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11-08-15, 15:42
For your information, the Philippine Star newspaper today carried an article about security staff at Clark International Airport stopping anyone at security carrying more than Peso 10,000 out of the country. They will say it is illegal and will have to confiscate the money with lots of documentation. Or are willing to forget the whole thing if they get 50% of the amount involved so one can catch the flight.

On departure, this Peso 10,000 rule is very poorly advertised. Be aware of this Clark scam. Probably happening everywhere else in the Philippines. Every government regulation is twisted into a scam.

This behavior is the mirror image of Philippines traffic police behavior who want cash for not writing a ticket and sending one's drivers license to the Traffic authority. Using the later route, there is of course, a fast processing for a 'cash consideration'!

ScamippinesIf you are caught, walk a little to one the currency conversion booth in the airport and exchange into dollars until you have less than 10,000 pesos. Better yet, do this before you are caught.

11-08-15, 20:23
I arrived around 10 PM from NAIA. Good ride: Not too much traffic and the driver talked to me exactly one time, asking at what hotel I was staying. I checked into the Queens and decided to hit a bar or two even though I was a little run down by then. The results were not the best, but it was moderately late on a Sunday, so my expectations had already been lowered.

Atlantis: Pretty much my go-to bar for eye candy, and it did not disappoint. No, not as good as usual, but, again: Sunday night. I think I've already identified my candidate from there, but I'll hit it on a busier night nonetheless. The bad: I was seated along the rail overlooking the pit, so was frighteningly vulnerable to rear attacks by the massage girls. After four unwanted shoulder gropes I managed to make a strategic retreat to the wall, but they then started frontal attacks. The weird: Waitresses walking around with toilet paper. I eventually figured out that they were making some stuff to toss off the balcony or something, but nothing screams "sexy!" like walking around with TP. No anal tonight for me! The bar seems to be getting more and more into the feature shows, not really my thing since one cannot browse the full selection until the choreography phase is over. Eventually someone was handing out a few dozen of those long balloons and I knew it was time to leave: Finger f*cking a balloon just isn't as erotic after the hundredth time.

Dollhouse: Close by and as mentioned a while back, usually has some lookers. Sunday night was not a usual night. Not ONE, as far as I could tell. Whatever was in the cupboard at the start of the night had been thoroughly picked through. At least two girls actually had fat hanging well past the waistbands of their outfits. I ordered a bottle of water and sat, figuring I'd bear it for a decent interval, then flee. The waitress brought my tipple and sat down beside me to do the standardized waitress / mamasan hand wave to show me that there were many available girls whom I may not have noticed. I smiled and shook my head. "Maybe later?" she suggested. I shook again.

But she didn't leave. In fact, Waitress Two arrived and sat on the other side of me. She pointed out the dancers. She offered to open my water bottle. I declined the service. We sat there together, basking in the mutual warmth we felt for each other. Well, maybe not. We did sit there, though. For an eternity. Where was I from? First time to Angeles? Why wasn't I smiling? That last one was devastating: I WAS smiling! I guess I need to work on that a bit in front of a mirror. I was trying for something a bit less than a crazed, maniacal grin. Apparently I was aiming a bit too low. But to reassure her that I WAS having a great time I dropped the smile. I seriously think she shuddered. Holy crap! How hideously bad do I look? She again offered to open the water. I again declined and dropped a couple of hundreds into the bin and bade them farewell.

Monsoon: Okay, the big bars weren't working out, why not aim smaller? Why not, indeed! I'm not sure I've been in there before, though perhaps when it was something else, so I don't know whether a normally well stocked larder had already been picked clean, but the options were not good. I toughed it out through a set (I must have walked in right after they ascended, because it took forever), largely watching something on the TV involving animated penguins, perhaps a music video, and wondering what sick bastard hung an adorable stuffed bear by its neck under some promo sign. Fortunately the guy beside me had had a keg or two too many and was quite animated, entertaining the way too near girls on stage so I could sit there without being targeted and asked why I wasn't smiling, though at this point I was probably grinning like an idiot as I was suddenly very self conscious about that sort of thing. Eventually the next crew mounted the stage. One of then had a roll of flab that made the two Dollhouse girls look positively svelte. Also, as the guy next to me was now largely buried under a dancer, I was fair game for the girls, including Miss I Don't Blow Away In A Typhoon. A waitress waved towards them and asked if I wanted my still untouched water opened. We can guess how that went.

On the way "home" I thought I'd grab a bite so I stopped in at Phillies for some take-away. I'd never been in there, largely because I deduced by the lack of window glass that there would be an equal lack of air conditioning. But it was on route and how long could a couple of sandwiches take? Answer: Twenty five minutes. I should not have ordered pig-intensive food. They must have fast pigs here and I triggered and epic chase. The waitress sat me by the "window" on the Fields / Perimeter side and was just finishing taking the order when a god-awful noise exploded right beside me. It turns out that they have live, well, sort of music. They had been on break or repairing the football stadium grade audio system. So for twenty five minutes I sat there with literally painful, both in volume and quality, noise blasting in my right ear. At the other end of the room some western woman was dancing, apparently to another song, or maybe there was some sort of a video delay. No, not a video delay, because a Filipina started dancing beside her and HER gyrations DID match the music! At one point the middle aged matron who was singing started roaming the crowd. I quickly plotted my escape route, but she eventually returned to the stage where only her voice was a threat.

I had always wondered about the people whom I would see sitting at these window seats as I walked by. I didn't understand the attraction, but I now surmise that they like chewing gum. Right around the roaming singer crisis a young girl called to me from outside. She was offering me gum. Nice of her, but I didn't want to fill up before dinner, whenever the hell that was going to be. She stood there for over two minutes yelling to get my attention again after I told her no. Apparently "No" doesn't mean "No", but I bet that doesn't hold up in court in a date *ape case. Talk about double standards! Various other people dropped by to see if I needed other stuff including pharmaceuticals. The music was so loud that I seriously believe they didn't think I could hear them yelling at me. Some yelled for thirty seconds or so before moving on.

But all good things must come to an end and eventually my food arrived and I fled. Absolutely awesome sandwiches, but still not worth the wait. I may see if I can call in an order, or maybe place it on the way to a bar and grab it on leaving. Or just make sure I get to Jollibee before closing.

11-08-15, 23:27
{S N I P}
Apparently, Korean mongers are benefiting from this marketing of K-pop culture as cool in the Philippines. I recently witnessed a group of Filipina schoolgirls screaming and waving to a few Korean men walking by in a mall much the same way American schoolgirls used to scream at The Beatles decades ago. They are the new "sexy man" in AC and the most attractive lookers in the bars give them puss exclusively because they think it's cool to get drilled by guys that look like older heavier versions of their favorite K-pop and K-drama idols. It is more about the coolness factor than the money. So, now Korean mongers get first dibs on the best quality Filipina puss, plus lots of freebies and GFE.{S N I P}Thanks for your precis of Newsweek's article and your own observations. It triggered the thought that I wonder how many times posters here are wrongly identifying Chinese mongers as Korean or Japanese?.

Most of us can fairly accurately identify Filipinos, Indonesians and Thais. But I contend that Chinese / Korean / Japanese are much more difficult to identify.

Since Xi Jinping's crackdown on prostitution and gambling to cut off the flow of revenue to his political opponents (the Jiang Zemin faction), Chinese mongers have been flooding other markets such as Hong Kong, Vietnam (now ceased because of the 9 dash line claims), Thailand and Singapore, etc. Why not the Philippines? After all there are many 'normal' Chinese tourists in PI.

Just sayin'.


P.S. I doubt that Filipina schoolgirls can accurately identify Koreans from Chinese or Japanese.

11-08-15, 23:32
I arrived around 10 PM from NAIA. Good ride: Not too much traffic and the driver talked to me exactly one time, asking at what hotel I was staying. I checked into the Queens and decided to hit a bar or two even though I was a little run down by then. The results were not the best, but it was moderately late on a Sunday, so my expectations had already been lowered. {S N I P}
I never write posts stating crap like "nice post", "I like that girl", etc. But, in this instance I feel compelled to congratulate you on your entertaining writing. You have excelled yourself in this post! I think you have bettered the esteemed Natty Bumpo on this occasion!


11-09-15, 00:17
Thanks for your precis of Newsweek's article and your own observations. It triggered the thought that I wonder how many times posters here are wrongly identifying Chinese mongers as Korean or Japanese?.

Most of us can fairly accurately identify Filipinos, Indonesians and Thais. But I contend that Chinese / Korean / Japanese are much more difficult to identify.

Since Xi Jinping's crackdown on prostitution and gambling to cut off the flow of revenue to his political opponents (the Jiang Zemin faction), Chinese mongers have been flooding other markets such as Hong Kong, Vietnam (now ceased because of the 9 dash line claims), Thailand and Singapore, etc. Why not the Philippines? After all there are many 'normal' Chinese tourists in PI.

Just sayin'.


P.S. I doubt that Filipina schoolgirls can accurately identify Koreans from Chinese or Japanese.You might not be able to, but I don't have any difficulty noticing the difference. You obviously did not read about the slaughter of a bus load of Chinese tourists not that long ago. Since then China has warned its citizens about visiting the Phils. Myself, seeing a Chinese person walking the streets of Philippines nowadays is a rareity. I think the "little girls" stare at Korean pop shows enough to know the difference between Chinese and Korean. We might not be able to, but they can.

Yes, as Chocha Monger says, the Filipinas certainly rate K's well above us Anglo Saxon types, and above Chinese and Japanese too. Japanese still very popular, even though older than average K in places like Angeles, because J's are polite, well mannered, and generous. Not so polite in WW2 though, LOL.

Sorry guys we have been shoved aside by the top Phil pay4 pay ladies. Exceptions always prevail of course, as K's to my knowledge, do not marry Filipinas and take them home to meet Mum, but Anglo's do. Those Filipinas that think long term, exceptions and 8's and 9's, are not averse to seducing Anglo's for long term benefits. But Phil women think short time, for the most part, thus miss out on hansum lads like me, LOL.

It was short time thinking that got a 9 at Arena into bed with a 50 something Frenchman. Wrote about it before. Short time can cut both ways, depends if she is thinking romance or money. Rarely can you have the both together:).

11-09-15, 01:35
I wonder how many times posters here are wrongly identifying Chinese mongers as Korean or Japanese?

Most of us can fairly accurately identify Filipinos, Indonesians and Thais. But I contend that Chinese / Korean / Japanese are much more difficult to identify.I have lived in Asia all my life and its as clear as daylight. The Japs are clearly distinguished by their sense of dressing and their noses. The Chinese and Koreans by skin tone and hair, and of course distinctive features.

Also, its only the Chinese who will travel in hordes. The Japs are very discrete and frequent only places that are ring-fenced for them. So much so, that even the girls in such places get surgical enhancements to please the Jap eye.

You obviously did not read about the slaughter of a bus load of Chinese tourists not that long ago. 2010, a disgruntled policeman took a bus of 8 tourists hostage and it ended in a bloody fashion. Could have happened to anyone, it wasn't a targeted attack.

Those Filipinas that think long term, exceptions and 8's and 9's, are not averse to seducing Anglo's for long term benefits. But Phil women think short time, for the most part, thus miss out on hansum lads like me, LOL.The P4 P trade is all about shelf life. When the girl is young (18 - 25) she will follow the money. When her tits start to sag (30++) she will try and find a nest, invariably provided by the ageing white man who has nothing to go back to in his own country and is hungry for a little love, affection and caring. Now if the man is 60 and the lady is 30 that ain't a bad deal, eh?

11-09-15, 02:16
In one way you are right dark women are hot. In my opinion pink pussies taste the best. Some dark pussies taste like beef jerky. Anyways after reading all these posters I rather spend my time in KL.

Frankly those girls in those pics do nothing for me personally. I am so over white women and thier spoiled natures. Any girl that looks like that over their would be impossible to deal with. Actually growing up there with the constant adulation from childhood, by everyone male and female and all the bullshit beauty and talent contests would make them likely even more divas than the white girls here in the states.

I don't buy the brand of beauty the phils culture tries to jam down its own peoples throats.

Give a pure brown skin province pinay beauty anyday. Attitude alone makes the brown ones so much more attractive. The most beautiful ones are so underappreciated. The average filipino man would choose a ugly chubby light skinned pinay over a tight naturally tanned flesh beauty. They don't usually age well but they are tasty when fresh and nubile.

Thats why that place is such a paradise for a middle aged white guy.

11-09-15, 02:51
Thanks for your precis of Newsweek's article and your own observations. It triggered the thought that I wonder how many times posters here are wrongly identifying Chinese mongers as Korean or Japanese?.

Most of us can fairly accurately identify Filipinos, Indonesians and Thais. But I contend that Chinese / Korean / Japanese are much more difficult to identify.

Since Xi Jinping's crackdown on prostitution and gambling to cut off the flow of revenue to his political opponents (the Jiang Zemin faction), Chinese mongers have been flooding other markets such as Hong Kong, Vietnam (now ceased because of the 9 dash line claims), Thailand and Singapore, etc. Why not the Philippines? After all there are many 'normal' Chinese tourists in PI..Are you saying there are a appreciable portion of mongers in AC from China?

Honestly I haven't seen it.

If there are noticable portion of chinese in AC that's news to me. Where are they? In friendship? I can't imagine they are any more comfortable in a Korean oriented KTV bar than a western oriented fields bar. I admit I can't always always tell a Korean from a Jap I think I can but I'm not sure.

I agree Pinay there can't tell a Korean from a Jap any more than they can a Brit from a german from an Australian etc. None of the bar girls ever mentioned Chinese customers. There are always and an increasingly a fair amount from Muslim and Arab countries and the Indian subcontinent, but for me Chinese were noticeable for their abscence from Angeles Bars.

11-09-15, 02:55
You might not be able to, but I don't have any difficulty noticing the difference. You obviously did not read about the slaughter of a bus load of Chinese tourists not that long ago. Since then China has warned its citizens about visiting the Phils. Myself, seeing a Chinese person walking the streets of Philippines nowadays is a rareity. I think the "little girls" stare at Korean pop shows enough to know the difference between Chinese and Korean. We might not be able to, but they can. {S N I P}I think that you are extremely perceptive if you do not have any difficulty!

And remember that there are a couple(?) of million Chinese who are Filipino citizens, many who have intermarried (Chinese even had to have their own fire brigade in some parts of Manila - a long story). There is still huge traffic between China and PI, irrespective of government warnings. And HKers have all but forgotten about the 'bus' incident, which occurred when I was living in China. You are making false assumptions there!!!!!

Most of us can fairly accurately identify Filipinos, Indonesians and Thais. But I strongly contend that Chinese / Korean / Japanese are much more difficult to identify.

But I am oft intrigued by caucasians who claim to be able to tell the difference between Chinese, Korean and Japanese (without hearing them speak). And the fact that there are more than 17 significant (in terms of population) ethnic minorities in China with distinct features, also complicates the identification process.

When I ask Chinese how they can tell the difference, they simple shrug their shoulders and some say they just know, but can't say why. They might also add that they think Koreans have a slightly rounder face. But I have observed identification mistakes by them multiple times. And K-pop stars have all had extensive plastic surgery and do not really resemble the average Korean.

It is relatively easy to pick southern Chinese from the taller and larger framed northern Chinese. But Chinese from Northern China are sometimes racially intermixed with Korean and Mongolian. The Chinese emperors used to import Korean girls as their concubines, and the Mongols conquered and ruled China for hundreds of years. So quite easy to confuse!

As a keen observer, I can for example often pick a Hunan girl from a Sichuan girl (Han Chinese from adjacent Southern provinces). I can generally pick a Mongolian or a Uighur. I can even pick a Dalian girl from a Shenyang girl (both cities are in Liaoning province). But I doubt that I could accurately distinguish between many Shenyang girls and Korean girls (Liaoning borders Korea).

I first went to Japan to work in 1974, and since then have lived and worked in Asia for more than 25 years, including 8 1/2 years in HK and China since 2000. Until I hear them speak (I can speak Putonghua and Japanese), I am often unable to correctly identify Chinese / Korean / Japanese people. If one did not have linguistic ability, how could one identify a Korean?

At one time (up to the 1980's), the Japanese government used to keep a register of all Koreans in Japan, including Zainichi Koreans (similar to their registers for ainu and burakumin or eta). There are millions of these Korean descendants (millions?), and are indistinguishable from mainstream Japanese (which was why they kept the register). Oh, did you know that the Japanese who displaced the Ainu, migrated from Korea? Japanese do not publicise this; in fact they try to hide it, as they look down on Koreans, having defeated them in war and occupied their country!


11-09-15, 03:16
Are you saying there are a appreciable portion of mongers in AC from China?

Honestly I haven't seen it.

If there are noticable portion of chinese in AC that's news to me. Where are they? In friendship? I can't imagine they are any more comfortable in a Korean oriented KTV bar than a western oriented fields bar. I admit I can't always always tell a Korean from a Jap I think I can but I'm not sure.

I agree Pinay there can't tell a Korean from a Jap any more than they can a Brit from a german from an Australian etc. None of the bar girls ever mentioned Chinese customers. There are always and an increasingly a fair amount from Muslim and Arab countries and the Indian subcontinent, but for me Chinese were noticeable for their abscence from Angeles Bars.No, I am simply wondering, as they are certainly present in other parts of Asia in increasing numbers.


11-09-15, 03:21
Yes, as Chocha Monger says, the Filipinas certainly rate K's well above us Anglo Saxon types, and above Chinese and Japanese too. That may hold true in AC, but if you get out in the sticks, Anglos are the apples of the eyes.

11-09-15, 03:23
Are you saying there are a appreciable portion of mongers in AC from China?

Honestly I haven't seen it.

If there are noticable portion of chinese in AC that's news to me. Where are they? In friendship? I can't imagine they are any more comfortable in a Korean oriented KTV bar than a western oriented fields bar. I admit I can't always always tell a Korean from a Jap I think I can but I'm not sure.

I agree Pinay there can't tell a Korean from a Jap any more than they can a Brit from a german from an Australian etc. None of the bar girls ever mentioned Chinese customers. There are always and an increasingly a fair amount from Muslim and Arab countries and the Indian subcontinent, but for me Chinese were noticeable for their abscence from Angeles Bars.I agree with this.

Including not immediately clear if your looking at a Korean or a Japanese. But K's are mostly younger than the Japanese Monger, and they behave differently, for example, K's not so friendly / sociable. Also K's find it hard to smile. Many other indicators that separate the J's from the K's. Girls are much more comfortable with the Japanese, as you have noticed. Cause they know J's are generous and well mannered. All these indicators, and more, help split the Japanese from the K's. But you cannot deny a Filipina for hopping into bed with a K pop star look-alike.

Chinese to me, look quite different, and they are not seen in places like AC mongering. The 1 million Chinese mentioned by another poster, are mainly residents, who's descendants arrived a long time ago, in a different era. You don't see them in bars etc. They use Contacts to recruit quality Phil girls, which they can afford. Shortage of genuine Chinese women means a significant number of the Chinese lads marry Phil women, from good homes, presumably, not hookers, heaven forbid! LOL Hence the Chinese-Filipino mix raced girls, sometimes ending up in the market (bars etc).

For me, discussion of this never ending subject is closed for the time being.

I still get good looking women. All you need is a bit of patience, charm (aka bullshit) and some spending money. Like another poster, I am waiting for the Phil girls to wake up to the fact, K's do not put rice on the table, pay their rent, or take them back home to K land to meet Mumma. But that might be asking too much of our Filipina playthings. In the meantime, carry on as usual, there are plenty on offer, plenty of fish in the sea (of pay4 play).

11-09-15, 03:25
That may hold true in AC, but if you get out in the sticks, Anglos are the apples of the eyes.Correct, cause Anglo"s are the best escape route known to Filipinos, LOL.

Member #4566
11-09-15, 04:11
Korean men never have facial hair while Japanese men will sometimes sport some fuzz.

11-09-15, 05:23
You have excelled yourself in this post!(Blushes furiously).

Double thanks as I was actually expecting to get castigated for a perceived unfavorable post like the last visit when I set perhaps the saddest of records: almost a week in AC and no sex. Maybe this one got buried in the "Who The Hell Are The Asian Dudes?" discussion.

With that in mind I thought I should add a bit. It sounded like I had a crappy night. I could have had better, e. G. , Jollibee could have been open, but I did get to see scantily clad sweet young things prancing around, and at Atlantis I did spot a potential Honey For A Short Time. Probably should have quit after that as the Dollhouse WAS a total loss and I ended up pissed, and not in the good Australian way. It is somewhat like the news, which seems to emphasize the bad. If everything is normal, all happy and fun, nothing is worth reporting. The Lusitania made over 200 trips. After a while her arrivals were small articles in the business sections. But wait for a time she doesn't show up and see what happens!

Speaking of crappy, must go back to work unplugging the toilet: Apparently the previous tenant pounded out a mighty tree trunk of a log before leaving as I've never plugged a toilet by bodily liquids alone. All my tricks have failed so far, but calling maintenance is a last resort: No one really wants to admit THEY plugged the toilet, so the guy would likely not believe my assertions of innocence and the rest of the stay I would be known to the staff as the guy with a butt plug and two gerbils, or possibly something worse (three gerbils?) in the toilet.

Mr Enternational
11-09-15, 07:21
Just fooling around with my Uber app and noticed it keeps the history in here. Last time I went from NAIA to Pasay to get the bus to AC it cost me 134 pesos.

D Cups
11-09-15, 16:20
Will I be able to get laid Easter weekend in AC? Or have all the good ones gone home for the weekend? Thanks.

11-10-15, 03:32
Haven't been there on a major holiday, but GhostLuv posted this a a few weeks ago:

"Pretty dead during Easter.

You'll find something. But a lot fewer options. ".

11-10-15, 06:13
SNIP .....having defeated them in war and occupied their country!What a fabulous history lesson. Very impressive. I really enjoyed reading this one.

11-10-15, 06:44
After some toilet-clearing work which is best not described in this highbrow forum I headed for Pony Tails for my mid-afternoon fix and, more importantly, learn whether I was single again. Last visit had involved some LD's for a young lady, including some when she came in on her day off. While I admit that picking up a paycheck that day could have been a factor, I thought things were getting pretty serious, which was a little distressing as (a) I don't like things getting serious, and (b) more importantly, she was not bar-finable.

On the way over, on the quiet back street parallel to Fields, Tinio, I think, I passed a gorgeous girl heading the other way. A second later there was a, "Sir? Excuse me, sir?

She asked if I knew of any hotels hiring. WTF? Deep inside I still feel this was some sort of really weird ice breaker, but I thought that, "Why don't we go look at my hotel room to see if you would want to work there," was a little forward. Besides, her (supposed) approach would seem at least a little more normal for a GFE experience (PSE would be "Do you know any good plumbers" and there would be cheesy music involved). I'm not wild about GFE. So, and I will regret this to my dying day, I admitted that I could be of little help.

I always forget how awesome Pony Tails is, even in the early afternoon. It is the land of the intergluteal cleft, my favorite bodily cleft by far. There should be a bar named that. Or maybe some sort of punk-techno-rave band. It was moderately busy at 3 PM on Monday, but I spotted an empty end of a bench against the wall at the far end of the stage. This proved a fine location as time passed. No, one could not get a great view of the stage as the angle was sort of right down the deck, so nearer buttocks occluded more distant ones, but sacrifices have to be made for personal protection. The thing was that the next bench, at the other side of the wide armrest, was out of service because the air conditioner was dripping onto it. So my left flank AND my rear were secure. This is important as, like more and more clubs, there were bands of massage predators roaming the wilds there.

Sure enough, one girl homed in and made a frontal attack, particularly scary in this case as "frontal" is also associated with "frontal nudity" and this was definitely not something I was interested in with this practitioner. So I declined. She realized that this was a cloaked invitation to sit down beside me. "Why you not smile?" Holy crap, not this again! I changed from what I thought was "Pleasant, contented, possibly sedated grin" to "Full on psychotic beam".

Satisfied, she pointed out the ass-crac, um, young ladies available on the stage because I would not have noticed as I basked in her radiance. After the de rigueur interrogation of name, job, and country of origin we moved on to the social details.

You have wife?





None that I am aware of.

Why not?

I felt blindsided. I thought this was going to be a multiple choice test, but the prof threw in a f*cking essay question. Instant trust issues. But it was a common essay question, so I rolled out my stock answer: That I would not be able to come to the Philippines. Yes, I know you cheating bastards have wives or girlfriends at home, but it is a good, stock answer for a bar girl, especially if you get the country right. Mine came out as "Thai-Philippines", but she didn't seem to notice.

Then we sat in blissful silence for a few minutes, like young lovers in the countryside marveling at nature around us except that my nature studies were definitely vertical-cleft in nature and there was something totally unnatural involved. There, perched atop one of the better clefts, was a largish tattoo. Suddenly it was like I was back in time before the restraining order barring me from trailer parks and, in particular, bathroom windows therein.

Yep, that exquisite butt had a trash stamp. And that particular butt seemed to have been assigned or claimed the turf at my end of the stage, so it was sort of the One Butt to Rule Them All as it would keep popping in front of other butts I was trying to examine. And it had a friend, this one with a tat on the side of the ribs. And its turf was immediately adjacent, so that line of sight was ruined, too.

Then Mr. Awesome came in. In a world of mediocrity and selfishness this guy was a throwback to the past, when men worked together to achieve great things, like the Hoover Dam, and sacrificed willingly, like throwing themselves on grenades. This modern day hero saw what had to be done and selflessly bought Miss Side Tat a drink AND got a massage (albeit sadly NOT from my sidekick). That is like bathing in salted lemon juice before the grenade flop to enhance the experience in case you survive.

On a somewhat trailer park related note, I didn't know that tank top hoodies existed until yesterday.

After a few more minutes my strategic sitting selection paid dividends. Another massage girl showed up (is this a company policy? It was like the second waitress at Doll House the night before), but was unable to sandwich me unless she wanted to do a shower show under the air conditioner. That would really bring the nipples out! So she sat at the other side of Massage Girl One. Soon they were totally engrossed in a conversation that lasted for fifteen minutes or so. Then they spotted new prey coming in the door and dashed off.

A waitress sat down and asked if I was all right. Oops! I quickly put back on the full-on psychotic beam. That was better. She quickly determined name, national origin, all the usual. And then she sat there. Then a friend came over. They got into a nice conversation. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Eventually another waitress came by to ask if I wanted another drink. I accepted and in the process queried her about my not currently present great love. No, she quit some time ago. Hot damn! I was single again! The trailer park queen even started looking tempting!

Soon it was time to re-enter the blast furnace. I walked over to SM Mall. Good to see they weren't wearing out the escalator to the walkway by turning it on. First item: Hit the ATM. Not even a big queue. I was number Three. Number Two, though, seemed to be into some high-finance business involving repeated balance checks but no money coming out. She ran through whatever the heck she was doing at least five times. Maybe she was waiting for money to be deposited. This would explain her pulling out her phone while still at the machine and trying a couple of numbers. I thought she was a pretty inconsiderate bitc*, as by now there were about six people behind me. No, she was just a completely air-headed twit: As she jabbered into the phone she glanced back at me and half the town's population and actually dropped her purse in shock. I seriously believe she was so concerned about whatever she was doing that she completely lost situational awareness. Or maybe someone behind me was pointing a gun at her. Either way she quickly scooped up the purse and moved away from the machine.

At the entrance to the supermarket there was some sort of a display featuring a child's voice yelling loudly "I need to go to the toilet!

That night it was again Atlantis time. I went in search of the lovely waif of the night before and saw what I thought was her, except I didn't remember the small tat and her name was different. She was otherwise such a dead ringer that I'm guessing sisters. After watching for a while to see if anything better showed up that night I took the plunge: Asked the waitress to summon her from her lofty perch on the balcony. She fired the targeting laser as I returned to my seat to get out of the aisle. The waitress came over: The girl did not want a drink.

I would jump on the "It's because I don't eat rice and fish for breakfast!" bandwagon, but I'm not sure because of something that occurred just a few minutes later. She again got laser summoned, but this time from the balcony above me. Aha! One of the desirable clients! She got up and disappeared, but reappeared about two minutes later to sit back down. Strange. I believe I saw one of the mamasans come down the stairs just after, the timing such that she could have just talked to the girl, so there may have been something else going on. Not a big deal anyway, as if I BF it will probably be from Pony Tails.

I finished off the night with an amazing Black Pearl experience. It was one of those times that remind one that the best may not be the best looking. There was a really quite attractive girl sitting on the bench inside, reading and doing her best to ignore me. She was by far the hottest I've seen there, though admittedly the bar is pretty low at the Black Pearl, generally set at "Has a heartbeat". I was instead approached by a rather tubby waitress (I think) who brought me a Coke. We chatted. We went down the street. Best tongue in town. 'nuff said.

Time to go study asses again!

Mr Enternational
11-10-15, 06:57
Most of us can fairly accurately identify Filipinos, Indonesians and Thais. But I strongly contend that Chinese / Korean / Japanese are much more difficult to identify.I would even beg to differ on the Thai part. Hell a lot of them can't even tell another Thai person. I first realized this when I was watching a Thai romantic comedy movie. I can't remember the name of it. But the two main characters (girl and guy) were on the same flight from Bangkok to Seoul for vacation. Ended up they stayed at the same hotel. Later when all the mischief started and the guy had a problem he ran into the girl and they had their first conversation; in English. Soon they realized they were both Thai and continued in Thai language.

Since then I have on several occasions been at restaurants in Pattaya with chicks and the waitress comes over and the girl starts ordering in Thai. But the waitress does not understand because come to find out she is Pinay. Then other times the waitress may come up and I am ordering in Thai, but she will turn to my girl and speak in English, not realizing she is Thai. Also when I recently traveled to Koh Tao with my girlfriend many of her fellow countrymen along the journey did not realize first off that she was Thai and started with her in English.

I feel you on the Japanese / Korean deal. I was once in downtown Tokyo with a White American guy who speaks fluent Japanese. His wife is even Japanese. We were just out on the street acting a fool and he goes up and talks to this one chick that came out of the subway. It turned out she was Korean and not Japanese as he had thought.

11-10-15, 08:11
The Korean / Japanese thing would scare the hell out of me if I spoke either language. I know it has abated somewhat as the generations move on but the bad blood would make speaking the wrong language to either a potentially grave insult. On Corregidor they have little fake trolleys that haul tourists on a quickie tour. Most of the buses are narrated in English, but there is always one or two "Non-English" buses. This is a euphemism for "Japanese". Talking with the tour guides on my visits I've several times heard of elderly Koreans, who speak not a word of English but adequate Japanese, who would rather sit and understand nothing on an English tram.

11-11-15, 04:17
I would even beg to differ on the Thai part. Hell a lot of them can't even tell another Thai person. {S N I P}
I was once in downtown Tokyo with a White American guy who speaks fluent Japanese. His wife is even Japanese. We were just out on the street acting a fool and he goes up and talks to this one chick that came out of the subway. It turned out she was Korean and not Japanese as he had thought.Hi E,

I agree with you. These types of incidents happen all the time. The girl below is a 100% Pinay. But in China, the Chinese are always speaking Putonghua to her!


MS Clive
11-11-15, 06:01
Most people are overconfident about telling Asians apart. Here is an online test. Check your score: http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=ntmznti2.

11-11-15, 06:44
Hi E,

I agree with you. These types of incidents happen all the time. The girl below is a 100% Pinay. But in China, the Chinese are always speaking Putonghua to her!

Cheers.The old saying: "Exceptions do not make the rule". We cannot base things on exceptions. In general Chinese do not look like Koreans or Japanese. Not to me.

Anyway, lets concentrate on the target: Filipinas. And I don't care if they are Spanish-Filipinas, Chinese-Filipinas, or 'native' Filipinas (no mix). Native ones are of course the sexier ones. That's a rule, not an exception, LOL.

Christian G
11-11-15, 12:44
Most people are overconfident about telling Asians apart. Here is an online test. Check your score: http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=ntmznti2.17 Correct - 8 Wrong. Score 68%.

11-11-15, 16:09
Most people are overconfident about telling Asians apart. Here is an online test. Check your score: http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=ntmznti2.20 right, 5 wrong. 80%. Well done indeed.

11-11-15, 23:02
Most people are overconfident about telling Asians apart. Here is an online test. Check your score: http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=ntmznti2.I suck.


32/100 Points (32%.

Correct Answers -8 Questions.

Incorrect Answers -17 Questions.

11-12-15, 10:52
. . . 'native' Filipinas (no mix). Native ones are of course the sexier ones. That's a rule, not an exception, LOL.It's good to hear somebody else say this. I guess a lot of guys go for the girls with Spanish-influenced features because they're a bit more familiar and Western looking. My feeling has always been, come to the Philippines and learn to appreciate the true Filipina look. The best ones are exotically beautiful in a way you just don't see in the mestizas. But each to his own of course.

11-12-15, 13:38
...come to the Philippines and learn to appreciate the true Filipina look...
But each to his own of course.I am almost diametrically opposite, maybe out of sheer laziness. I cannot think of any "acquired taste" that I have gone to the trouble of acquiring: No alcohol, coffee, or flaming leaves in my mouth. Thank God sex isn't an acquired taste. I've always found hybrids to be the exotics: They can take the edge off of those unfamiliar and, in some cases, unpleasant features and melt together the good stuff. Or, of course, they can get the other end of the spectrum and look like the Bride of Frankenstein. Think Halle Berry, Vanessa Hudgens, Olivia Munn, Tyra Banks and Jessica Alba. I'm not saying I think every one of them is smoking hot, in fact I'm a bit puzzled about the attention one in particular gets / got, but I wouldn't kick any of them out of bed for eating crackers or taking possibly a bit young nude selfies in front of a mirror.

But on to my usual drivel. For three days I had an ongoing business involving one or two young ladies, so I will break it into three posts so I don't look quite as ridiculously long winded. As a spoiler, I'll say right now that there was ultimately sex involved with one or more of them, so you can skip the rest if all you cared about was whether I got laid. I figured that that was all I, myself, cared about, so maybe other people felt the same way.

I returned to Pony Tails the next afternoon to start serious work on the selection for Bar Fine of the Trip. I eventually spotted a fine specimen: Tat-free, slim, nice ass and face. I caught her eye. She nearly fled. I must have forgotten the Full On Psychotic Beam again. I quickly put it on. She still didn't want to come over, but her larger, well-tattooed friend basically shoved her, yelling that she was shy. Yeah, sure.

A drink was procured. Conversation ensued. I quickly determined that this was one of the least conversational dancers I had ever attempted. The kind of person you talk at, not to. She kept looking at her friend. Her friend was thirsty. I didn't bite. Then the shy little nymph asked, "You ever have two girls?

Yeah, that's f*cking shy, all right!

My interest was piqued. One problem was that as the sort-of conversation continued I became quite aware that this was not a GFE looking to happen, which, of course, was fine with me, but more likely a DRE (Drugged and Robbed Experience) in the making. No, I didn't really fear for my life, but I surely wasn't going to have anything remotely valuable lying around when little Miss Shy and big Miss Painted Ass came by. So I needed to prepare. I suggested the next day, which she quickly agreed to Then she set off more alarms by quickly asking if she could go seek sex somewhere else, "Need Boom-Boom today. Have sick father. ".

Amazing how frail and sickly these girls' relatives are.

Okay, now I knew I was going to have to somehow fit all my luggage, the contents of the minibar, the big screen TV, and perhaps all furniture but the bed into the closet safe. But I brought Astroglide lube! I could do it!

11-12-15, 14:04
The next day dawned after a night of second thoughts. Maybe she would be gone to make boom-boom with someone else before I got there. If not the best plan I could come up with was a pair of demands: First was that we would shower together because you know how erotic that can be. Yes, it can, but the real reason was that I was not going to let either of them out of my sight in the bedroom for more than five seconds or so. Second was there had to be BBBJ from both, because, well, because BBBJ.

I showed up around 3 PM and her crew was on stage. And she was not. A good sign, but she could be with a customer. Miss Painted Ass wasn't there, either. Better sign. The massage girls seemed to have largely given up on me, though there was a little convention of them around the guy at the other end of the bench who was getting the crap rubbed out of him. I sat in peace for about fifteen minutes when who should come dashing up but little Miss Shy. She was being shy with someone else right then but definitely still wanted to be shy with me later, so she said she would be back.

Twenty minutes later a stray massage girl showed up. "You want massage?

I believe part of the problem is that "NO" must mean "Have a seat beside me" in some dialect in Massage Girl Land. So there we sat in romantic silence for ten minutes until I was actually relieved to see Miss Shy coming my way. Massage girl left rather than have her sit on her lap.

Plans changed considerably. She asked when I was leaving. When she found out I would be around the next day she suggested a boom-boom rescheduling to then. My first guess was that she had a tentative boom-boom already arranged for that afternoon, maybe with her previous LD, but I don't believe that was the case. She did not work the next day. She wanted to dodge the bar commission. Okay, fine by me. She sort of still wanted Miss Painted Ass to come along (she want to meet you!) but dropped it remarkably fast when I declined. My guess is that she sort of couldn't care less, and without her friend literally looming over her she didn't have to push it.

Then the problem:

"What your room?

"I don't know. They are changing my room tomorrow. ".

That wasn't something I frantically made up: They only had a nonsmoking room available for four of my five day stay.

"You have phone?

"No, not with a Philippines SIM. ".

There was much discussion. Finally I said I would go back to the hotel and see if they could predict my next room (I needed to give it to the the place that was coordinating my car to NAIA, anyway) and find out what time I would be in it for sure. If that failed she would meet me at the lobby at a to-be-determined time. Then she said something about only going for a cigarette. I couldn't quite figure out what she meant, but if it was some weird rephrasing of "smoke" meaning BJ, that was cool with me. That conversation segued into several admonishments concerning telling anyone about or extra-club activities which I already realized, and I was off on my way for the two way trek through the blast furnace.

I got both bits of information, cooled down a bit, and headed back, making a side trip to grab a SIM that would be useful for one and a half days, then expire before I made it back to the PI. Just a minute or so from the bar I suddenly realized the cigarette business: I was supposed to explain my absence by saying I needed a cigarette. No one asked.

A few minutes after I got back she came over. With two friends. Okay, this was going to be awkward: What part of keeping this secret did she not understand? She didn't seem new to the business but the last person I would trust would be a fellow bargirl. We sat making idle chit chat (the other two girls each had to, of course, ask what my name was and where I was from), then she asked, "What room?

I muttered it into her ear which seemed strange to her. What was the big secret? "Is okay as long as you not yell loud. " Maybe she is part deaf from working there or going to Phillies a time or two. I know I could have heard our conversation from the next bench.

So I wandered home with impure thoughts about other humans for once. I sallied to explore Lollipop and Viking. The former was not a real upper crust bar, and I expected as much, but hey, it's important to get to as many of these places as possible so you will have enough to talk about when you meet your similarly minded souls in the afterlife, assuming that they let you talk down there. It's a fairly typical skinny bar (not talking about the dancers here) which means there is no place to cower in the darkness as you examine the possibilities as I am won't (no, that is NOT how it is spelled, but it apparently cannot be changed) to do. No, you're faced with a panorama of varying levels of desirability and really no place to gaze when no desirability is found. I ordered a water and stopped the waitress from opening it. It took a while to explain that I did not actually come in there for the water, that I in fact did not like water, so why not just leave it sealed for future use? So I'm guessing that the average customer just goes in there when they are severely dehydrated and only have seventy five pesos.

There was one girl who looked pretty hot from behind, and when she turned her head her face looked acceptable. My eyes lingered. She turned. She had a tattoo that must have taken longer than the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

Viking was an abomination. Shorts, and not even really Daisy Dukes in a lot of cases, and tank tops or even t-shirts! Where was I, at a G-rated Hooters? We desperately need the Mighty Skogis to thunder through the door, battle ax (checked luggage only) in one hand, waving his passport in the other, and hold court, describing traditional Viking maiden wear. As the unchallenged authority he could boom that all maidens of satisfactory proportions wore a sacred amulet on their right arms. When asked what else they wore, he would smite a table with the ax and bellow, "Who the hell said anything about anything else?

But I digress. A long ship crewed by average dancers, waitress who didn't get the don't open the bottle, and did I mention shorts and tank tops? I was aghast.

So I headed off to get my aghastness sucked out of me like snake venom, especially if the snake bit while I was peeing. I went to the Black Pearl for a repeat with the Tongue From Heaven. It wasn't there. Shit.

I wandered morosely back to Walking Street. I decided to head for home as I was getting thrown out of my room for another the next day and I wanted as much of a charge before the shy little minx came by. But I wanted food, too, for that charge, and there was Phillies. I took the chance: I darted in, found a waitress, gave my order, paid, said I'd be back, and fled before the live band that they didn't have that night cranked up. I tried Centauro. Pretty nice place with some lookers. If I heard correctly, the LD prices were on the high side, but I had been hanging out at Perimeter, so maybe this was par for Fields. Something like 300 p. I ended up getting chatted up by a waitress who knew the names of all of the fifty United States but had to ask if Eskimos were humans. I was soooo tempted to BS her with stories of Martians screwing polar bears. I thought better of it and, after a brief scientific dissertation on Eskimos, Athabascans, igloo construction, and frostbite I went to retrieve my sandwiches and figure out how to get the sofa into the closet safe.

Dick Hertz
11-13-15, 03:41
I used to love AC but now it is becoming too greedy. Bars wanting 3000 peso for bar fine and BJ bar with girls that don't give BJ's. A lot of places will take 2500 peso but I need a girl with tits an ass or at less one of the combination. Don't get me wrong filipinas are beautiful but four feet high and 80 lbs is not for me IMHO. Club Ra is the best place to find woman with curves and I pay the bar fine here but a couple of them have the sh*#est attitude after bar hopping is over. Makes me think about picking up independent but not at this point. Now I am in BKK and it is a little better since my last adventure 2 years ago. Next year when the olympics are over I probably go back to Brazil.

11-13-15, 08:00
Oosik did you get laid yet? I think I read most of your posts but you always seem to go back to your room alone?

Try to talk to the quiet ones, maybe one will be able to jump over your high bar of acceptability?

Your stories read like a fasting man at a banquet.

11-13-15, 09:14
Oosik did you get laid yet? ...Your stories read like a fasting man at a banquet.Lmfoa, they are great reads.

Chocha Monger
11-13-15, 09:17
The relationship between mongers and Angeles City is like an abusive marriage. Angeles beats the crap out of mongers, takes their money, and lets them down but they keep going back to her hoping she will change. But she only demands more money in return for dishing out more abuse. She knows that she is the best thing around and mongers will complain, pout, protest, and even runaway for a while but when they get that itch they'll come back for her to scratch it.

11-13-15, 10:30
I used to love AC but now it is becoming too greedy. Bars wanting 3000 peso for bar fine and BJ bar with girls that don't give BJ's. A lot of places will take 2500 peso but I need a girl with tits an ass or at less one of the combination. Don't get me wrong filipinas are beautiful but four feet high and 80 lbs is not for me IMHO. Club Ra is the best place to find woman with curves and I pay the bar fine here but a couple of them have the sh*#est attitude after bar hopping is over. Makes me think about picking up independent but not at this point. Now I am in BKK and it is a little better since my last adventure 2 years ago. Next year when the olympics are over I probably go back to Brazil.Agree that Ra girls are great until you get them back to hotel. Had the same experience recently. Look good but not performers.

3000 is very cheap considering what it costs in other Asian cities.


11-13-15, 14:11
I used to love AC but now it is becoming too greedy. I noticed this on my last visit, also. Rising prices are inevitable, but the thing that bothered me more was the attitude of the girls. Getting the girls to come out of the bar on a barfine was harder than ever. It was almost as if they seemed like they were doing me a favor. Of course, I only go for the hot ones, but on previous visits, it's never been an issue.

11-13-15, 14:12
Oosik did you get laid yet? I think I read most of your posts but you always seem to go back to your room alone?

Try to talk to the quiet ones, maybe one will be able to jump over your high bar of acceptability?

Your stories read like a fasting man at a banquet.Somebody who knows him needs to check him out. Sounds like one of those guys that might jump off the 20th floor soon.

Member #4698
11-13-15, 14:23
I noticed this on my last visit, also. Rising prices are inevitable, but the thing that bothered me more was the attitude of the girls. Getting the girls to come out of the bar on a barfine was harder than ever. It was almost as if they seemed like they were doing me a favor. Of course, I only go for the hot ones, but on previous visits, it's never been an issue.Guys, I am sure there are still great girls in AC, but I noticed the deterioration in overall attitudes the last time I was in AC too. I think you can trace the beginning of the change to the year of the raids. Anyway this is one of the reasons why I prefer Barrio Barretto over AC nowadays. I have never encountered a poor attitude bar girl in Subic. Yes Barretto has less bars and less girls, but there are more than enough to satisfy my needs for 4 or 5 days. In addition, Baloy Beach and Barrio Barreto has a more resort feel than AC (Fields and Perimeter Road) and I like being on a beach with the sea breeze. Check it out is all I am saying.

I also really like Manila, specifically a few bars on Burgos Street and in the EDSA Entertainment Complex. The bars here are significantly more expensive than AC bars, that's the downside, but the girls are great as in good selection of pretties, great attitudes, and quality service. Thus I prefer Manila girls over AC girls and I skipped AC on my last two trips to the PI and plan to do so again on my next trip in 2016.

11-13-15, 14:33
I noticed this on my last visit, also. Rising prices are inevitable, but the thing that bothered me more was the attitude of the girls. Getting the girls to come out of the bar on a barfine was harder than ever. It was almost as if they seemed like they were doing me a favor. Of course, I only go for the hot ones, but on previous visits, it's never been an issue.That was my experience in Bangkok during my semi-annual visits. The girls were harder to bed for each subsequent visit. Maybe we are just growing old and not as desirable. The final straw for me was a bar girl that would allow me to pay her barfine, but we go to disco only.

As bad as the Philippines is now, Bangkok is even worse. Maybe Pattaya is the place to be now?

X Man
11-13-15, 15:43
I'm not going to disagree. I'm lucky enough to visit Philippines twice or thrice a year. You get to know people. They get to know you. I'd hit a few bars, but ended up at High Society disco in the wee hours. I'd had fun. But I was alone and wanting to get back to my room. It's always nice to have something brown and warm to sleep next to. Sent a text or two and someone (bless her heart) was there in 20 min.

I had an odd episode on my last visit. I was doing a late afternoon Perimeter bar hop / pub crawl. A cute gal came into the bar with staff, or?. The communication seemed to indicate that she was a job applicant, and I was eager to talk to her. I bought her and someone who seemed to represent her a drink. After conversation it was revealed that she'd worked there before and was a "virgin". The most gorgeous gals at some bars are beautiful young "virgins".

I can see how this plays out with some hapless Korean Horndogs. I think they were using me as training.

I noticed this on my last visit, also. Rising prices are inevitable, but the thing that bothered me more was the attitude of the girls. Getting the girls to come out of the bar on a barfine was harder than ever. It was almost as if they seemed like they were doing me a favor. Of course, I only go for the hot ones, but on previous visits, it's never been an issue.

11-13-15, 21:40
Agree that Ra girls are great until you get them back to hotel. Had the same experience recently. Look good but not performers.

3000 is very cheap considering what it costs in other Asian cities.

IMHOYeh, but its not very cheap when you compare the girls share of the P3000 bar fine, P1500 for a 'runner' (one or two hours with ya) to the girls who work as house maids or work in the rice fields. They get as little as P150 for 10 hrs work. Some P300 for 10 hrs work. Level of non education bar girls and rice field girls, roughly the same. Only one is willing to have sex with a stranger, the other prefers to earn the money 'the honest way'.

The 'very cheap' mentality of punters has ensured prices rise. I suggest the bars introduce two categories of bar fines, the ST (short time) bar fine, say P1500 which the girl gets P750 (plus presumably a reasonable tip if job well done) and the LT (long time / all night) bar fine, say 2500 of which the girl gets P1250 or thereabouts, plus tip if any.

Then we would definitely have a claim if she does a runner, ie, you have paid the LT bar fine, but she ST'd you. Having two different categories of bar fines would assist the punter, and I bet the sex industry would prosper as a result. Too many unhappy punters nowadays. The owners and girls would prosper too. More business, not less business as has been the trend in recent years.

But of course the owners are getting LT money for ST absences of their girls. She returns to the bar and owner 'sells' her again and again. Chance for girl to pick up more money for less work that way. Consequently punter sees less value nowadays and the industry stagnates or declines. No one wins.

The 'very cheap' customers make sure the bar owners and girls do not change their attitude / modus operandi. I will lead the charge if you like, LOL. Make them honest, is what I say. Honesty in Phils?

Disclaimer: I still get good value, in 90% of cases, but I have to spend more pre sex time developing a relationship. In days of yore, you got good value, even though it was "slam, bam, thank you mam". They were honest, in that they were only there for sex (pre fake GFE era) and you were honest that you only wanted to get rid of an itch, and not looking for anything else.

Innovate lads, innovate. Which reminds me, have to go back to that bar and get a refund. Fat luck, LOL.

11-14-15, 01:51
That was my experience in Bangkok during my semi-annual visits. The girls were harder to bed for each subsequent visit. Maybe we are just growing old and not as desirable. The final straw for me was a bar girl that would allow me to pay her barfine, but we go to disco only.

As bad as the Philippines is now, Bangkok is even worse. Maybe Pattaya is the place to be now?Its is true that some of the top looking girls working in Bangkok gogo bars can be very choosy with who they barfine, they will choose a young good looking / fit body guy over a guy old enough to be her grandfather, and there are plenty of young guys in all the Bangkok gogos for the girls to fill their quota.

With that said, never had a problem barfining at will in Bangkok gogo bars, speaking thai, dressed well, mid 40's probably helps.

Soi 6 in patttaya has hundreds of young girls eager to fuck with any age / any looks / any nationality at prices not seen in angeles for years.

11-14-15, 02:21
Guys, I am sure there are still great girls in AC, but I noticed the deterioration in overall attitudes the last time I was in AC too. I think you can trace the beginning of the change to the year of the raids. Anyway this is one of the reasons why I prefer Barrio Barretto over AC nowadays. I have never encountered a poor attitude bar girl in Subic. Yes Barretto has less bars and less girls, but there are more than enough to satisfy my needs for 4 or 5 days. In addition, Baloy Beach and Barrio Barreto has a more resort feel than AC (Fields and Perimeter Road) and I like being on a beach with the sea breeze. Check it out is all I am saying.

I also really like Manila, specifically a few bars on Burgos Street and in the EDSA Entertainment Complex. The bars here are significantly more expensive than AC bars, that's the downside, but the girls are great as in good selection of pretties, great attitudes, and quality service. Thus I prefer Manila girls over AC girls and I skipped AC on my last two trips to the PI and plan to do so again on my next trip in 2016.Agree 100% with deteriorating girl attitudes in angeles bars.

What I find is that it can get mighty frustrating having to visit multiple angeles bars to find any young. Attractive, slim girls that will want to barfine, most are happy to stay in their bar getting salary and large commission on double ladies drinks and not accepting barfines.

Throw in that there is a very high chance that that bargirl you see dancing on stage is a cherry girl, virgin and the chase to get laid in angeles city becomes even more difficult.

I throw the blame for both these senarios squarly on the bar owners and mamas shoulders who turn a blind eye to drink only girls and employ virgins in establishments that are designed to get laid.

Give the bargirls a quota number of barfines they need to make per month in order to claim salary, lower the large commission the girls receive from lady drinks making it more profitable for girls to barfine than to stay in the bar.

I won't hold my breath waiting for any changes.

Subic is a nice change of scenery from angeles and the girls have a better attitude, the main problem with subic is the choice of good looking slim girls is even worse than angeles

11-14-15, 03:33
Agree 100% with deteriorating girl attitudes in angeles bars.

What I find is that it can get mighty frustrating having to visit multiple angeles bars to find any young. Attractive, slim girls that will want to barfine, most are happy to stay in their bar getting salary and large commission on double ladies drinks and not accepting barfines.

Throw in that there is a very high chance that that bargirl you see dancing on stage is a cherry girl, virgin and the chase to get laid in angeles city becomes even more difficult.

I throw the blame for both these senarios squarly on the bar owners and mamas shoulders who turn a blind eye to drink only girls and employ virgins in establishments that are designed to get laid.

Give the bargirls a quota number of barfines they need to make per month in order to claim salary, lower the large commission the girls receive from lady drinks making it more profitable for girls to barfine than to stay in the bar.

I won't hold my breath waiting for any changes.

Subic is a nice change of scenery from angeles and the girls have a better attitude, the main problem with subic is the choice of good looking slim girls is even worse than angelesAgain, I also agree 100%. On my recent count, about half the girls have stretch marks they carefully hide. A large number are fat and / or have post natal hanging bellies. A large number are really ugly. I notice that some customers are lonely & desperate for attention and buy drinks in bulk for large groups of squealing girls. Such drink rounds last about 20 minutes before glasses are dry and the girls start to dissipate. Most want drinks only making excuses about menstruation, health checkups etc etc. Those that go out try their best to do ST only. Although one may be attracted by the cheap workout, one must factor in the other costs such as getting to / from Manila in most cases as Clark airport is basically dead. AC trikes are a scam charging special tourist rates. In addition, some friends have caught STDs regularly from the girls. Most are from Samar and probably have little common sense on disease (or anything else). Add onto this AC is really a slum with nowhere to go in daytime except the SM mall. The mall is full of guys wondering around aimlessly in circles during the period 10 am - 5 pm.

11-14-15, 06:16
Oosik did you get laid yet? I would love to know if he got laid. But I sure hope the stories keep coming. Some really entertaining reads on this thread after a long time spent over rising bar fines, prices, tips and scams.

11-14-15, 06:18
The relationship between mongers and Angeles City is like an abusive marriage. Angeles beats the crap out of mongers, takes their money, and lets them down but they keep going back to her hoping she will change. But she only demands more money in return for dishing out more abuse. She knows that she is the best thing around and mongers will complain, pout, protest, and even runaway for a while but when they get that itch they'll come back for her to scratch it.Excellent comparison. I love the parallels drawn here. And like in abusive marriages, there is always someone you are seeing on the side (Thailand).

11-14-15, 14:18
WOW! I KNEW that others were as interested as I in whether I got laid! Talk about performance anxiety! Thanks a lot!

When last seen I was trying to pack a shipping container of stuff into the closet safe. I even pondered figuring out how to re-enable my laptop's camera to use for surveillance. I was running scared.

The night came and went. Our agreed upon tryst time was 2 PM to ensure I would be in my new room and some family of four just checking out didn't get a surprise. "Honey, take the kids down to the car. I got to check one last thing in the room. ".

Around noon I got a text asking is all was still okay. Yes, we were still on. At quarter to two a text popped up. She was going to be late. How about 2:30? Fine.

Then the flood started. I got or sent a total of forty three texts, some of them, I think, intended for someone else. I had bought a 100 pesos load even though there was a 30 pesos one available. Good thing: I would have run out of credit two thirds of the way through the deluge. There were room verifications, another offer for two girls to be refused, time updates (still 2:30) and queries about paying the trike fare. The last subject was sort of funny: I asked how much. She replied 250 p because it was really far. Yeah, right. But I agreed – it wasn't going to break me. So, with that knowledge she presumably flagged a trike and headed my way. And less than five minutes later I got the last text: "I'm here", followed by a call from the front desk. Yeah – really far!

In the middle of those texts was one which used the word "wee" when one would have expected "I", so I had a suspicion. Sure enough, the elevator opened and there were two girls in it, and the second looked really familiar: Miss Painted Ass from two days ago. I guess that, like in Massage Girl Talk, "no" means something entirely different from conventional English usage. I didn't fight it, but I did get a jab in: I said that I barely had enough to cover the two, but I did have the extra because I was planning on tipping Miss Shy above and beyond the agreed upon price (which I had, contingent on good service, though I was certainly not planning to tip her as much as I said), so she was aware that she was going to make less money that she would have if she had come solo, so she would have to negotiate with Painted Ass about that.

So that was another red flag: Deception. But despite a virtual forest of those flags a weird thing happened: They turned out to be borderline GFE and honest to the point of asking permission to open minibar items even after I offered drinks from there.

The shower-together thing did not even have to be negotiated: They initiated it, though there was an oddity about it: Shower together turned out to mean "Shower with Painted Ass while the original target spent almost the entire shower time pissing on the toilet and rinsing the hell out of her coochie with the sprayer. " She was sitting there for five minutes. Did I really want anything to do with something that took that much cleaning?

Things moved to the bed. Both sucked (in the good way), though not at the same time, (so not in the really good way). Basic average BBBJ's, especially disappointing after my discovery of the Tongue From Heaven at the Black Pearl. They suggested boom-boom. I said that we could give it shot, though my little guy's aversion to condoms bode ill for the attempt. Painted Ass handled the boys as her friend mounted.

It actually worked pretty well, which I attribute equally to her hotness and my first experience with Trojan Magnums. No, they aren't as incredibly thin as the Okamoto products, but they also don't feel like they are trying to pack a bratwurst into a Vienna Sausage casing. Okay, that is not really an accurate description of the situation: It should have started with Vienna Sausage and compared it to something smaller, but a smaller item escapes me right now. In other words, I'm not swinging major wurst down there, but the Okamotos are still tight.

The problem was that since I had somehow ended up with two girls, I was expected to boom-boom each of them and (a) Painted Ass was not as appealing bouncing up and down (thank God she didn't go for reverse cowgirl) and (b) I had only left out one Magnum (the experiment) along with a couple of Okamotos. So both pluses of the first rider became minuses of the second. With the Okamoto things went limp fast. No problem: There was some mouth-to-something else resuscitation and things stood back to attention. I could have dug out some more Magnums but rather fancy hand and mouth action, even if not as expertly conducted as in my awesome Black Pearling of a few nights earlier. So for the next fifteen or twenty minutes there was great attention paid to my member as various female parts were tended to by my hands and mouth. A satisfactory ending ensued and it was shower time again.

They tarried for a little bit, sipping from the minibar and chatting a little. Chatting was not their strong suit. In fact, I think that one of the reasons for the insistence on two girls was that Painted Ass pretty much had to translate, and even her English was marginal. She did enjoy my sex video, though, probably because after actual sex with me anything else, including sex during a root canal operation, would seem f*cking fantastic. I should clarify that I was not actually in the video: It was two flying squirrels shot by my security cameras. I would need a much wider angle lens if I were starring.

After they left something got clarified: As I tidied up I found, in addition to various condoms and wrappers, one of the hotel's complimentary razors. The little fox had NOT been peeing and cleaning: She had been shaving down there. I'm not really into the whole [CodeWord117] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord117) thing so I wasn't staring intently, or I might have offered to help. Damn!

That more or less concluded the festivities for this visit. There was a bit of collect in advance karma when I lost the SIM card for my phone after putting it in a really good place when I installed the Philippine one. I realized it was lost after changing rooms. As I went out for food I asked at the desk if it had been turned in even though I knew the answer: The maid was quite aware of my room change and would have known to bring it to me. No, it had not been found. The desk woman said the maid would go look. "Excuse me, Sir, would you mind getting off of those hookers for a moment so I can look for a SIM card?

Holy shit! She found it! My guess is that the next guest was coming in on a night flight, so the room was undisturbed and searchable. The SIM was where I sort of remembered putting it: In the safe. I had it there not for safety but because it would stand out against the carpeting in it. Apparently it did not do that so well. I tipped the crap out of the maid, so she got well compensated for not doing a very thorough cleaning job in the first place.

The karma? Twenty four hours later at the Seattle airport I came across a phone sitting on a bench and turned it in to the authorities.

So that was the trip: No 20th floor skydiving for me: I got laid one more time than I did last visit, plus there were the Black Pearl activities. Was I getting laid hourly? No, but I do enjoy AC, though it is a distant third for me after a tie between Bangkok and Pattaya. I've only been to Subic to dive with dolphins but I believe I'll take Mr. Bumpo's suggestion and give it a whirl next time. I loathe Manila so much that I can't see trying there despite the reported hotness available.

I should probably reverse my usual Thailand-then-Philippines flow due to my preference for the former so I don't find myself with vivid memories of the previous stop and finding the present lacking. I should also bring the seat cushion equivalent of spike strips to deploy on either side of me to ward off massage girls and waitresses.

I don't even think about the costs in my comparisons of the two as I generally overpay, anyway. It all has to do with mongering preferences. As noted, I not only do not seek GFE, I actually sort of avoid it. I'm one of Sxxxx's "slam, bam, thank you mam" guys. GFE (versus PSE, not saying that it is universal) rules in the Phils, but there is enough other action available to draw me. On the other hand, if you just want wild sex, possibly involving some licking where the sun don't shine, I find that Thailand has the edge with oilies and the like. It never took me three days to end up in bed with two young things there, but remember that I rarely BF so I cannot honestly compare that: My ineptness could have easily led to that fiasco in Thailand as well.

It is 0°F outside. Suddenly all that sweating of the last few weeks doesn't seem as bad as it did at the time.

Screaming Beaver
11-15-15, 00:37
The relationship between mongers and Angeles City is like an abusive marriage. Angeles beats the crap out of mongers, takes their money, and lets them down but they keep going back to her hoping she will change. But she only demands more money in return for dishing out more abuse. She knows that she is the best thing around and mongers will complain, pout, protest, and even runaway for a while but when they get that itch they'll come back for her to scratch it.I agree however I believe marriage is more like a beleaguered fortress. Those who are outside are trying to get in and those who are inside are trying to get out. The beauty of this dirty little town is there is no pretense. You plunk down your cash, spray your load and move on. What you see is what you get and hopefully no more. We mongers are like the Swallow Birds of San Juan Capistrano. We always come back and we always will.

Chocha Monger
11-15-15, 04:10
Agree 100% with deteriorating girl attitudes in angeles bars.

What I find is that it can get mighty frustrating having to visit multiple angeles bars to find any young. Attractive, slim girls that will want to barfine, most are happy to stay in their bar getting salary and large commission on double ladies drinks and not accepting barfines.

Throw in that there is a very high chance that that bargirl you see dancing on stage is a cherry girl, virgin and the chase to get laid in angeles city becomes even more difficult.

I throw the blame for both these senarios squarly on the bar owners and mamas shoulders who turn a blind eye to drink only girls and employ virgins in establishments that are designed to get laid.

Give the bargirls a quota number of barfines they need to make per month in order to claim salary, lower the large commission the girls receive from lady drinks making it more profitable for girls to barfine than to stay in the bar.

I won't hold my breath waiting for any changes.

Subic is a nice change of scenery from angeles and the girls have a better attitude, the main problem with subic is the choice of good looking slim girls is even worse than angelesBar owners and mamasans are powerless when it comes to the girls' decision to accept bar fines or not. After the period of frequent raids and IJM infiltration of the bars, many establishments took a hands-off approach to management. The bar girls know that they do not have to go out with a customer if they do not want to for any reason. Implementing policies that penalize girls who do not bar fine could be interpreted as coercion, and the bar owner may as well drop his drawers, grab his heels and invite IJM to have a go at him sans lube. There is simply not any incentive for the bar owners and the mamasans to expose themselves to this sort of liability. Some mamasans are so skittish that they now refer all customer inquiries regarding possibility of bar fine and compensation to the particular girl in question stating that it is up to the girl. This means customer satisfaction, or dissatisfaction now rests solely in the hands of the girl.

The bar cannot refuse employment based on virginity because: It would be tantamount to an admission that fucking customers is part of the job requirements; It is difficult to determine this status for job applicants; It would be scandalous if this became public knowledge; It invites legal liabilities; and it may exclude more attractive girls.

Pretty slim shapely Filipinas 18-21 yrs old receive lots of interest from many suitors, especially if they are virgins. If she is a virgin at that age it means that she likely came from a relatively conservative family and she was closely watched. Her family may have rejected a number of local suitors who came looking to court her. These girls are not looking to give up their precious cherry for regular bar fine or interested in being rooted by all and sundry. Some of the hottest ones even refuse cherry bids as high as P100,000 because they are holding out for nothing less than a foreign husband. Some even want the foreign husband to be someone they can have real physical attraction and feelings for. They are contented with receiving salary and drink commissions while they work the internet and wait for their Prince Charming to ride in.

So, the bars are designed to help you get laid, but they are not designed to guarantee you get laid. If you're going after 18 and 19 yr olds with smooth fair skin, doe eyes, good teeth, tall, busty, small waist, wide hips, long legs, round butt, and sculpted abdomen be prepared for rejection. These girls are at peak demand, and can afford to pick and choose their sponsors. The veterans will tell them that much if they haven't figured it out from the attention they get on the street, in the bar, and on the dating and social networking sites. Technology has made it possible for a stunners to spend their time off chatting multiple lonely virtual boyfriends in Europe, North America, and Australia who willingly send them regular cash allowances via Western Union with no intention of ever actually visiting the Philippines. Their attitudes are just a reflection of these circumstances. Going bar fine with a stranger who is probably doped up on a Viagra-Redbull-Zinc cocktail and looking to pound their puss bareback from midnight to well after sunrise for P1,500 – P2,000 just is not that appealing compared to the alternatives.

Chris Long
11-15-15, 06:52
Guys, I am sure there are still great girls in AC, but I noticed the deterioration in overall attitudes the last time I was in AC too. I think you can trace the beginning of the change to the year of the raids. Anyway this is one of the reasons why I prefer Barrio Barretto over AC nowadays. I have never encountered a poor attitude bar girl in Subic. Yes Barretto has less bars and less girls, but there are more than enough to satisfy my needs for 4 or 5 days. In addition, Baloy Beach and Barrio Barreto has a more resort feel than AC (Fields and Perimeter Road) and I like being on a beach with the sea breeze. Check it out is all I am saying.

I also really like Manila, specifically a few bars on Burgos Street and in the EDSA Entertainment Complex. The bars here are significantly more expensive than AC bars, that's the downside, but the girls are great as in good selection of pretties, great attitudes, and quality service. Thus I prefer Manila girls over AC girls and I skipped AC on my last two trips to the PI and plan to do so again on my next trip in 2016.I am glad this is finally being talked about on the boards. I couldn't agree more about what everyone is saying on here. I think this has been the great un talked about secrete of AC for a long time. Girls with bad attitudes, girls that don't bar fine, they way you have to almost bag and pled to get a girl to let you bar fine her. I have never in my life been to a hooker destination where the girls tell me they are on mens. On my last trip to AC I swear I was going to check myself in for a scientific study because I seemed to have this uncanny ability to bring on ministration in just about every bar girl I tried to bar fine. I have not been back in almost two year because of the attitude and rejection. Among the local mongers I talk with we all call Angeles City Rejection City or just call it RC for short because about half or more of the girls you try to take are going to shoot you down and some are going to be quite rude and cold about it.

I couldn't agree more about Manila I have not been back to Rejection City (Angeles City) in nearly two years but have been to Manila several times. Yes it is more expensive but yes there are also more super hotties available. The door girls at EDSA literally grab you and try to pull you into their bur which is very different from the Rejection City door girls who generally scowl at you give you dirty looks and run away if you try to talk to them.

Kudos to every one on here for telling the truth about what the Rejection City (angels city) experience is really like.


11-15-15, 07:32
Guys, I am sure there are still great girls in AC, but I noticed the deterioration in overall attitudes the last time I was in AC too.My attitude toward this is real simple. Yes, it's harder to find good girls these days, it takes longer, and it costs more. But once you do find one, they're as good as ever. Pattaya remains my favorite place for wham-bam commercial sex, but when I want something a little longer-term and more GF-like, AC still beats anywhere else I know.

Randy Murican
11-15-15, 08:30
I have it on good authority that this is all that's left of Oosik after his return to the US.

11-15-15, 09:22
I have it on good authority that this is all that's left of Oosik after his return to the US.(checks quickly) I'll see you in court! I don't have any spots! Well, not this time. Of course I've only been gone a couple of days!

11-15-15, 17:54
(checks quickly) I'll see you in court! I don't have any spots! Well, not this time. Of course I've only been gone a couple of days!Good report BTW, nicely written and entertaining (meant earlier report about your encounter with the painted ass and her friend).

X Man
11-16-15, 14:16
Ding. I read this and it all makes a lot more sense. Thanks CM.

I usually SNIP, but this post is so good I won't. Only one quibble. When you write "Prince charming", you might have written "future ex-husband".

Bar owners and mamasans are powerless when it comes to the girls' decision to accept bar fines or not. After the period of frequent raids and IJM infiltration of the bars, many establishments took a hands-off approach to management. The bar girls know that they do not have to go out with a customer if they do not want to for any reason. Implementing policies that penalize girls who do not bar fine could be interpreted as coercion, and the bar owner may as well drop his drawers, grab his heels and invite IJM to have a go at him sans lube. There is simply not any incentive for the bar owners and the mamasans to expose themselves to this sort of liability. Some mamasans are so skittish that they now refer all customer inquiries regarding possibility of bar fine and compensation to the particular girl in question stating that it is up to the girl. This means customer satisfaction, or dissatisfaction now rests solely in the hands of the girl.

The bar cannot refuse employment based on virginity because: It would be tantamount to an admission that fucking customers is part of the job requirements; It is difficult to determine this status for job applicants; It would be scandalous if this became public knowledge; It invites legal liabilities; and it may exclude more attractive girls.

Pretty slim shapely Filipinas 18-21 yrs old receive lots of interest from many suitors, especially if they are virgins. If she is a virgin at that age it means that she likely came from a relatively conservative family and she was closely watched. Her family may have rejected a number of local suitors who came looking to court her. These girls are not looking to give up their precious cherry for regular bar fine or interested in being rooted by all and sundry. Some of the hottest ones even refuse cherry bids as high as P100,000 because they are holding out for nothing less than a foreign husband. Some even want the foreign husband to be someone they can have real physical attraction and feelings for. They are contented with receiving salary and drink commissions while they work the internet and wait for their Prince Charming to ride in.

So, the bars are designed to help you get laid, but they are not designed to guarantee you get laid. If you're going after 18 and 19 yr olds with smooth fair skin, doe eyes, good teeth, tall, busty, small waist, wide hips, long legs, round butt, and sculpted abdomen be prepared for rejection. These girls are at peak demand, and can afford to pick and choose their sponsors. The veterans will tell them that much if they haven't figured it out from the attention they get on the street, in the bar, and on the dating and social networking sites. Technology has made it possible for a stunners to spend their time off chatting multiple lonely virtual boyfriends in Europe, North America, and Australia who willingly send them regular cash allowances via Western Union with no intention of ever actually visiting the Philippines. Their attitudes are just a reflection of these circumstances. Going bar fine with a stranger who is probably doped up on a Viagra-Redbull-Zinc cocktail and looking to pound their puss bareback from midnight to well after sunrise for P1,500 P2,000 just is not that appealing compared to the alternatives.

11-16-15, 15:06
........................bar owners and the mamasans .............. Some mamasans are so skittish that they now refer all customer inquiries regarding possibility of bar fine and compensation to the particular girl in question stating that it is up to the girl. This means customer satisfaction, or dissatisfaction now rests solely in the hands of the girl. ............................................Well, that's good to know. Should result in less 'runners' and better attitudes from the customers. Too, don't you think.

Didn't know before they were forced to go with the guys.

Another ROD by Chocha.

Mr Enternational
11-16-15, 18:04
Technology has made it possible for a stunners to spend their time off chatting multiple lonely virtual boyfriends in Europe, North America, and Australia who willingly send them regular cash allowances via Western Union with no intention of ever actually visiting the Philippines.It does not have to be a stunner. I have talked to many normal chicks online who have said they do not ask for money but have had guys virtually force it on them. And like you said, these guys don't even have any intention of going there. I hope that I am never that lonely.

11-17-15, 00:18
There might be 5 stunners in the whole of AC, many cute 6's though.

11-17-15, 02:04
Hi all,

I read several dozen pages of this forum, and used search. Indy's 6 day report was very helpful. But still a few remaining questions for a 1st time visitor to AC and PI:

1. Is it better to exchange cash via a regular bank or a money exchanger like Norma's?

2. Do the girls usually speak some English? Thing is if we do LT, I'd imagine it'd be quite boring between the sessions if she doesn't.

3. Is mid to end of Jan. A pretty good time to go? The climate seems to be very reasonable at this time.


11-17-15, 04:21
Bar owners and mamasans are powerless when it comes to the girls' decision to accept bar fines or not. After the period of frequent raids and IJM infiltration of the bars, many establishments took a hands-off approach to management. The bar girls know that they do not have to go out with a customer if they do not want to for any reason. Implementing policies that penalize girls who do not bar fine could be interpreted as coercion, and the bar owner may as well drop his drawers, grab his heels and invite IJM to have a go at him sans lube. There is simply not any incentive for the bar owners and the mamasans to expose themselves to this sort of liability. Some mamasans are so skittish that they now refer all customer inquiries regarding possibility of bar fine and compensation to the particular girl in question stating that it is up to the girl. This means customer satisfaction, or dissatisfaction now rests solely in the hands of the girl.

The bar cannot refuse employment based on virginity because: It would be tantamount to an admission that fucking customers is part of the job requirements; It is difficult to determine this status for job applicants; It would be scandalous if this became public knowledge; It invites legal liabilities; and it may exclude more attractive girls.

Pretty slim shapely Filipinas 18-21 yrs old receive lots of interest from many suitors, especially if they are virgins. If she is a virgin at that age it means that she likely came from a relatively conservative family and she was closely watched. Her family may have rejected a number of local suitors who came looking to court her. These girls are not looking to give up their precious cherry for regular bar fine or interested in being rooted by all and sundry. Some of the hottest ones even refuse cherry bids as high as P100,000 because they are holding out for nothing less than a foreign husband. Some even want the foreign husband to be someone they can have real physical attraction and feelings for. They are contented with receiving salary and drink commissions while they work the internet and wait for their Prince Charming to ride in.

So, the bars are designed to help you get laid, but they are not designed to guarantee you get laid. If you're going after 18 and 19 yr olds with smooth fair skin, doe eyes, good teeth, tall, busty, small waist, wide hips, long legs, round butt, and sculpted abdomen be prepared for rejection. These girls are at peak demand, and can afford to pick and choose their sponsors. The veterans will tell them that much if they haven't figured it out from the attention they get on the street, in the bar, and on the dating and social networking sites. Technology has made it possible for a stunners to spend their time off chatting multiple lonely virtual boyfriends in Europe, North America, and Australia who willingly send them regular cash allowances via Western Union with no intention of ever actually visiting the Philippines. Their attitudes are just a reflection of these circumstances. Going bar fine with a stranger who is probably doped up on a Viagra-Redbull-Zinc cocktail and looking to pound their puss bareback from midnight to well after sunrise for P1,500 P2,000 just is not that appealing compared to the alternatives.Tell me something I did not already know chocha monger.

All the reasons you quote above are the exact reasons high season is upon us and angeles city bars are dead of customers.

As they say, you make your bed, you lie in it.

People fly half way around the world at great expense to get laid not to sit amongst very ordinary looking, mostly chubby girls that have no intention of barfining,

Thank goodness there are many other destinations where girls know what they are employed to do.

People have obviously voted with their feet.

11-17-15, 06:26
Tell me something I did not already know chocha monger.

All the reasons you quote above are the exact reasons high season is upon us and angeles city bars are dead of customers.

As they say, you make your bed, you lie in it.

People fly half way around the world at great expense to get laid not to sit amongst very ordinary looking, mostly chubby girls that have no intention of barfining,

Thank goodness there are many other destinations where girls know what they are employed to do.

People have obviously voted with their feet.All this negative talk has me little concerned, as I'm to make my first visit there this month. I couldn't careless about whether.

The town crowding with other dudes, but the reason you claim for there absents troublesome I mean no intention of barfining brings in the question of why are they even there. What I hope.

And suspected is that of the most of the complaints are from guys that have been going for 15 years when everything was fresh new and extra cheap. Also it may not be as good as you remember but.

But for a first time visitor it's still a good time. I say this from my experience as I'm a big DR guy and people always complain but when I see newbies in town there always having a great time.

Talking to woman ID seen for years and never said so much as Hello, to.

Chocha Monger
11-17-15, 08:37
There are other factors that may be causing low monger numbers in AC at this time besides the long term changes in attitudes and quality. The biggest one currently is the APEC Summit in Manila. The government has restricted air travel, shut down Manila for 4 days, and detained all vagrants in the city to keep them out of sight of foreign dignitaries.

Another factor working over a wider time frame is the currency markets. The Aussie dollar has taken a brutal drubbing from the peso, and is crying uncle. Aussie mongers on a pension are now more worried about trying to avoid making cat-food a dietary staple than traveling to AC for discretionary expenditures on pinay puss, booze, and counterfeit street Viagra.

The Malaysian ringgit has been shoved off a cliff by the peso. Malaysian mongers will have to content themselves with jerking off to the photo gallery for some time to come instead of visiting AC bars for the real thing. Except for a few currencies like the USA Dollar, Korean won, and British pound, most monger currencies are down against the peso including the Japanese yen, and even the Euro.

The high roller mongers are probably still rolling high in Makati, but AC's economy and low budget mongers are hurting real bad. While Americans are fairly well on the exchange rate, Thanksgiving and Christmas are around the corner and they're probably saving their money for the holidays at home after weathering a slow economic recovery. So, AC bars may not be seeing any crowds for a while.

11-17-15, 09:26
All this negative talk has me little concerned, as I'm to make my first visit there this month. I couldn't careless about whether.

The town crowding with other dudes, but the reason you claim for there absents troublesome I mean no intention of barfining brings in the question of why are they even there. What I hope.

And suspected is that of the most of the complaints are from guys that have been going for 15 years when everything was fresh new and extra cheap. Also it may not be as good as you remember but.

But for a first time visitor it's still a good time. I say this from my experience as I'm a big DR guy and people always complain but when I see newbies in town there always having a great time.

Talking to woman ID seen for years and never said so much as Hello, to.Read back a few pages and you will find all the answers to your questions, I and many have pointed out exactly what is happening in angeles city as of now.

It all depends on what you are looking for as to whether you will have a good time there.

11-17-15, 10:40
Among the local mongers I talk with we all call Angeles City Rejection City or just call it RC for short because about half or more of the girls you try to take are going to shoot you down and some are going to be quite rude and cold about it.

Still not yet a 100%. If guys continue to feed cash into the system without getting sexual favors in return, then 100% is certainly achievable. Never have girls in AC had it so easy. Before, in order to make about 700 p they'd have to do LT with a punter. Now they can just sit in the bar all night and make that easily from drinks and tips. Incentivizing non-sexual services in a hooker scene has always been a recipe for certain demise. AC used to be a hooker destination, now it's an entertainment destination.

There's still a bit of fun to be had. Enjoy it while it lasts!

11-17-15, 17:35
Not even vitamin V can help limped Richards caused by rejection. I have not had any problems finding ST or LT girls in perimeter bars. I really don't go to the fields bars so I can't respond to them. Most girls will do ST as stated before. Most girls after ST will decide to go LT if you are clean and like able. After that most girls will refer their friends to you.

The girls do not have to go with you is right. Not even for a million pesos! The attitude of "I paid my money-I get to fuck you" is so endearing to the girls that I wonder why they don't go with you!

Screaming Beaver
11-18-15, 00:27
All this negative talk has me little concerned, as I'm to make my first visit there this month.If you can't get laid in this town then you have some serious physical, mental or hygienic issues.

11-18-15, 02:20
Its funny how the majority of guys on angeles boards report that its much much harder to find slim attractive girls that are willing to barfine and we have some that are claiming they have no problems at all.

Well I put this down to girl choice.

Yes if one goes to the perimeter road bars and does not mind mainly very plain, older mummys, fat girls, then getting laid is relatively straight forward.

Here's the BUT.

Most guys travel great distances at great expense to spend time with the type of girls they cannot attract back home, these type of girls can only be found in very small numbers in the top bars of fields avenue.

As has been pointed out by so many, even the slightly attractive girls of fields are very choosy on who they barfine with that's if you can get the little want to be princess to barfne at all.

The reasons for this have been made clear by many in recent posts.

Sorry to be blunt, but that is the honest situation as I see it, lets hope things improve some time soon.

Screaming Beaver
11-18-15, 02:33
As has been pointed out by so many, even the slightly attractive girls of fields are very choosy on who they barfine with that's if you can get the little want to be princess to barfne at allI would still suggest you take a shower and brush your teeth before you hit the town. You may find the hots to be more receptive to you. The reason I say this is because this town attracts the blue collar value monger who doesn't think personal hygiene is really necessary since they are pulling out the little blue notes.

11-18-15, 02:36
There are other factors that may be causing low monger numbers in AC at this time besides the long term changes in attitudes and quality. The biggest one currently is the APEC Summit in Manila. The government has restricted air travel, shut down Manila for 4 days, and detained all vagrants in the city to keep them out of sight of foreign dignitaries.

Another factor working over a wider time frame is the currency markets. The Aussie dollar has taken a brutal drubbing from the peso, and is crying uncle. Aussie mongers on a pension are now more worried about trying to avoid making cat-food a dietary staple than traveling to AC for discretionary expenditures on pinay puss, booze, and counterfeit street Viagra.

The Malaysian ringgit has been shoved off a cliff by the peso. Malaysian mongers will have to content themselves with jerking off to the photo gallery for some time to come instead of visiting AC bars for the real thing. Except for a few currencies like the USA Dollar, Korean won, and British pound, most monger currencies are down against the peso including the Japanese yen, and even the Euro.

The high roller mongers are probably still rolling high in Makati, but AC's economy and low budget mongers are hurting real bad. While Americans are fairly well on the exchange rate, Thanksgiving and Christmas are around the corner and they're probably saving their money for the holidays at home after weathering a slow economic recovery. So, AC bars may not be seeing any crowds for a while.You are correct in saying that most people the world over have less money available to themselves.

I also agree that most currencies have taken a fall and prices have risen.

But how do you explain that very near by mongering destinations are very busy with customers in high numbers even though they have political problems,terrorist threats,bombings themselves.

My view is that some destinations are doing it right therefore have high numbers of customers and some destinations are doing it wrong and not able to attract high number.

Mongers will be mongers, they will not stay at home regardless of summits/politics/terrorism, they will still travel but maybe for shorter periods than before and maybe be more careful of everyday expense but travel to the right destinations where they can get laid easily by attractive girls they will.

11-18-15, 02:58
Malaysian mongers will have to content themselves with jerking off to the photo gallery for some time to comeDoing my *best* for the Malaysian fellas haha.

11-18-15, 03:15
Hi all,

I read several dozen pages of this forum, and used search. Indy's 6 day report was very helpful. But still a few remaining questions for a 1st time visitor to AC and PI:

1. Is it better to exchange cash via a regular bank or a money exchanger like Norma's?

2. Do the girls usually speak some English? Thing is if we do LT, I'd imagine it'd be quite boring between the sessions if she doesn't.

3. Is mid to end of Jan. A pretty good time to go? The climate seems to be very reasonable at this time.

TIAChanging money on the street is very risky in a third world country, better to go to sm mall and change your money in one of the banks there, they are guarded by security with guns for your safety.

Girls speak fairly good English and can hold conversations, but remember most bargirls have had no schooling and have grown up in the outback so don't expect deep meaningful conversations.

Mid to late January is the best time to visit.

Chris Long
11-18-15, 03:32
All this negative talk has me little concerned, as I'm to make my first visit there this month. I couldn't careless about whether.

The town crowding with other dudes, but the reason you claim for there absents troublesome I mean no intention of barfining brings in the question of why are they even there. What I hope.

And suspected is that of the most of the complaints are from guys that have been going for 15 years when everything was fresh new and extra cheap. Also it may not be as good as you remember but.

But for a first time visitor it's still a good time. I say this from my experience as I'm a big DR guy and people always complain but when I see newbies in town there always having a great time.

Talking to woman ID seen for years and never said so much as Hello, to.Aaahhh the DR. I remember my first time to Sosua I stayed at the New Garden hotel arrived midweek around 1: pm and wanted to see the strip for the first time. Three times that day I walked out of the New Garden heading for the strip and three times I was stopped by a hot little Dominicana before I ever reached the strip and was convinced by her to take her back to my room. Finally had to just keep my head down and ignore all the come ONS so I could finally make it to the strip.

In Angles the distance from the Wild Orchid to walking street is about the same from New Garden to the strip. You could walk up and down from Wild Orchid to walking street twenty four hours a day seven days a week and get nothing but ignored dirty looks and NO from the girls.

Aaahhh Sosua In Classicos, Rumba or the old the Latinos I feel like Brad Pitt I'm groped, felt up, and come on to by the girls and within five minutes or less I can take who ever I want back to my room.

In Rejection City / Angles City gogo bar you will be ignored looked at like you are Frankenstein's Monster and told by at least half or more of the girls she is on Mens and can't bar fine. Of course that will be after you have bought her a drink or two.

I hope you are not thin skinned Worldtraveler because you will find Rejection City / Angels City is nothing like Sosua.


11-18-15, 03:51
Doing my *best* for the Malaysian fellas haha.For the Malaysian fella's and all the other guys around the world ensconced in Mumma's cellar.

11-18-15, 04:03
Do the girls usually speak some English?As said, you probably won't be discussing geopolitical issues, but they understand pretty well. I suspect understanding THEM is a bit of an acquired skill: I had some real problems due to thick accents. I did have one girl who could barely understand me but had a wing-woman do some translation. Rather odd as even the translator said that I my English was very understandable, not highly accented.

I found the understand versus speak thing problematic as I would revert to my usual highly simplified, gesture-intensive talk when they could understand me fine but I struggled when they talked.

11-18-15, 04:05
Perimeter bars have many girls as beautiful as fields bars. They are not all fat and ugly. Most girls are new to the scene. Sometimes when I hear about bad performers, like horses I wonder if it wasn't because of the jockey?

Money changers like Norma's are just as safe as banks. You are not going to get robbed at either location. Just go at a decent time and always double back to see if someone is following you whether it is at a money changer or bank. At SM mall go up the escalator and stop at the top to see if someone is following or watching you and then go back down the escalator. Just like anywhere else use some common sense and watch your back.

Most girls do speak good English. Writing it maybe a different story. What is confusing to them is which English and accent are you talking to them with? Meaning are you American? Texan? Australian? British? Indian? Korean speaking English? And with slang words? If you expect to discuss your countries history or politics then it is not going to happen. Then again it would probably bore me too.

Red Kilt
11-18-15, 04:10
As said, you probably won't be discussing geopolitical issues, but they understand pretty well. I suspect understanding THEM is a bit of an acquired skill: I had some real problems due to thick accents. I did have one girl who could barely understand me but had a wing-woman do some translation. Rather odd as even the translator said that I my English was very understandable, not highly accented.It is "conventional" for filipinas to express "shame" and dismay to all foreigners that "I cannot speak good English". It's almost to be expected from them as a form of advance defence mechanism.

There is also a common understanding that Aussies are especially hard to understand because they "talk fast" and "have slang", even if you talk slowly and use clear expressions.

This has become folklore now. You will hear girls talk about how speaking English with foreigners causes nosebleed, another quaint expression used often.

My rule is to speak slowly and clearly. There is usually someone close by who can translate for you.

11-18-15, 05:17
Most guys travel great distances at great expense to spend time with the type of girls they cannot attract back home, these type of girls can only be found in very small numbers in the top bars of fields avenue.

I know lots of mongers who are happy with low grade pussy, and I see loads of guys hand in hand with dogs in AC with a smile on their faces. Some guys have lower standards.

I'm with you though, the hot ones are on fields and they have more power now then ever before.

11-18-15, 06:02
It is "conventional" for filipinas to express "shame" and dismay to all foreigners that "I cannot speak good English". It's almost to be expected from them as a form of advance defence mechanism.

There is also a common understanding that Aussies are especially hard to understand because they "talk fast" and "have slang", even if you talk slowly and use clear expressions.

This has become folklore now. You will hear girls talk about how speaking English with foreigners causes nosebleed, another quaint expression used often.

My rule is to speak slowly and clearly. There is usually someone close by who can translate for you.The other approach that's sometimes effective is to create simple, thoroughly ungrammatical sentences that either do not include verbs or keep all verbs in the present tense, usually in first person singular. Tagalog and at least most of the dialects don't incorporate conjugation and the use of tense is limited if it's used at all. Thus, "we go movie tomorrow?" is more likely to be understood than the more complex"Would you like to go to the movies tomorrow?" And "you work here long time?" is likely to be more comprehensible than "Have you worked here for a long time?


Key Master
11-18-15, 06:16
All this negative talk has me little concerned, as I'm to make my first visit there this month. I couldn't careless about whether.

The town crowding with other dudes, but the reason you claim for there absents troublesome I mean no intention of barfining brings in the question of why are they even there. What I hope.

And suspected is that of the most of the complaints are from guys that have been going for 15 years when everything was fresh new and extra cheap. Also it may not be as good as you remember but.

But for a first time visitor it's still a good time. I say this from my experience as I'm a big DR guy and people always complain but when I see newbies in town there always having a great time.

Talking to woman ID seen for years and never said so much as Hello, to.This is my opinion, not trying to start a war. I'm sure it's going to anger some people.

It used to be awhile back before phones and internet were wide spread that you could basically go into these clubs and take out pretty much anyone you wanted by just making the offer. It didn't matter how you looked, smelled or how old you were. I think those times have changed. There are a lot of people who don't think none of this matters. At the current time, I think it does come into play significantly more so than say 10 years ago.

I've been fortunate enough to stay somewhat fit and still get away as looking kind of young. I don't dress to impress but my clothes are clean and they generally look good together. I can still pull some of the more obvious cuter ones out of the bars for now. I have witnessed these women tell guys lies whether it's menstruation or other on why they can't go with certain people then turn around and go with me or others.

I also think if you can make them genuinely laugh and have a good time it helps.

No matter what your looks, clothes or age and stuff, you will be able to find someone to go with you who will be pretty ok looking. If you are looking to land the hottest women in the clubs then it may not happen depending.

Just saying, you can find action. You may not always get your preferred choices though. I get shot down on occasion too. I just know I've followed after some guys that have bought multiple drinks for someone and leaves empty handed and then I buy a drink and we are off. Many have told me they didn't want to go with the other guy for various reasons. I'm sure some of you will say they are lying, and whatever. Been seeing this happening a lot more often now and have put my conclusions together based on my experiences. In AC, the select number of real cuties, can be real choosy.

If you want some real hotties who probably don't care about all those things then somewhere like Thailand gogo's are probably a much better bet in my opinion. The tradeoff is the different experiences. I think the Thai women on average are physically hotter.

Chocha Monger
11-18-15, 06:42
It does not have to be a stunner. I have talked to many normal chicks online who have said they do not ask for money but have had guys virtually force it on them. And like you said, these guys don't even have any intention of going there. I hope that I am never that lonely.I agree, the girl does not even have to be a stunner. Also, I have seen guys forcing their sponsorship on average domestic helper types. Some of these guys are working jobs that pay over 100 K USD and hold senior positions in government and private sector jobs. Perhaps, they have nothing better to do with their money and feel so grateful for some female conversation that they feel obligated to pay for it. In the US, the most popular religion among men is worshipping women. The average man over 40 yrs of age has zero chance of attracting attention from women under 30 yrs old unless he is offering a substantial sum of money. These men are socially isolated and marginalized to the point of suffering depression. One of the recurring themes cited by young white male mass shooters is their feeling of desperation and anger at not being able to get any pussy in America. So, maybe if the younger guys had money they would be doing virtual girlfriend sponsorships too.

All monger destinations that get a large influx of men from feminist Western countries eventually experience a change in the attitudes of the local hookers for the worse. This is because these men bring the religion of female worship with them. They start marrying the local prostitutes and buying them houses. Soon the word gets around that these guys like to kiss ass and are pussy-whipped. Therefore, there is no need to be nice to them as they are quite used to being rejected at home. The bar girls enjoy this newly discovered power over men and soon start treating customers accordingly. They pick and choose among the suitors trying to court them.

Western men are well-known in the Philippines for marrying women with baggage. Filipinos use these women for money and sex only. Hence, foreigners are really the ones to blame when the women in AC start acting like the ones the guys ran away from at home. For Filipino attitudes to single mommies and high mileage women read this article. http://definitelyfilipino.com/blog/2014/05/interracial-relationship-filipina-on-the-spotlight/.

11-18-15, 09:06
This is my opinion, not trying to start a war. I'm sure it's going to anger some people.

It used to be awhile back before phones and internet were wide spread that you could basically go into these clubs and take out pretty much anyone you wanted by just making the offer. It didn't matter how you looked, smelled or how old you were. I think those times have changed. There are a lot of people who don't think none of this matters. At the current time, I think it does come into play significantly more so than say 10 years ago.

10-15 years ago AC wasn't yet an international sex destination. The mass hadn't shown up yet. Lots of guys then considered Philippines to be "dangerous" and avoided it. Back then, AC was really a gigantic whoer house and all the punters visiting knew how to play the game! The only way girls were able to make money was to spread their legs or get on their knees.

Red Kilt
11-18-15, 09:34
10-15 years ago AC wasn't yet an international sex destination. The mass hadn't shown up yet. Lots of guys then considered Philippines to be "dangerous" and avoided it. Back then, AC was really a gigantic whoer house and all the punters visiting knew how to play the game! The only way girls were able to make money was to spread their legs or get on their knees.I think your 10-15 years time frame is a bit short Amjeck, but I don't want to start any sort of pissing contest because maybe you are using some different indicators to me.

I have been here for almost 19 years and it was a well-known destination for many of my Aussie mates before I came, because they all mentioned it once they knew I was headed for the Philippines.

Add in the years during the 70s when the US Military machine used the area around Olongapo and Clark as a Rest & Rec place and it is clear it was quite well-known before that.

So I guess we should say at least "20- 25 years"?

11-18-15, 09:59
10-15 years ago AC wasn't yet an international sex destination. The mass hadn't shown up yet. Lots of guys then considered Philippines to be "dangerous" and avoided it. Back then, AC was really a gigantic whoer house and all the punters visiting knew how to play the game! The only way girls were able to make money was to spread their legs or get on their knees.I first visited AC in '92 after the Yanks pulled out and AC was very quiet - some Aussies and retired American military. Certainly before the US departed Clarke AC's Balibago district was a camp town relying almost exclusively on American military personnel, so AC was 'international' in that the customers were mostly non Filipino but mono-national in that they were almost all Yanks. The Internet and the influx of Korean punters revived the town's fortunes. I don't recall passing through AC again until '97 and the place was hopping.

11-18-15, 10:26
There are other factors that may be causing low monger numbers in AC at this time... SNIP.....So, AC bars may not be seeing any crowds for a while.Excellent analysis, takes pretty much everything into consideration. Currency markets, IMHO, is one of the biggest factors. Anyone see the near absence of Russians in Pattaya lately? Same reason.

Sorry for the diversion on this thread, but I thought its relevant.

11-18-15, 14:21
I would still suggest you take a shower and brush your teeth before you hit the town. You may find the hots to be more receptive to you. The reason I say this is because this town attracts the blue collar value monger who doesn't think personal hygiene is really necessary since they are pulling out the little blue notes.What I and many are saying has nothing to do with personal higeine, style of clothes, weight etc etc.

What we are saying is that the better looking bar girls of angeles city have worked out that they do not need to barfine with anybody to earn very decent money from salary, high commissin on lady drinks.

I am mid 40's,dress well. Shower 2 x per day and definately brush my teeth, i have no difficulty fucking bargirls in other mongering destinations,

on a very recent angeles city visit i took a friend along who is 28, who until recently was dating a super hot teenage girl in the uk,guess what,he also was shot down on numerous occasions,

It comes down to easy money, why would a bargirl want to fuck a stranger every night to earn peso when she can stay in the bar and earn the same amount if not more without having to fuck with anyone.

Mr Enternational
11-18-15, 15:41
Excellent analysis, takes pretty much everything into consideration. Currency markets, IMHO, is one of the biggest factors. Anyone see the near absence of Russians in Pattaya lately? Same reason.But the value of the Russian Rouble is largely dependant on the price of oil. When the oil price fell, the Rouble lost half its value and now the Russians are forced to stay home and are finally selling their condos in Pattaya at reduced rates as I predicted would be the case. Same was the case for the Brazilian Real.

Imagine in a couple of months if you were getting 24 php to the USD instead of the 47 that it is today (or half of what you are now getting for your home currency). You could be right though. Maybe the slight to moderate fall of the AUD and CAD could account for some Aussie and Canadian brothers staying away from AC.

Mr Enternational
11-18-15, 16:11
What I and many are saying has nothing to do with personal higeine, style of clothes, weight etc etc.

What we are saying is that the better looking bar girls of angeles city have worked out that they do not need to barfine with anybody to earn very decent money from salary, high commissin on lady drinks.

It comes down to easy money, why would a bargirl want to fuck a stranger every night to earn peso when she can stay in the bar and earn the same amount if not more without having to fuck with anyone.It could have to do with all of the factors. Shit you are 10-15 or 20-25 years older plus they are able to get money other ways besides flat-backing. Don't be pissed because they were able to better their circumstances and no longer have to settle for fucking any guy who asks in order to make a living. Either adjust your standards accordingly and take what is available to you or go home with your dick in your hand and fuck whatever is available to you for free there. I don't go to AC to find a certain type of girl. I go there to have a good time and choose from what is available. Getting upset over what is not available will get you nowhere. I have no complaints. The place is still a good mongering destination for me and my standards.

Member #4698
11-18-15, 16:57
Wait a minute guys. Are you all saying that the better looking AC bar girls are no longer barfining and providing sexual services? I can't believe this is true. When I was last there in 2014, I detected a negative attitude from some of the girls I met in a couple of bars which indicated to me that they didn't like what they were doing and didn't really want to shag. I wrote it off as a particular AC bar culture problem isolated to a few bars due to lack of good management of the girls and to the application of the EWR as an all inclusive up front payment system which tends to rob girls of the incentive to perform. I also attributed the cause of problem to the lingering effect the raids had made on the girl's outlook. But I still managed to find some very good looking fun girls that trip in Grand Pharaoh (or whatever they call it now) and Insomnia and I had a pretty good time. So if it is now true that a majority of AC bar girls in a majority of the bars are not shagging customers, then believe me, word will get out, and the number of mongers visiting AC in the future will drop off drastically. Of course this makes no financial sense on the part of the bars. Most will not survive on drinks alone so I think the better run bars will maintain a good attitude among their girls and profit by the mismanagement of their neighboring no shag bars.

In any case, what I am reading in this thread seems really odd because in addition to what I wrote above, the situation in Makati is 180 degrees completely opposite. I assure everyone reading this that Makati bar girls are dying for customers and they all want to be barfined, their attitudes could not be better, and truth, I have never met an Burgos Street bar girl that didn't want me to barfine her and did not want to show me a great time. In addition I think the average looks of Makati bar girls is higher than the average looks of AC bar girls. The payment plan is very different too and more expensive in Makati. but so is the bar culture, especially in bars like Bottoms, Plan "be", and Rogues. In these 3 bars, for example, the girls are very forthcoming and they are very sexually interactive with their customers while still in the bar. In the not to distant past I knew a number of AC bars that were like that too. That's why I blame poor bar management and the EWR as the fundamental problem in AC. I do not buy the explanation that AC bar girls are happy making money solely on drink commissions. Fiddly sticks. A good looking bar girl can make a hell of a lot more money with drink commissions AND providing sexual services. The former does not preclude the latter and smart girls are all about maximizing their income. So there must be another explanation. But again, if all this is true, than RIP AC. Fewer and fewer punters are going to spend time and money here.

11-18-15, 17:36
Wait a minute guys. Are you all saying that the better looking AC bar girls are no longer barfining and providing sexual services? Not entirely, but I've found that the ratio has significantly increased. It could just be a temporary "glitche", but I noticed a very different feel to the place since my previous visit 6 months prior.

I can only speak for Fields Ave bars as I only go for the hottest sexiest girls out there. Perimeter bars don't stock the quality I'm interested in, so I don't know what's going on there.

11-18-15, 18:04
Say it aint soYes it aint so. You are right.

The younger prettier fresher newer girls have always treated it like a dating service. Its not always about how young or attractive you are or well groomed. Once you've passed any young bargirls relatively low threshold for that, most of all they want to be treated respectfully. Guys have always gotten turned down, I doubt the rate has changed much, at least in this century, I can't speak to the last one. For alot of the newer or more attractive ones its actually a guy they may be willing to marry, who they will go with, it may sound absurd but its true. There again its a relatively low bar for the man appearance or age-wise. The younger fit rowdy monger may scare many of the young girls off. In their own culture back in the province they were the pick of the litter in their barangay and would never put up with any 'boy' who did not treat them respectfully.

Thats why its a middle aged man's paradise. I can still 'score' with a young girl who may have just have turned down a man young enough to be my son because she didn't like his attitude, because he came on too strong and rough and frightened her.

The only dynamic that may be more prevalent in recent years is some girls that 'only go' with korean / jap guys, that doesn't mean they are untouchable but your game would have to be pretty good.

The more seasoned bargirls have a whole different dynamic I am not talking about them but they all turn guys down and always have.

One good rule of thumb is if you do get turned down, finish your drink, and move on to the next bar and start a fresh game. Also the girls pretty much have decided in the first 10 minutes whether they will go with you so one drink is usually all you should invest in her IMO.

11-18-15, 18:21
One good rule of thumb is if you do get turned down, finish your drink, and move on to the next bar and start a fresh game. Absolutely, a good monger never gives up! AC does have more obstacles then any other sex scene I've ever encountered, however.

11-18-15, 20:11
Aussies are especially hard to understand because they "talk fast" and "have slang"

There is usually someone close by who can translate for you.I can't understand Aussies and English is my native language!

Like the line at BKK's Eden Club (girls who take anal on one side) the AC bars could have 'English' and 'No English' markings so you would select one from each side for your threesome. I got the combination by pure luck.

11-18-15, 21:10
I can't understand Aussies and English is my native language!

Like the line at BKK's Eden Club (girls who take anal on one side) the AC bars could have 'English' and 'No English' markings so you would select one from each side for your threesome. I got the combination by pure luck.There are sections of England where the accent is so heavy I don't know what they are talking about either. All countries have their own accent, when they speak English. Irish can be pretty tough. Talk about the girls not being able to speak understandable English is just crazy. I don't have that trouble at all.

And yes, Angeles is not as straight forward as before. Mainly cause we are not as young as before, LOL. This is where one must use their imagination and innovate. Very top girls refusing to go, is not new, been that way since day one. Some of them are not solely dependent on bar income nowadays, they are milking the Internet too. There are more sick caribous than ever, in the Philippines, nowadays. When you take the bus to AC, you can see caribous collapsed in the fields, LOL.

Talk of P. Burgos St (Makati) girls being enthusiastic, might have something to do with the fact they get two to three times more than AC girls. Money motivates.

I am glad that I am not experiencing all the negative stuff reported on this Forum. Its not as good as it used to be, but its still good.

11-18-15, 22:40
I guess some are still living the good ole days in their minds. News flash, everything is changing! I rather keep making good ole days everyday than reliving the past.

Now I understand why they sit at the bar all day / night drinking talking about how good the good ole days were. It's a new day, go out and get a new haircut, buy some new clothes, eat at a new place and live a little.

There is nothing wrong with AC.

11-19-15, 02:45
There are sections of England where the accent is so heavy I don't know what they are talking about either. All countries have their own accent, when they speak English. Irish can be pretty tough. Talk about the girls not being able to speak understandable English is just crazy. I don't have that trouble at all.{S N I P} When you take the bus to AC, you can see caribous collapsed in the fields!{S N I P}Hi S,

Are you sure that there are reindeer in PI? Or do you mean the De Havilland Canada DHC-4 cargo carrier (pictured below in use at an upmarket resort). They often 'crash' in the fields.

The English 'dialects' that I find impossible to understand, come out of N. America and with appalling grammar such as "I gotten off of the bus"! gotten!!! off of!!! WTF? And many African Americans are utterly impossible to understand. So much easier to understand African British or African Australian or even African African (f**king political correctness gone stupid)! ABCs (Australian) refer to Australians of caucasian ethnicity as ' Skippies' in a totally derogatory fashion, yet we are being racist if we admonish them!

Oh, for the days of Sir Arthur Calwell (an Australian Politician) who said in 1949 "Two wongs don't make a white" (referring to a case of mistaken identity of Chinese named Wong).

BTW, I notice that Obama often has a bulletproof screen in front of him when he gives speeches. Who are they afraid that he is going to shoot? Just wondering!

Back to sitting at the bar (in Hua Hin) snacking on NiggerBoy liquorice and thinking about the good ol' days (at least my 24yo Chinese porcelain doll buys me new clothes and cooks delicious Cantonese, Hunan and Sichuan style meals).


Screaming Beaver
11-19-15, 05:16
BTW, I notice that Obama often has a bulletproof screen in front of him when he gives speeches. Who are they afraid that he is going to shoot? Just wondering!Wonder no more clueless. It's called a teleprompter.

11-19-15, 07:09
Hey guys,

I'm going to AC first time soon, and got few short questions. First of all I will need modern, guest friendly hotel with fast internet and table in the room for work, plus secure parking for the car as I'm driving.

Another thing, I'm long time Thailand resident and dislike gogo bars, where is good place to find freelancers? Any good discos etc? And the last thing, what is the going rate for ST in AC? I guess 1000-1500 peso will be enough?

Thank you in advance for answering my questions.

11-19-15, 11:37
Hi S,

Are you sure that there are reindeer in PI? Or do you mean the De Havilland Canada DHC-4 cargo carrier (pictured below in use at an upmarket resort). They often 'crash' in the fields.

The English 'dialects' that I find impossible to understand, come out of N. America and with appalling grammar such as "I gotten off of the bus"! gotten!!! off of!!! WTF? And many African Americans are utterly impossible to understand. So much easier to understand African British or African Australian or even African African (f**king political correctness gone stupid)! ABCs (Australian) refer to Australians of caucasian ethnicity as ' Skippies' in a totally derogatory fashion, yet we are being racist if we admonish them!

Oh, for the days of Sir Arthur Calwell (an Australian Politician) who said in 1949 "Two wongs don't make a white" (referring to a case of mistaken identity of Chinese named Wong).

BTW, I notice that Obama often has a bulletproof screen in front of him when he gives speeches. Who are they afraid that he is going to shoot? Just wondering!

Back to sitting at the bar (in Hua Hin) snacking on NiggerBoy liquorice and thinking about the good ol' days (at least my 24yo Chinese porcelain doll buys me new clothes and cooks delicious Cantonese, Hunan and Sichuan style meals).

IkksIt never amazes me that the most unintelligent, ignorant people have the most to say. Even worse, they appoint themselves as public speakers! Sadly, freedom of speech equates to freedom of ignorance sometimes!

11-19-15, 12:48
Hey guys,

I'm going to AC first time soon, and got few short questions. First of all I will need modern, guest friendly hotel with fast internet and table in the room for work, plus secure parking for the car as I'm driving.

Another thing, I'm long time Thailand resident and dislike gogo bars, where is good place to find freelancers? Any good discos etc? And the last thing, what is the going rate for ST in AC? I guess 1000-1500 peso will be enough?

Thank you in advance for answering my questions.Good luck on this site!! Now you will send everybody into a frenzy because you asked questions, you will get read the rtff all day, I just started reading a new site after being loyal here for several years, and the people on new site seem much nicer, I'll try to pm you with any info I have.

D Cups
11-19-15, 13:50
Hey guys,

I'm going to AC first time soon, and got few short questions. First of all I will need modern, guest friendly hotel with fast internet and table in the room for work, plus secure parking for the car as I'm driving.

Another thing, I'm long time Thailand resident and dislike gogo bars, where is good place to find freelancers? Any good discos etc? And the last thing, what is the going rate for ST in AC? I guess 1000-1500 peso will be enough?

Thank you in advance for answering my questions.Orchid inn or just about any three star. Walking street. 2 - 3 k. I don't know the name of the discos but they are on walking street. Rtff.

11-19-15, 14:20
Orchid inn or just about any three star. Walking street. 2 - 3 k. I don't know the name of the discos but they are on walking street. Rtff.High Society and Skytrax.

11-19-15, 15:31
Thank you for your reply, but judging by the pictures and reviews of the customers Orchid Inn is rundown and overpriced. I need modern hotel with nice furniture, flat screen tvs etc.

Now regarding the 2-3 K for ST with the freelancer, think its sounds on the high side after I read that for 2. 5-3 K you can have the girl and bar fine from the gogo. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Orchid inn or just about any three star. Walking street. 2 - 3 k. I don't know the name of the discos but they are on walking street. Rtff.

11-19-15, 20:11
It never amazes me that the most unintelligent, ignorant people have the most to say. Even worse, they appoint themselves as public speakers! Sadly, freedom of speech equates to freedom of ignorance sometimes!Kindly brought to you by the Germaine Greer of PC!

Wonder no more clueless. It's called a teleprompter.What's a teleprompter?


P.S. To what should we change the phrase "black humour" to make it PC?

11-20-15, 02:26
Thank you for your reply, but judging by the pictures and reviews of the customers Orchid Inn is rundown and overpriced. I need modern hotel with nice furniture, flat screen tvs etc.

Now regarding the 2-3 K for ST with the freelancer, think its sounds on the high side after I read that for 2. 5-3 K you can have the girl and bar fine from the gogo. Correct me if I'm wrong.Looks like you rtff and got your answers. Of course you had to weed out quite a few pages of irrelevant, needless and nonsense posts.

11-20-15, 02:33
Thank you for your reply, but judging by the pictures and reviews of the customers Orchid Inn is rundown and overpriced. I need modern hotel with nice furniture, flat screen tvs etc.

Now regarding the 2-3 K for ST with the freelancer, think its sounds on the high side after I read that for 2. 5-3 K you can have the girl and bar fine from the gogo. Correct me if I'm wrong.Look at some of the more expensive hotels like ABC. LGH, WOR. They are all well appointed. My personal favorite is LGH although its a bit further away from WS than the others.

Prices have gone up. If you read the last couple of pages members have been discussing how girls in AC make easy money by simply using the internet and running up tabs in a bar and not shagging customers.

You will find FL's mostly in the clubs. A couple have been mentioned in a previous post. Beyond that its all FL action which I would stay away from given the number of scams and risks associated.

The tiny bars on Perimeter beyond LGH have lower prices, starting from P1500 but they are all day time bars and most of them shut shop by midnight or 1 am.

11-20-15, 03:37
Hey guys,

I'm going to AC first time soon, and got few short questions. First of all I will need modern, guest friendly hotel with fast internet and table in the room for work, plus secure parking for the car as I'm driving.

Another thing, I'm long time Thailand resident and dislike gogo bars, where is good place to find freelancers? Any good discos etc? And the last thing, what is the going rate for ST in AC? I guess 1000-1500 peso will be enough?

Thank you in advance for answering my questions.Let me try and help you.

First things first, as a long time thailand resident forget everything you have learned in thailand it just does not apply to bargirls, freelancers in angeles city.

My honest advice to you is to go the gogo bar route on a first visit, if you can get a girl to actually leave her bar then a fairly attractive girl on fields avenue will set you back 2,500p - 3000 p, daddies girls start at 4000 p expect most girls to be mainly short time,1 pop and she will be gone.

Freelancers are available in both skytraks and high society discos.

A word of warning as regards to feelancers, they can be trouble and they can set punters up to be seriously scammed by many means which are greatly discussed in most angeles boards, that's not to say all freelancers are scammers but there is a risk there.

The other problem with angeles discos and freelancers is the discos tend to attract younger koreans and japanese punters and the girls tend to go for these punters above an older westerner.

On to where to stay, again forget thai hotel prices, on avarage the same type of hotel in angeles will cost much more, the lewis grand is my hotel of choice, rooms start at $100 us and go up from there,they provide a free limo service to and from fields avenue bars,

any central hotels under $50-$60 us will normally be a dump.

Enjoy your first trip and please write up a trip report of your thoughts.

Mr Enternational
11-20-15, 04:30
Thank you for your reply, but judging by the pictures and reviews of the customers Orchid Inn is rundown and overpriced. I need modern hotel with nice furniture, flat screen tvs etc.http://cpangeles.com/ I stayed at Orchid Inn once and from the sound of it the reviews are right.

Now regarding the 2-3 K for ST with the freelancer, think its sounds on the high side after I read that for 2. 5-3 K you can have the girl and bar fine from the gogo. Correct me if I'm wrong.Freelancer: 1,500 LT, 2000 max (although I have never paid 2000).

11-20-15, 04:54
Let me try and help you.

On to where to stay, again forget thai hotel prices, on avarage the same type of hotel in angeles will cost much more, the lewis grand is my hotel of choice, rooms start at $100 us and go up from there,they provide a free limo service to and from fields avenue bars,

any central hotels under $50-$60 us will normally be a dump.

Enjoy your first trip and please write up a trip report of your thoughts.This is an informative post and provides excellent advice for newbies. I disagree somewhat about the hotels as I find the ABC far superior to the Lewis Grand, despite the fact that the latter has a more attractive pool. There are no real 5 star hotels in the city. The ABC bills itself as such, but in reality comes much closer to a four star, while the Lewis Gramd, in terms of rooms and amentities would, in my opinion, rate no better than three. The rest are basically dumps, again in my opinion, and I wouldn't stay in any of them. The new tower being constructed at ABC, which will open sometime in 2016, might actually achieve something close to five star status.


11-20-15, 05:20
An "African American" suggested you should have written: ". BTW, I noticeD that Obama often has a bulletproof screen. ". Noticed instead of notice.

And that the "bulletproof screen" is called a teleprompter.

As the good book says: ". "Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but don't notice the log in your own eye?. :

Hi S,

Are you sure that there are reindeer in PI? Or do you mean the De Havilland Canada DHC-4 cargo carrier (pictured below in use at an upmarket resort). They often 'crash' in the fields.

The English 'dialects' that I find impossible to understand, come out of N. America and with appalling grammar such as "I gotten off of the bus"! gotten!!! off of!!! WTF? And many African Americans are utterly impossible to understand. So much easier to understand African British or African Australian or even African African (f**king political correctness gone stupid)! ABCs (Australian) refer to Australians of caucasian ethnicity as ' Skippies' in a totally derogatory fashion, yet we are being racist if we admonish them!

Oh, for the days of Sir Arthur Calwell (an Australian Politician) who said in 1949 "Two wongs don't make a white" (referring to a case of mistaken identity of Chinese named Wong).

BTW, I notice that Obama often has a bulletproof screen in front of him when he gives speeches. Who are they afraid that he is going to shoot? Just wondering!

Back to sitting at the bar (in Hua Hin) snacking on NiggerBoy liquorice and thinking about the good ol' days (at least my 24yo Chinese porcelain doll buys me new clothes and cooks delicious Cantonese, Hunan and Sichuan style meals).


11-20-15, 05:33
...as I find the ABC far superior to the Lewis Grand, despite the fact that the latter has a more attractive pool. There are no real 5 star hotels in the city. The ABC bills itself as such, but in reality comes much closer to a four star, while the Lewis Gramd, in terms of rooms and amentities would, in my opinion, rate no better than three. You are right about the quality of ABC over LGH and it shows in the prices. The lowest price I have seen at ABC is $120 while I have stayed in LGH at $83. And the pool is way nicer than ABC. LGH really has to improve their game in the room furnishing and amenities department. And throw in a free breakfast.

I am looking forward to the new tower at ABC. Let us hope they keep the prices reasonable.

Naked Gunz
11-20-15, 07:20
You know I'm not offended, I'm actually disappointed. It clearly says this "This forum is moderated", but I get bombarded with slave cartoons. Did I pay for that too? I love pussy. I love jumping around this site to gather intel for upcoming trips. And lo and behold the dumb shit always seems to leak thru. It's either a newbie requesting obvious info that he refuses to read and gather, but loves to beg for, or the occasional racist yearning for the old days- and forcing his crap down everybody's throat. You have tried to ruin one of the best threads on this site- The magical Philippines.

I assume Brit or Aussie. Same old half-hearted racism through the keyboard. I see them everywhere I go. Phils, Patt, BKK, Indo. Feeble old men hating on the blacks that get Asian pussy. You guys arrive by the millions in Pattaya, but only brave mzungu go to Africa. Them I respect, and their usually German.

What's truly sad is that those old racist days are numbered. Their youthful looks are gone, their lack of intelligence is obvious, spoil sports taking the ball home. The best ISG members share pics, share intel, and wishes fellow mongers good luck- but no, somehow hate walked into this party! Racists are old and need somebody to blame. Sorry my junk is bigger than yours mate. Yeah those videos and TV shows with sexy black men are making it over there, and your girl wants some! Oh, its true.

Yeah, I'm disappointed. Hell, real racists KILL and* Only fakes talk about it!

Yeah, we hate Obama too. He's too busy trying to please fake racists overseas! If your going to hate, be real with it. Oh, by the way. Racist hate is always directed at the wrong race of people. Dumb racist always fail to see the real threat. Hint: They multiply by the thousands and they are living among you!

11-20-15, 12:43
I sincerely apologise that I posted a mainly OT, tongue in cheek post that perhaps was an imperfect attempt at 'black humour', although I am a strictly amateur stand up and write scripts for a couple of other comics (no smart remarks please). And I warned everyone that it was OT!

I failed to take into account that many people do not carefully read and comprehend posts. Instead they immediately get their hackles up and attack, clogging up this forum! They appear to want to return to the 'Philippine Fight Club' days.

Of course I know what a teleprompter is! And I do know the difference between caribou and carabao! Reread the post and you might be able to understand a little bit more clearly. And maybe even have a chuckle? Really!?!?!

If you read my posts, you will find as a China resident, I have helped many mongers, and I have posted many more photos than any other ISGer in the China forums in the last 5 years or so! Many guys have thanked me for my help via posts and PMs!

One thing I will claim is that English people of all ethnicities have a far better sense of humour than Americans (I am neither!). Wonderful stand up black comics such as Jimmy Carr, Sean Lock, Reginald D Hunter, Stephen K Amos and Frankie Boyle, I suspect would not get the standing ovations in the U.S. that they receive in the U.K. Oops the term black is ambiguous here as Hunter and Amos are of black ethnicity (and actually Hunter is American haha).

I hope this is the end of the matter and no more unbelievable responses, apart from PMs.


P.S. Does Stephen K Amos perform black humour? It's a double entendre joke! Get it! Bloody hell! I won't make the mistake to make any more tongue in cheek posts here!

P.P.S. And one single advertisement courtesy of the Victorian Museum is "bombarded". Really?

11-20-15, 19:11
I sincerely apologise that I posted a mainly OT, tongue in cheek post that perhaps was an imperfect attempt at 'black humour', although I am a strictly amateur stand up and write scripts for a couple of other comics (no smart remarks please). And I warned everyone that it was OT!

I failed to take into account that many people do not carefully read and comprehend posts. Instead they immediately get their hackles up and attack, clogging up this forum! They appear to want to return to the 'Philippine Fight Club' days.

Of course I know what a teleprompter is! And I do know the difference between caribou and carabao! Reread the post and you might be able to understand a little bit more clearly. And maybe even have a chuckle? Really!?!?!

If you read my posts, you will find as a China resident, I have helped many mongers, and I have posted many more photos than any other ISGer in the China forums in the last 5 years or so! Many guys have thanked me for my help via posts and PMs!

One thing I will claim is that English people of all ethnicities have a far better sense of humour than Americans (I am neither!). Wonderful stand up black comics such as Jimmy Carr, Sean Lock, Reginald D Hunter, Stephen K Amos and Frankie Boyle, I suspect would not get the standing ovations in the U.S. that they receive in the U.K. Oops the term black is ambiguous here as Hunter and Amos are of black ethnicity (and actually Hunter is American haha).

I hope this is the end of the matter and no more unbelievable responses, apart from PMs.


P.S. Does Stephen K Amos perform black humour? It's a double entendre joke! Get it! Bloody hell! I won't make the mistake to make any more tongue in cheek posts here!

P.P.S. And one single advertisement courtesy of the Victorian Museum is "bombarded". Really?Just as a simple mined racist, say one thing in public and pm me a totally different convo. Admin please do something with this Nob. His box is full and I do not want to argue with an idiot in public. Someone might mistake me for one.

11-20-15, 19:21
Seems like you forgot the first rule of comedy. Know thy?

Chocha Monger
11-20-15, 19:22
There are whispers that ISIS fighters have been spending their R&aR mongering at AC bars. If this is true it would not be the first time that terrorists have been sighted engaging in the hobby in the monger town. Al Qaeda pilot and 9/11 hijacker, Mohamed Atta, learned to fly ultra-lights at the Angels City Flying Club. He stayed at the Woodland Park Resort Hotel with his fellow 9/11 hijacker, Marwan Alshehhi. Hotel staff reported that Atta was an avid monger and rooted a different girl every night.

In 2002, scores of Aussie mongers met their end in Paddy's Pub and the Sari Club in Bali, Indonesia when jihadists blew them up. With ISIS having a presence in the Philippines mongers might want to be extra careful as the Aussie Embassy has been warning that "terrorist attacks can take place at any time and place in the Philippines. " ISIS has realized that killing Westerners outside of the Middle East brings far more publicity and spreads more fear than killing Arabs. This means they're likely to continue this trend. AC has mongers from all of the countries currently bombing ISIS in Syria and Iraq. This makes it an attractive soft target, as blowing up elderly Westerners having a root with prostitutes is probably seen as having high propaganda value to radical Islamists.

11-20-15, 21:56
Seems like you forgot the first rule of comedy. Know thy?Against the desires of Ikksman I will chip in, but try to keep it short. One of the problems with almost any board of this type is just that: We generally do not know each other, so that first rule is moot. From reading Ikks' previous posts I realized that the offending one was written in jest and rather enjoyed it. Obviously others did not.

Popular forums will, by dint of numbers, contain the stupid, the thin skinned, the insensitive, and the outright trolls; it is an ugly combination in an anonymous group.

11-20-15, 22:25
Against the desires of Ikksman I will chip in, but try to keep it short. One of the problems with almost any board of this type is just that: We generally do not know each other, so that first rule is moot. From reading Ikks' previous posts I realized that the offending one was written in jest and rather enjoyed it. Obviously others did not.

Popular forums will, by dint of numbers, contain the stupid, the thin skinned, the insensitive, and the outright trolls; it is an ugly combination in an anonymous group.First rule still stands more than ever with your affirmation. The same ugly combination can be said about posters.

11-20-15, 22:34
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited or deleted in accordance with the Forum's policy prohibiting any discussion regarding racial issues. This action is in no way a reflection of the merits of the author's comments.

I am aware that the vast majority of references to racial issues are legitimate attempts to advise other fellow members about local racial issues and prejudices. However, past discussions in the Forum has repeatedly demonstrated that the subject simply cannot be discussed intelligently, in any form or for any reason, without being misinterpreted and without starting flame wars.

Please do not engage in discussions about race in the Forum. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information.


11-20-15, 23:40
Final comment on the most hated line in my post: "BTW, I notice that Obama often has a bulletproof screen in front of him when he gives speeches. Who are they afraid that he is going to shoot? ". This is actually a social comment (with a twist) on Americans' love of guns and the frequent shooting massacres there. The ethnicity of the USA President is a total irrelevancy. If I you can't understand that, then I feel very sorry for you.

"Most comedy is social commentary"

Member #4698
11-21-15, 00:19
Ikks, forget about trying to explain your little satirical joke to the politically correct crowd. To them you are an apostate sinner, a racist and you must be either converted or silenced. Something is in the air. Better joke tellers than you like Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock have commented that they now find it a drag to perform on college campuses these days because nearly anything can offend student sensitivities. Less well know comedians have had to alter (sanitize) their acts in order to conform.

On a much more serious note, I am sure you are aware of the growing fascism cloaked in political correctness and minority sensitivity invading American college campuses. It is unbelievable. These young little twats even voice their fascism out loud naively unaware of the irony and the danger of their point of view. Free Speech doesn't matter any more if it makes them uncomfortable. Of course insulting others and trampling on the rights of people they disagree with is fine because the righteous true believers are always right and their Utopian ends justify any means. It reminds me of Germany in the early 1930's when young German Fascists burned books they didn't like at famous universities. George Santayana's grave warning comes to my mind. "Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."

Here is a sample of what I am talking about on college campuses.


And oh yeah, another Islamic terrorist attack today. This time killing 27 innocent people at the Radisson Blu in Mali. But please forgive my political incorrectness. I wrote "Islamic" terrorists and according to the PC police, the mad dogs aren't Islamic. Islam is a religion of peace.

11-21-15, 02:59
Please move this discussion somewhere else. The Angeles thread is one of the most vibrant and on topic in all of ISG.

Stop polluting it please.

Wicked Roger
11-21-15, 08:25
Please move this discussion somewhere else. The Angeles thread is one of the most vibrant and on topic in all of ISG.

Stop polluting it please.I thought it was a fun discussion and read it with interest. Go to the UAE board and you find the likes of Ikks there with a few others who find any reference to color racist. And some of us have to remind the holy righteous what sarcasm and irony is. Even using the word black humor sets some off. The same people who gladly shag African girls in Dubai or worse be scammed by them.

Funny old world but have a look at UAE board (Dubai thread, read me, Cons68, Snow and a few others) and see the reaction to comments made based o facts plus some very nice comedy (well British humor is always more understanding and edgy than others Ikks).

Keep up the good work, your irony / sarcasm and black humor are much appreciated and understood by this monger LOL.

11-21-15, 23:13
Please move this discussion somewhere else. The Angeles thread is one of the most vibrant and on topic in all of ISG.

Stop polluting it please.There is a Jokes and Humorous posting section. That audience is looking for laughs. Maybe not as many critics too.

11-22-15, 17:01
High Society and Skytrax.Ultra Disco is another disco. Its about the size of Skytrax, with freelancers and regular girls (I think). Located across the beer garden, near the end of Fields Ave.

John Traveller
11-23-15, 14:53
Anybody know if the moneychangers in Angeles accept Thai Baht, and if so what's the rate? For some silly reason I withdraw to much Baht in Thailand, and I wonder if I should convert it to dollars here or wait until I get to Phillippines and convert the Baht to Pesos.

Mr Hawaii
11-23-15, 21:57
Anybody know if the moneychangers in Angeles accept Thai Baht, and if so what's the rate? For some silly reason I withdraw to much Baht in Thailand, and I wonder if I should convert it to dollars here or wait until I get to Phillippines and convert the Baht to Pesos.Or, just save it for your next trip back to Thailand. I have exchanged baht for pesos in Manila, but not Angeles. In my case I had to mentally convert baht to USDollars, then USDollars to pesos. The Manila money changer gave a good rate. I had only a few thousand baht and I knew I was not going to go back to Thailand anytime soon. But if you plan to return and do not need the money now, I would just hang on to it.

11-23-15, 22:57
Anybody know if the moneychangers in Angeles accept Thai Baht, and if so what's the rate? For some silly reason I withdraw to much Baht in Thailand, and I wonder if I should convert it to dollars here or wait until I get to Phillippines and convert the Baht to Pesos.If it is more than the price of another ST then I would exchange it to $$$ before leaving Bahtland otherwise I would do another ST. I doubt you will find a favorable exchange rate at the AC money changers if they even convert. Just my thoughts.

11-24-15, 06:02
well British humor is always more understanding and edgy than others Ikks.
As Mr. Bean and Benny Hill clearly prove.

11-24-15, 06:06
Anybody know if the moneychangers in Angeles accept Thai Baht, and if so what's the rate? For some silly reason I withdraw to much Baht in Thailand, and I wonder if I should convert it to dollars here or wait until I get to Phillippines and convert the Baht to Pesos.For whatever reason the Philippines gives terrible exchange rates on everything but the most major currencies (USD, EUR, YEN). It's even worse in reverse. Philippine pesos bring next to nothing in Baht or Hong Kong Dollars. If you exchange the pesos to dollars in the Philippines then change those dollars back in Thailand or wherever else you always get more for your money.

Dark Knight1
11-24-15, 16:20
You know I'm not offended, I'm actually disappointed. It clearly says this "This forum is moderated", but I get bombarded with slave cartoons. Did I pay for that too? I love pussy. I love jumping around this site to gather intel for upcoming trips. And lo and behold the dumb shit always seems to leak thru. It's either a newbie requesting obvious info that he refuses to read and gather, but loves to beg for, or the occasional racist yearning for the old days- and forcing his crap down everybody's throat. You have tried to ruin one of the best threads on this site- The magical Philippines.

I assume Brit or Aussie. Same old half-hearted racism through the keyboard. I see them everywhere I go. Phils, Patt, BKK, Indo. Feeble old men hating on the blacks that get Asian pussy. You guys arrive by the millions in Pattaya, but only brave mzungu go to Africa. Them I respect, and their usually German.

What's truly sad is that those old racist days are numbered. Their youthful looks are gone, their lack of intelligence is obvious, spoil sports taking the ball home. The best ISG members share pics, share intel, and wishes fellow mongers good luck- but no, somehow hate walked into this party! Racists are old and need somebody to blame. Sorry my junk is bigger than yours mate. Yeah those videos and TV shows with sexy black men are making it over there, and your girl wants some! Oh, its true.

Yeah, I'm disappointed. Hell, real racists KILL and* Only fakes talk about it!

Yeah, we hate Obama too. He's too busy trying to please fake racists overseas! If your going to hate, be real with it. Oh, by the way. Racist hate is always directed at the wrong race of people. Dumb racist always fail to see the real threat. Hint: They multiply by the thousands and they are living among you!Anything that is posted on a forum and left there after a moderation check which is twice a day here is because the site owner / admin / s find the content unobjectionable.

11-24-15, 18:19
For whatever reason the Philippines gives terrible exchange rates on everything but the most major currencies (USD, EUR, YEN). It's even worse in reverse. Philippine pesos bring next to nothing in Baht or Hong Kong Dollars. If you exchange the pesos to dollars in the Philippines then change those dollars back in Thailand or wherever else you always get more for your money.Theres's no 'whatever' about it. And, even less of a mystery why. Jeez.

Mr Enternational
11-24-15, 20:20
For whatever reason the Philippines gives terrible exchange rates on everything but the most major currencies (USD, EUR, YEN). It's even worse in reverse. Philippine pesos bring next to nothing in Baht or Hong Kong Dollars. If you exchange the pesos to dollars in the Philippines then change those dollars back in Thailand or wherever else you always get more for your money.It is because nobody wants that shitty ass currency. Countries are known to stockpile USD and euro in their reserves and so there is a demand for it in about every country that you go to. Nobody outside of the respective countries wants a baht or PHP. What good does it serve them? All it does is take up space and gather dust until some poor sap who is travelling back to one of those countries finally comes along. Since there is no demand for it the exchange is lowered. They are in essence saying we really don't want to take this, but if you insist then we will take it off your hands at a deep discount.

11-24-15, 23:31
Exchange houses make a small commission or spread on the currency exchange. Only makes cents that they only want the fastest turnover currencies. They must bundle it up and convert it back to pesos as fast as possible and turn it over again to make any kind of money.

Screaming Beaver
11-25-15, 01:31
It is because nobody wants that shitty ass currency.That's funny. It seems this so called shitty ass currency you refer to has held up quite nicely compared to the shitty ass currency of Australia, Canada, Russia, etc. I know a few broke ass Aussies walking around here pissing and moaning how their currency is in the crapper. Some of these Aussies have packed it in and move away. The ones that are left are shopping for bargain base beaver on Johnny Street now. Sad to see.

11-25-15, 02:41
I sincerely apologise that I posted a mainly OT, tongue in cheek post that perhaps was an imperfect attempt at 'black humour', although I am a strictly amateur stand up and write scripts for a couple of other comics (no smart remarks please). And I warned everyone that it was OT!

P.P.S. And one single advertisement courtesy of the Victorian Museum is "bombarded". Really?Ikks no need to apologise at all. There are those who are offended at the slightest comment and the rest of us who understand the world, and recognise humour when we see it. Do keep going Sir. Ignore the sad sacks who clearly have a lot of inner rage and frustration about life and were born lacking their " funny bone ".

Enjoy the fat mamms of Lesotho. Went there once and it was colder than Harbin on a December night but that's where a warm African lady can help. Oh god. I said the "African" word. Does that make me a racist now. Big LOL.

Being a mzungu who has enjoyed the delights of Kenya, Cameroon, Uganda and of course Maseru perhaps not.

11-25-15, 03:42
{S N I P} Oh god. I said the "African" word. Does that make me a racist now. Big LOL.
Being a mzungu who has enjoyed the delights of Kenya, Cameroon, Uganda and of course Maseru perhaps not.And don't forget the delights of that girl you are currently banging in Beijing. I wonder how you can see her in the smog!!!!


P.S. I had a great send off at the airport!

Mr Enternational
11-25-15, 04:03
That's funny. It seems this so called shitty ass currency you refer to has held up quite nicely compared to the shitty ass currency of Australia, Canada, Russia, etc. I know a few broke ass Aussies walking around here pissing and moaning how their currency is in the crapper. Some of these Aussies have packed it in and move away. The ones that are left are shopping for bargain base beaver on Johnny Street now. Sad to see.Sorry. When I said nobody I meant countries and currency traders, not the average tourist or layperson who is in or visits the country. I will personally take all the baht and pisos that I can get my hands on. Reminds me of when my cousin was visiting Pattaya from Malaysia. He asked me where he could exchange his ringgit. I laughed at him and told him probably nowhere and that he should have exchanged it for USD before leaving Malaysia. Then I took him to the place where I exchange my money and the lady laughed him out of the store.

11-25-15, 04:19
And don't forget the delights of that girl you are currently banging in Beijing. I wonder how you can see her in the smog!!!!

Ikks.Ikksman I have to ask why do you post in D.angeles forum? Your posts are so Chinese centric and always try to weave some non existant relation between where you are in China and Angeles. Its mostly a forced and awkward non existant stretch of a connection?

Your last dozen + posts have nothing to do with angeles beyond speculations and non- sequitor humor which has nothing to do with Angeles. Granted all your ISG friends come to your defense and laud your contributions elsewhere and bravo to that.

Your last attempt at on an on topic Angeles post included speculation about D.present effect of virtually non existant Chinese mongers in Angeles.

Thats why many Angeles forum posters are puzzled at your posts.

John Traveller
11-26-15, 07:57
Or, just save it for your next trip back to Thailand. I have exchanged baht for pesos in Manila, but not Angeles. In my case I had to mentally convert baht to USDollars, then USDollars to pesos. The Manila money changer gave a good rate. I had only a few thousand baht and I knew I was not going to go back to Thailand anytime soon. But if you plan to return and do not need the money now, I would just hang on to it.Thanks for the answers, I will try to do as many STs as possibly and save the rest of the money for my next visit. I also found out that the conversion rate baht to dollars isn't so good either.

Chocha Monger
11-26-15, 08:47
Well, my Aussie wingman from a few months ago just let me know that would not be able to return to Puss Heaven next month. Apparently, he is quite shaken up by the further fall of the Aussie dollar today and the forecast of more economic downgrades to follow. He said if the Aussie dives to P25, as many financial pundits predict, it would force him to declare an indefinite moratorium on his mongering career in Thailand and the Philippines.

It is just as well he decided to cancel his trip. The last thing I needed was helping identify the splatter on the pavement below if he decided to use the express checkout via the hotel balcony due to more economic bad news from Oz. Besides, it would have been most undignified watching him scare up bargain puss on Johnny Street and the LA Café salvage lot.

Aussie pensioners are feeling like the German 6th Army at Stalingrad when the Red Army launched Operation Uranus squeezing the Germans in a pincer maneuver and cutting them off. Conventional wisdom told Aussie pensioners to keep their nest eggs in AUD instead of pesos. Now a lot of those guys are finding their nest eggs shrunk almost overnight. They want to drink themselves to death but are finding they may not be able to afford it. Their favorite spotlight dancers are now rising ever higher out of reach and they must endure watching the Koreans make it rain pesos from the balconies.

This is a classic example of what can go wrong when retiring to a supposedly cheap mongering paradise without building in a huge buffer for currency shocks, and no exit plan in the event that Puss Heaven becomes unfordable. For the more well-heeled high-rollers, please have a kind heart and give a down and out Aussie monger a jug. Don't be the type who boasts about tipping the girls way over market, but one who steps over a down and out fellow monger sleeping on the pavement with the stray dogs.

11-26-15, 18:02
Thanks for the answers, I will try to do as many STs as possibly and save the rest of the money for my next visit. I also found out that the conversion rate baht to dollars isn't so good either.Just my opinion after doing some cost analysis. Even after the bad conversion rate you can still get ST in AC with the remaining funds. I like AC better for myself.

Red Kilt
11-27-15, 11:15
Just a short post to get the thread back on to mongering despite all the useful forex information.

I just read an article by a journalist who spent time in AC. It is a sensible article and she (the author) was quite even-handed in her reporting.

This paragraph took my eye.

". . . the mamasan did the math for me. By managing around four different boyfriends, her top girls can make up to P80,000 a month - each. It requires skilled juggling and multi-tasking but that is made easier through technology and varying timezones.

We dont even have to have sex (to make money), mamasans star bar girl told me. I just sit with the guy. When he talks to me, I lean in and look into his eyes. I laugh when he says something funny and squeeze his shoulder. Then he slips me some dollars as a tip..

11-27-15, 13:51
We dont even have to have sex (to make money), mamasans star bar girl told me. I just sit with the guy. When he talks to me, I lean in and look into his eyes. I laugh when he says something funny and squeeze his shoulder. Then he slips me some dollars as a tip.Sigh! The end of the world is near. Pinays are smartening up while the mongers seem satisfied without sex. Sweet. Just sweet.

11-27-15, 13:58
Sigh! The end of the world is near. Pinays are smartening up while the mongers seem satisfied without sex. Sweet. Just sweet.If I wanted to drop money and get no sex. I would stay home, keep paying alimony and child support to the old lady. LOL.

11-27-15, 14:15
Just a short post to get the thread back on to mongering despite all the useful forex information.

I just read an article by a journalist who spent time in AC. It is a sensible article and she (the author) was quite even-handed in her reporting.

This paragraph took my eye.

". . . the mamasan did the math for me. By managing around four different boyfriends, her top girls can make up to P80,000 a month - each. It requires skilled juggling and multi-tasking but that is made easier through technology and varying timezones.

We dont even have to have sex (to make money), mamasans star bar girl told me. I just sit with the guy. When he talks to me, I lean in and look into his eyes. I laugh when he says something funny and squeeze his shoulder. Then he slips me some dollars as a tip..Although sex is for sale and sex is everything in AC selling sex is taboo and not openly discussed with any news reporter. Of course mamasan and the girls are coached not to discuss sex and nowadays word " Barfine " is taboo as well.

Some guys feeling generous might tip " small amounts " for girls sitting with them it is not universal. Lady drink is the norm. 80,000 pesos per month for sitting with guys and rubbing shoulders is not to be believed.

Red Kilt
11-27-15, 14:28
Some guys feeling generous might tip " small amounts " for girls sitting with them it is not universal. Lady drink is the norm. 80,000 pesos per month for sitting with guys and rubbing shoulders is not to be believed.Your comment is taken out of context Sammon, and you are assuming it was a news reporter. The writer was a sex therapist who knows exactly what's going on in AC, Burgos Street, Patpong and Pattaya.

The bar girl in the article said she doesn't NEED to provide sex to earn money but it didn't say that she doesn't do it (probably every night I'd imagine).

The 80,000 refers to the cash she gets from her "four boyfriends" who she juggles thanks to technology and time zones, as is referenced in my excerpt. She can play them all at the same time. She also gets tips from her starry-eyed guests, and no doubt also goes out too when she wants which adds up to 80 K.

I actually thought that 80,000 was a bit conservative for a so-called "star".

I know a Fil-Chinese guy in Manila who gives his GF in AC 50,000 per month just so she will be available for him every weekend that he is there. He doesn't care what she does for the rest of the week. I bet she is getting 80,000 too.

11-27-15, 14:34
....thanks to technology and time zones, I believe this refers to scores of girls playing gullible men thru skype, wechat, line, viber, kakao, hangout or whatever other social media platform you can think of and getting them to send money in small sums thru western union or other wire transfer platforms. Having 1 jap / korean, 1 aussie, 1 arab & 1 american. You are home with 80 k. No sweat.

Chocha Monger
11-27-15, 16:11
They don't have to be stars to juggle multiple suckers. This High Society freelancer is making bank and she has been around for years. A lot of European guys go for that native jungle look and they're willing to pay lots of Euros.

Pipe Layer99
11-27-15, 16:16
I believe this refers to scores of girls playing gullible men thru skype, wechat, line, viber, kakao, hangout or whatever other social media platform you can think of and getting them to send money in small sums thru western union or other wire transfer platforms. Having 1 jap / korean, 1 aussie, 1 arab & 1 american. You are home with 80 k. No sweat.On my last trip to AC, about 2 years ago, I spent 2 nights with a girl (Rachel) I met at the freelance club. We hit it off well and I took her back to the hotel. Great time had by all. The next afternoon after going at it again, she showered and prepared to go home. She never asked for any pesos. So right before she was leaving I gave her 1000 p. As I walked her out to get a trike, I invited her back tonight. She agreed to come back in a few hours. Before we got to a trike I asked her how much to take her to her room. She refused any pesos. I insisted and gave her the going rate for a ride to get home. Later, she came back as planned. We had great sex again, ordered room service, and then ice cream, and we just stayed in the room having fun. The next day I gave her another 1000 p. Everything was great and everyone was happy. We still keep in touch.

Here is the funny part. Last year, she sent me a message and we chatted. Then she tell me about her 'girlfirend' whom I have never met and asks me if I can help her friend out. She actually wanted me to give a cash donation to a girl I don't know. I asked her, why would I give money to a girl I don't know?! She said the girls' boyfriend stopped sending her money and now the girlfriend was asking her for a loan. I told her, tell your girlfriend to make me her friend on facebook or whatsapp and I can meet her on my next visit. Then after we meet, if we get along, I will take her to my hotel for fun and I will help her. .

So yes. Many of the girls have guys sending them money. And they aren't shy about asking other dumb men to send money too.

One more thing, the girl I was seeing for the 2 days also had, and still has, a guy sending her money. I found that out on the 2nd day. That explains why she wasn't concerned about whether or not I gave her any pesos. In fact, last Winter, she even went a long trip to Europe with the guy. She was there for a few months. She posted many pictures of herself from different countries. Good for her. I'm happy that she had the chance to travel and see other countries. As she still messages from time to time, I asked her if she will have sex with me when I come visit. First she says no because she wants to be good to her boyfriend. She offered to go out with me to the club and she will help me friend another girl (as if I need help with that). I told her I can do that by myself the same way I met you. I explained that I would rather have great sex with you for a few days and take you to dinner like last time. I reminded her about the sessions in the hotel. Then she ok 'but' we can't tell anyone because as she doesn't was the guy to know. I say ok, no problem, I like you and we can have our fun in private and it will be our secret. She agreed.

11-27-15, 16:56
We dont even have to have sex (to make money), mamasans star bar girl told me. I just sit with the guy. When he talks to me, I lean in and look into his eyes. I laugh when he says something funny and squeeze his shoulder. Then he slips me some dollars as a tip..Hahaha. Good post RK. Every girl knows how to play that card. Every woman can / will be an "Oscar-caliber" star at multiple points in her life. We all pay for a woman's affection, whether that affection is sex or a giggle, with money. So many men have a difficult time wrapping their head around the concept. They can see the concept in the academic, but they often don't see that they are being played by the bargirl, the occasional puta, his girlfriend, or his wife. That guy also rarely sees it when another man's woman is playing the other man for something (ie, money, or stuff she wants) right in front of that guy. I'm amazed by it. Men often have strange ideas in their minds (ie, categories) for women as far as 'good girl' vs 'bad girl' (or GF / wife vs puta), and in reality there is no such distinction.

For instance, a guy in AC being affectioned by a bargirl (as referenced by the article above) might not realize he's being played. He might indeed actually believe the girl is his new best-friend, and that she's actually laughing at his humor (maybe she is, maybe not, that part is irrelevant). You can see it just by watching them (people-watching is one of my fav things), and gents even write about it here. On the opposite end of the spectrum are (some) gents who are married, who keep their wives in the best house / clothing / car, and complain of rarely getting laid -- his woman can cajole him thru just about anything. Both of these men have somehow deluded themselves (as many of us, myself included, have at times).

11-27-15, 17:42
As some of the recent posts are touching on ways girls earn large amount of pesos / baht here are some of the girls earning of which I know personally.

Sexy little 20 year old spotlight / cultural dancer in atlantis bar fields avenue,i have known her and her family for several years and can speak openly and fairly honesly with her,

she earns 500 pesos per day salary, averages 8-10 double lady drinks per night at 125 p commision each drink plus commision on ball throwing,balloon games and general tips handed over by punters,

She is very very fussy with who she will barfine with but will barfine with very special high rolling customers, maybe 1 customer per week, she insists on 2000 pesos tip and receives 50% of her barfine which is 1,500 pesos to her.

She is also playing the internet dating game and regularly has guys she has never met or has no intentions of meeting sending her cash donations for various made up emergencies in her life, I have no idea what this amounts to but know she is scamming some money there.

So, lets work out the amounts I do know about, salary, drinks and the occasional barfine and our little princess is on roughly 70,000 pesos per month, not bad considering a lawyer, doctor, accountant who studied for years earns way less per month.

some of my long time angeles friends still swear blind they find and have sex with model looking angeles bargirls every day,always pay next to nothing pesos and have to throw the girl out at lunch time kicking and screamig,yes dream on i say,

things have changed drastically over the last few years,girls have got mighty choosy on who they will barfine with if at all,it all comes down to the ability of girls to earn easy pesos in so many ways,

11-27-15, 18:44
Although sex is for sale and sex is everything in AC selling sex is taboo and not openly discussed with any news reporter. Of course mamasan and the girls are coached not to discuss sex and nowadays word " Barfine " is taboo as well.

Some guys feeling generous might tip " small amounts " for girls sitting with them it is not universal. Lady drink is the norm. 80,000 pesos per month for sitting with guys and rubbing shoulders is not to be believed.Why is the 80 k php / month hard to believe?

I know a girl, in another country, who is easily pulling in 3 or 4 times that amount. She never meets, or even agrees to meet anyone, never promises to do anything with anyone, and the guys throw money, just to chat and watch her on cam. She averages 3 or 4 times on cam per week, usually for an hour, and makes about $400 USD in an hour. About once per month she does a special show for 3 or 4 hours and always makes at least $1000, and has made as much as $4000.

There are plenty of guys who will throw money, even without the promise of sex. Add the promise of sex and I would believe an average girl could easily get 80 k php.

Mr Enternational
11-27-15, 19:03
We dont even have to have sex (to make money), mamasans star bar girl told me. I just sit with the guy. When he talks to me, I lean in and look into his eyes. I laugh when he says something funny and squeeze his shoulder. Then he slips me some dollars as a tip.I have always read guys here say that the first step is to buy them drinks and give them tips so they don't think you are cheap. And then they tell their friends and everybody thinks he is a good guy and wants a turn. I appears to be working like a charm.

11-27-15, 20:28
Good posts.

So, lets work out the amounts I do know about, salary, drinks and the occasional barfine and our little princess is on roughly 70,000 pesos per month, not bad considering a lawyer, doctor, accountant who studied for years earns way less per month.Sounds about right.

Why is the 80 k php / month hard to believe?Its not. See related story below.

I know a girl, in another country, who is easily pulling in 3 or 4 times that amount. She never meets, or even agrees to meet anyone, never promises to do anything with anyone, and the guys throw money, just to chat and watch her on cam. She averages 3 or 4 times on cam per week, usually for an hour, and makes about $400 USD in an hour. About once per month she does a special show for 3 or 4 hours and always makes at least $1000, and has made as much as $4000.Sounds more like this girl is a naked cam girl, which is different from bargirls or regular dating-site type girls.

There are plenty of guys who will throw money, even without the promise of sex. Add the promise of sex and I would believe an average girl could easily get 80 k php. Yes. The promise of sex pays more. Many strippers in high-end american clubs don't need to go to a hotel with a guy after her shift, in fact they refuse to do anything like that. They can make lots of money on tips with the "look" or hint of sex (never providing the actual end-product).

I have always read guys here say that the first step is to buy them drinks and give them tips so they don't think you are cheap. And then they tell their friends and everybody thinks he is a good guy and wants a turn. I appears to be working like a charm.Spot on.

Related story. Its a repeat from a few years back. A manila girl I used to write about here, mid-30's at the time, I referred to her as the Dynamo, as her sexuality was strong, deep, and never-ending. She had two daughters, at the time aged 13 and 16. Each had on online boyfriend from the US, garnered from DIA. The mother sat in on many of the YM chat sessions between daughter and her US boyfriends. Each boyfriend was older, in his 80's, and physically unable to travel due to medical ills. The men were carefully chosen by mom. She said there were a number of such older gents the girls met thru DIA, and the mom would analyze each one for age, (in) ability to travel, and money. The mom chose for each girl one guy. The older gents were sending, if I recollect correctly, the 13 year-old $350 USD / month, and the 16 year-old $250-300/ month. That is about 15 k PHP each gent per month, and each girl was allowed to have only one online boyfriend at a time. Mom intercepted all money (she had the ID) and gave the girls very little. The extra she saved for college and herself. The men never knew the real ages of the girls, they believed each girl was 18 when they met online.

If each girl were to have been allowed 3-4 such suitors, you see how that could grow towards the 80 k for AC or regular girls who juggle various online interests. She said she instructed her girls to never discuss sex with the men, and never to suggest to the men that they visit phils. It would not matter, as the both gents had already said they could never travel. Both gents would later pass away at different times (or, simply never be heard from again), and mom replaced them quickly for new suitors with new DIA ads.

Interestingly, both girls are grown and out of the home, away in college or graduated. Although the oldest has finished college (HRM) and graduated, she has not found work. However, she learned well from mama, and has continued the tradition of finding DIA guys with deep pockets who have no hope of travel (as has the younger girl). Mom no longer needs to provide for them. This is an amazing scheme, as it seems to me to be perpetual, and if one handles more than one 'cano at a time, quite lucrative. Another point of interest: the mother has met an American, also older. He *is* able to travel, but not often. He met her in Manila 3 years ago, and has since built her a large home in her Luzon province. He spends most of his time living in a rehab-type facility in the US, but travels to see her for 1-3 weeks each time, 1-2 times / year. To show you how well the mom can play this game: Before meeting her new guy, she insisted that he wire her half the money she needed to buy the property and start building the home -- and he sent it (it was agreed that when the home was going up, he would make his first visit and spend time in her province, then give her the rest of the money to complete the home, and he did all that). She has invited me to bus up from Manila several times, both when he is away and also when he is present. I declined (busy with other girls), especially so when he is there with her in the province. The purpose of our meetings is nawty, and going into another man's home to boff his girlfriend is a bit touchy. She said not to worry as he is unable to perform the nawty act himself (emphysema, diabetes, old age) and he does not mind me sleeping with her. She asked if it was OK with me if the old bird videotaped our sessions. I politely declined. I might make it up there one day when he's not there.

Even younger men can be stupid. Few years ago I was sitting having a drink in an AC bar. Not the kind of dancers-on-stage bar, but just a small bar with waitresses who are available for takeout. The location of the bar is such: Sitting at Phillies, looking straight across the street at the PNP kiosk, look just to the right, you will see a massage place (or 2) just where Fields splits off to become Mitchell Avenue. The bar is located next to the massage places; the front of the bar appeared as wood or logs, you sit inside the bar and face Mitchell Ave (across Mitchell Ave on the wall, looking to your left, used to be the message painted on the wall: "Don't take a leak here". It was afternoon and a young man aged 20-25 came in, got a beer, and started chatting me up. Nice young man, aussie. Later in the conversation he admitted that his day job didn't really afford him the money to travel to phils and party, but he was hooked on it. He also said that he was supporting several girls, both in AC and other provinces. He was sending each a few thousand pesos each month. However he had never met 2 of them (province) and said the he would probably never meet them. Finally I asked, given his financial situation, is that wise? "No. But. We have an obligation to help these people, right? I mean its our job, right?" Well, I thought, no, its not our job. My job is to my boss. But I understand how he felt. Its the same emotional sucker-punch every girl applies when her back is up against the wall, and he was falling for it. Many men can't resist -- and don't want to; they justify by saying "its our job, right"?

OTOH, many girls either can't find a sucker, or sometimes their sucker (s) all dry up at once, leaving them stranded for several months or more, without any pesos.

Mr Enternational
11-27-15, 21:11
He also said that he was supporting several girls, both in AC and other provinces. He was sending each a few thousand pesos each month. However he had never met 2 of them (province) and said the he would probably never meet them. Finally I asked, given his financial situation, is that wise? "No. But. We have an obligation to help these people, right? I mean its our job, right?" Well, I thought, no, its not our job. My job is to my boss. But I understand how he felt. Its the same emotional sucker-punch every girl applies when her back is up against the wall, and he was falling for it. Many men can't resist -- and don't want to; they justify by saying "its our job, right"?A buddy of mine moved to AC this time last year. Before that he had lived in Costa Rica, all over Dominican Republic, and all over Brazil. He was supposed to be moving to Thailand on my recommendation but I have no idea how he ended up in AC instead. For at least 5 years I have been waiting for him to at least visit Thailand. Every few months he says that he is coming but then doesn't. His last excuse maybe 6 months ago was that he has to get his money together. The chick who he was dating in Angeles City died and he is now taking care of her 3 daughters. I jumped in his shit. What the fuck man. That is not your responsibility. You knew this chick all of 2 months maybe. Your kids are grown. Why are you voluntarily taking care of someone else's kids when you are on a fixed income? It was evident that he became sour with me after that. A few weeks ago though he said that he finally realized that it was not his responsibility. Whether he is still doing it though god only knows.

11-28-15, 02:16
A buddy of mine moved to AC this time last year. Before that he had lived in Costa Rica, all over Dominican Republic, and all over Brazil. He was supposed to be moving to Thailand on my recommendation but I have no idea how he ended up in AC instead. For at least 5 years I have been waiting for him to at least visit Thailand. Every few months he says that he is coming but then doesn't. His last excuse maybe 6 months ago was that he has to get his money together. The chick who he was dating in Angeles City died and he is now taking care of her 3 daughters. I jumped in his shit. What the fuck man. That is not your responsibility. You knew this chick all of 2 months maybe. Your kids are grown. Why are you voluntarily taking care of someone else's kids when you are on a fixed income? It was evident that he became sour with me after that. A few weeks ago though he said that he finally realized that it was not his responsibility. Whether he is still doing it though god only knows.For sure, go to AC and enjoy the cheap pussy, however I am always totally amazed the way guys lose their common sense when they go to AC. They send money to bar girls. They even marry them, commonly supporting kids that are clearly not their own. They often even pretend the kids are actually their own (no DNA tests done of course). Time and again I have observed the kids' Filipino father lurking in the background acting as a trike driver or cousin or whatever. The massive amount of bar girl scams are well known (and well documented on this forum), yet still the zombies still walk straight into the obvious open traps. What is really amazing is that there are so many available, very interested, beautiful Filipinas in the country outside the bars, yet the zombies have no interest in these. A large number are also professionally qualified. Maybe the zombies lack self confidence, self esteem and fear rejection.

Red Dogger
11-28-15, 04:46
some of my long time angeles friends still swear blind they find and have sex with model looking angeles bargirls every day,always pay next to nothing pesos and have to throw the girl out at lunch time kicking and screamig,yes dream on i say,

things have changed drastically over the last few years,girls have got mighty choosy on who they will barfine with if at all,it all comes down to the ability of girls to earn easy pesos in so many ways,You get better looking girls on FilipinoCupid, but of course there are a lot of girls on Filipino Cupid who are angling for some guy to send them 3000 pesos a week. Preferably an old fat guy who is incapable of sex, or does not want sex all that often.

This is not too bad a deal assuming that you visit her and she visits you from time to time and you are in fact capable of having lots of sex.

Filipinas you meet on the internet are sometimes motivated to get as much money as possible for as little sex as possible from as many men as possible, but this is more readily detectable than you might think. Girls that are reasonably interested in sex will shit test you as usual like the regular non pro girls that they are, will not send out what are suspiciously like spam letters, will not keep asking you for a date, etc.

Motivations of Filipinas you meet on the internet.

1. Extracting money, preferably with no more sex than absolutely necessary.

2. Expensive entertainment. Preferably without any sex.

3. Money is status, want to fuck some guy in an expensive place, and put photos on facebook and instagram to show all their friends that they did a threesome in the Boracay Shangrila.

4. Money is status, want to fuck some guy with status.

5. Sex with some guy that afford a nice place to fuck them.

So you want to filter out one and two, and focus on four and five. So how do you tell if a girl is actually attracted to you? You are old ugly bald and fat. Will any girl be attracted to you?

Watch for shit tests. Girls cannot help shit testing men they are attracted to just as men cannot help looking at girls boobs.

Red Dogger
11-28-15, 04:54
For sure, go to AC and enjoy the cheap pussy, however I am always totally amazed the way guys lose their common sense when they go to AC. They send money to bar girls. They even marry them, commonly supporting kids that are clearly not their own. They often even pretend the kids are actually their own (no DNA tests done of course). Time and again I have observed the kids' Filipino father lurking in the background acting as a trike driver or cousin or whatever. The massive amount of bar girl scams are well known (and well documented on this forum), yet still the zombies still walk straight into the obvious open traps. What is really amazing is that there are so many available, very interested, beautiful Filipinas in the country outside the bars, yet the zombies have no interest in these. A large number are also professionally qualified. Maybe the zombies lack self confidence, self esteem and fear rejection.Obviously you should assume any girl who resides in Pampanga or Manila is a working girl. While not every girl in Pampanga or Manila is a working girl, and not every girl outside Pampanga or Manila is a virgin, it is a remarkably good starting approximation.

Secondly, I think the guys you are calling zombies cannot pass shit tests. A non working girl will always shit test you, so if you cannot pass shit tests, always wind up with working girls.

Screaming Beaver
11-28-15, 04:57
Maybe the zombies lack self confidence, self esteem and fear rejection.Bingo! The women they have had to deal with back home left them a shell of a former man they used to be. As they sashay into Doll House or Ice Bar and notice these women actually take a shining to them they go a bit crazy and end up doing anything they are asked to do, financial and otherwise. That's how they have been trained by the women back home. The only difference now is they are actually getting laid but at the end of the day they are still being played for a chump.

11-28-15, 05:20
For instance, a guy in AC being affectioned by a bargirl (as referenced by the article above) might not realize he's being played. He might indeed actually believe the girl is his new best-friend, and that she's actually laughing at his humor Alcohol and bad judgement. How many stories have been told of these two playing havoc with people's lives?

Mua Tur
11-28-15, 05:54
The massive amount of bar girl scams are well known (and well documented on this forum), yet still the zombies still walk straight into the obvious open traps. I had a peculiar experience in regards of service girls, but not here in PI, it is in Bangkok, Thailand and the relativity of the topics I cannot stop myself to share my experience with the board.

I was staying in Hotel Amari, Pratunam, Bangkok and I saw a massage girl in the hotel lounge going back after finishing an outcall service. I m not a sucker of service girls (since I have plenty of freebies waiting in serial for dates), but her amazing body shape and full mouth smile made me instant inclined to her. We made an appointment and decided after work she is coming to see me. Well, all done nicely, I find this girl tried her best to make me happy in all respect. I was expecting this kind of super lookers could be find snobbish or nosy. But with me she was not.

The Hick up started when I saw a Dutch guy (50+ yrs) waiting for me in lounge next morning. He showed the pic of same massage girl and tried to warn me not to meet her. Because he is going to marry her and he is going to take her with him in Denmark. I ignored him and advised him to mind his own business and let me do the same. Surprisingly I saw the girl in afternoon in same place I met before. I thought she is here for some other client but she claimed she came to see me and that make me awkward and I requested her don't do this again if you are not invited. I informed her about the Dutch guy and keep me out of their business. Instantly her face gets off and she leaved the place silently (After a week I checked her said massage joint in Phetchbury road, but I did not find her).

This incidence drives me crazy because I had an appointment with my girl in this hotel in evening. I get afraid if the crazy Dutch sucker's balloon starts flying from the massage house to my hotel that may harm my date. For this date I invested a pretty good amount of time. I changed my date plan from this hotel to another hotel at soi 64, Sukhumvit. And cost me another USD40.00.

11-28-15, 07:10
Alcohol and bad judgement. How many stories have been told of these two playing havoc with people's lives?I would take it a step further, and say its all bad judgment. Anyone who drinks to the point of the alcohol effecting his judgment (even if that's just 1 drink) is showing: bad judgment. However, I am expressing only an opinion. The aussie that was sending money (that he couldn't afford) to provincial girls whom he'd never meet, is also entitled to his own opinion.

11-28-15, 17:29
Hey Guys,

I'm planning a trip to Angeles City next year. I have not been to angeles in over 2 years? Anything new I should look out for? I know the Philipino Economy is in a Free Fall! How is the Bar Fine? Can you still bar fine? There's one thing I kinda hate about Angeles City Compared to many other mongering spots, There are just too many half way working girls in Angeles, Most of the really hot bar girls like to run scams and would rather milk costumers for lady drinks, then to do a Bar Fine. Its like I have to Play and Run Games on them and still have to pay for the pussy. Isn't that the whole reason why we pay for pussy? So I don't have to play games? If I wanted to play games I would just get me a normal chick, Its Call DATING! But anyways I'm rambling. Just wanted a update on the scene.

11-28-15, 22:19
I am planning my next trip to Angeles for next year and I am curious about Subic. I like the laid back beach atmosphere of Pattaya and I'll be heading there after Angeles. Is Subic like a mini (very mini) version of Pattaya except of course with Pinays? Specifically I like the idea of laying on the beach during the day and hitting the bars at night in both places but I have no Subic experience. So would you break up a week in AC with a few nights in Subic or would you just do your week in AC then get your beach jones out of the way in Pattaya?

11-28-15, 23:01
I am planning my next trip to Angeles for next year and I am curious about Subic. I like the laid back beach atmosphere of Pattaya and I'll be heading there after Angeles. Is Subic like a mini (very mini) version of Pattaya except of course with Pinays? Specifically I like the idea of laying on the beach during the day and hitting the bars at night in both places but I have no Subic experience. So would you break up a week in AC with a few nights in Subic or would you just do your week in AC then get your beach jones out of the way in Pattaya?The beach at Subic is better than Pattaya, proper at least. But when I was in Pattaya I had a house in Pratumnak Hills so I hit the beach in Jomtien, which was far better than the beach in Pattaya IMHO. I think Jomtien is better than Subic.

I rented a cottage at Baloy some time ago for a few months. I believe the former owner sold the property so I'm not sure of any new 'rules', but when I was there during the summer months they ran huge numbers of buses up from Manila on the weekends and the place was miserably packed. They must have brought in 1,000 people on the buses. I know that happened when school was out for the summer, but I can't remember the months that occurred. During the week it was fine. If you end up going there, there was a Filipino that strolled that beach every day selling Banana que. I have yet to find better banana que any where in the PI.

I was Domestically Incarcerated when I was there so I didn't have a chance to play, but there were a lot of bars around Subic and especially in Olongapo.

I've spent close to a year in Copacabana so there aren't many beaches that do anything for me now. If it were me, I'd stay in AC, but if you absolutely have to get sand where the sun don't shine, I'm sure you'd enjoy Subic.

Jackson, I know you read my reports before posting. I see a lot of your comments about people using hard returns. You may not be aware of this, but when I type in your vBulletin window, the text does not wrap as I am typing. When I 'preview' or post, the text wraps but not while typing. I can type a really long paragraph and the text will literally be 10 feet long on the screen. I'm sure people are hitting enter (return) so they can see what they are typing. This same issue occurs in the USASG software as well.

FYI. I am using Win 7 with a Firefox browser. All my software is up to date with patches, bug fixes etc.

Screaming Beaver
11-29-15, 00:02
I know the Philipino Economy is in a Free Fall! It is? That's news to me. Their stock market and currency seems to be doing quite well compared to other countries. It is hardly what can be referred to as a free fall.

11-29-15, 00:43
I am planning my next trip to Angeles for next year and I am curious about Subic. I like the laid back beach atmosphere of Pattaya and I'll be heading there after Angeles. Is Subic like a mini (very mini) version of Pattaya except of course with Pinays? Specifically I like the idea of laying on the beach during the day and hitting the bars at night in both places but I have no Subic experience. So would you break up a week in AC with a few nights in Subic or would you just do your week in AC then get your beach jones out of the way in Pattaya?Subic is certainly no Pattaya. I haven't been to Pattaya for a few years now, but Subic is like really quiet, just a few girl bars. But it does have a beach, and last year at least a couple of floating bars a few metres off the beach, where the bar girls start work around midday. I went last year to meet a DIA girl, and going back in January, breaking. G up a week in AC. It's nice, but Pattaya it ain't! And of course the girls are Phillies, which I prefer anyway.

11-29-15, 01:36
It's not only alcohol, or any other ingested stimuli that can culminate in disastrous choices. Some of the middle aged to older newbies who flock here, and who are unaccustomed to the instant availability of nubile young things, experience a break with reason, and begin to believe that they're again 25, fit, toned and desirable, and the wilier girls can sense and bolster the illusion. I'm sure that virtually all of us who have lived in the region for a while have met men of this genre, some of whom are beyond reasoning. How many times have many of us heard variations on the theme: "I know what you're saying, but she's different. She really likes me," or "we really have a connection. " Many others become victims of the Pygmallion syndrome, and believe they can transform the bar girl who has taken their fancy. Others some to see themselves as saviors, who can rescue their chosen from lives of poverty and danger. There's no reasoning with the deeply smitten though we all know how the inevitable unhappy ending will be written.


11-29-15, 01:47
It's not only alcohol, or any other ingested stimuli that can culminate in disastrous choices. Some of the middle aged to older newbies who flock here, and who are unaccustomed to the instant availability of nubile young things, experience a break with reason, and begin to believe that they're again 25, fit, toned and desirable, and the wilier girls can sense and bolster the illusion. I'm sure that virtually all of us who have lived in the region for a while have met men of this genre, some of whom are beyond reasoning. How many times have many of us heard variations on the theme: "I know what you're saying, but she's different. She really likes me," or "we really have a connection. " Many others become victims of the Pygmallion syndrome, and believe they can transform the bar girl who has taken their fancy. Others some to see themselves as saviors, who can rescue their chosen from lives of poverty and danger. There's no reasoning with the deeply smitten though we all know how the inevitable unhappy ending will be written.

GE.Well I have been mongering for a while (5 Years) and I never fall for these working girl lies, or believe in a illusion. At the end of the day I'm paying them, and they want me for my money that's it. You want to know how these Filipino girls really feel about you.

Don't pay them or give them any money and you will find out real quick. People will always smile at you when they can get something from you, Just like Friends, You know who your real friends are when your broke and down on your luck. Reality sets in real quick.

So at the end of the day I always look at Angeles City as Disneyland that is it!

11-29-15, 03:54
I am here in AC for the second time now. First time was in February. Back in time I was really impressed of the beauty of the girls. That's why I came back. Right now I feel disappointed. Where are all the good girls gone?

I went to a all the great clubs (Dollhouse, Atlantis, Centaure, Club Asia etc.) where they use to have many 10 rated girls to find out that that the quality is only average. Sometimes even below.

Maybe it's the time of the year?

I have only little experience with the small clubs on Don Juice Aven. Is there a place I should try if I like to find young beautiful girls which don't look too typical Asian?


11-29-15, 04:13
It's not only alcohol, or any other ingested stimuli that can culminate in disastrous choices. Some of the middle aged to older newbies who flock here, and who are unaccustomed to the instant availability of nubile young things, experience a break with reason, and begin to believe that they're again 25, fit, toned and desirable, and the wilier girls can sense and bolster the illusion. I'm sure that virtually all of us who have lived in the region for a while have met men of this genre, some of whom are beyond reasoning. How many times have many of us heard variations on the theme: "I know what you're saying, but she's different. She really likes me," or "we really have a connection. " Many others become victims of the Pygmallion syndrome, and believe they can transform the bar girl who has taken their fancy. Others some to see themselves as saviors, who can rescue their chosen from lives of poverty and danger. There's no reasoning with the deeply smitten though we all know how the inevitable unhappy ending will be written.

GE.Fantastic summary. This is not really a report but if there was a way to get this on the ROD thread I would nominate it. I will admit I have myself behaved like a 25 yo in a bar, screaming my lungs out on a Led Zep number or buying drinks to all and sundry or even taking to the pole once in a while. And come away a few hundred dollars poorer. But I have never harbored the illusion of rescuing a bar girl from her plight.

11-29-15, 06:20
Well I have been mongering for a while (5 Years) and I never fall for these working girl lies, or believe in a illusion. At the end of the day I'm paying them, and they want me for my money that's it. You want to know how these Filipino girls really feel about you.

Don't pay them or give them any money and you will find out real quick. People will always smile at you when they can get something from you, Just like Friends, You know who your real friends are when your broke and down on your luck. Reality sets in real quick.

So at the end of the day I always look at Angeles City as Disneyland that is it!There are indeed some smart people on this forum! Shame others refuse to acknowledge the facts of bar girl life. Remember the old saying: NO MONEY, NO HONEY! Enjoy the cheap pussy and do not spoil your fun by getting involved.

11-29-15, 06:20
It's not only alcohol, or any other ingested stimuli that can culminate in disastrous choices. Some of the middle aged to older newbies who flock here, and who are unaccustomed to the instant availability of nubile young things, experience a break with reason, and begin to believe that they're again 25, fit, toned and desirable, and the wilier girls can sense and bolster the illusion. I'm sure that virtually all of us who have lived in the region for a while have met men of this genre, some of whom are beyond reasoning. How many times have many of us heard variations on the theme: "I know what you're saying, but she's different. She really likes me," or "we really have a connection. " Many others become victims of the Pygmallion syndrome, and believe they can transform the bar girl who has taken their fancy. Others some to see themselves as saviors, who can rescue their chosen from lives of poverty and danger. There's no reasoning with the deeply smitten though we all know how the inevitable unhappy ending will be written.

GE.What difference does it make? Everyone will live their lives. So this eloquent explanation about old newbs is old news.

You or any other monger is no better than one that makes the right choice or the wrong choice. Some people need to make the wrong choice in order to find the right way, BFD!

Fucking talk about what's happening on the ground there. This grandiose horseshoe is just that fuck.

11-29-15, 07:43
Well I have been mongering for a while (5 Years) and I never fall for these working girl lies, or believe in a illusion. At the end of the day I'm paying them, and they want me for my money that's it. You want to know how these Filipino girls really feel about you.

Don't pay them or give them any money and you will find out real quick. People will always smile at you when they can get something from you, Just like Friends, You know who your real friends are when your broke and down on your luck. Reality sets in real quick.

So at the end of the day I always look at Angeles City as Disneyland that is it!I guess we have to realize angeles city is just a small microcosm of the real world.

If you are a big rich celebrity or athlete, that looks like dammit. Of course you will get some beautiful hotties. But if you are a bum on the street don't expect the models to come knocking on your door or your cardboard box.

But real and true friends are there for you when you're down.

But I must admit two twenty year old something bargirls that I know. Stood by their 75 year old men when they were down and out, regardless.

11-29-15, 13:05
I am here in AC for the second time now. First time was in February. Back in time I was really impressed of the beauty of the girls. That's why I came back. Right now I feel disappointed. Where are all the good girls gone?

I went to a all the great clubs (Dollhouse, Atlantis, Centaure, Club Asia etc.) where they use to have many 10 rated girls to find out that that the quality is only average. Sometimes even below.

Maybe it's the time of the year?

I have only little experience with the small clubs on Don Juice Aven. Is there a place I should try if I like to find young beautiful girls which don't look too typical Asian?

ThanksTry all clubs, girls come and go so no one can recommend a certain club based on a visit some time ago.

BTW, strange concept coming to asia to look for girls that don't look too Asian.

X Man
11-29-15, 13:11
GE, succinct and informative as usual. You really are an ISG treasure.

I've met some extraordinary bar girls over the years. They don't last long in most cases. A few that I kept in touch with are now married in a first world country. It's hard to know if there is a happy ending. I hope so. You certainly don't need to marry a bar girl to have a marital disaster. I'm guessing a lot of us have had are own marital disasters. Mine wasn't with a Filipina, but an east Asian. Not a barfly, BTW.

Currently, I'm rather "smitten" with a regular PI gal, even though I'm not in Phil. She doesn't work in a bar. I've done a lot of things to discourage her. She has a regular job and obviously works hard. The only thing saving me is my short holidays to the Philippines and my inability to remember a Skype password. GE, let's meet up. I need someone to slap some sense into me. X man.

It's not only alcohol, or any other ingested stimuli that can culminate in disastrous choices. Some of the middle aged to older newbies who flock here, and who are unaccustomed to the instant availability of nubile young things, experience a break with reason, and begin to believe that they're again 25, fit, toned and desirable, and the wilier girls can sense and bolster the illusion. I'm sure that virtually all of us who have lived in the region for a while have met men of this genre, some of whom are beyond reasoning. How many times have many of us heard variations on the theme: "I know what you're saying, but she's different. She really likes me," or "we really have a connection. " Many others become victims of the Pygmallion syndrome, and believe they can transform the bar girl who has taken their fancy. Others some to see themselves as saviors, who can rescue their chosen from lives of poverty and danger. There's no reasoning with the deeply smitten though we all know how the inevitable unhappy ending will be written.


11-29-15, 13:16
BTW, strange concept coming to asia to look for girls that don't look too Asian.Not only Strange but I find it quite funny as well. On one hand we have people who want Thai, PRC or Pinay girls in Europe and Middle East. On the other hand dudes coming to Asia looking for EE / Russian, African and other non Asian girls.

To each individuals preference I guess but definitely not normal or right MO as per me. Guess I might be the one of the odd ones out.

X Man
11-29-15, 13:18
I don't know what this means. What English language sect uses and / or understand this? I hope you can provide some kind of translation. BTW, it doesn't sound very friendly.

This grandiose horseshoe is just that fuck.

11-29-15, 14:04
Currently, I'm rather "smitten" with a regular PI gal, even though I'm not in Phil. She doesn't work in a bar. I've done a lot of things to discourage her. She has a regular job and obviously works hard. The only thing saving me is my short holidays to the Philippines and my inability to remember a Skype password. GE, let's meet up. I need someone to slap some sense into me. X man.Always a pleasure to see you X, and it's been quite a while. There are lots of East / West relationships that work very well here as you know. I'm just not aware of any that include bargirls, though there are probably instances of that as well.


11-29-15, 15:04
I need someone to slap some sense into me. X man.That's my job, thanks. Smile!

So this eloquent explanation about old newbs is old news.And good to bring up the topic on occasion, as good warning for newbs (of any age) to asia.

This grandiose horseshoe is just that fuck.

I don't know what this means. What English language sect uses and / or understand this? I speak modestly good 'cano (don't always write it very well), and I don't recognize that slang. Somebody else give it a shot and decode that puppy.

Pipe Layer99
11-29-15, 16:40
snip .... At the end of the day I'm paying them, and they want me for my money that's it.
You want to know how these Filipino girls really feel about you. Don't pay them or give them any money and you will find out real quick. .... So at the end of the day I always look at Angeles City as Disneyland that is it!Well said. Another thing you can do to find out if your sweet little lover REALLY likes you is to tell her you don't have any money before she comes over. Then see if she still wants to come stay with you. This works well when you want some space from the one that keeps texting or calling. In the past, I had some that came anyway. But of course it was still dinner and drinks. And yes, later you will get a call asking for some help. So it's better to give them something for their effort.

Wicked Roger
11-29-15, 16:46
Currently, I'm rather "smitten" with a regular PI gal, even though I'm not in Phil.

I need someone to slap some sense into me. X man.Westie,

I volunteer for this as XMan will enjoy if I do it LOL. But would XMan like the accessories as well? LOL.

As fro smitten. We get there, have the T shirt etc. This explains why you are sometime quiet when in Cebu?

D Cups
11-29-15, 17:30
Yes, and for dessert give her the schwantztooka. I have no idea what the grandiose horseshoe is but I am curious as to what part of the country this comes from. Cheers.

Well said. Another thing you can do to find out if your sweet little lover REALLY likes you is to tell her you don't have any money before she comes over. Then see if she still wants to come stay with you. This works well when you want some space from the one that keeps texting or calling. In the past, I had some that came anyway. But of course it was still dinner and drinks. And yes, later you will get a call asking for some help. So it's better to give them something for their effort..

11-29-15, 17:44
What difference does it make? Everyone will live their lives. So this eloquent explanation about old newbs is old news.

You or any other monger is no better than one that makes the right choice or the wrong choice. Some people need to make the wrong choice in order to find the right way, BFD!

Fucking talk about what's happening on the ground there. This grandiose horseshoe is just that fuck.Well said, Socker, let's focus on what's happening on the ground. That's more useful to us.

11-29-15, 18:58
I just finished my first trip to AC and must say it meet all my expectations and even surprises me in a few areas. I'll touch on a few things before the trip I heard that bar girls are saying no.

And ID walk the whole street to mad faces to that I say that was wrong every bar I passed they begged me to come in. Girls saying no nope that's not case from what I read on hear you would have thought that there isn't.

Any girl and that it's a 2-1 ratio nope 30-1 and most of the men don't even bar fine they sit there bull shitting drinking the cheapest beer looking for a deal that's the white men I observed. Then you have the groups.

Of Korean guys who sit talking for hours with the girls and buying lots of drinks, and then maybe taking them wtf. I pointed those to groups about because the make up most other mongers in AC with.

Older former military black men a few and a couple groups of Muslims. Another thing I realize was that the dollhouse is one of the most mention bars on here but for me it like the 5 or six best bar.

The only thing I notice from there was no condom no problem that might be why it's mentioned so much. People said there a bunch of fat girls nope the only fat girls I saw for most part work a you guessed it the dollhouse and even then.

There were a couple of lookers in the group. I did however see one thing that long time ac mongers would see contributing to the claim "bad" attitudes of girls and that the money for nothing.

Like when in the dollhouse I witness a guy same guy twice in one night throwing money from the second floor to stage which had the waitresses and dancers scrambling. So I have to say to everything I read on here before my trip.

That those people who keep getting know are either really fat which means you probably smell bad and are cheap to which I say of course the said know to you. I kind of bounced around on the report but I tried so if so one has a.

Specific question ill try to answer.

11-29-15, 19:58
I don't know what this means. What English language sect uses and / or understand this? I hope you can provide some kind of translation. BTW, it doesn't sound very friendly.Yeah I was a bit gruff but shit, is this the AC Forum? I don't have the big education some of you have but at least I know where things should go.

After a few years of being here you should know what's important. The # 1 rule is post your comments in the right forum.


I was in AC last month but only for 2 nights. On my first night after changing some dollars I was walking back to Pacific Breeze around 9 pm, a group of door girls literally pulled me into their bar. Well it's always nice to get out of the heat so I had a beer. I spotted a keeper but she never looked my way. Then she starts doing some dirty dancing w / another dancer. I'm thinking they look pretty damn good but was only interested in the first one. She came over and sat w / me and was very nice, and she was very pretty. She wanted me to take her friend and so I did.

In this medium level bar they wanted 3000 p which I was surprised to hear. Normally the big glitzy bars have the 3000 p BF, but not in the new AC, the dumpy bars are also charging 3000 p. Anyway, I took them both and they were amazing. Nice tight fucking, vibrator flying all over, pussy eating, laughing, posing, and I finished w / the hot one cowgirl me while the other was on my side kissing the shit out of me. It was a world class 3 some. These two were pissed I only had one vibrator.

The next night I ended up on Fields Ave after an afternoon scoping out the Perimeter bars. I saw some nice items in LIA, not much in AS, after a few more bars I headed back to Fields Ave. Much later I ended up in Arcadia (Nemesis), these bars are changing their names every few months it seems, so now it's Arcadia. I saw a nice spinner and she said all the right things. I BFed her and we bar hopped and when we got to the room she shut it down. I thought we were doing well but I guess not. I reacted right away and we walked back to her bar so I could get my 3000 p back. Of course there was no manager there and so they told me to come back the next night. I left Arcadia and as I was strolling to wherever I spotted a long hair beauty and asked if she would go w / me. She was ready and willing and so she came to my rescue. I was extremely lucky to find a replacement so quickly and quite a beauty she was too. The nude beauty standing in my room was a FL I found after returning the dud from Arcadia.

The next day I had to leave and so I lost that Arcadia BF. Here are some pics from my recent visit. The Arcadia dud is in the white pants. She would have been an excellent squeeze too, f-ing bummer I didn't get that.

To be honest I have a tendency to drink too much beer. During a night of hunting and then barhopping w / my new GF it is hard to restrict myself, 1. I am having fun. 2. The bars are constantly pushing drinks on you. 3. The waitresses and mamasans are constantly asking that you to buy them drinks. 4. More drinks if you want to talk to a dancer on stage. So I get carried away by all of this many times on the hunt. I always tell myself to cool it but I always have a few too many and buy a few too many for the mendicants. And so.

Maybe I should excuse myself for putting up a Angeles City trip report in the AC forum. Excuse me all of you literary giants for my clumsy but honest effort.

Here are a few pics of my time in AC last month. It will take 10 hours from the time I click the upload button to the time they are posted by ISG.

Now, find the vibrator.

Chocha Monger
11-29-15, 19:58
Perhaps, we're a being a bit hard on the bar girls. After all, there are soulless pinays who never set foot in a bar that are just as conniving ruthless and greedy as the most hardcore bar girls. The bar girls are honest because they let the guy know upfront that he must pay for fuck before leaving the bar. If the guy deludes himself into thinking it's some kind of love affair then that is entirely his fault.

Foreigners would like to kid themselves into thinking that Filipinas working normal jobs or who belong to the middle and upper classes have no financial and visa motives. They desperately want to believe the mythology in the Philippines that the old foreigner is a sexy man desired solely for his good looks and sexual prowess. In many so-called successful marriages between Filipinas and foreign men, the foreigner is turning a blind eye to being cuckolded because the house and the business are in the wife's name. He realizes that rocking the boat may leave him penniless and deported in his old age or murdered in a staged home invasion and robbery. So, he pretends everything is nice and dandy at home.

As for marriages between mongers and bar girls being a disaster, it should be no surprise. Mongers make terrible husbands and fathers. A monger is not the kind of man who forms lasting attachments to women. He is not the kind of guy who sticks around and works out problems in relationships. If a woman is not working out for a monger he gets rid of her or, if he is really cheeky, he starts fucking other women on the side once more. This is not the type of attitude that makes for a long and successful marriage where compromise and self-deprivation for the great good of the family is a key requirement. Perhaps, one can't turn a ho into a housewife, but it is equally ludicrous to think that a woman can make a ho-monger a husband.

As for the young Aussie giving away money he couldn't afford to women he never met, well I wouldn't worry too much about guys like that. You will never be able to change his way of thinking because he really believes it is his job. It gives him a sense of purpose in life to sacrifice himself for women who do not care about him. It is not altruism otherwise he'the be giving that free money to rice farmers plowing their fields under the hot sun to buy fertilizer and seed stock. It is the sense of self-importance and being a hero he gets from being scammed by the damsel in distress. He will not last long in the Filipino culture of mendicancy and lack of empathy towards foreigners. They will bleed him dry until he can no longer visit the Philippines or send them money. At that point all correspondence will stop and the women will move on to more profitable targets leaving him bitter and wiser. Philippines expat and travel forums are littered with guys like this telling tales of how Filipinas scammed them.

Red Dogger
11-30-15, 03:05
As for marriages between mongers and bar girls being a disaster, it should be no surprise. Mongers make terrible husbands and fathers.Bar girls make terrible wives and girfriends. It is not apparent that Mongers make terrible husbands and boyfriends. It is psychologically impossible for a woman to be a good wife and also sleep with other men, but it is perfectly possible for a man to be a good husband and father and also sleep with other women.

That relationships with bar girls tend to be disastrous does not imply that all relationships with Filipinas motivated by money or visas are likely to be disastrous. Putting assets in your wife's name is of course likely to be disastrous, but if anything less likely to be disastrous with filipinas than with American women.

A filipina girl who does not care to do it in the dirt with is likely to remain virgin for a long time, because surrounded by kin, because of lack of privacy, because boyfriends cannot afford a nice hotel room. So a man who can afford nice things may well look sexy to her. In particular, seems to me that a lot of filipina girls get very turned on if the hotel room has a really nice hot shower and cool air conditioning, a hot shower with a great big overhead sprayer, not one of those little show heads.

Member #4387
11-30-15, 08:43
So you are wearing socks in bed? That's bad behavior haha but nice pics though.

11-30-15, 08:45
Well said. Another thing you can do to find out if your sweet little lover REALLY likes you is to tell her you don't have any money before she comes over. Then see if she still wants to come stay with you. This works well when you want some space from the one that keeps texting or calling.Absolutley agree! If a date gets too clingy, asking for support outside her "leaving fee", then I sadly explain that I just lost my job. Go thrown out of my appartement and have no money to spend anymore.

Surprisingly many are holding on but asking:"You found a new work already, hun? LOL.

11-30-15, 11:47
Asian guys who visit angeles are the ones that mostly have it 100% correct.

Asians mainly beleive Bar girls are to be used for fun only, fuck her, pay her and forget her, most want short time only, do your buisness and get rid of her.

If they should want to get married they will marry a 100% good girl, normally of their own race and normally a virgin.

Here in thailand I have many thai friends, from manual workers to top professionals, not one of these married a bar girl, none.

I worked in the phills for an international company, met pinoys of all backgrounds both professional and not, guess what not 1 person I know married a bar girl.

Yes both married thai and pinoy would have mistresses but went for mistresses that were working normal jobs and of the same standing as themselves.

Yet I have a whole heap of western friends who married bar girls, why is this, would they marry a prostitute working back in their own country, no they would not, its one of lifes mysteries.

Of western friends that married asian bar girls most were happy for the first while but I do not know even 1 who is still married or even on talking terms with their ex wives, most if not all have lost large sums of money between marriage and divorce.

I have 2 british friends who married pinays, both met them while working together, are of similar age, and from what I can see are very happy indeed, they work, their wives work, they pool their money together to pay for bills, eating etc, no demands from their wives for endless money for sick relatives, house building for mummy, or the sick baffalo.

Morale of the story, bar girls young enough to be our daughters / grand daughters are in it 100% for the money, nothing more, nothing less, use them for what they are designed for, sex and pleasure, pay them and forget them.

Want to get married with a prostitute, then you better have very deep pockets if you want her to be happy and provide pussy once in a while, be absolutely sure, once the money runs out then she will be off with the next mug who has money,

roll on the guys who will be assuring us YES BUT MY ONE IS DIFFERENT,lol

11-30-15, 13:27
Bar girls make terrible wives and girfriends. It is not apparent that Mongers make terrible husbands and boyfriends. It is psychologically impossible for a woman to be a good wife and also sleep with other men, but it is perfectly possible for a man to be a good husband and father and also sleep with other women.WTF?

How can it be impossible for one, but possible for the other?

If your wife is doing everything you expect of her, takes care of all your needs when are home, etc. , how is her going out for some sex while you're out of town any different?

It's more reasonable the wife having sex on the side is better able to still be a good wife, than the man remaining a good husband. The wife probably isn't spending money for sex. The wife probably values the comfort and security more than some random guy.

However, lots of men will drop the wife and kids for a younger model. In the process, he'll often spend way too much money, not only breaking up the family, but leaving everyone impoverished.

You're right about bar girls not making good wives, but the blame goes both ways.

The bar girl has only known flirting and working men to get money. If she's aby good, she's used to lots of attention and nice hotels. After a few months, her new husband is no longer giving her much attention. Instead of nice restaurants and nice hotels, she's expected to cook and clean. Instead of having her own money, she's on a budget. She quickly becomes bored, lonely and frustrated.

The monger gets her back home and starts learning the downsides of having a hot young wife. His friends all want to lay her. Their wives are jealous and worried of getting the boot for a younger model. His family is worried he's a [CodeWord910] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord910), or they are prejudiced. He also finds out she can't cook, won't clean and just wants to watch TV all day.

It's not a recipe for marital bliss.

Red Dogger
11-30-15, 14:02

How can it be impossible for one, but possible for the other?.Men are polygamous, women are hypergamous.

If a man had his way, he would have a dozen wives and rotate them through the main bedroom two at a time. A woman, however only wants one man at a time. Problem is that that man is not necessarily her husband, and not necessarily a man who has the interest or the time to spend much time with her or to be a father to her children.

So if a man is sleeping with other women, he still wants to sleep with his wife, so the marriage will continue fine. If a woman is sleeping with other men, does not want to sleep with her husband, so the marriage will break up.

Mua Tur
11-30-15, 14:28
Morale of the story, bar girls young enough to be our daughters / grand daughters are in it 100% for the money, nothing more, nothing less, use them for what they are designed for, sex and pleasure, pay them and forget them.

Want to get married with a prostitute, then you better have very deep pockets if you want her to be happy and provide pussy once in a while, be absolutely sure, once the money runs out then she will be off with the next mug who has money,

roll on the guys who will be assuring us YES BUT MY ONE IS DIFFERENT,lolBuying sex pleasure from girls is the oldest trade for human civilization. In normal sense it is very impractical to getting merry a sex service girl but it is happening around the world. I have seen an Indian guy get married a girl was belongs to red district area. I have seen in Dongguan, a Chinese guy get married a KTV girl and having kid. I met some girls still lurking on beach road in Pattaya, showing their rings proudly to visitors confirming they get married some westerners who are just sitting apart. I think It is nothing to be Asian or non Asian issue. One common thing I observed all the guys married to sex service girls, they are more or less thrice of the girls by age. It is something male psychology or physical behavior. Still I did not arrived on that age nor I am an expert in this issue; so I don't know on that male age how the young girls pull up our dead sex apatite. Certainly some girls and men are getting their sex chemistry. That's why "Yes but my one is different".

Some are brave enough to get marry them. They don't care what coming next; it is more important for them what they having right now.

11-30-15, 14:49
Asian guys who visit angeles are the ones that mostly have it 100% correct.

Asians mainly beleive Bar girls are to be used for fun only, fuck her, pay her and forget her, most want short time only, do your buisness and get rid of her.

If they should want to get married they will marry a 100% good girl, normally of their own race and normally a virgin.

Here in thailand I have many thai friends, from manual workers to top professionals, not one of these married a bar girl, none.

I worked in the phills for an international company, met pinoys of all backgrounds both professional and not, guess what not 1 person I know married a bar girl.

Yes both married thai and pinoy would have mistresses but went for mistresses that were working normal jobs and of the same standing as themselves..I think a lot of locals from Thai or Philippines Just have common sense (Street Smarts), where as a lot of my western friends have a lot book smarts but lack common sense. If you are looking for a wife, or a life time partner, you don't get a Bar Girl, That is like going to a StripClub or Backpage / Craigslist to look for a wife. You have to be crazy to wife a women that sells her body to the highest bidder. If your going to find a lifetime partner, Try to find a women that has a normal job and does not sell her vagina to just any random person she met 5 minutes ago. (Strippers, Bar Girls, and Pornstars) Do not make good wives, They usually come from a mess up childhood ([CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123), Child abuse, bad parenting). Thank God I never fell victim or was stupid enough to marry a Bar Girl, To me I just could not trust a women that all I have to do is pay $35 to have her pussy. I would rather try to get the girl that works a Mcdonalds, or at a Bank, At Least she has morals and a Job and did not choose the easy way out, Just like I would tell a tourist that is visiting the United States.

If I know a guy is visiting the United States and he was looking for a wife, I would tell him the same thing, Don't go to a Stripclub or Get a Escort. Try going to a normal club or try finding girls that work at the Bank or Mcdonalds. You stand a better chance then dating a girl that sells her ass for a living.

11-30-15, 17:58
Men are polygamous, women are hypergamous.

If a man had his way, he would have a dozen wives and rotate them through the main bedroom two at a time. A woman, however only wants one man at a time. Problem is that that man is not necessarily her husband, and not necessarily a man who has the interest or the time to spend much time with her or to be a father to her children.

So if a man is sleeping with other women, he still wants to sleep with his wife, so the marriage will continue fine. If a woman is sleeping with other men, does not want to sleep with her husband, so the marriage will break up.Complete and utter nonsense.

I've known many men, including myself, in my younger days, who, once they ventured outside the marriage bed, quickly lost interest in their wife.

I've known many women who maintained long term affairs while still keeping their husbands happy.

One of my best friends had a husband, 2 regular boyfriends and 2 girlfriends. Her husband knew all about it. He got all the sex he wanted from her, and knew she needed more than he could provide. When one of the boyfriends became a problem, he was promptly booted. She always put her husband's needs first.

There are women who are just as you describe, and men who fit your description too. However, to claim all men and women fit this pattern is ridiculous.

Pipe Layer99
11-30-15, 20:47
... Maybe I should excuse myself for putting up a Angeles City trip report in the AC forum. Excuse me all of you literary giants for my clumsy but honest effort.
Here are a few pics of my time in AC last month. It will take 10 hours from the time I click the upload button to the time they are posted by ISG.
Now, find the vibrator.Good trip report and great info. Nice photos too!

Member #4698
11-30-15, 22:01
In this medium level bar they wanted 3000 p which I was surprised to hear. Normally the big glitzy bars have the 3000 p BF, but not in the new AC, the dumpy bars are also charging 3000 p. Anyway, I took them both and they were amazing. Nice tight fucking, vibrator flying all over, pussy eating, laughing, posing, and I finished w / the hot one cowgirl me while the other was on my side kissing the shit out of me. It was a world class 3 some. These two were pissed I only had one vibrator.

I left Arcadia and as I was strolling to wherever I spotted a long hair beauty and asked if she would go w / me. She was ready and willing and so she came to my rescue. I was extremely lucky to find a replacement so quickly and quite a beauty she was too. The nude beauty standing in my room was a FL I found after returning the dud from Arcadia. The Arcadia dud is in the white pants.

To be honest I have a tendency to drink too much beer. During a night of hunting and then barhopping w / my new GF it is hard to restrict myself, 1. I am having fun. 2. The bars are constantly pushing drinks on you. 3. The waitresses and mamasans are constantly asking that you to buy them drinks. 4. More drinks if you want to talk to a dancer on stage. So I get carried away by all of this many times on the hunt. I always tell myself to cool it but I always have a few too many and buy a few too many for the mendicants. And so.

Hey Socker, I enjoyed reading your trip report. You scored very well in just 2 nights. First, with a class A menage a trois (bisexual pussy licking) with two sexy girls and second, by your lightning fast recovery from the near miss with the Arcadia bar girl with a very sexy FL on night 2. Way to Go! Initially I thought the girl standing in photo #3 (part of the menage a trois) and the girl in photo #6 (the FL) were the same girl. Both of those girls have that slim sexy look I like so much. But, I am sorry. I don't like the look of that Arcadia girl (white pants). She is just not my cup of tea. Ha Ha!

On the subject of booze: I usually have a Tequila or two with a girl when I barhop. I will even buy a shot for the girl friend. I find a little Tequila loosens things up and has a positive aphrodisiacal effect as long as it is not over indulged in. On special occasions, however, I will have 6 or 7 shots and tie one on with a girl. It is fun to party and get wild once in a while, like I did on Halloween with my favorite Bottoms girl in Makati, but I only do it with girls I like and with whom I am already on fairly familiar ground having previously shared sexual congress. That way even if we get tanked I know nothing bad is going to happen except maybe she might pass out before we boom boom. LOL. But then there is always wake up sex in the morning to make up for that. So Booze has never been a problem for me. I can pretty much take it or leave it. No, my Kryptonite was always Quaaludes. I loved 714's and couldn't stop partying with them until the Government took them away by outlawing their manufacture. I shagged a lot of girls on ludes. More than I can remember!


11-30-15, 22:41
Hey Socker, I enjoyed reading your trip report. You scored very well in just 2 nights with a class A menage a trois (bisexual pussy licking) with two sexy girls and your lightning fast recovery from the near miss with the Arcadia bar girl on the 2nd night with a very sexy FL. Way to Go! Initially I thought the girl standing in photo #3 (part of the menage a trois) and the girl in photo #6 (the FL) were the same girl. Both of those girls have that slim sexy look I like so much. I am sorry though, I don't like the look of that Arcadia girl (photo #7). She is just not my cup of tea. .You have a lot more years mongering than I so yes I have plenty to learn and practice. Letting yourself go w / familiar ladies is a solid piece of advice, but for us slow learners I'll repeat past blunders.

I think (hope) when I get to spend more time in the field (semi retirement) I will calm down and be more patient. This last trip was suppose to be a recon for living there in Thailand but it turned out to be a normal mongering trip. I was out every night trying (in Thailand and the PI) to find Cinderella and half the time I did but as I explained earlier I am undisciplined and carefree. I have that tourist recklessness that is not what a smart monger would do. I may never get to yours or some other's level of expertise but it's sure fun trying.

The one in the white pants was hot, at least to me. Thanks for the critique.

Oh you mentioned Q,s. Wow you go back then. I wonder if they have those in Colombia? They have everything else LOL.

Skogis, What can I say? I was in a hurry, I forgot I had the socks on! I might have poked her w / those socks on! I'll have to do her again the right way.

Thanks all for the support. A few more of my last stay in beautiful Angeles City.

12-01-15, 01:07
....No, my Kryptonite was always Quaaludes. I loved 714's and couldn't stop partying with them until the Government took them away by outlawing their manufacture. I shagged a lot of girls on ludes. More than I can remember!

NB.Sounds like the wolf of wall street in person! Called Mandrax in UK, this one is back in the news after the Cosby confessions were made public recently.

Mr Enternational
12-01-15, 02:06
It is high time that the Koreans explained themselves. And since they have, it is easy to see why the chicks in AC will prefer them over their Western counterparts.

Answer: They don't show up with Western porn fantasies that they need to have fulfilled.


12-01-15, 04:33
It is high time that the Koreans explained themselves. And since they have, it is easy to see why the chicks in AC will prefer them over their Western counterparts.

Answer: They don't show up with Western porn fantasies that they need to have fulfilled.

http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhx5b07170P1ybE0oHHoly shit. ROFLMAO. Good find ME.

Red Dogger
12-02-15, 00:30
Complete and utter nonsense.

I've known many men, including myself, in my younger days, who, once they ventured outside the marriage bed, quickly lost interest in their wife.There are men who will dump their wife, and men who will not, but pretty much all women will gladly sleep with their husband if they are not getting any dick on the side, and will not sleep with their husband if they are getting some dick on the side.

Red Dogger
12-02-15, 05:09
Morale of the story, bar girls young enough to be our daughters / grand daughters are in it 100% for the money, nothing more, nothing less, use them for what they are designed for, sex and pleasure, pay them and forget them.
Bar girls are in it for the money, obviously, so you don't marry a bar girl or make a girlfriend out of a bar girl.

But it is possible, and not even very difficult if you go to a small town in the backwoods, to get a virtuous girl young enough to be your daughter or granddaughter. (Don't try this anywhere near Manila or Angeles City).

Watch for fitness tests. If she does not fitness test you, she is not sexually attracted. If you fail the fitness tests, she will not be sexually attracted.

12-02-15, 12:20
But it is possible, and not even very difficult if you go to a small town in the backwoods, to get a virtuous girl young enough to be your daughter or granddaughter. (Don't try this anywhere near Manila or Angeles City).

Watch for fitness tests. If she does not fitness test you, she is not sexually attracted. If you fail the fitness tests, she will not be sexually attracted.Regardless of where a girl is from any girl young enough to be our grand daughter who is willing to have sex with us.marry us, is doing so 100% for the money.

There is not a girl even in the far flung places of the phills who is sexually attracted to a man old enough to be her grand father,

A very very small amount of pinays, those who are desperate enough, poor enough, uneducated enough turn to selling pussy to old men,this does not mean they are attracted to their clients,

Try getting some pussy from that young attractive bank clerk, doctor, lawyer in a far flung province and see how that goes,we are more likely to get a mouthful of abuse,why,because she does not need our money,simple,

look at the millions of young attractive pinays who work very long hours in shops/malls for 200 pesos per day,why are they not out selling their pussy to the highest bidder,because they have morales,they would rather live on little than sell their soul to the devil even if it means more money,

D Cups
12-02-15, 14:58
Explain fitness test. I've never seen a Pinay fitness test.

Bar girls are in it for the money, obviously, so you don't marry a bar girl or make a girlfriend out of a bar girl.

But it is possible, and not even very difficult if you go to a small town in the backwoods, to get a virtuous girl young enough to be your daughter or granddaughter. (Don't try this anywhere near Manila or Angeles City).

Watch for fitness tests. If she does not fitness test you, she is not sexually attracted. If you fail the fitness tests, she will not be sexually attracted..

12-02-15, 16:05
.. not out selling their pussy to the highest bidder,because they have morales,they would rather live on little than sell their soul to the devil even if it means more money,Wow. Did not see that coming, especially on an ISG board. There is nothing like judging others. Perhaps you can start a religion and mongering thread.

12-02-15, 16:54
Wow. Did not see that coming, especially on an ISG board. There is nothing like judging others. Perhaps you can start a religion and mongering thread.I didn't read that comment by napperslapper as some form of proselytizing. It was stating the obvious. Lets be honest why would a 20 yr old be attracted to a 60 yr old except for the money and comforts he brings. Even of the two were from the same racial background. Is it possible if she was 20 and he was a young fit 40 yr old. OK now that's more in the realms of believable. But seriously even if you are a fit 60 yr old. You leaving your senses behind if you think there is " true lub". And as a litmus test live like she does and don't give her any money, the way her first pinoy BF treated her and see how long she sticks around, and also make it clear you are staying in the Philippines so no chance of a green card etc.

Wicked Roger
12-02-15, 17:21
Explain fitness test. I've never seen a Pinay fitness test..I thinks this is where they feel your 'bulge' - in your wallet LOL.

Wicked Roger
12-02-15, 17:25
There is not a girl even in the far flung places of the phills who is sexually attracted to a man old enough to be her grand father..There is Napa.

I can tell you many pinays are attracted to me sexually. See the PG as plenty photos there that I have posted all showing undying love to their lolo (that's me in case you had not grasped that) LOL.

12-02-15, 20:28
Wow. Did not see that coming, especially on an ISG board. There is nothing like judging others. Perhaps you can start a religion and mongering thread.Thank you Val, I love these self righteous know it all asses too.

Unfortunately they are recking this forum w / their mean less BS.

Every time I check into see what's happening in AC I get their extraneous horse shit instead.

And it's useless to reason w / them.

They have this intense need to spout off, or thrill us w / their wit and humor. This time it's about the immoral bar girls, like anyone here has morals.

Even the pope doesn't think he's better than a common bar girl. But we have plenty here who actually are better, haha, aren't we lucky!

Truth is stranger than fiction alright.

12-03-15, 02:32
Regardless of where a girl is from any girl young enough to be our grand daughter who is willing to have sex with us.marry us, is doing so 100% for the money.Respectfully disagree. Cannot confirm that sweeping generalization.

There is not a girl even in the far flung places of the phills who is sexually attracted to a man old enough to be her grand father,

A very very small amount of pinays, those who are desperate enough, poor enough, uneducated enough turn to selling pussy to old men,this does not mean they are attracted to their clients,I think you mean that there is a small fraction who are that desperate. Which, if true, means there are thousands or hundreds of thousands of such desperate pinay (which by definition is a large amount).

Try getting some pussy from that young attractive bank clerk, doctor, lawyer in a far flung province and see how that goes,we are more likely to get a mouthful of abuse,why,because she does not need our money,simple, Not every naughty pinay interlude involves money (or the consideration of money by either party). Some pinay are interested in the sex only, others money, and others want a long-nosed baby.

look at the millions of young attractive pinays who work very long hours in shops/malls for 200 pesos per day,why are they not out selling their pussy to the highest bidder,because they have morales,they would rather live on little than sell their soul to the devil even if it means more money, And then there are those.

Related story, I think its been over a year since I mentioned this girl. There is a cebuana that I started hammering young, for financial consideration. We got along fine for 3 years. She went off the grid for about 8 months and I was unable to contact her on a subsequent trip. The following trip I discovered from one of her friends that she had married a rich poriner (Japanese) a few months back. A year later she contacted me in YM and confirmed her marriage to the older Japanese fella. Six months after that she was in my hotel room phabulously sucking my dick. What about that rich husband? Taking care of biz at home in Japan. On a subsequent trip she came to my hotel with shopping bags (this would become her modus operandi) when hubby was in town on my visits. We'd have an healthy 45-minute bonk, then she'd shower and go home with shopping bags so hubby would think she'd been hitting the mall with her friends for lunch and shopping. This ruse worked for 2 years (have not seen her in a year). Did she need money? No! Was she also bonking a different gringo (and admitting it) at the same time? Yes! Once again did she need the money? No, not at that point in her life. She just liked sexing gringos: "Oh got I don't want baby looks asian". Did she love sex? Yes, she revels in it (it seems to ooze out of the pores in her skin).

Alternate: On rare occasion have bonked professional pinay. From a dating site I met a nurse based in KSA. When she contacted me I told her that I was not interested in pinay outside of phils, that I only dated inside of phils, and my profile was *quite* clear that its for meet / greet / bonk / get-lost sessions. She asked when I was in phils next. It just worked that we would both be in phils 2 weeks later (Cebu). She said in YM chat something like: "I am ok with all night in your hotel room. Anything you like. But don't be cheap. Pay for my food, drinks, and I hope we can find some live band". She is late 20's and attractive. When we met we went for pizza / beer (her restaurant), then two live bands and drinks, and spent the night together. We repeated the process a few nights later. She said pointedly that she was not interested in anyone with dark skin and she was not looking for money. Again, these situations are the exceptions, not the rule. There is no 'rule'.

12-03-15, 03:02
There is Napa.

I can tell you many pinays are attracted to me sexually. See the PG as plenty photos there that I have posted all showing undying love to their lolo (that's me in case you had not grasped that) LOL.

with all due respect WR please point us to the posted photos of the girls that did not get paid to be fucked and photographed lol,

By the way,your photos are great for the board and most enjoy them so keep them coming

Red Dogger
12-03-15, 08:21
Regardless of where a girl is from any girl young enough to be our grand daughter who is willing to have sex with us.marry us, is doing so 100% for the money.

There is not a girl even in the far flung places of the phills who is sexually attracted to a man old enough to be her grand father,When a girl orgasms like a jack hammer, she is sexually attracted.

When a girl does not plan to have sex with me, and then winds up fucking with no contraceptive precautions, and then panics that she might have become pregnant, she is sexually attracted.

Men are only influenced by a girl's physical attributes. When a girl is past her fertile age, men are not interested. Men however are fertile for pretty much as long as they can have sex, so age is not such a critical factor in a man as it is in a woman.

A nice place to have sex, a comfortable hotel room with a big bed, clean sheets, cool air conditioning, and a big hot shower with a giant oversized shower head, conveniently far from snooping neighbors and kin, is a big turn on for a great many Filipino girls.

That said, the amount of time and money you spend entertaining good girls, taxis, travel, and the number of good girls that fail to put out, makes good girls a poor investment in terms of pussy per dollar. On the whole, I would say free sex is about four times as expensive as sex you pay for. If you want to hit the maximum number of pussies in the shortest possible time for the least possible cost, paying for it is definitely the way to go. But if you want the girlfriend experience, nothing equals the girlfriend experience of an actual girlfriend.

12-03-15, 08:24
Westcoast 1,thanks for the reply.

reports of meeting non working girls on dating sites, malls and them not asking to be paid by the hour but accepting to be wined, dined, treated well for very a short while is true in some cases.

Here's the but.

certain types of Girls that are young enough to be our grand daughters who do not demand payments for their time up front are playing the waiting game, waiting for a guy to fall in love / lust and then bam!

The demands for large sums of money come thick and fast, mummy needs to have an urgent operation, father had a bike accident and has too pay large sums of money in compensation or face jail, the house got flattened in a storm and need a new one built etc etc the list is too long to print here.

Refuse to pay and at best that little hustler cuts off the pussy and is out the door soon as she finds the next mug.

At worst she claims to police she has been raped or has her trike driver husband / boyfriend hurt the victim enough to pay up,

As I say, there are many types of pinay looking for a pay day, the type that quote the hourly rate up front and the type who play the waiting game in expectation of the big pay days later,

Then we come back to just because a girl has played the waiting game does not mean she is in the slightest attracted to or in love with her victim.

Member #4698
12-03-15, 14:14
The amount of time and money you spend entertaining good girls, taxis, travel, and the number of good girls that fail to put out, makes good girls a poor investment in terms of pussy per dollar. On the whole, I would say free sex is about four times as expensive as sex you pay for. If you want to hit the maximum number of pussies in the shortest possible time for the least possible cost, paying for it is definitely the way to go. But if you want the girlfriend experience, nothing equals the girlfriend experience of an actual girlfriend.Well said, Red.

Red Dogger
12-03-15, 14:20
, mummy needs to have an urgent operation, father had a bike accident and has too pay large sums of money in compensation or face jail, the house got flattened in a storm and need a new one built etc etc Certainly that happens a lot. An awful lot. But it does not always happen, and it is not the only basis for these may and December gigs.

OK, if you try and make a bargirl into a girlfriend, it will always work out badly as you describe every single time. So don't do that. There are plenty of available girls in the provinces and semi rural areas who are not bargirls.

And in a great many cases, seems to me the substantial majority of cases, what happens is good girl sleeps with a much older foreigner expecting romance, and gets ditched, often with a baby.

Worst case from the point of view of foreigner is that his girlfriend starts asking for unreasonable amounts of money, he gives her no money, dumps her, gets new girlfriend. Worst case from point of view of pinay is foreigner quietly disappears without a word leaving her pregnant.

Getting a new pinay girlfriend young enough to be your granddaughter costs more time and money than getting a new bar girl for a night, but it does not cost all that much time and money. Since she is rather replaceable, she is in a weak position to stick you for a new house.

And it seems to me that a lot of foreigners go around having sex with one pinay girl after another. The girls are expecting romance, get fatherless babies instead.

Yes, it is very easy for a foreigner to spend a great deal of money on supposedly good girls, and get very little sex or no sex at all. And it is very easy for a pinay to have sex with foreigners, and get a pregnancy and no money.

There are certainly a lot of girls who go with foreigners because they expect to get money, and not provide any sex. And often they succeed in getting a great deal of money while providing no sex or very little sex.

There are certainly a lot of girls who go with foreigners not expecting to get any money, but expecting to be shown a nicer time than filipino boys can show them, and not provide any sex.

Both categories of girls, to their surprise, often wind up in bed with foreigners. It really is rather common for a girl to go with a foreigner expecting money and a good time and no sex, and then she provides sex and does not get money. (Make sure she does not take her friend with her. Three is a crowd.).

These girls are naive and easily seduced, putting out when they never intended to put out. Usually they have never been with a foreigner before, often they have never been with a guy who had his own conveniently private room before.

There are a lot of girls who go with a foreigner, intending to put out to manipulate his emotions, intending to provide sex and then hit him up for money, but she is vastly less experienced than he, and it is her emotions that get manipulated. This is the big difference between bargirls and good girls. You cannot manipulate a bargirl's emotions by sexing her. The point of targeting good girls is that you can manipulate their emotions better than they can manipulate your emotions.

There are a lot of girls who go with a foreigner with the intention of having sex with him, because foreigners are rather high status.

There are a lot of girls who go with a foreigner because they would like to have sex in an air conditioned room with a nice shower.

X Man
12-03-15, 14:56
Wow, you seemed to work everything out.

I read it from top to bottom, but I think my brain revolted. If you will allow me to summarize, sex and love and money and romance are complicated. And it may work out well, or it may work out badly. X.

Certainly that happens a lot. An awful lot. But it does not always happen, and it is not the only basis for these may and December gigs.

OK, if you try and make a bargirl into a girlfriend, it will always work out badly as you describe every single time. So don't do that. There are plenty of available girls in the provinces and semi rural areas who are not bargirls.

And in a great many cases, seems to me the substantial majority of cases, what happens is good girl sleeps with a much older foreigner expecting romance, and gets ditched, often with a baby.

Worst case from the point of view of foreigner is that his girlfriend starts asking for unreasonable amounts of money, he gives her no money, dumps her, gets new girlfriend. Worst case from point of view of pinay is foreigner quietly disappears without a word leaving her pregnant.

Getting a new pinay girlfriend young enough to be your granddaughter costs more time and money than getting a new bar girl for a night, but it does not cost all that much time and money. Since she is rather replaceable, she is in a weak position to stick you for a new house.

And it seems to me that a lot of foreigners go around having sex with one pinay girl after another. The girls are expecting romance, get fatherless babies instead.

Yes, it is very easy for a foreigner to spend a great deal of money on supposedly good girls, and get very little sex or no sex at all. And it is very easy for a pinay to have sex with foreigners, and get a pregnancy and no money.

There are certainly a lot of girls who go with foreigners because they expect to get money, and not provide any sex. And often they succeed in getting a great deal of money while providing no sex or very little sex.

There are certainly a lot of girls who go with foreigners not expecting to get any money, but expecting to be shown a nicer time than filipino boys can show them, and not provide any sex.

Both categories of girls, to their surprise, often wind up in bed with foreigners. It really is rather common for a girl to go with a foreigner expecting money and a good time and no sex, and then she provides sex and does not get money. (Make sure she does not take her friend with her. Three is a crowd.).

These girls are naive and easily seduced, putting out when they never intended to put out. Usually they have never been with a foreigner before, often they have never been with a guy who had his own conveniently private room before.

There are a lot of girls who go with a foreigner, intending to put out to manipulate his emotions, intending to provide sex and then hit him up for money, but she is vastly less experienced than he, and it is her emotions that get manipulated. This is the big difference between bargirls and good girls. You cannot manipulate a bargirl's emotions by sexing her. The point of targeting good girls is that you can manipulate their emotions better than they can manipulate your emotions.

There are a lot of girls who go with a foreigner with the intention of having sex with him, because foreigners are rather high status.

There are a lot of girls who go with a foreigner because they would like to have sex in an air conditioned room with a nice shower.

Wicked Roger
12-03-15, 16:00
with all due respect WR please point us to the posted photos of the girls that did not get paid to be fucked and photographed lol,

By the way,your photos are great for the board and most enjoy them so keep them comingLOL.

All the girls are free Napa. As you know we don't count, taxi fare, dinner / Jollibee and helping them with her college fees as payment for sex.

We are gentlemen (well I am can't speak for Westie, Skoggy et al LOL) and would never engage a girl purely P4 P. Such a distasteful hobby that while I have many friends (on this board) who clearly are naughty I see my behavior as normal, boring and very Christian (Samaritan like in fact) LOL.

12-04-15, 01:04
That said, the amount of time and money you spend entertaining good girls, taxis, travel, and the number of good girls that fail to put out, makes good girls a poor investment in terms of pussy per dollar. On the whole, I would say free sex is about four times as expensive as sex you pay for. If you want to hit the maximum number of pussies in the shortest possible time for the least possible cost, paying for it is definitely the way to go. But if you want the girlfriend experience, nothing equals the girlfriend experience of an actual girlfriend.Very well said RD. A classic adage made famous by a line from the 1973 Academy Award nominee The Last Detail. Mulhall tells Buddysky "Chant your ass off, kid. But any pussy you get in this world, you going to have to pay for, one way or another. ".

12-04-15, 04:12

All the girls are free Napa. As you know we don't count, taxi fare, dinner / Jollibee and helping them with her college fees as payment for sex.

We are gentlemen (well I am can't speak for Westie, Skoggy et al LOL) and would never engage a girl purely P4 P. Such a distasteful hobby that while I have many friends (on this board) who clearly are naughty I see my behavior as normal, boring and very Christian (Samaritan like in fact) LOL.Haha well if we counting that way I have never paid for sex, even in the Thai brothels I just pay for "room hire" so all my pussy has been for free.

12-04-15, 04:42
I arrived to MNL the other night. Driver picked me up at 10:30 pm for drive to AC. I had a girl waiting to come to my hotel at midnight. Traffic was so bad that we didn't get to AC until a little after 1:00 am. By this time my girl had fallen asleep and didn't answer her cell. I texted a few other girls but no replies. Finally one came to my mind, she had just broken up with her gf a few months ago! I texted her and asked her if she wanted to come over? She was there in 15 minutes. She had not had sex with a man for over a year. Did she climax hard! Twice! Dang near killed me with the bear hug while climaxing.

The next morning she went home around 7 am and I get a reply text from another girl. Hadn't seen her for 4 months and she is over in a few hours. She says she has had a GF for the past two months and GF is out of town for a week. That's was the best session I ever had with this girl in 2 years off and on. Both girls were not lesbians but I guess got tire of men and tried a girl. Not that I am a great coxxxman but I just had one at the right time. Sometimes finger licking good just isn't good enough! Other times it might be.

It pays to maintain contacts.

12-04-15, 11:50
I arrived to MNL the other night. Driver picked me up at 10:30 pm for drive to AC. I had a girl waiting to come to my hotel at midnight. Traffic was so bad that we didn't get to AC until a little after 1:00 am. By this time my girl had fallen asleep and didn't answer her cell. I texted a few other girls but no replies. Finally one came to my mind, she had just broken up with her gf a few months ago! I texted her and asked her if she wanted to come over? She was there in 15 minutes. She had not had sex with a man for over a year. Did she climax hard! Twice! Dang near killed me with the bear hug while climaxing.

The next morning she went home around 7 am and I get a reply text from another girl. Hadn't seen her for 4 months and she is over in a few hours. She says she has had a GF for the past two months and GF is out of town for a week. That's was the best session I ever had with this girl in 2 years off and on. Both girls were not lesbians but I guess got tire of men and tried a girl. Not that I am a great coxxxman but I just had one at the right time. Sometimes finger licking good just isn't good enough! Other times it might be.

It pays to maintain contacts.Agree Dg 8787 with the double play. The girls in AC do like to swing both ways. Had a recent trip myself and took a spotlight girl who liked girls more than boys. Tried hard to play but clearly did not play with boys a lot. Still she was good fun and loved to party. Got to love AC.

12-05-15, 02:47
You know I'm not offended, I'm actually disappointed. It clearly says this "This forum is moderated", but I get bombarded with slave cartoons. Did I pay for that too? I love pussy. I love jumping around this site to gather intel for upcoming trips. And lo and behold the dumb shit always seems to leak thru. It's either a newbie requesting obvious info that he refuses to read and gather, but loves to beg for, or the occasional racist yearning for the old days- and forcing his crap down everybody's throat. You have tried to ruin one of the best threads on this site- The magical Philippines.

I assume Brit or Aussie. Same old half-hearted racism through the keyboard. I see them everywhere I go. Phils, Patt, BKK, Indo. Feeble old men hating on the blacks that get Asian pussy. You guys arrive by the millions in Pattaya, but only brave mzungu go to Africa. Them I respect, and their usually German.

What's truly sad is that those old racist days are numbered. Their youthful looks are gone, their lack of intelligence is obvious, spoil sports taking the ball home. The best ISG members share pics, share intel, and wishes fellow mongers good luck- but no, somehow hate walked into this party! Racists are old and need somebody to blame. Sorry my junk is bigger than yours mate. Yeah those videos and TV shows with sexy black men are making it over there, and your girl wants some! Oh, its true.

Yeah, I'm disappointed. Hell, real racists KILL and* Only fakes talk about it!

Yeah, we hate Obama too. He's too busy trying to please fake racists overseas! If your going to hate, be real with it. Oh, by the way. Racist hate is always directed at the wrong race of people. Dumb racist always fail to see the real threat. Hint: They multiply by the thousands and they are living among you!Apologies for this late reply or comment. I have read this post many times and have resisted commenting as any words may only serve to give it some credibility.

"I assume Brit or Aussie". Why? Do you know any Aussies? I presume your racist judgments are formed whilst sitting (alone I presume) in Phillies or Kokomos listening to and selectively quoting other peoples conversations. The tone of your posts suggest to me that you are from the USA. If this is true then I acknowledge that you would be an expert on racism.

Mate, get to know a few Aussies. You will find most don't take themselves seriously and love to"take the [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140)" when conversing, especially over a beer or six. Yes I am one of those feeble old men whose youthful looks are gone and lack of intelligence obvious. Your words sir, I trust you are proud of them. However, prior to my total disintegration I led a fairly normal life working the same job for 45 years. I worked with men and women from all over the world. We all worked with great harmony and I never heard a deliberate racist remark or argument. Having a drink after work often included harmless banter hence "taking the [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140)". One indonesian guy used to walk in every day to join us for a beer with the greeting "afternoon white boys"No racism there just fun and laughs. The government did give me a holiday in the sixties fighting in Vietnam alongside Americans. Took some pieces during a mortar attack which cut my holidayin SEA short.

Mate, please don't make such sweeping comments without at least knowing the people. Your contribution only spawns more unpleasantness.

12-05-15, 03:28
Apologies for this late reply or comment. I have read this post many times and have resisted commenting as any words may only serve to give it some credibility. .........................

"I assume Brit or Aussie". Why? ..........................Yeh, correct. The Aussies are not a serious lot. Their idea of fun or humour does not always align with other countries idea of same. Personally I have found Aussies and Brits to be friendly, straightforward guys. Not like those arrogant ones who dominate the world, LOL.

12-05-15, 04:57
Very well said RD. A classic adage made famous by a line from the 1973 Academy Award nominee The Last Detail. Mulhall tells Buddysky "Chant your ass off, kid. But any pussy you get in this world, you going to have to pay for, one way or another. ".Either by dating, marriage, divorce, child support, alimony, mongering or pay for play, you will have to pay for it in some fashion.

12-05-15, 06:08
SNIP Personally I have found Aussies and Brits to be friendly, straightforward guys. Not like those arrogant ones who dominate the world, LOL.You must mean the Canadians. I agree.

Wicked Roger
12-05-15, 11:45
Yeh, correct. The Aussies are not a serious lot. Their idea of fun or humour does not always align with other countries idea of same. Personally I have found Aussies and Brits to be friendly, straightforward guys. Not like those arrogant ones who dominate the world, LOL.I agree Sxxx.

Sxxx for President as long as he makes sure the Brits and Aussies get the best pinays always LOL, BeachBoy for VP also LOL.

As for those who rule the world? Could say Chinese given the amount of debt those who think they rule the world have got in debt from their Eastern brothers LOL.

Unfortunately may nationalities have no clue about irony or sarcasm (some can't spell the word either) hence we find posters such as Naked Gunz having a hard time reading posts in an intelligent yet humorous manner.

NG. Please pop into the UAE as there is a lively debate on racists / racism caused by many newbies, 90+% Indian, that are called 'managers' and 'hey bro / dude" boys asking infantile questions without RTFF. When called out and the seniors noted they post mainly in India a forum notorious for no FRs (go have a look at the banners) or worse except for "hey dud / bro send me her digits" they claim racism. You would be welcome there and many would see you comments and respond. With irony and sarcasm LOL especially Joe K, Snow, Cons68, PH, and me.

Germans go to Africa as there they can always be first to the sun lounger at the pool as no one else is there LOL.

12-05-15, 20:41
I agree Sxxx.

Sxxx for President as long as he makes sure the Brits and Aussies get the best pinays always LOL, BeachBoy for VP also LOL.

As for those who rule the world? Could say Chinese given the amount of debt those who think they rule the world have got in debt from their Eastern brothers LOL.

Unfortunately may nationalities have no clue about irony or sarcasm (some can't spell the word either) hence we find posters such as Naked Gunz having a hard time reading posts in an intelligent yet humorous manner.

NG. Please pop into the UAE as there is a lively debate on racists / racism caused by many newbies, 90+% Indian, that are called 'managers' and 'hey bro / dude" boys asking infantile questions without RTFF. When called out and the seniors noted they post mainly in India a forum notorious for no FRs (go have a look at the banners) or worse except for "hey dud / bro send me her digits" they claim racism. You would be welcome there and many would see you comments and respond. With irony and sarcasm LOL especially Joe K, Snow, Cons68, PH, and me.

Germans go to Africa as there they can always be first to the sun lounger at the pool as no one else is there LOL.So my dear wicked Roger. When I first saw your post, I also agreed that a newbie should rtff first and than ask the question, but you know some lazy souls. They still think all other ISG members are pimp.

Than I thought to visit your history and RTFF your last 100 contributions which are just trying to write something about Indians. I agree with your points but why to specifically have hate against Indians. You must be based out Uae and a quite frequent visitor to Philly with some obvious reasons.

You seems to be a educated person buy it would be nice to not be racist. Your last 100 post gives a good background that you have seen only Uae and Philly in last few years and half of your post are against Indians. I understand at the same time an educated person would try to correct others when he can. An educated person would not just talk rubbish.

P. S. I am half Brit half Indian and lived my life across all the continents and have full bucket of nice people across the world. I realized people who were racist were the people who were good for nothing.

Anyhow sorry I know it's a mongering platform not a social uplifted nor I intend to.

Let's create a world which have people full with love and care not the hate. I hope you are not a IS member.

12-06-15, 18:28
When I was in Angeles during the last days I observed a ritual or game that was so far unknown for me.

A customer was throwing money bills from a balcony or on to the stage and the girls tried to catch the bills while shouting out loud.

Is there a special name for this kind of ritual or game? I wonder if it is a thing that can only be found in Angeles or does someone knows, if it is common in bars and clubs.

In other countries too?


12-07-15, 01:39
When I was in Angeles during the last days I observed a ritual or game that was so far unknown for me.

A customer was throwing money bills from a balcony or on to the stage and the girls tried to catch the bills while shouting out loud.

Is there a special name for this kind of ritual or game? I wonder if it is a thing that can only be found in Angeles or does someone knows, if it is common in bars and clubs.

In other countries too?

Thanks!The name of the game is "Get-Drunk-And-Flash-The-Cash" I guess. This and several other "games" are quite popular in clubs all over. Sometimes you find small buckets of ping pong balls that can be tossed on stage. Sometimes its balloons. Sometimes some satin ribbons and tassels. In all cases the common factor is that they are all paid for by some drunk weekend millionaire.

IMHO I find it nothing more than vulgar display of money. As I have said before. Alcohol and poor judgement go hand in hand.

12-07-15, 02:37
When I was in Angeles during the last days I observed a ritual or game that was so far unknown for me.

A customer was throwing money bills from a balcony or on to the stage and the girls tried to catch the bills while shouting out loud.

Is there a special name for this kind of ritual or game? I wonder if it is a thing that can only be found in Angeles or does someone knows, if it is common in bars and clubs.

In other countries too?

Thanks!The name of the game is "Ridicule, embarrass and demean a group of beautiful people". The Koreans in Atlantis have developed the game further: they sit upstairs (as always) and hand roll the notes into hard balls then throw them as hard as they can at the girls. They find great delight in watching these projectiles bounce off the heads and bodies of the girls. If this is sexual entertainment, then I am happy to be called a prude. Our group, yes, all aussies, left after one beer and never darkened the doors of Atlantis again.

12-07-15, 02:56
When I was in Angeles during the last days I observed a ritual or game that was so far unknown for me.

A customer was throwing money bills from a balcony or on to the stage and the girls tried to catch the bills while shouting out loud.

Is there a special name for this kind of ritual or game? I wonder if it is a thing that can only be found in Angeles or does someone knows, if it is common in bars and clubs.

In other countries too?

Thanks!Throwing money from the balcony of many angeles gogo bars is called making it rain.

I have witnessed koreans and japanese customers throw whole bags full of money on to the stage of fields avenue bars.

Its one of the main reasons angeles bar girls refuse to barfine, why should they when guys are willing to throw money at them for free.

12-07-15, 03:21
Throwing money from the balcony of many angeles gogo bars is called making it rain.

I have witnessed koreans and japanese customers throw whole bags full of money on to the stage of fields avenue bars.

Its one of the main reasons angeles bar girls refuse to barfine, why should they when guys are willing to throw money at them for free.Yes but you have to take note of the denomination. Lots only throw P20 bills. Those who respect money, even less, throw P100 bills. Bill throwers are soon forgotten, LOL.

Mama-san at Forbidden City, now called, Stardust, said the Russian guy I saw throwing buckets of money all around the place, threw a total of P10,000 on each visit to her bar. Claimed he did the same at other bars too. He also purchased the stage girls brassieres at P200 each, hung them around his neck. He was a boob man. Giant of a guy, drunk, dancing on elevated stage with girls their bra's hanging around his neck. Twas a sight to see. Aaah, the good old days (total nudity etc).

In Cebu I saw Japanese placing P1000 bills (three nougats) under numerous girls bikini g. String. Koreans and Japanese do not seem to bar fine so much. They throw money and they buy ladies drinks, but dip their stick? No, not as much as Caucasians, it seems.

Add to that money sent by lonely souls, locked in Mumma's cell, overseas. Most never make it to the Phils. Hence bar girls not so 'hungry'. You have to be hansome like me to get them, nowadays, LOL.

12-07-15, 03:34
So my dear wicked Roger. When I first saw your post, I also agreed that a newbie should rtff first and than ask the question, but you know some lazy souls. They still think all other ISG members are pimp.

Than I thought to visit your history and RTFF your last 100 contributions which are just trying to write something about Indians. I agree with your points but why to specifically have hate against Indians. You must be based out Uae and a quite frequent visitor to Philly with some obvious reasons.

You seems to be a educated person buy it would be nice to not be racist. Your last 100 post gives a good background that you have seen only Uae and Philly in last few years and half of your post are against Indians. I understand at the same time an educated person would try to correct others when he can. .

P. S. I am half Brit half Indian and lived my life across all the continents and have full bucket of nice people across the world. I realized people who were racist were the people who were good for nothing.

Let's create a world which have people full with love and care not the hate. I hope you are not a IS member.I think Sir, you are looking for a fight when none exists. Roger is a very happy fellow who enjoys the mongering scene as seen by his posts. He has an irritation, that is both rational and relevant to all the guys who think they can ask for a girls number based on a posters FR. Those felows are social misfits and deservedly are called out on their behavior. If you find racism in that, then that Sir is your perception. How to educate those that can't be educated?

Imagine the scenario, a guy finds a girl, talks to her, builds a chemistry with her, and enjoys a happy physical encounter. He invests his time and effort and reports it. Then a parasite assumes that by obtaining the same girls number, he can then enjoy the same chemistry. " Ring Ring, Hi I'm Ali, I read about what you did with that guy, please do the same for me " The fact that many of these 1 post wonders all herald from one country, says more about the country and its 18th century attitudes to sex than it does about Roger. I recommend you go and look for a fight elsewhere, because there isn't one here.

Wicked Roger
12-07-15, 03:54
So my dear wicked Roger. When I first saw your post, I also agreed that a newbie should rtff first and than ask the question, but you know some lazy souls. They still think all other ISG members are pimp.

Than I thought to visit your history and RTFF your last 100 contributions which are just trying to write something about Indians. I agree with your points but why to specifically have hate against Indians. You must be based out Uae and a quite frequent visitor to Philly with some obvious reasons.

You seems to be a educated person buy it would be nice to not be racist. Your last 100 post gives a good background that you have seen only Uae and Philly in last few years and half of your post are against Indians. I understand at the same time an educated person would try to correct others when he can. An educated person would not just talk rubbish.

P. S. I am half Brit half Indian and lived my life across all the continents and have full bucket of nice people across the world. I realized people who were racist were the people who were good for nothing.

Anyhow sorry I know it's a mongering platform not a social uplifted nor I intend to.

Let's create a world which have people full with love and care not the hate. I hope you are not a IS member.You are so wrong.

Read the FR history of the "hey dude / bro" newbies in the UAE and you will (if you RTFF well enough) they are 95+% are Indian. It s a disease o the UAE board that I and other seniors don't like. Other seniors include many Indians (full) and half) - so again wrong (2 strikes so far but more to come).

If you give and take no one care but if you ask mundane questions all the time and ask for "her digits' then you deserve all you get back IMHO. The UAE board seniors who moan the loudest about this are Indian (if yo RTFF enough you could sort of figure this one also). I know them, I meet them, we socialize and share stories and contacts. We don't with "he dude" newbies who think we owe them all out hard earned contacts.

If you has RTFF further you would see mention of a Joe K being messed around by an Indian lurker who went to one of his contacts and blew the relationship! Joe is Indian by the way and is more annoyed than me seeing this pollution. If you read Snow's FRs in the board? Ask him what nationality and call him a racist and see what type of reply you get.

Now, Where do I live? Well again so wrong but that is because you don't RTFF enough and read what I posted or other say. Try reading Pinaypounders recent FR or clues.

And as I fly around 150,000 miles a year on average every year I do way more meeting people of various culture than many I know. I think that is 4 strikes.

Now your FR history suggests you have 64 FRs not much for someone who mongers around the world, Malaysia and Pune (India) mainly so what can we deduce from that. You also have FRs saying "bro".

And you have not paid $20 for a subscription but you will happily ask questions but can't give back via a PM facility. So what can we deduce from that.

Finally if the "hey dude / bro" boys who pollute the board (see India for classic examples) were Aussie would I BS racist for saying exactly the same thing?

Go and RTFF more, re read what is said and then you may find you think the same as many o the UAE board. We don't have many hey dude" newbies on the Philippines board as they get the message but in the UAE they don't and come back for desserts many times over.

P.S. Read Freebies post as his example happened last month t Joe K and it was confirmed as an India. As a result seniors there (myself included) don't state much information in the posts and PM each other to avoid this happening again. Also read the recent FRs I posted on PM examples all fro Indians all less than 5 posts asking me to send them "hot chick contacts bro".

When you research I always say to my team do it well as the boss may double check LOL.

Red Dogger
12-07-15, 05:13
So my dear wicked Roger. When I first saw your post, I also agreed that a newbie should rtff first and than ask the question, but you know some lazy souls. They still think all other ISG members are pimp.
You seems to be a educated person buy it would be nice to not be racist. Indians have managed to make themselves unpopular with Filipino and Thai girls and barkeeps. An Indian starts of with large presumption against him, which he has to overcome by good conduct and generous tipping. This is not an evil plot by whites and what is said in this forum is unlikely to make much difference to Filipinas in a bar. Stereotypes exist because much of the time, they are true.

I am Australian. Why are Australians so popular with Filipino bargirls? Answer: An Australian is about to get drunk and stupid.

12-07-15, 05:43
I am Australian. Why are Australians so popular with Filipino bargirls? Answer: An Australian is about to get drunk and stupid.Yes, ideal bar customer. Not haggling about prices etc. More interested in fun, than price.

12-07-15, 06:05
Wicked Roger for King, RockHardy for Clown Prince!!

12-07-15, 17:53
Wicked Roger for King, RockHardy for Clown Prince!!LOL. Talk about getting stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Epic post by WR and great summary from Ikksman!

Chocha Monger
12-07-15, 22:53
The name of the game is "Ridicule, embarrass and demean a group of beautiful people". The Koreans in Atlantis have developed the game further: they sit upstairs (as always) and hand roll the notes into hard balls then throw them as hard as they can at the girls. They find great delight in watching these projectiles bounce off the heads and bodies of the girls. If this is sexual entertainment, then I am happy to be called a prude. Our group, yes, all aussies, left after one beer and never darkened the doors of Atlantis again.Koreans are not big on the whole female empowerment scheme which is one of the reasons they do not like Westerners entering their monger dens bringing their largish dicks and dangerous ideas to infect the women. The whole display, ogling, handling, and bidding on the meat is all very degrading. It is designed like this to empower the men not the women. If the women did not like getting pelted with balled up wads of hard cash they would not be on stage scampering and scrambling around for the bills like crazed hens pecking after scattered corn in a barnyard. Of course, the Koreans find this all very entertaining as it shows the true nature of women and what they are willing to do for money.

It is unlikely the money-crazed bar girls noticed, or cared about, the Aussie entourage's silent protest departure and self-exile from Atlantis as they would much prefer getting stoned with pesos by Koreans instead of pounded by drunk Aussies on Viagra for a cut of the bar fine. Keep in mind that all nationalities visiting the meat markets of Angeles City face their respective share of ridicule. The Koreans might accuse the Aussies of degrading the prostitutes by notoriously pounding them bareback and leaving them pregnant and abandoned. According to reports, Aussies allegedly account for most of the bastard children fathered on prostitutes in Angeles City. Many of the offspring live in Hadrian's Extension where they will grow up to become the next batch of fair-skinned stunners sought after by Korean mongers in Dollhouse and Atlantis.

You can read more about Hadrian's Extension and deadbeat Aussie, German, and Brit daddies in this Daily Mail article http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3164917/The-red-light-city-Philippines-filled-children-fathered-Australian-sex-trade-tourists-women-pregnant-abandoning-nothing.html.

Chris Long
12-08-15, 02:28
What are the current bar fine prices in AC.


12-08-15, 12:10

I will be doing an overnight in AC soon.

I plan to go to the big bars, Doll House and Atlantis.

But I also like to visit a couple of mid sized bars, like Insomnia.

Does anyone have recent good experiences in any of the mid sized bars?


12-08-15, 16:06
What are the current bar fine prices in AC.

ChrisChris, as usual, if you can actually get any of the fairly pretty, slim angeles want to be princesses to barfine, prices are as follows.

Fields avenue 2,500 p at a very few of the smaller bars.

Fields avenue larger bars 3,000p.

Some of the DHG bars, Daddies girls 4,000p.

Fully expect girls to be short time only on fields.

Perimeter road bars, fuglies and fat 1,500p -1,800p,

older but not too fugly and fat 1,800p - 2,000p.

Freelancers in the discos,1,500p -3,000p.

Street meat / mall meat / sneak outs 1000p -1500p.

12-08-15, 17:00
When I was in Angeles during the last days I observed a ritual or game that was so far unknown for me.

A customer was throwing money bills from a balcony or on to the stage and the girls tried to catch the bills while shouting out loud.

Is there a special name for this kind of ritual or game? I wonder if it is a thing that can only be found in Angeles or does someone knows, if it is common in bars and clubs.

In other countries too?

Thanks!Happens here in Florida USA all the time. Guys come in with stacks of ones and throw them up in the air over the stage in strip clubs. This seems to be a growing fad. The hotter night shift girls often make 500 to 1000 US a night just stage dancing and thus have little interest in doing private VIP dances or going out with customers off the clock.

12-08-15, 17:18

I will be doing an overnight in AC soon.

I plan to go to the big bars, Doll House and Atlantis.

But I also like to visit a couple of mid sized bars, like Insomnia.

Does anyone have recent good experiences in any of the mid sized bars?

Regards.Some of the smaller fields bars can be so much more fun than the bigger show bars.

But I think its fair to say the smaller bars struggle to attract the better looking girls.

Its also true to say that the situation is very fluid, a bar that had a couple of lookers last week might not have any now so very hard to mention which bars have what.

With Christmas soon approaching I fully expect the higher earning better looking girls to be departing to their family homes for the festive season.

Red Dogger
12-08-15, 21:49
According to reports, Aussies allegedly account for most of the bastard children fathered on prostitutes in Angeles City. Many of the offspring live in Hadrian's Extension where they will grow up to become the next batch of fair-skinned stunners sought after by Korean mongers in Dollhouse and Atlantis.
I am pretty sure that is correct. Yet Aussies are very popular in the Philippines. Or perhaps it is correct because Aussies are very popular.

Some Filipinas like Koreans because the Koreans have small dicks. Some Filipinas like Aussies because the Aussies have big dicks.

12-09-15, 01:12
What are the current bar fine prices in AC.

ChrisFrom October 2015. Overnights are still frequently done if the girls like you.

Dollhouse 3000.

Atlantis- 3000.

Monsoon- 2500.

Yokugozu- 2400.


Lollipops- 2400.

12-09-15, 02:27

I will be doing an overnight in AC soon.

I plan to go to the big bars, Doll House and Atlantis.

But I also like to visit a couple of mid sized bars, like Insomnia.

Does anyone have recent good experiences in any of the mid sized bars?

Regards.Pity I won't be there to catch up with a beer with you.

I have had good experiences from Vikings and Arcadia (previously Nemesis / Genesis).

There are still diamonds in the rough everywhere.