar and the assembled ladies. There are some real fatties there, the guys I mean.

All these women look the same upside down. Good farmers' daughters, good housewife material.

11-17-23, 10:08
Last time I was there in 2016, I found twins but I'm sure they are long gone now. Anyone have info on fresh twins currently working?

11-17-23, 12:18
Here's a video worth your time. A show inside Shooters. I don't even really like Shooters that much. In the first group. 3 do-able, 1 superstar. In the second group, black tape, most are do-able, with 3 superstars. See any Koreans in the crowd? No, not that I care. Keep telling people AC isn't worth your time. I'm counting down the days.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62t0Y-09KNAI looked at videos before I went also. I saw some cuties at the KTV bars on YouTube but when you get there in person you will probably be disappointed. A lot of the girls are very hard looking in person. Heavy heavy makeup to cover up years of damage from their lifestyle. Asians normally don't age so fast but in walking street years it's like the clock moves twice as fast.

Banana Boi
11-17-23, 18:31
It's pretty obvious he is doing a promo shoot with the full cooperation of the bar and the assembled ladies. There are some real fatties there, the guys I mean.
.Cooperation of the customers too? I know I'd be pretty pissed if I were sitting in the bar and some old fart was walking around taking videos of all the customers. Yes it's a photoshoot. I was asking if this crap happens often in AC?

11-17-23, 18:54
Here's how I remember the good ole' days. Orchid Inn and a Dollhouse lady teaching me the etiquette of eating a mangostien. If the AC PI ladies come back to this weight I will happily go back.

11-17-23, 20:06
Cooperation of the customers too? I know I'd be pretty pissed if I were sitting in the bar and some old fart was walking around taking videos of all the customers. Yes it's a photoshoot. I was asking if this crap happens often in AC?I am on one of these videos where guys walk around Angeles and post their dumb ass videos on youtube. No one has pulled me up on it yet. They are the risks you take. The guys in the bar could have got off side had they wished. I have bumped into people in the raunchiest of places. Not quite red handed but certainly crimson, rose, purple or whatever makes a light red.

11-17-23, 23:09
Here's how I remember the good ole' days. Orchid Inn and a Dollhouse lady teaching me the etiquette of eating a mangostien. If the AC PI ladies come back to this weight I will happily go back.A majority are in that body mass weight.

11-18-23, 01:16
Here's how I remember the good ole' days. Orchid Inn and a Dollhouse lady teaching me the etiquette of eating a mangostien. If the AC PI ladies come back to this weight I will happily go back.Approximately when was this taken?

11-18-23, 02:18
Approximately when was this taken?2006. Fun times!

11-18-23, 02:30
I..Asians normally don't age so fast but in walking street years it's like the clock moves twice as fast.There are two trains of thought here:

A few years of having the guts fucked out of her, getting hammered drunk on a nightly basis, being introduced to shabu to dull the pain and maybe a couple of backyard abortions too, quickly robs a pretty girl's looks.

Personally, I think that the dog tired and worn down look that hookers get, when they aren't the pretty 19 yo any more, ages them even more.

Enjoy. G.

11-18-23, 06:29
Cooperation of the customers too? I know I'd be pretty pissed if I were sitting in the bar and some old fart was walking around taking videos of all the customers. Yes it's a photoshoot. I was asking if this crap happens often in AC?No it does not happen often (anymore).

Interesting conundrum. As a PSA, I should tell you that there are at least half a dozen foreigners living in AC who are vloggers. They roam the streets daytime and evening with a camera on a selfie stick, vlogging away. I see about one per day. Usually they are alone, and found on WS, or Fields in the area of Brown Sugar, or Fields down at Perimeter, or they are sometimes on A Santos street. They are not normally allowed into the bars (unless the bar is promoting an event). They are not usually pushing the camera in anyone's face. However, anyone depicted while in public, or in a place where the public goes, is unfortunately fair game. If the thought of your ending up on some vloggers video on WS bothers you, you need to consider not going there. Also you see YT videos from vloggers walking down Burgos day and night, with plenty of regular folk walking by unredacted.

Prior to the AC gogo bar camera bans (started about 2013-14), many guys walked into bars with cameras and snapped away. It was those small cheap ($75-ish USD) cameras you could get at Walmart or such, with an SD card and a tiny telephoto lens that popped out when you powered it up. Later came cell phone cams. You couldn't stop the gogo girls from jumping into the camera's view. Waitresses would sometimes take the camera from my table and walk around taking extra pics. Obviously that's mostly girls pics, but lots of fellas ended up in the background of the pics. Never had anyone (back then) look away, cover their face, or say anything. Usually when posting pics I'd blur their faces. But, do look back in the PG at the various in-bar pics. Back in the day, you also saw YT videos of the Scorebirds (or similar) monthly pool parties, with dozens of girls from many different bars, cavorting with many foreigners getting chummy with bikini-clad (or naked) girls in broad daylight.

As we lament the inability to take in-bar pics anymore, what of gents who don't want their pic taken? Twice in the past 2 months, a mate who lives in AC said that he was in this or that bar when a similar photoshoot was happening. BB I have never heard anyone complain of this before, but I see your point. All societies are grappling with the privacy issue in the days where everyone not only owns a camera, but has it in their pocket all the time.

These pics are re-posted from my previously posted pics, and from several other board member's posted shots. Notice the red arrow in the 2nd pic; you see BB's point. In the last pic, I believe that is the bar owner himself taking pics with the point-shoot camera.

11-18-23, 06:34
I looked at videos before I went also. I saw some cuties at the KTV bars on YouTube but when you get there in person you will probably be disappointed. A lot of the girls are very hard looking in person. Heavy heavy makeup to cover up years of damage from their lifestyle. Asians normally don't age so fast but in walking street years it's like the clock moves twice as fast.

There are two trains of thought here:

A few years of having the guts fucked out of her, getting hammered drunk on a nightly basis, being introduced to shabu to dull the pain and maybe a couple of backyard abortions too, quickly robs a pretty girl's looks.As previously discussed, pinay don't age well. The can appear much older due to having lived a more difficult life. Little or no sanitary water, pollution, motorbike / tryke accidents, never seeing a dentist, shabu use, fast food-itis, and punching out babies. They get chubby faster and are in more poor health. Their hands, feet, and teeth can appear atrocious, even before age 30.

Expat American
11-18-23, 08:12
Prior to the AC gogo bar camera bans (started about 2013-14), many guys walked into bars with cameras and snapped away. It was those small cheap ($75-ish USD) cameras you could get at Walmart or such, with an SD card and a tiny telephoto lens that popped out when you powered it up. Later came cell phone cams. You couldn't stop the gogo girls from jumping into the camera's view. Waitresses would sometimes take the camera from my table and walk around taking extra pics. Obviously that's mostly girls pics, but lots of fellas ended up in the background of the pics. Never had anyone (back then) look away, cover their face, or say anything. Usually when posting pics I'd blur their faces. But, do look back in the PG at the various in-bar pics. Back in the day, you also saw YT videos of the Scorebirds (or similar) monthly pool parties, with dozens of girls from many different bars, cavorting with many foreigners getting chummy with bikini-clad (or naked) girls in broad daylight.

I have many gigs of photos and videos taken with small point and shoot cameras and even the old camcorders. It was never an issue in the bars. But the biggest thing that has changed is back then they just stayed in my private collection. There was no way to make them public like the internet allows. I don't mind some perv having a pic in the bar with me in the background. But when that vid gets onto Youtube, then people start to have an issue with it. On the street, well you have no expectation of privacy on any street any more. If you are in AC and told your wife you were elsewhere, then oops. You're fucked.

11-18-23, 11:38
The chances anyone you know catches you on a random YouTube video walking down Walking Street in AC are miniscule. The chances that anyone you know sees you in the EXTREMELY rare case that somebody films you in a girl bar in AC are lower than you getting struck by lightning. And if you're that worried, if those odds bother you, you probably should reevaluate your life and not be there.

I have many gigs of photos and videos taken with small point and shoot cameras and even the old camcorders. It was never an issue in the bars. But the biggest thing that has changed is back then they just stayed in my private collection. There was no way to make them public like the internet allows. I don't mind some perv having a pic in the bar with me in the background. But when that vid gets onto Youtube, then people start to have an issue with it. On the street, well you have no expectation of privacy on any street any more. If you are in AC and told your wife you were elsewhere, then oops. You're fucked.

11-18-23, 11:44
As previously discussed, pinay don't age well.Valid point. My comment was comparing hookers to the general citizen. However, I'd agree that the average 40 yo Pina does not have the looks of an average 40 yo Japanese, Korean, Thai or Indonesia.

I'd add the prevalence of oily home cooked meals to your list.

Cheers. G.

11-18-23, 14:50
The chances anyone you know catches you on a random YouTube video walking down Walking Street in AC are miniscule. The chances that anyone you know sees you in the EXTREMELY rare case that somebody films you in a girl bar in AC are lower than you getting struck by lightning..This is not the case. You assume random people watch random youtube videos on AC. That is not the case. A large proportion of them would be (want to be) mongers and / or folk intrigued by the exploitation of those "girl bar" workers.

11-18-23, 17:50
No it does not happen often (anymore).

Interesting conundrum. As a PSA, I should tell you that there are at least half a dozen foreigners living in AC who are vloggers. They roam the streets daytime and evening with a camera on a selfie stick, vlogging away. I see about one per day. Usually they are alone, and found on WS, or Fields in the area of Brown Sugar, or Fields down at Perimeter, or they are sometimes on A Santos street. They are not normally allowed into the bars (unless the bar is promoting an event). They are not usually pushing the camera in anyone's face. However, anyone depicted while in public, or in a place where the public goes, is unfortunately fair game. If the thought of your ending up on some vloggers video on WS bothers you, you need to consider not going there. Also you see YT videos from vloggers walking down Burgos day and night, with plenty of regular folk walking by unredacted.

Prior to the AC gogo bar camera bans (started about 2013-14), many guys walked into bars with cameras and snapped away. It was those small cheap ($75-ish USD) cameras you could get at Walmart or such, with an SD card and a tiny telephoto lens that popped out when you powered it up. Later came cell phone cams. You couldn't stop the gogo girls from jumping into the camera's view. Waitresses would sometimes take the camera from my table and walk around taking extra pics. Obviously that's mostly girls pics, but lots of fellas ended up in the background of the pics. Never had anyone (back then) look away, cover their face, or say anything. Usually when posting pics I'd blur their faces. But, do look back in the PG at the various in-bar pics. Back in the day, you also saw YT videos of the Scorebirds (or similar) monthly pool parties, with dozens of girls from many different bars, cavorting with many foreigners getting chummy with bikini-clad (or naked) girls in broad daylight.

As we lament the inability to take in-bar pics anymore, what of gents who don't want their pic taken? Twice in the past 2 months, a mate who lives in AC said that he was in this or that bar when a similar photoshoot was happening. BB I have never heard anyone complain of this before, but I see your point. All societies are grappling with the privacy issue in the days where everyone not only owns a camera, but has it in their pocket all the time.

These pics are re-posted from my previously posted pics, and from several other board member's posted shots. Notice the red arrow in the 2nd pic; you see BB's point. In the last pic, I believe that is the bar owner himself taking pics with the point-shoot camera.If any guy sees a Vlogger videotaping and thinks they are in the video, all they have to do is respectfully approach the vlogger and tell them to blur out their face. Almost, every vlogger will happily do it.

11-19-23, 00:54
If any guy sees a Vlogger videotaping and thinks they are in the video, all they have to do is respectfully approach the vlogger and tell them to blur out their face. Almost, every vlogger will happily do it.There is / was an African American guy who stuck his camera into peoples' faces and went into shops to film "freelancers". That guy needed very heavy summary justice. Many of those losers want to make dime and to hell with everyone else. They are a hazard and should not be encouraged or entertained in any fashion. The accident and emergency ward is too good for them.

There are good vloggers in the Phils but few of them obsessively patrol Fields.

This is not a personal thing because, at this stage I no longer care or have to care. Not everyone with a camcorder is good. End of.

11-19-23, 04:32
There is / was an African American guy who stuck his camera into peoples' faces and went into shops to film "freelancers". That guy needed very heavy summary justice. Many of those losers want to make dime and to hell with everyone else. They are a hazard and should not be encouraged or entertained in any fashion. The accident and emergency ward is too good for them.

There are good vloggers in the Phils but few of them obsessively patrol Fields.

This is not a personal thing because, at this stage I no longer care or have to care. Not everyone with a camcorder is good. End of.He was also stalking regular girls who were merely walking home. It was easy to see that they weren't freelancers just by how uncomfortable they looked. I think that was his final undoing.

Threats got to the stage where it was unsafe for him to walk down Walking Street so he confined himself to the surrounding areas. Eventually he wore out his welcome there too, removed all his posts and shut down his channel.

I heard that he's still in AC (I can't confirm though). However it would be very unwise for him to be seen with a camera out in the area.

Most of the other bloggers reported negatively on him as they realised that he was giving everyone a bad name.

Cheers. G.

Expat American
11-19-23, 17:32
The chances anyone you know catches you on a random YouTube video walking down Walking Street in AC are miniscule. The chances that anyone you know sees you in the EXTREMELY rare case that somebody films you in a girl bar in AC are lower than you getting struck by lightning. And if you're that worried, if those odds bother you, you probably should reevaluate your life and not be there.I personally don't care who sees me. My wife knows exactly where I am and what I am doing. I was just pointing out why nobody had a problem with cameras in the bar 20 years ago.

11-19-23, 20:24
I personally don't care who sees me. My wife knows exactly where I am and what I am doing. I was just pointing out why nobody had a problem with cameras in the bar 20 years ago.Back in the day with digital cameras or pictures it would be very hard to show 100 guys your pictures if you tried. Now with Instagram, TokTok, and YouTube thousands can see those same pictures in less than 24 hours. Guys can lose wives, friends, and jobs. The waitress at your favorite restaurant now shuns you and your wife, but your wife does not mind. The cashiers at the grocery store now whisper things in front of you and your wife when you walk in. You think your wife would be ok with that? If your son's wife saw it I am sure she would look at you differently.

11-20-23, 02:17
Threats got to the stage where it was unsafe for him to walk down Walking Street
Cheers. G.Who was making those threats, local or foreigners and how serious were those threats, just loud mouths or serious folk? In myho, that guy just needed his head kicked in at the barest minimum. But the problem is Cheap Charlie places attract such scum. My related and bigger problem is I don't want to meet such scumbags with or without camera. IMHO, at least, the worst place are the bars where scumbags like him thing they have na open door because they bought a SML. The Korana places work to keep scum like that at bay.

11-20-23, 05:15
Who was making those threats, local or foreigners and how serious were those threats, just loud mouths or serious folk.Obviously someone believable. He took everything down off the internet. Life means nothing in the Philippines. A *s life like his worth even less. Real cheap at night to have two guys drive up on a motorcycle behind him and quickly disappear. Based on everyone hating him the investigation after the fact would be real short.

11-20-23, 19:44
Based on everyone hating him the investigation after the fact would be real short.I think that was the case: not a targeted threat from one person but that everyone disliked the guy intensely and the writing was on the wall. He made numerous comments about being verbally abused while filming down Walking Street. It was only a matter of time before he posted clips that were highly embarrassing to the wrong person's daughter.

11-21-23, 00:17
Obviously someone believable. He took everything down off the internet. Life means nothing in the Philippines. A *s life like his worth even less. Real cheap at night to have two guys drive up on a motorcycle behind him and quickly disappear. Based on everyone hating him the investigation after the fact would be real short.One thing about AC that I felt, was how lawless that place could be. They couldn't solve a murder there if it was on video. It was like escape from LA with thousands of hos in bikinis with nothing to hold up.

11-21-23, 05:36
So I have a bunch of miles I have to spend soon and I never had a sex trip before and having little sexual history I heard from a lot of my older co workers who always told me to go to PI the be less stress and "become a man" but after reading a bit in this forum seems like AC isn't like what they told me but regardless with it still be better to go AC or save up more funds and go to Pattaya instead and also I can realistically do like 2 - 3 days for AC and my budget would be like 200 - 250 (just for sex) at most to try to indulge in long or even whole day experiences. I know if I dig deeper in the forum I would get my answer but it seems like the most part a lot of the recent post is mostly the Korean invasion and how it worsen AC which makes it awkward since I am Korean but I was born and raised in America and reading how a lot of my people fucking it up making it seems like if I look Korean too the bars will also up charge me but then again my face is Korean but I don't got a Korean body so I just want more updated info about the procedures because I read up online and this forum and the bar fine and the ST vs the LT seems to vary drastically and I'm really looking to do a LT session then ST session so would appreciate any advise or suggestions on this matter.

11-21-23, 15:06
One thing about AC that I felt, was how lawless that place could be. They couldn't solve a murder there if it was on video. Its much weirder than you think. I will PM you.

It was like escape from LA with thousands of hos in bikinis with nothing to hold up.Hahaha this is so accurate! TjB you have hit a home run; this belongs in the ROD.

11-21-23, 16:25
So I have a bunch of miles I have to spend soon and I never had a sex trip before and having little sexual history I heard from a lot of my older co workers who always told me to go to PI the be less stress and "become a man" but after reading a bit in this forum seems like AC isn't like what they told me but regardless with it still be better to go AC or save up more funds and go to Pattaya instead and also I can realistically do like 2 - 3 days for AC and my budget would be like 200 - 250 (just for sex) at most to try to indulge in long or even whole day experiences. I know if I dig deeper in the forum I would get my answer but it seems like the most part a lot of the recent post is mostly the Korean invasion and how it worsen AC which makes it awkward since I am Korean but I was born and raised in America and reading how a lot of my people fucking it up making it seems like if I look Korean too the bars will also up charge me but then again my face is Korean but I don't got a Korean body so I just want more updated info about the procedures because I read up online and this forum and the bar fine and the ST vs the LT seems to vary drastically and I'm really looking to do a LT session then ST session so would appreciate any advise or suggestions on this matter.The main gripe about the Koreans in AC is that some overpay and they don't like women who go with men from outside East Asia. You have nothing to worry about. Not all Koreans overpay so if you walk into a Korean bar just be firm on the price you are willing to pay. Another complaint is they take all the lookers. Again, nothing to worry about. You will have American tastes and not Korean tastes so you will find plenty of attractive women who will meet your needs. Western tastes are more diverse, where East Asian men tend to have a narrow ideal of what a beautiful woman is. Just relax and don't overthink this. One last piece of advice, An enthusiastic 6 is better than a 10 who just lays there.

11-21-23, 18:27
Pattaya is 2 x cleaner. The food is at minimum 3 x better. How many Thai restaurants have you seen in your country? Now how many Philippine restaurants have you seen? Ever even heard about one? The number of quality restaurants per square mile is 10 x. The number of women is 10 x. Pattaya has a beach. Not really worth swimming in but great sunsets and to walk along. Angeles during rainy season sucks! If you only have one vacation in your life then the choice is clear.

My advice is spend the first two days doing short time to get over the wine and dine she is your girlfriend BS! You want to put your rod into as many as possible and walk away.

11-21-23, 19:01
1. Has anyone ever copulated with those street hookers who hang about the dark and dangerous looking streets behind Johnny's and, if so, how much do they charge? I have passed that way many times and used the st hotel but they look rough, even for me.

2. Given that the bar girls / go go dancers have to get regular check pus (where no doubt they get appropriate cover up warnings), how come bareback cum in pussy is the default? I get their negotiating skills might not be the best but surely the penny drops when they see their pals get caught one way or another.

11-21-23, 19:27
So I have a bunch of miles I have to spend soon and I never had a sex trip before and having little sexual history I heard from a lot of my older co workers who always told me to go to PI the be less stress and "become a man" but after reading a bit in this forum seems like AC isn't like what they told me but regardless with it still be better to go AC or save up more funds and go to Pattaya instead and also I can realistically do like 2 - 3 days for AC and my budget would be like 200 - 250 (just for sex) at most to try to indulge in long or even whole day experiences. I know if I dig deeper in the forum I would get my answer but it seems like the most part a lot of the recent post is mostly the Korean invasion and how it worsen AC which makes it awkward since I am Korean but I was born and raised in America and reading how a lot of my people fucking it up making it seems like if I look Korean too the bars will also up charge me but then again my face is Korean but I don't got a Korean body so I just want more updated info about the procedures because I read up online and this forum and the bar fine and the ST vs the LT seems to vary drastically and I'm really looking to do a LT session then ST session so would appreciate any advise or suggestions on this matter.You won't have any problems in AC. Koreans haven't really fucked up anything. Plenty of pussies to go around.

11-21-23, 21:03
So I have a bunch of miles I have to spend soon and I never had a sex trip before and having little sexual history I heard from a lot of my older co workers who always told me to go to PI the be less stress and "become a man" but after reading a bit in this forum seems like AC isn't like what they told me but regardless with it still be better to go AC or save up more funds and go to Pattaya instead and also I can realistically do like 2 - 3 days for AC and my budget would be like 200 - 250 (just for sex) at most to try to indulge in long or even whole day experiences. I know if I dig deeper in the forum I would get my answer but it seems like the most part a lot of the recent post is mostly the Korean invasion and how it worsen AC which makes it awkward since I am Korean but I was born and raised in America and reading how a lot of my people fucking it up making it seems like if I look Korean too the bars will also up charge me but then again my face is Korean but I don't got a Korean body so I just want more updated info about the procedures because I read up online and this forum and the bar fine and the ST vs the LT seems to vary drastically and I'm really looking to do a LT session then ST session so would appreciate any advise or suggestions on this matter.For a first trip, I'd just go to Pattaya, not AC. Patts beats AC in any objective comparison:

It's much much bigger.

The average girl there is prettier than an average AC girl, as are the stunners.

Low cost options for girls aren't totally hideous. The lower end of the market in AC can get pretty rough.

There are literally thousands of girls across all types of delivery platforms. You can choose from beer bars, Gogo's, online, gents clubs, soi 6, massages and freelancers with many options at all of them.

Much better food and hotel options.

Many activities to do during the day while not mongering, if you wish.

Zero acclimatisation time for a first time visitor. In AC it will take time to find a bar you like, choose between Gogo's and freelancer etc. Patts you can step out the taxi and start fucking even if you have never been there before.

The whole (not) accepting Koreans isn't even a consideration in Pattaya. Being K focussed and all the positives (girls' willingness) and negatives (price gouging) is it's own industry in AC.

Enjoy. G.

11-21-23, 21:17
One thing about AC that I felt, was how lawless that place could be. They couldn't solve a murder there if it was on video. It was like escape from LA with thousands of hos in bikinis with nothing to hold up.

Its much weirder than you think. I will PM you.Not sure if TJB is aware that investigations generally only proceed if funded by the person or family affected. Socially funded investigations only happen when there is wide public interest.

If your house is robbed, it's up to you to fund the police investigations.

Hence, cases that are not solved for 'lack of evidence' are because no one is looking, not incompetence.

Cheers. G.

11-21-23, 22:13
For a first trip, I'd just go to Pattaya, not AC. Patts beats AC in any objective comparison:

It's much much bigger.

The average girl there is prettier than an average AC girl, as are the stunners.

Low cost options for girls aren't totally hideous. The lower end of the market in AC can get pretty rough.

There are literally thousands of girls across all types of delivery platforms. You can choose from beer bars, Gogo's, online, gents clubs, soi 6, massages and freelancers with many options at all of them.

Much better food and hotel options.

Many activities to do during the day while not mongering, if you wish.

Zero acclimatisation time for a first time visitor. In AC it will take time to find a bar you like, choose between Gogo's and freelancer etc. Patts you can step out the taxi and start fucking even if you have never been there before.

The whole (not) accepting Koreans isn't even a consideration in Pattaya. Being K focussed and all the positives (girls' willingness) and negatives (price gouging) is it's own industry in AC.

Enjoy. G.I agree on all points. So much easier to go to Pattaya. Better cheaper hotels, great food, easy point and click action, prettier girls, much more girls.

11-21-23, 22:40
For a first trip, I'd just go to Pattaya, not AC. Patts beats AC in any objective comparison:

.I 100% agree. With the one exception.

JcBro:You say this is your first sex trip. Have you been to Tijuana. If you are on the west coast USA. I would go to Tijuana first to get ripped off a few times before you begin to shoot up H. In Asia.

I am being tongue in cheek. But once you start going to Asia. There is no going back. Also. Don't know your age but please do not fall in love. You are paying them to leave not to stay in your life.

-just my $0. 02.

Banana Boi
11-22-23, 00:11
So I have a bunch of miles I have to spend soon and I never had a sex trip before and having little sexual history I heard from a lot of my older co workers who always told me to go to PI the be less stress and "become a man" but after reading a bit in this forum seems like AC isn't like what they told me but regardless with it still be better to go AC or save up more funds and go to Pattaya instead and also I can realistically do like 2 - 3 days for AC and my budget would be like 200 - 250 (just for sex) at most to try to indulge in long or even whole day experiences. I know if I dig deeper in the forum I would get my answer but it seems like the most part a lot of the recent post is mostly the Korean invasion and how it worsen AC which makes it awkward since I am Korean but I was born and raised in America and reading how a lot of my people fucking it up making it seems like if I look Korean too the bars will also up charge me but then again my face is Korean but I don't got a Korean body so I just want more updated info about the procedures because I read up online and this forum and the bar fine and the ST vs the LT seems to vary drastically and I'm really looking to do a LT session then ST session so would appreciate any advise or suggestions on this matter.Being Korean doesn't matter at all to the girls. The girls welcome Koreans anywhere in SEA. In fact, you could possibly be the favorite nationality even more so than Japanese. Now if you read sex boards there is much anger towards Koreans by many posters because Weekend Millionaire Koreans have invaded and driven up prices in PI, Thailand, Cambodia, etc.

I'm not sure what you mean by not having a Korean body. You mean you're a bigger guy? Body size doesn't matter to these girls. They're used to being with VERY heavy men in TH or PI.

What is of a bit of concern is your budget of 200-250. Is that USD? 1 gogo girl LT in Pattaya is $200 US including barfine. That' would be your entire budget. This is not including lady drinks which are hell not cheap in Pattaya any more. Up to $7 US for 1 LD. Some top girls will not even go with you unless you buy them a number of LD's. Not sure of current LD pricing in AC. Now there are many cheaper option in Pattaya as well. From highest to lowest priced there are gogo (5000ST, 7000 LT), soapies (1800-5000), Soi 6 (1400-2400ST), G clubs (1300), BJ bars (1300), beer bars (1000-1300?),
Oilies (1200-1300), freelancers (800-1500?), Beach Road girls (500 reportedly - 1200?). I have put the cost in in baht in brackets including barfine if applicable. Cost is somewhat correlated to looks. For example, not saying you can't find a cute oily girl here and there but chances of you doing that in a couple of days will be slim.

I took a quick peek at your posts and noticed you went to hyugetels in Seoul. If you don't mind the online scene by far the place you should go to is Ho Chi Minh. I've met guys who brag to me they get cute Vietnam girls for $10. You can look on Gaito and you will see a ton of girls from 400,000 dong ($16 US) to 1 million dong ($41 US). You get huge bang for your buck in HCM. On top of that the girls are young and cute, hotels and food are cheaper than Pattaya. You just have to weed out ladyboys as you do in Pattaya and AC as well.

Now if you want the bar scene, clear choice is to go to Jakarta. Most bars with some beautiful young girls for 365,000 rupiah ($23 US). The quality in some of these bars can only be matched by the gogo bars in Pattaya as well as the most expensive girls in soapies. Best part is the is no drink system where girls make money on drinks in Jakarta. Even if you offer them a drink to be nice they're much cheaper than Pattaya.

Again, being Korean won't affect any of these choices.

11-22-23, 05:53
I 100% agree. With the one exception.

JcBro:You say this is your first sex trip. Have you been to Tijuana. If you are on the west coast USA. I would go to Tijuana first to get ripped off a few times before you begin to shoot up H. In Asia.
So I stay on Guam where its significantly cheaper to go to Asia that it is to go any western places like a trip to Korea only cost me 350 round trip and sometimes I can even get tickets to the Philippines for 400 round but with my miles it will only cost me $40 bucks in fees.

Pattaya is 2 x cleaner. The food is at minimum 3 x better. How many Thai restaurants have you seen in your country? Now how many Philippine restaurants have you seen? Ever even heard about one? The number of quality restaurants per square mile is 10 x. The number of women is 10 x. Pattaya has a beach. Not really worth swimming in but great sunsets and to walk along. Angeles during rainy season sucks! If you only have one vacation in your life then the choice is clear.
There is a lot of both restaurants and I do like both Thai and Filipino food but I am going to go to taiwan in the summer for a food adventure with a friend I know who lives there.

Being Korean doesn't matter at all to the girls. The girls welcome Koreans anywhere in SEA. In fact, you could possibly be the favorite nationality even more so than Japanese. Now if you read sex boards there is much anger towards Koreans by many posters because Weekend Millionaire Koreans have invaded and driven up prices in PI, Thailand, Cambodia, etc.

Yeah I'm a big dude not like incredibly overweight but I do got a beer belly and when I go to Korea alot of people there tells me that I'm definitely more American than Korean.

In regards to the budget I was thinking about doing a quick trip since it will be my birthday coming up 2 weeks from now and right now I am not working ATM so my budget is tight ie $600 but the flight will cost me $40 for PI and $130 for Thailand so I might consider going to Pattaya during the summer since I will also be having a job at mid December where I can save up alot more for that trip but considering your post an other things I been looking up it seems I will need a significantly bigger budget for Thailand.

Also not the biggest fan of drinking I'll do it social but would rather drink water or tea so might pass on the Jakarta but the Vietnam does sound very promising so I might strongly consider adding that to my summer trip.

So essentially it looking like for my summer trip I'll do a taiwan (to visit friends) and do a vietman / pattaya for a long sex trip but then I got a follow up to all of this with a budget of 550 - 600 for 2 - 3 days how much actions will I be able to have in AC since the PI is only a 3. 5 HR flight or what would yall recommend would be a good starting budget for any of these locations so I have a better understand how much I should save for the summer and how much would I spend for a quick time in the PI.

11-22-23, 07:04
Being Korean doesn't matter at all to the girls. The girls welcome Koreans anywhere in SEA. In fact, you could possibly be the favorite nationality even more so than Japanese. Now if you read sex boards there is much anger towards Koreans by many posters because Weekend Millionaire Koreans have invaded and driven up prices in PI, Thailand, Cambodia, etc.

I'm not sure what you mean by not having a Korean body. You mean you're a bigger guy? Body size doesn't matter to these girls. They're used to being with VERY heavy men in TH or PI.

What is of a bit of concern is your budget of 200-250. Is that USD? 1 gogo girl LT in Pattaya is $200 US including barfine. That' would be your entire budget. This is not including lady drinks which are hell not cheap in Pattaya any more. Up to $7 US for 1 LD. Some top girls will not even go with you unless you buy them a number of LD's. Not sure of current LD pricing in AC. Now there are many cheaper option in Pattaya as well. From highest to lowest priced there are gogo (5000ST, 7000 LT), soapies (1800-5000), Soi 6 (1400-2400ST), G clubs (1300), BJ bars (1300), beer bars (1000-1300?),
Oilies (1200-1300), freelancers (800-1500?), Beach Road girls (500 reportedly - 1200?). I have put the cost in in baht in brackets including barfine if applicable. Cost is somewhat correlated to looks. For example, not saying you can't find a cute oily girl here and there but chances of you doing that in a couple of days will be slim.

I took a quick peek at your posts and noticed you went to hyugetels in Seoul. If you don't mind the online scene by far the place you should go to is Ho Chi Minh. I've met guys who brag to me they get cute Vietnam girls for $10. You can look on Gaito and you will see a ton of girls from 400,000 dong ($16 US) to 1 million dong ($41 US). You get huge bang for your buck in HCM. On top of that the girls are young and cute, hotels and food are cheaper than Pattaya. You just have to weed out ladyboys as you do in Pattaya and AC as well.

Now if you want the bar scene, clear choice is to go to Jakarta. Most bars with some beautiful young girls for 365,000 rupiah ($23 US). The quality in some of these bars can only be matched by the gogo bars in Pattaya as well as the most expensive girls in soapies. Best part is the is no drink system where girls make money on drinks in Jakarta. Even if you offer them a drink to be nice they're much cheaper than Pattaya.

Again, being Korean won't affect any of these choices.Well summarised post, am a frequent visitor to Pattaya, and the prices you have mentioned are spot on. Haven't used gaito, my personal expereince has been that freelancers in HCM and Hanoi are more expensive than pattaya, but agree that they are much cuter and young.

11-22-23, 10:27
Well they're allowing videos at the Score Birds bikini competition, or at least they made one exception. I will say the talent level has dropped significantly. That Shooters video had better options in my opinion.


This guy. He gets everything wrong here, at least as it pertains to me. Except for one answer "Where do you stay?" Second best answer is ABC. Second because it means you have money which they are happy to extract, but also you need to take a trike to get there and back. The best answer - "Central Park Tower". You have money but you don't waste it and you are two blocks away from where we are currently sitting and one block away from where you probably live. I can't say I agree with any of his other opinions on this subject. If I say I'm there for 3 more weeks, they get happy and clap and hug me.


11-22-23, 14:19
The key word is "brag". I have spent a shitload of time in Vietnam up and down the entire country and the era of 10 dollar pussy is practically over, especially for anything cute. Even my buddy who has lived there for most of the last 25 years is losing hope and if he can't find cheap pussy nobody can. You are more likely going to get over the hill girls and Beach Road quality if you can find it at all. Not saying it doesn't exist but you have to really be in the know and in the right place to find this. The 400-500 K though online is doable. As you stated plenty of them and some not bad looking and decent service. Just don't expect a beauty queen for 15-20 bucks.

Expat American
11-22-23, 17:24
1. Has anyone ever copulated with those street hookers who hang about the dark and dangerous looking streets behind Johnny's and, if so, how much do they charge? I have passed that way many times and used the st hotel but they look rough, even for me.

2. Given that the bar girls / go go dancers have to get regular check pus (where no doubt they get appropriate cover up warnings), how come bareback cum in pussy is the default? I get their negotiating skills might not be the best but surely the penny drops when they see their pals get caught one way or another.Street girls are about 1000 to 1500 Peso. As with everywhere in the Phils, condoms are optional. For 2, you can thank the Pope. Philippines is strictly catholic so birth control is discouraged. Strangely, sex with strangers is not.

11-22-23, 20:04
Street girls are about 1000 to 1500 Peso. As with everywhere in the Phils, condoms are optional. For 2, you can thank the Pope. Philippines is strictly catholic so birth control is discouraged. Strangely, sex with strangers is not.You didn't address, never mind answer the questions I asked.

1. I was specifically asking about hookers who are to be found 24/7 in specific streets, mostly servicing a local crowd. I imagine they are very low end and doubt they get 1000. I also imagine, my prejudice perhaps, they have high STI rates, though there are some middle aged uglies to be found in walking St.

2. The Pope has nothing to do with it. Less than 80% are Catholic and they would have a weak grasp of that. Condoms are ubiquitous in 7/11 etc. Interesting, Muslims seem to have the street trade cornered. There are plenty of documentaries online of women who got HIV in Fields yet their hooker network does not seem to mind. Their bareback default position must be almost unique.

11-22-23, 20:11
I frequent 3 Facebook groups of Angeles city and walking street. I posted a request for an appointment for LT sex (full night).

Indicating a budget between 2500 and 3000 php. I received 42 PMs of available girls.

At least half of them rather cute for my tastes.

This means say kboys or not there are still plenty of opportunities.

Banana Boi
11-22-23, 22:16
Also not the biggest fan of drinking I'll do it social but would rather drink water or tea so might pass on the Jakarta but the Vietnam does sound very promising so I might strongly consider adding that to my summer trip.I'm not sure where you got the impression that drinking was required in Jakarta. I said there is NO drinking system ie need to buy a girl a drink for her to go to the room with you or spend a few minutes with you. You are not even required to buy a drink in many bars.

Jakarta is where every monger makes there biggest mistake. It took me 2 year after arriving in SEA to go to Jakarta even though I had many friends telling me to go. Once I arrived I was kicking myself for not going. Really pretty girls for dirt cheap. For value it blows away any other SEA country by a mile if you need to see a girl in person before committing. Warning it is not the place for you if you like girls over 25.

Edit. Oh I see where you thought you had to drink I said 'bar scene'. I didn't mean bar like in a disco or freelance bar like in PI. Let's take Classic for example. You go in. Ignore the mamasan. Walk around. See a girl you like. Ask her who her mamasan is. Mamasan says want 2 girls? Say NO! You pay mamasan 365,000 rupiah. Mamasan usually keeps the change if you pay her 400,000. Off you go to a room with one of the 100+ girls in the bar. Places like Classic and Travel are also spotless. Rooms look new and cleaned immediately. Rooms even nicer than the soapies in Thaiand.

11-22-23, 23:45
I'm not sure where you got the impression that drinking was required in Jakarta. I said there is NO drinking system ie need to buy a girl a drink for her to go to the room with you or spend a few minutes with you. You are not even required to buy a drink in many bars.

Jakarta is where every monger makes there biggest mistake. It took me 2 year after arriving in SEA to go to Jakarta even though I had many friends telling me to go. Once I arrived I was kicking myself for not going. Really pretty girls for dirt cheap. For value it blows away any other SEA country by a mile if you need to see a girl in person before committing. Warning it is not the place for you if you like girls over 25.

Edit. Oh I see where you thought you had to drink I said 'bar scene'. I didn't mean bar like in a disco or freelance bar like in PI. Let's take Classic for example. You go in. Ignore the mamasan. Walk around. See a girl you like. Ask her who her mamasan is. Mamasan says want 2 girls? Say NO! You pay mamasan 365,000 rupiah. Mamasan usually keeps the change if you pay her 400,000. Off you go to a room with one of the 100+ girls in the bar. Places like Classic and Travel are also spotless. Rooms look new and cleaned immediately. Rooms even nicer than the soapies in Thaiand.The usual criticism of Jakarta is the traffic and the lack of English (esp at the cheaper places). This can be countered by the eagerness of good girls to act a tourist guide "plus plus".

I'd certainly recommend Jakarta or even wider Indonesia for a good time. Just skip Bali, where tourists are ripped off with the poor service or over charging on a regular basis.

Not withstanding the above, I'd still choose Pattaya for a virgin visitor.

Enjoy. G.

11-23-23, 00:40
, I'd still choose Pattaya for a virgin.Now that would be a sight worth seeing.

11-23-23, 01:15
I frequent 3 Facebook groups of Angeles city and walking street. I posted a request for an appointment for LT sex (full night).

Indicating a budget between 2500 and 3000 php. I received 42 PMs of available girls.

At least half of them rather cute for my tastes.

This means say kboys or not there are still plenty of opportunities.Thats actually the best way to meet them and manage expectations. I have done the same with outstanding results.

However, for me the downside of today's environment is that the bar scene has changed so much since the 80's and 90's that its not as much fun to bar hop.

Times change so we need to adapt.

11-23-23, 01:33
Warning it is not the place for you if you like girls over 25.BB can you explain this? A shortage of older ladies? Or they are not attractive?

Oh I see where you thought you had to drink I said 'bar scene'. I didn't mean bar like in a disco or freelance bar like in PI. Let's take Classic for example. SNIP Mamasan says want 2 girls? Say NO! You pay mamasan 365,000 rupiah. Mamasan usually keeps the change if you pay her 400,000. Off you go to a room with one of the 100+ girls in the bar. Places like Classic and Travel are also spotless. Rooms look new and cleaned immediately. Rooms even nicer than the soapies in Thaiand. Couple of questions. Is that a post-covid price? That's $23 USD. That Classic price, and similar, were also to be found in the old Top Gun FL bars a decade ago (for ST). But prices started rising mid-2010's. Is that still current, and what do you get in the room for that? 1 pop and out?

I understand the old Jalan Falatehan bars didn't survive covid. Did pure FL bars reconvene elsewhere? For those uninitiated, those bars were similar to LA Cafe, 3 of them on the same block a short walk from each other, with much better looking girls, typically in the p1500 ($30 USD) ST / p2500 LT range. In other words, *heaven*.

11-23-23, 04:22
Thanks for your post about FB groups in AC.

I will be in AC for a full month starting in mid-Feb. My 2nd visit. This time I want to focus on non-bargirl hookups and possibly find a girl (or 2, or 3?) who will want to hang out with me for 2-3 days. Finding a bar girl for that is not cost-effective and I'm guessing is likely to deliver less than ideal experiences.

So would you mind sharing the names of those 3 FB groups, please? I have found a couple of Manila-based groups. At least I think they are in / around Manila. But I haven't found anything solid in AC.

And can you tell me if you can get by in these groups as an English-only speaker? The groups I found are 95% in Tagalog.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

I frequent 3 Facebook groups of Angeles city and walking street. I posted a request for an appointment for LT sex (full night).

Indicating a budget between 2500 and 3000 php. I received 42 PMs of available girls.

At least half of them rather cute for my tastes.

This means say kboys or not there are still plenty of opportunities.

Banana Boi
11-23-23, 06:49
BB can you explain this? A shortage of older ladies? Or they are not attractive?The girls are young in Jakarta. My girls' average age is 20. Yes, it's difficult if you're looking for girls over 30 or even 25 at the places I mentioned. There are places if you want over the hill girls but I don't go to those.

Couple of questions. Is that a post-covid price? That's $23 USD. Yes current prices or at least since earlier this year. I did read prices went up a couple of dollars US in some bars but I believe most of the popular ones are still 350-380 k. I assume it's 1 pop. I have never been rushed by any girl at Classic or Travel. I have been rushed by 1 single girl in all my trips to Jakarta and that was at Starmoon. Others at Starmoon were there for full time or longer. There are even cheaper local bars like Ruko Robinson for 300k (I assume that's still the price). Don't even look for information on Ruko I think Im the only person on ISG who has had the guts to go there.

Contrary to Classic, travel, the rooms in Kota Indah bars are dirty and sleazy. Think Soi 6 in Pattaya. I bring my own plastic sandals to Kota Indah if that says anything.

By FL bars I think you mean like BATS and CJ's? Those are 1-2 million and this was pre-COVID pricing. Would rather have 6 girls at my point and shoot places than 1 girl LT.

What I was hoping for in PI were bars like Jakarta point and shoot bars or top end talent gogo bars like in Pattaya. Don't seem to be anything close.

The usual criticism of Jakarta is the traffic and the lack of English (esp at the cheaper places). This can be countered by the eagerness of good girls to act a tourist guide "plus plus".

Yes, traffic is by far the worst in SEA. I didn't mention one of my favorite point and shoot bars, New Medika, since it's in West Jakarta. Taxis won't even go out there cause traffic is awful! I literally have to tell them I'll pay double to go out there.

Lack of English is a problem but you can weed that out if it's a must for you via mamasan or when you talk to them. I'm used to Japan now so Jakarta girls' ability to speak English is 100x better than young Japanese girls. The main reason is these girls are mostly new to the business and these are the bars they start in.

Not withstanding the above, I'd still choose Pattaya for a virgin visitor.

No matter what haters say Pattaya is still the best. I was more thinking Jakarta for him cause it's best bang for your buck for someone with a limited budget. Also easier for someone there on a short time frame to find decent looking young girls for a good price. They're there in Pattaya but it takes time to seek them out unless you are willing to pay gogo girl prices. Also, unlike Thailand, zero racial bias for anyone!

Expat American
11-23-23, 08:02
What I was hoping for in PI were bars like Jakarta point and shoot bars or top end talent gogo bars like in Pattaya. Don't seem to be anything close.

AC used to be point and shoot at cheap prices AND you could get LT if you wanted also, which is not possible from the Jakarta bars. Now, sadly you pay 100 USD for possible LT with a bar girl or 35 bucks for ST from one of two existing ST bars or street girls. But you won't find any lookers there although I have occasionally found an 18 yo newbie gem in ST bar for 1500 P. But she won't stay there long for sure as she realizes her true value. Haven't been to Jakarta yet but heading there in a couple of weeks for the $20ST with cute 20 yo girls. My intel says BBFS is fairly easy as well. If that's true, Jakarta will replace AC and Patts as my go to place for a fuck trip.

11-23-23, 10:47
you pay 100 USD for possible LT with a bar girl or 35 bucks for ST from one of two existing ST bars or street girls. the $20ST with cute 20 yo girls. .When in a country, you should always use the currency of that country for a variety of reasons that range from decency to common sense. In this instance, whenever a provider uses the US $ to quote me a price, I move because I know she is over-charging. Being forces to check conversion rates, $20 is about 1100 PHP and 35 $ is just shy pf 2000 PHP, which should be plenty in a third world country. $100 is about 5500 which you should only pay if you want to put a ring on the hooker's finger and give her your last name.

11-23-23, 12:46
BB can you explain this? A shortage of older ladies? Or they are not attractive?

Couple of questions. Is that a post-covid price? That's $23 USD. That Classic price, and similar, were also to be found in the old Top Gun FL bars a decade ago (for ST). But prices started rising mid-2010's. Is that still current, and what do you get in the room for that? 1 pop and out?

I understand the old Jalan Falatehan bars didn't survive covid. Did pure FL bars reconvene elsewhere? For those uninitiated, those bars were similar to LA Cafe, 3 of them on the same block a short walk from each other, with much better looking girls, typically in the p1500 ($30 USD) ST / p2500 LT range. In other words, *heaven*.

The girls are young in Jakarta. My girls' average age is 20. Yes, it's difficult if you're looking for girls over 30 or even 25 at the places I mentioned. There are places if you want over the hill girls but I don't go to those.

Yes current prices or at least since earlier this year. I did read prices went up a couple of dollars US in some bars but I believe most of the popular ones are still 350-380 k. I assume it's 1 pop. I have never been rushed by any girl at Classic or Travel. I have been rushed by 1 single girl in all my trips to Jakarta and that was at Starmoon. Others at Starmoon were there for full time or longer. There are even cheaper local bars like Ruko Robinson for 300k (I assume that's still the price). Don't even look for information on Ruko I think Im the only person on ISG who has had the guts to go there.

Contrary to Classic, travel, the rooms in Kota Indah bars are dirty and sleazy. Think Soi 6 in Pattaya. I bring my own plastic sandals to Kota Indah if that says anything.

By FL bars I think you mean like BATS and CJ's? Those are 1-2 million and this was pre-COVID pricing. Would rather have 6 girls at my point and shoot places than 1 girl LT.

What I was hoping for in PI were bars like Jakarta point and shoot bars or top end talent gogo bars like in Pattaya. Don't seem to be anything close.

Yes, traffic is by far the worst in SEA. I didn't mention one of my favorite point and shoot bars, New Medika, since it's in West Jakarta. Taxis won't even go out there cause traffic is awful! I literally have to tell them I'll pay double to go out there.

Lack of English is a problem but you can weed that out if it's a must for you via mamasan or when you talk to them. I'm used to Japan now so Jakarta girls' ability to speak English is 100x better than young Japanese girls. The main reason is these girls are mostly new to the business and these are the bars they start in.

No matter what haters say Pattaya is still the best. I was more thinking Jakarta for him cause it's best bang for your buck for someone with a limited budget. Also easier for someone there on a short time frame to find decent looking young girls for a good price. They're there in Pattaya but it takes time to seek them out unless you are willing to pay gogo girl prices. Also, unlike Thailand, zero racial bias for anyone!

AC used to be point and shoot at cheap prices AND you could get LT if you wanted also, which is not possible from the Jakarta bars. Now, sadly you pay 100 USD for possible LT with a bar girl or 35 bucks for ST from one of two existing ST bars or street girls. But you won't find any lookers there although I have occasionally found an 18 yo newbie gem in ST bar for 1500 P. But she won't stay there long for sure as she realizes her true value. Haven't been to Jakarta yet but heading there in a couple of weeks for the $20ST with cute 20 yo girls. My intel says BBFS is fairly easy as well. If that's true, Jakarta will replace AC and Patts as my go to place for a fuck trip.To answer a few of the questions and add to BB's comments:

Blok M has been dying for at least the last decade. Covid merely finished it off. My Bar is still there with girls but, yes, the whole vibe of the area is now a distant memory. What was once a staging area for the hot girls on their way to the five star establishments and farm fresh for the rest of the night, now only gets those well past their prime. Very occasionally there might be a cute dancer or similar but it's rare now.

BB's pricing is accurate for ST, on premises, for the Kota bars. LT takeaway is available. I think it's 5 or 10 hours so it's very rare. Yes a 26 yo would struggle to find work there as most are paying of dad's gambling debts so the lender can pick the prettiest sisters.

For accuracy, it is customary, though not compulsory, to leave the girl a 100 k tip for good service. Also, most of the bars often offer two-fer deals: two girls for approximately the price of one. A guaranteed way to have a good time and save a few bucks. LOL.

All of the dine in bars are 1 shot now. The girls generally aren't clock watchers but officially time's up when you have shot your load. The only place I know that was all you can eat for 60 minutes was Maribaya, the infamous 6th floor of the Malawi Hotel, but that's been gone for years now. It was standard to have first shot, a quick relaxing massage followed by second shot within one hour if the guy was willing and able.

Blok M bars were freelancers too (My Bar still is) like BATS and CJ's. The latter just had 5 star surroundings, $200 girls who spoke English and were often a few years older.

There are still many expat friendly bars in Jakarta but nothing has sprung up to replace Jl Falatehan ie a street of mid level bars where a foreigner can walk door to door and see hundreds of cute young girls.

Not sure why EA is comparing was AC was to what Jakarta is now. When AC was full of fun young hotties, it was definitely available in the Jakarta bars too.

Jakarta is great but it's not user friendly for a new monger.

Apologies for continuing the off topic post.

Cheers. G.

11-23-23, 15:56
I wish to chime in my penny here regarding comparisons. I've been all over SEA many times and by far the hottest providers are to be found in Jakarta, hands down.

11-23-23, 19:07
I wish to chime in my penny here regarding comparisons. I've been all over SEA many times and by far the hottest providers are to be found in Jakarta, hands down.By hottest do you mean by looks and performance or just by looks?

Banana Boi
11-23-23, 19:51
For accuracy, it is customary, though not compulsory, to leave the girl a 100k tip for good service. Also, most of the bars often offer two-fer deals: two girls for approximately the price of one. A guaranteed way to have a good time and save a few bucks. LOL.Yes, 100 k tip is the norm for good service. I remember 1 girl at Classic or Travel. I had no issues with her service. Her DFK was fantastic technique wise. Multiple positions. Shower for 2. No rush. However, I never tipped her. Her physical service was good but there was no GFE feel like you get from many Jakarta girls. She started bawling and literally sat half naked blocking the door. Was this an act? Maybe, but she wasted 15 minutes of her time blocking the door bawling as I sat there just checking my phone. Do I regret not tipping her? Looking back absolutely. If I remembered what she looked like and saw her again I would walk up to her and hand her 100 k.

most are paying of dad's gambling debts so the lender can pick the prettiest sisters.Is this really true? That's really sad if it is.

Jakarta is great but it's not user friendly for a new monger.

I agree with this if you don't have the ability to fend off very aggressive mamasans. This is a must because you can only book a girl through their mamasan. I wasn't told this on my first trip even though I went with a Jakarta "vet". I saw a very very pretty girl and told the mamasan I wanted her. Mamasan just told me she's not available. I didn't know I had to walk up to the girl and ask her who her mamasan was to book her. Lesson learned quickly. I still remember what this girl looks like she was that good looking.

11-23-23, 21:18
Is this really true? That's really sad if it is.

I agree with this if you don't have the ability to fend off very aggressive mamasans.Unfortunately, yes it is. I won't say that all girls are indentured at Classic, Travel etc. However, it's a common path for many to enter. Then they get addicted to the money etc. It's a hard industry to break out of and return to a normal life, especially if she has no education. Blok M, BATS etc are all free agents.

On the whole newbie and language side, an English speaker can get by in Jakarta but it really is one of those places where learning a few words on Indonesian makes the world of difference.

Enjoy. G.

11-23-23, 23:39
I wish to chime in my penny here regarding comparisons. I've been all over SEA many times and by far the hottest providers are to be found in Jakarta, hands down.My name is Gentile Bear and I approve of this message!

Also. Mamasans are frantic and seem to not care about our drinks. I wanted to sit and Drink for at least 15 min before "going up". But every time they will pounce on you and try to arrange a date for you. I know it sounds un-important for point and shoot mongers. But yup yup the mamasans in Jakarta are Fierce. Since I don't speak any Bahasa and did not have my phone to attempt a translation. I just smiled and took drinks upstairs many sessions. In short. They want you to Choose The Girl within 90 seconds of entry. If this was Tijuana I would snap back in broken Spanish. But like I said, I feel intimidated since I don't know Bahasa.

11-24-23, 05:56
Here's a video worth your time. A show inside Shooters. I don't even really like Shooters that much. In the first group. 3 do-able, 1 superstar. In the second group, black tape, most are do-able, with 3 superstars. See any Koreans in the crowd? No, not that I care. Keep telling people AC isn't worth your time. I'm counting down the days.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62t0Y-09KNAI don't go in Shooters, but I'm pretty sure this is the Miss Wolfpack beauty contest. First of all, no bar these days allows taking pictures or video inside the bar. Secondly, the girls are wearing numbers, and bargirls in AC don't wear numbers anymore. Thirdly, the customers are giving out beads as they do at the Score Birds beauty contest.

11-24-23, 06:13
I live in the US but in the past 2 years I've been to AC ten times. Yes ten times. I'm a white guy, over 50, American. All I can say is I had a blast. As for white guys not being able to barfine in Korean bars, or girls not liking westerners, that's complete BS. I've barfined in Baccarra, Soya, SS, Camelot, Cosplay, 123, Badboy. All Korean bars. Hell, I get treated like royalty in some of them. Do I money rain, ring bells, and other stupid shit? Not usually, but I do buy a few drinks and pay barfines. I'm not really a K fan boy, (I don't really like the place) but the K managers in AC seem pretty respectful to me. As long as you spend money they won't turn you away. What they don't like is folks coming in and nursing one drink for three hours and arranging sneak outs.

Its true that AC is not cheap anymore. Barfine is 4-5 k now for LT, but that still cheaper than anywhere else I know. In Mexico that's the price for 1-2 hours.

As for spoiling girls with easy money...yes, its happening. Apparently someone walked into Q bar last week and spent 300k in one night. Yes folks, more than $5,000 US. Reported nationality? American...

The worst thing is the high airfares from the US etc to the Philipines. But you just have to suck it up. Everything has gone up since the fake pandemic.

Sure, Angeles is overflowing with Korean money but at least they are investing in the bars. If you think Angeles is bad now, imagine what it would be like without Korean money. It would be a ghost town.

Expat American
11-24-23, 08:40
Not sure why EA is comparing was AC was to what Jakarta is now. When AC was full of fun young hotties, it was definitely available in the Jakarta bars too.

Jakarta is great but it's not user friendly for a new monger.

Apologies for continuing the off topic post.

Cheers. G.I was just pointing out that AC was similar then to what Jakarta is now. Lots of young cute girls. You could find fresh young 18 yo for 1500 P all night and into the next day. With the BBFS thrown in, it was probably a better value than Jakarta those days (but I don't know cause I never went to Jakarta cause AC was just so damn good). But now Jakarta apparently has 20 yo hot girls for 25 bucks short time but lacks English and LT options from the bar.

My very first mongering trip was to Brazil. The second to Thailand and the third to AC. All of them solo and long before the social media, google maps / translate, smart phones and all the other tools but it was still possible to have a good time any of these places. Now given the amount of info, even a novice monger should be able to get what he wants at any SEA destination, without too much trouble.

11-24-23, 09:38
MY friend, I agree with you and salute you. My vibe is similar while I'm in AC. I look forward to finally answering 'Yes' to the question 'You have Wolfpack? I'll be there mid December to mid January and I'm guessing I'll have a blast.

I live in the US but in the past 2 years I've been to AC ten times. Yes ten times. I'm a white guy, over 50, American. All I can say is I had a blast. As for white guys not being able to barfine in Korean bars, or girls not liking westerners, that's complete BS. I've barfined in Baccarra, Soya, SS, Camelot, Cosplay, 123, Badboy. All Korean bars. Hell, I get treated like royalty in some of them. Do I money rain, ring bells, and other stupid shit? Not usually, but I do buy a few drinks and pay barfines. I'm not really a K fan boy, (I don't really like the place) but the K managers in AC seem pretty respectful to me. As long as you spend money they won't turn you away. What they don't like is folks coming in and nursing one drink for three hours and arranging sneak outs.

Its true that AC is not cheap anymore. Barfine is 4-5 k now for LT, but that still cheaper than anywhere else I know. In Mexico that's the price for 1-2 hours.

As for spoiling girls with easy money...yes, its happening. Apparently someone walked into Q bar last week and spent 300k in one night. Yes folks, more than $5,000 US. Reported nationality? American...

The worst thing is the high airfares from the US etc to the Philipines. But you just have to suck it up. Everything has gone up since the fake pandemic.

Sure, Angeles is overflowing with Korean money but at least they are investing in the bars. If you think Angeles is bad now, imagine what it would be like without Korean money. It would be a ghost town.

11-24-23, 11:36
I live in the US but in the past 2 years I've been to AC ten times. Yes ten times. I'm a white guy, over 50, American. All I can say is I had a blast. As for white guys not being able to barfine in Korean bars, or girls not liking westerners, that's complete BS. I've barfined in Baccarra, Soya, SS, Camelot, Cosplay, 123, Badboy. All Korean bars. Hell, I get treated like royalty in some of them. Do I money rain, ring bells, and other stupid shit? Not usually, but I do buy a few drinks and pay barfines. I'm not really a K fan boy, (I don't really like the place) but the K managers in AC seem pretty respectful to me. As long as you spend money they won't turn you away. What they don't like is folks coming in and nursing one drink for three hours and arranging sneak outs.Good report. But shhhh, don't tell what's-his-name.

I was just pointing out that AC was similar then to what Jakarta is now. Lots of young cute girls. You could find fresh young 18 yo for 1500 P all night and into the next day. With the BBFS thrown in, it was probably a better value than Jakarta those days (but I don't know cause I never went to Jakarta cause AC was just so damn good). But now Jakarta apparently has 20 yo hot girls for 25 bucks short time but lacks English and LT options from the bar.A caution. While the Classic / Travel numbers of $25-ish are being bandied about, a read back over the past few weeks Jakarta thread shows much higher numbers in pretty much all the other venues. $50 - $200 is not unusual. My understanding is that My Bar (Jalan Felatahan) is still open as a FL place, and the prices I mentioned from back in the day are now considerably higher.

I have tried controlling my budget at malio club before, only buying like maybe 5 LDs total for a dancer from 11 pm-2 am. But total damage is still pretty hefty, entrance fee + 5 LDs + my own drinks + misc tips. Think I probably spent close to 2 mil idr. SNIP

Unless you are going for the atmosphere, I think it makes more sense to take a malio dancer back overnight for 2 mil idr (negotiate direct with the dancer but she will only come to your room after she end work around 2. 30 am-3 am).

I've previously posted about hotel massages. SNIP

If the hotel has 2 or 3 converted rooms that are makeshift massage areas, no counter, no lobby, etc. , then the massage therapists are consultants from the outside world, and there's an array of services that can be had depending on your masseuse. But be warned that the price will shock you and it's seldom worth it. To give you an idea, they'll hit you for 600 k for a HJ tip. FS will easily go well into 1. 5 M and higher and they'll want you to not take too long.

Early this year, 2023. - stayed at JW Marriott. Definitely recommend this hotel. Decided to try massage, not expecting anything. Immediately, the girl takes towel off and became rather adventurous with her hands. Of course you have privacy in the massage cubicle, but you have to keep the noise down. Don't remember much about the massage. Tip 1. 5 Juta. Never looked into possibility of room service.

Closed on Sundays and Mondays, CJs has live entertainment. I was there in September and there is a cover band there from Canada that rocks the house Tues. Saturdays. SNIP What I can tell you is there is a fine selection of beautiful Indonesia ladies (and sometimes a European or two) there. The ratio of women-to-men is in our favor guys. Hands down! I think the ratio was 5-1 both nights I was there. The first night I walked in I was malled by two ladies within seconds. I've been at this P4P game for a while so I knew to quickly excuse myself from their presence and walk around and survey the lay of the land. The competition is very stiff for them. CJs is absolutely impressive. SNIP

The first night there I chose a lady for 1. 5 million for all night. The next night I wanted 3 so I just offered them 500 k to 1 million for the hour, went upstairs, then came back down.

11-24-23, 12:23
A caution. While the Classic / Travel numbers of $25-ish are being bandied about, a read back over the past few weeks Jakarta thread shows much higher numbers in pretty much all the other venues. $50 - $200 is not unusual. My understanding is that My Bar (Jalan Felatahan) is still open as a FL place, and the prices I mentioned from back in the day are now considerably higher.No need for caution at all. Sub 400 k sessions are available all over Kota and even in the Bali X houses. However, they are not weekend millionaire, general expat, nor Indonesian Industrialists' haunts. They are for the average Agus / Wayan to swing by, blow his load and pay a fair price. There is then a step change to the foreigner friendly or other high end bars where the wealthy can pay big to be in nice surroundings and sample gorgeous and / or foreigner friendly girls.

The quotes as listed:

Malio is THE high end place for Indonesians. It welcomes foreigners too. Well those who will pay the prices at least. These tend to be long term residents rather than visiting businessmen. Girls are generally gorgeous Indonesians. International imports from several countries are also available but cost much more.

Any English only speaking foreigner who walks into a massage place and asks for a price is going to have to drop his trousers in more ways than one.

Of course a 5 star CBD hotel is going to be an expensive fuck.

CJs is the bar inside the Mulia Hotel. It's a very nice hotel, popular with visiting businessmen. It was actually built by Suharto's son. Again, no surprise that the girls there are fully priced. They have generally done the rounds and speak English so they may be a little older. While runners are rare, they will prefer ST especially from guys staying at the hotel above so that they can return for a second bite. 1. 5 jt for LT should be considered a bargain.

Indicative prices vs source.

<400 k, onsite ST predominately aimed at average locals.

600-1000 k, LT outcall from expat bars and watering holes.

1500-3000, LT outcall from 5 star hotel.

3000-5000, LT out call stunner from Seeking, Tinder or IG. Girl may try for ST is the guy is obviously a visitor.

Cheers. G.

11-24-23, 13:10
No need for caution at all. Sub 400 k sessions are available all over Kota and even in the Bali X houses. Thank you sir.

Indicative prices vs source.

<400 k, onsite ST predominately aimed at average locals.

600-1000 k, LT outcall from expat bars and watering holes.

1500-3000, LT outcall from 5 star hotel.

3000-5000, LT out call stunner from Seeking, Tinder or IG. Girl may try for ST is the guy is obviously a visitor.These prices are IDR (could be confused as pesos)? If so, then the 600-1000 LT outcall from expat bars and watering holes is not far off from AC gogo bars?

11-24-23, 14:20
While some are busy discussing the charms of Indonesia (and I do fully agree that ac girls, even the very top girls are no match for the indo girls both in looks and in the sex department) this is the angeles forum so what's the latest angeles bar news.

Well I always say once the 10th of November passes we are normally into peak season for western tourists in angeles city, unfortunately it seems some one forgot to remind The western tourists to book their flight seats.

Cosplay bar, our group, two asians and about 12 girls, girls looking fairly bored on stage and sitting around playing on their phones, one good thing was ice cold beer served, one ok looker, the rest sub par.

Masquarade bar, lollipop bar, monsoon bar, stayed for only the one beer, was not worth staying for more in all honesty.

Q bar, some say there are no lookers here but compared to the above bars at least a few niice looking girls, some just ok, some fugly but at least the gjrls smiled, were energetic in their dance routines, an ok bar all in all, quite a few asian customers in.

Atlantis bar, obviously this bar is not anywhere near the bar it was 10/12 years ago but in saying that some good dance shows, a very cute super body pole dancer (not available, tried) and a few other girls while not stunners were fairly slim, young and cute, obviously has always been and still has a mainly asian clientelle, few asians making it rain from the upper floors.

Last stop and by far the best stop was once again xs bar, many girls in, too many to be sure but at least 50 girls, some nice lookers (unfortunately drinks only girls) some nice lookers also in the dance groups and some ok looking girs seated with asians, stayed for a good few beers as the shows were excellent.

Seems every time I hit the streets of angeles at night, especially walking st the amount of ladyboys increases, big tall butch ones that tend to be agressive if one is a bit off with them, where once there was quite a few street girls plying their trade they seem to be much lower in number and unfortunately the lower end of quality.

In summing up, Many western oriented bars very quiet indeed, many with not even 1 customer in when we looked, many western bars crying out to find bar girls to work, every western bar owner talked to over the last several days is complaining the same lack of pretty young girls available to them for work.

In truth I see a very big devide in the quality of girls plying their trade in the asian oriented bars compared to the other bars, no not all girls are young, slim and ok looking in the ssian oriented bars but there is a fair few, unfortunately a mixture of drinks only girls and asian only girls amongst the yonger, cuter girls here, it is what it is unfortunately, yes some boast I can get any girl, even the best girls from the asian bars, I say keep dreaming.

Banana Boi
11-24-23, 15:21
Indo getting quite a shoutout on the Phils threads. . .My fault for bringing it up for the Virgin who was on a budget. But with all the negativty with higher prices in PI and Thailand, Jakarta is a true market with lots and lots of girls for guys to consider. I doubt anywhere here will be disappointed with what they find.

As Goferring pointed out, there are even better looking girls in Jakarta than the places I mentioned. The multifloored Malio is the most famous but there are many nice spas there. The spas remind me of FKK clubs for those who go to Germany. They are much more expensive than the sub 400k Indo rupiah places I mentioned.

Yes, I have also heard the FL scene pricing is getting a bit out of hand there. Enjoy the throwback cheap point and shoots in Jakarta while they're still cheap guys. My prediction is prices will increase dramatically once certain groups of mongers figure out it's there.

11-24-23, 16:42
My fault for bringing it up for the Virgin who was on a budget. But with all the negativty with higher prices in PI and Thailand, Jakarta is a true market with lots and lots of girls for guys to consider. I doubt anywhere here will be disappointed with what they find.Not at all. Comparative pricing is fine. I did my share of pre-covid vaxxing in Indo more than a decade ago, and it might be worth a jaunt back. For old-times sake, to see the sights of course.

11-24-23, 21:52
I live in the US but in the past 2 years I've been to AC ten times. Yes ten times. I'm a white guy, over 50, American. All I can say is I had a blast. As for white guys not being able to barfine in Korean bars, or girls not liking westerners, that's complete BS. I've barfined in Baccarra, Soya, SS, Camelot, Cosplay, 123, Badboy. All Korean bars. Hell, I get treated like royalty in some of them. Do I money rain, ring bells, and other stupid shit? Not usually, but I do buy a few drinks and pay barfines. I'm not really a K fan boy, (I don't really like the place) but the K managers in AC seem pretty respectful to me. As long as you spend money they won't turn you away. What they don't like is folks coming in and nursing one drink for three hours and arranging sneak outs.

Its true that AC is not cheap anymore. Barfine is 4-5 k now for LT, but that still cheaper than anywhere else I know. In Mexico that's the price for 1-2 hours.

As for spoiling girls with easy money...yes, its happening. Apparently someone walked into Q bar last week and spent 300k in one night. Yes folks, more than $5,000 US. Reported nationality? American...

The worst thing is the high airfares from the US etc to the Philipines. But you just have to suck it up. Everything has gone up since the fake pandemic.

Sure, Angeles is overflowing with Korean money but at least they are investing in the bars. If you think Angeles is bad now, imagine what it would be like without Korean money. It would be a ghost town.Air fare is seasonally high as usual. Fares are coming down mid January and onward.

I imagine it was the same guy 3 weeks ago on a Monday night who bought out the whole Q Bar for the night for 300 k. Q Bar closed the front door with all the bar girls inside and the guy partied all evening with all the girls.

AC is what you make of it.

11-24-23, 23:30
Thank you sir.

These prices are IDR (could be confused as pesos)? If so, then the 600-1000 LT outcall from expat bars and watering holes is not far off from AC gogo bars?Yes, all local currencies.

1000 k = 1 million IDR = USD 65 = 3600 PHP.

Apologies for the confusion.


I just realised I left of the K for the last two prices so they make have looked like pesos.

For clarity, your Indinesian IG stunner is going to be 5 million IDR or $300+

Sorry about that. 😁

11-25-23, 00:02
As Goferring pointed out, there are even better looking girls in Jakarta than the places I mentioned. The multifloored Malio is the most famous but there are many nice spas there. The spas remind me of FKK clubs for those who go to Germany. They are much more expensive than the sub 400k Indo rupiah places I mentioned.

Yes, I have also heard the FL scene pricing is getting a bit out of hand there. Enjoy the throwback cheap point and shoots in Jakarta while they're still cheap guys. My prediction is prices will increase dramatically once certain groups of mongers figure out it's there.I think the step changes in prices are more to do with surroundings and foreigner friendliness of the girl than the out right looks and performance. That's the same everywhere.

Unfortunately, I've proven many times that price is no predictor of performance or attitude. Actually I'd argue that it's the reverse and there is an inverse relationship.

I've certainly seen some absolute goddesses in local markets, jeeps etc.


11-25-23, 02:00
While some are busy discussing the charms of Indonesia (and I do fully agree that ac girls, even the very top girls are no match for the indo girls both in looks and in the sex department) this is the angeles forum so what's the latest angeles bar news.

Well I always say once the 10th of November passes we are normally into peak season for western tourists in angeles city, unfortunately it seems some one forgot to remind The western tourists to book their flight seats.

Cosplay bar, our group, two asians and about 12 girls, girls looking fairly bored on stage and sitting around playing on their phones, one good thing was ice cold beer served, one ok looker, the rest sub par.

Masquarade bar, lollipop bar, monsoon bar, stayed for only the one beer, was not worth staying for more in all honesty.

Q bar, some say there are no lookers here but compared to the above bars at least a few nice looking girls, some just ok, some fugly but at least the girl's smiled, were energetic in their dance routines, an ok bar all in all, quite a few asian customers in.

Atlantis bar, obviously this bar is not anywhere near the bar it was 10/12 years ago but in saying that some good dance shows, a very cute super body pole dancer (not available, tried) and a few other girls while not stunners were fairly slim, young and cute, obviously has always been and still has a mainly asian clientele, few asians making it rain from the upper floors.

Last stop and by far the best stop was once again xs bar, many girls in, too many to be sure but at least 50 girls, some nice lookers (unfortunately drinks only girls) some nice lookers also in the dance groups and some ok looking girs seated with asians, stayed for a good few beers as the shows were excellent.

Seems every time I hit the streets of angeles at night, especially walking st the amount of ladyboys increases, big tall butch ones that tend to be agressive if one is a bit off with them, where once there was quite a few street girls plying their trade they seem to be much lower in number and unfortunately the lower end of quality.

In summing up, Many western oriented bars very quiet indeed, many with not even 1 customer in when we looked, many western bars crying out to find bar girls to work, every western bar owner talked to over the last several days is complaining the same lack of pretty young girls available to them for work.

In truth I see a very big divide in the quality of girls plying their trade in the asian oriented bars compared to the other bars, no not all girls are young, slim and ok looking in the asian oriented bars but there is a fair few, unfortunately a mixture of drinks only girls and asian only girls amongst the younger, cuter girls here, it is what it is unfortunately, yes some boast I can get any girl, even the best girls from the asian bars, I say keep dreaming.

11-25-23, 04:21
In summing up, Many western oriented bars very quiet indeed, many with not even 1 customer in when we looked, many western bars crying out to find bar girls to work, every western bar owner talked to over the last several days is complaining the same lack of pretty young girls available to them for work.

In truth I see a very big devide in the quality of girls plying their trade in the asian oriented bars compared to the other bars, no not all girls are young, slim and ok looking in the ssian oriented bars but there is a fair few, unfortunately a mixture of drinks only girls and asian only girls amongst the yonger, cuter girls here, it is what it is unfortunately, yes some boast I can get any girl, even the best girls from the asian bars, I say keep dreaming.Nice report thank you. The Korean bars have the hottest girls because they pay more. I know one girl who worked in Bodyshop, salary 250 p per day, barfine 3,000 of which she got 1200. Compare that with Korean bars where salary is 500-800, barfine 4-6 k and they get half.

In term of shortages of girls, the HT laws stopped mamasan recruitment in the provinces, and the internet not only made it easier for girls to make money from simps online, it makes it easier to get exposed by You Tube bloggers which is terryfying for some girls doing the job in secret.

One strategy ive used successfully, pick one bar that you like and become a regular. Buy drinks, pay barfines, make friends with the manager or mamasan. Pretty soon they will be welcoming you, showing you to your seat and picking out good girls for you. You dont need to be a high roller, just spend a little money.

11-25-23, 07:18
Nice report thank you. The Korean bars have the hottest girls because they pay more. I know one girl who worked in Bodyshop, salary 250 p per day, barfine 3,000 of which she got 1200. Compare that with Korean bars where salary is 500-800, barfine 4-6 k and they get half.

In term of shortages of girls, the HT laws stopped mamasan recruitment in the provinces, and the internet not only made it easier for girls to make money from simps online, it makes it easier to get exposed by You Tube bloggers which is terryfying for some girls doing the job in secret.

One strategy ive used successfully, pick one bar that you like and become a regular. Buy drinks, pay barfines, make friends with the manager or mamasan. Pretty soon they will be welcoming you, showing you to your seat and picking out good girls for you. You dont need to be a high roller, just spend a little money.Have to agree with most of what you have to say here.

Slight correction is I think you will find the top girls in bars like xs bar are in fact on 1000 pesos salaries per night, as you say, very high lady drinks commissions for the bar girls, sitting looking pretty tips, making it rain money etc, ad it all up and a popular bar girl is earning more than the Angeles city mayor or a top doctor, not bad for an uneducated farmers daughter from the boonies.

Many moons ago many bar girls stayed in the free accommodation provided by their bar, now days any popular girls rent their own apartments in nice buildings, has the latest iPhone, new clothes every few days, talk from guys of yes I get free or cheaper pussy when the girls get desperate for money or need to sleep in an air con room, unfortunately in truth the top girls are in huge demand for drinks only or simpletons treating them as princesses on line without even meeting them most times, it is what it is. Times have changed, top girls are just not hungry anymore in truth.

As far as introductions from bar owners, managers, mummies, yes they can introduce but lets make no mistake, its the girls who choose and for some girls especially those that are very popular they choose the easy route of large money and no bar fining mostly, those that will actually bar fine can be mighty choosy in who with.

Expat American
11-25-23, 08:34
Nice report thank you.

One strategy ive used successfully, pick one bar that you like and become a regular. Buy drinks, pay barfines, make friends with the manager or mamasan. Pretty soon they will be welcoming you, showing you to your seat and picking out good girls for you. You dont need to be a high roller, just spend a little money.Well said. I have successfully pulled girls from several smaller Korean bars. I'm not Korean and I'm not even white. I just went in, bought a drink, chatted with the mama san and waitress and it was fine. I don't care for the large show bars like Atlantis and XS but last time in Atlantis the girl was begging to be barfined.

Expat American
11-25-23, 08:38
Air fare is seasonally high as usual. Fares are coming down mid January and onward.

I imagine it was the same guy 3 weeks ago on a Monday night who bought out the whole Q Bar for the night for 300 k. Q Bar closed the front door with all the bar girls inside and the guy partied all evening with all the girls.

AC is what you make of it.USD 5 K to book out a bar full of girls for an entire night is not a bad deal. If you want to have a kick ass bachelor party or divorce party I can see the value. Partying alone with 20 girls, maybe not as much.

11-25-23, 21:27
Skyfall is a bar in Walking St Angeles. I think it used to be part of the Grand Central hotel. I've been in there, personally I don't like the set up too much because the pillars block the view of the stage.

Anyway, they have a facebook page. (Search "Skyfall Arabesque" on FB). I believe Skyfall, Baccarra and Arabesque are owned by the same Korean owner. They posted on the FB page about hiring girls. I'm posting here to show what girls can "potentially" make. They claim girls can make up to 30 k a week (About $550 USD). I guess its posible if the girl is barfined at least once a day. (7 x 1 k salary = 7k, 7 x 2.5 k barfine = 17.5 k, that's 24.5 k plus drink comissions. If they do two short times per day they are well over 30 k. Hell, they even get "free heels"! Here is a copy from the FB page:

"Hello guys, our bar is hiring girls and also hiring mamasang as long as there is a girl 4-6 and up, may guest ; non stop hiring here. Christmas is coming you can earn money 25 k to 30 k a week not include your tip. Tip is all your's; feel free to chat me I'm not rude. Just send me a message and I'll answer it soon as possible.

✅Pay after for your commission.

✅ salary day 800-1000 a day Saturday you can get.

✅ 12:00 am-10:00 pm Day time duty 5:30 pm to 3:00 am Night time duty.

✅ free uniform and heels.

✅ Yes to commissions pay after.

✅ Tip? Is all for you we don't have % for it😚.

✅ Not strict manager.

✅ Uniform and heels is free.

✅ direct duty.

✅ Daily wages.

✅ no hidden agendas here.

✅ don't be attitude ‼65039;.

✅ requirements needed is PSA ID And VACCINE CARD and picture if I say your past you can work immediately.

‼65039; If you want there's a way if you don't want there's a lot of reasons ‼65039; FOR WILLING TO WORK COME ON DUTY HERE IMMEDIATELY 😊.

No to scammers.

Don't try to fool me remember karma is real😅.

11-26-23, 04:46
Skyfall is a bar in Walking St Angeles. I think it used to be part of the Grand Central hotel. I've been in there, personally I don't like the set up too much because the pillars block the view of the stage.

Anyway, they have a facebook page. (Search "Skyfall Arabesque" on FB). I believe Skyfall, Baccarra and Arabesque are owned by the same Korean owner. They posted on the FB page about hiring girls. I'm posting here to show what girls can "potentially" make. They claim girls can make up to 30 k a week (About $550 USD). I guess its posible if the girl is barfined at least once a day. (7 x 1 k salary = 7k, 7 x 2.5 k barfine = 17.5 k, that's 24.5 k plus drink comissions. If they do two short times per day they are well over 30 k. Hell, they even get "free heels"! Here is a copy from the FB page:

"Hello guys, our bar is hiring girls and also hiring mamasang as long as there is a girl 4-6 and up, may guest ; non stop hiring here. Christmas is coming you can earn money 25 k to 30 k a week not include your tip. Tip is all your's; feel free to chat me I'm not rude. Just send me a message and I'll answer it soon as possible..It's like every industry where the top few make most of the money. So the top girls in each bar probably push 150 - 200 k a month.

The middle probably bar fine max once per day or less so 80-100 k a month.

The rest are probably left with shift only money + some drinks.

Bar girls these days certainly have a chance to make a lot but do they keep a lot? Highly unlikely. It will sponged by family and / or their inevitable drug addictions.

Also worth noting their time as a top girl will be very short lived. Even less in a Korean bar so the window to make money is very small.

Can't really blame them for being purely business these days.

11-26-23, 07:17
top girls in bars like xs bar are in fact on 1000 pesos salaries per nightAgain you're wrong.

The wages are 800 pesos per day for the group that performs the Vegas type shows.

The wages for the "blacktaped supermodels" is 500 pesos per day.

11-26-23, 12:51
Can't really blame them for being purely business these days.Indeed but there are all kinds of businesses and business models. Though the egg timer or the guy with the baseball bat has yet to appear, it seems a very small selection. Is the GFE, where the hooker hooks up and milks a guy over time, gone? Many a farm hand did well out of that one, house, dowry, living expenses for her entire family and a free buffalo. A good deal. Freelancers seem to be a dying breed and ladyboys are there in profusion because they have not their own bars and may of them are too dumb to do the livejasmin scams.

Sociologists, anthropologists and other voyeurs should have a Fields' day with all this.

I should be buying an air ticket today but there seems to be a lot doing online casual only with their prices ranging from suspiciously cheap to very high. I got one offering to drive me into the hills on her motor boke. That would be fine until I was literally caught in the middle of nowhere with my pants down.

11-26-23, 15:15
I have bought my flight for a long break in Angeles at the start of 2024. As with my first report, I will give a long report after I return. My tech neck is bad enough now without filing reports from there.

Tech neck is one of the many things I will be getting checked. Quite frankly. It was the medical stuff that swung my decision. / European alternatives are just too packaged. I like the Pinoy system, go to a doctor and then go to all the various specialists. Though MRI scans would be a help, I prefer the a la carte, scan and charge this, don't bother with that. Given the age, I don't expe t to do many more of these trips but I have bene saying that for decades.

I intend to travel light, using only my 7 kg carry on allowance. If I thought I could buy anything worthwhile, I would load up a suitcase for the 25 kg check in return. Is there anything worth buying there that would make check in worth it, and I am not talking about a 25 kg LBFM.

11-26-23, 16:23
Indeed but there are all kinds of businesses and business models. Though the egg timer or the guy with the baseball bat has yet to appear, it seems a very small selection. Is the GFE, where the hooker hooks up and milks a guy over time, gone? Many a farm hand did well out of that one, house, dowry, living expenses for her entire family and a free buffalo. A good deal. Freelancers seem to be a dying breed and ladyboys are there in profusion because they have not their own bars and may of them are too dumb to do the livejasmin scams.

Sociologists, anthropologists and other voyeurs should have a Fields' day with all this.

I should be buying an air ticket today but there seems to be a lot doing online casual only with their prices ranging from suspiciously cheap to very high. I got one offering to drive me into the hills on her motor boke. That would be fine until I was literally caught in the middle of nowhere with my pants down.That model assumes the main money is in single travelers these days. And what I've noticed it's not. A lot of girls are being booked up by Asian tour groups who pay a lot on the face of it but individually most of their customers don't have enough to do all that. They're not individually wealthy like the American who can just buy all that shit without caring as much.

Then there's the inhouse systems the Chinese do where the girls are recruited to stay in and work as hookers to staff there. Most off the time the boss will take a cut of the girls earnings which he has just paid out to his staff. Putting the money back in his pocket. The girls think they're making more per transaction but their actual customers they're having sex with won't ever be buying them land and whatever else. Result is girls with much higher mileage and much shorter shelf life.

11-26-23, 17:58
Asian tour groups... They're not individually wealthy like the American who can just buy all that shit without caring as much.
Then there's the inhouse systems the Chinese do .I guess the Koreans and Chinee will automate the process, like Toyota or Kia would. We are probably just on the tail end of the GIs and 7th Fleet sailors. Money in the pocket, beer in their bellies, a hard on in their pants and letting rip.

11-27-23, 00:51
Inside the new girl bar Miko's. Across the street from Tequila Reef and that enormous eyesore of a half-built building. American owner. Looks like a good vibe. Will be one of my first stops.


11-27-23, 00:52
I am in town along with a few other ISGers.

They want to buy you beers.

Saturday, December 2nd, 7 pm Lollipop Bar. You can introduce us to the owner and manager. Also we can check out the other bars. We can do a community beauty contest.

Drinks on us.

Saturday is your night crawl. Please don't disappoint us.

Banana Boi
11-27-23, 01:08
The Korean bars have the hottest girls because they pay more.Which are the Korean bars? I don't care if a bar is Korean, German, Brit, American, Filipino I just want to meet the hottest girls possible anywhere I go. Sure it may not be as easy for me in a Korean bar but damn if I don't try to get the hottest girls in AC.

By paying more how much more does a Korean pay a top girl in a Korean bar vs a Farang pays a top girl in a Farang bar?

11-27-23, 02:52
Which are the Korean bars? I don't care if a bar is Korean, German, Brit, American, Filipino I just want to meet the hottest girls possible anywhere I go. Sure it may not be as easy for me in a Korean bar but damn if I don't try to get the hottest girls in AC.

By paying more how much more does a Korean pay a top girl in a Korean bar vs a Farang pays a top girl in a Farang bar?Koreans run most of the bars in AC except Wolfpack Group bars and Perimeter bars. As for what they pay...who knows.

11-27-23, 04:06
Which are the Korean bars? I don't care if a bar is Korean, German, Brit, American, Filipino I just want to meet the hottest girls possible anywhere I go. Sure it may not be as easy for me in a Korean bar but damn if I don't try to get the hottest girls in AC.

By paying more how much more does a Korean pay a top girl in a Korean bar vs a Farang pays a top girl in a Farang bar?You are missing something.

The Koreans frown upon "their" bargirls going with Farangs. So, the ladies are hesitant about being seen leaving the bar with a Farang, as the consequences may be unprofitable. You will eventually leave AC, but the bargirl has to work there after you are gone.

11-27-23, 06:09
I am in town along with a few other ISGers. They want to buy you beers. Saturday, December 2nd, 7 pm Lollipop Bar. You can introduce us to the owner and manager. Also we can check out the other bars. We can do a community beauty contest. Drinks on us.

Saturday is your night crawl. Please don't disappoint us.The gauntlet.

11-27-23, 06:38
Which are the Korean bars? I don't care if a bar is Korean, German, Brit, American, Filipino I just want to meet the hottest girls possible anywhere I go. Sure it may not be as easy for me in a Korean bar but damn if I don't try to get the hottest girls in AC.

By paying more how much more does a Korean pay a top girl in a Korean bar vs a Farang pays a top girl in a Farang bar?Thet still only pay whatever the bar fine price is + drinks and tip. Per transaction they usually don't pay more or that much more. But they are seen as an easier nights work for the girls and therefore it seems like more. 5 k bar fine for drinks, karaoke, don't have to talk much and 1 pop or 5 k bar fine for countless stories moaning about their life, talking about how shit the music is compared to rock or country, Vietnam stories, 3 pops + testing how many kinky things he can do to her only to still complain. It's usually a no brainier because they're working girls and just want to get it done most of the time.

11-27-23, 06:43
Which are the Korean bars? I don't care if a bar is Korean, German, Brit, American, Filipino I just want to meet the hottest girls possible anywhere I go. Sure it may not be as easy for me in a Korean bar but damn if I don't try to get the hottest girls in AC.

By paying more how much more does a Korean pay a top girl in a Korean bar vs a Farang pays a top girl in a Farang bar?Farang typically just pay the barfine. Traditionally (especially before Covid), the MO of AC bars has been simple: You pay one fee up-front, with no need to discuss any 'girl fee' (a tip later) as you would do in Thailand or on Burgos in Makati. If a girl agrees to barfine with you, she is not certain of gaining any tip upon departure. Many gents on this board have mentioned giving a tip in the morning of a few hundred, or 500 (or sometimes more) pesos, just out of generosity. Some gents give nothing.

There have been disagreements on the Board in years past regarding whether you should tip an AC girl or not. Argument for: You should tip for good service. Argument against: Any kind of tipping creates unreal expectations on the part of the girl that her future clients should also tip her also. Some gents always tip, some gents don't tip. I always tipped the then-current girlie tryke amount home of: Fifty pesos. An interesting argument for the pro-tip crowd was: If you don't tip the girl, she will remember you and report you as a cheap-charlie in her bar, thus limiting your access later. The opposite argument was also made by some gents: "I never tip, and never had any trouble getting the same hottie to re-barfine with me, nor her workmates".

However all of that might* be meaningless. When the Koreans (and Japanese) started moving into AC a decade ago, they throw around LARGE tips. Not unusual for a group of half a dozen K fellas to send one of their mates to a bar and take the 6-8-10 hottest at the bar opening, and pay the barfine for all of those girls right then. Following that, the K's might take the girls out for drinking, dancing, carousing. Then some (but not necessarily all) of the K's might choose one of the girls to keep for the night, and they turn loose the rest early. They often tip the girls 3 k, 5 k, or 10 k, even the ones they don't keep for the rest of the night. Compare a K barfine (she gets about 2500 from the barfine, a 3-5 k tip, and possibly no sex) to a Farang barfine (she gets 2500 from the barfine, a p300-ish tip, and 1 or 2 f*cks). You see why some girls become K-only girls. OTOH its also possible for a Korean to barfine, sex a girl twice, and give no tip.

* Or might not. I think I reported that I had mamas in 3 K bars telling me that they could find an agreeable barfine girl for anyone, including my picky dirty-deeds list. "Just you chat me first. I will find a girl for you its not a problem". One mama pointed out 3 pretty girls (hell, 10 of the 12 girls were good-looking) on the stage and said: "That one, and that one with the long hair, and that other one on the end there". These were the leftovers after a K guy had barfined half the girls at bar opening.

I am confident that you will get what you are looking for. I can not judge from afar if you will find the girls attractive (see TjBrazil's posts), but as others have, you will find a goodie or two.

Banana Boi
11-27-23, 14:44
There have been disagreements on the Board in years past regarding whether you should tip an AC girl or not. Argument for: You should tip for good service. Argument against: Any kind of tipping creates unreal expectations on the part of the girl that her future clients should also tip her also. Some gents always tip, some gents don't tip. I always tipped the then-current girlie tryke amount home of: Fifty pesos. An interesting argument for the pro-tip crowd was: If you don't tip the girl, she will remember you and report you as a cheap-charlie in her bar, thus limiting your access later. The opposite argument was also made by some gents: "I never tip, and never had any trouble getting the same hottie to re-barfine with meI follow the culture of the land. If you tip in a restaurant in PI then you tip a girl. Tipping is an insult in Japan so I won't tip there no matter how good the service is. My tip is only for good service. It will always be around 10 USD whether it be in Germany, Thailand, Jakarta etc. I've learned not to tip much in PP since you get a Klingon for life if you do.

I am a believer in reputation in a bar. Of course in PI I won't care much since my visit will be relatively short. In Thailand word gets around pretty quickly in a gogo bar who is a tipper and who is not just as quickly as who is a bad trick. If I'm a regular at that gogo bar it pays to be a bit generous to have all the hottest girls after me, not the other way around.

These were the leftovers after a K guy had barfined half the girls at bar opening.

When Sensations gogo in Pattaya was the hottest gogo bar in 2015 I used to have to barfine girls the night before for the following night. I beat the Koreans and Japanese at their own game to get the girl I wanted. That's how bad it was for the TOP girls. I was confident they wouldn't burn me cause I was a regular at the bar and would be taking a girl who has already sat with me many times before.

I'm ok with going to AC bars when they first open to grab the top girls. If nothing else I do it for spite to the Koreans coming in 10 minutes after me. It's a dog eat dog world so don't let them beat you.

11-27-23, 16:56
It's a dog eat dog world so don't let them beat you.You might beat them at barfine but you won't beat them at eating dogs. Don't even try.

11-27-23, 17:03
You might beat them at barfine but you won't beat them at eating dogs. Don't even try.I have eaten dog before in the Philippines. Have the new neighbors opened any joints worth visiting for a quick snack?

11-27-23, 18:58
Which are the Korean bars?It depends on your definition of the Korean bar.

My definition is:

1) It has a Korean owner.

2) It must have a Korean papasan; they need to speak Korean to the Korean monger.

3) The ratio of East Asians to Other (White westerners / Indian / Malays etc) customers is higher than the normal ratio. Not sure what the number is.

4) They usually play K-pop. And they usually open early; not always though.

5) The Korean bars (starting from the initial "invasion") brought higher prices and the elimination of single / double lady drinks. The mega bar like XS, I believe, charges 135 pesos for a SML; the small empty Korean bar charges 150. Don't like this aspect.

6) They also brought "classy" cocktail dresses. I much prefer the old bikini bars (like Lolipop and Insomnia; those are "ex-pat" bars). Most of the girls in cocktail dresses are moms. Also, don't like this aspect.

Korean bars are Dragon, Cosplay, Bad Boy, Soya etc. Many others. Not too familiar with the top quality in the Korean bars. I normally don't go there. I earliest I go out is either mid-afternoon or early night. Usually at that time, the Korean bars don't have top notch cute girls. I am assuming the Koreans came early and barfined all the best ones. Not sure.

I just want to meet the hottest girls possible anywhere I go. Sure it may not be as easy for me in a Korean bar but damn if I don't try to get the hottest girls in AC.I don't normally try to get the "hottest" girls because I believe a 6 that doesn't everything is better than a 8 that does nothing.

To get the hottest looking girls in Angeles, I would do the following:

1) XS might have the best looking girls, especially the 'blacktaped supermodels" group. Many have sponsors; some are available. A waitress I asked told me, buy them a drink and try your shot. I don't like to waste lady drinks. You might be different. You know the drill. You can ask the mamassan. Maybe ask a more helpful waitress. Or call over the girl and ask them if they barfine. Most should be ethical and tell the truth. Once, I called over the second cutest girl (IMO). I brought her a drink. She said she had a sponsor that paid her 50 K per month.

2) Go to Dragon at opening time at 5 pm.

3) I saw a cute girl at Soya at 12 pm. But she had a red ribbon on which indicated that she was already barfined. Go at opening time (I think it's 9:30 am). Check out the talent.

4) Go to the other Korean bars at opening time.

By paying more how much more does a Korean pay a top girl in a Korean bar vs a Farang pays a top girl in a Farang bar?You pay the barfine at both type of bars. Same MO.

IMO, overall, the Koreans do not tip more than the White Westerners. Obviously, some Koreans pay large tips, and make it rain. IMO, that is not a huge percentage. There is a large, large number of Koreans in Angeles. Many are normal like the White Westerners. There are numerous White Westerners that buy many lady drinks, ring the bell, and give nice tips. You sound like a good spender BB. You should be able to compete.

IMO, this avenue of conversation is funny. IMO, many White Westerner cannot fathom that the Pinay prefers other nationalities. How could they prefer East Asians over Whiteys? IMO, the White Westerner think there HAS to be reason such as money, tips, less work, small dick, free food, etc.

From my limited interrogation of the Pinays, they prefer the East Asians because they are culturally similar to them.

Note: Some Pinays will prefer, or only go out with East Asians. Especially at the Korean bars. Not sure of the percentages.

Definitely interested in your experiences in trying to get the best looking girls in Angeles.

11-27-23, 19:15
Compare that with Korean bars where salary is 500-800, barfine 4-6 k and they get half.I hope that was a mis-print. The Korean bars seem to set the trend for prices. I hope the barfine did not go up to 6 K. Hope it is still 5 K.

The Koreans frown upon "their" bargirls going with Farangs. So, the ladies are hesitant about being seen leaving the bar with a Farang, as the consequences may be unprofitable. You will eventually leave AC, but the bargirl has to work there after you are gone.Is that fact or fiction? Will the girls lose any business? Maybe from a few Korean ex-pats.

That was correct in the old days. It is probably still true, but what extent? Just like the White Americans in the 80's and 90's (and probably somewhat true right now), many went crazy when white girls would do black guys. Still can't believe that White guy tried to kill Larry Flynt because he put a black guy and white girl in his Hustler magazine. Just because of that, rather than the porno filth he put out? Geez!

The Korean ex-pat percentage compared to the Korean tourist is small. IMO, the top girls in Angeles wouldn't lose any business. Those girls can barfine everyday with whoever they want. Maybe some of the marginal talent might get hurt. Not sure.

Banana Boi
11-28-23, 00:19
It depends on your definition of the Korean bar.

5) The Korean bars (starting from the initial "invasion") brought higher prices and the elimination of single / double lady drinks. The mega bar like XS, I believe, charges 135 pesos for a SML; the small empty Korean bar charges 150. Don't like this aspect.

Not really sure what my definition of Korean bar is. Never heard of the term til I started reading this forum. People keep saying stuff like Koreans take the hottest girls. Since that's what I want as well I guess I'm looking for information on which bars I should go to. Just to clarify I'm not looking for things like iBar in Pattaya or Ipanema in Singapore. I'm looking for a gogo bar or strip club style where I sit there and go grab the girl that gets my attention.

5) I did notice there were bars that had single drinks vs double drinks. Like buying shooters I would never pay double and buy a double drink. Just rules I have as silly as it may be. It's not the prices it's principle. 135-150 peso for a lady drink? $2.70 US? That's so cheap. 3-4x less than in Little Japan in HCMC and a Thailand gogo bar. Are Manila lady drinks bout the same price or much more?

2) Go to Dragon at opening time at 5 pm.

3) I saw a cute girl at Soya at 12 pm. But she had a red ribbon on which indicated that she was already barfined. Go at opening time (I think it's 9:30 am). Check out the talent.

4) Go to the other Korean bars at opening time.

9:30 am opening time. I'm liking that. Not many countries where you have an option to grope girls so early in the morning, unless you took them LT.

Is that fact or fiction? Will the girls lose any business? Maybe from a few Korean ex-pats.I don't know in PI but I go to Western strip clubs with Japanese and Chinese guys. They will not go with a girl if that girl has had dances with a black man and some will go so far as not going with a girl if they know the pimp is black. Asians not liking anyone other than Asian touching their girls could explain why in Korea and Japan so many clubs deny entry to Farang.

Look at the most successful FKK club in NRW, Goldentime. They were very specific that you had to be white skinned to get entry in to the club. They also allowed Chinese, Japanese, and Korean in. If you were black, Turkish, or even if you were Italian with tanned skin your chances of entry into Goldentime were slim. I asked many girls about this and the common answer was they chose to work at Goldentime because they only wanted to go with light skinned Farang and Asians were also OK because they treated the girls right.

You might beat them at barfine but you won't beat them at eating dogs. Don't even try.Newbie to PI here. What does this mean?

11-28-23, 02:07
One thing I hated about Manila was the constant asking of tips. The doorman asked me for a tip at king queen and I just arrived. Tip for what! Needless to say I gave him nothing in and out. They add 10 percent to the bill for the servers and they still *****. Tip tip please. I'm glad to be done with that cesspool place. I even got asked for a tip at a Mongolian restaurant in California. They got their 20 an hour and they still ask for tips.

11-28-23, 02:22
You might beat them at barfine but you won't beat them at eating dogs. Don't even try.Bow wow there really is no need to show how brilliant you are here.

11-28-23, 02:32
I have eaten dog before in the Philippines. Have the new neighbors opened any joints worth visiting for a quick snack?What kind of bow wow dude?

11-28-23, 02:44
I'm looking for a gogo bar or strip club style where I sit there and go grab the girl that gets my attention.Many bars like that. Although there is no nudity. Only some has bikinis. Just go buy the girl a ladys drink, and she will sit with you.

I did notice there were bars that had single drinks vs double drinks. Like buying shooters I would never pay double and buy a double drink. Just rules I have as silly as it may be. It's not the prices it's principle. 135-150 peso for a lady drink? $2.70 US? That's so cheap.Poor write-up; I wasn't an English major. I meant the beers for yourself was around 135-150; less during happy hours; less in some second tier bars.

In the old days, the waitress would ask you if it was ok to get a double ladys drink, when the girl ordered a San Miguel Light. SML was a double; rum and coke was a single.

These days, places like Dragon bar only has one type of ladys drink (at around 280 or 300). No single or double. Insomnia still has single and double ladys drink. But now, the waitresses automatically bring the double ladys drink without asking. Not sure how many of the bars got rid of the single / double ladys drink. Assuming the Korean owned bars only has one type of lady drinks. These days, I just go with the flow and buy the double without asking if there is a single ladys drink. I feel like a cheap charlie if I ask for a single ladys drink.

Newbie to PI here. What does this mean?He was trying to make a joke.

The Koreans were notorious for eating dog in the old days. But before the Seoul Olympics, the government "banned" the dog restaurants, and made them go underground. These days, eating dog is not as popular as it was before. And it is definitely not popular with the young people.

11-28-23, 03:13
Just to clarify I'm not looking for things like iBar in Pattaya or Ipanema in Singapore. I'm looking for a gogo bar or strip club style where I sit there and go grab the girl that gets my attention.I'm not too sure how literal your description of what you want is but the one response your posts hasn't raised is why do you insist on going to AC at all? Ie why not just stay in Manila, specifically Burgos?

I would put the AC gogos definitely in the same vein as Ipanema. I won't say there is no nudity or heavy groping but it's the exception rather than the rule.

Conversely, tits out groping and a fist full of pussy is completely normal at many bars in Burgos. There are several where guys getting a BJ doesn't even raise an eyelid. Shit, I've fucked girls onsite in several of the bars.

Add in the benefits of better English, no K only girls, no one shot runners etc and it sounds more to your liking.

If you want to look but not touch, then there are all the nearby regular freelancer clubs and bars too.

Perhaps something to consider.

Enjoy. G.

Banana Boi
11-28-23, 03:19
One thing I hated about Manila was the constant asking of tips. The doorman asked me for a tip at king queen and I just arrived. Tip for what! Needless to say I gave him nothing in and out. They add 10 percent to the bill for the servers and they still *****. Tip tip please. I'm glad to be done with that cesspool place. I even got asked for a tip at a Mongolian restaurant in California. They got their 20 an hour and they still ask for tips.I stopped going to Montreal strip clubs because you tipped $10 at the door. Literally a couple steps in and you're tipping a coat check girl $5. Another few steps the bouncer sits you down at a table 10 feet away from where he's standing. If you try tipping him $5 he gives you a dirty look and holds his hand out for more. I'm $20+ down and I haven't even had a drink or touched a girl yet! Then if I want to touch a girl it's another $20 for VIP every single girl I take.

As for restaurants where I live it's 20-25% tip culture. 15% is now an insult so many put mandatory tips on the bill. People have stopped going to restaurants and all you hear in the news is how restaurants are wondering why no one eats at there place any more. I've considered becoming a waiter at a high end steak house. Did it when I was 18 and made next to nothing. Now I think I could pay off a new BMW within months.

but the one response your posts hasn't raised is why do you insist on going to AC at all? Ie why not just stay in Manila, specifically Burgos?

To see how it is. I'm always curious about new playgrounds. What I say isn't consistent to what I gravitate to. For some reason I seem to gravitate to the slums. In Jakarta I'd take Kota Indah over Malio. In Thailand I'd take Pattaya over Bangkok. In HCM I would take Pasteur over Bui Vien. In Germany, I'd take Mondial over Oase/Sharks. In all cases I find the stereotyped lower end places more fun.

11-28-23, 03:57
To see how it is. I'm always curious about new playgrounds. What I say isn't consistent to what I gravitate to. For some reason I seem to gravitate to the slums. In Jakarta I'd take Kota Indah over Malio. In Thailand I'd take Pattaya over Bangkok. In HCM I would take Pasteur over Bui Vien. In Germany, I'd take Mondial over Oase/Sharks. In all cases I find the stereotyped lower end places more fun.Nothing wrong with that. If that's the case, I'd say go and have a look but be flexible with bookings so that you can stay or leave from either depending on how much you do / don't like it. That's regardless of what others say.

I once went to Disneyland, booked a family suite in a flash hotel in Anaheim, four day family passes etc etc. Cost a small fortune. Arrived and the kids hated waiting in line and the youngest wasn't 'this tall to ride' most of them anyway. Everyone was bored and wanted to move on after a couple of hours. Never making that mistake again.

Cheers. G.

11-28-23, 12:07
I am in town along with a few other ISGers.

They want to buy you beers.

Saturday, December 2nd, 7 pm Lollipop Bar. You can introduce us to the owner and manager. Also we can check out the other bars. We can do a community beauty contest.

Drinks on us.

Saturday is your night crawl. Please don't disappoint us.Thanks guys. I have a few RSVP's.

Question. I have never seen dice cups in PH to shake for drinks. Do they have them?

11-28-23, 14:27
Met my buddy at the perimeter road bar 'night moves'. Wasn't moving very well, lots and lots of late 60 year old guys hanging out and only a handful of girls. They used to have some decent lookers but not on this day. Several new bars opening up just down the road with confilicting reports of barfines. A 'sliding scale' it seems by the mamasan to the different quality of girls on hand. There is also work being done further down perimeter road by the bar Legends. Will be good to have some new bars opening up down this way. Margarita station is a decent 24 hour place on the corner near Night Moves.

Ordered a Grab car down to walking street for me and my buddy, makes no sense anymore to deal with these trike drivers who inflate their prices depending on how much you've had to drink. Stopped in Casino for a 120 peso beer and saw 4 girls on stage with another 5 or so hanging around. Korean owned but with a reasonable 3500 short time barfine I'm told. Stopped in a few of the bars along the way. Bacarra had some cuties but their 150 peso drink prices were way more than we wanted to pay. Poked our heads into Solid Gold which looked more like a womans dormatory with the girls laying on stage playing with their phones. Then went into Genesis. Plenty of girls who completely ignored us while screaming at the Koreans coming into the bar (another Korean owned crap bar). Some hot girls but they must be told not to talk to non Asians. Payed up and left and my buddy wanted to go into Cosplay which I immediatly cut that idea off. Can only be ignored by girls so much in a day. Might have been a little more vocal than I should to get my buddy to stop from going into the bar by saying 'I've had enough of these Korean bars, F* the Koreans'. Only to see 3 Korean guys sitting outside having a smoke look up at me. Oh well I'm sure they know they aren't liked much by the expats here. I'd recommend not going into these Korean bars but if you do try to negotiate a lower drink price if you have a few guys with you.

Hit La Bamba and had some great happy hour drink prices and some good music, hung around there for an hour feeling at home even if the girls weren't top notch. Ended the late afternoon over at Shooters. Bunch of cute girls. I'd have to say the majority of the bars are now filled with the expats living here, few tourists from what I can see. Not sure if it will improve any in the next month with airfare being so high. And once again when I went to head home I got a car to pick me up for a few pesos more than the trikes are asking, no worries that the guy will say 150 instead of the 100 it should be to take me home. Let them sit for a few more hours without making any money. If you are on WS near Dollhouse beware of the trikes that sit on that corner triangle, they seem to be the scammers on the strip. The Kokomo trike line seems to be the more legit drivers. I have gotten quoted 150 to 200 from the triange trike group only to walk the short distance to Kokomos to get the cheaper rate. Always TELL them what you'll pay before getting in the trike.

11-28-23, 15:27
One thing I hated about Manila was the constant asking of tips. The doorman asked me for a tip at king queen and I just arrived. Tip for what! Needless to say I gave him nothing in and out. They add 10 percent to the bill for the servers and they still *****. Tip tip please. I'm glad to be done with that cesspool place. I even got asked for a tip at a Mongolian restaurant in California. They got their 20 an hour and they still ask for tips.Seems like a lot of things you hate about Philippines or shall we say almost everything. I get it.

11-28-23, 16:20
You are missing something.

The Koreans frown upon "their" bargirls going with Farangs. So, the ladies are hesitant about being seen leaving the bar with a Farang, as the consequences may be unprofitable. You will eventually leave AC, but the bargirl has to work there after you are gone.Nail on the head.

Lets not forget that many Korean owned bars also frown on their girls leaving with whitey, hear many times from Korean friends that they like Asian only girls and would not dream of buying drinks or bar fining a girl that gives attention to whitey, yes its a crazy notion by ohh so true.

11-28-23, 18:43
What kind of bow wow dude?Somewhere north of Angeles and south of Baguio if my memory still works. Rough and ready roadside place. I just bought it to see, no questions ask, like chewy mutton if memory still works. Not sure what breed. In Australia, butcher would not sell me kangaroo meat, when I said I wanted to eat it.

SAS, you learn how to gut a rat and eat the parts that will not kill you.

I had some joke in my mind but it is gone.

Good luck to you and your friends short timing Mr Nappa.

11-29-23, 01:21
Guys claiming no Koreans tip more, no Americans tip more, the facts are nobody knows and who gives a shite who tips more or less, the simple facts are Angeles better looking girls choose an Asian every time over a westerner so the girls must be happy in their choices, that's all that counts.

11-29-23, 01:24
Explorer: The Koreans frown upon "their" bargirls going with Farangs. So, the ladies are hesitant about being seen leaving the bar with a Farang, as the consequences may be unprofitable. You will eventually leave AC, but the bargirl has to work there after you are gone.

NS: Lets not forget that many Korean owned bars also frown on their girls leaving with whitey, hear many times from Korean friends that they like Asian only girls and would not dream of buying drinks or bar fining a girl that gives attention to whitey, yes its a crazy notion by ohh so true.

Hahaha WOW! They don't want the gogo girls going with an entire other race? An open confession of K racism, and K insecurity wildly showing itself.

Is someone (s) compensating for something? Did all those pics of my mediocre schwanztooga cause this? Hahahahahaha.

11-29-23, 01:53
I am in town along with a few other ISGers.

They want to buy you beers.

Saturday, December 2nd, 7 pm Lollipop Bar. You can introduce us to the owner and manager. Also we can check out the other bars. We can do a community beauty contest.

Drinks on us.

Saturday is your night crawl. Please don't disappoint us.Thanks for your offer of drinks but in truth we have nothing to discuss at all, in truth we would probably fall out within 2 seconds flat, of course enjoy your trip.

11-29-23, 08:51
I don't think the girls or bars give a shit what race you are (with a few exceptions). If you spend the money you will get cute girls. Don't listen to the geriatric expats who are salty because they are getting outspent by the tourists.

And duh, of course the Koreans have more to spend when they pay $250 to fly from Seoul and only stay for the weekend. Most of those guys are probably working class though and on the bottom tier of Korean society.

I do admit though, some of the girls in Angeles bought into the K pop fantasy and think Korea is full of romantic 25 year old males who are great dancers with film star looks. They don't realise its a marketing plan by LG and Samsung to make Korean products cool to sell more phones. I went to Korea once and it was overpriced, cold and boring as fuck.

11-29-23, 09:18
Korean tourism is not that different from many others. Go to the Japanese sector of Bkk. They don't want outsiders. They want to relax. In their way. Now, much of Bkk, AMSTERDAM and Pattaya are family friendly tourism traps because that is where the money is.

Angeles is a sex tourism / STI trap because US forces were based there. Some old dogs can still be found there. Then some Korean wise guys found a way, their way, not Carlito's Way, to make money out of it. Sob sob.

But all tourist traps are dives. Prague, to many foreigners living there, Venice, too many tourists. Before, in the nineteenth century, the rich did the grand tour of Europe. Trains, lots of luggage and servants. Now all you have is Ryanair, gap year students and idiots taking selfies.

As regards Angeles, things change. Napp won't even short time with the other dudes here. Suck it up.

11-29-23, 09:19
I'd recommend not going into these Korean bars but if you do try to negotiate a lower drink price if you have a few guys with you.And you wonder why you don't get screamed at. You can negotiate pretty much everything in the bar including the bar fine. But drink prices is just taking it to a new low. If you're in a group you'd sound better bar fining a load of girls and asking them to lower barfines a bit than moaning about drinks.

11-29-23, 09:25
For some reason I seem to gravitate to the slums. In Jakarta I'd take Kota Indah over Malio. In Thailand I'd take Pattaya over Bangkok. In HCM I would take Pasteur over Bui Vien. In Germany, I'd take Mondial over Oase/Sharks. In all cases I find the stereotyped lower end places more fun.Some truth to this. I usually do both the higher end and also very low end bargirl hunting. Just to check out what is what. IMO, I've had the better times at lower end places than the more expensive ones and going home with more money in my pockets don't hurt either.

In Jakarta, my favorite was Kalijodo. It was the biggest brothel bar area in the world before the govt came and bulldozed it down nearly 10 yrs ago. It was a place mainly for locals as I've never seen a foreigner there when I visited. So many hundreds of cuties to choose from all night from the dozens of bars all within several narrow alleyways and mazes. Unforgettable experience.

Pattaya bars are fairly cheap if you seek some hands on action. Usually a LD will get you some top and bottom touching without having to commit to takeout as its all in bar fun (but BF and take out from many Pattaya bars can be pricy).

11-29-23, 10:46
All this hubub about about money being the end-all-be-all. Admittedly I'm not as handsome as I was when I first went to AC in 2017. But when I was there last year, I was fit, well groomed, nicely dressed, white (I guess I have to say this because the gringos are taking a beating on the forum lately), the incredibly hot door girl from Monsoon saw me sitting there on the front rail at Kokomos and was jumping up and down and waving at me and blowing kisses, and I knew I had a very very easy target. We ended up hooking up a few times, yes the first time was a barfine but the rest were not. Don't act like money is everything to these girls. Women are basically the same all over the world, and money (success) is only a part of what attracts them to you.

11-29-23, 13:11
. Women are basically the same all over the world, and money (success) is only a part of what attracts them to you.Sure thing Casanova. Tell a normal Pinay woman she is the same as an Angeles hooker and run.

11-29-23, 13:56
All this hubub about about money being the end-all-be-all. Admittedly I'm not as handsome as I was when I first went to AC in 2017. But when I was there last year, I was fit, well groomed, nicely dressed, white (I guess I have to say this because the gringos are taking a beating on the forum lately), the incredibly hot door girl from Monsoon saw me sitting there on the front rail at Kokomos and was jumping up and down and waving at me and blowing kisses, and I knew I had a very very easy target. We ended up hooking up a few times, yes the first time was a barfine but the rest were not. Don't act like money is everything to these girls. Women are basically the same all over the world, and money (success) is only a part of what attracts them to you.So unless you're Over 65 then you looked 5 years more mature which implies 5 years richer. In a addition to fit, groomed, nicely dressed, white. So you looked like you had plenty to spend. After the first bar fine she might have realised this is a nice guy I'd love to spend more time with him and his money. Walking street is all money. Why else would a girl be there? She probably liked you at least a bit and considered playing the longer game. Other Filipinas might not be all about money but you won't find them in WS.

11-29-23, 13:56
It wasn't always the case but you may have a point, although a pretty small one. In AC as in the entire country, it's always about the money. Many years ago I had an almost identical situation to yours with a doorgirl from a bar that no longer exists. Much to my surprise after a stopping for a short chat she agreed to BF and off we went. For the following week she would come over after her shift. But I still paid her half of the barfine. Doubtful it would have continued if I gave her zip. Mind you the BF was 1000 in those days! Hard to believe.

11-29-23, 14:38
Explorer: The Koreans frown upon "their" bargirls going with Farangs. So, the ladies are hesitant about being seen leaving the bar with a Farang, as the consequences may be unprofitable. You will eventually leave AC, but the bargirl has to work there after you are gone.

NS: Lets not forget that many Korean owned bars also frown on their girls leaving with whitey, hear many times from Korean friends that they like Asian only girls and would not dream of buying drinks or bar fining a girl that gives attention to whitey, yes its a crazy notion by ohh so true.

Hahaha WOW! They don't want the gogo girls going with an entire other race? An open confession of K racism, and K insecurity wildly showing itself.

Is someone (s) compensating for something? Did all those pics of my mediocre schwanztooga cause this? Hahahahahaha.It is more likely fear of disease. That is what I have heard. Koreans believe that other foreigners have more STDs and HIVs and so, if a girl goes out with a lot of non-Asian foreigners, she is more likely to have HIV or STDs. Now, it is true that America has the highest rate of STDs so there is some truth to that. The rates in South Korea are much lower.

Member #4794
11-29-23, 17:02
Handsome Americans. This is rare to be honest but still reigns supreme. Talking Chris Hemsworth level. This is and will probably remain working girls dream for the unforeseeable future. These guys usually stay in the bars in BGC and head straight to Amanpulo in Cuyo, Palawan and never set foot into your normal "mongering venue". They just don't need to.

Handsome Asians 'Korean or Japanese' - We are talking about guys that look like "ENHYPEN" that just performed in Manila or Japanese Yakuza jr or lite versions that come over with the hosto bar employers back in Japan for a fun foray in AC / Manila this still happens on occasion but used to be much more popular.

Koreans ANY. The race dijour ATM, you have girls here that are dating koreans and want to date koreans who may currently reside in or are thinking about moving to the philippines this is more about the practicality of being in this scene and potentially lining up longer term more stable clientele.

"White" Americans. Same ol' ticket to the land of the free, same ol' quality of life upgrade, same ol' green backs.

"White" people from anywhere else still prefered. If you walk into a Korean bar and the korean staff bows or tilts their head down its a show of respect that you may have not picked up on and your non reciperication of this que may result in a misccomunication. Koreans also have a very strict hierarchy when it comes to age and status among other koreans. So what you perceive as preferential treatment to them is nothing more than following social norms that carry over from Korea and this system does not apply to foreigners. I don't see this as discrimination as much as everyone who is not korean are labeled as civilians in korean establishments.

Japanese. I would say 10 years ago this was the preferable race due to their agreeable temperaments but they have been going elsewhere for the most part the past few years and is continually dwindling as their rarity increases so does the demand.

Asian "Other" - Any other kind of asian is next on this list. This group is generally unremarkable. They are able to navigate these bars and are veritable unremarkable ninjas barfining girls and disappearing into the hotels. Rarely sought out over but rarely turned down as well.

"Black" American. These are actually growing in their acceptance once shunned by philipinas now welcomed among certain circles now the top pick of some working girls due to their generosity and penchant for spoiling the ladies. I have heard in at least the one barangay with 10-15 AC working girls on hold the "black" americans top the list for "support" payments.

Latin. Girls seem to be neutral on this particular race unless you happen to be spanish which is also rare.

South Asian. If you happen to be this I am sorry but this is the one instance where you may run into some blatant racism. This is self evident if you sit at the bar in kokomos and watch south asian after south asian getting turned down. The girls will always recommend a girl that is willing to go with a south asian but they certainly do not get the pick of the litter imo. If you are a good looking south asian I would say you also have no problems but if you are on the "native" side goodluck. Part of this stereotype originates from the provinces where South asian money lenders are common place. This may also spring from South Asians unwillingness to be taken advantage of, being harder to manipulate is not something a hooker looks for in a customer.

Does this really matter? IMO absolutely not. The 1-2 girls per bar that is holding out for a better deal is not going to affect you in any real sense.

Another common misconception you may or may not have about Kbars is that some of these girls are looking to replicate something their "housemates" have done and care to run in similar social circles. These girls will say they prefer korean guys and they are attracted to the burgeoning korean centric lifestyle that AC has to offer and want to be apart of that and a "foreigner" may or may not be willing to frequent and run in the same social circles and venues as a korean customer will be willing to. They are in a Kbar to catch a Kfish and you just don't happen to be the fish they want to reel in don't take it personally.

That being said pinays are always excited to meet someone with good hygiene, a sense of humor and someone who takes care of themselves and is staying for longer than 30 days. Given these traits you also will be bumped up on that list. Girls can deal with ugly or old but CANNOT deal with a dick that's smells like a wet dog and ridden with boils or someone who is also destitute 'the girls actually do feel bad taking advantage of poor men, for this reason they prefer a man that will not be totally ruined if he spends a little money. ' If you do not have a sense of humor on top of a stinky weenie and no money, yes even a lowly hooker will take a pass on you. Take a shower and don't look or act homeless like Big Joe 'search him you on youtube if you are curious' you are not going to be well received by anyone except your homeless counterparts.

11-29-23, 20:04
The Ultimate BarGirl Patsy Tier ListYou left off two other groups:

Rich and famous pinoys. Like the American Chad's, don't need to go to the average Angeles flesh pit. Prefers to make use of up and coming starlets or singers. Bodyguards and minders can often be seen carrying snow shovels for clearing path through lower class pussy.

The ubiquitous trike driver or general methhead about town. A firm favourite of the poor girls from Tondo to return to after sucking flaccid dicks all day. Everyone enjoys returning to a familiar port.

Enjoy. G.

11-30-23, 03:36
Thanks for your offer of drinks but in truth we have nothing to discuss at all, in truth we would probably fall out within 2 seconds flat, of course enjoy your trip.Yes, truth would fall out in 2 seconds flat if that. It already has.

As usual I do enjoy my trips here.