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01-10-08, 08:53
4. I have no idea why you chose europa its been mentioned before that it has been going downhill.

I tell you what, while the Europa may be going down hill, I would pick it over a lot of places around there. It's fairly solid. I was there during the 2003 6.5 earthquake and the hotel did a whole lot better than some of the places around there that either crumbled or cracked from top to bottom. Choosing sturdy, safe places should be of some consideration because if the worst happens again - it will be appreciated.

01-10-08, 08:59
What I got from what JEDI said, is that he prefers a mongering destination where the "set-up" is a lot easier---A more "commerical" infrastructure like a wh**ehouse environment, where the price is set by the house and the procedure for pleasure is standard and well organized. That's NOT Sosua in the DR, which intstead, is full of chaos, risk and finding yourself in uncertain moments...full of possibility or catastrophe.

That's an important point. DR (and especially Sosua) is not a good destination for people looking for a structured environment with more predictability. I like places like Sosua because anything can happen. It makes it more exciting. I do draw a line at some point if it's completely unsafe, however. People that want to hit places with the prices on the wall and the girls lined up against a bar or wall ready to go are in the wrong place. I'd recommend Quito, Ecuador for that. You have to make your own opportunities in DR for the most part. Much more than a lot of places I have been.

01-10-08, 22:28
As the Professor said, "We're not comparing the DR with Asia". But if we were, we'd have to come to the conclusion that the basic difference, in addition to the flight (distance, time and expense), is that the girls in Asia are Asian and the girls in the DR are......well, not Asian.

If you like Asian girls, you definitely need to go to Asia. However, if you like your coffee black, or sometimes a mocha latte, and perhaps everything in between, the DR might be worth a visit, in spite of the negatives well documented here ("Where can I find a decent vegetarian meal in Sosua?").

My personal take on the matter of making a "comparison" at all is that the DR is the best local bet for those of us who can't make it to Africa, not Asia. Haitian women are the closest to African women you'll find in this part of the world and since Haiti is way too dangerous for foreigners, the DR fills the bill nicely....if lean ebony women make it hard.

Different Strokes for Different Folks,

#2128In Angeles City I have picked 2nd and 3rd generation working gils, there are lots and they come in every race you could want. The difference, they speak good english and give a much better time. I like the lite skin women or the more asin looking girls, but have had good times there with the black girls too. They are treated like shit if they are black (in asia), so they really like guys that don't treat them like dog crap. There is a lot of looks to pick from in some places there, not just the typical asia look, but that is there too and is really good if you ask me.

01-11-08, 00:55
Day 11, another great day!
Sex in the morning with hottie #1. Great breakfast at Rocky's, internet, saw some apartments for rent, and sex with # 2=a terrific session. On to the beach bars for ''happy hour'' at Hottie #1's bar (I am so proud of her=not hooking and managing a bar / restaurant) Beautiful sunset! Tonight the Discos. Damm, life is so good here! Only to get better when my BA chicas arrive!

01-11-08, 06:28
In Angeles City I have picked 2nd and 3rd generation working gils, there are lots and they come in every race you could want. The difference, they speak good english and give a much better time. I like the lite skin women or the more asin looking girls, but have had good times there with the black girls too. They are treated like shit if they are black (in asia), so they really like guys that don't treat them like dog crap. There is a lot of looks to pick from in some places there, not just the typical asia look, but that is there too and is really good if you ask me.Hey freetime,

Where in A. C. Did you find the black girls at?

01-11-08, 10:53
In Angeles City I have picked 2nd and 3rd generation working gils, there are lots and they come in every race you could want. The difference, they speak good english and give a much better time. I like the lite skin women or the more asin looking girls, but have had good times there with the black girls too. They are treated like shit if they are black (in asia), so they really like guys that don't treat them like dog crap. There is a lot of looks to pick from in some places there, not just the typical asia look, but that is there too and is really good if you ask me.What places in AC have black or mixed race women?

01-11-08, 18:12
Hey freetime,

Where in A. C. Did you find the black girls at?Had a half black girl out of dirty duck and a half black girl free-lancer playing pool in magarita's. The girl a margarita's not really a freelancer, her dad lives in AC, but she and I hit it off and I just gave her the cash the next day, to get rid of her. Have seen more, but not what I go after, just these two were top notch girls. The half white girls, they are worth more and most know it and move from AC to Manilia and make some real money from the japs. There are lots of mixed black girls working in AC. The mixed white girls are there, but harder to find as they can make more money in other place in the PI.

01-12-08, 22:44
The girls that I met over two nights on a recent trip seemed to want more dinero than six months ago.

The 18 year old haitian knockout I hooked up with wouldn't settle for less than 2000 pesos ($60) for TLN. When I woke her up for a second pop she demanded another 1000! I thought that was total BS, but I remembered wise advice on this forum and kept a good attitude.

I gave her the original amount and told her to go. It was 5:00AM so I walked her to the main road where a few people were hanging out. Other than that and a food vendor the town was quiet.

Another really beautiful Dominican wanted 2000 for two hours. I speak Spanish well but that was her limit.

A girl who last time was happy with 1500 now wanted more. I kept her until late morning and she really protested when I gave her 2000, so I gave her 2500.

Now these are all fantastic girls with great bodies, passionate kissers, and a lot of fun dancing beforehand so I'm not complaining. I'm just noting the relative change from last time.

Am I imagining things?

01-13-08, 03:58
The girls that I met over two nights on a recent trip seemed to want more dinero than six months ago.

The 18 year old haitian knockout I hooked up with wouldn't settle for less than 2000 pesos ($60) for TLN. When I woke her up for a second pop she demanded another 1000! I thought that was total BS, but I remembered wise advice on this forum and kept a good attitude.

I gave her the original amount and told her to go. It was 5:00AM so I walked her to the main road where a few people were hanging out. Other than that and a food vendor the town was quiet.

Another really beautiful Dominican wanted 2000 for two hours. I speak Spanish well but that was her limit.

A girl who last time was happy with 1500 now wanted more. I kept her until late morning and she really protested when I gave her 2000, so I gave her 2500.

Now these are all fantastic girls with great bodies, passionate kissers, and a lot of fun dancing beforehand so I'm not complaining. I'm just noting the relative change from last time.

Am I imagining things?

Chica Bartender UNION?
Last month when I was there, I went to that bar with the pool table next to Lou's. Me and my boy start macking to two little cuties there and start with the hand-holding and little kisses and sweet nothings into our ears,, and all that b.s. so we make a date to meet at CLASSICO'S after they get out at 1am. There is no way im paying salida ANYWHERE. So me and my boy head over to classicos and bump into some previous chicas we had earlier in the day. A few hours later we get taps on our shoulder, Its the 2 girls from the bar, They start rubbing up on us, and get mad because we are dancing with other girls, almost like a "hey why didnt you wait till we got here" yeah right,lol. Anyway we get down to business right away because I dont wanna waste anytime and I ask her how much for TLN.. from that point on.. She tells me 3000.. Even tough she is pretty cute, I will NEVER pay 3000 in the DR, NEVER! So I put on this look of shock and surprise and tell her "im sure your kidding" you must have me confused with a uninformed newbie.. I look over to my boy and tell him that "Hey this chick just asked me for 3000. He looks at me "YEA me too" After some protest and sarcastic laughs, The chicks didnt even wait for us to counter offer, we look over our shoulder and they were out the door. Later we see them over at the casino ALONE and trying to molest some Canadians. Me and my boy? settled for some regular 1500 TLN's. It seems to me that they had this pre-meditated assumption that we are going to start to ask for 3000k and we are taking no less.. Casino closes, I hop on my scooter and go home with my regular and see the 2 girls hop on a motoconch alone..

a little more...

No because we were already at Classicos, so that WASNT including salida.I definately dont think it was rushed because we already spent like 2 hrs prior talking b.s. and drinking beers and Mama Juana shots at the bar.. I just think they talked prior and said "we are asking and getting NO LESS than 3000" period. They wanted to start a revolution. But my other friend there said that the girls are starting to get bolder and ask for 3000 and up AND PEOPLE ARE PAYING IT.. I had one cutie I met on the beach who says an Italian pays her 4000 for 2hrs.. I told her good for her and payed her 1500 for 2 hrs, but she was really cute and fresh so I made the exception.

Bq Ribs
01-13-08, 04:53
..............Anyway we get down to business right away because I dont wanna waste anytime and I ask her how much for TLN.. from that point on.. She tells me 3000.. Even tough she is pretty cute, I will NEVER pay 3000 in the DR, NEVER!............

You think that is bad? How about the chicas at the Girl House in Santo Domingo asking 5K TLN. A polite no and I was out the door.

Mr Gogo
01-13-08, 09:18
You think that is bad? How about the chicas at the Girl House in Santo Domingo asking 5K TLN. A polite no and I was out the door.Know the game,

Even though pimping is illegal in the D. R. it is just that in Santo Domingo. The quality in women is elevated, therefore so is the price. But the sex is purely biz related, and sometimes subpar. The key is finding the best sex for the most reasonable price. Everyone want the prettiest girl for great sex, but you seldom get that. An independent girl, who follows her heart, and needs money will give you the complete experience. The D. R. Has so many pretty women that sometimes they are hearded like cattle to these establishments purely for quick sex for top dollar. Alot of women in the D. R. Are loney and lost. But just alittle respect goes along way. I know alot of guys who pay that 5k tln, but they want a quick nut and a fantasy. You did right saying no with class, but walk a block away and you will find the chica you want at your price.

Member #2128
01-13-08, 10:15
Last summer (slow season?), the "going rate" for us gringos seemed to be 1000-1500 ST and 2000-2500 TLN. No matter who you are, if you're a "norte americano", there is always a lot of ASKING for more dinero at the beginning, before you head out, which is no big deal. Just say "no" or "no mas que un mil". And agree to pay whatever you want to pay, considering the going rates. Worse, however, is the possibility "upselling"----when they DEMAND more money when you get into your room and want to get down to business, or maybe even after the deed! That's where it gets tricky...and potentially dangerous, depending on your choice of chica.

Sometimes, although it may not always be necessary, I insist on a firmer confirmation of the precio before we start out for my room. More than just saying the number and having her nod her head. I ask her to repeat the number to me. Sometimes, if I'm a little insecure about the chica, I'll ask her to repeat the number and then say something like, "No problema despues? Yo no quiero problemas contigo."

Most of the time this seemed to work. I did have one younger street chica ask for 500 more pesos after she agreed (as in above) to the usual price for ST of 1000 and confirmed it. This happened while she was getting dressed afterwards. When I said, "no", she turned sour and began cursing me with a steady stream of angry Spanish all the way out the door. It was unfortunate that our encounter had to end that way, but I didn't take it very seriously. It seemed like such an exaggerated act of displeasure over nothing, quite stupid behavior on her part. But I think it's important that we don't judge these chicas by our own standards. I guess when you say "no" to a Dominicana they can very easily blow up on you. I'm probably lucky she didn't break something or call the cops on me with some bogus accusation.

For them, maybe more than the garden-variety monger, it's ALL about the money! I always try to keep this in mind....


01-13-08, 11:51
Usually I put the agreed amount on the TV and tell her its hers after the job is done....before the deed.

Be careful who you choose in the DR.

Professor 1
01-14-08, 00:20
You think that is bad? How about the chicas at the Girl House in Santo Domingo asking 5K TLN. A polite no and I was out the door.

This is funny. Last year, while at the Hotel Del Rey in San Jose, Cosa Rica, a cute sister tried to high-ball me. I looked her dead in the eyes, laughed, and told her in Spanish that I am not a tourist and that she had to be crazy. She smiled and said that becuase I am a nice guy, she would go with me for only one-third of that. I told her that I really wasn't looking for company, but because she was so cute I would take her with me.

Professor 1
01-14-08, 00:25
I did have one younger street chica ask for 500 more pesos after she agreed (as in above) to the usual price for ST of 1000 and confirmed it.

While in Sousa in November, I did have a nice, cute girl ask me for an additional RD$100 after we finished. I confess that I gave it to her, but, as you know, this was only another US$3 or so. Another US$3 for the experience was no problem. I pulled out my cash (always a mistake), and gave her the requested RD$100.

01-14-08, 05:24
This is funny. Last year, while at the Hotel Del Rey in San Jose, Cosa Rica, a cute sister tried to high-ball me. I looked her dead in the eyes, laughed, and told her in Spanish that I am not a tourist and that she had to be crazy. She smiled and said that becuase I am a nice guy, she would go with me for only one-third of that. I told her that I really wasn't looking for company, but because she was so cute I would take her with me.

Can't blame them for trying. It's a numbers game. Eventually someone will pay it.


Mr Enternational
01-14-08, 05:36
While in Sousa in November, I did have a nice, cute girl ask me for an additional RD$100 after we finished. I confess that I gave it to her, but, as you know, this was only another US$3 or so. Another US$3 for the experience was no problem. I pulled out my cash (always a mistake), and gave her the requested RD$100.

That is why I always separate her fee from the rest of my loot when she is in the bathroom or something. That way I can say that is all that I have so that is all that you are going get. I don't like the roaming eyes all into my stash. That will make her try to get greedy ex post facto.

01-14-08, 18:36
Last summer (slow season?), the "going rate" for us gringos seemed to be 1000-1500 ST and 2000-2500 TLN.


It is a simple fact that the cost of living is escalating in the DR, and recent bad weather has damaged crops and driven up the cost of food. 15 pesos now for one plantain.

I can assure you that these chicas are not getting rich by exploiting your good natures.


01-14-08, 21:11
It is a simple fact that the cost of living is escalating in the DR, and recent bad weather has damaged crops and driven up the cost of food. 15 pesos now for one plantain.

I can assure you that these chicas are not getting rich by exploiting your good natures.


They are definitely not getting rich anytime. The girl and mother of the girl I was with lived in a little tin shack around the corner from Europa. No running water. No electricity. Nothing. Not all, but many of the girls get wrapped up in the drugs too. Unfortunately, a lot of $$ goes up their nose. It's a sad situation no matter how you look at it. I truly feel sorry for the people there because they have gotten hurt badly by the hurricanes.


01-14-08, 22:54

Sorry to be off topic but I wanted to know if the beaches are actually good in POP and BB?

Also are there any ATV tours or other things to do during the day?


Member #2041
01-14-08, 23:10
They are definitely not getting rich anytime. The girl and mother of the girl I was with lived in a little tin shack around the corner from Europa. No running water. No electricity. Nothing. Not all, but many of the girls get wrapped up in the drugs too. Unfortunately, a lot of $$ goes up their nose. It's a sad situation no matter how you look at it. I truly feel sorry for the people there because they have gotten hurt badly by the hurricanes.


This is true. And as a means of helping to restore their economy, I'm going to take a trip to DR in about 6 weeks, and give American Dollars (or, if they prefer, my dollars converted to Dominican Pesos) to the chicas that will fuck me and suck my dick. The better that they fuck and suck me, the more money that they can make to improve their economic standing. It's the least I can do to help. Oh, and as an added incentive, I will not charge them anything whatsoever for all the protein shakes that they can extract from my dick. Why should they pay 15 pesos more for plantains, when they can have their nutrition for free.

01-15-08, 05:38
Thanks everyone for the info on cabs and hotels. I'm stuck staying at the Europa and stuck flying into Santiago, I should arrive around 1230 or so on Saturday the 19th and will be there until the afternoon on the 21st. I'm a Rio manimal but only had the long weekend and needed some sun, so giving someplace new a try, get some sun, get some duplas, drink some at Classicos, and go home. Anyone wants to drink on the beach or chill, let me know.

Two last questions. If I'm getting frustrated during the day or want to hit the ground running, what are Passion's hours? Also, is there full service options there? I didn't go there not to make sweet love haha.

Thanks guys, and hit me up if you are in town.


01-15-08, 05:50
thank you everybody for the invaluable info i got on sosua for my 1st visit. although i knew ‘chili’ was vacationing there at the same time, it was nice to know about the place before going there blind. i know chili from argentina.

i stayed at casa marina hotel, which is an all inclusive resort, not good for the mongers because you can’t bring the chica in the hotel but it has some advantages. food is great. lots of different varieties of food, very clean and well maintained, according to the dr standards. location is ideal. within 5 minutes walk to all the bars and the beach. very quiet at night. it has 8 bars throughout the hotel with food and snacks going almost all day from 7am until 10pm. beach front is nice and 3 pools in the hotel. lot of really great looking french canadian girls in the hotel but with friends or family. hotel also has its own nightly entertainment and a lot of daytime activities like beach volleyball, aerobics classes, table tennis, pool tables and various [CodeWord118] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord118). best of all, the price of the hotel is very cheap when booked with the flight. only disadvantage i found was not being able to bring the girl in my room and sosua not having a half decent love motel. i had to use calypso every time which is a really shitty place.

i spent a week from 4 jan-11 jan in sosua. i will be posting my day by day experiences about dr.

01-15-08, 08:31
Thanks everyone for the info on cabs and hotels. I'm stuck staying at the Europa and stuck flying into Santiago, I should arrive around 1230 or so on Saturday the 19th and will be there until the afternoon on the 21st. I'm a Rio manimal but only had the long weekend and needed some sun, so giving someplace new a try, get some sun, get some duplas, drink some at Classicos, and go home. Anyone wants to drink on the beach or chill, let me know.

Two last questions. If I'm getting frustrated during the day or want to hit the ground running, what are Passion's hours? Also, is there full service options there? I didn't go there not to make sweet love haha.

Thanks guys, and hit me up if you are in town.


La Passion opens at 1 pm in the afternoon and stays open till 1 am in the morning.
Full service is available at La Passion 1 hour with a girl is going to cost you 2500 pesos.

01-15-08, 15:13
Reached at the hotel at around 11:30PM. Fast and easy check-in. Hotel seemed too quiet and deserted for my taste when I walked in but that was because of the late time. I was kinda tired from my flight. Went straight to bed. I had already set up time to meet up with Chili, who is in Sosua at the same time.

Professor 1
01-15-08, 15:41

Sorry to be off topic but I wanted to know if the beaches are actually good in POP and BB?

Also are there any ATV tours or other things to do during the day?


The Costambar beach is nothing to write home about, although I had a nice time at the picnic that I crashed on Constitution Day in November. The Sousua beach was nice.

01-15-08, 20:02
La Passion opens at 1 pm in the afternoon and stays open till 1 am in the morning.
Full service is available at La Passion 1 hour with a girl is going to cost you 2500 pesos.

OMW to La Passion now for the 1300 peso soapie. Need to see how it compares to BKK and Pattaya, Thailand. Will report my findings. Hopefully I can steal a few photos of the facilities.

Escort King
01-15-08, 20:10

Sorry to be off topic but I wanted to know if the beaches are actually good in POP and BB?

Also are there any ATV tours or other things to do during the day?

ThanksBeaches are not bad. And if you are staying at BBs they have a list of activities available. ATVs, fishing etc.

Just watch out for the rocks around the beach near BBs. Can be tricky

01-15-08, 22:32
Sorry to ask stupid questions but I read a lot of info and still don't know.

What is a reasonable negotiated price for taxi from POP to New Garden Hotel?

Is tip to taxistas customary?

Is tipping customary in DR by locals?

Thanks guys

01-16-08, 00:23
This is true. And as a means of helping to restore their economy, I'm going to take a trip to DR in about 6 weeks, and give American Dollars (or, if they prefer, my dollars converted to Dominican Pesos) to the chicas that will fuck me and suck my dick. The better that they fuck and suck me, the more money that they can make to improve their economic standing. It's the least I can do to help. Oh, and as an added incentive, I will not charge them anything whatsoever for all the protein shakes that they can extract from my dick. Why should they pay 15 pesos more for plantains, when they can have their nutrition for free.

This would be classified as "too much information".

01-16-08, 00:26
OMW to La Passion now for the 1300 peso soapie. Need to see how it compares to BKK and Pattaya, Thailand. Will report my findings. Hopefully I can steal a few photos of the facilities.

I'm going to go to BKK and Pattaya this year still. I was supposed to go last year but I backed off with the new year's bombings. I was arriving last Jan. 10 but bailed.

I am going to Ecuador the 25th of this month for 2 months and then I might head to Thailand. It's on my list of places to go along with the philippines, cambodia and vietnam. I want to see what all the talk is about over there. A lot of guys have fun from what I read. I've been to Tokyo but that wouldn't compare, I am sure.

01-16-08, 01:58
Got up around 8, headed to breakfast. Really good food. Lots of people around. Mostly French Canadians, some Germans, Dutch, British. Few people with kids, as well. Relaxed at the Hotel beach until 11AM. I am supposed to meet Chili at Rocky’s at 11:30. I get there on time, sit around, have a Beer but he is a no show. Oh well, sent him a PM, then walked around for a couple of hours to see where all the joints were. Classicos, Latinos etc. Got the reply from Chili to meet tonight around 11 at Latinos. Got back to the hotel for lunch and some more relaxation by the pool.
Finally, met up with Chili at Latinos. He showed up with his girlfriend, who is this really hot looking Dominicana. Caught up with him with the usual Blah Blah and some more info about the scene and prices. I see this cute looking girl with nice body but it is too soon for me to take anybody. I want to pick from the whole selection and I haven’t even been to Classicos yet. Anyways, I hung out with Chili for a couple of hours. Took a walk together to Classicos. I saw many good looking girls in there. A lot more than Latinos. Later, Chili leaves with his girl, promised to meet me tomorrow same time same place and I am thinking about leaving with someone but it is my first time in DR and I am looking for that special girl. Finally, I see one who looked about an 7 in my book. Waived her over. Leylee from Santiago. Quotes me 2000 pesos, laughed and counter offered with 1000. She says 1500 for 2-3 hours in Calypso and promised BBBJ, DFK, DATY, CIM. In my opinion, she was best looking girl I had seen so far so we agreed on 1500. I also confirmed that I will pay after the sex. No problem. Walked to Calypso together. 300 for the room. Pretty shitty room. Very bare. Bathroom does not even have a bulb and looked very dirty. Anyways, I am with this hot girl and I should be thinking about her, not the room. We get started right away, DFK and hand massage. She, then, got up and washed herself, while I fully undressed. She kept her word and a really nice session including everything she promised and anything I had wanted. But guess what, despite everything going according to my liking, I can’t seem to come. She kept at it for a while until I lost it and not only it was embarrassing, it was kinda heartbreaking. Chatted for few minutes afterwords and then she tried to revive me but it was a night not to be. Nothing seemed to work. After few more minutes, she gave up and I didn’t press the matter as it was my fault. After that, she started to dress. It had been about an hour and half and I didn’t want to keep her anymore so we departed our seperate ways and I walked to my hotel thinking about the night. It had never happened to me before. May be I am getting old but I am only 33. That’s younger than the most mongers I have met. May be, It is time to look at some magic pills. May be it is one of those off nights or may be I had too much to drink. To my recollection, I had done nothing differently than any other night. Oh well, best to forget it and start fresh tomorrow. I was almost at my hotel. Just dropped on the bed and fell asleep in seconds.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Mr Enternational
01-16-08, 05:16
Finally, I see one who looked about an 7 in my book. Waived her over. Leylee from Santiago. Quotes me 2000 pesos, laughed and counter offered with 1000. She says 1500 for 2-3 hours in Calypso and promised BBBJ, DFK, DATY, CIM. In my opinion, she was best looking girl I had seen so far so we agreed on 1500. Walked to Calypso together. 300 for the room. Pretty shitty room. Very bare. Bathroom does not even have a bulb and looked very dirty. Anyways, I am with this hot girl and I should be thinking about her, not the room. But guess what, despite everything going according to my liking, I can’t seem to come. She kept at it for a while until I lost it and not only it was embarrassing, it was kinda heartbreaking. Nothing seemed to work. After few more minutes, she gave up and I didn’t press the matter as it was my fault.

You already said it. It was the shitty room that you were thinking about and not filling her mouth with a protein shake. That can happen sometimes. That is another reason many mongers prefer a place with nice ambiance.

01-16-08, 05:32
La Passion opens at 1 pm in the afternoon and stays open till 1 am in the morning.

Full service is available at La Passion 1 hour with a girl is going to cost you 2500 pesos.Thanks buddie. Sounds like the perfect place to go when the sun goes down but prior to the discos.

01-16-08, 06:36
Sorry to ask stupid questions but I read a lot of info and still don't know.

What is a reasonable negotiated price for taxi from POP to New Garden Hotel?

Is tip to taxistas customary?

Is tipping customary in DR by locals?

Thanks guysI seem to remember it was $20 from POP to NGH. I also did an internet search to get an idea of tipping and 10% seemed to be the norm including Taxis.

Mr Gogo
01-16-08, 07:16
Sorry to ask stupid questions but I read a lot of info and still don't know.

What is a reasonable negotiated price for taxi from POP to New Garden Hotel?

Is tip to taxistas customary?

Is tipping customary in DR by locals?

Thanks guysThats not a stupid question if you don't know, 20 dollar U. S. Is from pop to New garden. You can tip 5 dollars if you feel generous. They have something called the Dominican way, where they get a decreased rate for sevices, verses what gringos pay. One chica told me she pays 6000 pesos per month to stay at this certain hotel, gringos pay 30 U. S. Per DAY.

Rebel Monger
01-16-08, 09:09
Sorry to ask stupid questions but I read a lot of info and still don't know.

What is a reasonable negotiated price for taxi from POP to New Garden Hotel?

Is tip to taxistas customary?

Is tipping customary in DR by locals?

Thanks guys
Scuba, if you mean from the airport to your hotel in Sosua, that would be $20, no negociation, and that price is for up to 4 persons.

Member #2128
01-16-08, 09:49
10% is customary as a tourist in an establishment where tips are customary. In restaurants, etc. In some more expensive places they automatically add it on. Good to ask the waiter/waitress about that when you get the bill so you don't double tip!

I usually also tip the taxistas the 10% as well, but that's me. I drove a taxi in NY as a young man. But I don't tip the motococho drivers. 20 pesos flat for the little rides around town!

Real question is whether or not you "tip" your puta? I negotiate a price and pay it. No tip.

To each his own...


01-16-08, 13:41

Sorry to be off topic but I wanted to know if the beaches are actually good in POP and BB?

Also are there any ATV tours or other things to do during the day?


The beach and Malecon (oceanside promenade) are being cleaned up and may soon be worth going to, but as of my last visit, only worth a walk, not for the beach.
Depending on your taste/requirements, I find the beach in Costambar, about 5 minute walk from BB to be great. If you want lots of people, activity, etc., than Sosua beach is for you.

Costambar beach is quiet, pretty secluded, and used mosty by the locals and ex-pats in the area. Quiet, clean and pretty.
Rent a couple of cots, get a couple of beers from the stand nearby and chill under a tree with your "girlfriend".
Very relaxing.

01-16-08, 13:46
10% is customary as a tourist in an establishment where tips are customary. In restaurants, etc. In some more expensive places they automatically add it on. Good to ask the waiter/waitress about that when you get the bill so you don't double tip!

I usually also tip the taxistas the 10% as well, but that's me. I drove a taxi in NY as a young man. But I don't tip the motococho drivers. 20 pesos flat for the little rides around town!

Real question is whether or not you "tip" your puta? I negotiate a price and pay it. No tip.

To each his own...


Tipping is definitely a personal choice.

Like service anywhere, if you got what you paid for and got just the minimum contracted for, then the agreed payment is enough.
If the girl was particularly sweet, or made a little extra effort,
than I usually show my appreciation.
For example, if the price was 1300, I would round it off to 1500.
(200 pesos is $6 dollars US).

I figure a $6 tip won't break me and means a lot more to her than to me.

01-16-08, 21:05
Did basically nothing all day. Fast forward to the night. Met up with Chili again, who’s there with the same girl, same spot, same time. I just hope that the result would be better tonight for me. Had a few drinks. Few ugly chicas seemed very interested in me. I almost asked how much would I get paid if I slept with you. But, not worth the time. Politely declined. Sat down at Latinos. Few drinks. I noticed a lot of same girls from the last night. Same girls walking down the street and going up to Classicos and back & forth. Walking on the street with beer in my hand didn’t surprise me. You can do that in a lot of countries but buying a beer at one bar and taking it to another with no problems, was a first for me. I did that numerous times between Classicos and Latinos and was never questioned. May be the same person owns both clubs. Another thing I noticed that they were really nice towards the tourists. I thought I was treated better than most locals. Of course I know, it is because of the money we bring in, but still it is nice, compared to some countries like Argentina where they still want your money but want to pay all the time and attention to locals.
We have been here a couple of hours and it is just after 1 in the morning. I can’t seem to like anybody tonight. Few 5s and 6s but not even one 7 in my book tonight. It’s okay. Night is still young. More drinks and let’s see what happens. Few minutes later, music stopped and they turned all the lights on in Latinos. I looked at my watch. It is only 1:35 and they are closing already. I haven’t even gotten a girl yet. This has got to be a joke. In a place like this, you’d think that clubs will be open until at least 4 or 5 in the morning. Stood outside for a few minutes and saw almost all the chicas getting on the back of motoconchos and leaving. Is everybody going home already? This guy beside me asked if I wanted a moto to go the Casino. I said I don’t gamble. That’s when he filled me in. All the chicas and of course, all the customers, go to casino because that is the only place in the city allowed to be open after 2 and it has a discotec. So that’s where all the chicas were going. Alright, I am ready to go to this casino. Tell this guy to take me there. How can they tell all the other bars to close at 2 and let another one open all night long? This is DR. Everything and anything is possible. Can you imagine the kind of money this casino must be paying off to the officials, police, mafia and anybody else interested, to be the exception? No wonder, they charge you 200 pesos to get in with no drinks included. Well, it is only $6.00. Heavy security at the casino. Frisking everybody. They see my Hotel Casa Marina wrist band and waived me right in. Did I mention, I was treated better than locals. Inside this really small casino, the discotec is actually a decent size. Lot of girls were sitting at the bar outside of the discotec, as well. It was pretty busy in the club with lots of girls and not as many customers, yet. Got my Presidente and walked around for a bit until I saw this short, blonde, light colored girl with a friend dancing and looking right at me. I would rate her a solid 7 so I walk over and she seemed very interested in talking so I took her to a seat in a corner and within a few minutes, we were making out. She asked for 1500 but we agreed on 1200 with little negotiation. Bought her a drink, made out some more, danced a bit together. We did this for good couple of hours. I am ready to go now. Went outside and it was raining from hell. Took a cab to Calypso. Same routine. 300 pesos for the room. Had too much foreplay in the casino. Started the action right away. She had a really nice body with a bit of a tummy. Great session. She was eager to please. By the time we were done, it was 5 in the morning and I was pretty drunk and sleepy. Kissed her good bye and took a moto to my hotel.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

01-18-08, 05:00
I have found some maps of Sosua they are not very good, dose any one have any better map that theses.

And wear is the hot spot area in Sosua for girls.

Also is it more expensive then Boca Chica

Thanks in advance,


Escort King
01-18-08, 06:21
I have found some maps of Sosua they are not very good, dose any one have any better map that theses.

And wear is the hot spot area in Sosua for girls.

Also is it more expensive then Boca Chica

Thanks in advance,

JamesBest place for chicas: Classicos and the casino afterwards

Best massage with extras: Passions

Best hangout to speak English and eat and drink: Shark Bar and Rocky's for breakfast

01-18-08, 06:24
I have found some maps of Sosua they are not very good, dose any one have any better map that theses.

And wear is the hot spot area in Sosua for girls.

Also is it more expensive then Boca Chica

Thanks in advance,


Bq Ribs
01-18-08, 10:39

01-18-08, 17:57
Nothing eventful in the morning. Afternoon, I wanted to walk around the city and was thinking about going to the beach until I saw Chili standing at Rocky’s, looking at the menu. Talked him into going to the beach with me and here we were. My first time at the beach of Sosua. Lots of small little bars and shops. Everybody’s calling you to come to their shop or sit at their bar. We kept walking. I wanted to see the Siempre Sol Bar, which is supposed to be a nice place to hang out with chicas or fellow mongers. Finally, we get there but it wasn’t too busy at the time. Didn’t see too many chicas either. We sat down at a bar just before Siempre Sol. It is called ‘Callate’ and it is owned by a Canadian named Ernesto. An amazing guy. Fun to sit and chat with. We sat there for a couple of hours and had some beers. I saw chicas pass by occassionaly and 2 of them even asked if we wanted a massage. You know what that means. We weren’t interested. We came back around 6 in the evening. I wanted to go to my hotel for the dinner, relax some and to get ready for the night. Chili promised to meet at night at Latinos and said good-bye.
I was at Latinos around 10 and it was pretty busy and was getting busier. Had a few beers while watching chicas pass by, trying to get my attention. Now, I recognized a lot of girls from the previous two nights. That’s the beauty of a small town like Sosua. You can see the whole selection in 2 days by going to a couple of bars. Also, you can see the same girls hanging out at the beach during the day time. It is 11:30 and Chili is still not here. I went inside the Discotec of Latinos and it was just starting to fill up. I liked the music of Latinos a little better than Classicos. I saw the chica from the 1st night. Needless to say, she wanted to go with me but somehow I couldn’t forget the bad end of the night and told her that I wasn’t interested. I was still looking for someone different or a new girl. A couple of more drinks and it is almost 1 in the morning. I don’t think Chili is going to come this late now. Took another walk to Classicos to see if I liked somebody but couldn’t seem to find one for my taste and the ones I liked, were taken already. Was a bit tired and drunk and didn’t feel like going to casino so I decided to call it a night.

01-19-08, 09:22
Nice one Escort King.

And some intence reports there Sexmachine1

Walked to Calypso together. 300 for the room. Pretty shitty room. Very bare. Bathroom does not even have a bulb and looked very dirty.

Took a cab to Calypso. Same routine. 300 pesos for the room.
Had too much foreplay in the casino. Started the action right away. She had a really nice body with a bit of a tummy. Great session. She was eager to please. By the time we were done, it was 5 in the morning and I was pretty drunk and sleepy. Kissed her good bye and took a moto to my hotel.

Heavy security at the casino. Frisking everybody. They see my Hotel Casa Marina wrist band and waived me right in.

I stayed at Casa Marina Hotel, which is an all inclusive Resort, not good for the mongers because you can’t bring the chica in the hotel but it has some advantages.
How much do you think Calypso would of cost a night, if you had of booked in with them and stayed for your holiday, and wear is it.

I wanted to see the Siempre Sol Bar, which is supposed to be a nice place to hang out with chicas or fellow mongers. Finally, we get there but it wasn’t too busy at the time. Didn’t see too many chicas either. We sat down at a bar just before Siempre Sol. It is called ‘Callate’ and it is owned by a Canadian named Ernesto. Where is it?

And where is Latinos?

Best place for chicas: Classicos and the casino afterwards

Best massage with extras: Passions

Best hangout to speak English and eat and drink: Shark Bar and Rocky's for breakfastWear is Classicos?

Wear is the Casino, is it called casino playa chiquita and can you play poker blackjack rolete there?

Where is Passions?

Where is Sharks Bar?

Where is Rocky’s?



01-19-08, 09:39
[QUOTE=Sexmachine1] We sat down at a bar just before Siempre Sol. It is called ‘Callate’ and it is owned by a Canadian named Ernesto. An amazing guy. Fun to sit and chat with. We sat there for a couple of hours and had some beers.

Ernesto is a retired cop from Canada, you can easily spot him because he has a tiger tattoo on his forearm. If i recall right he even wrote a book and made a documentation about the p4p scene in Sosua, and he has his own website.
Just like Herman he is a great source of information about the D.R. in general.

01-19-08, 20:06
I agree, interesting conversation an a beautiful beach view.

01-20-08, 04:42
I've had time to read all of your PM's and board comments regarding my trip. In addition I want to thank a member I wont name on this board who has been a wealth of information post trip.

I've got a few thoughts to share with you guys.

1. I dont think you should ever give a chica your number. I gave the girl in that I talked about in my post my number and this girl calls every other day asking for money. Western Union, Western Union. My baby needs milk, I need to pay my rent. I told her not to text me because Verizon charges for international text. She does it anyway. And all this from a girl I didnt even screw(maybe if she hadnt taken such a nasty dump in the room I may have). She is a nice girl but I am not going to support this girl. I must admit I did send her $$ the first time but after that she just has gotten greedy.

2. I'm not going to give up on DR. Too many of you via the board and PM's suggested that I dont give up. I dont think I will go back to Sosua though. The fact that there is nothing to do in the daytime is a real bummer. I want to work the Santo Domingo scene. With help from this board I think I can score paydirt there.

3. Be careful of the bank fees. The bank that I finally found that I was finally able to get cash at charged an arm and a leg not to mention my bank back home.

I plan to go back to Santo Domingo in the next 4-6 weeks. Hopefully I will score better than I did before.

Member #2041
01-20-08, 05:25
1. I dont think you should ever give a chica your number. I gave the girl in that I talked about in my post my number and this girl calls every other day asking for money. Western Union, Western Union. My baby needs milk, I need to pay my rent. I told her not to text me because Verizon charges for international text. She does it anyway. And all this from a girl I didnt even screw(maybe if she hadnt taken such a nasty dump in the room I may have). She is a nice girl but I am not going to support this girl. I must admit I did send her $$ the first time but after that she just has gotten greedy.
This is why it's imperative to use a phone with a local SIM card and use pre-paid minutes. That way you have a phone, and you have no problem contacting the ladies you want to repeat with, but when the trip is over, the SIM card goes in the trash, and the ladies you met in DR cannot contact you any more.

Bq Ribs
01-20-08, 05:56
3. Be careful of the bank fees. The bank that I finally found that I was finally able to get cash at charged an arm and a leg not to mention my bank back home.

What works best for me is a PayPal debit card. You open a money market account with PayPal and they issue you a debit card. I just transfer money online from my regular checking account to the PayPal account a week before I travel. PayPal charges $1 USD per transaction, no other fees involved.

To play it safe I carry PayPal debit card, regular banking debit card, and two credit cards plus $USD to pay for the hotel.

01-20-08, 07:07

Well, I read your trip report below and although you say you have mongered all over the world please realize South America is a different animal entirely. The best thing that could ever happen to you is to shadow a native born South American business man who watches his money and see how he navigates the obstacles that you have. Eighty percent of the issues will go away. The other 20% is life as to be expected.

For example, NEVER, EVER, NEVER get into a cab without knowing how much it will cost in the first place. This is one of the cardinal rules. Ask a few people on the street first or preferably somebody you think will give you a straight answer. Then talk to the driver how much to where you want to go. Many will quote you higher and then you firmly tell them “estoy pagando un mil y nada mas… de acuerdo!?!?” Doing this tells them you are not a push over and you know how to navigate life in unfamiliar territories. You gain immediate respect doing this. Ninety percent of the time they accept. If they don’t accept you move on to the next cab. HOW YOU PRESENT YOURSELF IS EVERYTHING.

Anyway, I don’t have the time to pick apart your trip report and point out what could have been done differently. Everything from the cell phone, vendors not providing change, your hotel being overbooked, everybody overcharging, shaking off girls, The only thing I will say is I just got back from my first trip 2 weeks ago and everything I found was “as to be expected”. In summary, I found nothing out of the ordinary in the DM as far as any other place in South America goes. I was quite happy and really loved my trip.

01-20-08, 07:46
[QUOTE=Sexmachine1] We sat down at a bar just before Siempre Sol. It is called ‘Callate’ and it is owned by a Canadian named Ernesto. An amazing guy. Fun to sit and chat with. We sat there for a couple of hours and had some beers.

Ernesto is a retired cop from Canada, you can easily spot him because he has a tiger tattoo on his forearm. If i recall right he even wrote a book and made a documentation about the p4p scene in Sosua, and he has his own website.

Just like Herman he is a great source of information about the D.R. in general.Do you know what the book is called?

Mr Gogo
01-20-08, 07:59
I've had time to read all of your PM's and board comments regarding my trip. In addition I want to thank a member I wont name on this board who has been a wealth of information post trip.

I've got a few thoughts to share with you guys.

1. I dont think you should ever give a chica your number. I gave the girl in that I talked about in my post my number and this girl calls every other day asking for money. Western Union, Western Union. My baby needs milk, I need to pay my rent. I told her not to text me because Verizon charges for international text. She does it anyway. And all this from a girl I didnt even screw(maybe if she hadnt taken such a nasty dump in the room I may have). She is a nice girl but I am not going to support this girl. I must admit I did send her $$ the first time but after that she just has gotten greedy.

2. I'm not going to give up on DR. Too many of you via the board and PM's suggested that I dont give up. I dont think I will go back to Sosua though. The fact that there is nothing to do in the daytime is a real bummer. I want to work the Santo Domingo scene. With help from this board I think I can score paydirt there.

3. Be careful of the bank fees. The bank that I finally found that I was finally able to get cash at charged an arm and a leg not to mention my bank back home.

I plan to go back to Santo Domingo in the next 4-6 weeks. Hopefully I will score better than I did before.Although it is a weath of good advice here,nothing substitutes for expierience.Even the negative things can be positive,if you chalk it up to gaining knowledge.Going from Sosua to Santo Domingo will be a real eye opener.Happy hunting and continue to grow.

01-20-08, 09:22
I plan to go back to Santo Domingo in the next 4-6 weeks. Hopefully I will score better than I did before.If you're in Boca Chica, between March 19 - March 24, I'll be more than happy to take you under my wing.

BTW: I hope that you were pulling out the maximum per transaction, RD$5,000, everytime you used the ATM.

Good Luck!
Helpmann :)

My Opinion on Giving Out Your Telephone Number (Brazil) (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=689554&postcount=2126)

01-20-08, 14:51
If you're in Boca Chica, between March 19 - March 24, I'll be more than happy to take you under my wing.

BTW: I hope that you were pulling out the maximum per transaction, RD$5,000, everytime you used the ATM.

Good Luck!
Helpmann :)

My Opinion on Giving Out Your Telephone Number (Brazil) (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=689554&postcount=2126)Most banks give 10,000 pesos per withdrawal in the DR

01-20-08, 16:34
I've had time to read all of your PM's and board comments regarding my trip. In addition I want to thank a member I wont name on this board who has been a wealth of information post trip.

I've got a few thoughts to share with you guys.

1. I dont think you should ever give a chica your number. I gave the girl in that I talked about in my post my number and this girl calls every other day asking for money. Western Union, Western Union. My baby needs milk, I need to pay my rent. I told her not to text me because Verizon charges for international text. She does it anyway. And all this from a girl I didnt even screw(maybe if she hadnt taken such a nasty dump in the room I may have). She is a nice girl but I am not going to support this girl. I must admit I did send her $$ the first time but after that she just has gotten greedy.

2. I'm not going to give up on DR. Too many of you via the board and PM's suggested that I dont give up. I dont think I will go back to Sosua though. The fact that there is nothing to do in the daytime is a real bummer. I want to work the Santo Domingo scene. With help from this board I think I can score paydirt there.

3. Be careful of the bank fees. The bank that I finally found that I was finally able to get cash at charged an arm and a leg not to mention my bank back home.

I plan to go back to Santo Domingo in the next 4-6 weeks. Hopefully I will score better than I did before.

At least the Asain girls are a little more shy about "stocking the pond" with punter present in room.

Roy Mac
01-20-08, 18:55
Another map of Sosua can be found here www.sosuanews.com click on Sosua left side of Home page !

01-20-08, 21:54
Most banks give 10,000 pesos per withdrawal in the DRThanks! I had no idea that they changed the withdrawl limits.

-Helpmann :)

John Jr
01-20-08, 23:34
Question to anyone in Sosua today . Whats the weather like ? The weather websites im looking at are not giving me the same weather !

John Jr

01-21-08, 06:34
Is anyone gonna be around for the Superbowl?

If yes pm me and we'll meet up at the Shark Bar. No Pats fans allowed.

Ben Hur
01-21-08, 13:11
Thanks! I had no idea that they changed the withdrawl limits.

-Helpmann :)Well I got since years with both of my Swiss Cards 20'000 out of the machines. And as I heard from my friend from other countrys it worked for them too.

Don Ben

01-21-08, 13:40
Sunday was mild with some clouds & a little drizzle at night.

Monday morning looks sunny out with a little breeze.

A lot of activity going on at the New Garden Hotel & the discos.

01-21-08, 17:38
Well I got since years with both of my Swiss Cards 20'000 out of the machines. And as I heard from my friend from other countrys it worked for them too.

Don BenIs that over several withdrawls in one day or RD$20,000 in one withdrawl transaction?

Helpmann :)

Professor 1
01-21-08, 17:50
I've had time to read all of your PM's and board comments regarding my trip. In addition I want to thank a member I wont name on this board who has been a wealth of information post trip.

I've got a few thoughts to share with you guys.

1. I dont think you should ever give a chica your number. I gave the girl in that I talked about in my post my number and this girl calls every other day asking for money. Western Union, Western Union. My baby needs milk, I need to pay my rent. I told her not to text me because Verizon charges for international text. She does it anyway. And all this from a girl I didnt even screw(maybe if she hadnt taken such a nasty dump in the room I may have). She is a nice girl but I am not going to support this girl. I must admit I did send her $$ the first time but after that she just has gotten greedy.

I have two cell phones: I use one as my exclusive telephone, and the other is a throw-away phone. I travel with both at all times. I give the throw-away number to people that I meet. I can always give the other (real) number later, if I choose. While in the DR, I gave the throw-away number to various people. When I saw them later, they claimed that the number did not work, or that I did not answer. I told them that they must leave a message with their number, if they desire a return call. No one did, as I expected. This reduces the "burning" of minutes from people that you meet when you may feel compelled to give a telephone number, and gives you the power to decide if you will return the call. I find the practice more polite as well.

01-21-08, 21:06
I secured 10,000+10,000+10,000 = 30,000 pesos with Bank of America and HSBC.

01-21-08, 21:14
Two pimps are talking: One says--''all yo ho's got cell phones?'' Yes! Second says--''all yo ho's got cell phones?'' Yes! The first pimp says--''you got a cell phone man?'' Second says--''hell no man, don't want no ho calling me!''

01-21-08, 21:57
I secured 10,000+10,000+10,000 = 30,000 pesos with Bank of America and HSBC.You made three separate withdrawls at the maximum single transaction limit, RD$10,000? Correct?

Helpmann :)

01-22-08, 18:55
Hear is a list of some bars in Sosus, that I don’t know wear they are.

I have done an internet search and found nothing.

Can some one tell me wear they are please?

Hotel Calypso


01-22-08, 20:12
Classico's, Latino's, and Passions are on the main street Pedro Clisante. Don't know about that Hotel. Classico's and Latino's are right next to each other and Passions is on the other side of town, about a 10 minute walk from the 2 Clubs.

Joe DR

Ben Hur
01-23-08, 10:14
Is that over several withdrawls in one day or RD$20,000 in one withdrawl transaction?


Helpmann :)Well I got the 20'000 Peso in one withdrawl from the ATM Machine by the "Banco Progreso" which worked several time for me and my friend. Other machines give only 5'000 to 10'000 out. That bank is in the same building with Store Super Super where you can get cheap Cigaretts and Alcoholic.

Classico Disco, also know as 69 is in the main scene just upstairs from the Merengue Bar. You pay 100 Peso to enter, but with the ticket you get a beer or cubra libre for free. but you every time you enter you have to pay again.

Latino is near to Classico behind the Sosua Live Bar. They didn't charged for entering.

Passion Massage Place is on the same road but out of the scene. From the ATM machine i told before by the Banco Progreso you go in the direction of the Hotel Plaza Europa. You pass that Hotel and you will see Scotia Bank. You will walk a bit in that direcion and soon on the right hand side you will see Passion. There are some other big bars near by.

Hotel Calypso should be near Super Super. Not on the main road, but you just walk that road at the corner from Super Super down. The Hotel is run down as i heard from many mongers and chicas too. Not really nice and clean for having fun.
I never stayed there, as i allways had a monger friendly hotel.

I was in and around Sosua from the 17. December till 11. January.

Sorry about my bad english.

Ben el Suizo

01-23-08, 16:30
You made three separate withdrawls at the maximum single transaction limit, RD$10,000? Correct?

Helpmann :)

The amount you can draw from an ATM depends on the daily limit set by your home bank, not the ATM.

01-24-08, 02:30
Can someone tell me where the Shark Bar is, relative to the discos?


Ben Hur
01-24-08, 11:48
The amount you can draw from an ATM depends on the daily limit set by your home bank, not the ATM. Well that's true, but as on the island things going a bit different, it also depends on the ATM Machine and the day you get your money out.

I would advice getting money out during business hours. On Sundays its possible you only get 5 to 10'000 out. And it happens once to me, that the machine went down by the time the money should come out. This was on a Saturday later afternoon. So I had to wait till Monday to get my card back. And the money was charged on my account overseas. I had to contact my bank to check it, that I didn't got that money out and to book it back on my account.

I have a local bank account there so I usually get 20'000 out of the machine and deposit on my local account over there to be safe.

As I have seen several time the ATM machine gives me at the end a better money exchange rate, then bringing a lot of cash and change this there, so that's why I got usually 20'000 out by one. But not with credit card like visa or master, better are Bank debit cards with the Symbol Cyrus, Maestro or Plus.

So like I told before, I would advice to us the ATM by Banco Progreso as it worked for my mostly fine and gives me the 20'000 by one.

And for people going to RD often I would also advice to bring some Peso back home and on the next visit you have some start money and didn't have to stress to go first to the next ATM Machine. I do this mostly, cus it saves money and time to.


Ben Hur
01-24-08, 11:52
Can someone tell me where the Shark Bar is, relative to the discos?The Shark Bar is bit after the corner with the Taxi Stand on the Pedro Clisante on the right side. Its near by the Bar and Disco called Sea Crest (hope I spell it correctly). So from Classico or Latino I would say its about 1 to 2 minutes walking distance.

01-24-08, 13:01
Can someone tell me where the Shark Bar is, relative to the discos?


On the same main drag as Classico's/ Merengue, less than 1 block away

01-24-08, 13:49
Well I got the 20'000 Peso in one withdrawl from the ATM Machine by the "Banco Progreso" which worked several time for me and my friend. Other machines give only 5'000 to 10'000 out. That bank is in the same building with Store Super Super where you can get cheap Cigaretts and Alcoholic.Thanks that will come in handy when I am there over the holidays.

Helpmann :)

01-24-08, 22:44
I am still unsure which side of town Passion Massage Place is, what side streets / crossing / intersections is it near

And I don’t know about clasicos and latinos apart form it being on the other side to Passions massage, what side street dose it run off.

And are there no ‘Ladies drinks and bar fines hear’

What side street dose Sharks bar run off

Is Hotel Calypso on Calle Ayuntamiento.

And can anyone recommend me any guest friendly budget Hotels to stay in

Also, I have noticed that Pedro Clisante is not near the Beech like the main drag of BC.

What goes on, on the beech hear



01-24-08, 23:10
I concur with Ben.

I just phoned Charles Schwab and my debit has a $1000/day limit. My whole trip in Sosua I was pulling out money and never was allowed to take more than 5k-pesos per transaction.

I only tried in the large Playero supermarket on route#5 where the stoplight is, and the Progresso bank by Duerte/Martenez street corner north of Clisante.

One day I took 5k pesos from Progresso, the next day other people and I struggled with the machine learning we could only take out 2500. Then the day after that the limit was back to 5k again. The reduction was definitely on the weekend.

Next time I will try other machines because 5k at a time local max is such a pain.

Bottom line is the limit imposed by the holding bank is not the only control factor determining how much money one can extract via a single transaction.

01-25-08, 02:27
I am building a map with all the girl friendly hotels marked onto it. Can somebody tell me where the “El Canto Delfin” hotel should be positioned on this map?


For example, it is on “Gregario Luperon” between Poemy and Antonio Javier street about 80 percent on the Antonio side. (example only)

Bottom line is I am not sure where to place the marker!


01-25-08, 03:27
Can someone tell me where the Shark Bar is, relative to the discos?

ThanksPrevious reports indicate # 66 on The Beach, Shark Bar, run by a former NYCity Cop, Lou. Have not been there myself, and it may have moved.

From the Discos, as you exit, turn Right, and that will take you to the small street that is a Left down to the beach.

Ben Hur
01-25-08, 11:43
thks for the map link so we can call things by street name now and we can look there for the directions.

Well the Shark Bar has moved since several time, its not any more on the beach, its on the Street Pedro Clisante, about one block after the corner Dr. Rosen.

As you can see on that map, the bank you used on Duerte/Martinez is not Progreso, its Popular and that ATM Machine was also try to give me less money so i went back to Progreso, which you can see on that map is after the intersection to the street Ayuntamiento. in the big building next to Super Super.

So Passion is on Pedro Clisante somewhere around the intersection Gregorio Martin. Just go on Pedro Clisante in that direction and you will find it on the right side, maybe a bit more up or down.

Yep your are right, as far as i know, Calypso should be on Ayuntamineto. I was never there i just heard that.

Classico and Latino Disco are on Pedro Clisante. I would say between Dr. Rosen and Duarte.

Most things like Bars and Discos are hold on that route. When you follow that road to the Beach way, and go down there you will get to the beach.

When you walk to long on the beach passing all the bars, you will come up to Charamicos.

On the beach you find several bars and shop. Just sit down and see the beauty s passing by. If you star to match at them, they soon will sit next to you.

So hope this will help and again sorry bout my bad english.


Ben Hur
01-25-08, 12:02
And are there no ‘Ladies drinks and bar fines hear’

And can anyone recommend me any guest friendly budget Hotels to stay in


JamesSo i missed that on the last reply.

Well it looks like you been often to Thailand or so. Smile

the only place i know you have to pay bar fines to get out with one girl is passion. Okay the bartender from the other bars, mostly you have to wait for them till the bar is closed. In passion you can do the same, just arrange with the girl you like to meet her after work in the disco or in your hotel and spend the bar fine for her directly. Ladies drink are not normally in Sosua, they drink what they like and you offer them. They get Extra money from your tip.

I mostly stayed in Hotel Orchidee, which is in the street Dr. Rosen. The manager is a older German guy, who not really speaks any English. But the hotel is guest friendly and low budget. The good thing from that Hotel you walk 1 to 2 minutes to the discos. The restaurant on the top of the hotel i would really recommend. The food is excellent, not expensive and the atmosphere is perfect. The manager Thilo offers every day different menus. He speaks English and the menu board are written in English.


01-25-08, 15:09
Previous reports indicate # 66 on The Beach, Shark Bar, run by a former NYCity Cop, Lou. Have not been there myself, and it may have moved.

From the Discos, as you exit, turn Right, and that will take you to the small street that is a Left down to the beach.They moved. As you leave the discos go left 1-2 blocks and you will see Harrisons jewelry store. Look across the street and there are a few small shops and next to them is the Shark Bar. They have a sign out front you will see if you look close.

01-25-08, 17:50
Previous reports indicate # 66 on The Beach, Shark Bar, run by a former NYCity Cop, Lou. Have not been there myself, and it may have moved.

From the Discos, as you exit, turn Right, and that will take you to the small street that is a Left down to the beach.

Shark Bar is on the main monger street (Calisante?) near the cross street Dr. Rosen (that is the street Rocky's is on). Shark Bar is good for watching sporting events but the beers are 100 pesos=$3 and a hot dog is 130 or 140 pesos ($4-$5) so they are a bit pricey. NOT a location for finding chicas but there is a small bar next to it that has an occasional hottie.

01-26-08, 17:55
I have placed a new map of Sosua showing the location of the chica friendly hotels as well as other points of interest. The new posting is located in the Sosua Hotels thread. So if you are new to Sosua and planning a trip I suggest you have a look: http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?t=2758

If it makes sense to add other points of interest I can do that too. Just describe to me exactly where it is located and I will get it in. Please direct all newbie posters to this link if you think it will cut down on redundant questions.

Anybody volunteer to convert the map so that when you hover your cursor over a number it flashes up the price, address and phone number?

Mr Gogo
01-28-08, 17:13
I'm hearing from a lot of guys in Sosua, that the expertice of women pick pockets is advancing. Understand that when you let a cutie close to you, for a feel up, she is also feeling you up. Another trick is when dancing, body and hand contact is appropriate. Add liquor to the situation and its easy to become a victim. Secure your big money away from contact, which is not easy to do. I had a girl in Classicos I was dancing with reach in my pocket to massage my penis. While dancing and getting a hand job is a good feeling, I didn't realize I was 50 dollars short in my count until the next morning. I chalked it up as a lesson learned. My advise to all mongers is keep the girls hands up high, neck, chest, head, and when she starts to go below the chest redirect her hands back north. If you have been drinking heavy, don't let any women touch you, other wise you WILL get got. Heads up fellas.

01-28-08, 17:43
A tall, strong, good looking chica with beautiful eyes and pelo. She says she has been in Sosua only 2 days from SDQ. A lie--she is the most pro and mechanical chica that i have ever experienced. She is all bullshit. Met her in Classico Disco. I violated one of my rules=never pickup a chica late at night.

01-29-08, 21:51
- Yes I noticed this is becoming a trend, all the girls now say they are only in town for a few days/weeks. Apparantly they heard from others that this is making them popular with gringos. So don't believe a word. I even had some Haitian not speaking Spanish properly to pretend she is new in town !?

- Outside discos they are all at it, once the hands go in the pocket it might come out with anything you have. I never let them put their hands in my pocket. Inside the discos they are more careful because if you catch them they get barred from the venue (well for a few nights !). I have danced and been touched up by a lot of them but they know me quite well by now so they don't try it with me. (Although I stay well away from dodgy ones - I know them very well too !).

01-29-08, 22:07
Just returned back from my first trip to Sosua, DR. This was my 6th monger trip internationally and was proceeded by 1 trip to Bangkok & Pattaya, 2 trips to San Jose and 2 trips to Rio. I was anxios to visit Sosua to see how it compared to my other trips.

All things considered, including travel time & costs, surroundings, girls, ect. , Sousa has my vote. Speaking spanish though would definately be a huge asset and make it more interesting. However I know very few words in spanish but didn't have any problems getting laid. The girls in Asia of course are a little cheaper and may offer better gfe's, but I don't think its enough to out-weigh the travel time if you only have a week. Also, average lodging costs in Asia seemed far cheaper then Sosua, Rio, and San Jose. If your able to get away for more then one week, like the Asian look, the beach, want more bang for the buck, then Pattya in my opinion is the better deal then Sousa, that is, if you don't mind the long travel time. I also noticed in comparision to the other places I have been, the chicas in Sosua know very little english, and in most cases if they do, have either studied it or have been doing the p rostituting thing a long time, most likely the latter.

When I travel for mongering, I prefer to have a beach as well. Nothing better then the beach during the day and babes at night, or both. Though San Jose can be fun, the fact that it lacks a beach makes the days boring to me. In comparing beaches, Pattaya's beach is ok, seemed a little dirty though, but had plenty of life. Rio's Copocabana beach is the center of attraction there, full of life until the wee hours (though more dangerous at night) and makes Sosua's beach look pale and a little dumpy in comparasion. However, after spending a few days in Sosua, the beach really started to grow on me there. I liked the fact that it's beach was more quieter then Copocapana. Running the whole length of the beach are small shops and bars to hang out under the trees for chilling and drinks. Though some were fairly dumpy, it was still nice to get out of the sun but yet still be on the beach. Plenty of chicas walking this area as well.

As far as the P4P action in Sosua, It was alot better then I had anticipated. I like the Domincan look over the Asian look, and although there may be slightly more and better looking girls in Rio and San Jose, their price and attitude usually never justifed it. I don't think I seen any 10's in Sousa like you would see in Rio or San Jose, maybe a few 9's, but their were plenty of 6-8's, and of course there were also plenty of less then 5's. I also like the Domincan ass and breasts over the Asian, and Brazil girls. Seems like almost all the girls in Sosua had the cutest breasts imho.

Personally, I prefer the 7-8's with a decent personality and attitude, and found there were plenty to be had if you didn't hang in just one bar and expect to get laid before finishing your first Presidente. I would almost always make the rounds at the other quieter bars first to check the action, before finishing the night at Classicos or Latino's. Even at the quieter bars, I would always have at least one "do-able" chica hit on me before I could finish my drink. I always found myself gambling though, hoping to find that chica that was a little "hotter" then the last one I liked, but in the mean time, probably missing out on a good lay with the ones that hit on me earlier. It's so hard to tell though, until you get them out of the bar and into your room how they truly are. I'm going to change my strategy next time though, and concentrate on the smaller bars, that is, if I don't hang with the same girl all week. Sometimes a tu ff decision.

My first night I started walking around to familiarize myself and got lost, not a great feeling. I hired a guy on a motorcycle to get me back to the New Garden hotel only to find a few chicas hanging out there, which I realized is every day. Its kinda of nice actually. Not ready to venture back out that night until I was more familliar with the area, I decided to hook up with one of the chicas that was hanging out at the hotel for 1500 pesos. Decent looking chica with a nice body, but when the cloths came off, was a little dissapointing. Not that great of a lay either, but hey, it was my first night out, and after all needed that one "warm-up session. "

Second night out, met one at Classico's, not bad, decent body, avarage lay and about a "7" at 1500 pesos

3rd day there, headed down to the beach and decided to try a "massage" first just to see what that was like in the DR. 300 pesos for half hour, only to be asked if I wanted a BJ for a good deal, I passed.

3rd night out, met a chica I was really into. I loved her looks, attitude, body, and everthing else about her besides the fact she knew very little english. And of course. Duh, a hooker. Damn it! With the help of a new freind I met there that knew spanish, I was able to get her life story. Very poor, 20, lives with her mom, sister and brother. She cleaned houses until she had gotten pregnant at 19 by her Domincan bf that bailed. Baby is now 8 months old and since cleaning houses can't feed her and the baby, she has no choice but to sleep with mongers like myself. She was pretty much a "newbie" into the scene. She wasn't to bad in bed, but great to look at and was a lot more GFE then the first 2 were. I think she actually liked me a bit the way she acted, or maybe she was just a good actor. We agreed to meet again the next night, maybe to practice her a cting?

4th night out, I do my regular rounds before heading to Classicos to meet chica #3 again, and I see this chica at the Happy Hour bar that I have been exchanging looks at for the past few nights. She has such a sweet hot bod. As I'm having my drink she's obviously flirting with me thru body launguage, I'm thinking to myself I should really tap this chica, just from the body standpoint, not that her face was that bad either. I decide that I better finish my drink and head down to Classico's to meet up with my chica # 3. I'm hanging out with #3 for a while and here comes the Happy Hour chica. We exchange more looks and smiles. When # 3 tells me she's going to go upstairs to look for her sister, I told her ok, waited till she was gone, and snuck out with the Happy Hour chica, which ended up being a total dissapointment. A lousy lay, she had an odor, greedy and was all business. Gave her 1500 pesos to leave, and money for the taxi. I couldn't get her to leave quick en ough.

5th night out. I do the regular small bar sweep. Some good prospects but I'm really beginning to realize how chica # 3 was so much sweeter and a better experience overall then the other girls were giving me. I decide to head to Classico's and try to find her to see how she would be on a different night. She eventually shows up with her sister, sees me, comes up and gives me a nice kiss and hug. I'm thinking to myself, this girl really is different then the rest, I don't think she has been doing it long enuff to be hardened yet. Such a shame to see a girl like this getting caught up in this kind of life, I know eventually she will end up like the rest. We eventually go back for round # 2, and she was even more sweeter then the first night. Money was never discussed before leaving Classico's, and when she left all I could find was 1000 pesos. She was ok with that.

Nights 6-9 were spent again with chica #3, having dinner, drinks at classicos, except they were all nighters at 1500 pesos. I was lucky enuff to meet a guy named John who knew Spanish well and was able to help her and I communicate better on a few different nights before heading back to the Hotel. On day 7, I rented a car and she met me at 2:30 in the afternoon. She showed me around Puerto plata, took me to her house (a shack at best) and to other sight-seeing places, then spent the night again. I gave her 2000 pesos for this, and she seemed happy and I was happy. There's pros and cons about finding 1 particular girl thats decent and sticking with her. You at least know what your getting, but you don't get the opportunity to sample a new chica or 2 everyday Its also easy to start liking one of these chicas if you find a diamond in the rough and spend to much time with her. Its a lso nice to find one like I did that wasn't greedy and persistent when it was time for them to leave. There was to much drama with the other chicas when it was time for them to leave. They always wanted more, more, more. I had brought some cheap but nice gifts for the chicas as a little bargaining power for when they start demanding taxi money, ect. And all the girls but chica # 3 wanted and expected several gifts.

Sometime between day 6-8, I did decide to go back and check out the massage place again. A different chica was working though. I went for the 1/2 hour massage for 300 pesos, and was offered a "completo" for 1000 pesos. I counter offered at 500 and the deal was done

New Garden was a pretty decent place to stay "overall", especially if traveling solo. There are plenty of other single guys staying there, and its nice to have company from time to time, or to have someone to hang with at the clubs while chica searching. Its also fun sharing stories the next day over breakfast. There are usually a few available chicas hanging around later in the day as well. Even if your not interested in picking them up, they make nice scenery. They have a small bar and basic restaurant on site and the food although limited, was always good. The girls that work the bar seemed nice. If your expecting a hotel thats nice compared to American standards you may be dissapointed though. After all, this is a 3rd world country and Sosua isn't a resort area like Punta Cana. My biggest complaint about the place seems to be the most common one, the noise. There's been a few people complain about the noise from the 2 birds and dog there, but that wasn't a big deal to me and found them entertaining if anything. 90 percent of the noise comes from the 2-stroke motorcycles/taxis that drive by till early hours. Take ear plugs for sleeping, and it won't be so bad. I'm sure there are nicer places to stay, but then there will just be other issues such as location, not being chica friendly, no place to hang out on site, ect. Wilfreid, the older guy that manages the place, reservations, ect, may or may not come out as being over freindly at first, seems fine after you talk to him a bit, and was always helpful when needed.

Though Sousa seems noisier, dirtier, and more 3rd world country then some of the other 3rd world places I have been too, I miss the place and look forward to going back, hopefully at the end of March. I think it offers great mongering times for those looking for a place thats reasonably close. The beach, bars, restaurants are all walking distance. I found its also a good place to get quality dental work done at a fraction of the cost, and the dentist I had went to was actually trained in NY. If you needed a fair amount of dental work done, what you saved could pay for your trip.

I'm currently trying to find some good airfare deals for a trip late March. Anybody heading that way during that time?


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Bold Focker
01-30-08, 01:48
She was a girl I meet in Sosua Last April, she was good and would not mind doing it again!

I think they are all the same girl!


01-30-08, 17:55
I believe they are all here+another very tall chica that hangs with them.

01-30-08, 18:08
Just returned back from my first trip to Sosua, DR. This was my 6th monger trip internationally and was proceeded by 1 trip to Bangkok & Pattaya, 2 trips to San Jose and 2 trips to Rio. I was anxios to visit Sosua to see how it compared to my other trips.

All things considered, including travel time & costs, surroundings, girls, ect. , Sousa has my vote.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Very good report. Well balanced and points out the pros and the cons of various aspects of the Sosua experience.

I am in agreement that the GFE, temporary or long term, is what the DR is best for. Part of the reason is that this is what the girls like best. They are not proud of prostituting, and being able to say that they have a boyfriend from... [US, Canada, Europe] makes them feel that they are someone of value, so you tend to reap the benefits of that.

I too have had thousands of dollars worth of dental treatment for hundreds of dollars (in Puerto Plata) and am well pleased with the results. My dentista was trained in Santiago, but is very good (and she is a babe!).

01-30-08, 18:11
She was a girl I meet in Sosua Last April, she was good and would not mind doing it again!

I think they are all the same girl!


Dang! Is she available on e-Bay?

01-31-08, 20:51
[QUOTE=Sexmachine1] We sat down at a bar just before Siempre Sol. It is called ‘Callate’ and it is owned by a Canadian named Ernesto. An amazing guy. Fun to sit and chat with. We sat there for a couple of hours and had some beers.

Ernesto is a retired cop from Canada, you can easily spot him because he has a tiger tattoo on his forearm. If i recall right he even wrote a book and made a documentation about the p4p scene in Sosua, and he has his own website.
Just like Herman he is a great source of information about the D.R. in general.Do you happen to have the website address, the title of the book or any info to access the site?


Bold Focker
01-31-08, 22:13
Good she back on my "to bone list"

I believe they are all here+another very tall chica that hangs with them.

Ben Hur
01-31-08, 23:58
I have placed a new map of Sosua showing the location of the chica friendly hotels as well as other points of interest. The new posting is located in the Sosua Hotels thread. So if you are new to Sosua and planning a trip I suggest you have a look: http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?t=2758Just many thanks for this great work of you.

Maybe you can put Hotel Orchidee as well on the map, just post it a bit up from rockys. Its chica friendly and quiet. I will be there again in April. The manager is a older german guy.

Ben Hur

Ben Hur
02-01-08, 00:23
Just returned back from my first trip to Sosua, DR. This was my 6th monger trip internationally and was proceeded by 1 trip to Bangkok & Pattaya, 2 trips to San Jose and 2 trips to Rio. I was anxios to visit Sosua to see how it compared to my other trips.

I'm currently trying to find some good airfare deals for a trip late March. Anybody heading that way during that time?

Skyguy7505Just a great story thks. Well I will be the hole April in Sosua. Doing some work, learning some more Spanish and so.

Ben Hur

02-01-08, 19:17
I just returned from Sosua and there is a new bar called Jose McMurphys Irish Pub. On the same street as New Garden and 50 feet from the main Street. The owners are gringos and the food is very good. Wasnt the typical hooker bar with no chicas hanging at the bar. I often needed a break from the pressure so this was my little escape.

02-02-08, 03:41

I'm glad some of you enjoyed my report and hope it was helpful. I enjoyed thinking back on the good times while I was writing it. Fortunately, I think I found a deal on some airfare to return back around Easter.

Just wondering if anybody has anything on Estudio apartments. Its just around the corner from New Garden, heading towards Happy Hour. I checked it out a bit on my last trip, but didn't get to see actual rooms.


La Isla
02-02-08, 06:19
Hey SkyGuy
You had GOOD dental work done there? Can you pass along the info?

02-02-08, 17:00
I just returned from Sosua and there is a new bar called Jose McMurphys Irish Pub. On the same street as New Garden and 50 feet from the main Street. The owners are gringos and the food is very good. Wasnt the typical hooker bar with no chicas hanging at the bar.Roger, that.

This "Irish Sports Bar" was just opening up when I left. It's on Calle DR Rosen, just past Rocky's, closer to Calle Pedro Clisante, on the same side of the street. Hard to miss it with all the green, even the sidewalk. Had a chat or two with the owner who is an okay guy. Pretty decent sound system, and a long bank of TVs over the bar. Might be an alternative to Eddy's, or just a nice spot to drop by for a beer.

And don't let the name fool you, he even played a few of the NFL playoff games.

02-02-08, 19:37
Bahia Boy,

Yes, GOOD dental work. I was referred to him by a Canadian that spends sustantial time in Sosau. I was a little leery at first, but the dentist was trained in NY. He has the same equipment as in the states, but the office itself isn't actually comparable to American standards, but who cares, right? He got me in on a Sunday as well. He saved me hundreds. I plan on visiting him again in March when I return.

Walking out of New Garden, I took a left. Take that street (Dr. Rossen st) all the way to where it T's into the other street. His office is there to the left and upstairs. He has a sign there, and I beleive the building is painted a light blue. There is a stairway going up to the office.

02-03-08, 17:07

Any mongers currently in Sosua now? I'm trying to get a little info on the Estudio Apartments just around the corner from NG.


02-03-08, 21:23
Sosua Review.

The Hotel.

Stayed at the Casa Marina, which is comfortable and well located. The hotel has two entrances, one over by (Calle) Bruno and Calle David Stern. This is next to the boutique hotel Sosua by the Sea. The other entrance is on Calle Alejo Martinez and across from the baseball diamond.

The facilities are well maintained, with a great beach. Food was good, and the staff very friendly. Since I got a last minute sell off, my entire package was about the same as what I would have to pay for a flight and a hotel room at the New Garden (US$ 50 a day). So, I had free food and drink for the inconvenience of a not guest friendly hotel. Worth the trade off, and a good way to go for your first trip. If you want to do an overnight, you can always rent a room at New Garden or Rocky’s, or see what a second bracelet for a day would cost for a guest. There are short-stay alternatives, including Calypso which is on Calle Ayuntamiento, just a few buildings past the Super Super liquor store. About 300DRP (9-10 US$) for 2 hours.

Exchange Rates.

Breezed through customs with only a short wait for my baggage. There’s a counter to exchange currency at the airport. I exchanged $50 US and was given 30DRP to the dollar. This was actually a better rate than if I had exchanged a little less. Take a few small American bills for tips at the airport, cab, and hotel check in, unless you will arrive too late to exchange currency in town before you need it.

Rates in the town were better. Best rate I could get was 33.5 and then 33.6 DRP to the US$ at the Banco Santa Cruz, and I did check a few of the banks. This is the bank at Petdro Clisante and Calle Ayuntamiento, across the street from the Super Super liquor store. If you exchange at the bank, take a photo id (passport is best). The street vendors usually offered 33 to the dollar, but I did not try to haggle.

By the way, there is an exchange counter on the way back, after you clear security at the airport. 34DRP to buy a US$. (Hmmm, buy at 30 to one, sell back at 34 to one. That's more than a 10% spread on the rates.) All the prices at the airport in the duty free are in US$. You also need US for the $20 departure tax. I ended up not buying at the duty free, so I returned home without DR rum, and just kept some DRP for my next trip.

Local Hang outs.

Lots of good places to hang out in the village, including the patio of the cigar shop across from Classico’s (on Clisante between DR Rosen and Duarte), the cigar/coffee shop on Duarte, and the Britannia ub, again on the main stretch of Clisante. Also liked Bailey’s, on Aielo Martinez just past DR Rosen and near the small park by Duarte.

For sports entertainment, try either Eddy’s on Calle Ayuntamiento (I had a good time there watching an NFL match; it’s a laid back kind-a place), or the new Pedro McMurphy’s Irish Sports Bar on DR Rosen near Clisante. Also, lots of bars on the beach. I also dropped by for a beer at a bar a little west of Sea Crests bar/disco on the south side of Clisante. It’s only about three or four spots down, if I remember correctly. (This may even have been Shark bar, but I didn’t catch the name.)


Tried two massage places, no happy endings. Over by Sousa by the Sea, Calle David Stern and Calle Bruno, is a spa in the plaza. Good massage there, 500 DRP for an hour.

Also, over by Banco Popular, on Calle Alejo Martinez is M & M massage. 600 DRP for the hour. However, time I was there, I checked my watch before and just after session. Time was closer to 45 to 50 minutes (at most).

Also tried Passion’s Bar and Spa at the east end of Pedro Clisante. They have a menu listing all the services available. 1 hour massage is 900 DRP; I opted for the soapy shower massage at 1300 DRP which is supposed to include a body slide and lots of soap. Save the extra money, not a bubble or water droplet to be seen, and attendant did a very basic back rub and wanted to start the main event and get it over with in short order. I would not repeat, but the place had a legion of die-hard fans here on the site. If you must go, save the extra cash and just pay for the basic. And don’t be surprised if you’re back on the street in less than 45 minutes.

Hope this helps, if only the newbies.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

02-04-08, 03:00

If you got 30 pesos to the dollar you got jacked. The exchange rate is about 33.7 or 33.8 right now. You are just giving money away.

Kute Guy
02-04-08, 12:06

I have just posted a general info trip report on Sosua - in the General Info section of the DR forum.

Capt Dps
02-04-08, 17:21
Guys and Girls,

Never change money at an airport There are places all over Sosua that will give you close to the daily exchange rate.


02-04-08, 18:20
Hey SkyGuy
You had GOOD dental work done there? Can you pass along the info?

I have had a lot of work done by a female dentist in Puerto Plata and I am very pleased with it. I had better not post her name and phone number here as she might not like it, but if you pm me, I will give you her office number and location, if you want. She speaks fairly good English.

02-04-08, 18:28
Guys and Girls,

Never change money at an airport There are places all over Sosua that will give you close to the daily exchange rate.


You should not change money INSIDE the airport at Puerto Plata, but there is a Banco de Reservas on the outside concourse of the airport where you can get a fair rate of exchange.

Incidentally the same applies in the US. If you change money at the change places inside the airport at Miami, they offer the most absurd rates of exchange at, like, 20% discount.

If you arrive at the weekend (Sunday)when the bank is closed there are street money changers hanging at the airport. They will find you. Alternatively if you take a taxi to Sosua, you can ask the taxi driver to swing by somewhere to change money on the way to the hotel. There is a change place almost next to the Hotel Europa, if you are staying there, and also an ATM half a block away at Scotia Bank.

Remember that 33 pesos as opposed to 30 pesos might not sound like a whole lot of difference, but if you were paying a 10% surcharge on everything on your trip, you would certainly notice it on your bottom line. If you do have to make an exchange at a bad rate, just change the minimum needed at the time--though I can't see that you would ever need to, because ATMs are always available.

02-04-08, 18:28

If you got 30 pesos to the dollar you got jacked. The exchange rate is about 33.7 or 33.8 right now. You are just giving money away.

I just exchanged today at the supermarket and got 33.8 per USD

Mr Gogo
02-04-08, 18:59
just a few obsevations from my last week. early in the week alot of **** girls ply their trade, because they can't compete with the weekend pro's. always check cedula. the traffic pattern has changed from my trip last month, more one way streets. also saw alot of hells angels in the clubs in mass numbers. jet blue is flying non-stop to pop from jfk, the newyork boys are coming down 15 to 20 deep, they had so many chicas around them youd thought jay-z was there. the peso was 33. 90 last week in cabarette. sosua has gotten so much exposure that its just a matter of time before a major negative situation explodes. alot of nice chicas can be had on the out scirts, that would never go to sosua.

02-05-08, 21:32
Last week in Sosua.

02-06-08, 00:02
Does anyone know any good villas in Sosua besides Casa Linda around the $150.00- $200.00 a day mark?

Mr Enternational
02-06-08, 05:51
Alternatively if you take a taxi to Sosua, you can ask the taxi driver to swing by somewhere to change money on the way to the hotel. There is a change place almost next to the Hotel Europa, if you are staying there, and also an ATM half a block away at Scotia Bank.
The front desk at Europa will change to pesos at the interbank rate as well, but good luck trying to change back to dollars or euros.

02-06-08, 18:11
A fun place

02-07-08, 04:11
I am surprised that I didn't read about MPs in any threads. I went back almost a month and no mention. Maybe this is the first report.

When you come out of the New Garden make a right and cross the corner. A few doors down is the thatched roof MP. A few more feet down the street on the opposite side is another MP.come back to the corner and make a right and go a little way and there is another MP.

The price is DP300 for 30 minutes and DP500 for an hour. This includes BBBJ. The thatched roof place had chunky but doable chicas and all had good attitudes.

At these prices, I think it is only proper to give a tip but I made sure that the girls knew they would get a tip if they removed their clothes. The one in jeans would only remove her top and claimed to be a virgin. Great little ta-tas.

I know of several others around the beach area also. Starting out the day with a $9 BJ is very nice.

OBTW, carry small bills as the chicas will not get the tip if she can't hide it.

Professor 1
02-07-08, 16:20
I am surprised that I didn't read about MPs in any threads. I went back almost a month and no mention. Maybe this is the first report.

Scuba, your information will help me on the next trip. I did not know about the MP scene while there. None of my contacts, who visit the DR with regularity, mentioned it. I presume that one can get full service at the MP, like in Costa Rica. Please advise.


02-07-08, 17:46
just a few obsevations from my last week. early in the week alot of **** girls ply their trade, because they can't compete with the weekend pro's. always check cedula. the traffic pattern has changed from my trip last month, more one way streets. also saw alot of hells angels in the clubs in mass numbers. jet blue is flying non-stop to pop from jfk, the newyork boys are coming down 15 to 20 deep, they had so many chicas around them youd thought jay-z was there. the peso was 33. 90 last week in cabarette. sosua has gotten so much exposure that its just a matter of time before a major negative situation explodes. alot of nice chicas can be had on the out scirts, that would never go to sosua."alot of nice chicas can be had on the out scirts, that would never go to sosua." - where is the outskirts??


02-07-08, 19:41
Scuba, your information will help me on the next trip. I did not know about the MP scene while there. None of my contacts, who visit the DR with regularity, mentioned it. I presume that one can get full service at the MP, like in Costa Rica. Please advise.


I was just thinking the same thing. I just want to verify the price structure(300 DR for 30 minutes that includes bbbj). It's nice knowing there are $9 bbbj options when it's rainy and have nothing else to do. Although that sounds a little low for dominican prices.

I would say don't be too excited about the looks of these ladies. Im sure everyone in sosua has been propositioned by one of them before. I would be curious to know if that is the going rate in most places or just from that chica.

The looks are mainly middle aged big tits/ass maid type. Im not trying to be offensive but it does give a good description of what you might have seen in america.

Mr Gogo
02-07-08, 21:26
"Alot of nice chicas can be had on the out scirts, that would never go to Sosua." - Where is the outskirts??

Thanks...My main girl Jenny won't even walk down the streets of Sosua with me. Sosua beach is also no good for her unless she is with family. For fear of being labeled a working girl. When outside of Sosua don't walk around with sex wanted tatood on you forehead. If she shows no interest thats my green light. Offer her dinner. Cabarette beach is very romantic for the nice non pro. The outscirts are anywhere outside of Sosua (can't tell all my secrets).

02-07-08, 21:45
"Alot of nice chicas can be had on the out scirts, that would never go to Sosua." - Where is the outskirts??


La Union, Montellano, Sabaneta.

02-07-08, 21:50
I was just thinking the same thing. I just want to verify the price structure(300 DR for 30 minutes that includes bbbj). It's nice knowing there are $9 bbbj options when it's rainy and have nothing else to do. Although that sounds a little low for dominican prices.

I would say don't be too excited about the looks of these ladies. Im sure everyone in sosua has been propositioned by one of them before. I would be curious to know if that is the going rate in most places or just from that chica.

The looks are mainly middle aged big tits/ass maid type. Im not trying to be offensive but it does give a good description of what you might have seen in america.

No, the 300 pesos for the half-hour massage is just to get you in there so that they can discuss further services in private. With BBBJ they will be looking for a tip of 500 pesos or more.

Not so long ago I had a girl give me a full massage, BBBJ, and shampoo, cut , and blow dry my hair too for 1000 pesos, not a bad deal. She was heavily pregnant so I was generous.

02-08-08, 00:21
No, the 300 pesos for the half-hour massage is just to get you in there so that they can discuss further services in private. With BBBJ they will be looking for a tip of 500 pesos or more.

Not so long ago I had a girl give me a full massage, BBBJ, and shampoo, cut , and blow dry my hair too for 1000 pesos, not a bad deal. She was heavily pregnant so I was generous.

800 pesos plus 200 more will get you an afternoon session in your hotel room. I guess it depends on how you want to get off that day.

02-08-08, 03:36
Of course the girls want a tip but I promised only a $6 tip if I got what I wanted-bare chested for me to play and a few bare bottomed also. How could I not? Also, the 2 spinners were about 20 years old and did not seem to have a lot of milage.

The MP is not condusive for full service. But to go in for a wake-up before lunch......YES. Full service was offered at one for 1000 but I didn't want it.

Don't expect any romance there but for a guy like me that judges the quality of my trip by how many sessions I do, it is a nice addition to be able to go there.

Professor 1
02-08-08, 16:34
I would say don't be too excited about the looks of these ladies. I realize that tastes vary; however, I found some very cute girls while there. I could kick myself for not asking out the dispatcher at the Puerto Plata fire station.

The looks are mainly middle aged big tits/ass maid type. I'm not trying to be offensive but it does give a good description of what you might have seen in america. You have to walk around. I met several 19 to 25, average build, smaller chest and rear types. In fact, I met a cute one at a Constitution Day picnic that I crashed in Costambar. As her boyfriend/husband/baby daddy had left her, I felt obligated to talk to her. There are cuties in Sosua. I saw one in the bar as I left the cab. I think that she used some Jedi mind trick on me, because I went right to her and we walked to Calypso from there.

Professor 1
02-08-08, 16:36
Cabarette beach is very romantic for the nice non pro. The outscirts are anywhere outside of Sosua (can't tell all my secrets).Thanks for the advice, Mr. Gogo. I shall use my timeshare exchange in Cabarette next time.

Mr Gogo
02-08-08, 20:17
Thanks for the advice, Mr. Gogo. I shall use my timeshare exchange in Cabarette next time.Your quite welcome. Check out Osheas, Casanova and their neighbors. All of these restaurants are on the beach. The non pro will love the ambience.

02-09-08, 20:03

Does someone know the name of chica in post 1875 picture mp641.jpg the one with clothes on. I wold like to see her face.


02-12-08, 21:55
She spots me with all my buddies, plants one on me, and I just about gag. Of course my buddies don't believe it, but I ask her to demonstate! They can't believe it! But Bold Focker gets a photo. But fuk, I already have a date. Just my luck. I have dreamed of her for months! We make out a little, but I must leave for my date. We return and my buddyfuker, Brian, has left with her. Oh well, perhaps another night. Today, I had to meet my #2 favorita, Leticia of Exedra, in Santo Domingo

02-13-08, 05:54
Viagra death.

El Caribe is reporting the death of American tourist XXXXXXXXXX, 74, who died in his hotel room in Cabarete after having sexual intercourse with 22-year old XXXXXXXXXX. Initial reports indicate that XXXXXX, who had only just met XXXXXX, had taken three Viagra pills, according to XXXXXX, "to satisfy her like a real man". It is thought that the pills caused XXXXXX to have a heart attack. XXXXXX, who said XXXXXX took the pills an hour before they engaged in sex, was detained for investigation. Police say they found various sexual stimulants in Hart's bedroom, as well as an unidentified quantity of dollars and personal documents.

Zip Head
02-15-08, 07:24
Just returned from my fourth or fifth (can't remember exactly) trip to Sosua. Hadn't been there in a year and a half and great to be back. I've been going to Thailand a lot the past few years and really enjoyed the short trip to the Dom Republic and not changing many time zones.

Check the photo section for some of my most recent pics.

Stayed at the Europa Plaza....I think this is a decent hotel for the money and very centrally located. Ask for a room towards the back away from the street for less street noise. I paid $45 a night cash for my room after a slight airline discount. Everything seemed to work in the room....good A/C, fan, plumbing, safe and TV.

Sosua seemed a bit quieter than usual, but still plenty of chicas around esp at night.

I do a bit of scuba diving there, so my routine was get up early for the first boat dive, then back to the room for a nooner. Good idea to collect chicas' phone numbers all week so you can call them mid-day or afternoon...if your phone doesn't work here get one from Orange for the week or few days you are here. All the chicas have cell phones!!

Sometimes I used the Calypso hotel (short time place; one hour is 300 RD (about $10 US). It's a bit crude but works for the purpose. FOCUS POINT: There are chicas who LIVE at the Calypso, often found hanging out there during the day....makes for one stop shopping. Mostly Haitian ladies but I happen to like them anyway. There are also a HUGE bunch of chicas who live in an apartment building right across from the Calypso hotel. You'll figure it out!

Now back to the beach for a training swim or just to lounge around the beach at Tony's Bar (my favorite) or rent a beach chair for a few hours.

Later in the afternoon, plenty of chicas are beginning to stroll the beach...single chicas in street clothes on the beach are basically available. Sometimes they stroll in twos or threes, but all are still available.

Daytime rates....around 1000-1500 RD. All of them will initially ask for "dos mil" (2000 RD) but will accept 1000-1500. Seems like during the daytime I could usually get them for 1000 RD. In the evening or night most likely 1500RD

As the afternoon ended, I returned to the Europa for a drink or another session with some chica, either a new pickup or one on my phone list.

I never do all nighters here (todo la noche).

A little bit of Spanish language goes a LONG way here, both just for friendly conversation and for negotiating.

Dinner at La Roca's (little expensive); also tried the Brittania restaurant and the Italian place right next to it...both very good.

Did two massages at La Passion and find that place to be OK for what it is. Decent little bar where you can check out the chicas and 1000RD for the basic massage which includes a BBBJ at the end. Use this place is you don't feel like negotiating and just want a quick release without much hassle. Some of the girls actually give a half decent massage!!

The classico disco is fun in the evening. Looks like the bar scene out of Star Wars sometimes....lots of weird women hanging all over the place in many shapes and sizes. I saw many more Haitian women, very beautiful and very deep black than I ever had before....also saw quite a few "chubby" ladies that I have never noticed in Sosua. I can only surmise that SOMEONE likes these chubby gals or they wouldn't be hanging around!! Something for everyone's taste, I suppose.

I generally DON't go for the stunners that I see....the "10" girls know what they look like and will generally not negotiate much and will often give a less than sterling performance. Just my opinion. I think the best bang for the buck are the chicas you might rate in the 6-8 zone; attractive but not gorgeous and a bit of personality.

Overall, I really enjoy Sosua for a few days. I wouldn't want to spend a couple weeks there but for a week or less is is near perfect.

I look forward to my next visit in 4-5 months.

02-15-08, 15:22
Zip, I enjoyed your report. Sounds like you had a good time and that is what it is all about. You are taking Sosua for what it is and enjoying it. You have the right attitude.

Good job.

02-15-08, 16:08
Just returned from my fourth or fifth (can't remember exactly) trip to Sosua. Hadn't been there in a year and a half and great to be back. I've been going to Thailand a lot the past few years and really enjoyed the short trip to the Dom Republic and not changing many time zones.

Check the photo section for some of my most recent pics.

Stayed at the Europa Plaza....I think this is a decent hotel for the money and very centrally located. Ask for a room towards the back away from the street for less street noise. I paid $45 a night cash for my room after a slight airline discount. Everything seemed to work in the room....good A/C, fan, plumbing, safe and TV.

Sosua seemed a bit quieter than usual, but still plenty of chicas around esp at night.

I do a bit of scuba diving there, so my routine was get up early for the first boat dive, then back to the room for a nooner. Good idea to collect chicas' phone numbers all week so you can call them mid-day or afternoon...if your phone doesn't work here get one from Orange for the week or few days you are here. All the chicas have cell phones!!

Sometimes I used the Calypso hotel (short time place; one hour is 300 RD (about $10 US). It's a bit crude but works for the purpose. FOCUS POINT: There are chicas who LIVE at the Calypso, often found hanging out there during the day....makes for one stop shopping. Mostly Haitian ladies but I happen to like them anyway. There are also a HUGE bunch of chicas who live in an apartment building right across from the Calypso hotel. You'll figure it out!

Now back to the beach for a training swim or just to lounge around the beach at Tony's Bar (my favorite) or rent a beach chair for a few hours.

Later in the afternoon, plenty of chicas are beginning to stroll the beach...single chicas in street clothes on the beach are basically available. Sometimes they stroll in twos or threes, but all are still available.

Daytime rates....around 1000-1500 RD. All of them will initially ask for "dos mil" (2000 RD) but will accept 1000-1500. Seems like during the daytime I could usually get them for 1000 RD. In the evening or night most likely 1500RD

As the afternoon ended, I returned to the Europa for a drink or another session with some chica, either a new pickup or one on my phone list.

I never do all nighters here (todo la noche).

A little bit of Spanish language goes a LONG way here, both just for friendly conversation and for negotiating.

Dinner at La Roca's (little expensive); also tried the Brittania restaurant and the Italian place right next to it...both very good.

Did two massages at La Passion and find that place to be OK for what it is. Decent little bar where you can check out the chicas and 1000RD for the basic massage which includes a BBBJ at the end. Use this place is you don't feel like negotiating and just want a quick release without much hassle. Some of the girls actually give a half decent massage!!

The classico disco is fun in the evening. Looks like the bar scene out of Star Wars sometimes....lots of weird women hanging all over the place in many shapes and sizes. I saw many more Haitian women, very beautiful and very deep black than I ever had before....also saw quite a few "chubby" ladies that I have never noticed in Sosua. I can only surmise that SOMEONE likes these chubby gals or they wouldn't be hanging around!! Something for everyone's taste, I suppose.

I generally DON't go for the stunners that I see....the "10" girls know what they look like and will generally not negotiate much and will often give a less than sterling performance. Just my opinion. I think the best bang for the buck are the chicas you might rate in the 6-8 zone; attractive but not gorgeous and a bit of personality.

Overall, I really enjoy Sosua for a few days. I wouldn't want to spend a couple weeks there but for a week or less is is near perfect.

I look forward to my next visit in 4-5 months.

Tony's bar is one of my favorites as well. He tends to play some really good salsa.

By the way does anyone know where to rent a bicycle in sosua ? The only place I could find was iguana moma in caberete but they want to hold onto my passport.

02-16-08, 16:30
Is there any bars in Sousa that have Karaoke - I know the old karaoke bar closed awhile back


02-17-08, 04:08
Is anyone on the board going to be at BB's or Sosua between 21 and 24 Feb? It'd be cool to meet some brethren!


02-17-08, 23:44
i must preface this tr with the fact that i have spent 25% of my time since mid 2004 in costa rica. that is a lot of 2 to 5 week trips. after the last trip in oct., i felt perhaps it was time for a change. san jose was getting too dangerous for me to be comfortable any longer.

so, in nov. i joined the crt boys in rio. wow! is all i can say. if the dollar had any value, i would go there every trip- but as it is now, i will not go as often as i like.

i planned to do medellin in jan. but airfare was too high for then. about this time i read a report on crt that a mp named passions has soapies. like in thailand. so i started doing some research on isg and came up with sosua- a small beach town on the north coast of dr. it’s only 746 miles from miami to puerto plata so travel is easy if the travel gods are kind to you. only 10 minute cab ride($20) to sosua beach hotels from the airport.

after the usual aa delays, i arrived at the hotel new garden at about 8pm. when i get out of the cab, an acquaintance from cr, skynard, is standing there. his last night though. hng is very chica friendly- has a pool, bar, and restaurant. the rooms are fine and $55/day. also, chicas hanging out here ready to deliver room service. some are very cute and flaca.

after unpacking i took a walk from one end of town to the other-less than 15 minutes. 3 chicas give me the eye as we cross paths. one sees me checking out her ass and comes back to me. yada, yada,yada…..1500($45) for completa? she says ok and i verify that she knows what completa means in rio. she says she knows and i give her the “te pago cuando terminado?” no problem this way in case she lied about completa.

the sex was pretty good and no rush w/bbbj but when i put it in her culo, i didn’t last too much longer. she asked if i was going to the beach the next day and i said yes and sent her on her way. obtw, it’s all on video.

ate at that irish sports bar next to rockys and it was good with cuties working there.

after that, went to the disco named classico’s. this place rocks. chicas on the sidewalk in front- lots- and chicas inside-lots. also, upstairs there is a large dance floor and 3 bars and lots of chicas. hung with skynard for a while and he introduced me to ernesto who owns a beach bar named “callate”(means shut up). it is #144 on the beach. this is where i spent many afternoons drinking cervesas and eating. no one has light beer on the beach but when i first asked for it, i settled for a regular presidente but by the time i finished it, ernesto had 2 6-packs of presidente light on ice for me. without me asking. he has menus from several restaurants for you to choose from and each day i had a super chicken soup as only latinos can make, and a fruit salad. he is a great guy and has a wealth of information about sosua he will share with you. tell him jeff says hello.

the next morning i went to find the beach and instead of making a left at the corner, i crossed it. a chica starts hawking at me to come over to the storefront she is standing in. i do and she says “you want a massage for 300 pesos”? and starts rolling her tongue inside her cheek. well, she was not my type for fs, but for $9 i think she was good enough for a bj. i say “sin condom”? si,s i, con propina. ok. very good bbbjcim. $15 with tip.

i hit the beach and run into the chica from the night before. i buy her a beer while i eat lunch and she is doing her gfe routine but i tell her that i don’t want sex now. i’m going to the mercado to buy food and drinks for the hotel refridgerator. she says no problem she would like to walk with me. all the time she is holding my hand even tho i don’t like that. i think when a 60 year old holds hands in public with an 18 year old, he is just begging for people to think of him as a friggin idiot. well, anyway, she doesn’t have a purse or anything so while we are shopping she is helping find what i’m looking for and she has a box of matches and says hold this and puts it into my front pocket of my shorts.

she then goes off to look for the fruit salad that i can’t find. a few minutes go by and she is gone and i smell a rat. i reach into my pocket and my money is gone. about $100. stupid me! i even knew she was in my pocket but i was busy trying to read a label and just wasn’t even suspicious. of course i never saw her again. the hng checks cedulars but they don’t record them. take a lesson here guys. i did.

things got a lot better that night at classicos. i met this young cutie in sexy yellow dress. dark skin and very hot. long and flaca with large naturals that had no sag. maybe 20 but maybe less. excellent service for 2k-about $60. i didn’t try to get her for less because…..why bother. this girl naked was a 9.5.

next morning i went back to the mp & had my wake up. a little chunky but as good a bj as the other chica the day before. when i leave, i walk across the street and there is another mp with a girl that i liked the way she looked better. same deal also so i said i would be back.

go back to the hotel and hang out by the pool with my laptop. wi fi worked around the pool but not in the room. 2 chicas are working me hard and they look good so i say that i don’t want sex right now. i’ll give you 500 to take naked pics and they say each? ok let’s go.

that night at classicos i scored another drop dead beauty with very large naturals. not as flaca as the other, but not chunky either. again, i didn’t flinch when she said 2k. this was mlk weekend and there were a lot of gringos in town and this was my first trip there. next trip i will negotiate more. again bbbj and very good fs. no rush, no asking for propina, caliente.

met a guy from jersey-jim, that lived in the same condo development as i live in now in the u.s. a good guy. also was buying drinks for a white haitiana. she spoke very good english and i loved listening to her accent. i didn’t want sex at that time and i told her. i did enjoy her company though. classicos closes at 2am and everyone goes to the casino as that is the only open bar until 5am i think.

my friend has a car so i ask her if she wants to ride with us instead of the motoconchos that is the standard taxi for sosua. they are 125cc motorbikes that 3 people ride on. it is not as weird as you think- after trying it. she asks us to stop at her apt. to change her shoes but can’t get in as there is no key available.

my intention is that she look for other tricks (as she calls us) but mostly she is hanging with me. she knew i had only maybe 600 or 700 pesos on me so i didn’t go into the disco there as there was a cover charge. i gave her 300 or 400 to play the nickel slots.

about 4am jim and i are ready to leave and i told her we are going, do you want a ride home? she comes with us and i expect her to be dropped off. they are speaking in spanish and the next thing i know, we are at hng and she gets out with me. a freebie! she probably can’t get into her apt.

well, 90 minutes of caliente sex and it is sleep time. a couple hours of sleep and it is wake-up sex. not bad at all. she gets dressed and gets ready to leave. that’s when i hear “you give me my money now.”

what could i say? so i said,”1500?” i thought she said 2k so i get it from the safe. she says, “i said 2500.” i give her the $75. it was worth it and since we didn’t negotiate, what was the sense of saying anything. we are not talking a lot of money.

i saw her every night and enjoyed buying her and once or twice her friends, a drink. i had no intention of doing anyone a second time and her reaction to that was “if i don’t trick you, i will trick someone else.” a real sweetie with a great attitude.

later that day, i went to passions for my soapie. for 1300, you get soaped up and she uses her body to rub your body. after that, you get a bbbjcim. during the bj, i had my finger in her culo and when we finished, she had as much leche running down her leg as i did. ya gotta love these girls.

i really wanted naomi for the soapie, but she said she was infirme and didn’t want to do it. she is stunningly gorgeous. lots of good talent there but i think there fs is high priced.

that night, i couldn’t make up my mind as to who it was going to be. possible no one. when classicos closes, a cutie from puerto plata catches my eye. i say 1500 completa. let’s go. fs with lot of energy and took it up the wazoo like a champ. slept a few hours and had a wake-up then adios.

went over to the other mp for carolina. she was a lot of fun. got naked for pics, tossed my salad, titty phuck, bbbjcim. very energetic and happy. happy to have a customer. not fat but a little chunk. nice ta-tas.

that night i took someone from the disco that i was sorry for. in the dark she looked better and even tho she was completa, i wish i would have gone with the one my friend had recommended. putas can be like a box of chocolates…..

next day i went back to where carolina works and went with a different girl. this one was very cute and flaca. claimed to be 24 but i thought younger. no pics sin ropas but with ropas. she is very cute. great small boobs and nice round butt. all on a small frame with perfect skin. next trip i will get her off premises. during my bbbj, i start rubbing her clit and this makes her need to [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134). she takes out a 3 qt. bucket and [CodeWord133] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord133) in it right there. can you imagine a gringa doing that. 300 + 300 propina.

that night, an ex-pat i had become friendly with introduced me to a teenage hottie at the disco. very cute flaca and up for anything. 2k requested and agreed to. she seemed very happy to have work. security at the hotel would not let her in without a cedula so she left to go get it and came back and all was a go. and we went. i will call her when i return 3/5.

next up was a hot looking chica i saw on the sidewalk in front of classicos. nice face and good body-not flaca but not chunky either. what caught my eye was a nice rack. agreed on 2k and photos but in the room she was not happy to see the camera.

it went downhill fast. only would allow a few pics with ropas. when she got naked, i couldn’t believe how big she was. too big as they sagged. oh well- still fun to play with. she insisted on a covered bj. the only one i had in sosua. little willie just was not happy with this turn of events. she tried hard to make him happy but it was not to be. she agreed to some naked pics with her face covered and i sent her on her way. no big deal- you can’t bat a thousand.

when i would go to the atm at banco popular i would walk past a very young looking flaca in a mp. this time when i saw her i thought i would check her out. well, as i stopped, an older woman there- probably her boss, tells her to show me the massage table. she says 4oo, i say 300. ok. no condom bj. si. i say no ropas on top. she says200 propina. bueno.

it was really more of a hj with a little chupa. but what perfect little titties. i thought playing with them was great. i touched her pussy and said that i wanted her to come to my hotel for that. her reply was “no, i am a virgin.” maybe when i go back, she won’t be a virgin any more.

later, i met a dark skinned hottie at the disco. tall and flaca. perfect for me. beautiful smooth creamy skin. she looked so good naked. beautiful poosie too. very good session but i don’t remember if it was 1500 or 2k.

one afternoon i met this gorgeous flaca with big naturals at the pool of the hotel. i got her name and phone number as she was with another guy at the time. well, i’m leaving wed, so tuesday afternoon i’m hanging at ernesto’s on the beach and i call her and set up a meet at 4:30 at the hotel for 1500.

i went back to the hotel and asked the owner to send her to my room when she arrives. i am in the shower and i see her on the catwalk approaching my door. i tell her to come in the door is open. she looks great. she wants the money first and as she is so young i think she is just nervous that i won’t pay her. she wants 2k and i say we agreed on 1500 but i give it to her and then realize that this is not the girl that i called. she just happened to be walking by when i called her in.

the sex with her was off the charts. she loved my little bullet vibrator. i traded her an old camera worth not too much for a tln. after 5 hours of sex, i wanted us to go to the disco. i had plans to meet friends i had made and wanted to say goodbye. she didn’t want to go, even though i bought her a dress to wear there. she wanted to sleep- typical teenager. she told me to go while she slept but i didn’t want to leave her alone in the room so i told her to go home because i wanted to go to the disco. she said she would come back in the morning for free if she could get someone to care for her baby. i wasn’t holding my breath. one more leche and adios.

i really liked this girl and made the mistake of giving her my phone number. of course, after a few calls to florida, she asks for a favor- dinero, and i told her flat out no. “but why not” she asks. “because i’m not stupid,” i answer. she stopped calling me. i will call her when i’m there and i bet she will phuck me like her ass is on fire for less money than if i sent her some.

check out is noon and i have till 4 to leave for the airport so i leave my luggage at hng and head to passions for a few hours. i went with naomi this time for the 1k massage and bbbj. she still wasn’t 100% feeling good and it showed. no problem, i was running on empty from the night before anyway.

go back to the hng, and wilfred checks on my flight. it shows my flight to mia on time but the flight from mia is delayed. it’s the same plane so i stay there waiting instead of the airport. first delay-30 minutes. then 60. then 2 hours. then cancelled!

there are no rooms at hng so i check into plaza europa-$55. a little farther from the beach and disco but still walking distance without a chica. the rooms are gigantic- in fact you are to far from the tv to see it when in bed. small fridge and stove also. nice pool area with jacuzzi.

i hung with friends at the disco but i was pissed about the flight so i just wasn’t in the mood to pull one. i blew off a few that i had been with and later regretted it.

next morning another bj and went to the ernesto’s. he told me how cheap cell phones were there. since i know i will be back several times, i walked over to the orange store next to the banco popular and got a cell phone with 100 prepaid minutes for 600k($18). now i have a local number so no more waiting on chicas! as i do in cr, any chica i make a date with, i tell to call when you are on your way. i hate waiting on chicas that don’t show.

one more bj and i’m good to go. plane is on time and aa gave me 10,000 miles for my hassles.

obtw, i enjoyed la roca restaurant and also the german one a few doors away from the disco. several times i had the frajitas there. also enjoyed the shark bar food. good place to hand out.

the beach has girls on the program in the afternoon. make sure that they have cedulars. many are ****. don’t even think about it. besides, they must show id to get into a hotel. there is a “love motel” but why bother?
there is so much legal poosie that will keep you busy.

02-18-08, 00:21

Great report dude! Reminds me of some of my handiwork!


Puta Romeo
02-18-08, 06:11
Great report Scuba Scum, sounds like you had a great trip.

Cesar Luis
02-18-08, 08:29
Well I just got back from my first trip to Sosua. It took me some time to actually get infront of the pc and write this report but here it goes.

Well after reading the forum for about 3 months me and my brother decided to take the trip to DR. I have a friend who usually comes to sosua 3 times a year, and was always bragging about all the good times that he has here. So we booked Jetblue for 350 bucks round trip from NYC. Not bad I would have to say and the service is great. Well got to puerto plata around 3:30pm on Friday feb 8. It was great, nice and hot all green all over the place. I am very fluent in espanol so finding a taxi to take us to sosua was not a problem. Me and my bro for $20 not bad. The guy wanted 30 but I said no way and told him the most I would give him was 20, he agreed and off we went to one of my best trips ever.

We got to casa cayena in 10 mins and went to check in. Before going inside the hotel we saw this two hot looking girls across the street from the hotel and my bro was like. Yo lets goooo get some. I told him to hold on, that we had to get a room first. To my sorpresa there were no room available untill the next day. Man I was soooo pist so we had to take a walk to the next hotel, which was new gardens which was full too. Now I was getting real pisst off. So I took out my little map that I had printed out from here. And found my way to the europa plaza. Finally rooms, I was so happy to finally find a hotel with available rooms ($55 day). Got two rooms next to the jacuzzi which was great. The hotel it is not bad at all. I had heard some bad things about it but nooo it was cool. If you walk outside to the right there was a bar always with girls and nice people to have a presidente and a nice conversation. Across the street from the europa were the motoconchos always asking if you wanted to take a ride.

It was around 5PM and after having a nice chat with one of the guys that works in the hotel we decided to hit La Passion. Sosua is a small town very hard to get lost in and alot of friendly people always looking to help you out. So we walked to la passion, about 5 mins from the europa. Finally got there and saw all the girls jejejeje. Was given a menu with all the prices. This was some funny menu, but anyways. We was drinking with the senoritas. One presidente, 2, 3, 4. 10 wow now we was F. Ed up. I remember that I didn't have any food since the last night so we order some burgers from the place next door. I was already too drunk to do much. Well the girls kept talking how weird it was too see to guys that spoke spanish around all the gringos and eurpean men in the town. Some funny things they talked behind the one's that didn't speak spanish. But anyways back to the report. After checking out the girls I decided to take a shampoo massage with short semi dark girl whose name I recall was carmen. She was muy bonita, but was not happy about the shampoo massage cause it was gonna mess her well treated hair. Well we got in and wow was she hot. Gave me a nice massage, first with oil and after with shampoo. She rubbed her naked body against mine which felt great. I was soo drunk and happy that I didn't care. I was in heaven. Well it was time for the BBBJ. It was great. She kept on looking at me and said "papi dame toda tu leche" which means daddy give me all your milk. She did the best she could but I was way too drunk and just couldn't finish the act. She got very mad and said that this happens alot with guys that drink too much and that she always likes to make her clients happy. I didn't care that I didn't finish. The whole experience was great. Well we went back to the hotel. Got in the jacuzzi and had me a redbull. Relaxed untill 9pm and when to the room to get ready for clasicos.

After a cold shower I was ready for clasicos. Only thing was that I had this bad headache. So me and my bro went to look for a pharmacy. Walking around the town was great. All the girls would give you a look, some would call you to the bars, other would touch my hair and say things in spanish. I would just say Hi and walk away. I didn't want anything untill I saw clasicos. Well got to the pharmacy and got some advil. While buying water to take the advil 4 girls walk into the store and start the talk. One of them says to her cousen. Mira este papi me lo como yo. "look this papi I will eat". Sound better in spanish. Well she was talking about my bro. He really didn't like the girl but felt inlove with her cousen. She was hotttttt. Well he tries to get her to the hotel but she says that she needs to go home and take care of some things first, but she would be in clasicos later on. My bro says. "I can't wait" so we go to the hotel and drink a presidente on the bar next to the jacuzzi. The girl at the bar is very bonita and my bro starts making conversation. But this is another story for day 2 or 3. Well we finally walk to clasicos around 11pm. Sooooooooooo many girls wow. We sat at the bar downstairs and drink a presidente. Before I finish my first presidente two girl have already hit on me. I nicely say no thank you. So we see finally lot of girls going upstairs. So upstairs we go. You Have to pay 100 pesos to get in but you get a ticket for a free beer. More girls upstairs. So we make our ways and just check all the girls. Wow there are some many girls all shapes all sizes. My friend who recomended sousa said. "bro do not take any girls home for more than 1500 pesos. So I had this in the back of my mind. I guess he was talking about the 4's 5's and 6's cause the 7's to 10 always wanted 3000pesos to which I always said No gracias mami, too much. So my bro finally found his girl from the pharmacy. She wanted 3000 but said ok to 2000 but only for few hours. I could of had a girl for 2500 but she said she would go tell her sister she was leaving and I guess some other guy gave her the 3000 cause later I saw her with some 50 year old man. I am not old 28 years of age. 170pounds and not bad looking. So my guess is that this guy just gave her whatever she asked. So the club was closing and I didn't have me a girl. So I was about to go to the hotel alone but on the way down this girl who had been looking at me all night. Grabbed my hand and finally said something to me. I told her I was going back to my hotel. She says can I go with you. And I say so you want 3000 too. She says how much can you give me. So I think about this for a min and say 2000 TLN she looks happy hold my hand hand and says lets go papi.

Walking to the hotel I see my bro ahead of me with this great looking girl. And I wonder man I should of gave the first smoking girl which was a 10 in my book the 3000. But hell I had a ok girl and I didn't think I did so bad for my first night in sosua. The girl was great. Treated me like I was her man. Did everything and even let me take some pics. Not bad for my first night. Well am posting some pics hope you guys like it. Manana if I can I will post DAY 2.

Which was even better.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

02-18-08, 09:29
OBTW, it’s all on video. Is the girl who picked your pocket the same one you got on video the night before? If so, is it possible to post a pic of her so we all know who should be avoided?

02-18-08, 17:13

Do you have a photo of the thief?

Mr Well
02-18-08, 19:10
Dear experts!

I have been in Santo Domingo before, but never in Sosua. What is the best hotel in that area? It should of course be girlfriendly and it should have axcess too internet. Wireless. Of course it is a stupid question. But still I have to ask.

Sunset Strip
02-18-08, 19:42
Dear experts!

I have been in Santo Domingo before, but never in Sosua. What is the best hotel in that area? It should of course be girlfriendly and it should have axcess too internet. Wireless. Of course it is a stupid question. But still I have to ask.

There is a thread specifically for Sosua hotels.
There is also a list of all the Sosua hotels on that thread.


Madd Love
02-18-08, 20:29
Well I just got back from my first trip to Sosua. It took me some time to actually get infront of the pc and write this report but here it goes.

Well after reading the forum for about 3 months me and my brother decided to take the trip to DR. I have a friend who usually comes to sosua 3 times a year, and was always bragging about all the good times that he has here. So we booked Jetblue for 350 bucks round trip from NYC. Not bad I would have to say and the service is great. Well got to puerto plata around 3:30pm on Friday feb 8. It was great, nice and hot all green all over the place. I am very fluent in espanol so finding a taxi to take us to sosua was not a problem. Me and my bro for $20 not bad. The guy wanted 30 but I said no way and told him the most I would give him was 20, he agreed and off we went to one of my best trips ever.

We got to casa cayena in 10 mins and went to check in. Before going inside the hotel we saw this two hot looking girls across the street from the hotel and my bro was like. Yo lets goooo get some. I told him to hold on, that we had to get a room first. To my sorpresa there were no room available untill the next day. Man I was soooo pist so we had to take a walk to the next hotel, which was new gardens which was full too. Now I was getting real pisst off. So I took out my little map that I had printed out from here. And found my way to the europa plaza. Finally rooms, I was so happy to finally find a hotel with available rooms ($55 day). Got two rooms next to the jacuzzi which was great. The hotel it is not bad at all. I had heard some bad things about it but nooo it was cool. If you walk outside to the right there was a bar always with girls and nice people to have a presidente and a nice conversation. Across the street from the europa were the motoconchos always asking if you wanted to take a ride.

It was around 5PM and after having a nice chat with one of the guys that works in the hotel we decided to hit La Passion. Sosua is a small town very hard to get lost in and alot of friendly people always looking to help you out. So we walked to la passion, about 5 mins from the europa. Finally got there and saw all the girls jejejeje. Was given a menu with all the prices. This was some funny menu, but anyways. We was drinking with the senoritas. One presidente, 2, 3, 4. 10 wow now we was F. Ed up. I remember that I didn't have any food since the last night so we order some burgers from the place next door. I was already too drunk to do much. Well the girls kept talking how weird it was too see to guys that spoke spanish around all the gringos and eurpean men in the town. Some funny things they talked behind the one's that didn't speak spanish. But anyways back to the report. After checking out the girls I decided to take a shampoo massage with short semi dark girl whose name I recall was carmen. She was muy bonita, but was not happy about the shampoo massage cause it was gonna mess her well treated hair. Well we got in and wow was she hot. Gave me a nice massage, first with oil and after with shampoo. She rubbed her naked body against mine which felt great. I was soo drunk and happy that I didn't care. I was in heaven. Well it was time for the BBBJ. It was great. She kept on looking at me and said "papi dame toda tu leche" which means daddy give me all your milk. She did the best she could but I was way too drunk and just couldn't finish the act. She got very mad and said that this happens alot with guys that drink too much and that she always likes to make her clients happy. I didn't care that I didn't finish. The whole experience was great. Well we went back to the hotel. Got in the jacuzzi and had me a redbull. Relaxed untill 9pm and when to the room to get ready for clasicos.

After a cold shower I was ready for clasicos. Only thing was that I had this bad headache. So me and my bro went to look for a pharmacy. Walking around the town was great. All the girls would give you a look, some would call you to the bars, other would touch my hair and say things in spanish. I would just say Hi and walk away. I didn't want anything untill I saw clasicos. Well got to the pharmacy and got some advil. While buying water to take the advil 4 girls walk into the store and start the talk. One of them says to her cousen. Mira este papi me lo como yo. "look this papi I will eat". Sound better in spanish. Well she was talking about my bro. He really didn't like the girl but felt inlove with her cousen. She was hotttttt. Well he tries to get her to the hotel but she says that she needs to go home and take care of some things first, but she would be in clasicos later on. My bro says. "I can't wait" so we go to the hotel and drink a presidente on the bar next to the jacuzzi. The girl at the bar is very bonita and my bro starts making conversation. But this is another story for day 2 or 3. Well we finally walk to clasicos around 11pm. Sooooooooooo many girls wow. We sat at the bar downstairs and drink a presidente. Before I finish my first presidente two girl have already hit on me. I nicely say no thank you. So we see finally lot of girls going upstairs. So upstairs we go. You Have to pay 100 pesos to get in but you get a ticket for a free beer. More girls upstairs. So we make our ways and just check all the girls. Wow there are some many girls all shapes all sizes. My friend who recomended sousa said. "bro do not take any girls home for more than 1500 pesos. So I had this in the back of my mind. I guess he was talking about the 4's 5's and 6's cause the 7's to 10 always wanted 3000pesos to which I always said No gracias mami, too much. So my bro finally found his girl from the pharmacy. She wanted 3000 but said ok to 2000 but only for few hours. I could of had a girl for 2500 but she said she would go tell her sister she was leaving and I guess some other guy gave her the 3000 cause later I saw her with some 50 year old man. I am not old 28 years of age. 170pounds and not bad looking. So my guess is that this guy just gave her whatever she asked. So the club was closing and I didn't have me a girl. So I was about to go to the hotel alone but on the way down this girl who had been looking at me all night. Grabbed my hand and finally said something to me. I told her I was going back to my hotel. She says can I go with you. And I say so you want 3000 too. She says how much can you give me. So I think about this for a min and say 2000 TLN she looks happy hold my hand hand and says lets go papi.

Walking to the hotel I see my bro ahead of me with this great looking girl. And I wonder man I should of gave the first smoking girl which was a 10 in my book the 3000. But hell I had a ok girl and I didn't think I did so bad for my first night in sosua. The girl was great. Treated me like I was her man. Did everything and even let me take some pics. Not bad for my first night. Well am posting some pics hope you guys like it. Manana if I can I will post DAY 2.

Which was even better.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Great Report!!!!!!
I had a similar experience my first time there. But I stayed at BB's.
can't wait to go back. Maybe I'll stay in Sousua instead of BB's.

Cesar Luis
02-18-08, 20:51
Mad Love,

I loved reading the reports that some guys post here and took great notes from all. I hope mine can give a few pointers. Some times I just sit at work and wait for someone to post report about their experience in other parts of the worl. ScubaBuM your report was great too. I am trying to find a way to scape my girlfriend and head to sosua again in June or July. I will post day two tonite if I get back from work early. I will be going to Lima Peru this Friday for 10 days. I hope I can bring more great stories too.

02-19-08, 04:07
Cesar Luis,

Where did you guys find the girl in the first picture? She's f***ing hot!! What's her name?


Cesar Luis
02-19-08, 08:40
Cesar Luis,

Where did you guys find the girl in the first picture? She's f***ing hot!! What's her name?

RodeoJust walking around sosua. I needed an advil from all the beer I had that day. My head was pounding so we took a walk. When we got to the pharmacy, 4 girls walked in and one of the girls is the girl in the pic. They just started talking in spanish about how much one of the girls liked my bro, but he only had eyes for the girl in the pic. I wouldn't blame him she is hot. Hotter in person. And a lovely girl to hang out with. We told her that we was going to clasicos later on that night. She met with us there. I can't remember her name but if you ever go to clasicos you might just bump into her. Please do not tell her you saw her pic in this website. She is very nice took me out to the dance floor when I was mad that I couldn't get one of those hot hot girl to go home with me for less than 2000 pesos. The next night I learned my lesson. Took a hot hot tamale hot to the bones girl with me to the hotel and I didn't care about the price. I will talk about her in Day 2 of my trip. I just got home. I bumped into an ex girlfriend of mine and we went for drinks so I don't feel in the mood to write. Sorry I can't remember her name. I didn't bang her. My bro did.


Cesar Luis
02-19-08, 10:18
Well I was going to bed but for some reason I just can't sleep maybe is the coronas I had just an hour ago. But anyways back to day two of my trip to sosua.

Well I can't really sleep. Is 4AM in the morning and I just finish having sex for the 3rd time with the girl from my first night in sosua. She really took all the Leche out of me. She is very tired and goes to sleep. I am just laying there naked on the other side of the bed just thinking Damn I just had me some great sex. Well I am very unconfortable about having this girl I just met sleep in my bed so I just can't find a way for me to fall sleep. I am pretty sure alot of guys went through this. But anyways. I finally fall sleep around 6am.

Wake up at 9am I don't really feel like waking the girl up for a quicky. So I get up and go take a shower. When I come out she is awake and asks what time is it. I tell her that it is around 9am so she tell me that she needs to go and take care of I don't know what. I don't care cause I still have this bad hang over from the night before. I go to the safe take the 2000 pesos and say bye. She gives me a kiss and says hope to see you tonite.

Well it is around 11am I go and wake my brother up. Time to go get something to eat. So we finally get out of the hotel and it is around 12:30 pm. It is lunch time. We decide that is would be fun to eat at the beach. On the way out of the hotel we can see some girls getting out of the hotel with a face that said everthing. They got banged reallll bad. Well it is funny seeing all this girls getting on the motoconchos like they never slept the whole night. At this time there are girls already working the streets. It is amazing how this small town has all these hard working women. So I ask one of the guys that works in the hotel how do I get to the beach from there. He says just walk straight down the street like if you was going to clasicos. At the end you have to make a left and you will pass all those little places where they try to get you to buy stuff. Since am in california I just can't buy nothing that says Santo domingo, so I just say thank you but no and just keep on walking. This guys can really work you hard but all you have to say is "no gracias" and keep on walking. Don't stop if you stop they will think you might wanna buy something, and that is the end for you. So we manage to get to the beach. What A beautifull place. Finally find a decent place to eat I can't remember the number cause all this small bars and restaurants have numbers but it is around the 50's. We eat and the food is very good (600 pesos beer soda food and a nice conversation with the guy that serves).

It is about 2 or 3pm and we are ready to hit the water. Guy from the restaurant recomends his friend to rent the chairs and tent at the beach. All together around 900 pesos. Another guys comes over and asks if we want to go scubadiving. Why not. 25 dollars. So after the swim and the scuba we are tired and it is around 5pm drink some presidentes. Met a group of guys from the Bronx. Shared some tips and stories with one of the guys, he was cool. He told me this was his 40 trip to sosua, he has been coming here since the year 2000. Wow now that is what I call a real monger LOL. We are tired now and it around 6pm and we walk back to the hotel. Around this time lots of bars open, lots of girls around the streets. Some girls start calling "hey papi", we say thank you but we are tired. You walk and the girls are giving you the eye. Some are more agresive than others. But at the end we make it back to the hotel. We go into the jacuzzi and have a redbull. So my brother wants to go to La passion again. I really don't wanna go back but hey I can't leave my bro alone. So we take a shower and make our way to la passion. Same girls from the day before. Nothing new. We have two presidentes and out the door we go. We go back to the hotel and see girls go in with guys and girls coming out, some funny Sh. T. So we meet two brother from philly they here fishing if you know what I mean, but really fishing for Women. LOL. So we go to the bar next to the europa and have another presidente. One of the brothers tells me that she usually sits there and looks to find a girl before 8pm do the nasty and than goes and he parties all night. So it is around 8pm and we head back to the hotel to get ready for clasicos. Before I take a shower I call my GF to say whats up and everything is good here in california. Call from a Cell phone I rented in the hotel (600 pesos with lot of mins) last me all trip. Well my bro is sitting outside the hotel and he sees the girl from night before pass with another friend. He doesnt waste any time and off they go for a Bang. So I have nothing to do untill 10pm. I sit outside but none of the girl I see really turn me on. So I just sit outside and drink my presidente. Finally is 11pm and off we go to clasicos. Before entering clasicos we hit Latinos which is ok but way too many dominicanos and haitians. So off we go to clasicos. Place is packed again lot and lots of girl. This place is heaven but come early so you can be selective and choose the victim for the night. So we do our rounds and find many 7's 8's and some 10's. There is this girl that I saw the night before but this time she is alone so I walk up to her and ask her if I can buy her a beer. She tells me that she would stay with me and chill but that she would not drink. She has a bad headache. In my mind am saying this girl is super hot but if I go home with her and she is feeling the way she is feeling now, I won't have a good time. So I nicely say thanks but no thanks and go on my way. There is this other girl that is giving me the eye but I don't like her I like her friend so I tell her I want to go home with her friend. She tell me that her friend already has a boyfriend for the night but that I might be able to get her later on that night at the casino. So I say ok maybe and I go on my way.

So me and my bro are standing close to the door that heads downstairs and some girl comes up to me and tell me "hey you see my friend overthere, she likes you and would like it if you would hang out with her. Her friend had a smoking body with an ass that can compete with JLO but her face is average.

I tell her that I already have a girl with me that night and that maybe some other night. So it is around 1am and me and my bro finally find our Kill for the night. Two girls. Smoking hot. The girl I choose is Ingrid. Beautifull golden hair. Not dark and not white. Perfect in the the middle. Wonderfull tits and a great ass to go with that pretty face of her. So we negotiate and close the deal at 2000 pesos for couple of hours. I didn't drink as much as I did the first night so I was ready for everything. Got to the room and she looks very shy. So I asked her if she wanted me to buy her a beer. She says ok and off I go to the bar that is inside the hotel. So we are drinking our presidentes and she is telling me her story. She says this is her first time in sosua. She has done this in santiago a couple of times but very few times. Tells me she has a baby girl and that she works to buy milk fo the baby. She is also in college and wants to get something out of life. She made me feel very comfortable. We finish our beer and I tell her that I am taking a shower. And ask if she wants to join. She says no thank you. So I come out of the shower and she is in bed with only her panties on. Wow amazing body.

I am ready to cum and I haven't even touched this girl. So she starts touching me. Kissing my neck my chest, my body. Wow she is amazing. So it is my turn I lay her flat in the bed and start kissing those great tits. They get very hard real fast and I start touching her down there. I tell her hey your panties are getting really wet. She looks at me and gives me that look again like she is shy. So I kiss her breast and neck and she starts kissing me in the mouth and am like wow wow this wasnt plan but heck am in the mood right now I just don't care. She is really worked on now and moans very hard. Finally she tells me to stop cause she won't be able to take it anymore. She starts to kiss me and down she goes for one of my best BBBJ of all my life. She is so good that I ask if I can make a small video. She says NOOOOO. I ask for pics. She says NOOO. I don't want to make her mad so I don't push the subject. So she asks for the comdon and offf we go. First me on top, second doggy wow what a great asss she has. She is screaming and holding her hand at the end of the bed. I can feel her cuming and we relax for a min. I tell her I am not done yet. She tells me Si papi I know but give me a min to cach my breath. So she turns arond and plants herself. I am looking at her back and her ass just going up and down and that ass looks like a heart <3 and I just can't take it anymore. Wow. Greattt sex for the second night. We rest fot a couple of mins and her friends calls and says that she is ready to go. I give her the money and she tells me to walk her out the hotel. Outside she tell me that she is going to the casino and would love it if I see her there later. Gives me a kiss and off she goes. I go inside take a shower and off I am to the casino. To make the story short. I bring her back to my room again that night for an extra 1000 pesos and again another great bang. She told me that she was going back to santiago in the morning and did not know when she was coming back. Again walked her out kissed me in the mouth again and said that she hopes to see me again someday. God meeee too. Well folks it is time for bed. Hopefully manana I will post day 3 with some more pics I have around.

To all Good night

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Ben Hur
02-19-08, 13:31
@ScubaBum and @Cesar Luis

Thanks to you two for the great report and hope to read some more of them.
Its good that you enjoy your stay in Sosua and im sure you will have more fun again.

Hope to see more pics here.

I look forward to go there again for hole April. Will do some work, learn some more Spanish and of course have fun with girls there. I being there several time, but till now I haven't had any massage at Passion, but it was on my plan always.


Don Ben

02-19-08, 15:47
Cesar Luis,

Where did you guys find the girl in the first picture? She's f***ing hot!! What's her name?


The girl in the first picture can sometimes be found at the new garden hotel. I had a really good session with her last time I was there.

She also walks around pedro clisante during the day.

Victor Lazlo
02-20-08, 02:53
San Jose was getting too dangerous for me to be comfortable any longer.ScubaBum, would you mind elaborating on this statement a bit? I've been to Sosua many times, but never to San Jose. I have read some things on the CR forum about increasing security risks in SJ.

How did you feel about your security in Sosua as opposed to SJ? (That pick-pocketing notwithstanding, I don't think you were in any physical danger).

Also, any thoughts on the differences in the mongering experience between the two places? Thanks in advance for any insights.

02-20-08, 04:26
Since I have been in CR so much, I prefer to stay in apartments such as Sudamer or Morazon Apts. It is different than staying at the hotels where you can hop into a cab instantly and security is always there.

Also, I like to walk everywhere and I am very used to Tico barrios. When I lived with a Nica novia, I was comfortable in La Carpio where someone gets shot daily. I might have been ignorant to the danger, but I felt part of family and didn't want to embarass myself or the family by distancing myself from their way of life. Actually, I came away enriched by the experience.

My last trip to CR in Oct., made me feel that I was on borrowed time as to my safety.

At 3:50 pm on a Sat. afternoon, I came out of the Sportsmans Lodge and at the corner ran into an old Gringo with a .357 held against his head while he was emptying his pockets. His "date," was Anna (who many guys know from Idem-now at SL) and she was fending off a guy trying to get her pocketbook. 2 guys sat in a car next to this.

That night, at 1:30 am, a 23 yo chica took 4 bullets in her stomach in front of the front entrance to Key Largo.

On Tuesday, 2 men and a Del Rey chica were murdered in Escazu-an upscale Gringo barrio. One of the guys was in a regular poker game with a friend of mine.

Thursday of that week, another shooting at El Pueblo.

I just can't get that incident with the gun out of my mind and felt it was time for a change. I miss the CRT boys alot but........

San Jose is still a great mongering place. New low priced MPs are opening and there are about 300 places to get laid from under $10 (for the brazen) to $50 in addition to the Del Rey.

Of course, a lot of guys are going there now but it is still fun. Don't go around American or Tico holidays though.

Sosua to me is a breath of fresh air. Literally. The air in SJ is the worst I ever breathed. It is in a valley and the bus fumes are bad. Also, Sosua has the beach and beautiful girls willing to go for $45 or $60.

Classicos to me is better than the Del Rey, but SJ has the MPs and the full service strip bars where you can get a hottie for $20 or a little more. Lots of places like that. It's fun to go on tours of those places with groups of guys.

I walked around Sosua at 3-4am by myself and did not feel nervous. In SJ, you must be on your guard at 10am.

I hope that answers your questions and thanks for asking. I needed to get that off my chest.

02-20-08, 04:37
She looked a little better after a lot of cervesas. Missing a couple of front teeth should have clued me in but what can I say?

02-20-08, 05:18
Sorry to block their faces but I plan on going back in 2 weeks.

02-20-08, 06:01
Nice pics, those flaca chicas are the best. Nipples like erasers. Can' t wait to spread the wealth there in two months. Pics are class ass.

02-20-08, 23:51

I was really excited to read these recent reports. Thanks man.

They really add to the anticipation of my upcoming trip.

Thanks to all of the past not so recent posters as well. I have been putting in the time R'ingTFF and am really psyched.

I have a good deal of nightlife experience in Jamaica and Thailand. How is the general 'hustle' in the DR? Is it comparable to Jamaica with regular vendors really hawking and the presence of the occasional intimidating figure or like in Thailand where you can brush people off with ease?

I'm kind of picturing it as what ko samui was like around 2001. Any insight on that?

What is the dressiest you would ever need to be in classicos or the casino?

I will make sure to return the favor with an informative trip report.

02-21-08, 01:16
Victor Lazlo- Didn't we meet at Rick's bar?

02-21-08, 01:34
Sorry to block their faces but I plan on going back in 2 weeks.hey scuba,

Which of those pics were of the mistake girl you let into the room where the sex was off the charts?


Victor Lazlo
02-21-08, 02:29
It could have been Rick's, or possibly Rocky's?

02-21-08, 13:57
From reading these posts I see that none of you guys knows nothing about what is going on in this country right now. It's Carnival Time Baby! You should be getting out of Sosua and into Puerto Plata and check out some of the festivities going on. If you think that Classicos is packed with girls, go to one of these Carnival celebrations and you will see what this country really has to offer.

I live in Sanitago. It is in the middle of the island and it give me close access to all the places that really have it GOING ON during this time of year. Being that this sunday is the height of the Carnival celebration, things will be happening all everwhere.

For instance, the Carnival celebration in La Vega is off the chain. The girls line the streets, chopped to death (that's looking their best, for you who do not understand hood lingo) enjoying the festivities. It is a great experience. A once in a lifetime type of thing.

Bonoa is another city that has a big Carnival celebration. As does most other major cities on the island.

All I am saying is, get out of Sosua and see more. Those skanks out there are the bottom of the of the food chain. This island has plenty of girls looking to have a good time. You just need to have some heart and get out there and find them.

On a safety note, yes, the Dominican Republic can be dangerous. Like anywhere, if you look as if you can be GOT you will be taken advantage of. Other cities on the island are not as safe as Sosua but, like anywhere, if you handle yourself like a man people are less likely to try you.

I just thought I would share this. Have a great time here and HAPPY HUNTING!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Asian Shark
02-21-08, 16:59
Flying solo for this trip and would love to meet some Sousa Mongers. I am traveling from March 25 - March29. Any mongers wants to have a beer and share some stories, let me know.

Asian Shark

02-21-08, 17:37
Can anyone give me any ideas on how to avoid the constant requests by chicas to buy drinks ?

I do offer to buy beers for girls but at the end of the day it really adds up. Having a six pack in the room is a good idea but even those go lightning fast.

I'd rather buy beers for girls I'm intrested in bangin. I feel like I have to buy them beers just for the interview. Alot of times I find I don't not want to hire them and I lose out.

I don't want to be rude or should I ? It was driving me nuts last time. What is the protocol at night ? Usually its a few minutes of talking then " buy me a beer" I would like to interview more chicas prior to commiting.

02-21-08, 20:07
Can anyone give me any ideas on how to avoid the constant requests by chicas to buy drinks ?

I do offer to buy beers for girls but at the end of the day it really adds up. Having a six pack in the room is a good idea but even those go lightning fast.

I'd rather buy beers for girls I'm intrested in bangin. I feel like I have to buy them beers just for the interview. Alot of times I find I don't not want to hire them and I lose out.

I don't want to be rude or should I ? It was driving me nuts last time. What is the protocol at night ? Usually its a few minutes of talking then " buy me a beer" I would like to interview more chicas prior to commiting.

Stay out of bars.

I think if you are talking to a girl for a few minutes, then it is probably valid for her to request a beer. At least they don't have overpriced "lady drinks" in Sosua.

Or just refuse. Tell them to go away and leave you alone. The kind of girls who pester you for beers are probably the least desirable anyway.

You don't have to buy them beers just for the interview.

I don't drink myself, so I have no particular desire to buy drink for others. If they really pester me and won't stop, I will just get up and walk away.

02-21-08, 20:11
Flying solo for this trip and would love to meet some Sousa Mongers. I am traveling from March 25 - March29. Any mongers wants to have a beer and share some stories, let me know.

Asian SharkAsian Shark, I'll be there during that time, staying at the NG?

D Life
02-21-08, 22:36
Can anyone give me any ideas on how to avoid the constant requests by chicas to buy drinks ?

I do offer to buy beers for girls but at the end of the day it really adds up. Having a six pack in the room is a good idea but even those go lightning fast.

I'd rather buy beers for girls I'm intrested in bangin. I feel like I have to buy them beers just for the interview. Alot of times I find I don't not want to hire them and I lose out.

I don't want to be rude or should I ? It was driving me nuts last time. What is the protocol at night ? Usually its a few minutes of talking then " buy me a beer" I would like to interview more chicas prior to commiting.

Ahora No! or Mas tarde or Orita. I believe that is how it is said. Or just out right with a smile on your face say HELL NO!

02-22-08, 01:03
i remember standing by this old italian guy who is a fixed feature of sosua scene (i see him every year during winter), we were chatting away and as all the girls know us by now they come and constantly ask for drinks.

girl: una cerveza por favor !
guy: yo no soy camarero !?

it was just so funny when i heard it first time (basically means "i'm not the waiter"). i know it's a bit rude perhaps but at the same time funny, girls usually get a bit speechless at first but they normally don't return that night (although they always try the next night, they are relentless....., thank god for that !?!?).

don't worry if you are a bit firm, they are used to it. some really ugly ones know me and know that i never go with them but they still come and try. as soon as they arrive i say, "no gracias" and they just stop at their track and say/wonder what for !!!? ("no quiero compañera" or something like that will also do it)

02-22-08, 01:57
Girl: Una cerveza por favor !
Guy: Yo no soy camarero !?

I like it.

02-22-08, 04:24
hey scuba,

Which of those pics were of the mistake girl you let into the room where the sex was off the charts?


sorry for the block of her face but I don't want any problems in 12 days when I go back.

Naked Gunz
02-22-08, 04:47
Ahora No! or Mas tarde or Orita. I believe that is how it is said. Or just out right with a smile on your face say HELL NO!

Excuse please! So sorry..

First two are good..but orita means "right now" in english.
So unless your buying a brew for her right now.

Mas tarde = later.......Ahora no = not now

But even in Spanish culture. now is not NOW, as in USA fuckin IMMEDIATELY!

Ahora= Sometime today
Orita=Sometime in the next few hours


02-22-08, 06:38
Flying solo for this trip and would love to meet some Sousa Mongers. I am traveling from March 25 - March29. Any mongers wants to have a beer and share some stories, let me know.

Asian SharkI will be around, if you're asian and on Pedro Clisante I will find you.

02-22-08, 06:49
Excuse please! So sorry..

First two are good..but orita means "right now" in english.
So unless your buying a brew for her right now.

Mas tarde = later.......Ahora no = not now

But even in Spanish culture. now is not NOW, as in USA fuckin IMMEDIATELY!

Ahora= Sometime today
Orita=Sometime in the next few hours


It's "ahorita" = right now.

"pronto" = soon

"luego" = later

Dominicans like to add the diminutive -ito or -ita to words to modify the meaning.

Regalo = a gift
Regalito = a little gift

una chupa = a blow job
una chupita = ???

un poco = a little
un poquito de dinero para mi? = Hand over your entire net worth.

02-22-08, 07:02
What is the catch?

Well, if you shop around you can catch differentials in pricing. I noticed that in early April the AA round trip fare from Miami to POP was $430 including taxes, but with Orbitz for $460 I could have the airfare and stay for 2 nights at the Sosua Bay Resort where the rooms would be $175 per day if bought separately.

Of course this is not "chica friendly" and they would want an extra $75 per night if my novia stayed with me, but for a single guy possibly a good deal.

Rooms look nice, but I don't think they have fridges or kitchen facilities, from what I can see.

So always worth comparing prices to see what is available

Cunning Linguist
02-22-08, 10:32
Dear Scuba Bum,

I have enjoyed your reports. Perhaps, when you are safely back from your upcoming trip, would you be in a position to resend some of the photos, unblocked? (Especially of the much vaunted one skilled in the arts of love) - I am sure there are other members that would feel the same and appreciate it as much as I would.

Keep your reports coming!

02-22-08, 19:07
Can anyone give me any ideas on how to avoid the constant requests by chicas to buy drinks ?

I do offer to buy beers for girls but at the end of the day it really adds up. Having a six pack in the room is a good idea but even those go lightning fast.

I'd rather buy beers for girls I'm intrested in bangin. I feel like I have to buy them beers just for the interview. Alot of times I find I don't not want to hire them and I lose out.

I don't want to be rude or should I? It was driving me nuts last time. What is the protocol at night? Usually its a few minutes of talking then " buy me a beer" I would like to interview more chicas prior to commiting.Do a Nancy Reagan on them. "JUST SAY NO!" You are not obligated to buy anyone anything. You made the money, right?

02-23-08, 00:18
One should look at what Artisttyp is not saying. I'm not slamming you. I know exactly what you mean.

If I were you i would try being more selective in whom you make eye contact with. Learn to scan the room and decide who is worthy of a drink without having several redundent 'where you from?' ''who you come with?' 'what your name?' 'buy me drink?' scenarios that you didn't initiate.

This will accomplish two things.

1.] It will limit the amount of people who approach you and ask you for a drink.

2.] It will immediately identify people who are only thinking about their bottom line and not about having fun AND their bottom line.

Surely you will buy a drink as you speak with the right lady for there is no remedy for a true 'Cheap Charlie'

Now as to the hidden problem that my technique will surely address is 'Cheap Charlie Syndrome' where you are constantly getting inundated with requests for this and that you put your guard up and start protecting that cheese. It starts to eat at you and you hope that you are not making a name for yourself as someone who won't buy drinks.

Don't fall prey to the syndrome. It's vacation right?

Instead of parking it at the bar try moving around and scanning randomly. Don't circle. Don't pace back and forth. Scan what people look like and only make eye contact with ones who really catch your eye. Learn how to see everything but her eyes and don't be a pig about it.

02-23-08, 04:35
Dear Scuba Bum,

I have enjoyed your reports. Perhaps, when you are safely back from your upcoming trip, would you be in a position to resend some of the photos, unblocked? (Especially of the much vaunted one skilled in the arts of love) - I am sure there are other members that would feel the same and appreciate it as much as I would.

Keep your reports coming!

I will post more before the next trip 3/5. I plan on going to Sosua many more times until I find a mongering destination I like better. Therefore, only faces of chicas that have no issues with the net. Sorry. I love to post pics as it makes me feel like such a COCKSMAN....... but in reality, I'm just your average 60 year old viagra dependent Joe.

02-23-08, 04:49
The first 2 were completa, the next was the only covered bj in Sosua, the last is the chica who walked by my shower window.

02-23-08, 12:18
Just a word of caution from my experience, as logic says I also thought "Ahorita" means "now" or in a short while. But I have confirmed this with many dominicans and expats who live in Sosua. "Ahorita" simply means "later".

It is exactly on par with "mas tarde" and "luego", not even a second before ! just "later". I always thought because it's root is "Ahora" it should mean now or pretty soon but in Sosua it sure doesn't (trust me I have researched this as it was bothering me for some time).

May be it does in other countries but don't waste your time waiting for a girl or anyone in Sosua when they say "Ahorita", they won't be coming back any time soon !

02-23-08, 14:59
Just a word of caution from my experience, as logic says I also thought "Ahorita" means "now" or in a short while. But I have confirmed this with many dominicans and expats who live in Sosua. "Ahorita" simply means "later".

It is exactly on par with "mas tarde" and "luego", not even a second before ! just "later". I always thought because it's root is "Ahora" it should mean now or pretty soon but in Sosua it sure doesn't (trust me I have researched this as it was bothering me for some time).

May be it does in other countries but don't waste your time waiting for a girl or anyone in Sosua when they say "Ahorita", they won't be coming back any time soon !

"en seguida" might work. It means immediately

02-23-08, 17:47
Any chica-friendly ST rooms available in Sosua apart from Calipso, which was full the last two times I called round to check it out?

02-23-08, 20:01
"en seguida" might work. It means immediately
The meaning of this word depends on what latin country you are in.
In Colombia it means right now. I am of Cuban decent and I can tell you it means to us 'later'. I believe for Dominicans it also means later.
I know for Ecuadorians it means 'right now' as well.

Just like english, words used may have a different meaning pending on what country you are in.
A fag I believe in England is having a cigarette. and getting "pissed"means in England getting drunk. We all know that in the states these words mean quite different things

El Baracho
02-23-08, 20:25
Thanks to all for the invaluable information found here!

Just wanted to inquire whether credit cards are widely accepted. I would prefer to use cc for hotel stays and restaurants. I haven't noticed any info on this other than ATM's. For instance, I see that Blackbead's requires a cc to reserve a room, but can you charge your food and hotel to a credit card. Any other girl friendly hotels that will accept credit cards in Sosua or elsewhere.

Once again, thanks to all.

El baracho

El Baracho
02-23-08, 21:34
Thanks to all members for their invaluable reports.

I was hoping someone might be kind enough to let me know if credit cards are widely accepted at hotels and restaurants in and around Sosua or Caberete. I would like to charge my room and food. Can anyone recommend a decent hotel in sosua near the action that will accept credit cards. Any input is greatly appreciated.

Thanks again.

02-23-08, 23:30
Just like english, words used may have a different meaning pending on what country you are in.

A fag I believe in England is having a cigarette. And getting "pissed"means in England getting drunk. We all know that in the states these words mean quite different things.Iamlookin's comparrison of the use of English words in different English speaking countries is an excellent mechanism to explain the use of the Spanish word "ahorrita".

I can confirm that in the UK & Ireland, the word "fag" as in "I am going outside to have a fag" means cigarette. Although the North American use of the word is known but not commonly in use. Also the word "pissed" as in " I am going to the pub to get pissed" always means drunk. Also for information purposes, the word "crack" as used in Hiberno English (or English as spoken in Ireland) as in "he is good crack" means "he is good fun" and definitely does not have the North American meaning.


AronJoseph (Dublin, Ireland)

02-24-08, 01:28
Thanks to all members for their invaluable reports.

I was hoping someone might be kind enough to let me know if credit cards are widely accepted at hotels and restaurants in and around Sosua or Caberete. I would like to charge my room and food. Can anyone recommend a decent hotel in sosua near the action that will accept credit cards. Any input is greatly appreciated.

Thanks again.

DR is one of those places you do not want to have your credit card number floating around.

I'd say at a decent hotel you are fine but I wouldn't use it anyplace else. You also have to be careful while using your ATM card. I knew someone who went through a painful ordeal( stolen debit card numbers) using an atm in sosua.

On the bright side I have cashed travelers checks in caberete but I don't know if they limit the amount. I cashed $200 at a time without any problems.

Also be aware that tour companies and hotels usually accept travelers checks as a form of payment. Call ahead to confirm it.

** Call your bank and credit card company to notify them you are leaving the country. You can even give them a phone number of where to reach you in case anyone makes a dubious charge.

Horny B
02-24-08, 03:33
Thanks to all members for their invaluable reports.

I was hoping someone might be kind enough to let me know if credit cards are widely accepted at hotels and restaurants in and around Sosua or Caberete. I would like to charge my room and food. Can anyone recommend a decent hotel in sosua near the action that will accept credit cards. Any input is greatly appreciated.

Thanks again.Also be aware of the cost of using a Credit Card in DR. To make a long story short, have last week lived trough the ordeal of having my PIN and Debit card stolen, had unfortunately not taken the time to have my daily limit of the total amount that can be withdrawn on daily basis lowered. Back home on Friday, went to my Bank, the damage is near 1K.

As my credit card was aside in the hotel lock box, used it to do 1st withdrawal of $600. 00 the fee's $140. 36, then few day's later 2nd amount of $500. 00 fee's $114. 24 So the best solution seems to be Travelers check, there is in Puerto Plata and Sosua branches of the Bank of Nova Scotia (Canadian Bank) pretty sure that with the proper documentation (Passport and Driver's licences) you should be able to change your Traveler's check. From my experience that seems to be be the best and most secure way to protect yourself. Anyway that's how I intend to proceed in the future.

02-24-08, 18:06
Also be aware of the cost of using a Credit Card in DR. To make a long story short, have last week lived trough the ordeal of having my PIN and Debit card stolen, had unfortunately not taken the time to have my daily limit of the total amount that can be withdrawn on daily basis lowered. Back home on Friday, went to my Bank, the damage is near 1K.

As my credit card was aside in the hotel lock box, used it to do 1st withdrawal of $600. 00 the fee's $140. 36, then few day's later 2nd amount of $500. 00 fee's $114. 24 So the best solution seems to be Travelers check, there is in Puerto Plata and Sosua branches of the Bank of Nova Scotia (Canadian Bank) pretty sure that with the proper documentation (Passport and Driver's licences) you should be able to change your Traveler's check. From my experience that seems to be be the best and most secure way to protect yourself. Anyway that's how I intend to proceed in the future.Not sure of the circumstances in using your credit card but somebody posted not long ago strongly discouraging the use of travelers checks due to their extreme inconvenience and compounded games with the exchange rates.

I use a debit card at the local banks. I receive an excellent exchange rate comparable to everyone else who claims to get great rates, and Schwab also refunds me the $1.25 service fee on top of that anywhere in the world.

I suggest you look into other banking options. Sounds like the Bank of NS is taking you to the cleaners completely independent of the foul play you just experienced in having your card stolen.

02-24-08, 23:02
Always call your bank or credit card company and tell them when and where you are going. Debit Card has been great for me. Good exchange rate no problem. Check to see what your daily (24 hr.) limits are. Travelers checks are great. I use them at BB's and cash them at a Bank for the best exchange rate. I have also started to pay the girls in US dollars.

Credit Cards acceptance as with Travelers checks at hotels varies so check in advance. BB's adds a 20% charge when you use your credit card....ouch! I have stayed at the Courtyard Marriott in Santiago and never paid such a fee before. The Marriott was great as there was an ATM in the lobby.

To cash Travelers checks you will need your passport and another ID most of the time.

Horny B
02-25-08, 02:14
Not sure of the circumstances in using your credit card but somebody posted not long ago strongly discouraging the use of travelers checks due to their extreme inconvenience and compounded games with the exchange rates.

I suggest you look into other banking options. Sounds like the Bank of NS is taking you to the cleaners completely independent of the foul play you just experienced in having your card stolen.Just to clarify, it's not the Scotia Bank who charged me those fees, it's a local Bank who was accepting to do cash advance on Visa. I later found out that the Scotia Bank had branches there, which I intend to use in my future trips.

02-25-08, 07:23
Hi all,

Considering a return to Sosua late March and wondering if anyone has any helpful info/experiences with the following hotels: 1-Rocky's 2-Casa Valeria 3-Hotel Don Antonio 4-Estudio Apartments across street from Bailey's restaurant. Saw all of these hotels/apts when I was there in January so I know where they are located. Your input is much appreciated.


02-25-08, 07:48
Paying chicas in USD usually does not work out in our favor.

Always call your bank or credit card company and tell them when and where you are going. Debit Card has been great for me. Good exchange rate no problem. Check to see what your daily (24 hr.) limits are. Travelers checks are great. I use them at BB's and cash them at a Bank for the best exchange rate. I have also started to pay the girls in US dollars.

Credit Cards acceptance as with Travelers checks at hotels varies so check in advance. BB's adds a 20% charge when you use your credit card....ouch! I have stayed at the Courtyard Marriott in Santiago and never paid such a fee before. The Marriott was great as there was an ATM in the lobby.

To cash Travelers checks you will need your passport and another ID most of the time.

Sunset Strip
02-25-08, 19:12
Hi all,

Considering a return to Sosua late March and wondering if anyone has any helpful info/experiences with the following hotels: 1-Rocky's 2-Casa Valeria 3-Hotel Don Antonio 4-Estudio Apartments across street from Bailey's restaurant. Saw all of these hotels/apts when I was there in January so I know where they are located. Your input is much appreciated.

There is also a Sosua hotel thread that may be of help.

02-25-08, 19:20
Just to clarify, it's not the Scotia Bank who charged me those fees, it's a local Bank who was accepting to do cash advance on Visa. I later found out that the Scotia Bank had branches there, which I intend to use in my future trips.Hey Horny B,

I understand now and your charges make sense.

If you don’t want to get hit with those types of charges then use a true DEBIT card. I think everybody learns the difference between the two cards the same way you are doing now at one time in their life.

A cash advance from a true credit card will hit you with a flat fee, plus interest charges plus whatever else. It is more of a bank loan because you don’t have to give the money up until the next billing cycle on your credit card.

With a debit card, the money is taken immediately from your account so you will be minus all the bend over charges you just got hit with.

Do yourself a favor and get your self a true Debit card.

02-25-08, 21:17
The first 2 were completa, the next was the only covered bj in Sosua, the last is the chica who walked by my shower window.

Oh, so I see from #1 that Maribel is still kicking around. Has a squeaky voice like she is on helium, twins at home, and is a general pain the the butt. Good dancer, but terribly thin last time I saw her. Cries easily.

02-25-08, 21:58
Excuse please! So sorry..

First two are good..but orita means "right now" in english.
So unless your buying a brew for her right now.

Mas tarde = later.......Ahora no = not now

But even in Spanish culture. now is not NOW, as in USA fuckin IMMEDIATELY!

Ahora= Sometime today
Orita=Sometime in the next few hours


There are differences in opinion here. I just talked to my novia on the phone 5 minutes ago.

I asked her "Que quiere decir 'ahorita'? En 5 minutos, 1 hora, 2 horas, luego, o manana?" and she said it means in 5 minutes.

02-26-08, 01:21
We are 2 single fathers taking our children to Sousa or Puerto Palata. We are taking a nanny along with us and plan on doing the kids stuff during the day and my friend and I will hit the "scene" during the night. We are looking for a decent hotel..kind of 4 star with pool and beach facilities. We are looking at staying at Sousa by the Sea but from the reports I am reading it is not "chica friendly".

Is it impossible to get girls in there when we bring them home ? It is a good hotel ?
We tried Velero Hotel but they are completely booked out.

Is Puerto Palata better than Sousa for action?

Sorry to ask so many questions but this trip is a long awaited sex jaunt for us and we would like to know if we are on the right track.

Appreciate any response that comes our way.


Victor Lazlo
02-26-08, 02:50
There are differences in opinion here.
My Spanish-English dictionary, published in Spain, says ahorita means immediately while pronto means soon; the reverse of Dominican usage.

I asked a friend in Mexico what ahorita means to him. He said it means right now.

When I mentioned that in the DR it means in a little while, he allowed that, "Well it usually means right now, but it can also sometimes mean in a little while. It all depends on the context."

By the way, given the Dominican sense of time, I'm surprised your novia would nail it down to a definite number.

La Isla
02-26-08, 04:02
Take kids to Sosua? Are you serious man? The putas are all over the place all day long. You really want to expose young children to that kind of an environment?
Go somewhere nice and enjoy the time with your kids, like Disneyworld. Then, take another vacation to PutaWorld with your buddy and leave the kids at home.

We are 2 single fathers taking our children to Sousa or Puerto Palata. We are taking a nanny along with us and plan on doing the kids stuff during the day and my friend and I will hit the "scene" during the night. We are looking for a decent hotel..kind of 4 star with pool and beach facilities. We are looking at staying at Sousa by the Sea but from the reports I am reading it is not "chica friendly".

Is it impossible to get girls in there when we bring them home ? It is a good hotel ?
We tried Velero Hotel but they are completely booked out.

Is Puerto Palata better than Sousa for action?

Sorry to ask so many questions but this trip is a long awaited sex jaunt for us and we would like to know if we are on the right track.

Appreciate any response that comes our way.


02-26-08, 04:05
My Spanish-English dictionary, published in Spain, says ahorita means immediately while pronto means soon; the reverse of Dominican usage.

I asked a friend in Mexico what ahorita means to him. He said it means right now.

When I mentioned that in the DR it means in a little while, he allowed that, "Well it usually means right now, but it can also sometimes mean in a little while. It all depends on the context."

By the way, given the Dominican sense of time, I'm surprised your novia would nail it down to a definite number.

No, I gave it to her as a multiple choice! 5 minutes = right now as opposed to some time in the future.

You are right about context. If a Dominican woman is leaving you alone while she goes to the nail salon and say she will be back "ahorita" she wants you to know that you have no time to go with another chica in her absence. Actually you will have time to fit in a threesome, and get showered and changed, dry the towels, and remove all evidence long before she returns.

02-26-08, 04:14
Take kids to Sosua? Are you serious man? The putas are all over the place all day long. You really want to expose young children to that kind of an environment?
Go somewhere nice and enjoy the time with your kids, like Disneyworld. Then, take another vacation to PutaWorld with your buddy and leave the kids at home.

Not true. Some putas will be around in the daytime, but it is not like they are harrassing families with children, and they don't stand out. If you don't make eye contact and smile, you would not know they are putas.

There are plenty of families with children around Sosua.

No you cannot take putas in the nice tourist hotels, the ones you get with a package deal through Orbitz. You can take them to the Calypso, a fucktel where you pay $10 for the room (for each girl). It is a bit basic.

Or you can rent a fairly decent room at the Europa for about $50 per night (better) and spend a few hours there with your companion with shower, hot water, towels etc.

Or you can rent a room at Rocky's. I think about $20 per night.

Have fun.

I would not take your hired companions to the hotel where your children are at all. You really don't want the kids talking about the ladies who were with daddy.

02-26-08, 10:45
we have taken the kids to disney world and all that. dominican republic does have beaches and many childrens activities as stated in all the "normal" travel sites and hence for expats living down here in trinidad we felt it would be good for [CodeWord118] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord118), horse riding and much more. there is not much of that down here, believe me.

we just decided that with the price we would incorporate a little adult time after they go to bed the children and nanny will have their own rooms away from us so we did not plan on exposing them to anything that we are up to, that is for certain.

what is the normal price to pay for chicas short time and/or extended ?

thanks for the heads up on the fuckhotel situation, that sounds like what we would do.

i appreciate everyone's input and many thanks.

02-26-08, 17:50
Take kids to Sosua? Are you serious man? The putas are all over the place all day long. You really want to expose young children to that kind of an environment?
Go somewhere nice and enjoy the time with your kids, like Disneyworld. Then, take another vacation to PutaWorld with your buddy and leave the kids at home.

I agree with this. You have to be a pretty liberal minded parent to expose your kids to sosua. You don't see it everywhere but it sure isn't cancun or miami.

02-26-08, 19:59
What is the normal price to pay for chicas short time and/or extended ?

That is a very tough question. Prices of everything are going up in the DR. Most of these girls have children, and you can check out the cost of things like baby formula or pampers for yourself. They are not cheap.

Short time means basically one go at sex, but there is no actual rush. You should be able to negotiate 2000 pesos with a freelancer, but you may be able to get it for less depending on several variables some of which will not be apparent to you. I would say that 1200 pesos for an attractive girl would be pretty good value. Maybe 2500-3000 for all night.

I think at La Passion the rate is 2500 pesos for one hour with air conditioned room and shower included.

I think that if you have a really good experience, you will be happy at any price, but it is a pisser if you pay over the odds and she does not deliver. So you might negotiate something like 1200 pesos with 500 pesos more as propina if you are 100% satisfied with her. But there are no guarantees. You have to do all your assessments up front.

Mr Enternational
02-27-08, 07:03
Just a word of caution from my experience, as logic says I also thought "Ahorita" means "now" or in a short while. But I have confirmed this with many dominicans and expats who live in Sosua. "Ahorita" simply means "later".

It is exactly on par with "mas tarde" and "luego", not even a second before ! just "later". I always thought because it's root is "Ahora" it should mean now or pretty soon but in Sosua it sure doesn't (trust me I have researched this as it was bothering me for some time).

May be it does in other countries but don't waste your time waiting for a girl or anyone in Sosua when they say "Ahorita", they won't be coming back any time soon !

That is correct. I was with my Dominicana when she was at her sister's house in Miami over the holidays. I kept trying to show off my Spanish and was saying ahorita like it was going out of style. She finally got tired and explained to me that in RD ahorita means later on. Could you imagine me saying "Baby, I want to fuck ahorita" and wondering why she is not taking her clothes off? or saying "I am hungry. I need to eat ahorita" and wondering why she is not making me a sandwich.

Uptown Spc
02-27-08, 15:44
Fellow members,

I am planning on staying at Villa Casa Blanca in Perla Marina from May 30 - June 8.

The villa looks great but I have a few questions:

1) It is a gated community of villas with security. Does anyone have experience getting girls through the gate without being harassed or is that not something for me to worry about?

2) Has anyone ever stayed here: http://www.vrbo.com/128204. do you have a better suggestion?

3) Does anyone know how far it truly is from Sosua. they say a five minute drive. Any suggestions on renting an ATV to get back and forth or other means of transportation?

4) I have done Rio and had a blast despite my inability to speak portugese. My spanish is just as bad. Any veterans in town during that time to show a rookie the ropes?


Ug Man
02-27-08, 19:55
Uptown Spc,

You'll have no problem bringing guests back with you to the villa. The girls will be impressed with the house too. One thing to remember is they don't check cedulas at the gate, so if you have a problem that you only discover later (I'm thinking about money, property going missing) their is no record of the girl. Just something to keep in mind.

The villa will be about 5-10 min drive to sosua, and maybe 10-15 min to cabarette. It is a bit isolated, I'd suggest renting a car, an econo shit box from the airport is cheap but will make all the difference for getting out to the grocery store to stock the fridge, and of course for other activities. Without it you'd have to walk to the main road and wait for a guagua. The guys with the mopeds don't hang around there, you can use them to go home but not to sosua. You could also rent your own scooter but a cheap car from the airport won't be much more. Will you be staying there by yourself? Sounds like overkill for one person, you could comfortably have 4 guys and in that case at least one car, if not 2, is a must.

02-28-08, 03:38
Whats the best way to make reservations at the Hotels in Sosua?

I will be there from 3/13-3/17 for the first time. Is new garden the best place to be for the price? Any other suggestions?

I will be driving from Santiago, is it a straight shot?

Bq Ribs
02-28-08, 06:00
Whats the best way to make reservations at the Hotels in Sosua?

I will be there from 3/13-3/17 for the first time. Is new garden the best place to be for the price? Any other suggestions?

I will be driving from Santiago, is it a straight shot?

Is this your first time going to Sosua or first time in the DR?

Try to book your room as soon as possible, especially New Garden. Email works sometimes but a phone call is better.

What time does your flight arrive? I would not suggest driving at night, actually I would not suggest driving at all if you are new to the DR.

Santiago to Sosua is over an hour drive if you know the roads.

02-28-08, 23:46
Is it normal for Club residencial, to ask for credit card info through e mail? I plan on paying in cash, just making sure thats normal for a reservation, I don't remember Europa ever asking for it.

02-29-08, 00:06
I have been to SD before and always rent a car from the airport, but never sosua or santiago; my flight gets in at 4pm to Santiago.; I just hate getting cabs/taxi, and I looked like a straight shot on an old Lonely Planet Map.

How do I get e-mail of new garden?

02-29-08, 00:52
How do I get e-mail of new garden?Try this address which I have on file. The owner/manager was quite informative when I e-mailed him about a possible trip earlier. Not sure of the web page I found this on. Try "Hotel New Garden Sosua" on Google. They may have a web page.


Sunset Strip
02-29-08, 01:06

On the main DR page, scroll down to Sosua Hotels thread and you will find
a link to New Garden website where you will find the email and phone number.


02-29-08, 01:22
Is it normal for Club residencial, to ask for credit card info through e mail? I plan on paying in cash, just making sure thats normal for a reservation, I don't remember Europa ever asking for it.

Yes CR has a deposit policy which requires a credit card deposit. If for some reason you cancel there is quite a steep fee. I think mine would have been $300 deposit for a months stay.

I decided not to stay there because the manager seemed too rigid in regards to their guest policy. What a bummer it would be to go through american type bullshit in the DR. IMHO it's not worth the money. Otherwise it would be a great place to stay for awhile.

I also thought about how staying somewhere like that would affect my negotiating with the chicas. It's too rizty of a place to ask for budget prices. Again IMHO.

* There have been some posters on the board who swear by CR's lax guest policy. I've met the manager in person and emailed her. I can tell you that she is a little stuffy . One guest per 24 hours...those are the rules! Whatever you do with the night guard is your business. Do you want to play high school games ?

She also was not willing to arrange a cab to meet me at the airport. She said there are numerous cabs outside. I didn't like that considering I was about to drop a months rent on her. Everybody offers taxi service. It's all about the vibe and it just wasn't there.

The apartments however are top notch.

Roy Mac
02-29-08, 14:45
Club Residencial. Nice complex but bad experience with female swiss manager very unfriendly, can only have one female guest 24 hour period would not pickup at airport paid deposit by credit card before arrivial. All units are privately owned, German guy owns a majority of the units therefore he controls the property. Gated with security guard at nite.

Paid for three weeks upon arrival cash, $54. 00 a day plus $14. 00 a day for A/C and 16% tax. A bit pricey for this type of accommodations. Key needed to turn on A/C and key can not be removed from the door key ring to prevent leaving A/C on when not in the unit. Living room and bathroom did not have screens, would not repair nor give me another unit, advised they were booked. The mosquitoes replenised their blood supply durning my stay.

Wanted $20. 00 to call cab for me when leaving, walked down to the taxi stand on Pedro Clisante got cab for $15. 00 to airport. Will not stay there again.

02-29-08, 15:46
This is where I booked on my return second trip.

ok, first things first. The rooms are 1/3 the size of Las Terrazas down the street but almost half the cost at $55. For anybody staying longer than 7 days LT will drop the price notably. I am not sure how much. See the Hotels thread if you want to do deeper research.

That was a no-lie post I read some time ago to bring earplugs to New Garden. Things are even worse now. The hotel has bought the land just to the south and are building an extension to the hotel. In the future there will be more and newer rooms available. So the construction noise is in the morning and, motochonchos all hours of the night. You could be in banging your girl and just 10 feet away two guys could be talking and laughing like there were no walls between you. This is a first floor observation. Today I change to 2nd floor.

I would not mind booking into Cayena, would be a lot quieter without too much price increase. The place looks nicer too.

I was so tired after my arrival I could not recoup my energy enough to take a girl this first night. The semi-sleep did feel good though.

My first visit to the casino was nice. I thought there were higher quality looking girls there. 50 Pesos to/from NG after asking one of the girls what they pay. You just have to tell the guys 50P y no mas and they wont ask $300 from some of you other guys who will unknowingly pay it. Maybe you can pay less than 50p, but come on, its only a buck fifty.

Mr Gogo
02-29-08, 20:29
Fellow members,

I am planning on staying at Villa Casa Blanca in Perla Marina from May 30 - June 8.

The villa looks great but I have a few questions:

1) It is a gated community of villas with security. Does anyone have experience getting girls through the gate without being harassed or is that not something for me to worry about?

2) Has anyone ever stayed here: http://www.vrbo.com/128204. do you have a better suggestion?

3) Does anyone know how far it truly is from Sosua. they say a five minute drive. Any suggestions on renting an ATV to get back and forth or other means of transportation?

4) I have done Rio and had a blast despite my inability to speak portugese. My spanish is just as bad. Any veterans in town during that time to show a rookie the ropes?

ThanksIf you havent booked already you wont.Check their calender at bottom of page,no availability.

03-01-08, 08:09
I have to agree about the noise at New Garden. I stayed there the last 2 weeks of January on my first trip to Sosua. Motoconchos are racing by all night and the construction had just begun a couple days before I left. Also there was a baseball field out back that seemed to have activity fairly early nearly every morning. I was on ground level which I understand is worse but I guess thats where they put all the new guys who don't know any better. Paid $50/day for 2 weeks. First week was ok but any longer than one week I would try another location. A buddy of mine was staying at Las Terrezas and it was much nicer and quieter but further away. Also more expensive but monthly rate was similar to New Garden daily rate for anyone looking at staying longer term. Casa Cayena looked nicer than New Garden but is a little more $$$ and further as well. Considering returning late March for one week and would like to try something different this time just to satisfy my curiousity. Has anyone ever tried Rocky's condos? Where are they located. Still within walking distance of the action?



03-01-08, 20:32
Has anyone ever tried Rocky's condos? Where are they located. Still within walking distance of the action?


Funinthesun63I have been talking to a guy these last two nights staying at Rockys. I told him, the rumor was Rockys is like renting a jail cell. He shot back somewhat in agreemnt saying that he is only there beause everything else was booked. FWIW.

Uptown Spc
03-01-08, 20:56
If you havent booked already you wont.Check their calender at bottom of page,no availability.I'm not that much of a rookie. I'm locked in. Thanks

03-02-08, 09:14
Thanks for the info guys.

Member #2041
03-02-08, 15:48
Has anyone ever tried Rocky's condos? Where are they located. Still within walking distance of the action?

I heard the same thing from the guy EHunter was talking to. The best thing is that they are dirt cheap, and they are not just in walking distance, but within drunken stumbling distance of the action. I decided to stay in New Garden even though the rooms are somewhat dumpy and the noise is noticeable, because it´s damn convenient, plus everything that´s better and guest friendly is either a lot more money, less well located, and-or fully booked out right now.

03-02-08, 16:04
I made a reservation and planning to stay at Piergiorgio Palace Hotel for several nights. The list on Sosua hotel indicates that it is chica freindly. Anyone have any experiance in this place? I send them an email and specifically asked when I made my reservation, but they did not say yes or no in my responce.

Sunset Strip
03-02-08, 19:51
I have been talking to a guy these last two nights staying at Rockys. I told him, the rumor was Rockys is like renting a jail cell. He shot back somewhat in agreemnt saying that he is only there beause everything else was booked. FWIW.

I think the original poster was asking about Rocky's Condos, not the rooms.

He asked, "Has anyone ever tried Rocky's condos? Where are they located. Still within walking distance of the action?"

If you go to Rocky's website, you will see the condos are not the same thing and cost a little more.


03-02-08, 19:56
I think the original poster was asking about Rocky's Condos, not the rooms.

He asked, "Has anyone ever tried Rocky's condos? Where are they located. Still within walking distance of the action?"

If you go to Rocky's website, you will see the condos are not the same thing and cost a little more.

TJI'm going there myself(Rocky's condo's) 3/28-4/4. Been to DR b4 but nver mongering trip to Sousa. My first time Phsyched!! Anyone going them?

03-04-08, 00:58
I stayed at that hotel in October. The hotel is gorgeous right off a small cliff looking over the beach. I had to make reservations for two per night ( me and friend shall we say). 1 night I had 2 freinds and the night desk person bitched a little bit, but it all worked out. So to be on the safe side I would tell the hotel 2 per room to aviod hassel. To be honest, it's a couples hotel, not one for the monger's.

Maximus 70
03-04-08, 03:21
Greetings and thanks for reading this.

I have emailed John and the sosua palace with no response and the web address i had is garbage.

Does anyone know what happened to the palace or domonican john?

If they are down and out does anyone know of another chica friendly resort with hot tubs in sosua or near buy? Much appreciated and regards; play safe!


03-04-08, 04:37
I'm going there myself(Rocky's condo's) 3/28-4/4. Been to DR b4 but nver mongering trip to Sousa. My first time Phsyched!! Anyone going them?I'll be there sometime between those dates, if everything goes as planned.

03-04-08, 07:42
I'm going there myself(Rocky's condo's) 3/28-4/4. Been to DR b4 but nver mongering trip to Sousa. My first time Phsyched!! Anyone going them?I should be in town as well, be glad to show you around.

03-04-08, 13:55
The Sosua Palace was sold a few years ago and is not operating anymore. Try the New Garden of the Europa

Greetings and thanks for reading this.

I have emailed John and the sosua palace with no response and the web address i had is garbage.

Does anyone know what happened to the palace or domonican john?

If they are down and out does anyone know of another chica friendly resort with hot tubs in sosua or near buy? Much appreciated and regards; play safe!



03-04-08, 14:27
Greetings and thanks for reading this.

I have emailed John and the sosua palace with no response and the web address i had is garbage.

Does anyone know what happened to the palace or domonican john?

If they are down and out does anyone know of another chica friendly resort with hot tubs in sosua or near buy? Much appreciated and regards; play safe!


Hotel europa has a pretty decent hot tub with bar. However it is located in the public pool area.

03-04-08, 16:19
Greetings and thanks for reading this.

I have emailed John and the sosua palace with no response and the web address i had is garbage.

Does anyone know what happened to the palace or domonican john?

If they are down and out does anyone know of another chica friendly resort with hot tubs in sosua or near buy? Much appreciated and regards; play safe!


MaxThe Palace is no more try the new Garden

03-04-08, 20:52
I should be in town as well, be glad to show you around.Cool Glad to hear a couple guys from here are going to be there then.Lets meet for a cold one,or 20!!Not sure how this site even works yet but get back to me-


03-04-08, 22:05
I'll be there sometime between those dates, if everything goes as planned.I will be out there 4/2- 4/9, If anyone wants to meet up send me a PM.

03-08-08, 17:30

I am thinking about a trip to the DR later in March. My travel agency's web-page indicates things like bars, discos, restaraunts etc. close down or have limited availability during Easter week in the DR (this year Sunday the 16th to Easter Sunday the 23rd).

Can anyone who's been there one Easter week in years past tell me what things are like?



03-09-08, 03:02
Hey guys.

Booked a flight to Sosua for April 10. 15.

I called New Garden and they said they have availability but to use the website.

I used their site, but all the seem to have is a contact us thing, so I just said please help me with a room.

How do most of you guys book your hotels there? Do they have any secure online booking stuff?

Thanks, looking forward to getting to Sosua and meeting up with other mongers.

Oh, of course also looking forward to the fucking, drinking, gambling and other shit too!

E Warbody
03-09-08, 05:30

I am thinking about a trip to the DR later in March. My travel agency's web-page indicates things like bars, discos, restaraunts etc. close down or have limited availability during Easter week in the DR (this year Sunday the 16th to Easter Sunday the 23rd).

Can anyone who's been there one Easter week in years past tell me what things are like?


E.Easter is best time to come, Im dominican, in easter we have holidays so everyone is out in the resorts, tourist areas, all discos are open haveing special parties , restaurant. Its exactly different to what u said

03-09-08, 14:17

I am thinking about a trip to the DR later in March. My travel agency's web-page indicates things like bars, discos, restaraunts etc. close down or have limited availability during Easter week in the DR (this year Sunday the 16th to Easter Sunday the 23rd).

Can anyone who's been there one Easter week in years past tell me what things are like?


E.I haven't been there at that time before But I did hear the same...you should go a week later just in case.

03-09-08, 20:40
Don't stay there its a dump real dump mold walls and everything went there last year in may just to see the rooms for myself I stayed at the europa could not believe what I was seeing you get what you pay for I think 20 a night you really have to be on budget to stay there.

Sunset Strip
03-09-08, 20:55

Try posting your question in the Sosua hotel thread. That way when it gets answered other new guys can more easily find the answer.

But, in general, using the email or website reservation forms are the best way to do it in Sosua. Secure online booking would only be required if you were paying in advance, which you need not do.


03-10-08, 00:47
Don't stay there its a dump real dump mold walls and everything went there last year in may just to see the rooms for myself I stayed at the europa could not believe what I was seeing you get what you pay for I think 20 a night you really have to be on budget to stay there.You're talking about the Hotel at Rocky's right?I'm staying at their condo's and on their web site they look nice.I have a Friend down there now and he's going to take a look at the condo's.I pass his report on.

03-10-08, 02:15

Try posting your question in the Sosua hotel thread. That way when it gets answered other new guys can more easily find the answer.

But, in general, using the email or website reservation forms are the best way to do it in Sosua. Secure online booking would only be required if you were paying in advance, which you need not do.

TjThanks buddy, I just got a confo email from them so I'm off!

I've hit a few places (Thailand, costa, Panama, etc) but some of those mixed DR girls are still something I'm looking forward to!

John Jr
03-10-08, 03:16
What is the exchange rate in sosua for us and canadian today ?

03-10-08, 15:26
What is the exchange rate in sosua for us and canadian today ?

$1 US = 33 pesos however yesterday I only got 32 . Don't change money on a sunday due to the markets being closed.

The canadian dollar is either equal to or a little bit more. The euro is getting 55/60 pesos.

I can't stomach to see what the british pound is getting.

John Jr
03-11-08, 03:18

Thanks for the info . I will be back in Dr. soon and im wondering if it's better to bring us or canadian $$$ .

Any ideas ?

03-11-08, 13:20

Thanks for the info . I will be back in Dr. soon and im wondering if it's better to bring us or canadian $$$ .

Any ideas ?Yes. It is better to bring Canadian money because the exchange rate is higher for Canadian Dollars than it is for American Dollars. Go figure that.

John Jr
03-11-08, 21:58
Yes. It is better to bring Canadian money because the exchange rate is higher for Canadian Dollars than it is for American Dollars. Go figure that.

So what is the exchange rate from canadian $$$ in sosua ?

03-11-08, 22:08
So what is the exchange rate from canadian $$$ in sosua ?According to yahoo.com the exchange rate today for Canadian dollars to Dominican Pesos should be 34.241RD for $1 Canadian Dollar. The exchange rate for the American dollar is 33.950RD for $1 US dollar. I am not sure what they are doing in Soua but if you have an ATM car get your money out of Scotia Bank and you should get a rate close to that.

Good luck.

Sunset Strip
03-11-08, 23:30

This is the best one. You can even sign up for daily emails that list the exchange rates.