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02-16-19, 07:11
Come on man, if you're not bright enough to clear that up beforehand, stay home.

Geeeez.Give the guy a break.

Maybe "not bright enough" is a bit strong. I'd say uninitiated.

When you ask "cuanto" (how much), I can see Chicas simply responding "tres cientos" (three hundred).

The next thing out of your mouth should be "tres cientos mil pesos?" especially if you're at Gustos or La Isla & you're thinking with the little head. If you're talking with a casa or street girl, even if she meant 300 k COP, she better be quoting her weekly rate.

02-16-19, 07:59










https://www.facebook.com/meellissa.galeeanoblandonn.7Man, underwhelming list of putas IMHO.

02-16-19, 08:17










https://www.facebook.com/meellissa.galeeanoblandonn.7The is one old list. Jajaja.

Thanks for sending me down memory lane. Two of the chicks on that list no longer live in Colombia.

Best chick on that list is Pao. She is old but does everything she can do to stay in the game. But she is well worth knowing. She is bi and has great taste in women.

She has introduced me to some of the hottest women I have ever bedded in Medellin.

02-16-19, 09:18
I've done about 20 FB chicas. These would be the hottest ones.




All GFE for me. Fun times. 250 k including taxi.

02-16-19, 12:34
Non-pro. Non-prostitute. Normal chicks that there is no need to give money to.

Wednesday was my last day in Bogota, so I went to a certain mall where I like to have my nails done. I really did not say anything to this chick the entire time. When she finished she asked for my name because she was writing the bill out for the cashier. When she tore out the paper to take it to the cashier I told her I thought you were writing your number for me. She said huh? Then she started writing it down. I got my phone and copied it into my phone to send her a message on whatsapp. I told her that I was leaving the next morning but I would be back soon and we could go out or whatever. She said that would be fine. I left because I had to go meet my nurse chick at another mall.

On the way out I stopped by a burrito place. I was waiting on my food when I noticed the chick from the nail shop across at the other register having already ordered food as well. I said hey what are you doing here? Why you did not tell me your were coming? She said she had not eaten all day and came to get a quick arepa. I said you should have said something and I would have treated you. I told her that we at least need to eat together if we are going to be boyfriend and girlfriend.

While we were eating we were talking getting to know each other. I asked what she liked to do and she said she didn't get much time to do anything because she works from 9 am to 9 pm. I asked how much she makes and she told me that she gets 4,000 pesos for manicure and 6,000 pesos for pedicure. My bill was 42,000, so she only got 10,000 of that. Then I asked who she lived with. She said her husband and kids. I told her if she don't scream, then I won't holler! So I guess that I will see her soon.Good luck with her! Sounds like she could be fun and worth the effort.

I think it's pretty obvious that if you're trying your hand at non-pros (I. E. dating with a better bargaining power than in your home country) then the only real avenue available to you is your flat. That's because you couldn't meet them in a casa to begin with. In that case you don't really have a choice but bringing them back to yours.

Another aspect to keep in mind is that most mongers don't really go to casas with much on them. I personally only bring a copy of my passport, enough cash to last me for the day (less than USD 100) and some crappy flip phone. No watch, no "nice" clothes, no fancy sunglasses. Basically stuff I wouldn't miss if the worst were to happen. Needless to say, I've never had any trouble. Maybe that's because I looked so relaxed and chill.

The only way I could consider bringing them back to mine would be if I was staying at the mansion where there are so many layers of security that you don't really have to worry about leaving your stuff in the open or going for a shower.

02-16-19, 14:10
Then I asked who she lived with. She said (her husband) and kids. So I guess that I will see her soon.Be safe! We enjoy your reports.

Surf Looker
02-16-19, 16:30
Hahah yes putas always stay puta. Wendy in Florida still puta and aleza think Israel no sure.

Pao old old puta. Does she do in the culo?

She no many girls but they charge a lot?

The is one old list. Jajaja.

Thanks for sending me down memory lane. Two of the chicks on that list no longer live in Colombia.

Best chick on that list is Pao. She is old but does everything she can do to stay in the game. But she is well worth knowing. She is bi and has great taste in women.

She has introduced me to some of the hottest women I have ever bedded in Medellin.

02-16-19, 16:44
....................I would love to know of several casas in each barrio but how would I find out? If I knew several in Bello I would roam around there from time to time.If you are in Medellin on a short trip the best deal is to go to New Life; there you have all the variety you need. If you are here on the long haul as I am now then apart from using the list you collect the cards from the guys in the street in Centro and check out those casas. The facilities are not that great -Cold water, small rooms, hard mattresses, tiny towels but chicas unpolluted by gringos viz sweet, service oriented and not money hungry. Not all are lookers though. I am quite willing to sacrifice looks for service in those casas. I have also discovered other casas by chatting in my broken Spanish with the girls in those casas.

Bottom Feeder
02-16-19, 17:57
Hey, there's a message place right across the street. I'll try it and report. For every 1 time I come to Medellin, I go to Cali 5 times. This summer. August, it off to Mombasa. PM ifn you want to have a beer conmigo.

02-16-19, 23:32
Hey, there's a message place right across the street. I'll try it and report. For every 1 time I come to Medellin, I go to Cali 5 times. This summer. August, it off to Mombasa. PM ifn you want to have a beer conmigo.That is Yakuza, behind the mirrored door, different kind of Casa, that's for sure, not many girls (3 to 5 ish) on at once but they open early and stay open real late, like past 2 am, and for 45 k total you can take the girl back to the Botero since Yakuza's room are god awful, at least the one I was in on my 1st trip. I always walk thru a few times a night and see who's on. You also have Chica's Punto pretty close, about a block and a half, they have a larger selection but not chill as Yakuza where you can get a beer and sit on the couch with the chicks.

02-17-19, 00:34
Put it in a different context but similar situation, if I pick up a girl at Gusto for 300, after sex the girl demands 300 USD and I only want to pay 300 KCOP, are you saying that I have to pay 300 USD to the girl because it is common sense?

Come on man, if you're not bright enough to clear that up beforehand, stay home.


Give the guy a break.

Maybe "not bright enough" is a bit strong. I'd say uninitiated...

Ahhh bueno, you're right.


I should've said; It will always be in your best interest to ensure the price you have negotiated.

Both amount and currency type.

Common sense ehh.

Enjoy 😉.

02-17-19, 01:13
Another aspect to keep in mind is that most mongers don't really go to casas with much on them. I personally only bring a copy of my passport, enough cash to last me for the day (less than USD 100) and some crappy flip phone. No watch, no "nice" clothes, no fancy sunglasses. Basically stuff I wouldn't miss if the worst were to happen. Needless to say, I've never had any trouble. Maybe that's because I looked so relaxed and chill.

The only way I could consider bringing them back to mine would be if I was staying at the mansion where there are so many layers of security that you don't really have to worry about leaving your stuff in the open or going for a shower.I'm in your camp when it comes mongering. I just bring the cash I estimate that I will need for the day, paper copy of my passport and not even a cellphone. Travel light and fast. Dress down and keep a low profile. I do my business in the casas and not in my room, so nothing gets stolen. I've had 2 robbery attempts on me in So. America, once in Buenos Aires and once in Medellin. Sorry for the bad guys, they didn't get anything when they reached into my pocket. Then you don't have to worry.

Surf Looker
02-17-19, 01:21

02-17-19, 04:05
Put it in a different context but similar situation, if I pick up a girl at Gusto for 300, after sex the girl demands 300 USD and I only want to pay 300 KCOP, are you saying that I have to pay 300 USD to the girl because it is common sense?If a girl quotes you "300" in Medellin, then it's pesos. I've spent three months a year there for four years now and it's never been any different. If she wants dollars she needs to say "dollars," otherwise she gets pesos, and as someone else said, they know how to say dollars. Just show some balls, something many girls are banking that you do not have, and you'll be better off. Show weakness, especially to Latin women, and that's where you invite problems.

Dollars are rarely used in Medellin, and it's only the biggest chumps that carry them. And any girl quoting simply "300" hoping to extract dollars in the end is up to no good anyway. She can still scam by denying she agreed to pesos, or scam some other way. Then she can just threaten to call the police or a crew of her straight razor wielding extended family members and the petrified gringo is running to the safe faster than her head can spin. Lololol.

P.S. Yes there are occasionally gringos killed in Medellin, but the typical scenarios are street robberies where the victim allegedly resisted. There's also been a few that were over drugged.

02-17-19, 06:06
I think it is better for members to reply with improved approach than rejection.

The next thing out of your mouth should be "tres cientos mil pesos?" especially if you're at Gustos or La Isla & you're thinking with the little head. If you're talking with a casa or street girl, even if she meant 300 k COP, she better be quoting her weekly rate.I don't think one will have problem at La Isla because two things, it is not a Gringo club like Gusto. I was asked to pay in advance at the bar at La Isla when I was there. I saw Colombians did the same.

I think all the replies are just to change the condition to avoid replying the question.

If I rephrase the question, what if a girl wants 300 USD after and you don't have the agreement in writing, what would you do? I know one can reply like before, put it in writing, then I say, girl eats the paper the agreement is written on, what would you say? Take a picture of the agreement and send it to a friend? We can go on and on but the original question is never answered.

02-17-19, 06:17
Waiting for late arrivals is the number one downside of the facebook scene. A close second is paying triple the casa fee. It is not very hard to compromise and get casa girls to come to your room.

Reminds me of a joke a friend likes to tell to illustrate what he says is all you need to know about Latin women.

Girl says to her girlfriend "I think my boyfriend is cheating on me". The girfriend pauses, looks curiously at her, then asks "which boyfriend?

I am moving in your direction but wish I knew where are more casas. There must be 50 that are essentially hidden to most of us. Medellin is interesting and I like to be free to move around and explore. A casa to get the sex part out of the way works. A great session in my apartment with a good girl is appealing also. But the waiting around and structuring a day to be on time and ready for an apartment date is stressful at times and essentially reduces the amount of time I experience the city and culture. It's not "vacationy". It has taken me some time and reflection to see that clearly. I get a little frustrate if a girls says 7, which becomes 8 then arrives at 9. There have been days I wanted to relax for the day, see a girl late afternoon, then head out for the night and do whatever strikes me. But when 5 pm becomes 7 I end up wishing I had done a casa or some kind of session early but put it off because I believed I was only hours away from a girl arriving at my apartment. We've all been there..

02-17-19, 06:51
https://www.instagram.com/tanikataa/I really can't stand girls who are very hot soil themselves with so much plastic surgery.

Fake asses are the biggest turn off for me.

Doesn't feel as good when you fuck them from the back and it smells quite awful since they can never properly wipe their asses. LOL. So spontaneous sex is out the question for them.

02-17-19, 13:58
I think it is better for members to reply with improved approach than rejection.

I don't think one will have problem at La Isla because two things, it is not a Gringo club like Gusto. I was asked to pay in advance at the bar at La Isla when I was there. I saw Colombians did the same.

I think all the replies are just to change the condition to avoid replying the question.

If I rephrase the question, what if a girl wants 300 USD after and you don't have the agreement in writing, what would you do? I know one can reply like before, put it in writing, then I say, girl eats the paper the agreement is written on, what would you say? Take a picture of the agreement and send it to a friend? We can go on and on but the original question is never answered.The original question assumes a complete rookie did something stupid. Correction, did a few stupid things. 1. he went to Medellin without doing any research. 2. he accepted a initial, well above standard rate offer (in pesos). 3. he never confirmed the price.

Any answers don't really matter, because that person will never see them. If they were the type to read the forums, they would have 1. Probably have avoided Gusto, or just got the girl's number and negotiated a better deal. 2. Confirmed the price, because he would know many girls in Gusto ask for dollars from gringos.

But, let's say it happens and I happen to walk up in the middle of the heated argument between the girl and the GTC (Google Translate Commando). First thing, I get her side of the story. Next I get his side. I explain each side to the other. Then, because I'm a nice guy, I'll explain to her that he doesn't have dollars, he has pesos, and he doesn't have that much money. I'll tell her that I will get him to pay what he can and I will tell her to say "dolares" next time.

Then, I'll tell him that he fucked up. I'll explain the importance of clarifying the price and ask how much he has. I'll get him a rate between the 300 k he thought and the 900 k she wanted. He'll pay more than 300 k. She'll get less than 900 k and he will have learned a lesson. Both will walk away without any trouble.

Then, if I like her look, I'll get her number and have her for 150-200 k.

Now assuming someone doesn't come along to rescue the GTC, he's on his own. If she makes enough noise, security or the police are likely to show up. Whose side will they take? If he's lucky he gets away with paying 500 k. If he's unlucky. Worst case, she tells the cop she's not of age, that she's using her cousin's cedula and that he knew she was only 16.

Any time you let a situation escalate to the point where police are involved, you're swimming with the sharks.

So, the final answer is:

1. he needs to keep the situation calm.

2. he needs to explain the confusion.

3. he needs to work out a deal that she will accept.

If he can talk her into 300 k, great. If she's not budging off of $300, he's better off paying it, than risking an escalation.

02-17-19, 14:24
Waiting for late arrivals is the number one downside of the facebook scene. A close second is paying triple the casa fee. It is not very hard to compromise and get casa girls to come to your room.The voice of wisdom.

Facebook does present challenges. I overcome them by knowing the game. First, I schedule in advance. Usually on the same day, sometimes a day or two before. I keep in regular communication so they don't forget. I also set a time 30 minutes earlier than I want and expect arrival 30 minutes after. Finally, I let them know that it's not a timed event. They'll be with me for more than an hour. Most of them I keep for about 2 hours, some have spent 4 or more hours and 1 spent the night. That's for 3 or 4 times the casa rate for 30 minutes (or for the 60 minutes price at Energy).

However, there are times when I just want a quick encounter. I can hit 3 or 4 casas, have a few beers while looking for the right girl. With travel time, I'm eating up about 2 hours and spending 60 k-70 k.

There's a hidden advantage with Facebook, or with having a lot of girls in your WhatsApp, and with keeping some basic communication open, especially for guys who spend long stretches in Medellin. Occasionally a girl will hit you up because she's bored, or because she's desperate. Maybe she's fighting with her mom and wants to get out of the house. Bargains occasionally pop up. For taxi fare and not much more, you can have her company for several hours.

Of course, this requires developing some sort of connection with the girls, beyond the sex. Some guys don't want that. Some, myself included, think it enhances the experience.

02-17-19, 14:41
I really can't stand girls who are very hot soil themselves with so much plastic surgery.

Fake asses are the biggest turn off for me.

Doesn't feel as good when you fuck them from the back and it smells quite awful since they can never properly wipe their asses. LOL. So spontaneous sex is out the question for them.I used to be fine with fake boobs but plasticity is way overdone in Colombia with some chicas looking like caricatures and is a turn off.

02-17-19, 14:52
For those who read my report a few pages back I mentioned I took a shared taxi from the airport to Laureles when I arrived. Without Google after I landed, and without knowledge of even their existence before this trip, I probably overpaid. It should be 75 k / number of riders according to a website I found later. Now, I'm not sure if they will take that amount since it was midnight and there weren't many taxis there in the first place so they have more pricing power than I did. But I'm guessing ballpark 25-30 k for 3 riders would have been acceptable even if they ask for more in the beginning.

On to another topic though.

Waiting for late arrivals is the number one downside of the facebook scene. A close second is paying triple the casa fee. It is not very hard to compromise and get casa girls to come to your room.If you want to avoid the wait and you want them to come to your hotel / apartment now, you pay the exit fee, which negates any savings. What are the casas without exit fees if you know them?

02-17-19, 16:38
If you read this forum you will see that Yakuza lets you take girls out without an exit fee. Read the forum and you will find other useful information.

For those who read my report a few pages back I mentioned I took a shared taxi from the airport to Laureles when I arrived. Without Google after I landed, and without knowledge of even their existence before this trip, I probably overpaid. It should be 75 k / number of riders according to a website I found later. Now, I'm not sure if they will take that amount since it was midnight and there weren't many taxis there in the first place so they have more pricing power than I did. But I'm guessing ballpark 25-30 k for 3 riders would have been acceptable even if they ask for more in the beginning.

On to another topic though.

If you want to avoid the wait and you want them to come to your hotel / apartment now, you pay the exit fee, which negates any savings. What are the casas without exit fees if you know them?

02-17-19, 17:24
For those who read my report a few pages back I mentioned I took a shared taxi from the airport to Laureles when I arrived. Without Google after I landed, and without knowledge of even their existence before this trip, I probably overpaid. It should be 75 k / number of riders according to a website I found later. Now, I'm not sure if they will take that amount since it was midnight and there weren't many taxis there in the first place so they have more pricing power than I did. But I'm guessing ballpark 25-30 k for 3 riders would have been acceptable even if they ask for more in the beginning.

On to another topic though.

If you want to avoid the wait and you want them to come to your hotel / apartment now, you pay the exit fee, which negates any savings. What are the casas without exit fees if you know them?Hi Tasss, I think what Knowledge meant was that he goes to casas, finds a girl he likes and gets her number for a later session. I assume he first takes them for a road test on location only to connect with them afterwards if there's a connection. In my experience girls can easily get out of their shifts by simply not showing up or using some bullshit excuse (sick mothers and kids are alwasy a classic). Especially as they'll make more with you than on her average week.

If I am wrong about the above, apologies, it's just what I do.

02-17-19, 17:31
What's the best method for changing currency? Is it through the cambio exchange? Or the bank or ATM? The rate I got at the airport was 2800 per 1 usd. If its the bank or ATM? Which one? Thanks for any info.

02-17-19, 17:42
Never ever ever ever change money at the airport! Best exchange rate will be from a Bank ATM that is in the bank. Some will have hight limits than others. Thus minimizing the ATM fees always pull out the max you can.

What's the best method for changing currency? Is it through the cambio exchange? Or the bank or ATM? The rate I got at the airport was 2800 per 1 usd. If its the bank or ATM? Which one? Thanks for any info..

02-17-19, 19:24
I think it is better for members to reply with improved approach than rejection.

I don't think one will have problem at La Isla because two things, it is not a Gringo club like Gusto. I was asked to pay in advance at the bar at La Isla when I was there. I saw Colombians did the same.

I think all the replies are just to change the condition to avoid replying the question.

If I rephrase the question, what if a girl wants 300 USD after and you don't have the agreement in writing, what would you do? I know one can reply like before, put it in writing, then I say, girl eats the paper the agreement is written on, what would you say? Take a picture of the agreement and send it to a friend? We can go on and on but the original question is never answered.Some of the problem with your dissatisfaction with the replies is that you are dealing with a hypothetical where any legit confusion is very unlikely to take place. Dollars are so uncommonly used, and aren't even dispensed in the ATMs in Medellin. If she wants them it's her job to clarify, not your's. If the agreement was 300 and she demands dollars at the end, laugh and say "what dollars?" Then offer the agreed upon amount which by default is pesos. Don't give into extortion. Strength earns respect. Wimping out makes it harder on you as well as the Gringos that follow. Plus a girl like that is going to try and extort regardless of the angle, regardless of any unwarranted clarifications from you. They extort because it works, and it works more often because of bad advise given. If she wants to call the police offer to dial the number for her. If they arrive and make some sort of demand then you can re-evaluate, but in the meantime man up.

BTW this "I'm calling the police" racket has been common in Costa Rica for years now, and taught on day one in puta school. You can thank the timid Gringos for it. You can thank the same the more it catches on in Medellin.

Surf Looker
02-17-19, 19:55
I really can't stand girls who are very hot soil themselves with so much plastic surgery.

Fake asses are the biggest turn off for me.

Doesn't feel as good when you fuck them from the back and it smells quite awful since they can never properly wipe their asses. LOL. So spontaneous sex is out the question for them.Yes true.

Mansion hotel-young chica, braces, not much plastic.

Fase Dos, La Isla. Plastic chicas, big boob butt.

Facebook and Instrgram chicas. Hot facebook girls with big boob and asses no use facebook much. Most modelo protocol all use Instagram now.

Casa. Less plastic.







02-17-19, 22:05





https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1557133992Are you saying all these girls are prepagos? Because I'm renting an airbnb from one of them right now and am wondering if I'm missing out.

02-17-19, 22:19
How do you find the instagram models who reply to DMs?

Yes true.

Mansion hotel-young chica, braces, not much plastic.

Fase Dos, La Isla. Plastic chicas, big boob butt.

Facebook and Instrgram chicas. Hot facebook girls with big boob and asses no use facebook much. Most modelo protocol all use Instagram now.

Casa. Less plastic.







The Tall Man
02-17-19, 22:31
Dollars are rarely used in Medellin, and it's only the biggest chumps that carry them. And any girl quoting simply "300" hoping to extract dollars in the end is up to no good anyway. She can still scam by denying she agreed to pesos, or scam some other way. Then she can just threaten to call the police or a crew of her straight razor wielding extended family members and the petrified gringo is running to the safe faster than her head can spin. Lololol.
Spot on that if she leaves out the detail what currency she is talking about like you say "she is up to no good".

True story about 2 years ago I pulled a real hottie out of La Isla for 300 mil, for 2 hours mas o menos, the sad part is that I had a great time with her, great GFE, blah blah blah WELL after the deed I handed her the 300 mil that she says it is $300 USD, lucky me I had the 300 mil in our WA conversation that we had back in the bar, so end of story and she retreated in her mind the currency we were discussing.

The Tall Man.

02-17-19, 22:46
Are you saying all these girls are prepagos? Because I'm renting an airbnb from one of them right now and am wondering if I'm missing out.And one of them are friends on Facebook with probably the most notorious alleged criminal from Sweden.

Mr Enternational
02-18-19, 00:20
WELL after the deed I handed her the 300 mil that she says it is $300 USD, lucky me I had the 300 mil in our WA conversation that we had back in the bar, so end of story and she retreated in her mind the currency we were discussing.That is why I want chicks writing to me. Fuck calling and voice messages. I want something that I can go back and read and say ahhh hhaaaa bich!

02-18-19, 00:25
If you read this forum you will see that Yakuza lets you take girls out without an exit fee. Read the forum and you will find other useful information.Yes I only know about Yakuza. I also read that Yakuza's selection is pretty small. I don't know of others and I've read a good amount of the forums. Do you know others that don't have exit fees? I'm not a casa guy mostly because I can't take them out unless I session with them once and get their number for later. If you have some info that changes the game for people like me, I'd love to hear it.

Surf Looker
02-18-19, 01:30
How do you find the instagram models who reply to DMs?No trick. Same as facebook. You message all of them. Some reply some don't. The more you message more change response si?

Surf Looker
02-18-19, 01:31
Are you saying all these girls are prepagos? Because I'm renting an airbnb from one of them right now and am wondering if I'm missing out.Zapata prepago why her amigas putas. Some have more info on her. Report back share details what she say.

02-18-19, 03:10
Yesterday I stop by Pamela's at the corner of carrea 45 and calle 57. The line up was mediocre at best, nothing special this time around, but the BBFS action never dissapoints me here. It was 45 k for 30 min. I ask the girl for BBBJ, she says 50 k, I thought that was a very high number to start with. At least it was 4 to 5 years ago. So, I got her to agree to 20 k. Then eventually I started banging her bareback with no problem. I figured it was BBFS all inclusive with the 20k. Then when I started doing her missionary she kinda stiffened her body making it hard for me to fully penetrate her. Then she said 50 k. I asked her can I CIP, she agreed. Well anyways, at the end I gave her 50k like we agreed. She expected an additional 20 k for the BBBJ. I didn't know she was keeping a tab. Anyways I gave her 50k nothing else. I remember sometimes you didn't have to give anything extra, they would give BBBJ automatically. The usual amount I gave was 5 k or 10 k and 20 k was the most. It seems that the more you gave the shittier the service was. And if they gave a crappy BBBJ and weren't smart enough to get the money before the session started, I would gain a lack memory and understanding and walk out without giving them the extra money. Alot has change, all these mongers and expats are driving the prices up and spoiling the girls. Colombia's going to become another Costa Rica soon, (as far as mongering's concerned), before you know it.

02-18-19, 04:21
Alot has change, all these mongers and expats are driving the prices up and spoiling the girls. Colombia's going to become another Costa Rica soon, (as far as mongering's concerned), before you know it.Good report!

Yeah I noticed a few of the casas even raising their base prices recently. I've been more active lately as far as mongering for the very reasons you mentioned. The influx of Venezuelans has helped but the crowd that has contributed to the demise of other mongering locations has set its sights on Medellin now. I even see people on other sites cutting and pasting posts and information from here. Couple that with the general increase in tourism here and I can't see the mongering scene improving so enjoy it while its still good. Only a few of us post, but a lot of lurkers and others use the info from here.

02-18-19, 08:16
I appreciate both view points!

Wimping out makes it harder on you as well as the Gringos that follow. Plus a girl like that is going to try and extort regardless of the angle, regardless of any unwarranted clarifications from you. They extort because it works, and it works more often because of bad advise given. If she wants to call the police offer to dial the number for her. If they arrive and make some sort of demand then you can re-evaluate, but in the meantime man up.
So, the final answer is:

1. he needs to keep the situation calm.

2. he needs to explain the confusion.

3. he needs to work out a deal that she will accept.

If he can talk her into 300 k, great. If she's not budging off of $300, he's better off paying it, than risking an escalation.This is just my observation. There is no service, bad service and the range in between. No one really spell out what they will do under different situations. I suspect there is no single absolute yes or no answer from the same person for all different situations and that is part of the conflict.

02-18-19, 16:10
Yesterday I stop by Pamela's at the corner of carrea 45 and calle 57. The line up was mediocre at best, nothing special this time around, but the BBFS action never dissapoints me here. It was 45 k for 30 min. I ask the girl for BBBJ, she says 50 k, I thought that was a very high number to start with. At least it was 4 to 5 years ago. So, I got her to agree to 20 k. Then eventually I started banging her bareback with no problem. I figured it was BBFS all inclusive with the 20k. Then when I started doing her missionary she kinda stiffened her body making it hard for me to fully penetrate her. Then she said 50 k. I asked her can I CIP, she agreed. Well anyways, at the end I gave her 50k like we agreed. She expected an additional 20 k for the BBBJ. I didn't know she was keeping a tab. Anyways I gave her 50k nothing else. I remember sometimes you didn't have to give anything extra, they would give BBBJ automatically. The usual amount I gave was 5 k or 10 k and 20 k was the most. It seems that the more you gave the shittier the service was. And if they gave a crappy BBBJ and weren't smart enough to get the money before the session started, I would gain a lack memory and understanding and walk out without giving them the extra money. Alot has change, all these mongers and expats are driving the prices up and spoiling the girls. Colombia's going to become another Costa Rica soon, (as far as mongering's concerned), before you know it.Pamela's has the worst looking chicas I have encountered so far this trip. Four were presented to me when I entered. I didn't do BBFS but BBBJ was done for 45 K by the chica I chose without request for propina, service was good.

02-18-19, 16:21
Good report!

Yeah I noticed a few of the casas even raising their base prices recently. I've been more active lately as far as mongering for the very reasons you mentioned. The influx of Venezuelans has helped but the crowd that has contributed to the demise of other mongering locations has set its sights on Medellin now. I even see people on other sites cutting and pasting posts and information from here. Couple that with the general increase in tourism here and I can't see the mongering scene improving so enjoy it while its still good. Only a few of us post, but a lot of lurkers and others use the info from here.You are so right about the influx of tourists. I think mongers are diverting from Costa Rica / Dominican Republic to Medellin.
The Venezuelans I have met here all tell me they have been here 3 plus years. I wonder whether they're telling the truth I have never met Venezuelans here until this trip.

02-18-19, 16:26
You are so right about the influx of tourists. I think mongers are diverting from Costa Rica / Dominican Republic to Medellin. The Venezuelans I have met here all tell me they have been here 3 plus years. I wonder whether they're telling the truth I have never met Venezuelans here until this trip.Colombia is handing out residency to Venezuelans like candy. One of my regular Venezuelanas told me most of the women who sign up at the border will say they work at a restaurant. Which is code for "I'm a prostitute. ".

02-18-19, 16:37
Pamela's has the worst looking chicas I have encountered so far this trip.No argument there. At least I know its not just me. Its nice here the truth.

02-18-19, 17:39
Yes I only know about Yakuza. I also read that Yakuza's selection is pretty small. I don't know of others and I've read a good amount of the forums. Do you know others that don't have exit fees? I'm not a casa guy mostly because I can't take them out unless I session with them once and get their number for later. If you have some info that changes the game for people like me, I'd love to hear it.To be clear, I think Yakuza only allows take out to very close (like across the street) hotels, like the Botero or the right next door Hotel Deseos. Not sure about the Hotel Nutibara but I'd guess yes.

02-18-19, 18:19
Are you saying all these girls are prepagos? Because I'm renting an airbnb from one of them right now and am wondering if I'm missing out.She was probably doing that part-time to rich clients until she got her current boyfriend.

I remember a list with most of them on it maybe she is still be doing it on the low. Or maybe she was the one pimping the girls I remember the one who was running the agency was hot also and you had to go through her to agree with the girls. But someone else can clarify that.

02-18-19, 19:56
I think mongers are diverting from Costa Rica / Dominican Republic to Medellin.
From what I am seeing that seems to be the case. Don't be surprised if you walk into a casa one day and there are 10 gringos already in there with matching outfits LOL.

02-18-19, 20:46
Stopped by New Life at 11 am on Monday. Lots of 5's and 6's in the line-up (however, I'm picky and my scale might be tilted). After the ninth girl introduced herself, I thought I'd seen all the girls and told the manager the only one I wanted was Luciana (a 20 yo with nice, thin legs, yet still has the Colombian curves and booty, and was the closest thing to a spinner present at the time, weighing less than the other options) but there were more girls coming around the corner, so there must have been over 10 girls present at the time. I was happy with my decision though. Luciana was friendly and easy to talk to. No DFK or OWO, but I still enjoyed the 30 minute session. Will definitely return in the next few days. Seems like a great day time option at low prices. I go to bed early and don't go hunting at night.

Management is strictly business, and is devoid of any cordial banter, but that's okay with me. Needed a break from all the yapping with my friendly Uber drivers. Definitely helps to be able to speak some basic Spanish here. Didn't hear anyone speaking English at New Life. Also, all the other customers I saw were regular locals, having a nice lunch break.

Mr Enternational
02-18-19, 21:25
Colombia is handing out residency to Venezuelans like candy.Do they really have a choice? Half the people that come are just Colombians repatriating themselves anyway. A few years ago I had a lot of friends leaving Colombia and going to Venezuela to get work.

02-18-19, 22:34
Medellin has other smaller concentrations of steet girls in centro and mayorista. I never see anyone post about Mayorista. That was one of the first places I went to years back. Anyone been there lately?

02-18-19, 23:32
From what I am seeing that seems to be the case. Don't be surprised if you walk into a casa one day and there are 10 gringos already in there with matching outfits LOL.They will be there for a family reunion LOL.

02-19-19, 01:19
Are you saying all these girls are prepagos? Because I'm renting an airbnb from one of them right now and am wondering if I'm missing out.Me too, she has a bunch of places she rents out. My favorite is her Lugo condos next to Oviedo. I have met her and her boyfriend in September, her boyfriend was nice. But damn I would love to have a piece of her for a night.

02-19-19, 03:16
I never see anyone post about Mayorista. That was one of the first places I went to years back. Anyone been there lately?It's been about a year since I cruised through Mayorista. For several weeks, I was walking through on a daily basis for my afternoon exercise. It was only about 20 minutes walk from my apartment. On rate occasions I saw a girl or two that was tempting, but nothing that I just had to try.

Surf Looker
02-19-19, 04:57
Me too, she has a bunch of places she rents out. My favorite is her Lugo condos next to Oviedo. I have met her and her boyfriend in September, her boyfriend was nice. But damn I would love to have a piece of her for a night.Amigo I heard in past she prepago and her apts come with chicas. No sure. Heard it was true. Someone have more details?

Pishe make a lot money. Must be because of prepago and pimping. Mabe 3 some with BF.

02-19-19, 06:24
Some of the problem with your dissatisfaction with the replies is that you are dealing with a hypothetical where any legit confusion is very unlikely to take place. Dollars are so uncommonly used, and aren't even dispensed in the ATMs in Medellin. If she wants them it's her job to clarify, not your's. If the agreement was 300 and she demands dollars at the end, laugh and say "what dollars?" Then offer the agreed upon amount which by default is pesos. Don't give into extortion. Strength earns respect. Wimping out makes it harder on you as well as the Gringos that follow. Plus a girl like that is going to try and extort regardless of the angle, regardless of any unwarranted clarifications from you. They extort because it works, and it works more often because of bad advise given. If she wants to call the police offer to dial the number for her. If they arrive and make some sort of demand then you can re-evaluate, but in the meantime man up.

BTW this "I'm calling the police" racket has been common in Costa Rica for years now, and taught on day one in puta school. You can thank the timid Gringos for it. You can thank the same the more it catches on in Medellin.I liked your advice up until you said to offer to call the police for her. There is a very good chance things will get worst once the police show up not to mention what the building administration might say about the police being called to your apartment.

Thankfully I have only had one very terrible encounter with a prepago in my apartment. She was calling the police or someone to come over. I opened up the front door and asked her to leave. She refused to leave my apartment. I went in and grabbed her bear hug style and picked her up and carried her out of my apartment and locked the door so she couldn't get back in. And then I left the building with her still in the hall way. I came back a few hours later and she was gone. Never to be seen again.

My advice is to get the chick out of your apartment and secure it the best you can and then leave the scene as fast as you can.

02-19-19, 06:45
Man, underwhelming list of putas IMHO.Do you have better contacts? Could you share them?

02-19-19, 07:07
My point was more about calling her bluff than literally dialing the # for her. They pull the shit because it works.

I don't use an apartment. I stay in the same room in a hotel I have a longtime relationship with. No hooker has ever been inside. For Facebook or casas girls I see off the clock I use love motels.

I liked your advice up until you said to offer to call the police for her. There is a very good chance things will get worst once the police show up not to mention what the building administration might say about the police being called to your apartment.

Thankfully I have only had one very terrible encounter with a prepago in my apartment. She was calling the police or someone to come over. I opened up the front door and asked her to leave. She refused to leave my apartment. I went in and grabbed her bear hug style and picked her up and carried her out of my apartment and locked the door so she couldn't get back in. And then I left the building with her still in the hall way. I came back a few hours later and she was gone. Never to be seen again.

My advice is to get the chick out of your apartment and secure it the best you can and then leave the scene as fast as you can.

02-19-19, 12:02
Visited the NewLife a few days ago. Nothing New. Generally the same place as far as the girls go. Caters to the same taste with silicone tits and ass with scars and all, if your lucky. The place has been always hit or miss for me. The line up might have 1 or 2 girls that are hot or at least your type and if you don't act quickly their usally gone, selected by someone else. Alot of times your lucky if you get to see or view the best and prettiest girls there because their to busy to even make the walk around with other girls due to customers calling up and reserving them ahead time. This time there was no real home runs out of the bunch, it was around noon though, so maybe it was still early. At least I knew what I didn't want. Needless to say I found my self narrowing down the selection to 2 girls, which one of them I decided to take. When in the room I wait until she reaches for the condom to reply with sin condom? And of course she replies with the new magical number 50 k for BBBJ (they must have some new puta association or maybe a union) I agreed, I couldn't be bothered haggeling with her. When we finished I gave her the 50 k and she says ''propina'' and I said ''you got the 50 k propina'', (which she absolutely didn't deserve, due to her shitty BBBJ and performance). Then she says ''cheapo'', I though she was going to slap the bottom of her elbow or is that just a Dom Rep thing? What a bunch of greedy bitches these casa hoes become!

02-19-19, 13:02
Amigo I heard in past she prepago and her apts come with chicas. No sure. Heard it was true. Someone have more details?
No prepagos were offered to me (and I lack the nerve to ask), but at least her rentals are chica-friendly: https://www.airbnb.com/users/93351118/listings.

02-19-19, 13:49
When we finished I gave her the 50 k and she says ''propina'' and I said ''you got the 50 k propina'', (which she absolutely didn't deserve, due to her shitty BBBJ and performance). Then she says ''cheapo'', I though she was going to slap the bottom of her elbow or is that just a Dom Rep thing? What a bunch of greedy bitches these casa hoes become!Everyday there is a newbie shipment of mongers arriving that will see 50 k plus an additional tip as a steal, bear gifts from Victoria secrets, offer sex toys and dinner dates and shopping sprees. There are many more of them then there are casa chicas so in the end the casa chicas will get what they want and more. Maybe they will even incorporate a duel pricing system; one for locals and one for gringos. The clock is ticking LOL.

Sean EZ
02-19-19, 13:52
No prepagos were offered to me (and I lack the nerve to ask), but at least her rentals are chica-friendly: https://www.airbnb.com/users/93351118/listings.Useful. How do you know for sure they are all chica-friendly? I've looked a several and they all mention security or door staff.

02-19-19, 14:59
Useful. How do you know for sure they are all chica-friendly? I've looked a several and they all mention security or door staff.Well if you have doubts you can always message her and ask what's the policy on guests. I found for most airbnbs if they don't want putas in the building they'll usually mention it in the listing.

02-19-19, 15:03
The girls here are truly beautiful and hot if you like Latinas this is the Mecca. Not like CR or DR where Colombian girls go once past their primes because they can't hack it anymore in their country anymore.

No matter how you break it down it will be cheaper to monger here than in the US.

I agree prices will go up and but even then it's still cheaper than the US.

Even for locals who want bargain basement prices or the monger from the US thinks that they should get BBFS for 50 $ from a 19 yo beauty there will still be a market but eventually every girl will raise her prices when they see her ugly friends making triple what they're making.

That's just the way it works.

They're so many lurkers and even memebers who post here falling in love with these girls or sponsoring them and wifing them up it's hilarious.

For the guys going on short weekend trips just to have fun my advice is no matter how much you're willing to spend on a girl just make sure you get exactly what you want. As long as you get the desired service (BBBJ GFE CIM COF video anal etc etc) it was YOUR money well spent.

I feel like too many people are afraid to report on this board because they are getting blasted for spending too much or driving up the market etc. Who the fuck cares. Just go and have fun.

Facebook, casas, strip clubs, etc.

02-19-19, 15:34
The girls here are truly beautiful and hot if you like Latinas this is the Mecca. Not like CR or DR where Colombian girls go once past their primes because they can't hack it anymore in their country anymore.

No matter how you break it down it will be cheaper to monger here than in the US.

I agree prices will go up and but even then it's still cheaper than the US.

Even for locals who want bargain basement prices or the monger from the US thinks that they should get BBFS for 50 $ from a 19 yo beauty there will still be a market but eventually every girl will raise her prices when they see her ugly friends making triple what they're making.

That's just the way it works..That's what I've always said. Your dick, your money; use them however you want.

I've never paid for BBBJ, because it's not critical to me. If BBBJ is a requirement (or anything else), decide how much you're willing to pay. Understand going in that she might give a lousy BJ.

One bit of advice, I'll repeat again. You're more likely to have ho-hum casa experiences, if you focus strictly on a particular body type or attribute. That girl gets picked more than any other. She doesn't need to be good to make money. She would rather be somewhere else.

02-19-19, 15:36
No matter how you break it down it will be cheaper to monger here than in the US.

I haven't mongered in the USA in about 35 years. Is it really cheaper even when you factor in the transportation and housing costs of traveling to Medellin, etc.?

02-19-19, 15:46
I haven't mongered in the USA in about 25 years. Is it really cheaper even when you factor in the transportation and housing costs of traveling to Medellin, etc.?I would think so. Considering in the USA girls charge by the hour and a really hot one is going to go for 500 and up for one hour.

You can get cheaper but even 300 an hour girls are not that hot imo.

In mde for $300 Usd you can literally have a girl for 24 hours unlimited nuts and get the best of all worlds. So factor in plane tickets and hotels if you take a tln with a girl of your choice you'll make up for it right there and the rest is gravy.

02-19-19, 16:17
I haven't mongered in the USA in about 35 years. Is it really cheaper even when you factor in the transportation and housing costs of traveling to Medellin, etc.?A lot of factors need to be considered in determining the comparative cost of mongering, namely, length of stay abroad, airfare, cost of accommodation, restaurant costs, cost of travel within the destination country, cost of obtaining cash, etc. For me the overall cost is more abroad than in the US for a particular block of time. However, the upside is the ambiance of the foreign country, being able to ogle countless hot girls and fun trips to casas. In terms of dollars and cents I average 5 sessions per week. In the US that's around $1500. I spend more than $1500 per week here overall.

02-19-19, 17:59
No matter how you break it down it will be cheaper to monger here than in the US.

I agree prices will go up and but even then it's still cheaper than the US.

Even for locals who want bargain basement prices or the monger from the US thinks that they should get BBFS for 50 $ from a 19 yo beauty there will still be a market but eventually every girl will raise her prices when they see her ugly friends making triple what they're making.

That's just the way it works.

They're so many lurkers and even memebers who post here falling in love with these girls or sponsoring them and wifing them up it's hilarious..Its true that it is cheaper in Medellin than US but Colombia is a 3rd world country. You paying 300 dollars means you paying more than her monthly salary a bit of sex. You guys need to remember the world exist it is not just US there are more people living in the world and colombian customers do not like you to come to their country and raise the prices because you were born with more money that is why in some places they don't really like gringos yall be jacking up the prices that high that for sex now they must pay more than they make, you think the male paisas are going to be happy about it?

02-19-19, 18:17
Maybe they will even incorporate a duel pricing system; one for locals and one for gringos. The clock is ticking LOL.Funny enough, the casas and centro clubs are priced generally for the locals, I could recall the girls charging 150 k and more at Fase II or the San Diego grille, then several hours later, the same night, you can catch the same chica at the Mayorista for 32 k. Price discrimation has not really caught on in these casas yet, but sure its looming. The girls seem to have been savy to it all along.

02-19-19, 19:39
I haven't mongered in the USA in about 35 years. Is it really cheaper even when you factor in the transportation and housing costs of traveling to Medellin, etc.?In the US, I pay between $80 to $300, all either off Sugar Baby sites or referred by a buddy, no clock watching, usually dinner out or takeout, sometimes a movie or show on the bed while we exchange backrubs, then FS, usually no cover with the long term chicks.

The 1st 2 have some substance issues hence the lower price point.

Chicks 1 & 2 are sorta street chicks for $80, both 21 yo, they like to spend the night, #3, 19 yo is my fav at $100 (we started much higher and worked our way down) #4 is $120,28 yo, looks 17 ish, #5 is $180,21 yo and very fun in bed, #6 is $200 and a fitness competitor in the NPC, #7 is $300 but shows up a in new 2 door Mercedes in $1000 Louboutin heels and little black dress and makes great arm candy out, has a Playboy level body.

A trip to MED for me is $400 air, $30 a night hotel, and $10 to $100 per chick depending on time and quality, $3 and up for meals, usually $1500+- for 6 days, 2 to 3 chicks a day plus some tourist stuff and souvenirs. Not really a $ saver but a nice vacation and a very large selection of chicks in a legal environment.

02-19-19, 21:15
Everyday there is a newbie shipment of mongers arriving that will see 50 k plus an additional tip as a steal, bear gifts from Victoria secrets, offer sex toys and dinner dates and shopping sprees. There are many more of them then there are casa chicas so in the end the casa chicas will get what they want and more. Maybe they will even incorporate a duel pricing system; one for locals and one for gringos. The clock is ticking LOL.True, but nothing to LOL about unfortunately.

Michi T
02-19-19, 21:29
The girls here are truly beautiful and hot if you like Latinas this is the Mecca. Not like CR or DR where Colombian girls go once past their primes because they can't hack it anymore in their country anymore.

No matter how you break it down it will be cheaper to monger here than in the US.

I agree prices will go up and but even then it's still cheaper than the US.

Even for locals who want bargain basement prices or the monger from the US thinks that they should get BBFS for 50 $ from a 19 yo beauty there will still be a market but eventually every girl will raise her prices when they see her ugly friends making triple what they're making.

That's just the way it works.

They're so many lurkers and even memebers who post here falling in love with these girls or sponsoring them and wifing them up it's hilarious.

For the guys going on short weekend trips just to have fun my advice is no matter how much you're willing to spend on a girl just make sure you get exactly what you want. As long as you get the desired service (BBBJ GFE CIM COF video anal etc etc) it was YOUR money well spent.

I feel like too many people are afraid to report on this board because they are getting blasted for spending too much or driving up the market etc. Who the fuck cares. Just go and have fun.

Facebook, casas, strip clubs, etc.Would you say Medellin is the best address to be in the Colombia for a beginner?

I am spezialized in Eastern Europe but want to try once Colombia because that dude in my office told me that is possible to have youg busty girls below 20 years.

The Tall Man
02-19-19, 21:31
They're so many lurkers and even memebers who post here falling in love with these girls or sponsoring them and wifing them up it's hilarious.
Yep I too see these idiots wifing up, matter-of-fact I have seen this first hand, where a gringo I see on face book is all fu*king excited with finding his soul mate for life, then to think that just a few months or sometimes a few weeks earlier I was banging this chic along with her best friend in a 3-some, hehehehe.

Never take any of these bitches seriously. You been warned should you think that your something special to them. This thinking does not exist here in medellin.

The Tall Man.

02-19-19, 22:15
Useful. How do you know for sure they are all chica-friendly? I've looked a several and they all mention security or door staff.I know her condos in Lugo, across from Oviedo mall is girl friendly. Yes there is security but they let you have guests over. Security usually get the girls ID information before they let you go with them but I give them a tip or 2 and they don't even bother to check the girls ID.

02-19-19, 22:19
I was at a casa earlier on carrea 43 #55-34 called divine women. None of the girls were appealing, except for the one I chose, at Ieast I though so, but she had some baby damage. None-the-less she was sweet with a real pretty face, she didn't want to do BBBJ. When she was riding me cow girl it started feeling unusally good for a condom and I could tell from her moaning as well. I almost finished inside her, but she got off to early and then noticed the codom broke. The lip of the condom was left around the base of my cock. The rest of it was balled up on the side. Lucky for me, unfortunate for her, I guess she should have offered BB services, at least she would get compensated for them.

02-19-19, 22:23
I give them a tip or 2 and they don't even bother to check the girls ID.Why are you excited about them not checking the ID? Typically, that is useful incase something goes awry. Don't your ladies have cedulas?

02-19-19, 22:48
I was at a casa earlier on carrea 43 #55-34 called divine women. None of the girls were appealing, except for the one I chose, at Ieast I though so, but she had some baby damage. None-the-less she was sweet with a real pretty face, she didn't want to do BBBJ. When she was riding me cow girl it started feeling unusally good for a condom and I could tell from her moaning as well. I almost finished inside her, but she got off to early and then noticed the codom broke. The lip of the condom was left around the base of my cock. The rest of it was balled up on the side. Lucky for me, unfortunate for her, I guess she should have offered BB services, at least she would get compensated for them.Most brothels force all the girls to get shots monthly in case this happens so they don't have to worry about pregnant workers.

02-19-19, 23:31
Why are you excited about them not checking the ID? Typically, that is useful incase something goes awry. Don't your ladies have cedulas?Because I know these girls already.

02-20-19, 00:41
Most brothels force all the girls to get shots monthly in case this happens so they don't have to worry about pregnant workers.Where did you get this info? I find it hard to believe. Why should they worry? If a girl drops out they get another one. Or do you think they would pay child support?

Equally, I think it's an urban legend that girls get tested regularly for STDs. In Netherlands yes, in Colombia I don't think so. Some of the more sensible girls may get themselves tested (I knew one), but as a rule no.

If you pay for BBFS I suspect the girl will use the extra money to buy day-after contraception and vagina decontamination meds.

02-20-19, 03:15
Where did you get this info? I find it hard to believe. Why should they worry? If a girl drops out they get another one. Or do you think they would pay child support?
You are free to research child support laws in Colombia. They are pretty shitty or not enforced from what I know.

Hence, the two chicas I fucked like a stallion repeatedly from casas in Medellin went bareback but asked that I also help them with the monthly payment to get their shots (in addition to their fee). I didn't research that part. It may be a complete lie. But two chicas brought it up so I'm thinking its real.

FYI, when I bareback privately I insist on no washing of vagina until the next day. I've sat there eating in a restaurant while my sperm collected in the chicas shoe beneath her jeans. She'd lick her fork and smile at me. The reason I insist on only paper for cleaning up is I want what ejaculate remains in her cum bucket to act as lubricant for future fucks. It's disgusting I know but I'm a pig.

02-20-19, 03:39
I haven't mongered in the USA in about 35 years. Is it really cheaper even when you factor in the transportation and housing costs of traveling to Medellin, etc.?It's going to vary widely depending on which city, especially when you figure in airfare. RT for me to MDE runs $600-$700. Full service here with a close to comparable girl from MDE is $200, vs about $50.

For me, 7 days in MDE is roughly $1700. That's 1 girl a day, 3 meals a day, lodging and airfare. Doing 7 girls in the US is $1400, plus $200 for meals. So it's about the same. If I lived in Miami, it would be cheaper to go to Medellin. If I was a 2 or 3 a day guy, it becomes a bargain.

02-20-19, 03:41
Its true that it is cheaper in Medellin than US but Colombia is a 3rd world country. You paying 300 dollars means you paying more than her monthly salary a bit of sex. You guys need to remember the world exist it is not just US there are more people living in the world and colombian customers do not like you to come to their country and raise the prices because you were born with more money that is why in some places they don't really like gringos yall be jacking up the prices that high that for sex now they must pay more than they make, you think the male paisas are going to be happy about it?You think the male paisas are paying gringo rates?

02-20-19, 04:08
Its true that it is cheaper in Medellin than US but Colombia is a 3rd world country. You paying 300 dollars means you paying more than her monthly salary a bit of sex. You guys need to remember the world exist it is not just US there are more people living in the world and colombian customers do not like you to come to their country and raise the prices because you were born with more money that is why in some places they don't really like gringos yall be jacking up the prices that high that for sex now they must pay more than they make, you think the male paisas are going to be happy about it?Completely accurate. I had a couple of conversations with taxi / Uber drivers and they both mentioned that. It may work out well for these one and done mongers but it's really messing it up for the regulars yes but more importantly for the locals and worst of all clearly generating hostility. Remember they already know / think you have money, they are really unhappy when they feel priced out of their own "native" pussy.

02-20-19, 04:41
Finally made it here. Arrived Sunday and there was some cycling event that was wrapping up for the drive from real Negro took over 2 1/2 hours. That limited my options to Poblado And not knowing the lay of the land I showed up at AbiDos spa. It almost seems like something that catered to the bi-community. They asked me male or female as soon as I entered. Only one female and a 5, not the greatest option but I really wanted to nut so took her for a massage and oral and completed the deed. A combo of factors made that harder than expected and later diagnosed myself as having Vitamin V deficiency.

Next day Monday went to energy, there were like 10 or 11 girls. All were like 6/7 at best. No flacas which are my favorite and overall a little disappointed with the line up for what I had expected. Picked the first one Tatiana as folks mentioned they might be the most enthusiastic. Well she certainly acted it, but once selected her demeanor went a little cold, she is a regular there (told me works there every day except Friday and Sunday. As we were going into the room, the mamasan shouted something to her in Spanish, my Spanglish is weak but I understood it to be don't short the guy. Once the closthes came off, big see-section scar and baby belly and she looked older clearly well into her 30's, she had bolt ONS too which I am not a fan of, all in all a disappointing choice. She did a shittyvmassafe for all of 10-15 mins and told me to turn over. BBBJ wanted 50 k, 2 leches wanted 50 k, pretty much anything beyond the basic, oral was very limited in time and quality even with the condom on. She rode me for a little bit and I ended with a manual finish. Then at about 30 minutes in, she tried to end it and told me we are done but I can stay in the room for the hour. I asked her I thought it was for the room and her, she finally relented and said she can stay if I want. I told her to give me a better back and foot massage as I had walked a lot that day (I am surprised she didn't as for a 50 l for that! Any way I ended and left. Total disappointment. Doubt I go back, I might on Friday or Saturday as someone mentioned the line up is better on those days as locals get paid. However next time if I don't see anything I like, I plan to walk out.

Today I went to University Chicas sala de massaje. I whatapped mamasan and confirmed 1 HR dos leches. Then when paying she tried to up for the second and I showed her the WhatsApp exchange and she agreed. Decent line up 5 girls (better than Energy). Picked a 20 yr old paisa Jessica. Got into the room and she had a very calm and friendly demeanor. She said she studies media production or something like that and she was total GFE. She did ask for a tip for BBBJ at 50 k but accepted 25 k. She went all out and I got kissed everywhere and she followed instructions well. She kept asking if I was liking it and just seemed like a nice and pleasing girl. She looked the tightest and certainly was, a little belly fat but not distracting. We tried for the 2nd leche but I couldn't. We then showered together and she literally soaped and washed me completely. Then as I was putting on my clothes the knock came and I left happy.

Facebook girls have been a bit flaky. Thought I had 3 lined up. One is in Cartagena, the other one agreed then went cold, and the 3rd said she was on her period. Plausible explanations all, but.

The Casas are so convenient however that I am not sure it's a necessity. Haven't gone to the strip clubs or even Parque Lleras as it's been raining a bit here. Overall great city and great vibe and the mongering is a pretty decent deal for US standards. Quality / value considered. Non mongering stuff could fill up maybe 4-5 days but that's it.

02-20-19, 04:47
Would you say Medellin is the best address to be in the Colombia for a beginner?

I am spezialized in Eastern Europe but want to try once Colombia because that dude in my office told me that is possible to have youg busty girls below 20 years.If this is your first time in Colombia then yes I would say Medellin or Cartegena.

02-20-19, 05:22
FYI, when I bareback privately I insist on no washing of vagina until the next day .Nothing like day old nut fills a room once you crack the seal on some of these casa chica's beavers. Its very reminiscent on how a fish marKet dumpster smells while sitting in 100 degree weather. Which is sometimes why I insist on BJ action only.

02-20-19, 05:29
Nothing like day old nut fills a room once you crack the seal on some of these casa chica's beavers. Its very reminiscent on how a fish marKet dumpster smells while sitting in 100 degree weather. Which is sometimes why I insist on BJ action only.They call me senior jugo.

02-20-19, 05:43
why in some places they don't really like gringos yall be jacking up the prices that high that for sex now they must pay more than they make, you think the male paisas are going to be happy about it?Thats why mongers should stand their ground with these chicas and stop agreeing to theses high balled prices. Giving them 100 k when they ask for 50 k or nothing at all is like hustling backwards. The males paisas are not the only casualties of this new market.

02-20-19, 13:43
they don't really like gringos yall be jacking up the prices that high that for sex now they must pay more than they make, you think the male paisas are going to be happy about it?A lot of gringos think giving these chicas $300 is a bargain because they are charged $500 back in the states. Doesn't matter to them how the local economy works. They have no connection with the culture. They make too much money and don't have time to haggle like they would back home to save $1. 50 at Walgreens. They are on vacation and would rather spend what they brought here than take money back home.

02-20-19, 14:39
A lot of gringos think giving these chicas $300 is a bargain because they are charged $500 back in the states. Doesn't matter to them how the local economy works. They have no connection with the culture. They make too much money and don't have time to haggle like they would back home to save $1. 50 at Walgreens. They are on vacation and would rather spend what they brought here than take money back home.It's more about the time. Most tourists go for a weekend and don't have the time to haggle.

I've been coming to MDE for a while now and have gotten use to it and definitely won't give in as easily to their demands on ridiculous pricing.

However first trip to MDE was a weekend trip 3 nights and I read boards and was very prepared and got familiar with prices on what I should pay.

I go out to Gustos. I see a girl I want. I buy her a drink and after some dancing and conversation I ask how much. She quotes me $250 usd I counter with $150 she counters $200 and taxi. I stick to my guns at 150 and she walks away.

I am absolutely baffled at this point because I'm computing even $150 usd is 400 k cop and I'm reading guys getting pussy for 200-300 k even at Gustos or Lleras.

So a few min later a girl walks over to me and I cut the small talk and ask her how much? She quotes me $200. Now I had no intention of taking this girl just wanted to see if every girl is going to ask for the same.

As the night goes along I have no interest in any other girl and this one was definitely the one I had to have.

So I walk over and I tell her ok $200 however I want BBBJ CIM and 2 pops etc. She agrees.

The point is as was for me on that trip most guys don't have the time to refuse and get the WhatsApp and connect with them later for the simple fact that if a girl is truly hot she's going to get her weekend $$ from a foreigner at some point during the weekend.

Same can be said for the strip clubs and other clubs. Girls are going to get their $$ on the weekends.

This is something that can't be stopped because mongers come for a short period of time and don't want to miss out on the girl of their choosing.

For the locals you have all the time in the world to discover new talent and have your hidden gems until a tourist comes along and gives her double or triple than what you’re giving her. At that point she’ll only fuck you when she’s desperate for quick $$. Lmao.

It’s just the common theme I’m seeing.
That's just how it's always going to be. Nothing the tourists or locals can do it about it.

02-20-19, 15:20
I am absolutely baffled at this point because I'm computing even $150 usd is 400 k cop and I'm reading guys getting pussy for 200-300 k even at Gustos or Lleras.

So a few min later a girl walks over to me and I cut the small talk and ask her how much? She quotes me $200. Now I had no intention of taking this girl just wanted to see if every girl is going to ask for the same.

As the night goes along I have no interest in any other girl and this one was definitely the one I had to have.

So I walk over and I tell her ok $200 however I want BBBJ CIM and 2 pops etc. She agrees.

The point is as was for me on that trip most guys don't have the time to refuse and get the WhatsApp and connect with them later for the simple fact that if a girl is truly hot she's going to get her weekend $$ from a foreigner at some point during the weekend.
Its your money but then you also chose to go to a clip joint and pay 3 x the higher end of the going rate. If you were in Panama or Costa Rica most chicas would go for $100 USD. Just to put things in perspective. Maybe for a quick trip try Panama City.

02-20-19, 15:27
Its your money but then you also chose to go to a clip joint and pay 3 x the higher end of the going rate. If you were in Panama or Costa Rica most chicas would go for $100 USD. Just to put things in perspective. Maybe for a quick trip try Panama City.Been to CR. The women are not hot at all.

I prefer Colombian women so why would I go elsewhere? LOL.

Some guys actually enjoy the club scene where they can drink party dance get fucked up and then fuck.

Some guys just want to get straight to it.

Different strokes for different folks.

Mr Enternational
02-20-19, 17:21
It's more about the time. Most tourists go for a weekend and don't have the time to haggle.Because uttering 3 to 5 words really wastes tons of time.

02-20-19, 17:35
Been to CR. The women are not hot at all.
Panama City has more Colombians and Venezuelans than Panamanians. I just wanted to offer you an alternative because $200 USD is expensive even for Colombian hookers who are traveling to other countries.

02-20-19, 18:13
Because uttering 3 to 5 words really wastes tons of time.He is talking about no alternative or not wanting alternative. Some girls have a number in mind that they want to get and will not budge. The hot ones will just wait for the next monger in line to take it. It is very obvious in Thermae in Bangkok. At least Sangnyc21 get BBBJ, CIM and 2 shots out of it. In Thermae, the hot girls are only offering a hole most of the times.

02-20-19, 18:19
Panama City has more Colombians and Venezuelans than Panamanians. I just wanted to offer you an alternative because $200 USD is expensive even for Colombian hookers who are traveling to other countries.Yes 200 usd is a lot. And on slower nights she'll go for a lot less if she was desperate.

But if you're there for a weekend are you going to pass up the girl that you want?? Or are you willing to pay the price as long as you get exactly what you want from the girl that you want.

02-20-19, 18:59
I went to Mayorista in September and early November, both times stayed at the hotels near the action, the selection was mediocre in the afternoons, waited till after 10 pm, since my regular was on her period and couldn't make it. Went down for a stroll didn't see any one that caught my attention, decided to get a beer and sat at the little bar right below my hotel, I saw this girl in really short shorts and tight midriff blouse, she was hustling this older guy getting in to a taxi, we made eye contact, the guy left and the girl walked up the block, with a friend, she walked back passed the bar and we made eye contact again, she smiled, I smiled back, she is not very pretty but has a tight body with no tummy, she signals me if I buy her a drink, I nod and she walks over and sits on my lap, we order rum for her, her name is Sofia, and while we have our drinks I play with her slim legs and nicely round ass, sticking out under the shorts, she feels me getting hard and pulls me up on my feet starts dancing reggaeton against the table, we start grinding, and she is smiling and singing to the music, we go to her room for some reason didn't want to go to my room is OK, her hotel is right behind mine, and I've stayed there before. The rooms are small but clean enough, she pays for the room out of her own money, we move to the room and puts some music on her phone, and pushes me on the bed, starts doing a striptease very sexy, we get a knock on the door and am like what the hell, she opens the door only a crack and I hear another female voice asking her if she had any money to get some pot, she closes the door and goes to her purse takes some money and gives it to her friend, we go back to bed and she pulls my pants off while I take off my shirt, my friend is standing to attention and she grabs a rubber without asking she mounts me and starts to fuck me sitting on the edge of the bed, grinding hard she is moaning, it feels so hot and sexy, she cums and starts trembling from exhaustion, am not there yet, so she lays me flat on my back and rides me reverse cowgirl, slow then hard, then she rotates and is facing me, going up and down again, then rotates again facing my feet, she does this at least 4 times till I cum. We lay in bed for a little bit she gets up and gets a cigarette and smokes it laying in bed with me, we talk a little and her friend knocks on the door again, this time the girlfriend walks in, looks at me and bed and just smiles a Hello. She wants a drink and wants to share what she bought as it turns out she got pot and coke, they offer me some I decline, they both snort the coke and light up the pot very casually sitting on the bed with me naked there like nothing. My girl asks me if I don't mind buying rum, I told her no is fine we give money to her friend to go buy from from the reception desk, comes back and has a drink then leaves. Sofia is now ready for round too, with the drugs in her system she is even hornier, she lays on her back, does the splits with her hips on her hands I dive in and eat her out till she is dripping wet, and she puts the rubber on again while am standing and she is sitting on the bed she does a CBJ and lays back so I can take her at the edge of the bed, I ram her as hard as I can and she looks at me and smiles asking for more, she locks her legs behind me and rubs up and down, am surprised how flexible she is. I cum standing and my legs feel like rubber, we rest up taking and drinking more rum, she finishes up the coke and smokes again, we go for a third round starting doggie, then she mounts me and does the screwdriver thing again feels so good.

We had originally agreed on 50 k per hour, we have been in the room for over 2+ hours but because I bought the rum she only charges me for 3 hours. Total damage 200 k + a 20 k tip I gave her for her service. She gave me her phone number on a piece of paper but I lost it in the shuffle, I've been kicking myself for that. I found her in September, in November when I went back I couldn't find her, oh well. In November I had a bad experience with one of the girls that I had sessioned some time back, she is a little older with big bolt on tits. Last time she quoted me 40 k I gave her 50 k, she didn't have change and I didn't want to go to the reception to make change, so told her to keep the whole thing. This time I made the mistake of taking her without verifying the price first and when we get to the room she is undressing and asks for money upfront 50 k, am like no, that's not the way is done here, 40 k and money is paid at the end. I start getting dressed back up and tell her to leave. She won't leave and finally convinces me to let her do her "job" she does a mediocre session and I can't even make myself cum, because am so upset. She has a nice meaty pussy, and I concentrate on that to finally cum, paid her 40 k and she left. Later my 2nd regular girl shows up at my door, turns out some one had seen me the previous night and she asked the girl at the reception if I was there, since she has been there with me multiple times the stupid reception girl lets her up without letting me know, I later complained to management who apologized and said it would not happen again, I wasn't planning on spending time with her, but what the hell she is here, my 2 regular girls both their names are Stefani but one is black the other is white are the only girls I do bareback and cum in them, I usually buy the pill for the day after at the Euro supermercado pharmacy, we fuck like there is no tomorrow, then go to eat, go back to the room, watch some TV, then fuck till we fall asleep, I wake up in the middle of the night and see her naked on her back, sound asleep, I spread her legs open and fuck her in her sleep, it feels so good, she wakes up smiles and kisses me, I cum and roll of her, she hugs me putting one leg on top of me and I feel warm cum dripping out of her and sliding down my leg. The next day we go to the movies, she is wearing this tiny outfit that makes her look so sexy, all the guys are staring at her, makes me smile knowing that she is a little hot thing I can fuck like my GF with no strings attached. She spent the night again in the hotel with me since am leaving the next day, we fuck again till we drop and the next morning she tells me her pussy is sore, and smiles. I give her 300 k for the 2 nights plus 50 k for cab fares. All the girls that I have ever found to be 100% GFE I have found at Mayorista, that's why I keep Cumming back.

02-20-19, 19:36
FYI, when I bareback privately I insist on no washing of vagina until the next day. I've sat there eating in a restaurant while my sperm collected in the chicas shoe beneath her jeans. She'd lick her fork and smile at me. The reason I insist on only paper for cleaning up is I want what ejaculate remains in her cum bucket to act as lubricant for future fucks. It's disgusting I know but I'm a pig.Holy mother of god I've heard it all now, hahahaha.

02-20-19, 20:16
It's going to vary widely depending on which city, especially when you figure in airfare. RT for me to MDE runs $600-$700. Full service here with a close to comparable girl from MDE is $200, vs about $50.

For me, 7 days in MDE is roughly $1700. That's 1 girl a day, 3 meals a day, lodging and airfare. Doing 7 girls in the US is $1400, plus $200 for meals. So it's about the same. If I lived in Miami, it would be cheaper to go to Medellin. If I was a 2 or 3 a day guy, it becomes a bargain.That's the point in my opinion.

It all depends on how many girls you want to fuck every day and where you want to do that. Until not too long ago I used to stay at the mansion and get 2/3 a day which would come out at roughly COP 500 k /600 k. Sometimes I would get a massage and "only" do two girls (one in the afternoon and one from the Cueva after dark). But I also hung out with guys that had a certain expensive taste and didn't really watch how much they spent. That meant going out for dinner in the "deadly" (for my wallet) Poblado area. Every night. Needless to say we'd start with a couple of round of beers and then move on to wine. Then back to the mansion for more drinks. I very quickly realised I was spending something between $300 and $400 daily (including accommodation).

It got to a point where because of how much the flight had cost and how high the "basic" expenses (food + alcohol) had become, I found myself in a loop of having to fuck as many girls as possible to justify the overall amount and effort. I got home at the end of my week with a chunky credit card bill and shooting dust out of my dick.

Don't get me wrong, it was fun but also not really that much cheaper that if I had stayed home and fucked a high-class posh escort every night.

I am sure one could spend a lot more but also at the same time a lot less. I think every monger needs to set a budget before leaving based on the kind of girls he wants to do and try to stick as much as possible to it. Or maybe just spend as he wishes seen how we can't really bring the money with us once we're dead and six feet under!! I think the kids have a saying about living only once or something like that.

02-20-19, 20:18
Panama City has more Colombians and Venezuelans than Panamanians. I just wanted to offer you an alternative because $200 USD is expensive even for Colombian hookers who are traveling to other countries.LOL I managed to spend $300 for 2. 5 hours with a native that worked for COPA. Pretty sure it wasn't the deal of the century.

02-20-19, 22:15
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02-20-19, 22:55
Yes 200 usd is a lot. And on slower nights she'll go for a lot less if she was desperate.

But if you're there for a weekend are you going to pass up the girl that you want?? Or are you willing to pay the price as long as you get exactly what you want from the girl that you want.You won't pay 200 USD anywhere in Colombia for a Colombian hooker. The same if you left Colombia and went to neighboring Panama. Let's just keep some perspective here. You're literally found the worst clip joint for Colombian hookers for hundreds of miles and keep defending it as being convenient.

Whatever. Can't fix stupid.

02-20-19, 23:52
with the drugs in her system she is even hornier, she lays on her back, does the splits with her hips on her hands I dive in and eat her out till she is dripping wet, and she puts the rubber on again while am standing and she is sitting on the bed she does a CBJ Great report. I was just asking about Mayorista. Glad it is still poppin. You're a wild dude LOL.

I was kind of surprised you didn't request BBBJ especially since you ate her out raw. Same thing with the sex since you seem to like barebacking them and since you already ate her out after sex.

02-21-19, 06:09
You won't pay 200 USD anywhere in Colombia for a Colombian hooker. The same if you left Colombia and went to neighboring Panama. Let's just keep some perspective here. You're literally found the worst clip joint for Colombian hookers for hundreds of miles and keep defending it as being convenient.

Whatever. Can't fix stupid.Lmao hey yippe why are you such a hater?

You're going to have to learn no matter how much one spends there will be someone who spends more and that's the game.

I never said I didn't pay too much you did.

Regardless bro one can spend their own $$ the way they want.

When people here are ripping others for it and it always happens, the jealousy hatred and it's hilarious.

No matter what anyone says you get what you pay for. I've done most of the options in Medellin.

You can fuck girls for 50 k cop or 500 usd. Simple as that.

02-21-19, 07:45
Stopped by Conjitos last night, its been around 5 years since I last been there. I noticed they relocated the bar. The 4 girls that I seen danced on the staged looked good, of course their beauty is enhanced by 2 or 3 points or more in the dark or under that blue light in the place. I remembered to bring enough 1 k notes (you know the paper 1 k notes that looked like their about to disintegrate in the wind) so I don't get yelled at and berated by them after being accosted and not giving them a propina for the stage show. I know it used to be around 52 k to take the girl to the room. I can't remember if the room fee was included in the chica fee, but anyways I was sure the price went up, so when the last girl came around asking for tips and she look great on stage. She had long legs, long black hair, tight ass and firm tits, looked 100% all natural. Anyways I asked her how much the chica fee was (her breath almost knock me dead and her face was nothing great either) but I think she said 70 k. Consequently, this is why I like the casas over the strip clubs. You can see the girls in the light and see how they look. There was many of times in the past when I frequented Conjitos and other strips clubs where I would never have chosen the girl if I had seen them in the light. Once you have them in the room its to late. I had a lot good experiences in the strips clubs, but its not worth the hassels that the casas seem to eliminate.

02-21-19, 12:15
You won't pay 200 USD anywhere in Colombia for a Colombian hooker. The same if you left Colombia and went to neighboring Panama. Let's just keep some perspective here. You're literally found the worst clip joint for Colombian hookers for hundreds of miles and keep defending it as being convenient.

Whatever. Can't fix stupid.I won't pay $200 for any hooker anywhere in Colombia. However, there are guys paying $200, $300, $500 and more for hookers in Colombia. That's without considering the guys who are flying them off to all parts of the world.

I've told it before, there's a webcam model in Medellin that offers one week with her for 100,000 tokens. That costs $8,000 for some guy to buy. She gets $5,000 per 100,000 tokens. Spending $8,000 gets the guy the chance to take her on vacation, her choice of destination and he pays all expenses. When it's all done, the guy has paid about $2,000 per day and she probably expects a propina.

I know of a guy who has been spending over $3 k per month on a girl for nearly 2 years now without ever meeting her. If he ever does meet her, there's a fair chance he'll get a chance to fuck her, but it's not a sure thing. And there's a thousand other guys that are spending as much or more.

Maybe they're stupid, maybe they're crazy. Maybe they have so much money that it doesn't matter to them, but whatever price you think someone would never pay, there's some guy out there who is happy to pay it.

The pic shows a guy paying $27 k to give over $16 k to a model in one shot. Just think what that guy would spend in Gusto.

02-21-19, 15:04
Holy mother of god I've heard it all now, hahahaha.Dood, Yippy is heathen AF but I was thinking how nice his plan would be if that fine young lady had a hairy Bush and armpits and little cum dribblets from the hairs were dripping allover the table ass well.

Michi T
02-21-19, 20:30
In the US, I pay between $80 to $300, all either off Sugar Baby sites or referred by a buddy, no clock watching, usually dinner out or takeout, sometimes a movie or show on the bed while we exchange backrubs, then FS, usually no cover with the long term chicks.

The 1st 2 have some substance issues hence the lower price point.

Chicks 1 & 2 are sorta street chicks for $80, both 21 yo, they like to spend the night, #3, 19 yo is my fav at $100 (we started much higher and worked our way down) #4 is $120,28 yo, looks 17 ish, #5 is $180,21 yo and very fun in bed, #6 is $200 and a fitness competitor in the NPC, #7 is $300 but shows up a in new 2 door Mercedes in $1000 Louboutin heels and little black dress and makes great arm candy out, has a Playboy level body.

A trip to MED for me is $400 air, $30 a night hotel, and $10 to $100 per chick depending on time and quality, $3 and up for meals, usually $1500+- for 6 days, 2 to 3 chicks a day plus some tourist stuff and souvenirs. Not really a $ saver but a nice vacation and a very large selection of chicks in a legal environment.Where do you get the chicks over there? Do you need to prepare? In Eastern Europe I do never prepare, talk to them on the street.

02-21-19, 21:02
If anyone has amazon prime I would suggest watching "Dancing with Monica". Film about a Colombian hooker.

02-21-19, 22:29
The pic shows a guy paying $27 k to give over $16 k to a model in one shot. Just think what that guy would spend in Gusto.

There is a high probability that he wouldn't spend a dime in Gusto.

There were two guys that spent on average between $800 and $1000 dollars a month in my girlfriend's room on MyFreeCams.

I contacted both of them through my studio account and asked them if they would like to come down to Cali and that I could introduce them to hot chicas if they were interested. One went nuts saying I violated his privacy and the other guy said he would think about it. Well, three days later he got back to me and said thanks for the offer but just too much trouble to go to Colombia.

Apparently, it is just a lot easier to stay at home and jack off. Jajaja.

02-21-19, 23:19
Where do you get the chicks over there? Do you need to prepare? In Eastern Europe I do never prepare, talk to them on the street.Like I said in the post, 2 of them (#1 & #2 in the photos) are street chicks, one whom I met on the street, the other a buddy gave me her number, the rest I all met on US Sugar Baby sites, mostly SeekingArrangements and SeekingBenefits.

02-22-19, 02:05
There is a high probability that he wouldn't spend a dime in Gusto.

There were two guys that spent on average between $800 and $1000 dollars a month in my girlfriend's room on MyFreeCams.

I contacted both of them through my studio account and asked them if they would like to come down to Cali and that I could introduce them to hot chicas if they were interested. One went nuts saying I violated his privacy and the other guy said he would think about it. Well, three days later he got back to me and said thanks for the offer but just too much trouble to go to Colombia.

Apparently, it is just a lot easier to stay at home and jack off. Jajaja.And no risk of disease or pregnancy!

02-22-19, 06:57
There is a high probability that he wouldn't spend a dime in Gusto.

There were two guys that spent on average between $800 and $1000 dollars a month in my girlfriend's room on MyFreeCams.

I contacted both of them through my studio account and asked them if they would like to come down to Cali and that I could introduce them to hot chicas if they were interested. One went nuts saying I violated his privacy and the other guy said he would think about it. Well, three days later he got back to me and said thanks for the offer but just too much trouble to go to Colombia.

Apparently, it is just a lot easier to stay at home and jack off. Jajaja.Dealing with the users is difficult, especially the ones who are spending heavy on one girl. That's true in strip clubs in the US too, or was back when I was a regular. Some guy will drop $500/ visit on the one dancer that won't let him touch, but won't even look at the dancer who's giving head in the VIP for $100.

02-22-19, 06:59
And no risk of disease or pregnancy!For certain webcam guys, "no risk of her not being interested in me" is the biggest reason. Online they can be a stud. In person. Maybe not.

02-22-19, 14:48
I have met a woman from Medellin on cupid in her mid 40's. Great body, great hair and she exposes herself on camera with beautiful boobs and oftenly masturbates. She is very open minded and offered me to take to a Swingers Club in Medellin. I checked out few swingers website and read very positive reviews. Anyone have any experience of these swingers clubs. They Look very modern and full of fun. I don't know how true it can be. But if things click with her and have an opportunity to go to swingers club, then I would rather go there instead of hunting in casas or calle. Please input your information.

02-22-19, 15:33
I have met a woman from Medellin on cupid in her mid 40's. Great body, great hair and she exposes herself on camera with beautiful boobs and oftenly masturbates. She is very open minded and offered me to take to a Swingers Club in Medellin. I checked out few swingers website and read very positive reviews. Anyone have any experience of these swingers clubs. They Look very modern and full of fun. I don't know how true it can be. But if things click with her and have an opportunity to go to swingers club, then I would rather go there instead of hunting in casas or calle. Please input your information.I've been to many swingers clubs in the US, never in Colombia. From what I've read, the only significant difference is that Colombian clubs are more likely to have prostitutes available to improve the male to female ratio.

If you're comfortable with swinging, a club can be a great time. However, for many people it's a disaster. What usually happens is the guy talks his girl into going. She's nervous. He's paying too much attention to other girls. She's uncomfortable with other guys paying attention to her. Jealousy breaks out and they leave fighting. It can be worse if the girl is really into it and the guy isn't. The guy might start a fight with some other guy because his girl got too friendly.

If she's offering to take you to a swinger's club (without you first bringing up the subject), she's probably something of a regular there. She's going to get kissed on, rubbed and groped by plenty of men and women who have all been with her before. Are you okay with that?

Depending on how you look, you might get kissed and rubbed on by the women she knows. Or they might ignore you. How's your Spanish? There's likely to be conversations that will be difficult to follow and you probably will be required to lock up your phone, along with your clothes, in a locker. Which brings up another possible issue. You're probably going to be walking around, wearing nothing more than a towel, with a bunch of men and women, wearing nothing more than a towel.

There's some good points to this. Women who go to swinger's clubs enjoy sex. They are more likely to be bisexual. They are less likely to be jealous. They're almost guaranteed to be clean, no nasty smells. They're more likely to be sexually adventurous. They're less likely to be focused solely on getting money from you.

If she's attractive to you, if you can handle the environment, you could be in for the best time you could have, for less than most guys pay for just an hour.

If you go, take your vitamins. When I used to go with my girlfriend, we would be fucking off and on for 5 to 6 hours, with 2 or more different couples.

The Tall Man
02-22-19, 15:42
You are free to research child support laws in Colombia. They are pretty shitty or not enforced from what I know.

Hence, the two chicas I fucked like a stallion repeatedly from casas in Medellin went bareback but asked that I also help them with the monthly payment to get their shots (in addition to their fee). I didn't research that part. It may be a complete lie. But two chicas brought it up so I'm thinking its real.

FYI, when I bareback privately I insist on no washing of vagina until the next day. I've sat there eating in a restaurant while my sperm collected in the chicas shoe beneath her jeans. She'd lick her fork and smile at me. The reason I insist on only paper for cleaning up is I want what ejaculate remains in her cum bucket to act as lubricant for future fucks. It's disgusting I know but I'm a pig.That is funny shit "I've sat there eating in a restaurant while my sperm collected in the chicas shoe beneath her jeans", hehehehe.

The Tall Man.

02-22-19, 15:45
Stopped by Chicas Universitarias shortly after they opened on Thursday morning. My only other mongering experience in Medellin was at New Life, and I enjoyed this one much more. Yes, the cost is significantly more than New Life, but I definitely think this is one of those situations where you "get what you pay for."

The neighborhood of Chicas Universitarias is certainly nicer, and the manager there is wayyyy more pleasant. Lower quantity, but higher quality of chicas. There were only 4 girls when I arrived. I would have had done any of them. Two were a bit rounder and I would say were 6.5 on the looks scale, with the other two being closer to 8's. One was tan, with dyed red hair (Jessica) and the other was a pretty, skinny darker skinned girl who was partially of African descent. Jessica is a bit taller and more athletic than I usually go for (I normally like short and very skinny), but I remembered a recent review of her stating that OWO was available and that she provided great GFE, so I chose Jessica and I'm glad I did (thanks contributor!

Jessica was a lot of fun in the bedroom. I really loved the DFK with her tongue ring (Love tongue rings!) and also the oral, including BL and BS. The sex was a ton of fun too. She also had strong hands, and her massage was much better than most working girls, and she really worked my shoulder muscles and calves in between our two sessions. It's hard for me to finish back to back times with a hat on, so for my second pop I had her finish me off with her mouth and then hand for another top-notch climax. Really fun girl, and my attraction to her grew throughout our time together. Really dug her kissing, her smile, and her eye contact. Going to see her again before leaving Medellin soon.

Anyone else planning to check out Chicas Universitarias, I suggest sending the Mamasan manager a WhatsApp message first for specific directions, rates, etc.

Side note: Earlier in the week I tried to book an appointment with Exxi on Photoprepagos after reading a positive reviews and seeing her cute photos, but she never responded to either texts or WhatsApp messages. WhatsApp marked my message to her as received, but unread. She had a nice topless photo of herself as her profile pic.

The Tall Man
02-22-19, 15:54
Most brothels force all the girls to get shots monthly in case this happens so they don't have to worry about pregnant workers.The Tall Man fetish is a pregnant paisa, damn these places for enforcing these type of rules, I want more embarazada, anyone know of a youngish thin at 4 to 7 months in medellin? I am getting horney just thinking of this, been on the look out for 2 years now.

The Tall Man.

The Tall Man
02-22-19, 16:01
I have met a woman from Medellin on cupid in her mid 40's. Great body, great hair and she exposes herself on camera with beautiful boobs and oftenly masturbates. She is very open minded and offered me to take to a Swingers Club in Medellin. I checked out few swingers website and read very positive reviews. Anyone have any experience of these swingers clubs. They Look very modern and full of fun. I don't know how true it can be. But if things click with her and have an opportunity to go to swingers club, then I would rather go there instead of hunting in casas or calle. Please input your information.Yes I have limited experience, there are about 3 or 4 swinger clubs in medellin, I have been to one once a few years back, it was located generally over by Fase Dos, probably a 5 minute taxi ride from there anyway, I went with my paisa girl (not prepago) and an american married couple who were into swingers clubs big time, just checked it out and as it was an off night there were about 3 other people in the club at the time, so after an hour we left, checked out another swingers club but it too was not busy so called it a night.

There is some information on the maps for them if your interested.

The Tall Man.

02-22-19, 17:03
The Tall Man fetish is a pregnant paisa, damn these places for enforcing these type of rules, I want more embarazada, anyone know of a youngish thin at 4 to 7 months in medellin? I am getting horney just thinking of this, been on the look out for 2 years now.

The Tall Man.Geral gomez on fb is pregnant right now, by a gringo it seems. But she still sends me a "hola" every time I'm online, so she might be available.

02-22-19, 19:43
Finally made it here. Arrived Sunday and there was some cycling event that was wrapping up for the drive from real Negro took over 2 1/2 hours. That limited my options to Poblado And not knowing the lay of the land I showed up at AbiDos spa.

Next day Monday went to Energy, ....

Today I went to University Chicas sala de massaje. I whatapped mamasan and confirmed 1 HR dos leches. For the uninitiated, can you list the addresses for these 3 places? I believe reports about Energy is abundant but it's been quite some time since I read anything about Abydos. I have not heard nor read about "University Chicas", this place is completely new to me unless it's another casa that has been rebranded.

Member #2001
02-22-19, 21:21
I will be in Medellin in a few days, if anyone wants to have a beer. Does anyone know what the action is in El Poblado? I heard there were some working girls around there, but have not heard of any first hand knowledge. Also does anyone know if El Normandia is girl friendly. I am just trying to decide on where to stay, EL Poblado or El Centro. It's been a while since I have been to this city and I am sure alot has changed since I have been there 10 years ago.

02-22-19, 22:45
I'm coming for 5 days in a few weeks for the purpose of finding an apartment rental for relocation in May. I'm looking for a temporary place that will allow me time to figure out exactly where I want to live.

I have some very dumb questions totally unrelated to the theme of this board. I have these issues most every time I travel anywhere.

I almost always have to buy toiletries wherever I travel because I generally travel with only a carry on and no liquids are allowed. I'll be arriving around 11 pm. Is there anyplace open in the airport where I can get toothpaste and the like at that hour?

If not, anyplace near the airport? The first night, I'll be staying at a motel near the airport so I won't be able to stop anywhere in Medellin. Same issue with a SIM card.


World Travel 69
02-22-19, 23:07
I feel like I am wasting my time, if someone can't find the Map and Lists.


For the uninitiated, can you list the addresses for these 3 places? I believe reports about Energy is abundant but it's been quite some time since I read anything about Abydos. I have not heard nor read about "University Chicas", this place is completely new to me unless it's another casa that has been rebranded.

02-23-19, 00:01
I generally travel with only a carry on and no liquids are allowed
You can go to Walmart in US or similar places to get travel size toothpaste. These are allowed in carry on. Someone reported about getting SIM card at late hour a few months back. You can do a search.

02-23-19, 01:19
A lot of gringos think giving these chicas $300 is a bargain because they are charged $500 back in the states. Doesn't matter to them how the local economy works. They have no connection with the culture. They make too much money and don't have time to haggle like they would back home to save $1. 50 at Walgreens. They are on vacation and would rather spend what they brought here than take money back home.I am sure the same gringo who won't haggle for these chicas are the ones who would haggle with the taxi driver for a couple of pesos.

Big Boss Man
02-23-19, 04:11
For the uninitiated, can you list the addresses for these 3 places? I believe reports about Energy is abundant but it's been quite some time since I read anything about Abydos. I have not heard nor read about "University Chicas", this place is completely new to me unless it's another casa that has been rebranded.Whatsapp is +57 300 2350414. It is near the Unicentro although the address appears to have changed since I was last there. 2 out of 3 of my experiences have been positive. https://co.mileroticos.com/masajes-eroticos/buscar-3002350414/.

02-23-19, 04:25
Also does anyone know if El Normandia is girl friendly. I am just trying to decide on where to stay, EL Poblado or El Centro. From what I have read here they are girl friendly. I bet you could talk the managers at Maricaibo and Barra Ejectiva to let you take the girls there instead of their sub-par rooms.

Only reason I haven't stayed there is no fridges in the room and not much of a view, that's why I do the Botero a block from there instead. Get a high floor there and it is a very nice view.

I have found them to be girl friendly if you rent a room for 2.

02-23-19, 06:25
Abydos has been closed for years. It used to be across the street from Luna Lunera.

For the uninitiated, can you list the addresses for these 3 places? I believe reports about Energy is abundant but it's been quite some time since I read anything about Abydos. I have not heard nor read about "University Chicas", this place is completely new to me unless it's another casa that has been rebranded.

02-23-19, 10:54
I'm coming for 5 days in a few weeks for the purpose of finding an apartment rental for relocation in May. I'm looking for a temporary place that will allow me time to figure out exactly where I want to live.

Thanks.I am also looking for a good rental place. Please keep us posted on finds and your hussle.

02-23-19, 11:05
The Tall Man fetish is a pregnant paisa, damn these places for enforcing these type of rules, I want more embarazada, anyone know of a youngish thin at 4 to 7 months in medellin? I am getting horney just thinking of this, been on the look out for 2 years now.

The Tall Man.

Geral gomez on fb is pregnant right now, by a gringo it seems. But she still sends me a "hola" every time I'm online, so she might be available.Attachement for Tall Man's pleasure.

02-23-19, 12:39
Yes, she is very pregnant and very available. If that's your thing.

Attachement for Tall Man's pleasure..

02-23-19, 17:12
Geral gomez on fb is pregnant right now, by a gringo it seems. But she still sends me a "hola" every time I'm online, so she might be available.Sadly I think she's been punished her poor baby with drugs and alcohol. She would visit. Needs money.

The Tall Man
02-23-19, 18:30
Attachement for Tall Man's pleasure.

Yes, she is very pregnant and very available. If that's your thing.


Sadly I think she's been punished her poor baby with drugs and alcohol. She would visit. Needs money.Very nice, just want papi needs! Thank you guys for pointing me in the right direction, damn I am getting horny just thinking about that tummy, jajajaja.

The Tall Man.

02-23-19, 19:19
I am also looking for a good rental place. Please keep us posted on finds and your hussle.Sure. I enlisted the help of an organization, Colombia Buddy. At first, I was suspicious but I've come to believe. They're geared to helping tourists, but will help anyone for any reason. I'm working with a young woman now who's been very helpful and speaks English well. She's helped with various things so far. Info about insurance, a visa and banking. She found what looks like a very nice airbnb for $30 in the heart of Laureles near the stadium for my brief stay in March. She will also take me around the city to apartment hunt and theoretically help avoid the gringo tax. That was the primary purpose for my using them. I will report more on them when I return, but they seem like the real deal.

02-24-19, 02:24
For the adventurous types that would like to venture out to a local Medellin spot full of hot paisas, clubs, bars and street food, I'll recommend la 45 in Manrique or Obrero in Bello. My first time in la 45 a couple years back was when a girl I connected well with working at Energy invited me there for a bday party. The experience was crazy fun. I was the only guy at the table with 5-6 hot paisas. Of course, I wouldn't recommend going alone, best way is to go with a local chick you connect with who lives in or knows the area. If you're younger, speak decent Spanish, and looking for fun, eye opening, non gringo experience, la 45 is a nice spot to check out. It's def not for the faint of heart, but the party scene is like lleras on speed with hot young paisas and 0 foreigners. BTW, there's lots of youngsters in that area so got to make sure to check cedula. I'm a chino in my 30's so I stand out, but I dress and speak like a local. I always say I'm a chino paisa.

Every time I return to MDE, I always check out la 45 at least once. I'll be in Medellin next month, anyone down to check out la 45 with me, hit me up. Can't beat 50 mil bottle service! Enough to supply 3-4 girls and myself.

02-24-19, 04:46
I totally agree. I would not suggest this for a newbie or for someone who speaks no Spanish or who prefers to house himself 24/7 in the Mansion, but if you have some experience in Medellin and you speak and some Spanish, and, most importantly, you have a local to go with you, I recommend it. I have spent a lot of time at bars in Aranjuez and Manrique. Price is right. No other gringos. Good music. Hot chicas.

As an FYI, I am 53, white, and tall. I have blue eyes. So no way I pass as a Hispanic. But knock on wood I've never had a problem.

For the adventurous types that would like to venture out to a local Medellin spot full of hot paisas, clubs, bars and street food, I'll recommend la 45 in Manrique or Obrero in Bello. My first time in la 45 a couple years back was when a girl I connected well with working at Energy invited me there for a bday party. The experience was crazy fun. I was the only guy at the table with 5-6 hot paisas. Of course, I wouldn't recommend going alone, best way is to go with a local chick you connect with who lives in or knows the area. If you're younger, speak decent Spanish, and looking for fun, eye opening, non gringo experience, la 45 is a nice spot to check out. It's def not for the faint of heart, but the party scene is like lleras on speed with hot young paisas and 0 foreigners. BTW, there's lots of youngsters in that area so got to make sure to check cedula. I'm a chino in my 30's so I stand out, but I dress and speak like a local. I always say I'm a chino paisa.

Every time I return to MDE, I always check out la 45 at least once. I'll be in Medellin next month, anyone down to check out la 45 with me, hit me up. Can't beat 50 mil bottle service! Enough to supply 3-4 girls and myself.

02-24-19, 05:02
For the adventurous types that would like to venture out to a local Medellin spot full of hot paisas, clubs, bars and street food, I'll recommend la 45 in Manrique or Obrero in Bello. .Yeah I keep meaning to make it up to Bello, the club zone looks fun, here's a YouTube vid of it:

Bello (Medellin) Colombia. In Barrio Obrero.

Saturday Night.

Bello, Colombia. Carrera 52- Calle 33.


02-24-19, 06:25
I remember being a newbie back in 2013 doing my first virgin trip to MDE and staying at the Mansion for a week. I liked the Mansion and loved Medellin and I haven't stop coming back. Over the years, I polished my Spanish, developed and grew my pro and non pro contacts, and immersed myself in the culture. I haven't been back to the Mansion in a few years, I might have to stop by and do 2 night stay for nostalgia purposes. I was glad I stayed there my first trip as I learned the ropes and met some good people.

Now, when I head back to MDE I usually stay in Bello and I know why lots of the Mansion girls come from Bello because hot chicks walking around literally everywhere from Puerta Del Norte to the barrios. It's best to get the girls before they become gringonized or mansionized LOL.

I totally agree. I would not suggest this for a newbie or for someone who speaks no Spanish or who prefers to house himself 24/7 in the Mansion, but if you have some experience in Medellin and you speak and some Spanish, and, most importantly, you have a local to go with you, I recommend it. I have spent a lot of time at bars in Aranjuez and Manrique. Price is right. No other gringos. Good music. Hot chicas.

As an FYI, I am 53, white, and tall. I have blue eyes. So no way I pass as a Hispanic. But knock on wood I've never had a problem.

Surf Looker
02-24-19, 07:49
Who is the blonde amigo.

In the US, I pay between $80 to $300, all either off Sugar Baby sites or referred by a buddy, no clock watching, usually dinner out or takeout, sometimes a movie or show on the bed while we exchange backrubs, then FS, usually no cover with the long term chicks.

The 1st 2 have some substance issues hence the lower price point.

Chicks 1 & 2 are sorta street chicks for $80, both 21 yo, they like to spend the night, #3, 19 yo is my fav at $100 (we started much higher and worked our way down) #4 is $120,28 yo, looks 17 ish, #5 is $180,21 yo and very fun in bed, #6 is $200 and a fitness competitor in the NPC, #7 is $300 but shows up a in new 2 door Mercedes in $1000 Louboutin heels and little black dress and makes great arm candy out, has a Playboy level body.

A trip to MED for me is $400 air, $30 a night hotel, and $10 to $100 per chick depending on time and quality, $3 and up for meals, usually $1500+- for 6 days, 2 to 3 chicks a day plus some tourist stuff and souvenirs. Not really a $ saver but a nice vacation and a very large selection of chicks in a legal environment.

02-24-19, 08:13
Yeah I keep meaning to make it up to Bello, the club zone looks fun, here's a YouTube vid of it:

Bello (Medellin) Colombia. In Barrio Obrero.

Saturday Night.

Bello, Colombia. Carrera 52- Calle 33.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZlLEmYOgME&t=14s&list=FLKmbj3XF1ryOYtieVrQey4g&index=15Is it just a party town? Any bars where freelancers hang out? Any and all info on are would be awesome.

02-24-19, 15:28
I totally agree. I would not suggest this for a newbie or for someone who speaks no Spanish or who prefers to house himself 24/7 in the Mansion, but if you have some experience in Medellin and you speak and some Spanish, and, most importantly, you have a local to go with you, I recommend it. I have spent a lot of time at bars in Aranjuez and Manrique. Price is right. No other gringos. Good music. Hot chicas.

As an FYI, I am 53, white, and tall. I have blue eyes. So no way I pass as a Hispanic. But knock on wood I've never had a problem.This sounds like an adventure!

02-24-19, 17:35
Who is the blonde amigo.I was responding to a post that asked how much mongering costs in the USA and so I listed some prices and the girls that went with them, she lives on the West coast of Florida. I certainly wouldn't pay anybody in MED $300! (well maybe for a few days of fun) LOL.

Sorry about the confusion, I had a PM about the pics too.

02-24-19, 22:00
Is it just a party town? Any bars where freelancers hang out? Any and all info on are would be awesome.Bello is a city that's become connected with Medellin. The locals see it as a separate city, others assume it's just a part of Medellin. It's not a party town any more than any other city in Colombia. Colombians like to party, so any town might be considered a party town. It's a nice area to walk around. It's accessible by the Metro.

A lot of the prepagos in Medellin seem to come from Bello. The answer to your question is either all the clubs are freelancer bars, or none of them are. As far as I know, there's no one club in Bello where working girls hang out, waiting for horny gringos. Paisas aren't that patient. However, when Bello girls go out partying, they often go to the clubs in Bello. Seems likely that an enterprising young lady, seeing a potential customer, right in her backyard, might be willing to interrupt the festivities long enough to exchange contact info.

02-24-19, 23:18
People have said Medellin is being overrun with gringos or even ruined by them. I'll say that is true to a certain extent if you limit yourself to the Poblado area. But if you go out of the gringo zones, there's still lots of spots where foreigners are non existent and still have an X factor. Nothing like walking thru a barrio and have girls checking you out for being unique and exotic. Barrios in the Robledo, Aranjuez, Bello, Belen, Manrique reas are the best. Like Colombialover and I said before, best method is to go with a local and you'll have a blast! Make sure to bring comfortable walking shoes. Nothing impresses a girl more than you knowing her barrio like the back of your hand.

This sounds like an adventure!

02-25-19, 00:19
I don't think most of these girls who are 18-22 years old want to be seen with a 50-60 year old gringo in their hood where they most likely have bfs and their families.

Only bottom of the barrel girls would want to be seen with a gringo in public in their neighborhood.

02-25-19, 00:31
People have said Medellin is being overrun with gringos or even ruined by them. I'll say that is true to a certain extent if you limit yourself to the Poblado area. But if you go out of the gringo zones, there's still lots of spots where foreigners are non existent and still have an X factor. Barrios in the Robledo, Aranjuez, Bello, Belen, Manrique reas are the best. I'm in places like Belen and Bello all the time and I always see gringos. I think that used to be true but gringos are increasingly everywhere except for in the mountains and the really rough areas. The Belgium guy that was just kidnapped in Bello and robbed for something like $32,000 USD is an example.

02-25-19, 00:40
I don't think most of these girls who are 18-22 years old want to be seen with a 50-60 year old gringo in their hood where they most likely have bfs and their families.

Only bottom of the barrel girls would want to be seen with a gringo in public in their neighborhood.I agree to a large extent but that is Medellin in general. That being said, I do see younger guys pulling more attractive paisas these days. I think that is a benefit of more foreigners here and a greater comfort level with seeing them more ingrained into daily life and not just the druggies and sex tourists.

In addition, older guys can get something decent for them (probably with kids) if they spread enough money around and treat everyone like family. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I know guys that come here and go for the type I never would but they like a certain look. It is like Sosua where I used to see guys go there for the Haitians when I was there for the Dominicanas. Different strokes for different folks.

02-25-19, 00:56
I agree that a 50+ dude with a 18-22 hottie is a dead giveaway, but I'm talking to the 30's age group that knows his way around Medellin and speaks decent Spanish. The young backpackers and Israelis are also competing in Medellin so you got to stand out a bit in terms of civvie action. But hey if you just want the Mansion experience, more power to you. The Mansion was where I started so I understand that angle.

I don't think most of these girls who are 18-22 years old want to be seen with a 50-60 year old gringo in their hood where they most likely have bfs and their families.

Only bottom of the barrel girls would want to be seen with a gringo in public in their neighborhood.

02-25-19, 01:02
I have done an extended stay in Bello and I don't remember spotting many gringos, maybe a few at most. The only gringos I saw were the friends I invited over. Any place can be as dangerous as you make it, so I guess I'll say Bello is very dangerous, stay away! .

I'm in places like Belen and Bello all the time and I always see gringos. I think that used to be true but gringos are increasingly everywhere except for in the mountains and the really rough areas. The Belgium guy that was just kidnapped in Bello and robbed for something like $32,000 USD is an example.

02-25-19, 01:07
Since FB girls were not as responsive, I went to check out apparently the two best stripe clubs in town.

First The girls La Isla. Paid the 10 mil cover and security were quite nice after that. They do try to take care of the customer if you don't come across as a jerk. Anyway entered and it was relatively quiet. One really hot 9/10 and the rest were 7-8 and some even 5-6. Drinks were 25 k for a beer. So sat had a beer and took in the scene. The girls would come by for tips and you basically got a 5 sec lap dance, and you could gripe and you put the 2 mil in their hating or somewhere like that. Some came bare breasted and others with bikini top on. The 9/10 was clearly in demand and her attitude reflected that. She would also go to the back a couple of times in the 2 hrs or so I was there. Didn't feel like sessioning and left around 1 am. They call trusted cabs there who charge you a bit more but at that hour you want to be safe and 10 v 20 mil is not what I care about. The place is up in the hilly area heading back towards the airport I think. On my way back, got pulled over by the cops, someone mentioned the same thing earlier, they just asked me to disembark and to see my documents, then they were jovial about how I was checking out the Chicas, and I told them yes senor only to look, we had a chuckle and back in and back to my hotel.

Next day went to Fase Dos. Better atmosphere and on average better women. Maybe less silicone too. Again girls ranged form a 4 (yes there was a 4!) old fat tired and smelly, gawd she should retire. Most were 6-8 I would say. Someone said 6 k for a coke, but the bartender charged me 10 k and I wasn't about to argue. Sat there with some younger Colombian Guys who were having fun on one side and a businessman on a trip visiting from Bogota. I had some convo, then tipped the Chicas as they came by (people mentioned it already, but take a bunch of 2 mil notes, reccomend 20-25 notes if you plan to stay for a while as the Chicas will come and demand their 2 mil. Anyway it was fun and my main thing was Inwanted to see both these clubs. I left around 12:30 after a couple hours here and the young driver got lost, so we went through all sorts of interesting places and this dude does not stop for red lights, he just believes they are a suggestion to slow down, LOL. Anyway, I wasn't about to insist when there is an element of risk to stopping at that hour, but anyway he was cool and what should have been a 10 min ride was like 30 min. I felt bad for the guy, and gave him 5 mil extra on top of the 15 mil it should have been and he was happy.

I eventually got around to seeing a couple of FB Chicas. One was excellent and the other was a forgettable experience. The one that was a good experience was well reviewed on this board and she came on time was sincere and we had a nice time. I finished twice in 1 HR, we relaxed forn20 mins then showered together and Inwalked her down.

I would say that many mongers here are not good about sharing information and that is their prerogative. I have also seen some of them and they are some weird ass. You do feel for some of these Chicas as mongers too come in all sorts of ways. Clearly not all are gentlemen. I will just leave it at that. Not criticizing but just sharing what I have seen.

In my opinion it is almost more important to be willing to share the bad experiences and avoid the bad ones, as it is to get info on the good ones. The one I got off FB today was atrocious. She insisted on taxi, 25 k then 25 k each way, was on her cell phone, seemed hyper like she was on something, and to top it off, had a gross fishy odor downstairs. My hotel slapped me with a 150 mil surcharge to add insult to injury. Now I am not here to hurt anyone's livelihood but that's just a shitty sequence of events. I just stopped a minute or two in and asked her to shower, only slightly better, so I asked her to finish off orally and she did. We were done in 30 mins and the way she was acting, I got the vibe that I should finish quickly and get it done with, so did exactly that. The hotel didn't even have change downstairs and I had to walk with her to a nearby shop to pay her return taxi fare. She would not let me Uber her. She clearly was high mileage and from the same Bello people are talking about here.

Other helpful tips learnt. When you withdraw cash from the ATM, the machine will offer you a rate and make it sound like that's your only option, always click decline that rate and then it defaults to the MasterCard or Visa rate and it will still dispense the cash. If you click yes then you are offering the bank the opportunity to change at their rate.

Parque Arvi, paragliding, Walking city tour and Guarape were all worth it for me. And great value as well. The place never felt unsafe. I walked all over Poblado and Laureles even at night and it felt safe. Rule of thumb avoid anywhere isolated. As long as there are plenty of people around and you keep your wits about you, and don't stand out you will be fine. Spanish is needed. Even a little goes a long way. I would say I am 20-25%, I managed but at times with difficulty. If you don't have Spanish and risk averse, safe yourself the trial and risk and go with the mansion. Colombian women are generally sweet and really good GFE, perhaps more than anywhere else and maybe why many Gringos keep returning time after time.

Overall I enjoyed my time here. I would consider it as a retirement destination but I can see the inflation emerging and the attitudes changing. Definitely not a guarantee it will be this way in 5-10 yrs. I'the in fact bet it will not.

02-25-19, 01:09
I'm sure there are guys here who have been invited and visited barrios where they get to meet the girl's friends and family. Key part is being invited, so you don't have to worry about the BF or whatever. I have met the most friendly paisas walking around the girls' barrios and their families are always warm and welcoming. Then I get to bang her hard afterwards like I'm the last man on earth LOL.

But if you are scared of being robbed or kidnapped, then stay in your gringo lane.

I don't think most of these girls who are 18-22 years old want to be seen with a 50-60 year old gringo in their hood where they most likely have bfs and their families.

Only bottom of the barrel girls would want to be seen with a gringo in public in their neighborhood.

02-25-19, 01:24
Only bottom of the barrel girls would want to be seen with a gringo in public in their neighborhood.Oh really? LOL.

Depends on the gringo, brotha.

Pretty wide Bell Curve of gringos.

Not all are built alike, or hard to be seen with or be with.

02-25-19, 01:30
Oh really? LOL.

Depends on the gringo, brotha.

Pretty wide Bell Curve of gringos.

Not all are built alike, or hard to be seen with or be with.Most of these younger hotter girls have social statuses in their own hood. At times, regardless of how young the gringo might be they still don't want to be seen with them because their peers will judge them.

02-25-19, 01:43
I have done an extended stay in Bello and I don't remember spotting many gringos, maybe a few at most. The only gringos I saw were the friends I invited over. I know a few gringos that live in Bello and I ride my bike up there about once a week and I often see gringos in Bello and Niquia as well. No biggie. I see them all over Medellin. I don't think it is a bad thing. Definitely don't see nearly as many as I see in other parts for obvious reasons. I've gone all the way out to Copacabana and Barbosa and saw gringos out there too.

The Tall Man
02-25-19, 02:40
For the adventurous types that would like to venture out to a local Medellin spot full of hot paisas, clubs, bars and street food, I'll recommend la 45 in Manrique or Obrero in Bello. My first time in la 45 a couple years back was when a girl I connected well with working at Energy invited me there for a bday party. The experience was crazy fun. I was the only guy at the table with 5-6 hot paisas. Of course, I wouldn't recommend going alone, best way is to go with a local chick you connect with who lives in or knows the area. If you're younger, speak decent Spanish, and looking for fun, eye opening, non gringo experience, la 45 is a nice spot to check out. It's def not for the faint of heart, but the party scene is like lleras on speed with hot young paisas and 0 foreigners. BTW, there's lots of youngsters in that area so got to make sure to check cedula. I'm a chino in my 30's so I stand out, but I dress and speak like a local. I always say I'm a chino paisa.

Every time I return to MDE, I always check out la 45 at least once. I'll be in Medellin next month, anyone down to check out la 45 with me, hit me up. Can't beat 50 mil bottle service! Enough to supply 3-4 girls and myself.My experience of Manrique. I am almost twice your age, very tall, green eyes and blondish hair so I stick out anywhere I go especially the few nights I went with a paisa chick and her 8 or 9 friends to this area, this was about 8 months back, your right zero gringos, 99% of everyone there is in their 20's to early 30's, little to no prepagos just the locals out to drink and dance and have fun.

I am tempted to visit again but yes only with a friend or two.

The Tall Man.

02-25-19, 03:22
Thanks for the great report, nicely done. I don't remember seeing the ATM thing you mentioned. Maybe it's the cards you are using? I've always gotten very competitive exchange rates. The ATM fees can get silly unless you have a card that refunds them. I don't think about it much until the end of the month when I see the refunds on my statement. It can really add up quickly.

Since FB girls were not as responsive, I went to check out apparently the two best stripe clubs in town.

First The girls La Isla. Paid the 10 mil cover and security were quite nice after that. They do try to take care of the customer if you don't come across as a jerk. Anyway entered and it was relatively quiet. One really hot 9/10 and the rest were 7-8 and some even 5-6. Drinks were 25 k for a beer. So sat had a beer and took in the scene. The girls would come by for tips and you basically got a 5 sec lap dance, and you could gripe and you put the 2 mil in their hating or somewhere like that. Some came bare breasted and others with bikini top on. The 9/10 was clearly in demand and her attitude reflected that. She would also go to the back a couple of times in the 2 hrs or so I was there. Didn't feel like sessioning and left around 1 am. They call trusted cabs there who charge you a bit more but at that hour you want to be safe and 10 v 20 mil is not what I care about. The place is up in the hilly area heading back towards the airport I think. On my way back, got pulled over by the cops, someone mentioned the same thing earlier, they just asked me to disembark and to see my documents, then they were jovial about how I was checking out the Chicas, and I told them yes senor only to look, we had a chuckle and back in and back to my hotel..

Sean EZ
02-25-19, 04:37
Other helpful tips learnt. When you withdraw cash from the ATM, the machine will offer you a rate and make it sound like that's your only option, always click decline that rate and then it defaults to the MasterCard or Visa rate and it will still dispense the cash. If you click yes then you are offering the bank the opportunity to change at their rate.This is great, I'll give it a try tomorrow. Very annoyed at ATM showing me rate of 3800 for GBP when the rate is 4000 and I know that my card gives me bank rate. They are cheeky then, they don't offer you an option to change it, it looks likes if you hit cancel you can't continue to do withdrawal. Thanks.

02-25-19, 10:03
I haven't mongered in the USA in about 35 years. Is it really cheaper even when you factor in the transportation and housing costs of traveling to Medellin, etc.?I'm a late to the action but I'll give my 2 cents. Obviously it depends on quite a few things. I'm paying about 500-600 for a round trip flight to MDE accounting for taxi / Uber costs in the US as well as the flight itself. This is my biggest initial cost. The longer I stay, the more value you get out of my trip. Accommodations was $25/ day with an Airbnb coupon for what I consider to be a very adequate place in Laureles. I paid $430 in total for my trip. In my city, the lowest rate / HR I can easily find for a girl that meets my standard is $220 for Korean AAMP. I don't go to the streets in my city since there's enough LE here that it's somewhat risky. The same quality (BBBJ and GFE with CFS) for an hour in MDE I believe is probably about 80 k (or $26 from Centro, but I never got that type of service and my average session was with a Facebook girl who gave me BBFS at my apartment. Cost of that with everything, including round trip taxi is about 190 k or $63. Considering that $157 difference, I make the initial $900-1000 cost back by the 6th session about, or day 3 since I was doing about 2 / day in the beginning. I had 22 sessions during my trip, so it really really worked out for me. Additionally I've gotten services that would have made it much more expensive in the US, like taking videos.

This is great, I'll give it a try tomorrow. Very annoyed at ATM showing me rate of 3800 for GBP when the rate is 4000 and I know that my card gives me bank rate. They are cheeky then, they don't offer you an option to change it, it looks likes if you hit cancel you can't continue to do withdrawal. Thanks.Davivienda has no fees and their ATMs should be very common. When I calculated the amount of USD withdrawn from my checking account, the conversion rate was 0. 6% off of the official rate that day as reported by Google. They never prompted me to approve an exchange rate. Probably BBVA is the same but I have no experience using one of their ATMs.

02-25-19, 14:52
Any place can be as dangerous as you make it, so I guess I'll say Bello is very dangerous, stay away! .Keeping it real, if anyone is planning to be in this area anytime soon try to stay abreast of what is going on there before you go. This is something I always do since I am anywhere in the city on any given day.

02-25-19, 15:50
My experience of Manrique. I am almost twice your age, very tall, green eyes and blondish hair so I stick out anywhere I go especially the few nights I went with a paisa chick and her 8 or 9 friends to this area, this was about 8 months back, your right zero gringos, 99% of everyone there is in their 20's to early 30's, little to no prepagos just the locals out to drink and dance and have fun.

I am tempted to visit again but yes only with a friend or two.

The Tall Man.Even if you stick out. Your fine. The most important thing for an 18 year old - 24 year old chick is she goes to club and dances and impresses her friends that she is cool with the songs. You know how to dance to what young chicks like now which is Latin Trap, reggaeton, hip hop chicks will want to hang with you and be seen with you in the club. The club everyone watches each other to see who is about it. You all have to know that from experience. J Balvin from Columbia is doing it. You do not know who he is then your out of touch with what young chicks like to listen too.

02-25-19, 16:39
Even if you stick out. Your fine. You all have to know that from experience. J Balvin from Columbia is doing it. You do not know who he is then your out of touch with what young chicks like to listen too.Also good to know:

02-25-19, 16:39
Thanks for the great report, nicely done. I don't remember seeing the ATM thing you mentioned. Maybe it's the cards you are using? I've always gotten very competitive exchange rates. The ATM fees can get silly unless you have a card that refunds them. I don't think about it much until the end of the month when I see the refunds on my statement. It can really add up quickly.Davivienda does not charge local ATM fees. But of course they try and hit you with that subpar forex trick.

Other ATMs may be giving more competitive rates and but charge ATM fees. They will try and get you somewhere. Jajaja.

Once I figured out this however, I have been pretty happy pullongnoit cash. My bank ATM fees are refunded, no local ATM fees and the MasterCard exchange rate. That's the trifecta. As a result I have gone cash only for everything and it's just faster and less complicated not to mention leaves no spending fingerprint. Some places were tacking on 5% credit card fees even. Cash is just less complicated once you figure out the best way to get it. Friction costs can get ridiculous as a percentage of money spent esp. When doing multiple small withdrawals.

02-25-19, 16:53
Well, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but that has not been my experience. I don't consider any of the girls I have been out with to be "bottom of the barrel. " To the contrary. I should also note that we do not hang out in their barrio. These girls are not from Aranjuez or Manrique. They only go their to party. We have a good time. Nobody bothers us. Further, I should note that I have met some of their families.

I don't think most of these girls who are 18-22 years old want to be seen with a 50-60 year old gringo in their hood where they most likely have bfs and their families.

Only bottom of the barrel girls would want to be seen with a gringo in public in their neighborhood.

02-25-19, 18:14
The hot young paisas are also into EDM / techno music enhanced by tussi (pink party favors). Fucking on tussi or popper is a whole different ball game, but granted it's not for everyone. I don't think girls care whether they want to be seen with or without you. Most of the young dudes in the barrios are patos so girls don't really give a shit about them. Show the girls a good time and you will have a great time.

Even if you stick out. Your fine. The most important thing for an 18 year old - 24 year old chick is she goes to club and dances and impresses her friends that she is cool with the songs. You know how to dance to what young chicks like now which is Latin Trap, reggaeton, hip hop chicks will want to hang with you and be seen with you in the club. The club everyone watches each other to see who is about it. You all have to know that from experience. J Balvin from Columbia is doing it. You do not know who he is then your out of touch with what young chicks like to listen too.

Michi T
02-25-19, 20:12
If this is your first time in Colombia then yes I would say Medellin or Cartegena.Yes, first time. I am specialized in Eastern Europe but I recently was told that in Colombia your girls with big boobs are easily available, loool. How does the acquisition work in Colombia? Can I just fly there, walk around on the street, talk to them and then take them home? Or is there another approach needed?

02-25-19, 23:28
Yes, first time. I am specialized in Eastern Europe but I recently was told that in Colombia your girls with big boobs are easily available, loool. How does the acquisition work in Colombia? Can I just fly there, walk around on the street, talk to them and then take them home? Or is there another approach needed?Many different options. Massage parlors Facebook girls strip clubs. If you're not on too much of a budget I'the go to Fase Dos and Energy massage parlor.

02-26-19, 00:50
I now remember seeing this. I automatically decline it so I don't even think about it. I remember the first time I saw it I thought to myself "that is a ridiculous deal, who would accept that?

This is great, I'll give it a try tomorrow. Very annoyed at ATM showing me rate of 3800 for GBP when the rate is 4000 and I know that my card gives me bank rate. They are cheeky then, they don't offer you an option to change it, it looks likes if you hit cancel you can't continue to do withdrawal. Thanks.

02-26-19, 01:53
People have said Medellin is being overrun with gringos or even ruined by them. I'll say that is true to a certain extent if you limit yourself to the Poblado area. But if you go out of the gringo zones, there's still lots of spots where foreigners are non existent and still have an X factor. Nothing like walking thru a barrio and have girls checking you out for being unique and exotic. Barrios in the Robledo, Aranjuez, Bello, Belen, Manrique reas are the best. Like Colombialover and I said before, best method is to go with a local and you'll have a blast! Make sure to bring comfortable walking shoes. Nothing impresses a girl more than you knowing her barrio like the back of your hand.I've been to the barrios a few times and its very easy to hook up with barrio girls. I don't. However, I've chatted with some in my poor Spanish. All you have to do is to initiate conversation, they are not like stuck up American girls and will always respond to you. Its up to you to take it further. I prefer to monger though, less hassle.

02-26-19, 03:01
The way I do my Colombian trips is to start with the hot and passionate paisas I have a past connection with, then work on some civvie action on the side (more misses than hits) and then check out new fb / seeking arrangement contacts for dates. I run out of time fast even on extended stays, but I try to do all 3. All the while I am immersing myself back into the paisa life, culture, and party scene.

If you already know conversational Spanish, then work on Paisa Spanish, meaning the local slangs / phrases / sayings, great convo starter and easily impresses the civvie chicas and even the working ones too, not like they need it. But it does enhance your bedside experience when a girl shows some interest in you. Once you show love and respect for their culture, it will be returned to you 2 fold. I should write a screenplay for a telenovela appropriately named, "El Chino con Las Paisas". I have material for a good 20 episode series haha.

I've been to the barrios a few times and its very easy to hook up with barrio girls. I don't. However, I've chatted with some in my poor Spanish. All you have to do is to initiate conversation, they are not like stuck up American girls and will always respond to you. Its up to you to take it further. I prefer to monger though, less hassle.

02-26-19, 06:01
Yes, first time. I am specialized in Eastern Europe but I recently was told that in Colombia your girls with big boobs are easily available, loool. How does the acquisition work in Colombia? Can I just fly there, walk around on the street, talk to them and then take them home? Or is there another approach needed?I'd say the easiest is to hit the strip clubs, on a Fri or Sat night as many as 50 girls on, many will be quite chesty, you can use a room on site and if you hit it off make arrangements to see her later, the next day, ect. $28 US on site +- at the Centro Clubs, $64 US at the swankier club Fase II. https://fasedosclub.com/.

02-26-19, 13:50
Oh really? LOL.

Depends on the gringo, brotha.

Pretty wide Bell Curve of gringos.

Not all are built alike, or hard to be seen with or be with.I'm with you on this one. This seems like one of those "this is the way I think most girls feel, because it's how I would feel" opinions, rather than an exhaustive survey of several hundred thousand paisas.

1. It depends on the gringo. Some gringos nobody wants to be seen with.

2. It depends on the girl. Some girls don't want to mix work with their home life. In some cases, there's an embarrassment factor. Some are ashamed to show gringos how they live.

3. It depends on the interactions between the guy and the girl. If you're approaching each girl as just something to fuck, she might feel reluctant to go walking around with you.

Even though I've been described as a grotesque cross between Quasimodo and a werewolf (this may not be an accurate characterization), none of the women I've spent time in public with have shown any reluctance to be seen with me. My roommate and I did almost everything together. Malls, theaters, grocery stores, clothes shopping, home goods, plus dozens of restaurants and bars, from Bello to Sabaneta. Very rarely did anyone give us a second look.

A few of the girls I saw invited me to their homes and volunteered to show me their neighborhood. Was with one girl when we bumped into one of her cousins and there was no hesitation in introducing me to her.

Age difference isn't as big of a deal in Colombia. What would most US parents think about their 20 something daughter sharing an apartment with a man in his 50's? My roommate's mother treated me like I was one of the family. Her boyfriend, who only came to town every few weeks, accepted me with no issues. Her friends were the same.

However, I'm respectful. When I'm in public with a girl, I'm not groping her or hanging all over her. There's no difference in my behavior whether I'm walking with a friend, or a girl I'm seeing for sex and companionship.

02-26-19, 23:15
I've been to the barrios a few times and its very easy to hook up with barrio girls. I don't.All of the girls we meet are barrio girls, whether we meet them on Facebook or a casa, strip club wherever, they come from the barrio.

02-26-19, 23:26
Has anyone had a session with the Colombia Fuckfest girls from when bangbros was in Medellin.

I saw two of them at Gustos. Samantha Lopez and Camila Jones. Spoke to Camila she wanted 300 usd but didn't seem like she would be fun in the sack so I passed.

Anyone want to share info? Pm me.


02-26-19, 23:37
Only bottom of the barrel girls would want to be seen with a gringo in public in their neighborhood.Not necessarily bottom of the barrel, more like known, obvious putas. Any chica who is a known puta wouldn't care about being seen with an old gringo in her barrio.

02-27-19, 03:40
Every time I return to MDE, I always check out la 45 at least once. I'll be in Medellin next month, anyone down to check out la 45 with me, hit me up. Can't beat 50 mil bottle service! Enough to supply 3-4 girls and myself.Will be in town Mar 24 - 29th. Will you be there during the same time?

02-27-19, 04:51
Has anyone had a session with the Colombia Fuckfest girls from when bangbros was in Medellin.

I saw two of them at Gustos. Samantha Lopez and Camila Jones. Spoke to Camila she wanted 300 usd but didn't seem like she would be fun in the sack so I passed.

Anyone want to share info? Pm me.

https://mobile.bangbros.com/websites/colombiafuckfestCurious about this as well. Would have paid whatever Samantha would have wanted. Had my eye on her for awhile, if anyone can get contact info, would be great.

The Tall Man
02-27-19, 04:52
Has anyone had a session with the Colombia Fuckfest girls from when bangbros was in Medellin.

I saw two of them at Gustos. Samantha Lopez and Camila Jones. Spoke to Camila she wanted 300 usd but didn't seem like she would be fun in the sack so I passed.

Anyone want to share info? Pm me.

https://mobile.bangbros.com/websites/colombiafuckfestLooks like they were a lots of fun to the bros, jajajajaja and you saw them at Gustos, when? I wonder how much they were paid for the videos, any idea?

The Tall Man.

Mr Enternational
02-27-19, 10:36
Looks like they were a lots of fun to the bros, jajajajaja and you saw them at Gustos, when? I wonder how much they were paid for the videos, any idea?Back in the old Rio days the chicks used to get paid $500 to do a video. It was an 8 hour day that consisted of mostly doing hair and make-up.

Member #2001
02-27-19, 16:44
Back in Medellin and some things have changed since my last visit here. The puta situation has changed a bit from what I remember. Its in a different location. This place really is quite enjoyable however. Lots of girls to choose from and I could see staying here for a while.

Last night was my first night back and since I was on an overnight bus from another part of the country, I was just to tired to do anything, but walk around and check out the place. Vera Cruz was a nice too just look around and see all the putas working. There are many different kinds of girls in this area. FIrst 2 I approached offered 40 k for sex covered. The next 2 offered 25 and thirty plus a bit extra for the room, uncovered. Next offered 50 K for an uncovered session at my hotel (Hotel Normandia). The last one offered 15 K plus 6 K for the room. She was a bit on the olderside and I almost felt sorry for her. For 15 K though it might be tempting if I see her again.

Went to visit Yakuza, which is about 2 blocks down from my hotel. One cutie called Katerina offered 50 k uncovered. I almost bit, but I was a bit drunk at the time, and I like to be sober when I visit these places. Next I tried to visit Conejitas, but could not find it. Ended up at two other places. Trabena Victoria and it was ok. Nothing special inside. Just a strip club with drinks for 5. 5 k. Not sure if it was a gringo price or not. Girls for 40 there. One girl was doable, but I declined. Next was Girl Nueva Avendia. Alot of cute girls there. There was one cute morena there and she was definitely doable. I felt the place was a bit pushy, because the doorman wanted a propina in the was of a club columbia. After the dancing the girls would walk around asking for tips.

Almost next door (a few doors down) there are strip clubs. I went inside about 7 and not much going on there. They wanted 20 K for beer and I thought that was a bit much, so I only went inside and looked around. I guess the there are more girls there after 8, anyway that is what the doorman said. Just down from that place was another strip club and it was about the same, with 20 K for drinks and only a few girls inside. I don't remember the names of these places, but I think one of them was called Club Maracaibo. If so then they are overcharging way too much for beers from what I have read on the board.

Anyway, it was only an expedition to check out the surrounding. Will try to look for other places today.

EDIT: I could not find where the 60K hookers were at. Vera Cruz area?

02-27-19, 17:11
All of the girls we meet are barrio girls, whether we meet them on Facebook or a casa, strip club wherever, they come from the barrio.There's a housekeeper in my hotel who's always initiating conversation with me and my broken Spanish. She's somewhere in her 20's, I'd rate her a 6. Definitely doable. Its been a long while since a civvy looked at me the way she does, I know she'd drop her panties for me in a second. However, hooking up with her would mean sex with less chicas than I planned. Must stay focussed.

02-27-19, 19:14
Back in Medellin and some things have changed since my last visit here. The puta situation has changed a bit from what I remember. Its in a different location. This place really is quite enjoyable however. Lots of girls to choose from and I could see staying here for a while.

Last night was my first night back and since I was on an overnight bus from another part of the country, I was just to tired to do anything, but walk around and check out the place. Vera Cruz was a nice too just look around and see all the putas working. There are many different kinds of girls in this area. FIrst 2 I approached offered 40 k for sex covered. The next 2 offered 25 and thirty plus a bit extra for the room, uncovered. Next offered 50 K for an uncovered session at my hotel (Hotel Normandia). The last one offered 15 K plus 6 K for the room. She was a bit on the olderside and I almost felt sorry for her. For 15 K though it might be tempting if I see her again.I think the key here is "I was a bit drunk at the time. " It's probably a good thing you didn't wander up by Parque Bolivar or you might have woken up with a tranny.

Conejitas is right in the middle between Taberna Victoria and Grill Nueva Avenida. Barra Ejecutiva and Club Maracaibo are about 3 blocks away from Grill Nueva Avenida. The strip clubs tend to be pretty slow until later at night.

I think the 60 k girls you're referring to are found in the Raudal area. From Taberna Victoria, head West 2 blocks. You'll see them starting at the corner and continuing about a half block north.

02-27-19, 20:24
Back in Medellin and some things have changed since my last visit here. The puta situation has changed a bit from what I remember. Its in a different location. This place really is quite enjoyable however. Lots of girls to choose from and I could see staying here for a while.

Last night was my first night back and since I was on an overnight bus from another part of the country, I was just to tired to do anything, but walk around and check out the place. Vera Cruz was a nice too just look around and see all the putas working. There are many different kinds of girls in this area. FIrst 2 I approached offered 40 k for sex covered. The next 2 offered 25 and thirty plus a bit extra for the room, uncovered. Next offered 50 K for an uncovered session at my hotel (Hotel Normandia). The last one offered 15 K plus 6 K for the room. She was a bit on the olderside and I almost felt sorry for her. For 15 K though it might be tempting if I see her again.

Went to visit Yakuza, which is about 2 blocks down from my hotel. One cutie called Katerina offered 50 k uncovered. I almost bit, but I was a bit drunk at the time, and I like to be sober when I visit these places. Next I tried to visit Conejitas, but could not find it.Conejitas is in the same block as Grille Nueva Ave, but down on the corner. Maricaibo and the busier Barra Ejectiva are like 50 ft from your hotel (how do you like the Normandia?) out the door to the left.

The 60-80 k street girls are on the same road as Grille Nueva Av but like 2 blocks down to the the corners of Calle 53 & Carr 54. I call it the Raudal block. Here's a map to help you out:

02-27-19, 21:09
Looks like they were a lots of fun to the bros, jajajajaja and you saw them at Gustos, when? I wonder how much they were paid for the videos, any idea?

The Tall Man.Recently as mid January. I heard they get around a million pesos.

There's actually a few girls that did porn at Gustos but only 2 that I know of from the bangbros series. Others have told me a couple of them are Facebook girls.

Just one of the reasons why girls think they are worth so much more than the market price.

02-27-19, 23:01
When you say uncovered, do you mean BBBJ or BBFS?

Back in Medellin and some things have changed since my last visit here. The puta situation has changed a bit from what I remember. Its in a different location. This place really is quite enjoyable however. Lots of girls to choose from and I could see staying here for a while.

Last night was my first night back and since I was on an overnight bus from another part of the country, I was just to tired to do anything, but walk around and check out the place. Vera Cruz was a nice too just look around and see all the putas working. There are many different kinds of girls in this area. FIrst 2 I approached offered 40 k for sex covered. The next 2 offered 25 and thirty plus a bit extra for the room, uncovered. Next offered 50 K for an uncovered session at my hotel (Hotel Normandia). The last one offered 15 K plus 6 K for the room. She was a bit on the olderside and I almost felt sorry for her. For 15 K though it might be tempting if I see her again.

Went to visit Yakuza, which is about 2 blocks down from my hotel. One cutie called Katerina offered 50 k uncovered. I almost bit, but I was a bit drunk at the time, and I like to be sober when I visit these places. Next I tried to visit Conejitas, but could not find it. Ended up at two other places. Trabena Victoria and it was ok. Nothing special inside. Just a strip club with drinks for 5. 5 k. Not sure if it was a gringo price or not. Girls for 40 there. One girl was doable, but I declined. Next was Girl Nueva Avendia. Alot of cute girls there. There was one cute morena there and she was definitely doable. I felt the place was a bit pushy, because the doorman wanted a propina in the was of a club columbia.

02-28-19, 03:52
Back in Medellin and some things have changed since my last visit here. The puta situation has changed a bit from what I remember. Its in a different location. This place really is quite enjoyable however. Lots of girls to choose from and I could see staying here for a while.

Last night was my first night back and since I was on an overnight bus from another part of the country, I was just to tired to do anything, but walk around and check out the place. Vera Cruz was a nice too just look around and see all the putas working. There are many different kinds of girls in this area. FIrst 2 I approached offered 40 k for sex covered. The next 2 offered 25 and thirty plus a bit extra for the room, uncovered. Next offered 50 K for an uncovered session at my hotel (Hotel Normandia). The last one offered 15 K plus 6 K for the room. She was a bit on the olderside and I almost felt sorry for her. For 15 K though it might be tempting if I see her again.

Went to visit Yakuza, which is about 2 blocks down from my hotel. One cutie called Katerina offered 50 k uncovered. I almost bit, but I was a bit drunk at the time, and I like to be sober when I visit these places. Next I tried to visit Conejitas, but could not find it. Ended up at two other places. Trabena Victoria and it was ok. Nothing special inside. Just a strip club with drinks for 5. 5 k. Not sure if it was a gringo price or not. Girls for 40 there. One girl was doable, but I declined..I actually liked my stay at Normandia, I used it to bang my girl's cousins while she was in class, just in case she showed back up earlier than expected. Only 2 minutes walking distance away from hotel Botero! Pollo negro is out!

The Tall Man
02-28-19, 04:46
Back in Medellin and some things have changed since my last visit here. The puta situation has changed a bit from what I remember. Its in a different location. This place really is quite enjoyable however. Lots of girls to choose from and I could see staying here for a while.

Last night was my first night back and since I was on an overnight bus from another part of the country, I was just to tired to do anything, but walk around and check out the place. Vera Cruz was a nice too just look around and see all the putas working. There are many different kinds of girls in this area. FIrst 2 I approached offered 40 k for sex covered. The next 2 offered 25 and thirty plus a bit extra for the room, uncovered. Next offered 50 K for an uncovered session at my hotel (Hotel Normandia). The last one offered 15 K plus 6 K for the room. She was a bit on the olderside and I almost felt sorry for her. For 15 K though it might be tempting if I see her again.

Went to visit Yakuza, which is about 2 blocks down from my hotel. One cutie called Katerina offered 50 k uncovered. I almost bit, but I was a bit drunk at the time, and I like to be sober when I visit these places. Next I tried to visit Conejitas, but could not find it. Ended up at two other places. Trabena Victoria and it was ok. Nothing special inside. Just a strip club with drinks for 5. 5 k. Not sure if it was a gringo price or not. Girls for 40 there. One girl was doable, but I declined. Next was Girl Nueva Avendia. Alot of cute girls there. There was one cute morena there and she was definitely doable. I felt the place was a bit pushy, because the doorman wanted a propina in the was of a club columbia. After the dancing the girls would walk around asking for tips.

Almost next door (a few doors down) there are strip clubs. I went inside about 7 and not much going on there. They wanted 20 K for beer and I thought that was a bit much, so I only went inside and looked around. I guess the there are more girls there after 8, anyway that is what the doorman said. Just down from that place was another strip club and it was about the same, with 20 K for drinks and only a few girls inside. I don't remember the names of these places, but I think one of them was called Club Maracaibo. If so then they are overcharging way too much for beers from what I have read on the board.

Anyway, it was only an expedition to check out the surrounding. Will try to look for other places today.

EDIT: I could not find where the 60K hookers were at. Vera Cruz area?

I think the key here is "I was a bit drunk at the time. " It's probably a good thing you didn't wander up by Parque Bolivar or you might have woken up with a tranny.

Conejitas is right in the middle between Taberna Victoria and Grill Nueva Avenida. Barra Ejecutiva and Club Maracaibo are about 3 blocks away from Grill Nueva Avenida. The strip clubs tend to be pretty slow until later at night.

I think the 60 k girls you're referring to are found in the Raudal area. From Taberna Victoria, head West 2 blocks. You'll see them starting at the corner and continuing about a half block north.

Conejitas is in the same block as Grille Nueva Ave, but down on the corner. Maricaibo and the busier Barra Ejectiva are like 50 ft from your hotel (how do you like the Normandia?) out the door to the left.

The 60-80 k street girls are on the same road as Grille Nueva Av but like 2 blocks down to the the corners of Calle 53 & Carr 54. I call it the Raudal block. Here's a map to help you out:The comments are spot on as to the location, funny that you could not find Conejitas as it is probably has the best signage out of all the places down in the hood, jajajaja.

You must have been drunk as Trabena Victoria has almost never seen a gringo in there since it opened decades ago, hell I have walked by it a thousand times, OK 500 times, and have never even had an incline to check it out but have been into every other bar in this hood.

The Tall Man.

02-28-19, 14:41
I'm with you on this one. This seems like one of those "this is the way I think most girls feel, because it's how I would feel" opinions, rather than an exhaustive survey of several hundred thousand paisas.

1. It depends on the gringo. Some gringos nobody wants to be seen with.

2. It depends on the girl. Some girls don't want to mix work with their home life. In some cases, there's an embarrassment factor. Some are ashamed to show gringos how they live.

3. It depends on the interactions between the guy and the girl. If you're approaching each girl as just something to fuck, she might feel reluctant to go walking around with you.

Even though I've been described as a grotesque cross between Quasimodo and a werewolf (this may not be an accurate characterization), none of the women I've spent time in public with have shown any reluctance to be seen with me. My roommate and I did almost everything together. Malls, theaters, grocery stores, clothes shopping, home goods, plus dozens of restaurants and bars, from Bello to Sabaneta. Very rarely did anyone give us a second look.

A few of the girls I saw invited me to their homes and volunteered to show me their neighborhood. Was with one girl when we bumped into one of her cousins and there was no hesitation in introducing me to her.

Age difference isn't as big of a deal in Colombia. What would most US parents think about their 20 something daughter sharing an apartment with a man in his 50's? My roommate's mother treated me like I was one of the family. Her boyfriend, who only came to town every few weeks, accepted me with no issues. Her friends were the same.

However, I'm respectful. When I'm in public with a girl, I'm not groping her or hanging all over her. There's no difference in my behavior whether I'm walking with a friend, or a girl I'm seeing for sex and companionship.I had similar responses when in a chicas home from the family, even who she said was her cousin was friendly, who later I finally realized he was her live-in boyfriend. The first time I was invited for Sunday dinner, I said I will bring the bbq chicken, I asked how many persons for dinner, she said 11, I replied I will bring 3 chickens, she replied, 1 chicken for 6 people, only need to bring 2.

02-28-19, 14:58
Anyone know of a good club to go to in Parque Lleras with hip hop / raggaetone music? Looking for something like gustos but without free lancers.

And any legit good massage places? Thanks in advance.

Horny Goats
02-28-19, 18:57
This is a slightly dated report.

Energy is my favorite massage place, and I've gone three times recently. First time was around Feb 11. I went by myself during the week and the lineup was short and disappointing. I nonetheless made the best of it with a chica I liked. The second time was Saturday, Feb 16, with a friend in town visiting. The lineup was 20+ and high quality. We each had an excellent session. The most recent time was a week ago today, Thursday, again with my friend, and the place was so crowded that all the rooms were occupied and there was an hour wait to go with a girl. Not an hour wait for the lineup, which seemed extensive despite the occupied chicas, but an hour wait for a room. I couldn't believe it. Our waiting area for the lineup was some place I didn't realize existed, an overflow to the overflow. We left disappointed without any action because we had dinner plans. Previously we were at Tantra, but there lineup was small (6 girls) and so we decided to move on.

Get ready for a price hike at Energy very soon.

Member #2001
02-28-19, 21:21
When you say uncovered, do you mean BBBJ or BBFS?I understood that it was supposed to be uncovered sex. She said that she would do a BJ, but I did not find out if it was covered or uncovered.

Wll last night I was robbed. Went to the park barro area and got a girl from there. Went inside the back of a bar and she started to waste time. Use the bathroom, kept telling me to relax, and when I was on the bed with my pants on the floor, she reached in and took my cell phone. I thought something was up by her attitude. Tranquilo, tranquilo she kept saying over and over to me. Well lesson learned. I just won't take my cell phone out with me anymore. It was a cheap cell phone. At least she did not take all my money. I did not have that much on me to begin with so it could have been worse. Lesson learned! I have no planse to go back there until I feel more comfortable with the situation, which my be a long time. I think I will stick to the casas for now. At least its almost the same price and its alot safer.

Mr Enternational
03-01-19, 01:11
Wll last night I was robbed. Went to the park barro area and got a girl from there. Went inside the back of a bar and she started to waste time. Use the bathroom, kept telling me to relax, and when I was on the bed with my pants on the floor, she reached in and took my cell phone.I think it was just last week in the Bogota thread that I said not to take off your clothes until they have taken theirs off. Also put everything else you have on top of your pants. Shirt, bag, underwear, hat, whatever.

03-01-19, 01:32
Anyone know of a good club to go to in Parque Lleras with hip hop / raggaetone music? Looking for something like gustos but without free lancers.

And any legit good massage places? Thanks in advance.Parque Lleras area is only a few blocks in aggregate and jammed with various types of clubs and restaurants. Walk by and see what catches your eyes because some of their music changes from time to time. I don't think you'll find any completely without free-lancers. Even at the upmarket one (not Gustos but I can't remember the name) with black and white decor the girls were clearly in the market. There's a list somewhere on the Colombia forum that has a Pdf file of the massage places. Best to look for that. I don't believe there are any casas in the immediate vicinity of Parque Lleras.

03-01-19, 01:40
Damn that sucks man. Glad it wasn't worse than it was. But, where is Park Barro? Don't think I have seen that referred to here.

I understood that it was supposed to be uncovered sex. She said that she would do a BJ, but I did not find out if it was covered or uncovered.

Wll last night I was robbed. Went to the park barro area and got a girl from there. Went inside the back of a bar and she started to waste time. Use the bathroom, kept telling me to relax, and when I was on the bed with my pants on the floor, she reached in and took my cell phone. I thought something was up by her attitude. Tranquilo, tranquilo she kept saying over and over to me. Well lesson learned. I just won't take my cell phone out with me anymore. It was a cheap cell phone. At least she did not take all my money. I did not have that much on me to begin with so it could have been worse. Lesson learned! I have no planse to go back there until I feel more comfortable with the situation, which my be a long time. I think I will stick to the casas for now. At least its almost the same price and its alot safer.

03-01-19, 04:25
Wll last night I was robbed.Bummer. Well I'm going to say that a used ZTE Maven is a good cheapo phone to take out to robbery-prone areas. You can get a lot of old working 4 G LTE phones with cracked screens (who cares if it's not your primary phone) for under $30 on eBay. Enough for maps and other essential apps. I always remember to check 3 things in my pocket whenever I leave somewhere unfamiliar. Wallet, phone, keys. It becomes a habit once you do it enough.

I'm going to guess most mongers have had stuff stolen from them if they've done this enough. Most of the time they don't report it so others don't learn. So I commend you for sharing your experience. I've had two "major" thefts, first was in the US back when Craigslist still had escort ads. My very first outcall. She came in to my home, I paid first, she left without doing anything. Next was in the Philippines, I never used a hotel safe before and thought hiding money in my suitcase was enough. But the girl found it and made an excuse to leave. Everything else was stupid little things like combs or random nick nacks from my room that I don't even notice and is not worth securing.

Mr Enternational
03-01-19, 05:07
Damn that sucks man. Glad it wasn't worse than it was. But, where is Park Barro? Don't think I have seen that referred to here.He meant Parque Berrio I think.

03-01-19, 05:53
This is a slightly dated report.

Energy is my favorite massage place, and I've gone three times recently. First time was around Feb 11. I went by myself during the week and the lineup was short and disappointing. I nonetheless made the best of it with a chica I liked. The second time was Saturday, Feb 16, with a friend in town visiting. The lineup was 20+ and high quality. We each had an excellent session. The most recent time was a week ago today, Thursday, again with my friend, and the place was so crowded that all the rooms were occupied and there was an hour wait to go with a girl. Not an hour wait for the lineup, which seemed extensive despite the occupied chicas, but an hour wait for a room. I couldn't believe it. Our waiting area for the lineup was some place I didn't realize existed, an overflow to the overflow. We left disappointed without any action because we had dinner plans. Previously we were at Tantra, but there lineup was small (6 girls) and so we decided to move on.

Get ready for a price hike at Energy very soon.Well I glad you had at least one good session. I went there a couple days after your Saturday 20+ Quality line up and there was a 11 or 12 line up that was forgettable. I went with one who tried to short me of time, effort everything. My regret is probably that I just didn't walk. The session, her attitude and her body once the clothes came off were all forgettable. So dismal that it became a task to actually finish nutting! Perhaps I should have given it another chance but TBH I was so fed up with the attitude of everyone there that I decided to pass. In talking to the chica she said most days there are 10-12 girls there so I don't think my experience was atypical. Agree Tantra only had half that line up, but my chica was at least a good performer who was unrushed.

And a whole lot more service oriented and GFE. Energy is already higher priced in the Casas. Any hike in price and I suspect the demand will take a hit. Too many other options in Medellin. I am not a fan as I think they are mostly living off word of mouth marketing amongst Gringos.

03-01-19, 07:43
He meant Parque Berrio I think.Every time I walk around the Parque Berrio and Botero Parque areas during the day usually several locals warn me to not have my expensive cellphone in my hands. They are all telling me that there are a lot of cellphones stolen in that area during the day and to put mine in my pocket out of site. Last May I was walking to the San Antonio Metro station from San Diego mall at 7 pm which was stupid. About 2 blocks from the station on a dimly lit street a big black guy tried to steal my cellphone from my front shirt pocket. I grabbed his arm and pulled it away and ran quickly to an area where many people were outside. Luckily he did not get my phone. He was just standing in front of a closed building and as I passed by him he lunged at me and tried to steal my cellphone from my front shirt pocket. It scared the shit out of me. Never again will I have my cellphone in site where someone can steal it in that area of town. I was lucky he did not have a gun or a knife on him. He was just looking for an easy victim. I bet he tries to snatch phones from unsuspecting people all the time. So be very careful in and around the San Antonio area at night.

03-01-19, 08:54
Wll last night I was robbed. Went to the park barro area and got a girl from there. Went inside the back of a bar and she started to waste time. Use the bathroom, kept telling me to relax, and when I was on the bed with my pants on the floor, she reached in and took my cell phone. I thought something was up by her attitude. Tranquilo, tranquilo she kept saying over and over to me. Well lesson learned. I just won't take my cell phone out with me anymore. It was a cheap cell phone. At least she did not take all my money. I did not have that much on me to begin with so it could have been worse. Lesson learned! I have no planse to go back there until I feel more comfortable with the situation, which my be a long time. I think I will stick to the casas for now. At least its almost the same price and its alot safer.1) You mean Parque Berrio, right?

2) Seems like you got robbed inside the bar. What's the name of the bar?

3) If it was in the bar, did you ask for the manager? Not to make a scene necessarily (as a foreigner, the odds are against you) but just to FYI him.


03-01-19, 12:04
So I usually monger in Tijuana, Mexico but I was curious and looked up escort prices in Medellin. Am I reading this right when they write down their price as 60,000 Colombian pesos which is 20 US Dollars according to Google? $20 gets you these fine ass Colombians? Please confine this somebody. Also, when the ad writes down 90 $, is that 90 mil or 90 USD? Thanks.

Member #2001
03-01-19, 15:58
It was park berrio. The bar did not have a name and the girl took off somewhere outside the bar, unable to be seen from again. THe woman that was incharge of the money for the short term bed was standing right outside and I told her about it. There was another young man there with here, but what could they do? The phone only cost me 100 USD, so it was not too expensive, but for these people it probably was a real score, that and the 50000 cop that she took from me too. Casas for me for a while.

Just curious about the prices here. Most casas or strip clubs want to charge me 50 K for short time, but I have read on the list its more like 40 K. Is it a gringo price of has the cost gone up?

03-01-19, 16:08
Every time I walk around the Parque Berrio and Botero Parque areas during the day usually several locals warn me to not have my expensive cellphone in my hands. They are all telling me that there are a lot of cellphones stolen in that area during the day and to put mine in my pocket out of site. Last May I was walking to the San Antonio Metro station from San Diego mall at 7 pm which was stupid. About 2 blocks from the station on a dimly lit street a big black guy tried to steal my cellphone from my front shirt pocket. I grabbed his arm and pulled it away and ran quickly to an area where many people were outside. Luckily he did not get my phone. He was just standing in front of a closed building and as I passed by him he lunged at me and tried to steal my cellphone from my front shirt pocket. It scared the shit out of me. Never again will I have my cellphone in site where someone can steal it in that area of town. I was lucky he did not have a gun or a knife on him. He was just looking for an easy victim. I bet he tries to snatch phones from unsuspecting people all the time. So be very careful in and around the San Antonio area at night.From San Diego mall, why would you try to walk to San Antonio station? That's a good mile walk. Either Exposition or Industriales stations are much closer.

As has been stated here many times, don't walk around with your cellphone in your hand. It doesn't matter where you are, or whether it's an expensive phone, or a cheap one. All someone walking by sees is "hey look! Somebody is giving away a cellphone. " They'll gripe about it being a cheap phone later. If every day the locals have to tell you not to do it, you're not a quick learner.

Also don't carry your cellphone where it's easy to steal. Best location is front pants pocket.

03-01-19, 16:13
Well I glad you had at least one good session. I went there a couple days after your Saturday 20+ Quality line up and there was a 11 or 12 line up that was forgettable. I went with one who tried to short me of time, effort everything. My regret is probably that I just didn't walk. The session, her attitude and her body once the clothes came off were all forgettable. So dismal that it became a task to actually finish nutting! Perhaps I should have given it another chance but TBH I was so fed up with the attitude of everyone there that I decided to pass. In talking to the chica she said most days there are 10-12 girls there so I don't think my experience was atypical. Agree Tantra only had half that line up, but my chica was at least a good performer who was unrushed.

And a whole lot more service oriented and GFE. Energy is already higher priced in the Casas. Any hike in price and I suspect the demand will take a hit. Too many other options in Medellin. I am not a fan as I think they are mostly living off word of mouth marketing amongst Gringos.1. I'm pretty sure the majority of their customers aren't gringos.

2. For people living or working in Laureles, Energy is a convenient alternative.

3. Although priced higher than El Centro casas, the facilities are much nicer, and compared to some casas, much cleaner.

4. Every casa has days when there doesn't seem to be anyone worth seeing. That's when it's a good idea to try another place.

Horny Goats
03-01-19, 17:00
I am not a fan as I think they are mostly living off word of mouth marketing amongst Gringos.I suspect you're right and I should probably stop posting about Energy on here.

I've had some of my best sessions there, but it's extremely hit or miss, and I've had shitty experiences like you describe.

Hit or miss is the name of the game with the casas, though, isn't it? I went to Sexy Amigas recently and had a poor session after having a really solid one there the time before that.

03-01-19, 17:45
Every time I walk around the Parque Berrio and Botero Parque areas during the day usually several locals warn me to not have my expensive cellphone in my hands. They are all telling me that there are a lot of cellphones stolen in that area during the day and to put mine in my pocket out of site. Last May I was walking to the San Antonio Metro station from San Diego mall at 7 pm which was stupid. About 2 blocks from the station on a dimly lit street a big black guy tried to steal my cellphone from my front shirt pocket. I grabbed his arm and pulled it away and ran quickly to an area where many people were outside. Luckily he did not get my phone. He was just standing in front of a closed building and as I passed by him he lunged at me and tried to steal my cellphone from my front shirt pocket. It scared the shit out of me. Never again will I have my cellphone in site where someone can steal it in that area of town. I was lucky he did not have a gun or a knife on him. He was just looking for an easy victim. I bet he tries to snatch phones from unsuspecting people all the time. So be very careful in and around the San Antonio area at night.I remember reading of a local who was stabbed to death when he resisted a guy who tried to take his cell phone in Parque Bolivar. Be careful out there.

03-01-19, 17:52
This is a slightly dated report.

Energy is my favorite massage place, and I've gone three times recently. First time was around Feb 11. I went by myself during the week and the lineup was short and disappointing. I nonetheless made the best of it with a chica I liked. The second time was Saturday, Feb 16, with a friend in town visiting. The lineup was 20+ and high quality. We each had an excellent session. The most recent time was a week ago today, Thursday, again with my friend, and the place was so crowded that all the rooms were occupied and there was an hour wait to go with a girl. Not an hour wait for the lineup, which seemed extensive despite the occupied chicas, but an hour wait for a room. I couldn't believe it. Our waiting area for the lineup was some place I didn't realize existed, an overflow to the overflow. We left disappointed without any action because we had dinner plans. Previously we were at Tantra, but there lineup was small (6 girls) and so we decided to move on.

Get ready for a price hike at Energy very soon.I like Energy and Tantra for the facilities. I enjoy a session much more when the facilities are congenial. Sometimes I get fed up of the dinghy rooms in Centro casas (other than New Life) and feel for a change, then I visit Energy or Tantra to psychologically cleanse myself of the grime.

World Travel 69
03-01-19, 18:13
Here part of the Map.

Damn that sucks man. Glad it wasn't worse than it was. But, where is Park Barro? Don't think I have seen that referred to here.

The Tall Man
03-01-19, 20:40
So I usually monger in Tijuana, Mexico but I was curious and looked up escort prices in Medellin. Am I reading this right when they write down their price as 60,000 Colombian pesos which is 20 US Dollars according to Google? $20 gets you these fine ass Colombians? Please confine this somebody. Also, when the ad writes down 90 $, is that 90 mil or 90 USD? Thanks.Yep sireeee that is correct, no shit and this is coming from The Tall Man who has spent much of his time in Tijuana over the past 20+ years, I know it all HK, AB, TB on and on, don't get me wrong I have had some of the finest latina mexican pussy but now it is all commercial business and you pay for it, what does a 30 minute HK girl charge now $80 or $100 plus $18 for room then you got to tip the cum clean up boys a buck or two then the drinks are $9 bucks damn this is for 30 or maybe 45 minutes, your into the one time 30 minutes play for $110 to $140 - you would be shocked what I pay for sometimes all night'ers with really fun paisas. Off the charts.

Note that the escort prices are typically more, check out milerotics or the like and it shows escorts in the 100 to 150 range per hour or two, all depending. The 60 mil or $20 bucks is for a casa or mid level bar girl (room included) or street walker (not my thing) or most preferably an UTR non-pro who needs to pay some bill.

The Tall Man.

03-01-19, 22:56
Yes, it is all about the facilities at those mid range places. Try AmigasSexy for Centro location with Centro prices and rooms that a smaller but just as clean as Energy / Tantra. Girls at Amigas are generally standard Centro fare.

I like Energy and Tantra for the facilities. I enjoy a session much more when the facilities are congenial. Sometimes I get fed up of the dinghy rooms in Centro casas (other than New Life) and feel for a change, then I visit Energy or Tantra to psychologically cleanse myself of the grime.

03-02-19, 01:02
Went with this paisa who told me that today was her first day working in a casa and that I was her first customer. I had been to that casa a few times before and did not see her there. She totally displayed the sweetness and body language to be expected of a working girl on her first day on the job. The chemistry evoked from this worked wonders for my libido and I had a great session. She spoke not a lick of English and after the session she mentioned something about a cerveza. I assumed she was asking for a tip to buy some beer which I have gotten in the DR. I thought to myself your first day on the job and already you are seeking a propina. Anyway because I had such a good time I took out COP 20 K and handed it to her. She looked at me quizzically and asked if she is to give it to the mamasan. I mentioned the cerveza and determined that what she had meant was if we could go have a beer later. I could not do that and let her keep the money. She was very happy and asked when I would return. I believe I may have contributed to spoiling this chica by giving her a tip on her first session. My bad.

03-02-19, 03:38
Don't sweat it, we'll be alright.

Went with this paisa who told me that today was her first day working in a casa and that I was her first customer. I had been to that casa a few times before and did not see her there. She totally displayed the sweetness and body language to be expected of a working girl on her first day on the job. The chemistry evoked from this worked wonders for my libido and I had a great session. She spoke not a lick of English and after the session she mentioned something about a cerveza. I assumed she was asking for a tip to buy some beer which I have gotten in the DR. I thought to myself your first day on the job and already you are seeking a propina. Anyway because I had such a good time I took out COP 20 K and handed it to her. She looked at me quizzically and asked if she is to give it to the mamasan. I mentioned the cerveza and determined that what she had meant was if we could go have a beer later. I could not do that and let her keep the money. She was very happy and asked when I would return. I believe I may have contributed to spoiling this chica by giving her a tip on her first session. My bad.

03-02-19, 04:44
First off,

Thanks to all of you that have contributed and continue to do so. I have spent several days reading the threads and have already started to make a list of casas and other places to visit. I will be arriving Apri 1st and leaving on the 5th. I know it is a short trip but that's about all I can do right now with my schedule. Plus, my airfare is free (points) and so is my hotel stay (points). I have booked at the Marriott not too far from Parque Lleras. This will be my 2nd type of trip like this with DR being my first early this February.

I am not fluent in Spanish but have a basic understanding and have been refreshing on the main phrases. I would appreciate some feedback if possible.

I am reading that Parque normally isn't busy M-W. Are we talking about a ghost town? Or, are there still ladies and other tourists in the area?

If that area is quiet, do you recommend I just hit up the day action at a casa such as New Life or are there girls in the Parque Lleras during the day time as well? I understand you want to be cautious about bringing these ladies back to your room so casas May turn out to be the safer choice?

Also, I know this is like asking for winning lottery numbers, but if any of you have a provider that you recommend for a good safe experience please let me know. Once again I know some don't like sharing their lists and that's totally understandable.

Also, if you have a contact of a driver or guide that you have used a few times that is bilingual please share as well. I have picked up a few contacts from Trip Advisor and a few from older posts on here but want to make sure they are recent and reliable or.

Thanks in advance.

03-02-19, 06:40
1. I'm pretty sure the majority of their customers aren't gringos.

2. For people living or working in Laureles, Energy is a convenient alternative.

3. Although priced higher than El Centro casas, the facilities are much nicer, and compared to some casas, much cleaner.

4. Every casa has days when there doesn't seem to be anyone worth seeing. That's when it's a good idea to try another place.Don't take my word for it. The chica that I sessioned with told me the majority of customers were extranjeros. And at that price point etc. I would not be surprised. Most locals tend to partake in the quite extensive apartment scene in Laureles. If you know where you are going the price is lower and the quality potentially better. Do agree facilities are better than central caaas but honestly I did not find tantra facilities any inferior.

I am not knocking energy, it is an alternative but my point is that it is not all it is built up to be. As to the point that the line up is different every day. I suppose the only way to know that is to go multiple days, but I can't say I would find that to be a great use of your time when there are so many options and so limited time for the average visitor from North America.

The Tall Man
03-02-19, 16:08
Went with this paisa who told me that today was her first day working in a casa and that I was her first customer. I had been to that casa a few times before and did not see her there. She totally displayed the sweetness and body language to be expected of a working girl on her first day on the job. The chemistry evoked from this worked wonders for my libido and I had a great session. She spoke not a lick of English and after the session she mentioned something about a cerveza. I assumed she was asking for a tip to buy some beer which I have gotten in the DR. I thought to myself your first day on the job and already you are seeking a propina. Anyway because I had such a good time I took out COP 20 K and handed it to her. She looked at me quizzically and asked if she is to give it to the mamasan. I mentioned the cerveza and determined that what she had meant was if we could go have a beer later. I could not do that and let her keep the money. She was very happy and asked when I would return. I believe I may have contributed to spoiling this chica by giving her a tip on her first session. My bad.Yes perhaps but you will be treated like a king the next time you will see her, jajajaja.

The Tall Man.

03-02-19, 16:51
Anyone in Medellin between Mar 3 and 6? Would love to meet other folks. DM me.

Surf Looker
03-02-19, 18:33
Pao giraldo.

03-02-19, 18:53
She quotes 250 mil. I declined but really likes her look. How was your experience?


Pao giraldo.

03-02-19, 19:29
Wow where do I start.

This is going to be my first TR on this board and first trip to Medellin, here we go!

12:45 AM I flew down from North America to Panama city about 7 hours, with a 50 minute layover, solo, it was perfect. As soon as I got to Panama, I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth then out to see my plane starting its boarding process en route to MDE. By the way I don't get why so many people dislike COPA airlines, I had a night flight all the way around.

I like that in Panama City the airport worker ladies hot as hell under 22, mulatta will be cleaning the bathroom while I peed, kind of fun!

Flew into MDE and I could feel my heart racing. This was my first trip here and I booked a stay for 10 days, specifically and only Medellin.

Right away I remember reading up that there were white taxi's outside for about $75 k or something if I remember correctly, but I wanted to save on that and use Uber. Right away I experienced the humble and friendly feel of paisa's in Medellin when I smiled at this paisa girl working the candy stall right inside the terminal near the taxistas. We talked, shared smiles and I knew this was going to be a great trip in the city of eternal spring.

1:55 PM Thursday, I remembered that Uber is illegal in MDE so I somewhat hid and kept my phone down as I can feel the taxi guys peering over my shoulder. As a matter of fact, those guys were nice as well! Man MDE is so far so good! They wanted to take me to where I was staying but I politely declined. My uber showed up, and I played it cool like we were long time friends, Buenas! Como vas! Hopped in and off we go! The policia, taxistas and bus driver cared less. P.S. They are building the new tunnel that is supposed to shorten the length of time from the Jose Maria Cordova airport to centro downtown in half the time, form 40'ish minutes to 20 something. I sent the city and crew an email and was told it was supposed to be finished around end of March, so I missed that. It's OK the drive in is beautiful and calming.

I had a pleasant ride and started to pick the ubers brain about a lot of things on my mind and he answered it all! Luckily I got a cool driver, sometimes you get those assholes you simply just want out from. In my opinion, Medellin, almost all the ubers offer their assistance in helping with anything they can. They almost always offer me there number so they can be reached in case I need anything. Anything. Some moonlight as private investigators, students, part time and full workers and always have a connection.

I arrive at my air be and be in Poblado. I did a lot of research and being my first time I wanted somewhere safe and quiet, but close to transportation and other things when I need. My apartment was 8 minutes above Parque Lleras. 3 minutes away from Tesoro Mall. My apartment was nicely furnished, security at the entrance at all times and allowed guests I made sure before I booked that stay. My apartment was somewhat new as the lobby next door had nothing but cement laid out, my entire floor was empty I was the only tenant. When and if I return I was told they are building and occupying the units with full time tenants.

As soon as I unpacked I needed to fuck and get my rocks off so off to centro I go 3:30 PM Thursday. Yes centro, I didn't want to do the bigger clubs. Took an uber into centro and started to walk around. I was completely LOST. Around 4 pm the sun was juuuust starting to go down, or close so I needed to find Ejecutiva bar. At first I was on the right side of the street, I guess that's an old sign or I can't read good but I eventually made it to the street. Met a spinner, tight body, Venezuela chick and we started talking and bought her a drink and a water for me. We hit it off good but I didn't want to fuck her I wanted to see more. I went next door to the other bar with the loooong corridor and stage but no girls, 5:30 pm. One or two but looked boring as hell so I left. I ate butifarra? Sausage on the street and started to get used to using the pesos. Man converting the math and realizing how cheap things were was a big shock to me. Finished and walked and found my way to 53'Road. Where more SG action was. I found it on accident just roaming the streets. BOOM! I liked what I saw but I was worried about checking cedudas as this was my first trip to MDE and I didn't even know what was real or fake IDs, so asking for ceduda would have been a mess for me. Man can someone fill me on this? I liked the spinner scene and what I saw but can I assume the gals in these stairways have cedudas and are good for their anos.

Ended up walking and finding Botero plaza before realizing Conejita and Nueva grill was across the street. Excellent. Again, this whole time, I'm excited a bit nervous about new city surroundings, but felt comfortable. I asked the nice security moreno at the center where Iglesia Veracruz was and found my way.

Now it was night time, and I was roaming the streets when everybody was telling me not to especially since I don't look like a Paisa or even someone from South America. I still felt comfortable and walked around more. Saw chinatown, saw casinos, walked around centro all over until I kept getting lost and starting over again. At one point, I asked this hot 18-19 paisa for directions to El Estadio, futbol, as a front to get her number. I dodged a bullet, almost literally. Her boyfriend came out while I was talking to her JUUSSTT as I was about to say eres hermosa, tiene un novio? He came out malandro style. Young kid baggy pants, grim reaper sickle on his scalp behind his left ear and tattoos all over his scalp and arms and sat next to her sliding next to her on the bench like in the movies, with a sly smile this is mine look. For some reason I was not scared at all when I should have been maybe or others would have shit their pants?? I held my cool and I was calm to the point I even surprised myself. Three of his friends came and surrounded his GF and his friend said I was talking to her. I said very innocently and timid to show them respect, disculpe a donde El Estadio? Futbol estadio, mi amigo dijiste toma el metro en centro, ir a El estadio es facil making up shit on the fly as time ticked before they threw a punch or thought about stabbing me. The tattoo ratero malandro kindly told me, go that way to Botero and take the Metro then something about being dangerous at night don't walk. I said muuuchos gracias a ti why ustedes and I left! Man first day and I almost get into danger because my small head said hit on this girl she's cute! And I left making my way to the metro and botero again for where more police presence was.

I didn't get on the metro obviously, I went to Botero and found Veracruz iglesia eventually didn't see anything I liked at that time. I saw a few spinners and trannies but nothing I wanted to fuck at that time. I loved what I saw there and at 53 d I think it was. I knew I'd be back to both another day when I was more certain about my surroundings and location.

I went to Conejitas 8:20 pm despite the good news on the boards and what people say I found more of my style at Grill Nueva next door. I sat down, right away pulled a gal to fuck in the cramped room in the back. Man the meseros and bartenders are super nice I am loving MDE compared to Mexico at this point. And I'm not mexican by the way.

At Nueva you crawl into this cubby hole where the DJ plays music, into the hidden rooms in the back, it was quite odd. But fun, first time experience in these clubs. I think it was $40 to 50 pesos with this Paisa with decent body to fuck and suck. She did negro besos and ate my booty hole which was fun no upcharge. Odd, she will eat my ass but won't do BBBJ? Hmmm she did offer anal and vagina included so what the hell for that price this is a steal amigos. Like others have stated on the board, in MDE you get it all. Big small tiny round thick thin paisa, costena, mulatta, everything.

Pumped her balloon knot, vagina, came and I was ready to take a uber home back to Poblado to figure things out unpack and get something to eat. At this point I wasn't taking the metro yet.

The next 9 days were action packed, but also still vivid because I covered a lot of ground for my first time walking until I got blisters on my feet and using toilet paper to sooth my toes. I'll leave some bullet points so I don't bore you with the details amigos.

My first casa I found was casa de cita Paris in centro. Super hard to find like everyone says unless you have exact address or block. I had one session with a nice morena who started two months ago, or so she says. The next day I came back and saw nothing, but I met a guy there who took me up the street to this other place called Dulce? I basically asked him politely as we saw the lineup, in espanol, do you know other places because it's my first time and I don't see anything I like here today. He walked me to Dulces about 10 minutes away. I liked it there a lot better, two sessions at Paris and a few at Dulce. I will attach a picture, remind me folks in case I forget, this fine gentleman walked me there and once I finished my session with a beautiful spinner he was gone. The mamasan told me my friend had left long ago. If you are on this board thank you! I believe you were a local paisa from the looks of it, forever grateful thanks!

Another day I had a nice time at New life, but too many gringos and tourists. Saw a few asians and a lot of black Americans waiting there turn. I didn't want to go back. I don't like being in places that have too many English speaking tourists or clients, just doesn't do it for me. I never went back to new life. Tried to find Yakuza and all the other ones but I had a shit show of time looking for them, every day I walked and walked and walked and asked people on the streets who tried to guide me but I lost my way finding other casas, poor me.

Mayorista is my favorite, not for the scaredy cats that's forsure. I had my best sessions there late night around 1 am to 3 am.

Energy Masaje, I went multiple times, so many good memories. I like that they open early at 9 AM but I never went that early. Earliest I went in was maybe around 11 AM and they were up and running.

Parque lleras, met two girls but the cost is insane. Girls wanting to charge $200 k to 300 k get g'damn wowie! I made nice with two separate girls on different occasions. Too many gringos and English spoken there. I did pick up a girl, til this day don't know if she's a working gal, semi pro, pro. But she was eating in front of me at Mario Bros restaurant. I asked the mesera what her deal was and she introduced us. Saw with me, exchanged numbers and later that night I ask her to come my apartment. BBFS, no creampie, spinner dark I was in AWEEEE. Nice fuck I had a great time with her. By the way does anybody know that crazy white american gringo? I was told he used to have a lot of money, business and all then got wrapped up with coke or drugs last few years. I saw him on multiple occasions around Parque Lleras. One night, he apparently fucked this drogadita and didn't pay and she came over arguing with him. Eventually she pulled out a knife, and everyone including me in a a restaurant outside the park jumped up and ran outside as all hell broke loose. He threw chairs, she intimidated him with the shank, and cops were called. The workers say he used to be normal and decent guy and then the drugs. But yeah anyways.

Doggy position in MDE is referred to as cuatro fours I guess, but no doggy or perrito perro.

Transportation is very very efficient and cheap in Medellin. Whether it's bus, uber, taxi, Metro, Cable, it's all very connected and convenient once you feel safe and can navigate on your own otherwise I'd suggest uber taxi until then. I think next time I may buy or rent a motorcycle to get around as traffic during the day weekends futbol games is a MESS. Also days when they close down one lane on the via rapida freeway for cycling can be a bummer too.

Uber friend I made nice with took me to the Gueto ghetto to buy a blunt for 50 cents, I didn't smoke he did. Got stopped by the police on motor bike right away as we turned the corner leaving the place we bought the blunt. Mordida stop between $50 to 100 k pesos, I didn't care I just wanted to leave ASAP.

Luna Lunera a few nights, that was fun but nothing special. One masero told me its required to buy a drink to sit, I told him I'm not drinking tonight only water is that a problem? Very firm and he backed off, we were still good nobody was an asshole but it just needed to be. Going there can be quite intimidating for most since the entrance is way in the back, parking lot.

Fucking hated fase II and La Isla. Sharks, propina propina dollar dollar shit was annoying as fuck. You are basically a vagabundo / homeless girls in a club, get out of my face. I tipped the girls who didn't ask me for propina. I gave them 2 to 5 k each, each time and 10 k. I paid the girls in front of the sharks who begged for propina to spite them. The girls weren't my type either, mostly thicker done up with silicone or bigger women that just didn't get my little guy in my pants hard.

Tried to visit San Diego club, located under the freeway overpass, but didn't get a chance. I needed to [CodeWord116] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord116), and uber took me there after a big Bandeja Paisa meal at Hata Viejo. They asked for cover and I didn't want to pay the $10 k thinking the bathrooms were dirty as hell. I should have tried though. I hear San Diego strip club was nice, but also there are SG's to be had there too? Can someone tell me about this? I hear its more safe than centro SGs but I never saw them and couldn't figure out San Diego Mall streets or the SD strip club street works? Hmmm.

Another uber guy took me around to a few bars I can't remember the name of, but near Laureles? Wasn't carrera 70. But then we also went to a private apartment. All because I told him I was trying to find try something new without the sg club escorts and he proposed we go to this apartamento. This girl and he were texting back and forth and I proposed we do a foursome which I never done, and swap girls he said sure why not. He exchanged texts and calls with a girl while were went from bar to bar looking for some honey, he found an ad for online, wasnt Milero or other, I couldn't tell. We go there to this hotel, park his garage inside the garage and lobby guy told us upstairs 10th floor. This was in the city city, near Santa Fe mall, urban area. Residential. A bit sketchy. And we see our prizes. Both very, very bored and not sociable. His girl was so bad he didn't want to touch her. And I get this spinner hot thing. He passed, they waited outside the room. I fuck this spinner tight bod hot thing for 3 minutes and I cum, maybe less like 2 minutes, gave her 60 k pesos and we bolt. She asked me why I was in such a hurry and it was because the whole time she was squiggling so I couldn't penetrate deep, didn't allow BBBJ without a charge, negotiating everything was a huge turn off. When I finished outside a ratero young hoodlum kid maybe her brother friend novio who knows, all was silent with the ugly girl the novio and my uber driver. I tell him lets roll and we start going down the 10 flights of stairs as quickly as possible. We leave and good times!

I ate Salpicon at el estadio a few times at night, watched the beauties play Volleyball, even attended a Nacional game! I bought a few shirts from Tiende Verde and the knockoff places. Across the street is a mall that has Nacional gear, good stuff just not authentic or official like the Verde but better styling. I also went jogging at the track at night one night because I couldn't just eat bandeja paisa all day every day and not exercise. One night of 20 minute jogging did it, plus a lot of eye candy.

Did the free city walking tour, 3 hours, plus tip. Learned a good amount about Medellin, city etc.

Did the pablo grave, the pablo house is fucking stupid, well actually it wasn't the house it was the short dark paisa giving the tour. The tour guide rushed it, asked for a huge tip, because a gringo just came and he needed to do the tour for him. Its ok I got a picture with El Doctors blood brother.

Loutron was shit. Expensive, but worth the visit ONE time just to be in Pablitos mansion. I took a thick girl, busty not my type but whatever I went. Huge mansion a bit dark and depressing though. After my session, I told the mamasan my girl was shit and needs to be fired or worked on. She rushed the BJ, rushed the sex, tried to get me to cum when I said slow down, session was 40 min not 60. Mamasan was offering me discount for future visit I said keep it. I'm not coming back this is a joke. I told her how much better Energy was, and the casa de citas. I'm not one to complain but I had to tell her how shitty the service was in the room. Oh and half asses massage with oil.

Again I am a mayorista, iglesia Veracruz street kind of a guy I guess. Civvie action is fun too. I had more of a time here than Loutron or the big clubs, maybe one day I will give the places another shot but I won't go out of my way to do it.

Took the metro A LOT once I got the hang of it. Went to Igatui and all over MDE during the day and night to walk around aimlessly.

Partied in Manrique, went dancing and drinking with the locals there had a super duper time met a lot of civvies. Went to Belen, met a lot of nice people.

Did a coffee tour, sucked. The guy talked my ear off when I was ready to go fuck at Energy, burned 4 hours of my morning and costed me 70 k for a in city coffee tour. Bless his heart he tried to make it a great tour but he went too much into details that I cared less about and again I was ready to go put my dick into a nice tight pussy at Energy. Man they should pay me for this free plug.

Did the comuna 13 tour, I liked the barrio Brasil favela feel. Cool.

Went to Guatape, 2 hours out from Medellin City and swam in a few of the Charcos rivers. Worth a visit once. Took the scenic route home to go through Parque arvi at night and the winding roads. I do like the barrios at night, seeing all the females on motorbikes on their 50's and two strokes wrecking havoc on the streets.

My favorite dish everyday was at minimum one bandeja paisa. Morcilla is sooo damn good. I went to Envigado and had the best bandeja paisa at infamous La Gloria de Gloria.

Wifi at my apartment was hit and miss. Night's in Medellin could be boring as everything closes early including restaurants. I downloaded the Rappi app for food but never used it. Temperature almost everyday was around 70 to 80, a bit warm, soaking wet back, needing to change shirts often. People are super friendly and humble, I will be back.

03-02-19, 23:06
She's been in the game for good 7 plus years now and a popular prepago. Imagine how much wear and tear that pussy has had over that time and having to pop a baby or 2 in between as well. I remember 150 mil full on GFE, but that was 6 yrs ago during my virgin MDE voyage. Way hotter chicas out there for far less, but you just have to do your own homework. To each his own.

She quotes 250 mil. I declined but really likes her look. How was your experience?


03-03-19, 00:31
I posted her FB link last week. She is nice and yes she charges 250 for GFE. Like the guys said prob a lot of wear and tear. She is friendly and looks cute in person.

03-03-19, 00:37

The bathroom looks clean.

Pao giraldo.

03-03-19, 02:22
She's been in the game for good 7 plus years now and a popular prepago. Imagine how much wear and tear that pussy has had over that time and having to pop a baby or 2 in between as well. I remember 150 mil full on GFE, but that was 6 yrs ago during my virgin MDE voyage. Way hotter chicas out there for far less, but you just have to do your own homework. To each his own.Yes she is a veteran prepago she probably got a couple of years left before going downhill. She is probably fucking mostly with non Colombians for the price she is asking. A lot of younger and less wear tear pussy girls in Medellin for cheaper price.

03-03-19, 02:30
She quotes 250 mil. I declined but really likes her look. How was your experience?

Rocky.For me she was OK, nothing crazy. She keep rolling her eye behind my back when I was not looking. (I had a hidden camera when we did it) She does not like Doggy too much or I might just be bad at it. At the end I made her cum and she want to see me again even if she had to lower her price. But maybe liked me, I look very young for my age and when I go to hotel M the guys tell me I look to good to be there LOL. I think that might have some play into it. But in the end it, she is not worth 250 mil unless your look just for a hot looking girl bang and that it. For that price I would go to Fase II a little less and you can pick for more girls.

03-03-19, 03:41
I posted her FB link last week. She is nice and yes she charges 250 for GFE. Like the guys said prob a lot of wear and tear. She is friendly and looks cute in person.Did you offer a number first or did you ask her how much and she says 250? That sounds like the second case. No girl has quoted more than 200 k for me if I gave her a number first (usually 150), including girls who at least in my opinion are hotter than this one. One "200 k" girl apparently was sponsored to go to Spain last week.

World Travel 69
03-03-19, 16:44
I recommend this place.

Last week when I was there, there were six chicas. All of them were good looking.

I was introduced to each one, but could I could not remember their names.

So, when the Madam asked which one I liked I told her that I wanted one that would let me do DATY and BBBJ. \.

All six agreed to what I wanted.

She bought all of them back in. It was a tough choice, but I took the chica dressed up as a nurse.

Carrera 43 # 55-49.6-8 Girls. Prices: 45 k 30 min. , 45 min. , 60 k, 1 hour 80 k. 10 visit card gets you 30 min free time. Tel: 579 8615, Cell: 322 810 6277. Hours: Monday to Saturday 10 am to 7 pm, Sundays and holidays 10:30 am to 4 pm.

03-03-19, 18:11
Did you offer a number first or did you ask her how much and she says 250? That sounds like the second case. No girl has quoted more than 200 k for me if I gave her a number first (usually 150), including girls who at least in my opinion are hotter than this one. One "200 k" girl apparently was sponsored to go to Spain last week.She told me 250 when I was messaging her. Before I could even ask the price. She's pretty hardened and has been around the block. Usually I offer them 200 with taxi. Since coming to el poblado is a hike for most of these Bello girls.

03-03-19, 19:07
Wow where do I start.....................I went to Conejitas 8:20 pm despite the good news on the boards and what people say I found more of my style at Grill Nueva next door. I sat down, right away pulled a gal to fuck in the cramped room in the back. Man the meseros and bartenders are super nice I am loving MDE compared to Mexico at this point. And I'm not mexican by the way.

At Nueva you crawl into this cubby hole where the DJ plays music, into the hidden rooms in the back, it was quite odd. But fun, first time experience in these clubs. ....................................Probably the best first time TR on Medellin ever. Man you were busy, sort of reminds me of my first trip to MDE only I did not do so much. I did do many club hops then and remember meeting a really nice spinner in a club where I had to crawl past the back of the DJ to get to this tiny room. A pretty cool club which I suspect is Nueva which was not the name I remember. I've been doing mostly casas but your report makes me feel to revisit the clubs, and Mayorista which I have not been to in a decade.

03-03-19, 20:06
Yeah def great read and reminds me of my first MDE trip as well. Mine was shorter in time and prob did half as much stuff as you did in terms of girls and tourist sights. But with each return trip I realized what I liked and made the best use of my time to develop contacts and connections. I'm not a casa type guy, but I like your style. I'm sure you're already planning the next trip. Good luck.

Probably the best first time TR on Medellin ever. Man you were busy, sort of reminds me of my first trip to MDE only I did not do so much. I did do many club hops then and remember meeting a really nice spinner in a club where I had to crawl past the back of the DJ to get to this tiny room. A pretty cool club which I suspect is Nueva which was not the name I remember. I've been doing mostly casas but your report makes me feel to revisit the clubs, and Mayorista which I have not been to in a decade.

03-03-19, 22:04
She told me 250 when I was messaging her. Before I could even ask the price. She's pretty hardened and has been around the block. Usually I offer them 200 with taxi. Since coming to el poblado is a hike for most of these Bello girls.You do you but 80-90% of them will take 150. What / who gave you the impression that Poblado requires 200 from Bello? You're paying for their cab fare and I suspect some of the smarter ones will take a metro then a cab. Some might give you an excuse about Poblado traffic, but with some exceptions, FBs girls are seeing one client a day at most, so they have time.

03-03-19, 22:52
I posted her FB link last week. She is nice and yes she charges 250 for GFE. Like the guys said prob a lot of wear and tear. She is friendly and looks cute in person.Had a good time with her but she does not look like the pics on FB anymore. A lot of wear and tear for sure. Sweet girl who will chill with you but past her prime.

03-04-19, 01:07
Wll last night I was robbed. No, you were not robbed. You were a victim of petty theft. Robbed involves the threat of force against you.

03-04-19, 03:51
You do you but 80-90% of them will take 150. What / who gave you the impression that Poblado requires 200 from Bello? You're paying for their cab fare and I suspect some of the smarter ones will take a metro then a cab. Some might give you an excuse about Poblado traffic, but with some exceptions, FBs girls are seeing one client a day at most, so they have time.Absolutely correct. Once you start communicating with a FB chica. I always try to switch it to WhatsApp.

If she ain't ready to do that, odds are there is some kind of issue there and best to move on.

Once you get to the business end discussion. Don't ask them what they charge. Tell them that you want X or why and.

Are prepared to pay 150 mil. They will agrree. Some might later try to get you for taxi or something extra like that but they will probably do that anyway. 150 mil is a lot of money for them and they want that quite badly. I can count on one hand those that declined on account of the offer.

03-04-19, 21:50
No, you were not robbed. You were a victim of petty theft. Robbed involves the threat of force against you.Thanks Barney (Fife), LOL. 🤪

03-04-19, 22:31
Absolutely correct. Once you start communicating with a FB chica. I always try to switch it to WhatsApp.

If she ain't ready to do that, odds are there is some kind of issue there and best to move on.

Once you get to the business end discussion. Don't ask them what they charge. Tell them that you want X or why and.

Are prepared to pay 150 mil. They will agrree. Some might later try to get you for taxi or something extra like that but they will probably do that anyway. 150 mil is a lot of money for them and they want that quite badly. I can count on one hand those that declined on account of the offer.For some of them 150 mil is a lot of $$.

Just like any culture the hot girls know they are hot and have higher demands.

Girls like Aleja Giraldo who imo is a 7 charges 250 k and she won't take less.

A girl like Marcela Morales is not taking 150 k.

It's like anything you get what you pay for.

While I agree 150 k is doable with many girls I'm just trying to keep the expectations real among people who are not veterans of the mde scene.

03-04-19, 23:39
For some of them 150 mil is a lot of $$.

Just like any culture the hot girls know they are hot and have higher demands.

Girls like Aleja Giraldo who imo is a 7 charges 250 k and she won't take less.

A girl like Marcela Morales is not taking 150 k.

It's like anything you get what you pay for.

While I agree 150 k is doable with many girls I'm just trying to keep the expectations real among people who are not veterans of the mde scene.Agreed. I have a buddy who wants to go to Bogota because he read on the forum that stunners are easy available at only 150 k. I told him the same as what you posted here. If you want a stunner who is in high demand, you are most likely going to be shelling out more than 150 k. I only visited Medellin once, and I gave some girls 150k, but there were others I gave 200 or even 250k. The 250k girls I was with were definitely a couple of notches above the 150k girls.

Mr Enternational
03-05-19, 01:25
For some of them 150 mil is a lot of $$.

Just like any culture the hot girls know they are hot and have higher demands.

It's like anything you get what you pay for.
Don't know the last time you have been to the Bogota thread, but a couple of days ago a guy posted seeing AND TALKING TO chicks at the 250K spot that he knew from the 60K spot.

Once again it is called price discrimination: selling the same product at different prices to different buyers, in order to maximize sales and profits.

So you don't always get what you pay for. A lot of times it depends on when and where you are paying for it. For instance my city has those toll lanes on the expressway. One minute you can be paying $3 and the next minute you can be paying 50 cents. The lanes do not change, but the when changed. In the other example above, the girls did not change, only the where changed.

Earlier, guys were arguing about girls in Santa Fe and in Northern club like Lido, well, this is what happened to me, while in Lido, I ran into 2 girls that I met and chatted with the night before at Troya in Santa Fe. They were a little surprised seeing me in Lido, same was I. I talked to them again, and of course the question came up why. They told me for the higher price they can get in Lido. I didn't see them got picked that night when I left close to 3 AM, but there are definitely girls work at both places and charge very differently. As I said before, there are more high end girls in Lido, but it's not difficult to find girls of same physical quality in SF and pay a lot less if you don't mind the area.

03-05-19, 02:16
Don't know the last time you have been to the Bogota thread, but a couple of days ago a guy posted seeing AND TALKING TO chicks at the 250K spot that he knew from the 60K spot.

Once again it is called price discrimination: selling the same product at different prices to different buyers, in order to maximize sales and profits.

So you don't always get what you pay for. A lot of times it depends on when and where you are paying for it. For instance my city has those toll lanes on the expressway. One minute you can be paying $3 and the next minute you can be paying 50 cents. The lanes do not change, but the when changed. In the other example above, the girls did not change, only the where changed.So because of a few girls that work in the north also work sante fe means ALL the high end girls work in Sante Fe??

Highly doubt it. My point is certain girls will not settle for less. They know they are worth more and unless you happen to catch them at the perfect time when they are extremely desperate they're going to get their price.

So many of these girls are getting sponsored by idiots sending them $$ every month. For them it's just a numbers game.

Even girls who I wouldn't consider a 5 are staying firm at 200 and up it's laughable.

My only point was 150 k is not the norm for a hot girl I would consider a 7 and up.

I see a lot of these girls on their WhatsApp stories in diff countries at high end hotels going shopping at high end places. And some of these girls are wack. LOL. But she ain't going to be charging 150 k for her pussy anytime soon.

But if you're a hot girl she knows she's hot cause it'll take you a month to book a date with her. And she's not going to take 150 k for BBBJ facials and a good ass fucking. Ain't happening.

03-05-19, 03:04
So because of a few girls that work in the north also work sante fe means ALL the high end girls work in Sante Fe??
.Well you're right, of course not.

So many of these girls are getting sponsored by idiots sending them $$ every month. For them it's just a numbers game ...

I see a lot of these girls on their WhatsApp stories in diff countries at high end hotels going shopping at high end places. And some of these girls are wack. LOL. But she ain't going to be charging 150 k for her pussy anytime soon.

This type I avoid. Once spoiled like this, they're usually a pain and the experience is not what I'm looking for anyway.

I'd rather hunt for the unspoiled beauty.

03-05-19, 03:30
Thanks Turgid and Ricerocket, nice to know someone read and showed some appreciation for my report.

Some additional information I'd like to add during my trip that may help others have a great time.

-Do try out the free day trips, those are well worth it when you are "recharging" your batteries so to speak. A lot of tours are free if you simply look, and the tip is expected at the end.

-Don't have any expectations going into MDE and you should have a super time. I thought I would be a casa guy, I thought I would spend more time in the clubs (Isla / San Diego / Fase / Conejitas etc) but that wasn't the case obviously. I had a super time because I was open to the experience and ready to accept whatever happened during my visits to each place for sexo fun!

-Do try each place more than once, for example if you go to a casa one day and have a mediocre experience or bad lineup, do try a different time of the day and or come back later. Don't let the first experience make up your mind for good, unless she was a superstar negro besos / BBBJ / BBFS creampie all that just kidding.

-Don't follow the hype, trust your instincts. For example, I was told by many that the food sucks in MDE. Yeah it may lack in variety, but I ate like a king. Forget what you heard. Try it for yourself. Also everybody has their opinions on what clubs and casas to visit, try everything if you can.

-Do try to smile more often, you'd be surprised how many smiles you'll get back or even numbers from the local paisa's or Venezuelan women!

-Pay it forward if you can, always help out another fellow amigo looking for some help. Don't be one of those guys who are "seasoned" or "veterans" and will only lend a hand to help out select few or reply to specific people, lady luck will reward you I promise!

-Do ask questions, its encouraged. I'm far from knowing it all and I'm sure I can learn a lot more and have an even better time if I met the right people or got good information from the boards.

-Keep it fun! Don't stress the small stuff, go out and make it a super day in MDE!

03-05-19, 03:44
The AirBnb and the tours are expensive by Colombia income standard. Why no one is complaining about that?

Will you agree with the prices if the roles are reversed?

If different hotels can charge different prices, why can't the girls?

Bottom Feeder
03-05-19, 04:16
I was in MDE for 10 days starting Feb 15th and had reservations for Hotel Normandia but immediately checked back out because of bad vibes. I hiked over to Hotel Botero and negotiated 75.000 per night. It was a good stay and I liked that the checked out the girls I brought up no fee. I got some good info from Wolf662 and of course World Traveler 69's map. There were 15 of 20 casas and / or clubs with a 25 minute walk and I visited all of them and used their services. Clubs were 75.00 / half hour and the casas were from 45.000 to 75.000. There is even a casa across the street from the hotel (Yakuza) and I went there 5 times over the 10 days. I had no bad experiences at any of them but as I can only pop once or twice / day I usually just get a full body massage with a happy ending if possible. I met a Venezolana at the Conito's Bar and had her over to the Hotel 4 or 5 mornings. We watched the big drama regarding Maduro and the border. I believe that Medellin can rival Cali for service and price and quality but it beats Cali in that now and again you actually see fellow Gringos who all seem to be in the hobby in Medellin.

I am returning to MDE in May for two weeks and have a question for you. Where do the Gringo congregate in the morning or afternoon? I would really like to swap stories and get info. There's an outside chance I will be moving to either Cali of Medellin in a year or two.

Oh yeah. I love the president of Venezuela for sending all those beautiful women to Colombia. Long live the revolution!

03-05-19, 05:07
The reason you are paying 200 k for girls that fuck for 80 k is not because she is worth it the same girl when she entered game was charging that under 80 k till some gringos overpaid her and she learned that gringos got money, believe me that Giraldo chick charges for less then 100 k when it is slow, maybe not now because she has a big customers base that are gringos with $$$ now. You guys need real Colombians friends to tell you guys the truth Those high-end girls in Poblado were all cheap prepagos once and are still when it is slow gringo season like in places with a lot of Venezuelans like Cucuta.

Mr Enternational
03-05-19, 06:00
So because of a few girls that work in the north also work sante fe means ALL the high end girls work in Sante Fe??Who ever said ALL? You said you get what you pay for. I was just saying that is not true. Sometimes you get more than what you paid for. Sometimes you get less than what you paid for. Sometimes you get exactly what you paid for. A lot of times you do not know what you got until AFTER you have paid for it.

My point is certain girls will not settle for less. They know they are worth more and unless you happen to catch them at the perfect time when they are extremely desperate they're going to get their price. For them it's just a numbers game.It is a numbers game for us too and always has been all of our lives. You talk to 10 chicks and you get the phone number of 4. You go out with 2 of those and end up fucking 1.

I live in Thailand. Last night me and a buddy were on a street called Soi 6 that is nothing but brothel bars. General price is $11 for the room and $31 for the girl. So a total of $42 for 1 hour. I went around talking to chicks and getting their info and telling them to come see me after work. Not ALL would agree to it, saying to get services there. But most did give me their info. The street shuts down at 1 am. Before I could drop my wingman to his place and get back to my place, one of the chicks was already at my place waiting for me. Now it is 11:45 am and she just left at 11 because she has to work at 1 pm. I gave her $37 for 10 hours.

As I said, ALL would not do it, but enough would that I was satisfied. You never know if you do not ask. And I have never been a guy that just had to have a certain chick. If my shit don't work on one, then I have no problem moving to the next in this numbers game.

But if you're a hot girl she knows she's hot cause it'll take you a month to book a date with her. And she's not going to take 150 k for BBBJ facials and a good ass fucking. Ain't happening.You never know. Women are very insecure. They will only think they are hot because of the amount of guys groveling. Why do you think they wear all the makeup and get all the implants and shit? Because they did not think they were hot! Met a chick on WeChat the other day that had on tons of makeup in all of her pictures. I told her that I wanted to see her without the makeup. She sent me a picture. I said you look much better. I told her that she could come get this money, but she could not come with makeup on. She refused.

03-05-19, 08:16
So because of a few girls that work in the north also work sante fe means ALL the high end girls work in Sante Fe??

Highly doubt it. My point is certain girls will not settle for less. They know they are worth more and unless you happen to catch them at the perfect time when they are extremely desperate they're going to get their price. With very few exceptions, the girls, regardless of how much they are charging, or where they are working, come from the same neighborhoods. Most of them start the same ways, some work themselves up, most just go nowhere. The girls that won't take less than 200 k or 250 k, have worked for 100 k and less. Not many start high and stay there.

So many of these girls are getting sponsored by idiots sending them $$ every month. For them it's just a numbers game.Personally, I think it's silly to spend the amount of money some guys spend on girls they aren't fucking, but it's their money. There are guys going into US strip clubs and dropping $10 k in a night, and if they're lucky they might get a BJ in the VIP. There's guys spending almost as much on a night partying in Medellin. It's what makes them happy, but it doesn't necessarily make them idiots.

Even girls who I wouldn't consider a 5 are staying firm at 200 and up it's laughable.

My only point was 150 k is not the norm for a hot girl I would consider a 7 and up.

I see a lot of these girls on their WhatsApp stories in diff countries at high end hotels going shopping at high end places. And some of these girls are wack. LOL. But she ain't going to be charging 150 k for her pussy anytime soon.

But if you're a hot girl she knows she's hot cause it'll take you a month to book a date with her. And she's not going to take 150 k for BBBJ facials and a good ass fucking. Ain't happening.If a girl won't take what you're offering, move on to the next one. There's no shortage of girls in Medellin. If you have to have a certain girl, either accept her price or hone your negotiating skills.

It's always going to be a numbers game. For every girl wanting a high price, there are 10 just as hot taking a lot less. You just need to go and find them.

03-05-19, 09:34
The AirBnb and the tours are expensive by Colombia income standard. Why no one is complaining about that?

Will you agree with the prices if the roles are reversed?

If different hotels can charge different prices, why can't the girls?That same thing today, why rent in Poblado or Laureles just to hike back to Centro? I will find a hotel in Centro and if I find a chic I want to wine & dine we will hit up Poblado for 2-3 days, but Poblado exclusively for my 3 week stay? Oooooh no, a week in the airbnb's is 2-3 weeks stay in a hotel in Centro. Pollo negro is out!

03-05-19, 09:47
Oh yeah. I love the president of Venezuela for sending all those beautiful women to Colombia. Long live the revolution!I would like to know where one finds or is likely to find Venezuelen girls in MDE. More likely in casas or certain clubs?

The Tall Man
03-05-19, 13:53
Wow where do I start.

This is going to be my first TR on this board and first trip to Medellin, here we go!

Wifi at my apartment was hit and miss. Night's in Medellin could be boring as everything closes early including restaurants. I downloaded the Rappi app for food but never used it. Temperature almost everyday was around 70 to 80, a bit warm, soaking wet back, needing to change shirts often. People are super friendly and humble, I will be back.Seriously this is one of the best first timer newbie trip reports that I have read in years, great job giving back to the board.

We share the same likes in our mongering style, I too enjoy hanging out and trolling in the "Vera" as the locals call it here and also sit for drinks on the bar tables on the sidewalk in mayorista and make a selection. My Colombian buddy has found some fun here as he frequents this place often.

And so true the coffee tour, it's just damn coffee, jajajaja a plant that grows the beans, you pick it, let it dry, roast it and drink it, tour done now enjoy your cup of coffee.

Yes San Diego club, the one you mention that is under the elevated concrete ramps is also hit and miss, I have been maybe 4 or 5 times over the course of the past 3 years and never pulled any girls from there, have not been inside in the past year but the hot dog stand right outside the club has killer hot dogs and they are open very late in the wee hours of the morning.

Both Bar Executiva and next door Maricaibo bar have the best selection starting about 9 or 10 PM, you got there too early, I have pulled some girls from both places more times than I can count.

We share the same opinion about the mid to high end clubs (ie Fase dos, Lutron, La Isla, etc) just too much phony silicone and make up for me as I adore the girl next door cutie like the paisa cuties I had over last night, off the charts yet simple typical paisa face, looks like a mune, a doll in her face, simply incredible facial features and she sucks and worships my cock like she has a reason, jejejeje.

And COPA is my airline, I always fly copa, maybe 40 or 50 trips in the past 7 or 8 years, I regularly get upgraded to business class, be sure you sign up for their frequent flyer / connect miles program.

My uber driver that I met 2 years ago is now my best friend here in Medellin, we monger together, share girls, do 3 and 4 some's together, he finds me girls when I need to fulfill a desire, smoke and party together in fincas with chicas, etc and all because uber. I am a lucky man.

The Tall Man.

03-05-19, 18:12
I have been coming to Medellin for many years now the last time being in late 2017 and this is the first time that I have met Venezuelan chicas here. Those that I have sessioned with are actually more to my taste than the average paisa. I find them slimmer, taller and better looking generally and the service of all that I have been with so far have been truly enjoyable. The strange thing is that every one I have asked how long they have been in Colombia have responded with three years. I highly doubt it and suspect that this is a standard response for some sort of immigration reason. If they are representative of Venezuelan providers I am seriously considering visiting Venezuela in spite of the problems there. I recall that in my first visit to Caracas in 1975 I was seriously impressed with the talent there. I visited on a couple other occasions for work but never sessioned there. That may have to change.

Hasideas Tao
03-05-19, 19:04
I never tried that strategy. Love it. Was the nurses name Gaby? I think its pronounced Gaby. Light skin. Nice body not petite.

So, when the Madam asked which one I liked I told her that I wanted one that would let me do DATY and BBBJ. \.

All six agreed to what I wanted.

She bought all of them back in. It was a tough choice, but I took the chica dressed up as a nurse.

Carrera 43 # 55-49.6-8 Girls. Prices: 45 k 30 min. , 45 min. , 60 k, 1 hour 80 k. 10 visit card gets you 30 min free time. Tel: 579 8615, Cell: 322 810 6277. Hours: Monday to Saturday 10 am to 7 pm, Sundays and holidays 10:30 am to 4 pm.

Hasideas Tao
03-05-19, 20:17
Depends how and where you meet them.
Most guys cant get past the front lines of the welcome wagon train where they are used to tourists.
You gotta spend a little in some unconventional ways to get away from that.
Everything is online now. Meet people face to face. Friends of friends are a completely different ballgame!

Any monger who says he likes flacas, this girl in the pic is a perfect 10! She is stunning I promise!

So she says she wants to introduce me to a friend. How much are you going to give us? I say 80. (cop).

She says that's too little. We don't go out a lot and we are not just with any guys. Give us 55 each. I said good, no problem. When can you come over? LOL.

So who wants to meet my friends?

For some of them 150 mil is a lot of $$.

Just like any culture the hot girls know they are hot and have higher demands.

Girls like Aleja Giraldo who imo is a 7 charges 250 k and she won't take less.

A girl like Marcela Morales is not taking 150 k.

It's like anything you get what you pay for.

While I agree 150 k is doable with many girls I'm just trying to keep the expectations real among people who are not veterans of the mde scene.

03-05-19, 20:47
So who wants to meet my friends?As long as they speak English, I am in.