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Elvis 2008
06-21-20, 17:29
This should be interesting.

"For this reason, the president, Ivand Duque, made an appeal to the citizen conscience and anticipated that the country should prepare to spend a Christmas in quarantine.
Thanks for the link, Orgasmico. I would tell Duque good luck getting people to comply with it.

The people I talk to are already at their wit's end with covid. I tell them how open things are in the USA and Mexico, and it is very frustrating to them. I will say that the huge surge in Covid cases (but not deaths) has been greeted by the American people with a yawn.

As of now, I plan on bringing my women to Mexico and seeing them there. I guess they will have to isolate two weeks after they are back though.

Black Page
06-21-20, 18:30
Thanks for the link, Orgasmico. I would tell Duque good luck getting people to comply with it.

The people I talk to are already at their wit's end with covid. I tell them how open things are in the USA and Mexico, and it is very frustrating to them. I will say that the huge surge in Covid cases (but not deaths) has been greeted by the American people with a yawn..This is how mass psychology works. The way Trump and people with similar brain approaches the problem is: less tests, less positive results, less worry. Who cares if we have 100k tested positive, if they don't die?

Unfortunately, the virus spreading follows an exponential law. Parameters may vary, but it's an exponetial law. Once attention is relaxed, the average distance between people is reduced, the average time of contiguity, etc. , the magic number "average number of infected caused by a single, throughout its overall time of activity" goes above 1, and the exponential starts to inflate. You know the rice bean on box #1 of the chess table, which becomes 2 on the #2, 4 on the #3, etc.

Second thing to say "unfortunately", the curve of "tested positive" is followed by the curve of "deaths" with a significant delay. If you have 100k entering disease today, maybe few thousands will be dead but in a few weeks. When you start to be worried because you have 10k deaths, the number of "probably dead" on the way has already grown. It's past already.

Mass people starts to detect the problem when the number of people in hospital grows to a number that makes it evident, when everyone knows at least one in his circle who is in hospital, or is dead. There are areas in Northern Italy where 50% of population is now positive to antibodies, and families have been decimated from February to April. Each family has someone passed away. At this point, it is too late to understand and exclamate "Hey! there is a problem!". The problem has already entered your home. You will not see much people in those areas crowding pubs even today, because they have seen it and they are scared to hell.

Brazil is an interesting social experiment. A big country led by an idiot who believes the epidemic is not a serious problem. The number of dead today is already large, but it can quickly become overwhelming.

I wish this will not happen in USA and Mexico, but unfortunately mass people do not understand a problem if not big and directly affecting their personal life. Very sad.

06-21-20, 18:57
"I think the thing that I did wrong was that I was talking to another gringo."

What I notice about Americans is that we often speak in public very loud and often with our hands to the point of almost putting on a show.

We can unknowingly draw unwanted attention to ourselves.

This is not the norm in many countries and can be looked down upon or possibly an attention deficit? Not saying this happened but just a particular oddity that is very noticeable about the stereotypical American foreigner.
If anyone gets the chance, try to pick up on what I'm saying the next time a group of the aforementioned gets together and the reactions of the locals, not just in Medellin.

A particular instance comes to mind where at a hotel I stay at in MDE, was an oblivious dufus sat resting right on the middle steps of the entrance to the hotel and local guests had to walk around him.

He was very comfortable having his loud conversation with another english speaker across the street to the dismay of hotel staff and guests, as well as curious average people walking around the calle.

Maybe its best to blend in when in Centro.

06-21-20, 19:44
"I think the thing that I did wrong was that I was talking to another gringo."

What I notice about Americans is that we often speak in public very loud and often with our hands to the point of almost putting on a show.

We can unknowingly draw unwanted attention to ourselves.

This is not the norm in many countries and can be looked down upon or possibly an attention deficit? Not saying this happened but just a particular oddity that is very noticeable about the stereotypical American foreigner.
If anyone gets the chance, try to pick up on what I'm saying the next time a group of the aforementioned gets together and the reactions of the locals, not just in Medellin.

A particular instance comes to mind where at a hotel I stay at in MDE, was an oblivious dufus sat resting right on the middle steps of the entrance to the hotel and local guests had to walk around him.

He was very comfortable having his loud conversation with another english speaker across the street to the dismay of hotel staff and guests, as well as curious average people walking around the calle.

Maybe its best to blend in when in Centro.Myself, I typically avoid US Americans / gringos, they just kinda bug me. Perhaps I see too much of myself in them. I left there for a lot of reasons. If I wanted gringo friends I would have stayed up there. Although its quite hard to have friends in the US, everybody is so damned busy, stressed out, and lock themselves away with a TV after 6:30 pm. I typically make a thoughtful and strategic effort to blend in the best that I can. Sometimes its effective, other times not. At least, often times people recognize me as a foreigner but they are surprised a bit that I am not European or Argentinian. I count those instances as victories.

I remember once sitting in the airport in Costa Rica and group of loud, obnoxious US Americans came barreling through. It was disturbing.

06-21-20, 19:53
Thanks for the link, Orgasmico. I would tell Duque good luck getting people to comply with it.

The people I talk to are already at their wit's end with covid. I tell them how open things are in the USA and Mexico, and it is very frustrating to them. I will say that the huge surge in Covid cases (but not deaths) has been greeted by the American people with a yawn.

As of now, I plan on bringing my women to Mexico and seeing them there. I guess they will have to isolate two weeks after they are back though.In very simple terms, and mentioned in what Duque said, was that until their is a vaccine, at least an effective one, that Colombia was 'hosed", and I think a lot of people have thrown in the towel meaning their at their wit's end (fuck it is all I hear now) as you mentioned, and that's what a lot of other Countries around the world think of the USA in how we have handled things meaning we have "given up".

I'm honestly ashamed at how were doing, and think we are the laughing stock of the world.

As a side note, you mentioned Mexico, and I experienced something I found perplexing this week, but perhaps should not of been given how things have been, or perhaps, not handled by Washington. I decided to go to Tijuana on Wednesday and all non-essential travel to Mexico has been banned by Washington for over a month now and was just recently extended. So I parked my car by the border and walked to the entry, I was expecting to see CBP personnel on the USA side advising people of the ban, along with postings that any non-essential travel was not allowed.

But there was nothing, not a single sign or CBP personnel at the entrance or along the pathway into Mexico. Upon crossing the turnstile and entering I got to the immigration booth and was asked how long I was going to be there with not a single other question asked and they issued me a tourist card, I then walked about 15 feet, they checked my temperature, and was in. And it was the same returning back in the USA, no questions asked about how long I was there, what was I doing there, no temperature checks, only what was I bringing back.

Without going into any detail as to what was going on in Mexico, entering and exiting was like there was no Pandemic, yet all non-essential travel was banned yet no enforcement. This is what I found perplexing, but maybe I shouldn't of.

06-21-20, 20:01
This is how mass psychology works. The way Trump and people with similar brain approaches the problem is: less tests, less positive results, less worry. Who cares if we have 100k tested positive, if they don't die?

Unfortunately, the virus spreading follows an exponential law. Parameters may vary, but it's an exponetial law. Once attention is relaxed, the average distance between people is reduced, the average time of contiguity, etc. , the magic number "average number of infected caused by a single, throughout its overall time of activity" goes above 1, and the exponential starts to inflate. You know the rice bean on box #1 of the chess table, which becomes 2 on the #2, 4 on the #3, etc.

Second thing to say "unfortunately", the curve of "tested positive" is followed by the curve of "deaths" with a significant delay. If you have 100k entering disease today, maybe few thousands will be dead but in a few weeks. When you start to be worried because you have 10k deaths, the number of "probably dead" on the way has already grown. It's past already.

Mass people starts to detect the problem when the number of people in hospital grows to a number that makes it evident, when everyone knows at least one in his circle who is in hospital, or is dead. There are areas in Northern Italy where 50% of population is now positive to antibodies, and families have been decimated from February to April. Each family has someone passed away. At this point, it is too late to understand and exclamate "Hey! there is a problem!". The problem has already entered your home. You will not see much people in those areas crowding pubs even today, because they have seen it and they are scared to hell.

Brazil is an interesting social experiment. A big country led by an idiot who believes the epidemic is not a serious problem. The number of dead today is already large, but it can quickly become overwhelming.

I wish this will not happen in USA and Mexico, but unfortunately mass people do not understand a problem if not big and directly affecting their personal life. Very sad.If ruling class's intention is to reduce population and implement a new Marxist world order. , I wish they would just do it quickly instead of torturing the underclass with fear, indignity, and destruction of prosperity. Unleash the virus and get it over with already.

06-21-20, 21:06
What I notice about Americans is that we often speak in public very loud and often with our hands to the point of almost putting on a show.

We can unknowingly draw unwanted attention to ourselves.

This is not the norm in many countries and can be looked down upon or possibly an attention deficit? Not saying this happened but just a particular oddity that is very noticeable about the stereotypical American foreigner.
Given how expressive the Spanish are known to be, it's kind of funny to think that Americans in general could be louder than Colombians.

06-21-20, 23:58
It is a little ironic. I was married to a woman from Bogota for 9 years. Colombians can be loud when it comes to watching soccer or hanging out with the family, possibly playing a game. But they are not so loud, I've found, in public or around people they do not know. The average gringo does not seem to care. I have heard gringos (young and old) who are loud and use some pretty bad language. They do not seem to care where they are or who else is there. And of course they are speaking in English, so that may make it seem to be even louder, since it's a language most Colombians don't understand.

I am like a few other posters. I do not keep many gringo friends in Medellin. And most of them I do, we have discussions online, but do not meet and hang out. I prefer to pass time with hot, Colombian chicas, preferably in places most gringo tourists would never go. That said, if I'm in Lleras to have some shots and I see some gringos who are nice and calm and need a little hep with suggestions or language, I'm happy to help and speak to them. It's the obnoxious, loud, know-it-alls (after two trips, perhaps) that I avoid.

Given how expressive the Spanish are known to be, it's kind of funny to think that Americans in general could be louder than Colombians.

06-22-20, 00:52
It is a little ironic. I was married to a woman from Bogota for 9 years. Colombians can be loud when it comes to watching soccer or hanging out with the family, possibly playing a game. But they are not so loud, I've found, in public or around people they do not know. The average gringo does not seem to care. I have heard gringos (young and old) who are loud and use some pretty bad language. They do not seem to care where they are or who else is there. And of course they are speaking in English, so that may make it seem to be even louder, since it's a language most Colombians don't understand.

I am like a few other posters. I do not keep many gringo friends in Medellin. And most of them I do, we have discussions online, but do not meet and hang out. I prefer to pass time with hot, Colombian chicas, preferably in places most gringo tourists would never go. That said, if I'm in Lleras to have some shots and I see some gringos who are nice and calm and need a little hep with suggestions or language, I'm happy to help and speak to them. It's the obnoxious, loud, know-it-alls (after two trips, perhaps) that I avoid.Yes. Overall Colombians are more reserved. Fortunately, that changes when the clothes come off.

06-22-20, 01:13
Your observations are insightful. Like I said, we don't have to ignore each other in public but we need to maintain situational awareness. In my own case, I don't have many gringo friends either. I am here mostly for the girls, and in secondary order of importance, the climate and the cost of living. I have a few like minded gringo friends I've met through Colombianas. It's all good. From now on I will be more proactive about alerting people who I think might be in risky situations without noticing it. Be safe everybody.

To Pollo Negro, you have my curiosity piqued. Are you OK with sharing more details about the altercation you mentioned?

It is a little ironic. I was married to a woman from Bogota for 9 years. Colombians can be loud when it comes to watching soccer or hanging out with the family, possibly playing a game. But they are not so loud, I've found, in public or around people they do not know. The average gringo does not seem to care. I have heard gringos (young and old) who are loud and use some pretty bad language. They do not seem to care where they are or who else is there. And of course they are speaking in English, so that may make it seem to be even louder, since it's a language most Colombians don't understand.

I am like a few other posters. I do not keep many gringo friends in Medellin. And most of them I do, we have discussions online, but do not meet and hang out. I prefer to pass time with hot, Colombian chicas, preferably in places most gringo tourists would never go. That said, if I'm in Lleras to have some shots and I see some gringos who are nice and calm and need a little hep with suggestions or language, I'm happy to help and speak to them. It's the obnoxious, loud, know-it-alls (after two trips, perhaps) that I avoid.

06-22-20, 02:30
Wow, sorry to hear that Lugger, but glad you made it out unscathed. I always keep an eye on the other gringos in Centro, be them black, white, or green. I try to pick out mannerisms or behavior that each individual has that stand out from what I perceive to be a local's perspective, or what some no-good might be observing as they stalk their prey. I am an obvious gringo, but I tend to stick to some things that I never really put a ton of thought into, but are just natural. No jewelry, cross-trainer type shoes to not draw attention and to be able to run if needed, no sunglasses, limited phone use, as Knowledge said - try to position myself with something to my back, so there is one less direction to worry about defending, walk with a purpose and avoid walking thru crowds but don't walk on the outskirts like you're scared, puffy chest and chin up, and for whatever reason, I don't mind having a bottle of beer in my hand, and I hold it by the neck. I'm certainly not looking for trouble, but when I set my mind to go to Centro, I know that I am putting myself at more risk of finding trouble. Thus, I have a different frame of mind, and I'm ready for the fight or flight decision.

Anyway, I went to Exito Wow for the VAT day, and bought myself a computer monitor / small tv, for work. It's been great. I also bought Pinky a phone. It was pretty annoying. I had to wait in a separate line, to pay for the phone. I left my full cart by the exit, after having paid for everything. No one even looked at it. I got to the counter after about 20 minutes, and the kid tells me I need a Colombian cedula for the discount. I was pretty frustrated. The initial salesperson should know that, considering I'm a gringo. So, either the communication is poor or they don't care. I started arguing with the two cashiers, and came to realize a cedula needs to be shown. They took my ID and went to get approval. He returned to tell me to go to Information to get my ID approved. Information had 10 people in line, and when I got to the front, what was I going to say? Hey the guy 25 m away told me to come here and show my ID!? So I stormed back and had some lady behind me show her cedula. It boggles my mind how incredibly inconsiderate and stupid some people are. I am holding up a line of 20 people arguing over a cedula when all that needs to happen is some one with a cedula show it to them, and me get the fuck out of everyone's way.

I found out my noise complaint was a farce. A resident on the 2nd floor complained about the 3rd floor unit. The new portero thought it was 12 complaining about 13 (at 1 am). The older portero explained to me and apologized. The manager was disappointed and apologized. I actually approached my downstairs neighbor about it, speaking in Spanish, to find out he is an 87 yo gringo. He talked my ear off for over an hour! He has a younger Paisa wife who takes great care of him, and he loves it here. Really fascinating, but I tried 3 times to wiggle out to go to Exito, and couldn't get loose. I needed some of Lugnut's body oil! Anyway, I was relieved to know they didn't call the portero, and the big issue they have is my oscillating fan in the bedroom being loud (I am a very light sleeper, so it's strange, to me, but I believe them), and my 40 kg elephant of a wife walking around like she has ski boots on!

Internet provider cancelled appointments the last two days, which is getting extremely annoying. My new fire stick / IPTV is not working as I'd hoped. Watching Christmas Vacation, now, and it's not bad, but the soccer games have been pathetic. However, I streamed on my laptop, connected to the new 32" monitor, and it was perfect.

So, to the fun part. Wifey and I had a good looking 20 yo from SA cancel last minute on Friday. We weren't too happy. I hate the last-minute routine. She said she was sick, and sent a picture of a puffy eye. So, we were messaging some girls as I worked out and we grilled some chicken on the terrace. Wifey finally says, fuck it, it's you and me tonight. We hung out in the hot tub for a long time. We ended up having sex in the jacuzzi, then in the upstairs bedroom. When we finally went to bed, we had round two. I was going down on her for what seemed like and eternity. Then, we fucked. It was AMAZING. She said she didn't know how many times she orgasmed. It had to be 7 or 8 times. Insane, and she has been much more carinosa since that night! The girl from Friday messages, yesterday and says she is feeling better after some medication she had been taking. So, Wifey says let's do it. 8 p - 300 k. No rush. No limits. Oral sin. Sex con. She is a bailarina with hot photos. Baby face, a little thick, and we linked on Instagram so I have been watching her dance videos.

Wifey is on one, last night. She wanted some pussy. The girl shows, and we are chatting for 10-15 minutes. She, like another girl recently, asks if I think COVID-19 is a hoax. Wifey is getting ready, still. We go up to the hot tub, it's pouring rain, windy, bath foam flying everywhere. Well, fast forward, and Wifey takes over. Bailarina gives good head, and has a think poundable frame. She and Wifey have an incredible chemistry, for two chicks that have spend about a half hour together. They are all over each other. Wifey was eating her out in the jacuzzi, then told us to go to the bed. Both girls were giving each other orgasms. I fucked Bailarina to finish, with a condom. It was great. I go to throw away the rubber and take a leak, and when I return, they are scissoring. This whole scissoring thing has been an eye opener. I thought scissoring was just for show, but these girls can get off on it. Back to the jacuzzi, and the girls can't keep their hands and mouths off each other. We go for round 2, round 3, what a night. Wifey has been falling out of love with Pinky, because she says I act different when she's here. I explained it's because we're comfortable together, and shit builds up during the week that I don't want to yell at Wifey about and make it awkward, but then after a few beers, and Pinky's ears being available, I unleash my displeasures.

So, Bailarina made for an incredible night and 100% she will be a repeat. Hopefully, at 250 k, next time, but it was well worth it at 300 k. Wifey and I partook in the tussi, and Bailarina abstained. I thought it was really cool that she was able to stand her ground, but not judge, and not make us feel weird about it. Wifey now understands how to manage the high / intake, and it was much better. We consumed much less and it lasted much longer. We ended up hanging out in the jacuzzi for a couple hours after Bailarina left. Good news is, Bailarina left her bikini. She will be back! Photos for your enjoyment.

The Tall Man
06-22-20, 04:22
It is a little ironic. I was married to a woman from Bogota for 9 years. Colombians can be loud when it comes to watching soccer or hanging out with the family, possibly playing a game. But they are not so loud, I've found, in public or around people they do not know. The average gringo does not seem to care. I have heard gringos (young and old) who are loud and use some pretty bad language. They do not seem to care where they are or who else is there. And of course they are speaking in English, so that may make it seem to be even louder, since it's a language most Colombians don't understand.

I am like a few other posters. I do not keep many gringo friends in Medellin. And most of them I do, we have discussions online, but do not meet and hang out. I prefer to pass time with hot, Colombian chicas, preferably in places most gringo tourists would never go. That said, if I'm in Lleras to have some shots and I see some gringos who are nice and calm and need a little hep with suggestions or language, I'm happy to help and speak to them. It's the obnoxious, loud, know-it-alls (after two trips, perhaps) that I avoid.I have been in Medellin for coming up on 10 years and I do not have ONE gringo / American friend here, only a few good Paisa buddies and a hundred paisa chicas, that's enough.

The Tall Man.

06-22-20, 05:41
Given how expressive the Spanish are known to be, it's kind of funny to think that Americans in general could be louder than Colombians.In my experience Americans talk really loud compared to people from other countries (maybe some Chinese louder but not many other countries) and Colombians are not too loud. When it comes to Latinos making noise I think Dominicans are number 1 - they want everyone for 1 mile or more to hear their music and Colombians are nothing like that. Latinos are very different country to country and its a bad idea to stereotype based on the 1 country you know.

06-22-20, 06:21
Wow this is called heaven good luck bro really impressed.

Wow, sorry to hear that Lugger, but glad you made it out unscathed. I always keep an eye on the other gringos in Centro, be them black, white, or green. I try to pick out mannerisms or behavior that each individual has that stand out from what I perceive to be a local's perspective, or what some no-good might be observing as they stalk their prey. I am an obvious gringo, but I tend to stick to some things that I never really put a ton of thought into, but are just natural. No jewelry, cross-trainer type shoes to not draw attention and to be able to run if needed, no sunglasses, limited phone use, as Knowledge said - try to position myself with something to my back, so there is one less direction to worry about defending, walk with a purpose and avoid walking thru crowds but don't walk on the outskirts like you're scared, puffy chest and chin up, and for whatever reason, I don't mind having a bottle of beer in my hand, and I hold it by the neck. I'm certainly not looking for trouble, but when I set my mind to go to Centro, I know that I am putting myself at more risk of finding trouble. Thus, I have a different frame of mind, and I'm ready for the fight or flight decision.

Anyway, I went to Exito Wow for the VAT day, and bought myself a computer monitor / small tv, for work. It's been great. I also bought Pinky a phone. It was pretty annoying. I had to wait in a separate line, to pay for the phone. I left my full cart by the exit, after having paid for everything. No one even looked at it. I got to the counter after about 20 minutes, and the kid tells me I need a Colombian cedula for the discount. I was pretty frustrated. The initial salesperson should know that, considering I'm a gringo. So, either the communication is poor or they don't care. I started arguing with the two cashiers, and came to realize a cedula needs to be shown. They took my ID and went to get approval. He returned to tell me to go to Information to get my ID approved. Information had 10 people in line, and when I got to the front, what was I going to say? Hey the guy 25 m away told me to come here and show my ID!? So I stormed back and had some lady behind me show her cedula. It boggles my mind how incredibly inconsiderate and stupid some people are. I am holding up a line of 20 people arguing over a cedula when all that needs to happen is some one with a cedula show it to them, and me get the fuck out of everyone's way.

I found out my noise complaint was a farce. A resident on the 2nd floor complained about the 3rd floor unit. The new portero thought it was 12 complaining about 13 (at 1 am). The older portero explained to me and apologized. The manager was disappointed and apologized. I actually approached my downstairs neighbor about it, speaking in Spanish, to find out he is an 87 yo gringo. He talked my ear off for over an hour! He has a younger Paisa wife who takes great care of him, and he loves it here. Really fascinating, but I tried 3 times to wiggle out to go to Exito, and couldn't get loose. I needed some of Lugnut's body oil! Anyway, I was relieved to know they didn't call the portero, and the big issue they have is my oscillating fan in the bedroom being loud (I am a very light sleeper, so it's strange, to me, but I believe them), and my 40 kg elephant of a wife walking around like she has ski boots on!

Internet provider cancelled appointments the last two days, which is getting extremely annoying. My new fire stick / IPTV is not working as I'd hoped. Watching Christmas Vacation, now, and it's not bad, but the soccer games have been pathetic. However, I streamed on my laptop, connected to the new 32" monitor, and it was perfect.

So, to the fun part. Wifey and I had a good looking 20 yo from SA cancel last minute on Friday. We weren't too happy. I hate the last-minute routine. She said she was sick, and sent a picture of a puffy eye. So, we were messaging some girls as I worked out and we grilled some chicken on the terrace. Wifey finally says, fuck it, it's you and me tonight. We hung out in the hot tub for a long time. We ended up having sex in the jacuzzi, then in the upstairs bedroom. When we finally went to bed, we had round two. I was going down on her for what seemed like and eternity. Then, we fucked. It was AMAZING. She said she didn't know how many times she orgasmed. It had to be 7 or 8 times. Insane, and she has been much more carinosa since that night! The girl from Friday messages, yesterday and says she is feeling better after some medication she had been taking. So, Wifey says let's do it. 8 p - 300 k. No rush. No limits. Oral sin. Sex con. She is a bailarina with hot photos. Baby face, a little thick, and we linked on Instagram so I have been watching her dance videos.

Wifey is on one, last night. She wanted some pussy. The girl shows, and we are chatting for 10-15 minutes. She, like another girl recently, asks if I think COVID-19 is a hoax. Wifey is getting ready, still. We go up to the hot tub, it's pouring rain, windy, bath foam flying everywhere. Well, fast forward, and Wifey takes over. Bailarina gives good head, and has a think poundable frame. She and Wifey have an incredible chemistry, for two chicks that have spend about a half hour together. They are all over each other. Wifey was eating her out in the jacuzzi, then told us to go to the bed. Both girls were giving each other orgasms. I fucked Bailarina to finish, with a condom. It was great. I go to throw away the rubber and take a leak, and when I return, they are scissoring. This whole scissoring thing has been an eye opener. I thought scissoring was just for show, but these girls can get off on it. Back to the jacuzzi, and the girls can't keep their hands and mouths off each other. We go for round 2, round 3, what a night. Wifey has been falling out of love with Pinky, because she says I act different when she's here. I explained it's because we're comfortable together, and shit builds up during the week that I don't want to yell at Wifey about and make it awkward, but then after a few beers, and Pinky's ears being available, I unleash my displeasures.

So, Bailarina made for an incredible night and 100% she will be a repeat. Hopefully, at 250 k, next time, but it was well worth it at 300 k. Wifey and I partook in the tussi, and Bailarina abstained. I thought it was really cool that she was able to stand her ground, but not judge, and not make us feel weird about it. Wifey now understands how to manage the high / intake, and it was much better. We consumed much less and it lasted much longer. We ended up hanging out in the jacuzzi for a couple hours after Bailarina left. Good news is, Bailarina left her bikini. She will be back! Photos for your enjoyment.

06-22-20, 08:43
Wow, sorry to hear that Lugger, but glad you made it out unscathed. I always keep an eye on the other gringos in Centro, be them black, white, or green. I try to pick out mannerisms or behavior that each individual has that stand out from what I perceive to be a local's perspective, or what some no-good might be observing as they stalk their prey. I am an obvious gringo, but I tend to stick to some things that I never really put a ton of thought into, but are just natural. No jewelry, cross-trainer type shoes to not draw attention and to be able to run if needed, no sunglasses, limited phone use, as Knowledge said - try to position myself with something to my back, so there is one less direction to worry about defending, walk with a purpose and avoid walking thru crowds but don't walk on the outskirts like you're scared, puffy chest and chin up, and for whatever reason, I don't mind having a bottle of beer in my hand, and I hold it by the neck. I'm certainly not looking for trouble, but when I set my mind to go to Centro, I know that I am putting myself at more risk of finding trouble. Thus, I have a different frame of mind, and I'm ready for the fight or flight decision.

Anyway, I went to Exito Wow for the VAT day, and bought myself a computer monitor / small tv, for work. It's been great. I also bought Pinky a phone. It was pretty annoying. I had to wait in a separate line, to pay for the phone. I left my full cart by the exit, after having paid for everything. No one even looked at it. I got to the counter after about 20 minutes, and the kid tells me I need a Colombian cedula for the discount. I was pretty frustrated. The initial salesperson should know that, considering I'm a gringo. So, either the communication is poor or they don't care. I started arguing with the two cashiers, and came to realize a cedula needs to be shown. They took my ID and went to get approval..What does 8 p means in this phrase "8 p - 300 k"? Only USD $80 for seeking arrangement girl? I thought it was more expensive than that.

06-22-20, 12:11
So, Bailarina made for an incredible night and 100% she will be a repeat. Hopefully, at 250 k, next time, but it was well worth it at 300 k. Wifey and I partook in the tussi, and Bailarina abstained. I thought it was really cool that she was able to stand her ground, but not judge, and not make us feel weird about it. Wifey now understands how to manage the high / intake, and it was much better. We consumed much less and it lasted much longer. We ended up hanging out in the jacuzzi for a couple hours after Bailarina left. Good news is, Bailarina left her bikini. She will be back! Photos for your enjoyment.I know who you're talking about and have spoken to her a bunch but never sessioned with her. She used to be tighter / thinner but good to know she is a solid provider.

06-22-20, 14:44
The girl from Friday messages, yesterday and says she is feeling better after some medication she had been taking. So, Wifey says let's do it. 8 p - 300 k. No rush. No limits. Oral sin. Sex con. She is a bailarina with hot photos. Baby face, a little thick, and we linked on Instagram so I have been watching her dance videos.

Salute!! Nice report. Looks like a fun time.

06-22-20, 15:03
What does 8 p means in this phrase "8 p - 300 k"? Only USD $80 for seeking arrangement girl? I thought it was more expensive than that.Just bullet points. 8:00 pm, but ISG plays with the text, sometimes. Yes, $80 for over 5 hours and a whole lot of fucking.

I know who you're talking about and have spoken to her a bunch but never sessioned with her. She used to be tighter / thinner but good to know she is a solid provider.Yes, it sounds like you do. I thought the same when she arrived, compared to photos, but she's a firm thick, and great personality.

06-22-20, 18:27
Only USD $80 for seeking arrangement girl? I thought it was more expensive than that.The price depends on which union they belong to.

06-22-20, 19:20
To Pollo Negro, you have my curiosity piqued. Are you OK with sharing more details about the altercation you mentioned?Without boring you to death, this is the bottom line, all of the girls in the park have to pay set fee to two guys in the park. I met these guys, and I told them straight up to their face in front of the police. I am Puerto Rican and Black, I don't pay anyone. No one extorts someone like me, you're are wasting your time, don't ask, don't assume, don't even think about it, I will never pay anyone anything to protect me, you will have to kill me first and then, what do you think they will do once you kill an American in this park?

My girlfriend's son had a phone of mine's, brand new, and the girl who is in charge of all of the Vennie's waited until he was using the phone one day in the park and she snatched the phone and demanded that he pay $20,000 pesos to get the phone back. He didn't have any pesos on him so she kept the phone. The next day I went to the park to look for her and she would not appear, but I told every one of her friends to tell her that I wanted my phone. The cops came and it was a real show. This is where and how things got extremely ugly.

The girl who snatched the phone had no idea that I had receipts for every phone that I have ever brought into the country, it is necessary to have this if you plan on bringing phones here, even as a gift because without it you cannot register the phone. I was making such uproar about the phone, strictly out of principle, that the cops called over the two guys who are in charge of the girls in the park. I could show them the receipt, the IEMI number, and photos of the girl who stole the phone. So the cops were explaining to them, that the girl could not come back to the park until the phone was returned or else she would be arrested. My girlfriend showed up, her son showed up, he told the cops exactly what I am telling you, that the girl snatched his phone and demanded that he pay her $20,000 pesos to return it.

I could really see that my girlfriend was extremely nervous about being around these guys and it was a really bad situation, but for me, it was the principle. About 13 guys surrounded me, and I was putting some distance between me and them. One guy tried to touch me, and I immediately told him if you touch me, I will break your arm, no if and or but, don't do it, and don't think about coming in arm length of me. These guys weapon of choice is the knife or machete. My thoughts were that one guy would try and hold me while the other one's took turns stabbing me, I have seen them in action, so trust me, I was on all alerts this night in the park. Shortly later my girlfriends brother showed up and he's pretty fit and about 6'2" and he immediately pulled out his machete and told everyone around that no one was touching Pollo Negro, and we left without a problem.

The next day, My girl was nervous and begged me not to return to the park. But you know me, and my behavior, so I did them all one favor better. I called my Colombian connect and went to Tigo and had the entire telephone Blacklisted and blocked using the IEMI number, so this really pissed every one in the park off, because now they had a useless phone other than using it to watch youtube and maybe whatsapp. So they began to call and try and offer the phone back, I told them to keep it and find someone who can unblock it if you can, but good luck.

So my girl explained to me, a new phone like the A20 Samsung, especially if it is built to work in the US, can sell in Venezuela easily for $1000 USD. The bosses in the park and the girl who snatched the phone had made plans to send the phone back and it looked like an easy process of just targeting my girlfriends son because they know he lives with a gringo and I treat him well. They know every thing about everyone who enters the park, trust me. Many times these guys have called my phone and trust me, I never gave them my number, but at the same time, they clearly saw that I was not the one to rob, extort, or take advantage of and they now know that every american isn't stupid and just travel to Medellin to buy girls and become easy targets. I am a business man from the ground up and they now know this. Even though the numbers may be back in Parque Botero, here is the real facts, it might be 350 girls in the park and only 6 customers, most of them are there for socialization and to beg and hope they get a date. If what I am saying is not true, they wouldn't be trying to rob their potential clients. Trust me, the quarantine has people doing desperate things to obtain money and food here in Medellin. I will end this by saying, be careful in the park, take every extra precaution and learn your surroundings. I still bang 3-4 chicas everyday, I just do not sit around in the park like I once did.

06-22-20, 19:22
The President of Mexico was savagely roasted on Sabados Felices this weekend. Sabados Felices is sort of a Colombian version of the American TV show Saturday Night Live. It was really funny. A comic with an uncanny resemblance to President Lopez Obrador performed the skit wearing a sombrero. He and the woman who performed ddpostite him got plenty of laughs just from the physical comedy of their movements balancing the stereotypical sombreros and the exaggerated clipped Mexican accents they used. The central joke was Obrador Lopez's oblivious and doddering responses to any mention of coronavirus. He is still known as the bookend to Brazil's Bolsonaro as coronavirus deniers.

In very simple terms, and mentioned in what Duque said, was that until their is a vaccine, at least an effective one, that Colombia was 'hosed", and I think a lot of people have thrown in the towel meaning their at their wit's end (fuck it is all I hear now) as you mentioned, and that's what a lot of other Countries around the world think of the USA in how we have handled things meaning we have "given up".

I'm honestly ashamed at how were doing, and think we are the laughing stock of the world.

As a side note, you mentioned Mexico, and I experienced something I found perplexing this week, but perhaps should not of been given how things have been, or perhaps, not handled by Washington. I decided to go to Tijuana on Wednesday and all non-essential travel to Mexico has been banned by Washington for over a month now and was just recently extended. So I parked my car by the border and walked to the entry, I was expecting to see CBP personnel on the USA side advising people of the ban, along with postings that any non-essential travel was not allowed..

06-22-20, 19:49
I walked through Ground zero and Plaza Botero a few days ago in the AM. I noticed lots of activity and no cops. Literally, that was the biggest difference that I noticed with the pre covid times. No cops in or around Plaza Botero. Probably, I just missed them and they were hiding somewhere. Surely, there are fewer of them in the area even though the activity is pretty much back to the pre covid levels.

I didn't plan to pick up anyone. I just decided to pass through the area out of curiosity. I had my passport on me. With the benefit of hindsight, I realize that was a silly thing to do.

Sly One
06-22-20, 19:59
The price depends on which union they belong to.You have to realize it is a buyers market at the moment a lot of desperate single mums who have partner that no income. $USD80 sets her and the kids up with food for a week and with a excellent porn star performance a good chance that you will be back to pay for next week shopping too. I expect things will even get better for mongering in the coming months. Avoid the union girls with fixed pricing they will soon get the message and find that with more hookers joining the workforce and less mongers with money. The laws of demand and supply will surely come into force.

Blue Touch
06-22-20, 22:39
These police officers, as well as municipal legislators and administrators, are on the gang's payroll. They work for the mafia, not for the people. That is why they are despised by the public. Basically the entire area, and the city, is effectually governed by crime organizations.

I do not question your brevity and strength, but it is not a good area for hanging around.

Without boring you to death, this is the bottom line, all of the girls in the park have to pay set fee to two guys in the park. I met these guys, and I told them straight up to their face in front of the police. I am Puerto Rican and Black, I don't pay anyone. No one extorts someone like me, you're are wasting your time, don't ask, don't assume, don't even think about it, I will never pay anyone anything to protect me, you will have to kill me first and then, what do you think they will do once you kill an American in this park?

My girlfriend's son had a phone of mine's, brand new, and the girl who is in charge of all of the Vennie's waited until he was using the phone one day in the park and she snatched the phone and demanded that he pay $20,000 pesos to get the phone back. He didn't have any pesos on him so she kept the phone. The next day I went to the park to look for her and she would not appear, but I told every one of her friends to tell her that I wanted my phone. The cops came and it was a real show. This is where and how things got extremely ugly.

The girl who snatched the phone had no idea that I had receipts for every phone that I have ever brought into the country, it is necessary to have this if you plan on bringing phones here, even as a gift because without it you cannot register the phone. I was making such uproar about the phone, strictly out of principle, that the cops called over the two guys who are in charge of the girls in the park. I could show them the receipt, the IEMI number, and photos of the girl who stole the phone. So the cops were explaining to them, that the girl could not come back to the park until the phone was returned or else she would be arrested. My girlfriend showed up, her son showed up, he told the cops exactly what I am telling you, that the girl snatched his phone and demanded that he pay her $20,000 pesos to return it..

John Gault
06-23-20, 01:46
You have to realize it is a buyers market at the moment a lot of desperate single mums who have partner that no income. $USD80 sets her and the kids up with food for a week and with a excellent porn star performance a good chance that you will be back to pay for next week shopping too. I expect things will even get better for mongering in the coming months. Avoid the union girls with fixed pricing they will soon get the message and find that with more hookers joining the workforce and less mongers with money. The laws of demand and supply will surely come into force.Mr. Sly,

I know this is the MDE board but you used to be the man in Lima. I can get no info from that board. What have you heard?

The Tall Man
06-23-20, 03:02
I walked through Ground zero and Plaza Botero a few days ago in the AM. I noticed lots of activity and no cops. Literally, that was the biggest difference that I noticed with the pre covid times. No cops in or around Plaza Botero. Probably, I just missed them and they were hiding somewhere. Surely, there are fewer of them in the area even though the activity is pretty much back to the pre covid levels.

I didn't plan to pick up anyone. I just decided to pass through the area out of curiosity. I had my passport on me. With the benefit of hindsight, I realize that was a silly thing to do.Spot on observation, it use to be that the police / tourist police has a presence in that makeshift tent stationed right in front of the museum and there would be groups of usually 2 or 3 polices continually walking the Botero beat, maybe 3 or 4 even 5 or 6 at times different groups of these police BUT now no tent, you don't see any police, the special tourist police are gone, it is like the CHOP no police allowed that is in Seattle Washington, seriously I don't have a clue what happened to them, they are just gone.

If you decide to hang out around there be extra careful and stay alert. On Saturday I spent about 3 hours in and around Botero and the Vera and finally found a paisa chica whom I have known for 3 years and she is struggling like all the girls so I took her to that hotel Venicia (2nd floor at the corner behind the Vera). As soon as I finished I got the hell out of Dodge, licking-split.

The Tall Man.

06-23-20, 03:17
OK, the part about what happened was short. Thanks for that. All this Botero Plaza talk the last few days got me curious again. Today I'm there watching some workers install a new lighted sign one the small pharmacy across from Tostao. I was impressed by their efficiency. Somebody yelling from Botero Plaza at one of the girls at ground zero caught my attention so I moved that way and notice the guy yelling is saying he wasn't going to do anything and she should not have said anything to the police. I get closer and fuck me if the turismo police haven't confiscated a freaking kitchen paring knife from this guy. I'm talking and 8 inch knife. I don't know how you stash something like that without stabbing yourself. Anyway, when I got there maybe half an hour earlier it was obvious that the police presence was way up in all parts of the plaza. I always enter from Parque Berrio where there are usually lots of cops anyway. Today there were more than usual. After the knife confiscation a police helicopter began making passes over the plaza. I had a Goodfellas flashback of the scene when Ray Liotta is all coked up and seeing surveillance aircraft all over the place, except I was not coked up and there really was a helicopter making passes. It seemed like the police might not have been an isolated situation involving Lugnut.

So Pollo, I am pretty sure I know the two guys you mentioned. I regret what happened to your Medellin family. I feel lucky I've been able to keep it simple there. I am with you about hanging out in the park for hours. I don't see the need. I do my business and move on mostly. Sometimes for entertainment I will watch the 3 card monte games because they remind me of Times Square in the 80's. I also get a kick out of listening to the line of bullshit of the con man vendors who sell worthless TV decoders that are supposed to get you all the national stations in perfect HD. When sales slow down, as they often do, they signal a shill who pretends to be interested and asks canned questions. So back to the girls, there is a steady flow of new venecas along with all the old not favorites. Progress on the bench replacement is ultra slow. They are getting replaced at the rate of one or less per week.

Without boring you to death, this is the bottom line, all of the girls in the park have to pay set fee to two guys in the park. I met these guys, and I told them straight up to their face in front of the police. I am Puerto Rican and Black, I don't pay anyone. No one extorts someone like me, you're are wasting your time, don't ask, don't assume, don't even think about it, I will never pay anyone anything to protect me, you will have to kill me first and then, what do you think they will do once you kill an American in this park?

My girlfriend's son had a phone of mine's, brand new, and the girl who is in charge of all of the Vennie's waited until he was using the phone one day in the park and she snatched the phone and demanded that he pay $20,000 pesos to get the phone back. He didn't have any pesos on him so she kept the phone. The next day I went to the park to look for her and she would not appear, but I told every one of her friends to tell her that I wanted my phone. The cops came and it was a real show. This is where and how things got extremely ugly...

Mr Enternational
06-23-20, 04:25
Only USD $80 for seeking arrangement girl? I thought it was more expensive than that.$80 IS expensive in Colombia! Think about where you are, not where you come from.

Elvis 2008
06-23-20, 04:53
But there was nothing, not a single sign or CBP personnel at the entrance or along the pathway into Mexico. Upon crossing the turnstile and entering I got to the immigration booth and was asked how long I was going to be there with not a single other question asked and they issued me a tourist card, I then walked about 15 feet, they checked my temperature, and was in. And it was the same returning back in the USA, no questions asked about how long I was there, what was I doing there, no temperature checks, only what was I bringing back.

Without going into any detail as to what was going on in Mexico, entering and exiting was like there was no Pandemic, yet all non-essential travel was banned yet no enforcement. This is what I found perplexing, but maybe I shouldn't of.Surfer, there are so many people crossing the border between Mexico and the USA Legally every day that closing the border was never realistic: for work, for school, for shopping. It is far more traveled than the USA and Canada. For a time, there was VERY little transmission of cases across the border. That may have changed as Texas is now the epicenter of the USA for Corona and maybe soon the world. I have been to Mexico 3 x since March and never had my temperature taken when returning to the USA.

In very simple terms, and mentioned in what Duque said, was that until their is a vaccine, at least an effective one, that Colombia was 'hosed", and I think a lot of people have thrown in the towel meaning their at their wit's end (fuck it is all I hear now) as you mentioned, and that's what a lot of other Countries around the world think of the USA in how we have handled things meaning we have "given up".

I'm honestly ashamed at how were doing, and think we are the laughing stock of the world.Well, for a country that considers itself the best in the world with the best most state of the art health care system, yes, the USA has performed miserably.

In the USA right now, Covid is spreading as badly now as it ever has. It has just slowed down in NYC while everywhere else is seeing huge rises particularly in the South, so much for the heat killing the virus. I am not defending Trump anymore: the rally was bird brained and the slow roll out of testing was awful, and the police issue? Yeesh.

For what it is worth, I give the USA a see. Once things got serious and the private sector was incentivized, testing kits are now being produced like crazy, and things are being handled much better now. Mexico and Brazil have handled things much worse, but the USA should have done much better.

Colombia is in a pickle though. There total lockdown has meant that Corona has not spread so much, and it means that there are going to be in the primary wave for much longer. I honestly do not know what they are going to do. The latest boneheaded move in Colombia was allowing Black Friday go on where people paid on taxes while shopping, and stores were flooded.

I think we can say now that what Germany and South Korea did is what everyone should follow: massive testing and selected isolation, but I am not sure if Colombia has the money or capacity to do massive testing.

I just people are so fed up with the so called experts saying one thing and then the other. You can find whatever POV you want on masks, distancing, and quarantines, and I think that has led to this fuck it phase.

If Colombia does not have the money or capacity to do massive testing, I really do not what they are supposed to do. Wait for a vaccine, that when it comes will probably be at best 50% effective, and keep everyone in quarantine while destroying the economy?

Up until four weeks ago, the notion that we had all the testing we needed in the USA was bullshit. The reason sports teams are opening up is because there is now capacity to test everyone.

I am just waiting to see more riots here and abroad. I am not sure if Colombia is a powder keg or not. It seems like people are suffering there a lot.

06-23-20, 14:20
Was in Botero yesterday. I find myself going more often because it is one of the few spots in the City where there is actually some energy and people vibing during the quarantine, other than the times I find myself in the mountains. Was pretty dead with the bars closed and it being a holiday. That being said, there was still some talent out there. In total, probably 25% of the amount of people on a Friday.

06-23-20, 14:52
I prefer to pass time with hot, Colombian chicas, preferably in places most gringo tourists would never go..I'm curious, what some of those places or types of places are?

06-23-20, 16:14
I've been quarantining on a finca in a rural area for the last couple of months and just now looking at trying to get special permission to relocate myself back to Medellin. Curious how things are there at the moment, which of the casas in centro are currently open, and what the norms are these days. Hand sanitizer I assume, but are the girls actually presenting themselves wearing masks, or are things reasonably casual there? In the city is it compulsory to wear masks in public, and if so is that being enforced, are people generally free to move around or is it still pico and cedula and and hour of exercise. Sounds like most are restaurants functioning with takeaways, and most shops currently open, what's the general vibe, things sort of stable and slowly opening more or are people tense and afraid? I have read the earlier reports about Tinder girls, Plaza Botero, the Laureles apartments, all functioning and some reference to the centro casas now be open, just trying to get a better idea of basically what to expect.

06-23-20, 16:33
Was in Botero yesterday. I find myself going more often because it is one of the few spots in the City where there is actually some energy and people vibing during the quarantine, other than the times I find myself in the mountains. Was pretty dead with the bars closed and it being a holiday. That being said, there was still some talent out there. In total, probably 25% of the amount of people on a Friday.That's why I always enjoy spending time in El Centro, the energy. Once you get over the initial shock, there's a certain flow to El Centro that you won't find in Laureles or Poblado.

06-23-20, 17:00
Almost anywhere other than Poblado!

Bars, discos, restaurants.

La 70 (you will see some gringos, but not many).

La 33 (few gringos).

La 45 (few gringos).

Manrique (rarely any).

Aranjuez (rarely any).

I'm curious, what some of those places or types of places are?

06-23-20, 17:36
You'll probably just want to skip this. There's no sex at all.

Surfer, there are so many people crossing the border between Mexico and the USA Legally every day that closing the border was never realistic: for work, for school, for shopping. It is far more traveled than the USA and Canada. For a time, there was VERY little transmission of cases across the border. That may have changed as Texas is now the epicenter of the USA for Corona and maybe soon the world. I have been to Mexico 3 x since March and never had my temperature taken when returning to the USA.While the numbers are higher at the Mexican border, there was always a lot of daily crossing between the US and Canada. Of course there isn't the pedestrian traffic, but plenty of cars and trucks.

I cross the US / Canadian border 4 times a week, twice each way. Did it for 4. 5 years up until 3 years ago and have been doing it again for almost 5 months.

The trade war had already significantly reduced the truck traffic at the beginning of February. By my comparison, commercial traffic was about 50% less than 4 years ago. Personal traffic was also down. Since the border shutdown, I've seen 2 cars either entering or leaving Canada. Truck traffic dropped so much I was sent back to X-ray because they were bored and didn't have anything to do. That's literally what the CBP agent told me. My average wait used to be 15-20 minutes, and that's because I time my crossings for the lowest traffic volume. I've been hitting peak traffic with zero wait time.

Truck traffic is picking back up now. It has almost reached the pre COVID-19 level. Still no word on the other restrictions being lifted.

Canada frequently asks if I've experienced any symptoms, the US has never asked. The US didn't start requiring CBP to wear masks until 6 weeks ago. They did go through a period where they weren't taking and inspecting paperwork, Just a glance at the passport card and a few questions to identify you. If anything, the crossing back into the US has become much more relaxed.

Well, for a country that considers itself the best in the world with the best most state of the art health care system, yes, the USA has performed miserably.

In the USA right now, Covid is spreading as badly now as it ever has. It has just slowed down in NYC while everywhere else is seeing huge rises particularly in the South, so much for the heat killing the virus. I am not defending Trump anymore: the rally was bird brained and the slow roll out of testing was awful, and the police issue? Yeesh. The US citizenry has a built-in immunity to objectivity. Facts aren't something most will consider. Fact is the US healthcare system has been crumbling for decades. You can still find the best doctors and the best treatment, if you have the pull. Otherwise, you're better off going to Tijuana, or Medellin.

Cases are currently surging in 17 states, including Oklahoma, California and Texas. It's interesting that the states which caught the most flak for their lockdowns have done the best. Look at Michigan. At this point, any hope of the US as a whole coming up with a coherent response is gone.

For what it is worth, I give the USA a see. Once things got serious and the private sector was incentivized, testing kits are now being produced like crazy, and things are being handled much better now. Mexico and Brazil have handled things much worse, but the USA should have done much better. You're grading on a curve. Private industry response has been mostly excellent. I went into a local restaurant last night. There was a constant flow of take-out orders. They were sanitizing ink pens and the cash. All cash received was sanitized and laid out on the bar to dry. Seating was extremely limited and all the staff were wearing masks. Everywhere I go I see businesses taking action.

However, the government response has been a disaster. To make matters worse, the government rhetoric has been counter-productive. There are still people running around claiming it's a hoax, or they're bringing up the flu or Tuberculosis. And they're refusing to take precautions because the government keeps telling them precautions aren't necessary.

There's going to be one helluva hangover from this party.

Colombia is in a pickle though. There total lockdown has meant that Corona has not spread so much, and it means that there are going to be in the primary wave for much longer. I honestly do not know what they are going to do. The latest boneheaded move in Colombia was allowing Black Friday go on where people paid on taxes while shopping, and stores were flooded. Here's a question. Was the theía Sin IVA an attempt to kick up the spread of the virus, in order to justify more extreme measures? Or was it just a stupid stunt to boost popularity?

I think we can say now that what Germany and South Korea did is what everyone should follow: massive testing and selected isolation, but I am not sure if Colombia has the money or capacity to do massive testing.

I just people are so fed up with the so called experts saying one thing and then the other. You can find whatever POV you want on masks, distancing, and quarantines, and I think that has led to this fuck it phase.The experts have been pretty consistent. The problem has been that anyone in front of a microphone is considered an expert by too many people. Unfortunately, there are way too many microphones.

If Colombia does not have the money or capacity to do massive testing, I really do not what they are supposed to do. Wait for a vaccine, that when it comes will probably be at best 50% effective, and keep everyone in quarantine while destroying the economy?

Up until four weeks ago, the notion that we had all the testing we needed in the USA was bullshit. The reason sports teams are opening up is because there is now capacity to test everyone.

I am just waiting to see more riots here and abroad. I am not sure if Colombia is a powder keg or not. It seems like people are suffering there a lot.As I've said before, the economy always recovers, the dead never do.

06-23-20, 17:40
That's why I always enjoy spending time in El Centro, the energy. Once you get over the initial shock, there's a certain flow to El Centro that you won't find in Laureles or Poblado.I really expected it to be crazier and less safe. Growing up in NY and hanging out in Jamaica Queens, Chinatown, Bronx, Washington Heights, El Centro was tame. If you grew up in a city, there's no shock. NY, LA, SF. All have areas that look / feel way worse than El Centro.

06-23-20, 19:16
That is correct. If you are from an isolated and privileged suburban background Centro is the scariest place in the world.

I really expected it to be crazier and less safe. Growing up in NY and hanging out in Jamaica Queens, Chinatown, Bronx, Washington Heights, El Centro was tame. If you grew up in a city, there's no shock. NY, LA, SF. All have areas that look / feel way worse than El Centro.

06-23-20, 19:37
$80 IS expensive in Colombia! Think about where you are, not where you come from.$80 is expensive in Colombia.

$80 is not expensive in Colombia for 4 rounds over 5-6 hours, and each round being for 2 people. Unless, you think $80 is expensive for that. In which case, $80 is expensive.

Comparatively, 8 rounds at New Life would be 440.000 COP. I paid 300.000 k, and will probably do so again, this weekend.

That's oral sin condon, DFK, GFE, etc etc.

You have to realize it is a buyers market at the moment a lot of desperate single mums who have partner that no income. $USD80 sets her and the kids up with food for a week and with a excellent porn star performance a good chance that you will be back to pay for next week shopping too. I expect things will even get better for mongering in the coming months. Avoid the union girls with fixed pricing they will soon get the message and find that with more hookers joining the workforce and less mongers with money. The laws of demand and supply will surely come into force.And for a 20 yo single chick who lives at home, this allows her to buy a new photo editing app, a couple meals from Rappi, a new shirt, one of these new candy sugar-high children's drinks that all the girls are posting on social media about, echarge her cell phone data, and buy a couple taxi rides.

The price depends on which union they belong to.Amen. I had some decent experiences with the FB girls, the WA girls, but I have fortunately learned a lot, and made better contacts. In a pinch, I'll do the 250.000 WA / FB girl for one pop in an hour. However, knowing that the aforementioned all-night threesome is available at the same price. Why deal with the unions!? Obviously, better deals are to be had. I just don't spend as much time on it. Well, this trip, at least. Prior to arriving, I will spend hours upon hours doing the dirty work. When Wifey is here most days / nights and can pull on her own, for me, I just don't go searching for the deals as much as I focus on the experience.

I'm going to check out a brand new penthouse for sale, this afternoon. Oh, Wifey went home for the night to go celebrate her brother's birthday, so Pinky stopped by to pick up her phone. She told me bad news, she still has a little blood. I started laughing, because I already had it in my head that I just wanted a good blowjob, yesterday. So, it all worked it out. She said the portero made some off-the-cuff insulting comment to her about how I only pick up the phone when "viejas" AKA putas arrive. Kind of strange, and I'm not sure if I fully-grasped her story. It was the old guy who was a dick when I first moved in about quarantining. She quickly put him in his place about shutting up and doing his job, I guess. I'm on the fence about asking him if there's a problem, etc. As I've mentioned before, at length, I try to stay off the radar. Thus, it's unlikely I'll bring it up.


06-23-20, 20:52
Almost anywhere other than Poblado!

Bars, discos, restaurants.

La 70 (you will see some gringos, but not many).

La 33 (few gringos).

La 45 (few gringos).

Manrique (rarely any).

Aranjuez (rarely any).Jajaja yeah, I'm not a fan of Poblado for exactly that reason. I've stayed in Laureles, Sabaneta, Envigado, Prado Centro, and El Centro.

Have not been to Manrique or Aranjuez. I'll have to check those places out.

Mr Enternational
06-23-20, 20:57
$80 is expensive in Colombia.

$80 is not expensive in Colombia for 4 rounds over 5-6 hours, and each round being for 2 people. Unless, you think $80 is expensive for that. In which case, $80 is expensive.Would you consider it expensive for 1 round for 1 person?

06-23-20, 21:02
Would you consider it expensive for 1 round for 1 person?I think cheap and expensive only come into existence when comparing. On top of it, the value of that experience could vary significantly from person to person. A guy in Mexico forum spent over $2000 to travel from US to Mexico City only to fuck a porn star he fancied. Is that expensive?

06-23-20, 21:43
I really expected it to be crazier and less safe. Growing up in NY and hanging out in Jamaica Queens, Chinatown, Bronx, Washington Heights, El Centro was tame. If you grew up in a city, there's no shock. NY, LA, SF. All have areas that look / feel way worse than El Centro.How a places "looks" and "feels" often has little to do with actual risks or what dangers may be present. A lot of places "feel" safe until your number comes up, then one's perspective changes. Though there are plenty of dangers in the states, especially at night in high crime areas, foreigners in poor countries are targets in a special way. The thieves know what you are and you are on their radar. Though there is plenty of good advice here about staying alert and keeping as law a profile as possible.

06-23-20, 21:43
Amen. I had some decent experiences with the FB girls, the WA girls, but I have fortunately learned a lot, and made better contacts. In a pinch, I'll do the 250.000 WA / FB girl for one pop in an hour. However, knowing that the aforementioned all-night threesome is available at the same price. Why deal with the unions!? Obviously, better deals are to be had. I just don't spend as much time on it. Well, this trip, at least. Prior to arriving, I will spend hours upon hours doing the dirty work. When Wifey is here most days / nights and can pull on her own, for me, I just don't go searching for the deals as much as I focus on the experience.
I am not referring to a union with a pimp or leader like La Diabla. I think OP must have read about other reports with higher prices so I am telling the OP there are different prices. The price depends on the girls. Sometimes there are a group of girls who ask the same price because they may have heard about it from the same source so it is like a price union.

If she is who I think she is, she quoted me USD100. I did not talk to her after because I was just getting her contact for another member here. No question that you had a good deal but I would not assume that is a deal I can get. She is more like a FB girl but her price is set higher on SA. I also think mongers are not on SA to get cheaper price, freebie maybe, but it is usually more expensive.

You have to realize it is a buyers market at the moment a lot of desperate single mums who have partner that no income.Maybe but the desperation is not obvious from the Covid Black Friday and the reports here except the recent El Centro reports. One girl told me Colombia is not USA. I think she was telling me that the current financial situation they are facing is nothing new.

06-23-20, 21:56
I really expected it to be crazier and less safe. Growing up in NY and hanging out in Jamaica Queens, Chinatown, Bronx, Washington Heights, El Centro was tame. If you grew up in a city, there's no shock. NY, LA, SF. All have areas that look / feel way worse than El Centro.I grew up in a cornfield. Since then I've spent time, mostly working, in every major US city, although other than a wrong turn in the Bronx, I was mostly in the better areas. The real shock of El Centro was the crowds. My first real exploring day was one of those market days when everyone is out.

Mojo Bandit
06-24-20, 00:57
How a places "looks" and "feels" often has little to do with actual risks or what dangers may be present. A lot of places "feel" safe until your number comes up, then one's perspective changes. . Though there is plenty of good advice here about staying alert and keeping as law a profile as possible.I caught this on Google Street Maps this was at Avenue Maracaibo (Calle 53) between Carrera 46 and Carrera 47, you can see that one guy is getting ready to knife another guy. If you close at the photos you can see a white jacket the one guy has in the first photo (the photo with the truck's luggage rack dead center) blue shirt guy is standing directly behind the truck clutching the white jacket. Next photo is white shirted guy is pulling out the knife and has the jacket laying behind him and blue shirted guy is doubled over like he just got tagged. The next photo white shirt guy is full on knife fight stance and I am a little impressed that blue shirt guy has not just ran but he looks like a glue head so maybe he is not smart enough to know when to run. Then the final scene that Google captured, the one where you see the back of a white car, they are grappling with maybe the jacket and the knife.

I originally posted this months ago, and since then I have gone back to look and Google has changed the street view dates that are available to see and I cannot find it, but at the time I took a look around to see how people were responding to the situation and no one was even reacting except the guy in the baseball cap walking backs up at first as the guy is pulling out the knife but then he just looks like he is waiting to get by.

This was obviously locals seemingly fighting over a jacket but possible ready to kill over the jacket and I wonder if any of the El Centro regulars have seen this type of scraps before?

06-24-20, 01:51
I caught this on Google Street Maps this was at Avenue Maracaibo (Calle 53) between Carrera 46 and Carrera 47, you can see that one guy is getting ready to knife another guy. I saw two young guys have a fist fight in Botero last week. In general, that area can be very depressing. A lot of people are walking around like zombies. The poor diet and stress from smoking, using drugs and being out in the street hustling shows on a lot of the chicas.

Daytime, I can go out there and chill. If it is night and I am by myself, I try to move with a purpose. But, I'm very rarely out there by myself at night.

06-24-20, 02:12
Been in the mood to do some mongering lately, so I headed down to El Central again today. A lot more people out than yesterday. I'm starting to see 90% of the same chicas around Botero and Veracruz. A lot are not doable, or at least you wouldn't want to tell anyone you did it. The weekends seem to bring out a little better talent. It seems like some chicas are out there daily while others take days off here and there.

Saw an older tall white guy with a George Jefferson hairline trying to get away from getting groped by 2 or 3 trannies. I had to laugh. Seem like the trannies have spread out a bit more geographically. Perhaps the ones from Parque Bolivar are also around Botero now.

I talked to one chica who was pretty cute with a nice body and a cinnamon skin tone but we could not come to an agreement so I kept it movin. Decided to hit El Raudal since I haven't been down there in a minute. Saw a chica with an incredible body but didn't make it over by her. If I see her again, its on. Walked around a bit more and got with a chica on that side. She was standing in one of the doorways and when I walked by she called me over and said she would suck me raw and lick my balls. This is what I wanted to hear. She wanted 40 and off we went. The hotel room had air conditioning which was surprising. Also, she flicked on the TV and it was playing porn.

She gave me a good ball licking and aggressive head job. I was about to ask her if she wanted me to bust in her mouth but she stopped to grab the condom. I asked her why and she said she could taste the cum starting to drip out of my cock. She had huge boobs and a decent ass. She wanted missionary first and she was pretty wild. Then I hit it back door and she told me she wanted it deep and hard. 20 minutes later I busted.

06-24-20, 03:41
She gave me a good ball licking and aggressive head job. I was about to ask her if she wanted me to bust in her mouth but she stopped to grab the condom. I asked her why and she said she could taste the cum starting to drip out of my cock. She had huge boobs and a decent ass. She wanted missionary first and she was pretty wild. Then I hit it back door and she told me she wanted it deep and hard. 20 minutes later I busted.Good one!

I've been to El Centro twice since Friday's knife incident. Saturday at 1100 it was not nearly as busy as Friday afternoon had been. I took three slow laps through Botero and Veracruz but nobody caught my eye. Monday at the same time I went also, knowing that it would be a ghost town on Festivo, which is was, relatively. But I like searching for those gems.

Tomorrow one of the cuties that sells coffee in Parque Berrio is coming over to my apartment. A few weeks ago I stood at the top of the stairs above Berrio and picked the prettiest Venezuelan coffee girl, and went down to buy a cup and say Hello,. We've been flirting with each other since then and tomorrow it's on. Of course, with these girls, I'll believe it when I see it, but I'm hopeful that there will be a report to follow tomorrow evening. She's really cute and has a big smile and positive energy.

Today I also found a new apartment. I checked out three and one really stood out to me. I'm looking forward to moving in soon and getting a fresh start.

06-24-20, 03:52
Not funny. That is 2-3 guys checking the white guy's pockets. The guy is getting robbed. Some of you people do not belong in Centro. You have no idea what is happening.

Saw an older tall white guy with a George Jefferson hairline trying to get away from getting groped by 2 or 3 trannies. I had to laugh. Seem like the trannies have spread out a bit more geographically. Perhaps the ones from Parque Bolivar are also around Botero now.

Mr Enternational
06-24-20, 04:28
I think cheap and expensive only come into existence when comparing. On top of it, the value of that experience could vary significantly from person to person. A guy in Mexico forum spent over $2000 to travel from US to Mexico City only to fuck a porn star he fancied. Is that expensive?Well it is definitely a comparison thing. Nothing is either sweet or sour when there is nothing to compare it to. If you compared the amount she got paid to do a movie ($500-$1000) with the amount he spent to fuck her ($2000), then I would say he would have come out much cheaper hiring her to do a movie and fucking her in that. He would have actually made money then, because he could have sold the movie!

06-24-20, 06:36
No not massage or happy ending spas. I am in Barranquilla and based on the map there is 15 Spas. 2 are closed with For Rent signs (Holistico and Bamboo). Elite opened for 2 weeks then closed again for 3 weeks now. 7 are open: 3 Relax sites, Perfect Time, Beautiful Lady, Paradise, and Zero Stress. So half are open for now. The others have no online advertisements so I see no reason to make a personal trip to verify what I am 95% sure they are closed. I have walked to all of these and never been bothered by police. Curious about the situation in Medellin.

Black Page
06-24-20, 12:06
This was obviously locals seemingly fighting over a jacket but possible ready to kill over the jacket and I wonder if any of the El Centro regulars have seen this type of scraps before?Much worse than that. See this old report of mine "Night street scenes in El Centro" dated 2008:
Surfer500 will like to read this old report, if he forgot it.

SIGH! I was 12 years younger, discovering this new world of Colombia, venturing out at Centro strolling the streets at 2am doing "social exploration", amazed by that alien world and trying to emulate the King of South America Tungurahua and his mythical posts from Quito and beyond.

Over the last years, I have been increasingly perplexed by seeing more and more reports here kind of "legitimizing" the Centro, almost encouraging people to go and enjoy like if it was nothing. No, in general it is NOT a good idea to go there and exhibit ourselves evidently foreigners. I say that, and I am one who likes to go and explore anywhere. I took my risks and I was also robbed a couple times (entirely my fault). The only reasonable way to stay safe and out of troubles is 1) blend and do not put yourself under spotlight; 2) show yourself busy; 3) "No dar papaya".

As it was easily predictable, examples of robberies or attempts were reported here recently. Many more must have happened, but were not reported. The real problem is that more and more unaware people reads reports here and gets the impression that "if they go there, I can go too". 99% of people in Centro is ok, but the problem is the 1% who does not mind using a knife to get what he desperately needs. It is important to keep in mind that ANY foreigner, it does not matter how badly dressed, bald or with long pony tail, is seen by those 1% as a walking ATM, most likely with more money in pockets than anyone else in a 5 km radius.

06-24-20, 13:05
The real problem is that more and more unaware people reads reports here and gets the impression that "if they go there, I can go too". 99% of people in Centro is ok, but the problem is the 1% who does not mind using a knife to get what he desperately needs. It is important to keep in mind that ANY foreigner, it does not matter how badly dressed, bald or with long pony tail, is seen by those 1% as a walking ATM, most likely with more money in pockets than anyone else in a 5 km radius.Totally agree with that, most of the time, it's going to be fine. It's a small percentage where things go wrong. If you grew up near any major city, this is nothing new. I go to El Centro to walk around, do some shopping, get lunch. Middle of the day and never had an issue, the store employees are always very polite and welcoming and I've even found the two best English speakers in Medellin at shoe stores in Centro, weird.

Depends what your plans are but I rarely leave the house with more than 200 k. If I'm going to Centro for a couple of hours, I may only take 100 k. I can get lunch (10 k), buy a pair of shoes (50 k), buy a bag full of fruit (10 k) and still have left over. I plan to monger but never found anything I like. Every time I've been in Centro, I see numerous small groups of Europeans, or other Americans, or couples. All wearing shorts, flip flops, camera out around the neck, clearly tourists.

Basically, don't be an idiot and don't carry more than you're willing to lose and there should be no problem.

06-24-20, 14:20
Totally agree with that, most of the time, it's going to be fine. It's a small percentage where things go wrong. .............I've traveled all over the world and the only place where I've been physically accosted was in El Centro Medellin. Some years ago I had my phone out taking photos and two guys came up to me one of whom grabbed my phone in public with many people around, no weapon was brandished and I held on to the phone shouting loudly "Policia!". They walked away. People barely looked and none with any appearance of shock or surprise. The other time I was seated on a bench in Botero park and a female druggie asked me for money which I refused, she socked me one on the chin and ran away. She packed quite a whallop. About half an hour later I saw her running with police in hot pursuit. Never a dull moment in El Centro.

06-24-20, 15:44
I caught this on Google Street Maps this was at Avenue Maracaibo (Calle 53) between Carrera 46 and Carrera 47, you can see that one guy is getting ready to knife another guy. If you close at the photos you can see a white jacket the one guy has in the first photo (the photo with the truck's luggage rack dead center) blue shirt guy is standing directly behind the truck clutching the white jacket. Next photo is white shirted guy is pulling out the knife and has the jacket laying behind him and blue shirted guy is doubled over like he just got tagged. The next photo white shirt guy is full on knife fight stance and I am a little impressed that blue shirt guy has not just ran but he looks like a glue head so maybe he is not smart enough to know when to run. Then the final scene that Google captured, the one where you see the back of a white car, they are grappling with maybe the jacket and the knife.

I originally posted this months ago, and since then I have gone back to look and Google has changed the street view dates that are available to see and I cannot find it, but at the time I took a look around to see how people were responding to the situation and no one was even reacting except the guy in the baseball cap walking backs up at first as the guy is pulling out the knife but then he just looks like he is waiting to get by.

This was obviously locals seemingly fighting over a jacket but possible ready to kill over the jacket and I wonder if any of the El Centro regulars have seen this type of scraps before?Saw 2 young guys beating on a homeless guy and taking a cellphone from his pocket alongside the Veracruz church one night about 9:30. Later saw the homeless guy walking through Botero Plaza. My thoughts were that the homeless guy had stolen the phone from someone and the 2 guys were stealing it from him.

06-24-20, 16:59
Thanks for sharing this again. Interesting that you paid 20 k + 4 k for a chica, which hasn't changed much. Whereas the airport taxi was 48 k then but 80 k now.

I took my risks and I was also robbed a couple times (entirely my fault). The only reasonable way to stay safe and out of troubles is 1) blend and do not put yourself under spotlight; 2) show yourself busy; 3) "No dar papaya".
Definitely useful advice but a bit harsh on yourself to victim-blame.

As it was easily predictable, examples of robberies or attempts were reported here recently. Many more must have happened, but were not reported. The real problem is that more and more unaware people reads reports here and gets the impression that "if they go there, I can go too". 99% of people in Centro is ok, but the problem is the 1% who does not mind using a knife to get what he desperately needs. It is important to keep in mind that ANY foreigner, it does not matter how badly dressed, bald or with long pony tail, is seen by those 1% as a walking ATM, most likely with more money in pockets than anyone else in a 5 km radius.I will definitely try to remember this next time I am able to visit there.

06-24-20, 16:59
Loving this time before borders open and these dudes come to Meddy. https://youtu.be/xaoBdmZxC6E

Thought about this seeing people discussing price in the thread lol

Black Page
06-24-20, 18:48
Thanks for sharing this again. Interesting that you paid 20 k + 4 k for a chica, which hasn't changed much. Whereas the airport taxi was 48 k then but 80 k now.Are you arguing that I overpaid at that time? LOL maybe. I am never stingy with girls, and sometimes they take advantage.

I also paid 50 k a girl smelling glue in San Diego, but that was a totally different story (duly reported here). She become kind of my "girlfriend" over multiple visits in MDE, she arranged another girl, and we had many many adventures in the dark night (this is for Surfer500).

Definitely useful advice but a bit harsh on yourself to victim-blame.Really not. I said it was my fault, because I did something imprudent and I paid the price. I did imprudent things many times, but one cannot be safe all times. Sooner or later, you catch the incident.

One time, I showed my wallet to give some money to a girl who was begging in the street (6pm on La 19 in Bogota).

Another, I went with a girl looking too smart since the beginning to a small hotel in a alley of Medellin Centro at 1am or something. She took a knife from her pocket in the room and took all my money (less than 100k) even searching in my shoes. Why I did not resist? Because if I you are in a room of a small hotel at night in Centro then you are fully at disposal of the guys there. Last thing I wanted was to be accused to rape the girl or assault her. Better give up the 80k and keep my ass clean and safe.
(I left the room after the girl, and the portero asked me with an evil smile "problemas?")

Loving this time before borders open and these dudes come to Meddy.
Thought about this seeing people discussing price in the thread lol
What amazes me is whether this guy was fliyng alone on an airplane all for himself, or he really does not care about other people listening to his masterclass on P4P.

06-24-20, 20:07
Are you arguing that I overpaid at that time? LOL maybe. I am never stingy with girls, and sometimes they take advantage.In 2008 I wouldn't have even been able to point to Colombia on a map, I don't know what the market rate was then! But it does seem that while gringos are seen as wealthy, the chicas in El Centro don't particularly try to overcharge. In contrast to Parque Lleras where prices in dollars can be quoted.

Another, I went with a girl looking too smart since the beginning to a small hotel in a alley of Medellin Centro at 1am or something. She took a knife from her pocket in the room and took all my money (less than 100k) even searching in my shoes. Why I did not resist? Because if I you are in a room of a small hotel at night in Centro then you are fully at disposal of the guys there. Last thing I wanted was to be accused to rape the girl or assault her. Better give up the 80k and keep my ass clean and safe.
(I left the room after the girl, and the portero asked me with an evil smile "problemas?")
Does the evil smile mean he was in on it? What's the lesson here? To not let the chica choose the short-time hotel? Well done for managing to come out of it without getting hurt.

06-24-20, 20:12
Loving this time before borders open and these dudes come to Meddy. https://youtu.be/xaoBdmZxC6E

Thought about this seeing people discussing price in the thread lolHe's happy to pay 200 dollars a time, so he won't be frequenting El Centro any time soon! However he looks well built, he'd be useful to walk around El Centro with from the point of view of safety.

06-24-20, 20:26
Not funny. That is 2-3 guys checking the white guy's pockets. The guy is getting robbed. Some of you people do not belong in Centro. You have no idea what is happening.That is pretty dangerous. If there is a group of them, the others will join like a feeding frenzy after one has initiated the attack.

06-24-20, 21:36
Lucy the 24 yo Venezuelan tinto thermos girl from Parque Berrio arrived at 1030 am. It took some messaging, can you pay, from where do I take a taxi, from what metro station et cetera. But she made it. (I gave her 30 mil for taxis on the way out.).

She had clothes on as I had asked; tight black pants and a shirt. Great attitude the whole time, we ate leftover pizza and wine from D1. She's 24, she's got a solid mom-bod, if you know what I mean. Very outgoing and she loves sex work, it's her preferred work. Says that she worked a lot in Lleras before the quarantine.

We headed to the bedroom and shared her joint. Then started to strip down, I knew I was going to have a good time. She gave me an amazing blowjob, deep throat, stroking, backing off just when she had to so that I wouldn't pop. I gave her the vibrator and she carefully checked out all the modes and she was stoked, and got to work. I was shooting videos and after a while, she had the bulb end of the massage vibrator (maybe 60% the size of an original Hitachi), inside her pussy, she was vibing the inside of her pussy and pulling it out and then deep throat the vibrator, as I fingered her g-spot. Then after some work and plenty of lube, she had the bulb in her ass as I was taking video. Pretty cool.

She blew me some more and had a great session, pounding away in various positions, I'the take breaks with her deepthroat me and she was back using the vibrator, alternating between oral and fucking. Eventually after a long session in doggy, she was sucking me and I told her I was getting close, and popped in her mouth, at that point she laid black and played with my load with her fingers and mouth. Lucy is very open minded and down for anything. Emphasis on Everything. And those are her words and her emphasis. It was a standout session for me.

She ate a second piece of leftover pizza and she got ready to head back to Parque Berrio. We had not made an agreement on money before her coming. I gave her 100 mil and 30 mil taxis and she was thrilled. She said that she had not had a gringo client nor been in a nice apartment in a long time. She left after 3. 75 hours. I rate Lucy a 6 body with a great face, and 10 attitude and 10 willingness. Definitely on the repeat list at this time.

06-24-20, 21:49
Much worse than that. See this old report of mine "Night street scenes in El Centro" dated 2008:
Surfer500 will like to read this old report, if he forgot it.

SIGH! I was 12 years younger, discovering this new world of Colombia, venturing out at Centro strolling the streets at 2am doing "social exploration", amazed by that alien world and trying to emulate the King of South America Tungurahua and his mythical posts from Quito and beyond.

Over the last years, I have been increasingly perplexed by seeing more and more reports here kind of "legitimizing" the Centro, almost encouraging people to go and enjoy like if it was nothing. No, in general it is NOT a good idea to go there and exhibit ourselves evidently foreigners. I say that, and I am one who likes to go and explore anywhere. I took my risks and I was also robbed a couple times (entirely my fault). The only reasonable way to stay safe and out of troubles is 1) blend and do not put yourself under spotlight; 2) show yourself busy; 3) "No dar papaya".What I have personally observed in El Centro along with what I have read on this board for several years is pretty much a recurring theme when it comes to being robbed, whether it's a foreigner or locals. It's always the same issues that are raised, and the passing of time really hasn't changed much in that regards, however the biggest change has been with the invasion of all the Venezuelans, and I am perplexed / skeptical of some of the reports as of lately regarding Botero Park. The stories of hundreds of girls there throughout the day with little to no clients, phones being stolen, that's a given.

However a previous report a few months back said that all the girls were reporting to one girl, whose picture was posted, and now it's been posted that two guys are in charge of Botero Park. I know there are bad guys there with knives, everybody has them, but find it hard to believe that the majority of the Venezuelan women would defer or report to others in the Park as I see them having no benefit in doing so unless someone can explain this. Maybe it's a Venezuelan thing, as I'm not aware of the Colombians operating this way at ground zero.

Given the Pandemic and the dire straits people are in, I would think it would be each working girl for themselves versus being beholden to someone.

06-24-20, 23:05
I lost all reasoning when I read the George Jefferson description. Here it is a day later and it still makes me laugh out loud.

Not funny. That is 2-3 guys checking the white guy's pockets. The guy is getting robbed. Some of you people do not belong in Centro. You have no idea what is happening.

06-24-20, 23:09
That is pretty dangerous. If there is a group of them, the others will join like a feeding frenzy after one has initiated the attack.Fuck yeah it is. But these clowns will point fingers at gringos and ***** about the prices. They used to get great prices in Hunts Point too back in New York.

Stay away from El Centro if you are not local. 8.

06-25-20, 01:02
Stay away from El Centro if you are not local. 8.Locals themselves definitely consider El Centro to be dangerous. Shortly before the quarantine, my girlfriend was heading home on the back of a moto at about 10 pm. Right as they pulled up to her building, a second moto pulled up with two guys, the passenger had a pistol, they robbed the driver of my girlfriend's moto of his wallet, his cellular, and his moto, and the two robbers drove off on the two bikes. My girlfriend had her hands on her keys as they pulled up so she was able to quickly get inside the gate to her building. And, they called the police but they never responded nor took a report; the police said they would respond if the owner ever finds his bike.

Black Page
06-25-20, 01:22
1) Does the evil smile mean he was in on it?
2) What's the lesson here? To not let the chica choose the short-time hotel?
3) Well done for managing to come out of it without getting hurt.1) Probably, and this reinforced my first on-spot assessment that the wisest thing to do was to comply (politely and nicely) to the requests of the girl, even if the knife was small and I could block her hand in a second.

2) No lesson. Sometime you can choose the hotel, sometimes not. This Centro area is not a club. It's wild forest. If you voluntarily enter, you must comply with the environment. If you take a girl from Centro, you will not know a place at 100 m distance unless you are expert of the area. Are you not expert of the place? Then don't go, or expose moderately to risks while you build your experience.

3) Yes, I congratulated with myself also at that time, but lots of adrenaline once I exited the gate and reached the street, believe me. I learned from adventure movies (LOL) that in these situations the more quiet and calm one is, the better is for everyone. When 3 slum boys tried to rob me with knife in Bogota (6pm 19a con Caracas), I managed to keep them calm by quietly talking and offering my collaboration (Tranquilo, que pasa? Que quieres? Quieres plata?) until they ran away without anything. More or less the same approach that Rangers advise to hikers who meet a black bear on a trail.

Black Page
06-25-20, 01:32
Saw an older tall white guy with a George Jefferson hairline trying to get away from getting groped by 2 or 3 trannies. I had to laugh. Seem like the trannies have spread out a bit more geographically. Perhaps the ones from Parque Bolivar are also around Botero now.I love to self-cite myself! After reading this, I cannot refrain to repeat here something I posted years ago.
This old post of mine came back to my mind, posted in the far 2012 in the Bogota thread:

Beware of cosquilleros!

As I concluded there:
Beware of cosquilleros!
(and, it does not matter if a TV is touching your cock or putting a finger in your ass, never extract your hands from your pockets)

Black Page
06-25-20, 01:39
I lost all reasoning when I read the George Jefferson description. Here it is a day later and it still makes me laugh out loud.Still I miss to understand something: who is George Jefferson?
I mean, that guy was looking like the US President or the TV character?

06-25-20, 01:52
Locals themselves definitely consider El Centro to be dangerous. Shortly before the quarantine, my girlfriend was heading home on the back of a moto at about 10 pm. Right as they pulled up to her building, a second moto pulled up with two guys, the passenger had a pistol, they robbed the driver of my girlfriend's moto of his wallet, his cellular, and his moto, and the two robbers drove off on the two bikes. My girlfriend had her hands on her keys as they pulled up so she was able to quickly get inside the gate to her building. And, they called the police but they never responded nor took a report; the police said they would respond if the owner ever finds his bike.Two guys on a motorcycle, I know that one well.

Several months ago while walking with one of my Chica's in a heavy downpour in Poblado two guys pulled up on a motorcycle, drew a gun to my Chica's head, said give me your bag or will shoot, she handed it over and off they went and didn't bother with me. All of this happened in no more than 15 seconds which I posted about.

Every Colombian I have known has said what you stated, that they consider El Centro to be dangerous.

06-25-20, 02:14
Movin' on up, to the East Side, to a de-luxe apartment in the sky.

See the Urban Dictionary for further details.

Still I miss to understand something: who is George Jefferson?
I mean, that guy was looking like the US President or the TV character?.

Mojo Bandit
06-25-20, 09:38
Still I miss to understand something: who is George Jefferson?

(TV=TELEVISION, not TRANSVESTITE).He said george Jefferson hairline, here is the TV character;.

Black Page
06-25-20, 09:51
See the Urban Dictionary for further details.I checked the UD for "George Jefferson" and I found this:

"The act of urinating on your sexual partner, starting at the crotch and "movin' on up" to the face".

Black Page
06-25-20, 10:06
This Medellin thread never ceases to positively surprise me. Best of ISG. In the middle of a worldwide lockdown, when P4P activities are minimized and all ISG threads are dead for lack of material, here the posting activity keeps frantic.

This week we have also learned that if you walk in El Centro and two guys on motorcycle approach, with one looking as George Jefferson (still unclear if the US President or the TV character) trying to urinate on you while the other drives, then you are in big trouble, but do not try to run away because 3 trannies may chase you over. Wooooof what a difficult world!

06-25-20, 16:07
This Medellin thread never ceases to positively surprise me. Best of ISG. In the middle of a worldwide lockdown, when P4P activities are minimized and all ISG threads are dead for lack of material, here the posting activity keeps frantic.

This week we have also learned that if you walk in El Centro and two guys on motorcycle approach, with one looking as George Jefferson (still unclear if the US President or the TV character) trying to urinate on you while the other drives, then you are in big trouble, but do not try to run away because 3 trannies may chase you over. Wooooof what a difficult world!Never a dull moment here, and yes, other posters have made the same remarks as you, not that a George Jefferson look alike and an accomplice are cruising around El Centro on a Harley looking for she-males to piss on, but that there is actually some hardcore mongering going on by those in Medellin, where as in other parts of the World it's fairly quiet.

I'm just waiting now for a sighting of Darth Vader in Botero Park, and will either have to wait until Haloween, or your return to town. I know the Sacaleros will rejoice upon hearing of the return of Darth Vader.

06-25-20, 16:21
I know who you're talking about and have spoken to her a bunch but never sessioned with her. She used to be tighter / thinner but good to know she is a solid provider.Just curious, how do you know that she used to be tighter if you never banged her?

06-25-20, 16:30
Are facebook chicas still throwing out citas? I'm hoping none of my favorite hoes starve to death before the general state of affairs allows foreigners in without quarantine. Sigh.

06-25-20, 17:51
We have not as yet seen Darth Vader but Thor and the Mystery Miner made an appearance two weeks ago. You can make out part of Thor's profile behind the Mystery Miner. The most entertaining of this crew for me is the transvestite Harley Quinn who showed up three months ago just before the quarantine.

Never a dull moment here, and yes, other posters have made the same remarks as you, not that a George Jefferson look alike and an accomplice are cruising around El Centro on a Harley looking for she-males to piss on, but that there is actually some hardcore mongering going on by those in Medellin, where as in other parts of the World it's fairly quiet.

I'm just waiting now for a sighting of Darth Vader in Botero Park, and will either have to wait until Haloween, or your return to town. I know the Sacaleros will rejoice upon hearing of the return of Darth Vader.

06-25-20, 17:55
Are facebook chicas still throwing out citas? I'm hoping none of my favorite hoes starve to death before the general state of affairs allows foreigners in without quarantine. Sigh.Quite a few of the Facebook girls are actively selling videos and advertising. Several others who aren't advertising they are selling videos have stepped up the game on the photos they are posting. Fortunately, Facebook's Colombia division doesn't do much to censor the posts.

I bought videos from a few, who then sent my WhatsApp to all their friends. All of the "buy my videos" requests can get annoying, but I've added a bunch of possibilities for next visit.

06-25-20, 21:39
I bought videos from a few.What kind of vids? Do you post them?

06-25-20, 21:58
Any real difference between photoprepagos and mileroticos?

06-25-20, 22:28
The kind of vids you can get for free on pornhub etc. Minus the been with her / want to be with her fantasies and the "gracias 'mor te atendere súper bien cuando vienes" okey doke routine.

What kind of vids? Do you post them?

Mojo Bandit
06-25-20, 22:37
(still unclear if the US President or the TV character)I showed you a photo but just to be clear; There has never been a USA President named George Jefferson, there has been George Washington and two George Bush and there has been a Thomas Jefferson (made the best land deal in at least the history of the USA and maybe the world.

06-25-20, 22:45
I am not referring to a union with a pimp or leader like La Diabla. I think OP must have read about other reports with higher prices so I am telling the OP there are different prices. The price depends on the girls. Sometimes there are a group of girls who ask the same price because they may have heard about it from the same source so it is like a price union.

If she is who I think she is, she quoted me USD100. I did not talk to her after because I was just getting her contact for another member here. No question that you had a good deal but I would not assume that is a deal I can get. She is more like a FB girl but her price is set higher on SA. I also think mongers are not on SA to get cheaper price, freebie maybe, but it is usually more expensive..We're referring to the same thing. The FB friends that all charge the same amount for an over-priced short-time experience. The WA pimp that offers all the girls at the same price, for the same aforementioned experience. The part-timers that hold firm on their price, despite it being a pandemic lockdown with no influx of one-week tourists willing to pay that price. Etc etc etc.

Would you consider it expensive for 1 round for 1 person?300.000 COP, or $80.50, today, is expensive for 1 round for 1 person. I have paid more, I have paid less. If I'm paying that amount, I'm expecting more than a 1-hour /1-pop routine. That being said, if a guy is here, doesn't have a great lay of the land, but has the coin and the desire, it's not an insane off-the-wall price. It's cheaper than any first offer you will receive in Gusto's. The bailarina is at a finca, this week, so we'll probably repeat her next weekend. I might do some digging, tonight, to find something for tomorrow or Saturday. Pinky is messaging but Wifey is over the honeymoon phase, with her. Although, she said Pinky can come visit me whenever Wifey goes to see her family; which is exactly what has been happening, every time she leaves.

I don't know about others, but I genuinely expected to be receiving more "hola" messages, these days. I get the occasional random message, but I don't sense any desperation. Maybe I'm just not in contact with the right chicas.

Oh, I saw an $800,000+ penthouse the other day. I didn't realize it was 5 bedrooms, and two entire floors. It would take a hell of a lot of furniture purchases to get that place looking nice. Jacuzzi for about 10-12 people, a mother-in-law quarters, as I dubbed it, that was only accessible from the upstairs jacuzzi terrace. I was shocked at the price, but it was pretty fucking big, and a view from Itagui to Bello. 3 of the bedrooms had only 1 or 2 windows, which I thought was truly strange on the 18th-19th floor of a high rise building with amazing views. It also just seems to be smack-dab in the middle of every building in Casacol / Poblado. I was imagining 5 gringos renting that place out as an expensive all-out type of week party hub, and having thousands of eyes on them, at all times.

My manager just messaged me saying the owner is wondering if I can pay July / August, up front. Remember, I had offered to pay 45 days up front, then second 45 days, as a 3 month lease. She said one month at a time. Strange.

06-25-20, 23:08
What kind of vids? Do you post them?Nude, masturbating, some with dildos or vibrators. Some with 2 girls. They vary in quality and length. I'm not posting them anywhere at this time.

06-26-20, 00:02
Oh, I saw an $800,000+ penthouse the other day. I didn't realize it was 5 bedrooms, and two entire floors. It would take a hell of a lot of furniture purchases to get that place looking nice. Jacuzzi for about 10-12 people, a mother-in-law quarters, as I dubbed it, that was only accessible from the upstairs jacuzzi terrace. I was shocked at the price, but it was pretty fucking big, and a view from Itagui to Bello. 3 of the bedrooms had only 1 or 2 windows, which I thought was truly strange on the 18th-19th floor of a high rise building with amazing views. It also just seems to be smack-dab in the middle of every building in Casacol / Poblado. I was imagining 5 gringos renting that place out as an expensive all-out type of week party hub, and having thousands of eyes on them, at all times.

My manager just messaged me saying the owner is wondering if I can pay July / August, up front. Remember, I had offered to pay 45 days up front, then second 45 days, as a 3 month lease. She said one month at a time. Strange.$ 800,000 USD, if so, that's totally insane. What barrio in Poblado was it in, La Linde, Castrapool, Provenza, Tesoro? And limited windows in some of the bedrooms isn't surprising, Paisas don't value views as much as foreigners in Medellin, hence the designs of the buildings, at least the older ones didn't focus much on that. Penthouses technically are the top floors of apartment buildings, but don't always mean they include enhanced amenities, except some have large terraza's and balcony's.

06-26-20, 02:37
Nude, masturbating, some with dildos or vibrators. Some with 2 girls. They vary in quality and length. I'm not posting them anywhere at this time.Gotcha. Yeah, quite a few chicas here have sent me vids of them masturbating. There are a lot of vids on the various prepago websites as well, I noticed today.

06-26-20, 03:32
Any real difference between photoprepagos and mileroticos?Photoprepagos kicks out the fake girl pictures much more than Mileroticos or Skokka so your chance of getting what you you saw in the pictures doubles is what I have found. I would not use Mileroticos or Skokka. But it is still a lot of pain in the ass in the number of no replies, girls listing wrong cities they are located in, down payment BS, girls using pictures saved from 5 years prior. Much higher success and less BS using Massage / Spas, Facebook, and street girls. But street girls a bit more dangerous. Thinking these sites are easy like fish in a barrel is wrong. It is work and time consuming.

06-26-20, 04:36
All of a sudden, in the last week on Tinder there have been a bunch of chicas saying they are selling fotos of their hands and feet. Huh? Am I missing something? Are there that many guys with finger and toe fetishes? Or is this "code" for selling nude fotos because Tinder is cracking down?

As for FB pics and videos. I tell the girls I have no interest in fotos or videos because I can find that stuff for free on the Internet, but I do tell them I like to bang and would be happy to see htem in person when I return. A few gems can be found this way.

Quite a few of the Facebook girls are actively selling videos and advertising. Several others who aren't advertising they are selling videos have stepped up the game on the photos they are posting. Fortunately, Facebook's Colombia division doesn't do much to censor the posts.

I bought videos from a few, who then sent my WhatsApp to all their friends. All of the "buy my videos" requests can get annoying, but I've added a bunch of possibilities for next visit.

06-26-20, 05:26
All of a sudden, in the last week on Tinder there have been a bunch of chicas saying they are selling fotos of their hands and feet. Huh? Am I missing something? Are there that many guys with finger and toe fetishes? Or is this "code" for selling nude fotos because Tinder is cracking down?

As for FB pics and videos. I tell the girls I have no interest in fotos or videos because I can find that stuff for free on the Internet, but I do tell them I like to bang and would be happy to see htem in person when I return. A few gems can be found this way.I noticed that about the feet as well LOL. The thirst is real! I'm never surprised by the things guys are willing to pay for, especially dudes in places like the USA that have a lot of disposable income. I've never seen a "fans only" page, but I've seen people write about it so guys are paying these girls for stuff like pics, even though like you said, there is an abundance of this stuff already on the Net. I even noticed some girls advertising webcam prices, and they are pretty close to what they charge for the real thing. Who knowns what things will be like in 5-10 years?

06-26-20, 07:38
Nude, masturbating, some with dildos or vibrators. Some with 2 girls. They vary in quality and length. I'm not posting them anywhere at this time.Sounds interesting. I had some girls offering videos, I always tell them that I much rather fuck a 28 year old in person than watch an 18 year old touch herself.

Black Page
06-26-20, 11:25
I showed you a photo but just to be clear; There has never been a USA President named George Jefferson, there has been George Washington and two George Bush and there has been a Thomas Jefferson (made the best land deal in at least the history of the USA and maybe the world.Such an embarrassing mistake! I got confused with T. Jefferson. Sorry, I am not American and ignorance is mine. Apologies.

The Cane
06-26-20, 12:16
Such an embarrassing mistake! I got confused with T. Jefferson. Sorry, I am not American and ignorance is mine. Apologies.Here he is LOLOLOL!

Steve 9696
06-26-20, 12:22
I noticed that about the feet as well LOL. The thirst is real! I'm never surprised by the things guys are willing to pay for, especially dudes in places like the USA that have a lot of disposable income. I've never seen a "fans only" page, but I've seen people write about it so guys are paying these girls for stuff like pics, even though like you said, there is an abundance of this stuff already on the Net. I even noticed some girls advertising webcam prices, and they are pretty close to what they charge for the real thing. Who knowns what things will be like in 5-10 years?I met a girl on Seeking Arrangement in a mid-tier US city and we never hooked up but remain close WhatsApp friends. She doesn't do paid sex but makes about $200 a week just camming — mostly the guys like to tell he what to do and that's part of the thrill I guess (not for me!) and she has one guy that drives 3 hours to see her. He pays her $200 just to walk on him. No sex. Just walking on him. $200. Yeah fuckin weird.

06-26-20, 14:22
The kind of vids you can get for free on pornhub etc. Minus the been with her / want to be with her fantasies and the "gracias 'mor te atendere sper bien cuando vienes" okey doke routine.Yes and no. It's all a "depends on the girl situation. One girl just does live video calls. Another one made videos where she was constantly calling out my name. Another brought over a friend and they did a video call and played with each other.

A few have terrible lighting, bad camera angles, or low quality vids. One of them just sent me 10 minutes of vids yesterday, using 3 different toys, with excellent lighting, angles and resolution, unsolicited, to see if I wanted to buy more.

However the best videos aren't coming from the girls who are selling them. I've got several who are sending them for free. Not entirely for free. I write them a short porn story and next thing they're sending me videos.

06-26-20, 14:29
$ 800,000 USD, if so, that's totally insane. What barrio in Poblado was it in, La Linde, Castrapool, Provenza, Tesoro? And limited windows in some of the bedrooms isn't surprising, Paisas don't value views as much as foreigners in Medellin, hence the designs of the buildings, at least the older ones didn't focus much on that. Penthouses technically are the top floors of apartment buildings, but don't always mean they include enhanced amenities, except some have large terraza's and balcony's.Castropol, facing Manila / Belen / Airport - 480 m2 (almost 5,200 SF).

All of a sudden, in the last week on Tinder there have been a bunch of chicas saying they are selling fotos of their hands and feet. Huh? Am I missing something? Are there that many guys with finger and toe fetishes? Or is this "code" for selling nude fotos because Tinder is cracking down?

As for FB pics and videos. I tell the girls I have no interest in fotos or videos because I can find that stuff for free on the Internet, but I do tell them I like to bang and would be happy to see htem in person when I return. A few gems can be found this way.Anyone else seen the selling clavicle photos? I have the same response to this shit.

06-26-20, 14:29
I met a girl on Seeking Arrangement in a mid-tier US city and we never hooked up but remain close WhatsApp friends. She doesn't do paid sex but makes about $200 a week just camming mostly the guys like to tell he what to do and that's part of the thrill I guess (not for me!) and she has one guy that drives 3 hours to see her. He pays her $200 just to walk on him. No sex. Just walking on him. $200. Yeah fuckin weird.I had a session with a Chinese working girl many years ago and after the deed I got a massage. During the massage she proceeded to walk on my body. It felt really good.

06-26-20, 15:10
I met a girl on Seeking Arrangement in a mid-tier US city and we never hooked up but remain close WhatsApp friends. She doesn't do paid sex but makes about $200 a week just camming mostly the guys like to tell he what to do and that's part of the thrill I guess (not for me!) and she has one guy that drives 3 hours to see her. He pays her $200 just to walk on him. No sex. Just walking on him. $200. Yeah fuckin weird.You guys have no fucking idea.

Twenty years ago a stripper friend from Albuquerque made $2000 plus expenses in 4 hours. A guy who came into the club paid her airfare and hotel, plus the $2000, and flew her to have a famous fetish photographer take pics of her feet.

Thirty years ago the CEO of a large corporation in San Diego paid at least 3 women I knew to come to his office and watch him masturbate. All they had to do was sit and watch. They didn't have to strip, or touch him. Just watch.

For the past 3 years a hedge fund manager has been spending at least $800 every week giving mostly offline tips to my old roommate the webcam model. Never tries to meet her, just sends the tip. Usually doesn't even bother to watch her shows.

Go to any site where women are broadcasting, whether it's an adult site, or a G rated livestream site, and you'll see people begging girls to show their feet. It's almost impossible not to see someone begging for feet. Then there's the guys who just want to watch a girl smoke a cigarette. Or the guys who want to see armpits.

There are guys who want women to put a diaper on them and treat them like a baby. There are guys who want a woman to stomp on their dick. No matter how bizarre you think something is, some guy is willing to pay for it.

This should put it in perspective. Several years ago a man in central Washington state died as the result of having sex with a horse. Let me clarify that. He died from being on the receiving end of sex with a stallion. Investigation uncovered there was a group of guys who paid a rancher to use his barn and the stallion for the act. There were enough guys in a rural part of the state who wanted to be fucked in the ass by a horse to form a "Let a horse fuck you in the ass" club.

None of this, other than the horse, should surprise anyone. The porn industry has been going strong for more than 100 years. In reality, for more than 1,000 years. It's all just an extension of prostitution. It's about satisfying your needs, no matter how bizarre. Paying for it just makes the process easier. I'm sure most of us, if we devoted ourselves to the task, could find an 18-30 girl who would fuck us for free. Heck, In the past 3 months I've found 3 girls, 19, 19 and 21, who want to be tied up and spanked, by me all for free. And I wasn't even looking for someone to tie up and spank.

Even within mongering this stuff is all true. Look at the guys who insist on anal, BBBJ, pics and videos. There are guys who bring a suitcase of vibrators, lingerie, restraints. Either none of it's weird (except for the horse), or all of it's weird.

The Tall Man
06-26-20, 15:27
All of a sudden, in the last week on Tinder there have been a bunch of chicas saying they are selling fotos of their hands and feet. Huh? Am I missing something? Are there that many guys with finger and toe fetishes? Or is this "code" for selling nude fotos because Tinder is cracking down?

As for FB pics and videos. I tell the girls I have no interest in fotos or videos because I can find that stuff for free on the Internet, but I do tell them I like to bang and would be happy to see htem in person when I return. A few gems can be found this way.I have only seen a few of these types of offerings, what ever floats a guys boat I guess but not mine as I need to get my dick buried in sweet pussy and anything less than that objective just doesn't work.

Now I got on Tinder about a month ago, partly because I was bored and partly because of curiosity as it has been about 3 years since I played around with it, so far here is my experience but just know that I am bored with all the back and forth messaging so I don't take it serious at all, anyway just some random thoughts:

1. I have received probably close to 100 likes in the past 3 weeks.

2. I have communicated with about 3 paisas so far, one immediately request money for a video or photos, "my baby has no diapers and I desperately need 100 mil" so delete. The 2 others look promising but time will tell.

3. The range of beauty is somewhere between 6's to maybe an 8+, nothing spectacular as I find better non-pros on my own. Note that I detest plastic tits and asses and tattoos so I don't give these types of bitches even a second look, yes I would fuck them but would not pay for it, just my MO nowadays.

4. I find that it takes a great deal of effort and time and back and forth messages to weed out the "deplorable's" (H. Clinton hehehehe).

5. I bought a 3 month subscription for like $31. USD so the $10. USD a month is cheap and so if nothing else a cheap purchase for a pastime hobby, just checking faces and bodies and reading what they have to say about themselves.

6. I have about 7 more contact info (IE whataspp) of Tinder girls and probably 3 or 4 out of that bunch that I will pursue and see what comes of it.

7. It is interesting to note and very typical that the communication goes dark / silent fro Friday through Monday morning with the chicas as they are with their boyfriends out getting pounded and drinking / partying during the weekend, but then come each Monday Tinder and the messaging lights up like a Christmas tree.

Just my one month experience so lets see how it plays out.

The Tall Man.

06-26-20, 15:57
Thirsty (girls) + thirsty (guys who can't get to them) = craziness.

I guess I am a bit of a hard ass when it comes to paying for what is available for free. Deep down I know it's true but I can't help but marvel that people still pay for pornography of any kind since the Internet became widely available.

Castropol, facing Manila / Belen / Airport - 480 m2 (almost 5,200 SF).

Anyone else seen the selling clavicle photos? I have the same response to this shit.

06-26-20, 20:50
Such an embarrassing mistake! I got confused with T. Jefferson. Sorry, I am not American and ignorance is mine. Apologies.No need to apologize, it's highly unlikely you offended any American (s), in fact, albeit you may have gotten the first name off of one American President, there have been more than a few American Presidents who pretty much acted like George Jefferson while in office.

06-26-20, 20:55
I have been in Medellin for nearly 4 months, during a quarantine. I find it hard to believe that anyone is paying someone in medellin $800 usd for online sessions. But hey whatever floats your boat. I can tell you now, many of the best looking girls in Centro and surrounding Antioquia are charging no more than $40,000 pesos per session. I was walking near Centro yesterday and saw some girls that once quoted me $300,000 pesos for 2 hours all hugged up with local customers. These guys are lucky to be earning $600,000 pesos a month. They really must have some super online secure lines to receive money because I tried to send myself $200 usd 2 days ago from remitly to bancolombia and it was such a headache that I decided to cancel the transfer and send the money back to my account. Many times I have been with other gringos here in Medellin and when I asked them about these super fine models, they could never make them appear, only when I was not around. With that being said, go ahead and fill up the thread with ideas that foreigners are just stupid guys throwing away money. I am here and doing damn great and have not seen anyone enjoying the fruits of this Quarantine except those with long bank accounts. But carry on fellas. Pollo Negro is out.

06-26-20, 20:58
I have only seen a few of these types of offerings, what ever floats a guys boat I guess but not mine as I need to get my dick buried in sweet pussy and anything less than that objective just doesn't work.

Now I got on Tinder about a month ago, partly because I was bored and partly because of curiosity as it has been about 3 years since I played around with it, so far here is my experience but just know that I am bored with all the back and forth messaging so I don't take it serious at all, anyway just some random thoughts:

1. I have received probably close to 100 likes in the past 3 weeks.

2. I have communicated with about 3 paisas so far, one immediately request money for a video or photos, "my baby has no diapers and I desperately need 100 mil" so delete. The 2 others look promising but time will tell.

3. The range of beauty is somewhere between 6's to maybe an 8+, nothing spectacular as I find better non-pros on my own. Note that I detest plastic tits and asses and tattoos so I don't give these types of bitches even a second look, yes I would fuck them but would not pay for it, just my MO nowadays.

4. I find that it takes a great deal of effort and time and back and forth messages to weed out the "deplorable's" (H. Clinton hehehehe)..Regarding your Note # 3, unless you've put in an age group lets say within no more than 10 years younger than you, it's highly unlikely your dealing with non-pro's. Anything much younger than you is going to be in the game and I doubt you will be fucking them for free. That at least has been my experience with it in the past.

06-26-20, 23:44
I think I can beat that. Had a female friend in my City years ago that had a guy that would pay her to kick him in the balls as hard as she could.

You guys have no fucking idea.

Twenty years ago a stripper friend from Albuquerque made $2000 plus expenses in 4 hours. A guy who came into the club paid her airfare and hotel, plus the $2000, and flew her to have a famous fetish photographer take pics of her feet.

Thirty years ago the CEO of a large corporation in San Diego paid at least 3 women I knew to come to his office and watch him masturbate. All they had to do was sit and watch. They didn't have to strip, or touch him. Just watch.

For the past 3 years a hedge fund manager has been spending at least $800 every week giving mostly offline tips to my old roommate the webcam model. Never tries to meet her, just sends the tip. Usually doesn't even bother to watch her shows.

Go to any site where women are broadcasting, whether it's an adult site, or a G rated livestream site, and you'll see people begging girls to show their feet. It's almost impossible not to see someone begging for feet. Then there's the guys who just want to watch a girl smoke a cigarette. Or the guys who want to see armpits.

There are guys who want women to put a diaper on them and treat them like a baby. There are guys who want a woman to stomp on their dick. No matter how bizarre you think something is, some guy is willing to pay for it.

This should put it in perspective. Several years ago a man in central Washington state died as the result of having sex with a horse. Let me clarify that. He died from being on the receiving end of sex with a stallion. Investigation uncovered there was a group of guys who paid a rancher to use his barn and the stallion for the act. There were enough guys in a rural part of the state who wanted to be fucked in the ass by a horse to form a "Let a horse fuck you in the ass" club.

None of this, other than the horse, should surprise anyone. The porn industry has been going strong for more than 100 years. In reality, for more than 1,000 years. It's all just an extension of prostitution. It's about satisfying your needs, no matter how bizarre. Paying for it just makes the process easier. I'm sure most of us, if we devoted ourselves to the task, could find an 18-30 girl who would fuck us for free. Heck, In the past 3 months I've found 3 girls, 19, 19 and 21, who want to be tied up and spanked, by me all for free. And I wasn't even looking for someone to tie up and spank.

Even within mongering this stuff is all true. Look at the guys who insist on anal, BBBJ, pics and videos. There are guys who bring a suitcase of vibrators, lingerie, restraints. Either none of it's weird (except for the horse), or all of it's weird.

06-27-20, 01:20
I can remember a girl I knew a few years back telling me about some of the strange things that gringos wanted from the girls. Some of the guys did not want sex or even for the girl to touch them. I remember her telling me that one guy made her sit in front of him and touch her arm pits and then smell them!

I think I can beat that. Had a female friend in my City years ago that had a guy that would pay her to kick him in the balls as hard as she could.

06-27-20, 01:33
So this morning I contacted Aiffe to see if they were open. They said they were and that there was about 8 chicas. I headed to El Centro to check it out. There was an accident and crazy traffic so I would up walking part of the way. While walking I cruse by a couple of other cases to see if they were open. PuntosCom was open and had about 8 chicas downstairs and 8 upstairs. When I entered from downstairs they did a temperature check and sprayed me with disinfectant. The presentations went well and nothing seemed different, other than the chicas wearing face masks. About 10 were doable for me, but I had my eye on one. The girls were all very sweet.

I left and decided to walk around for awhile. Stoped by another casa that had about 4 chicas available and all were attractive. I'll save that for another day. Walked through Botero and it was packed. The chicas were out in full force and I got stepped to by a few. Pretty much all of them I have seen before. As mentioned before, the Venezuelans have taken over. Some are really pretty with a ghetto vibe. I didn't talk any numbers, but there are so many that I'm sure there are many bargains if that is your thing.

I made it to Aiffe and all of the chicas were very doable. I'm not crazy about their presentation, but then again, I never have been. The girls always seem more timid than other cases but maybe that changes behind closed doors. I will definitely have to try them out as the talent is pretty nice.

Made it back down to PuntosCom and got the chica from earlier. A nice triguea that turned out to be from Venezuela. Nice big ass like I like them. We both took a quick shower. I asked about a BBBJ and she said sure as long as I give her a tip. No amount was discussed. She began to go to work like a porn star on the head. Spitting on my cock and licking it off while sucking. Then she moved down to my nutt sack and was licking and gently sucking away. She moved down some more for that spot between your nutt sack and your anus and began licking and sucking down there and looking at me from time to time like she was enjoying it. I thought she was going to toss my salad there for a minute LOL. Worked her way back up and was twist sucking my cock.

She thew the condom on and got on top. I was sucking her tetas while she was riding your boy. After, hit it back door and I was trying to kill it. The bed was literally lifted off the ground and she was loving it (or at least moaning and talking nasty like she was). Finished off in missionary and it seemed like we both climaxed simultaneously. I kept stroking for awhile after I had busted. It was hot as a mule's ass in that room and she asked me if I would get her a beer. I said sure, why not, as my cock was still tingling. I gave her a 13 mil tip and the beer was another 5 mil.

It felt good to back back in the casa environment again. Most of the talent I saw in the casas appeared cleaner and better looking than the average chica on the street. I also enjoy a vibe that seems less drugged out and desperate.

06-27-20, 01:40
Heck, In the past 3 months I've found 3 girls, 19, 19 and 21, who want to be tied up and spanked, by me all for free. And I wasn't even looking for someone to tie up and spank.Sure buddy. Our Vegas Jeff protege is cranking it up a notch. Keep it coming.

06-27-20, 01:43
The tip of my penis was tingling and I had stuck it in a few girls, without condom, so I looked into STD testing here in Medellin.

Here's what I know. The largest sexual and reproductive health organization is Profamilia. They have three locations in Medellin, including Sabaneta and El Centro.

There is also Orientame, who provide sexual and basic reproductive health services with one provider in Belen. I showed up there without an appointment, yesterday at opening time, 8 am. The nurse checked me in and even made me a coffee while I waited to be seen. The doc finished up with his first patient and called me in at 8:45. The care was excellent. He took a medical history and explained the tests to me. There are lots of tests available and I went for the basic and recommended for my case: HIV, gonorrhea, and syphilis. They were rapid, "point-of-care" tests, and it took 15 minutes to get the results. The doctor continued with his teaching while we waited. Two tests were by finger-stick, and the gonorrhea test was a swab of the urethral meatus (piss hole). Cost was 130 mil and the care was excellent. The nurse even offered to show me around Bello sometime (I didn't follow up on that offer). I totally recommend Orientame if anyone needs STD screening.

All my results turned out negative. I think my wiener was just irritated from all the action I've been getting.

06-27-20, 02:06
Paradise is open too. Don't let the presentation at Aiffe put you off. They are getting very few customers lately but there are a couple of very solid performers there. AmigasSexxy is up and running too. True that on the Veneca ownership of Plaza Botero. The city might as well just erect a flagpole in the middle of the sculptures and fly the Venezuelan flag. LOL!

So this morning I contacted Aiffe to see if they were open. They said they were and that there was about 8 chicas. I headed to El Centro to check it out. There was an accident and crazy traffic so I would up walking part of the way. While walking I cruse by a couple of other cases to see if they were open. PuntosCom was open and had about 8 chicas downstairs and 8 upstairs. When I entered from downstairs they did a temperature check and sprayed me with disinfectant. The presentations went well and nothing seemed different, other than the chicas wearing face masks. About 10 were doable for me, but I had my eye on one. The girls were all very sweet.

I left and decided to walk around for awhile. Stoped by another casa that had about 4 chicas available and all were attractive. I'll save that for another day. Walked through Botero and it was packed. The chicas were out in full force and I got stepped to by a few. Pretty much all of them I have seen before. As mentioned before, the Venezuelans have taken over. Some are really pretty with a ghetto vibe. I didn't talk any numbers, but there are so many that I'm sure there are many bargains if that is your thing..

06-27-20, 03:29
The tip of my penis was tingling and I had stuck it in a few girls, without condom, so I looked into STD testing here in Medellin.

Here's what I know. The largest sexual and reproductive health organization is Profamilia. They have three locations in Medellin, including Sabaneta and El Centro.

There is also Orientame, who provide sexual and basic reproductive health services with one provider in Belen. I showed up there without an appointment, yesterday at opening time, 8 am. The nurse checked me in and even made me a coffee while I waited to be seen. The doc finished up with his first patient and called me in at 8:45. The care was excellent. He took a medical history and explained the tests to me. There are lots of tests available and I went for the basic and recommended for my case: HIV, gonorrhea, and syphilis. They were rapid, "point-of-care" tests, and it took 15 minutes to get the results. The doctor continued with his teaching while we waited. Two tests were by finger-stick, and the gonorrhea test was a swab of the urethral meatus (piss hole). Cost was 130 mil and the care was excellent. The nurse even offered to show me around Bello sometime (I didn't follow up on that offer). I totally recommend Orientame if anyone needs STD screening.

All my results turned out negative. I think my wiener was just irritated from all the action I've been getting.This is good information for others who unfortunately think they may have developed something while in Medellin, and probably one of the first posts I've read addressing where to get STD testing.

I have been to two private Doctors in Medellin, one was a dermatologist for the removal of some skin tags, and the other a general practice physician for a parasite infection. Both physicians spent a fair amount of time with me, their service was excellent, and what a refreshing experience compared to the service in the USA, let alone how inexpensive it was. So my only question is, did the nurse take the swab from your Uretha? Just kidding.

06-27-20, 04:24
Paradise is open too. Don't let the presentation at Aiffe put you off. They are getting very few customers lately but there are a couple of very solid performers there. AmigasSexxy is up and running too. Cool, I'll have to go back and try Aiffe. All the chicas were pretty good looking. I'll probably check Amigas next week. I thought about Paradise but forgot to go by there.

06-27-20, 05:33
The tip of my penis was tingling and I had stuck it in a few girls, without condom, so I looked into STD testing here in Medellin.

Here's what I know. The largest sexual and reproductive health organization is Profamilia. They have three locations in Medellin, including Sabaneta and El Centro.

There is also Orientame, who provide sexual and basic reproductive health services with one provider in Belen. I showed up there without an appointment, yesterday at opening time, 8 am. The nurse checked me in and even made me a coffee while I waited to be seen. The doc finished up with his first patient and called me in at 8:45. The care was excellent. He took a medical history and explained the tests to me. There are lots of tests available and I went for the basic and recommended for my case: HIV, gonorrhea, and syphilis. They were rapid, "point-of-care" tests, and it took 15 minutes to get the results. The doctor continued with his teaching while we waited. Two tests were by finger-stick, and the gonorrhea test was a swab of the urethral meatus (piss hole). Cost was 130 mil and the care was excellent. The nurse even offered to show me around Bello sometime (I didn't follow up on that offer). I totally recommend Orientame if anyone needs STD screening.

All my results turned out negative. I think my wiener was just irritated from all the action I've been getting.Thank you so much for this information. It is extremely helpful. I'm planning a 6 months stay in Medellin, given the amount of fucking I plan to do, I definitely need to have good strategy for STD testing and treatment. Does the doctor speak English?

06-27-20, 08:15
Sure buddy. Our Vegas Jeff protege is cranking it up a notch. Keep it coming.Did you ever meet him? Interesting guy. A bit intense at times, but in a normal way, not in the psychotic break kind of way. Of course you missed your opportunity as he is no longer amongst the living. But overall he was a good guy and he proved to me that many of his stories were 100% true. But then you probably never walked around Paris or Manrique with him.

As for the 3. One of the 19 year olds, key word "sumisa", probably won't be coming through, since she's best friends with the other 19 year old. That leaves the 21 year old, key word "amarrar", she's the wild one. Public sex, done a trio, been to a swinger's club. She's also got a strong voyeurism fetish.

How's that trading pizza for pussy deal working out?

06-27-20, 08:22
I think I can beat that. Had a female friend in my City years ago that had a guy that would pay her to kick him in the balls as hard as she could.I can beat that. When I lived in Albuquerque I rented my spare room out to a stripper from Phoenix. She would dance 2 weeks then go home for a week. She rented her spare rooms our to 2 women and when I was in Phoenix I'd stay at her house.

One of the women was a heavily tatted old biker broad, submissive. The other was a 250 pound black dominatrix. The dominatrix had a guy that had her walk on his dick with high heels and that's one of the least disgusting things she did to him.

She wouldn't take money for it though. She said it would take the fun out of it if it became a job.

06-27-20, 08:48
I have been in Medellin for nearly 4 months, during a quarantine. I find it hard to believe that anyone is paying someone in medellin $800 usd for online sessions. But hey whatever floats your boat. I can tell you now, many of the best looking girls in Centro and surrounding Antioquia are charging no more than $40,000 pesos per session. I was walking near Centro yesterday and saw some girls that once quoted me $300,000 pesos for 2 hours all hugged up with local customers. These guys are lucky to be earning $600,000 pesos a month. They really must have some super online secure lines to receive money because I tried to send myself $200 usd 2 days ago from remitly to bancolombia and it was such a headache that I decided to cancel the transfer and send the money back to my account. Many times I have been with other gringos here in Medellin and when I asked them about these super fine models, they could never make them appear, only when I was not around. With that being said, go ahead and fill up the thread with ideas that foreigners are just stupid guys throwing away money. I am here and doing damn great and have not seen anyone enjoying the fruits of this Quarantine except those with long bank accounts. But carry on fellas. Pollo Negro is out.It's all relative. An old friend of mine would laugh his ass off at you paying for pussy. He would ask you why you're paying for it when practically every woman, including the ones you're paying, g are giving it away for free? Then again, I don't think he ever met a girl he couldn't get into bed.

I really don't know why you find things hard to believe that you can find in 30 seconds with a quick Google search. $800 is chump change.




As for making the super fine models appear, I can't help you there. Why would a girl, who's making $200-$500 US or more per day, go to El Centro to fuck someone for 40-50 k? If you want to see some of the top models, check out the Juan Bustos website. Find the information on his webcam university. Sign up and take one of your El Centro girls. I don't understand the mindset of "unless someone brings it to me I won't believe it exists."

06-27-20, 15:34
Thank you so much for this information. It is extremely helpful. I'm planning a 6 months stay in Medellin, given the amount of fucking I plan to do, I definitely need to have good strategy for STD testing and treatment. Does the doctor speak English?I did it all in Spanish. I think the nurse spoke a little English, and the doctor I don't think so. But don't let that deter you. Like all of my medical appointments here (I've also seen primary care, cardiology, dermatology, a dentist), there is plenty of time for the patient. The doctors are not rushed to push you through. They'll have the time at the clinic to use translator and take care of you.

If anyone needs more medical exams, I recommend Clinica Medellin. Clinica here means hospital. There are three campuses, I went to the hospital in Belen. For those of us that have dollars, medical care here is excellent and cheap. I would describe Clinica Medellin as a boutique hospital, when comparing it to the United States. They also have a special office for foreigners who direct pay, called Plan Zafiro (platinum). Just walk in to that office on the ground floor, tower on the right, and the women will make all of your appointments for you, and even walk you to each place that you need to go and check you in, and collect your lab and exam results for you so that you just go back to the Plan Zafiro office to get all your records (there isn't a central charting system so you have to bring your reports / results to each follow up). 10 out of 10 service, same technology as home.

06-27-20, 15:40
It's all relative. An old friend of mine would laugh his ass off at you paying for pussy. He would ask you why you're paying for it when practically every woman, including the ones you're paying, g are giving it away for free? Then again, I don't think he ever met a girl he couldn't get into bed.

I really don't know why you find things hard to believe that you can find in 30 seconds with a quick Google search. $800 is chump change.




As for making the super fine models appear, I can't help you there. Why would a girl, who's making $200-$500 US or more per day, go to El Centro to fuck someone for 40-50 k? If you want to see some of the top models, check out the Juan Bustos website. Find the information on his webcam university. Sign up and take one of your El Centro girls. I don't understand the mindset of "unless someone brings it to me I won't believe it exists."I hear you, but until I can witness the payments and the earnings, I don't see or believe girls here in Medellin during this quarantine are receiving more than $100 usd for payments, at the most. Pollo Negro is out.

06-27-20, 15:56
Thank you so much for this information. It is extremely helpful. I'm planning a 6 months stay in Medellin, given the amount of fucking I plan to do, I definitely need to have good strategy for STD testing and treatment. Does the doctor speak English?I don't think you need to worry much about whether they speak English or not. One of the places mentioned will automatically know why your there being a gringo, and all you have to do is point and they will figure it out!

All kidding aside, most Doctors in Colombia will speak or at least understand enough English to test and determine what you have as most of the common STD's are pretty easy to evaluate and treat.

Hopefully you won't have to seek treatment as it can be very embarrassing as a foreigner to seek treatment for something like this, but what I can tell you is that the experience I have had with Doctors in Colombia has been very positive and they are just as professional as in the States, and even more so as they will actually spend time with you versus trying to rush you out the door.

06-27-20, 16:30
I hear you, but until I can witness the payments and the earnings, I don't see or believe girls here in Medellin during this quarantine are receiving more than $100 usd for payments, at the most. Pollo Negro is out.Again, you've got the "I'm too lazy to confirm it, so I'm not going to believe it" syndrome. It's quite simple. For example you can go to.


That's the list of the too earners for the month, along with the bonus they'll receive. Find one of them online. Sit and watch. See how many tokens she receives. 20 tokens is $1 to the model and costs the guys $1. 60 to buy. Do the math. Read through the model's bio. Many include screenshots of their biggest tips, or will list them along with who gave them the tip. All the proof you need is right at your fingertips.

The irony here is you write things that are very difficult to believe and impossible to verify, often things which contradict earlier things you have posted, and then get offended if anyone questions your word. Yet you refuse to believe things which could be verified by any 6th grader in less than 5 minutes.

In case you're wondering, that's called cognitive dissonance.

06-27-20, 16:56
It's all relative. An old friend of mine would laugh his ass off at you paying for pussy. He would ask you why you're paying for it when practically every woman, including the ones you're paying, g are giving it away for free? Then again, I don't think he ever met a girl he couldn't get into bed.

I really don't know why you find things hard to believe that you can find in 30 seconds with a quick Google search. $800 is chump change.




As for making the super fine models appear, I can't help you there. Why would a girl, who's making $200-$500 US or more per day, go to El Centro to fuck someone for 40-50 k? If you want to see some of the top models, check out the Juan Bustos website. Find the information on his webcam university. Sign up and take one of your El Centro girls. I don't understand the mindset of "unless someone brings it to me I won't believe it exists."Great Post, love the part about the Models. There are so many guys claiming this, not so much on the MDE page, but other pages. I have lived in some of those places and I know it is not possible, but they keep lying and exaggerating, not sure why. I guess to make themselves look good.

06-27-20, 17:28
It's all relative. An old friend of mine would laugh his ass off at you paying for pussy. He would ask you why you're paying for it when practically every woman, including the ones you're paying, g are giving it away for free? Then again, I don't think he ever met a girl he couldn't get into bed.

I really don't know why you find things hard to believe that you can find in 30 seconds with a quick Google search. $800 is chump change.




As for making the super fine models appear, I can't help you there. Why would a girl, who's making $200-$500 US or more per day, go to El Centro to fuck someone for 40-50 k? If you want to see some of the top models, check out the Juan Bustos website. Find the information on his webcam university. Sign up and take one of your El Centro girls. I don't understand the mindset of "unless someone brings it to me I won't believe it exists."Last year I watched one of the popular chicks on Chaturbate make over $30,000 on her birthday in tips. I was amazed.

06-27-20, 20:22
The irony here is you write things that are very difficult to believe and impossible to verify, often things which contradict earlier things you have posted, and then get offended if anyone questions your word. Yet you refuse to believe things which could be verified by any 6th grader in less than 5 minutes.

In case you're wondering, that's called cognitive dissonance.Well said and had the same thoughts.

06-27-20, 21:20
The irony here is you write things that are very difficult to believe and impossible to verify, often things which contradict earlier things you have posted, and then get offended if anyone questions your word. Yet you refuse to believe things which could be verified by any 6th grader in less than 5 minutes..Perhaps your being a bit rough on PN, yet I recall some posts of his about how all the girls in Botero Park where reporting to one Venezuelan Chica, who no doubt exists and is a piece of shit, and a recent post about two guys being in charge of Botero Park. I posted earlier about this as being hard to believe along with my rationale why.

06-27-20, 21:31
That's the list of the too earners for the month, along with the bonus they'll receive. Find one of them online. Sit and watch. See how many tokens she receives. 20 tokens is $1 to the model and costs the guys $1.60 to buy. Do the math. Read through the model's bio. Many include screenshots of their biggest tips, or will list them along with who gave them the tip. All the proof you need is right at your fingertips.

But I do not believe what any website says a girl is earning, that's like a hooker telling me how much guys pay her, and how much she makes a year LMAO.

I hope you know just because a webcam has a bell ringing doesn't mean that's actually money cumming in.

I'm guessing it has a default setting.

Like bartenders that put their own $20 usd bills in a big glass jar to encourage others do copy LMAO.

I've seen strippers have gfs or bfs come in and make it rain on them to encourage others, don't be gullible bro.

06-27-20, 21:41
If you want STD tests done or are just looking for a good general practitioner I highly recommend Dr. Luz Naranjo, whom I've used several times in the past. She speaks fluent English and will even make house calls. Here's her website: https://englishspeakingdoctormedellin.com.

06-27-20, 21:42
I don't think you need to worry much about whether they speak English or not. One of the places mentioned will automatically know why your there being a gringo, and all you have to do is point and they will figure it out!

All kidding aside, most Doctors in Colombia will speak or at least understand enough English to test and determine what you have as most of the common STD's are pretty easy to evaluate and treat.

Hopefully you won't have to seek treatment as it can be very embarrassing as a foreigner to seek treatment for something like this, but what I can tell you is that the experience I have had with Doctors in Colombia has been very positive and they are just as professional as in the States, and even more so as they will actually spend time with you versus trying to rush you out the door.Thanks for the advice. I also hope that I stay clear from std, but given the length of time I'm planning to stay in Medellin and the amount of fucking that are on my agenda, it is prudent to have backup plan figured out. If things work out, I plan to move to Medellin permanently, it would be nice to have a cordial relationship with the docs there.

A related question, is plan-be easy to get in Medellin?

06-27-20, 21:44
If you want STD tests done or are just looking for a good general practitioner I highly recommend Dr. Luz Naranjo, whom I've used several times in the past. She speaks fluent English and will even make house calls. Here's her website: https://englishspeakingdoctormedellin.com.Great! Thanks for the info.

06-27-20, 21:53
Botero is off the chains right now. Crazy talent. Something for everyone. Crazy ass and tits.

06-27-20, 21:53
If you want STD tests done or are just looking for a good general practitioner I highly recommend Dr. Luz Naranjo, whom I've used several times in the past. She speaks fluent English and will even make house calls. Here's her website: https://englishspeakingdoctormedellin.com.She's excellent, I had a parasite infection and she knew exactly what I had without having to do any testing and spent like 30 minutes with me with a full exam and medical history. Very responsive via Whatsapp and has lot's of gringo clients / patients in Medellin.

06-27-20, 21:54
There are lots of tests available and I went for the basic and recommended for my case: HIV, gonorrhea, and syphilis. They were rapid, "point-of-care" tests, and it took 15 minutes to get the results. The doctor continued with his teaching while we waited. Two tests were by finger-stick, and the gonorrhea test was a swab of the urethral meatus (piss hole).

Hmm, what about Chlamydia? It is one of the most common STI and almost the same symptoms as gonorrhea. Did you have symptoms when you went?

"finger-stick"? WTF? Is it ever done for STD??

HIV is very rare. And symptoms are different and don't show up for a while. What they done seems confusing to me.

I think "Laboratorio Vid" does a good job.

06-27-20, 21:56
Botero is off the chains right now. Crazy talent. Something for everyone. Crazy ass and tits.And I can only imagine, bargain basement prices!

06-27-20, 22:25
Pro Familia in Centro is I think on calle 54 just north of Parque del Periodista in a really well maintained green and white former hacienda. Clinica Medellin is not far away and in fact there is a bus route that passes through the area called "the health route". I think it was slapshot who mentioned a six month stay. You can get an international rider for your US health insurance if you aren't covered, or you can buy Sura or other EPS.

I did it all in Spanish. I think the nurse spoke a little English, and the doctor I don't think so. But don't let that deter you. Like all of my medical appointments here (I've also seen primary care, cardiology, dermatology, a dentist), there is plenty of time for the patient. The doctors are not rushed to push you through. They'll have the time at the clinic to use translator and take care of you.

If anyone needs more medical exams, I recommend Clinica Medellin. Clinica here means hospital. There are three campuses, I went to the hospital in Belen. For those of us that have dollars, medical care here is excellent and cheap. I would describe Clinica Medellin as a boutique hospital, when comparing it to the United States. They also have a special office for foreigners who direct pay, called Plan Zafiro (platinum). Just walk in to that office on the ground floor, tower on the right, and the women will make all of your appointments for you, and even walk you to each place that you need to go and check you in, and collect your lab and exam results for you so that you just go back to the Plan Zafiro office to get all your records (there isn't a central charting system so you have to bring your reports / results to each follow up). 10 out of 10 service, same technology as home.

06-27-20, 22:26
The quarantine compounded with the lack of gringos is starting to take its toll on a number of my Facebook contacts. One told me how her parents are no longer called in to work because there is no work to be had. Another girl, whose parents selfishly abandoned her, lives with her sisters and grandma and is their sole provider. Everyday she runs deliveries on Rappi with her bicycle and is lucky to make 10 to 15,000 pesos. More and more of them are now trying to sell XXX photos and videos of themselves. You might think webcamming would be the perfect solution during these times but at minimum that requires owning a webcam, an internet subscription, and either a smart TV or a computer, and that's an easy 1-2 million plus pesos that they just can't afford right now (keep in mind electronic devices are usually twice as expensive in Colombia compared to the US). There are studios that will loan them a room and all the equipment but in turn they will take 50% of everything they earn.

06-27-20, 22:35
Well said and had the same thoughts.I have been wrong before and will probably be wrong again. Until I can witness these payment, I will continue to call it BS. Do you know how many fellow mongers I have met in Medellin who showed me photos of girls and the monger and myself finally met in person, they couldn't produce the girl in the pics? I hear all kinds of stories from the east to the west. I can not tell you or other mongers what "you" all may know, but I can most definitely tell you what I don't believe and just don't buy.

I don't believe girls here in Medellin during the quarantine are earning $800 a day. I could be wrong, I do not believe it though. When I meet the person who can show me in person these girls who can verify that they earn $800 a day, then I will beg your pardon. There is not one chic that I have banged in Medellin that I can not put my hand on or call to come over. Now if you are a certified $800 usd paying member of the buy a twat club, then raise your hand, otherwise I am calling it BS.

Its just that simple, don't point me to a website, point me to a whatsapp number and the ability to converse with these high priced internet sensations. Otherwise save it, otherwise all you guys are doing are misleading the readers and setting them up for failure, which I have witnessed in the pass. Just be yourself and don't boost up these girls or these websites that cannot deliver what you are selling. Its just that simple, a name, a number and rate, how hard is that? Pollo Negro is out!

06-27-20, 22:42
I think the higher numbers of girls in Botero than pre virus times is at least partly because there are fewer other options.

The quarantine compounded with the lack of gringos is starting to take its toll on a number of my Facebook contacts. One told me how her parents are no longer called in to work because there is no work to be had. Another girl, whose parents selfishly abandoned her, lives with her sisters and grandma and is their sole provider. Everyday she runs deliveries on Rappi with her bicycle and is lucky to make 10 to 15,000 pesos. More and more of them are now trying to sell XXX photos and videos of themselves. You might think webcamming would be the perfect solution during these times but at minimum that requires owning a webcam, an internet subscription, and either a smart TV or a computer, and that's an easy 1-2 million plus pesos that they just can't afford right now (keep in mind electronic devices are usually twice as expensive in Colombia compared to the US). There are studios that will loan them a room and all the equipment but in turn they will take 50% of everything they earn.

06-28-20, 00:24
Again, you've got the "I'm too lazy to confirm it, so I'm not going to believe it" syndrome. It's quite simple. For example you can go to.


That's the list of the too earners for the month, along with the bonus they'll receive. Find one of them online. Sit and watch. See how many tokens she receives. 20 tokens is $1 to the model and costs the guys $1. 60 to buy. Do the math. Read through the model's bio. Many include screenshots of their biggest tips, or will list them along with who gave them the tip. All the proof you need is right at your fingertips.

The irony here is you write things that are very difficult to believe and impossible to verify, often things which contradict earlier things you have posted, and then get offended if anyone questions your word. Yet you refuse to believe things which could be verified by any 6th grader in less than 5 minutes.

In case you're wondering, that's called cognitive dissonance.I have seen? Pollo negro is out!

06-28-20, 00:43
Hmm, what about Chlamydia? It is one of the most common STI and almost the same symptoms as gonorrhea. Did you have symptoms when you went?

"finger-stick"? WTF? Is it ever done for STD??

HIV is very rare. And symptoms are different and don't show up for a while. What they done seems confusing to me.

I think "Laboratorio Vid" does a good job.Good catch, the chlamydia exam was on the same "cassette" as gonorrhea. What about finger stick don't you understand? Put a drop of blood in the cassette and add the reagent and wait 15 minutes. Because HIV can be symptom-less for years, it is good public health procedure to always screen for it, even if the incidence and risk is low, to detect and then prevent someone from unknowingly spreading it.

Everything they did makes sense to me.

06-28-20, 00:57
The quarantine compounded with the lack of gringos is starting to take its toll on a number of my Facebook contacts. One told me how her parents are no longer called in to work because there is no work to be had. Another girl, whose parents selfishly abandoned her, lives with her sisters and grandma and is their sole provider. Everyday she runs deliveries on Rappi with her bicycle and is lucky to make 10 to 15,000 pesos. More and more of them are now trying to sell XXX photos and videos of themselves. You might think webcamming would be the perfect solution during these times but at minimum that requires owning a webcam, an internet subscription, and either a smart TV or a computer, and that's an easy 1-2 million plus pesos that they just can't afford right now (keep in mind electronic devices are usually twice as expensive in Colombia compared to the US). There are studios that will loan them a room and all the equipment but in turn they will take 50% of everything they earn.And peach the gospel, girls are literally starving here in Medellin. Pollo negro is out!

The Tall Man
06-28-20, 01:37
Botero is off the chains right now. Crazy talent. Something for everyone. Crazy ass and tits.Yes agreed that there was something for anyone. I saw easily 5 or 6 that could rock my world.

I spent a few hours there yesterday afternoon and found me a paisa so headed over to Palamento hotel for a few hours, rocked my world off the charts, close to 3 hours with her and I shit you not I could barely walk as my knees / legs were so wobbly, damn fine fuck and will definitely repeat. Gave her about 80 mil maybe close to a hundred, didn't matter as she was worth 3 times that.

And were you one of the two gringos that passed me as I was with my Colombian buddy talking to some chicas in Venezuelan ground zero area? I was The Tall Man with a Jordan shirt and Oakley cap on, stop and say Hi next time.

The Tall Man.

06-28-20, 02:05
I think you're correct. I've had some girls message me and tell me how tough things are. But more telling is that I have middle / upper middle class Colombian acquaintances who say the situation is really bad.

There's going to be even more desperate people than usual so I think it's wise to be even more cautious.

The quarantine compounded with the lack of gringos is starting to take its toll on a number of my Facebook contacts. One told me how her parents are no longer called in to work because there is no work to be had. Another girl, whose parents selfishly abandoned her, lives with her sisters and grandma and is their sole provider. Everyday she runs deliveries on Rappi with her bicycle and is lucky to make 10 to 15,000 pesos. More and more of them are now trying to sell XXX photos and videos of themselves. You might think webcamming would be the perfect solution during these times but at minimum that requires owning a webcam, an internet subscription, and either a smart TV or a computer, and that's an easy 1-2 million plus pesos that they just can't afford right now (keep in mind electronic devices are usually twice as expensive in Colombia compared to the US). There are studios that will loan them a room and all the equipment but in turn they will take 50% of everything they earn..

06-28-20, 06:48
Last year I watched one of the popular chicks on Chaturbate make over $30,000 on her birthday in tips. I was amazed.It's pretty crazy sometimes. I've seen a few make over $8,000 in a 4-5 hour broadcast.

I've seen others make less than $1 in an entire week.

06-28-20, 07:29
That's the list of the too earners for the month, along with the bonus they'll receive. Find one of them online. Sit and watch. See how many tokens she receives. 20 tokens is $1 to the model and costs the guys $1.60 to buy. Do the math. Read through the model's bio. Many include screenshots of their biggest tips, or will list them along with who gave them the tip. All the proof you need is right at your fingertips.

But I do not believe what any website says a girl is earning, that's like a hooker telling me how much guys pay her, and how much she makes a year LMAO.

I hope you know just because a webcam has a bell ringing doesn't mean that's actually money cumming in.

I'm guessing it has a default setting.

Like bartenders that put their own $20 usd bills in a big glass jar to encourage others do copy LMAO.

I've seen strippers have gfs or bfs come in and make it rain on them to encourage others, don't be gullible bro.Man,

When you decide to be completely wrong about something, you go all in.

I shared an apartment with a webcam model for 10 months. I worked with webcam models for a year. I have sat and had lunch with the owner of one of the top studios in Colombia. I've sat and had lunch with one of the top models in Medellin, in her apartment, cooked by her maid. Some of the top photographers, who don't work for free, were in my apartment, doing model shoots. I've sat, watched and waited while 2 models paid 1 million pesos each for full, custom, body paint jobs. I was even featured in an interview for Camgirl magazine. I don't know if it's in their online archive still or not.

I actually know what I'm talking about. And I'm not the least bit gullible.

Answer me these questions:

1. If no webcam models are making money, why are there so many of them?

2. If nobody is spending money on webcam sites, why are there so many of them?

3. If nobody is spending any money on this, who's paying all the bills?

Again, it's the "too damned lazy to learn something, therefore everyone else is wrong" syndrome. You can go to any webcam site and confirm everything. Or you can do what I already explained and meet them in person in Medellin.

Now to explain your other errors.

The sounds from the webcam sites aren't a default setting. You can't make them happen manually. The sounds play when a tip of the appropriate range is received. You can confirm this by going to a webcam site and tipping a webcam model.

Each tip is added to the model's bi-monthly total (webcam sites pay out twice a month). A good model will make 80,000-100,000 tokens per pay period. 1000 tokens is $50 to the model which is $8000-$10,000 monthly. I know these numbers because I've seen the actual deposit. The very top models will make 8 or 9 times as much.

Yes, bartenders will drop some bills in the tip jar at the beginning of the night. You do understand that they don't count the money out of their pockets when adding up the tips?

Yes, sometimes stripper's will get tips from their boyfriends. That doesn't mean no strippers are actually getting paid. Go make friends with some of the better strippers and you'll find out how much the good ones make.

06-28-20, 08:05
I think the higher numbers of girls in Botero than pre virus times is at least partly because there are fewer other options.Yes exactly, in addition to the pre virus ground zero girls since the shutdowns you have girls that used to work 1) in the bars behind the Church 2) in the bars around the La Grief area 3) in the bars around Parque Bolivar 4) in Parque Lleras 5) Face Book 6) other bars / clubs across town, and 7) girls from casa's not re-opened.

I'm sure I've missed some other venues, and am not saying that all of the girls from the venues I've mentioned are working at ground zero, but am sure some of them are, thus adding to the increased numbers being observed which is not surprising given the dire straits and reduction of mongers in town as a result of the Pandemic.

I guess you might call this the "COVID Surge At Ground Zero", a good thing for those in town!

06-28-20, 08:51
I think it was slapshot who mentioned a six month stay. You can get an international rider for your US health insurance if you aren't covered, or you can buy Sura or other EPS.Wait, my health insurance in the US can work in Medellin? What about dental plans?

06-28-20, 09:17
Good catch, the chlamydia exam was on the same "cassette" as gonorrhea. What about finger stick don't you understand? Put a drop of blood in the cassette and add the reagent and wait 15 minutes. Because HIV can be symptom-less for years, it is good public health procedure to always screen for it, even if the incidence and risk is low, to detect and then prevent someone from unknowingly spreading it.

Everything they did makes sense to me.The impression I've had from sexual health nurses is that urine is the best test for gonorrhea and chlamydia, and blood from a vein for HIV and syphilis, something to do with improving detection for recent infections.

What worries me is that 130 k is prohibitively high for a Venezuelana or Bello chica to pay; they should get tested as well as mongers.

06-28-20, 13:13
What used to be average rate of 30 K is now 20 K.

And I can only imagine, bargain basement prices!

06-28-20, 13:49
And were you one of the two gringos that passed me as I was with my Colombian buddy talking to some chicas in Venezuelan ground zero area? I was The Tall Man with a Jordan shirt and Oakley cap on, stop and say Hi next time.

The Tall Man.Doesn't sound familiar. Is this the hotel you are referring to https://youtu.be/f0uC4KRFkHU.

06-28-20, 14:36
The impression I've had from sexual health nurses is that urine is the best test for gonorrhea and chlamydia, and blood from a vein for HIV and syphilis, something to do with improving detection for recent infections.

What worries me is that 130 k is prohibitively high for a Venezuelana or Bello chica to pay; they should get tested as well as mongers.It's a sliding scale as many things here are.

Black Page
06-28-20, 14:54
The impression I've had from sexual health nurses is that urine is the best test for gonorrhea and chlamydia, and blood from a vein for HIV and syphilis, something to do with improving detection for recent infections.What about asking a DOCTOR for medical advice, or at least check a reputable medical web site? You seem to ignore what is urine vs. blood testing about, what is antibody testing vs. seeking the DNA of the pathogen, what is pathogen cultivation vs. simple sample examination, etc. Each test has a purpose, and each test has its limits.

Recommending a good doctor could be ok, but I will never refrain to warn people to not seek medical advice on ISG, or to not attempt to provide it if not knowledgeable about it. At times it may be even dangerous.

there have been more than a few American Presidents who pretty much acted like George Jefferson while in office.Maybe, but honestly I am more worried by the single one who acts like Homer Simpson.

The Tall Man
06-28-20, 15:53
Doesn't sound familiar. Is this the hotel you are referring to https://youtu.be/f0uC4KRFkHU.Yes that is the hotel, it's a block and a half away from Botero / museum, I have been frequenting this hotel for just about 3 years now having more stays than I can count. Reasonably clean but compared to the 10 to 15 mil dive hotels / motels in and around the Vera and Botero it is living like a rock star, hehehehe There is also EROS around the corner.

I have had about ever room on their 3 floors but usually get their simple room for like 20 mil and you get 3 hours and sometimes if they are not busy they are even more generous on the time. I like the fact that I can park my car in there garage, very discrete as this area is on the perimeter of the Zombie Land and all kinds of shit infests these streets. Been 4 times in the past month.

The different between this hotel and the 30 minute rooms over at the Vera and Botero is night and day. I almost refuse to go into those rooms anymore but still do every so often as was the case about two weeks ago when I found a street girl over at the Vera (a Vennie) and just needed to unload, so 12 mil for 30 minutes at the Vencio (spelling?? 2nd floor across from the rear side of the Vera church) but other than those rare exceptions I just can't "feel the love" in those dump hotels, hehehehe.

The Tall Man.

06-28-20, 17:00
Maybe, but honestly I am more worried by the single one who acts like Homer Simpson.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucKM36YtuXs

06-28-20, 19:11
C'Mon. Man, you are taking all the fun out of the discussion. LOL!

What about asking a DOCTOR for medical advice, or at least check a reputable medical web site? You seem to ignore what is urine vs. blood testing about, what is antibody testing vs. seeking the DNA of the pathogen, what is pathogen cultivation vs. simple sample examination, etc. Each test has a purpose, and each test has its limits.

Recommending a good doctor could be ok, but I will never refrain to warn people to not seek medical advice on ISG, or to not attempt to provide it if not knowledgeable about it. At times it may be even dangerous.

Maybe, but honestly I am more worried by the single one who acts like Homer Simpson.

06-28-20, 20:57
What about asking a DOCTOR for medical advice, or at least check a reputable medical web site? You seem to ignore what is urine vs. blood testing about, what is antibody testing vs. seeking the DNA of the pathogen, what is pathogen cultivation vs. simple sample examination, etc. Each test has a purpose, and each test has its limits.

Recommending a good doctor could be ok, but I will never refrain to warn people to not seek medical advice on ISG, or to not attempt to provide it if not knowledgeable about it. At times it may be even dangerous.
I defer to you on this.

I didn't mean to attempt to give medical advice.

06-28-20, 21:01
As time is running out for me and I won't be having too many more trips at my age (68), I was thinking of going to Colombia when normal service is resumed. I've had a look through a few dozen posts on here, and seen plenty of youtube vids, and the one thing I've noticed is that there does not seem to be many (if any), people around my age posting or showing up in vids. Would I have the wrong impression in assuming that Colombia is not suitable for someone my age.

06-28-20, 23:07
As time is running out for me and I won't be having too many more trips at my age (68), I was thinking of going to Colombia when normal service is resumed. I've had a look through a few dozen posts on here, and seen plenty of youtube vids, and the one thing I've noticed is that there does not seem to be many (if any), people around my age posting or showing up in vids. Would I have the wrong impression in assuming that Colombia is not suitable for someone my age.A good friend of mine is just about your age and currently living in Medellin. He might even chime in. I'm pretty sure he's finding it suitable. I met another guy who is in his 70's and not in the best of health, but he certainly seemed like he enjoys his visits. I've met a few others in your age group who certainly seemed to be having the time of their life in Medellin.

I'd advise working on fitness before you go. Start doing some regular walking. I guess depends on your current fitness level. The altitude might wear you out if you're too out of shape. And you don't want to run out of energy when a 20 year old Paisa is calling you papi and begging you to give it to her harder.

06-28-20, 23:13
I defer to you on this.

I didn't mean to attempt to give medical advice.It's a simple format that is used to obtain results for STD's. For gonorrhea and chlamydia, the standard of testing for the quickest results is using urine and a swab of the mouth, penis, vagina, and the anus. Yes many people have no idea that just because you get a BBBJ does not mean you are at a lower risk of catching gonorrhea, if she has oral gonorrhea, you will contract that as well. It is a very high chance that if a person has gonorrhea, he or she has Chlamydia as well.

Instead of beating a dead horse and spending unnecessary pesos, you can self-treat weekly with the necessary medications and then you don't have to worry about anything except HIV, which require blood tests and viral loads to be examined.

If you are itching, then you need to take some Flagyl for a week but will have to remain free of alcohol while taking the medication. The medication to treat Trichomonias, Chlamydia, and Gonorrhea is less than $35,000 pesos, so you can go and get checked for a higher rate and worry yourself to death, or just spend $35,000 pesos weekly and keep it moving. Just a little advice from Pollo Negro. Pollo Negro is out!

06-28-20, 23:22

I know these numbers because I've seen the actual deposit. The very top models will make 8 or 9 times as much.

Yes, bartenders will drop some bills in the tip jar at the beginning of the night. You do understand that they don't count the money out of their pockets when adding up the tips?

Yes, sometimes stripper's will get tips from their boyfriends. That doesn't mean no strippers are actually getting paid. Go make friends with some of the better strippers and you'll find out how much the good ones make.Only you can verify this numbers because you are the client or the owner of the camgirls, I am not debating, all I am asking you to do is simplify it and make it tangible, I am living in Medellin right now, and I can tell you, none of these girls are making $8 million to $10 million pesos a month, if they are, name them, give us a number, I will personally go and have a date with one of them if they can show me that any reasonable client is paying them, $800,000 to $1,500,000 pesos a date. I think you really look down on the intellectual capacity of many BMs, we have seen too much fraud to buy what anyone says, until it is provable and verifiable, I am calling it Bigfoot, Pollo Negro is out!

06-29-20, 00:02
If you are in decent health and the altitude won't bother you too much, go for it. 68 is still "young" these days. My mom is 90 and is always bitching at me to take her somewhere.

If you stay in Poblado, you'll have to contend with walking the hills. So if you are not in shape (and that has nothing to do with age), you will need a taxi. But beyond that, no problem.

I've seen plenty of older guys in Medellin, particularly when I used to stay at the Mansion.

As time is running out for me and I won't be having too many more trips at my age (68), I was thinking of going to Colombia when normal service is resumed. I've had a look through a few dozen posts on here, and seen plenty of youtube vids, and the one thing I've noticed is that there does not seem to be many (if any), people around my age posting or showing up in vids. Would I have the wrong impression in assuming that Colombia is not suitable for someone my age.

06-29-20, 00:24
As time is running out for me and I won't be having too many more trips at my age (68), I was thinking of going to Colombia when normal service is resumed. I've had a look through a few dozen posts on here, and seen plenty of youtube vids, and the one thing I've noticed is that there does not seem to be many (if any), people around my age posting or showing up in vids. Would I have the wrong impression in assuming that Colombia is not suitable for someone my age.I know an older monger in Medellin who is in his 70's, he owns a penthouse with a jacuzzi under a automatic retracting roof. He is killing it in Medellin, having threesomes with 18 year olds on a daily basis.

06-29-20, 00:47
As time is running out for me and I won't be having too many more trips at my age (68), I was thinking of going to Colombia when normal service is resumed. I've had a look through a few dozen posts on here, and seen plenty of youtube vids, and the one thing I've noticed is that there does not seem to be many (if any), people around my age posting or showing up in vids. Would I have the wrong impression in assuming that Colombia is not suitable for someone my age.I am still in my 50's, but I am friends with a lot of guys from the USA most of whom are in their 60's. Some in their 70's.

06-29-20, 01:19
As time is running out for me and I won't be having too many more trips at my age (68), I was thinking of going to Colombia when normal service is resumed. I've had a look through a few dozen posts on here, and seen plenty of youtube vids, and the one thing I've noticed is that there does not seem to be many (if any), people around my age posting or showing up in vids. Would I have the wrong impression in assuming that Colombia is not suitable for someone my age.
A good friend of mine is just about your age and currently living in Medellin. He might even chime in. I'm pretty sure he's finding it suitable. I met another guy who is in his 70's and not in the best of health, but he certainly seemed like he enjoys his visits. I've met a few others in your age group who certainly seemed to be having the time of their life in Medellin.

I'd advise working on fitness before you go. Start doing some regular walking. I guess depends on your current fitness level. The altitude might wear you out if you're too out of shape. And you don't want to run out of energy when a 20 year old Paisa is calling you papi and begging you to give it to her harder.JjBee62 is right on. There are a number of older / retired ex-pats living in Medellin. The climate is ideal. You can go walking every day and lose weight and improve your health. If you are talking about a visit, you'll do well to learn a few basic Spanish phrases, this isn't Europe, most people know little, if any, English. Check to make sure your hotel choice will permit 'visitors' assuming that is something you plan on doing.

If you are thinking of living here, the climate is terrific, with a 365 day growing season you'll be having fresh fruit and vegetables on a daily basis and the Coffee is superb. You'll find Medellin is a very modern city and the cost of living is dramatically less than any large US city. You can easily find a superbly located 2 bedroom apartment for under $1,000 US a month. You should commit to learning Spanish. It will open all sorts of doors for you. You'll make friends which will open up even more doors. Many girls will be far more responsive if you can communicate at least a little without being tied to your "Google Translate App". You'll find there is a pretty solid ex-pat community. A lot of ex-pats congregate in Poblado but there are quite a few living in Laureles and other barrios as well.

06-29-20, 01:37
As time is running out for me and I won't be having too many more trips at my age (68), I was thinking of going to Colombia when normal service is resumed. I've had a look through a few dozen posts on here, and seen plenty of youtube vids, and the one thing I've noticed is that there does not seem to be many (if any), people around my age posting or showing up in vids. Would I have the wrong impression in assuming that Colombia is not suitable for someone my age.Contrary to what you think, there's lots of guys in their sixties, myself included, banging hoe's left and right in Medellin. I have a friend in his seventies that when he is in town bangs the SW's in El Centro.

Assuming your in good health and physically fit, what you need to be concerned about is how you "roll" meaning monger. Colombia is not like Thailand, or the Philippines, or Sosua. And Colombia can be tricky at times given that not a lot of people speak English, and it isn't the safest place either. I'm not trying to scare you, but these are things you should factor into your decision to come here, and if you read thru this forum going way back and sift thru all the bullshit posts, mine included, you will get an idea of how things work here.

Colombia is very different than most other Countries in the world to monger in because of all the options available, and is heaven on earth for most, but doesn't work for some, it just depends on how you roll, and there's lots of different ways to roll here.

06-29-20, 02:18
As time is running out for me and I won't be having too many more trips at my age (68), I was thinking of going to Colombia when normal service is resumed. I've had a look through a few dozen posts on here, and seen plenty of youtube vids, and the one thing I've noticed is that there does not seem to be many (if any), people around my age posting or showing up in vids. Would I have the wrong impression in assuming that Colombia is not suitable for someone my age.I think John Gault who is a poster here is over 70. Slap also posted this recently.

I actually approached my downstairs neighbor about it, speaking in Spanish, to find out he is an 87 yo gringo. He talked my ear off for over an hour! He has a younger Paisa wife who takes great care of him, and he loves it here. Really fascinating

06-29-20, 02:24
What worries me is that 130 k is prohibitively high for a Venezuelana or Bello chica to pay; they should get tested as well as mongers.It's costs US $ 10 in Bangkok and they give you a fake name and ID card so you can track you testing history. I guess there may be other cheaper public place with lower cost.

06-29-20, 03:32
I defer to you on this.

I didn't mean to attempt to give medical advice.
Instead of beating a dead horse and spending unnecessary pesos, you can self-treat weekly with the necessary medications and then you don't have to worry about anything except HIV, which require blood tests and viral loads to be examined.

If you are itching, then you need to take some Flagyl for a week but will have to remain free of alcohol while taking the medication. The medication to treat Trichomonias, Chlamydia, and Gonorrhea is less than $35,000 pesos, so you can go and get checked for a higher rate and worry yourself to death, or just spend $35,000 pesos weekly and keep it moving. Just a little advice from Pollo Negro. Pollo Negro is out!Speaking of attempting to give medical advice. And not to mention antibacterial resistance, nor superbugs, nor clostridium difficile. This is very, very stupid advice.

06-29-20, 07:41
I think you're correct. I've had some girls message me and tell me how tough things are. But more telling is that I have middle / upper middle class Colombian acquaintances who say the situation is really bad.

There's going to be even more desperate people than usual so I think it's wise to be even more cautious.

.It is bad but two girls I know don't want money. One says that hardship helps build her character or something like that. I offered them money mainly because they are students and I am impressed by them. I tend to keep in touch with the brainy ones. Both have crazy schedule at school, one showed me her schedule starting at 6 AM. Instead of showing me sex videos, she showed me her class notes. There is another one who blocked me because I did not reply right away and she needed money. I have no intention to send this one money anyway. This one is in Job's and Slap's range because she is very smart and got into college early.

And one told me her living expense is about US$130/month or less. That is about 1 day cost of some Airbnb rentals

06-29-20, 12:05
My advice is to come check it out and decide for yourself. At 68, by now you know well enough what works for you and what does not. Compared to other developing world party destinations you will find better infrastructure so you aren't dodging as many sidewalk holes that could cripple you. There is also serviceable public transportation and relatively safe taxi and ride sharing apps. I find many of the women attractive and accessible.

As time is running out for me and I won't be having too many more trips at my age (68), I was thinking of going to Colombia when normal service is resumed. I've had a look through a few dozen posts on here, and seen plenty of youtube vids, and the one thing I've noticed is that there does not seem to be many (if any), people around my age posting or showing up in vids. Would I have the wrong impression in assuming that Colombia is not suitable for someone my age.

06-29-20, 14:10
It is bad but two girls I know don't want money. One says that hardship helps build her character or something like that. I offered them money mainly because they are students and I am impressed by them. I tend to keep in touch with the brainy ones. Both have crazy schedule at school, one showed me her schedule starting at 6 AM. Instead of showing me sex videos, she showed me her class notes. There is another one who blocked me because I did not reply right away and she needed money. I have no intention to send this one money anyway. This one is in Job's and Slap's range because she is very smart and got into college early.

And one told me her living expense is about US$130/month or less. That is about 1 day cost of some Airbnb rentalsSo far, all the girls I'm close to in Medellin turned out to be pretty good. They told me time is tough but none of them asked for money. Some sent me videos of them singing birthday sound during my birthday. As for getting blocked by 18 year olds, that happens all the time to me, but they normally unblock me the next day; it's their way to show you that "I know you are fucking 20 other girls, but I want to be special anyway". The saddest thing for me is that a good number of my girls are turning 22. Out of general principle, I have to retire them. I think I will give them some money (probably 300 dollars a months) for a few months when I get back to Medellin, but I won't fuck them, there are just too many 18 year old available who are just as hot.

06-29-20, 15:07
Maybe, but honestly I am more worried by the single one who acts like Homer Simpson.Major insult to Homer.

The Tall Man
06-29-20, 15:47
As time is running out for me and I won't be having too many more trips at my age (68), I was thinking of going to Colombia when normal service is resumed. I've had a look through a few dozen posts on here, and seen plenty of youtube vids, and the one thing I've noticed is that there does not seem to be many (if any), people around my age posting or showing up in vids. Would I have the wrong impression in assuming that Colombia is not suitable for someone my age.
A good friend of mine is just about your age and currently living in Medellin. He might even chime in. I'm pretty sure he's finding it suitable. I met another guy who is in his 70's and not in the best of health, but he certainly seemed like he enjoys his visits. I've met a few others in your age group who certainly seemed to be having the time of their life in Medellin.

I'd advise working on fitness before you go. Start doing some regular walking. I guess depends on your current fitness level. The altitude might wear you out if you're too out of shape. And you don't want to run out of energy when a 20 year old Paisa is calling you papi and begging you to give it to her harder.JjBee gives good suggestions, you can have a lot of fun, get in shape but no you don't need to prepare to run a marathon just start walking and stretching and moving, work up to light weights, eat right, drop some pounds, your can be in store for a hell of a fun trip, manage your expectations then when you get to Medellin and mingle you will find a few paisas who will rock your world and truly don't care that you your the age of their abuelo (grandfather) as long as you treat them with respect.

Case in point, and at the risk of sounding like I am boasting, yesterday afternoon did some shopping and at about 8 PM drove through centro on my way home then through the San Diego street scene, just to see what was out, well found me an 19 yo cutie and had incredible passionate sex, cost me 70 mil or about $22. USD then I realized on my way driving home that me 3 plus month quarantine live-in 18 yo cute Venezuelan ask me to return home not so late from shopping to give her some attention so I had to pop a vitamin pill on my way home, glad I did as an hour later I am balls deep into this cutie.

Agree it is different as I live here and not here as a tourist for a week or so but still you can absolutely fulfill your desires. Note that I am just a bit younger than you and I at times ask my chica to call me abuelo / grandfather when I am balls deep into her, hehehehehe It is not uncommon that at times I will happen to meet my chicas parents and only then I realize what different world it is as they are in their mid to late 30's, half my age and they don't have any issues with me hanging around their daughter.

Come and see for yourself.

The Tall Man.

06-29-20, 16:12
Botero is off the chains right now. Crazy talent. Something for everyone. Crazy ass and tits.Happened to go through Vera Cruz on a bus Saturday about 4 pm. A mass of humanity there. The most crowded I personally have ever seen it. I was kind of glad I was inside the bus. The challenge for me there has been how to pull a willing and capable specimen out of that grid, and get her in a position for a quality 30-60 min session. I'm usually a not "quickie' kind of guy. I will investigate palmetto suites.

06-29-20, 16:21
Happened to go through Vera Cruz on a bus Saturday about 4 pm. A mass of humanity there. The most crowded I personally have ever seen it. I was kind of glad I was inside the bus. The challenge for me there has been how to pull a willing and capable specimen out of that grid, and get her in a position for a quality 30-60 min session. I'm usually a not "quickie' kind of guy. I will investigate palmetto suites.Damn, you were on a bus. I only use those when visiting a pueblito. I can barely take the train here, especially with cabs being so inexpensive. But yeah, lots of chicas out these days. The weather is also pretty nice now so a great time to smash some talent.

06-29-20, 16:50
Damn, you were on a bus. I only use those when visiting a pueblito. I can barely take the train here, especially with cabs being so inexpensive. But yeah, lots of chicas out these days. The weather is also pretty nice now so a great time to smash some talent.I was coming down after spending the day in Santa Elena, on my way to San Cristobal. Day tripping. Felt great to get away.

06-29-20, 17:21
I was coming down after spending the day in Santa Elena, on my way to San Cristobal. Day tripping. Felt great to get away.Gotcha. That's what's up.

Black Page
06-29-20, 17:26
The day finally came. I have opened my last bag of Juan Valdez cafe. The last bag of panela was opened several weeks ago, and is now nearly exhausted. I do not see a light at the end of the tunnel yet, and I cannot imagine when (I hope "if" does not apply here) I will enter the holy Borders of Colombia at Eldorado Airport again, and I will be able to refill my stocks again.

I made the stock of coffee I am now exhausting last February. That day I flew back to Europe, Feb 19, I really could not imagine I was living my last days of Normality.

Sadly, my big supply of Sildenafil, cumulated over my trips to Colombia in 2019, is still mostly intact and risks to pass its expiration dates (mostly in 2020!), as I am idle and I will be idle longer. I had skipped at least 2 if not 3 trips overseas which I had originally planned for March through July.

I keep on checking this thread and enjoying its chitchatting, but it's like observing a world that is now alien to me, and will be still alien for a long time. So depressed today (coffee just biased my mood in the morning).

06-29-20, 17:43
The day finally came. I have opened my last bag of Juan Valdez cafe. The last bag of panela was opened several weeks ago, and is now nearly exhausted. I do not see a light at the end of the tunnel yet, and I cannot imagine when (I hope "if" does not apply here) I will enter the holy Borders of Colombia at Eldorado Airport again, and I will be able to refill my stocks again.

I made the stock of coffee I am now exhausting last February. That day I flew back to Europe, Feb 19, I really could not imagine I was living my last days of Normality.

Sadly, my big supply of Sildenafil, cumulated over my trips to Colombia in 2019, is still mostly intact and risks to pass its expiration dates (mostly in 2020!), as I am idle and I will be idle longer. I had skipped at least 2 if not 3 trips overseas which I had originally planned for March through July.

I keep on checking this thread and enjoying its chitchatting, but it's like observing a world that will be alien to me for a long time. So depressed today (coffee just biased my mood in the morning).I hear you brother. We left Medellin around the same time, I'm also dumbfounded about the current state. I know time is hard, but it gives me a chance to see things clearly. I now appreciate deeply how good I have had it in Medellin. I'm taking this opportunity to learn Spanish, eat healthy and exercise everyday. When I come back to Medellin, I will treat all my girls extra nice and I will never leave this holy place until I'm 100% sure there won't be another lockdown.

06-29-20, 18:06
The day finally came. I have opened my last bag of Juan Valdez cafe. The last bag of panela was opened several weeks ago, and is now nearly exhausted. I do not see a light at the end of the tunnel yet, and I cannot imagine when (I hope "if" does not apply here) I will enter the holy Borders of Colombia at Eldorado Airport again, and I will be able to refill my stocks again.As there's "light at the end of the tunnel" in Ebay as several sellers deal in Juan Valdez coffee, and many ship worldwide.

06-29-20, 18:45
Friday night was interesting.

Wifey had a few lines out, as did I. Mine was a secret repeat that came over one one of Wifey's days at home. She had randomly reached out to me, having her period just recently end, to ask when we would see each other. Then, it was radio silence. Strange, but Wifey had a friend who was willing. She arrived around 7 p - 200 k. I had been telling Wifey to remember who she works for, when she sets this shit up. So, I was happy to hear 200 + taxi. We were having a good night, the chick had huge cans, but with those vertical scars up to the nipple. I guess, from a breast lift surgery, based on her explanation. Well, prior to round 1, the girl was like whispering to Wifey. She was saying no cameras, thinking the lights in the guest bedroom were cameras, or something. Then, after round 1, we were hanging in the jacuzzi, and she started the whispering shit, again. So, Wifey is literally bobbing back and forth, because this chick wants more money to stay. Wifey was not happy. She was apologetic, and at some point, I just said, fuck it, thanks and bye.

So, Wifey gets on the horn and has the first girl we ever trio'd with come over. Nipple rings, good attitude, but I can't stand the fake ass. Well, this chick ends up pulling the same shit! I couldn't believe it. I think we settled on 50 k more to just shut the fuck up and enjoy the night.

We got Rappi Saturday afternoon, and just chilled. Wifey went home Saturday afternoon, and said she'd come back later that night. Sunday was terrible. I woke up with no internet, then my data ran out, shortly thereafter. I went for a 1 h40 m walk to Provenza, Lleras, Parque Poblado, Santa Fe, and back. The owner of the company finally came by around 4 p, which is the 5th appointment in the last two weeks. It's amazing in this day and age how crippling it is to not have internet. I had a workout, made some food, but fuck. No Netflix, no IPTV, no work, no PS4, no social media, no calls / texts / emails. I was thinking back to my youth, and how nice it would be to just go out and play.

Wifey messages at 130 p Sunday that she's coming back. At 730 p she tells me not to eat dinner alone. Fuck. That. Shit. I told her to stay home. She gave a list of all the shit she was doing, but fuck that. I'm big on communication. It's inconsiderate. What if I'm waiting all day to eat with her, or whatever you can think of. I was pissed all day because of the wifi issue, so she had it coming.

Today, it's absolutely gorgeous, here. I had a tanning / workout combo, and I have the urge to go to Centro, maybe check out New Life, or another casa. Although, with the heat and all the recent talk about Centro, I'm not sure if I'll go. It might get me back to center if I have a cheap quickie.

Wifey told me she was being supported by a Brazilian guy, prior to the quarantine. New iphone, her half of the rent at her family's apartment, etc. I felt guilty for. 2 seconds. Her half of rent and utilities is 700 k per month. I think that would be a fair amount to pay her, but we'll see.

I might blackball Wifey for a few days, to get my point across about communication. I've been trying to break her like a fucking stallion, when it comes to wasting shit she doesn't pay for, cleaning up, and communicating. It's not all bad. I have a blast with her and the sexual episodes are epic. On that note, scissoring is still a thing. It's real. I've seent it. With mine own eyes.

Cheers, boys.

06-29-20, 19:27
A good friend of mine is just about your age and currently living in Medellin. He might even chime in. I'm pretty sure he's finding it suitable. I met another guy who is in his 70's and not in the best of health, but he certainly seemed like he enjoys his visits. I've met a few others in your age group who certainly seemed to be having the time of their life in Medellin.

I'd advise working on fitness before you go. Start doing some regular walking. I guess depends on your current fitness level. The altitude might wear you out if you're too out of shape. And you don't want to run out of energy when a 20 year old Paisa is calling you papi and begging you to give it to her harder.Thanks for that. My question was more inspired by the apparent lack of posters here and pics on Youtube of people my age. I still get the impression there are not that many, but it seems from the number of replies I've had here, that it's more a matter of choice.

06-29-20, 19:43
The day finally came. I have opened my last bag of Juan Valdez cafe. The last bag of panela was opened several weeks ago, and is now nearly exhausted. I do not see a light at the end of the tunnel yet, and I cannot imagine when (I hope "if" does not apply here) I will enter the holy Borders of Colombia at Eldorado Airport again, and I will be able to refill my stocks again.

I made the stock of coffee I am now exhausting last February. That day I flew back to Europe, Feb 19, I really could not imagine I was living my last days of Normality.

Sadly, my big supply of Sildenafil, cumulated over my trips to Colombia in 2019, is still mostly intact and risks to pass its expiration dates (mostly in 2020!), as I am idle and I will be idle longer. I had skipped at least 2 if not 3 trips overseas which I had originally planned for March through July.

I keep on checking this thread and enjoying its chitchatting, but it's like observing a world that is now alien to me, and will be still alien for a long time. So depressed today (coffee just biased my mood in the morning).My one-pound bag of Scottish loose leaf black tea is almost empty. Little did I know when I was placing it into my luggage thinking I won't even consume a quarter of that haha. Well, now it is almost over and I have no idea where I can find quality tea in Medellin. My previous attempts to do that were unsuccessful. Other than that, life is beautiful haha.

06-29-20, 20:06
JjBee62 is right on. There are a number of older / retired ex-pats living in Medellin. The climate is ideal. You can go walking every day and lose weight and improve your health. If you are talking about a visit, you'll do well to learn a few basic Spanish phrases, this isn't Europe, most people know little, if any, English. Check to make sure your hotel choice will permit 'visitors' assuming that is something you plan on doing.

If you are thinking of living here, the climate is terrific, with a 365 day growing season you'll be having fresh fruit and vegetables on a daily basis and the Coffee is superb. You'll find Medellin is a very modern city and the cost of living is dramatically less than any large US city. You can easily find a superbly located 2 bedroom apartment for under $1,000 US a month. You should commit to learning Spanish. It will open all sorts of doors for you. You'll make friends which will open up even more doors. Many girls will be far more responsive if you can communicate at least a little without being tied to your "Google Translate App". You'll find there is a pretty solid ex-pat community. A lot of ex-pats congregate in Poblado but there are quite a few living in Laureles and other barrios as well.Thanks for your reply. I'm actually focused on a mongering trip. I am a regular in SEA, and had the bad luck to get to Pattaya just before the lockdown kicked in. But with what I was seeing before that happened, SEA looks to have had it's day. Looking around the net, Colombia reminded me of Thailand about 15 years ago.

Again looking at the vids, I was impressed with the cleanliness of Medellin. Regarding your advice on hotels, I've noticed a lot of posts which suggest that taking the lady back to your room is not a given. I'll have to see if there is a thread for girl-friendly hotels. But if in doubt, I normally e-mail the hotel before booking.

If you'll forgive another question or two. (1). Will I have to be actively seeking company, or will it find me? From what I've been watching on YT, and reading elsewhere. It seems that it can be difficult working out who is hardcore, or an amateur not averse to supplementing her income, or just friendly but likely to slap your face if you offer her cash. I suppose the last category is unlikely in my case. I can't see them being too interested in someone of my age.

(2). What's the bar scene like? That's my preferred MO.

Regarding the altitude, it doesn't seem too much of a height. I am reading about 5 k feet. I've spent a couple of day at the Mt Fuji visitor centre which is about 7 k ft, and I didn't find that a hardship.

06-29-20, 20:15
Contrary to what you think, there's lots of guys in their sixties, myself included, banging hoe's left and right in Medellin. I have a friend in his seventies that when he is in town bangs the SW's in El Centro.

Assuming your in good health and physically fit, what you need to be concerned about is how you "roll" meaning monger. Colombia is not like Thailand, or the Philippines, or Sosua. And Colombia can be tricky at times given that not a lot of people speak English, and it isn't the safest place either. I'm not trying to scare you, but these are things you should factor into your decision to come here, and if you read thru this forum going way back and sift thru all the bullshit posts, mine included, you will get an idea of how things work here.

Colombia is very different than most other Countries in the world to monger in because of all the options available, and is heaven on earth for most, but doesn't work for some, it just depends on how you roll, and there's lots of different ways to roll here.Thanks for your reply.

I just had this perception looking at vids etc, that people in my age range were not obvious. Don't know if you know Pattaya, but if you look at vids of Soi Bukhaow, it looks like "Coffin Dodgers Central". I was considering that maybe I've missed the boat to Colombia, but I am encouraged by the replies I've seen here.

06-29-20, 20:29
I think John Gault who is a poster here is over 70. Slap also posted this recently.Thanks for the heads-up for those two. I'll look them both up.

06-29-20, 21:39
This is why some of these chicas have the mentality that gringos should just hand them cash because they want or need it. How many others do this to some degree? No wonder it's so hard to break them of this. And why they are so irresponsible with money. But to each his own. I tend to prefer legitimate charity, not money for has-beens who I have already paid for service in the past.

The 23 year olds can easily find other clients, go to casas, or dance in strip clubs. Assuming they have not gotten too spoiled and lazy.

The saddest thing for me is that a good number of my girls are turning 22. Out of general principle, I have to retire them. I think I will give them some money (probably 300 dollars a months) for a few months when I get back to Medellin, but I won't fuck them, there are just too many 18 year old available who are just as hot.

06-29-20, 22:14
The day finally came. I have opened my last bag of Juan Valdez cafe. The last bag of panela was opened several weeks ago, and is now nearly exhausted. I do not see a light at the end of the tunnel yet, and I cannot imagine when (I hope "if" does not apply here) I will enter the holy Borders of Colombia at Eldorado Airport again, and I will be able to refill my stocks again.

I made the stock of coffee I am now exhausting last February. That day I flew back to Europe, Feb 19, I really could not imagine I was living my last days of Normality.

Sadly, my big supply of Sildenafil, cumulated over my trips to Colombia in 2019, is still mostly intact and risks to pass its expiration dates (mostly in 2020!), as I am idle and I will be idle longer. I had skipped at least 2 if not 3 trips overseas which I had originally planned for March through July.

I keep on checking this thread and enjoying its chitchatting, but it's like observing a world that is now alien to me, and will be still alien for a long time. So depressed today (coffee just biased my mood in the morning).You might be back in Colombia sooner than you think. As your aware the USA has been blackballed by the EU for travel, and I suspect when Colombia opens back up, the USA will be banned as well, yet Colombia may allow visitors from the EU. But nobody knows for sure, as it's an evolving situation.

If your in the EU there's options to monger of course, perhaps Greece. You could hit the 20 Euro studios, or the street scene in Athens, but it pretty much sucks compared to Colombia as was what I experienced last October when I was there.

When you get back, everything will be as it was, and probably much better when it comes to mongering.

06-29-20, 22:19
Slow day in Centro.

It was some sort of holiday. Who knows what. I thought that would mean it would be like an extension of the weekend, at ground zero. Not the case. Things were being closed up by 3 p.

I walked to New Life, and wanted to check out Aiffe, first. I couldn't find Aiffe, and couldn't check the Medellin Map, because I don't have data right now. I walked right past New Life, because the brown gate / door was closed and locked, so I couldn't see the trademark blue door.

Oh well. I did see more fuckable girls than usual, though.

I have a question. There are some young looking girls out and about. I know the age of consent is lower in Colombia (14, I believe), but isn't prostitution still 18? I've seen some freelancer youngsters, in the past, but I noticed one or two today that seemed to be hanging out right in the thick of it.

Does anyone else think Colombians have zero concern for personal space? I mean, first off, it's a pandemic where social distancing has been one of the key points, all along. I was sitting down, no one within 12 feet, and about 25-30 feet of open space to walk, yet everyone kept walking 6 inches away from me. Occasionally, when a Colombian just stops in the middle of the walkway, or walks straight at you without paying attention, I'll just run into them for fun.

06-29-20, 23:29
It's great to see you exploring beyond the jacuzzi. You did not miss anything at Aiffe because it and the other Centro casas were closed for the holiday (St. Peter / St. Paul) today. Be advised that next Monday is also a holiday.

Unless you use an iphone there are several easy to use GPS application that don't require data access. Even easier you can take a screen shot of the mapped location to access as needed later. Easier still, make a note of the street addresses and learn to navigate using street addresses. The address of Aiffe for example is calle 57 #43-27. As you head north from Poblado the street numbers change in ascending order. At calle 57, the building numbers will change in descending order as you head east up the hill. The building addresses are based on the street number (57 in the case of Aiffe) and the number of buildings from the corner where that street crosses the carreras (43 in the case of Aiffe.) La Oriental, the main thoroughfare in Centro, is Carrera 46. To reach Aiffe from La Oriental you head up the hill toward carrera 43. You will notice the building numbers change order one after the other. Go back tomorrow and let us know what you think.

If you are American it is illegal for you to have sex with anyone younger than 18. That law applies anywhere on earth. Based on the way you framed your question about ground zero I think you know that so I mention it in case someone else may be confused.

Slow day in Centro.

It was some sort of holiday. Who knows what. I thought that would mean it would be like an extension of the weekend, at ground zero. Not the case. Things were being closed up by 3 p.

I walked to New Life, and wanted to check out Aiffe, first. I couldn't find Aiffe, and couldn't check the Medellin Map, because I don't have data right now. I walked right past New Life, because the brown gate / door was closed and locked, so I couldn't see the trademark blue door..

06-29-20, 23:36
If I found myself subject to a country ban I would go to one of the places near Colombia that are now or will soon be admitting all tourists (E. G. Mexico, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Dominican Republic), spend a couple of weeks. Call it self quarantine or whatever. Then head to Colombia and happily answer no to the landing form question about whether I had been in the US or Europe or wherever during the past 14 days. None of that may turn out to be necessary but it's my nature to plan for contingencies rather than spend time lamenting what may be. That is about as hard as it can become and it may yet turn out to be easier than that.

You might be back in Colombia sooner than you think. As your aware the USA has been blackballed by the EU for travel, and I suspect when Colombia opens back up, the USA will be banned as well, yet Colombia may allow visitors from the EU. But nobody knows for sure, as it's an evolving situation.

If your in the EU there's options to monger of course, perhaps Greece. You could hit the 20 Euro studios, or the street scene in Athens, but it pretty much sucks compared to Colombia as was what I experienced last October when I was there.

When you get back, everything will be as it was, and probably much better when it comes to mongering.

06-29-20, 23:38
To each his own indeed, this would not be high on my list of things to do with discretionary cash but I am not the least bit concerned it could cause a problem for me.

This is why some of these chicas have the mentality that gringos should just hand them cash because they want or need it. How many others do this to some degree? No wonder it's so hard to break them of this. And why they are so irresponsible with money. But to each his own. I tend to prefer legitimate charity, not money for has-beens who I have already paid for service in the past.

The 23 year olds can easily find other clients, go to casas, or dance in strip clubs. Assuming they have not gotten too spoiled and lazy.

06-29-20, 23:44
Slow day in Centro.

It was some sort of holiday. Who knows what. I thought that would mean it would be like an extension of the weekend, at ground zero. Not the case. Things were being closed up by 3 p.

There are 3 National holidays in June, each on Mondays. https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/colombia/.

06-29-20, 23:48
I have a question. There are some young looking girls out and about. I know the age of consent is lower in Colombia (14, I believe), but isn't prostitution still 18? Federal law prohibits an American citizen or resident to travel to a foreign country with intent to engage in any form of sexual conduct with a minor (defined as persons under 18 years of age). It is also illegal to help organize or assist another person to travel for these purposes. This crime is a form of human trafficking, also referred to as child sex tourism. Convicted offenders face fines and up to 30 years of imprisonment.


06-29-20, 23:52
And then there is Colombian law as well. No gringo wants to be stuck in a Colombian jail!

Federal law prohibits an American citizen or resident to travel to a foreign country with intent to engage in any form of sexual conduct with a minor (defined as persons under 18 years of age). It is also illegal to help organize or assist another person to travel for these purposes. This crime is a form of human trafficking, also referred to as child sex tourism. Convicted offenders face fines and up to 30 years of imprisonment.


06-30-20, 00:04
Slow day in Centro.

Does anyone else think Colombians have zero concern for personal space? I mean, first off, it's a pandemic where social distancing has been one of the key points, all along. I was sitting down, no one within 12 feet, and about 25-30 feet of open space to walk, yet everyone kept walking 6 inches away from me. Occasionally, when a Colombian just stops in the middle of the walkway, or walks straight at you without paying attention, I'll just run into them for fun.Last year there was a 285 lb competitive body builder living here. He's since moved on to Brazil, I believe. As he walked down the sidewalk, without any aggression whatsoever, a Colombian literally bounced off of him and fell to the ground.

06-30-20, 00:15
JjBee gives good suggestions, you can have a lot of fun, get in shape but no you don't need to prepare to run a marathon just start walking and stretching and moving, work up to light weights, eat right, drop some pounds, your can be in store for a hell of a fun trip, manage your expectations then when you get to Medellin and mingle you will find a few paisas who will rock your world and truly don't care that you your the age of their abuelo (grandfather) as long as you treat them with respect.

Case in point, and at the risk of sounding like I am boasting, yesterday afternoon did some shopping and at about 8 PM drove through centro on my way home then through the San Diego street scene, just to see what was out, well found me an 19 yo cutie and had incredible passionate sex, cost me 70 mil or about $22. USD then I realized on my way driving home that me 3 plus month quarantine live-in 18 yo cute Venezuelan ask me to return home not so late from shopping to give her some attention so I had to pop a vitamin pill on my way home, glad I did as an hour later I am balls deep into this cutie.

Agree it is different as I live here and not here as a tourist for a week or so but still you can absolutely fulfill your desires. Note that I am just a bit younger than you and I at times ask my chica to call me abuelo / grandfather when I am balls deep into her, hehehehehe It is not uncommon that at times I will happen to meet my chicas parents and only then I realize what different world it is as they are in their mid to late 30's, half my age and they don't have any issues with me hanging around their daughter.

Come and see for yourself.

The Tall Man.The $22 was a covid special or that is the going rate in Medellin for ST? What is the rate for LT? I'm not familiar with South American prices but it seems to be lower than I expected. It seems to be less than in the Philippines which I'm familiar with.

06-30-20, 00:49
The $22 was a covid special or that is the going rate in Medellin for ST? What is the rate for LT? I'm not familiar with South American prices but it seems to be lower than I expected. It seems to be less than in the Philippines which I'm familiar with.There is a wide range of prices in Medellin. Right now the exchange rate is very good, hovering around 3700 pesos per dollar. This makes the prices even better.

At the low end of the scale, you might be able to get some of the street girls in El Centro as low as 20 k, plus 10 k for a room, about $8 that's going to be for some quick fun. More likely you'll be paying 30-40 k, plus for the room. Still just around $13.

The El Centro casas charge about 50 k for 30 minutes, 70 k for the hour. Under $20 for an hour.

El Centro strip clubs charge around 80 k.

There's a huge talent pool using Facebook, generally in the 150-200 k range. Often they'll want more for the taxi. Generally speaking, they aren't in a hurry to leave, so 2 or more hours is a possibility.

The prices go up from there, but realistically there's no need to pay more than 250 k for a couple of hours of fun.

The Tall Man
06-30-20, 00:50
The $22 was a covid special or that is the going rate in Medellin for ST? What is the rate for LT? I'm not familiar with South American prices but it seems to be lower than I expected. It seems to be less than in the Philippines which I'm familiar with.The cost is dependent on the venue, now don't anyone get their panties all tied up in a knot but just as an example:

1. Centro (Botero Plaza & The Vera) street walkers are 30 to 50 mil for 30 minutes and hotel room cost about 10 to 15 mil.

2. Casas are between 50 to 160 mil depending on the casa and how long you want the girl / room, roughly about 75 mil for 40 minutes, give or take.

3. Facebook gals are probably 250 to 300 mill.

4. Outcall escorts (ie Milerotics and Photoprepago) run anywhere from 100 to about 225 mil plus taxi to and from your room.

5. The clubs like Fase Dos, where they strip and dance and they have rooms on site, are about 160 to 210 for an hour.

6. The smaller bars / strip joints like Maracaibo in centro (by Junin) run about 80 mill for about 45 minutes to close to an hour.

7. NON-PROS / gals that just need some money for their kid and them are what you arrange, I usually give them anywhere from 70 to 140 mil for 2 or 3 hours. Lots of fun because they love to fuck. I have about 5 favorites who I will invite to stay overnight and I give them about 130 mil the next morning, all very appreciative and fun.

8. Private apartments gals are about 120 to 160 mil for an hour, you use their apartment so no need for a room cost.

Just examples to give you an idea. And the exchange rate is about 3,500 pesos to the dollar.

The Tall Man.

06-30-20, 01:56
The cost is dependent on the venue, now don't anyone get their panties all tied up in a knot but just as an example:

1. Centro (Botero Plaza & The Vera) street walkers are 30 to 50 mil for 30 minutes and hotel room cost about 10 to 15 mil.

2. Casas are between 50 to 160 mil depending on the casa and how long you want the girl / room, roughly about 75 mil for 40 minutes, give or take.

3. Facebook gals are probably 250 to 300 mill.

4. Outcall escorts (ie Milerotics and Photoprepago) run anywhere from 100 to about 225 mil plus taxi to and from your room.

5. The clubs like Fase Dos, where they strip and dance and they have rooms on site, are about 160 to 210 for an hour.

6. The smaller bars / strip joints like Maracaibo in centro (by Junin) run about 80 mill for about 45 minutes to close to an hour..Thanks for the detailed break down of prices. To be as successful with the NON-PROS as you are, speaking Spanish is important? I just wonder if someone. Who doesn't speak Spanish. Could be successfully like you are.

06-30-20, 02:00
The saddest thing for me is that a good number of my girls are turning 22. Out of general principle, I have to retire them. I think I will give them some money (probably 300 dollars a months) for a few months when I get back to Medellin, but I won't fuck them, there are just too many 18 year old available who are just as hot.I know you said you are thinking. Have you thought about why you want to give them money? It feels like you are doing it for yourself. If you know you are going to stop after a few months, what do you think is going to happen when you stop? Find a way to pass them alone to others so they can have income from elsewhere.

06-30-20, 02:15
I see a lot of guys mentioning Facebook girls. How does one go about finding these profiles / is there some sort of list?

06-30-20, 02:17
I know you said you are thinking. Have you thought about why you want to give them money? It feels like you are doing it for yourself. If you know you are going to stop after a few months, what do you think is going to happen when you stop? Find a way to pass them alone to others so they can have income from elsewhere.I've offered in all seriousness that I would be happy to take them on as I prefer that age range but I don't get a response and then see this. I'm genuinely confused.

06-30-20, 03:33
Thanks for the detailed break down of prices. To be as successful with the NON-PROS as you are, speaking Spanish is important? I just wonder if someone. Who doesn't speak Spanish. Could be successfully like you are.Do you look like George Clooney? If so you'll be successful with non pros.

Absent being very physically attractive, it would help if you were in town for an extended period of time. Non pros generally want nothing to do with a tourist thats in town for a week or two and cant even communicate with them (unless hes very handsome). 15-20 years ago, some girls might throw themselves at the visiting gringo as he was somewhat of a novelty. But those days are long gone.

06-30-20, 03:47
I see a lot of guys mentioning Facebook girls. How does one go about finding these profiles / is there some sort of list?I was also wondering the same thing!

06-30-20, 05:21
Thanks for the detailed break down of prices. To be as successful with the NON-PROS as you are, speaking Spanish is important? I just wonder if someone. Who doesn't speak Spanish. Could be successfully like you are.Non-Pros or Pros, they all get paid, albeit the Non-Pros at a cheaper rate and / or extended period of time.

If you don't speak Spanish reasonably well, you can forget the Non-Pros. The Pros are used to being with gringos who don't speak Spanish, that's their job, hence their Pro's! Where as the Non Pro's want to be with someone they can hang with and communicate with besides banging.

06-30-20, 05:50
I know you said you are thinking. Have you thought about why you want to give them money? It feels like you are doing it for yourself. If you know you are going to stop after a few months, what do you think is going to happen when you stop? Find a way to pass them alone to others so they can have income from elsewhere.This is my reason. I have donated money to my local hair salon and restaurants, I have always had pleasant experiences getting my haircut in my favorite salon and dining in my favorite restaurant, I consider the people who work there my good friends, I want to help them during this tough time.

I have been fucking my regulars in Medellin for four months, they are also my very good friends. Through no fault of their own, they lost 6 months of their most valuable years to earn money; I want to help them recover some of that lost, for the same reason that I'm helping my local small businesses.

Don't get me wrong, I'm totally OK to fuck a upper hot 22 year old, the sad thing is that my fucking capacity is finite, but there are an infinite supply of smoking-hot 18 year olds in Medellin. For every load I drop inside a 22 year old is a load I can deposit inside a equally hot 18-21 year old. I might pay my 22-year-old to warm me up before the 18-21 year olds foursome main course.

I've offered in all seriousness that I would be happy to take them on as I prefer that age range but I don't get a response and then see this. I'm genuinely confused.I'm considering sharing, you are a legit monger. Let me think about it, I need to sort out a few things first.

I've offered in all seriousness that I would be happy to take them on as I prefer that age range but I don't get a response and then see this. I'm genuinely confused.

Lucky Nuts
06-30-20, 05:50
Thanks for your reply.

I just had this perception looking at vids etc, that people in my age range were not obvious. Don't know if you know Pattaya, but if you look at vids of Soi Bukhaow, it looks like "Coffin Dodgers Central". I was considering that maybe I've missed the boat to Colombia, but I am encouraged by the replies I've seen here.Hi Dublin I've spent much time in both places and think you'd be disappointed in Medellin. If you like the "bar scene" in Pattaya you're not going to find anything similar in Medelllin. While Pattaya is all out in the open Medellin is beneath the surface. It requires more effort compared to Thailand unless you stay at Hotel M. And while basic english is common in Pattaya it's rare in Medellin. Need to speak some spanish or use a translate app.

Yes there are three or four clubs with girls available for on site service after 11 pm. That's not counting a few in el centro which are probably not your type of places.

Still do it, take a trip and see for yourself. It's my favorite place in the world. Just not as easy like SEA. You really would need to stay at Hotel M which caters to gringos and bring the girls to your hotel. From there you could try building a network of girls and ask to meet their friends. Put in the work and the rewards follow. But it's a day and night different place than Pattaya. Really Medellin is just a normal city where sex is available if you know where to look for it compared to Pattaya where it's everywhere.

06-30-20, 14:24
Andrea came over yesterday for a repeat. She's the 19 yo part time camgirl whose mom is a full time camgirl, who I met on Tinder. I see now on her Tinder profile that she's advertising the sale of photos of her hands and feet.

Now that I've recently relocated to El Poblado, I'm farther away from all of my girls. I called an Uber for Andrea to deliver her here to me. She was as she always is: conservatively dressed, very unassuming, there's not really much chemistry between us although we get along just fine and always have a lot to talk about. I like her because she's smart and hard working and reliable. Her body is killer. Finely toned 88 pounds and a delicious shaved pussy. I don't go down on all girls but I like to go down on Andea; she always has a big genuine orgasm.

She's also patient at giving me oral. So yesterday she went down on me, I went down on her, and we fucked in missionary, cowgirl, and a long round of doggy. I thumbed her butthole a bit and asked for anal, which she declined. I told her next time, I want anal and she said OK. I flipped her over on her back and finished all over her tummy and chest and face. She went and took a shower and I later saw on Instagram bathroom mirror shower selfie which she took here.

She joined me for some snacks and again, there were foods that she hasn't had before (pistachios last time). I had a couple different cheeses. Cheddar and pepper jack, from Exito, and she said she's never eaten so much cheese. And she had never had salami. I assumed that because the pistachios and salami are from D1, that people here eat this stuff, but apparently not.

Just like the prior session, I'm not sure about repeating with Andrea. Maybe in another two weeks I'll hit her up and see how the anal is. I rarely go for it, but her immaculate and low-mileage body has me curious.

Black Page
06-30-20, 15:34
As there's "light at the end of the tunnel" in Ebay as several sellers deal in Juan Valdez coffee, and many ship worldwide.Spot on. I see you grasped my point.

You might be back in Colombia sooner than you think. As your aware the USA has been blackballed by the EU for travel, and I suspect when Colombia opens back up, the USA will be banned as well, yet Colombia may allow visitors from the EU. But nobody knows for sure, as it's an evolving situation.
If your in the EU there's options to monger of course, perhaps Greece. You could hit the 20 Euro studios, or the street scene in Athens, but it pretty much sucks compared to Colombia as was what I experienced last October when I was there.More than the official travel restrictions, the virus rules. Even if allowed, it is insane to travel from Europe to another country, especially South America or USA, and risk to get sick there. What if that happens? Imagine the ordeal, the expenses, the pain. I understand that some people simply disregards bad luck and plans to continue regular business even with symptoms, if not severe, but that is irresponsible.

About Greece, I have been going there every summer for holidays for the last 30 years (this will be my first summer without holidays abroad), and also many times in other seasons. Greece is one of the last countries I would suggest for mongering. Cheap ok, but rushy service, never girl-friendly, and low quality, unless one really knows some special access points. I admit I am not familiar with the developments in the last years, though.

06-30-20, 16:03
Unless you use an iphone there are several easy to use GPS application that don't require data access. Even easier you can take a screen shot of the mapped location to access as needed later. Easier still, make a note of the street addresses and learn to navigate using street addresses. Yes, I do have an iPhone, and forgot that I would lose access to the overlay in Google Maps without having data / wifi. I had wifi in Botero, but then lost it as I walked towards Aiffe / NewLife. I have a pretty decent sense of that area, but Aiffe must be similar to New Life, in that there isn't a big sign out front saying IT'S IN HERE, GRINGO! With everything being closed, I guess it didn't matter. Next time, I will remember the old trick of taking a screen shot, before I leave, just in case.

If you are American it is illegal for you to have sex with anyone younger than 18. That law applies anywhere on earth. Based on the way you framed your question about ground zero I think you know that so I mention it in case someone else may be confused.
Federal law prohibits an American citizen or resident to travel to a foreign country with intent to engage in any form of sexual conduct with a minor (defined as persons under 18 years of age). It is also illegal to help organize or assist another person to travel for these purposes. This crime is a form of human trafficking, also referred to as child sex tourism. Convicted offenders face fines and up to 30 years of imprisonment.


And then there is Colombian law as well. No gringo wants to be stuck in a Colombian jail!I knew I wouldn't be able to phrase my question properly. It had nothing to do with my desire, but rather about the girls & locals. If there is an underage (under 18) girl, is she using a fake ID? Or, is it legal for Colombians to work / pay for girls over the age of 14 or 16 or _ Of course, they could have been 20 yo, but I was just wondering.

06-30-20, 17:19
I'm considering sharing, you are a legit monger. Let me think about it, I need to sort out a few things first.No rush, not like we can get there anytime soon LOL.

06-30-20, 17:42
Spain is the place.

Spot on. I see you grasped my point.

More than the official travel restrictions, the virus rules. Even if allowed, it is insane to travel from Europe to another country, especially South America or USA, and risk to get sick there. What if that happens? Imagine the ordeal, the expenses, the pain. I understand that some people simply disregards bad luck and plans to continue regular business even with symptoms, if not severe, but that is irresponsible.

About Greece, I have been going there every summer for holidays for the last 30 years (this will be my first summer without holidays abroad), and also many times in other seasons. Greece is one of the last countries I would suggest for mongering. Cheap ok, but rushy service, never girl-friendly, and low quality, unless one really knows some special access points. I admit I am not familiar with the developments in the last years, though.

06-30-20, 17:47
I've offered in all seriousness that I would be happy to take them on as I prefer that age range but I don't get a response and then see this. I'm genuinely confused.I remember he is the member who posted a facebook link to a 18 yrs old who he thinks is one of the best looking chicas he knows. How many members here you know do that? I think everyone has his own reason for doing or not doing it.

06-30-20, 17:52
I consider the people who work there my good friends, I want to help them during this tough time.That is fair. You know them and we don't. The main thing I was trying to point out is the their exception which you have to manage.

06-30-20, 18:05
Iphone, the genius of Steve Jobs was he realized people who are not technology workers have no interest in technology. The iphone is easier to use but less useful than the alternatives.

Anyway, back to the subject at hand. Some of the casas have address signs that are very slightly bigger or more freshly painted than those of the neighboring buildings. It doesn't get any more explicit than that. The best all around technique for locating them is have the address handy and learn to locate buildings based on the address and the street numbers. No map will be necessary and you will find it much more convenient. Aiffe by the way is almost exactly one street north of New Life's location.

Yes, I do have an iPhone, and forgot that I would lose access to the overlay in Google Maps without having data / wifi. I had wifi in Botero, but then lost it as I walked towards Aiffe / NewLife. I have a pretty decent sense of that area, but Aiffe must be similar to New Life, in that there isn't a big sign out front saying IT'S IN HERE, GRINGO! With everything being closed, I guess it didn't matter. Next time, I will remember the old trick of taking a screen shot, before I leave, just in case..

06-30-20, 18:14
Two things to consider in deciding whether to "shelter in place".

1. The reason for the ban on certain countries is you are more likely to catch the virus in those countries. Logically therefore, if the goal is to avoid the virus, remaining in the US or other country where the infection rate is so high other countries are banning travelers from them could have the opposite effect.

2. Depending on what sort of health insurance you have, the cost of getting sick is not necessarily going to be more in Latin America than anywhere else. In fact, it could be less. There are various international riders and local insurance options. The traditional xenophobic view that health care in any country other than mine is inferior does not apply to coronavirus since there is as yet no known cure or treatment.

Spot on. I see you grasped my point.

More than the official travel restrictions, the virus rules. Even if allowed, it is insane to travel from Europe to another country, especially South America or USA, and risk to get sick there. What if that happens? Imagine the ordeal, the expenses, the pain. I understand that some people simply disregards bad luck and plans to continue regular business even with symptoms, if not severe, but that is irresponsible.

About Greece, I have been going there every summer for holidays for the last 30 years (this will be my first summer without holidays abroad), and also many times in other seasons. Greece is one of the last countries I would suggest for mongering. Cheap ok, but rushy service, never girl-friendly, and low quality, unless one really knows some special access points. I admit I am not familiar with the developments in the last years, though.

06-30-20, 18:23
I see a lot of guys mentioning Facebook girls. How does one go about finding these profiles / is there some sort of list?Go to the General Info thread and search for "Facebook. " About 10 posts down in the results you'll find "Getting started on Facebook" by me. It will give you enough information to get started and build a list.

06-30-20, 18:35
Yes, I do have an iPhone, and forgot that I would lose access to the overlay in Google Maps without having data / wifi. I had wifi in Botero, but then lost it as I walked towards Aiffe / NewLife. I have a pretty decent sense of that area, but Aiffe must be similar to New Life, in that there isn't a big sign out front saying IT'S IN HERE, GRINGO! With everything being closed, I guess it didn't matter. Next time, I will remember the old trick of taking a screen shot, before I leave, just in case.

I knew I wouldn't be able to phrase my question properly. It had nothing to do with my desire, but rather about the girls & locals. If there is an underage (under 18) girl, is she using a fake ID? Or, is it legal for Colombians to work / pay for girls over the age of 14 or 16 or _ Of course, they could have been 20 yo, but I was just wondering.Aiffe is almost exactly in the same spot as New Life, just one block north. If you just stepped out of New Life and walked straight ahead, climbed up and over all the buildings to get to the next street. Once you climb down to the sidewalk, Aiffe I'd directly in front of you. New Life has a blue door, Aiffe has a red one.

It's probably easier to come out of New Life, turn right, walk to the corner, turn left. Walk to the next street turn left, walk to the red door, turn left and enter. Unless you're Spiderman.

No. It isn't legal for the Colombians to pay the 14 year old girls for sex. Age of consent applies only to consensual sex. It doesn't apply to any commercial enterprise.

06-30-20, 19:00
It should be "expectation".

06-30-20, 19:30
I'm considering sharing, you are a legit monger. Let me think about it, I need to sort out a few things first.Your best bet is to ask your amiguitas if they would like you to give out their contact.

There are definitely some good dude fellow mongers, but obviously there are some that are not.

And you obviously treat your friends well, just keep that in mind.

06-30-20, 19:33
I was also wondering the same thing!There has been a gazillion posts on this.

Read the forum.

Use the search function, etc.

06-30-20, 19:39
Do you look like George Clooney? If so you'll be successful with non pros.

.I used to hang with a buddy of mine in Brazil who looks very similar to George Clooney.

The girls loved him! LOL.

He couldn't speak a word of Portuguese

They used to tell me excitedly in Portuguese, your friend is George Clooney! And I said, Yes, and I'm Brad Pitt!

And they'd say Nooooo, LOL.

All fun times!

06-30-20, 22:02
Spot on. I see you grasped my point.

More than the official travel restrictions, the virus rules. Even if allowed, it is insane to travel from Europe to another country, especially South America or USA, and risk to get sick there. What if that happens? Imagine the ordeal, the expenses, the pain. I understand that some people simply disregards bad luck and plans to continue regular business even with symptoms, if not severe, but that is irresponsible.

About Greece, I have been going there every summer for holidays for the last 30 years (this will be my first summer without holidays abroad), and also many times in other seasons. Greece is one of the last countries I would suggest for mongering. Cheap ok, but rushy service, never girl-friendly, and low quality, unless one really knows some special access points. I admit I am not familiar with the developments in the last years, though.Greece definitely sucked for mongering but is a foodie paradise, nothing like a Greek Salad and some fresh Sea Bream.

In regards to your remarks about the virus, I doubt any members of this board would be mongering if they even suspected they had the virus, yet can easily see lot's of the hookers, especially those that ply El Centro knowingly going with guys while they have symptoms if not severe. And this goes back to your statement, "the virus rules" and getting sick away from home, and how treatment might be. Apparently in Bogota, the City has taken over the private Hospitals in some ways. The concern is that if the public hospitals reach capacity, and have run out of space for the poor, where as the private hospitals have capacity, the poor would be sent there. So what does this mean, you may have lots of money, but there may not be a spot available to you as the Citizens will most probably be getting in first versus a foreigner, of course this is a worst case scenario, but being sick with the virus away from home should be a concern.

Until there's a reliable vaccine, mongering is going to kind of be like Russian roulette to a certain degree. In the USA right now a lot of young people are getting infected, and upwards of 40 % of them have no symptoms and they are infecting others not knowing their infected, like those who are older, and there's lot of older guys going with lot's of younger women in Colombia for sure. So I think this illustrates where your coming from in your post.

07-01-20, 00:35
Yes, I do have an iPhone, and forgot that I would lose access to the overlay in Google Maps without having data / wifiSlapShot, not sure what you mean by overlay, I think download Google offline map will solve the problem.

07-01-20, 00:54
Iphone, the genius of Steve Jobs was he realized people who are not technology workers have no interest in technology. The iphone is easier to use but less useful than the alternatives.That has nothing to do with iPhone's ease of use and is not a limitation of iPhone itself.

07-01-20, 00:57
If I found myself subject to a country ban I would go to one of the places near Colombia that are now or will soon be admitting all tourists (E. G. Mexico, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Dominican Republic), spend a couple of weeks. Call it self quarantine or whatever. Then head to Colombia and happily answer no to the landing form question about whether I had been in the US or Europe or wherever during the past 14 days. None of that may turn out to be necessary but it's my nature to plan for contingencies rather than spend time lamenting what may be. That is about as hard as it can become and it may yet turn out to be easier than that.You would think possibly having a negative test in the last 72 hours to present at immigration (or actually get on the plane) to enter the country would be safer, no matter where you are from.

Numbers are going to spike in Europe, just as they have everywhere else. And it will happen long before September 1.

07-01-20, 01:09
Went through Botero today to do a little shopping. There were a lot of chicas out. Looked like a normal pre-Covid day. Seems like there are more chicas in Botero now with the Venezuelans and some places like strip clubs closed.

07-01-20, 02:01
Until there's a reliable vaccine, mongering is going to kind of be like Russian roulette to a certain degree. In the USA right now a lot of young people are getting infected, and upwards of 40 % of them have no symptoms and they are infecting others not knowing their infected, like those who are older, and there's lot of older guys going with lot's of younger women in Colombia for sure. So I think this illustrates where your coming from in your post.Well I'm going to admit it, I'm stuck here in the USA and was playing Russian roulette as you say with a couple younger girls here, them being in their early 20's.

I got into a good routine with one of them and we were seeing each other often with really good GFE sex.

A couple weeks ago I started to feel the symptoms of getting a cold.

Sore throat, etc, however, also very fatigued like I've never been.

I thought, uh oh, and got tested.

Came out Positive.

So of course I went into self isolation.

Contacted whomever I had been in contact with recently to let them know, and surprisingly no one else came up sick nor tested Positive.

My little honey here felt bad, and she tested Positive, and isolated as well, never having any symptoms at all.

I remember and believe a long kiss she gave me passed me the virus.

At least that's my guess, but really could have been anything, we were in pretty close contact frequently.

Anyway I recovered fairly easily.

Sore throat, sinus headaches, ear aches, and I got hit hard in the stomach, with nausea, etc.

Never required any treatment besides over the counter meds.

Never had any breathing problems.

I get my re test tomorrow actually.

Both for the virus and the anti body test.

I feel great now, I got lucky, but like you said, and whether it's in Colombia or USA, or wherever, one is playing Russian roulette socializing in general really.

Now my girl here who passed me the virus calls us Corona lovers and we'll re kindle soon, once we both test negative.


Be careful out there guys.

07-01-20, 02:59
Well I'm going to admit it, I'm stuck here in the USA and was playing Russian roulette as you say with a couple younger girls here, them being in their early 20's.

I got into a good routine with one of them and we were seeing each other often with really good GFE sex.

A couple weeks ago I started to feel the symptoms of getting a cold.

Sore throat, etc, however, also very fatigued like I've never been.

I thought, uh oh, and got tested.

Came out Positive.

So of course I went into self isolation.

Contacted whomever I had been in contact with recently to let them know, and surprisingly no one else came up sick nor tested Positive.

My little honey here felt bad, and she tested Positive, and isolated as well, never having any symptoms at all.

I remember and believe a long kiss she gave me passed me the virus.Had one of my Medellin girls hit me up yesterday, which was strange. She's one of the better ones and rarely messages me out of the blue.

She was asking about the coronavirus. Told me people were telling her it's a hoax. I explained to her my experience with my aunt and the local nursing home. Told her it's bad, but Medellin has mostly been spared.

Today she messaged me again. She had just finished talking to a monger who has it. Told her his symptoms and that he can't breathe.

Glad to hear you got it light and are on the mend.

07-01-20, 03:55
Well I'm going to admit it, I'm stuck here in the USA and was playing Russian roulette as you say with a couple younger girls here, them being in their early 20's.

I got into a good routine with one of them and we were seeing each other often with really good GFE sex.

A couple weeks ago I started to feel the symptoms of getting a cold.

Sore throat, etc, however, also very fatigued like I've never been.

I thought, uh oh, and got tested.

Came out Positive.

So of course I went into self isolation.

Contacted whomever I had been in contact with recently to let them know, and surprisingly no one else came up sick nor tested Positive.

My little honey here felt bad, and she tested Positive, and isolated as well, never having any symptoms at all..Your very fortunate, as it's totally unpredictable how you may fare getting the virus, and older guys and those with underlying conditions have a much higher risk of complications.

07-01-20, 05:29
I remember he is the member who posted a facebook link to a 18 yrs old who he thinks is one of the best looking chicas he knows. How many members here you know do that? I think everyone has his own reason for doing or not doing it.Sadly that girl will be 20 by the time I'm back to Medellin, one year away from retirement. I hate this virus.

07-01-20, 05:32
That is fair. You know them and we don't. The main thing I was trying to point out is the their exception which you have to manage.Noted, I build a career out of managing expectations. I think I can handle a group of 22 year olds.

07-01-20, 05:38
Well I'm going to admit it, I'm stuck here in the USA and was playing Russian roulette as you say with a couple younger girls here, them being in their early 20's.

I got into a good routine with one of them and we were seeing each other often with really good GFE sex.

A couple weeks ago I started to feel the symptoms of getting a cold.

Sore throat, etc, however, also very fatigued like I've never been.

I thought, uh oh, and got tested.

Came out Positive.

So of course I went into self isolation...Sorry to hear that you got infected, I'm glad that you recovered. The way you got infected is infinitely better than getting it from buying coffee from Starbucks.

07-01-20, 07:55
Until there's a reliable vaccine, mongering is going to kind of be like Russian roulette to a certain degree. In the USA right now a lot of young people are getting infected, and upwards of 40 % of them have no symptoms and they are infecting others not knowing their infected, like those who are older, and there's lot of older guys going with lot's of younger women in Colombia for sure. So I think this illustrates where your coming from in your post.Man,

Getting covid should be the last thing a monger care about, rationally, the amount of other risks involved in mongering in Medellin, especially in el centro, is much more severe both in terms of degree and likelihood. To corroborate my point, here is a short list:

Getting basic STDs.

Overdose on drugs.

Getting a girl pregnant.

Getting robbed.

Getting someone who is under age using a fake ID.

Getting blackmailed.

Getting hit by innocent boyfriend who doesn't know their girl is working.

The girl steals from you.

The girl drugs you.

The girl works with cops to extort you.

Just to name a few. Anyone of those will have a chance to make your life worse than having covid.

07-01-20, 09:12
I have a question. There are some young looking girls out and about. I know the age of consent is lower in Colombia (14, I believe), but isn't prostitution still 18? I've seen some freelancer youngsters, in the past, but I noticed one or two today that seemed to be hanging out right in the thick of it..I have met more chics that are pregnant here in Colombia than I care to mention. So let that be a notice that they are having sex. On the other hand, remember to follow the American law of the girl being 18 years old or older. My girlfriend has given me a glimpse into the Vennie world that many may not see. These girls are prison time for foreigners and seen as a way of becoming a woman for Latin women in this culture. My girlfriend has been living with me for over 2 months and I can tell you that her son is also young and since others know that he is now living with a Gringo, he has been accused of being the father of about 7 babies by women who are up to 10 years his senior.

Many of these girls and their mothers are opportunistic, they will do anything to extort a gringo if the opportunity is there. If I give you no more advice, allow me to give you this, obey the American laws if you are a foreigner, the stigma attached to anything of the such is so horrible that even if you are not guilty of anything your fight to return to normal would be so expensive and embarrassing that the chances that you may be taking are just not worth it, don't do it. The amount of 18 yr old and older chics in this country is so plentiful that doing anything that goes against 18 yrs and older is plain stupid. If this country's men like chics, allow them to do what is normal for them, and you do what you know is legal for your, 18 and older! Pollo Negro is out!

Black Page
07-01-20, 10:03
Greece definitely sucked for mongering but is a foodie paradise, nothing like a Greek Salad and some fresh Sea Bream.As I said, I have been going to Greek Islands EVERY SUMMER of the last 30 years for my summer holidays. Food is great, and there's much more than what we eat in Greek restaurants in USA or in Europe.

In "my" island (Amorgos, I bet 99.999% of those who will read this does not even know where it is), there's plenty of small traditional family tavernas where to eat fish of the day, goat, traditional dishes, "ola sta karvouna" ("all on the charcoal") grilled meat and fish, YUMMMMYYYY. Few people, mostly couples, zero mongering, lonely cultivated fields dry for the summer, steep mountains, crystal blue sea: it's true paradise for me.

In regards to your remarks about the virus, I doubt any members of this board would be mongering if they even suspected they had the virus, yet can easily see lot's of the hookers, especially those that ply El Centro knowingly going with guys while they have symptoms if not severe. And this goes back to your statement, "the virus rules" and getting sick away from home, and how treatment might be.We have read people here taking crowded buses as it was nothing. Going with a girl is a Russian Roulette, ok we all are less cautious when moved by pussy, but diving into crowd pushing left and right is more like a suicide.

About getting sick far from home, I tried to imagine and it's much worse than risking to not be treated adequately.
How to be isolated for 1 or 2 months? Where? Hotel? Rented apartment? Just this expense will raise much above the amount planned initially (which was deemed affordable).
Then, who buys food and medicines and everything for 1-2 months? Will the insurance (assuming the wise traveller has a good insurance) assist also for this?
Alone without any friend and family to help in Colombia or anywhere far from home?
If getting sick of COVID in my country is a nightmare already, I cannot imagine what ordeal it would be 10,000 km away from my home.

I read with greatest sympathy and participation the posts of Balboa and of others who found themselves sick in Colombia. Good to know that it does not seem bad, but it's like walking on a steel blade. All my best wishes guys. Be strong and careful.

She was asking about the coronavirus. Told me people were telling her it's a hoax.Exactly. I bet the official numbers are just the tip of an iceberg. Low-class people is used to get colds and forget. This is just a cold for them, and so it will be until the spreading will be so massive that it cannot be ignored, because hospitals will be full and too many people will be dying or suffering. In the background, the virus spreads silently. The bad of exponential curves, it does not matter how slow, even x1.01 every day, is that the number keeps small for a long time, but when it starts rising to the point to be noticed it's like an explosion, impossible to control.

07-01-20, 12:55
You may not have gotten it from the girl.

Well I'm going to admit it, I'm stuck here in the USA and was playing Russian roulette as you say with a couple younger girls here, them being in their early 20's.

I got into a good routine with one of them and we were seeing each other often with really good GFE sex.

A couple weeks ago I started to feel the symptoms of getting a cold.

Sore throat, etc, however, also very fatigued like I've never been.

I thought, uh oh, and got tested.

Came out Positive.

So of course I went into self isolation.

Contacted whomever I had been in contact with recently to let them know, and surprisingly no one else came up sick nor tested Positive.

My little honey here felt bad, and she tested Positive, and isolated as well, never having any symptoms at all.

I remember and believe a long kiss she gave me passed me the virus.

At least that's my guess, but really could have been anything, we were in pretty close contact frequently..

07-01-20, 15:47
You would think possibly having a negative test in the last 72 hours to present at immigration (or actually get on the plane) to enter the country would be safer, no matter where you are from.

Numbers are going to spike in Europe, just as they have everywhere else. And it will happen long before September 1.Negative test does not mean you don't have it. You can have it and it just hasn't got to the level of detection yet. So that's whey tests alone are not cutting it.

Two negative tests maybe 5 days apart. One before you leave, then one after 5 days of quarantine. May work. But countries are not generally going that route because of the cost and basically it kills tourism anyway.

And as for numbers spiking. It's still basic biology of the virus. If you can keep people from literally breathing on each other (I. E. 6 ft plus), wear masks, and wash hands always before touching face. The virus will not spread and there will be no spike. That has not changed since this thing started, and countries / places that get people to cooperate with this have a declining rate of infection, or in some cases no active cases. I'm not in Europe so can't observe what people are doing, but my impression is that Europeans are observing those things to a much much higher level than in the USA.

The Tall Man
07-01-20, 16:33
Negative test does not mean you don't have it. You can have it and it just hasn't got to the level of detection yet. So that's whey tests alone are not cutting it.

Two negative tests maybe 5 days apart. One before you leave, then one after 5 days of quarantine. May work. But countries are not generally going that route because of the cost and basically it kills tourism anyway.

And as for numbers spiking. It's still basic biology of the virus. If you can keep people from literally breathing on each other (I. E. 6 ft plus), wear masks, and wash hands always before touching face. The virus will not spread and there will be no spike. That has not changed since this thing started, and countries / places that get people to cooperate with this have a declining rate of infection, or in some cases no active cases. I'm not in Europe so can't observe what people are doing, but my impression is that Europeans are observing those things to a much much higher level than in the USA.Who knows what to believe anymore with the corona-virus, just so much difference in the severity of symptoms given your age and any preexisting conditions, dare I say that this is more worrisome than even contracting HIV? At least with the later virus your not dead in a few weeks if your over 60 and have some other health conditions, just saying. I guess it's pick your poison dilemma.

The Tall Man.

07-01-20, 16:37
And as for numbers spiking. It's still basic biology of the virus. If you can keep people from literally breathing on each other (I. E. 6 ft plus), wear masks, and wash hands always before touching face. The virus will not spread and there will be no spike. That has not changed since this thing started, and countries / places that get people to cooperate with this have a declining rate of infection, or in some cases no active cases. I'm not in Europe so can't observe what people are doing, but my impression is that Europeans are observing those things to a much much higher level than in the USA.This especially applies to Germany, a country that had a rough go for a while but turned it around most impressively. Scroll down and check the graphs.


Americans do a lot of things very well, but pandemics isn't one of them. For afterall, masks are "unconstitutional". Here by the way are two studies, one from April, and the other very recent on the efficiency of cloth masks. Yes, they do shorten the distance that the effects of coughs and sneezes / droplets & aerosols spread. But not all cloth masks are created equal. Tighter weaves and double layers are superior, and even better is quilted versions.



07-01-20, 21:06
Your very fortunate, as it's totally unpredictable how you may fare getting the virus, and older guys and those with underlying conditions have a much higher risk of complications.Well yes, I realize that.

I feel fortunate having recovered fairly easy and I don't recommend the virus to anyone (obviously).
Like you said, its very unpredictable how it will affect each individual.

07-01-20, 21:10
You may not have gotten it from the girl.Well that's true, so hard to tell.

However, with her testing positive, and me not really socializing much at all, besides hanging with her, chances are I did get it from her.

07-01-20, 21:24
Sorry to hear that you got infected, I'm glad that you recovered. The way you got infected is infinitely better than getting it from buying coffee from Starbucks.Haha well that's true, and thanks!

When the girl that I believe gave it to me said Sorry to me, I told her jokingly that I’d do it all over again for her Kiss.

All joking aside though, even though I've recovered, it still wasn't an enjoyable ride, and I had that fear that it could have taken a turn for the worse.

So unpredictable.

I actually have been pretty careful in general, not socializing really, wearing a mask, keeping clean and sanitized, even seeing this apparently healthy girl.

My weakness for a sexy and pretty girl got me I suppose.

07-01-20, 23:25
My weakness for a sexy and pretty girl got me I suppose.No supposition on this one, and it's a dilemma for all of us, because who can turn a blind eye to an available and pretty / sexy girl.

07-01-20, 23:32
Well said.


Getting covid should be the last thing a monger care about, rationally, the amount of other risks involved in mongering in Medellin, especially in el centro, is much more severe both in terms of degree and likelihood. To corroborate my point, here is a short list:

Getting basic STDs.

Overdose on drugs.

Getting a girl pregnant.

Getting robbed.

Getting someone who is under age using a fake ID.

Getting blackmailed.

Getting hit by innocent boyfriend who doesn't know their girl is working.

The girl steals from you.

The girl drugs you.

The girl works with cops to extort you.

Just to name a few. Anyone of those will have a chance to make your life worse than having covid.

07-01-20, 23:36
Overdose on drugs?

Anyway, yes, there is room for doubt since even recognized experts don't agree completely about transmission vectors. If it's true that you can catch coronavirus from droplets in the air from as much as 2 meters distance, that would mean you are as likely to catch it with a Centro girl as you are passing a nun on the street. More than anything I am holding out hope for a vaccine and effective treatments. Without those, the world economy will deteriorate more than it did in the late 1930's. That would lead to all sorts of health and social problems. We don't want that.


Getting covid should be the last thing a monger care about, rationally, the amount of other risks involved in mongering in Medellin, especially in el centro, is much more severe both in terms of degree and likelihood. To corroborate my point, here is a short list:

Getting basic STDs.

Overdose on drugs.

Getting a girl pregnant.

Getting robbed.

Getting someone who is under age using a fake ID.

Getting blackmailed.

Getting hit by innocent boyfriend who doesn't know their girl is working.

The girl steals from you.

The girl drugs you.

The girl works with cops to extort you.

Just to name a few. Anyone of those will have a chance to make your life worse than having covid.

07-01-20, 23:59
Getting covid should be the last thing a monger care about, rationally, the amount of other risks involved in mongering in Medellin, especially in el centro, is much more severe both in terms of degree and likelihood. To corroborate my point, here is a short list:
Just to name a few. Anyone of those will have a chance to make your life worse than having covid.Maybe. Of course, COVID could kill you too.

07-02-20, 00:55

Getting covid should be the last thing a monger care about, rationally, the amount of other risks involved in mongering in Medellin, especially in el centro, is much more severe both in terms of degree and likelihood. To corroborate my point, here is a short list:

Getting basic STDs.

Overdose on drugs.

Getting a girl pregnant.

Getting robbed.

Getting someone who is under age using a fake ID.

Getting blackmailed.All due respect, but nothing on your list is really "life threatening" like COVID can be, and a smart and experienced monger can avoid the items you listed as occurring, or lessen the impact of them if they were to occur by taking pre-cautionary measures like wearing a condom or carrying little money or anything of value while in El Centro. I don't consider any of your items as having the potential of being worse than having COVID because of it's "unpredictability" how someone may fare.

This is a rough topic for everyone right now, with lot's of differing views depending on how much risk somebody wants to take.

07-02-20, 01:14

Getting covid should be the last thing a monger care about, rationally, the amount of other risks involved in mongering in Medellin, especially in el centro, is much more severe both in terms of degree and likelihood. To corroborate my point, here is a short list:

Getting basic STDs.

Overdose on drugs.

Getting a girl pregnant.

Getting robbed.

Getting someone who is under age using a fake ID.

Getting blackmailed.

Getting hit by innocent boyfriend who doesn't know their girl is working.

The girl steals from you.

The girl drugs you.

The girl works with cops to extort you.

Just to name a few. Anyone of those will have a chance to make your life worse than having covid.The only difference is:

I can mostly control getting STD's and most go away with antibiotics within days. I can control not getting an overdose or pregnancy. I can control a robbery situation if I only see chicas at my airbnb with security. Same goes for fake ID and getting drugged. Basically everything on this list can be mitigated or completely controlled with common sense. Covid cannot.

07-02-20, 01:47
The only difference is:

I can mostly control getting STD's and most go away with antibiotics within days. I can control not getting an overdose or pregnancy. I can control a robbery situation if I only see chicas at my airbnb with security. Same goes for fake ID and getting drugged. Basically everything on this list can be mitigated or completely controlled with common sense. Covid cannot.Of course you can prevent covid, it's easy, just stay at home, don't talk or interact with anyone. Never open your window, get a filter for all the air that goes into your house or wear a spacesuit at all time. When you need food, get it delivered to your door, wear a spacesuit to get them from the door, but make sure you wait for an hour after the delivery guy leaves. Clean every bit of food that came from outside using soap for 40 seconds (20 seconds is what most experts recommend, but let's do 40 just to be on the safe side), this means you can only get food that are washable like salad, chicken breast, rice, apple. Etc. I'm pretty sure anyone who applies these measures will be covid free.

07-02-20, 02:03
I have met more chics that are pregnant here in Colombia than I care to mention. So let that be a notice that they are having sex. On the other hand, remember to follow the American law of the girl being 18 years old or older. My girlfriend has given me a glimpse into the Vennie world that many may not see. These girls are prison time for foreigners and seen as a way of becoming a woman for Latin women in this culture. My girlfriend has been living with me for over 2 months and I can tell you that her son is also young and since others know that he is now living with a Gringo, he has been accused of being the father of about 7 babies by women who are up to 10 years his senior.

Many of these girls and their mothers are opportunistic, they will do anything to extort a gringo if the opportunity is there. If I give you no more advice, allow me to give you this, obey the American laws if you are a foreigner, the stigma attached to anything of the such is so horrible that even if you are not guilty of anything your fight to return to normal would be so expensive and embarrassing that the chances that you may be taking are just not worth it, don't do it. The amount of 18 yr old and older chics in this country is so plentiful that doing anything that goes against 18 yrs and older is plain stupid. If this country's men like chics, allow them to do what is normal for them, and you do what you know is legal for your, 18 and older! Pollo Negro is out!What happens if you're a dual citizen of Colombia and the US. Who's laws would apply? Could you not claim you are a citizen and following the country's' laws.Age of Consent vs Age of Majority


Greetings Gentlemen,

The Age of Consent is the age in which girls can participate in consensual, non-commercial sex with their teen-age boyfriend without said teen-age boyfriend being charged with statutory rape.

However, the Age of Consent is irrelevant to the members of this forum.

What you need to focus on is the Age of Majority, which among other things is the age in which they can vote, get married, enlist in the military, and participate in commercial sex activities.

Please exercise caution and govern yourself accordingly.



07-02-20, 02:18
I think it's a wash unless anybody duct tapes themselves inside their house. I suppose it's easier to avoid crossing paths with other people in rural areas. I have to be honest, whenever the pollution spikes up (most recently when the Sahara sand covered the city) and I have respiratory problems, it give me pause. Full disclosure, I'm pretty sure I had coronavirus last January when I was in the US for Christmas holidays. It wasn't in the news yet so I didn't associate it with what everybody now knows. At the time I thought it was bad luck because I hadn't had the flu in something like four years. It lasted a good three weeks or so and they symptoms were body aches and severe respiratory distress of the flu variety. I did not quarantine but I did go to bed much earlier than I normally do.

The only difference is:

I can mostly control getting STD's and most go away with antibiotics within days. I can control not getting an overdose or pregnancy. I can control a robbery situation if I only see chicas at my airbnb with security. Same goes for fake ID and getting drugged. Basically everything on this list can be mitigated or completely controlled with common sense. Covid cannot.