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04-18-09, 08:25
I am going to dubai and was woundering if anyoe can PM a proxy address working in dubai. Anyone?


Wicked Roger
04-18-09, 08:47
Great report - happy to help. I might try the Lebanese girl myself soon - she sounds yum.

Now as for WR - he's been very busy making introductions and having group-sex parties recently. WR - photos please!
LOL Piper

Will send you a few in the email not for the forum...

Yes been making a few intros recently, busy time for mongers in the UAE. Mostly successful some fell through the cracks (apologies - you know who you are)

Big Daddy - catch up on your return, glad you had fun and confirm that Anne is back, I was chatting with her and she said hi and looks forward to round 3,4,5...:)

04-18-09, 13:45
I was there on a week night because there was some famous band from the fils playing.

Place was packed and lots of cute WG's there.

Civillians too.. the WGs were all close to the entrance... far away from the stage.

Lots of guys obviously there NOT for the music too so I'm pretty sure its become a hot spot for fili action.

WBI checked out Ratsky's last night. While the band was excellent and the staff were pleasant, I can't say that I saw any evidence of the Fili WGs that Wiseblood mentions.

A few Africans in evidence though.

04-18-09, 14:19
Having been away from the UAE for some years now, I was overcome with thoughts of happier days gone by when I landed at DXB yesterday.

I immediately thought of the downstairs music bar at the Intercontinental where in times gone by many a fine CIS was to be found. Alas, it was not to be. Firstly, the Intercon is now the SAS Radisson, a chain for which I have neve had much time. Secondly, there was no sign of the formerly abundant supply of CIS talent.

Overcome with nostalgia (and bad judgement of the kind that only the combination of bad jet lag and a good dinner can supply) I elected to partake of the PRC contigent on offer (previously there were none at this venue. Another sign of how things have changed in Dubai these days).

The ladies claimed to be half sisters, though I have heard enough variations on this theme to be more than a little skeptical. I retained the services of the elder (27 she said) and adjourned to the Four Points. After a promising start, my short arm was twisted and I retained the services of the younger one (22) as well.

After 20 minutes of pleasuring Big Sis (and the Mighty Johann), Little Sis knocked at the door. An infinitely better performer than her older sister, I almost retained her services for the remainder of my stay. Little Sis was new to the business and unable to disguise her enjoyment of the Mighty Johann's organ playing.

However, by some strange quirk of cultural misunderstanding, the agreed upon LT was transformed into ST and they both made moves to depart.

Being fond of my morning kiss and cuddle (or even, for my musical brethern, a Da Capo) I was less than happy with this development, but to her credit Big Sis saw it my way, and Little Sis left in a huff.

All in all, not the most satisfactory reintroduction to the delights of DXB, but I'm not deterred.

More to follow from the Mighty Johann.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Blue Tigerman
04-18-09, 17:02

Reading the forum seems Roselady is one of the best option in town. does anoyone has some names to suggest?

The nice one available on the web site is not anymore in Dubai.


another quick, are the ads on expat reliable ? there some stunning asians ...

Any advise will be apreciated

thanks bt

Big Daddy 1906
04-18-09, 17:32
Big Daddy - catch up on your return, glad you had fun and confirm that Anne is back, I was chatting with her and she said hi and looks forward to round 3,4,5...:)WR, I'm looking forward to it. Let her know that I'll make sure to have more of her favorite beverages next time I come thru. Hopefully we'll be too distracted to go thru it all. LOL!

04-19-09, 09:06

Reading the forum seems Roselady is one of the best option in town. does anoyone has some names to suggest?

The nice one available on the web site is not anymore in Dubai.


another quick, are the ads on expat reliable ? there some stunning asians ...

Any advise will be apreciated

thanks btThe rule of thumb with expatriates is that what you see is mostly what you don't get.

Mjolnir 213
04-19-09, 09:56
I checked out Ratsky's last night. While the band was excellent and the staff were pleasant, I can't say that I saw any evidence of the Fili WGs that Wiseblood mentions.

A few Africans in evidence though.

My guess is that a lot of them went there because of the band I was there too see. (Razorback or something like that...)

And they were clearly WG's... even my girlfriend mentioned... "There's a lot of putas here"

I might go there again this weekend and will see if I can reconfirm this.


Ultimate Avatar
04-19-09, 14:59

Could someone please pm me some cute CIS contact.

Thanks alot. I'm sure to post some good reports as soon as I can.


04-19-09, 15:26
undeterred by my less than satisfactory experience at the (former) intercon, my second trip down memory lane took me to the york. while it is not to everybody's taste, and is certainly lacking in the cis talent that so many of us crave, i have generally done well there. let's face it, given the sheer quantity of talent on offer, if an experienced "gentleman of the night" (i hate the term "monger". i think it demeans our noble calling) cannot make a good choice there, then he should probably give up the hobby altogether.

as reported by others, i was practically raped by a pack of voracious africans the moment i walked through the door (there was, however, no mention of a cover charge). while some of the would-be [CodeWord127] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord127) were, physically at least, very much to my taste, i let discretion prevail and passed up on the pleasures on offer. rapidly washed to the bar by the waves of female pulchritude, i found myself standing next to africa's answer to the girl next door. pretty in a way that only creeps up on you, mary was just what the mighty johann had in mind. soft-spoken, but not bashful, she proved to be excellent company as we shared a bottle of wine.

back at the ever-reliable four points, a leisurely shower provided an excuse to unwrap the goodies. she was fine-boned but voluptuous at the same time, with the softest skin i have ever had the pleasure to caress. as we proceeded to the mighty johann's organ recital, mary continued to impress. if was like making love to a very inexperienced but extremely horny girlfriend. as often seems to be the case with african girls, she didn't seem to think she should be enjoying it as much as she undoubtedly was. you can fake an orgasm, but the physical signs of female arousal are much harder (read impossible) to fake.

i will draw a veil over the proceedings at that point, except to say that she willingly stayed until lunchtime today and proved willing to overcome her initial aversion to taking her own pleasure with several reprises of the mighty johann's organ recital being received with warm (i might almost say gushing, but i don't want to boast) applause.

one final question to those more expert in these matters than i. why is it that so many ethiopian girls insist that they are from djibouti? it took me a good two hours to get mary to own up to her provenance, and she still wouldn't explain why.

more to follow from the mighty johann.

editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Jake Sins
04-19-09, 17:02

Just a few observations from a short trip made to Dubai last month. Alas mongering was not possible due to work commitments and staying with a friend - a non-monger. Although this was a first visit, I have kept in touch with activities via the board as Dubai was always on my list of places to visit, particularly after reading the reports from senior members like Piper and Wicked Roger to name but a few.

Firstly, having seen the general level of security within shops, nightclubs and hotels an appropriate hotel or apartment for accommodation must be a prerequisite. By appropriate I mean girl friendly, good location and within your respective budget.

Secondly, car hire is not required unless you wish to venture forth some distance out. Taxis generally are a reasonable cost and plentiful, although I did not need to travel during the rush hours.

Thirdly, buying Vitamin V from the pharmacist was not a problem.

I managed to visit a few of the hotels and their attendant bars on Jumeirah Beach e.g. Royal Meriden (Barasti) and Westin. These appeared to be full of tourists. If there were any Wgs present it was not too apparent to me. Had dinner in the restaurant/bar downstairs at the Royal Meriden which later converts to a club. Ok meal but expensive. Managed to get a phone number from the Philippino waitress. I hope to utilise it and make contact on my next trip.

On my last night went to the Belgian beer bar at the Intercontinental with a couple of friends. I think it’s the one at Festival city. Had a couple of beers and a steak. We ate outside on the terrace. Inside at the bar were 3 African Wgs and a 3 stani’s. All of the Africans were very tall and slim and one with hair extensions. I think they were Ethiopian. All working from the looks and open stares given to us as we went to the toilets on the lower level. 2 of the stani’s were with company. The other I would rate as a 7 and well worth making contact. As we were making our way through the lobby to get a a cab, we saw a CIS Wg arrive with a client. They went straight up to the room via the elevator on the right with no questions asked or documents requested. It was early about 22:30 hrs.

We got into a cab and took a trip to the Regent Palace. We were not charged an entrance fee. Noticed a booth on the right occupied by what appeared to be 5 PRCs. Adjacent to the bar on the right were 2 CIS about 20years old one a blonde the other brunette. They both had short dresses, the brunette a low top and both high heeled “stripper” shoes. One was a 4 (blonde) the other a 5 (brunette) at best. The brunette had a good rack. They both appeared to be working - direct glances at the males in the room. Only stayed for a beer each as things were quiet.

Got another cab and went to the Regal. We were asked for 75 AED as entrance to Rockafellas. Since it was my last night I paid for us all. I thought the 75 would include the first drink free but no! (I have a few questions regarding this which I will ask later ) Mainly CIS Wgs a few stani’s and one or two PRCs in attendance. Was pleased to note the age spread of the group appeared to be from about 20 to mid 40s. I noticed everything from a solid 8 to a horrible 2 and all in between. I got accosted for a beer by a blonde 30 year old CIS, 6.5, as I was waiting for a round by the bar on the left hand side of the entrance as you come in. I don’t normally react to the hard sell but she had a cheeky smile and a twinkle in her eye. We talked for a while and exchanged pleasantries. She started making her pitch. I explained I was unfortunately staying with a friend. She said she had her own room and so did her friends who would be interested in meeting my friends. As a complete novice with the mongering scene in Dubai (but well versed elsewhere), I declined to go to her place. I wasn’t familiar with the geography of Dubai and was aware that L/E had raided a number of premises previously - to great a risk. If circumstances were different, i.e. I had my own apartment or hotel room, further enquiries and possible negotiations would have been made.

Moved away from the bar and proceeded to have a few more beers, whilst listening to the band and people watching. Spotted a very tall CIS or E/E blonde with a great rack dressed in black. I wondered whether she might have been Piper’s Lithuanian Amazon he reported on and took some photos of previously. Stayed in Rockafellas till closing. A few minutes after the lights came on and whilst we were finishing our beers, got approached a number of times with girls offering their services.

Finished the beer and went outside and what a sight to behold!!! I have seen some meat markets in my time around the world at closing time, but this was on a par with or better than the best/worse - depending on your perspective. This was something I was certainly not expecting in what is an Islamic country - offers and pitches outside the Regal and walking all the way to the ATM and beyond. Talk about running the gauntlet!

I returned home that following day.

My impressions and conclusions after my recon trip were that Dubai is:
a very fun place
a very safe place
not cheap, but can be workable/doable without completely breaking the bank, if you can make some economies in the non-essential areas thereby allowing sufficient funds for the essential - i.e. perusing the hobby
an environment where a monger can be as happy as a child in a sweet shop (a kid in a candy store), if they obey a few simple rules - do as much research as you can, read the forum, be discrete in conducting our hobby, don’t cause a scene, don’t overpay and most importantly of all listen to the advice and wise words of the Senior Members and old Dubai hands on this board.

A few questions:-

1.Regarding the entrance fee for clubs:-

a. Is there a set rate for each establishment?
I was charged 75 AED for Rockafellas on a Sunday night, but recently other people have indicated they have paid 100AED and also 50 AED

b. Does it alter depending on which day or time of day you try to gain admittance?

c. Does the first drink come free with all, some or none of the establishments?

2. Can anyone tell me if the following are girl friendly? - I have checked the board but have not seen anything in relation to them.

a. Ramee Hotel Apartments

b. Jormand Hotel Apartments

c. Arabian Dreams Hotel Apartments

Happy hunting,

Jake Sins

04-19-09, 19:11
i’ve been away from the gulf and dubai for 6 months until last weekend when i was able to arrange an overnighter there on a business trip. it hasn’t been too dry a spell since i’ve been able to hit thailand, the philippines and colombia in that time. still, after years of working in saudi and kuwait i’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for dubai. it really is an oasis in the desert.

flew into t3 for the first time and was quite impressed. place is huge, flashy and all that you’d expect from dubai. jumped in a taxi (no line) and went to the majestic hotel on mankhool rd. it was about 10 pm on saturday night and no problems with traffic. i stayed at the majestic about 10 times last year so the staff still remembers me. the bellboy told me they now were very strict asking for id from the girls and also hitting you up for the 150aed double occupancy fee.

i had a 9 am onward flight the next day so my goal was to get to a few places and back to the room by midnight. went to the in-house club music room and looked around. last year it always seemed a bit more low key, kind of like some of the girls were on the game but more subtle than the nearby usual haunts (panorama, york, etc). this night there were about 4 chinese girls at the bar that were very obvious. since i was on a tight schedule i pushed on.

walked across the street to go to the jockey club and saw there was a group of about 20 black girls in the parking lot. all very aggressive and up front about their desires. this surprised me quite a bit as last year i met a few wg’s on mankhool but they were all very under the radar about it. engaged in a little back and forth banter and found out they mostly were from ghana and wanted about 500 for a session. i didn’t counter offer as i didn’t want to end my hunt there but there was a couple of little cuties in the mix. i asked one were what she’d do for 500 dirhams and she said "everything’. after thinking of the old joke "okay, come over and paint my house" i said does that include bbbj and she concurred. (are ethiopians the only african girls who don’t give head? )

anyway, on into jockey club – immediately had a couple of chinese girls latch onto me like 2 remoras on the side of a shark. didn’t see anything that really got my blood rushing but the 2 chinese girls were calling in more support and now i had 4 offering to head back to my hotel and gang [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) me. all four chinese girls for 1000 total. 2 were 6’s and 2 were 7’s so blew them all off and went onward.

stopped at ramada and they wanted a cover charge. it seemed too early anyway so i told them i’d be back (obvious lie). noticed there was a large amount of girls in the parking lot again all quite aggressive and blatant. (china and ghana)

off to york. had to pay the cover (wtf? sign of the downturn? ) i thought it was a good crowd for a saturday night however ran into my old "regular" a sweet young ethiopian. started chatting with her and sure enough a few fond memories popped into my head (s) so off we went. won’t bore you all with the standard details but. the visual of her tight little black butt riding old wet willy in full reverse cowboy will stick in my mind for a while. i paid her the same as mid 2008 rates but what the hell, i’m just the sentimental type.


editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

04-20-09, 10:39
Dear Friends

Ratsky in Ramada is mostly full with Phil WGs on Thursday and Friday. I was there few times week days and week ends and I advise you to visit it only on week ends.

If you happen to visit it on a week day freely contact the bar Manager who is a Phil gentlemen or the service manager an Indian and inform your needs. They will call few girls who will be wrking in different clubs to visit Ratsky to entertain you. Ofcouse you can denie if they are not to your standard.

I also can come to your assist if needed. Nothing like helping someone who share the same passion.

Keep me posted.

Happy hunting


04-21-09, 04:58
What a night!

Started off at the rattler at 2245, paid the 50 entrance, but no band wtf! Apparently their day off.

Club was still relatively empty, despite my better judgement and after rtff I decided to start there early since it was near my hotel.

One drink, didn't like what I saw so moved on to Regal.

Regal was fuller, probably because I landed there around midnight. Paid 100 entrance.

Met a nice Romanian girl 7/10, can't remember name. Started at 1500 and negotiated down to 1000, but she insisted for money upfront at the club, wtf! Walked away from that.

Hopped back into a cab and headed to Ratskys, first time there, not really that great, assume it is better on weekends. Paid 50 cover and got my free drink.

Didn't really like what I saw, so back to the Rattler.

Picked up a nice kryg girl, Maria, 7. 5/10, agreed at 1200 for LT. We walked into the Manzil with no issues. As we sat down, I poured her a drink from the minibar and started talking. As I motioned her to come sit next to me, she insisted on the money upfront.

It was 0245, wasn't about to go look for another girl, so I took a chance and paid her upfront, but boy was it worth it.

She eased up immediately, I put on some lounge music on the laptop, which led to mutual stripping and heading off to the shower togather. Very nice DFK.

Dried ourselves off and she proceed to worship the rod for about 25 mins, wanted to blow my load, so I asked her to put on the rubber and went thru doggy, mish, cowgirl and finally ended with doggy.

Dozed off while watching TV. Now I'm awake but she is still fast asleep, will be waking her up soon for morning session after and report back shortly.

Wicked Roger, many thanks for your contact, but I decided I wanted some CIS action tonight, but kudos to the man, he even helped me out whilst he was in Europe.

Piper1 thanks for recommending the CIS hunting grounds.

04-21-09, 08:49
What a night!

Started off at the rattler at 2245, paid the 50 entrance, but no band wtf! Apparently their day off. In the Rattler I would have thought no band was an advantage LoL. Seriously though quite a few places including the Music room seems to be giving bands the night off, I bet It’s cost saving rather than considering the welfare of the band! If the music is important in your night out it pays to check ahead.

Also 200 AED in entrance fees, add a few drinks and taxis and it’s getting to be a rich mans sport! No wonder so many members here are moving to the incall services.

On my last two visits to the Seaview I had to pay 50AED (includes one drink), the first time in four years of going there. Maybe I am not a frequent enough regular anymore.

Really the bars are doing nothing to encourage our custom, just continually increasing prices, is it only a matter of time before they press the girls to get guys to buy them “Lady Drinks?”

As I motioned her to come sit next to me, she insisted on the money upfront.

It was 0245, wasn't about to go look for another girl, so I took a chance and paid her upfront, but boy was it worth it.

She eased up immediately.I do have some sympathy with the girls asking for cash up front. It’s standard operating procedure in Europe. The fact she eased up probably shows she was worried and has been conned before. If it’s a showstopper for you, I think its important to agree “pay after” before you leave the bar.

04-21-09, 11:15
... thanks very much for the contact the other night.

Buddy was very happy indeed, although from what he described they might have moved locations to a different villla...Looks like it. The Al Qoz AMP sent me an SMS today saying "Dear Valued Customer, please note we have moved to a new location ... " etc, in perfect English.

Gremlin Og
04-21-09, 11:42
Yes, the al Quoz AMP has moved. Now much bigger and nicer villa (rents must still be going down), about 10 girls. Grabbed a spinner, house 100, plus my usual contribution. Good attitude, girlie loved to hump, ended with an awesome shot to open mouth facial.

Regal, gave it a try on a Wednesday. Cover is ridiculous and it does not get started until 10 and after. Talked with some regulars I have met at Rattlesnakes and Broadway day time, in particular blonde Lina with the rose tat on the arm. Always says "daaarling" and I was not biting for her crazy introductory price of 2, 000. There appeared a wide variety of talent there, but in the end nothing captured and I left before it got crowded. And the three female sing along Russian band sets a new low for Dubai.

York, pulled some good PRC lately. Best was about a week ago. Spied one PRC, who looked medium build, white and black dress, not too flashy, but could not get a good look at her body. But she had this crazy sweet smile, awkward approach, little English and was obviously new to town. Could be a flop or something way interesting. I took the bait. Back at the room, she was nervous. Off comes the dress and I was astounded. Squeezing into that dress she covered up a simply crazy body. Natural Ds, hanging together, luscious curved hips, flat tummy. Like a Latin hottie body on a PRC frame. She actually tried to cover herself with her hands. I knew this would take a while and I am glad I did. Went slow, and after a few hours, it turned to some intense DFK, sloppy BBBJ, while the usual positions rocked with her.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Mjolnir 213
04-21-09, 13:44
Looks like it. The Al Qoz AMP sent me an SMS today saying "Dear Valued Customer, please note we have moved to a new location ... " etc, in perfect English.

Good customer service is always appreciated!



04-21-09, 14:43
Good customer service is always appreciated!


WBThanks for the PM about the new location - very close to my place, so I'll have to 'pop in' soon. ;)
I hope this tight little cutie is still part of the line-up. She was a lotta fun.

Ultimate Avatar
04-21-09, 14:56

I'm planning on going to the rattler on thurs but was wondering if the prices of the CIS girls go up on weekends. I mean to say do they quote a ridiculous amt being a weekend. I'm actually planning on making a reservation at the dar al sondos so was also wondering if I could just walk in with girl and get a room without a reservation or checking in earlier.


04-22-09, 03:13
Hi guys,

I figured that you'd be the best lot to ask.

Wondering where I can find nice young Indian / Pakistani ladies. There must be some spots? Or perhaps some of you could recommend ladies in particular? Looking for GFE. Photos obviously important.

Thanks in advance

04-22-09, 04:11

I'm planning on going to the rattler on thurs but was wondering if the prices of the CIS girls go up on weekends. I mean to say do they quote a ridiculous amt being a weekend. I'm actually planning on making a reservation at the dar al sondos so was also wondering if I could just walk in with girl and get a room without a reservation or checking in earlier.

ThxPrices are not quite as negotiable on the weekends, but not a big difference. Starting prices for CIS girls will be 1500 or 2000LT. Aim for maximum 800 for a few hours or 1000 all night, depending on the girl and time of night.

You should be able to get a room without booking at Dar Al Sondos Hotel this time of year, but safer to book. Also remember that Regal Hotel is only a few minutes by cab from the hotel, full of CIS girls, a has much better selection than Rattler. Have fun!

Xyz Abcd2008
04-22-09, 04:32
Looks like it. The Al Qoz AMP sent me an SMS today saying "Dear Valued Customer, please note we have moved to a new location ... " etc, in perfect English.She also sent me an email advertising about her new location and also advertising very agreesively on expatriates. Never been to her place, don't know the scene there. But really tempted for her sandwithc massage offer!

04-22-09, 05:04
Prices are not quite as negotiable on the weekends, but not a big difference. Starting prices for CIS girls will be 1500 or 2000LT. Aim for maximum 800 for a few hours or 1000 all night, depending on the girl and time of night.

You should be able to get a room without booking at Dar Al Sondos Hotel this time of year, but safer to book. Also remember that Regal Hotel is only a few minutes by cab from the hotel, full of CIS girls, a has much better selection than Rattler. Have fun!

1500. I guess that is the norm and here I was since October thinking the “big ass having” blond at the Regal was trying to pull a fast one I didn’t even try to negotiate thought she was being slick. I was just misinformed. Sob :( 6 weeks to go :D

Good Man
04-22-09, 09:59
Just confirming that Jockeys does close between 1600 & 1800 hours as speculated by another poster.

PRC brigate does hover around in the vicinity for a few minutes longer and some true Bargains to be had in the process.

AED c.200 for an hour or two seemed acceptable quite widely!

Gremlin Og
04-22-09, 17:57
Thanks for the PM about the new location - very close to my place, so I'll have to 'pop in' soon.

I hope this tight little cutie is still part of the line-up. She was a lotta fun.I am pretty sure this is the spinner I encountered.

Great attitude.

04-22-09, 19:54
Thanks for the PM about the new location - very close to my place, so I'll have to 'pop in' soon. ;)
I hope this tight little cutie is still part of the line-up. She was a lotta fun.
I know who you mean as we discussed her previously. Unfortunately last time I visited Al Quoz AMP she had departed.

Another favourite AMP of mine was near Um Suqeim spinneys on same road as entrance through garage AMP. Sure you know the one I mean. Anyway they too have moved to behind Jumeirah Mosque. Quite convenient location as hidden away somewhat. Visited last week and before walking in decided I would choose lady number 2 in the lineup irrespective of what she looked like. Once inside was confronted by line of about 12 girls. Couldn't give exact number as I was only allowing myself to look at number 2. Caught a look on the way up the stairs and some nice looking ladies. My girl was a bit chubbier than I would usually choose but that is the luck of the draw. After the Dhs 100 house money was deposited downstairs she arrived back in the room and joined me in the shower. Got down to some nice DFK and she mentioned the payment. She told me to pay same as I paid last visit to another girl in the same establishment and when I asked how much that would be she told me the exact amount. It's amazing how much info they can glean on the quick house money trip downstairs.

Anyway after a great shag BBBJ etc we started to chat and she asked me if I knew angie from their original location. I told her that angie used to be my favourite before she went back to china. She said that angie was her sister and that she had spoken to her about nice man from xxx country with xx who was the best shag she had ever had. Alright she said all bar the last bit. Another remarkable coincidence.

Also spoke to walk through garage AMP last week to see if my favourite girl was back from her visa run. She is back this week so may visit after the weekend to give her more greek lessons after I devirginised her a couple of weeks back.

Will be out for beers tomorrow night on a works do so may take some of my depraved workmates for a recce to Ratsks in ramada, then possibly seaview then maybe finish up in a deira african nightclub. All for information purposes only of course. 9 weeks tomorrow to summer hols and counting.

04-23-09, 08:01

I am old member of this forum and reads all reports daily. I will be enjoying my bachelor days (personal vacation) within few days. I am living in DXB since few years and I do mongering occasionally whenever I got time, my favourite spots are Regal, Imperial and premier and ofcourse AMP also. I really appreciate piper1, wr, oil rich, GS for their mongering and really wants to meet them.

Hotel rates are already coming down so now it will be easy for me to book a GF hotel for fun.

Will post my mongering and fun reports when my bachelor days start.

My PM is activated.



04-23-09, 11:25
Hi All

Getting close to the end of a "work" visit to Dubai. Been staying at Ramada Bur Dubai which is very girl friendly. Brought girls in after midnight a few times and secruity nevner stopped us, don't even ask for passport copy, etc.

Been using my spare time to try out a number of venues, some old, some new with mixed results.

First night I got in late so dropped in to Rumours in Ramada hotel. As reported by others selection is so-so. Band was painfully loud. Time was short so picked up Z from Kazhakstan. Looked like a bubbly personality, looks about 6. 5 and agreed AED500 for short term. Back to the room and straight to business, she was enthusiastic and willing. Had a good session and went to sleep relaxed and smiling.

Night 2 I travelled about, visiting York, Regal, Jockeys and Stayin Alive.

York. AED 60 cover with 1 drink. Mostly PRC & African and as reported by others the girls are aggressive here. I am shy and relatively inexperienced monger so I like to get a drink, check out the room for 5 minutes and then get started. If that is you then York is not the place. I had to physically push a couple of girls out of my way after politing refusing them a couple of time. Got out of there quick.

Regal. AED 75 cover, no drinks! WTF! This was much better though, band was good, place was more relaxed. PRC, African and CIS here but it still wasn't too late and I wanted to explore so headed out.

Stayin Alive. I think it was AED 50 cover with one drink. This was my first visit and to those like me who haven't been before note that there are a couple of sections to this club. When you enter there is a couple of rooms with a bar on the left. A band was playing and I went in there. Band was awful, no girls and I was about to leave when the security guard showed me to the disco further into the club. (Regulars can snigger at my mistake).

This was more like it. Plenty of PRC / African and I quickly latched on to Yuki. Agreed AED 800 for the night and off we went. What followed was some interesting new positions involving the armchair in the hotel room. A few hours sleep, a very good morning and I went off to work with a huge smile and a phone number for later reference. This was my first time at Stayin Alive but liked it and will visit again.

More reports to follow



EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Tercar 66
04-23-09, 11:25
Its been a long time I have not scored in Jumairah AMP's as I find it too far. I prefer AMP's in Bur Dubai . It is very convienent. I had an excellent expereince in Cape Town early this month. I got an opportunity to shag some white Africans. I was a good experience but my priority will always remain Blacks they have cute asses. I have not tried Bur Dubai MP's for quite some time. I plan to check it out tomorrow.

04-23-09, 20:05
Just got a phone call from some of my buddies who are down in the blue bar tonight to watch the pink floyd tribute band (supposed to be shit hot). Apparently its full of working girls. My buddie reckons its on par with the quality in the kubu bar in the creek radisson sas. Haven't been in there myself in ages. Had a quiet drink there once after a business meeting but was empty. Anyone else have experience of this place?

04-24-09, 06:31
Just got a phone call from some of my buddies who are down in the blue bar tonight to watch the pink floyd tribute band (supposed to be shit hot). Apparently its full of working girls. My buddie reckons its on par with the quality in the kubu bar in the creek radisson sas. Haven't been in there myself in ages. Had a quiet drink there once after a business meeting but was empty. Anyone else have experience of this place?Intresting intel on both fronts. Are the band there regularly or is it a one off?

I used to pop in occasionally when I lived in that part of town to see the half decent blues band that played there, but did not notice any obvious WGs, but I have not been there for over a year.

04-24-09, 14:18
Apparently not a pink floyd tribute band but good all the same. Did everything from clapton etc. Loads of WGS there. Turkish, PRC, CIS, African. Will be checking this out myself over the coming nights and will report.

Xyz Abcd2008
04-24-09, 20:35
Last night have a walk from Regal plaza to Spinneys and did notice a pakistani WG in the crowd, lots of guys were negotiating with her, girl was very thin, short but cute. Do anybody have info about her?

04-25-09, 11:43
Apparently not a pink floyd tribute band but good all the same. Did everything from clapton etc. Loads of WGS there. Turkish, PRC, CIS, African. Will be checking this out myself over the coming nights and will report.When you say lots, do you mean 20+?

Mjolnir 213
04-25-09, 13:16
i'm starting to think so...


so this weekend we finally managed the 3some thing.
was freakin awesome!

went to a regular fili bar... no wg's there and my gf was determined we would go home with another girl.

it was a bit awkward at first because people were sitting at tables all in groups but pretty soon, my girl zeroed in on a very good looking pinay and struck up a conversation at the bar.

i turned on the charm as well being careful not to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) off my girl and soon the 3 of us were at our own table. had a good time dancing and drinking shots to get everyone in the mood.

then we got down to it... my girl asked her if she would like to go back home for some fun and without any hesitation she said "sure"!

so off we went... the taxi ride home was the longest ever... girls in the back getting comfortable with each other and me in the front wishing i was in the back!

got home... played a fun drinking game and soon both my gf and our "date" were naked and blowing me...
off to the shower and lots of soapy fun and then to bed.

from here on out i don't remember the exact sequence of events but it involved lots of girl on girl while i either watched, participated or was being raped by 2 horny filipinas...
my girl kept putting on a fresh condom every time we swapped which was a bit annoying at first but made sense and i got used to it. i believe 9 rubbers were used in about 2 hours and i came twice in that time.

i came the hardest while the other girl was riding me hard and my gf pulled her hair roughly while kissing her deeply, and then said... "you like that huh?... it's mine!" (in tagalog)
that got our "date" very wet and she damn near broke my dick off while she came and bucked very very hard making me cum at the same time.

after that the condom came off and both of them cleaned me off with a full on tongue bath. it took a lot of control not to tell them to stop because i was sensitive all over and every little touch was pure ecstasy.

this ranks as one of the best experiences i've had to date.

the girl we picked up works for a well known hotel chain. she hinted that she might be able to arrange a weekend getaway at one of their resorts on the house and wants to bring her girlfriend!

she showed us some pics and as luck would have it... her girlfriend is quite a stunner as well. if that works out then i will have my work cut out for me.
nice beach resort with 3 sexy filipinas who are in to each other will officially be the coolest thing i have ever done.

it's now clear to me that there is a lot of fun to be had outside the p4p scene and its an area that needs much more exploration.
my month long hiatus from the scene now seems to be paying off and i am not yet tempted to stray. (sort of a record for me!)



Lazy Summer
04-26-09, 07:19
Last Wednesday at about 10. 30 pm, I found myself at Spinney's Bur Dubai. Lots of women standing around right in front of the entrance. I wasn't sure they were working girls as it was way too obvious. An attractive Chinese (called herself Amanda) caught my eye and came over. Negotiations were short-she asked for AED 300, I offered her AED 100 as an attractive blonde had just caught my eye and I wanted to get away. To my surprise, she accepted. I was caught, couldn't just walk away. I wasn't looking to go that cheap. Lesson learnt-don't use a low price to get away!

Back at her place, the disappointment increased-sagging stomach. But a decent cbj, good vaginal muscle control and couple of complements (you fuck good) did much to retrieve the situation. Gave a AED 50 tip and left. Parting shot-"I not 100 dirham lady! You lucky"-had me laughing.

Overall-Worth the AED 150/-, if you are looking to go cheap.

Oil Rich
04-26-09, 10:44
So i had a window this Friday night; actually i have had one for a few days, but was just busy with work etc.

As i was leaving home on Friday night, i got onto ISG and some suggestions about Blue Bar at the Novotel; so a quick detour and I was in the Blu Bar.

A few working girls, Pinnay, some very overweight Moroccans, and others, but 80% of the crowd was there just to chill out and watch the band. I must have got there around 11pm and i left after 20minutes.

I got to Rattle snake, no problem finding parking, got to the door, paid the 50AED entry + free drink, and the bouncer who knows me goes its busy.

Yeah it sure was with some bachelor / Stag party, but the twenty or so men left pretty soon.

I sat outside which was pretty busy, probably because it was so damn hot inside, the usual rattlesnake girls were around by 12.30ish, and quite a few nice classy looking ones.

So a really cute tall blonde with her brunette mate; they were both drinking large Brandy's so did not quite fit the regular CIS drinking out of a bottle with a straw. Got talking to teh blonde, who was watching pool, she reckoned se was not a WG, turned out she was, but she was just waiting for her "client" who had a permanent flat in the residence (for his dirty deeds of course) to get back from the airport. She did not exchange numbers, but ended up having a good chat with her about the various places she had traveled; so on an so forth. They both left when they got a call to meet their clients at I2 the club next door

Spoke to a few new Kazak girls, one in particular who had a lovely figure, but she would not budge from 1200 with an opening of 1500.

WB - your UZBEK girl was around, se looked a bit different with her new "snazzy" hair style.

It was pushing 2m; i spotted a very attractive Red head, shoulder length hair, dressed immaculately standing the bar with her mate. I just watched her for a few minutes to assess her behavior, to make sure i would not get the same story i got from the semi - WG upstairs. A few guys had gone up to her and her mate, and after a few minutes of negotiations they would move on.

So i went up to her, she was Natali from Russia, cute round face, superb body, her arse was a on the curvy side (rare for Russians). She got chatting while she downed her whisky. Her opening price 1500, i walked away after a few minutes and then returned with an offer for 800AED. She rejected so I gave it some time, did a few rounds, came back and she said 1000AED minimum; i said alli can give is 800 AED.
We looked at our watches she said its 2.30, lets wait till closing. But she said here is the deal its is 2hours 2 pops, but she was classy to hang on for.
The lights came on at 2.40 (something about earlier crowd trouble and the authorities want the place empty at 3 and the doors shut). Natali sis discussing rates with a Southern African guy (accent), she opens at 1500 he offers 1000 and here i am thinking game over.

After a few minutes Natali is walking back with her mate towards my car, she says her good byes and Natlali says you saw he offered me a 1000 AED; are you sure you cant go to 1000 AED i told her straight that i am in between jobs (i am self employed) and she should go with the SA guy.

She's like i did not like his personality and gets in my car. 5 minutes later, she is drinking whisky while sitting on my couch, listening to Jazz (her choice and she knew what she wanted).

Then a few smokes on the balcony; then the big surprise she undresses her Armani jeans on the balcony and reveal a great set of suspenders, stockings etc.

Back into the flat, she is a bit cagey about doing anything in the room as she feels she is invading someone’s space.

Next thing I know is she is half undressed, on her knees in front of a mirror giving me a mind blowing BBBJ. then onto some DATY,DFK, rimming more BBJ lots of positions a some heavy pounding of her curvy ass in doggy for about 15 mins leads to a 'come on my ass" request followed by her licking it up.

Then she puts on my T - shirt, back onto the balcony for a smoke and more DFK.

She told me she is usually at Budh Bar or at cin cin (Fairmont) where she books a table and her regulars meet her; and i believed her as she is a great conversationalist, been in Dubai 3 years, I think she has some other work going on but we did not divulge

She ended up in rattlesnake as her and her mate had dinner at the Italian at Metropolitan and her regulars could not make it to Budh bar so cancelled on her and only got into rattle just before 2am. I reckon she has a few very wealthy clients showering her gifts and money so she does not need to hit a regular WG bars. In her own words ' i don’t need Expatriates and International Sex guide" to help me – impressive, she knows her game

Then she tells me that first round was 800AED sex and 1000AED is even better, and she may just give in.

Second round was even better, more PSE type and she really was the best BBBJ, and best fuck I have ever had.

We ended up having a great chat, about relationships, men and women cheating how open they should be with each other. I was finding it hard to believe that she was a WG. She has a real interest in Films, and hates chick flicks and comedy, and adores the more serious Erin Berkhovic type films. Then a chat about how she hates Premiere and regal etc. All the while we are chatting she is teasing with various shenanigans

More drinks, and by 5am she was in hotel cab (hotel is down the street) I told her it will cost her more in a hotel cab, her response “what is an extra 15-20AED" She texts me when she gets home and goes “thanks for a great time. I am home safe and sound”

So I had a fab time with a great girl, who I reckon I could use on a very regular basis. Contact numbers for seniors only or those I have had contact with. But i am sure the 800AED was a one off, ps sorry for the long report.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

04-26-09, 13:44
Great to here about the pink Floyd etc covers at the Blue Room.

Does anyone know which night they play and if they are still there regularly?


04-26-09, 14:10
Before I go on.

Well done Wiseblood! I hope it all just gets better for you. Also thanks to Piper for all the reports, and especially the photos just come into the forum from your Philippines trip.

You long term senior member guys really make these forums work.

I've been to an AMP in Deira a few times and been fairly happy with the results. It's a pretty legit sort of massage establishment, but will always give a happy ending. HJ and BBBJ with and without CIM.

The first two girls I tried were philly’s. One pretty good, and one exceptional massage, with the happy ending so-so, but priced well. 50dhs HJ, 100dhs BBBJ. I always go for the BJ. No CIM the first two times, but I paid 150dhs anyhow as the attitude and massage was pretty good.

Third time round I decided to try a cute looking PRC. Very good massage, great attitude, and good looking as well. She has a great medium size set of boobs with no sag and a great figure. As management is strict I can’t get her fully naked which is a real bummer!

Once the door glass is covered though things can go well. After a shower I generally start with a bit of foreplay on her, and then she is onto the bed with legs wide. She has the cutest pussy and lips you can imagine, so I always go down for a bit of DATY. Last week I also gave her a finger up the bum. There’s a spot up there that can’t always be reached, but I managed to get to it and with that and the DATY, I gave her a small orgasm. (I really like the full bucking screamers, but OK too if they’re not). Smiling straight after that she said she didn’t normally enjoy that, so I’m well pleased I’ve been able to change that attitude.

Things then follow with a really good BBBJ. She is really good at this, and always finishes with CIM. Always spits though, but not straight away.

Last visit I decided I wanted to get the full service. She said definitely no though, and definitely no full strip. I said I was disappointed, and she said "no problem next week, just call the front desk from downstairs" and she’ll come down and go to a place very nearby for the full monty!

Really looking forward to it.

Price wise I’m now doing 11/2 hour massage, 150Dhs to the house. DATY and BBBJCIM to start, awesome massage, and another hard fast and sloppy BBBJCIM to finish. I tip 300 for the double shot and massage. Could probably get it for 200Dhs but I like a good attitude.

Travel Lucid
04-26-09, 21:30
Kind of difficult to know to entitle this report. It was my first week-end in Dubai. Rather than a day time duck-and-dive.

Started well; through an introduction by WR, Missy met me at the Ramada in the late-ish evening. Had a brief drink and meal at the 'Old Vic'. Missy, bless her, went straight for the sweet things. Quite quickly it was up the room; Missy had a sort of knowing shyness that I quite enjoyed. I let her set the pace; lets just say it was gentle and slow. I think Missy takes a little time to be comfortable with a "new" person. Frankly, me too and probably more so. Anyway, nice way to de-stress after a rather stressful few weeks. The gal is lovely!

Friday turned into a family day, rather weirdly. And is best forgotten.

Saturday, decided to find something to do during the day, and visited Lucy's, the AMP (is that the term? ) in Jumeria. Actually, the lineup was rather good, and I had a very nice massage, which, well ended up rather energetic.

She is Korean (very nice body) with a name like Obe. Yes I did think of Star Wars. However, after someone has been over your body rather intimately, and you have just CIM'ed, it's not really right to ask that they spell out their name?

Never quite been to a place like that before, you actually drive your car into the premises, it is a little run-down. Would I go again. Probably. 100dhs for the massage, and 300dhs for the rest. I'm a really bum negotiator. (try me after living here a month or two more.)

Needed to early rise on Sunday AM, so popped into Rumours for a few drinks. Well a Saturday night is probably not a good night in any club in the ME, and from having worked in clubs I know how one night can be so different from the next. However, this was definitely a "Would'ya, Could'ya" night at Rumours. And, if you do order a G&T, ask to please put some G into it.

Finally, the parking lot outside! I saw a crowd and wondered what was going on. Walked over. Big Mistake! The last time that happened to me was the RLD in Hamburg; it's hold onto your trousers (and your wallets). And run! Never expected that in an essentially conservative place. It cannot last.

Well, that is it from 'light touch' stay in DXB.

Metro Male
04-27-09, 00:14
Friday afternoon called Lucy ( her number is on the expat site.) Drove right into the Villa 2X and that is a great plus. The place is a little run down but the rooms are BIG. And finally one can have fun without the fear that the next door neighbor would report it.

She said 12 girls to chose but found only 6 in the line up. All 5 or below and aged 30+. I actually decided to walk out before they got two younger looking girls. ( It is so difficult to tell their age till you get closer and hands on) Found a china girl who had a 5 face but a 7 body and took her. Dh 100 for the house.

Took a shower and she refused to join. Perhaps she was not even sure whether I would pay her anything. Realized she could speak only a total of two words of English. Yes and No. She gave a good 20 min massage before making all kinds of gestures on what did I really want. It was hilarious and the gestures would have made a comedy riot.

Finally we decided on a 200 dhs package where she would do a BBBJ and then a mish. She tried making all the right noises and then burst out laughing as she realized that I could see through it. And the ice was broken and we had a lovely hour after that. We both showered together and she gave a BBBJ in the shower which was the best of the lot. Tipped her another 50 and it was great driving out of the place without getting embarrassed about people looking when one comes out of small apartments in residential buildings

Sunday afternoon wanted to try something nostalgic that got me initiated into the Mongering scene. A authorized massage parlor. Found one behind Karama PO ( White XXXX) and paid 120 but was disappointed. The girl at the reception would send one girl at a time to chose and after the 3rd time I decided to keep who ever came next. A older Chinese 5 /10 . She gave a soft massage which was not great and the subsequent HJ and BJ was nothing extra ordinary. Tipped her 100 but can't actually blame her I was perhaps her 10th customer and while we are looking for that X factor for them it the the M factor that counts.

Think I will stick to the Villas and my regular bar pickups or even the jewels that one finds in the SW in the 1:30 AM Golden Triangle walk.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Tercar 66
04-27-09, 11:50
Is this the one near Maktoum Hospital. I was given the contact , starts with 050-99------

It went last Friday to Highland hotel in Bur Dubai. Less crowd, average band but had some Filipina's hanging around some *****s some just to have a good time. I had almost chated one of them as I speak Tagalog fluently but my friend who was a bit drunk started treating them like *****s. Finally they got pissed off. Went to get relieved to my regular AMP near Bur Juman centre. The next time I will go alone, I am sure to get lucky.

Before I go on.

Well done Wiseblood! I hope it all just gets better for you. Also thanks to Piper for all the reports, and especially the photos just come into the forum from your Philippines trip.

You long term senior member guys really make these forums work.

I've been to an AMP in Deira a few times and been fairly happy with the results. It's a pretty legit sort of massage establishment, but will always give a happy ending. HJ and BBBJ with and without CIM.

The first two girls I tried were philly’s. One pretty good, and one exceptional massage, with the happy ending so-so, but priced well. 50dhs HJ, 100dhs BBBJ. I always go for the BJ. No CIM the first two times, but I paid 150dhs anyhow as the attitude and massage was pretty good.

Third time round I decided to try a cute looking PRC. Very good massage, great attitude, and good looking as well. She has a great medium size set of boobs with no sag and a great figure. As management is strict I can’t get her fully naked which is a real bummer!

Once the door glass is covered though things can go well. After a shower I generally start with a bit of foreplay on her, and then she is onto the bed with legs wide. She has the cutest pussy and lips you can imagine, so I always go down for a bit of DATY. Last week I also gave her a finger up the bum. There’s a spot up there that can’t always be reached, but I managed to get to it and with that and the DATY, I gave her a small orgasm. (I really like the full bucking screamers, but OK too if they’re not). Smiling straight after that she said she didn’t normally enjoy that, so I’m well pleased I’ve been able to change that attitude.

Things then follow with a really good BBBJ. She is really good at this, and always finishes with CIM. Always spits though, but not straight away.

Last visit I decided I wanted to get the full service. She said definitely no though, and definitely no full strip. I said I was disappointed, and she said "no problem next week, just call the front desk from downstairs" and she’ll come down and go to a place very nearby for the full monty!

Really looking forward to it.

Price wise I’m now doing 11/2 hour massage, 150Dhs to the house. DATY and BBBJCIM to start, awesome massage, and another hard fast and sloppy BBBJCIM to finish. I tip 300 for the double shot and massage. Could probably get it for 200Dhs but I like a good attitude.

04-27-09, 12:38
Quote -"Is this the one near Maktoum Hospital. I was given the contact, starts with 050-99------"

Yes, that would be the one.

Xyz Abcd2008
04-27-09, 20:18
Friday afternoon called Lucy ( her number is on the expat site.) Drove right into the Villa 2X and that is a great plus. The place is a little run down but the rooms are BIG. And finally one can have fun without the fear that the next door neighbor would report it.

She said 12 girls to chose but found only 6 in the line up. All 5 or below and aged 30+. I actually decided to walk out before they got two younger looking girls. ( It is so difficult to tell their age till you get closer and hands on) Found a china girl who had a 5 face but a 7 body and took her. Dh 100 for the house.

Took a shower and she refused to join. Perhaps she was not even sure whether I would pay her anything. Realized she could speak only a total of two words of English. Yes and No. She gave a good 20 min massage before making all kinds of gestures on what did I really want. It was hilarious and the gestures would have made a comedy riot.

Finally we decided on a 200 dhs package where she would do a BBBJ and then a mish. She tried making all the right noises and then burst out laughing as she realized that I could see through it. And the ice was broken and we had a lovely hour after that. We both showered together and she gave a BBBJ in the shower which was the best of the lot. Tipped her another 50 and it was great driving out of the place without getting embarrassed about people looking when one comes out of small apartments in residential buildings

Sunday afternoon wanted to try something nostalgic that got me initiated into the Mongering scene. A authorized massage parlor. Found one behind Karama PO ( White XXXX) and paid 120 but was disappointed. The girl at the reception would send one girl at a time to chose and after the 3rd time I decided to keep who ever came next. A older Chinese 5 /10 . She gave a soft massage which was not great and the subsequent HJ and BJ was nothing extra ordinary. Tipped her 100 but can't actually blame her I was perhaps her 10th customer and while we are looking for that X factor for them it the the M factor that counts.

Think I will stick to the Villas and my regular bar pickups or even the jewels that one finds in the SW in the 1:30 AM Golden Triangle walk.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.I also visited Lucy's place today and paid 100 AED for boss money and 100 AED tip to girl for 2 pop up with all the services except A Level. Peaceful location, quite enjoyable.

04-27-09, 20:43
So I went up to her, she was Natali from Russia, cute round face, superb body, her arse was a on the curvy side (rare for Russians).

. So I had a fab time with a great girl, who I reckon I could use on a very regular basis. Contact numbers for seniors only or those I have had contact with. But I am sure the 800AED was a one off, ps sorry for the long report.Oil Rich, I love long reports, so nice one!

I remember a cracking girl called Natalia who was a cyclone regular couple of years back who was great to talk to and hated Permiere/Regal. She also operated with her Friend Valeria who was a stunning blonde- both were quite petite with Valeria more busty.

She sort of disappeared from the scene since the cyclone closure.

The insisting for the 1000 aed + carefree attitude towards the Taxi makes it sound like she could be the same one we are talking about

Great post

04-27-09, 22:20
Am back in Dubai after some time in Saudi...good to enjoy better hotel rates.
Went to my once favourite AMP in Karama (near Karama Centre). They were at the same place as 1 year ago, i was surprised to see thta they did not move. 5 girls to choose from, all new, but same old phone number. Selected Mariane, a 25-year, average body, rather fat for a PRC, with unexpected love handles. Total damage was 200. got great massage right after a shower, while i kept fingering her. it all went to a great experience ending with BBBJ. will come back for the other 4 in few days. Good to be back in town.

04-28-09, 12:02
A few changes to what I consider "normal" in DXB.

I got the customs "x-ray" both times I entered DXB in the last three weeks. No problem for me, but if you are packing toys... To put this in perspective, I have been subjected to this four times in 14 years, two in the last three weeks.

Taxi 10dh minimum: Good deal for all concerned IMHO. Short trips not a problem for the drivers (long suffering drivers at that) and I can spend $3 for a short trip.

Better hotel deals: With occupancy down, some more reasonable rates are available.

WG rates: While I found them asking for the prices from last year, these drop quickly, almost to 2005 levels with a reality check. Times are tough all over, everyone effected. Use it.
Two sources told me that Thursday and Friday were the only "work for sure" days. Again, use it.

Attitude: I sensed a little bit of resentment/hostility these last two visits. Nothing OTT, but I suggest discretion in your actions and activities. Not from the WG´s, but from the authorities, hotel staff etc. A 25% increase in "stink eye" when bringing in a "lady friend" to the hotel. No problem, but I did notice it.

Door charges: For the first time in my experience, almost every venue tried to extort an entry fee. I was having none of it, and paid no entry fee, though I did slip a little something to the doormen...
Try it. Attitude is king.

Shop girls: Had several opportunities, tried one. A good time. It would seem that these ladies (semi-pro) are concerned about their jobs and income, and for the right guy (read not problematic) can be a nice addition to the stable.

City: Kind of sad nowadays. Little activity in the construction world, everyone nervous about their jobs, the AD bailout etc. Seems like a reality check.

Upside: Prices down, for most everything (and everyone.)
Taxis available, less crowded. Nice weather (we know that will change.) Classic GF hotels remain so.

BTW, if you are looking for Russians, outside the Regal can be a gold mine in these troubled economic times. Everyone saves money and time.



Psy Read
04-28-09, 12:45
Lucy (her number is on the expat site.)Which expat site are you referring to?

I searched quite a few without any success.

Any hint greatly appriciated.

NetViking 2008
04-28-09, 14:59
I start to come in Dubai in 2002, normal rate in Premeire was 500 dhs for a beautifoul CIS lady, year after tear, slowly prices increased to 1000 dhs and for a couple of years was a standard price.

Last time I was in Dubai was November and in Premiere or Kubu, was difficult to find a beautifoul lady asking less than 1500 ST, just in KUBU I find a beautifoul girl for 1000 ST but was very early, 10 pm so she finish at 11 and can easily have time to find another costumer. And expecially Thursday and Friday I see many ladyes asking 2000.

Well, next 22nd of may I'm coming again in Dubai, I'm trying to understand how is changing situation with the crisis, in the last post of sporadic, I understand that prices go down but in many other posts I read that for ladyes rates there is no crisis reduction. Is strange, I think that people don't have money as before, and the tourism in UAE is in big troubles, I can see it also from Radisson rates that are 40% cheaper.

Can somebody tell me hoe is the situation now?

Many thanks, will be a pleasure for me meet some ISG member in Dubai.

Daft Fuzz
04-28-09, 21:29
Guys.. i've been in Dubai about a year now, but never really bothered with a VPN. So i've been away from the forum for a while now, too long if u ask me :) Glad to be back now. (To all the raised eyebrows.. :) i was a regular on the India forum, not here)

Seniors, those who have a thing for Indian & Paki meat... what is your impression of the new in-call places that have come up in Al Nahda. (close to this popular hospital)?

I had a word with a quite well-spoken Indian papasan over the phone. Said he had a litter of 8 with him at the moment... 1500 an hour (negotiated for 1000 without much trouble) and upwards. He said he also had Indian models for 8k - 15k (for those who've got more money than common-sense *ahem*!!).

What say you guys? Any reports on Nahda? I may give this place a try over the weekend. But I'd love to hear a few first-hand experiences before I take the plunge.

04-28-09, 23:14
WG rates: While I found them asking for the prices from last year, these drop quickly, almost to 2005 levels with a reality check. Times are tough all over, everyone effected. Use it.

Two sources told me that Thursday and Friday were the only "work for sure" days. Again, use it.

BTW, if you are looking for Russians, outside the Regal can be a gold mine in these troubled economic times. Everyone saves money and time.I Sporadic, are you indicating that the Regal Plaza prices have dropped down to 2005 level? If yes, thats very positive indeed. As what I paid for LT in 2005 (700AED) became 1500 standard in 2008.

Regarding Russians outside Regal, is this at 3am or can this be found before. I guess 100AED in his climate is a bit much so if the action outside can be found before 3am thats a good shout!

04-29-09, 09:03
Just tried a morning MP in BUr Dubai next to Bank Street, in Citibank Area. all girls (all prc) were sleeping, only one (sofia) pretty good looking with no make up was waiting for me. Quite nice body, small breast, massage was too quick, HJ & BBBJ was very good though. total damage 200. will not repeat. later today will have a date with a filipina working in deira city centre shop. will I be able to score at first night, suspense. I like non-pros best.

Ultimate Avatar
04-29-09, 16:11
well as you guys remember i had asked earlier and no one had gone for the european girls where you have to call an interntaional number. so i thought why not go ahead and give it a try. (as they say curiosity killed the cat)

so i was going through the site i found some great looking gals so went for one who goes by the name elena. called up the number and a lady picked up and said it was 1500 for the hour. i told her as there is an economic crisis no1 in their right mind would pay that much. so we finally agreed on 1100 for st. (i kno ikno, wht the hell was i thinkin of payin such a huge sum). but on the phone i had told her that if the girl isn't exactly like the one in the pic i would walk out without paying. she started rambling on about how the pics are 100% real blah blah. so i make an appt for 8 in the evening. she tells me that when you arrive in the hotel lobby to give her a call and that she will sms me the room number. so i reach the hotel by 8 and call her up and she sms's me the room number. i go up to the room and knock, i can see some1 looking through the peephole. well as she opens the door i couldn't beleive my eyes. i was looking at a 45 year old over tanned female in her lingerie with stink of cigrettes coming from the room. oooh it was disgusting. a complete turn off. as soon as the door opened i took a step back and literally speed walked towards the elevator.

called up the female on the international number and said that the girl was nothing like the picture. she said why don't you try another girl and this time its going to be exactly like the picture. she gave me antoher website and told me the girls on this site were genuine. this time i found a way in to further get the price reduced so told her that cause of this i want the session for 800 and after a little bit of haggling reached a conclusion of 1000. she wouldn't budge. so finally made the appt for after a cupl of days and ended up at the hotel. got the room number. went upstairs and knocked. half ready to walk off again. but this time a really beautiful girl in a green tank top and jeans opens the door.

well i go in. wondering about how the service is going to be. we sit down and she asks whether i'm satisfied with what i see. hell yea i was satisfied. so she asks me to pay her upfront and i was hesistant and told her i would give her half upfronnt and the other half after the deed is done. she said she can't do that. well i dint want to prolong any discussion as mr. happy was really excited to get out see what all the fuss was about.

to say the session was good would be an uderstatement. did it on all positions. one of the best bbbj i've had, and i've had some pretty good ones. well i would say kinda over priced but at the end of the day had a really good time.

all i'm gonna say is that if you wanna give it a try tread very carefully and be sure to tell the lady on the other end of line that you are gonna walk out if the pics are not real.

my pm is gonna be activated in a short while so looking forward to exchanging some contacts

cheers uav

editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

04-30-09, 09:58
Sporadic, are you indicating that the Regal Plaza prices have dropped down to 2005 level?
Inside Regal? I have no idea, I refused to pay the entry fee. I seriously considered my semi-secret way in (think Shisha) but did not bother owing to the plethora of talent outside.

If yes, thats very positive indeed. As what I paid for LT in 2005 (700AED) became 1500 standard in 2008.
Well, they still ask for 1500 ;) Difference for me anyway, they accepted less. A lot less. I negotiated a 3 hours ST for 500, she ended up staying until I kicked her out at 10am with a 100DH tip. :)

I guess I turned the tables, the classic LT to ST ploy turned into the ST to LT. Why? A little booze, being nice and safe, and her not liking the prospects at 3am and deciding she was better off where she was. Works for me.

Regarding Russians outside Regal, is this at 3am or can this be found before. I guess 100AED in his climate is a bit much so if the action outside can be found before 3am thats a good shout! My experiences were 11pm (arrivals) and 1am (late arrivals.) You will find me tucked in my bed (with or without company) at 3am. Always.



Eric T
04-30-09, 10:00
Great report!

I have recently started checking up on this and was trying to weed out the fatty blonds and African ads on that site.

So far no luck but will post if anything fruitful comes out of this...


Well as you guys remember I had asked earlier and no one had gone for the european girls where you have to call an interntaional number. So I thought why not go ahead and give it a try. (as they say curiosity killed the cat)

04-30-09, 20:24

Thanks dude, some valuable info there.

Jake Sins
05-01-09, 00:37
Fellow Mongers,

I will be arriving in Dubai in the very early hours of Saturday morning. I hope to be checking into my hotel in Deira between 0130 to 0200hrs. Is it worth venturing forth to explore the night life or is it too late? What time do clubs wind up on Friday night Saturday morning? Where is the action? Anything occuring in Deria particulary claose to the Al Bustan Rotana? Anything happening in the Golden Triangle at this time or am I better served keeping my pent up "powder dry" for another day? Any information and advice from experienced and knowledegable hands will be appreciated and reports of action and activities will follow in due course as always.



05-01-09, 07:14
Planning to visit Dubai strip clubs and some working girls. Some friends told me that there's a strip club relatively far from the city center that's open from around 12 midnight to 3 am. Does anyone know the name and can tell me if you can get any action there? Any frequent visitors to this club?



Krypto Knight
05-01-09, 08:15
Finally, the parking lot outside! I saw a crowd and wondered what was going on. Walked over. Big Mistake! The last time that happened to me was the RLD in Hamburg; it's hold onto your trousers (and your wallets). And run! Never expected that in an essentially conservative place. It cannot last.Cannot last? Maybe, but it's been going on for years.

05-01-09, 12:57
Been a busy couple of weeks with family and work, so no playing since my Bahrain trip. (Catching up on a lot of work so I have time for fun when I head off to Pattaya tomorrow for 5 nights. Yes! Then onwards overseas for a week of business, before I get back to Thailand for another couple of nights on the way back). But I popped into Rattler after work last night for a couple of beers and few games of pool with a work pal. Very very quiet by midnight, especially for a weekend night - the economic situation has hit the place, although at a whopping 38AED for a pint, they probably don't realize it yet. A few gems there, but pretty much same ol'.

Sporadic - good to see you back. You're living up to your name. ;) The secret entry you mention, into Regal via the shisha bar no longer exists. I tried it a few weeks ago. The secret must have got out, so they rigged the elevator - it doesn't stop on that floor anymore. So to get to the shisha bar, you now need to go past security. They are very strict about the club entry fee now, even for regulars, so the only way in for free is to arrive by 8:59pm.

Thanks to Krypto Knight for the PM with some tips about 'hidden' venues in Pattaya. Now I'm just trying to work out how I can explain to Wildcat seven nights of layovers in Thailand before I leave for the airport tomorrow. She will be a wildcat for sure. Maybe I should break it to her gently once I am on the plane. :D

05-01-09, 13:44
From India photo gallery:
Here's photos of Indian callgirls caught by Police and force to have sex. Hot booby Malayalee and Bengali call girls caught naked with some of their clients in a raid allegedly in Dubai. See the inspector make them kiss each others pussy and show tits and ass in this must watch MMS. If you want Video I don't know how this Video uoload?So, what is the story behind the alleged raids - do you have more info? Please reply on the Dubai thread - if it is authentic, it would be useful info for Dubai players. Videos cannot be uploaded to ISG, but you can post the link or the website. Many would be interested in seeing it.

05-01-09, 14:06
It's been a busy couple of weeks with family and work, so no playing since my Bahrain trip. (Catching up on a lot of work so I have time for fun when I head off to Pattaya tomorrow for 5 nights. Yes! Then onwards overseas for a week of business, before I get back to Thailand for another couple of nights on the way back). But I popped into Rattler after work last night for a couple of beers and few games of pool with a work pal. Very very quiet by midnight, especially for a weekend night - no crowds at all. The economic situation has hit the place, although at a whopping 38AED for a pint, they probably don't realize it yet. A few gems there, but pretty much same ol' same ol'.

Sporadic - good to see you back. You're living up to your name. ;) The secret entry you mention, into Regal via the shisha bar no longer exists. I tried it a few weeks ago. The secret must have got out, so they rigged the elevator - it doesn't stop on that floor anymore. They are very strict about the 75/100AED club entry fees now, even for regulars, so the only way in for free is to arrive by 8:59pm.

Thanks to Krypto Knight for the PM with some tips about 'hidden' venues in Pattaya. Now I'm just trying to work out how I can explain to Wildcat seven nights of layovers in Thailand, before I leave for the airport tomorrow. When she hears the news, she will be a wildcat for sure. Maybe I should just break it to her gently once I am on the plane ready for take-off. :D


Very last minute change of plans - old pal 1Ball has just convinced me why Phuket would be a much better option than Pattaya on this trip. So Phuket, here I come (tomorrow!) Thanks Mr. Ball.

05-01-09, 16:41
Piper and all,

I have my doubts on this so called raid. I remember seeing this video on one of the indian site (i believe it was debonair) a few weeks back. If you are interested in the video, you can download it from


HTHBeing a cynical bastard, I had serious doubts too. But I'd still like to check the vid - doesn't seem to work.

05-01-09, 20:20
Thanks for the helping information concerning the visa overstay. The lady now got out via Abu Dhabi Airport without paying the full fee, but only some 2200US$.

Another friend reported that Regal prices would have come down to the range of 500/600 Dirham for LT, after negotiations.

This Thursday evening I planned to verify these good news, but was too disappointed to even talk with one lady in Regal: Came in at 2300, man/female ratio ca. 4/1, optical range 4 to 6, life music a little bit better then last year, some new faces. But it was obvious that the percentage of recognizable Westerners has dropped among the males, being only some 10 percent. Maybe the door guards have switched off their racism filtering.

Headed to York at 0030, 10 Dirham discretely handed over to the doorman got me in, also in that place no good choice around (minority CIS, majority far east, East Africans) except some (new? ) 3, 4 slim Africans with nice faces and bodies (8/9) who started negotiations with 1000 ST. After some time, 2 came down to 700, even 600, but suddenly I was no more in the mood for any action (somebody wrote here that the hunting itself is sometimes already satisfying) and headed home.

It is perhaps interesting to note that the East African Ladies (in York) do under any circumstances insist on the use of condoms, but some CIS Ladies from Regal do not. There are even cases when they deny (not being drunk) the use or remove the condom during action, if they think you finish earlier that way and they can head back to the venue.

As far as I know, in all CIS states the danger of AIDS is part of the school education program.

Anyway the UAE should test all these Ladies for STDs regularly like other countries do. That should be possible without disclosing their hypocrisis.

Mike Mike
05-01-09, 22:18
I am very suprise about some or sometime most of price in Dubai, I had been maybe more then 100 there the price for girl is about 300Hirham about 80$ per hours with nice white girl not more and for overnight about 500-700 depend time. Other prices I think are dumy price or for advertising. I never pay more than 100$ for short time and 200$ for long time.


Steve Dubai
05-02-09, 05:56
Planning to visit Dubai strip clubs and some working girls. Some friends told me that there's a strip club relatively far from the city center that's open from around 12 midnight to 3 am. Does anyone know the name and can tell me if you can get any action there? Any frequent visitors to this club?


DustyThe only one I can think of is the Fantasia Club.

05-02-09, 06:56
Many thanks to the forum members for all the previous posts. I am in town next Thursday and after RTFFing have got myself a fairly good idea for my plan of action. Reports promised to give something back to the community!

05-02-09, 07:44
I hit Bur Dubai on Friday evening with the objective of seeing some live music and having a couple of beers. I was thinking Music Room, followed by Seaview or maybe the Blue Bar.

Music Room 8:15

40 AED entry fee WTF! I turns out that this is not the norm, it was because they were having a Latin night. I declined. It’s the second time I have been caught out, next time I will phone ahead and check.

Old Vic – Ramada 8:25 to 9:30

Now I am at a loss. Too early for the Seaview, I did not fancy Jockey’s so I decided to have a quick look in the Old Vic and consider my options. The aggressive African girls who lined the service road between the Majestic and Ramada the last time I was here were conspicuous by their absence, but a did spot a couple of PRCs who were probably not waiting for a taxi.

Management at the Old Vic seem to have a better grip on the economic reality that most bars. The have extended their happy hour until 9PM a pint 26 in happy hour, 28 after, so reasonable by today’s standards. They are still offering their daily roast and a pint for 55 AED. It was quite busy.

One does not expect anything exciting to happen here. I spotted one of the PRC’s who works the Music Room, There were three quite cute Filipinas, one with a “sugar daddy” and there was nothing to suggest the other tow were anything but civilians.

The entertainment from the usual duo is pleasant enough and the Filipina singer is easy on the eye. Come 9:30 she is coming around handing out bingo cards. I decline and leave for the Seaview.

The Old Vic? Not for mongering but not a bad place to meet up and grab a cheap(er) beer and something to eat before hitting the prime Golden Triangle bars.

Seaview 9:45 – 2:00

This time I was waved straight in, just like old times. (the last two times I went there I had to pay) The band does not start until 10 and I had hopes of getting a table but the only free ones were reserved. It’s was already quite busy. My friend finally arrived, having delayed coming into town when heard about the Music Room.

Another flashback. A lot of the regular Seaview PRC’s who were missing on my last couple of visits were back. There seems to be some anecdotal evidence that there are ways around the new visa rules.

There were a few Africans, some quite attractive, but the witty and attractive Ghanan who tried to tempt me off the straight and narrow a couple weeks ago was missing.

Later the Filipinas were out in force, pleasant enough looking “girl next door types” with no stunners amongst them. There where hardly any CIS, “Kyrgyz Dancer” was there, IMHO looking a bit rough, the life style and the booze is taking its toll.

The band was on form, the new members are now fully integrated

05-02-09, 14:24
Very last minute change of plans - old pal 1Ball has just convinced me why Phuket would be a much better option than Pattaya on this trip. So Phuket, here I come (tomorrow!) Thanks Mr. Ball.Piper, I've not been to Pattaya actually, although have traveled around Asia a great deal. I must say Phuket is one of my all time favourite places to visit. Either for straight out holidays with or without family, or for the mongering scene. Make sure you head down the beaches a bit past Karen Beach and check the the smaller girl bars tucked in just out of site from the main streets. I found them less pushy than the Patong scene if you're not after the full on party scene Patong offers.

05-02-09, 22:38
This is my first report although I have reaped some rewards of the various forumns. I travel extensively throughout the Americas, China and Africa and thus took a "I know" attitude to my trip to Dubai.

Up till now I have tried the asians available on Expatriates.com and had to turn away as many as I accepted so I figured it was time to step outside.

Went to the Rattlesnake on a recommendation form a local punter I met in the bar. Arrive before 9pm to avoid the entry fee but be prepared to make it up on the drinks so better to wait till 10-30 or later before the girls arrive.

A few lookers arrived by 9-30 (3 at a 7 or better scale) and I believed it'd be a good night. By 11 ratio was 1:1 though so not great.

The girl I'd picked was definately one of the more attractive of the group (Renata) and I figured was a good deal. Started at AED 2000 and we negotiated down to AED1000. (approx price I'd seem both here and was advised by same punter)

She studying to be a lawyer (which should set the 4 alarm siren going right there)


1. I assumed this was a LT fee but we never stated it (who would pay 2000 ST)?
2. We didn't settle on services - would be good sex.....meaning really not much.
3. We didn't settle on expectations.

So for AED 1000 I got a hot girl, naked in my bed barely passable covered BJ then onto shag.

Advice: And everywhere else I use this so was bloody stupid (and a little under the influence)

1. don't rely on the 'goodwill' of the girl. Once you've made the decision to go, set out exactly the expectations clearly. Even better cover them in your build up. BBBJ, CIM, DATY etc. I was fooled by the 'nice girl' play.

2. Setout timing, ie overnight etc.

3. Payment - don't pay upfront. Once th emoney is handed over there is no longer any incentive. At worst give 50/50. This is my normal approach and even with reading all the warnings here I didn't listen. This is where "nice guys finish last" or don't finish at all/

4. Taxi - no taxi till your done and then only if you are satisfied/happy.

5. Go with gut feel. All my alarm bells were going off on the "cold as ice, money grabber" but I ignored them because of her smouldering looks.

6. Avoid Renata, dark haired brown eyed law student.

Nothing new in this advice, just that even "experienced" punters can get complacent.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Wilts Boy
05-03-09, 10:30

Am coming to Dubai in a couple of weeks for 5 days of work and play, and am usualy put-up in the Emirates Towers. Knowing this is not a GF hotel, can anyone recommend another hotel around that area on SZ Road which will not attract attention from my work about booking into a 3 or 4 star hotel, and which is GF. Am happy to stay anywhere in the area from Bur Jurman down to DIFC area. Did stay in Dhow Palace last year which was very GF however even that might raise a few eyebrows at work when the expenses go in


05-03-09, 15:50
Piper, I've not been to Pattaya actually, although have traveled around Asia a great deal. I must say Phuket is one of my all time favourite places to visit. Either for straight out holidays with or without family, or for the mongering scene. Make sure you head down the beaches a bit past Karen Beach and check the the smaller girl bars tucked in just out of site from the main streets. I found them less pushy than the Patong scene if you're not after the full on party scene Patong offers.Thanks for the tips, but I literally had a last minute change of plans soon after arrival at BKK airport this afternoon and ended up in Pattaya - and I'm happy. :) Phuket will be for a future trip in a few months.

Eric T
05-03-09, 16:11
Hi friends,

As many of you senior member friends know this guy's on a tight leash, I don't venture out much but when I can, I splurge on myself. I will be in Dubai on May 6 just in the day time.

I haven't gotten a good CIS experience in my past few visits cept a one-off. Despite my best behavior I either get ripped off (my bad) or crash and burn on the hello.

Was wondering if any of you care to share a good contact or two? Can assure you of being a credible person and I hope you remember from days past.

Reason for asking is that as I will be in at the daytime so no club scene access at all to pick from. I will be in at 10am and leave at around 7pm. In that time I am planning to line up 3-4 girls (I kid you not!) :-)

Hope you guys can help.

Thanks and cheers!


Gremlin Og
05-03-09, 17:31
Well explained. I have been there. In my opinion as with any WG scene, the issue breaks mostly on time. If you are one that visits or has short windows for action, you want a sure thing. That can mean making everything clear like you suggest, like services, splitting the money, etc. However, if you live here or have the time, you can let things roll knowing you have another chance and/or you will return to that bar. The one enduring rule no matter what is to listen to one's intuition, not solely the looks.

This is my first report although I have reaped some rewards of the various forumns. I travel extensively throughout the Americas, China and Africa and thus took a "I know" attitude to my trip to Dubai.

Up till now I have tried the asians available on Expatriates.com and had to turn away as many as I accepted so I figured it was time to step outside.

Went to the Rattlesnake on a recommendation form a local punter I met in the bar. Arrive before 9pm to avoid the entry fee but be prepared to make it up on the drinks so better to wait till 10-30 or later before the girls arrive.

A few lookers arrived by 9-30 (3 at a 7 or better scale) and I believed it'd be a good night. By 11 ratio was 1:1 though so not great.

The girl I'd picked was definately one of the more attractive of the group (Renata) and I figured was a good deal. Started at AED 2000 and we negotiated down to AED1000. (approx price I'd seem both here and was advised by same punter)

She studying to be a lawyer (which should set the 4 alarm siren going right there)


1. I assumed this was a LT fee but we never stated it (who would pay 2000 ST)?
2. We didn't settle on services - would be good sex.....meaning really not much.
3. We didn't settle on expectations.

So for AED 1000 I got a hot girl, naked in my bed barely passable covered BJ then onto shag.

Advice: And everywhere else I use this so was bloody stupid (and a little under the influence)

1. don't rely on the 'goodwill' of the girl. Once you've made the decision to go, set out exactly the expectations clearly. Even better cover them in your build up. BBBJ, CIM, DATY etc. I was fooled by the 'nice girl' play.

2. Setout timing, ie overnight etc.

3. Payment - don't pay upfront. Once th emoney is handed over there is no longer any incentive. At worst give 50/50. This is my normal approach and even with reading all the warnings here I didn't listen. This is where "nice guys finish last" or don't finish at all/

4. Taxi - no taxi till your done and then only if you are satisfied/happy.

5. Go with gut feel. All my alarm bells were going off on the "cold as ice, money grabber" but I ignored them because of her smouldering looks.

6. Avoid Renata, dark haired brown eyed law student.

Nothing new in this advice, just that even "experienced" punters can get complacent.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Wicked Roger
05-03-09, 18:16

Am coming to Dubai in a couple of weeks for 5 days of work and play, and am usualy put-up in the Emirates Towers. Knowing this is not a GF hotel, can anyone recommend another hotel around that area on SZ Road which will not attract attention from my work about booking into a 3 or 4 star hotel, and which is GF. Am happy to stay anywhere in the area from Bur Jurman down to DIFC area. Did stay in Dhow Palace last year which was very GF however even that might raise a few eyebrows at work when the expenses go in

Try Jumeira Rotana (Diyafa Street close by), Towers Rotana (virtually opposite), Media Rotana (down the road). All are GF respectable business hotels. If Jumeria Rotana, get an executive room - big beds and a great mirror :D (well it was for me ;)).

All are reasonably priced as well - Jimmy the One stayed at the Jumeira Rotana recently (as did I) and trust me it is v GF (I have taken 3 Filipinas into that hotel at the same time for a night of debauchery and no one said a thing).

Also for the Jumeira Rotana there is a way to avoid any walk of shame....

Wicked Roger
05-03-09, 18:20
The girl I'd picked was definately one of the more attractive of the group (Renata) and I figured was a good deal. Started at AED 2000 and we negotiated down to AED1000. (approx price I'd seem both here and was advised by same punter)

She studying to be a lawyer (which should set the 4 alarm siren going right there)

6. Avoid Renata, dark haired brown eyed law student.

Nothing new in this advice, just that even "experienced" punters can get complacent.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

This 'Renata" - did you get a picture? This sound remarkably like a CIS girl from Abu Dhabi....she was OK but still not the greatest...maybe she has a twin also studying law.

05-03-09, 20:45
Hey guys,

I am visiting Riyadh soon can any one help me with girl over there.

I know its little risky but wanna try once.

Please reply.

05-04-09, 04:37
Dubai has gone to shit (at least for the visitors). Yes I said it. I have been visiting here a few times a year since 2002.
You could easily get a hot CIS with great service for 800. Now you may get a mediocre service from an average CIS for 1500.

I was there for a total of three days. Visited Premiere, Regal and Kubu.
POOR attitudes and POOR quality. Kubu had several doables but bad attitudes from 2 that I approached.

Regal had average quality. The best looking spinner (looks/demeanor) wanted 1200 AED. I agreed but then the ***** wanted me to pay her in taxi. WTF!
I saw her leave by herself at closing (as did I).

Two of the 3 nights I went out empty handed. That should give the old mongers an idea of the current situation.

Premiere also had a smattering of good looking (but bored) CIS. A chinese caught my eye. Looked cute, graceful, slim, not skanky, shy-ish. Negotiated for 1200 for night (at 2 AM) for bbbj, no anal.
Took her to the Hilton on Creek (totally GF), had a nice suite that impressed her but not enough. Her body was nice and soft but toned (usual for chinese).
The bbbj was OK, she didnt enjoy/want daty, main event was pretty good, nice and tight pussy.

Took some pics, but she didnt allow any nudes. Will post after resizing.

A crappy trip in general. Couldn't get access to the forum either:(

05-04-09, 08:29
Imperial 1030-1230

Hi all.

As my bachelor days started from yesterday, I was thinking to check out imperial. Arrived at 1030, paid Aed 60 entry fee with 1 drink. I came here after 5 months and found both bands has been changed and belly dancer as well. Anywayz I went inside the main area. M/F ratio was poor, after 11 ratio improves and found some old faces and some new faces as well. Mostly PRC, Affricans, few CIS and 3-4 indians, quality not more then 5/10. Around 1130 found 1 CIS very attractive cute face nice body with round big boobs (I am big boobs fond) but my bad luck is she got customer before entering main area and she went out. I will check her next time and probably pay what ever she ask to taste her. Getting bored and went out around 1230 heading to home.

My Next venue will be Regal or premier, after that planning to explore some AMP and Legit massage parlor any fellow members wanna join me for chit chat and drink will be welcome.

Over and out.


Oil Rich
05-04-09, 09:03
This is my first report although I have reaped some rewards of the various forumns. I travel extensively throughout the Americas, China and Africa and thus took a "I know" attitude to my trip to Dubai.

Up till now I have tried the asians available on Expatriates.com and had to turn away as many as I accepted so I figured it was time to step outside.

Went to the Rattlesnake on a recommendation form a local punter I met in the bar. Arrive before 9pm to avoid the entry fee but be prepared to make it up on the drinks so better to wait till 10-30 or later before the girls arrive.

A few lookers arrived by 9-30 (3 at a 7 or better scale) and I believed it'd be a good night. By 11 ratio was 1:1 though so not great.

The girl I'd picked was definately one of the more attractive of the group (Renata) and I figured was a good deal. Started at AED 2000 and we negotiated down to AED1000. (approx price I'd seem both here and was advised by same punter)

She studying to be a lawyer (which should set the 4 alarm siren going right there)


1. I assumed this was a LT fee but we never stated it (who would pay 2000 ST)?
2. We didn't settle on services - would be good sex.....meaning really not much.
3. We didn't settle on expectations.

So for AED 1000 I got a hot girl, naked in my bed barely passable covered BJ then onto shag.

Advice: And everywhere else I use this so was bloody stupid (and a little under the influence)

1. don't rely on the 'goodwill' of the girl. Once you've made the decision to go, set out exactly the expectations clearly. Even better cover them in your build up. BBBJ, CIM, DATY etc. I was fooled by the 'nice girl' play.

2. Setout timing, ie overnight etc.

3. Payment - don't pay upfront. Once th emoney is handed over there is no longer any incentive. At worst give 50/50. This is my normal approach and even with reading all the warnings here I didn't listen. This is where "nice guys finish last" or don't finish at all/

4. Taxi - no taxi till your done and then only if you are satisfied/happy.

5. Go with gut feel. All my alarm bells were going off on the "cold as ice, money grabber" but I ignored them because of her smouldering looks.

6. Avoid Renata, dark haired brown eyed law student.

Nothing new in this advice, just that even "experienced" punters can get complacent.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.Renata - WB you recall the Brunette who i pointed out to you that night we hooked Up at rattlesnake; thats Renata

Yup. She does "vanilla" services, no BBBJ; very basic in the room This is based on feedback from a fellow monger I met at Rattlesnake

SO she stands out; normally dressed very well, starts at around 2kAED

I recall tehenight I was with WB; at 3 am she even agreed 700 AED no BBBJ and normally it is one round

From what I have noticed is that she will go with you for ST; as she has driver on call, insists on using him only; and she likes to pick another client up if she is back in the club by 2am

So you may bargain on price; but you will get a really crap service

Rule of thumb; always clarify what you are getting staright up otheriwse you are open to all sorts of excuses.

05-04-09, 13:19

Am coming to Dubai in a couple of weeks for 5 days of work and play, and am usualy put-up in the Emirates Towers. Knowing this is not a GF hotel, can anyone recommend another hotel around that area on SZ Road which will not attract attention from my work about booking into a 3 or 4 star hotel, and which is GF. Am happy to stay anywhere in the area from Bur Jurman down to DIFC area. Did stay in Dhow Palace last year which was very GF however even that might raise a few eyebrows at work when the expenses go in


You cannot go wrong at the Fairmont, right across SZR. Just as nice as the Towers, and I have never been stopped, even with 2 WGs. Enjoy.

Zando Tan
05-04-09, 18:53
Popped over to Lucy's place that has been mentioned on here before at around 4 in the afternoon, went by taxi and was fairly easy to find just of Al wasl road. Seemed fairly busy as a few cars there and had to wait in the kitchen for about 5 mins as they said room not free which was pleasant enough chatting to two of the girls, into the living room for the line-up of about 6 PRC ladies ranging from 4-7 choose a young looking one "yung ting". Probably got the spelling wrong but had a chuckle at the name.

As usual 100 for the house then she asked for 300 for a "suck and fuck", her english seemed limited to this and nothing more which included trying to negotiate her for a 2 shot which took a fair bit of explaning and in the end decided to give it a miss.

After the deed was done, was offered a shower together but I had to decline as needed to run. Before I got up she goes "you give me 100". To which I said no what for? She said you come here and she tried to explain it as a house fee with the limited english. But again I refused and said what for? I already paid which you took down before we start to which she did a "oh ok ok" I thought that was quite cheeky and will stop me from using this particular lady again but the location and house are worth checking out especially for those looking for day time action.

Really like the fact you can drive in and drive out although on this occasion I did not make use of it. Can see myself being a regular here just because of the ease.

Looks 6. 5-7/10

Service 8/10

Just on a side note, getting a taxi from here in the afternoon is quite an adventure, spent a good 20-25 mins in the heat before an empty one passed by, which I guess was my mistake. Should have planned ahead but just be prepared guys if you do venture here by taxi.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

05-04-09, 19:38
Premiere also had a smattering of good looking (but bored) CIS. A Chinese caught my eye. Looked cute, graceful, slim, not skanky, shy-ish. Negotiated for 1200 for night (at 2 AM) for BBBJ, no anal.

Took her to the Hilton on Creek (totally GF), had a nice suite that impressed her but not enough. Her body was nice and soft but toned (usual for Chinese).

The BBBJ was OK, she didn't enjoy/want daty, main event was pretty good, nice and tight pussy.

Took some pics, but she didn't allow any nudes. Will post after resizing.

A crappy trip in general. Couldn't get access to the forum eitherYou utterly overpaid her at 1200. I have to admit that I'm not a good negotiator either. I'm new to the scene but getting better now (full report later). My experience is, if you overpay the girl the first time she has ZERO respect for you and the experience is always crap. Did overpay 3 times so far, always bad. But the best attitude to date was from a 300 AED for half night (2:30 till 7:00) girl.

The girl will always cite at least double the price she actually wants. Effective price are pretty low but their attitude is: "Lets hope he is an stupid tourist, drunken Brit, newcomer. If he accepts, he will not even know the ST is 2-3 hours and LT is 2 fucks. So I can be out again after 1 hour. " Look for my first reports in Abu Dhabi forum how I got fooled with bad service.

Note: I prefer places where I pay for the hour and the price is fixed. I hate negotiating and I didn't believe it until I tried it myself and found out the hard way. Those are the rules from a newcomer who just learned to apply them.

For the first time with a girl:

1) Never ask for the price. Make an offer according to her looks, time of day, location.

2) Set your mind before she can come up with a price. If you think she is worth 500 for LT and she says 1200. Don't be shy, say 500. She might walk away, but might come back later. Negotiating with a smile in your face and self confidence does NOT [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) her off unless you are arrogant. Say "I have a 500 budget for the night, what is your target? " If she walks off, smile and say something like "Finish off the Japanese over there and call me in half an hour for warm bed to sleep in".

3) Always make the offer in such a way that other girls can't hear it. They have professional pride. She might claim to her friends that she never does below 1000, but will go for 500 last minute if nobody sees it.

3) Impressing a first time girl never works. No matter what you do. She ONLY sees money for work. Will respect you if you pay her the correct price or marginally above expectations first time. Will think you are an idiot if you overpay (Did I mention that already? Did I mention I'm sometimes one of those idiots? )

4) Negotiate service up front (well, you did better then me first time here).

5) Taxi money is normal now. Give her 20. Its not bad attitude, its a tip.

Second time:

1) You can give her small presents now.

2) Never talk about the price and service and time beforehand. Pay afterwards. If she considers you are regular customer worth respect and good service she will not mention money with a single word. If she DOES negotiate money this is the last time you will see her.

3) If she leaves with smile, silently taking the cash + tip (taxi money) then attitute and expectations are set for her. You can now consider taking her out to a restaurant, impress her with a suite, overpay her (e. G. Hire her for a night but only fuck her once, do 1 hour for regular price etc).

Hihi Ster
05-05-09, 00:18
Some of you guys might remember me posting a few weeks ago that my vacation was almost over and I was due to get back in Dubai that week. Well.. I made it to Dubai all right, and on the first day back at work I was made redundant. Well.. shit happens I suppose.

Just a word of thanks to all the Seniors here kind enough to help me around in the beginning, thanks for the phone numbers, unfortunately I haven't been able to meet most of the (all highly recommended by you lads) ladies, so it be.

I had a blast, despite all of the negatives about Dubai, if you know where to look you can have lots of fun! Its certainly better then the cold Europe where I am now.

B.t.w. if anyone is interested in receiving a nice rate (550++ on ANY given day) at the Fairmont, give me a PM and I'll hook you up.

05-05-09, 05:24
You utterly overpaid her at 1200. I have to admit that I'm not a good negotiator either. I'm new to the scene but getting better now (full report later). My experience is, if you overpay the girl the first time she has ZERO respect for you and the experience is always crap. Did overpay 3 times so far, always bad. But the best attitude to date was from a 300 AED for half night (2:30 till 7:00) girl.

The girl will always cite at least double the price she actually wants. Effective price are pretty low but their attitude is: "Lets hope he is an stupid tourist, drunken Brit, newcomer. If he accepts, he will not even know the ST is 2-3 hours and LT is 2 fucks. So I can be out again after 1 hour. " Look for my first reports in Abu Dhabi forum how I got fooled with bad service.

Note: I prefer places where I pay for the hour and the price is fixed. I hate negotiating and I didn't believe it until I tried it myself and found out the hard way. Those are the rules from a newcomer who just learned to apply them.

For the first time with a girl:

1) Never ask for the price. Make an offer according to her looks, time of day, location.

2) Set your mind before she can come up with a price. If you think she is worth 500 for LT and she says 1200. Don't be shy, say 500. She might walk away, but might come back later. Negotiating with a smile in your face and self confidence does NOT [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) her off unless you are arrogant. Say "I have a 500 budget for the night, what is your target? " If she walks off, smile and say something like "Finish off the Japanese over there and call me in half an hour for warm bed to sleep in".

3) Always make the offer in such a way that other girls can't hear it. They have professional pride. She might claim to her friends that she never does below 1000, but will go for 500 last minute if nobody sees it.

3) Impressing a first time girl never works. No matter what you do. She ONLY sees money for work. Will respect you if you pay her the correct price or marginally above expectations first time. Will think you are an idiot if you overpay (Did I mention that already? Did I mention I'm sometimes one of those idiots? )

4) Negotiate service up front (well, you did better then me first time here).

5) Taxi money is normal now. Give her 20. Its not bad attitude, its a tip.

Second time:

1) You can give her small presents now.

2) Never talk about the price and service and time beforehand. Pay afterwards. If she considers you are regular customer worth respect and good service she will not mention money with a single word. If she DOES negotiate money this is the last time you will see her.

3) If she leaves with smile, silently taking the cash + tip (taxi money) then attitute and expectations are set for her. You can now consider taking her out to a restaurant, impress her with a suite, overpay her (e. G. Hire her for a night but only fuck her once, do 1 hour for regular price etc).

This is really funny:)
Not the advice but...... well, yeah the advice, especially the part about "well, you did better then me first time here":)

And no Mr. Monger, I don't do anything for just an hour, and never negotiate price too hard, just negotiate the services.

If I am paying the *****, the last thing I want is her "respect". I am more interested in various body cavities, and dont mind if she doesn't respect me in the morning;)
In fact, I prefer being hated by her for bruising her tonsils and ovaries.

Seems that you have convinced yourself of having found "the answer" to mongering (you could have read a few previous pages and found the same).
Good luck and enjoy!

05-05-09, 17:40
After a disastrous trip to Rattlesnake I got a recommendation of Karama. Headed over early and watched some IPL. Average meal. Girls started arriving around 10. Range 4-7 mostly Phillipines. A couple of CIS.

Met cute phillipine and her sister (sisters. Every mans dream) and after a few drinks we headed off. This time, no discussion of price, service, etc. You really would think I'd learn but it turned out for the better this time.

Showered and then the fun began. Good double massage.

CBJ while some DATY with the other then first sister got on top while we continued DATY. After a while a change up and things continued long into the morning. Had to guide things as little as other than standard service. Little initiative which I'd read re Phillipine girls.

Gave them each 500 and they seem happy with it.

And so now I have a few texts from them. Meet again etc. Anyone got any suggestions? Do I pay the same for repeat?

05-05-09, 20:54
Hey Macsaffa,

Wow Double whammy on day two. What hotel did you stay in? Was there a walk of shame? GF charges? Do you have any pictures of the twins? Will you active your PM? would love to meet the twins.



After a disastrous trip to Rattlesnake I got a recommendation of Karama. Headed over early and watched some IPL. Average meal. Girls started arriving around 10. Range 4-7 mostly Phillipines. A couple of CIS.

Met cute phillipine and her sister (sisters. Every mans dream) and after a few drinks we headed off. This time, no discussion of price, service, etc. You really would think I'd learn but it turned out for the better this time.

Showered and then the fun began. Good double massage.

CBJ while some DATY with the other then first sister got on top while we continued DATY. After a while a change up and things continued long into the morning. Had to guide things as little as other than standard service. Little initiative which I'd read re Phillipine girls.

Gave them each 500 and they seem happy with it.

And so now I have a few texts from them. Meet again etc. Anyone got any suggestions? Do I pay the same for repeat?

05-06-09, 04:33
After a disastrous trip to Rattlesnake I got a recommendation of Karama.
And so now I have a few texts from them. Meet again etc. Anyone got any suggestions? Do I pay the same for repeat?Karama is a pretty big district, care to be more specific? I am guessing Ratsky’s, it’s by far the most likely but it could have been Maharlika café, or even Rock Bottom or the "Rain Club" in the Ramee Royal (anyone know somthing about this place??), or is it somewhere secret and less well known?

It’s a pretty good rule of thumb that what you pay the first time will be what you pay on any subsequent time.

Had to guide things as little as other than standard service. Little initiative which I'd read re Phillipine girls Obviously not associates of WR and Piper then :)

Ultimate Avatar
05-06-09, 07:11
Do you guys have know of any CIS incall services fo ST anywhere in Dubai? .

Just like the old days go in have your fun and get out.

Its just that sometimes can't do the whole LT due to early meetings and lack of own place as its a work appt and lots of colleague in the same building. And plus for ST kinda gets expensive to keep on booking rooms fo a couple of hours. And also gets tedious as you have to plan and all

Have tired the expatriates site but if you like the girl and want a repeat after a week or so the girl has already left.

Have also tried lucys in jumeira. But to tell you frankly am a CIS man myself

Any suggestions guys



Psy Read
05-06-09, 09:32
You utterly overpaid her at 1200. I have to admit that I'm not a good negotiator either. I'm new to the scene but getting better now (full report later). My experience is, if you overpay the girl the first time she has ZERO respect for you and the experience is always crap. Did overpay 3 times so far, always bad. But the best attitude to date was from a 300 AED for half night (2:30 till 7:00) girl.

The girl will always cite at least double the price she actually wants. Effective price are pretty low but their attitude is: "Lets hope he is an stupid tourist, drunken Brit, newcomer. If he accepts, he will not even know the ST is 2-3 hours and LT is 2 fucks. So I can be out again after 1 hour. " Look for my first reports in Abu Dhabi forum how I got fooled with bad service.

Note: I prefer places where I pay for the hour and the price is fixed. I hate negotiating and I didn't believe it until I tried it myself and found out the hard way. Those are the rules from a newcomer who just learned to apply them.

For the first time with a girl:

1) Never ask for the price. Make an offer according to her looks, time of day, location.

2) Set your mind before she can come up with a price. If you think she is worth 500 for LT and she says 1200. Don't be shy, say 500. She might walk away, but might come back later. Negotiating with a smile in your face and self confidence does NOT [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) her off unless you are arrogant. Say "I have a 500 budget for the night, what is your target? " If she walks off, smile and say something like "Finish off the Japanese over there and call me in half an hour for warm bed to sleep in".

3) Always make the offer in such a way that other girls can't hear it. They have professional pride. She might claim to her friends that she never does below 1000, but will go for 500 last minute if nobody sees it.

3) Impressing a first time girl never works. No matter what you do. She ONLY sees money for work. Will respect you if you pay her the correct price or marginally above expectations first time. Will think you are an idiot if you overpay (Did I mention that already? Did I mention I'm sometimes one of those idiots? )

4) Negotiate service up front (well, you did better then me first time here).

5) Taxi money is normal now. Give her 20. Its not bad attitude, its a tip.

Second time:

1) You can give her small presents now.

2) Never talk about the price and service and time beforehand. Pay afterwards. If she considers you are regular customer worth respect and good service she will not mention money with a single word. If she DOES negotiate money this is the last time you will see her.

3) If she leaves with smile, silently taking the cash + tip (taxi money) then attitute and expectations are set for her. You can now consider taking her out to a restaurant, impress her with a suite, overpay her (e. G. Hire her for a night but only fuck her once, do 1 hour for regular price etc).Wow man you are good. These are great points for dummies like me.

This is all theory, its practical implementation is still the tricky part.

05-07-09, 06:58
Do you guys have know of any CIS incall services fo ST anywhere in Dubai? .

Just like the old days go in have your fun and get out.

Its just that sometimes can't do the whole LT due to early meetings and lack of own place as its a work appt and lots of colleague in the same building. And plus for ST kinda gets expensive to keep on booking rooms fo a couple of hours. And also gets tedious as you have to plan and all

Have tired the expatriates site but if you like the girl and want a repeat after a week or so the girl has already left.

Have also tried lucys in jumeira. But to tell you frankly am a CIS man myself

Any suggestions guys



Coming to Dubai for a week this Saturday. I would love to get the contact details and directions to Lucy's.

Thanks guys.

Psy Read
05-07-09, 09:18
Coming to Dubai for a week this Saturday. I would love to get the contact details and directions to Lucy's.

Thanks guys.In expatriate site, search for lucy lu post.

They are many and you cant miss them.

All details are there.

05-07-09, 12:36
I was thinking to get philli delight so went to Ratsky karama hotel Yesterday , reached at 1045, entrance fee 50 with 1 drink, after getting inside I thought that I wasted Aed 50/-. M/F ratio was poor around 4/1 all phillipine girls and quality below 4, only 1 or 2 good looking girls with attitude so stay upto 1145 and went out. Total waste of time and money.

After that called one of AMP which I recv SMS that they shifted to near lamcy plaza, called that number and I directed to the new location, went inside only 2 girls was available and below average so I decided to wait for few minutes, after some time other girls free so I choose karry avg looking and ok English. 100 for house money and 100 tip. Massage was really good soft and slow no hurry following with CBJ. I am thinking not to go again.

Contact available for senior members. Do PM me.

Over and out.


05-07-09, 22:01
To all

Try Ratsky Ramada for Phil fun. Many new girls there. The bar manager has all the contact. Inform him and he will glad to help. Weekends are full. Week days I am not sure.

Happy hunting


Sky Ryder
05-07-09, 22:55

This is my first venture to the UAE and being a fairly regular poster in other locales, I have tried to glean information from previous posts. I don't have much choice, but I am staying in Sharja (sp) and wanted to know what if any decent fun there is too be had "out there". I suspect that I will have to venture into Dubai proper to enjoy my visit, and I was hoping for some suggestions for the first time visitor. The other thing is, if I do find something worth investing some time and money in, are there short time hotels available in the area? I am pretty sure an hour ride out of town is not going to go over well with the lady.
I know this is a "broad brush" question, but I am looking for your suggestions.
Thanks in advance,


French Canadia
05-08-09, 06:57

This is my first venture to the UAE and being a fairly regular poster in other locales, I have tried to glean information from previous posts. I don't have much choice, but I am staying in Sharja (sp) and wanted to know what if any decent fun there is too be had "out there". I suspect that I will have to venture into Dubai proper to enjoy my visit, and I was hoping for some suggestions for the first time visitor. The other thing is, if I do find something worth investing some time and money in, are there short time hotels available in the area? I am pretty sure an hour ride out of town is not going to go over well with the lady.
I know this is a "broad brush" question, but I am looking for your suggestions.
Thanks in advance,


Well SR to answer your first question Sharjah being a dry ( no achool what so ever there) Emirate not much goes on there in regards to the mongering scene.

So yes you will most likely have to travel to Dubai to maximise your chances I would suggest that to go in the area called the Golden triangle ( do a seach on this theard for more info) more WG per square meter than most other area.

And for short time hotel well you can’t forget you are in a muslim country so they offically don’t have short time stay. Would recommend you look for a 3 star hotel that should not be to expensive example Panorama Hotel in the Golden triangle area and do your deed there. I hope you enjoy your stay.

Take care

05-08-09, 07:23
Well SR to answer your first question Sharjah being a dry ( no achool what so ever there) Emirate not much goes on there in regards to the mongering scene.

So yes you will most likely have to travel to Dubai to maximise your chances I would suggest that to go in the area called the Golden triangle ( do a seach on this theard for more info) more WG per square meter than most other area.

And for short time hotel well you can’t forget you are in a muslim country so they offically don’t have short time stay. Would recommend you look for a 3 star hotel that should not be to expensive example Panorama Hotel in the Golden triangle area and do your deed there. I hope you enjoy your stay.

Take care,

FCSky rider. Don't even think of taking the girl to Sharjah!

05-08-09, 07:52
I know this is a "broad brush" question, but I am looking for your suggestions.Fun in Sharjah is limited to playing chicken with the traffic, and there is plenty of traffic, it’s worse than Dubai!

The good news, it’s not actually that far, the centre of Sharjah is only 12Km from Bur Dubai (Golden Triangle) in a straight line, so depending on where you are staying in Sharjah you could be closer to the action than you would if you were staying in Dubai Marina.

The closest locations will be Jules bar and some of the Deira locations, Kubu, Premier etc. But as FC says the Golden Triangle has the most variety and is not much further.

Distance therefore may no be a problem for getting a girl home, the conservative nature of Sharjah may be. I don’t recall too many reports on GF hotels in Sharjah, but I would assume that in general they would be more problematic.

I have no direct experience of the current situation but a surprising number of girls working the bars can accommodate. You are more likely to find this with PRCs and Africans. I have been offered the options of going to “her place” on a number of occasions recently. The York is probably the best place for this. It will limit your choice, but it will still be wider choice than going to a MP.

A couple of years ago this could range from a decent apartment where the girl had her own room (I even did an overnighter in couple) to a barracks style where a large number of girls live, theses are best avoided! There were also PRC run apartments that rented rooms by the hour. They used to charge be 50AED an hour, this is probably more now due to rent increases.

If you do go to “her place” it would be a good idea to clarify. Will there be any extra charges and how many people live with her before leaving the bar.

05-08-09, 10:39
Also try one of my original favorite haunts in Dubai - Dubai Grand Hotel, near Al Bustan Residence in Al Ghusais - on the Dubai side of Sharjah border. It has the Iceberg Club on ground floor and Churchill's cigar bar/pool room on second floor. A favorite hang-out for CIS girls - mainly Chechnyan and Russian - some very hot. They tend to meet up to have a drink and a chat in Churchill's Cigar bar from around 10pm, before heading off to other clubs at midnight, including Iceberg Club downstairs, or nearby Jules Bar at Airport Le Meridien Hotel, etc. Also useful for you is that the girls at Dubai Grand Hotel mainly live in nearby Sharjah, and may be able to accommodate you. Good luck!

05-08-09, 11:55
(1) I find I meet alot of girls that won't go for a short time, they say longtime only. Anything I can do to increase my odds here? Sometimes I only want a little fun then a good nights rest.

(2) Anyone ever ask for a BBBJ with CIM or COF only? Price range? Again, I just want 30 to 45 minutes of the girls time then a good night of rest :)

Recent price report from a few nights at Regal, Premier, Kubu. Some girls still asking for 1500 LT but drop to 1000 or less with little fuss. Some asking for 1000LT and won't take one rouble less.

05-08-09, 12:07
Anyone ever ask for a BBBJ with CIM or COF only? Price range? Again, I just want 30 to 45 minutes of the girls time then a good night of rest :)

Recent price report from a few nights at Regal, Premier, Kubu. Some girls still asking for 1500 LT but drop to 1000 or less with little fuss. Some asking for 1000LT and won't take one rouble less.30 to 45 mins really is VST - VERY ST! ;) Best bet is to get to the club early to find a hot CIS (before 11pm), and let her know you only want BBBJ etc, and she can be back in the club by around midnight. Don't go above 500AED for VST - maybe start at 300AED offer.

As for LT - many CIS girls *will* indeed take less than 1,000. But you need to make the deal after about 1:30am when there's no chance of her turning into ST to get back to the club before 3am closing time. Many CIS girls will go for 700 or even less at that time of night. A few weeks ago I took a very nice 23 y.o. natural blonde for 500 MT ('Medium Time' - 2am to 8am).

05-08-09, 14:38
Will be in Dubai for a few more days if anyone is up for some group hunting and fun. PM me.

05-09-09, 10:55
During January 2007, I met an attractive young lady from the Kyrgyz Republic. The place we met was Rattlesnake, and the young lady in question had basically just gotten off the plane and was trying to find her footing in a strange environment. I have met her on and off over the past 2+ years - for both social and intimate activities. And thanks to you fellow mongers, both her English and BBBJ skills improved dramatically during this time. For further insight you can read my reports 2498 and 4559, wherein I named her Miss Kyrgyzstan.

Eventually she migrated away from the nightclub scene and got a job selling real estate in the booming Dubai market. She claims to have made enough money from real estate commissions to purchase an apartment in Bishkek. Indeed, life was looking good.

Well, the good times do not last forever, and the Dubai real estate market has since collapsed. Her real estate employer has closed shop, and she has been obliged to return to the nightclubs in order to “make ends meet until the market picks up again”.

The last time we met she expressed absolute horror at having to resume work in a horizontal position with her legs apart. Her words to me were, “what I do – I need to eat”. She truly believed she had left her night time activities behind her and she was certainly not enthusiastic about resuming her prior occupation.

I feel sympathy for all the young ladies that are trying desperately to better their lives. In addition, I feel sympathy for all the expatriates that have been laid off and are forced to flee this relatively pleasant environment for “greener” pastures.

Why I am writing this? I’m just idling away a perfectly good Saturday waiting for the nightclubs to open again this evening. Like most of you reading this forum, I’m a confirmed sex addict looking to satisfy my carnal desires.

Gremlin Og
05-10-09, 17:51
Last week, I planned a night of fun. Good man WR is, he set me up with a promising Pinay, but with things going the way they did, it fell thru. So my back up was a PRC another friend had introduced to me at York as “this is a way nasty girl…” So off to York I went. After some badly played pool, I eventually found Cat.

This girl does not stand out, kind of petite normal looking mid-20s PRC. But I recognized her face and she eventually remembered me from earlier with my friend. She agreed all night, 800 and I am sure it could have been less. Back at the hotel, Cat lived up to nasty. All night righteous rogering in biblical ways. At this point I should mention that this hotel room was bustan rotana on the pool level. Around 8am, Cat wakes up and tells me that she wants to go swimming, but with no swimsuit its only panties and bra. I’m like, no way that is crazy and go back to sleep. I wake up just in time to see her thru the sliding glass doors, in panties and bra, headed to the pool…and there must have been 20 people already there. I’m panicking. I pace the room remembering the headlines of people in jail for public indecency. Should I simply run and check out or go fetch crazy Cat?

Eventually, I get my suite on and run out to the pool, dive in and haul her back to the room. She was still laughing when I unloaded on her face. I shit you not.

05-11-09, 08:55
Hello Hello
Can anyone tell me the truth of this nightclub ban in Dubai??
I was to book my tickets tommorrow, but with any ban in place
i'll go somewhere else.
Thanks Nickc

05-11-09, 08:56
Hello Hello
Can anyone tell me the truth of this nightclub ban in Dubai??
I was to book my tickets tommorrow, but with any ban in place
i'll go somewhere else.
Thanks Nickc

Hello Hello
Can anyone tell me the truth of this nightclub ban in Dubai??
I was to book my tickets tommorrow, but with any ban in place
i'll go somewhere else.
Thanks Nickc

Hello Hello
Can anyone tell me the truth of this nightclub ban in Dubai??
I was to book my tickets tommorrow, but with any ban in place
i'll go somewhere else.
Thanks Nickc

Psy Read
05-11-09, 09:27
Hello Hello,

Can anyone tell me the truth of this nightclub ban in Dubai?

I was to book my tickets tommorrow, but with any ban in place.

i'll go somewhere else.

Thanks NickcI think they are banned in Al Quain (another emirate) only. Not in Dubai.

05-11-09, 14:48
(1) I find I meet alot of girls that won't go for a short time, they say longtime only. Anything I can do to increase my odds here? Sometimes I only want a little fun then a good nights rest.

(2) Anyone ever ask for a BBBJ with CIM or COF only? Price range? Again, I just want 30 to 45 minutes of the girls time then a good night of rest :)

Recent price report from a few nights at Regal, Premier, Kubu. Some girls still asking for 1500 LT but drop to 1000 or less with little fuss. Some asking for 1000LT and won't take one rouble less.Hi Unirii,

I'm similar in a way although am limited by my domestic situation to bring girls home. Also not so much into the drinking scene. Consequently I use AMPs for incall a lot. If you find the right one, you can usually get the happy ending you are after, at a reasonable price as well.

PM me for more info if you like.

Member #3055
05-11-09, 21:50
Hi All

Last week I visited, since a long time, TGIT in Astoria during lunch time again. Busy as it always was. But after lunch time the girls disappear. This is not helping me for my visit to Dubai next week: My meetings will not end before 3PM. Does anyone of you know where they go to let's say after 3PM. I hope that someone can give me an answer so that I can have some afternoon fun with a nice PRC girl.


French Canadia
05-12-09, 04:59
Hi All

Last week I visited, since a long time, TGIT in Astoria during lunch time again. Busy as it always was. But after lunch time the girls disappear. This is not helping me for my visit to Dubai next week: My meetings will not end before 3PM. Does anyone of you know where they go to let's say after 3PM. I hope that someone can give me an answer so that I can have some afternoon fun with a nice PRC girl.



Bars like TGIT in Astoria and Jockey's in Panorama close from 4 to 6 PM. So most of the WG if they had no luck or feel the are no potential customer for them by 3 and on will take off and take a rest at home before coming back out for the second shit ( later in the day)

Take Care

Ultimate Avatar
05-12-09, 08:46
If you guys are looking for some afternoon action try driving around in bur Dubai behind the burjuman spinneys area. There are a bunch of PRC's and Africans hanging out over there. Never tried it myself but if anyone has would like to know how it went and what are the rates.


05-12-09, 09:05
Ethiopian & Eritrean girls from York are to avoid!

In fact, some of them are real stunners that can drive you crazy.

And they promise you LT or full night of GF experience for 800-1000 AED (you always have to pay upfront!)

But then: after first shot they always want to go home.

No BJ, no kissing, no this, no that.

The only one thing that you can for sure expect is a big disappointment (& a lot of money less in your pocket...for nothing!).

05-12-09, 12:32
Yesterday called one of my prev AMP contact, they change the place so went there, only 2 was available both are below avg quality so went out and went to Imperial for the search of CIS babe as I mentioned my previous report, I found her standing with other CIS girls but again bad luck is she again went out with customer. There I found 2 hot PRC girls with big racks and nice body both are sisters I would rate them 7/10. I remember piper mentioned about them in this forum few days back. Made a eye contact she came and asking 500 for ST settled for 400 and went to her place near orange market. Started with DFK then BBBJ with CIM, she was too good in BBBJ end with soft massage. Overall good experience, I would highly recommend who likes big racks and BBBJ.

I know her name and contact, if some one interested do PM me.

Over and out.


Mike De H
05-12-09, 13:21
[QUOTE=French Canadia]3055
So most of the WG if they had no luck or feel the are no potential customer for them by 3 and on will take off and take a rest at home before coming back out for the second shit ( later in the day)


So will they have that during their second shift?

05-12-09, 15:41
TGIT (Astoria hotel , Bur Dubai) does not close anymore from 4 to 6 pm.
Open from noon till night (1 am?)
Average quality, but some good picks possible.
I have been lucky most of the times. See my previous report here.
Cheers, Red

05-12-09, 16:04
Has anyone (Piper) ever tried girls from futureikons. I see a lot of ad from them on expatriate site advertising on models. I don't know if they are genuine.

Xyz Abcd2008
05-12-09, 21:32
If you guys are looking for some afternoon action try driving around in bur Dubai behind the burjuman spinneys area. There are a bunch of PRC's and Africans hanging out over there. Never tried it myself but if anyone has would like to know how it went and what are the rates.

UAVSome of them are ok and asking rate is 300 for one hour which can be settled @ 200 per hour.

05-13-09, 04:14
Ethiopian & Eritrean girls from York are to avoid!

In fact, some of them are real stunners that can drive you crazy.

And they promise you LT or full night of GF experience for 800-1000 AED (you always have to pay upfront!)

But then: after first shot they always want to go home.

No BJ, no kissing, no this, no that.

The only one thing that you can for sure expect is a big disappointment (& a lot of money less in your pocket...for nothing!).

Mongering in Dubai since 05' I have had one bad experience with another "African" an one bad experience with an Ethiopian which I posted here in October of 08, other then that the rest have been really nice. Yeah they don't like to give blow jobs that is well known but most of them have always wanted to stay with me (multiple sessions) and hang out. As for the kissing... I don't know why you guys like to kiss WGs in the mouth anyway.

Eric T
05-13-09, 14:51
Am swamped with work guys but in short:

Afternoon activity. And this was my big mistake: Limited time and that too in the day. I was in a rush and the tension took out half the fun... then the Paki chick screwed up the rest of my mood (Wont detail... the summary on her would tell you enough). I called a number of escort girls I had thought I would pick one out of but in the rush I forgot that most will not answer their number but rather prefer SMSs. So I went with Girl #9 (which was a last resort kinda thing)

Bambi is very good. Advertised to be in her 23s but seemed closer to 30. Not a clock watcher. Good BBBJ but her amazonian profile didn't do wonders for me. All in all a good lady but not my type.

Desi (Pakistani) Chick:
Damage: AED 1,500 (afternoon to next day - V LT but sent back after 1 hour)
Body: 5 (cute face saggy body not identifiable under clothes)
Service: 0 (Nothing on menu 'cept the deed)
Hygiene: -10

Web Escort:
Damage: AED 2,100 (1 hour)
Body: 6.5 (pic showed her to be curvy but she is big boned amazonian... not my type)
Service: 8.5 (v good attitude, makes you feel at ease and special. V accommodating not a clock watcher)
Hygiene: 10

Crowne Plaza: AED 800 for the executive room amid the ATM conference... Dusit wanted 2100

Total Damage: AED 4,500 and I am not a happy person.

Next Time: All nighter in Dxb. Appointment booked with 2 escort girls for the early evening 6pm and 10pm and a trip to a club. Next day: AMP to wind down and head back home.


05-13-09, 19:35
After being rescued by Abu Dhabi, I suspect the economic situation in Dubai is still fragile. So what's with the pricing from WG's who are quoting more now than in my previous travels? I remember paying 700AED for a LT from a madam in 2006, referred to me by the great JSF, who is now asking for 1500AED. Yes, I so happen to enjoy the lady's company and bargained to 1200, but WTF?

And my last trip to Dubai in December 2008, I found the quality at Rockefellas to be mediocre at best and the average asking price for LT playtime at 1000AED.

I'll be in Dubai at the end of the month, how hard should I bargain?

Wilts Boy
05-13-09, 21:57
Try Jumeira Rotana (Diyafa Street close by), Towers Rotana (virtually opposite), Media Rotana (down the road). All are GF respectable business hotels. If Jumeria Rotana, get an executive room - big beds and a great mirror :D (well it was for me ;)).

All are reasonably priced as well - Jimmy the One stayed at the Jumeira Rotana recently (as did I) and trust me it is v GF (I have taken 3 Filipinas into that hotel at the same time for a night of debauchery and no one said a thing).

Also for the Jumeira Rotana there is a way to avoid any walk of shame....Wicked Roger,

Thanks for the advice have booked Jumeira Rotana for 6 nights, although couldn't swing the expense for the Executive Suite, will just have to try my luck and ask for an upgrade when I come to check-in. How do you avoid the walk of shame? (sorry, should have done the original post in the hotel section of this forum! )

Having a preference of blonde CIS types, last time was in Dubai back in Nov, spent most of my evenings at Red Square Club in Moscow Hotel. Is this still a good place to find my preference, or have they moved on elsewhere now? Back then it was around Dh 1, 200 for the night/LT, has this come down a bit now?

Wicked Roger
05-14-09, 11:01
Wicked Roger,

Thanks for the advice have booked Jumeira Rotana for 6 nights, although couldn't swing the expense for the Executive Suite, will just have to try my luck and ask for an upgrade when I come to check-in. How do you avoid the walk of shame? (sorry, should have done the original post in the hotel section of this forum! )

Having a preference of blonde CIS types, last time was in Dubai back in Nov, spent most of my evenings at Red Square Club in Moscow Hotel. Is this still a good place to find my preference, or have they moved on elsewhere now? Back then it was around Dh 1, 200 for the night/LT, has this come down a bit now?

Walk of shame if you wish to avoid is via the underground car park as that leads directly to the rooms (you do not pass reception), but you may need a car ....however in the past I have walked down there pretended my car was there and then said "O no it was not", showed my room key and went up

But at this hotel no one bothers especially if you walk to the lifts via the Boston Bar as appears that you are just going with your 'partner' to the room

As for CIS I am no expert except to say IMHO they can be over priced, undercooked on menu and not the fanasty shag that some seem to think they are...but I have friends who will differ with me on that (but please dont post :D)

05-14-09, 15:49
Some of them are ok and asking rate is 300 for one hour which can be settled @ 200 per hour.

I've sampled both flavors for 150 1st shot 250 if 1 like the service and go for the second shot 'her place'. usu near orange or behind bur juman or stan chart.

I usually pick em up after a trip to a nearby dentist.

Don't bother with non english speakin threesomes.

Look carefully before you buy, coz if the afternoon clubs are open and she doesn't wanna gamble on the entry fee, there is probably a reason.

Many older providers so take a close look. Have seen a coupla nice uns

One half philipina known as nina is quite fetching and tight, but to me, picking her up was more fun than screwing her senseless.

Have sometimes seen cops and undercover in the area, but thats probably tied to complaints.


05-14-09, 16:25

It was Ratskys. Not twins though, just sisters. No pics unfortunately but might try next time. Grosvenor house which is pretty far from Karama. It seems to me the hotels which have a dual hotel/residential appartments often have dual entrances so no walk of shame.

Hey Macsaffa,

Wow Double whammy on day two. What hotel did you stay in? Was there a walk of shame? GF charges? Do you have any pictures of the twins? Will you active your PM? would love to meet the twins.



Sky Ryder
05-15-09, 07:58
First off the bat, I want to publicly thank all who responded to my request for advice. And to "the wicked one", well......I am going to heed your advice and make those arrangements.
I had my first night out in Dubai, it started slow, and ended better than I had hoped.
We went to Churchills, because I had been told it was maybe a good place to get an early start, maybe but not this night. Two girls in the bar, and they were occupied. Went downstairs to Bubbles, which I guess used to be Iceberg, about two years ago. Nothing happening, jumped into a taxi and sped off to Rattlesnake Club, didn't remember the 50 entry, but paid and entered. There were a lot of gals already and it was only 11pm. Got the beer and started chatting with this one girl, when I was reminded why we Americans are sometimes (I am being generous) disliked abroad. This bigger (and that's big) than me, loud, pushy, fuzzy faced, a**hole comes up to the lady I am talking to and grabs her arm and says he wants her to join him and his friend with three other girls in the "VIP" area. I can see the evaluation going on in her eyes, an obvious "meal ticket" or stay with me and take her chances. I smile and walk away, to make her decision easy. Lot's of CIS gals and no Africans ( I was later told that they are not allowed in the club).
The prices started at around 2000 to 2500 and quicky dropped, but not enough to entice me. My friends had an early flight, so they wanted to go and I was ready to chalk it up to a recon evening, with some beautiful gals to remember. As I am finishing my beer, the CIS blond walked up to me and had extricated herself from the a**hole. She asked me if I was leaving and then quoted me a price, I said too high, she said 1200, I said 800, she said 1000, I said for all night and she smiled and said "let's go I am bored here and you are a fun guy...... This translated means she doesn't think she will do better and now doesn't have to sleep with tow other girls in a single bedroom. Then she asked for taxi fare from Sharjah, I said no, and she said it was far and would cost her 100, I said I am sorry, but no and walked away, she followed and I told her not to bring up money anymore or the deal was off. She smiled and said 'OK". I will admit to being a bit nervous about taking her to my hotel in Sharjah, but it is full of Russian toursits and I didn't think the sight of one more hot CIS girl would matter, and she was wearing jeans and would fit in okay. It was no problem getting to the room and once here I realized I had done better than I thought.....looks wise. First she said no kissing, but that changed pretty quickly as things heated up. It was a good session, nothing earth shattering, but satisfying and the cuddle time afterwards was worth it. She is leaving Sunday, and says she won't return. This was her first attempt at the biz, and said she isn't cut out for it and I believe her....to a point. We went to sleep and in the morning I got up and asked her if she wanted to go to breakfast. She said she wanted to sleep and I left her sleeping and went to eat. I was a little worried about her alone in the room, but all the important stuff was locked up. Came back she was still sleeping, so I took a nap. She woke up about 1 pm and rolled over and started to wake me up as well, it worked. This session was better with more passion and then we showered and she performed a third miracle in the shower.....with a smile afterwards.....I am too old for this.
We left about 4 and went into Dubai, where I sent her on her way.
I think I got lucky, because I got a bit of the hard core vibe from a few of the other girls in the club and mine confirmed that many are "only in it for the money".
I have got the CIS thing out of my system, so the next time I am looking for a nice Pinoy to explore. I will say this, it is more expensive here than where I have been recently and some of the girls working in the mall look great! I don't know how easy they are to get next too, but may try...wish me luck!
I will still accept recommendations if you guys have any!
One more thing, Angels and Demons is a good flick, if you like the genre. I think it is better than the D. Code


Double Shooter
05-16-09, 09:37
Boston Bar 10-1130pm. Quiet. Good place for beer, food & sport. Couple of Russkies well past their sell-by date.

Ratskys Deira. 1145-0015. V quiet. Several forlorn Africans at the bar. The Filis all seated in the cavernous interior. Band quite good: nice rendition of Beyonce's "If I were a boy".

Marco Polo Hotel, Fili bar at the back 0030-130. Dh70 entrance includes 2 drinks. Crowded but not packed. Mostly Fili. Quite a few ladies, but you have to make the first move.

Rastskys Karama 145-3am. Fairly busy. Not a lot of lookers. Left alone as in Recon Mode.

Fifty Fifty
05-16-09, 15:17

Web Escort:
Damage: AED 2,100 (1 hour)
Body: 6.5 (pic showed her to be curvy but she is big boned amazonian... not my type)
Service: 8.5 (v good attitude, makes you feel at ease and special. V accommodating not a clock watcher)
Hygiene: 10


Did you seriously pay that amount of money for something that is '' not my type'' or is this a mistake ???

Are prices in DXB getting so ridiculous, WTF is going on??

I have bought cars for less and they have given me years of good service, not just an hour of mediocrity FFS !!!

Cheers, FF

Travel Lucid
05-16-09, 16:45
Found myself in Dubai with business chaps, on my way back to Abu Dhabi. No hotel accommodation, so decided to visit Lucy's as I needed to be discrete.

No answer to their phone number, for most of the day. Are they still in business?

Guess I will have to build a list of possible AMPs. And the like. Any suggestions PM me, and I will collate details into a single post. (May not be a good idea as these places exist at the edge of the law. But PM me anyway, I'd be gratefully having them in my little black book.)

05-16-09, 17:52
Afternoon activity. And this was my big mistake: Limited time and that too in the day. I was in a rush and the tension took out half the fun...

EricEric T did described his intentions quite well. Getting a quick afternoon service from an escort in the comfort of his room. I do not operate on his budget usually, but I appreciate the feedback. Thanks.

I have done the same in other places of the world. In most you can expect good and consistent service indeed for that kind of money, so its sad to hear (again) that in Dubai there seems to be no actual escort services (just places hiring out the usual suspects for afternoon quick cash at too high prices).

All of the below alternatives I tried. The result was not always perfect but better then trying an "escort" in Dubai.

Alternative 1: Try to contact certain senior members for girls to recommend. There have been very positive reports recently. None here is a pimp but we like giving good girls extra business.

Alternative 2: Try Lucys place (if it still exists)

Alternative 3: Go to Jockeys point 4 am on the clock and pick the prettiest you can find for 300 Dhs ST. You will see mostly 3-6 there, but you see what you get and its cheap.

05-16-09, 18:02
TL I have Pm'd you the details.

Found myself in Dubai with business chaps, on my way back to Abu Dhabi. No hotel accommodation, so decided to visit Lucy's as I needed to be discrete.

No answer to their phone number, for most of the day. Are they still in business?

Guess I will have to build a list of possible AMPs. And the like. Any suggestions PM me, and I will collate details into a single post. (May not be a good idea as these places exist at the edge of the law. But PM me anyway, I'd be gratefully having them in my little black book.)

Eric T
05-17-09, 07:31
Not a typo. She wasn't my top pick and time as well as timing wasn't on my side.

She was slightly diff in the pic but I wouldn't go as far as saying there wasn't truth in advertising.

I have seen real gems on them web pages and will try one more time before giving up on the idea.

The prices are high as these aren't your typical bar girls. Looks and service is above par. Not the best way to pick a Dxb WG but I want to explore this avenue a little bit.


Did you seriously pay that amount of money for something that is '' not my type'' or is this a mistake ???

Are prices in DXB getting so ridiculous, WTF is going on??

I have bought cars for less and they have given me years of good service, not just an hour of mediocrity FFS !!!

Cheers, FF

05-17-09, 10:12
All of the below alternatives I tried. The result was not always perfect but better then trying an "escort" in Dubai.There is a fourth alternative if you have a little time. Visit one of the pickup bars and collect some contacts. Even if you dont really like the bars you should be able to collect enough numbers of girls in a hour of so to keep you busy for a while so it should not be too onerous, and the great thing is all your contacts are personally vetted by you.

Of course you should verify they will be willing to accept a telephone appointment to come to your place, mentioning the possible time of day etc.

The escort prices seem right of the scale IMHO, I thought London was expensive and they over double the average London escort agency prices. (eg Annas Angels and AEL who have some very attractive girls)

Eric T
05-17-09, 13:07
Agreed BC,

I however don't have the opportunity hence the time (short and tight leash plus no viable excuse to spend a night in Dubai being a Abu Dhabi resident)

The prices I have seen on the web range from AED 1800 to 2400 an hour with 2 hour and 3 hours being relatively cheaper/hour. I however didnt have the time to spare plus wanted to test the waters.

As to justification, there really isnt a need for one as Bravo would say, how much is a certain experience and girl worth to you is the only scale.

Botched first attempt with poor planning, limited time, night time vs. day time and some panic.

Will tell you guys about the next one.


There is a fourth alternative if you have a little time. Visit one of the pickup bars and collect some contacts. Even if you dont really like the bars you should be able to collect enough numbers of girls in a hour of so to keep you busy for a while so it should not be too onerous, and the great thing is all your contacts are personally vetted by you.

Of course you should verify they will be willing to accept a telephone appointment to come to your place, mentioning the possible time of day etc.

The escort prices seem right of the scale IMHO, I thought London was expensive and they over double the average London escort agency prices. (eg Annas Angels and AEL who have some very attractive girls)

Fifty Fifty
05-18-09, 03:56
Eric T did described his intentions quite well. Getting a quick afternoon service from an escort in the comfort of his room. I do not operate on his budget usually, but I appreciate the feedback. Thanks.

I have done the same in other places of the world. In most you can expect good and consistent service indeed for that kind of money, so its sad to hear (again) that in Dubai there seems to be no actual escort services (just places hiring out the usual suspects for afternoon quick cash at too high prices).

All of the below alternatives I tried. The result was not always perfect but better then trying an "escort" in Dubai.

Alternative 1: Try to contact certain senior members for girls to recommend. There have been very positive reports recently. None here is a pimp but we like giving good girls extra business.

Alternative 2: Try Lucys place (if it still exists)

Alternative 3: Go to Jockeys point 4 am on the clock and pick the prettiest you can find for 300 Dhs ST. You will see mostly 3-6 there, but you see what you get and its cheap.

Not a bad idea, and by my calculations one could take 7 girls at 300 each for the amount Eric T paid for his hour with the ''not my type'' girl.

Surely out of the 7 a man could guarantee to get some reasonable service, however one would need to be staying at a very GF hotel !! :)

Get real guys, the reason why Escort Services are not so common in Dubai is due to the fact that alternative reasonably priced pussy is available all over town.

Alternative 4: Go out the night before and collect numbers of girls you like the look of, then next afternoon ring round until you find one willing to come over.

Alternative 5: Pop out to any Spinneys or Supermarket that Ex-Pats generally use - One can usually find a few 'opportunist' girls hanging around ever hopeful.

Alternative 6: Smile nicely at any girl you see, especially in Hotels, Cafes and Shops, you never know your luck, there are plenty to go around and most need the extra cash, or it could even turn out to be a freebie.

Alternative 7: If you have no time to go out and shop, get the Hotel Bellboy or even the Security Guy in some cases, to do it for you. These guys see so much pussy going in and out, they could just turn a departing girl round and send her back up to you, for a small fee of course. They all have contacts and numbers, just for the special occasions !

Whatever you do, stop throwing ridiculous amounts of money at these rip-off escort deals which are and never will be worth it. I still cannot believe a man would pay 2100 or $575 to waste an hour with some mediocre piece of ass.

Cheers, FF

05-18-09, 04:27
Thanks again, to Eric T for sharing the negative experience. Gave the discussion a chance to move a bit outside the "standard pick upbar after 1am" track.
Good collection of ideas now. I never tried smiling nicely to girls in Spinneys. I'm too shy I guess. I'm even shy with the WGs.

Eric T
05-18-09, 07:09
All good ideas FF but keeping in mind what my circumstance are, I am ok with my choice and not asking or suggesting anyone to follow.

However, 7 girls for 300 each tells you something about the girl. Not to pat my own back but my aesthetic taste may take exception to that.


Not a bad idea, and by my calculations one could take 7 girls at 300 each for the amount Eric T paid for his hour with the ''not my type'' girl.

Surely out of the 7 a man could guarantee to get some reasonable service, however one would need to be staying at a very GF hotel !! :)

Get real guys, the reason why Escort Services are not so common in Dubai is due to the fact that alternative reasonably priced pussy is available all over town.

Alternative 4: Go out the night before and collect numbers of girls you like the look of, then next afternoon ring round until you find one willing to come over.

Alternative 5: Pop out to any Spinneys or Supermarket that Ex-Pats generally use - One can usually find a few 'opportunist' girls hanging around ever hopeful.

Alternative 6: Smile nicely at any girl you see, especially in Hotels, Cafes and Shops, you never know your luck, there are plenty to go around and most need the extra cash, or it could even turn out to be a freebie.

Alternative 7: If you have no time to go out and shop, get the Hotel Bellboy or even the Security Guy in some cases, to do it for you. These guys see so much pussy going in and out, they could just turn a departing girl round and send her back up to you, for a small fee of course. They all have contacts and numbers, just for the special occasions !

Whatever you do, stop throwing ridiculous amounts of money at these rip-off escort deals which are and never will be worth it. I still cannot believe a man would pay 2100 or $575 to waste an hour with some mediocre piece of ass.

Cheers, FF

05-18-09, 09:15
All good ideas FF but keeping in mind what my circumstance are, I am ok with my choice and not asking or suggesting anyone to follow.

However, 7 girls for 300 each tells you something about the girl. Not to pat my own back but my aesthetic taste may take exception to that.

EricI have to say I agree with Eric. The man is entitled to do whatever he pleases. One could argue that you can buy 7 BMW's for ferrari money. The ferrari is a crap car to drive everyday (poor lighting, very hard on the road, noisey etc) while your 7 bmws will deliver consistantly everyday in multiple types of different scenarios. But you know people like ferraris. You can get 1, 2 or even 3 PRC's for the price of a 10 CIS. Each to his own I say. Live and let live.

Oil Rich
05-18-09, 14:21
Not a bad idea, and by my calculations one could take 7 girls at 300 each for the amount Eric T paid for his hour with the ''not my type'' girl.

Surely out of the 7 a man could guarantee to get some reasonable service, however one would need to be staying at a very GF hotel !! :)

Get real guys, the reason why Escort Services are not so common in Dubai is due to the fact that alternative reasonably priced pussy is available all over town.

Alternative 4: Go out the night before and collect numbers of girls you like the look of, then next afternoon ring round until you find one willing to come over.

Alternative 5: Pop out to any Spinneys or Supermarket that Ex-Pats generally use - One can usually find a few 'opportunist' girls hanging around ever hopeful.

Alternative 6: Smile nicely at any girl you see, especially in Hotels, Cafes and Shops, you never know your luck, there are plenty to go around and most need the extra cash, or it could even turn out to be a freebie.

Alternative 7: If you have no time to go out and shop, get the Hotel Bellboy or even the Security Guy in some cases, to do it for you. These guys see so much pussy going in and out, they could just turn a departing girl round and send her back up to you, for a small fee of course. They all have contacts and numbers, just for the special occasions !

Whatever you do, stop throwing ridiculous amounts of money at these rip-off escort deals which are and never will be worth it. I still cannot believe a man would pay 2100 or $575 to waste an hour with some mediocre piece of ass.

Cheers, FFThis is all good healthy debate

I think one needs to Understand Eric T's predicament; sometimes I am under the same prediacment.

Hence I use my window (without family and work mates around) when I can; and on ocassion spend beyond the norm; heck its my cash

I know time is a factor for him, ; so chosing 7 girls at 300 AED is not an option and knowing his standards probably not going to fit his criteria

At the end of it; if an individual wants to spend 2k AED plus on a girl; its his dough he can do what he wants with it. I knwo Ff all you are doing is comparing what else you can get for the same dough

Some will want 7 gilrs for the same; but others like ERIC T have very rare opportunities and grab each opportunity and use it how they seem fit

A friend recently picked up a MILF at rattlesnake for 900 AED for a few hours; I would not pay that sort of moeny; but thats his choice

So play it safe and spend how you wish.

Zando Tan
05-18-09, 14:32
I have been very tempted as Eric T as well to try out someone from the numerous sites that are on the web as I am not too keen on hitting a club alone or AMP all the time.

So just would like to say thanks to him for taking the plunge so to say and reporting back! Even if it didn't go well atleast someone was brave enough (cash wise) to try, cheers!

Having mongered in the UK mostly using web escorts (barracuda, maxesangels etc) so was a bit lost with the Dubai way of doing things until I found this site and have been reading religiously since with a couple ok punts along the way. Hoping to put some of the tips on here to good use this week as have finally got myself a place for some fun and can finally give the all nighters a go!

Zando Tan
05-19-09, 02:29
So as mentioned earlier now have a place to party in so can get on with things and I did! Just to say I've only been out once before to a club and am new to this type of mongering so was a bit nervous.

Popped down to Rattlesnake's around 11'ish. My first time there and it soon picked up just after. Girls around ranging from anywhere from 2-8 (average 5'sih) but have to say that the guy/girl ratio was 50/50 pretty much most of the night where a few times you find yourself surrounded by guys all looking around.

Got approached by a few pushy ones offering everything and anything claiming to by from Iran, Tehran etc. Etc. But from the accent blatantly CIS. Decided to keep looking and got chatting to a couple great guys and we were cracking jokes most of the night while checking out the talent.

Come around 2am decided had been looking long enough and grabbed this stunning looking tiny CIS called Renata (5. 6/5. 7 really slim, shoulder brown hair and a decent face. Name rung a bell from on here but figured its a common name) who was dressed very low key in a knee length black dress with a tight belt around the waist. She was sat by the bar, stage facing for a good hour and a half then moved to try and snag someone but didn't manage so approached her. 2000 opening price to which I say no way 800. She smirks and goes why not meet in middle which she figured was 1500 in the end finished on 1200 for all night.

Without going into too much detail it broke down in the end like this

Damage 1200 + 50 for a taxi

Body 10/10 (tiny and tight with lovely tan lines)

Service 7/10 (light kissing and covered only and didn't shut up)

After 2 shots decided I rather not have her keep blabbering on. This girl doesn't shut up and talks but in the broken english which you got to kind of concentrate to understand and doesn't let you relax. Asked her to call her cab so I can get some rest. Sat here typing this as she's just left and loving the peace and quiet!

Overall my first proper proper club pick-up experience and loved it! General relaxed atmosphere of the club and people makes me now wonder why I was nervous to begin with and can't wait to go back.

05-19-09, 04:27
I tried making the rounds of spinney's yesterday afternoon, but found nobody there

I went to the SPinneys near Bur Juman, do you find the friendly PRC's there or the one near the golden triange?


Wolfie Mike
05-19-09, 09:59
Just making a short visit to Dubai and Abu Dhabi. WR, as the good guy he is, is providing some samples of his seemingly never ending stable of fillies!

Last night I met Jackie (clothed pics to be posted shortly in photo thread). She is a nice but very shy girl, with a slim body. As I said she is shy and she is still learning but had a nice night with her. Said I was big (don't they all :) ), but had plenty of good BBBJ, DATY, mish etc.

Hotel info also added in hotel thread.

Hayat Noor
05-19-09, 10:50

I am new to this forum, am looking for russians in the greens and marina area, also for daytime where can I find them and what are the rates for 1h to 2h.

Any good contacts please do send to me.

05-19-09, 13:08
gentlemen was prowling around bur dubai last night with a good friend of mine. we hit most of the clubs but spent most of the night in the imperial suites. i was surprised at how quiet the town was. at 3 am there was no girls by spinneys, only about 10 girls outside york (i bribed doorman to look in club which was totally empty at 3. 10am). even with a few drinks on board it was quiet obvious that business was bad. on the way i home rang a few girls to see if they went out to work. all had did go out but got no customers. and trust me when i say that these are hot girls. have been chatting with a lot of girls recently and they all confirm that business is really down. alot here will say yes that means cheaper prices which is true but unfortunately the girls for now are the ones getting the real bad deal. i was surprised the amount of money girls are paying per month to share a room with 3-4 others. between 1800-2500 per girl plus they pay up to 40, 000aed for visa's. we all know that the rents have dropped considerably but it seems the greedy bosses are still [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) the girls financially. i think we are most definately in a transition period and i also think nobody will be in a position to be able to call whats going to happen until after ramadan. spoke to the staff in the imperial, they informed me that they have had no tourists stay in the hotel in the last 6 months. no doubt the regal is the same. makes me laugh as its typical of the indian management running these places. when will they figure out that putting prices up on the door to maintain margin only alienates clientele. we started out in the tgit. busy and only 20aed for a corona. great value for money. 50aed plus drink to get in imperial. good value and i and different buddies have enjoyed many nights in there drinking. didn't take a girl home as i couldn't entertain but spent most of the night talking to a gorgeous prc in imperial suites called jenny. really takes care of herself. well dressed, perfect hair nice makeup not the usual over done crap. took her number and am going to take her daytime for a few hours. was honest about her age 32. and to be fair only looks 25 great figure. will report on her once i take her in the coming days.

05-19-09, 21:25
I tried making the rounds of spinney's yesterday afternoon, but found nobody there

I went to the SPinneys near Bur Juman, do you find the friendly PRC's there or the one near the golden triange?

SThe PRC are in Jockeys across the road, now that its hot outside you find them inside. And at point 4pm afternoon when Jockey closes till 6pm it's bargain time.

05-20-09, 19:28

i am also going to imperial since 3 days.


gentlemen was prowling around bur dubai last night with a good friend of mine. we hit most of the clubs but spent most of the night in the imperial suites. i was surprised at how quiet the town was. at 3 am there was no girls by spinneys, only about 10 girls outside york (i bribed doorman to look in club which was totally empty at 3. 10am). even with a few drinks on board it was quiet obvious that business was bad. on the way i home rang a few girls to see if they went out to work. all had did go out but got no customers. and trust me when i say that these are hot girls. have been chatting with a lot of girls recently and they all confirm that business is really down. alot here will say yes that means cheaper prices which is true but unfortunately the girls for now are the ones getting the real bad deal. i was surprised the amount of money girls are paying per month to share a room with 3-4 others. between 1800-2500 per girl plus they pay up to 40, 000aed for visa's. we all know that the rents have dropped considerably but it seems the greedy bosses are still [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) the girls financially. i think we are most definately in a transition period and i also think nobody will be in a position to be able to call whats going to happen until after ramadan. spoke to the staff in the imperial, they informed me that they have had no tourists stay in the hotel in the last 6 months. no doubt the regal is the same. makes me laugh as its typical of the indian management running these places. when will they figure out that putting prices up on the door to maintain margin only alienates clientele. we started out in the tgit. busy and only 20aed for a corona. great value for money. 50aed plus drink to get in imperial. good value and i and different buddies have enjoyed many nights in there drinking. didn't take a girl home as i couldn't entertain but spent most of the night talking to a gorgeous prc in imperial suites called jenny. really takes care of herself. well dressed, perfect hair nice makeup not the usual over done crap. took her number and am going to take her daytime for a few hours. was honest about her age 32. and to be fair only looks 25 great figure. will report on her once i take her in the coming days.

Oil Rich
05-21-09, 06:51
gentlemen was prowling around bur dubai last night with a good friend of mine. we hit most of the clubs but spent most of the night in the imperial suites. i was surprised at how quiet the town was. at 3 am there was no girls by spinneys, only about 10 girls outside york (i bribed doorman to look in club which was totally empty at 3. 10am). even with a few drinks on board it was quiet obvious that business was bad. on the way i home rang a few girls to see if they went out to work. all had did go out but got no customers. and trust me when i say that these are hot girls. have been chatting with a lot of girls recently and they all confirm that business is really down. alot here will say yes that means cheaper prices which is true but unfortunately the girls for now are the ones getting the real bad deal. i was surprised the amount of money girls are paying per month to share a room with 3-4 others. between 1800-2500 per girl plus they pay up to 40, 000aed for visa's. we all know that the rents have dropped considerably but it seems the greedy bosses are still [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) the girls financially. i think we are most definately in a transition period and i also think nobody will be in a position to be able to call whats going to happen until after ramadan. spoke to the staff in the imperial, they informed me that they have had no tourists stay in the hotel in the last 6 months. no doubt the regal is the same. makes me laugh as its typical of the indian management running these places. when will they figure out that putting prices up on the door to maintain margin only alienates clientele. we started out in the tgit. busy and only 20aed for a corona. great value for money. 50aed plus drink to get in imperial. good value and i and different buddies have enjoyed many nights in there drinking. didn't take a girl home as i couldn't entertain but spent most of the night talking to a gorgeous prc in imperial suites called jenny. really takes care of herself. well dressed, perfect hair nice makeup not the usual over done crap. took her number and am going to take her daytime for a few hours. was honest about her age 32. and to be fair only looks 25 great figure. will report on her once i take her in the coming days.typical of the indian management - rather offensive comment and race specific?

have you ever thought that such establishments / hotels are owned by non indians and the "big fish (local)" that probably owns the license etc; expects his fixed income no matter what economic crisis is going on?

they have targets to meet; and most probably are taking instructions from the owners (non indians) on increasing prices; so i think the indian management would rather stay in a job than argue with their management

rattlesnake - seemed to have extortionate prices on drinks and kepp increasing them as well; but in your eyes i guess its ok; because its not run by indians and does not make you laugh

05-21-09, 08:46
Typical of the Indian management - rather offensive comment and race specific?

Have you ever thought that such establishments / hotels are owned by non Indians and the "big fish (local)" that probably owns the license etc; expects his fixed income no matter what economic crisis is going on?

They have targets to meet; and most probably are taking instructions from the owners (non Indians) on increasing prices; so I think the Indian management would rather stay in a job than argue with their management

Rattlesnake - seemed to have extortionate prices on drinks and kepp increasing them as well; but in your eyes i guess its OK; because its not run by INDIANs and does not make you laughI take back and apologise for my comment about the indian management as when i was writing my post (in my mind) I wasn't specifically trying to single out the indian people as a race. I hope my apology is accepted by the members of the forum. However I have been in this region for quiet a while now and ANYBODY that has been here for a number of years will know EXACTLY what I meant.

05-21-09, 10:57
gentlemen was prowling around bur dubai last night with a good friend of mine. we hit most of the clubs but spent most of the night in the imperial suites. i was surprised at how quiet the town was. at 3 am there was no girls by spinneys, only about 10 girls outside york (i bribed doorman to look in club which was totally empty at 3. 10am). even with a few drinks on board it was quiet obvious that business was bad. on the way i home rang a few girls to see if they went out to work. all had did go out but got no customers. and trust me when i say that these are hot girls. have been chatting with a lot of girls recently and they all confirm that business is really down. alot here will say yes that means cheaper prices which is true but unfortunately the girls for now are the ones getting the real bad deal. i was surprised the amount of money girls are paying per month to share a room with 3-4 others. between 1800-2500 per girl plus they pay up to 40, 000aed for visa's. we all know that the rents have dropped considerably but it seems the greedy bosses are still [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) the girls financially. i think we are most definately in a transition period and i also think nobody will be in a position to be able to call whats going to happen until after ramadan. spoke to the staff in the imperial, they informed me that they have had no tourists stay in the hotel in the last 6 months. no doubt the regal is the same. makes me laugh as its typical of the indian management running these places. when will they figure out that putting prices up on the door to maintain margin only alienates clientele. we started out in the tgit. busy and only 20aed for a corona. great value for money. 50aed plus drink to get in imperial. good value and i and different buddies have enjoyed many nights in there drinking. didn't take a girl home as i couldn't entertain but spent most of the night talking to a gorgeous prc in imperial suites called jenny. really takes care of herself. well dressed, perfect hair nice makeup not the usual over done crap. took her number and am going to take her daytime for a few hours. was honest about her age 32. and to be fair only looks 25 great figure. will report on her once i take her in the coming days.

the mention of "indian management" is totally uncalled for. the cover charges i feel is imposed to keep out the huge numbers likely to turn up just to look at the girls, without spending any money on the house.

as it is the venues are rather over crowded, so imagine what would have been the scene if it was a free entry.

so thank the "indian management" for small mercies!

best regards and take care


Xyz Abcd2008
05-21-09, 11:43
The mention of "Indian Management" is totally uncalled for. The Cover charges I feel is imposed to keep out the huge numbers likely to turn up just to look at the girls, without spending any money on the house.

As it is the venues are rather over crowded, so imagine what would have been the scene if it was a free entry.

So thank the "Indian Management" for small mercies!

Best Regards and Take Care

SylvanYou are absolutely right Mr. Sylvan, this comment is totally unwanted.

05-21-09, 13:27
gentlemen was prowling around bur dubai last night with a good friend of mine. we hit most of the clubs but spent most of the night in the imperial suites. i was surprised at how quiet the town was. at 3 am there was no girls by spinneys, only about 10 girls outside york (i bribed doorman to look in club which was totally empty at 3. 10am). even with a few drinks on board it was quiet obvious that business was bad. on the way i home rang a few girls to see if they went out to work. all had did go out but got no customers. and trust me when i say that these are hot girls. have been chatting with a lot of girls recently and they all confirm that business is really down. alot here will say yes that means cheaper prices which is true but unfortunately the girls for now are the ones getting the real bad deal. i was surprised the amount of money girls are paying per month to share a room with 3-4 others. between 1800-2500 per girl plus they pay up to 40, 000aed for visa's. we all know that the rents have dropped considerably but it seems the greedy bosses are still [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) the girls financially. i think we are most definately in a transition period and i also think nobody will be in a position to be able to call whats going to happen until after ramadan. spoke to the staff in the imperial, they informed me that they have had no tourists stay in the hotel in the last 6 months. no doubt the regal is the same. makes me laugh as its typical of the indian management running these places. when will they figure out that putting prices up on the door to maintain margin only alienates clientele. we started out in the tgit. busy and only 20aed for a corona. great value for money. 50aed plus drink to get in imperial. good value and i and different buddies have enjoyed many nights in there drinking. didn't take a girl home as i couldn't entertain but spent most of the night talking to a gorgeous prc in imperial suites called jenny. really takes care of herself. well dressed, perfect hair nice makeup not the usual over done crap. took her number and am going to take her daytime for a few hours. was honest about her age 32. and to be fair only looks 25 great figure. will report on her once i take her in the coming days.guess you never managed to get in without paying.

05-21-09, 16:00
Get real guys, the reason why Escort Services are not so common in Dubai is due to the fact that alternative reasonably priced pussy is available all over town.Back at the monestry and with an unregulated internet connection I had a quick look and it would seem the Dubai escort scene is growing rapidly. A while back a search would bring up a few girls / agencies, now there are many hits. It would also seem the prices quoted by Eric are the bottom end of this market, there are girls quoting 4000 AED hour / 10 000 AED full night (in the best CIS traditions a full night 4 - 6 hours!)

05-21-09, 22:39
The mention of "Indian Management" is totally uncalled for. The Cover charges I feel is imposed to keep out the huge numbers likely to turn up just to look at the girls, without spending any money on the house.

As it is the venues are rather over crowded, so imagine what would have been the scene if it was a free entry.

So thank the "Indian Management" for small mercies!

Best Regards and Take Care

SylvanIf that was infact the case wouldn't it make more sense to give drinks to the value of an increased entrance fee? Would I spend circa 100aed entry inclusive of 3 drinks. Absolutely.

I don't believe for 1 single second that the cover charge is there only to keep the people who only come for a look out. That is complete nonsense looked at from a business perspective! My point is the current regime does NOT represent value for money in most cases for their customers who are out to have a few drinks and hopefully find some nice company for the evening. What category do most of the people who would be coming in only to look at the girls and not buy drinks fall under? Stop trying to be so PC. It's hypocritical. I have already apologised for my comment where I reffered to the "indian management" and also sent a request to the forum moderator to edit my original post. I wasn't trying to incite hatred against them in general. However I do respect the views and comments of the other members in the forum and will try to conduct myself in a manner that doesn't upset the members of the forum.

Xyz Abcd2008
05-22-09, 10:11
If that was infact the case wouldn't it make more sense to give drinks to the value of an increased entrance fee? Would I spend circa 100aed entry inclusive of 3 drinks. Absolutely.

I don't believe for 1 single second that the cover charge is there only to keep the people who only come for a look out. That is complete nonsense looked at from a business perspective! My point is the current regime does NOT represent value for money in most cases for their customers who are out to have a few drinks and hopefully find some nice company for the evening. What category do most of the people who would be coming in only to look at the girls and not buy drinks fall under? Stop trying to be so PC. It's hypocritical. I have already apologised for my comment where I reffered to the "indian management" and also sent a request to the forum moderator to edit my original post. I wasn't trying to incite hatred against them in general. However I do respect the views and comments of the other members in the forum and will try to conduct myself in a manner that doesn't upset the members of the forum.Better for you!

Blr Hot Rod
05-22-09, 10:36
Dear All,

I am reaching Dubai on Sunday and will be around for 4-5 days. I will be in Hyatt which is not a girl friendly hotel. I have very little time to study the reports but have gone through a few. Here is my request you all the great bourses in here who can share ther bed time friends, I am interested in more kind of Russian/Moldovian who are great in bed and moreover I don't have place to take, so if she can accomadate me in her place it would be great. I know I am asking for too much but due to time contraint. Even a good MP would be apppreciated. Place near by to grand hyatt is recommended. Also please let me know the donations they usually take. Or what you usually give.

I hope you guys will help with straight references



05-22-09, 12:53
what i've found amazing in the dubai mongering market, at the moment, is the inverse relationship between the challenging global economy and wg pricing.

4000 aedathr and 100aed cover charges?

are you kidding me.

i can almost state with complete certainty that the client market will dry up and move on to friendlier climates (demand side), and the wg's and purveyors will soon realize they can no longer justify the cost of "doing business, " i. e. , visa fees, apartment rentals, etc. , in dubai and move on as well (supply side). how the "market" settles is anyone's guess.

what i can tell you is unless there's value for money for both mongers and wg's, dubai will cease to be the mongering capital it once was.

and all the glitter and dubai's endless 50 story skyscrapers are mostly empty shells, literally. i will gladly counter anyone who thinks this crisis will be over soon.

when i was in dubai, the first week of december '08, it wasn't difficult to sense there was a level of concern. i'll be in dubai next week, and judging by the dramatic fall in hotel room rates, i can expect the concern to be real. whether that translates to lower mongering pricing, i will report accordingly.

Oil Rich
05-24-09, 06:17
I take back and apologise for my comment about the indian management as when i was writing my post (in my mind) I wasn't specifically trying to single out the indian people as a race. I hope my apology is accepted by the members of the forum. However I have been in this region for quiet a while now and ANYBODY that has been here for a number of years will know EXACTLY what I meant.Apology accepted. Still don't agree with your last sentence.

But lets move on and enjoy mongering whatever it entails

Lets move on.

Fifty Fifty
05-24-09, 19:32
It would also seem the prices quoted by Eric are the bottom end of this market, there are girls quoting 4000 AED hour / 10 000 AED full night (in the best CIS traditions a full night 4 - 6 hours!)

Wow 4 - 6 hours what a bargain, I bet this deal is only available at this low price if you by them cigarrettes, then allow them to empty the mini bar and the fridge. Then comes the 'assisting the room mate who has no key story'' and its dassvidanya I suppose :D

Seriously, I have an out of work CIS girlfriend in tow, bringing her to DXB next month, I will have to be careful she doesnt find out and think shes worth similar amounts :)

Cheers, FF

Eric T
05-25-09, 05:57
Not defending the prices FF but the price ensures you don't get what you have described below.

Cheats are everywhere in every product or service industry :)


Wow 4 - 6 hours what a bargain, I bet this deal is only available at this low price if you by them cigarrettes, then allow them to empty the mini bar and the fridge. Then comes the 'assisting the room mate who has no key story'' and its dassvidanya I suppose :D

Seriously, I have an out of work CIS girlfriend in tow, bringing her to DXB next month, I will have to be careful she doesnt find out and think shes worth similar amounts :)

Cheers, FF

Psy Read
05-25-09, 10:25
Not defending the prices FF but the price ensures you don't get what you have described below.

Cheats are everywhere in every product or service industry :)

EricYou really dont have to defend the prices. You paid whatever you wanted and it is your money and YOUR choice after all.

Thanks for the information on these escorts scene too.

05-25-09, 15:38
Due to busy schedule I didnt get time to write any mongering report, now got some time and writing few things. A week ago went to Legit massage parlor located in al-marooj plaza b.dubai named happy vally, someone suggest this M.P in this forum so I thought lets have a try. Went there around 11pm the place was little bit busy, wait 15 min then followed by thai girl to massage room, atmosphere was pretty good, she started massage slowly, no rush attitude. After some time she started doing erotic massage, then I thought now its time to get extra service, she offered only HJ not even allow me to touch her top, girl was average so decided not to proceed further, asking tip was 100 settled with 50 and she proceed with slow HJ. Overall experience was average, will visit again to get another girl.

Damage: 120+50 tip
Massage: 5/10
Girl: 4/10
Service: 5/10

I usually visit imperial every 2nd day as I like that place and feel comfortable and gem can be found at reasonable price occasionally, visited Friday night at 11pm, place was packed, as usual mainly Africans and PRC and few CIS with avg quality. I report few days back about 2 PRC sisters, I found both of them, let me tell you, I found 2nd sister is more beautiful then 1st one with awesome b**bs, made eye contact with her, asking price was 500 ST, settled with 400 then headed to her room, as I already know her place, I told her she can go in taxi I will be there in my car. So went there at 1am. Start with few talks her name is Marie, she start stripping slowly, oh boy she has imazing body and curves, slim waist with perfect ass and big tight b**bs, I must say she is more beautiful and sexy then her sister, then proceed with lots of DFK and foreplay, during foreplay she gave me full GF experience and she came 2 times now its her turn, lovely full body tounge massage ended with superb slow BBBJ with CIM. I do want stay more and 2nd round but time didn’t allow me to stay more as it was already 2:30am. In my opinion I found best deal in 500 ST. I am thinking to get both sisters in hotel room for full night fun.

Damage: 400+100 tip
Service: 10/10
Body: 10/10

Over and out,


Mjolnir 213
05-25-09, 16:00
Of late I've been staying away from the regular hunting grounds on account of me having a girlfriend and all that.

Plus I was frankly a bit bored with the same routine.

The good thing is that she's into experimenting with other girls so the last month or so has been very interesting.

Our first 3some was with a girl we met at a bar, and we played with her on a couple of occasions after that. (She even brought HER girlfriend once)

Next it was about trying to pick up sexy shop girls... this has proven to be quite a lot of fun and the results have.. well... surprised me.

The malls in Dubai are full of very sexy and available young ladies from all over the world and I had no idea how available they actually were until now.

Most of them are paid very low salaries (2000 to 3000 dirhams.. sometimes less), with free transport and accommodation.

Unsurprisingly, most of the accommodation seems to be in international city due to the low cost of housing. This means they are picked up by a bus, taken to work and then after their shift, transported back to international city which is'nt the most happening place and far away from anything fun.

So what you have is a lot of miserable young ladies just looking to have some no strings attached fun and basically no exchange of money is necessary.

I am just thinking now of the tidy sum I would have saved had I explored this route earlier.

So far, we have had a very hot CIS girl 3 times, a horny as hell and very hot Kenyan girl, a couple of filipinas both at the same time and a lebanese girl that insisted on anal even though it's not really my thing.

So what I'm trying to get at is... Theres a lot of pussy readily available at NO cost and the experience is so much better than with working girls...

I guess I'm lucky that my GF is as horny as I am and has a thing for girls, but I'm sure that any moderately good looking guy with a good personality and the right amount of charm can do just as well.

My girlfriend does not want other guys but says she knows who I am and what I want and its better for her to be there than have me cheat on her.

I fully agree and wish all women were this understanding.

The only rule is always have safe sex and never give them MY phone number. We can only use hers so that other girls understand she's the boss.


Makes sense to me.

Still, the odd in call now and again does occur without her knowledge because as great as she is, I sometimes need a bit of one on one time with someone new to keep things balanced.

A recent visit to a certain Uzbek friend's apartment (Shared with 4 other fit girls), was a nice distraction and led up to me and a sexy girl washing ourselves off in the shower after a marathon 2 hour session that left me sore the next day.


Dubai is still a great place to be if you are ok financially.

The freebie swinging thing is something new and fascinating for me, but there's something still fun about the P4P here.

I can never get tired of the stories P4P girls tell you and many times have been humbled by how strong some of these girls are and how much respect they deserve but rarely get.

Anyways... next time you're in a mall.. turn on the charm. You never know.
As long as you don't come across as a perv, you've got nothing to lose!
Be a gentleman and you will be surprised how easy this is.

Have fun!


05-25-09, 21:58
oh boy she has imazing body and curves, slim waist with perfect ass and big tight b**bs, I must say she is more beautiful and sexy then her sister, then proceed with lots of DFK and foreplay, during foreplay she gave me full GF experience and she came 2 times now its her turn, lovely full body tounge massage ended with superb slow BBBJ with CIM. I do want stay more and 2nd round but time didn’t allow me to stay more as it was already 2:30am. In my opinion I found best deal in 500 ST. I am thinking to get both sisters in hotel room for full night fun.

Damage: 400+100 tip
Service: 10/10
Body: 10/10

Over and out,


I think i know the 2 sisters that you are talking about. I took one of them from astoria hotel a week or two ago. Both of them where very pushy about taking both. i went with the older one...the younger is definately better looking. Both have big racks as you rightly pointed out. Are they regular now in imperial? I have been in astoria a few times looking for them. (forgot to take the number of either) For the record the older sister is amazing too. She started off with massage for me. Great body. Amazing pussy muscle control...was like getting a hand job as I slowly fucked her doggy style. She wanted 400 but gave 500. Their place near the burjuman center right? I will have to meet you some night in imperial for a few beers and sway stories.

Once my pm is active that is.

Member #3055
05-26-09, 08:05
After all the great tips on my question about late afternoon/early evening places to got to, I owe all of you a report on my experiences.

First afternoon I was early and checked TGIT, busy as always, a great mixture of CIS, PRC and even some phili's. Because choose as always a PRC and paid 300Dh. Day later I was later and went to the Spinneys/Burjaman area. Was not successful there. Went back to Deira. Checked one of my evening locations Al Rigga street, around Taj hotel. I immediate was approached by 2 Chinese girls. Took them both for 500. Last day I checked Jockey's, around 2PM. Place was packed. PRC girl started to ask for 1000dh, but finally went with me for 300Dh.

Still a lot to do in the afternoons.

Ultimate Avatar
05-26-09, 13:53
Of late I've been staying away from the regular hunting grounds on account of me having a girlfriend and all that.

Anyways... next time you're in a mall.. turn on the charm. You never know.
As long as you don't come across as a perv, you've got nothing to lose!
Be a gentleman and you will be surprised how easy this is.

Have fun!

WBGreat report WB.

Actually have a fair share of my stories to tell from the escapades of the mall. Totally agree with you on the fact that Dubai still is a great place to be in if you are financially stable.



05-26-09, 14:36

You are right, the older one is imazing, their place is near orange market. Both are regulars in imperial. I don't know about astoria as I never been there. By the way I will be in imperial today at 11pm in search of this babe and thinking to take her for 2hrs.

If you need numbers do PM me. Sure we will meet there and have a drink. (FYI I m not into alchols).

Over and out,



I think i know the 2 sisters that you are talking about. I took one of them from astoria hotel a week or two ago. Both of them where very pushy about taking both. i went with the older one...the younger is definately better looking. Both have big racks as you rightly pointed out. Are they regular now in imperial? I have been in astoria a few times looking for them. (forgot to take the number of either) For the record the older sister is amazing too. She started off with massage for me. Great body. Amazing pussy muscle control...was like getting a hand job as I slowly fucked her doggy style. She wanted 400 but gave 500. Their place near the burjuman center right? I will have to meet you some night in imperial for a few beers and sway stories.

Once my pm is active that is.

05-27-09, 08:30

You are right, the older one is imazing, their place is near orange market. Both are regulars in imperial. I don't know about astoria as I never been there. By the way I will be in imperial today at 11pm in search of this babe and thinking to take her for 2hrs.

If you need numbers do PM me. Sure we will meet there and have a drink. (FYI I m not into alchols).

Over and out,


Will try make it down there for 11pm. I have been out the last 3 days and 3 nights with work. Am soo tired. When I am mongering I only ever have 2. 3 beers. Just enough to keep the house happy. And never had a problem with anyone who does or doesn't drink alcohol. I don't smoke. You possibly do. I am sure that will even things out. Haha. My pm isn't working yet but Will drop you a line as soon as its live. We'll hook up and share stories.

05-28-09, 16:52
Anyone use the mamba.ru website to hook up with girls in Dubai? I see they have quite a few listings for there.

05-28-09, 23:05
Was out in bur dubai early last night (wednesday) with my buddy. Grabbed a bite to eat in astoria and a few beers. Lots of girls only 1 or 2 caught my eye...Next to the imperial suites and I really laughed outloud when the guy on the door of imperial demanded 60aed each from us BEFORE 9pm. They have used common sense before and left people in for free before 9....jeeesh there is nobody in there at 9pm let alone the fact that its gone from 50aed to 60aed. WHERE is the consistancy....anyway we left and went to panorama (jockeys) 40aed with a drink included...no problem paying there it was busy. Alot of african girls there, 10-14 PRC and a spattering of CIS. 1 african girl with a HUGE rack. She in her twenties slim but with enormous tits. Called her today and got her for 400aed. Nothing special in the sack at all. Apart from the tits she was nothing special. I have a photo of her that I will put up in the gallery. For 400 i wouldn't say it was a bad deal but you can get amazing service for 4-500aed from other girls. Went home early as I was tired from work plus there was a big crowd out for the match.

05-30-09, 00:06
Went to imperial last week couple of indian girls attracted me.

Tried L***y but her attitude sucked me then meet this m**t*q. She was bit chubby, my type and she asked for 450- 1hr in her place. She took me to her place near pearl hotel. The place was ok had a good session with her but ironically she refused to Give blowjob. But will recomend her if you are looking for a chubby indian girl.


Damage 450 + 20 for taxi

05-30-09, 00:15
Went to Imperial last week collected couple of african girls no


She is a stunner ..meet her in her place at al baraha.The room was crap but she co-operated well to satisfy me.
Attitude good


She is bit bulky but have a cute face . meet her @ karama . The room was kind of ok then had one shot.
Attitude poor

05-30-09, 06:56
Spent one night in Dubai last week and thanks WR and his super arrangements, did not have to leave the hotel to monger. Room service at it's best. Couldn't really ask for more.

WR, Leah was a few notches above the 2nd babe on the stats but in terms of pure service the 2nd girl was far better. Both are Hoovers made in Philippines. Will be in manila over the next few weeks and will update on the local scene.

05-30-09, 11:56
The Mighty Johann is back in Dubai, and thanks to Wicked Roger, has been keeping himself quite busy.


Jackie is a new friend of WR's and has provided me with a number of memorable evenings in the last month. I rarely see the same lady twice, but Jackie is such excellent company apart from anything else, that I have asked her to return again and again. For those who have a fantasy about seducing one of the dancing hotties from a Filipina girl band, Jackie is for you. At the same time, there is an inner sweetness about her which will appeal to those looking for more of a girlfriend experience. She is highly presentable, and I've taken her to dinner in top restaurants on a couple of occasions. (I find it makes for an infinitely [and intimately] better experience and is well worth the investment if you're going to see a lady more than once). Under other circumstances, this is a girl I wouldn't hesitate to date.


Janice is a friend of Jackie. A friend of mine was in town for a short visit, and I thought it might be nice to arrange some company for him. I asked Jackie's advice and she ended up bringing along her young friend Janice, who was completely new to the UAE and to the business. I did not personally sample her charms, but my friend reports an excellent night's entertainment. In looks she is extremely pretty, and for those who like their ladies short and slightly on the chubby side, she will be ideal. Although I've been busy with Jackie I can't get her little pixie face out of my mind, and I am sorely tempted to give in to temptation and call her...


After a particularly challenging Friday brunch during which I sampled rather more of the Sheraton's "all you can drink house beverages" than I probably should have, I determined that some afternoon delight was in order. The lovely Jackie was unavailable, but WR was able to arrange a rendezvous with Joy at next-to-no notice and she didn't disappoint. Although I had intended to take her to dinner, she indicated that she was extremely horny and wanted to be taken to (and at ;-) my place first. I won't go into the details, but suffice it to say that both of us had trouble walking to dinner afterward. Having fallen for Jackie, I have reluctantly decided to conserve my resources for her, so I have resisted the temptation to see Joy again.

In conclusion, WR has proven to be a true friend and all of the ladies above have passed his extremely rigorous quality control standards. The Mighty Johann adds his seal of approval. The only dilemma that remains: do I stay "faithful" to Jackie, or should I give in to temptation and try the lovely Janice?

Feel free to PM me for more information, but if you would like numbers for the ladies, WR should be your first point of contact.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Wicked Roger
05-30-09, 19:40

Jackie is a new friend of WR's and has provided me with a number of memorable evenings in the last month. For those who have a fantasy about seducing one of the dancing hotties from a Filipina girl band, Jackie is for you. At the same time, there is an inner sweetness about her which will appeal to those looking for more of a girlfriend experience. She is highly presentable, under other circumstances, this is a girl I wouldn't hesitate to date.

She is definitely a sweet girl, great DKF and legs to die for – she is an ex dancer - and when you go those shops I recommended and get some nice FM heels she will look stunning (that plus a micro mini).

Some of my ISG friends here in the capital have seen her (but they cannot post much due to ‘personal’ circumstances and have always left smiling.

And she does a threesome with Janice….not a great one but the last 2 guys report excellent service and great fun with them both in the same bed

And if you mongers have FM heels in your closet (well WR always says be a good boy scout and be prepared ;)) then she is size 37/38 and small for the mini…..:D


Janice is a friend of Jackie. In looks she is extremely pretty, and for those who like their ladies short and slightly on the chubby side, she will be ideal. Although I've been busy with Jackie I can't get her little pixie face out of my mind, and I am sorely tempted to give in to temptation and call her...

She was done here last week JS and looked quite nice in the see through black Wicked Weasel dress (well more like a piece of cloth) and heels. Jackie was with her and was equally delightful in something short….yes she is a tad chubby (not Brenda size) and a sweet face, nice personality and like Jackie, never watching the clock


Joy at next-to-no notice and she didn't disappoint….but suffice it to say that both of us had trouble walking to dinner afterward.

Having fallen for Jackie, I have reluctantly decided to conserve my resources for her, so I have resisted the temptation to see Joy again.
Joy is a great friend of Vanessa (who some of you mongers will remember), Missy and Kyla (more recent favourites now departed back to the Philippines :(). She is a good shag and despite the extra 5-7 pounds she has put on since being back in her homeland for a bit, she is eminently shaggable and a great in the sack. And a fun person.

In conclusion, WR has proven to be a true friend and all of the ladies above have passed his extremely rigorous quality control standards. The Mighty Johann adds his seal of approval. The only dilemma that remains: do I stay "faithful" to Jackie, or should I give in to temptation and try the lovely Janice?

Feel free to PM me for more information, but if you would like numbers for the ladies, WR should be your first point of contact.

:D I have a few ‘tests’ as you know JS and am sure they will be getting more education soon – Jackie is already ‘preparing’ for our ‘adventure’

And mongers please remember, if you PM me please let me have a mini bio as the girls will ask who you are, where you are form and how old (same sort of stuff Miss N always asked and she wondered how I knew so many horny friends…;))

And finally as JS shows, the girls do like being spoilt and treated well, and will reward you, remember you and like you so when you call again they will give you priority as you are a nice man….some respect and TLC goes a long way

05-31-09, 00:45
I've been coming to Dubai for years and there have been some close calls but I've never actually had to kick a girl out before.

So... Arrived at Kubu a little late around 0130 and find a cute little girl of medium height and dark sexy hair. Thin with a perfect butt, 23 years young. Everything that my heart (and other parts) beats for. Claims to be from Turkey but actually from Turkmenistan. Negotiate 800 for 2 hours (it's high but oh well) and off we go. Thing start off rosy, she has a soft touch that feels so nice in the taxi and elevator. Get back to the room and things are good, some bump and grind. The problems start slowly. She wants to smoke too much, wants to drink the mini bar, doesn't want any lights on, wants to take off her clothes but doesn't want me to undress her. I'm trying to keep the mood but she's so stubborn and gradually it goes away. Finally I ask her to leave. She snatches the money from the table and starts to walk away. I grab her hand and explain that the money is staying. End up prying it from her claw like fingers (the lady has a grip for sure!). Then she starts to threaten. "You don't know what I can do to you, etc...". I take her purse and shoes and phone and put them in the hall. She grabs for my laptop and says she is gonna take it. Put a stop to that. Now she just won't leave, sits stubbornly in the chair and talks bullshit. I was wishing it wouldn't come to this but I call hotel security and explain that there is a guest that won't leave. A little bit later and before security has arrived she throws a glass of wine on me. I just sit and smile. She starts to get worried about her purse and stuff in the hallway but still won't go outside. She does go to the entrance though and I bar her from going back in to the room. I get slapped and hit a couple times. Finally security shows up but she STILL doesn't want to leave the room. She tries telling them that she is a guest at the hotel, that she needs to go back in my room to get some things, blah blah blah. She is incredibly stubborn but they slowly wear her down and she steps out of the room at which point I ask the security guys to come back in 15 minutes and I close the door :) and she continues to argue with them in the hall for awhile.

Security comes back and I hand him an envelope with a a gift inside. He says that he can't take it and goes away.

So... all in all I think it turned out ok. We all know that this sport isn't legal here and I wanted to be careful. I think it was important to stay calm and even if she was slapping, etc... to not do anything that would leave a mark on her. I wasn't going to to let her destroy the room but I wasn't going to leave red marks on her wrists or anything like that either.

The trouble girl to watch out for is Milina, medium height, slim, 23, dark hair that is shoulder length + a little. Comes from Turkmenistan. Speaks good english. Was at Kubu. She wasn't obviously drunk or anything like that and was only drinking wine but there was just too much drama and she had to go!

Other members opinions or similar stories welcome.

Fifty Fifty
05-31-09, 05:54
.........She wants to smoke too much, wants to drink the mini bar........

Sounds like a fairly standard CIS job to me, if you had a fridge full of food she would have had a go at emptying that aswell :D

Actually you did well as the only thing you lost is a little time. You obviously know you could have found yourself in real trouble if things had turned physical and she made a complaint.

Truth is if you get a good CIS girl they really do take some beating, both for GFE and all out looks and style, however for every good one there are ten stories of bad experiences in this forum.

I will be in Dubai from 16th to 24th June with my long term CIS GF who I consider to be one of the best !! Looking forward to visiting all the old haunts and having a bit of fun.

Cheers, FF

05-31-09, 14:57
Just got back from a few days R&R in Dubai. Stayed at the Raffles, it was completely Green and I have posted fuller details under the hotels section.

Otherwise the trip was a combination of meeting up with a Russian 'friend' mainly, plus an afternoon take away from Broadway and a visit to Imperial.

Broadway first. Arrived at the place around 11'ish, it was a week day. The quality of the girls on this particular day was significantly less then what I have experienced before, they all seemed older and heavier than average. Just so as not to waste the trip I engaged a girl who seemed passable and started talking.

The face had seemed familiar, and when we started to talk she also seemed to recognise me. Anyway it turns out that she was someone I had been with on a few occasions a couple of years ago (Armenian girl), the years had taken their toll. Spent the afternoon with her, rapport was good and I had remembered her being a bit of a goer in bed and that at least was still the case. Enjoyable afternoon...bit worrying though when girls start recognising you!

Imperial Suites on a thursday night, got there about midnight and the damage at the door was AED100. The place was a disaster! The M/F ratio was all wrong, the girls were worn out, the BO was over-powering!!

Was on my third lap trying to spot something do-able, otherwise thinking of leaving for elsewhere and spotted a petite looker. She seemed to be a 'stani from her looks, but was not immediately clear. Anyway approached her; she turned out to be from pakistan and was only offering all night for 1K, good looking, good body, good english and well presented. I had to have her!

Agreed to the price, at this point I would have paid to leave Imperial, things were so bad - and then she asked for the money upfront in the club!!!! Had to say no and walk away, told her I would pay her in the room or the car, but not handing any cash to her or her manager in the premises. Got the story about it being the rules, how she had been cheated in the past etc ..* agreed with her and just reiterated that if she was not comfortable going with me on mine or half way terms, then good luck and good night.

Regardless to say, we reached a compromise - I pay her in the car once we are on our way - and a good night was had. Apart from her, the rest of Imperial was full of rubbish, some of them put the ming in minger.

I don't include the African's in that, their were some good lookers on that front, but they don't do it for me so I don't really see them. CIS were almost entirely absent, there were some 'stani types (overweight and smoking) and PRC, but none that would turn your head or much else.

Good luck and happy hunting

05-31-09, 17:27
And of course... the standard post that I will be here for a few days and PM me if anyone is interested in mongering in pairs.

06-02-09, 08:27
My fellow mongerers,

I just found out I get a night stopover in dubai this wednesday. If anyone could let me know an area where I can find a short time hotel with some streetwalkers nearby please please let me know asap. I'm short on cash and I want a quick bang.

Undercover Lover
06-02-09, 08:43
Any recommended AMPs in Bur Dubai/Satwa area?

With option for happy ending. ;-)

NetViking 2008
06-03-09, 15:34
Hallo, I just come back from a 4 days trip in Dubai, now I don't have time to write a full report, I will do it in the next days, I want just advice everybody to pay attention to SARA, a very beautifoul blond Russian girl that stay immediately on the right of the entrance in the Premiere Disco.

We agreed for 1000 dhs short time, we agreed 2 hours, she was as a 007 agent, she ask me to go in the toilet and put the money in her cigarette box, I never give money in advance but she is so beautifoul and told me are new rules in Dubai, so after 6 mounth I don't go there plus I was little drunk, I agreed.

As we reach my hotel, she told me ok, now give me 500 more, I told you that before, so give me this 500 and for 2 hours you I will make you very happy! I was angry but believe me she is so beautifoul and smiling that for 2 hours with her I agreed and honestly was a fantastic sex but she finish and she start to dress. I asked what are you doing?

She told me, 2 hours is for 1 shot, we finish in 30 minutes, well my duty is finish, if you want give me 1000 more and I stay here more.

This time of course finally my brain wake up and I sayd not. Sha asked me also money for taxi, I sent her out.

This is the only experience I have had with a girl from Hyatt, I was 3 days in Radisson and I find 2 ladyes fantastic sweet and for a reasonable price! (1000 dhs LT)

06-04-09, 04:19
I want just advice everybody to pay attention to SARA, a very beautifoul blond Russian girl that stay immediately on the right of the entrance in the Premiere DiscoNetviking 2008 - Is Sara a fairly tall lady, say 1.80m, driving a black Mercedes SUV? If so, I could tell you a few stories about her past.

06-04-09, 15:11
From Hotel thread:

Thanks LF,

Will check out the software and if it works will post here.

Steve suggested a couple of places for good clean CIS action being Rockafellas (Regal Hotel) or Kubu at the Radisson SAS Creek. Any more suggestions would be greatly appreciated for this weekend. Particularly around Bur Dubai and Sheik Zayed Road ?

Hopefully I will figure out a way to get on to this site while I am in Dubai and post how it goes.For CIS on Shk Zayed Road, go to Rattlesnake in Metropolitan Hotel, after 10pm (best after 11pm when they arrive in droves). I've been there a few times recently, and there is some good talent again.

There's a new super-hot CIS brunette at York now, named Camilla. You cannot miss her - the only stunner in the group of CIS girls standing near the video games near the entry door. Tall, slim, nice rack, about 23 y.o. Model-like face. My pal has had her three times in three weeks (first 1000AED, then 800, then 600). He says she's good fun in and out of bed. I finally chatted with her and took her number - will try to hook up with her soon (for 600 of course).

As for proxy bypass, I use proxify.com - works very well and no software required. $30 for 6 months.

NetViking 2008
06-04-09, 17:03
Netviking 2008 - Is Sara a fairly tall lady, say 1.80m, driving a black Mercedes SUV? If so, I could tell you a few stories about her past.I don't know about her car, she can reach 1, 80 cmwith shoes but without is about 1, 70 but she had tall shoes and can look as 1, 80. Which story do you know about her?

06-04-09, 21:41
monger date 3 june 09

9 pm mid-eastern (dubai time) time. where is illogic (aka warbucks) in the york looking like dollar signs. my speech is dirty but my clothes are clean and these hoes know money talks just like charlie sheen.

the trip:

had a room booked at the ramada (walking distance form the york, regal) a month prior through expedia (got it for the cheap $100 as this place is usually $250 plus). (big fucking thank you to hotel connoisseur steve dubai). clown- ass pakistani driver had no idea where the ramada was. so we drove around for about 30mins after we arrived in the golden triangle. he finally gave up and so did i.

i just got out at the sheraton and asked for directions. guy at sheraton told me it was right around the fucking corner ….great. i started footing it with my entire luggage but the dubai humidity started to wear thin on me. seen a taxi the guy at first didn’t want to take me (indian) because it was a small fare for him and he had to turn around and face the traffic (and they normally wouldn’t) but i guess he took pity on me and told me to get in. when we arrived at the place (one good turn deserves another) 6 dirham was on the meter instead i gave him $6. should have seen his damn face. lol.

the ramada:

nice hotel. not worth $250 bucks. simple, efficient but nicely decorated.

the clubs:

the regal, seaview and the york are usually far as i go. so the location of the hotel was perfect for me. i checked into the regal after a 10 min walk in dubai’s oppressive summer heat (50 dirham entrance fee) and it was dead empty… man i am talking about a couple russian looking broads on stage singing and one in the crowd and some dudes playing pool. ugh. i turned right back around.

faced the oppressive heat one again. made my way to the york (60 dirham entrance fee). i just chilled and took it all in. was looking for something russian as i have not had white meat since 06. sad thing is at this time the york was a little thin on the crowd side also (as all clubs are around the world the early part of the night) but the few russian looking chicks i did see just looked awful. i wasn’t going to go with one just because she was white.

a tale of two kenyans:

met these two chicks from kenya one was beautiful, big ass, wide child-bearing hips, and nice smile. the other rather rotund and short. right away she was scratched off the fuck list. chilled for about hour didn’t see anything better then the cute nice body having kenyan so decided to bail. the rotund one caught an attitude because i didn’t want to take her talking about she deserved money as she had been sitting with me. i told her to curve. she said what does that mean? it means get lost if big pun was still alive he would say “go that way” i gave her ass a chinese name….”one-gone.”

moment of truth: ramada/walk of shame

back in october 08’ i showed up with an ebony playmate on my arm at my selected hotel of that time. the four points sheraton and was stopped cold at the door. when we arrived at the ramada i was waiting on something, anything a passport request, a bribe request (as happened at the novotel 07 reported on isg). nothing, no one batted a fucking eye. (thank you again steve dubai.)

the room:

chatted for while then went at it . there was no bull-shitting with this girl. i beat the pussy like it stole something. must have used about six trojans ultra-sensitive. had to use ky as the poor girl was exhausted by the last session.


during pillow talk she told about how africans are not allowed into the regal and how all people except the russian girls have to pay an entrance to fee to the york wtf! i also noticed some arabs guys walk right past my black ass as i was paying. (arabs get your head out of your ass its 2009). told me about her black american boyfriend working in iraq (damn fool!)

grabbed the magic wand abruh-kadabruh wg is gone:

she stayed a couple of hours but i was satisfied and i am getting less and less comfortable sleeping with wgs in the room. never been robbed or anything but i just think about it for second falling asleep with a stranger in the bed after you have been knocking down anti-freeze( alcohol) all-night.
so i told her i was going to sleep and it would be best she curved. we had agreed upon 900 vlt which is about the norm these days (damn i miss 05 when 500 dirham would just about do it) i gave her extra $8 bucks which she was pissed about….but she was a good sport.

photo gallery: http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?p=889477#post889477

airport -clowning:

checking out to go home one of the dubai immigration agents the guys in the white sheets (not being racist they just look like white sheets to me says i look like ja rule i and i should change my name. wtf!


refreshing shit mongering in dubai vs pi:

the girls in dubai are up on game... smart. you feel like you are not dealing with a child or taking advantage of someone. condoms are most of the time (in all my experiences) requested.

unrefreshing shit mongering in dubai vs pi:

girls don’t wash their ass after turning a trick. just clothes back on back to the club. ugh. wonder if i was the first or second or third guy that night. on second thought… don’t want to think about it.

dubai i almost lost you for good sob :( “sniff” “sniff” (because some sick bastard in the uae royal family likes to stick people in the ass with cattle prods and set their dick on fire http://www.uaetorture.com/

best thang mongering part 2 to be continued in the pi threads.

grasshopper, three more posts brings you to the 1,000-mark. your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to ensure post number 1,000 is a depraved photo-filled extravaganza.

this message will self-destruct in five seconds.

if you guys are familiar with the game of basket-ball some of you guys mongering/posting style is more of slam dunk (aggressive, no holds barred) my shit is more like a finger roll. (pretty, graceful) this mission was impossible because even if she was photogenic all the shit such as pearl necklaces anit me.


one thousand mother-fucking post wow! way too much time on my hands lol.

to all my supporters high five representing killa cali (californ-i-a) and ekliges lauern off the germany fkk boards and a host of others thanks… yall the reason i do this.

to the haters, my detractors and attackers if i said what i wanted to say to you jackson would delete it anyway.

Big Daddy 1906
06-05-09, 06:19
Staying at the Intercontinental Festival City at the end of the month (4-Points undergoing renovations) Does anyone know if there is any action at the Festival City Mall? Thanks.

06-05-09, 13:32
Illogic - nice report - the reader is with you all the way. Too bad we missed each other the other night at York, despite being within metres of each other. I looked for the bling, but I didn't see a thing. ;) You were too busy with your two babes, and I was too busy at the pool table and/or chatting up my fave cute drink waitress (I got as far as an invitation back to her place - still not sure if she was serious or teasing for tips - but her signals are getting stronger every time I see her). Keep up the fun.

06-05-09, 13:35
I just stopped in Panorama on my way from the airport, around 0130, place was packed, mostly chinese female, some africans and a few cis. The CIS could be described as OPFOR with heavy armor. Anyway I am sure some of you may find them attractive (this website is full of pervs).
Male population was mostly indians, they were jumping up and down, extremely happy.

I left empty handed as the Bollywood set up really killed my mood (not that you need much for that nowadays).

BTW if any of you is a top level manager in energy or telco, drop me a private message.

Steve Dubai
06-06-09, 05:57
The Ramada:

Nice hotel. Not worth $250 bucks. Simple, efficient but nicely decorated.

Agree not worth $250, but rates move up/down with other hotels in the vicinity, thus always best value for money in terms of location & hassle free walk of shame.

Meridien Dar Al Sandos Suites (just down the road from Imperial Suites) comes a very close second, but the free guaranteed parking at Ramada and the in-house pub gives it the edge for me.

06-06-09, 06:13

I have an upcoming stayover in Fujairah, not exactly LOS... Would be ST to keep me out of the Hilton until closing. Looking for PI, if anyone has contacts, I will galdly trade for same in Dubai. Please PM.


Wilts Boy
06-06-09, 11:18

Walk of shame if you wish to avoid is via the underground car park as that leads directly to the rooms (you do not pass reception), but you may need a car ....however in the past I have walked down there pretended my car was there and then said "O no it was not", showed my room key and went up

But at this hotel no one bothers especially if you walk to the lifts via the Boston Bar as appears that you are just going with your 'partner' to the room

As for CIS I am no expert except to say IMHO they can be over priced, undercooked on menu and not the fanasty shag that some seem to think they are...but I have friends who will differ with me on that (but please dont post :D)WR,

Thanks for all your valuable information. Have just come back from a weeks stay in Dubai, and despite all the doom and gloom surrounding the financial state of Dubai, can confirm the mongering is just as good as ever, and certainly cheaper than 6 months ago.

As recommended stayed at the Jumeira Rotana hotel, and confirm it is 110% GF. Had no problems taking a girl into the hotel, and on a couple of occasions the girl had no issues coming straight up to the room. After a bit of negotiation with the hotel on the phone, managed to a get a premium room for Dh400 per night, well below the advertised price of DH700 on their website. (Hotels are desperate for business presently so always worth shopping around or ringing them to try and get a good deal).

As i was working for the first few days I was there, made the concious descision not to visit any of the regular haunts, as know don't have much will power and would end up taking a girl home, but knowing had to be up early in the morning again. Finally on 3rd night could not wait any longer and headed off to Red Square Club in Moscow hotel.

Hit the club around 10.30pm and surprisingly the entrance fee has actually gone up since last november from Dh85 to Dh100, don't they realise their is a recession on. Reluctantly paid the price (you do get a free bottle of beer !!!), and followed this blonde into the club. Within about 10 minutes had started talking to this girl Taniya (she was at least an 8 IMHO) at the bar who was from the Ukraine, and cutting to the chase asked whether I wanted to spend the night together. After the initial offer of Dh1,500 was laughed off, and having a look around to determine it was unlikely would get anything better, agreed on Dh1000, with dh500 upfront and Dh500 in the morning (can't believe she agreed to that arrangement). So left the club ater less than 30 mins (that was great value for Dh100 !!)

As said no problem getting into hotel, and then only when in decent light realised she was actually better looking than even i first thought. Very slim with blonde hair and a very decent rack. Looked great just walking around the room with just a towel around her waist. Suffice to say had a great night (she insisted on coved BJ, but thats going to be a deal breaker). The following morning she then suggested we went to the beach together which we did, and then back to the hotel early afternoon for another session (included in the price).

To be honest decided at that point why run the risk of being disappointed by trying to find another girl for, so decided spent the next 3 nights with her also (price came down to Dh750 per night). I can recommend her 100% if anyone meets her.

Wicked Roger
06-06-09, 12:11

I have an upcoming stayover in Fujairah, not exactly LOS... Would be ST to keep me out of the Hilton until closing. Looking for PI, if anyone has contacts, I will galdly trade for same in Dubai. Please PM.

If you RTFF in 2008 there were a few FRs on PI ladies and Fuj ....cant rermember which month but the search function can assist

06-06-09, 16:02
If you RTFF in 2008 there were a few FRs on PI ladies and Fuj ....cant rermember which month but the search function can assist

Yeah got it, didn't think to search this thread. Not anymore optimistic though, I think I will bring my own entertainment. Thanks.

06-06-09, 17:11
Keywords :

Dar Al Sondos

Another visit to dubai, full of excitement added to the work assignment.

Checked in at the renaissance hotel in deira. Nice hotel, friendly staff.
Since it was only midnight, decided to head to the regal. Timing was perfect as the good CIS always arrive at this time and there were plenty of talent to choose from. While i was not in the mood to monger i noticed there were plenty of choices for all tastes. Big girls, small girls blondes and brunettes everywhere.

i found a couple i liked and managed to get their numbers telling them there was a good chance i'd call them the next day.

What i did notice was that the place was full. many guys just waiting around, not drinking, It almost appeared like the recession was increasing the amount of activity at closing time where bargains were to be had. The positives of this being that many of the girls were available until 2.30 at reasonable prices. From experience most of the good ones are snapped up quite quick, so it was a buyers market.

Next day decided to call a Romanian brunette who was a livewire and always smiled at the bar. She was good, and well worth the 800Dirhams. We agreed she'd come to the renaissance at 7pm and leave around 12. this was great as it meant she could do go on to the regal and also mean i could hit another club looking for contacts.

i ended up hitting the premiere, and although the 125 AED is a bit painful, it was easy to buy a drink at the bar even though the place was packed. The less drinks sold at the bar, the higher those cover charges will become i fear.

Once inside i was quite shocked to see many and i mean many old faces from 2005. These girls had disappeared and ireally struggled to locate them in recent years especially after the cyclone closure. Some of these girls are top class, in service and looks and went underground since those closures preferring telecommunications with their endless supplies of regular clients.

Those clients have since fled leading the girls back on the ground again.

Spoke to one such veteran (stunning Ukranian blonde) who i paid 800aed for in 2005 (1am - 11am) and her prices are now 2500aed. Ouch.

I took her number anyway after speaking to her for a while and she frowned that she and many others like her of the 'A list' are finding themselves back on the clubs scene. She said many had moved into working for escorting agencies which meant visiting high end clients at high end hotels, but that has since dried up. She also mentioned that more and mroe girls have found a new venue : The Atlantis Hotel. Apparently frequented by the ex - soviet super rich and even celebrities who are still very famous for their status only about 10 years ago. Very interesting, and may be worth checking out.

Next day was a long work day, so only considered a short stay at a different venue. Head to the Broadway around 11 and the place was bouncing. blasting Arabic music, the small coffee shop was overwhelmed by dancing Arabic men and regular girls. It was atmospheric however and did not bother me as a friend and i shared jokes. The place had around 20 girls inside, most men in the place were not negotiating and were just talking and dancing with the girls. This meant that some of the better looking girls disappeared, my guess is that they head to the St George Hotel, where their arabesque look works well. Spoke to a girl who claimed to be Iranian, and although i thought she was Armenian, she was extremely pretty and petite. i was however not willing to pay the 1000aed for her. She spoke to me about the broadway and complained that the day time is usually frequented by Armenians from 10am onwards and has a few Azerbaijani girls joining midday onwards. She said she disliked both groups and it was one of the reason why 'Real Iranian girls' avoid Broadway during the day.

The following night it was back to the Regal with another buddy who was on transit, and we had a great time. we were chatting to the blonde milf amazonian lady who stands in the same place at the bar and she was bags of fun. Very cool lady who knows the deal well. My buddy fell for a girl who claimed to be Iranian called Amina. She was beautifull, but looked more Uzbeki. She has big boobs, dark hair, big lips and a meatty butt. She asked for 1000aed and wouldnt budge... my buddy couldnt resist. He told me that she was ok, but nothing special, although she was a real looker.

More later.

Steve Dubai
06-07-09, 11:02
new venue : The Atlantis Hotel. Apparently frequented by the ex - soviet super rich and even celebrities who are still very famous for their status only about 10 years ago. Very interesting, and may be worth checking out.

Can confirm that. High-end girls that seem to have moved from Kasbar (Royal Mirage) and Trilogy - but be careful - lots of local emirati's and undercover LE present.

06-07-09, 14:11
Can confirm that. High-end girls that seem to have moved from Kasbar (Royal Mirage) and Trilogy - but be careful - lots of local emirati's and undercover LE present.Trilogy is closed now nearly a year. I believe the club in the Atlantis is called Sanctuary.

Also want to note that the new ramada hotel in al barsha is GF. Lots of high end girls staying there. They are doing a room for 1 month at 4,000AED

06-07-09, 20:09
Hi all,
Greetings to all you Dubai regulars. I am visiting for a couple of days and while there are things to see and people to do, i am stuck in a family situation so wont be able to really experience Dubai.

Got some primo info from our old friend JSF so i may be able to go along with his suggestions during the day. Will update here with any action reports.

If anyone has some daytime recommendations , i would appreciate it. I would love to get a massage if anyone knows of a good place. I am located around the Lamcy Plaza so something near would be great.


06-09-09, 04:27
Netviking 2008 - Is Sara a fairly tall lady, say 1.80m, driving a black Mercedes SUV? If so, I could tell you a few stories about her past.Is that the ca. 30-35 years old tall lady with blond shoulder long hair and small cup size often wearing jeans and shirt which makes her not look like a business lady, sometimes also to be seen in the Kubu-Bar?

06-09-09, 17:35
Humbling to do my first posting with some of you at 1000+!

Recently in Dubai for a couple of days. Sondos Suites in Deira: very GF. Tight on free time and work wrapping up very late so decided to try the expatriates.com offerings. All in all. Disappointing. This will not come as a surprise to most of you: but I find hunting alone much less fun so did not stray out to bars clubs.

So. Here we go. Four poor to mediocre experiences:

Expatriates.com #1: PRC (forgot name) with website that ends brownowl. Claims Korean (North Korean at that. Rather unlikely to put it mildly but I listened with a straight face). Probably about 10 yrs older than photo (so about 32 now). Tall. Not slim enough for me, but OK. 800 AED for all-night (11pm to 9am). A little uptight/uncomfortable generally but sweet. Had to ask her to switch off her phone. Getting annoying. Face really quite pretty and soft hands. Decent massage for 1/2 hr and she used a little oil spray so I did not turn into an oilslick and then she wiped the oil off: felt good. Tried a bunch of positions and although not starfish. Not much better! Spent the night and was playful in the morning too. Satisfactory. Will not repeat.

Face: 5

Body: 5

Breast: "A Cup" natural

Attitude: 5

Overall Service: 5

Expatriates.com #2:500 for LT. Claimed Japanese on website but when speaking to friend on the phone was clearly PRC! Probably 32 yrs old. GFE: forward and relaxed. Not shy. Happy to shower and get to business. Good CBJ. Bouncy in general. Unremarkable despite sparkly presence.

Face: 4

Body: 6

Breast: "A Cup" natural

Attitude: 6

Overall Service: 4

Expatriates.com #3: 600 for All-night midnight to 9am. Negotiated from 1000. I just started at 600 and stayed there. Madam very articulate. Advert posted on ex.com claims a "new house". I asked if LiiLii was available. When she turned up she was (no joke) at least 12 kg heavier than in photo. I don't like plump. At all. Even if it makes for nice breasts. She was also drunk upon arrival I soldiered on. We had a shower, curled up in bed. But I just couldn't get past the plump. She was rather sweet but tedious/tipsy and general attitude too frivolous and self-centred. After a bit of caressing I called Madam and sent her home. Madam grumpy but girl got the 300 AED upfront. Lesson I learned. Just turn the WG away at the door in these cases of photo-fraud!

Face: 7

Body: 3

Breast: "C Cup" natural

Attitude: 3

Overall Service: 3

Expatriates.com #4: 600 for All-night 2am to 9am. Negotiated from 2000. I just started at 600 and stayed there. Goes by the name of Sophie and website ends sophieswordl (yes, spelled wrong! ). She is not the girl in the photo, but a passable, very slim 33 yrs old (probably). Not too tall. Fun and down to business. CBJ and then lots of covered positions. But ran away at 6am which was not in plan and tried to hustle for more money too. Sigh.

Face: 4

Body: 6

Breast: "A Cup" natural

Attitude: 6

Overall Service: 5

So there you have it. Won't be trying expatriates.com again (unless one of you guys sends me contact details of something worth going for via PM! ). I learned some lessons and I hope the more veteran mongers out there will have had a few giggles at my expense.


06-09-09, 17:39
After my disappointing outcall expatriates.com experiences (see first post) I went to the Deira AMP that also advertises there. A couple of posts have already discussed this and I can confirm it's a good deal.

Near Al Maktoum hospital in Deira. They guide you in. One girl there: Lili. 100 AED to the house and then into a room. Not seedy. But not airy either.

30min of really v. Good massage. Much better than the Dreamworks massage I'd had a day earlier, frankly!

Then BBBJ and CIM. Pretty good. She was slim, B implants, smiley.

Emerged relaxed. Will return. Simple and to the point. Tipped 150 as massage really had been great.


06-10-09, 01:58
There was only one girl available when I went in. I think there are 5 rooms there, so the others were busy. Saw three hanging at reception as I left. Best to call beforehand, even if you know where it is, to check how busy. They say they are busy around lunchtime. So best times will be early morning (opens at 10), mid afternoon, post lunch (3-5) and then v. Late night. Closes at 1. Last sessions running until 2am.


06-10-09, 05:46
last week i was in dubai on business. since i was staying at my business partner's villa at the ranches, i really could not take any honey home. so i had to look for incalls and that is where wicked roger helped out. he recommended a fili that he had posted pics of in isg. after an exchange of sms, i managed to secure a room in bur dubai at one of her friend's places. as in the photos, she has a great set of legs and a delicious ass (she wouldn't let me in there though, as much as i tried), but her performance was way below par. i think the early evening session (i met her at 4pm) could have been one reason.

before i left, i visited a mp near the airport. it was advertised in the gulf news classsifieds along with the dozen others. real high end setup but it was strictly massage. even though the advert boasted of having women from 7 countries waiting to serve, there were only 3 when i went in at 7pm on a thursday. i took the only one worth looking at, a fili called cheryl. great massage because she is a trained rn and therapist. got to touch her outside her pants but that was it. won't go back. she did give me her number to call her on her day off. let's see what that brings....

thanks roger for the info on the three girls. see you on my next visit.

Steve Dubai
06-10-09, 06:40
I hope the more veteran mongers out there will have had a few giggles at my expense.

I can only applaud you for the feedback. I have been tempted many times as the desperation mounts, but somehow always hold back as I know all the pics are fake. You only have to compare the PRC girls around the bars to know there is no such abundance of quality as depicted by all the Ads. Once you've seen the photo, there seems to be a unconcious force for you to dial the number.

I have tried a couple of ad's offering in-call in the JBR area, but would only rate the girls 6 in looks - although the pics are 9 / 10's. Clean place though and serves the need.

The CIS regime is another mystery. Even if the Pics are genuine, they are at the top end of London rates for that quality (in looks) of girl. Am I tempted ? - yes - but too wary of getting a sub-standard girl / rip-off like the PRC fakes.

Would be good to get some feedback of the reliability of these CIS Ads - anyone out there had any experience?

06-10-09, 07:28
I can only applaud you for the feedback. I have been tempted many times as the desperation mounts, but somehow always hold back as I know all the pics are fake. You only have to compare the PRC girls around the bars to know there is no such abundance of quality as depicted by all the Ads. Once you've seen the photo, there seems to be a unconcious force for you to dial the number.

I have tried a couple of ad's offering in-call in the JBR area, but would only rate the girls 6 in looks - although the pics are 9 / 10's. Clean place though and serves the need.

The CIS regime is another mystery. Even if the Pics are genuine, they are at the top end of London rates for that quality (in looks) of girl. Am I tempted ? - yes - but too wary of getting a sub-standard girl / rip-off like the PRC fakes.

Would be good to get some feedback of the reliability of these CIS Ads - anyone out there had any experience?

Great piece of reporting. I have tried the site and met a woman once in KL. She was a nympho so there was no money required. Just the batteries on my bunny, which alas could not keep up with her demands since I was darned jet lagged. I have tried to access the site as well as ISG and Tagged whilst in Dubai but these sites are blocked or banned. Anyone out there who could help me with this problem?

06-10-09, 07:49
Is that the ca. 30-35 years old tall lady with blond shoulder long hair and small cup size often wearing jeans and shirt which makes her not look like a business lady, sometimes also to be seen in the Kubu-Bar?To answer Diego 3 and Netviking 2008:

Sara (this is her working name. Her real name begins with O.) has been in Dubai for between 6 & 7 years, and is now probably around 30 years old. Her height is around 1.75 to 1.80. She is (in my opinion) an attractive lady with long wavy dyed yellow blonde hair. She drinks like a fish and smokes like a chimney – thus the gravelly voice. A few years back she bought a Mercedes SUV from a Lebanese punter – this vehicle has proven to be a mechanical nightmare. Until recently she lived in a villa in Sharjah. Her workplace of choice is Premier – she was previously a Cyclone "A" lister, and I do not know if she frequents Kubu. Her asking price is in the 2000 to 2500 range all night. She trained (or so she claims) as a policewoman in Siberia, has worked as a model, and also claims to have worked as a "hostess" on a number of high profile yacht cruises from Dubai. Her mother, I believe, lives in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic. What else – I have never taken her – and maybe this brief profile fits a number of working ladies.

06-10-09, 12:03

Your inbox/messages is disabled. I was wanting to take you up on your offer of sharing the contact no of the Ukraine girl (ref your report on 6th June).

I am willing to share contacts with you. Can you please activate/enable your messages/inbox.

Psy Read
06-10-09, 13:28
I have tried to access the site as well as ISG and Tagged whilst in Dubai but these sites are blocked or banned. Anyone out there who could help me with this problem?PMed you the details.

06-10-09, 17:19

Any action in Fairmont Hotel in SZR, I hope to find some 8-10 there, Plz advice.


06-11-09, 01:55

Any action in Fairmont Hotel in SZR, I hope to find some 8-10 there, Plz advice.

Cheers!Used to find the odd WG on the 2nd floor bar but on my last visit a few months ago they don't seem to be letting them in any more. You may get lucky but would not count on it. Better off taking the short taxi ride to Kubu or Premiere.

Hotel is still 100% GF though.

Good luck

06-11-09, 06:50
Hi guys,

Anybody knows about any action scene in new ascot hotel. Few times I found hot ladies standing in the queue to go inside. Is there any new club?



06-11-09, 13:08

I am in Dubai for a week. Is there anyone who can guide me to which hotels / bars I should go to pick up Filipinas / Indians / Pakistanis / Iranians? I have gotten a lot of numbers of filipinas from dating sites and shopping malls but that requires a lot of time and effort to get them in bed as they are mostly looking to date in the beginning.

Two years back I had a number of a Filipina mamasan called Carol and she used to supply me a lot of filipina girls which were real gems and at reasonable prices in Abu Dhabi but seems now her number has changed.

I would appreciate any help.



Oil Rich
06-11-09, 13:42
Hi guys,

Anybody knows about any action scene in new ascot hotel. Few times I found hot ladies standing in the queue to go inside. Is there any new club?


MClub called elegente. Or similar.

Some WG's might frequent the place but I am sure they will be pricey.

Its a snazzy club. Table service.

Dennise Bruckner
06-12-09, 00:15
Anyone out there who could help me with this problem?
Use TOR (google or wikipedia it), works for me.

06-12-09, 05:01
PMed you the details.

Thanks very much. Received both of your valuable PMs. The only problem would be to log into my account in each of those sites to read any messages sent.

Cheeky Darky
06-12-09, 19:43
This is a well overdue report. It should have been posted in early April but due to out of my hand circumstances is a little late.

After a couple of messages with one of the most stellar members here (Wicked Roger) I had organised myself some well earned relax time with a couple of young Filipina Ladies. I was 2 hours overdue (I was flying from a very, not reliable airport and to make matters worse, on a very, not reliable airline) and was panicking at the prospect of missing my first date. I had organised for the first girl, Kyla to arrive at the hotel 30 mins after I was due to land. I arrived at the Fairmont to find the lovely lady had waited for me and she meet me in the lobby. Right, straight upstairs, a bit of conversation and a couple of drinks for me and then into the action. Anne was a great girl, she was a bit standoffish (as was I as I hadn't been in the presence of a pretty girl in a few good months), but she made all the right moves and noises and was exactly what I needed. She was a great girl and I tipped her well, which she was very grateful for.

Anne left, which gave me just enough time to find some food and relax in the bath for an hour or so, before the next lady (Anne) was due. I opened the door to find a stunning knock-out of a girl and she seemed very interested right from the start. We had a few drinks and messed about for a bit on the couch, before I said we were heading out. She took me out to a bar she knew well and in my inebriated state, she looked after me and made sure we got home safely. Time for round 2.(well for me anyway), again all the right noises and moves and once again in the morning before she had to leave for work.

I spent the day seeing the sites and shopping and was torn between mongering at some of the old haunts or getting Anne in again for the evening. Seeing as I was a little under the weather with all the drinking the previous night, I book another date with Anne, through Wicked Roger. She arrived, again looking stunning and we talked for a bit and then got down to the action. Again a great job. She said she had an early day the next day so I tipped her well, again she was very surprised at how much but I really did enjoy the time with her.

The two days I was in Dubai that time, I was in constant communication with WR and he was invaluable in his help with the logistics of getting the girls in on time etc. Thanks Mate, shame we didn't get to catch up face to face this time.

So now I'm on the hunt once again. August is only round the corner and I will be back for more, this time a few more days then the last trip.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Member #1071
06-12-09, 22:28
Use TOR (google or wikipedia it), works for me.

Can you please PM me how to operate TOR? I was able to download it and install it.

06-12-09, 22:41
Final time I'll post this:

If you want an easy proxy bypass, use https://proxify.com Don't forget the 's' in https

No software downloads, easy to use, free for 'reading-only', and only $29 for 6 months if you want full subsciption to make posts on any banned sites.

06-13-09, 08:52
If any of you are visiting Delhi, you must also visit Richa.



Eric T
06-15-09, 10:44
Friends, this is why sharing contacts is hazardous to your hobby:

Out of the 2 indopak contacts that I had, I had not given any to others because the service providers are very paranoid. After much persuasion and guarantees, plus checking with the madame if its ok, I gave the contact to someone I thought was reliable. (not a member on this board)

Now I dont know what he did but the madame isnt picking up her phone anymore or its off.

This is the same one from whom I used to get occasional indopak gems.

Back to square one...


06-15-09, 14:00
I dearly hope the outcome of this is better then you might fear. Send her an SMS asking if things are OK with the other contact. Whether she is distressed or otherwise busy she will be able to answer SMS.

Maybe the experience was more positive then expected and she decided to spend some time exclusively with the other guy. Now that is a risk as well of course, but a much more benign one.

Friends, this is why sharing contacts is hazardous to your hobby:

Out of the 2 indopak contacts that I had, I had not given any to others because the service providers are very paranoid. After much persuasion and guarantees, plus checking with the madame if its ok, I gave the contact to someone I thought was reliable. (not a member on this board)

Now I dont know what he did but the madame isnt picking up her phone anymore or its off.

This is the same one from whom I used to get occasional indopak gems.

Back to square one...


06-15-09, 21:08
Wanting to discover new experiences and being generally bored with European destinations, Noddy suggested I try Dubai. All in all, Dubai seemed like a good monger destination if one is seeking variety. However, although I liked the fact it was off-season, it was the middle of desert summer. It was 46C last weekend and I nearly went into shock taking a 1-1/2 hr walk in the afternoon.

Without much research, I wandered around in the evenings to some nightclubs. Regardless where I went, there was no shortage of Asian women wanting my attention. Being more interested in African women, my inquiries lead me to visit the Astoria hotel bars. I think one is called TGI Thursdays and another (fuck if I cared). I walked into TGIs around 11:30pm and was immediately swarmed by 3 Eritrean women. Across the bar, there were two hotties from Ghana, two more from Uganda and another from Kenya. Within 15 min, these five walked off with some other guys so, I generally suspect that even better looking African women were already there and gone. I tried to just observe things but, I had to ask a Filipina waitress to help me get rid of all those Eritreans following me around. Well, Eritreans don't like rejection so they didn't like me. One took my beer and poured it out in the ashtray. The bartender saw the whole thing and simply asked me if I wanted another beer. I declined rather fuckin' politely.

I left TGI and went to a club upstairs. The Eritreans were kicked out of TGIs but, that sucked because now they were upstairs when I walked in. The chase continued until I found a thin Ugandan woman and decided she would be my savior to ward off the three wicked witches from East Africa. To shorten the story, ultimately, we went back to my hotel. As we walked by the front desk, the hotel desk took her passport info and told me they would charge me extra for her to stay with me. It wouldn't have been so bad but for some reason, the hotel lobby was jam packed with people at 3 am. The whole day, the lobby was dead empty but at 3 am, it was jam packed with people making no effort to conceil that they were staring at me and my temporary wife. Well, since we were already the stars of the show, I decided we would go to the hotel bar, order allot more drinks and linger for no good reason and make loud conversation with the lobby folks. Told them it was my first time in Dubai, asked them how many times they've been to Dubai and where did they go out at night... Nice conversation like that.

In the room, Ms. Uganda took off her clothes and showered. She told me she just arrived in UAE and she had never done this before. I said, "What a coincidence, neither have I..." She started the negotiations at $1,500.00. It took me about 15 s to pick up my room phone and then loudly asked for security. She grabbed the phone and asked me why I was calling security and I told her that she was being criminally expensive. She immediately panicked, picked up her mobile and told me to wait 1 min while she called her "manager" in the privacy of the bathroom. When she walked into the bathroom, room service was on the phone trying to get my attention, "sir, can I help you?" I ordered more alcohol and water to be delivered to the room. When Ms Uganda returned, she asked me to talk to someone on the other end of the mobile. That person identified herself as my girl's supervisor and apologized to me and explained that it was Ms. Uganda's first time out. Of course, I couldn't help myself. I just had to tell her that it was also my "first time out." We eventually agreed on a price and we lived happily ever after.

06-17-09, 05:03
It good to get a report from some one new to Dubai with a different perspective and mentioning some less reported venues.

All in all, Dubai seemed like a good monger destination if one is seeking variety. However, although I liked the fact it was off-season, it was the middle of desert summer. It was 46C last weekend and I nearly went into shock taking a 1-1/2 hr walk in the afternoon “Mad dogs and Englismen go out in the midday sun ;) June to September here can be brutal. Just wait until the humidity kicks in.

I generally suspect that even better looking African women were already there and gone. I tried to just observe things but, I had to ask a Filipina waitress to help me get rid of all those Eritreans following me around. Well, Eritreans don't like rejection so they didn't like me. TGIT was always a afternoon / early evening venue. This is the first evening report I have seen on the place for a long time. I have never understood why a minority of African girls can’t take no for an answer and start to get aggressive when you say you are not interested. After all, it’s only business and a polite refusal gives them the opportunity to search out another customer.

I left TGI and went to a club upstairs. That would be Poncho Villas, I have not see a report on this one for so long I was wondering if it was still going!

As we walked by the front desk, the hotel desk took her passport info and told me they would charge me extra for her to stay with me. Which hotel? This information would be useful to help future visitors make an informed choice about where to stay.

She started the negotiations at $1,500.00. 15000 US$ WTF! I suppose it’s worth a try! Best policy in Dubai is to agree the price before leaving the bar.

Steve Dubai
06-17-09, 05:49
It wouldn't have been so bad but for some reason, the hotel lobby was jam packed with people at 3 am. The whole day, the lobby was dead empty but at 3 am, it was jam packed with people

Majority of flights leave during the night, early morning, thus mass hotel check-in / check-out happens around 11pm onwards. Hotel's still have this stupid 2pm check-in / 12 noon check-out - so you always get conned into paying for an extra night if you don't want to risk a long wait.

Steve Dubai
06-17-09, 06:00
Took a visit to Sanctuary last night - crawling with top totty CIS chicks - got chatting to one - opening rates of US$ 1,500 for 1 hour - was not on the take - but tried to see how much she would negotiate - but she would not budge. A number of Russian & Arabic guys around - but always around 70/30 F/M ratio.

My intelligence network tells me Paris Hilton is staying at Atlantis from today for 3 weeks - has an area reserved in the Sanctuary nightclub every night.

Seems this economic downturn is localised to us middle income earners!!

06-17-09, 07:36
My intelligence network tells me Paris Hilton is staying at Atlantis from today for 3 weeks - has an area reserved in the Sanctuary nightclub every night.That's true. I saw her there last night, but she wouldn't budge from 1,500AED. I just laughed and said "no thanks", then went to Regal and found a hotter blonde for 800.

06-17-09, 09:55
Due to being busy in work I couldn’t got time to write some reports, so here is short reports for different days.


Few days back booked a room in dar ul sundoos le meridian, burdubai for fun, our good friend WR recommend Brenda and Jackie, unfortunately Brenda was out of town at that time, called Jackie, she came with her friend, both are nice persons spend 2hrs with both of them. Over all service was good. Jackie recommend her friend named Janice.

Thanks WR.

Legit AMPs

If some one need good thai massage (without extra service) I recommend MP in grand midwest hotel appts near automatic bakery burdubai, very good place and very good massage, free jacuzi and sauna also available. Aed 120 for dry and 150 for oil massage. Worth every penny.

Another AMP is behind Maktoum Hospital Deira, already few reports for this legit amp in this forum so I decide to give a try, went there yesterday night, easy location and nice place. Went there at 1130pm paid Aed 150 for 1 ˝ hr oil massage, they asked me to choose lady there are 6 ladies fillis and prc, choose prc she was very beautiful slim and good racks (my type) named luci, went inside, massage was awesum after some time she asked me straight away that I need massage on little johny I said why not, she asked me 100 for tip I said ok the she gave me a good BBBJ, no CIM. Overall service was very good and worth visit again I will try to bring her out for full fun lets see.

Again I booked room in the same hotel for Aed 204/night for 4 days, (damn cheap) for fun, will be meeting Janice and Brenda in the weekend and CIS for other days.

Anyone can recommend good CIS.

Over and out


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Bound For Fun
06-17-09, 10:51
I'll add my name to the list of posters who have WR to thank for a hook-up in Dubai. I've often enjoyed the thrill of the hunt in finding my own companionship, but my last time through I was a bit pressed for time. After seeing Roger's pics of the lovely Jackie, I PM'd him for her info and he generously made the contact for me.

I sms'd Jackie as soon as I landed in Dubai and we confirmed a time for later that evening. She was a fairly late as she and her friend were returning from Abu Dhabi by bus and the traffic was moving as slowly as usual, but she called and sms'd every 1/2 hour or so until she made it over to my lodging.

Jackie is a very sweet girl who is fun to be around, takes good care of you, and seemed quite willing to accommodate. Easy on the eyes, too. She may not be around much longer, so my advice is to take advantage while you can.

I hope to pop back through in August or September, and if she's still around. Or back from her travels. I definitely plan to see her again.



Oil Rich
06-17-09, 11:11
Took a visit to Sanctuary last night. Crawling with top totty CIS chicks. Got chatting to one. Opening rates of US$ 1, 500 for 1 hour. Was not on the take. But tried to see how much she would negotiate. But she would not budge. A number of Russian & Arabic guys around. But always around 70/30 F/M ratio.

My intelligence network tells me Paris Hilton is staying at Atlantis from today for 3 weeks. Has an area reserved in the Sanctuary nightclub every night.

Seems this economic downturn is localised to us middle income earners! I acyually heard taht she is staying at the intercon at Festival city. Mate of mine is snr management

Mind you just be sales talk by all hotels.

06-17-09, 13:40
Hello Guys,

I am not sure if this info is here already, but I thought I should put it here.

Those of you of the Madam E's fan club, please take note she is back in office (may be at a new one I am not sure). Called me to announce her arrival (though I was not one of her fans). She was calling up all people she had listed as JSF's friends and one of the calls to me.

Tells me she has staff from Moscow and Ukrine. Some of her previous staff were real jewels.

Guys who have her number still can use it again.

All the best & Take Care


06-17-09, 14:07

I wish I had read some of your early reports on Dubai but, this ISG is becoming too bulky to read and most posts have no info at all making it a discouraging effort to wade through them all.

06-17-09, 19:05
'My intelligence network tells me Paris Hilton is staying at Atlantis from today for 3 weeks - has an area reserved in the Sanctuary nightclub every night'

I can tell u for certain that your intelligence is along way off. She is staying no where near the Atlantis or the Burj! Nope she is at the other end of town.

I never thought I'd be able to tell the Piper1 something new!

06-17-09, 20:58
$1500 per hour or per night?? That is an incredible rate by any standard, you can get a decent all nighter for that in Manhattan!

There's many decent CIS at Regal, AED1k to 1500/night. Lets hope they don't start getting ideas on pricing from their not so finer feathered friends!

Took a visit to Sanctuary last night - crawling with top totty CIS chicks - got chatting to one - opening rates of US$ 1,500 for 1 hour - was not on the take - but tried to see how much she would negotiate - but she would not budge. A number of Russian & Arabic guys around - but always around 70/30 F/M ratio.

My intelligence network tells me Paris Hilton is staying at Atlantis from today for 3 weeks - has an area reserved in the Sanctuary nightclub every night.

Seems this economic downturn is localised to us middle income earners!!

06-17-09, 22:47
Is it possible to access the ISG site from Dubai? last time I was staying at the Sheraton and everytime I tried to acces a website remotely referred to sex a nice pop up came out to remember me that I was in an arab country and that I was trying to do something against the law.
How do You guys access the ISG site??


French Canadia
06-18-09, 06:34
Is it possible to access the ISG site from Dubai? last time I was staying at the Sheraton and everytime I tried to acces a website remotely referred to sex a nice pop up came out to remember me that I was in an arab country and that I was trying to do something against the law.
How do You guys access the ISG site??


Do a keyword search on this thread using the word ''proxy''

Take care

06-18-09, 09:01
Well guys this is about last three months experiences in Dubai.

Last night I was in Premier (Hayat) and surprisingly I saw two girls advertising on web (http://spice-girl.webs.com) . On web rates for these ladies 2000AED for an hour but in club one of lady Rosa agreed on 1500AED for LT. but she was not as beautiful as she was in photos.

I talked to another outstanding girl Malika. She is 24 excellent figures 34-28-36 half Turkish half Iranian. She agreed in 1000AEd for LT. I took her to my apartment where she stayed with me till 7.am. Amazingly she is having good communication skills in Persian, Hindi and English.

Looks 7/10
Attitude 10/10
Total damage 1000+125+drinks
My conclusion is
1.Girls/agencies advertising on expatriate are expensive and pic are highly photoshoped .
2.70% photos of PRC girls are fake.
3.For massage “dreamworks” is a good place with happy ending by paying 50AED
4.Nice places for CIS are Regal and premier these days.
5.1500$ for an hour WTF.

Now Looking for some indo/pak nice stuff. I appreciate if some PM me.


Abs Abs
06-18-09, 09:38
Hi Folks,

Been following the Dubai reports for about 4 months and thought it was time to post my post one on my recent trip to Dubai so here goes:

– Went to Deira AMP around 10am. Paid 100 at the desk and 4 PRC girls came in.

Selected the best one – Mary (not sure if this was her real name),
Looks 6/10,
Medium firm breast,
Slim nice body.
Age - 26

Shown room and asked if I would like a shower before or after massage. Opted for shower after massage where upon she bolted the door for the fun to begin.

Massage was good (6/10) – Had a really pleasant chat during massage.

She asked if would like a HJ or BBBJ. Opted for the later. Mary cleaned me down below with wet tissue and started licking between my arse hole and balls (wow). Then worked her way on to my balls and then shaft. She asked if I wanted to suck her tits and removed her top and bra. Tits were real nice and firm with great nipples. She started to groan whilst I have her tits some attention (not sure if this was part of the service or genuine pleasure).

Moved on to some DFK and then she went for the kill and total concentration on my cock. She continued deep throating after I’d CIM with not a drop split, however was disappointed she did not swallow (may be next timeJ?).

She assisted me to the shower but was not sure whether I should ask her to join me? Maybe you senior guys can advise?. Anyway tipped 150 which I thought was good for the attention and service she provided.

Back in Dubai on the 1st /2nd July for a day - could someone please IM me the contact detail of “The Al Qoz AMP” or “Lucy’s place” (not sure if theses are the same).

More after the 2nd July.



Oil Rich
06-18-09, 11:29
Do a keyword search on this thread using the word ''proxy''

Take care,


You are too kind

I though he was going to get an RTFF.

Abs Abs
06-19-09, 07:55
Hi chaps,

Does anyone know of any good CIS AMP in Dubai. If so plesae could you message me contact deatils?

Max - Thank's for the details for Lucy's AMP. Much appreciated. Will check out on 2nd July


Abs Abs

06-19-09, 20:21
Hi guys,

For details about the hotel, check my report in the hotel section.

Arrived on Wednesday night and went to Jules Bar at around 11:00 pm. There were more girls than boys, mainly PRC and CIS. Rating: PRCs 6. 8, CIS 4. 6. Agreed with Jenny (8) from Bejing for 750. She is 26 years old, with mid-sized silicone breasts. Very clean, good DFK, and very good massage.

As Jenny was next day, she recommended her friend. Forget her name, but she is the only blonde PRC in Jules. I arrived at about 09:30 and there were some people eating (Jules serves brazilian dishes) and only men, Not one single WG. Decided to take dinner and watched the girls stepping in after 10: 30. As it was the first day of the weekend, there were at least 3 times more boys than girls. The CIS were more ugly than the day before. Found the blone PRC but did not go for her as I only choose girls that smile.

Discussed with Yaya, PRC, 24, (7) and agreed 700 for as many pops as I want plus massage. It was one of her last days and she will leave back to Bejing on 21st. She was the wildes PRC I ever hand and always came before I come (maybe good actress, but her pussy was so juicy that I think it was right). Massage was not at the level of Jenny, but still okay. Gave her 120 Dhs extra for the good job.

On Friday before I had to leave, called Nancy, independant Escort found on Expatriates.com. http://www.picturetrail.com/sfx/album/view/21837690 I checked a lot of these girls by requesting if the photo is real and recent. Out of 20 inquiries only 2 replied. So guys, take care. On some of the girl's sites there are guestbooks with warnings. Nancy replied and she offered to bring her sister. http://www.pictureTrail.com/gid21862266

Both for 1000 Dhs plus taxi (60 Dhs). Her photo is not fake, but Lucy's photo is fake. Nancy is a typicall escort girl and too much in a rush, too busy. Her "sister" Lucy is a novice and I was apparently the first customer. Lucy was the better choice. She is still very shy but her pussy was so thight that I immediately explosed. Massage was not so good and both talked about more money. It was my first 2 girl experience and the average price of 530 Dhs is a fair value for Dubai, but is was not worth more. If you want Lucy you can only book her via Nancy. English is still limited and she is a 7 rated girl. Small breasts, tanned (half Chinese, half pinay).

Jules Bar is, compared to escorts, the better choice. Entry on working days 45 Dhs incl. Drink, weekend 90 Dhs, 2 drinks, for LM hotel guests entr is free.

Have fun.

Abs Abs
06-20-09, 09:32
Hi chaps,

Would really appreciate it if someone could send me the The Al Qoz AMP contact details.

Thanks in advance.


New Imhotep
06-21-09, 14:12
Last week action


9 PM, Panorama bur Dubai, not really my venue but it was a bit early to go where else. Was weekend night busy with bad quality. CIS PRC & few Africans all less than 6/10. Only cute CIS but 3 guys around her. I was going to head off until one stopped me. She is 22 from Ghana, with not bad body & huge breast, look not too bad. Not been into here at all (no into african as CIS my fav) but she tried so hard donno why, the place was busy so she can get someone else. As she was keen I asked for BBBJ CIM with ass licking and breast f*** for 2 hrs, wasn't interest to shag her. She asked for 500 went easily to 200. To her place all done very good like wt I asked 2 hrs of tongue and mouth on my shaft and ass. Blew twice all in mouth.

Damage 200+40 taxi 2ways


11PM, regal, wasn't too busy (sun night) CIS venue. Quality <7/10. Few hotters one called Allene. Ukranian 22yrs 9/10 body nice boobs she should be model if she is not short. Agreed 500 for ST wth BBBJ. Toke her to same hotel room (was GF with me, I'll write details in hotel info) wide at bed many positions before last blew she huge my shaft with her cute breast up and down until I cam.

2:00 am went back to club to have round 2 with another one. Nothing good left. So went to bed (bugger! Shouldn't just keep elena! )

Damage: 500+75 entrance


7PM, Panorama, I go there when I want early night, bad quality as usual except 2 Moldavian. Another elena and her friend (forgot the name) both new in town elena look 7/10 attitude 9/10 body 7/10 boobs 10/10. Agreed for 500 include cap when she go back from my apart. Toke her direct into business excellent BBBJ breast f*** CIB (cam in breast! ) 8/10 service she left about 11pm

Damage 500


Friday afternoon., too hot, I was near to TGIT so thought to get cold beer and see wt else there. I was wearing slipper so they didn't let me in! They got dress code! Do you believe this shit! OK so I went to panorama just for beers (16 Dhs for pint good value) ratio 2/1 F/M few min then one PRC approached me, new in town just one month. 26yrs white with very s oft skin, face 6/10 body& attiude 8/10 agreed for 500 for 2hrs with BBBJ & CIM blow as I want (expensive though for PRC) went her place. Her friend was there "Sali" nice body but not beautiful and a bit dark. Agreed for 300 to take care of other stuff while I shag jenny.1st both were tasting my shaft hard also balls and below. Then start sex many positions both where in all time, two down or one down one up liking her tits. Jenny great in bed & clean body 9/10 service. Blew 3 times two CIM.

Damage 800+100 for room

Day 5:

Finally reached Deira massage as one of senior member very thankfully described. Not busy place 4 ladies, chosed Ann, filipina petite 5/10 face 8/10 attitude & service. Paid on front for massage 1.5 hrs for 150AED

Massage wasnt bad (can't give rate as thats ist massage I ever had: D). After 30min she asked if I want extra BBBJ with topless as 150AED, settled for 100AED. Fantastic BBBJ tong everywhere in balls and back hole while I touching boobs, (didn't ask for DFK for lady sucking diffrent dick every hour! ) CIM then abit relaxed still 30 min to finish my 1.5 hrs so I asked for another blow. Agreed for 50AED she tried too hard, suck every where but the tank was empty from the past days so didn't cam but I feel orgasm (sound wired but it happen to me). She was abit upset that I didn't blow after all of that work . Tipped extra 50 for the hardwork

Damage 300 (could be 220 for one blow in 1hr)

About 11PM I was close to Sheraton Deira. Never been there but I knew it is WG venue. Not bad at all CIS 4 to 8/10 & few African few men around M/F ratio like 1/4! Abit quite but there were about 30 WG by midnight. Prices from 600 to 1000 two negative things 90AED entrance fee (but all venues have) expensive drink 34AED for beer bottle!

Seen Nina from Georgia noticed her when she entered, cute face & beautiful smile, she is 22yrs & just 1 week here (fresh: D) she didn't want to go less than grand because the balance and boss. Etc. I wasn't into hunting so I didn't bargain. I asked for her no but she got no phone yet! So I gave her my No & she promised call me when she get one. Later I talked 2 other gals and they easily come to 600 or 700. That last night so got to go & sleep for today work.

Damage: 90 dhs door fees



Psy Read
06-21-09, 17:04
Hello All,

Can someone please also PM me the contact details of “The Al Qoz AMP” or “Lucy’s place”

Thanks alot

06-21-09, 20:05
Hi folks,

Greatly appreciate your help. Are there any daytime AMPs, if there is such a thing.

Daytime visits are much more convenient for me.


Appreciate the guidance.

No Bslam
06-22-09, 12:07
Do a keyword search on this thread using the word ''proxy''

Take care
Fuck me I wish I had seen this before my A$$ got into town. I know that's how you did it. But never could get the right Google search word down.

Well had a good time Friday night at the York Hotel club. Lots of PRC girls.

Picked up one for quicky 200+entry

Looks 7/10
Attitude 8/10

Then picked up two at closing for a good bedtime story. 600+cab+drink

1st girl
Looks 7/10
Attitude 8/10

Looks 8/10
Attitude 9/10

06-22-09, 16:33
Just thought I would share with you a result from our favorite website Tagged.

Having joined and emailed a few of the girls on there I got a combination of responses with two very positive ones - one was from a girl who works just a block away from me in Internet City.

After meeting her for lunch we teased and flirted with each other ending in an agreement to go for dinner last Thursday, went to the Noodle House in the Emirates towers followed by a couple of drinks and then back to mine - she had a off day for Friday and my family are all away.

Looks wise she has a perfect, tight and petite body but face wise probably a 6 - bit hey who is complaining.

Got to mine and opened up a bottle of malt (boy she can drink) and within 20 minutes she was very tipsy saying she had not had sex for 8 months and missed it sooo much!

Within no time we were at it on the sofa, she was incredibly enthusiastic and very passionate - incredible amounts of kissing, touching, teasing and she had this fascination of giving me a hand job shoving hr tongue down my throat!

As my hand slid up her skirt I soon discovered she had no panties on and was as smooth as a baby - amazing tight and smooth :)

She wanted to take me there and then on the sofa and got a little upset when I would not take her bareback but I soon convinced her that bareback was not an option and best for her as well as me, and then we were at it - she still fully clothed with her short skirt around her waist bobbing up and down on my lap :)

Such a tiny girl, she was easy to lift and fuck on the kitchen worktop, sofa and from behind as she was bent over the sofa arm rest :)

After a good long session that ended in her asking me to cum on her 34A boobs as that what made her cum - perfect...

We then spent the evening chilled out with her wearing on of my t-shirts looking hot and still acting horny as ever, we went to bed at about 11pm and spent the nest few hours in most positions including a very interesting session on the bedroom balcony looking out at the neighbours garden!

Morning came round and she was already in the shower, I walked into the bathroom for her to ask me to join her and got a great BJ in return for spaoing her down...

Day spent together at home - she did not want to go out but boy she knew how to keep me busy...

Now that she knows my place is family free for the next weeks she has already asked if she can stay over next weekend and if she could bring a few friends who 'will not get in our way'.

Tagged - I love you!

Abs Abs
06-23-09, 07:07

I'm getting various reports that Lucy's is not picking up or that the parlour is closed down.

Does anyone have any news they can share with the Forum?



06-23-09, 08:01
Just thought I would share with you a result from our favorite website Tagged.

Now that she knows my place is family free for the next weeks she has already asked if she can stay over next weekend and if she could bring a few friends who 'will not get in our way'.

Tagged. I love you! Seems you got a real good deal and I figure out she is a freebie and not even demanding much (so far.? LOL)

Curious to see how things develop with her friends "not getting in your way" (but I feel you like themn to be on your way. Right? )

06-23-09, 17:56
Hi all,

Been in the background here for a long time now and generally been trying the web ladies.

Many misses and not so many hits sadly.

As so many point out too many chancers out there.

As an easy client to please I generally just like really sexy massage and BBBJ occasionally full service I get very frustrated by the crazy prices etc here in Dubai. I know it's not cheap here but when plenty of top class ladies can be found in Europe for around 120-150 GBP rates here dont stack up.

Having spent a long time working in far east I do have a penchant for the asian ladies i must confess but compared to the service I have received there for far less.

Anyway no more moaning about rates etc rather point out a couple of nice ladies i have come accross.

First is Honey who advertises on expatriates. Going rate is 500 and she generally stays for an hour to an hour and a half. Reasonable massage and generally a nice lady who dresses well and provides a quality service.

Good o levels

Maybe not as young as she claims but very tidy and fun. She asian and about 5ft and a bit lovely and lean with firm nice sized boobs.

My best lady so far is victoria a late 20's - 30 blonde russian. Great GFE experience if you like that and I certainly do. She advertises on craigslist and I think her rate is 800 per hour or a thousand for 2.

No rush with this girl and it is just like bringing home someone new you just met. Good english and well educated. A great experience and amazing BBBJ.

Havent experimented too much yet with her but she seems willing enough, so far been enjoying that GFE thing to much to go for much else.

Otherwise generally been disappointed particularly by one Phillipino and an african lady. The african lady was Nigerian and claimed to be a number of different races during our one or two calls before we met up.

I dont like to paint everyone with the same brush but having spent some time in Nigeria I am very wary of them so that takes the edge of somewhat for me.

As for the Phillipino lady she was all too wrapped up in herself so felt like I was supposed to owe her something rather than just having a mutually benefical meeting.

So far other good hits have been in Abu Dhabi and after trawling a few old bars seem to end up back with the ladies in the Ally. Cant say I've had a bad night there and two sisters I know are always a great fun punt. mid 20's and late 20's they love there work and leave me grinning for a week each time we meet up.

Always on the look out for good recomendations and AMPS do it for me but prefer New Dubai ( marina area) so far been to a few but little more than a hand shandy for 300 including girls tip. I must say the massages were good but the extras were a bit limited no mutual touching and a very nice but mechanical hand job.

OK guys nothing great in this but I will be making more effort to contribute in future.

Take it easy and good hunting.

Steve Dubai
06-24-09, 08:58

Time now : 12 noon – 24th June 2009………T - 120 hours

It’s been 6 months since my last bout of bachelorhood, and there’s a lot of pent up frustration to let go. The downturn in the economy has led to an upsurge in the number of adverts on the internet (or maybe I need a more satisfying job!!). The expatriates.com website carrying loads of fake pics for PRC massages, promises of Ebony sex out of this world and does anyone know if Kevin with those Indian contacts actually deliver anything of quality or is that a proper rip-off??

The CIS ads seem to have moved to alternative web hosting sites and craigslist is now dominated by the Chocolate delights. The constant pricing of hourly rates with a GFE no-rushed service continues to perplex as to how anyone can really fall for the spiel! The disparity of rates quoted by the CIS brigade of Dhs 2,000 – Dhs 2,500 per hour defies logic, especially when in the clubs, the same girl’s opening offer would be Dhs 1,500 – my take on this is that the internet is an avenue for the local market that are not able to get to bars/clubs.

I’ve established a fairly good PRC in call place in JBR when the pressure needs releasing. Average girls, with a couple that have tidy figures that do the job, although the PI alternative route never took off despite a call for help to a forum brother, who must have been reluctant to pass on the contact….ahh well.

As usual at the beginning of my bachelorhood, I have a number of goals and itches that need to be scratched - I am not looking for one particular girl, although track record shows I’ll no doubt get hooked on someone. The escapades from WiseBlood, Goater and GroinStrain make me want to get into these lovely freebies – but I have to keep a strong head as experience shows this will only lead to unwanted problems later that I cannot afford to go through.

My freedom lasts 33 days this year – and maybe the last in its current format - although the advent of laptops and easier wireless connectivity means I may be curbed on some occasions for online webcam chats with the family so they can keep me from getting bored on these lonely nights!! – and whilst this maybe ok for a person who is more of a “go with the flow” the sudden departure to mapped out plans is more a frustration for a guy like me.

Venues have not really changed, and it’s sad to see the demise of the Hard Rock Café, although not figuring on the P4P scene. I’ve got self imposed bans on venues such as KuBu, Dubai Marine Beach Hotel and anything south of the Defence Roundabout towards Abu Dhabi. I have plans to make more efforts to experience the charms and life of the Deira nightlife scene and to ensure my liver gets a rest I’ll subject myself to some experiences through the Ad’s on the websites during the week.

So its 5 days left, and anyone who wants to catch up for a beer, PM me