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12-06-14, 08:57
I was there no later then 11;20. I was the only guy dancing in red Underarmor shirt. My last night or going out with a bang. I felt pressure to pick a winner on my last day. On the non monger side I hooked with 2 monger pros at the beach. We ate, drank and played dominos. I was very nice chilling with 2 kindred spirits.

I kept thinking what kind of girl should I go for and not fuck up. It was hard as hell to decide. I slid into Rumbas read-why to make something happen. My first attractions were hotties from Vega and Santiago. You now the type light bright and gorgeous but would the fuck my brains out. I saw a very thick Dominacana built lack a linebacker. A big smile like the Kool aid guy and big thick tits. I told the ladies what I was looking for and all were willing to try. I got a good vibe from Ms kool aid and pulled the trigger. She is 5'6 and 190 I was no fat on her body. She had a big pussy as well. I had some performance anxiety due all the activity I was having. After some DTY I was ready to pound. Condom on we going deep. Once I saw the nice hard onI go for it while it is there. I went deep pounded her pelvis with mine. I have burns on my elbows from leveraging while screwing. I am not a big guy but I am considered very well built and I workout 4 time s week. I fuck hard once I get started depending on how the girl responds. She got her nut but I was dry. We did a trib thing they gave US BOTH nice orgasms. No lecee is a very common problem in Sosua. I felt like a million bucks. I head back to merengue Bar at about 1115.

It is Friday night angirls are every where. I move to Classicos. Nice Crowd still early. I am flirting but not really serious. A sexy Hiaian caught my eye. She is in my bed now. More o come.


See I knew you guys were having a secret mongers reunion.

Member #4349
12-07-14, 01:35
Si Me gusta un culo magnfico why grande. This chica was a sleeper. You guys were too caught up on the Haley Berries to notice her standing with an old cell phone by herself. Phone didn't have minutes on it and she need her hair done. She was willing to go out! My type on chica!You have my full support. And any girl who needs mucho support for her melons also has my support.

Facial beauty is quite secondary to me as long as she's not shocking. SE Asia dog-nips are not my thing. Big african booty, wherever I can get it is.

12-07-14, 02:35
Any intel if Passions reopened (Amazonas)? If so, what's the setup like?

12-07-14, 05:41
The Passion building is still closed. My last night I got greedy. I pulled real thick Dominicana who provided an excellent session. I finished with her just before 11. I felt pumped because I had a really good session. Motivated by the good session I went back out to Rumbas for one more shot. They were a lot of very attractive Santiago blancos. They were solid 8's and up. I was very tempted to pull one but did not want to risk having a lackluster session. I moved to Merenque to chill a bit and see if Mr E was there. It was very slow there so I moved to Classicos. The atmosphere there could be cold depending on your background. It is very strong urban environment of which I am not totally comfortable with. So we all have our likes and dislikes.

The girls pay attention and keep notes on us. One 9 told me I talk to a lot of girls basically she had been watching me.

So women on Friday night in Classicos are hot. I am seeing 8's 9's everywhere. Many are giving me the come on signs. I am in no hurry so I checkout the whole room. I see a very attractive Haitiana serious body looking good. I never been disappointed by a Haitian girl. I start the interview with some dancing and grinding. We are on the side and she has by dick harder then Chinese arithmetic. The looks she was getting from the Dominican girls was scary. They resented her for pulling me. I could feel the hate and it was almost universal. I pull the trigger and start out of the place. If looks could kill we would have been in the ground.

I take her back to the Europa my hotel $40 a night. I tell her that I am low leche but we could see what happens. I need to be on a bus 7;30 the next morning. My girls was willing to do what ever to satisfy me. I had 12 or 13 sessions over the past 5 days. She managed to arouse me and it was on.

Like anything else in life the more you do it the better you are. I was having a lot of sex and my stamina and performance was better. She was a very good ride but I could not come and boy did I try. She left around 4 in the morning.

Summary of trip.

I think the best session I had werewith my Cupid girl. She managed 4 very good sessions in a 8 hour period. Sosua sport fucking is still a great sport but you have be discipline when picking girls. As is often said do not let them force themselves on you. My best sport fuck was a 20 year old thick girl. I explained what I was looking for upfront and she gave me all I could handle. I had 2 less then good sessions. Both cases I let the girls initiate the action. I have seen many negative things written about Sosua by veteran mongers. What was the best part of my trip was interaction with other mongers. I shot pool, played dominos and shared meals with like minded guys.

The key enjoying Sosua to relax and enjoy the food, beach. Fellowship and yes the girls.

12-07-14, 06:29
No, your not the only one focused on their body's, however, be warned, a lot of the Haitians who have had kids have what I call "Saggy Tit Syndrome". There's nothing like unwrapping one of these darlings and seeing a pair of saggy titties. The theory is that some of these women not only breast fed their babies, but other babies in the neighborhood where they gave birth, hence causing them to develop Saggy Tit Syndrome. Other board members can attest to what I have observed.Absolutely concur with you Surfer. I have had a few hard bodied Haitians looking good in their push up bras only to be sorely disappointed when removed. Reminded of the photos I used to see in the old National Geographic magazines of African Tribal Women with those saggy tits pointing down to their toes. Not the most attractive look especially when they are on top. The Dominicanas are certainly better in this regard but overall nice pert tits are not too common of a feature on the Island of Hispaniola. Best to go with the old dog style when confronted with this.

12-07-14, 13:43
Well, here we go again. You bring up a good point because prices do go up during Superbowl but I have never paid 5000 DOP-7000 DOP, or $100-$150. Perhaps the chicas are quoting this but don't tell me guys are actually paying this amount for short term. Even for long term this is a bit steep! Hey, we are talking of Sosua street action not a cat house in Santo Domingo! (I visited Santo Domingo in October and some of the houses were quoting the same 4000 DOP for two hours. This price fixing is due to the fact that many of the casas have the same owner and they try to make the prices nonnegotiable. The one place that did lower the price to 3000 DOP, upon further questioning, refused to supply the room so we would have needed to go to the hotel next door and the amount, in total, would have equaled 4000 DOP).

I am confident that I can pick up a chica during Superbowl if I just quote her 2000 DOP short term (which is, give or take, about $45 at the present rate on Xe Currency) and even this is high! During Superbowl prices even for the hotels go up and the quantity and quality of chicas during Superbowl rarely matches any other time of the year. I even had talks with hotel owners about this and they tell me it is one of their busiest times of the year, with chicas coming from all around because Sosua gets packed during this time.

I was in DR this past October and the number and quality of women was not as high as during the Superbowl.

You are correct in that prices do go up during Superbowl but not to the amount that you are quoting (well, I do not pay that amount anyway). During the low season prices do go down. I am like you, though, in that I like to go during May or October. Ticket, hotel, and chica prices are lower.

With Superbowl it seems crowded but I will have to admit I've had great times with chicas and just hanging out with some of my buddies. I was just talking to Big D, this past October, about the Superbowl buffet he had at Hotel Calibri, several years ago. A large group of guys drinking, women in their arms, watching football, yelling and rooting for their team yet there was not a single argument (except for a chica disrespecting a waiter).

Sometimes just watching a group of guys figuring out where they are going to watch the Superbowl becomes comical.I have been in Sosua 3 Super Bowls. The days before, and after SBW a variety of things happen. The chica regulars or what I call Sosuas fixtures may look to get more out of dudes than they usually do. And that especially occurs when guys with not much experience ASKS these chicas what their price is, instead of telling her what his offer is. That practice right there is IMO the main reason prices go up for enough dudes. They make the mistake of asking chicas what their price is. That puts a dude in the position of looking like a newbie, and putting the control of negotiations mostly in the chicas hands.

Chicas are almost always going to start off high if a dude starts asking, her price. You'll get $100 us, $125 us, 4000 - 7000 pesos etc. Some ridiculous number. And why not? Some chicas will get it, because some dudes assume prices are supposed to be more during this time. And further, guys who are doing PFP where they come from, or go to expensive ass strip clubs, those DR prices end up being bargains to them by comparison. Some dudes just have money to burn, and don't give a fuck what the cost is. Having a good time is most important.

Some guys are wittingly or unwittingly fucking up the established price scale / range by being too eager to comply with these chicas high ass expectations. What guys can do, is tell chicas what THEY will pay her. A dude can take into account it is SBW and add 500 pesos than what is generally the price / range during non SBW times. Especially for stunner chicas, and then negotiate from there. A chica having to negotiate UP from the mongers offer is better than a monger negotiating DOWN from the chicas expectations. IMO, the monger is more in control of the negotiation that way. At any time he doesn't like her counter he can walk away knowing he turned down her offer. But negotiating down with a chica, a dude puts himself in a bad position because it is harder to go rock bottom in negotiating (1500 - 2000) after a chica quoted a dude 4000 pesos from the jump.

A dude involved in a chicas offer trying to negotiate down, there seems to be a slight element of desperation in it. Because a ridiculous offer like that, a dude really should dismiss her entirely. It's like she thinks you are a mark for even starting off with such a ridiculous amount. Whereas a dude accepting a chicas counter offer ( from his original offer ) where she upped it by a small amount, a dude appears to be more in control. It's almost like card games where the one who initiates the challenge appears to be more in control than the individual that has to make a decision to play or fold. If a dude accepts her small increment, a chica may very well go with the dude with a much more positive outlook on the situation which MAY reflect positively in her performance later ( not an absolute, but a chance).

For instance. A dude offers 2000 for ST, chica says no, I need 2500. If she seems worth a try, that's not too bad. A guy can take it or leave it. He's in control. If he denies her counter, she may accept his orignal offer. Everybody is ok. But a dude asking a chica how much for ST and she blurts out 4000. The dude says, look I'll give you 2500. She says no, I need 3000. If dude insists on 2500 and the chica accepts it, there is a chance she will make adjustments in her performance to compensate for her disappointment and saving face from not getting more (what she thinks she's worth).

A chance, but not an absolute. Some chicas are cool, because perhaps that's what they wanted anyway. But some chicas actually expect to be paid what they quote (4000 pesos). For enough chicas, to go from 4000 to 2500 may spark resentment being in that position, and the feeling that she got bamboozled in negotiation. And it may reflect later in her performance. A dude may very well succeed in negotiating a fair price for himself, but not get what he thinks he is paying for because he can't negotiate performance. Chicas always have control in that department. So a dude can make it seem like it's a win / win for himself and the chica by telling her what he'll pay and work from that. Doing whatever is effective in keeping prices in check doesnt only apply for SBW or special times of year. What Im addressing can apply at anytime.

12-07-14, 14:53
Very often the Sosua regulars are available for regular prices. They will fill up and occupy all of the cheap rooming houses and modest priced hotels throughout the area. (Sosua, Charimicos etc). Now when the stunners come to make their money, they'll stay with friends and family near Sosua, or may rent a place with a few other chicas. Some may stay in a rooming house or apt, if any are still available. But a nicer place is preferable. You can expect many of those stunners to stick to their inflated $expectations $ to make up for their expenses, and the fact they know they will be in demand. Enough of them may come to Sosua in a rental car (or own a car). They may not usually come to Sosua for PFP, but the lure of making a ton of money and have fun is too good to pass up.

Afterwards they go back to where they came from and live their normal day to day lives. With some luck, they just might score them a regular dude who will visit them where they live, and also become their WU novio.

12-07-14, 18:59
gave me the best action. having problems with pictures

12-07-14, 20:05
This girls had no stop in her. She meant to please and had great stamina. Picture is deceptive. I think she weighed at least 180.

12-07-14, 20:13
gave me the best action. having problems with picturesLOL I swear that's my ex!

12-07-14, 20:15
gave me the best action. having problems with picturesYep that her. I miss that ass.

12-07-14, 20:22
Small world. Great minds think a lot. She was a very good performer. I kept her two nights in a row and man could she dance and ball.

LOL I swear that's my ex!

12-07-14, 20:31
Small world. Great minds think a lot. She was a very good performer. I kept her two nights in a row and man could she dance and ball.Yes she loves to shake that nice ass. She was my #1 stunter for a year. She usually don't like the north coast. Her status was too high for Sosua. Guess time change and getting money don't. She has gain weight but its all good. Don't worry I have a G-code. You did by her another phone did you lol.

12-07-14, 21:25
I could have spent another night with her with no problem. She is a SD girl but it is close to Christmas. She made no demands. I was was generous with her because I liked how she carried her self. Not to mention the sounds she made were off the chart.

I saw more 8's and above this trip. I usually do not chase the real pretty ones but next trip I am doing 8's and up. I bought a pizza for 4 Santiago girls each a beauty. I had a very good time. I am planning my next trip already. I learned how to do more then fuck chicas. Broadening my horizons made the trip way more fun. I found some nice places to eat that had dishes I look forward to when I return.

Yes she loves to shake that nice ass. She was my #1 stunter for a year. She usually don't like the north coast. Her status was too high for Sosua. Guess time change and getting money don't. She has gain weight but its all good. Don't worry I have a G-code. You did by her another phone did you lol.

12-07-14, 22:14
I could have spent another night with her with no problem. She is a SD girl but it is close to Christmas. She made no demands. I was was generous with her because I liked how she carried her self. Not to mention the sounds she made were off the chart.

I saw more 8's and above this trip. I usually do not chase the real pretty ones but next trip I am doing 8's and up. I bought a pizza for 4 Santiago girls each a beauty. I had a very good time. I am planning my next trip already. I learned how to do more then fuck chicas. Broadening my horizons made the trip way more fun. I found some nice places to eat that had dishes I look forward to when I return.No she's from BC. I am glad you were generous. You see the reason why I kept her for a long time. She was my wet wet.

Brother P
12-07-14, 23:35
LOL I swear that's my ex!Well done Old Kool! I see like many of us you like your chocolate! LOL.

12-08-14, 00:57
Well done Old Kool! I see like many of us you like your chocolate! LOL.She was one of the few none chocolates of my team! She had good wife vibe that made her cool to chill with so I cuffed her. And as OL said she is beast in the bed. I wrote about her on the BC thread #2583 & #2599.
HEY SURFER! Give me all your dinero or I am going to throw this phatt azz @ YOU!

12-08-14, 02:04
She is about 28 which is long in the tooth for the business. I will say the older ladies seem a bit more stable and play less games. The young ones can be very wild. In the DR 28 is over the hill.

No she's from BC. I am glad you were generous. You see the reason why I kept her for a long time. She was my wet wet.

12-08-14, 02:23
She was one of the few none chocolates of my team! She had good wife vibe that made her cool to chill with so I cuffed her. And as OL said she is beast in the bed. I wrote about her on the BC thread #2583 & #2599.
HEY SURFER! Give me all your dinero or I am going to throw this phatt azz @ YOU!Just got back from a weekend in Tijuana and I can tell you they don't have any women like that down there!

Your beast looks like a body builder and is built like a brick shit house!

Not my type unless they are a psycho of course.

12-08-14, 02:34
The majority of unsuccessful outcomes could have been averted by diligent pre-employment evaluation of what the hiree is bringing to the encounter,

A lot of girls will agree to stay all night with you but not let you leche in the morning unless you discussed before. All details need to be talked about before agreeing to anything. The best thing is always to give the girls a trial run and if you like them and they like you then finish the deal for all night.

Brother P
12-08-14, 11:41
She was one of the few none chocolates of my team! She had good wife vibe that made her cool to chill with so I cuffed her. And as OL said she is beast in the bed. I wrote about her on the BC thread #2583 & #2599.
HEY SURFER! Give me all your dinero or I am going to throw this phatt azz @ YOU!You can throw it at me. LOL. Sexy and cool! Can't beat that!

Charles Pooter
12-08-14, 13:14
A lot of girls will agree to stay all night with you but not let you leche in the morning unless you discussed before. All details need to be talked about before agreeing to anything. The best thing is always to give the girls a trial run and if you like them and they like you then finish the deal for all night.Not picking on you in particular, Grub, but your post is representative of many over the years.

Honestly, if I had to negotiate and agree every last detail before going with a chica for the night, I would give up mongering. It would mean that I was picking the wrong chicas. Of course, I realise that it is all about the money, but once a basic payment is agreed I expect, and have nearly always found, that the next 12+ hours are passed in friendship and (simulated) GFE.

If your every experience is like operating in a war zone, steer clear of the Strip when looking for chicas. Try the backstreets of Sosua and girls who have a daytime job, not solely reliant on whoring, or Charamicos, or Montellano or Puerto Plata. There are plenty of sweet-natured girls who are only to happy to pick up 1500 pesos plus a dinner and comfortable billet for the night, won't try to haggle or nickel and dime you, and will want to see you again, but it is difficult to find them on the Strip.

Having said that, some failures are inevitable. Any monger who says he never strikes out is a liar. But with experience you can reduce these failures from the newbie's one in three or four to no more than one in ten. And you can improve your chances by looking at haitianas too.

12-09-14, 13:16
Not picking on you in particular, Grub, but your post is representative of many over the years.

Honestly, if I had to negotiate and agree every last detail before going with a chica for the night, I would give up mongering. It would mean that I was picking the wrong chicas. Of course, I realise that it is all about the money, but once a basic payment is agreed I expect, and have nearly always found, that the next 12+ hours are passed in friendship and (simulated) GFE.

If your every experience is like operating in a war zone, steer clear of the Strip when looking for chicas. Try the backstreets of Sosua and girls who have a daytime job, not solely reliant on whoring, or Charamicos, or Montellano or Puerto Plata. There are plenty of sweet-natured girls who are only to happy to pick up 1500 pesos plus a dinner and comfortable billet for the night, won't try to haggle or nickel and dime you, and will want to see you again, but it is difficult to find them on the Strip.

Having said that, some failures are inevitable. Any monger who says he never strikes out is a liar. But with experience you can reduce these failures from the newbie's one in three or four to no more than one in ten. And you can improve your chances by looking at haitianas too.I agree.

Getting into the weeds with a stranger, specifying the specific act, and the time to be spent on each activity, kills a lot of the spontaneous fun of meeting new chicas. A bummer and a downer, for both parties.

For me it starts when I first say Hola. How much do I want to fuck her? That's where the dick comes into the equation, the main indicator, the crossroads. Hold 'em or fold 'em time!. Without that initial attraction forget it. In that instant, questions of attractiveness, cleanliness, grooming and literacy are mostly addressed. Takes a minute.

If she's still viable to me after that, next is 10 minutes of fun conversation, usually over a beer, I can tell if she can satify me, and if the price is right. If not, I leave her smiling, gracias, maybe next time. Doesn't appear you are kicking tires and treating them like dirt, so usually up will pop another one.

As you say, we'll occasionally meet an outlier, but most of the time it works out well.

The dick has been diss'ed here in this forum as an unreliable guide to P4 P heaven, but if you listen to it first, and then bring the head into play, you will do OK.

12-09-14, 18:27
Sleeping with strangers can be dangerous. I say ST at first to see if chica is good in the sack and how she conducts her self. Sosua attracts some bad character chicas who are thiefs and maybe worse. They are not always obvious. If you have an attraction 1500 pesos is not much to see what's up. I had a chica I was interviewing who ordered a corona beer 250 pesos. A presidente is 125 pesos this act gave me pause that she was hustling me. I started looking for someone else.

I agree.

Getting into the weeds with a stranger, specifying the specific act, and the time to be spent on each activity, kills a lot of the spontaneous fun of meeting new chicas. A bummer and a downer, for both parties.

For me it starts when I first say Hola. How much do I want to fuck her? That's where the dick comes into the equation, the main indicator, the crossroads. Hold As you say, we'll occasionally meet an outlier, but most of the time it works out well.

The dick has been diss'ed here in this forum as an unreliable guide to P4 P heaven, but if you listen to it first, and then bring the head into play, you will do OK.

12-09-14, 22:50
Not picking on you in particular, Grub, but your post is representative of many over the years.I could not agree more. Many come to the island with their preconceived notion based on how things are done back in the US / EU etc and would like to define everything prior to getting to bed and for me that would kill any erection I might have otherwise had. One should recognize that it is a different place, the island that is, and perhaps despite all the swan songs sung, it is still a much better place to find a woman who though for a short time, might remind one of how it was to have a young girl friend. Even in Sosua, Find those that do not speak English and treat them with kindness and consideration, you would be rewarded unless you are one that counts each ejaculation against a certain number of pesos.

12-10-14, 15:12
I had a hard time uploading pictures. This girl was as solid as a line backer. She was the last girl I I had. I had to make her stop. I was running on E and needed something different to motivate me. This 20 year old buxom babe was tireless and enjoyed the sex as well. I am looking forward to seeing her again.

Mr Enternational
12-10-14, 19:44
This mf was so damn beautiful to me that I had to take her picture.

12-10-14, 20:24
I could not agree more. Many come to the island with their preconceived notion based on how things are done back in the US / EU etc and would like to define everything prior to getting to bed and for me that would kill any erection I might have otherwise had. One should recognize that it is a different place, the island that is, and perhaps despite all the swan songs sung, it is still a much better place to find a woman who though for a short time, might remind one of how it was to have a young girl friend. Even in Sosua, Find those that do not speak English and treat them with kindness and consideration, you would be rewarded unless you are one that counts each ejaculation against a certain number of pesos.Right on Tempo.

Sosua, and life in general, is like a mirror.

What you see depends a great deal on what you show.

Smile, and it will smile back at you!

12-11-14, 19:15
Flying in on the Spirit Airlines flight from Lauderdale to Santiago at 2:30 AM and have a recommended driver picking me up at the airport. Anyone else on that flight by chance that wants to split the cab fare. I'm returning to the airport on the 13th about 2 am. Have a $50 fare each way negotiated with the driver assuming the risk to find another passenger or two. Just trying to help him out if anyone is interested.

This is my second trip. Last February I did the Casa Marina all inclusive with a room at Rocky's. Trying Casa Valeria this time for a short stay. Heading down with the idea of finding a month long rental in February to escape the cold winter.

Planning a trip to FOD and Blackbeards during one of my days and Caberete another. Hope to see some of you next week.Will be down there the last week of February.

12-12-14, 04:12
life in general, is like a mirror.Exactly the way I see it.

12-12-14, 17:57
Last night on the strip I wasn't disappointed. I love Thursday nights. Rumbas aka Hardcore Cafe. Had a huge selection that I bypassed. I got slow neck (BBBJ) with leche in mouth for 500 pesos. set up an all nighter with a regular one my top 3 team. I felt good went out and played Mr. Stuck up monger with the the dimes. They were looking good in classico. Settled with my Sosua assassin and she did not disappoint 2000 pesos all night. Has anyone seen Parkinson. Where are you Player I am ready for Nagua manana.

Mr Gogo
12-12-14, 18:39
Last night on the strip I wasn't disappointed. I love Thursday nights. Rumbas aka Hardcore Cafe. Had a huge selection that I bypassed. I got slow neck (BBBJ) with leche in mouth for 500 pesos. set up an all nighter with a regular one my top 3 team. I felt good went out and played Mr. Stuck up monger with the the dimes. They were looking good in classico. Settled with my Sosua assassin and she did not disappoint 2000 pesos all night. Has anyone seen Parkinson. Where are you Player I am ready for Nagua manana.You are officially a Sosua vet and it might be time to move on grasshopper. Sosua is just a pass through spot for me but I don't take half of what's going on there seriously. It's about the beach and side bars for me.

12-12-14, 19:48
Last night on the strip I wasn't disappointed. I love Thursday nights. Rumbas aka Hardcore Cafe. Had a huge selection that I bypassed. I got slow neck (BBBJ) with leche in mouth for 500 pesos. set up an all nighter with a regular one my top 3 team. I felt good went out and played Mr. Stuck up monger with the the dimes. They were looking good in classico. Settled with my Sosua assassin and she did not disappoint 2000 pesos all night. Has anyone seen Parkinson. Where are you Player I am ready for Nagua manana.Man I haven't found a "slow neck" in all the times that I've been to Sosua. Who is this gem? I'm sure that your Chica hooked you up for 2000 because you are familiar with her but who is she? I enjoy your reports very much, but I would like to know some names, so that when I run into them, I can readily recall how their services are and I can put a name to the face. I myself am not a photo taker, so when I write a report about someone I had a good expierence with, I try to give a description and a name. That's why we joined this forum. Right? To share information. Keep up the good work. Peace.

12-12-14, 20:12
Where do you go to get a 500 pesos BJ. I will be back in March and want to put that on the agenda.

Last night on the strip I wasn't disappointed. I love Thursday nights. Rumbas aka Hardcore Cafe. Had a huge selection that I bypassed. I got slow neck (BBBJ) with leche in mouth for 500 pesos. set up an all nighter with a regular one my top 3 team. I felt good went out and played Mr. Stuck up monger with the the dimes. They were looking good in classico. Settled with my Sosua assassin and she did not disappoint 2000 pesos all night. Has anyone seen Parkinson. Where are you Player I am ready for Nagua manana.

12-12-14, 21:11
Where do you go to get a 500 pesos BJ. I will be back in March and want to put that on the agenda.Belki's was 700 the last time I went there but it's been a while, I don't think that they would turn you down if you told them that you you didn't want any massage, just a BJ. There is also the place almost directly across the street from Belki's,I've never been but have been hounded by the Haitian girl that runs or owns the place a million times, I can't imagine that she would turn down 500 for just a quick BJ.

12-12-14, 22:37
Belki's was 700 the last time I went there but it's been a while, I don't think that they would turn you down if you told them that you you didn't want any massage, just a BJ. There is also the place almost directly across the street from Belki's,I've never been but have been hounded by the Haitian girl that runs or owns the place a million times, I can't imagine that she would turn down 500 for just a quick BJ.The last time I was at Belkis it was 300 pesos for a 30 minute massage and 500 pesos for an hour massage. That money went right to the house, and whatever the girl charged you for the BJ is hers to keep. The girls normally wanted 500 pesos for the BJ.

12-13-14, 01:47
Man I haven't found a "slow neck" in all the times that I've been to Sosua. Who is this gem? I'm sure that your Chica hooked you up for 2000 because you are familiar with her but who is she? I enjoy your reports very much, but I would like to know some names, so that when I run into them, I can readily recall how their services are and I can put a name to the face. I myself am not a photo taker, so when I write a report about someone I had a good expierence with, I try to give a description and a name. That's why we joined this forum. Right? To share information. Keep up the good work. Peace.I'm sorry but I cannot remember the name of these hoes. I treat them like flavor Flav. Maria was the name of the all nighter.

12-13-14, 03:08
Last night on the strip I wasn't disappointed. I love Thursday nights. Rumbas aka Hardcore Cafe. Had a huge selection that I bypassed. I got slow neck (BBBJ) with leche in mouth for 500 pesos. set up an all nighter with a regular one my top 3 team. I felt good went out and played Mr. Stuck up monger with the the dimes. They were looking good in classico. Settled with my Sosua assassin and she did not disappoint 2000 pesos all night. Has anyone seen Parkinson. Where are you Player I am ready for Nagua manana.Gman I don't get in till Saturday afternoon! I'm still freezing my ass off here in the US.

I got to see how you play stuck up monger and use that reverse psychology shit!

12-13-14, 03:16
Where do you go to get a 500 pesos BJ. I will be back in March and want to put that on the agenda.She used to be my all nighter. When we got to my room she started getting undressed taking off her makeup as if she's going to stay the night. I had to remember most of the girls I roll with expect to be with me all night no question. I had to hurry and let her know that I was going back to Classico with my friends she seemed a little disappointed but she knew the deal. I am really not a head man maybe 2 or 3 minutes and I'm ready, but when you see a pro your dick remembers.

12-13-14, 03:23
Gman I don't get in till Saturday afternoon! I'm still freezing my ass off here in the US.

I got to see how you play stuck up monger and use that reverse psychology shit!Damn the game changes in Nagua. I wish I knew you were in the US I am running out of size small laugh out loud.

12-13-14, 03:58
This mf was so damn beautiful to me that I had to take her picture.That's all you did? Only took a pic? First the fake Rihanna now this cutie.

Love those Michael Koro shirts on women!! He can tailor likes nobody else! Well except Pollo Rafael Laurent.

12-13-14, 10:23
This mf was so damn beautiful to me that I had to take her picture.Please observe the posting etiquette of the group. Upright, please!

It's hard to jerk off when you have your neck twisted sideways :)

12-13-14, 16:39
The last time I was at Belkis it was 300 pesos for a 30 minute massage and 500 pesos for an hour massage. That money went right to the house, and whatever the girl charged you for the BJ is hers to keep. The girls normally wanted 500 pesos for the BJ.Yup,300 to the house and I would give the girl 400 but I was going there every day of my trips, it was part of my routine, staying at New Garden, breakfast then Belki's for a morning BJ, I'm not a morning fucker but a good BJ is nice to start the day.

Sixty 9
12-13-14, 17:04
Yup,300 to the house and I would give the girl 400 but I was going there every day of my trips, it was part of my routine, staying at New Garden, breakfast then Belki's for a morning BJ, I'm not a morning fucker but a good BJ is nice to start the day.This routine sounds so good.

Where is Belkis? On the street to the little beach near Casa Cayena?

12-13-14, 17:26
I like the idea of a morning massage to start the day. Great thing about this forum is good ideas to make the trip better.

Gym massage and breakfast.

12-13-14, 17:43
The last time I was at Belkis it was 300 pesos for a 30 minute massage and 500 pesos for an hour massage. That money went right to the house, and whatever the girl charged you for the BJ is hers to keep. The girls normally wanted 500 pesos for the BJ.I was Belkis on Tuesday. They wanted 600 for the hour, and then 500 for the con completo. Girl was cute and I would have indulged, but had no more leche from that mornings festivities.

12-13-14, 18:37
There was another massage shack across from Rockies. The talent was not bad but none of them look like they had a clue how to give a massage. Belkes girls get a lot of practice so they should be good at both things.

I was Belkis on Tuesday. They wanted 600 for the hour, and then 500 for the con completo. Girl was cute and I would have indulged, but had no more leche from that mornings festivities.

12-13-14, 19:31
Before I give my last night report I just want to say I was hell bent on going to Nagua tonight. With Parkinson coming in today, E whining about is money, Street being King here in Sosua, my refusing to go back to Boca Chica on Saturday, and last night success rate for everyone. I again compromised to give Sosua day 3. There's a girl I saw in classico yesterday that I have to have. She don't even know it. Hey I'll be back next month. I am strictly doing the north coast. Last night Sosua coming up soon.

12-13-14, 21:57
This routine sounds so good.

Where is Belkis? On the street to the little beach near Casa Cayena?When you leave Casa Cayena make a right and as you are walking it will be to your left. It is near the corner and if you cross the intersection you went too far. There are usually chicas sitting outside and occasionally they are handing out cards. Correct me if I am wrong but it is a beauty shop with some small attached rooms (to the side and back).

12-13-14, 22:04
Before I give my last night report I just want to say I was hell bent on going to Nagua tonight. With Parkinson coming in today, E whining about is money, Street being King here in Sosua, my refusing to go back to Boca Chica on Saturday, and last night success rate for everyone. I again compromised to give Sosua day 3. There's a girl I saw in classico yesterday that I have to have. She don't even know it. Hey I'll be back next month. I am strictly doing the north coast. Last night Sosua coming up soon.I thought like me you were a sosua turned to SD / BC convert. Why are you now spending more time up north than in the south? I'm planning to head back for a month and don't want to wish I'd booked a week in sosua while in DR as I plan to spend the whole month in SD.

12-13-14, 23:11
I just completed a money transfer from my USA Bank account for cash delivery at Caribe Express. It was for $1500 USA, delivered in dollars. It took six days. The total charge was $2. 00! I was not in a hurry. The Xoom net charge would have been about $45.00 with the peso discount on delivery. I used RIA money transfer. It was my fourth transfer, I tried $200 first to try them out. All notifications were just like Xoom and Caribe called me when the money had arrived. The money was in envelopes at the Caribe office. (I have no financial interest in this company).

12-14-14, 00:02
Heading to Sosua 13th Jan '14 is this a good or bad time to go? Weather chica prices etc.


12-14-14, 03:37
I thought like me you were a sosua turned to SD / BC convert. Why are you now spending more time up north than in the south? I'm planning to head back for a month and don't want to wish I'd booked a week in sosua while in DR as I plan to spend the whole month in SD.I was in Santo Domingo Boca. Chica first. Then I visit Sosua. I like Boca Chica but I don't want to spend 6 days there when there are other areas to explore. I was hoping to break in Naqua. For about 2 days. I'm going to do the north coast because I haven't gave Santiago, PP, and Naqua the respect they deserves.

Charles Pooter
12-14-14, 16:26
Heading to Sosua 13th Jan '14 is this a good or bad time to go? Weather chica prices etc.

Very good time to go. Holiday season over and the chicas will have spent all their money. Not too hot. Might get a bit of rain but not enough to affect anything.

Mr Enternational
12-14-14, 18:42
I just completed a money transfer from my USA Bank account for cash delivery at Caribe Express. It was for $1500 USA, delivered in dollars. It took six days. The total charge was $2. 00! I was not in a hurry. The Xoom net charge would have been about $45.00 with the peso discount on delivery. I used RIA money transfer. It was my fourth transfer, I tried $200 first to try them out. All notifications were just like Xoom and Caribe called me when the money had arrived. The money was in envelopes at the Caribe office. (I have no financial interest in this company).You could have done the same online with Western Union in only a matter of minutes.

12-14-14, 18:44
Planning next trip. Could bring three other guys. Getting in early afternoon. I would normally take the bus but with 4 people cab may be in play. How much is cab from airport to Sosua.

Mr Gogo
12-14-14, 18:46
Planning next trip. Could bring three other guys. Getting in early afternoon. I would normally take the bus but with 4 people cab may be in play. How much is cab from airport to Sosua.It's 80-100 fare from STI to Sosua.

12-14-14, 18:54
You could have done the same online with Western Union in only a matter of minutes.And how much would that cost with Western Union?

12-14-14, 19:48
Planning next trip. Could bring three other guys. Getting in early afternoon. I would normally take the bus but with 4 people cab may be in play. How much is cab from airport to Sosua.My hotel charges $90 one way for pickup from STI for as many people as you can stuff into the cab.


12-14-14, 20:11
I just checked Caribe and it is no contest. 4 tickets $15. No brainer.

My hotel charges $90 one way for pickup from STI for as many people as you can stuff into the cab.


12-14-14, 21:25
I just checked Caribe and it is no contest. 4 tickets $15. No brainer.Don't forget to factor in the cab ride to the coach station and then another cab from where the coach drops you off to Sosua.

12-15-14, 01:28
I just checked Caribe and it is no contest. 4 tickets $15. No brainer.My man Juan just quoted me 75 for his cab.

12-15-14, 04:12
The bus is 120 pesos 4 tickets 480 pesos about $15 plus 500 pesos for cabs. Still a no brainer.

My man Juan just quoted me 75 for his cab.

Mr Gogo
12-15-14, 04:31
The bus is 120 pesos 4 tickets 480 pesos about $15 plus 500 pesos for cabs. Still a no brainer.I did it two weeks ago, it's 195 pesos from the metro bus in Santiago to Sosua, not 120 pesos. The 500 pesos for the cab outside the gate was great. I would offer the same taxis at the airport 600-700 the next trip I go. Here's why; their cabs are air conditioned but the cabs outside the gates probably aren't (mines wasn't). It's a good 25 minute ride to the bus station from STI, so on a hot day I would rather pay that extra 100 pesos for comfort. Plus the ones at the airport are newer cars so breaking down shouldn't be a problem plus they can just call you another cab. The ones outside the gates are strictly freelancers trying to get a quick fare.

12-15-14, 17:06
Caribe Tours is 120 pesos and has more times scheduled. It is good to have options. With 4 people my approach may change.

I did it two weeks ago, it's 195 pesos from the metro bus in Santiago to Sosua, not 120 pesos. The 500 pesos for the cab outside the gate was great. I would offer the same taxis at the airport 600-700 the next trip I go. Here's why; their cabs are air conditioned but the cabs outside the gates probably aren't (mines wasn't). It's a good 25 minute ride to the bus station from STI, so on a hot day I would rather pay that extra 100 pesos for comfort. Plus the ones at the airport are newer cars so breaking down shouldn't be a problem plus they can just call you another cab. The ones outside the gates are strictly freelancers trying to get a quick fare.

12-15-14, 21:04
Caribe Tours is 120 pesos and has more times scheduled. It is good to have options. With 4 people my approach may change.I've made that trip a few times. The bus is way more comfortable than 5 guys in a cab, and a lot cheaper.

The down side are the cab connections you need at both ends of the trip, more luggage handling, payments and maybe propinas.

12-15-14, 23:21
You could have done the same online with Western Union in only a matter of minutes.True but it would have cost him about $150. To do it with Western Union, they give about an 8% poorer exchange rate plus would have charged about $20. Fee on top of that.

12-16-14, 22:13
Planning next trip. Could bring three other guys. Getting in early afternoon. I would normally take the bus but with 4 people cab may be in play. How much is cab from airport to Sosua.When Kool.

12-17-14, 00:24
A little late with the TR. Needed some days to recover, but figured I'd better get this out while it was still relavent.

I missed Oldkool by 1 day on the front of my trip, but he covered most of what's' going on in his report from the week before I went, and I missed Grownman by a day after I left. And he is covering the current events.

Met up with Mr. E. cool azz dude who hollered atcha boy and put me up on some Asia game. E. those 2 from your happy hour kept asking me about you the next day when they couldn't find you, playa.

Met up with WRX, another cool dude who put me down with some how to "live" in the DR knowledge. Need to get back atcha for another knowledge transfer, bro.

Updates: CMP still closed. Passion still closed. I was there in September, and Rumba was the spot until Classicos opened at 11. Then Rumba went dead. Now, Rumba is banging all night until around 1 or 2, depending on the night. It's kinda taken the place of the'latin now. Never went up in Classicos.

Someone told me a while back that you could get a good legit massage at Belkis, but no extras. Apparently, the chick I had last week didn't get that memo.

There is a new spot right next to Rocky's called Urban Cabana. They tricked out the downstairs pretty nice as a bar / lounge joint, but I'm wondering if they have rooms upstairs? Anyone else have any intel?

On my last day, I actually spent some time TALKING to a chica, instead of trying to plug her every orifice, and learned some things you might find useful when planning travel.

Dominicans celebrate Christmas starting on December 24th. So. All of the girls who aren't local will vacate, and Sosua will be a ghost town on December 23rd.

New Years Day is a special day for them, and most chicas won't come out. They will be with family.

They also celebrate their version of Santa Claus on January 6th. So. Don't look for girls to show back up until after the 8th'ish.

I didn't make this up, or pull it out of my azz, but hopefully someone who was planning a trip hoping to find a chica desperate for holiday money won't go too late, or too early, and be disappointed.

12-17-14, 01:17
...Someone told me a while back that you could get a good legit massage at Belkis, but no extras. Apparently, the chick I had last week didn't get that memo.

There is a new spot right next to Rocky's called Urban Cabana. They tricked out the downstairs pretty nice as a bar / lounge joint, but I'm wondering if they have rooms upstairs? Anyone else have any intel?

Dominicans celebrate Christmas starting on December 24th. So. All of the girls who aren't local will vacate, and Sosua will be a ghost town on December 23rd.

New Years Day is a special day for them, and most chicas won't come out. They will be with family.

They also celebrate their version of Santa Claus on January 6th. So. Don't look for girls to show back up until after the 8th'ish.From my experience with Belkis most of the chicas did not get the memo. I feel that if you are looking for a serious massage go elsewhere. Just my take.

I did a round of some of the hotels in Sosua. If you look in the 'Sosua Hotels' section, post # 873, you will see this information. This is what I wrote about 'Urban Cabana: "Urban Cabana-$50-I had to go here twice since I could not find any workers the first time out. The room that was shown to me had a futon on a low platform. " They do have rooms upstairs. I was not impressed and would not stay there (but this is just my opinion.).

Rule of thumb is that in many Latin American nations Christmas is not the best time to look for action. Many of the chicas want to spend it with their family.

January 6th is called "DIA de LOS Ninos. " (Day of the Children.). We call it 'The Feast of the Epiphany. ' This is the day that the Three Wise Men came to Jesus. On this day children are given gifts, like Jesus was given gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Traditionally, one places hay at the foot of the bed. When the camels arrive from their long journey, they will eat the hay and in appreciation the wise men will leave gifts. This was when I was growing up. I do not know if they still do this anymore.

Mr Enternational
12-17-14, 01:32
True but it would have cost him about $150. To do it with Western Union, they give about an 8% poorer exchange rate plus would have charged about $20. Fee on top of that.Partial au contraire mon frere. I have definitely sent dollars for the person to recieve in dollars. And for 1500 of them the fee is 60. Usually when someone has to send cash the person on the other end doesn't have 6 days to wait around for it.

Mr Enternational
12-17-14, 02:01
There is a new spot right next to Rocky's called Urban Cabana. They tricked out the downstairs pretty nice as a bar / lounge joint, but I'm wondering if they have rooms upstairs? Anyone else have any intel?Funny you should mention that. Remember I didn't have a place to stay. Right after you left with that chick I was walking back to the car and spotted Urban Cabana. I figured it said Cabana so it must be cheap. WRONG! Dude said the rooms were $60. He gave me a tour and showed me several rooms. They all have the warehouse loft look. Concrete floors and walls. The beds were not comfortable either. Just like Boriman said, the place sucked. I ended up going back to Europa and since I was checking in so late they only charged me $35.

I went in and did some things on my computer and then went out to get some wings. The clock on my computer said 2 am. As I walked up to that fast food joint I saw a bunch of chicas walking the other way (including the one I had the night before). I'm thinking to myself why the hell is everybody going home? When I got to the spot and pulled out my cell phone I saw that it was actually 3 am (the time on my computer is set to EST and I wasn't thinking about it.) I met a guy who had on a Chang (beer from Thailand) shirt and started talking to him. Turns out he is from Florida and his wife is Thai. He asked me what time the first Metro bus leaves to go to Santo Domingo the next morning. I told him shit if he was going to Santo Domingo then he could just ride with me because I was leaving early too.

So I picked him up at 8:15 and dropped him off at the airport in Santo Domingo at 11:45. Then I was off to Boca Chica because I had a chick from San Pedro meeting me there. I got back to the airport at 2 pm and wouldn't you know it those mfs at Budget talking about I damaged the car. I told them no it was already like that. They said they would get with the manager about it the next day. I took pictures and they took pictures. When I got past immigration I ran into the guy that rode with me again. He said if he had known I would be back that fast then he would have gone to Boca Chica with me. A few days later the $1000 hold for the deposit for the car had come off of my credit card. The car was supposed to cost me I think $66 for those 2 days, but evidently they didn't want their money, so I had a free car rental courtesy of Budget.

12-17-14, 02:08
I've made that trip a few times. The bus is way more comfortable than 5 guys in a cab, and a lot cheaper.

The down side are the cab connections you need at both ends of the trip, more luggage handling, payments and maybe propinas.What's the deal do I have to book the bus in advance or do I just turn up at the bus station and purchase a ticket there?


Mr Enternational
12-17-14, 02:15
E. those 2 from your happy hour kept asking me about you the next day when they couldn't find you, playa.I was standing on the wall in front of Merengue when two chicks came up. One latched on to me and the other went about her way. She kept asking to come with me and I was trying to blow her off. Then her friend came back. I was thinking about taking the friend then they started talking about happy hour. I asked how much. They said 2000 pesos. I didn't want to get played so I said that is 1000 pesos each right? They said yes. Not wanting any bullshit in the game later I told them to write it down and they did. Then I took my ass upstairs to Clasico to get away from them and see what was going on up there. Main report at a later date. I'm in Rio right now and there must be some big booty Brazilian at the spot with my name all over that ass. So I better go find her before some other dude gets her.

Chris Long
12-17-14, 03:05
In Sosua right now any one else around. Will be on the island until Jan 19th if any one else is going to be here.


12-17-14, 05:09
I was standing on the wall in front of Merengue when two chicks came up. One latched on to me and the other went about her way. She kept asking to come with me and I was trying to blow her off. Then her friend came back. I was thinking about taking the friend then they started talking about happy hour. I asked how much. They said 2000 pesos. I didn't want to get played so I said that is 1000 pesos each right? They said yes. Not wanting any bullshit in the game later I told them to write it down and they did. Then I took my ass upstairs to Clasico to get away from them and see what was going on up there. Main report at a later date. I'm in Rio right now and there must be some big booty Brazilian at the spot with my name all over that ass. So I better go find her before some other dude gets her.Good shit bro! I'm headed down there next month. Please report back on your assessment relative to Sosua. Thanks.

12-17-14, 06:23
Trip is in planning stages. I may have as many as 3 people with me. Want to do the weekend in Sosua including Sunday at the beaches. The talent on the weekends is off the charts. I have heard the locals do the beaches on the weekends. I am curious. On my last trip I stayed at Europa and was very pleased. The rooms are decent and had every thing I needed. I have learned how to max out my time in Sosua. I have a Barbershop and saloon I go to for the works. A few places to eat that I really enjoy. I have 2 gyms that satisfy my workout habit. These things plus the women make Sosua off the charts.

When Kool.

12-17-14, 15:58
Partial au contraire mon frere. I have definitely sent dollars for the person to recieve in dollars. And for 1500 of them the fee is 60. Usually when someone has to send cash the person on the other end doesn't have 6 days to wait around for it.I never thought of doing that, great idea.

12-17-14, 16:02
From my experience with Belkis most of the chicas did not get the memo. I feel that if you are looking for a serious massage go elsewhere. Just my take.

Honestly, I don't know anyone that has ever gone to Belki's or spoken of going to Belki's for any purpose other than to get a blowjob. The "massage" is just a front to stay open, Belki's is a BJ shack and nothing more in my opinion.

12-17-14, 16:07
Just got back and it was cool and rainy. Didn't pack enough long jeans.

Going back late next month into February. Is it typically in the upper 60's and rainy in mid-winter during the nights?

Charles Pooter
12-17-14, 16:30
Just got back and it was cool and rainy. Didn't pack enough long jeans.

Going back late next month into February. Is it typically in the upper 60's and rainy in mid-winter during the nights?You were very unlucky. Unusually rainy for the past two weeks. From now until Christmas is forecast to be very sunny. I hope you will have more luck in February.

12-17-14, 16:50
What's the deal do I have to book the bus in advance or do I just turn up at the bus station and purchase a ticket there?

ThanksYep, just get to the bus station and buy a ticket!

If I travel down there, it's usually with GF and she handles all the connections to the bus station, motoconcho, taxi, publico, guagua whatever. You can save a bundle if you are familiar with the local ways and means.

12-17-14, 16:57
Honestly, I don't know anyone that has ever gone to Belki's or spoken of going to Belki's for any purpose other than to get a blowjob. The "massage" is just a front to stay open, Belki's is a BJ shack and nothing more in my opinion.Belkis is a salon and you can get a haircut, manicure, or pedicure there. You can also get a blow job as stated, or a handjob, or more if you are inclined. All is negotiable. However the girls are mostly not trained massagistas, so probably not a good place for a massage, though sometimes they have women who know how to do a good massage--it is hit and miss, or some can do a very good erotic massage even if not a good muscle massage.

12-17-14, 16:58
Try the backstreets of Sosua and girls who have a daytime job, not solely reliant on whoring, or Charamicos, or Montellano or Puerto Plata. There are plenty of sweet-natured girls who are only to happy to pick up 1500 pesos plus a dinner and comfortable billet for the night, won't try to haggle or nickel and dime you, and will want to see you again, but it is difficult to find them on the Strip.

I have picked up every where you mentioned but thanks for the advice.

12-17-14, 17:05
Partial au contraire mon frere. I have definitely sent dollars for the person to recieve in dollars. And for 1500 of them the fee is 60. Usually when someone has to send cash the person on the other end doesn't have 6 days to wait around for it.Complčtement au contraire, Mon. Vieux. If you use the leetle gray cells you can send up to $1000 to the DR by Western Union for $8, so you will not pay more than $16 to send $1500. Maybe a bit less. You pay in dollars, they pick up in dollars and then change to pesos at the going rate.

You can also send the money online by Moneygram, or from Walmart. For just a couple of dollars more than Western Union you can have the money home-delivered to the recipient, so no need for the oh-so embarrassing walk of shame at Western Union.

Xoom is also pretty cheap and is an online service. There are also no-name money-sending services in Mexican tiendas in the US that can send money to the DR for less than Western Union.

Charles Pooter
12-17-14, 18:29
For just a couple of dollars more than Western Union you can have the money home-delivered to the recipient ...How do they do that? I live in a middle-class Dominican apartment complex and we have no standardized delivery address. Our road does not even have a name. My monthly accounts from Claro and Edenorte have totally different addresses and I have seen the Coraaplata bill to my landlady which has yet another.

I cannot see Walmart or Moneygram willing to accept "Maria Gomez, the little house with a green shutter to the left of the house of Big Baldy whose uncle used to be the meat manager at Silverio Messon", even though that seems to work for locals.

12-17-14, 19:02
You were very unlucky. Unusually rainy for the past two weeks. From now until Christmas is forecast to be very sunny. I hope you will have more luck in February.Thanks, Charles.

I wouldn't say "unlucky" because the chicas kept saying "frio!" and they were even more eager to quickly go to my warm, dry room. lol

12-18-14, 00:38
Funny you should mention that. Remember I didn't have a place to stay. Right after you left with that chick I was walking back to the car and spotted Urban Cabana. I figured it said Cabana so it must be cheap. WRONG! Dude said the rooms were $60. He gave me a tour and showed me several rooms. They all have the warehouse loft look. Concrete floors and walls. The beds were not comfortable either. Just like Boriman said, the place sucked. I ended up going back to Europa and since I was checking in so late they only charged me $35.
.WTF Mr E, looks like we missed each other again? I was in Sosua on the 13th and the 14th, and stayed at Europa as well. Grownman highly recommended to me that place (he was staying there at the same time as well.).

Detailed report coming soon, I'm now in Santiago with my main chick.

12-18-14, 00:57
Compltement au contraire, Mon. Vieux. If you use the leetle gray cells you can send up to $1000 to the DR by Western Union for $8, so you will not pay more than $16 to send $1500. Maybe a bit less. You pay in dollars, they pick up in dollars and then change to pesos at the going rate.

You can also send the money online by Moneygram, or from Walmart. For just a couple of dollars more than Western Union you can have the money home-delivered to the recipient, so no need for the oh-so embarrassing walk of shame at Western Union.

Xoom is also pretty cheap and is an online service. There are also no-name money-sending services in Mexican tiendas in the US that can send money to the DR for less than Western Union.Sure you can do that but the exchange rate sucks so you pay via a shitty exchange. Right now they give about 41-1 whereas the current rate is about 44-1 so that is about an 8 percent haircut. I am going to try Mr. E's method next week when I return to the states for the holidays and send myself some dollars to be picked up in the DR in dollars and see for myself.

12-18-14, 15:32
Camaro's Sosua Synopsis December 2014.

I have just completed the Sosua portion of my most recent excursion into the Dominican Republic. This synopsis will be a companion to my Puerto Plata and Santiago reports. This trip included 9 days in Sosua 2 days in Puerto Plata and 3 days in Santiago. I will do a report detailing my experiences in the other 2 destinations. Below I have listed my observations of Sosua for your review.

Vacation monger vs. Ex Pat monger.

My focus is changing because I am still making the transition between vacation monger and ex-pat monger. It is a difficult process because when dealing with women civilian or pro I have a tendency to fall back on what I am accustomed to. I suspect I will have to be on the ground for some time before the transition will be made complete. It is difficult to think like someone you have never been before but I intend to enjoy the transition.


December in the Dominican Republic is winter rainy season. This winter is unusually cool even for the Dominican Republic. Temperatures dipped into the 60's; off course that in nothing in comparison to winters in the north however this winter has been unseasonably cool with plenty of rain.

Victorian House.

I have lost count how many times I have stayed at the Victorian House. This time my motivation was their $50.00 per night special, rooms are normally $65.00 per night. The hotel's selling point of course is its vista view of Sosua Bay. On one night after one of my sessions my chica jumped up out of bed and went out on the balcony by herself just to look at the lights bouncing off the water and listening to the waves crashing on the beach.

The restaurant although expensive has a decent menu with a Cajun New Orleans theme. Dinning on the bay with a chica definitely has a romantic feel and the staff has always been on point with me. There is also a Sports Bar beneath the restaurant that has a light menu.

In my experience the rooms are always clean and the staff provides plenty of towels. I recently was at a Puerto Plata hotel that only provided 2 towels a day. This presents a problem for the monger who desires multiple sessions with multiple chicas. Victorian House provides face, hand and body towels for 2 people daily and the staff will give more if you ask.

My biggest complaint the trip was the WIFI. There was a brief power outage after which the power was restored but the WIFI went out. I went to the front desk to describe the situation and since it was after hours the receptionist said she did not have access to the office that has the WIFI router so she could reset it. This absolutely makes no sense to me, it seems like the WIFI router should be in a place where the staff always has easy access especially in an event such as this. For me if I have a choice between television and internet access there is no choice to be made.

Centro Medico Cabarette.

I had my first encounter with Dominican medicine in 7 years of traveling here. I got something in my eye that caused an infection with redness swelling and pain. After 2 days I decided to go to the clinic.

Centro Medico Cabarette is on Highway 5 in between Sosua and Cabarette just east of the new Super Pola. They washed my eye gave me a shot and a prescription for some type of eye medication. I was there for about 2 hours. My insurance would not pay so I got hit for 3600 pesos. I will definitely get some Dominican health insurance when I hit the ground next month.

Ms. La Romana (The wife up option).

I generally do not do wife up situations especially in Sosua because of the talent pool however because I am in transition I decided to do something different. I am losing interest in random mongering as it presents about a 50/50 risk for me.

Ms La Romana was laid back all we did was eat have sex watch television and play on our phones. She was about as easy and laid back as they come. She is studying nursing so she encouraged me to seek medical attention for my eye and assisted me with maintenance. When I wanted to rub it with my fingers, of course she chewed me out telling me to use bottled water and a clean towel so it doesn't get re-infected.

I enjoyed her company but 2 days was enough however I will revisit the wife up option in the future.

Creeping while wifed up.

On a couple of occasions while Ms. La Romana was sleeping I went to the strip to hunt. On one occasion I went to Dulce Secreto and on the other I went to Bar Central Hotel to do the deed.

Each time I returned to my room with a sandwich from the food truck that is parked in front of After One, not only because I was hungry but the sandwhich would be my cover story in the event she asked. I must admit living on the edge can be quite exhilarating. The irony was that the sex with one of the jump offs was better than sex with La Romana. I guess I could have a worse problem on my trip.

Dulce Secreto vs. Bar Central Hotel.

If you are on the Pedro Clisante strip obviously Bar Central is closer for a quickie but this trip I was in room 22 which had no television and the bed and mattress were absolutely horrible.

Bar Central is 400 pesos but although Dulce Secreto is a little further and will require transportation paying 600 pesos for a more comfortable room with air-conditioning and cable is worth it IMHO.

Tenga quidado cerca After One.

My cover for my creeping was the food truck in front of After One. One night about 4 am after getting my sandwich I am was walking back to the Victorian House and one of the street rats bum rushed me from behind grabbing my junk I suddenly felt her hands around my pockets and pushed her off she threw up her hands and ran into the crowd. Can you say CONYO! I checked she didn't get anything.

Pedro Clisante West.

Nothing has changed between Classicos, Merengue, Bar Central and Rumbas. The street is lively with the street kids running around play fighting men talking and chilling and the chicas posting up trying to be seen.

*My favorite spot on Pedro Clisante West continues to be Rumbas Restaurant where I can eat ribs or quarter dark chicken sip Fanta Orange and watch the chica parade go back and forth between Clasicos / Merengue and Rumbas.

Pedro Clisante East.

In addition Rumbas Restaurant sometimes has desserts. I tried a double chocolate cake that was absolutely delicious. City Nights remains a great spot that does not get the attention or traffic that it deserves. The New York Bar has a few Hatianas for those who have crossed over to the dark side and of course Rancho Tipico is on point with its different meal specials throughout the week.

*My target going forward will be the barmaids at Samba Brazil. There are generally 4 or 5 bar maids and 3 or 4 of them are high 7's and 8's, I do not know what the status is but on my next trip I plan on chatting 1 or 2 up to see what the deal is.

Closing thoughts.

I found something very strange on my last 2 trips, some girls are afraid of the Politur as the walk up and down Pedro Clisante and flee when they see them coming. Other girls just watch them as they walk by. Although prostitution is legal the Politur arbitrarily detain some girls overnight and release them in the morning. I cannot figure the rational as it seems as if the enforcement is arbitrary and fits no rhyme or reason.

Recently I have been plagued with catching my civilian chicas while they were menstruating which has put a damper on my action with them however you do not expect the same with straight PFP chicas. Unfortunately some PFP chicas have no scruples and their primary concern in money and not the pleasure of their client therefore they will work during their menstruation. I guess part of the interview process going forward will be asking "estas en tu menstruacion?

Chica prices remains all over the board, it is reported that some weekend warriors are paying $150.00-$200.00 for some chicas. I stayed within the 1500-2000 pesos range.


Sosua continues to be alive and well although many of the chicas can be quite business like it takes some effort to break the barrier of puta client relationship. I found some quite enjoyable to talk to. Going forward I can see spending less time on Pedro Clisante but for now it still holds some fascination for me.

I have found an apartment but it needs a little work before I move in so I will return in January rent a hotel room for a few days while I get everything together in my new place.

12-18-14, 21:22
Can anyone tell me if its best to change money in DR Sosua rather than here in the UK best rate I can find is 66.66000 would I get a better rate at the airport STI or in Sosua?


12-19-14, 07:34
How do they do that? I live in a middle-class Dominican apartment complex and we have no standardized delivery address. Our road does not even have a name. My monthly accounts from Claro and Edenorte have totally different addresses and I have seen the Coraaplata bill to my landlady which has yet another.

I cannot see Walmart or Moneygram willing to accept "Maria Gomez, the little house with a green shutter to the left of the house of Big Baldy whose uncle used to be the meat manager at Silverio Messon", even though that seems to work for locals.DR for dummies: You give them the cell number of the recipient and then they call to arrange delivery. After the first time it is even easier. The recipient must show I'd and have code number.

12-19-14, 11:47
Can anyone tell me if its best to change money in DR Sosua rather than here in the UK best rate I can find is 66.66000 would I get a better rate at the airport STI or in Sosua?

ThanksWhen travelling anywhere (especially in central Europe prior to the Euro) I have always found the best rate and the most convenience is to use your bank card at a local ATM. You get local currency with a good exchange rate (the bank's) and only one level of conversion, even taking into consideration the ATM fees.

12-19-14, 12:20
Camaro's Sosua Synopsis December 2014.


Ms. La Romana (The wife up option).

I generally do not do wife up situations especially in Sosua because of the talent pool however because I am in transition I decided to do something different. I am losing interest in random mongering as it presents about a 50/50 risk for me.

Ms La Romana was laid back all we did was eat have sex watch television and play on our phones. She was about as easy and laid back as they come. She is studying nursing so she encouraged me to seek medical attention for my eye and assisted me with maintenance. When I wanted to rub it with my fingers, of course she chewed me out telling me to use bottled water and a clean towel so it doesn't get re-infected.

I enjoyed her company but 2 days was enough however I will revisit the wife up option in the future.

Creeping while wifed up.

On a couple of occasions while Ms. La Romana was sleeping I went to the strip to hunt. On one occasion I went to Dulce Secreto and on the other I went to Bar Central Hotel to do the deed.

Each time I returned to my room with a sandwich from the food truck that is parked in front of After One, not only because I was hungry but the sandwhich would be my cover story in the event she asked. I must admit living on the edge can be quite exhilarating. The irony was that the sex with one of the jump offs was better than sex with La Romana. I guess I could have a worse problem on my trip.

.As always I enjoy your report. I was just wondering why would you bring miss La Romana to sosua. ? She is obviously not pay for play. You don't feel like you're being disrespectful to her. I understand importing pay for play there. But its seems like you are being selfish wanting your cake and ice cream. If all she does is sit in a motel waiting for you to come so you all can have sex and then you occasionally go out without her. Are you showing her she is only good for one thing? I asked this question not out of disrespect but to get your analytical opinion.

Charles Pooter
12-19-14, 14:07
Can anyone tell me if its best to change money in DR Sosua rather than here in the UK best rate I can find is 66.66000 would I get a better rate at the airport STI or in Sosua?66.66 is a surprisingly good rate, if you can get cash in your hand with no further deductions.

However, you would still probably be better off changing into US dollars in the UK and than changing US dollars into pesos at a reputable change like RUSA or Western Union in the DR. My first trip I did not believe that, as I thought I must be worse off paying two conversion charges, but the fact is that when changing US dollars in the DR you effectively get the full rate without paying a conversion charge.

Do not bring sterling to change in the DR. You will lose out.

When I first visited the DR I changed a lot of money into pesos to bring. Not only did I lose out on the conversion rate but I was breaching the rules about how many pesos you could bring into the DR. I have never heard of this law being applied, however.

The other advantage to bringing dollars rather than pesos is that, if in the fortunate position that you do not spend all your stash (unlikely!), it is better to take spare dollars back to the UK rather than spare pesos.

Charles Pooter
12-19-14, 14:18
When travelling anywhere (especially in central Europe prior to the Euro) I have always found the best rate and the most convenience is to use your bank card at a local ATM. You get local currency with a good exchange rate (the bank's) and only one level of conversion, even taking into consideration the ATM fees.While this may good advice generally, it is dangerous advice for anyone coming from the UK like patnut. I used to use this system but a year or so ago all my UK debit and credit cards stopped functioning here. Nothing to do with my accounts which were all in good standing. Apparently the DR changed to a different sort of chip or electronic system. I have tried speaking to my DR bank (BHD Leon) and my UK bank (LloydsTSB) and they both said "nothing to do with us, the problem is on the other side of the Atlantic". I have since heard from other ex-pat Brits who suffered the same problem with other banks.

The DR has one of the worst reputations in the world for corruption and bureaucratic incompetence, so it may be that UK banks simply got tired of dealing with Dominican banks. When I transfer money from my UK bank to my DR bank I have to go via a Spanish bank, which means another charge.

Charles Pooter
12-19-14, 14:22
DR for dummies: You give them the cell number of the recipient and then they call to arrange delivery. After the first time it is even easier. The recipient must show I'd and have code number.Rebuke accepted, Frannie. I am not a telephone oriented person. Still surprising an established international company would bother with that hassle to make a few bucks. Too many things could go wrong.

12-19-14, 14:37
Camaro's Sosua Synopsis December 2014.

Unfortunately some PFP chicas have no scruples and their primary concern in money and not the pleasure of their client therefore they will work during their menstruation.

I guess part of the interview process going forward will be asking "estas en tu menstruacion?

Sosua continues to be alive and well.Good report.

If anyone is paying money to fuck a chic then they need to ask these questions no matter what other people on this site might say or where they might tell you to pick up girls if she is working and you want it the way you want it then it is best to ask questions. You can never ask too many.

12-19-14, 14:44
As always I enjoy your report. I was just wondering why would you bring miss La Romana to sosua. ? She is obviously not pay for play. You don't feel like you're being disrespectful to her. I understand importing pay for play there. But its seems like you are being selfish wanting your cake and ice cream. If all she does is sit in a motel waiting for you to come so you all can have sex and then you occasionally go out without her. Are you showing her she is only good for one thing? I asked this question not out of disrespect but to get your analytical opinion.No offense taken. This was my first time importing to Sosua. Victorian House has an incredible view and restaurant that I wanted to share with Ms. La Romana and I will be living there starting next month so I wanted to see how she would respond to the surroundings.

12-19-14, 17:06
Rebuke accepted, Frannie. I am not a telephone oriented person. Still surprising an established international company would bother with that hassle to make a few bucks. Too many things could go wrong.Franchisee bank will execute mensajero de confianzia if anything goes wrong. Not much risk to Moneygram which may be a subsidiary of Walmart.

12-19-14, 19:49
On my next trip I have a girl who lives in San Francisco. We usually hook up in SD. This trip I am flying to Santiago and staying in Sosua. I wANT TO HOOK UP but the question is where. I could bring her to Sosua but I could get distracted.

No offense taken. This was my first time importing to Sosua. Victorian House has an incredible view and restaurant that I wanted to share with Ms. La Romana and I will be living there starting next month so I wanted to see how she would respond to the surroundings.

12-19-14, 20:13
On my next trip I have a girl who lives in San Francisco. We usually hook up in SD. This trip I am flying to Santiago and staying in Sosua. I wANT TO HOOK UP but the question is where. I could bring her to Sosua but I could get distracted.I know a lot of people here are critical of the Victorian House and I have had my issues also, however the view of Sosua Bay is very romantic and very impressive for pros and non pros alike. However, there are other hotels on the bay I just haven't tried them. As far as distractions you can always wait until she goes to sleep and creep. If you do make sure you wash up before you return and be sure to have an excuse for your absence.

12-19-14, 21:27
I know a lot of people here are critical of the Victorian House and I have had my issues also, however the view of Sosua Bay is very romantic and very impressive for pros and non pros alike. However, there are other hotels on the bay I just haven't tried them. As far as distractions you can always wait until she goes to sleep and creep. If you do make sure you wash up before you return and be sure to have an excuse for your absence.Don't kid yourself she knows you left at house and why. These chicas have been already victimized by Dominican men some of the most grimy men on the planet. I once tried to fake an orgasm with my ex she knew I didn't come. WTF I thought I deserve an Oscar on my performance. Its hard to pull fast one over on them.

Mr Enternational
12-19-14, 21:36
Good report.

If anyone is paying money to fuck a chic then they need to ask these questions no matter what other people on this site might say or where they might tell you to pick up girls if she is working and you want it the way you want it then it is best to ask questions. You can never ask too many.No matter what you ask or what she answers we all know that a lot of them don't go by what they said once they get into the room.

Mr Enternational
12-19-14, 21:51
As always I enjoy your report. I was just wondering why would you bring miss La Romana to sosua. ? She is obviously not pay for play. You don't feel like you're being disrespectful to her. I understand importing pay for play there. But its seems like you are being selfish wanting your cake and ice cream. If all she does is sit in a motel waiting for you to come so you all can have sex and then you occasionally go out without her. Are you showing her she is only good for one thing? I asked this question not out of disrespect but to get your analytical opinion.I keep telling y'all regular people go to Sosua too. It's not all about mongers and hookers. If the case was so, don't you think she would have said I'm not going there with all of those hookers when he asked her to come? I would have definitely made her come out and have a good time instead of creeping though. Dominicans see it as just a regular beach town. I have never talked to a Dominican who has equated Sosua with hookers.

12-19-14, 22:13
No offense taken. This was my first time importing to Sosua. Victorian House has an incredible view and restaurant that I wanted to share with Ms. La Romana and I will be living there starting next month so I wanted to see how she would respond to the surroundings.Grownman did ask a good question. And your answer makes sense. However, I also would like to add a little something. Something else that may play a role. You only had her for 2 days. Like me, you probably do not want to parade her around Sosua. Sand to the beach kinda feeling. Or exposing her unnecessarily to the puta filled environment. If you were driving you would consider doing like I usually do with my out of town chicas. I take them to Cabarete. To Maimon Plaza. To El Molina restaurant in La Cumbre on the Mountain going towards Moca. To playa Grande. Anywhere, but it's usually outside of Sosua. If you are not driving or taking public transpo, you arent going to be going too far. The hotel has most of what the two of you need.

In addition, sometimes when we decide to invite a chica to come, it's usually to get away from all of the hardcore business like chicas we are accustomed to. What ends up being a reality for me; the chica I asked to come visit satisfies me sexually for that 1st night. I'm also enjoying her company. But I quickly realize how much I enjoy being free as well. Free to go out and find a cool chica from all of the barracudas in the bunch that can give me the stimulation and pleasure I enjoy. Free to kick it with the fellas at all of the various venues. Listen to music, watch sports etc. Very often semi or non pro chicas that come to visit offer diminishing returns the longer they stay. It may not even be them. It just may be me that loses interest.

It has been quite a revelation to my senses, that after only 2 days, I have had enough of the wife up, and ready for a chica to go. It doesn't matter if she was great to be with or that we had a lot of fun. Knowing you are in Sosua and on lockdown, that can fuck a dude up. Last year, I had a San Pedro chica come for 5 days on two back to back months. After the 2nd day each time, I was ready for her to go. On the 3rd day, I didn't feel a desire for sex with her at all. I wanted to explore the talent that was out and about. And I did. Like you, used Dulce Secreto. One time I used Dulce Secreto 3 times in one day. 2 of those times back to back. Dropped off a chica, and went back to get another one. Too bad they didn't let me pay only once since I came back within 4 hours. FYI I didn't lose leche each session. They were spread out.

Many chicas look at staying at a hotel as a luxury. TV, internet, fancier food than they normally eat. Being wined and dine, including having good sex. Sleeping and bathing in a nicer environment. By providing that, you did good for her. And you probably offered her some going home cash. Many chicas I have had stay over, are either asleep about 10 pm - 1 am, or they are content watching TV. Or when I step out, are on their phones comfortably talking to whoever they want without having to hide. I have no interest in bringing them out in Sosua for night entertainment. In the hotel is the best place for them.

What may happen for you in the future; You may decide to avoid the wife up while staying in Sosua. You've been there done that and knows what that feels like. But that desire for a non pro will creep up again. Because we all get a little sick of the p4 p game in Sosua to an extent. But then we miss the ability to just go out and girl watch, or hang with the fellas. Whether we snag a chica or not. To not be able to go out to enjoy the night, just looking, because we have a chica up in our spot, is like murder to the monger spirit. To that I can relate. BTW Good report.

FYI, if you wear glasses, you might want to keep them on next time you decide to dine at the why. You'll have less risk of getting another eye infection. Just kidding. Happy mongering. And good luck on your transition, and finding a suitable place.

12-19-14, 22:21
Met up with WRX, another cool dude who put me down with some how to "live" in the DR knowledge. Need to get back atcha for another knowledge transfer, bro.Whether it's exchanging info or just fellowshipping. I'm here for you. I too enjoyed meeting you and sharing your perspective and insights. Your input helps towards reinforcing and maintaining what I've learned. Appreciate ya bro.

12-20-14, 00:05
Good report.

If anyone is paying money to fuck a chic then they need to ask these questions no matter what other people on this site might say or where they might tell you to pick up girls if she is working and you want it the way you want it then it is best to ask questions. You can never ask too many.Thats sad, if you have to ask questions like that. 9 times out 10 they are going to say no. So asking the question can be moot point.

12-20-14, 01:00
Grownman did ask a good question. And your answer makes sense. However, I also would like to add a little something. Something else that may play a role. You only had her for 2 days. Like me, you probably do not want to parade her around Sosua. Sand to the beach kinda feeling. Or exposing her unnecessarily to the puta filled environment. If you were driving you would consider doing like I usually do with my out of town chicas. I take them to Cabarete. To Maimon Plaza. To El Molina restaurant in La Cumbre on the Mountain going towards Moca. To playa Grande. Anywhere, but it's usually outside of Sosua. If you are not driving or taking public transpo, you arent going to be going too far. The hotel has most of what the two of you need.

FYI, if you wear glasses, you might want to keep them on next time you decide to dine at the why. You'll have less risk of getting another eye infection. Just kidding. Happy mongering. And good luck on your transition, and finding a suitable place.Thanks for your response, I'll keep your suggestion in mind the next time I decide to go down town. Seriously though I will be living in the Sosua area so who ever I deal with will have to get used to that fact. I found a nice place close to the beach so I look forward to the transition.

12-20-14, 01:37
You are officially a Sosua vet and it might be time to move on grasshopper. Sosua is just a pass through spot for me but I don't take half of what's going on there seriously. It's about the beach and side bars for me.Indeed Mr Gogo I can wait to have a relaxing day on the the beach just enjoying the surroundings. Next month the north coast for me maybe Sosua for day. Thursday LOL.

12-20-14, 01:56
Klove I will post these pictures because you requested player.

Okay we didn't get on to the beach into later saturday afternoon. They were a few girls walking. I almost went crazy dark skin track star however after she came over and smile I realize I already have sex her last trip. Damn I almost repeated but T and I shared her no repeats . Then my man DJ just started bringing female to our table. DJ likes to go out and find chicas that he thinks 1 of us would like. It's part of his game 2. However he just so happen to bring over a female who had a bottle of* peach Ciroc. She was okay looking but I was digging how she carried herself. Street asked her to find a chica for happy hour. She said she was sorry she would only do happy hour with guys no other chicas. This made me smile. We told her we like her drink and she offered us some. DJ went after the bottle head first. Man did he violate here's bottle.* I would have went off on someone if I offer them a drink and they poured that much. Then she said it was no problem for me. I've been told her I wanted her to pour it . I want to see how much she gave me. She grabbed a glass poured half of her bottle in my glass told me it was no problem. I then invited her to sit with us which is a rarity for me.

Mommy had the right attitude. I was impressed with the way she carries herself. Was she running game? She told me she only likes Peach Ciroc and how much she had to pay for it. Street asked her will her and her amigas be in Rumbas tonight. She rides solo and is not going into Rumbas. Even though she was sitting in my circle I never showed any signs that I was interested in her sexual my boys asked questions as they flirted will other chicas. Told her I had something for her back in my hotel room without sex. It was for being generous with her drink. We got to the front desk and I made it clear in front of the receptionist said this was my friend she's not coming to my room for business and Miss Ciroc agreed. Once we arrive in my room we put one in the air. She pull out some music this chica is into old school slow jam. I reached in my refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of Peach Ciroc I and we laughed. Then I pulled out 3 more bottles. I laid out 3 outfits that I knew she would kill. Played run way model with her. Told her to pick 1 and she can go. I love playing this game. She asked me did I like her and why don't I want to have sex with her. Okay negotiating time. I told her I really don't like new girls because I hate this disappointment. She asked me how much well I give her if she's not a disappointment. I told her I will give her 1000 pesos and if she's good I'll give her 500 pesos. If she's really good you can have the hole 2000 pesos.* She gave me everything I asked for. At 1 time during our section she said cum in me pussiepapi . I Change that to Mommy make me leche. Come on make me leche. And I put her ass to work.

All in all she was solid 8 worthy of repeating.* About 2 hours later I saw an Ex look alike. She had a younger slimmer body and a 6 pack. She was young and raw. ( nails undone, hair wild, shoes not matching the cheap tight fitted turquoise 2 piece body suit). She was not the model type but a thoroughbred body no less. Sometimes I don't want pretty I want fine I go to the Haitians for this department.* I gave her the my grandmother is Haitian story. I told her I wanted her to f*** me like my grandmother f*** my grandfather and made him fall in love with a Haitian. You should have seen the smile on her face. Another solid eight. Sosua has been good. Man I needed some sleep.

All of a sudden Parkinson gives me a call after closing my eyes for 30 minutes. We met in front of the Rumbas to observe the eye candy. I was trying to get his feel of his choices but he's an odd egg. He was about to go to the sea breeze hotel. I tried to convince him to come to Europa. He came there and got his room straight. I don't think the sea breeze is his choice any longer. Once again we are in Rumbas and they are grabbing, touching and playing bunny. I wasn't in my zone or in my place of choice. Went back to the room to sleep for 30 minutes last night in Sosua. Parkinson and I hit classical about 1:15. I still to this day cannot tell you the type of women he goes for. Unlike Surfer when all the chick needs is a mustache or beard. Parkinson scene is not the club however this guy has heart. And he sticks out like a sore green thumb wherever he goes and don't give a fuck. He gain the attention of one of the* supermodels. After 2 minutes of conversation he was ready to pull the trigger. I will not let him do it. Come on man the night is still young she ain't going no where it's time to get our flirt on. Parkinson it's more of a I'm ready to go now type of individual. I would rather hunt with him in the cities outside of Sosua and BC. He knows how to say no but he needs to know how to say hell no. He offered his chica a drink she requested Hennessy. He changed her choice at least in front of me. They went off to the bar arm in arm she was sexy as hell. I saw something that capture my attention. Once again I went out to the dance floor instead of to the chica. I lost her. Oh well a lot of choices in Classico. One of the supermodels came up and gave me a straight price 3000 pesos let's go. She was definitely a 9 1/2 in looks however;
I would not let the woman control the amount so easily. I've countered with 2000 and if she's good 500. She wouldn't bite and that was good for me. Would you believe she told me okay I can go now. I had to bust her bubble I wasn't in the corner for her and pointed at my friends to my right who had been standing there before she came. Went outside to see the traffic and I ran into my impressive white shirt chica. I told you i was going to have her Parkinson. Nice face slender body respectable dressing. She stood alone and danced in the corner by herself. I observed her for a couple of minutes she wasn't playing bunny but she wasn't hunting hard. I stood close by her and caught her looking. Walked over to her and told her could you help find a wife for the night who will f*** me like a girlfriend. Why are you looking at other chicas when I am right here. Oh really and how much would you expect me to give you. It doesn't matter papi whatever you like. Oh no not again! I'm out and she's with me. She wanted to hold hands walking but I told her I only hold hands with girls that are no problems. She said after tonight I will always want to hold her hand that got my dick so hard. I changed rooms to room 109 with the mini bar and the jacuzzi inside. She was impressed but I told her she so sexy she's probably been in this room many of times and we laughed. She told me she will start off as my wife then f*** me like a girlfriend. Man that I had the perfect outfit for her. All in all a solid 9. What a way to end Sosua. I gave her 2000 pesos and a $20 bill.
This was my best time going to Sosua besides the first. I love the selection and I was not disappointed by one chica. Every chica I dealt with were worthy of repeats. I'm going to have to start a new stable just for Sosua.

12-20-14, 02:01
The Haitian chica.

12-20-14, 02:02
Last night girlfriend / wifey.

Chris Long
12-20-14, 08:25
Last night girlfriend / wifey.Hey Grownman,

Are you here? I am here as well, will be on the island until 1/19. Be careful posting pictures of chicas. I still to this day have one crazy chica constantly threatening me she is going to go to the policía for pictures I posted over two years ago. There are to many individual who have to make up for their physical short coming by running to the chicas and showing them each time their picture is posted.


12-20-14, 14:15
The Haitian chica.Met her in October I think. Banging body, no doubt about that. I noticed if you get up close she is not as attractive in the face as she appears with all the makeup. The makeup is doing some serious work providing the correct illusion. But personality wise she was a 9 and in the bed aimed to please. Two things were somewhat of a turnoff for me. I'm not a smoker, and really prefer women that don't smoke. When I smell heavy cigarette smoke coming out of someones lungs all up in my face, it's offensive to me. The other thing was; when we were leaving I noticed a butane cigarette lighter I had on my dining room table had mysteriously moved from one spot to another. She was standing by the table just prior to us leaving. I must have interrupted her from securing it, and that's why it didn't permanently disappear. Of all the chicas that came by she is the only one I observed attempting to take something from my place. There have been many times other stuff I had I thought would disappear, but they just left my stuff alone. If she would have asked for it, I might have given it to her.

She's asked me to repeat with her when I see her out on the strip. I'm tempted because she does have a nice shape, and I know she will offer a good time. I just can't get past knowing she smokes and her lungs eventually pumping out packs of cigarette odor in my face. I also know feel less inclined to invite her back, because she might try to take something else I have that isn't secured or nailed down.

Speaking of theft: A dude I met through a mutual friend was on vacation this past week. His 1st time in Sosua. New to mongering as well, but not a youngster. Upon meeting him I noticed he had a bunch of jewelry around his neck. Me and his buddy advised him of the risks of sporting his jewelry like that. Don't you know, one of the following nights, a chica he had tried to get 1 of the 3 chains he had around his neck. He told me and the other guy, those chains don't come off ever. But I guess that night, the chica proved him wrong. In the morning, he woke up to the chica already in the bathroom. While she was in there, one of his chains was under her pillow. She had managed to get one of those chains off his neck, and hid it so she could get it later. He removed the chain, from there and put it back on.

She must have realized what had occured because it wasnt long he said for her to claim she needed to go. And she wasnt talking that much either. She just wanted out, because she figured he found his chain where it wasnt supposed to be.

I also met a nice guy from Canada. Saw him passing by Bon icecream. Nice fella. He stopped to talk to us, and quickly noticed he was sporting some expensive looking jewelry. 2 days later, all of the jewelry was off of his person except a ring. He said he took our advice and put it all away. Hopefully that was the case. Some guys have a lot of pride, and wouldn't want to admit to losing a shit load of jewelry and then have to tell somebody that warned them what happened. I'm willing to bet the reaction from chicas to his jewelry is what probably spooked him, and he probably felt uncomfortable with that. I will also venture to guess, we werent the only dudes who advised him of the risks. Enough warnings can surely convince some people. Then they'll take heed.

12-20-14, 14:37
Hey Grownman,

Are you here? I am here as well, will be on the island until 1/19. Be careful posting pictures of chicas. I still to this day have one crazy chica constantly threatening me she is going to go to the polica for pictures I posted over two years ago. There are to many individual who have to make up for their physical short coming by running to the chicas and showing them each time their picture is posted.

ChrisChris I left Thursday. I had to reframe from posting nude pictures. I tell all the chicas I want a respectable picture to show my friends and they like that. I wish you were around Chris we did so much running around I didn't focus on the gym.

12-20-14, 15:12
Too bad they didn't let me pay only once since I came back within 4 hours.

If you let them know you are coming back they will hold it for a little while.

That is why you see empty garages with cones in front a lot of the time.

12-20-14, 15:25
Thats sad, if you have to ask questions like that. 9 times out 10 they are going to say no. So asking the question can be moot point.If they tell me they are not on the rag before we go to the spot then when we get there and she is O hell. The Chic in question will be promptly be escorted back to where she came from with no pay and no fucking bullshit. The girl in question then knows you know and she don't want any shit from these cabana or hotel staff on her ass for getting blood everywhere on sheets and towels. Also she knew better than to pull that shit on your ass before she ever pulled it.

Them damn girls will be on the rag then make you think that you have done tore there pussy up or something knowing the whole time they are bleeding because it is there time of month.

If you figure out they are a lie before she wraps her lips around your dick or you have stuck your dick in her pussy then just take the lie back where she came from with no money. She already knew better.

12-20-14, 16:07
Met her in October I think. Banging body, no doubt about that. I noticed if you get up close she is not as attractive in the face as she appears with all the makeup. The makeup is doing some serious work providing the correct illusion. But personality wise she was a 9 and in the bed aimed to please. Two things were somewhat of a turnoff for me. I'm not a smoker, and really prefer women that don't smoke. When I smell heavy cigarette smoke coming out of someones lungs all up in my face, it's offensive to me. The other thing was; when we were leaving I noticed a butane cigarette lighter I had on my dining room table had mysteriously moved from one spot to another. She was standing by the table just prior to us leaving. I must have interrupted her from securing it, and that's why it didn't permanently disappear. Of all the chicas that came by she is the only one I observed attempting to take something from my place. There have been many times other stuff I had I thought would disappear, but they just left my stuff alone. If she would have asked for it, I might have given it to her.

She's asked me to repeat with her when I see her out on the strip. I'm tempted because she does have a nice shape, and I know she will offer a good time. I just can't get past knowing she smokes and her lungs eventually pumping out packs of cigarette odor in my face. I also know feel less inclined to invite her back, because she might try to take something else I have that isn't secured or nailed down.

.That does it I never want to monger with you or Kool we have very similar eyes and assessments. I gave mami gum off the rip. I saw her eyes wondering and I asked her why is she looking at my room instead of me.

12-20-14, 19:17
Took her to breakfast and she ordered from the dinner menu at Baileys. I was not pleased. 500 pesos instead 0 f the 200 I planned She did not ask. This was a small thing but I noted this as a deal breaker. I may repeat but it will always be a in and out.

Mr Enternational
12-20-14, 23:55
On Saturday afternoon I checked out of Europa and headed to see my main girl in Puerto Plata. I wanted to get my nails done so she called the place she gets hers done to see if there was a wait. There were 4 people already waiting so the lady recommended another shop. It took us a couple of minutes to find the other shop. They said it would be 350 pesos to do my pedicure. They asked me if I wanted the regular or the massage chair. I chose the massage chair since it would be more comfortable, although I did not want them to start the rollers in the chair. The girl started my pedicure as I talked back and forth with my girl. Eventually she decided to go to the other room to get the color on her hands redone.

I sat there for a while with my sunglasses on. All of a sudden the girl doing my feet said take your glasses off. I said no way. Why? She said because I think I saw you in Sosua last night. I started laughing and said oh yeah, where? She said in Rumba. You speak a lot of languages don't you? Then it clicked. I said oh yeahhhh. Now I remember. I sat there in Rumba talking to the girl and her friend for 5 minutes and didn't even remember her. I guess it was because I was concentrating on her friend as well as just out having a good time. That just goes to show I have no idea how you guys can possibly remember these chicks' names. I can't even remember their faces. Besides, I didn't expect her to be doing nails by day and selling pussy by night.

I yelled to the other room and asked my girl guess what. I said this girl saw me in Sosua last night. She said oh okay. I said and tell her who I was with. She said alone. I could not stop laughing.

After we left the salon my girl said the lady doing her nails heard me and the girl doing my nails chatting and asked her if I was her husband. She told her no, why? She said no reason. She said that indeed the girl wanted to know because Dominicanas are very jealous and don't allow other women to converse with their men. So the girl was really shocked because me and the girl doing my nails seemed to be having a good time like old pals without my girl getting angry.

We drove to the shop where they were working on my girl's car, but her car was not ready so we hightailed it to a cabana. For 2 bottles of water and 4 hours cabana time the price was 400 pesos. She called to check on her car, but the 4000 peso part they said she needed did not fix the problem. She had me drop her off at the grocery store so she could get some things to cook for dinner and I was off to Sosua to catch up with ReadyToGetOnIt.

12-21-14, 00:48
AKA Ghostfacekiller now you see me now you don't!

12-21-14, 01:43
Fellows I've just finished my DR trip, starting from the 13th and coming back on the 18th. I told my main girl (civilian in Santiago) that I wasn't flying in until late on the 15th. So I'd have two days to hang in Sosua.

After I landed in STI, I made a quick 15 min drive down to La Vega to meet up with a cupid girl. Once again (as happened to me 3 months ago) I was met with a girl who showed up with a chaperon (her sister). She wasn't bumping knees with us as we ate, but in a standoffish yet creepy way, would come around on her moped once in a while to observe. And once again I was met with a girl who wouldn't do shit on a first date but insisted heaven and earth would move for me on the second! WTF this shit is frustrating. She kept sending me messages days after but I just ignored her. I didn't want to waste my time to find out if this "second date rule" is really true.

So off to Sosua I went. Got there, hooked up with Grownman who sold me on Europa. Cool dude who seems to have a story on every other girl that walked past as we ate in front of Rumbas.

We hit Classicos shortly after 1 am. Place was jumping although there wasn't a line waiting to get in like 3 months ago. Probably had to do with the fact that it was raining buckets right before. Girls still outnumbered guys, but I can't confirm if more women were coming in droves to make Christmas present money. Grownman is right, the club is really not my scene, and to hear him talk about the "bunnies," "supermodels," "shoes don't match the outfit," that's all news to me! Dude got his strategies all figured out though!

A Dominicana with a tight body wearing a white minidress was grinding on me and as I felt her up I discovered that she had no panties on. Sold! Negotiated time (TLN), product (BBBJ, 2 pops) and price ($2,300 base; $2,800 including performance bonus). I would say we established pretty good rapport, joked and laughed. You guys always speak of "the interview", but I guess my brief pre-screening was no guarantee. Got back in the room and she asked for money up front. I refused and we compromised on half now half later. Once again Grownman is correct. I can say no but I should've said HELL NO and dismissed her ass. Overall her performance wasn't bad. Just after the second pop in the morning she asked for another $1,000! I was like WTF for? Laughed at her and escorted her out.

12-21-14, 03:13
* About 2 hours later I saw an Ex look alike. She had a younger slimmer body and a 6 pack. She was young and raw. ( nails undone, hair wild, shoes not matching the cheap tight fitted turquoise 2 piece body suit). She was not the model type but a thoroughbred body no less. Sometimes I don't want pretty I want fine I go to the Haitians for this department.* I gave her the my grandmother is Haitian story. I told her I wanted her to f*** me like my grandmother f*** my grandfather and made him fall in love with a Haitian. You should have seen the smile on her face. Another solid eight. Sosua has been good.

That is some funny stuff.

12-21-14, 13:27
While this may good advice generally, it is dangerous advice for anyone coming from the UK like patnut. I used to use this system but a year or so ago all my UK debit and credit cards stopped functioning here. Nothing to do with my accounts which were all in good standing. Apparently the DR changed to a different sort of chip or electronic system. I have tried speaking to my DR bank (BHD Leon) and my UK bank (LloydsTSB) and they both said "nothing to do with us, the problem is on the other side of the Atlantic". I have since heard from other ex-pat Brits who suffered the same problem with other banks.

The DR has one of the worst reputations in the world for corruption and bureaucratic incompetence, so it may be that UK banks simply got tired of dealing with Dominican banks. When I transfer money from my UK bank to my DR bank I have to go via a Spanish bank, which means another charge.I wasn't aware of the UK problem, Charles, thanks for the info. Scotiabank, a Canadian original, is well represented throughout the DR, so I never have that problem.

One other thought on ATM cards in the DR. If you use them you should always have at least two. Some machines, especially Populaire, can be problematic, and there's nothing worse if you're looking forward to a night of passion, only to have your one card swallowed up by the machine, and the attendant problems trying to get it back the following day.

Charles Pooter
12-21-14, 14:25
I wasn't aware of the UK problem, Charles, thanks for the info. Scotiabank, a Canadian original, is well represented throughout the DR, so I never have that problem.If any Brits have used a UK credit or debit card successfully in the DR to draw cash, please let me know by posting here or by PM. It would encourage me to make another attempt to use mine. North American banks are not affected.

Scotiabank here is more like a franchise of the name rather than a "branch". Many Canadians have experienced problems when relying on it to provide the same rights and services as the Canadian version. More about this on DR1. But for normal day-to-day stuff it is fine.

One other thought on ATM cards in the DR. If you use them you should always have at least two. Some machines, especially Populaire, can be problematic, and there's nothing worse if you're looking forward to a night of passion, only to have your one card swallowed up by the machine, and the attendant problems trying to get it back the following day.In my early years here I was always hearing cases where the machine swallowed the card. Happened to me twice. They do seem to have largely solved that one. Main problem now is cloning, and other ways of copying your info, as crooks get more tech savvy.

I always advise using your cards inside the bank at the teller counter. Safer in many ways and with the advantage you can ask for a mix of small notes and coins to solve the "no change" problem.

If you have to use one at night, use one outside a bank. Firstly, less hassle if you have to report problems next day, and secondly less likely to have been tampered with if there is a security guard nearby.

12-22-14, 01:14
If any Brits have used a UK credit or debit card successfully in the DR to draw cash, please let me know by posting here or by PM. It would encourage me to make another attempt to use mine. North American banks are not affected.

Scotiabank here is more like a franchise of the name rather than a "branch". Many Canadians have experienced problems when relying on it to provide the same rights and services as the Canadian version. More about this on DR1. But for normal day-to-day stuff it is fine.

In my early years here I was always hearing cases where the machine swallowed the card. Happened to me twice. They do seem to have largely solved that one. Main problem now is cloning, and other ways of copying your info, as crooks get more tech savvy.

I always advise using your cards inside the bank at the teller counter. Safer in many ways and with the advantage you can ask for a mix of small notes and coins to solve the "no change" problem.

If you have to use one at night, use one outside a bank. Firstly, less hassle if you have to report problems next day, and secondly less likely to have been tampered with if there is a security guard nearby.I would think that it would always make sense to confirm that you can use the card with your bank before traveling, and even tell them where you will be withdrawing cash and at which bank's ATMs, and then if there are any problems call them on the phone from the DR. Using this protocol from the US I have never had a problem drawing cash from my US savings and loan debit card. Never. I did however have a problem once with a prepaid card that I was using as a backup as the issuing bank actually closed the card account, and confiscated the cash on the card (about $300) because they had called the number associated with the card and the number was out of service (actually on vacation hold). Stupid asses. Eventually I did get the money back, but was unable to call their customer service from the DR as they had closed the account, so I could not access the menus on their phone line without entering an invalid card number.

On the other hand my Credit Union debit card can only be used for DR ATMs, not for purchases, or at least I have never tried. I think it would work if it is a PIN purchase, but it cannot be used for overseas purchasing from merchants.

Now when you get into cash advances on credit cards, that is a whole different ball game and (for CP) you are bowling into the rough on a sticky wicket.

Incidentally, just for information, my Credit Union has a limit on withdrawals on the debit card of $500 per day, but they will raise the limit for a period of one hour if you call them to arrange it. Sometimes these things are quite useful to know if you want to buy a plane ticket or something and groceries at the same time.

12-22-14, 01:24
Klove I will post these pictures because you requested player.

From one player to another, thanks for the effort in providing the pics. Looks like you had a busy Saturday my man. I can't remember the wifey's name, but I use to date her sister (pic below) Sonia, who is much thicker then her sis and if she is anything like her sister, I know your had a fantastic GFE. As for the Hatian, Joanne, I've never taken her over the years, but I did create a repport with her last month when was there. She has a great personality and is easy to converse with. Keep up the good work. Player. LOL. Peace.

12-22-14, 02:15
I only plan on bringing 3 or 4 days worth of clothes for my next trip of 12 days. Leads on a cheap laundry in Sosua and Puerto Plata would be great.


12-22-14, 03:28
I only plan on bringing 3 or 4 days worth of clothes for my next trip of 12 days. Leads on a cheap laundry in Sosua and Puerto Plata would be great.

Thanks.I have heard of others arranging something with the maids at the hotel they stay at. They give them some pesos and ask them if they could wash their clothes and bring them back the next day. Keep in mind that none of the maids are obligated to do so, but it wouldn't hurt to ask.

K Constant
12-22-14, 03:33
I only plan on bringing 3 or 4 days worth of clothes for my next trip of 12 days. Leads on a cheap laundry in Sosua and Puerto Plata would be great.

ThanksRight across from Hotel Casa Cayena, on the final block of Dr. Rosen before Playa Alicia, there is a reputable laundry service. If you're walking towards the beach, it's on the right hand side, just passed a massage place. I've had good luck with them, and their prices are well within my budget. Take your clothing early in the morning, and it should be ready by the evening.

K Constant
12-22-14, 04:06
We had a four man group in Sosua from Dec 10 to Dec 15.

We stayed a Hotel Casa Cayena. I can't recommend this property enough. For US $65 per night, we got decent rooms, good breakfast, and excellent dinner. On my last two trips, I stayed at Sea Breeze Hotel for US $40. Casa Cayena is a marked improvement. Good service, good food, friendly owner, etc.

I hadn't been to Sosua since May 2014, and the action has moved from Rumbas / DLatin to Rumbas / Classicos. On the upside, Rumbas seems to be packed later into the night than when DLatin was the second round location.

I learned a few new things this time around. On my two previous trips, I used to be able to ask a girl how much for the night, and she'd say "3000 pesos" or something in that range. I would counteroffer at RD $1500, and then we'd go back to my room, etc. Now, if I ask a girl how much she wants, she might say US $100 or higher. One girl even told me US $200. This puzzled me at first, but I learned that the trick is just to dictate the initial price that I want to pay. I always offer a girl RD $1500, and my max price is RD $2000. After the first night, I rarely even set a price up front; however, it was surprising to me that the negotiating methods have shifted since May.

This is was my third trip to Sosua, and I didn't hit the bars as hard. Instead, I got a whole bunch numbers early in the trip at Rumbas, and a lot more over a few days at the beach, then I arranged for girls to meet me at my hotel using WhatsApp / Viber. Collecting numbers for future use is a great way to select girls in one's own time frame.

Despite my warnings, one of the new members of our group was pick pocketed for RD $3000 in Classicos. The girl grabbed his dick and reached into his pocket. Thankfully, he had only brought a relatively small amount of cash with him.

Finally, I did hook up with one of those supposed high end girls that I have read about on the forums. She gave me her number on the beach, spoke fluent English, had her own vehicle, wanted to meet me for a date for ice cream, and asked me for $100 for the night. She sold me GFE, and I did not know how to react to it because I strictly engage in sport fucking in Sosua. Before I met her, there was a long discussion in my group about how much she'd try to get out of me. RD $4400 is significantly more than the RD $2000 max that we go by; however, in the end I tried her out and the sex was great. It was so good that I bought her again the next night. Despite this, I felt very conflicted about overpaying for this chica. She delivered, but I hate to push the price up. YMMV on something like that, but I would still recommend never paying more than RD $2000 for most chicas.

12-22-14, 05:38
I have heard of others arranging something with the maids at the hotel they stay at. They give them some pesos and ask them if they could wash their clothes and bring them back the next day. Keep in mind that none of the maids are obligated to do so, but it wouldn't hurt to ask.I've always had maids do my laundry. Give them a few hundred pesos and they're happy.

12-22-14, 05:48
I would think that it would always make sense to confirm that you can use the card with your bank before traveling, and even tell them where you will be withdrawing cash and at which bank's ATMs, and then if there are any problems call them on the phone from the DR. Using this protocol from the US I have never had a problem drawing cash from my US savings and loan debit card. Never. I did however have a problem once with a prepaid card that I was using as a backup as the issuing bank actually closed the card account, and confiscated the cash on the card (about $300) because they had called the number associated with the card and the number was out of service (actually on vacation hold). Stupid asses. Eventually I did get the money back, but was unable to call their customer service from the DR as they had closed the account, so I could not access the menus on their phone line without entering an invalid card number.

On the other hand my Credit Union debit card can only be used for DR ATMs, not for purchases, or at least I have never tried. I think it would work if it is a PIN purchase, but it cannot be used for overseas purchasing from merchants.

Now when you get into cash advances on credit cards, that is a whole different ball game and (for CP) you are bowling into the rough on a sticky wicket.

Incidentally, just for information, my Credit Union has a limit on withdrawals on the debit card of $500 per day, but they will raise the limit for a period of one hour if you call them to arrange it. Sometimes these things are quite useful to know if you want to buy a plane ticket or something and groceries at the same time.One of my local banks doesn't allow their debit cards to be used in the DR, period. I personally went into the bank two months ago and talked to the bank manager that I was going to be living in the DR and really needed to have access to my money, the truth is that I just wanted more than one card from more than one bank as backup in case something happened to one of my cards. She told me there was nothing she could do so I told her to close the account and she did.

12-22-14, 12:01
Right across from Hotel Casa Cayena, on the final block of Dr. Rosen before Playa Alicia, there is a reputable laundry service. If you're walking towards the beach, it's on the right hand side, just passed a massage place. I've had good luck with them, and their prices are well within my budget. Take your clothing early in the morning, and it should be ready by the evening.Thanks, K Constant and everybody else. I will try the Casa Cayena housekeepers and, failing that, I will take my clothes to the local laundry service.

12-22-14, 12:21
From one player to another, thanks for the effort in providing the pics. Looks like you had a busy Saturday my man. I can't remember the wifey's name, but I use to date her sister (pic below) Sonia, who is much thicker then her sis and if she is anything like her sister, I know your had a fantastic GFE. As for the Hatian, Joanne, I've never taken her over the years, but I did create a repport with her last month when was there. She has a great personality and is easy to converse with. Keep up the good work. Player. LOL. Peace.She looks like her sister. Joanna had kool conversation. I put her in my DR phone for whatsapp. She later text me saying she loved me. I had to tell her I only come to Sosua for sex save that love bullshit for someone else. She responded OK Papi.

12-22-14, 12:48
I only plan on bringing 3 or 4 days worth of clothes for my next trip of 12 days. Leads on a cheap laundry in Sosua and Puerto Plata would be great.

Thanks.I'm sure the staff at CC will do your laundry at a decent price.

Charles Pooter
12-22-14, 15:13
I only plan on bringing 3 or 4 days worth of clothes for my next trip of 12 days. Leads on a cheap laundry in Sosua and Puerto Plata would be great.

As the guys have written, many options for cheap laundry. And if really stuck, you can buy clothes incredibly cheaply. T-shirts for 100 pesos, socks three pairs for 75 pesos, button down more formal shirts 150 pesos, jeans 450 pesos, boxers 75 peso, etc.

Rit Teach
12-22-14, 15:23
One of my local banks doesn't allow their debit cards to be used in the DR, period. I personally went into the bank two months ago and talked to the bank manager that I was going to be living in the DR and really needed to have access to my money, the truth is that I just wanted more than one card from more than one bank as backup in case something happened to one of my cards. She told me there was nothing she could do so I told her to close the account and she did.I live here, and have have my card cloned twice in 6 months (the first time, after using in 1. Pricesmart SD 2. Dermatologist in SD, couple of months later noticed charges at various Target stores in PA on blackfriday, all basically for the same amount. I had informed Citibank the amount of time I would be in the DR) . The second time (after I had received a replacement card. This time with a chip, I only used the card one time, to purchase a scooter at Santo Domingo Motors, a couple of months later, you guessed it, the card was being used at several Targets in Indiana (because of the first clone I had to call Citi for approval of the scooter purchase, however no one questioned the purchases in Indiana, again they were aware I was in the DR and had a chip card. However until they use only chip readers and not also magnetic stripe readers your taking a chance here). Now, I never use the bloody thing here!

12-22-14, 17:22
I live here, and have have my card cloned twice in 6 months (the first time, after using in 1. Pricesmart SD 2. Dermatologist in SD, couple of months later noticed charges at various Target stores in PA on blackfriday, all basically for the same amount. I had informed Citibank the amount of time I would be in the DR) . The second time (after I had received a replacement card. This time with a chip, I only used the card one time, to purchase a scooter at Santo Domingo Motors, a couple of months later, you guessed it, the card was being used at several Targets in Indiana (because of the first clone I had to call Citi for approval of the scooter purchase, however no one questioned the purchases in Indiana, again they were aware I was in the DR and had a chip card. However until they use only chip readers and not also magnetic stripe readers your taking a chance here). Now, I never use the bloody thing here!I would never ever use a credit or debit card outside the USA Other than for ATM withdrawals for this very reason.

12-22-14, 20:32
I would never ever use a credit or debit card outside the USA Other than for ATM withdrawals for this very reason.I only had my card compromised 1 time in DR (several times in the states). I have 1 CC I use just to buy gasoline and I used it once in DR near a gas station in boca chica, I got a call from Citibank about 2 charges for an online store that resembled J & are music online, but whoever used the card passed the expense twice and the charge was rejected due to that. The last time it was in the states was when someone tried to buy printer ink online for like 5 k, Citibank stopped each and every attempt.

I use my card all the time here, to buy food, theater tickets, I do not buy gas with credit anymore due to friends having fraud done to them. Gas stations seem to be shady establishments. My Dominican friend has a card that he receives a text every time there is activity on it and I have witnessed him getting messages that the card is in use while sitting in his home.

I had a fight with a shell station employee that wanted to sell me a gas additive that I refused to buy. He said he had already opened the package and I had to buy it. I laughed as I drove off, not paying for the additive nor the gas he pumped.

If I don't ask for it, I am not paying.

12-23-14, 01:25
Funny you should mention that. Remember I didn't have a place to stay. Right after you left with that chick I was walking back to the car and spotted Urban Cabana. I figured it said Cabana so it must be cheap. WRONG! Dude said the rooms were $60. He gave me a tour and showed me several rooms. They all have the warehouse loft look. Concrete floors and walls. The beds were not comfortable either. Just like Boriman said, the place sucked. I ended up going back to Europa and since I was checking in so late they only charged me $35.

So I picked him up at 8:15 and dropped him off at the airport in Santo Domingo at 11:45. Then I was off to Boca Chica because I had a chick from San Pedro meeting me there. I got back to the airport at 2 pm and wouldn't you know it those mfs at Budget talking about I damaged the car. I told them no it was already like that. They said they would get with the manager about it the next day. I took pictures and they took pictures. When I got past immigration I ran into the guy that rode with me again. He said if he had known I would be back that fast then he would have gone to Boca Chica with me. A few days later the $1000 hold for the deposit for the car had come off of my credit card. The car was supposed to cost me I think $66 for those 2 days, but evidently they didn't want their money, so I had a free car rental courtesy of Budget.Shit dude. Like I told you when we were at the spot. Your middle name must be Tupac, because YOU GET AROUND and keep that shit moving!

I hate to hear that about Urban Cabana. I would have thought that "cabana" in the name would have been cheap too. I'm always on the hunt for a spots to take a first kill to so that I don't take her to my spot. And since I can't pull into a garage at Dulce Secreto with my feet.

12-23-14, 01:35
I sat there for a while with my sunglasses on. All of a sudden the girl doing my feet said take your glasses off. I said no way. Why? She said because I think I saw you in Sosua last night. I started laughing and said oh yeah, where? She said in Rumba. You speak a lot of languages don't you? Then it clicked. I said oh yeahhhh. Now I remember. I sat there in Rumba talking to the girl and her friend for 5 minutes and didn't even remember her. I guess it was because I was concentrating on her friend as well as just out having a good time. That just goes to show I have no idea how you guys can possibly remember these chicks' names. I can't even remember their faces. Besides, I didn't expect her to be doing nails by day and selling pussy by night.

We drove to the shop where they were working on my girl's car, but her car was not ready so we hightailed it to a cabana. For 2 bottles of water and 4 hours cabana time the price was 400 pesos. She called to check on her car, but the 4000 peso part they said she needed did not fix the problem. She had me drop her off at the grocery store so she could get some things to cook for dinner and I was off to Sosua to catch up with ReadyToGetOnIt.I don't remember half of these chicks either whether I smashed or not. Best thing I started doing is taking a picture of them when I get their phone number. If I smash, then I hit the Tomjackin move and do a photo shoot! LOL.

12-23-14, 01:37
I've always had maids do my laundry. Give them a few hundred pesos and they're happy.+1 for the hotel maid.

12-23-14, 04:26
A lot of girls will walk up like they are your long lost lover when you only asked them where the bathroom was. I had one cute young thing who looked like she was carrying a little one and was still on the stroll. I had bought her a beer on my last trip. She tried to latch on me like I was a life boat.

I don't remember half of these chicks either whether I smashed or not. Best thing I started doing is taking a picture of them when I get their phone number. If I smash, then I hit the Tomjackin move and do a photo shoot! LOL.

12-23-14, 04:59
A lot of girls will walk up like they are your long lost lover when you only asked them where the bathroom was. I had one cute young thing who looked like she was carrying a little one and was still on the stroll. I had bought her a beer on my last trip. She tried to latch on me like I was a life boat.Dude, you were the lifeboat! In Sosua, unlike sex prisons around the world, they understand very well that if they don't fuck, they don't eat. And you, big poppa. Have the keys to the buffet in your pants. (Your wallet, of course) LOL.

12-23-14, 05:43
Came Sunday, little before noon I hit up Grownman, as he's talked about visiting Nagua to complete his unfinished trip there (got girls' contacts but never closed on the deal.) Turned out someone in his posse had an emergency and they had to high-tail it back to the asscrack of DR. Ok, I didn't have anything better to do, not like daytime Sosua is bursting with excitement. So I went ahead and made an excursion to Nagua. I didn't really tried to ask Grownman for his girl / girls contact, since that's like asking to borrow money. A privilege, not a right! I'd just go ahead and chance it.

While the scenery was pleasant, the drive sucked because the rainy weather continued. At some point, a drizzle turned into a torrential downpour. By the time I got to Nagua, it was a freaking ghost town. Not a soul was on the malecon, a few kids were playing under cover in the center park, that was it. I did a drive-by on a couple of the carwashes in town, but there weren't many customers either. On the way out I passed by a big ol' carwash on the edge of town that I've missed on the way in. Perhaps Camaro could tell you the name, I don't remember. Place was fully packed. Walked in and tried my best to blend in, ordered a Presidente and sat down. Surveying the field, I couldn't figure out which girls were in play and which weren't. The place had about the same mix of men and women. The only interaction I could muster was a 4/5 telling me we would make a baby with good hair. The lone 9/10 was sitting with some elderly gentlemen. My Spanish skills just weren't there to make a move! Oh well chalk it up as a tourist excursion.

Back to Sosua and the sun had just gone down. A pair approached me outside of Rumbas and I picked the taller and the darker of the two. Alezandra is her name. Ok on $1200 base, $1500 with performance incentive. Got a winner here! Nice BBBJ in the shower without me asking, finished up and exhausted on the bed. Gave her a designer dress from the $5 clearance rack at Rainbow, she was happy as pie. Walked her back to her hotel which was one street over from Europa.

Rested up and headed back out a little after 1 am. Halfway there two girls asked me to walk them to the strip, because, as they said, now it is unlawful to be unaccompanied. Never heard that one before. Fine, I never carry anything on me to be pick-pocketed. Might as well use it to my advantage. Copped a feel here and there.

Walked around Pedro Clisante, nothing really struck my fancy. I didn't intend to go into Classicos that night, was just going to hit up the leftovers when they spilled onto the street after Classicos closed. Not much sooner Alezandra came by. I didn't really want to repeat because the Sosua talent pool was so deep. But she was really sweet and I told her I could only pay her the same as earlier $1500 (but this time for TLN instead) and she agreed! All in all, a great find. She said she is 20 but from her email handle I think she's 18 (cedula Checked out fine at the front desk). On Monday morning after the second pop she almost didn't want to leave. I could've hung with her, but I was supposed to be "arriving" in Santiago and be with my main girl.

Ipanema Carioca
12-23-14, 06:37
I'm sure the staff at CC will do your laundry at a decent price.I had laundry done at Casa Cayena last Nov. And I was charged 700 pesos. In October it was 300 pesos.

12-23-14, 10:52
As the guys have written, many options for cheap laundry. And if really stuck, you can buy clothes incredibly cheaply. T-shirts for 100 pesos, socks three pairs for 75 pesos, button down more formal shirts 150 pesos, jeans 450 pesos, boxers 75 peso, etc.No way I'm going to find clothes that fit me in the DR. Sorta like trying to find clothes that fit me in PI.

But, I am jealous of those guys I see getting off of the plane with just a small carry-on who are out the door in a jiffy. I am trying to work my way down to that level. So cheap laundry it is! LOL.

12-23-14, 11:51
Came Sunday, little before noon I hit up Grownman, as he's talked about visiting Nagua to complete his unfinished trip there (got girls' contacts but never closed on the deal.) Turned out someone in his posse had an emergency and they had to high-tail it back to the asscrack of DR. Ok, I didn't have anything better to do, not like daytime Sosua is bursting with excitement. So I went ahead and made an excursion to Nagua. I didn't really tried to ask Grownman for his girl / girls contact, since that's like asking to borrow money. A privilege, not a right! I'd just go ahead and chance it.

While the scenery was pleasant, the drive sucked because the rainy weather continued. At some point, a drizzle turned into a torrential downpour. By the time I got to Nagua, it was a freaking ghost town. Not a soul was on the malecon, a few kids were playing under cover in the center park, that was it. I did a drive-by on a couple of the carwashes in town, but there weren't many customers either. On the way out I passed by a big ol' carwash on the edge of town that I've missed on the way in. Perhaps Camaro could tell you the name, I don't remember. Place was fully packed. Walked in and tried my best to blend in, ordered a Presidente and sat down. Surveying the field, I couldn't figure out which girls were in play and which weren't. The place had about the same mix of men and women. The only interaction I could muster was a 4/5 telling me we would make a baby with good hair. The lone 9/10 was sitting with some elderly gentlemen. My Spanish skills just weren't there to make a move! Oh well chalk it up as a tourist excursion.
.I told you this man had heart. This MF did Nagua without me. Even after I called him and told him it was Sunday and things look slow. I respect his determination. I did call my contact for him but she didn't get off until 7. Sunday is not the move for Nagua. Park called me as he sat in Nagua and I was so jealous. I think it's a perfect place for us once we get our connections in line. As we passed through Nagua I stopped and talked with a girl from my last visit there. She was young blanca and sex as hell with bad bottom teeth. Really bad. Damn she covered it well last time. Dental hygiene is not a top priority for a lot of chica. Next month Naqua its me and you baby!

12-23-14, 12:52
I told you this man had heart. This MF did Nagua without me. Even after I called him and told him it was Sunday and things look slow. I respect his determination. I did call my contact for him but she didn't get off until 7. Sunday is not the move for Nagua. Park called me as he sat in Nagua and I was so jealous. I think it's a perfect place for us once we get our connections in line. As we passed through Nagua I stopped and talked with a girl from my last visit there. She was young blanca and sex as hell with bad bottom teeth. Really bad. Damn she covered it well last time. Dental hygiene is not a top priority for a lot of chica. Next month Naqua its me and you baby!Nagua's car wash activity is similar to most car washes in small Domincan communities borderline at best. You may find an 8 every now or then but that is the exception to the rule. Personally I do not believe there is another car wash in the Dominican Republic like International Car Wash in Santiago but that is another subject.

GrownMan I do remember the car wash you are talking about but I forgot the name. The best spot for action in Nagua is on Saturday & Sunday nights at Parque Central. The park is in the center of town and surrounded by clubs and bars. It has one of the most vibrant parks I have experienced in the Dominican Republic. Surprisingly Sunday is a better night than Saturday and Friday is almost dead. The one problem you might have is discerning who is pay for play and who simply is in play, but I will tell you, you will see some beautiful women in Nagua at El Parque Central.

12-23-14, 13:11
Nagua's car wash activity is similar to most car washes in small Domincan communities borderline at best. You may find an 8 every now or then but that is the exception to the rule. Personally I do not believe there is another car wash in the Dominican Republic like International Car Wash in Santiago but that is another subject.

GrownMan I do remember the car wash you are talking about but I forgot the name. The best spot for action in Nagua is on Saturday & Sunday nights at Parque Central. The park is in the center of town and surrounded by clubs and bars. It has one of the most vibrant parks I have experienced in the Dominican Republic. Surprisingly Sunday is a better night than Saturday and Friday is almost dead. The one problem you might have is discerning who is pay for play and who simply is in play, but I will tell you, you will see some beautiful women in Nagua at El Parque Central.Man I thought your report said that Saturday was the better night. I'm glad you made me correct myself. Your reports was one of the main reasons I wanted to stop. Besides of course driving through Nagua on my way to Sosua. Good I'm going to give Sunday and Saturday possibly to Nagua. Sosua like BC as fun as it was just doesn't move me anymore. I think it was the 3 day burn out. I feel like I've over conquered those area. January whose with me Exume, Funinthesun, Ozzie, Ghost Face Killer aka Mr E. Any monger with some Spanish skilz is a plus. Mr G you were right it's time to adventure more on the hidden gems.

Charles Pooter
12-23-14, 13:53
No way I'm going to find clothes that fit me in the DR. If you are a very big guy, that is true. I have a friend who visits occasionally and has looked hard in various shops, stores and pulgas with very little success. Maybe there are specialist large-size shops in SD or even Santiago, but nowhere else. Strange because, although Dominicans are smaller than Americans (who isn't?) they are not a particular small people like some Asians are.

A related point. When buying clothes made in the DR, or for the DR market, buy one size larger than the label states. I am "L" in the UK but most "L" stuff I have bought here is too small so I need "XL" in the DR. They are very mean with their sizing.

Local women often wear clothes a size too small. They think it makes them look slimmer, or sexier, but usually it simply makes them look cheap and without class.

12-23-14, 14:58
Can anyone tell me what road the metro bus will drop me off in Sosua?


12-23-14, 15:41
Man I thought your report said that Saturday was the better night. I'm glad you made me correct myself. Your reports was one of the main reasons I wanted to stop. Besides of course driving through Nagua on my way to Sosua. Good I'm going to give Sunday and Saturday possibly to Nagua. Sosua like BC as fun as it was just doesn't move me anymore. I think it was the 3 day burn out. I feel like I've over conquered those area. January whose with me Exume, Funinthesun, Ozzie, Ghost Face Killer aka Mr E. Any monger with some Spanish skilz is a plus. Mr G you were right it's time to adventure more on the hidden gems.I suggest you do Sosua during the week and you set up some Nagua internet chicas and do a weekend excursion. If the internet chicas fall through you still have Parque Central to fall back on and if they don't they will probably suggest you go together. When I hit the ground next month weekend excursions will probably become my modes operandi.

12-23-14, 16:10
I had laundry done at Casa Cayena last Nov. And I was charged 700 pesos. In October it was 300 pesos.The laundry place right across the street from Casa Cayena next to El Rancho will do one load for 300 pesos. They will ask for 400 but you just tell them 300 Pesos and they will accept that amount.

Charles Pooter
12-23-14, 17:01
Can anyone tell me what road the metro bus will drop me off in Sosua?At the Metro terminus on the main highway, at the transport hub in the center of town. Everywhere is walking distance from there. Your place is four minutes walk, or take a moto if you have baggage.

12-23-14, 20:49
If you let them know you are coming back they will hold it for a little while.

That is why you see empty garages with cones in front a lot of the time.I will keep that in mind. Thanks!

12-23-14, 21:19
If they tell me they are not on the rag before we go to the spot then when we get there and she is O hell. The Chic in question will be promptly be escorted back to where she came from with no pay and no fucking bullshit. The girl in question then knows you know and she don't want any shit from these cabana or hotel staff on her ass for getting blood everywhere on sheets and towels. Also she knew better than to pull that shit on your ass before she ever pulled it.

Them damn girls will be on the rag then make you think that you have done tore there pussy up or something knowing the whole time they are bleeding because it is there time of month.

If you figure out they are a lie before she wraps her lips around your dick or you have stuck your dick in her pussy then just take the lie back where she came from with no money. She already knew better.This is getting to be all too common. When I first started coming to Sosua, it seems chicas visited Sosua to make money, but they still live wherever they come from. It's the other way around now. Now many live in Sosua and visit their hometown where their kids live. I guess with that, enough of them rather than go back to where they live while on their periods, they'll stay in Sosua and continue to work.

Funny how this board has evolved as well. A while back, I spent much time reporting and offering some perspective of the many of the negative behaviors, scams and bullshit, chicas are pulling on dudes. A select few here were usually claiming there must be something wrong with me. And why do I bother coming to Sosua? However these same individuals are now observing as well as experiencing some of the bullshit me and other mongers were reporting all along. But now we have dead silence. Aint nobody criticizing and blaming themselves or their forum members for how chicas behaved towards them.

Now they are more willing to accept that chicas have always been responsibile for their own behavior. And that no monger is necessarily responsible in every instance for what happens to him, nor for not seeing the bullshit before it happened. For any newer mongers this message is for you. If any vet monger tries to act like he is above being or never exposed to bamboozling chicas, scamming chicas, flip the script chicas, stank chicas, I got to go home early chicas, thieving chicas and any other category we know. Don't BELIEVE HIM. Some dudes have things happen to them, but they'll never report it.

I will say this though. It's refreshing for this board to see guys sharing their experiences / observations even if they got caught slipping, but without the usual negative flippant commentary that can follow. I guess, WHERE INDIVIDUALS STAND ON THE ISSUE DEPENDS ON WHERE THEY SIT. OR WHERE THEIR MONGER COMRADES SIT.

12-23-14, 23:44
At the Metro terminus on the main highway, at the transport hub in the center of town. Everywhere is walking distance from there. Your place is four minutes walk, or take a moto if you have baggage.Thanks Charles so where is this in relation to Dr. Rosen as this is where my hotel is located or do I just as for directions when I get off?

12-24-14, 02:00
They go to same old place where "putas" congregate and continue about things under the guise of "warning the newbies". Others in the meantime, grow up, learn the language and explore the rest of the land and feel no need to complain because they encounter regular people. Two different sets, two different modus operandi!

12-24-14, 02:58
If you are a very big guy, that is true. I have a friend who visits occasionally and has looked hard in various shops, stores and pulgas with very little success. Maybe there are specialist large-size shops in SD or even Santiago, but nowhere else. Strange because, although Dominicans are smaller than Americans (who isn't?) they are not a particular small people like some Asians are.

A related point. When buying clothes made in the DR, or for the DR market, buy one size larger than the label states. I am "L" in the UK but most "L" stuff I have bought here is too small so I need "XL" in the DR. They are very mean with their sizing.

Local women often wear clothes a size too small. They think it makes them look slimmer, or sexier, but usually it simply makes them look cheap and without class.Mainly my height (6'3"); I don't run into a lot of tall Dominicans although I'm sure they exist. Thanks for the good advice though.

BTW...I notice the late afternoon/ early evening Rumba chicas have that squeezing-fat-into-a-too-small-outfit look but as the night rolls on they are slowly replaced by the dime chicas who dress a lot better. By 2am in Classico those 5pm Rumba chicas have all disappeared.

12-24-14, 11:50
I suggest you do Sosua during the week and you set up some Nagua internet chicas and do a weekend excursion. If the internet chicas fall through you still have Parque Central to fall back on and if they don't they will probably suggest you go together. When I hit the ground next month weekend excursions will probably become my modes operandi.That is some sound advice. I just can't seem to get into Internet chica anymore. DC has lost its zest. And I am all Tgged out. I'm going to give Sosua one day Thursday. For the rest of the days I am going with the wind. I hope I will have something interesting to write.

12-24-14, 13:55
That is some sound advice. I just can't seem to get into Internet chica anymore. DC has lost its zest. And I am all Tgged out. I'm going to give Sosua one day Thursday. For the rest of the days I am going with the wind. I hope I will have something interesting to write.In my experience success with internet chicas is cyclical and a lot of work. I understand if you do not want to continue the effort but I encourage you to still give Nagua or even Puerto Plata and beyond a shot. I am having a blast getting out of Sosua there is so much to learn and see and although there are sharks all over the Dominican Republic I am finding it rewarding to meet women who have not been tainted by Sosua.

Mr Gogo
12-24-14, 14:51
Man I thought your report said that Saturday was the better night. I'm glad you made me correct myself. Your reports was one of the main reasons I wanted to stop. Besides of course driving through Nagua on my way to Sosua. Good I'm going to give Sunday and Saturday possibly to Nagua. Sosua like BC as fun as it was just doesn't move me anymore. I think it was the 3 day burn out. I feel like I've over conquered those area. January whose with me Exume, Funinthesun, Ozzie, Ghost Face Killer aka Mr E. Any monger with some Spanish skilz is a plus. Mr G you were right it's time to adventure more on the hidden gems.Grownman,

I love your search of new places for adventure. The problem you will experience is that your group is too big. Only very hardcore girls outside of Sosua will approach a group of foreigners. Their reputation as a puta is already public knowledge where she lives so she doesn't give a fuck. It's easier to pull nonpros and semipros if you roll solo or have a wingman.

Figure out which one of your crew is about growth outside of Sosua and which ones are forever Sosua. The ones that are forever Sosua leave them there. Also when you roll solo or with a wingman make it about enjoying the culture and the pussy will find you. Pussy is as easy as crossing the street in the DR. Next time in Nagua just hangout and enjoy the people. The hardcore chicas will give up when they see you aren't there to fuck and they can't make fast money. After the hardcore chicas are gone you will probably go to the next level of chicas. These chicas will not fuck you right away even though they want to. They want a conversation and interaction. They might want you to come to their house and eat or drink a president with her brothers and sisters. Her friends will ask about your friends. She wants a connection. Once they see you aren't a cheap gringo and real cool, the whole town will be envious of the girls who are with you while waiting their turn to fuck you and help you spend your money.

Doing the big aggressive group will have limitations as you travel the DR.

When I was very young, me and my boys would be hanging out and I learned then that if I hang back from the group I could pull girls easier as most girls were scared of the group. My boys were so caught up with being macho that they never figured out my strategy. Later they would pull me aside and ask why I always seem to get girls easy and I would just say that I'm lucky. Same strategy applies in the DR grasshopper.

Charles Pooter
12-24-14, 15:22
Thanks Charles so where is this in relation to Dr. Rosen as this is where my hotel is located or do I just ask for directions when I get off?The Metro terminus is on the corner of Dr Rosen and the main highway. Walk down the side of the Metro Station, cross over the next road (Pedro Clisante, where most of the action is) and your hotel is on the right near Rocky's Bar & Grill. Four minutes from the bus station, unless you have a heavy suitcase.

Best of luck with Urban Cabana. You are a braver man than most here.

12-24-14, 17:28
In my experience success with internet chicas is cyclical and a lot of work. I understand if you do not want to continue the effort but I encourage you to still give Nagua or even Puerto Plata and beyond a shot. I am having a blast getting out of Sosua there is so much to learn and see and although there are sharks all over the Dominican Republic I am finding it rewarding to meet women who have not been tainted by Sosua.Yes sir PP was good to me but those chicas play for keeps. They are looking for the Golden Stallion like Mr G stated in the pass. My few hours in Nagua I kind of feel something there. Those chicas aren't tourist hunting.

12-24-14, 20:15
Yes sir PP was good to me but those chicas play for keeps. They are looking for the Golden Stallion like Mr G stated in the pass. My few hours in Nagua I kind of feel something there. Those chicas aren't tourist hunting.Grownman you should just cut out the middleman and head straight into Haiti!! LOL.

12-24-14, 21:42

I love your search of new places for adventure. The problem you will experience is that your group is too big. Only very hardcore girls outside of Sosua will approach a group of foreigners. Their reputation as a puta is already public knowledge where she lives so she doesn't give a fuck. It's easier to pull nonpros and semipros if you roll solo or have a wingman.

Figure out which one of your crew is about growth outside of Sosua and which ones are forever Sosua. The ones that are forever Sosua leave them there. Also when you roll solo or with a wingman make it about enjoying the culture and the pussy will find you. Pussy is as easy as crossing the street in the DR. Next time in Nagua just hangout and enjoy the people. The hardcore chicas will give up when they see you aren't there to fuck and they can't make fast money. After the hardcore chicas are gone you will probably go to the next level of chicas. These chicas will not fuck you right away even though they want to. They want a conversation and interaction. They might want you to come to their house and eat or drink a president with her brothers and sisters. Her friends will ask about your friends. She wants a connection. Once they see you aren't a cheap gringo and real cool, the whole town will be envious of the girls who are with you while waiting their turn to fuck you and help you spend your money.

Doing the big aggressive group will have limitations as you travel the DR.

When I was very young, me and my boys would be hanging out and I learned then that if I hang back from the group I could pull girls easier as most girls were scared of the group. My boys were so caught up with being macho that they never figured out my strategy. Later they would pull me aside and ask why I always seem to get girls easy and I would just say that I'm lucky. Same strategy applies in the DR grasshopper.Grownman, Mr Gogo offers sound advice, what I will add is the importance of Dominican connections. If you have a Dominican connection in these towns either a taxi driver moto concho or even store employee etc that connection can do wonders. Of course you can strike up a conversation cold but my experience is that a Dominican connection can work wonders!

12-25-14, 01:55
This is getting to be all too common. When I first started coming to Sosua, it seems chicas visited Sosua to make money, but they still live wherever they come from. It's the other way around now. Now many live in Sosua and visit their hometown where their kids live. I guess with that, enough of them rather than go back to where they live while on their periods, they'll stay in Sosua and continue to work.

Funny how this board has evolved as well. A while back, I spent much time reporting and offering some perspective of the many of the negative behaviors, scams and bullshit, chicas are pulling on dudes. A select few here were usually claiming there must be something wrong with me. And why do I bother coming to Sosua? However these same individuals are now observing as well as experiencing some of the bullshit me and other mongers were reporting all along. But now we have dead silence. Aint nobody criticizing and blaming themselves or their forum members for how chicas behaved towards them.

Now they are more willing to accept that chicas have always been responsibile for their own behavior. And that no monger is necessarily responsible in every instance for what happens to him, nor for not seeing the bullshit before it happened. For any newer mongers this message is for you. If any vet monger tries to act like he is above being or never exposed to bamboozling chicas, scamming chicas, flip the script chicas, stank chicas, I got to go home early chicas, thieving chicas and any other category we know. Don't BELIEVE HIM. Some dudes have things happen to them, but they'll never report it.

I will say this though. It's refreshing for this board to see guys sharing their experiences / observations even if they got caught slipping, but without the usual negative flippant commentary that can follow. I guess, WHERE INDIVIDUALS STAND ON THE ISSUE DEPENDS ON WHERE THEY SIT. OR WHERE THEIR MONGER COMRADES SIT.Guys use to say the samething to me. It must be me, when the same bullshit happens to my wingmen. This is why alot of guys stay with a select few chicks.

12-25-14, 02:25

Doing the big aggressive group will have limitations as you travel the DR.

When I was very young, me and my boys would be hanging out and I learned then that if I hang back from the group I could pull girls easier as most girls were scared of the group. My boys were so caught up with being macho that they never figured out my strategy. Later they would pull me aside and ask why I always seem to get girls easy and I would just say that I'm lucky. Same strategy applies in the DR grasshopper.I agree it was my group. Though we are not the Sosua for a week group. When you have people with a lot of things going on and they rideout with you- plans change to accommodate them. That's why I called those particular mongers to Nagua. They all expressed interest in Nagua to me. Except for GhostFaceKiller aka Mr E. He is subject to just be in the area. Parkinson and I were ideal. He was so hype he went hunting there without me MF. I envy his ass riding solo only having to deal with himself. I am kicking my regulars roaddogs to the curb this round because if I tell them - 3 more are going to want to come. I will Try to be solo or perferably a wingman that understand the basics. Nagua is no Sosua or BC and that why I going. I have connections in ST, LR, LV and Las T that I haven't got to because I have been riding with a group. I put the blame mostly on me because I like to see people having a good time. I watch my peeps back like a G so its easy to hang.

12-25-14, 02:28
Grownman you should just cut out the middleman and head straight into Haiti!! LOL.Shit that place is depressing and I like my Spanish twist in the mix!

12-25-14, 04:42
I am not looking for a wife and they know it. So the most I expect is friendly understanding. This can happen if you play your cards right. If meet a girl who is cool let her know you like her and be.


Guys use to say the samething to me. It must be me, when the same bullshit happens to my wingmen. This is why alot of guys stay with a select few chicks.

12-25-14, 10:22
A lot of girls will walk up like they are your long lost lover when you only asked them where the bathroom was. I had one cute young thing who looked like she was carrying a little one and was still on the stroll. I had bought her a beer on my last trip. She tried to latch on me like I was a life boat.There's even competition for the tour guides. Hard to get rid of them too.

12-25-14, 14:33

I love your search of new places for adventure.

Also when you roll solo or with a wingman make it about enjoying the culture and the pussy will find you. Pussy is as easy as crossing the street in the DR.

Doing the big aggressive group will have limitations as you travel the DR.

.All good words for the guy's traveling through the DR.

Mr Gogo
12-25-14, 16:27
All good words for the guy's traveling through the DR.Grownman,

Is a smart dude, I've enjoyed his growth on this board. Merry Christmas to all my ISG brothers, may you have safe travels in 2015.

12-25-14, 16:39
I am coming to the DR with 3 friends. This may be a mistake as I usually prefer the lone wolf roll. One of my boys is a new widow and has never been on the ground at Sosua. He is a big fan of tenderronnies. The other guys have been in country buy are still newbies. I refus3 e to baby sit. Having friends along is a two edge sword. It can be fun hanging out but having a posse can limit your options.

All good words for the guy's traveling through the DR.

12-25-14, 17:33
I am coming to the DR with 3 friends. One of my boys is a new widow and has never been on the ground at Sosua. The other guys have been in country buy are still newbies. I refus3 e to baby sit.And yet you are coming with 3 newbies. Sounds like the beginning of my trip report. How can you not end up babysitting!

12-26-14, 05:10
I tend to be gracious but on vacation it is more about me. I will not let showing them a good time deter me from my enjoyment. I am spending to much time and money for a half ass time.

And yet you are coming with 3 newbies. Sounds like the beginning of my trip report. How can you not end up babysitting!

12-26-14, 05:43
I am coming to the DR with 3 friends. This may be a mistake as I usually prefer the lone wolf roll. One of my boys is a new widow and has never been on the ground at Sosua. He is a big fan of tenderronnies. The other guys have been in country buy are still newbies. I refus3 e to baby sit. Having friends along is a two edge sword. It can be fun hanging out but having a posse can limit your options.I also wanted to ask? How does it feel to travel to another country alone? I know its a stupid question because I can assume that most guys on this board goes mongering alone. Anytime I left the country I always had a WingMan, I don't think I can ever travel alone.

I think I would feel alone and bored especially when there is alot of downtime. Also maybe I'm somewhat of a quiet anti social personal, and it takes me a while to open up to new people.

12-26-14, 17:47
And yet you are coming with 3 newbies. Sounds like the beginning of my trip report. How can you not end up babysitting!Grownman I told you about a buddy of mine who I go to strip clubs with. He thinks nothing of spending multiple $30 per song for lap dances to chase and eventually bang the strippers, for up to $300 in the VIP room (mostly blonde chicks with plastic tits at so-called gentlemen's clubs). All the while I've been telling him about a place in the hood where I got good pussy for $50.

I gave him a brief trip report last week. Now he wants to do DR with me. I'm thinking, biattch, you won't even drive the 10 miles into the hood with me, how are we going to be on the same page 1400 miles away in a foreign country? Some people you just got to leave at home.

Oh, and then there's a dude whose parents are actually Dominicans (he's American-born). I gave him a lot of Intel before he went on his trip with his other friend. He hardly used any of it. Despite speaking the language and all, he was so chicken shit about driving in the DR, afraid of getting robbed, afraid of this and that he just planted his ass at the all-inclusive resort. I told him afterwards you must be afraid of pussy.

12-26-14, 18:42
Grownman I told you about a buddy of mine who I go to strip clubs with. He thinks nothing of spending multiple $30 per song for lap dances to chase and eventually bang the strippers, for up to $300 in the VIP room (mostly blonde chicks with plastic tits at so-called gentlemen's clubs). All the while I've been telling him about a place in the hood where I got good pussy for $50.

I gave him a brief trip report last week. Now he wants to do DR with me. I'm thinking, biattch, you won't even drive the 10 miles into the hood with me, how are we going to be on the same page 1400 miles away in a foreign country? Some people you just got to leave at home.

Oh, and then there's a dude whose parents are actually Dominicans (he's American-born). I gave him a lot of Intel before he went on his trip with his other friend. He hardly used any of it. Despite speaking the language and all, he was so chicken shit about driving in the DR, afraid of getting robbed, afraid of this and that he just planted his ass at the all-inclusive resort. I told him afterwards you must be afraid of pussy.There is no hope for guys like your friend who can not appreciate good pussy for $50 in USA and realize what a bargain it is. But everybody is different. I always appreciate good service and very happy to give a good tip at the end. I am always ready to get good pussy and service anytime anywhere.

12-26-14, 19:28
I love being on my own. Not having to answer to anyone else. I don; t look over my shoulder to much. I have never been bored in the DR. I have so many things to do. I rarely have time to rest.

I also wanted to ask? How does it feel to travel to another country alone? I know its a stupid question because I can assume that most guys on this board goes mongering alone. Anytime I left the country I always had a WingMan, I don't think I can ever travel alone.

I Think I would feel alone and bored especially when there is alot of downtime. Also maybe I'm somewhat of a quiet anti social personal, and it takes me a while to open up to new people.

12-26-14, 19:33
Hi guys,

I will be travelling to Sosua next month for the first time and was wondering how you guys deal with chicas who start kicking up a fuss over money, time and refusing to leave etc. Is it wise to get the hotel staff or police involved or do you just pay up to get them out? Even if it was more than what you had agreed to?

El MonoCalvo
12-26-14, 20:05
I love being on my own. Not having to answer to anyone else. I don; t look over my shoulder to much. I have never been bored in the DR. I have so many things to do. I rarely have time to rest.I agree and have traveled to several countries including the DR solo. Just takes some research and a sense of adventure to have a great vacation. Some wingmen tend to slow me down and like to complain about too many things, some of my most enjoyable and productive trips have been solo.

12-26-14, 20:39
I also wanted to ask? How does it feel to travel to another country alone? I know its a stupid question because I can assume that most guys on this board goes mongering alone. Anytime I left the country I always had a WingMan, I don't think I can ever travel alone.

I Think I would feel alone and bored especially when there is alot of downtime. Also maybe I'm somewhat of a quiet anti social personal, and it takes me a while to open up to new people.Some people prefer to have a wingman, some prefer large groups, and some prefer to go alone. When it comes to mongering, I prefer alone. If I have a wingman, it may require some coordination with certain things such as taking a girl back to the room etc. And during the daytime perhaps he might want to do something else other than going to the beach or look for chicas in the daytime. I always feel more comfortable mongering alone, but I definitely don't mind meeting up with a fellow mongerer and checking out the scene. It usually leads to good conversation, it also leads to knowing info that one may not have been aware of previously. The only time I ever feel a little "strange" is when arriving at the airport and immigration seeing all my DR stamps. However, they usually don't say anything and if they do they simply ask why am I visiting DR (work or pleasure). Traveling alone gives you more privacy, can give you more control of the overall trip, and you can feel a little more at ease. With that said, if you are traveling alone to a country you have never been to. It can be a little nerve-wracking the first time. Always best to read up on recent trip reports, find out any info on security issues, and take necessary precautions. And enjoy the trip.

The very first time I traveled to DR, I had a wingman. While it was still a good initial trip, all my trips after that where I've been alone have been much better.

12-26-14, 22:00
Hi guys,

I will be travelling to Sosua next month for the first time and was wondering how you guys deal with chicas who start kicking up a fuss over money, time and refusing to leave etc. Is it wise to get the hotel staff or police involved or do you just pay up to get them out? Even if it was more than what you had agreed to?For someone who is not good when it comes to problems that occurs after sex and the chica does a 180 on you here's what I suggest. Prior to you entering your room pull out your phone and record agreement with the chica before you enter your room on video. The front lobby is a good place. Take that video secure it in your safe before you have sex with her. Then if any problems and the police comes pull out your video and show the agreed amount and time. If she shorts you your time you short her money and stay strong do not give in. Please do not pull out your video until the police arrived you might have a Maoli who will swing on you or try to break the phone. A lot of chicas are your best friends until you get them in your room and the whole attitude change. Your best defense is prior to her coming in your room so take advantage.

12-26-14, 22:22
Grownman I told you about a buddy of mine who I go to strip clubs with. He thinks nothing of spending multiple $30 per song for lap dances to chase and eventually bang the strippers, for up to $300 in the VIP room (mostly blonde chicks with plastic tits at so-called gentlemen's clubs). All the while I've been telling him about a place in the hood where I got good pussy for $50.

I gave him a brief trip report last week. Now he wants to do DR with me. I'm thinking, biattch, you won't even drive the 10 miles into the hood with me, how are we going to be on the same page 1400 miles away in a foreign country? Some people you just got to leave at home.

Oh, and then there's a dude whose parents are actually Dominicans (he's American-born). I gave him a lot of Intel before he went on his trip with his other friend. He hardly used any of it. Despite speaking the language and all, he was so chicken shit about driving in the DR, afraid of getting robbed, afraid of this and that he just planted his ass at the all-inclusive resort. I told him afterwards you must be afraid of pussy.I have an excellent idea. Why don't you have your 2 friends took up with Olkool. The Lone Wolf is rolling with a pack of hyenas. Some on their first hunt. Two more newbies shouldn't cause a problem. LOL Olkool I can't wait to read about this adventure.

12-26-14, 22:56
Hi guys,

I will be travelling to Sosua next month for the first time and was wondering how you guys deal with chicas who start kicking up a fuss over money, time and refusing to leave etc. Is it wise to get the hotel staff or police involved or do you just pay up to get them out? Even if it was more than what you had agreed to?Unless you are in the secret service, you should throw her out All joking aside, the girls check-in at the front desk with their I. The. At most hotels and therefore if you have any trouble just call the front desk. That said, Sosua is pretty well oiled machine so if you discuss / settle on pricing before getting to your room, there shouldn't be any trouble.


12-26-14, 22:57
Hi guys,

I will be travelling to Sosua next month for the first time and was wondering how you guys deal with chicas who start kicking up a fuss over money, time and refusing to leave etc. Is it wise to get the hotel staff or police involved or do you just pay up to get them out? Even if it was more than what you had agreed to?If you are in Sosua you may consider spending the extra 600 pesos to go to Dulce Secreto or 400 pesos to go to Bar Central Hotel. Dulce Secreto will require a moto or other vehicle to get to because it is in the Playa Chikita area of Sosua but it has much nicer accommodations than Bar Central Hotel which is a dump. Bar Central is on the strip and in walking distance of Rumbas and Classicos. Short time hotels (cabanas) are good testing areas for chicas because if there is a problem it is easier to walk out of a cabana than deal with a trouble chica in your hotel room. After the second or 3rd time you can bring them to your room. I realize this is a pain in the ass but it is an option that is available. Another point if you have a bad vibe from a chica it is a good idea not to take her and move on to the next but that reality is there is no fool proof method because chicas in Sosua are often like chameleons.

12-26-14, 23:00
I love being on my own. Not having to answer to anyone else. I don; t look over my shoulder to much. I have never been bored in the DR. I have so many things to do. I rarely have time to rest.I am with OldKool I generally fly solo therefore I can glide with the wind.

Charles Pooter
12-26-14, 23:01
I also wanted to ask? How does it feel to travel to another country alone? Can't beat it.

I have several good friends but I cannot think of one of them travelling with whom would enhance my trip. Great to be free to chop and change your plans as and when you like without having to consult anyone else.

If you are an active member of the "working girl boards" you can always find guys to hang with for as long or short-time as you wish, then move off alone, or more likely with a new chica on your arm, without giving offence or letting anyone down. And I know all my friends feel the same.

I think I would feel alone and bored especially when there is a lot of downtime.
Dr Johnson said, "Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life. " Quite true, but equally true of Sosua, Medellin, Mombasa, Pattaya, etc. , and the pussy is a lot cheaper in those places than in London. (Though maybe not in Dr Johnson's time, when you could get a pox-raddled working girl and a bottle of gin for a groat and still have a penny left to buy a prime seat at a public hanging).

If someone is bored in Sosua there is something wrong with him. It means he has no internal resources. If you are tired of fucking, eating and drinking, gossiping with other mongers, swimming or other sporting pursuits, you can start learning or improving your Spanish or Haitian Kreyol, or help out with the many charitable efforts doing good work. Another seven lifetimes would not suffice for me to do all the things I want to do. I know what depression and frustration are, but not boredom.

Why should there ever be "downtime"? Every day mongers start out with a list of things to do and chicas to do, and go to bed only having achieved half of them. Your vacation here costs a lot of money. Why would you want to waste money on downtime? "Rest time" is good and necessary to enjoy your trip, and only you know the amount of rest you need, but not "downtime".

12-26-14, 23:10
Unless you are in the secret service, you should throw her out All joking aside, the girls check-in at the front desk with their I. The. At most hotels and therefore if you have any trouble just call the front desk. That said, Sosua is pretty well oiled machine so if you discuss / settle on pricing before getting to your room, there shouldn't be any trouble.

Regards,LOL yeah right.

12-26-14, 23:31
If you are in Sosua you may consider spending the extra 600 pesos to go to Dulce Secreto or 400 pesos to go to Bar Central Hotel. Dulce Secreto will require a moto or other vehicle to get to because it is in the Playa Chikita area of Sosua but it has much nicer accommodations than Bar Central Hotel which is a dump. Bar Central is on the strip and in walking distance of Rumbas and Classicos. Short time hotels (cabanas) are good testing areas for chicas because if there is a problem it is easier to walk out of a cabana than deal with a trouble chica in your hotel room. After the second or 3rd time you can bring them to your room. I realize this is a pain in the ass but it is an option that is available. Another point if you have a bad vibe from a chica it is a good idea not to take her and move on to the next but that reality is there is no fool proof method because chicas in Sosua are often like chameleons.Unless I am very far away from my hotel; I do not see the need for buying another room. Even after I buy the $40 motel room and I don't do the major upgrades like some others. I average 10 to 20 chica everytime I go to the DR. About half of them are new and that will mean about 4000 to 6000 pesos extra. I will admit I am cheap and watching my pesos. I understand the extra money saves a lot of headaches but I rather take my chances on my initial interviews.

Mr Gogo
12-26-14, 23:56
Hi guys,

I will be travelling to Sosua next month for the first time and was wondering how you guys deal with chicas who start kicking up a fuss over money, time and refusing to leave etc. Is it wise to get the hotel staff or police involved or do you just pay up to get them out? Even if it was more than what you had agreed to?You have been given some great info so far Sir. I know you must be excited and scared at the same time but that's normal. I'm going to give you some pointers but understand that if you don't later give you brothers a trip report they will know you failed in Sosua and had to fall back to FOD.

1). Never tell a Chica it's your virgin visit, they will think they hit the lottery.

2). Take a two hour intro walk around Sosua so that you will have the feel of the place and not that lost newbie look.

3). Understand the "newbie network " is already looking for you with a bounty for any girl that gets you to pay over 5000 p.

4). Take a iPod loaded with music so you can ignore all the street hustles spouting bullshit.

5). Make sure the change guy shows you on his calculator the breakdown of the deal.

6). Keep you big bills in one front pocket and your little bills in the other front pocket. Never go in the big bill pocket unless you are alone. Leave the big wallet in the safe and put the photocopy of your passport in your back pocket. Also have a backup photocopy.

7). Don't be scared to say no.

8). Don't buy girls a drink until you are ready to fuck and doing the final interview.

9). Don't prepay. If she asks for this end negotiating because she has no respect for you.

Looking for your report Sir.

12-27-14, 01:02
Well said Charles.

If one gets lonely in Sosua (or most other mongering locales), there are plenty of fellow mongers around to hang with.

To your list of activities in Sosua, I'd add Kite- and Wind Surfing. Reputed to be some of the best in the World. And if you don't have energy for something that demanding, you can always sit on the beach and read a book.

12-27-14, 01:13
I love being on my own. Not having to answer to anyone else. I don; t look over my shoulder to much. I have never been bored in the DR. I have so many things to do. I rarely have time to rest.I agree with Old Kool here. I travel alone all the time and I have a ball especially when I'm traveling for mongering purposes. When I'm on a monger trip I either want to do it alone or with someone who I know is a legit monger. Someone who I know can do their own thing at any given time or even for the whole trip. In most of the com one mongering locations it's not hard to meet fellow brethren if you ever just want to hang out, kick back, and talk shit with a like minded individual.

Mr Enternational
12-27-14, 01:30
That said, Sosua is pretty well oiled machine so if you discuss / settle on pricing before getting to your room, there shouldn't be any trouble.Which Sosua have you been to? I think you are in the wrong thread.

12-27-14, 01:50
I also wanted to ask? How does it feel to travel to another country alone? I know its a stupid question because I can assume that most guys on this board goes mongering alone. Anytime I left the country I always had a WingMan, I don't think I can ever travel alone.

I Think I would feel alone and bored especially when there is alot of downtime. Also maybe I'm somewhat of a quiet anti social personal, and it takes me a while to open up to new people.I couldn't imagine traveling on a monger adventure with friends.

I see these guys at NG or VH in crews of a dozen and more and I don't get it. I know its fun to hang with your buddies and shit but when I am hunting for 21 year old pussy I am like a puma and not a wolf in a pack. I'm not saying one way is better than the other but how do you guys focus when you are surrounded by the whole frat?

12-27-14, 04:29
I couldn't imagine traveling on a monger adventure with friends.

I see these guys at NG or VH in crews of a dozen and more and I don't get it. I know its fun to hang with your buddies and shit but when I am hunting for 21 year old pussy I am like a puma and not a wolf in a pack. I'm not saying one way is better than the other but how do you guys focus when you are surrounded by the whole frat?Every time I go to Sosua it's by myself but I've spoken to some of those groups and it's a different dynamic all together they run trains watch each other then take turns on them like say you would in a real frat. I sometimes join those groups when I'm out in rumba not really interested in looking for company and fill like interacting its not that hard really. Like a puma?

12-27-14, 05:51
For someone who is not good when it comes to problems that occurs after sex and the chica does a 180 on you here's what I suggest. Prior to you entering your room pull out your phone and record agreement with the chica before you enter your room on video. The front lobby is a good place. Take that video secure it in your safe before you have sex with her. Then if any problems and the police comes pull out your video and show the agreed amount and time. If she shorts you your time you short her money and stay strong do not give in. Please do not pull out your video until the police arrived you might have a Maoli who will swing on you or try to break the phone. A lot of chicas are your best friends until you get them in your room and the whole attitude change. Your best defense is prior to her coming in your room so take advantage.In addition you could have the Chica sign a contract with list of services to be performed before entering the room. You could have a checklist with little boxes for services to be performed such as BBBJ, BBBJCIM, ANAL, including time allotments to be allowed for each activity.

Charles Pooter
12-27-14, 06:06
In addition you could have the Chica sign a contract with list of services to be performed before entering the room. You could have a checklist with little boxes for services to be performed such as BBBJ, BBBJCIM, ANAL, including time allotments to be allowed for each activity.Excellent idea, but make sure it is in triplicate with a legally certified translation into Spanish, and that the chica's signature is witnessed by two independent Dominican citizens.

12-27-14, 07:20
I have been to the DR over 12 times and I still pick a bad apple every now and then. My suggestion is just say fuck it so what if you get A loon. It may cost you a 1000 pesos more. No big deal. One piece of advice. If the girl is the aggressor you may be the prey. Most of the girls in Sosua are very decent. Most will ask for moto money when they leave but if they did their part why not. In closing you pick the girls and feel them out Never be puhed to take any chica. If she has to push you to bang her you did not want here.

Excellent idea, but make sure it is in triplicate with a legally certified translation into Spanish, and that the chica's signature is witnessed by two independent Dominican citizens.

12-27-14, 13:38
Excellent idea, but make sure it is in triplicate with a legally certified translation into Spanish, and that the chica's signature is witnessed by two independent Dominican citizens.Yeah then make her write her mother's maiden name, her last place of employment, a fingerprint, get a DNA sample and get her panties for collateral. I can see it right now - excuse me ma'am can you witness me and this puta agreement to suck my cock and let me jam her in the ass. too bad you can't get Judge Judy or Mathis.

12-27-14, 14:21

Is a smart dude, I've enjoyed his growth on this board. Merry Christmas to all my ISG brothers, may you have safe travels in 2015.Yes I also enjoy reading his post.

12-27-14, 14:30
When traveling through the DR it is best to keep a low profile and not be to loud. The campo people are afraid of most new people and when you are in large groups it makes this worse. I have had some of the best times of my life traveling through the DR and have found some of the best pussy I have ever had in these little camp's.

Respect these people and most will respect you. A good rule of thumb is to act right and behave yourself and all should be good with all the people.

12-27-14, 17:07
I also wanted to ask? How does it feel to travel to another country alone? I know its a stupid question because I can assume that most guys on this board goes mongering alone. Anytime I left the country I always had a WingMan, I don't think I can ever travel alone.

I Think I would feel alone and bored especially when there is alot of downtime. Also maybe I'm somewhat of a quiet anti social personal, and it takes me a while to open up to new people.It has moreso to do with your personality than anything. I am one of those people who can entertain myself. Whereas my brother is one of those folks who cannot go 2 minutes without being in the company of someone.

12-27-14, 20:39
I also wanted to ask? How does it feel to travel to another country alone? I know its a stupid question because I can assume that most guys on this board goes mongering alone. Anytime I left the country I always had a WingMan, I don't think I can ever travel alone.

I think I would feel alone and bored especially when there is alot of downtime. Also maybe I'm somewhat of a quiet anti social personal, and it takes me a while to open up to new people.You have also posted before that you lived in an apartment in Sosua for about year (was this with a wingperson to hold your hand, then?) and that you have traveled to many countries like Philippines, Brazil, Columbia, presumably with a chaperone or parent.

In another post you say you are 29 years old, and in another you said "I have been mongering for over 25+ years and the first rule of mongering is to never believe anything working girl / prostitute tells you. It amazes me how many gringos will believe everything. ".

I have mongered for a decade or so, and the first rule of mongering is "don't believe anything a monger says. It amazes me how many gringos will believe anything. ".

12-27-14, 21:20
In addition you could have the Chica sign a contract with list of services to be performed before entering the room. You could have a checklist with little boxes for services to be performed such as BBBJ, BBBJCIM, ANAL, including time allotments to be allowed for each activity.I remember a CubaDave™ video where he suggested the very same thing. I think that was one of his main tips a couple of years ago.

12-27-14, 21:25
Every time I go to Sosua it's by myself but I've spoken to some of those groups and it's a different dynamic all together they run trains watch each other then take turns on them like say you would in a real frat. I sometimes join those groups when I'm out in rumba not really interested in looking for company and fill like interacting its not that hard really. Like a puma?OK, LOL. What other animal hunts solo? An owl? No. A FALCON. I'll go with falcon.

No, but seriously though. I was wondering how much privacy was to be had in a villa filled with ya' boys from back home. I guess if it is about the "group activities" then right on. To each his own.

Like I said one way isn't better than the other IMHO.

Charles Pooter
12-28-14, 00:01
In another post you say you are 29 years old, and in another you said "I have been mongering for over 25+ years ... "

Horny little lad, wasn't he?

12-28-14, 02:38
Always know that what you do on one street can be known on another street with a quickness whether it be good or bad. Just like in most other countries even the poorest people have cell phones. This be true on the highest mountain or the lowest camp. Always know what you do will be probably be known by someone and if it is bad you will pay up the road or if it is good you will be met with smiles and greetings of welcome.

12-28-14, 17:37
In addition you could have the Chica sign a contract with list of services to be performed before entering the room. You could have a checklist with little boxes for services to be performed such as BBBJ, BBBJCIM, ANAL, including time allotments to be allowed for each activity.For me this is just too much of a hastle. I go to Sosua to f. And relax. Of all my trips to Sosua the percentage of chicas from whom I get bad service is about 50%. In all other countries the overall average is about 10%. For example, Colombia 5%, Argentina 0%, Brazil 0%, Germany 20%, Mexico 10%, South East Asia 5%, India about 60% etc. In my next trip to Sosua my plan is this: bring a timing clock which I will start, with her knowledge, at the beginning of the session. I will let her know that it will sound the alarm at the end of one hour. I will also tell her that if she aborts the session before the hour her recompense will be similarly deducted. And that will be that. Any chica who goes beyond the hour will be tipped.

12-28-14, 18:52
In addition you could have the Chica sign a contract with list of services to be performed before entering the room. You could have a checklist with little boxes for services to be performed such as BBBJ, BBBJCIM, ANAL, including time allotments to be allowed for each activity.Dammit Surfer!

Some actually believe that you were serious when you poster this.

12-28-14, 20:04
For me this is just too much of a hastle. I go to Sosua to f. And relax. Of all my trips to Sosua the percentage of chicas from whom I get bad service is about 50%. In all other countries the overall average is about 10%. For example, Colombia 5%, Argentina 0%, Brazil 0%, Germany 20%, Mexico 10%, South East Asia 5%, India about 60% etc. In my next trip to Sosua my plan is this: bring a timing clock which I will start, with her knowledge, at the beginning of the session. I will let her know that it will sound the alarm at the end of one hour. I will also tell her that if she aborts the session before the hour her recompense will be similarly deducted. And that will be that. Any chica who goes beyond the hour will be tipped.An alarm clock, especially set to an arbitrary absolute time length such as one hour, may not be fair. Sometimes I don't last that long. (ok almost never.) I'd prefer one of those chess clocks with the dual faces. After I thrust 10 seconds, then it's the girl's turn to ride her 10 seconds. I pump another 15, she counters with 15. I go down on her for 30, she does the same on me. This way we achieve parity. Or, you can pre-arrange (on the service menu checklist) that her time on the chess clock has to double yours, or triple, in order to earn a propina.

BTW, why is the bad service rate 60% in India, even higher than the DR? A lot of people equate Dominican laziness as a cause for bad service. I thought the Indians are highly industrious? I'll have to read up on your Indian reports.

Chris Long
12-28-14, 22:37
For me this is just too much of a hastle. I go to Sosua to f. And relax. Of all my trips to Sosua the percentage of chicas from whom I get bad service is about 50%. In all other countries the overall average is about 10%. For example, Colombia 5%, Argentina 0%, Brazil 0%, Germany 20%, Mexico 10%, South East Asia 5%, India about 60% etc. In my next trip to Sosua my plan is this: bring a timing clock which I will start, with her knowledge, at the beginning of the session. I will let her know that it will sound the alarm at the end of one hour. I will also tell her that if she aborts the session before the hour her recompense will be similarly deducted. And that will be that. Any chica who goes beyond the hour will be tipped.Bad service from chicas in Sosua hhmmm. I think its cyclical, on my May trip I would of agreed with you, I was here for two weeks and about 50% of my sessions were disappointments, I was seriously contemplating not returning to Sosua. I don't know if its because its the season of giving or not but on this Christmas trip only about 5% to maybe 10% have been disappointments, over all I've had some great sex on this trip and I still have three more weeks to go (I guess I was good this year, Santa gave me five weeks in the DR). Over the past three years I've come for a five day get away over the Thanksgiving holiday and for another five day getaway over the MLK holiday. Looking back on it I've generally gotten better service better prices and more abundance over the Tday trips then I did over the MLK trips, may be because Tday is just a month out from Christmas and the chicas are starting to think about presents for their ninos and MLK is getting close to Super bowl weekend when the rookies show up and the chicas think they can start charging higher prices and giving substandard service.

Any way I'm going to be around for a few more weeks if anyone else is on the island let me know.

P.S.: made a couple great videos on youtube if your interested.


12-29-14, 00:14
Dammit Surfer!

Some actually believe that you were serious when you poster this.Somebody posted in the Boca Chica thread a while ago that they were doing exactly that, I can't remember which member it was.

12-29-14, 01:09
For me this is just too much of a hastle. I go to Sosua to f. And relax. Of all my trips to Sosua the percentage of chicas from whom I get bad service is about 50%. In all other countries the overall average is about 10%. For example, Colombia 5%, Argentina 0%, Brazil 0%, Germany 20%, Mexico 10%, South East Asia 5%, India about 60% etc. In my next trip to Sosua my plan is this: bring a timing clock which I will start, with her knowledge, at the beginning of the session. I will let her know that it will sound the alarm at the end of one hour. I will also tell her that if she aborts the session before the hour her recompense will be similarly deducted. And that will be that. Any chica who goes beyond the hour will be tipped.The Reason why there a high chance you will get a whack nut in DR is because, Dominicans have a "Think about only today" mentally. They do not think about tomorrow. Now when you go to Brazil, the Sex is always good because Brazilian women are hoping if they give.

You good sex, They is a high chance that you will want to repeat and they hope they will get continued business. In Dominican Republic its all about trying to screw you and get the most money today, They don't care about doing good business. If your trying to get a good.

Nut in DR, I would suggest trying to get a Non-Pro, or a chick that has not been harden. But still in my experience having sex with a DR chica is like a Job to them, When I go to Brazil they treat me and have sex with me like I'm there boyfriend. My worst nut in Brazil.

Or Columbia is still 100 x Times better then my Best nut in DR. I have seen the light which is why I only go to Sosua maybe 1 x Time a year, I use to go 5 x Times a year, but to me its whack and played out now.

12-29-14, 01:15
Bad service from chicas in Sosua hhmmm. I think its cyclical, on my May trip I would of agreed with you, I was here for two weeks and about 50% of my sessions were disappointments, I was seriously contemplating not returning to Sosua. I don't know if its because its the season of giving or not but on this Christmas trip only about 5% to maybe 10% have been disappointments, over all I've had some great sex on this trip and I still have three more weeks to go (I guess I was good this year, Santa gave me five weeks in the DR). Over the past three years I've come for a five day get away over the Thanksgiving holiday and for another five day getaway over the MLK holiday. Looking back on it I've generally gotten better service better prices and more abundance over the Tday trips then I did over the MLK trips, may be because Tday is just a month out from Christmas and the chicas are starting to think about presents for their ninos and MLK is getting close to Super bowl weekend when the rookies show up and the chicas think they can start charging higher prices and giving substandard service.

Any way I'm going to be around for a few more weeks if anyone else is on the island let me know.

P.S.: made a couple great videos on youtube if your interested.

ChrisGreat vids as usual, Chris. You made some great pulls. Didn't you have a few more videos up? Looking forward to seeing some more whenever you get a chance.

12-29-14, 04:06
For me this is just too much of a hastle. I go to Sosua to f. And relax. Of all my trips to Sosua the percentage of chicas from whom I get bad service is about 50%. In all other countries the overall average is about 10%. For example, Colombia 5%, Argentina 0%, Brazil 0%, Germany 20%, Mexico 10%, South East Asia 5%, India about 60% etc. In my next trip to Sosua my plan is this: bring a timing clock which I will start, with her knowledge, at the beginning of the session. I will let her know that it will sound the alarm at the end of one hour. I will also tell her that if she aborts the session before the hour her recompense will be similarly deducted. And that will be that. Any chica who goes beyond the hour will be tipped.Just got back from a one day bombing run to Tijuana and in catching up with the Sosua posts, and yours in particular, I can't believe that you actually think or at least thought that I was serious about having a Chica sign a contract before entering the room.

I am perplexed why you would even consider returning to Sosua if you feel your getting bad service 50% of the time from the Chicas; when your getting such good service from the Chicas in the other countries you listed.

Mr Gogo
12-29-14, 04:17
Parkinsons wrote some good reports a few pages back and I told him I would respond once I got my thought together. Now I'm reading about some guys having bad performances in Sosua, and this ties into what I've been thinking. I've been at this game for a little while, so as I look back I'm trying to figure out my development and what is best for me as I'm a candidate for early retirement in a couple years. How did I get here?, What did I learn?, Is there a future for me in this sport?

Cycle 1 (Fantasy island):

I've just been introduced to fantasy island (2007) and my life is about to be changed forever. Sosua was a big playground and anything goes, money was no object. I spent big and everyone loved me, I was a star. I tipped the waitresses good, paid the girls well and brought gifts for my friends I wasn't fucking. I had girls in Puerto Plata, la Union, and Montellano whose family and especially the moms loved me. I would take guys from this board (Kutha, Sabor, Bbl) to their homes and we would party with the family as the neighborhood girls would come to see the gringos. I always took up a collection from the guys at the end to slide mom (usually about 50 usd) to show our gratitude. Sex with my favorita was condom less and never any problems. Sex had passion but something was still missing. I always returned to the airport to leave with no pesos.

I had a girlfriend at every bar in Sosua. I would have to sneak past bars and play the outer bars just to be left alone. Here is one of my first reports:http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?3144-Mr-Gogo-in-the-Dominican-Republic&p=1057435&viewfull=1#post1057435.

And here is part two:http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?3144-Mr-Gogo-in-the-Dominican-Republic&p=1059120&viewfull=1#post1059120.

My cycle then included sending my favorite two girls 100 usd, twice by Western union. My eyes were eventually opened up when one of my favoritas tried to run the dentist scam and another one tried the hospital scam. I was also discovering Colombia and other spots therefore hardening me to the game. Plus Sosua was changing. I had money to spend and with that came contacts and fun, life was good.

Cycle two (the awakening):

After becoming popular I now craved my privacy. A quiet bar with just me to people watch was my favorite spot even though I would still do a walk by of my old spots. My spending nature stopped as I was more distrustful of everyone. I had fun and hung out but I had become a sport fucker. I no longer took girls for meals (why double my expenses), I no longer let girls spend the night. I stopped visiting girls homes and refused to meet family. It became a game of getting a deal. Sex became mechanical, as the girls in Sosua and Gogo changed. Sex in the cycle was always condom even when I went back with one of my regulars. I'm getting older and don't want to be played for a sucker. I now had red thousand peso notes when I returned America. As I stopped spending money so freely, my contacts had also vanished.

Cycle 3 (now);.

I'm getting older, retirement is coming, what are you going to do? Something is missing. I had just done Thailand with Mr E and Bbl and had a ball but that was too far away. Costa Rica and Colombia had me still searching. SD was at the top of my retirement list with Medellin a close second but I would soon discover that I was about to be turned onto something that I never put into the equation.

Two years ago I went to Cuba and had a ball. It was like going back in time and I would soon realize the magic of the island and the people. My first trip the girls reminded me of my early years in Sosua, they had fun and made love with passion. They wanted you to go a second round to make sure you were pleased. They put tongues in your ears and made the most incredible sounds. They were clean and smart. With so many restrictions from the government maybe sex is the only free expression that they have. With no internet and porn, they only know how to make love the original way with real feelings.

My second trip the casa owners niece came to visit her sister (casa owners wife). The four of us went for dinner (I paid) and then for a walk among the historical sites in Havana. At dinner the niece (lets call her Anna) didn't even know how to cut her meat with a knife, I had to help her. See she was from a little country town outside of Havana. We stopped and got some liquor (I paid) and went to the casa. We partied till 2 am and had a great time. The casa owner kept talking to me and I finally just walked into the room where Anna was (The liquor had me feeling bold). She was standing in front of a mirror re-touching her makeup. She smiled as I walked in. I walked up on her from behind but she went to close the door and locked it. She came back to the mirror and I kissed her neck from behind, she almost feinted. I turned her around and kissed her and she melted into me. She asked if I had a condom and I said yeah. I stepped back, took off my shirt and pants but kept the condom in my hand. I then laid on the bed as I watched her strip. I'm bone hard as she plays with her pussy in a zone in front of the mirror. She comes to the bed and plays with her pussy having two orgasms. I'm stunned at the sexual zone she is in and I'm enjoying the show (is it real? During sex she wouldn't stop coming and yelling. During doggy I could feel the heat coming off her pussy as I slammed her hard. She was amazing but I was just going through the motions. I woke up at 7 am and she reached right over at my dick and we finished the night. I had checked into a hotel the previous day to have an escape place to chill out at so I went there. I spent the day alone with my thoughts and realized that I had cheated the girl. She was in her sexual zone and I was just there. I wasn't really apart of it because I didn't let myself go, the guy from the free country was used to restrictions. I didn't go back to the casa because I wanted to freelance in Havana plus I only had two days left in my trip.

Back in America I couldn't get that girl out of my mind. My third trip I had a new private casa all by myself. I went by the old casa owners house and he had a new girl staying there. The casa owner said he had no contact with his ex or her family. I had Annas grandmothers number and called her and Anna answered and came to me on the bus for three hours. Now we could play house as I had my own place. I was in my zone as she was. Sex was non-stop and condom less. Anna would act like I was killing her, No Gogo Nooo as her pussy would be squirting. She would slap her own ass to let me know what she wanted. She would pull her hair and slap her face till I caught on. Anna was totally submissive and wanted to be dominated. I was now in my sexual zone with no restrictions. We spent my whole trip together.

Anna called me before Thanksgiving asking for 120 dollars and I stopped taking her calls refusing her request. I haven't talked to her until last week when I got soft and called to wish her Merry Christmas. She was so excited she screamed and then cried. I was thinking that I almost lost the best sex partner I've ever had over 120 lousy dollars. Parkinsons report made me evaluate the situation. I'm approaching middle age and good sex might not be available as I'm getting older, do I stick with the hour fucks with a condom in Sosua or do I make an investment in this good pussy? I'm headed back to Cuba soon and realize I have to spend money to maintain my contacts and good pussy, but will I do it?

12-29-14, 04:29
Great vids as usual, Chris. You made some great pulls. Didn't you have a few more videos up? Looking forward to seeing some more whenever you get a chance.Post the link.

12-29-14, 04:36
Just got back from a one day bombing run to Tijuana and in catching up with the Sosua posts, and yours in particular, I can't believe that you actually think or at least thought that I was serious about having a Chica sign a contract before entering the room.

I am perplexed why you would even consider returning to Sosua if you feel your getting bad service 50% of the time from the Chicas; when your getting such good service from the Chicas in the other countries you listed.Yell T what up with that! I don't think I could keep deal with a 50% that's terrible. If I was a newbie you would have me crossing out India and Sosua. What are the airfares for Venezula.

12-29-14, 06:13
Bad service is a part of sport fucking. Great sex does not always happen when you are with a stranger. Both people have to be comfortable with one another. Then there are scamming chicas. Scamming chicas are not that hard to avoid. They are often pushy and anxious. Avoiding these girls will save much head ache. Some of the best chicas are the ones who travel solo. They are happy when they find a buyer and show their appreciation when they are treated with respect and affection.

I treat the girls with respect until they show they are not worthy. You have to stay on guard as most girls will treat you like a ATM machine if you let them. I would advise repeating with girls who are good performers. Often the second time is even better. I like Sosua for the variety. You can have any kind of women you want. I find that every day I am in he mood for something different. At this stage of the game fucking 20 year old girls is awesome therapy for me.

Yell T what up with that! I don't think I could keep deal with a 50% that's terrible. If I was a newbie you would have me crossing out India and Sosua. What are the airfares for Venezula.

Mr Enternational
12-29-14, 07:36
Bad service is a part of sport fucking. Great sex does not always happen when you are with a stranger.It does when you are in Brazil. When I tell you what this chick did to me for $30 last week! http://www.amantesecia.com.br/orientvip/anuncio.php?id=3464 I ended up giving her a $7 tip, which confused the shit out of her. Guess they aren't used to receiving tips in that establishment. But I was so damn happy I couldn't help myself.

12-29-14, 14:23
Bad service from chicas in Sosua hhmmm. I think its cyclical, on my May trip I would of agreed with you, I was here for two weeks and about 50% of my sessions were disappointments, I was seriously contemplating not returning to Sosua. I don't know if its because its the season of giving or not but on this Christmas trip only about 5% to maybe 10% have been disappointments, over all I've had some great sex on this trip and I still have three more weeks to go (I guess I was good this year, Santa gave me five weeks in the DR). Over the past three years I've come for a five day get away over the Thanksgiving holiday and for another five day getaway over the MLK holiday. Looking back on it I've generally gotten better service better prices and more abundance over the Tday trips then I did over the MLK trips, may be because Tday is just a month out from Christmas and the chicas are starting to think about presents for their ninos and MLK is getting close to Super bowl weekend when the rookies show up and the chicas think they can start charging higher prices and giving substandard service.

Any way I'm going to be around for a few more weeks if anyone else is on the island let me know.

P.S.: made a couple great videos on youtube if your interested.

ChrisThe same thing happened to me. I got about 50% bad service in my trip to Sosua in May and well under 50% bad service in my last trip in November. Actually my November trip was my best ever in all my trips to Sosua, service wise. I will always return to Sosua for the ambience and the beaches in addition to the sub par hobbying which is better than none at all. Some one asked about India. Indian people are very hard working but they will try to rip you off at the earliest opportunity especially if you are a foreigner, more so than any other nationality I know. I have been there only for work.

12-29-14, 14:54
Just got back from a one day bombing run to Tijuana and in catching up with the Sosua posts, and yours in particular, I can't believe that you actually think or at least thought that I was serious about having a Chica sign a contract before entering the room.

I am perplexed why you would even consider returning to Sosua if you feel your getting bad service 50% of the time from the Chicas; when your getting such good service from the Chicas in the other countries you listed.Hey, lighten up, I was joking about the alarm clock. I love Sosua and will always return.

12-29-14, 16:09
I'm approaching middle age and good sex might not be available as I'm getting older, do I stick with the hour fucks with a condom in Sosua or do I make an investment in this good pussy? I'm headed back to Cuba soon and realize I have to spend money to maintain my contacts and good pussy, but will I do it?Good post Gogo. It looks like you found Sosua just a year before I did. My official trip to the DR was December 2008 to Blackbeards in Puerto Plata in which I hooked up with two other guys staying there who invited me to ride with them to Sosua. We took a taxi right up to a club someone had told them about called "Classicos"...

I think I am in Cycle Two / Cycle Three of what you have described. Like I mentioned in another post (in another forum) I kinda got bored with sport fucking on my Thanksgiving trip back to Medellin. I have a handful of chicas that are just generally cool to hang with, and next trip I plan to develop those contacts rather than knocking down 20+ chicas again.

Like I admitted to you on the back channel I have developed that Sosua bug again (haven't been back there since May 2012), but honestly I am glad I just pulled the trigger on another ticket to Medellin instead. Sosua is starting to get complaints like San Jose gets complaints (mechanical chicas, rush jobs, bait and switching, etc). And it's a shame because the DR has some very sexy women. Once the chicas start demanding and receiving money up front before they do the deed, then you know it's game over.

You may see me there sometime this year, but it'll only be a very quick pass through. If I could do SD like I can do Medellin, then it would probably be years before I went back to Colombia. But the general vibe I get from the DR is that everyone is trying to out-hustle the next person (especially in SD. Just look at how an SD Super-Vet like BoriquaOnline had a taxi driver try to hustle him recently).

El MonoCalvo
12-29-14, 16:25
I'm surprised to hear this 50% bad service reports in Sosua, haven't been in a couple years but am thinking 10-20% were not so great on previous trips. Discouraging to think only half the women might be a good time, are things really getting that bad?

12-29-14, 18:01
.I'm approaching middle age and good sex might not be available as I'm getting older, do I stick with the hour fucks with a condom in Sosua or do I make an investment in this good pussy? I'm headed back to Cuba soon and realize I have to spend money to maintain my contacts and good pussy, but will I do it?I read your post and have found somewhat of a balance in Sosua. I don't know how old you are but if your in your forties and in good shape you should easily be able to have good sex into your 60's and on, at least I am. I have to been to Sosua about 6 times in the last year and a half and have spent the money to maintain contacts with girls that take good care of me. I love the beaches and all the water activities in and around Sosua that I can partake in. I've been all over Colombia and Costa Rica and have yet to find a location in either of those countries with a combination of a large variety of girls and beautiful beaches combined. If it wasn't for the beautiful beaches in and around Sosua I wouldn't return there. I also like the option in Sosua of being able to do some sport fucking when I have a craving for something different besides one of my regulars. Everybody rolls different but if you can afford to maintain contacts I would suggest you do so, and when you get tired of one of them you can always hit the Strip and grab a nasty "skank" for an hour!

12-29-14, 19:57
I am not sure what it was like when I was 18 but 3 days in Sosus I am just about done. No juice left in the body. I was hanging with some other guys close to my age and all us were dry. I am still trying to learn how to pace myself, but when I see the hot young things my brain shuts off.

I read your post and have found somewhat of a balance in Sosua. I don't know how old you are but if your in your forties and in good shape you should easily be able to have good sex into your 60's and on, at least I am. I have to been to Sosua about 6 times in the last year and a half and have spent the money to maintain contacts with girls that take good care of me. I love the beaches and all the water activities in and around Sosua that I can partake in. I've been all over Colombia and Costa Rica and have yet to find a location in either of those countries with a combination of a large variety of girls and beautiful beaches combined. If it wasn't for the beautiful beaches in and around Sosua I wouldn't return there. I also like the option in Sosua of being able to do some sport fucking when I have a craving for something different besides one of my regulars. Everybody rolls different but if you can afford to maintain contacts I would suggest you do so, and when you get tired of one of them you can always hit the Strip and grab a nasty "skank" for an hour!

12-29-14, 21:09
I'm surprised to hear this 50% bad service reports in Sosua, haven't been in a couple years but am thinking 10-20% were not so great on previous trips. Discouraging to think only half the women might be a good time, are things really getting that bad?Do not be put off by reports of 50% bad service. A couple years ago I was getting 50% when you were getting 10-20%. I tend to be a little demanding hence the chicas wanting to short time me. Not everyone has the same experience. You may have a great time with my bad service chica. Depend on your own experience not what another guy says. As the game show host says "Come on down".

12-30-14, 00:23
I read your post and have found somewhat of a balance in Sosua. I don't know how old you are but if your in your forties and in good shape you should easily be able to have good sex into your 60's and on, at least I am. I have to been to Sosua about 6 times in the last year and a half and have spent the money to maintain contacts with girls that take good care of me. I love the beaches and all the water activities in and around Sosua that I can partake in. I've been all over Colombia and Costa Rica and have yet to find a location in either of those countries with a combination of a large variety of girls and beautiful beaches combined. If it wasn't for the beautiful beaches in and around Sosua I wouldn't return there. I also like the option in Sosua of being able to do some sport fucking when I have a craving for something different besides one of my regulars. Everybody rolls different but if you can afford to maintain contacts I would suggest you do so, and when you get tired of one of them you can always hit the Strip and grab a nasty "skank" for an hour!As much as I love Colombia I enjoy the beach too much to live there 12 months a year so this year I decided to split my time up between the DR and Colombia. I live in Puerto Plata as I have no use for the strip in Sosua but I love hitting up Sosua beach a few times a week, I just love having a beer or two, take a dip in the ocean then have a good lunch on the beach then another swim and a couple more beers and then jump in a publico and head back to Puerto Plata, that's a good day for me and I can't do that in Colombia, you can come close in Cartagena but I won't swim in that water, nasty, plus it's always oppressively hot there. I hate the real hot weather so come April or whenever it starts getting real hot I'll be heading back to the mountains of Colombia.

Chris Long
12-30-14, 00:52
Boots on the ground report.

No one else seems to be here so I thought I would give a current field report from the front lines. This is the start of my third week here in the pussy capital of the Caribbean. Have not paid more than 1000 to 1500 a few were rewarded with 2000 for going above and beyond the call of duty. One little kitten convinced me to give her 2000 and I even accepted a CBJ from her (picture below). I never open negotiations until we are in front of my place and before the door is opened if they are unwilling to accept 1500 max plus give DATY and BBBJ, I smile turn to walk back towards the strip and say possibly mais tarde mi amor EVERY one has been willing to accept 1500 when they realize its a take or leave it proposition with a smile. Over all the sex has been pretty good had an even fifty girls as of today out of the fifty, three I regret being with because they gave me bad sex, One I think was high on something I finely just gave up gave her the money and told her to leave, the other was pretty good but would not let me get in my finishing position so I couldn't complete the mission and the third one was trying hard she just wasn't any dam good at screwing. But apart from that the rest have been good to great on this trip.

The week leading up to Christmas was filled with many hot new girls coming in to make some holiday money. Christmas eve and Christmas day was a little slow but still enough girls around, a few Dominican chicas but mostly Haitian girls. Things slowly picked up Saturday night. Still plenty of girls around still plenty of attractive girls around but a little slower than it was the week leading up to Christmas. The hotties seem to congregate more towards Rumbas and the entrance to Classicos. Been inside Classicos a few times, a few people inside a few hotties inside but have not seen it packed like the old days. Really seems no reason to pay the cover and go inside as the same chicas will rotate from the downstairs front entrance to inside the club to back over to Rumbas. In the old days as I recall every time you went into Classicos you had to pay a cover but was given a drink coupon. Now every time I go in they give me a wrist band that allows me to come and go as much as I want the Haitian girls seem to congregate mostly around bar central and the German restaurant.

The clientele seems to be mostly older European men and older French Canadians from Montreal.

Had one incident a couple days before Christmas when I picked up a Haitian girl I knew from the past. We were walking past Rumbas when she stopped dead in her tracks and froze, at first I thought she was afraid of the police on the corner but then a very angry European or French Canadian guy came up and ripped her purse off her shoulder started angrily rummaging through it grabbed her wallet took out the only 500 p she had inside of it started storming back and forth in front of Rumbas shouting in what I believe was French, grabbed her condoms from her purse and throw them in the air grabbed her cedula ripping it in half and throwing it on the ground. Meanwhile she is just standing there with this deer in the headlights pissed off look on her face and not resisting at all. I am thinking she must of been with this guy earlier in the day and stole something from him. I try asking the guy in a polite voice in Spanish and English if she stole something from him if he spoke English if she was his novia. The guy pays zero attention to me never even looks in my direction just continues storming back and forth yelling, he goes up and confronts the chica and the two of them start arguing in what I believe was French. Stupidly am still standing there trying to ask the guy comely if she stole something from him or if she is his girlfriend. I feel somewhat obligated to stay there as I know this girl from the past have been with her a few times and always found her to be a fun great girl to session with and never had any incidents with her. The guy continues to pay no attention to me as he is angrily confronting and yelling at the girl, at one point he puts his hand around my wrist and I politely pull away and politely say no toca mi, thirty seconds later he does the same thing and I politely pull away and politely say don't touch me. He does it a third time and I angrily pull my arm away shove him and in a loud voice say no toca mi. At this point there are people starting to stand on the steps in front of Rumbas watching the whole thing and I see these three European looking guys come running over who I believe are this guys friends. For a split second I'm thinking I fucked up I'm here by myself and don't know anyone the only people I know are the chicas I've been sleeping with and there certainly not going to run to my rescue. I'm thinking these guys are going to grab me or start pushing me around for pushing their friend. But fortunately for me they just grabbed their friend and tried coming him down and didn't say or do anything to me. I found out a couple days later this guy had been her benefactor had been sending her money while she had been telling him she doesn't work any more and never goes to the strip.

Lesson here is no matter what these girls say you should never send them money. No matter how much you send them, no matter how much they tell you they love you, no matter how many times they tell you they've given up that life style, they will still be out turning tricks on Pedro Clisante.

Lesson for me, never get into a confrontation or tumble over one of these chicas, they wouldn't do it for you.

Well almost eight O clock time to find a seat in front of Premium disco and see what the talent level is like on the strip tonight.


Your friend,


Chris Long
12-30-14, 01:09
Forgot to post some pictures. I am here for three more weeks If I get any grief from the chicas about these pictures being up here I will never ever post pictures again. Only an asshole with a tiny dick who feels the need to compensate for his impotent unable to get a hard on quarter inch dick will show them to the chicas. What happens here stays here, this board is FUBU.


12-30-14, 01:56
It does when you are in Brazil. When I tell you what this chick did to me for $30 last week! http://www.amantesecia.com.br/orientvip/anuncio.php?id=3464 I ended up giving her a $7 tip, which confused the shit out of her. Guess they aren't used to receiving tips in that establishment. But I was so damn happy I couldn't help myself.Whoa. Dude.

Are you saying that a body like that can be had in Brazil for only $30 USD??

12-30-14, 01:57
The same thing happened to me. I got about 50% bad service in my trip to Sosua in May and well under 50% bad service in my last trip in November. Actually my November trip was my best ever in all my trips to Sosua, service wise. I will always return to Sosua for the ambience and the beaches in addition to the sub par hobbying which is better than none at all. Some one asked about India. Indian people are very hard working but they will try to rip you off at the earliest opportunity especially if you are a foreigner, more so than any other nationality I know. I have been there only for work.I have to say about 50% of my encounters in the DR were terrible. Straight up "Leche Papi" after 3 minutes type chicas. Another 40% were just average, nothing to write home about. And the final 10% were good. Not even one super star or amazing session in all the girls I had on my last trip.

Charles Pooter
12-30-14, 02:01
I have to say about 50% of my encounters in the DR were terrible. Straight up "Leche Papi" after 3 minutes type chicas. Another 40% were just average, nothing to write home about. And the final 10% were good. Not even one super star or amazing session in all the girls I had on my last trip.Where are you finding all these dud chicas? Are they dominicanas or haitianas?

12-30-14, 02:38
Where are you finding all these dud chicas? Are they dominicanas or haitianas?I like everyone else who has spent much time in Sosua have had some "dud" Chicas, however the "dud" Chicas I have have been with have all been Dominican. I honestly can't remember having a "dud" Haitian. When I say "dud", I mean no effort, leche rapido papi, etc.

12-30-14, 03:06
Where are you finding all these dud chicas? Are they dominicanas or haitianas?I went to Sosua 7 times this year and just started going last year it used to be that Haitians didn't want any problems so they were submissive and you could pay them less and even they aren't as sweet as they once were. I would say that in great post from at MrGogo I'm also in cycle 2 the only difference for me being I came here a sport fucker and now that ideal bores me to tears and I look for the campo experience dancing drinking have real fun not this going to Classcio crap and just picking the most doll up chica who can't fuck. What made me realize this is that I'm younger than most mid twenties so still very much capable of the sport fucking for 10 days but I'm just not in to it.

12-30-14, 09:01

I will be arriving to STI and need to get a bus to Sosua I understand that a cab from the airport to the bus station is 1000 do I just ask any taxi driver outside the airport to take me and give him 1000?

I've also heard you can get a cab for 250 to bus station outside airport is this worth looking into?

Member #4398
12-30-14, 14:52
Check this video from http://dominicanrepublic.adultsearch.com/sosua/ some info is outdated (Passion and CMP still opened) but still I think it has some useful information and will give you guys great memories. It covers Sosua, Puerto Plata, Cabarette, Santiago, Babaro, la Romana, Juan Dolio, Boca chica, etc. Hope you enjoy the video as I did.


12-30-14, 16:31
I've been at this game for a little while, so as I look back I'm trying to figure out my development and what is best for me as I'm a candidate for early retirement in a couple years. How did I get here?, What did I learn?, Is there a future for me in this sport?Great post Sir. Both thoughtful and reflective. Made me wish I could visit Cuba. For a last hurrah!

12-30-14, 16:33
Boots on the ground report.
Lesson for me, never get into a confrontation or tumble over one of these chicas, they wouldn't do it for you.
ChrisNice report and yes you want to stay away from any confrontation with these Chicas. One night I saw two Chicas get into fight over something in front of Bar Central. One of them took a beer bottle and broke the end off of it and went after the other one until some locals stepped in somehow and broke it up.

El MonoCalvo
12-30-14, 17:01
Check this video ... Hope you enjoy the video as I did.

CerebroThanks, I learned a few things and did enjoy the beautiful women.

As far as the 50% discussion- even the most experienced of us can make bad choices but if only half my pulls were consistently "good" I'd be looking hard at my technique. There's always variables involved like alcohol and lust to cloud our judgement. Of course speaking the language is a must to conduct a proper interview. I gravitate towards the sweet, fun personalities and have pretty good success but it can still be a crap shoot at times. The worst of my career was a crazy puta in Boca Chica that tried to double the price after the session, took a swing at me and started throwing stuff around the room. Fun times!

D Cups
12-30-14, 17:26
Check this video from http://dominicanrepublic.adultsearch.com/sosua/ some info is outdated (Passion and CMP still opened) but still I think it has some useful information and will give you guys great memories. It covers Sosua, Puerto Plata, Cabarette, Santiago, Babaro, la Romana, Juan Dolio, Boca chica, etc. Hope you enjoy the video as I did.

CerebroThanks for this, see. I watched the whole thing. I was going to go to DR first time in January but now have to cancel due to an aging dog. Geez now I know what I m going to be missing. But I will go there in the future.

Member #4398
12-30-14, 17:56
Thanks for this, see. I watched the whole thing. I was going to go to DR first time in January but now have to cancel due to an aging dog. Geez now I know what I m going to be missing. But I will go there in the future.For a starter, go to and stay in Sosua. Take a flight to Puerto Plata airport and you will be in Sosua in 10 minute from the airport. Another option is a flight to Santiago, but you will have to take a taxi to the Santiago city and a metro bus nice less than $10 dollars and cheap will get you to the center of Sosua in 1 1/2 hour. Don't flight to SD capital if you are going to Sosua. It is too far from Sosua.

Charles Pooter
12-30-14, 19:30
I was going to go to DR first time in January but now have to cancel due to an aging dog.Yes, there are plenty of ageing dogs on Pedro Clisante, but no reason to cancel your trip.

12-31-14, 00:41
Forgot to post some pictures. I am here for three more weeks If I get any grief from the chicas about these pictures being up here I will never ever post pictures again. Only an asshole with a tiny dick who feels the need to compensate for his impotent unable to get a hard on quarter inch dick will show them to the chicas. What happens here stays here, this board is FUBU.

ChrissStarting with the first chica. 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7, 8, and 8 just my opinion. Thats a damn good line up CL. I would have had a few chocolates in the mix but I like your style.

The Cane
12-31-14, 00:52
Forgot to post some pictures. I am here for three more weeks If I get any grief from the chicas about these pictures being up here I will never ever post pictures again. Only an asshole with a tiny dick who feels the need to compensate for his impotent unable to get a hard on quarter inch dick will show them to the chicas. What happens here stays here, this board is FUBU.

ChrissYou have good taste my man! Makes me want to rethink my long-held position that The DR is not a mongering destination for me. Haven't had time to read your report yet, but I will. And I know based on your informative Tijuana reports that if I ever do decide to go to The DR, then your reports on that scene will be just the resource that I need to go and do it right! Keep up the good work my man!