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09-20-20, 23:32
Believing white sneakers make you a target is ridiculous. This one of the most idiotic statements I have ever heard. Only Trump has you beat. He obviously struck a nerve with you so you took his words out of context then dragged in Trump which has nothing to do with anything. He's talking about the whole doofus foreigner uniform, the shorts, the big belly, the white shoes with white socks, etc. Though white socks with sandals take it to a new plane in the monger moron stratosphere. He wasn't speaking of the shoe color as a stand alone. Granted it is tough for many of us to blend in, but why make yourself a screaming target? Of course ultimately everyone is going to do what they want to while having their justifications for doing so. So as always, we will have stupidity around us. As the world turns.

Just Incognito
09-21-20, 00:15
This is the post we all have been waiting for since March; I'm honored to be the one who delivers it. As of 9/19/2020 10:10 pm Medellin local time, I've successfully crossed the holy border of Colombia. No special visa needed, just a negative COVID test (PCR) and undeterred perseverance.

Despite the infinite vastness of the cosmo and the immense loneliness of earth in the universe, this reunification with my long-separated lover managed to bring inexplicable and irresistible joy and happiness to me. I will not forget this moment for as long as I live.

P.S. They took your temperature and controlled the number of person can be in the immigration line, I recommend after you land try to walk fast so you can be in the first wave.I admit I was wrong. Congrats! I am surprised and we will see how long it stays open. Enjoy. We are all envious. Stay safe! Covid is for real.

09-21-20, 00:42
Its not the sneakers, its being a foreigner that makes you a target. And to be frank its pretty easy to spot the foreigners, part of which is because of what spiderrider is talking about. Dressing out of culture. Sure you go to the gym or you're on the way there, you wear shorts along with your athletic gear. It all makes sense. But many guys go around wearing sneakers and shorts that are definitely not for athletics.

My foreigners can't pull off the style your talking about, so its best they just try not to stand out.

One thing I've noticed is that you rarely see people wear shorts when they go for a night out. It could bee hot as fuck, but most guys will always wear long pants. This rule does not apply to women. But I suspect most people here are men.

Believing white sneakers make you a target is ridiculous. This one of the most idiotic statements I have ever heard. Only Trump has you beat. I see if you said do not wear expensive items then your dick ass would make sense LOL. Shorts are worn in the gyms, tennis courts, parks, riding bicycles. Places of fitness. So you could be coming from any of these events. Colombia is a very health conscious country. Theres many mongering spots other than sleezy botero, where people are as equal in status. United states fashion is one of the most mimicked in foreign countries since cable and social media. So colombians, especially young Colombians wear very similar attire, accessories. Again better you say do not wear flashy, expensive, or appearingly expensive items. But shorts, flip flops, white sneakers, target. How they say it on espn. Cmon!


09-21-20, 00:55
As a newbie I was forewarn ahead of my travel not to wear shorts so I did not bring any. Staying 4 months in Lauereles I was so pissed to see people wearing shorts every where. So I disagree with this stigma of wearing shorts. I also noticed many exaggerations and overhype of things. But admit some advises and suggestions were on point. I heard many disparities about excessive charge from yello cabs and how uber is so much cheaper and safer. After computation $1 difference. Can you believe cheepy blakman was like what's the fuss. It very well could be safer. But I felt very safe. No harm done Colombia. Just another on ground perspective.

Slapfugitive LOL. Keeping me posted on LA 70. I did not get to enjoy the chicas and bars because of pandemic.The shorts thing is also typical in more conservative asian countries as well. Southeast asia: Thailand, Cambodia, vietnam, malaysia. You'll see that most people wear shorts around during the day even though temps are through the roof. Part of it is culture another part may be that most people are working during the day and most jobs do not allow shorts. Regardless, if you're trying to fit in you do as the locals do. But maybe you're a bright white caucasian dude in asia, then fuck it, there's no way you're not standing out in anyways. Wear all the shorts you want. In Colombia, if the situation requires that you blend in, you should wear long pants. You can even wear sneakers with pants. I would advise against flip flops.

In you're specific case, maybe you could have just bought some shorts when you got there? Once you realized that everyone else was wearing shorts? Maybe laureles is different since I was last there, but I don't remember seeing too many bare male legs in the area.

Yea I agree, uber isn't significantly cheaper than the yellow cabs in medellin, but I say it is safer. Being that your ride is registered somewhere, at least there is a record of your location and who you were with before you "disappeared". Also paying is simpler, no need to carry cash and less confusing. Specifically in Bogota, the meters are fucking wierd and don't display the cash amount.

09-21-20, 01:11
If you're a foreigner in shorts, esp. With white sneakers, (excuse me "athletic shoes") or flip-flops, you look like "a dick" period. You stand out, maybe you don't care, but you do. Easily identifiable to pan-handlers, pick-pockets, sharks, unsolicited "touts" and "guides" , locals who dislike foreigners.. etc. It screams "I'm here on vacation or a pension with money to burn" "I'm clueless about what's gong on around me'" "I have no support network". "I probably can't go to the police for much because I don't speak the language and they don't give shit about foreigners' problems anyway. "

Colombians can wear what ever they want, they are Colombians, they don't have to make an effort to 'fit-in'.. they're already in.

Peace.This quote above ain't mine but it is true, sorry I'm with spider here and showing a little support LOL. I have been to many Latin American countries and it is true. You do stand out like an idiot-gringo when you wear bright stuff life shorts with white / bright colored sneakers LOL. Or wearing your American flag tees or apparels. There is a way to "blend-in" so to speak when you visit a foreign country, or some just do it for safety reason, respect, etc. Especially where there's a lot of pick pocket and poor people, you may find it useful. Of course they'll spot you, white or black, heck even a Puerto Rican look can be spotted. The point Spider is making is basically to try not to stand out too much and reduce the attention on you as much as possible.

I have read other board members criticizing foreigners wearing shorts or slacks trying to get into bars / clubs and they're pissed when turned away at the door in Dominican rep and other spots. I do agree with those clubs when they do that. Yes you are on vacation, but you can show a bit of decency and respect and dress up properly. Everyone has dress pants and dress shoes on, and you're trying to get in with flip flops and shorts, fck out of here. And yes Latin Americans incl the Caribbean dress way better than typical Americans. They may copy our celebrities and fashion trends, but they are more fit (we all know usa is the fattest country), they look better and dress better. Your money isn't a universal passport to get away with everything. Far from it. It buys pussy and some attention but that's it. They don't want your Spoiled American fat arse and your damn bright shorts LOL.

09-21-20, 01:52
Believing white sneakers make you a target is ridiculous. This one of the most idiotic statements I have ever heard. Only Trump has you beat. I see if you said do not wear expensive items then your dick ass would make sense LOL. Shorts are worn in the gyms, tennis courts, parks, riding bicycles. Places of fitness. So you could be coming from any of these events. Colombia is a very health conscious country. Theres many mongering spots other than sleezy botero, where people are as equal in status. United states fashion is one of the most mimicked in foreign countries since cable and social media. So colombians, especially young Colombians wear very similar attire, accessories. Again better you say do not wear flashy, expensive, or appearingly expensive items. But shorts, flip flops, white sneakers, target. How they say it on espn. Cmon!

.Perhaps I can interest you in some plaid slacks and a white belt to complete your ensemble. Visit my online tienda thedappertravelinggringo.com to see our full line. I'm partial to blue denim bib overalls rolled up above the ankle, bamboo sandals, shirtless, with a crudely woven straw sombrero.

09-21-20, 02:38
Believing white sneakers make you a target is ridiculous. This one of the most idiotic statements I have ever heard. Only Trump has you beat. I see if you said do not wear expensive items then your dick ass would make sense LOL. Shorts are worn in the gyms, tennis courts, parks, riding bicycles. Places of fitness. So you could be coming from any of these events. Colombia is a very health conscious country. Theres many mongering spots other than sleezy botero, where people are as equal in status. United states fashion is one of the most mimicked in foreign countries since cable and social media. So colombians, especially young Colombians wear very similar attire, accessories. Again better you say do not wear flashy, expensive, or appearingly expensive items. But shorts, flip flops, white sneakers, target. How they say it on espn. Cmon!.SpiderRider comments were right on the mark as far as I am concerned. During your tenure in Medellin you weren't fully exposed to the different parts of the City / Country and your thought that young Colombians can emulate US fashion is off as the majority of them can't afford the attire. And most don't have either the money to patronize a gym, play tennis, and ride bicycles. And in regards to flip flops, with the exception of tourists, I have never seen Colombians wearing them except at a pool.

Generally speaking, people do wear shorts in the hotter parts of the Country including the beach towns and not so much in Medellin.

I have noticed one thing though regarding shorts though, on Sundays and Holiday's, lot's of people will be wearing them, but it's not a function of status, but a function of being comfortable and relaxed. As on this day Colombians let their hair down.

Time for some pics of Chicas with their shorts off as this topic has engulfed the board.

09-21-20, 02:47
. I did a lot of things in Medellin which I would not recommend to the average BM here, and yes I enjoyed all of them.If the BM's only knew what you have done in Medellin they would be aghast, perplexed, and in disbelief. I don't consider myself an average BM, and couldn't envision partaking in your escapades, but can totally relate to the pleasure you derived from it. I too have done things the average BM wouldn't do either.

09-21-20, 03:23
Last night, I wanted to go to la 70 last night to partake in the re-opened bar fun. But, I could not arrange a suitable date. My favorite blonde stunner from the coast has discovered working on the "web" now. She's retired from bars and dating. What a shame. I'm trying to meet her sister though.

For a couple of weeks been receiving invitations from Luna Lunera, and a favorite chica, there to visited the re-opened club and " see the show" So, I headed over there at about 10 p. They are open 24 hours, as they were in the apartments over the summer. The party has moved upstairs to an air conditioned room with tables, seats, a small disco ball, and YouTube videos. There is a stripper pole, but no show. There were about 7-8 girls hanging out the I arrived. Some others showed up later. Attractively dressed, mostly late 20's to mid 30's. Pear-shaped single Moms, "stretching the pear" with tall shoes. Instantly recognized one I had sessioned with there about 3 years ago. She's certainly added some weight but still cute. I was bit sad to see she had not been able to move on from LL. There were some young Colombian guys there and everyone was enjoying themselves in that group. 3 artificial blondes moved over to drink with me and I enjoyed their energy and attention. No one I would take to a room though. I wasn't planning for that anyway. A taller chica with a stunning body showed up. The girls knew I wanted a "show', they recruited this one for a "table dance" She had a classic porno girl body with well done augmented breasts. Really enjoyed her brief, but intent on pleasing me performance. The girls wandered a way when they could see I was about done for the night. I was invited to drink with another solo guy, the girls returned. So, after slow start it turned out to be a pretty fun night.

09-21-20, 03:56
Time for some pics of Chicas with their shorts off as this topic has engulfed the board.They look much better on some people than others.

09-21-20, 03:59
And yes Latin Americans incl the Caribbean dress way better than typical Americans. They may copy our celebrities and fashion trends, but they are more fit (we all know usa is the fattest country).Actually the US is 12th in obesity:


09-21-20, 04:36
Last night, I wanted to go to la 70 last night to partake in the re-opened bar fun. But, I could not arrange a suitable date. My favorite blonde stunner from the coast has discovered working on the "web" now. She's retired from bars and dating. What a shame.

For a couple of weeks been receiving invitations from Luna Lunera, and a favorite chica, there to visited the re-opened club and " see the show" There were about 7-8 girls hanging out the I arrived. Some others showed up later. Attractively dressed, mostly late 20's to mid 30's. Pear-shaped single Moms, "stretching the pear" with tall shoes. Instantly recognized one I had sessioned with there about 3 years ago. She's certainly added some weight but still cute. I was bit sad to see she had not been able to move on from LL. I'll bet the webcam girl comes back sooner than later.

Three years working a casa, that is a long tour of duty.

I've never been to LL. Maybe this week.

Fun report, thanks!

09-21-20, 05:06
I admit I was wrong. Congrats! I am surprised and we will see how long it stays open. Enjoy. We are all envious. Stay safe! Covid is for real.I suspect the Country will stay open no matter what happens now that they have established a testing regime to basically prevent the import of the virus that occured prior to the shutdown. What might occur though as is being observed in Europe is that another lockdown could occur, but I don't know if they would go that far given the shambles the economy is in. They may just decide to grin and bear it, no different in some ways than what's occurring in parts of the USA and other Countries. It's such a depressing situation at times and hopefully an effective vaccine is around the corner. In the mean time, we can be entertained by Sjobs posts, he's probably drowned in 18 year old pussy and doesn't have the energy to post as of yet. And Slapshot has been missing in action as well but probably needs to leave within the next month. Too bad as we could have some dueling posts from the two mucky muck "high rollers" in town. I may be back in a few weeks, but my posts will be about what I find in the gutters of El Centro. The trifecta would be if Blakman was in town as well!

Mr Enternational
09-21-20, 06:48
You stand out, maybe you don't care, but you do. Easily identifiable to pan-handlers, pick-pockets, sharks, unsolicited "touts" and "guides" , locals who dislike foreigners.. etc. It screams "I'm here on vacation or a pension with money to burn" "I'm clueless about what's gong on around me'"Of the posts I have seen about dudes getting held up and mugged and robbed here, I have never seen one of those posts say it was because I had on those damn shorts and sneakers and was not blending in. Will the people who got jacked because they had on shorts please speak up. Don't be shy.

The Tall Man
09-21-20, 07:07
Anyone with recent boots on ground know if ayenda botero aka hotel btero has not shutdown? It's the hotel behind nutibarra across from yakusas, recently whatsappd the # that sent me reservation nfo last time & service person replied noting Ayenda is no longer carrying hotel btero in their Ayenda ownership, so concerned the very reliable great ground0 hotel changed ownership or closed, I see booking dot com & other sites show data not known unlike last March, would be bummed finding it closed if arriving next few months so to prepare, info appreciated. Are most of the centro decent hotels closed besides the short time motels?

Planning trip for reopening, not sure if October being wettest month in Medellin means if street action will be getting rained out, I went my 1st time this March 12-19 before the 23rd when lockdown began, trip posted here July where I reported 32 chicas /7 d, also have been researching GDL mx, looks very promising with the strip clubs open, esteticas (casas), sw and on fire escort scene, not that higher than mde peso wise & chica quality seems high considered best in mx, learned quite bit but it has made me not consider Tijuana anymore, it's either Medellin or GDL from RTFF, even considering both before year ends.

Shout out to Tallman & the on ground reports, anyone with info on what to expect October weather, rain & knows if hotels are sparse right now, much appreciated, looking fwd to provide future reports like my last 2 , mde and Tijuana. -dcg69.The Tall Man with his wing man riding shot gun drove by Hotel Botero 2 nights ago, I pulled over to see the doors shut tight with debris inside the lobby, no lights, no signs, nothing, nada. Closed with no indication that any kind of renovation is going on.

Don't worry about the rain, the chicas will step under an overhang for 10 to 20 minutes then as soon as it clears everything is back into action.

I was in centro Friday, Saturday and this evening tonight, picked me up a sweet paisa pussy and smashed it in my car up in las palmas, hehehehe as some time I like to feel like a teenager again and have car sex and it was light raining so again you just work around it.

I just returned to my apartment so just a few hours ago drove around the Vera, Raudal and the street walkers in San Diego. There is more pussy out and available than you can shake a can at, seriously this weekend was off the charts and it will only continue with more chicas.

Hotels and bars and restaurants are slowly reopening so you should be able to find somewhere to lay your head at night.

Just come down as there are many chicas who need some good gringo lovin not to forget our pesos too!

Thanks for the acknowledgement about my posts as sometimes I wonder if they just get lost with all the shit posts about the virus and political shit, these boards are all about hunting pussy.

Much love and respect to all!

The Tall Man.

Black Page
09-21-20, 11:16
Its not the sneakers, its being a foreigner that makes you a targe.To be fair, it is not wearing white sneakers, but wearing sneakers that cost $200. I am not able to recognize them at a glance, but many people spot immediately the expensive models of Nike and the like. If I wear those sneakers in Centro of Medellin, night or day, I am a dick and frankly I deserve to be robbed, because that is what I deliberately aimed at.

FYI, I wear sneakers every time I go (I went, SIGH!) to Centro day time, because they are comfortable for walking hours, but they cost $40 and I keep them dusty. Still I am aware they are an element that make me spot above the average people crowding the streets.

Black Page
09-21-20, 11:18
If the BM's only knew what you have done in Medellin they would be aghast, perplexed, and in disbelief. I don't consider myself an average BM, and couldn't envision partaking in your escapades, but can totally relate to the pleasure you derived from it. I too have done things the average BM wouldn't do either.And I did not share and announce to ISG everything I did. ROFL!

Mojo Bandit
09-21-20, 13:55
The standard answer when entering this forum and asking basic questions is that you need read the fucking forum. This phrase can even be found in the forums list of abbreviations as found on the front page as RTFF. It is considered lazy and just bad form to come onto a a forum that you have not been a contributor to and just start asking questions. But because I am bored and a little delirious I am going to do two things. I am going to give you a pointer and then I an going to in rapid fire give short answers your questions. First the pointer: there is a "search thread" function at the beginning of the feed for this thread in the gray bands below "enter report" but to the right, where it says "search thread" there you can enter a topic and see if said term is in any reports in the thread.

- Which are the best places to stay? I mean, which zones of the city I should consider for my accommodation?

- Can I use Uber in Medellin?

- Can I buy a local SIM card?

- Which are the best places to stay? I mean, which zones of the city I should consider for my accommodation?
El Poblado, Laureles, Envigado, but you can stay just about anywhere if you have any street smarts - stick to those places if you do not. Always and everywhere at night walk in well lit crowded places so some guy does not jump off of the back of a motorcycle and rob you at gun point.
- Can I use Uber in Medellin?
Technically no but possible yes it is complicated, google Uber in Colombia and read about it - Cabify is a usable app for rides, Didi, EasyTaxi, are others
- Can I buy a local SIM card?
- Prices on prepagos are the same you get when you go in a brothel or you negotiate with a girl you meet on Tinder?
Prices vary everywhere but a tinder chick is definitely going to ask for more money
- Is it possible negotiate the prices I see on prepagos? I want to get the most of what I pay for.
Always try to negotiate everywhere

- Do all the girls usually do GFE, FK (deep) and OWO?
Some do, some do not - negotiate for these things beforehand - when she agrees to the things - keep the Whatsapp conversation handy to remind her (yes you need Whatsapp when in Colombia)

- I have seen many prepagos girls do incall, which is the additional cost for outcall? Should I go to their place or should I take them to my place?
Some do incall in their apartment and some do outcall - outcall costs more - some will not do outcall

- How much is usually Uber for a 20 minutes trip?
- Which are the zones I should completely avoid or I should avoid just during the night?
It depends on you level of street smarts - but if you ask you cannot afford it so again - do not go into Centro at all at night and even in the neighborhoods I mentioned earlier on where to stay, El Poblado, Laureless, Envigado, when walking at night stay where there are people about and in well lit areas.

- Where I can find the most beautiful girls?
They can be found everywhere - there are even beautiful girls in Centro around Botero Plaza and the Iglesia De La Veracruz even down

- Is it a good practice pass by a girl on a street and speak to her? Which approach should I use in this case? Should I go straight to the point and offer her money?
There are places where street walking working girls can be found - do not go up to random women and offer them money - to know where to find these street walking women - RTFF

- Which are the best places for nightlife?
It used to be Parque Lleras/Provenza in El Poblado and La 70 in Laureles but the pandemic has been a kick in the nuts to Parque Lleras so maybe now La 70 is the best bet just to party - there are No prostitutes on La 70 but there used to be some at Parque Lleras - and probably still are

- I have seen the temperature can drop till 17see in September. Should I take some jeans with me, or can I stay in Bermuda all the time? Would I need a jumper? I want to travel light.
You are not from the USA for sure - a jumper? Yes take a sweater though you think 17c is cold, and although there is a debate raging in this thread about shorts, I am going to tell you to wear jeans all the time - shorts during the day on sunday is okay but Since most of the time Colombians are going about there jobs and such they will not be wearing shorts, and you will look like a tourist, there are free "gyms" in just about every park and definitely in every neighborhood in Medellin, with some type of kinetic workout equipment that resemble the machines you see in gyms - so if people will go to those in shorts also. but September has nothing to do with it gettin down to 17c - Medellin is the City of Eternal Spring and the temperature does not vary by month it is constant spring weather.

09-21-20, 15:45
You know you can not tell these baord members nothing. I dispelled that myth about 5 years ago. I went around Medellin taking pictures of locals with shorts, sneakers, and ballcaps on and posted them here. Boils down to people are observing their dress code from people they see working throughout the day instead of those at leisure.Yup, nothing wrong with shorts in the proper environment. From personal experience, shorts are ok during the day in settings that are "shorts-friendly" (ie parks, poolside, beaches, a quick walk to the store to buy groceries, going over to a friend's/relative's house for an informal visit). But yeah, never at night, never for work, never for planned events (ie birthday parties or get-togethers). As for running shoes, while I don't personally wear the bright white ones, I find many many locals do wear them.
At the end of the day, for most of the people on here, you're sticking out long before they see what you're wearing.

09-21-20, 15:46
This is the post we all have been waiting for since March; I'm honored to be the one who delivers it. As of 9/19/2020 10:10 pm Medellin local time, I've successfully crossed the holy border of Colombia. No special visa needed, just a negative COVID test (PCR) and undeterred perseverance.

Despite the infinite vastness of the cosmo and the immense loneliness of earth in the universe, this reunification with my long-separated lover managed to bring inexplicable and irresistible joy and happiness to me. I will not forget this moment for as long as I live.

P.S. They took your temperature and controlled the number of person can be in the immigration line, I recommend after you land try to walk fast so you can be in the first wave.Congrats dude! I'm super envious and am awaiting your reports.

09-21-20, 17:34
I too have come to the conclusion about wearing shorts, certainly was not the thing to do on my first visit and long stays in Bogota in the early 1990's and also was somewhat frowned upon here in Medellin on my first visits 10 years ago BUT times have changed and I see many Colombians wearing shorts all around town, especially the locals in the pueblos and especially on a warm weekend.

Yes bring the shorts and you will thank us later for that advice.

Much love and respect to all.

The Tall Man.How are things?

Can I ask about safety there? Someone sent me this PM today.

"But this can all go wrong very fast, as everyone drops their guard once in a while if only a little. There's always been a lot of desperation there but it's certainly at a crescendo now. Another situation is kidnap for ransom or they just keep you a few days and force you to make ATM runs. Odds of surviving such situations are not good."

Please opine.

Muchas gracias.

09-21-20, 18:05
This is the post we all have been waiting for since March; I'm honored to be the one who delivers it. As of 9/19/2020 10:10 pm Medellin local time, I've successfully crossed the holy border of Colombia. No special visa needed, just a negative COVID test (PCR) and undeterred perseverance.

Despite the infinite vastness of the cosmo and the immense loneliness of earth in the universe, this reunification with my long-separated lover managed to bring inexplicable and irresistible joy and happiness to me. I will not forget this moment for as long as I live.

P.S. They took your temperature and controlled the number of person can be in the immigration line, I recommend after you land try to walk fast so you can be in the first wave.That is great news. How old were the results on your PCR test? I have a positive antibody test which is not the same thing but proves that I had coronavirus (not the sickest I've ever been, but definitely different), and am immune to the current strain at least. I don't have faith the the staff at the airport will be able to make that distinction or understand the result. My other experiences at the border and dealing with the government in general is what works one day, may not work the next, depending on the mood of the government official with whom you are interacting. But you have given me hope. Thanks again.

09-21-20, 18:15
To the unitiated, one of the standard ploys when you meet a new chica and decide to stay in touch, is she will have a birthday within the next two weeks. I have developed this standard reply that I offer here for you enteratainment and are&the (RipOff & Duplicate), I am posting under Medellin because that is where I spend 90%+ of my time. My Spanish would get a bronze medal, but this is verbatim how I reply to chicas who say it's their birthday, with English translation:

"Feliz cumpleaños. Envíeme una copia de su certificado de nacimiento, pasaporte you otra identificación oficial del gobierno que muestre su fecha de nacimiento. La chica sudamericana promedio que conozco tiene 5-6 cumpleaños cada año jajajajaja".

In English:

"Happy Birthday. Send me a copy of your birth certificate, passport, or other official government identification that shows your date of birth. The average South American girl I know has 5-6 birthdays every year hahahahaha".

I specifically don't ask for their cedula, which for some strange reason does not list birthdates.

Keep On Keepin' On.

09-21-20, 19:47
Anyone with recent boots on ground know if ayenda botero aka hotel btero has not shutdown? It's the hotel behind nutibarra across from yakusas, recently whatsappd the # that sent me reservation nfo last time & service person replied noting Ayenda is no longer carrying hotel btero in their Ayenda ownership, so concerned the very reliable great ground0 hotel changed ownership or closed, I see booking dot com & other sites show data not known unlike last March, would be bummed finding it closed if arriving next few months so to prepare, info appreciated. Are most of the centro decent hotels closed besides the short time motels?Been looking into that myself as the Hotel Botero is where I have stayed all 4 times in MED.

So far it looks like for Chica friendly it would be the roach motels of Hotel de greiff (above Conejitas) and the Normandy (next to Barra Ejectiva) for location, and I think Davinchi Suites (Cra. 51 #53 93) under the Metro is a short term that also rents long term as they were listed on either hotels.com or booking.com and the rooms are nicer but somewhat scary location at night.

For nicer with pool but most likely not chica friendly you have Hotel Capitolio and next door Hotel Cristal behind Catedral Baslica Metropolitana (the big brick church at Parque Bolivar) both share a pool, and Ambassador Medellin looks nice with a pool on the roof (Cra 50, 54-50).

Anybody have any info to add on any of these please jump in, I think Mr International has stayed at the Normandy.

09-21-20, 20:01
I specifically don't ask for their cedula, which for some strange reason does not list birthdates.How you can think this. Have you seen a cedula?

09-21-20, 20:37
I specifically don't ask for their cedula, which for some strange reason does not list birthdates.

Keep On Keepin' On.A cedula most certainly has the holder's birthdate: back side, top right, in bold.

09-21-20, 20:55
I'm thinking about going in November but personally my best spot to get easy lays was parque Lleras where hot working girls are prancing around in droves in sexy dresses. If this place is not poppin full of chicas I know where are many other mediums but for me this was quick, cheap, easy, with hotter girls than El Centro and a better location.

When will Lleras be poppin again and how much is PCR test and where did you get it done?

09-21-20, 21:02
How you can think this. Have you seen a cedula?If you are saying there is a birthdate on a cedula then it must be on the flip side because all I see is the foto, their printed name, their signature, and their government ID #.

That's how I can think it.

09-21-20, 21:27
As a newbie I was forewarn ahead of my travel not to wear shorts so I did not bring any. Staying 4 months in Lauereles I was so pissed to see people wearing shorts every where. So I disagree with this stigma of wearing shorts. I also noticed many exaggerations and overhype of things. But admit some advises and suggestions were on point. I heard many disparities about excessive charge from yello cabs and how uber is so much cheaper and safer. After computation $1 difference. Can you believe cheepy blakman was like what's the fuss. It very well could be safer. But I felt very safe. No harm done Colombia. Just another on ground perspective.

Slapfugitive LOL. Keeping me posted on LA 70. I did not get to enjoy the chicas and bars because of pandemic.Heading out to the market with Pinky, both of us wearing shorts, and me wearing suede off-white sneakers! Wish me luck!

I've actually noticed a lot of locals wearing shorts and more American-type clothing, in Laureles. Of course, my mask can hide my face, but I'm clearly a gringo. Pinky says even when I'm wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers, I look like an obvious gringo.

Had a 200 k 9 p-4 a trio with the boneless blonde serpent and Pinky, Saturday night. We stepped out for dinner on La 70 for DIA de Amor & Amistad. A lot of restaurants are still not open for dine-in, in the area, so we ended up on 70. We hit a fonda bar on the south end for an hour or two of drinks, before coming back home for the trio.

For all the Uber / Taxi debate, I highly-recommend using DiDi, and the drivers get paid better than with Uber. I spend $1. 37 every morning on my 7-8 minute drive to the gym.

I hit Sweet Georgia Cafe's new spot near Parque Poblado for breakfast, yesterday. Big American breakfast and it's 2-for-1 all month. 28 k for 2 huge plates, plus a juice and a coffee. We went to watch a soccer game, but their wifi is shit and the streaming service was constantly freezing and loading. Then, we hit Hooters & Ay Wey, before calling it a night. I really need to remember to eat when I go out drinking from noon to 8 p.

All of my 2002-born cuties have gone dark on me, since the weekend. I wonder what's in the air?

09-21-20, 22:12
How you can think this. Have you seen a cedula?And my understanding was they can't get a cedula till they are 18 anyway?

09-21-20, 22:29
To the unitiated, one of the standard ploys when you meet a new chica and decide to stay in touch, is she will have a birthday within the next two weeks. I have developed this standard reply that I offer here for you enteratainment and are&the (RipOff & Duplicate), I am posting under Medellin because that is where I spend 90%+ of my time. My Spanish would get a bronze medal, but this is verbatim how I reply to chicas who say it's their birthday, with English translation:

"Feliz cumpleaos. Enveme una copia de su certificado de nacimiento, pasaporte you otra identificacin oficial del gobierno que muestre su fecha de nacimiento. La chica sudamericana promedio que conozco tiene 5-6 cumpleaos cada ao jajajajaja".

In English:

"Happy Birthday. Send me a copy of your birth certificate, passport, or other official government identification that shows your date of birth. The average South American girl I know has 5-6 birthdays every year hahahahaha".

I specifically don't ask for their cedula, which for some strange reason does not list birthdates.

Keep On Keepin' On.I have been hit up for a birthday by chicas, but for the actual birthday, not a fake one. I knew it was their birthday because FB already sent me the notification. Not had any fake birthdays LOL. Anyway, I would just not respond and act like I never got the message.

I did have a chick send me pictures that a scorpion bit her, not sure what I was supposed to do. I just said I am sorry and left it at that.

09-21-20, 23:33
I admit your humor is good. Besides freeness with cash, has to be the main attraction to all your sex goddeses LOL. Well because you and sjob is bound to form a super team, and I am not allowed to wear Caps, shorts and white sneakers; I have decided to take my talents to the Dominican Republic. I expect to conquer not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, but 5, 6, 7 sex goddeses. Guys enjoy Medellin. I hope this sounded like Lebron speech before going to Miami. Lmao

Heading out to the market with Pinky, both of us wearing shorts, and me wearing suede off-white sneakers! Wish me luck!

I've actually noticed a lot of locals wearing shorts and more American-type clothing, in Laureles. Of course, my mask can hide my face, but I'm clearly a gringo. Pinky says even when I'm wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers, I look like an obvious gringo.

Had a 200 k 9 p-4 a trio with the boneless blonde serpent and Pinky, Saturday night. We stepped out for dinner on La 70 for DIA de Amor & Amistad. A lot of restaurants are still not open for dine-in, in the area, so we ended up on 70. We hit a fonda bar on the south end for an hour or two of drinks, before coming back home for the trio.

For all the Uber / Taxi debate, I highly-recommend using DiDi, and the drivers get paid better than with Uber. I spend $1. 37 every morning on my 7-8 minute drive to the gym.

I hit Sweet Georgia Cafe's new spot near Parque Poblado for breakfast, yesterday. Big American breakfast and it's 2-for-1 all month. 28 k for 2 huge plates, plus a juice and a coffee. We went to watch a soccer game, but their wifi is shit and the streaming service was constantly freezing and loading. Then, we hit Hooters & Ay Wey, before calling it a night. I really need to remember to eat when I go out drinking from noon to 8 p.

All of my 2002-born cuties have gone dark on me, since the weekend. I wonder what's in the air?.

Gringo Trooper
09-21-20, 23:41
I'd say the odds of you getting kidnapped and ransomed are about the same as getting struck by lightning.

Always be aware of your surroundings. Know where the safer parts of town are, and stay in those areas. Have a wingman with you if possible.

If gringos start getting kidnapped by the boatload, it won't look too good for Colombia's tourism industry, will it?

How are things?

Can I ask about safety there? Someone sent me this PM today.

"But this can all go wrong very fast, as everyone drops their guard once in a while if only a little. There's always been a lot of desperation there but it's certainly at a crescendo now. Another situation is kidnap for ransom or they just keep you a few days and force you to make ATM runs. Odds of surviving such situations are not good."

Please opine.

Muchas gracias.

09-22-20, 00:00
My favorite DiDi feature is the ability to block drivers from accepting your ride requests after the provide unsatisfactory service. I really wish uber would adopt that feature.

Heading out to the market with Pinky, both of us wearing shorts, and me wearing suede off-white sneakers! Wish me luck!

I've actually noticed a lot of locals wearing shorts and more American-type clothing, in Laureles. Of course, my mask can hide my face, but I'm clearly a gringo. Pinky says even when I'm wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers, I look like an obvious gringo.

Had a 200 k 9 p-4 a trio with the boneless blonde serpent and Pinky, Saturday night. We stepped out for dinner on La 70 for DIA de Amor & Amistad. A lot of restaurants are still not open for dine-in, in the area, so we ended up on 70. We hit a fonda bar on the south end for an hour or two of drinks, before coming back home for the trio.

For all the Uber / Taxi debate, I highly-recommend using DiDi, and the drivers get paid better than with Uber. I spend $1. 37 every morning on my 7-8 minute drive to the gym.

I hit Sweet Georgia Cafe's new spot near Parque Poblado for breakfast, yesterday. Big American breakfast and it's 2-for-1 all month. 28 k for 2 huge plates, plus a juice and a coffee. We went to watch a soccer game, but their wifi is shit and the streaming service was constantly freezing and loading. Then, we hit Hooters & Ay Wey, before calling it a night. I really need to remember to eat when I go out drinking from noon to 8 p.

All of my 2002-born cuties have gone dark on me, since the weekend. I wonder what's in the air?

09-22-20, 00:28
Update: 6 daring males wearing shorts at the local supermarket, today, including one dumb gringo! It was maybe the 2nd or 3rd time I've worn shorts in public in the 6+ months here (aside from the 20 times I've going to the gym). Apologies for not doing a shoe count.

SJobs might be running on fumes, at this point. Looking forward to an epic post after his body shuts down for 14 hours!

The Tall Man
09-22-20, 00:54
How are things?

Can I ask about safety there? Someone sent me this PM today.

"But this can all go wrong very fast, as everyone drops their guard once in a while if only a little. There's always been a lot of desperation there but it's certainly at a crescendo now. Another situation is kidnap for ransom or they just keep you a few days and force you to make ATM runs. Odds of surviving such situations are not good."

Please opine.

Muchas gracias.Total bull shit, disregards the ass wipe that sent you this PM.

Are you kidding me "lot of desperation there but it's certainly at a crescendo now" and "Another situation is kidnap for ransom", WTF!

And if this was from a monger here in Medellin or anywhere in Colombia call him out on this, what's the name.

Much love and respect for all.

The Tall Man.

09-22-20, 01:55
That is great news. How old were the results on your PCR test? I have a positive antibody test which is not the same thing but proves that I had coronavirus (not the sickest I've ever been, but definitely different), and am immune to the current strain at least. I don't have faith the the staff at the airport will be able to make that distinction or understand the result. My other experiences at the border and dealing with the government in general is what works one day, may not work the next, depending on the mood of the government official with whom you are interacting. But you have given me hope. Thanks again.I'm sure you would still need the PCR test as it is possible to get it more than once.

09-22-20, 01:55
I admit your humor is good. Besides freeness with cash, has to be the main attraction to all your sex goddeses LOL. Well because you and sjob is bound to form a super team, and I am not allowed to wear Caps, shorts and white sneakers; I have decided to take my talents to the Dominican Republic. I expect to conquer not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, but 5, 6, 7 sex goddeses. Guys enjoy Medellin. I hope this sounded like Lebron speech before going to Miami. Lmao.I'm going to have to assume your headed to Sosua, and you will fit right in there with your attire. However, being a Cheap Charlie there is going to be a lot tougher than in Colombia. Totally different the way the Chicas operate there, and you won't be getting any bargain basement 8's there as well. I used to spend months at a time there, and it's changed a lot over the years. However the beach hasn't and there's a great surfing spot called Playa Encuentro halfway between Sosua and Cabarette which I used to go too.

Again, the way you roll is going to be a challenge for you in the DR, and you will be competing with a lot of guys who fly down for short periods of time with wads of money and the Chicas there know how to play the game, you might say they are a bit more unionized, regardless, I wish you luck and plan on bringing a lot more money than you spent in Colombia on Chicas!

Mojo Bandit
09-22-20, 02:03
If you are saying there is a birthdate on a cedula then it must be on the flip side because all I see is the foto, their printed name, their signature, and their government ID #.

That's how I can think it.I found this doing a simple image search after I set the search engine settings to search in the region of Colombia.

Fecha de nacimiento means birthday and it shows it on the front.

09-22-20, 02:14
I wear the shoes I feel comfortable wearing when running away.

09-22-20, 04:19
I found this doing a simple image search after I set the search engine settings to search in the region of Colombia.

Fecha de nacimiento means birthday and it shows it on the front.The ones I have seen do not have it on the front.

09-22-20, 04:58
Total bull shit, disregards the ass wipe that sent you this PM.

Are you kidding me "lot of desperation there but it's certainly at a crescendo now" and "Another situation is kidnap for ransom", WTF!

And if this was from a monger here in Medellin or anywhere in Colombia call him out on this, what's the name.

Much love and respect for all.

The Tall Man. I will give him an opportunity to own it?

Mr Enternational
09-22-20, 06:09
The ones I have seen do not have it on the front.Yeah. That's going to be because it is on the back as Osteoknot presumed. The one MB posted is from 2020 so they may have changed up the format recently with the birthday on the front instead.

09-22-20, 15:48
Got my negative PCR results this morning. Flight to MDE tomorrow is on! Finally.

09-22-20, 16:01
To the unitiated, one of the standard ploys when you meet a new chica and decide to stay in touch, is she will have a birthday within the next two weeks. I have developed this standard reply that I offer here for you enteratainment and are&the (RipOff & Duplicate), I am posting under Medellin because that is where I spend 90%+ of my time. My Spanish would get a bronze medal, but this is verbatim how I reply to chicas who say it's their birthday, with English translation:

"Feliz cumpleaos. Enveme una copia de su certificado de nacimiento, pasaporte you otra identificacin oficial del gobierno que muestre su fecha de nacimiento. La chica sudamericana promedio que conozco tiene 5-6 cumpleaos cada ao jajajajaja".

In English:

"Happy Birthday. Send me a copy of your birth certificate, passport, or other official government identification that shows your date of birth. The average South American girl I know has 5-6 birthdays every year hahahahaha".

I specifically don't ask for their cedula, which for some strange reason does not list birthdates.

Keep On Keepin' On.I have a better idea. Tell her you have a birthday present at your place. When she opens the door you are butt naked with a bow on your penis and a tag that reads "Happy birthday".

09-22-20, 16:12
Got my negative PCR results this morning. Flight to MDE tomorrow is on! Finally.Congratulations. I'm sure we would all love to hear the what the ordeal is like for you once you land. Hopefully no ordeal at all!

Gringo Trooper
09-22-20, 16:52
Got my negative PCR results this morning. Flight to MDE tomorrow is on! Finally.Congrats. Enjoy man!

Hasideas Tao
09-22-20, 17:37
Hey Colombialover Did you register on the checkmig site?

The Tall Man
09-22-20, 17:52
I'm going to have to assume your headed to Sosua, and you will fit right in there with your attire. However, being a Cheap Charlie there is going to be a lot tougher than in Colombia. Totally different the way the Chicas operate there, and you won't be getting any bargain basement 8's there as well. I used to spend months at a time there, and it's changed a lot over the years. However the beach hasn't and there's a great surfing spot called Playa Encuentro halfway between Sosua and Cabarette which I used to go too.

Again, the way you roll is going to be a challenge for you in the DR, and you will be competing with a lot of guys who fly down for short periods of time with wads of money and the Chicas there know how to play the game, you might say they are a bit more unionized, regardless, I wish you luck and plan on bringing a lot more money than you spent in Colombia on Chicas!Spot on with my experience in the Sue a few years back.

The hotel I stayed in was 85% occupied by the Black brothers (cool guys who welcomed the tall white guy) and they partied like rock stars in the clubs and back at the hotel with the big ass Dominicans, sharing the love and throwing around bucks and drinks like there was no tomorrow, hehehehe.

Lots of fun but I probably will never return (to the Sue) as I get more pussy of all different shapes and colors here in Medellin that could last a dozen mongers a lifetime and not the pros like in the Sue.

Much love and respect to all!

The Tall Man.

09-22-20, 18:36
Got my negative PCR results this morning. Flight to MDE tomorrow is on! Finally.After your arrival would you mind sharing whether you were required to have the Corona App on your phone for entry, and if so, what if any reporting requirements are required. Thanks.

09-22-20, 20:42
I found this doing a simple image search after I set the search engine settings to search in the region of Colombia.

Fecha de nacimiento means birthday and it shows it on the front.I've never seen this style of cedula before. The ones I've seen (and the one I have) only display birthdays on the back.

09-22-20, 21:27
Quite frankly looking at my past conquest Dominicans are prettier than Colombia women. For sure better bodies. I have done well there. But I have conquer 4, 5, 6 as well with my resistance to go above my budget. I have not been back in 2 years substituting thailand and Colombia. Colombian women are uniquely beautiful. Hard to explain. As I was going through tinder, I got excited to give it another go. Some nice spinners. Very responsive. But to your point, I could sense the hustle mentality. Sounding sweet for a bit til they receive my rejection of not sending them money. I could also feel the hostility and venom that is famous by the Santo Domingo women. Immediately I began missing Colombia women cause they take rejection so quietly and politely. Anyways surf. I have not purchase the ticket yet. But I know how to weed out the bad versus the good. I don't walk around sosua thirsty and in the clubs I am so to myself the attractive chicks get curious and it becomes more of can I fuck him rather how much hes going to pay me. Doesn't happen with all, just a few. LOL.

I'm going to have to assume your headed to Sosua, and you will fit right in there with your attire. However, being a Cheap Charlie there is going to be a lot tougher than in Colombia. Totally different the way the Chicas operate there, and you won't be getting any bargain basement 8's there as well. I used to spend months at a time there, and it's changed a lot over the years. However the beach hasn't and there's a great surfing spot called Playa Encuentro halfway between Sosua and Cabarette which I used to go too.

Again, the way you roll is going to be a challenge for you in the DR, and you will be competing with a lot of guys who fly down for short periods of time with wads of money and the Chicas there know how to play the game, you might say they are a bit more unionized, regardless, I wish you luck and plan on bringing a lot more money than you spent in Colombia on Chicas!.

09-22-20, 22:42
I've spoken to two people who entered on commercial flights the past two days, both from the United States. No Coronapp was required, requested, nor discussed during the immigration and customs process. One of my sources filled out the health declaration online and the other was not aware of it until he got to the immigration booth. He filled out a paper version of the form at the booth. Both were asked to show a test result and both told me there was only a cursory review of it. These are first hand reports if you don't count me, second hand if you count me. I have no reason to mislead anyone.

After your arrival would you mind sharing whether you were required to have the Corona App on your phone for entry, and if so, what if any reporting requirements are required. Thanks.

09-22-20, 23:20
Quite frankly looking at my past conquest Dominicans are prettier than Colombia women. For sure better bodies. I have done well there. But I have conquer 4, 5, 6 as well with my resistance to go above my budget. I have not been back in 2 years substituting thailand and Colombia. Colombian women are uniquely beautiful. Hard to explain. As I was going through tinder, I got excited to give it another go. Some nice spinners. Very responsive. But to your point, I could sense the hustle mentality. Sounding sweet for a bit til they receive my rejection of not sending them money. I could also feel the hostility and venom that is famous by the Santo Domingo women. Immediately I began missing Colombia women cause they take rejection so quietly and politely. Anyways surf. I have not purchase the ticket yet. But I know how to weed out the bad versus the good. I don't walk around sosua thirsty and in the clubs I am so to myself the attractive chicks get curious and it becomes more of can I fuck him rather how much hes going to pay me. Doesn't happen with all, just a few. LOL..I too have been to the DR numerous times, and ten years ago it was hard to beat. The Sosua strip with all the clubs open, and I used to sit outside and sip cocktails and watch the Putas on Parade walking up and down the main drag strutting their stuff. I always rented a car, would go surfing early in the mornings, and had a few regulars that would stay with me. I loved prowling the streets and the beach, it was always good in the afternoons and evenings yet things have changed with an entertainment area now on the outskirts of town versus how it used to be. I probably have over 1,000 post of my exploits there. As far as your take on the Dominican women being prettier than the Colombians, well that's a personal thing, and as far as their bodies, some of them do have killer bodies but my personal preference is for the Colombians, I'll be back in El Centro in a few weeks to scour the gutters and pillage.

Your aware there's a curfew there so it may be limiting you. This is something you should consider. I never liked Puerto Plata and don't recommend you stay there. If I were to go back I would stay in Sosua, comb the beach during the day, and schedule some Tinder girls in during the day for tryouts and potential overnighters.

If you decide to go to the DR your posts will be sorely missed along with the dueling posts with Slapshot, yet sounds likes SJobs will be the new dominant mucky muck high roller in town if he ever resurfaces from arriving and you could go toe to toe with him.

Regardless, keep us posted I'm sure you will do well, and at least you can dress in your shorts and not be given a bunch of flak for it.

09-23-20, 01:37
All of my 2002-born cuties have gone dark on me, since the weekend. I wonder what's in the air?Probably SJobs has single handedly cornered the whole 2002-born cuties of Medellin. If true, that would be epic lol.

09-23-20, 01:41
Does someone know if International flights over 3 hours are ok now? I would be flying from Newark to Fort Lauderdale to Medellin. All flights from Fort Lauderdale are listed as 3 hours and 26 minutes or so. Yet I read stories here that people have been able to land in Medellin?

09-23-20, 01:43
Both were asked to show a test result and both told me there was only a cursory review of it. Wondering if I could type something up myself. ? How would anyone know or care if it were a valid test result or something I printed on my word processor? Do they call home to the Doctor to verify that it was authentic? If cursory, then who cares? I could get a note from my mommy to excuse me from gym class in Jr. High School and often I printed it myself!

09-23-20, 02:18
I've spoken to two people who entered on commercial flights the past two days, both from the United States. No Coronapp was required, requested, nor discussed during the immigration and customs process. One of my sources filled out the health declaration online and the other was not aware of it until he got to the immigration booth. He filled out a paper version of the form at the booth. Both were asked to show a test result and both told me there was only a cursory review of it. These are first hand reports if you don't count me, second hand if you count me. I have no reason to mislead anyone.Thank you Knowledge, the last I want to do is have Big Brother tagging along with me wherever I go while in the bowels of El Centro. It's amazing how loose things can be in Country's. A perfect example is Mexico. They extended the non-essential travel ban from the 21st of Sept until the 21st of October. About two weeks they had a crackdown at the San Ysidro border crossing and it was a ten hour wait by car to cross from Mexico into the USA and the streets of Tijuana were totally clogged jacking the City up and they were sending everyone to Secondary reading them the riot act. This last Sunday I went down to Tijuana but scheduled a dental appointment for Monday and had a copy of the E mail confirmation being prepared if asked as to what my essential travel was for (blowing loads in a nasty puta) and when I arrived at the turnstiles there were no CBP Postings about "essential travel" which I have defined and when I entered they asked me where I was going and for how long and I said a dental appointment and only for one day and they said okay go ahead with no paperwork. So I thought okay I will get harassed exiting on Tuesday morning, and had a receipt from the dentist showing what was done which was a cleaning and when I crossed back into the USA nothing asked of me except of what I had to declare which was a bottle of Tequila. So much for essential travel into Mexico whereas going to Canada they would be looking for proof such as I had as to why I was entering the Country.

What you described doesn't surprise me at all and I appreciate this information, I'm currently looking at an October 14 return date from LAX and will be buying a one way ticket. When I arrive I'm going to have to roll quite a bit differently, no more Metro and buses which I typically use four times a day to get around and more time shacked up in my apartment with a few nasty Nymphos.

09-23-20, 02:24
Does someone know if International flights over 3 hours are ok now? I would be flying from Newark to Fort Lauderdale to Medellin. All flights from Fort Lauderdale are listed as 3 hours and 26 minutes or so. Yet I read stories here that people have been able to land in Medellin?Some board members have already landed in Colombia. South Florida is probably the closest to Colombia coming from eastern US.

09-23-20, 02:34
I've spoken to two people who entered on commercial flights the past two days, both from the United States. No Coronapp was required, requested, nor discussed during the immigration and customs process. One of my sources filled out the health declaration online and the other was not aware of it until he got to the immigration booth. He filled out a paper version of the form at the booth. Both were asked to show a test result and both told me there was only a cursory review of it. These are first hand reports if you don't count me, second hand if you count me. I have no reason to mislead anyone.I had a feeling that they wouldn't focus too much on people having the corona app on their phones. Many travelers carry two phones, all they have to do is install the app on 1 phone and leave It somewhere in their room while being out and about with the other phone.

09-23-20, 03:45
Yes. One warning about that. When you scan your COVID test results to a PDF, be sure you compress it. The systems only permits you to upload a PDF of. 5 MB or less. Did not accept a conversion to a Word document, even thought it was small.

Hey Colombialover Did you register on the checkmig site?

09-23-20, 03:45
FLL to MDE is actually less than that in air. So no problem. I fly tomorrow and everything is a go. In fact, they must be overbooked as they are asking for people to take a bribe to take a later flight.

Does someone know if International flights over 3 hours are ok now? I would be flying from Newark to Fort Lauderdale to Medellin. All flights from Fort Lauderdale are listed as 3 hours and 26 minutes or so. Yet I read stories here that people have been able to land in Medellin?

09-23-20, 04:43
The ones I have seen do not have it on the front.First, instead of telling other members what you believe their reality should be, take a step back and consider that there may be valid explanations for different experiences. I agree it would be strange to have an ID without a birth date, but what I know is the cedulas I have in my files do not show birth dates. All were obtained within the last two years. possibly there are different kinds of cedulas because none of the ones I have show a birth date, they look the exactly as Wolf posted in his foto. However, I believe it when other members say they have seen cedulas with birth dates on the front, back, upside down, no matter. Hmmmm, that supports the theory that there may be different kind of cedulas out there. Then, I Wassapped my girls whose cedulas I have and asked them. Always eager to please, they responded right away and told me the height, birth date, and blood type are listed on the back of the cedula.

Finally, let's not lose sight of the tongue-in-cheek point of my original post, which was after you get to know a Colombiana more than a couple weeks, she will often have a birthday within that time frame. I wish them happy birthday and ask to see proof, which looks like a cedula would offer, before and if I buy any gifts to celebrate the occasion. Carry on.

09-23-20, 07:03
I'm sure you would still need the PCR test as it is possible to get it more than once.There is no epidemiological evidence so far that you can get it twice.

09-23-20, 07:06
It's so close that the wind can make the difference over or under 3 hours. Been there, done that eight times so far. . .

09-23-20, 12:22
Zandaley is undergoing renovation, bunch of workmen doing tile, etc. I was given a card on the street from Aiffe, but did not check it out, but I will assume it is open.

The Usd at 3821 Cop.


09-23-20, 12:30
If this question was already answered I did not see it and I read every post after I first asked it.

From the US Embassy in Colombia: All arriving passengers should obtain a negative PCR test result no more than 96 hours before arriving in Colombia, as well as complete Migracion Colombia Check-Mig immigration form.

With that said, anyone who had dealt with government officials in Colombia, knows that it can depend on who is standing in front of you at the moment. I have gotten opposite answers (not about this) on Visa issues from government employees working at desks so close they could reach out and touch each other. I have been given instructions, returned the next day, and been told something completely different.

I am not saying to ignore anything but rules are selectively and variably enforced in Colombia.

09-23-20, 12:52
After reading some positive reviews its seems Colombia is back open and I'm looking to get on the first plane I can at the start of October. Still been browsing La diabla chica list and am curious to if anyone here positive reviews on them or if they are still in the game. Looking forward to any help I receive. Thanks in advance.

09-23-20, 14:05
FLL to MDE is actually less than that in air. So no problem. I fly tomorrow and everything is a go. In fact, they must be overbooked as they are asking for people to take a bribe to take a later flight.Colombia Lover, your right, My girl got a call from American Airlines yesterday, trying to bait her to take her flight to Miami on Saturday instead of Friday. I suspected this when I saw the prices rise quickly from 300 and change to +600. I don't blame them for trying to get double per seat than I paid them.

The Tall Man
09-23-20, 14:14
Quite frankly looking at my past conquest Dominicans are prettier than Colombia women. For sure better bodies. Much love and respect to all, Blackman must be a black man, hehehehe.

First know that this Tall White Man loves blacks, be they from my home state of California or a Costena (coast of Colombia) or Medellin or the dozens that I enjoyed in both the Sue and Cuba, all delicious hehehehehe and to each their own but Dominican blacks are no where near the "prettier" factor as compared to just about any woman be them paisa, rollo, costena or caliena in Colombia.

Now to be fair I absolutely agree that Dominicans have bodies that are made to be fucked hard and long, I love the muscles in some of the more leaner body types, agreed that there are some bodies that are to die for, but not prettier in facial features for sure unless your a black male and love the big asses and thigh muscles that scream to be spread and fucked hard.

I need to find a few of my older photos of my black regular back in California and post a few, you will understand when you her. To me she holds near top honers and she is straight out of Compton.

Again much love for the black woman, you know that I treat you like a princess.

The Tall Man.

09-23-20, 14:23
I checked-in at the FLL airport today. A few things to note:

1) You cannot check-in at the kiosk and drop your luggage. You have to go through the line so they can check your COVID test and ensure that you already registered with the Colombian government. Luckily the line was not long and no issues in the process.

2) Seems like most of those in the gate area for this flight are Colomabians. Not too many obvious mongers.

3) Spirit flight for tomorrow is sold out. Prices are high for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. More normal rates early next week.

Seeing my 18 year old high school girlfriend this afternoon and a new girl (from Tinder) tonight. Hoping for a good time.

I'm feeling a little odd about this trip. It's been 6 months and I'm not returning to the same Colombia that I left. Definitely will be much more cautious. Not going out much, staying near the apartment, focusing on a small group of girls I know. It's going to be strange when I arrive, but hopefully I will settle in.

The Tall Man
09-23-20, 14:42
I share this experience as a cautionary tale to let guys know to be mindful and careful:

So my good gringo friend whom I speak to throughout the day, almost everyday, went MIA at about 4PM this past Monday. I tried to reach him on Tuesday mid morning and again tried throughout Tuesday afternoon but his whatsapp messages were never opened and telephone calls to his phone went to voicemail.

Out of character and I knew something was wrong so called my good paisa buddy in the early evening (last night) and we took a drive over to his apartment, got there at about 9 PM and spoke to the portero about our concerns. He has not seen him all day but did tell us that he had a chica visitor the night before and that he saw her leave at about 11 PM on Monday.

The portero allowed us into the edifico and we headed straight to his apartment, after about one minute of banging on his door and yelling his name the door opened and he was clearly in bad shape, slurring his words, stumbling, almost incoherent at times, his pants were full of piss, some dried and some more recently wet, no shirt, with a look of a deer in the headlight. Yes he was drugged by a new Tinder girl whom he invited over to his apartment at about 10 PM on Monday evening.

He had no idea that it was 24 hours later, this was Tuesday night now and he had been in a drugged induced state for 24 hours.

She shared a drink with him, he does not drink, and evidently within a period of 20 minutes she drugged him and he remembers falling asleep.

She stole 2 cell phones and at least 3 million pesos that he had in his closet hidden, so she ransacked through his stuff. I am glad to see him and that he is alive.

I will pick him up today at about noon and get him a new cell phone and try to determine what else is missing. Surprisingly she did not go through his jean pockets which he was wearing when she drugged him as his front pocket had a wad of almost 2 million and his other front pocket had his bank cards in it.

I will learn more today but from what I know is that she was hounding him aggressively for the past week wanting to get with him.

Be careful and always stay aware.

BTW, his personality tends to be trusting and I keep warning him about this. These are bitches, these are working girls, these are thieves, these are scum, yes many appear to be sweet and nice and great fucks but never let your guard completely down, don't get complacent. Find them and fuck them but understand what they are.

Be safe and much love and respect to all!

The Tall Man.

09-23-20, 16:34
Colombia here I come. Caps, shorts, white sneakers. Bringing tall man, pollon negro as security to walk the streets of centro. Lets see who want to fuck with the chicos mal. Lmao

I too have been to the DR numerous times, and ten years ago it was hard to beat. The Sosua strip with all the clubs open, and I used to sit outside and sip cocktails and watch the Putas on Parade walking up and down the main drag strutting their stuff. I always rented a car, would go surfing early in the mornings, and had a few regulars that would stay with me. I loved prowling the streets and the beach, it was always good in the afternoons and evenings yet things have changed with an entertainment area now on the outskirts of town versus how it used to be. I probably have over 1,000 post of my exploits there. As far as your take on the Dominican women being prettier than the Colombians, well that's a personal thing, and as far as their bodies, some of them do have killer bodies but my personal preference is for the Colombians, I'll be back in El Centro in a few weeks to scour the gutters and pillage.

Your aware there's a curfew there so it may be limiting you. This is something you should consider. I never liked Puerto Plata and don't recommend you stay there. If I were to go back I would stay in Sosua, comb the beach during the day, and schedule some Tinder girls in during the day for tryouts and potential overnighters.

If you decide to go to the DR your posts will be sorely missed along with the dueling posts with Slapshot, yet sounds likes SJobs will be the new dominant mucky muck high roller in town if he ever resurfaces from arriving and you could go toe to toe with him.

Regardless, keep us posted I'm sure you will do well, and at least you can dress in your shorts and not be given a bunch of flak for it..

09-23-20, 17:27
You know the old saying, "how are you going to keep them on the farm once they see the big city". You should be thanking Surfer for exploding that truth bomb all up in your grill. You would be bored and frustrated in So-sewer, locked down under curfew at night and sick of seeing the same overused providers and thirsty punters every day along its 300 meter strip.

Colombia here I come. Caps, shorts, white sneakers. Bringing tall man, pollon negro as security to walk the streets of centro. Lets see who want to fuck with the chicos mal. Lmao.

09-23-20, 19:23
I checked-in at the FLL airport today. A few things to note:
1) You cannot check-in at the kiosk and drop your luggage. You have to go through the line so they can check your COVID test and ensure that you already registered with the Colombian government. Luckily the line was not long and no issues in the process.
2) Seems like most of those in the gate area for this flight are Colomabians. Not too many obvious mongers.
3) Spirit flight for tomorrow is sold out. Prices are high for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. More normal rates early next week.
Seeing my 18 year old high school girlfriend this afternoon and a new girl (from Tinder) tonight. Hoping for a good time.
I'm feeling a little odd about this trip. It's been 6 months and I'm not returning to the same Colombia that I left. Definitely will be much more cautious. Not going out much, staying near the apartment, focusing on a small group of girls I know. It's going to be strange when I arrive, but hopefully I will settle in.
It will be great! Even a small group of good girls is a blessing.

So did you take a covid test 96 hours before you left and had to sweat getting results before your day of flight or is it that your results have to have been issued (no more than 96 hours before your departure flight? I had a test recently (negative) because I came in contact with someone who was positive. It took more than four days for my results. I only received a phone call and I don't even know what type of test I took. Nose swab.

09-23-20, 19:32
I share this experience as a cautionary tale to let guys know to be mindful and careful:

So my good gringo friend whom I speak to throughout the day, almost everyday, went MIA at about 4PM this past Monday. I tried to reach him on Tuesday mid morning and again tried throughout Tuesday afternoon but his whatsapp messages were never opened and telephone calls to his phone went to voicemail.

Out of character and I knew something was wrong so called my good paisa buddy in the early evening (last night) and we took a drive over to his apartment, got there at about 9 PM and spoke to the portero about our concerns. He has not seen him all day but did tell us that he had a chica visitor the night before and that he saw her leave at about 11 PM on Monday.

The portero allowed us into the edifico and we headed straight to his apartment, after about one minute of banging on his door and yelling his name the door opened and he was clearly in bad shape, slurring his words, stumbling, almost incoherent at times, his pants were full of piss, some dried and some more recently wet, no shirt, with a look of a deer in the headlight. Yes he was drugged by a new Tinder girl whom he invited over to his apartment at about 10 PM on Monday evening.

He had no idea that it was 24 hours later, this was Tuesday night now and he had been in a drugged induced state for 24 hours.See that is why I like some places like san peter in Laureles, that chica would not be able to get past the front desk without your OK. But she got 4 months salary off that gringo.

09-23-20, 19:49
Colombia here I come. Caps, shorts, white sneakers. Bringing tall man, pollon negro as security to walk the streets of centro. Lets see who want to fuck with the chicos mal. Lmao.I think you made the right choice, granted the beaches are nice in the DR, I think the Colombian women run circles around the Dominicans. Just got off the phone with COPA and got a one way Business Class seat for the 14th using award miles from LAX and $ 26.25 in taxes. And I won't need a tall white guy and a black chicken though to escort me around El Centro, however that sounds like a good security detail to have. I'm stoked for sure, but am a little bit nervous about contracting COVID in Colombia given how I roll which I need to modify, including no more using the METRO or Buses.

I contacted one of my cream pie Chicas who told me she had the "bicho" meaning the bug really bad and said it was COVID so she's on my list to receive some loads. Also contacted another one of my Chicas who will be spending a few nights a week at my apartment, so that will leave me with my El Centro regulars to fill in the other days of the week. Instead of bedding all of my El Centro street urchins in different Love Motel's each time like I usually do, I might just get a room at the Premier Plaza for my entire stay and set up shop just for them.

I'm not sure how long I will stay, I'm going to just play it by ear and decide when I get there. Hopefully things will not spiral out of control in the next three weeks due to COVID. I don't want to pull the plug at the last minute. I will be away at least thru the election, and hell, there might be a civil war going on and perhaps I won't want to return.

Let the good times roll!

09-23-20, 20:07
I share this experience as a cautionary tale to let guys know to be mindful and careful:

He had no idea that it was 24 hours later, this was Tuesday night now and he had been in a drugged induced state for 24 hours.

She shared a drink with him, he does not drink, and evidently within a period of 20 minutes she drugged him and he remembers falling asleep.

She stole 2 cell phones and at least 3 million pesos that he had in his closet hidden, so she ransacked through his stuff. I am glad to see him and that he is alive.

The Tall Man.Sage advice again for all to be carefull. It can be so alluring to have a beautiful woman in your apartment versus a Love Motel as you have everything at your disposal. Perhaps the warning signs were there with this Chica being very aggressive about meeting up, that's always a bad sign.

I have very few Chicas in my apartment except those I have vetted and met elsewhere beforehand. Albeit, even the vetted ones might rob you depending on the situation.

There's been numerous past posts about how to mitigate being robbed, and you can never ever let your guard down.

09-23-20, 21:02
I sure hope SJobs has a notepad and a polaroid camera next to the jacuzzi...

The suspense is killing me!

Blakandforthman - See you soon! Try making some patacones with guacamole as a cheap treat, when you return. The girls will melt at how culturally-adaptive and explorative you are.

Surfer, CL, et al, welcome back and enjoy! Looking forward to getting away from some of the recent topics on the board!

Tall Man. Thank you for the reminder. I, for one, can say that having a ride or die chica for trios certainly takes away any of the typical worry or concern of a "first cita" situation. I know not many come all the way to Colombia to roll like that, but it's worked out well, for me. It wasn't my plan, but given the quarantine, I stumbled into a comfortable situation.

My FUCKING SA is still not letting me log in, and I keep getting bullshit robot messages about how the nerd squad is working on it. So, I'm itching to get back to finding some noobies. There have been over a month's worth of birthdays since my last search & destroy mission.

09-23-20, 21:47
I share this experience as a cautionary tale to let guys know to be mindful and careful:

So my good gringo friend whom I speak to throughout the day, almost everyday, went MIA at about 4PM this past Monday. I tried to reach him on Tuesday mid morning and again tried throughout Tuesday afternoon but his whatsapp messages were never opened and telephone calls to his phone went to voicemail.

Out of character and I knew something was wrong so called my good paisa buddy in the early evening (last night) and we took a drive over to his apartment, got there at about 9 PM and spoke to the portero about our concerns. He has not seen him all day but did tell us that he had a chica visitor the night before and that he saw her leave at about 11 PM on Monday.

The portero allowed us into the edifico and we headed straight to his apartment, after about one minute of banging on his door and yelling his name the door opened and he was clearly in bad shape, slurring his words, stumbling, almost incoherent at times, his pants were full of piss, some dried and some more recently wet, no shirt, with a look of a deer in the headlight. Yes he was drugged by a new Tinder girl whom he invited over to his apartment at about 10 PM on Monday evening..I recently stated: People are people and they have many strange ideas about Americans and many Colombians and Venezuelans have a deep rooted hatred for Americans, trust me I found this out the hard way. Many of these working girls have shown me that they are just as opportunistic as people growing up in the Ghettos of America. I grew up in the Ghettos of america and I know what it is like to live hand to mouth. Many have confided in me and told me, that they all think gringos are stupid, rich, and wasteful with money. I can easily see why they think that after spending 3 years here mongering.

And then I stated: Clearly no one on the board is addressing the fact that there are no new clients coming in or going out, the situation is this, you must find a way to earn a date with the clients who are here or you starve and clearly many of them are starving. As the devil's advocate, let me say this, you also must be extremely careful when dating any of these girls during these times as desperate times cause for desperate measures. I stick to the girls who have not tried to rob me and the ones who give great performances. *BMs please be careful Pollo Negro*is out!

09-23-20, 22:29

1) Flight left about 25-30 minutes late. Lots of late arrivals on the plane (I hope they felt my laser eyes burning them). So many people blow off the 3 hour rule. And in the past you often got away with it. But today there were flights to Bogota, Cali, MDE, DR all in the morning and all on Spirit. So apparently lines got long (because no self check-in) and these folks who don't follow directions well had to wait. Which means we had to wait.

2) Flight only arrived about 10 minutes late. There were healthcare folks in the walk-way toward immigration. Scanned us for temperature. Immigration lines have changed. Instead of one line for foreigners and one for Colombians, now there are a total of about 5 lines. Two for foreigners. I got in what I thought was the only gringo lane, but discovered I was mistaken. Many gringos behind me got out first (because they had two people servicing them and only one guy servicing us). So it took a little time, but thankfully we were the only flight. I only had to confirm my address. They did not ask for COVID test or proof of registration, since I guess they could see it. The process is a little slower, but I am sure they will improve some in time.

3) Bags were already out and no other lines. Just walked out. No visitors waiting in the lobby. Closed. Had to walk outside near entrance 3 (for national flights). But ATM machines worked and little store was open to buy some water and soda.

Medellin is a bit quiet. Traffic was not bad. My taxi guy tells me the white taxis are permitted to drive 1 day and then have 4 days off. So he's driving his own care also to make extra. Money.

Waiting on my high school sweetheart now.

I checked-in at the FLL airport today. A few things to note:

1) You cannot check-in at the kiosk and drop your luggage. You have to go through the line so they can check your COVID test and ensure that you already registered with the Colombian government. Luckily the line was not long and no issues in the process.

2) Seems like most of those in the gate area for this flight are Colomabians. Not too many obvious mongers.

3) Spirit flight for tomorrow is sold out. Prices are high for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. More normal rates early next week.

Seeing my 18 year old high school girlfriend this afternoon and a new girl (from Tinder) tonight. Hoping for a good time.

I'm feeling a little odd about this trip. It's been 6 months and I'm not returning to the same Colombia that I left. Definitely will be much more cautious. Not going out much, staying near the apartment, focusing on a small group of girls I know. It's going to be strange when I arrive, but hopefully I will settle in.

Just Incognito
09-23-20, 22:42
I checked-in at the FLL airport today. A few things to note:

1) You cannot check-in at the kiosk and drop your luggage. You have to go through the line so they can check your COVID test and ensure that you already registered with the Colombian government. Luckily the line was not long and no issues in the process.

2) Seems like most of those in the gate area for this flight are Colomabians. Not too many obvious mongers.

3) Spirit flight for tomorrow is sold out. Prices are high for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. More normal rates early next week.

Seeing my 18 year old high school girlfriend this afternoon and a new girl (from Tinder) tonight. Hoping for a good time.

I'm feeling a little odd about this trip. It's been 6 months and I'm not returning to the same Colombia that I left. Definitely will be much more cautious. Not going out much, staying near the apartment, focusing on a small group of girls I know. It's going to be strange when I arrive, but hopefully I will settle in.This may have nothing to do with me since I haven't been in the US in a couple of years I think. But Thanks--this a great post. Quick informative and with the info people are curious about. Solid work.

Gringo Trooper
09-23-20, 22:55
TTM, I hope your friend is doing much better now. Fortunately, it was just money that was lost. Common sense could have helped him in that situation, and unfortunately, he learned this one the hard way.

I wonder if he has her WhatsApp number, Facebook info, or saved her tinder info, or whether there is any security footage of her entering the apartment building.

If he was out for 24 hours, she must have slipped him something insanely strong.

Just Incognito
09-23-20, 23:01
I share this experience as a cautionary tale to let guys know to be mindful and careful:


Be careful and always stay aware.

BTW, his personality tends to be trusting and I keep warning him about this. These are bitches, these are working girls, these are thieves, these are scum, yes many appear to be sweet and nice and great fucks but never let your guard completely down, don't get complacent. Find them and fuck them but understand what they are.

Be safe and much love and respect to all!

The Tall Man.WOW! Thanks for the report. I wish it wasn't true--but what you write is 100% true it is-never trust any of them. Never take a drink from someone, never let them open the bottle or hand you a drink. Open the wine bottle or their beer right in front of them. Show your awareness / vigilance in subtle ways. Ne ver leave a drink. A left drink is a finished empty drink. Its garbage. If your glass or bottle has something in it at any time it is not in your site-do not drink it--open a new one, and buy extras drinks so you can. Think of it like double dipping your chips. You dip a chip in the salsa-that's it--no rotation tricks, no sneaky other side dips--that chip is banned from the guacamole. 1 dip per chip.

When the bottle or glass leaves your sight for even a second-its been dipped-got to get another. They may appear sweet-but it is a hustle. Never underestimate generational bitterness and poverty and how it creates cutthroat villainy. Even in super hotties.

They see idealized USA on TV and we are all marks just coming and going (in their minds).

I feel for the dude, and I hope somehow she is too dumb to lay low and gets caught. Set up another Tinder and find the same pictures that will now be there with a different name and find her or her network?

09-23-20, 23:10

1) Flight left about 25-30 minutes late. Lots of late arrivals on the plane (I hope they felt my laser eyes burning them). So many people blow off the 3 hour rule. And in the past you often got away with it. But today there were flights to Bogota, Cali, MDE, DR all in the morning and all on Spirit. So apparently lines got long (because no self check-in) and these folks who don't follow directions well had to wait. Which means we had to wait.

2) Flight only arrived about 10 minutes late. There were healthcare folks in the walk-way toward immigration. Scanned us for temperature. Immigration lines have changed. Instead of one line for foreigners and one for Colombians, now there are a total of about 5 lines. Two for foreigners. I got in what I thought was the only gringo lane, but discovered I was mistaken. Many gringos behind me got out first (because they had two people servicing them and only one guy servicing us). So it took a little time, but thankfully we were the only flight. I only had to confirm my address. They did not ask for COVID test or proof of registration, since I guess they could see it. The process is a little slower, but I am sure they will improve some in time.

3) Bags were already out and no other lines. Just walked out. No visitors waiting in the lobby. Closed. Had to walk outside near entrance 3 (for national flights). But ATM machines worked and little store was open to buy some water and soda..That's some good intel right there, by the way did you see the paisa buses outside of the airport, I am talking about the ones for the 10000 peso fares.

Mojo Bandit
09-23-20, 23:11
. Yes he was drugged by a new Tinder girl whom he invited over to his apartment at about 10 PM on Monday evening.

He had no idea that it was 24 hours later, this was Tuesday night now and he had been in a drugged induced state for 24 hours.

She stole 2 cell phones and at least 3 million pesos that he had in his closet hidden, so she ransacked through his stuff. I am glad to see him and that he is alive.

I will pick him up today at about noon and get him a new cell phone and try to determine what else is missing. Surprisingly she did not go through his jean pockets which he was wearing when she drugged him as his front pocket had a wad of almost 2 million and his other front pocket had his bank cards in it.

Be safe and much love and respect to all!

The Tall Man.

I checked-in at the FLL airport today. A few things to note:

1) You cannot check-in at the kiosk and drop your luggage. You have to go through the line so they can check your COVID test and ensure that you already registered with the Colombian government. Luckily the line was not long and no

Seeing afternoon and a new girl (from Tinder) tonight. Hoping for a good time.

I'm feeling a little odd about this trip. It's been 6 months and I'm not returning to the same Colombia that I left. Definitely will be much more cautious. Not going out much, staying near the apartment, focusing on a small group of girls I know. It's going to be strange when I arrive, but hopefully I will settle in.ColombiaLover. I just happen to see The Tall Man's report about his friend getting scopolamine poisoned by a Tinder Chica. Ang then immediately after you are saying you are seeing a new Tinder chica< be very careful and dude if you need to see new chicas, Hit me up in a PM for some FB contacts instead of messing with these unknowns.

09-23-20, 23:12
Affect has been open for months.

Zandaley is undergoing renovation, bunch of workmen doing tile, etc. I was given a card on the street from Aiffe, but did not check it out, but I will assume it is open.

The Usd at 3821 Cop.


09-24-20, 00:08
ColombiaLover. I just happen to see The Tall Man's report about his friend getting scopolamine poisoned by a Tinder Chica. Ang then immediately after you are saying you are seeing a new Tinder chica< be very careful and dude if you need to see new chicas, Hit me up in a PM for some FB contacts instead of messing with these unknowns.I have been reading on Medellin groups on FaceBook about Tinder girls drugging guys in MDE.

Member #4665
09-24-20, 01:00
I share this experience as a cautionary tale to let guys know to be mindful and careful:
Thanks for sharing. I hope your friend feels better. I agree it's a dangerous world. This is completely illegal criminal activity by the woman and the innocent people were poisoned can suffer severe consequence due to the illegal substance. If you can, please keep us updated. What sort of precautions do you guys take?

- Always keep an eye on your drinks and food. If you go to the bathroom and leave your drink in the living room when you come back say you are not thirsty anymore. Also be careful with poisoned cigarettes the criminal may have.

- When the girl arrives receive her at the gate and make sure the guard knows the girl cannot leave herself but you have to walk her from your apartment out of the gate. Tell the guard If she tries to leave alone to stop her and call the police.

- Keep all your belongings inside the apartment inside a locked bag. Don't keep any money inside the apartment.

- Before the meeting make sure you have the girls phone number, her real name, and hopefully her Public Facebook profile. Ask her to see her ID to verify she is over 18 and verify her real name is on the ID.

- Save all Facebook and seeking chats and save all her pictures.

- Only date women that have good references or reviews in the forum.

Last of all I understand a lot of these girls are working girls. But maybe there are some that are not so poor that poverty does not make them violent. And maybe some of these girls are ordinary women with good intentions? Maybe some are good people? The girl you describe in your post definitely a very Dangerous criminal.

John Gault
09-24-20, 01:10
I share this experience as a cautionary tale to let guys know to be mindful and careful:

So my good gringo friend whom I speak to throughout the day, almost everyday, went MIA at about 4PM this past Monday. I tried to reach him on Tuesday mid morning and again tried throughout Tuesday afternoon but his whatsapp messages were never opened and telephone calls to his phone went to voicemail.

Out of character and I knew something was wrong so called my good paisa buddy in the early evening (last night) and we took a drive over to his apartment, got there at about 9 PM and spoke to the portero about our concerns. He has not seen him all day but did tell us that he had a chica visitor the night before and that he saw her leave at about 11 PM on Monday.

The portero allowed us into the edifico and we headed straight to his apartment, after about one minute of banging on his door and yelling his name the door opened and he was clearly in bad shape, slurring his words, stumbling, almost incoherent at times, his pants were full of piss, some dried and some more recently wet, no shirt, with a look of a deer in the headlight. Yes he was drugged by a new Tinder girl whom he invited over to his apartment at about 10 PM on Monday evening.

He had no idea that it was 24 hours later, this was Tuesday night now and he had been in a drugged induced state for 24 hours.

She shared a drink with him, he does not drink, and evidently within a period of 20 minutes she drugged him and he remembers falling asleep.

She stole 2 cell phones and at least 3 million pesos that he had in his closet hidden, so she ransacked through his stuff. I am glad to see him and that he is alive.

I will pick him up today at about noon and get him a new cell phone and try to determine what else is missing. Surprisingly she did not go through his jean pockets which he was wearing when she drugged him as his front pocket had a wad of almost 2 million and his other front pocket had his bank cards in it.

I will learn more today but from what I know is that she was hounding him aggressively for the past week wanting to get with him.

Be careful and always stay aware.

BTW, his personality tends to be trusting and I keep warning him about this. These are bitches, these are working girls, these are thieves, these are scum, yes many appear to be sweet and nice and great fucks but never let your guard completely down, don't get complacent. Find them and fuck them but understand what they are.

Be safe and much love and respect to all!

The Tall Man.I have heard that tinder is the worst in that drugging is what some of them do.

I think the only safe way to monger in Colombia is to use the Casa's. Yes I know it is hard to get GFE there but it is by far the safest method to get a hot girl.

The main thing in my thoughts is getting drugged is certainly terrible with the expense and all the inconveince of losing phones and money. It can also kill you if they use a stong dose. Don't expect them to worry about your health as they rip you off.

09-24-20, 01:34
I have heard that tinder is the worst in that drugging is what some of them do.

I think the only safe way to monger in Colombia is to use the Casa's. Yes I know it is hard to get GFE there but it is by far the safest method to get a hot girl.

The main thing in my thoughts is getting drugged is certainly terrible with the expense and all the inconveince of losing phones and money. It can also kill you if they use a stong dose. Don't expect them to worry about your health as they rip you off.This of course has been said before, but these are great screening tools as your typical girl out for a big score through crime isn't going to show. There's the front desk, and though that didn't stop the girl from the story of Tall Man's friend, there's the added factor that the customer is only liable to have a cheap phone and the room and sex money on him, thus no big score.

Be safe guys.

09-24-20, 01:45
I never had a problem with Facebook girls. That and I always stay at places that record and electronically scan the cedulas. Along with a phone call to make sure you are ok when she is leaving

I have heard that tinder is the worst in that drugging is what some of them do.

I think the only safe way to monger in Colombia is to use the Casa's. Yes I know it is hard to get GFE there but it is by far the safest method to get a hot girl.

The main thing in my thoughts is getting drugged is certainly terrible with the expense and all the inconveince of losing phones and money. It can also kill you if they use a stong dose. Don't expect them to worry about your health as they rip you off..

09-24-20, 02:07
I sure hope SJobs has a notepad and a polaroid camera next to the jacuzzi...The suspense is killing me!.Maybe one of two possibilities.

1. Slapshot was an illusion, a figment of our imagination and a frustrated fiction writer in his late forties living in his parent's basement living in Chicago spinning tales about his exploits in Colombia and how he would return including saying that he bought dozens of tickets for flights, was consulting with attorneys, and boasting about his brain power and his physical stamina and abruptly got kicked to the curb a few day's ago by his folks for being such a loser. OR.

2. Upon arrival in Medellin, and I wouldn't want to be a fly on the wall witnessing all this, but he booked a dozen of his 18 year old cheerleaders and it has been overwhelming for him between the cheerleaders sitting on his face all time, while cheering him on too blow loads in the squad every few hours while under the influence of Tussi, Pot, Cocaine, and booze. He most probably has road rash on his Johnson and is in a "fucking daze" and a trance, kind of like one of the Sacalero Zombies in El Centro yet in a Penthouse in Poblado.

09-24-20, 02:16
Sorry, can't find the post (s) about this. Closest and nicest hourly hotel to Envigado?

09-24-20, 02:23
I never had a problem with Facebook girls. That and I always stay at places that record and electronically scan the cedulas. Along with a phone call to make sure you are ok when she is leaving

.Yup. That is your best defense. Stay at hotels or apartments that have this policy. Talk to the door staff to make sure they don't let a girl leave w / o speaking with you first. When making conversation with the girl, I typically tell them that I like staying in this building because of their policies and the safety it provides.

FWIW, some of these girls may not appreciate the severity of what they are doing. If you happen to be taking other drugs that have an interaction with what they slip you, you could die. Or if they just give you too much.

The vast majority of the girls we deal with in MDE come from extremely poor areas. And with the economic devastation that Covid has caused, there will be even more desperate people. Don't make yourself a juicy target.

09-24-20, 02:26
Many have confided in me and told me, that they all think gringos are stupid, rich, and wasteful with money. I can easily see why they think that after spending 3 years here mongering.This is CRITICAL to understand. Present yourself as nearly as financially impotent as they are. Negotiate and low-ball everything. Say "no" even when you could easily say yes. Hint around at freebees, or just hanging out, even though you're unlikely to get one. Its managing expectations. Tell them outright "ya no tango dinero". They "get it", everyone they know is broke, flat broke.

They come back expecting and accepting less. Demand and be clear about what you want. 12 minutes mechanical penetration with a condom is not good enough. (unless its a rare, irresistible trophy hottie in a sala or club. And prepare to be disappointed) Almost no one is irresistible anymore. Satisfaction trumps fantasy.

Giving money for nothing... gifts, loans, bail-outs, emergencies... do it if your spirit moves you... but it is not a strategy. Doing it garners no admiration, respect, or loyalty.. especially from a person substantially younger that has no clue what money is or how it appears in someones life.

Do not have 5 million pesos "hidden"(yeah right) in your apartment. Then invite an unknown, potentially psychotic or calculating teenager, from a fucking phone app, and from a culture that you don't understand, over for drinks.

A love hotel is what? 4 mil-90 mil peso for 3 hours. The math there is brutally obvious. I'm glad this guy was rescued. He was damned lucky to have an alert support network however small. But that was so careless and foolish its jaw dropping.

09-24-20, 02:36
This is CRITICAL to understand. Present yourself as nearly as financially impotent as they are. Negotiate and low-ball everything. Say "no" even when you could easily say yes. Hint around at freebees, or just hanging out, even though you're unlikely to get one. Its managing expectations. Tell them outright "ya no tango dinero". They "get it", everyone they know is broke, flat broke.

They come back expecting and accepting less. Demand and be clear about what you want. 12 minutes mechanical penetration with a condom is not good enough. (unless its a rare, irresistible trophy hottie in a sala or club. And prepare to be disappointed) Almost no one is irresistible anymore. Satisfaction trumps fantasy.

Do not have 5 million pesos "hidden"(yeah right) in your apartment. Then invite an unknown, potentially psychotic or calculating teenager from a culture that you don't understand, over for drinks.

A love hotel is what? 4 mil-90 mil peso for 3 hours. The math there is brutally obvious. I'm glad this guy was rescued. He was damned lucky to have an alert support network however small. But that was so careless and foolish its jaw dropping.It's never a good idea to convey that you have money to burn. But this is hard for new mongers to understand coming from the US or Europe where they've been conditioned to show off their wealth in order to attract women.

Mojo Bandit
09-24-20, 03:30
Medellin is a bit quiet. Traffic was not bad. My taxi guy tells me the white taxis are permitted to drive 1 day and then have 4 days off. So he's driving his own care also to make extra. Money.

Waiting on my high school sweetheart now.ColombiaLover you need to delete some messages before they will allow you to receive any more messages. I have a message ready to send, I think you will like it.

Mojo Bandit
09-24-20, 03:49
I never had a problem with Facebook girls. That and I always stay at places that record and electronically scan the cedulas. Along with a phone call to make sure you are ok when she is leaving

.Yes that is exactly my point, with a Facebook chica you can get a better feel by looking at their profile where a Tinder is just a few photos. A Facebook page shows evidence of time accumulating photos etc, Sho tinder is just easier to be dodgy. The ID thing and doorman is also what I do but I was thinking the way the Tall Man told the story I do not think his building had security and obviously did not get cedula from the chica. But that is my recommendation you can get GFE and its a secure situation.

09-24-20, 03:59
I have heard that tinder is the worst in that drugging is what some of them do.

I think the only safe way to monger in Colombia is to use the Casa's. Yes I know it is hard to get GFE there but it is by far the safest method to get a hot girl.

The main thing in my thoughts is getting drugged is certainly terrible with the expense and all the inconveince of losing phones and money. It can also kill you if they use a stong dose. Don't expect them to worry about your health as they rip you off.There are several ways to protect yourself. One option is to stay at a hotel that is girl friendly but actually checks the girl's cedula (which protects you from other issues) and then verifies it and records the information or scans it.

There are quite a few such hotels but they are not the cheapest ones to be sure.

Alternatively, if that doesn't fit your budget or mindset. Meet your girl at a love hotel. One of the better ones is Thematic (they have two locations in Medellin) and there are several others as well. At Thematic you pay for your room and when the girl arrives you go into the room and it is locked electronically! You can't leave. When you are all good and done. You call reception and they have a person check the mini-bar from the other side of the wall and you pay through an opening for anything you used. After that is taken care of, they buzz the door open an you and your chica can leave. When you call reception they want to speak to the guy. If the chica drugs you she knows she can't get out of the damn room.

I made it a habit to take girls I met for the first time to one of these types of hotels. Sure it is more costly, so if you are on a shoestring budget, follow John Gault's advice and go mining for gold in the casas. Or there is always the severely overpriced 'Mansion'.

I made it a habit when I was staying at a place that didn't record cedula information to take my first time dates to a love-motel. Once I knew them and if I wanted to see them again, then I might bring them to my room.

09-24-20, 04:06
This is CRITICAL to understand. Present yourself as nearly as financially impotent as they are. Negotiate and low-ball everything. Say "no" even when you could easily say yes. Hint around at freebees, or just hanging out, even though you're unlikely to get one. Its managing expectations. Tell them outright "ya no tango dinero". They "get it", everyone they know is broke, flat broke.

They come back expecting and accepting less. Demand and be clear about what you want. 12 minutes mechanical penetration with a condom is not good enough. (unless its a rare, irresistible trophy hottie in a sala or club. And prepare to be disappointed) Almost no one is irresistible anymore. Satisfaction trumps fantasy.

Giving money for nothing... gifts, loans, bail-outs, emergencies... do it if your spirit moves you... but it is not a strategy. Doing it garners no admiration, respect, or loyalty.. especially from a person substantially younger that has no clue what money is or how it appears in someones life.

Do not have 5 million pesos "hidden"(yeah right) in your apartment. Then invite an unknown, potentially psychotic or calculating teenager, from a fucking phone app, and from a culture that you don't understand, over for drinks.

A love hotel is what? 4 mil-90 mil peso for 3 hours. The math there is brutally obvious. I'm glad this guy was rescued. He was damned lucky to have an alert support network however small. But that was so careless and foolish its jaw dropping.Spider, I definitely follow that "no dar pappaya" approach, and talk like I am of modest means just for impact, but these putas have already been conditioned to know that a extranero monger has money. If you're staying somehwere there is a guard then by definition you have money, they know you spent a decent amount on travel and lodging, and on and on. I have never used a love motel, but I always pour the drink, and never let that drink out of my sight, and stay with 1-2 drinks tops. But for the most part I try to stay with putas who come reccomended by other mongers, finally always best to have a wingman whenever possible, and that has kept it safe for me. However that risk is there for sure. We hear so many of these incidents ever year, and I am sure many fold of that go unreported for a variety of reasons.

09-24-20, 05:14
That's some good intel right there, by the way did you see the paisa buses outside of the airport, I am talking about the ones for the 10000 peso fares.When I left Medellin just before the quarantine, the bus fare went up to 13,000 pesos. That's less than a dollar increase but worth noting because the convenience of paying with a 10,000 peso note is no longer there. The drivers make change, but I like to get off the bus with exact change. They collect at the end of the ride.

Member #4665
09-24-20, 05:32
I recently stated: People are people and they have many strange ideas about Americans and many Colombians and Venezuelans have a deep rooted hatred for Americans, trust me I found this out the hard way. What do you mean deep-rooted hatred for Americans?

09-24-20, 05:43
Yes that is exactly my point, with a Facebook chica you can get a better feel by looking at their profile where a Tinder is just a few photos. A Facebook page shows evidence of time accumulating photos etc, Sho tinder is just easier to be dodgy. The ID thing and doorman is also what I do but I was thinking the way the Tall Man told the story I do not think his building had security and obviously did not get cedula from the chica. But that is my recommendation you can get GFE and its a secure situation.Can someone explains to me how to find Facebook girl? Is it through Facebook dating or Facebook group? How likely do they speak English and how do you know they are DTF for cash?

09-24-20, 07:23
I recently stated: People are people and they have many strange ideas about Americans and many Colombians and Venezuelans have a deep rooted hatred for Americans, trust me I found this out the hard way.Just left Laureles after staying at Hotel Quinta Avenida for 11 nights. Most of their decor was USA related. Pictures to prove.

I see locals wearing USA Flag shirts, hats, shorts, .

So many USA Cartoon clothing. They really like Lilo and STITCH.

How do you dream your stuff up?

09-24-20, 07:54
Actually the US is 12th in obesity:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_obesity_rateI get the feeling you are a fellow truth-seeker and a fan of accurate info, and not just a base mongerer not that there's anything wrong with that (channeling Seinfeld). Other then Kuwait, every other country ranked higher than us for obesity on that list is an island or islands. So that makes us relatively worse. Island populations import most of their food, and most of that food is processed, for obvious reasons. A diet high in processed food is associated with obesity, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, the list goes on. . . We have more food choices, but we make bad choices. Hmmm, need to make this sex-related. . . Colombia is number 79, so not as many fat chics there (soon to be "here") to bang percentage wise. How's that?

09-24-20, 09:10
I recently stated: People are people and they have many strange ideas about Americans and many Colombians and Venezuelans have a deep rooted hatred for Americans, trust me I found this out the hard way. Many of these working girls have shown me that they are just as opportunistic as people growing up in the Ghettos of America. I grew up in the Ghettos of america and I know what it is like to live hand to mouth. Many have confided in me and told me, that they all think gringos are stupid, rich, and wasteful with money. I can easily see why they think that after spending 3 years here mongering.Do you think it's because you're American or maybe it's something you are doing wrong for Colombians and Venezuelans to hate you so much and think that you are stupid and wasteful? At least they were honest enough to tell it to your face.

Black Page
09-24-20, 10:11
There is no epidemiological evidence so far that you can get it twice.There are a number of cases reported in literature where someone took it twice.

However, what is totally unknown is how easily such a case happens. It may be very unlikely, but nobody knows yet. Also, nobody knows (yet) if the level of protection decays slowly or quickly.

To be clear: passing a pathogen agent and getting infected is a random phaenomenon, for any contagious disease. A number of factors do impact the probability to get infected, including the number of viruses getting into the body and the level of self-defense (anti-bodies, etc.). We do not get herpes necessarily if we put our dick into a pussy with open sores, but given its level of infectiousness it is very likely, yet not sure.

Therefore, while it is clear that someone who had some disease has also antibodies, the level of immunity and how long it lasts depend on the specific disease. For known diseases, this information is well known. For example, if one has got measles, it is nearly impossible (extremely unlikely) to get it again during the whole life. However, it is not impossible.

For other diseases, the immunity lasts much less, and not because the agent mutates, but because the immunity level spontaneously decays. Take the vaccination against typhoid fever: you must do it every 3 years, or even every year if you go to an area where there is a strong presence.

For COVID, all this information and experience has been not gathered yet. Until then, nobody can claim there can be herd immunity, at what percentage of people "COVIDded", and how long it lasts. Vaccination is another story. Getting a disease is not equivalent to be vaccinated! A vaccine is studied and engineered to be way more effective. All this story has still to be written.

09-24-20, 10:17
I checked-in at the FLL airport today. A few things to note:

1) You cannot check-in at the kiosk and drop your luggage. You have to go through the line so they can check your COVID test and ensure that you already registered with the Colombian government. Luckily the line was not long and no issues in the process.

2) Seems like most of those in the gate area for this flight are Colomabians. Not too many obvious mongers.

3) Spirit flight for tomorrow is sold out. Prices are high for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. More normal rates early next week.

Seeing my 18 year old high school girlfriend this afternoon and a new girl (from Tinder) tonight. Hoping for a good time.

I'm feeling a little odd about this trip. It's been 6 months and I'm not returning to the same Colombia that I left. Definitely will be much more cautious. Not going out much, staying near the apartment, focusing on a small group of girls I know. It's going to be strange when I arrive, but hopefully I will settle in."Already registered with the Colombian government?" What is he / are you talking about??

Fun Luvr
09-24-20, 10:29
Maybe one of two possibilities.

1. Slapshot was an illusion, ...I think you are talking about SJobs, not SlapShot. Your #1 possibility is most likely the case.

09-24-20, 11:04
There are a number of cases reported in literature where someone took it twice.

However, what is totally unknown is how easily such a case happens. It may be very unlikely, but nobody knows yet. Also, nobody knows (yet) if the level of protection decays slowly or quickly.

To be clear: passing a pathogen agent and getting infected is a random phaenomenon, for any contagious disease. A number of factors do impact the probability to get infected, including the number of viruses getting into the body and the level of self-defense (anti-bodies, etc.). We do not get herpes necessarily if we put our dick into a pussy with open sores, but given its level of infectiousness it is very likely, yet not sure.

Therefore, while it is clear that someone who had some disease has also antibodies, the level of immunity and how long it lasts depend on the specific disease. For known diseases, this information is well known. For example, if one has got measles, it is nearly impossible (extremely unlikely) to get it again during the whole life. However, it is not impossible..Please note I originally wrote "so far" there is no epidemiological evidence of reinfection. Rare, extremely rare, case studies reported in the literature is not proof, and in fact supports the immunity model. Even if there are 10 or 100 or 1000 cases of reinfection reported, that supports the immunity model. BTW, most of these reports are hearsay but that is a moot point. I will explain it the best I can.

You are in good company as many of the so called experts do not understand the epidemiology either, but the concept is not difficult. If immunity was not conferred by previous infection, then based on the known "attack" rate of the virus there would be tens of thousands of repeat cases in the United States alone, and hundreds of thousands of repeat cases if not millions, worldwide. This is simply not happening. Furthermore, alarms and headlines would be going off everywhere about it. Instead, there are rare "one-off" reports which if they weren't so rare to begin with would not even be publishable (you are supposed to say touche' at this point). These case reports support the immunity model because they are so very rare. There are a multitude of reasons why rare reinfections would be possible with the most likely cause being reporting error or the person had an underlying condition that prevented mounting a proper immune response to the primary infection. Perhaps it is prudent to say, "no one knows" about reinfection, and I would agree with that for the long term, but that is a non-thinking response for the current state. For now I am immune to the current strain, and basic statistics from the epidemiology proves it. Not lab tests, not opinions from infectious disease specialists, not agency heads, not theory, not blogs, but fact. The main reason antibody tests are not accepted as proof is because the test is not FDA approved.

Just Incognito
09-24-20, 13:44
Yup. That is your best defense. Stay at hotels or apartments that have this policy. Talk to the door staff to make sure they don't let a girl leave w / o speaking with you first. When making conversation with the girl, I typically tell them that I like staying in this building because of their policies and the safety it provides.This. I let the girls know that I appreciate the security. I tip the security guys at the front desk and ask them to call the room when / if they see her leave without me. I have stayed at the same place -and they have had the same staff each of my last 10 times to MDE. When I leave, extra unopened bottles of wine got to the security guards for the next time. I also tip housekeeping well for extra towels and even for their vigilance. I have had a few girls leave in the morning and before the girl has been able to get down the hall, through the elevator and out of the building-housekeeping has knocked on the door to check on me / see if I need anything--without me even asking for that--but, since I treat them nicely and I tip--they just do it.

I try to switch from Tinder to WhatsApp ASAP and I try to get their Facebook. Its kinda fishy if a tinder girl doesn't have facebook / insta. And whatsapp.

If I think its all good, but am not sure. I offer to meet them downstairs and walk them up-or when the front desk calls I will come down to get them--if I don't like-they don't come up. If she is a repeat--obviously I just tell the front desk to send her up.

This would be different if I was to stay for months and not weeks--if in a place for months--then other strategies have to be developed-like not letting too many people see you walking in and out too many different girls.

For now, I am a short termer when I can get there.

I think its insane to be going now, is only going to drag all of the pandemic out longer and is not helping. Traveling now and thinking its all good is how we get 2nd and 3rd waves and how the virus continues to linger in society. It may get ya laid this week--but in the next 6 months-its making it all more difficult for everyone.

Just Incognito
09-24-20, 13:53
What do you mean deep-rooted hatred for Americans?I think hatred may be a strong word-certainly disdain and resentment though.

United States Americans-especially the white ones (technically, Colombians are Americans. They are South Americans) are perceived to be unappreciative of the easy privileged life they are born into-then they go and wstefully throw money around and disrespect other cultures by trying to dominate the world and exert power in various ways. Their is a deep seeded resentment and disdain for most US Americans. Too many behav like assholes in too many places. Too many are racists. Don't underestimate how much Trump / trumpism and the idiotic racist republicans are making their hatred worse. People in other countries are so disappoointd in how far the USA is falling and how incredbily bigoted, and disgusting the current administation is.

Many colombians also see the USA funding weapons sales and wars and increasing the police state through their support of the drug war--which is really a war on people. The drugs don't get shot or go to jail--te people do. Spending billions on weapons to fight coca sales and production when many Colombians are so poor they sell their body to you just to eat--adds to this resentment.

Many US Americans are the kind that say: if you come to my country (USA) learn and speak english--then ***** about people not speaking english for them in Colombia!

Many Colombians see how the. US became dominant not through justice and equal rights under the law and spreading light-but through force, genocide and slavery. The richness of the USA isn't perceived as rightfully gained-but, rather, stolen from people like them.

09-24-20, 14:40
Maybe one of two possibilities.

1. Slapshot was an illusion, a figment of our imagination and a frustrated fiction writer in his late forties living in his parent's basement living in Chicago spinning tales about his exploits in Colombia and how he would return including saying that he bought dozens of tickets for flights, was consulting with attorneys, and boasting about his brain power and his physical stamina and abruptly got kicked to the curb a few day's ago by his folks for being such a loser. OR.

2. Upon arrival in Medellin, and I wouldn't want to be a fly on the wall witnessing all this, but he booked a dozen of his 18 year old cheerleaders and it has been overwhelming for him between the cheerleaders sitting on his face all time, while cheering him on too blow loads in the squad every few hours while under the influence of Tussi, Pot, Cocaine, and booze. He most probably has road rash on his Johnson and is in a "fucking daze" and a trance, kind of like one of the Sacalero Zombies in El Centro yet in a Penthouse in Poblado.

I think you are talking about SJobs, not SlapShot. Your #1 possibility is most likely the case.I love a good conspiracy theory! This reminds me of lying in bed with Pinky, last night, and going down the rabbit hole of brujeria in Colombia. She was on a call with her friend who is apparently under a spell / curse, and is going to have it lifted / removed. She has been having problems with her moto, getting sick but never diagnosed with anything, and not being able to eat. I was dying laughing. I'm glad Pinky isn't too sensitive, because I think many chicas would be offended by my insensitive gringo dismissal of the topic. Wildly entertaining, though. I asked if she knew who did it. I asked if she knew many brujas who had the ability to do it. I asked If she did something to some one that maybe led to this. My line of investigative thinking was not taken very seriously. Some of the shit you come across or learn about down here is amazing. I was watching a video and the lady said one of the symptoms of being under a spell is having a sore throat. Pinky gave me that, SEE?! I FUCKING TOLD YOU! look. I told her in the US, if you keep having problems with your car, you buy a new car. You don't blame it on a witch.

Anyhow, if I was a secret double agent, I wouldn't have time to type about this bullshit, because I'd be writing a 7-page documentary about my alter ego's first few days in the Land of Eternal Teens! I'm also terrible at keeping up with lies, so I would have been made months ago.

Pinky is off to get a new cedula, today. I'm thinking about maybe taking a trip to a beach in a few weeks, when my rent is up. It looks like Colombians can travel to a handful of countries with just their IDs. My only question / concern is the re-entry from those countries, or possible annoyances with departure / arrival / etc. Yes, I would bring sand to the beach. The thought of Pinky going to town with a carioca is just too good to pass up on.


Oh, and here are a couple pics of the Boneless Serpent for your viewing pleasure. One for advertisement purposes, and one I took, myself. Pinky isn't a huge fan, as she's too submissive and lacking of carnal passion. I tend to agree. She wasn't our first choice. However, if you're looking to mix it up with a blonde that can bend like a balloon animal...

09-24-20, 14:43
Maybe one of two possibilities.

1. Slapshot was an illusion, a figment of our imagination and a frustrated fiction writer in his late forties living in his parent's basement living in Chicago spinning tales about his exploits in Colombia and how he would return including saying that he bought dozens of tickets for flights, was consulting with attorneys, and boasting about his brain power and his physical stamina and abruptly got kicked to the curb a few day's ago by his folks for being such a loser. OR.

2. Upon arrival in Medellin, and I wouldn't want to be a fly on the wall witnessing all this, but he booked a dozen of his 18 year old cheerleaders and it has been overwhelming for him between the cheerleaders sitting on his face all time, while cheering him on too blow loads in the squad every few hours while under the influence of Tussi, Pot, Cocaine, and booze. He most probably has road rash on his Johnson and is in a "fucking daze" and a trance, kind of like one of the Sacalero Zombies in El Centro yet in a Penthouse in Poblado.Thanks for this, best laugh I have had in awhile!

09-24-20, 14:51
This is CRITICAL to understand. Present yourself as nearly as financially impotent as they are. Negotiate and low-ball everything. Say "no" even when you could easily say yes. Hint around at freebees, or just hanging out, even though you're unlikely to get one. Its managing expectations. Tell them outright "ya no tango dinero". They "get it", everyone they know is broke, flat broke.

They come back expecting and accepting less. Demand and be clear about what you want. 12 minutes mechanical penetration with a condom is not good enough. (unless its a rare, irresistible trophy hottie in a sala or club. And prepare to be disappointed) Almost no one is irresistible anymore. Satisfaction trumps fantasy..Whatever works for you. But I can't sit on my hands when you present your strategy as "critical" to others who may just be starting out in Colombia. Yours is one approach, and in fact complements my very different approach perfectly. I don't mind and in fact enjoy paying a premium for having the best girls beat a path to my door and 90% of the time looking for an encore performance. I am not talking about paying double, or prices the average Gringo could not afford. But I don't mind paying 50 mil above what they are asking, plus a tip, and I pay taxi fare. The best performing girl is a happy girl and nothing makes these girls happier than money. When they feel as though they are being cut as low as possible, it will be reflected in their performance and attitude. Making yourself susceptible to papaya or crime is a different subject and common sense prevails there. Oh, and I almost always have little bedside gifts, usually nothing more than chocolate and some "jugo" which Colombians seem to be obsessed with waiting for them, and the return on that is more than worth it.

Mind you, I have mongored the lowest of the low crackhead girls at 4AM from Boterro park for 20 mil for whatever reason. BUT my ideal girl is not found in a brothel, agency, on-line, etc. The best girl for me is a "regular" girl, not a sex worker, but a young single working mom with a young kid and often a mom at home. I meet them by walking up to them and talking to them shocker! By sleeping with me as "her usual" once a week, that doubles her income and is the difference between squeaking by and a decent quality of life for herself and her child. That is called motivation. Save your breath telling me that these girls sleep around, blah blah blah and that I am ruining the "price structure" for other Gringos. Hardly. I don't have that kind of economic power and frankly even if I did I wouldn't care what it did to the macroeconomic scene of mongering. One of the most pathetic things I see is when Gringos try to negotiate these girls down 10-20 mil lower, to what purpose? To make sure you got a "good deal?" Jajajaja. How quickly mongorers lose perspective from the States and how much better off they are by instantly setting foot on Colombian soil. If you really are on that tight of a shoestring budget then save your pesos and do it right with one girl instead of splitting it between two, and I predict you will be happier. I take that back. Please carry on as always. If I told you the full details of how I "manage" my girls, you would never believe me. My current entourage is just under 20 girls ages 18-26. Let's just say they appreciate me and they show it. The approach works the same whether it is one girl or twenty.

09-24-20, 15:12
This is a dangerous post. It can lead inexperienced punters to believe they can ensure safety by choosing from Facebook rather than tinder or elsewhere. The best advice is to keep track of your drinks and food and be aware that in public places it isn't necessarily the girl who will slip you the mickey. They don't necessarily work alone.

Yes that is exactly my point, with a Facebook chica you can get a better feel by looking at their profile where a Tinder is just a few photos. A Facebook page shows evidence of time accumulating photos etc, Sho tinder is just easier to be dodgy. The ID thing and doorman is also what I do but I was thinking the way the Tall Man told the story I do not think his building had security and obviously did not get cedula from the chica. But that is my recommendation you can get GFE and its a secure situation.

09-24-20, 15:17
Autocorrect got me again, I meant Aiffe has been open for months.

Affect has been open for months.

09-24-20, 15:29
This is CRITICAL to understand. Present yourself as nearly as financially impotent as they are...............The chicas are not stupid. If you are American there's no way you can achieve that. You have paid their annual income to travel to Colombia and you are staying in what is to them a posh apartment or hotel. How you dress will also give yourself away. Dressed in cheap clothes with an American accent would evoke more questions than answers, then what would be your chances with non-pros? Just be yourself and have your eyes wide open.

09-24-20, 15:41
The chicas are not stupid.Sorry, many of them are. Very much so.

09-24-20, 16:02
Sorry, many of them are. Very much so.Sorry pro if you are from another country in Colombia you have money. You are not going to convince anyone other wise.

09-24-20, 17:50
While I was not looking for them, I also do not recall seeing them. I was waiting for my taxi guy, so I would think I would remember.

That's some good intel right there, by the way did you see the paisa buses outside of the airport, I am talking about the ones for the 10000 peso fares.

09-24-20, 18:01
Within 24 hours of your flight, you have to go to a Colombian government web site and fill out information about you, COVID 19, where you are staying, etc. You also upload your test results to the site. You receive an e-mail verifying that you have done this. They asked to see it in the FLL airport.

"Already registered with the Colombian government?" What is he / are you talking about??

09-24-20, 18:29
I think you are talking about SJobs, not SlapShot. Your #1 possibility is most likely the case.Yes your correct, and it's beginning to sound more and more like SJobs was total fiction, or perhaps become a victim of one or more scanadalous Chicas of which we may never hear about and hope isn't the case.

Mongering in Colombia, especially now with the Pandemic and the re-opening of the Country is just getting more and more dicey.

I'm lining up some new Chicas for my return, and some are very aggressive, throwing it in my face the need for "ratos" and quick money.

As I have said before, "you can never let your guard down" , and now more than ever, especially dealing with new Chicas however you meet them.

09-24-20, 19:04
Thanks. We now know you're special. Moving on.

Whatever works for you. But I can't sit on my hands when you present your strategy as "critical" to others who may just be starting out in Colombia. Yours is one approach, and in fact complements my very different approach perfectly. I don't mind and in fact enjoy paying a premium for having the best girls beat a path to my door and 90% of the time looking for an encore performance. I am not talking about paying double, or prices the average Gringo could not afford. But I don't mind paying 50 mil above what they are asking, plus a tip, and I pay taxi fare. The best performing girl is a happy girl and nothing makes these girls happier than money. When they feel as though they are being cut as low as possible, it will be reflected in their performance and attitude. Making yourself susceptible to papaya or crime is a different subject and common sense prevails there. Oh, and I almost always have little bedside gifts, usually nothing more than chocolate and some "jugo" which Colombians seem to be obsessed with waiting for them, and the return on that is more than worth it.

Mind you, I have mongored the lowest of the low crackhead girls at 4AM from Boterro park for 20 mil for whatever reason. BUT my ideal girl is not found in a brothel, agency, on-line, etc. The best girl for me is a "regular" girl, not a sex worker, but a young single working mom with a young kid and often a mom at home. I meet them by walking up to them and talking to them shocker! By sleeping with me as "her usual" once a week, that doubles her income and is the difference between squeaking by and a decent quality of life for herself and her child. That is called motivation. Save your breath telling me that these girls sleep around, blah blah blah and that I am ruining the "price structure" for other Gringos. Hardly. I don't have that kind of economic power and frankly even if I did I wouldn't care what it did to the macroeconomic scene of mongering. One of the most pathetic things I see is when Gringos try to negotiate these girls down 10-20 mil lower, to what purpose? To make sure you got a "good deal?" Jajajaja. How quickly mongorers lose perspective from the States and how much better off they are by instantly setting foot on Colombian soil. If you really are on that tight of a shoestring budget then save your pesos and do it right with one girl instead of splitting it between two, and I predict you will be happier. I take that back. Please carry on as always. If I told you the full details of how I "manage" my girls, you would never believe me. My current entourage is just under 20 girls ages 18-26. Let's just say they appreciate me and they show it. The approach works the same whether it is one girl or twenty.

Gringo Trooper
09-24-20, 19:28
In my experience, I agree with PN's statements.

I'm an American, and I would say I've noticed a significant amount of times when the men in Colombia clearly disliked me.

Whether it be walking down the street in the poorer neighborhoods, and the men would stare at me with the men mug face.

Or whether it be when I saw a super fine chica at the club in MDE, the Colombian guys were buying drinks for her, and I one upped them and just decided to walk up to her and pay her price to take her to my hotel.

The locals couldn't afford to do that, so I'm certain they were less than pleased with me.

Colombian women, on the other hand, I believe they like the gringos, LOL.

My ex GF was a non pro from Barranquilla and another ex was from Cali, also a non pro.

I think, the majority of Colombian women like Americans, and if they happen to speak Spanish, that is a huge plus, in terms of likeability.

09-24-20, 19:30
Being that we are talking about the thieving chicas down there, I figured I'd throw in my 2 cents. Bottom line. Vets and Newbies alike get robbed in so many ways. I was talking to Pollo Negro not to long ago and he shared some real insight that resonated with me. I've been to Medellin about 8 times in the last two years and have experienced the top grade chicas all the way down to the 4 level bait and switches. Club girls, street girls, casas, etc etc!

Let me tell you this, the same girl who rob's one man, can be GFE experience to the next man. The same chica that comes and cooks and cleans at your house could be setting the next gringo up to get robbed or drugged. Some of the chicas are pure good hearted women that have good intent, could be in a strip club charging some gringo double the real price because the opportunity is there now.

The key word is "opportunity"!

I'm not going to heat the dead horse about what to wear and how to act. Me personally, I wear what I want and act how I want. And I also take responsibility for any consequences that come with that. Be it higher price for the chica, gringo tax, etc etc. As long as you skip some precautions yet focus on other back ups you "should" have a fair shot at safety and relaxed fun.

One: if your like me, I like taking chicas back to my own place. Sure lots of Vets will snarl at this. I. don't. Care. It's how I operate. Each their own. But I don't say welcome home when they arrive haha. Here's an example of some precautions I take.

1. Hide your stash. And when I say hide it, I mean put it in the areas that are inconvenient to search. Example. "On the upper blade to the ceiling fan LOL. Taped to the back of the wall mounted tv, take a picture frame off the wall and place it between the art and the cardboard. Take the fake plant out of the pot and put some there. Etc etc. Don't hide it all in the same place!! I normally divide whatever I have cash wise in as many spots as possible. Similar to how a squirrel hides it's nuts. Before the chica arrives or before you go bar hopping with the expectation of bring home a guest, have exactly the expected payment amount on your person. If you expect to tip or pay for extras account for that too. You don't want to say "oh I forgot taxi money" and then start fishing into your hiding spots with a chica around.

Do not unpack fully. Live out of your suitcase. I know we are used to making thing homely and putting our nice kicks and clothes on display in the closet. Sonic care toothbrushes and expensive face washes on the bathroom sink. But remember, these are the prime search locations for the petty thieves. You go to the bathroom and boom, that new Diesel t shirt you have hanging could be stuffed in her purse.

They don't always go for cash either. It's an opportunity thing. A lot of these women struggle to afford comfort things. If your in a hotel or airbnb, hide the blow dryer! You won't even miss it until you get the bill for $50 days later. The bathroom is a hotspot for them. 1. If she has to go, she is in there door closed. Your toiletry bag is her shopping cart. I've had chicas steal deodorant or toothpaste, facewash, etc etc before I started doing this. All toiletry items should go back in you little bag and back in the suitcase. Nothing more inconvenient than after dinner getting dressed for the bar and having to use soap to brush your teeth. Been there 😅. Have your own alcohol bottle in your room? Pour drinks but use your own personal cup that has a lid. So that the quick drop in of a pill in your glass is not possible. Chicas are slick enough to have you laying back getting a butt dance, and guess what's in front of her out of your site. ? Your drink sitting on the table. If she starts a little show. Knock your drink back instantly and set the glass to the side.

Also. Trios. OMG I can't stress this enough. This is prime thieving for them. One girl that you met could be a good girl, but that buddy she brought along. She is unpredictable! You don't her and she doesn't know you! This is a good opportunity for her to steal with no strings attached. If your banging one and the other has to pee. Get ready for the bathroom shakedown because it's coming. If anything of value is at her disposal. Cologne, products, blow dryer ETC ETC. I highly recommend doing trios off site at the love motels and if done at home, hide your kids hide your wife hahaha.

Pollo negro explained how we all get "robbed" either knowingly or unknowingly. We know we are paying triple the price what a normal person there would pay for lodging, food, transportation, etc etc. But we are ok with it because it's not stilling if we are willing to pay it. Big picture that renter knows he's taking advantage of you just like "some" of the chicas also.

It's all about opportunity. Don't give those an opportunity to take advantage of you unless it's an agreed opportunity and you will be fine. Getting drugged is something you can avoid but just know there are chicas crafty enough to put it on the nipples or boobs. You can imagine how that gets invested LOL. Not sure how true it is but just know the opportunist are well blended in with the good girls. Some of the good girls can go bad also. You're a gringo and unless you two are in love and happily ever after, your flight is in just a few days, and she knows how to get low until you catch that flight if she comes up enough on your dime.

Good luck everyone. Don't take this as a scare tactic because I'm only discussing the wolves blended in with sheep. It's safe to say imo that you will find wayyyyyy more regular, safe, sex machine women than you will find of the bad ones but. The bad ones look just as pretty, talk just as sweet, and are just as enticing as the good. Unless you know her closely, developed a comfortable connection, and have security or a wingman, anticipate the wolf in her. Keep an eye on her at all times, know where everything is stashed, and chug your drink whenever you are not going to need it in your possession. Screw it, carry a sippy cup of you have too. Be safe. See you guys down there next month!

09-24-20, 20:00
Affect has been open for months.Thanks, K. Haven't been in el centro for months.

09-24-20, 20:02
Being that we are talking about the thieving chicas down there, I figured I'd throw in my 2 cents. Bottom line. Vets and Newbies alike get robbed in so many ways. I was talking to Pollo Negro not to long ago and he shared some real insight that resonated with me. I've been to Medellin about 8 times in the last two years and have experienced the top grade chicas all the way down to the 4 level bait and switches. Club girls, street girls, casas, etc etc!

Let me tell you this, the same girl who rob's one man, can be GFE experience to the next man. The same chica that comes and cooks and cleans at your house could be setting the next gringo up to get robbed or drugged. Some of the chicas are pure good hearted women that have good intent, could be in a strip club charging some gringo double the real price because the opportunity is there now.Can someone explains to me how to find Facebook girl? Is it through Facebook dating or Facebook group? How likely do they speak English and how do you know they are DTF for cash?

Mojo Bandit
09-24-20, 20:58
This is a dangerous post. It can lead inexperienced punters to believe they can ensure safety by choosing from Facebook rather than tinder or elsewhere. The best advice is to keep track of your drinks and food and be aware that in public places it isn't necessarily the girl who will slip you the mickey. They don't necessarily work alone.I don't disagree that one should keep an eye on their food and drink but can you tell me a time when a chica went through security with a cedula and then robbed drugged and robbed someone? I also should say that I should have added that the chicas I think of on Facebook usually have lots of photos and has lots of Gringo friends and photos of themselves in the usual buildings like at the roof pool at Energy and / or Blux. Regardless the building have good security that is going to check her cedula is the safest. And I still think and have heard more stories about Tinder profiles being fake more so than FB.

09-24-20, 21:22
Leave out the cheap shit. Let them steal it. It reveals who they are. A girl stole my lighter. Shit cost 80 cents, next time she stole my rolling paper. Cost a $1. Next time she tried to steal 4 condoms. Thats when the b***h fucked up. That was $6. Cheepy blakman out. Lmao

Being that we are talking about the thieving chicas down there, I figured I'd throw in my 2 cents. Bottom line. Vets and Newbies alike get robbed in so many ways. I was talking to Pollo Negro not to long ago and he shared some real insight that resonated with me. I've been to Medellin about 8 times in the last two years and have experienced the top grade chicas all the way down to the 4 level bait and switches. Club girls, street girls, casas, etc etc!

Let me tell you this, the same girl who rob's one man, can be GFE experience to the next man. The same chica that comes and cooks and cleans at your house could be setting the next gringo up to get robbed or drugged. Some of the chicas are pure good hearted women that have good intent, could be in a strip club charging some gringo double the real price because the opportunity is there now.

The key word is "opportunity"!

I'm not going to heat the dead horse about what to wear and how to act. Me personally, I wear what I want and act how I want. And I also take responsibility for any consequences that come with that. Be it higher price for the chica, gringo tax, etc etc. As long as you skip some precautions yet focus on other back ups you "should" have a fair shot at safety and relaxed fun.

One: if your like me, I like taking chicas back to my own place. Sure lots of Vets will snarl at this. I. don't. Care. It's how I operate. Each their own. But I don't say welcome home when they arrive haha. Here's an example of some precautions I take.

1. Hide your stash. And when I say hide it, I mean put it in the areas that are inconvenient to search. Example. "On the upper blade to the ceiling fan LOL. Taped to the back of the wall mounted tv, take a picture frame off the wall and place it between the art and the cardboard. Take the fake plant out of the pot and put some there. Etc etc. Don't hide it all in the same place!! I normally divide whatever I have cash wise in as many spots as possible. Similar to how a squirrel hides it's nuts. Before the chica arrives or before you go bar hopping with the expectation of bring home a guest, have exactly the expected payment amount on your person. If you expect to tip or pay for extras account for that too. You don't want to say "oh I forgot taxi money" and then start fishing into your hiding spots with a chica around.

Do not unpack fully. Live out of your suitcase. I know we are used to making thing homely and putting our nice kicks and clothes on display in the closet. Sonic care toothbrushes and expensive face washes on the bathroom sink. But remember, these are the prime search locations for the petty thieves. You go to the bathroom and boom, that new Diesel t shirt you have hanging could be stuffed in her purse.

They don't always go for cash either. It's an opportunity thing. A lot of these women struggle to afford comfort things. If your in a hotel or airbnb, hide the blow dryer! You won't even miss it until you get the bill for $50 days later. The bathroom is a hotspot for them. 1. If she has to go, she is in there door closed. Your toiletry bag is her shopping cart. I've had chicas steal deodorant or toothpaste, facewash, etc etc before I started doing this. All toiletry items should go back in you little bag and back in the suitcase. Nothing more inconvenient than after dinner getting dressed for the bar and having to use soap to brush your teeth. Been there 😅. Have your own alcohol bottle in your room? Pour drinks but use your own personal cup that has a lid. So that the quick drop in of a pill in your glass is not possible. Chicas are slick enough to have you laying back getting a butt dance, and guess what's in front of her out of your site. ? Your drink sitting on the table. If she starts a little show. Knock your drink back instantly and set the glass to the side.

Also. Trios. OMG I can't stress this enough. This is prime thieving for them. One girl that you met could be a good girl, but that buddy she brought along. She is unpredictable! You don't her and she doesn't know you! This is a good opportunity for her to steal with no strings attached. If your banging one and the other has to pee. Get ready for the bathroom shakedown because it's coming. If anything of value is at her disposal. Cologne, products, blow dryer ETC ETC. I highly recommend doing trios off site at the love motels and if done at home, hide your kids hide your wife hahaha.

Pollo negro explained how we all get "robbed" either knowingly or unknowingly. We know we are paying triple the price what a normal person there would pay for lodging, food, transportation, etc etc. But we are ok with it because it's not stilling if we are willing to pay it. Big picture that renter knows he's taking advantage of you just like "some" of the chicas also.

It's all about opportunity. Don't give those an opportunity to take advantage of you unless it's an agreed opportunity and you will be fine. Getting drugged is something you can avoid but just know there are chicas crafty enough to put it on the nipples or boobs. You can imagine how that gets invested LOL. Not sure how true it is but just know the opportunist are well blended in with the good girls. Some of the good girls can go bad also. You're a gringo and unless you two are in love and happily ever after, your flight is in just a few days, and she knows how to get low until you catch that flight if she comes up enough on your dime.

Good luck everyone. Don't take this as a scare tactic because I'm only discussing the wolves blended in with sheep. It's safe to say imo that you will find wayyyyyy more regular, safe, sex machine women than you will find of the bad ones but. The bad ones look just as pretty, talk just as sweet, and are just as enticing as the good. Unless you know her closely, developed a comfortable connection, and have security or a wingman, anticipate the wolf in her. Keep an eye on her at all times, know where everything is stashed, and chug your drink whenever you are not going to need it in your possession. Screw it, carry a sippy cup of you have too. Be safe. See you guys down there next month!.

09-24-20, 21:27
I think hatred may be a strong word-certainly disdain and resentment though.

United States Americans-especially the white ones (technically, Colombians are Americans. They are South Americans) are perceived to be unappreciative of the easy privileged life they are born into-then they go and wstefully throw money around and disrespect other cultures by trying to dominate the world and exert power in various ways. Their is a deep seeded resentment and disdain for most US Americans. Too many behav like assholes in too many places. Too many are racists. Don't underestimate how much Trump / trumpism and the idiotic racist republicans are making their hatred worse. People in other countries are so disappoointd in how far the USA is falling and how incredbily bigoted, and disgusting the current administation is.
Total BS baloney post imo.

I live between Brazil and Colombia.

For years now.

Thank goodness I finally got back!

Most US Americans are nice people and liked, though you may not think so.

There's always the exceptions of course, and there are certainly American jerks, however, that's true with every nationality.

I'm not talking about WG perceptions, Pollo Negro WG talk, but the general people.

Your post is about you and your politics, plain and simple.

I'm in Brazil at the moment, was at a pool party the other day, and most of the locals were telling me they love Trump, without my input at all, I stay neutral.

Disagree with your entire post.

09-24-20, 21:54
As I have said before, "you can never let your guard down" , and now more than ever, especially dealing with new Chicas however you meet them.On that note, about safety, I was robbed recently. In El Poblado, at 3 pm, on Calle 10 as I was walking to Exito Wow. A guy walking the other way on the sidewalk came at me super aggressively with a big knife. It was all over in seconds. And I was even wearing pants!

So I guess I'm saying, keep your wits about you. And minimize loss. Don't carry anything or card etc that you do not absolutely need. If you are out with a phone, make sure it is a local burner phone.

Lucky Nuts
09-24-20, 22:09
I don't disagree that one should keep an eye on their food and drink but can you tell me a time when a chica went through security with a cedula and then robbed drugged and robbed someone? I also should say that I should have added that the chicas I think of on Facebook usually have lots of photos and has lots of Gringo friends and photos of themselves in the usual buildings like at the roof pool at Energy and / or Blux. Regardless the building have good security that is going to check her cedula is the safest. And I still think and have heard more stories about Tinder profiles being fake more so than FB.Agree with everything you say Mojo and I also stay only at buildings with a portero and cedula check in. But just because a chica has a cedula doesn't always mean it's her cedula. More than once the portero wouldn't let a chica enter tellling me it's not her cedula. It's someone elses. Pretty sure a couple times the chica just borrowed a friend's cedula because like many she had "lost" her own. But one time I agreed to a cita with a chica that told me an elaborate story about getting into a fight with her novia and needed a place to sleep. My spidey senses were tingling big time. When she showed up the portero said no it's not her cedula. Little doubt she was up to no good. I have never checked the chica's cedula myself before just assuming if she has a cedula it must be her own. Now I am more careful and if it's my first time with her ask to see it myself.

09-24-20, 22:30
Private messages are Private, is not allowed to post them on the Forum. If you did no like to receive PM's from certain members, just put in your Ignore List.

09-24-20, 22:45
Instead of being petty and disconcerting, my words today are everyone please be careful, be aware, and take all necessary precautions to stay safe and healthy. Being robbed is one thing, but being robbed and poisoned and waking up with the mentality of a 5 year old child is something that I do not wish on anyone. Clearly these girls are not thinking about the damage they can do to any of our health, so I say this to one and I say it to all, keep your wits about you when you are with these girls, there's always the possibility of being robbed and poisoned to the point of no return. Pollo Negro is out!

Black Page
09-24-20, 22:47
Yes your correct, and it's beginning to sound more and more like SJobs was total fiction, or perhaps become a victim of one or more scanadalous Chicas of which we may never hear about and hope isn't the case.Maybe he simply has found something better to do than writing here every day. I admit it is true also for mysefl: my posting rate is inversely proportional to the number of girls at my reach. As you may have noticed, for me the last fucks worth to be remembered were 7 and 8 months ago, in Cartagena and Batam. Now I better keep my hands busy with ISG.

09-25-20, 00:24
Maybe he simply has found something better to do than writing here every day. I admit it is true also for mysefl: my posting rate is inversely proportional to the number of girls at my reach. As you may have noticed, for me the last fucks worth to be remembered were 7 and 8 months ago, in Cartagena and Batam. Now I better keep my hands busy with ISG.Most definitely banging 18 year olds every hour on the hour beats writing posts here, but he has been a showboater here in the past and it seems out of character / odd for him not to have resurfaced yet, so he either was a fictional character, or has been robbed and / or upended somehow and is in jail or a Hospital, hopefully not. Time will tell.

Just Incognito
09-25-20, 00:34
Total BS baloney post imo.

I live between Brazil and Colombia.

For years now.

Thank goodness I finally got back!

Most US Americans are nice people and liked, though you may not think so.

There's always the exceptions of course, and there are certainly American jerks, however, that's true with every nationality.

I'm not talking about WG perceptions, Pollo Negro WG talk, but the general people.

Your post is about you and your politics, plain and simple.

I'm in Brazil at the moment, was at a pool party the other day, and most of the locals were telling me they love Trump, without my input at all, I stay neutral.

Disagree with your entire post.

Total political crap and your anger.I agree they love trump in Brazil. Not many other places.

My post wasn't and isn't about my politics it's an explanation of how and what I have seen from the cut throat no hold barred drug 'them and rob 'them attitude that many hookers have. Yes, primarily its the money hustle--but also that Americans in general have a bad rep in many places. Many places love America and the idea of america. But not necessarily Americans. Brazil has Bolsonaro-he is south american trump -they love the con man strong man want to be authoritarian. And how is Brazil doing? Good on covid? Strong economy? Lack of crime? Anyway, you can disagree all you want--that's about your politics not mine. You write I'm not talking about working girl perceptions. But that's what my post was about! Save the hate-appreciate! Have fun dodging the covid in Brazil.

Just Incognito
09-25-20, 00:40
Leave out the cheap shit. Let them steal it. It reveals who they are. A girl stole my lighter. Shit cost 80 cents, next time she stole my rolling paper. Cost a $1. Next time she tried to steal 4 condoms. Thats when the b***h fucked up. That was $6. Cheepy blakman out. Lmao.Leave out the cheap stuff. She snagged a lighter--that's it-there is no 2nd time.

Also, I don't see anyone mentioning the safe in the room. I think the safe is a good spot to hide stuff, NO?

In most places-hotels especially--there is at least one recessed light that is pushed into the ceiling. Stand on a chair or the be, use a knife from the kitchen to pull the light out and you will have a nice storage spot in the ceiling of the building. Nobody taking anything from there-nobody trying or thinking about it. LOL.

I stashed a bong lighter weed and 75 kcop in the ceiling of a hotel about 5 years ago. I requested the same room when I came back, but didn't get it. Finally 2 years later I got the room. And there was my stash! Right where I left it 2 years earlier in the ceiling. Light bulb was probably changed but they never actually looked up in there when they took it out to change it- no need to take the whole assembly out of the ceiling. The 75 kcop came in handy-I ordered in food since I arrived late at night and was all set for the 1st night without needing a money exchange or putting something on a card.

09-25-20, 01:59
On that note, about safety, I was robbed recently. In El Poblado, at 3 pm, on Calle 10 as I was walking to Exito Wow. A guy walking the other way on the sidewalk came at me super aggressively with a big knife. It was all over in seconds. And I was even wearing pants!

So I guess I'm saying, keep your wits about you. And minimize loss. Don't carry anything or card etc that you do not absolutely need. If you are out with a phone, make sure it is a local burner phone.Good advice about carrying a burner phone versus your smartphone on you. The area you described, Calle 10 either coming up from the Poblado Metro Station, or down the hill from Parque Poblado is one of the busiest streets in Poblado for both vehicles and pedestrians, it's the major gateway into Poblado off of the Autopista. There's always lots of congestion and people walking on Calle 10 during the day and into the evenings. Sounds safer perhaps with so many people around in such a busy area at 3 PM in the afternoon that the thought of somebody trying to rob you wouldn't happen in broad daylight. Wrong.

Typically, myself included, is that you get hit when you least expect it.

It's good you posted this, as we need a constant reminding that besides the Chicas, there are some very brazen thieves out there!

Gringo Trooper
09-25-20, 02:24
On that note, about safety, I was robbed recently. In El Poblado, at 3 pm, on Calle 10 as I was walking to Exito Wow. A guy walking the other way on the sidewalk came at me super aggressively with a big knife. It was all over in seconds. And I was even wearing pants!

So I guess I'm saying, keep your wits about you. And minimize loss. Don't carry anything or card etc that you do not absolutely need. If you are out with a phone, make sure it is a local burner phone.What occurred during the events of "it was all over in seconds"? What did he take?

I know you're telling the truth because west of el poblado on calle 10 is a sh*hole IMO.

Mojo Bandit
09-25-20, 02:29
But just because a chica has a cedula doesn't always mean it's her cedula. More than once the portero wouldn't let a chica enter tellling me it's not her cedula. It's someone elses. Wow that is educational. I think you know what building I like to stay in and they are the opposite. Are you talking about the building that can be seen from the roof (and vice versa) of the building that I am talking about? I had a chica who came over one day and had her cedula. Which the building takes a photo of when they enter. The next day she showed up and had her sisters cedula saying she accidently grabbed it by mistake. I asked the security guy "don't you have the photo if her cedula from yesterday?" he said "probably but that it did not matter the rule is she has to have it every time she comes. " When Angie Paola Gomez came over with her sister's (Karina Hernandez) cedula that was a no-go also. I was even throwing these security guys some decent tips from time to time also. They have ignored the fact that I was at the pool taking chica photos after it was supposed to be closed at night but they did not waver when comes to cedulas. You must like you more they do me LOL.

09-25-20, 02:38
This is your 2nd knife wielding story you have told. Something is wrong here. There was the attempted robbery in centro and now poblado. Either your story telling or doing something terribly wrong.

On that note, about safety, I was robbed recently. In El Poblado, at 3 pm, on Calle 10 as I was walking to Exito Wow. A guy walking the other way on the sidewalk came at me super aggressively with a big knife. It was all over in seconds. And I was even wearing pants!

So I guess I'm saying, keep your wits about you. And minimize loss. Don't carry anything or card etc that you do not absolutely need. If you are out with a phone, make sure it is a local burner phone..

09-25-20, 02:49
This is your 2nd knife wielding story you have told. Something is wrong here. There was the attempted robbery in centro and now poblado. Either your story telling or doing something terribly wrong..Yes that's correct, two guys went hands-on with me in El Centro. And yes, last week again in El Poblado.

Two factors I think are. I'm a gringo. No matter what, I stand out. And, I am out every single day. I think the risk exposure is cumulative.

09-25-20, 03:06
I agree they love trump in Brazil. Not many other places.

My post wasn't and isn't about my politics ... Have fun dodging the covid in Brazil.Haha, whatever, your post was all about politics.

And thanks! I'm enjoying Brazil!

09-25-20, 05:01
Wow that is educational. I think you know what building I like to stay in and they are the opposite. Are you talking about the building that can be seen from the roof (and vice versa) of the building that I am talking about? I had a chica who came over one day and had her cedula. Which the building takes a photo of when they enter. The next day she showed up and had her sisters cedula saying she accidently grabbed it by mistake. I asked the security guy "don't you have the photo if her cedula from yesterday?" he said "probably but that it did not matter the rule is she has to have it every time she comes. " When Angie Paola Gomez came over with her sister's (Karina Hernandez) cedula that was a no-go also. I was even throwing these security guys some decent tips from time to time also. They have ignored the fact that I was at the pool taking chica photos after it was supposed to be closed at night but they did not waver when comes to cedulas. You must like you more they do me LOL.What places would you all recommend that are good at checking their IDs but still remain very guest friendly? Any particular Airbnbs, hotels, apartments, etc?

09-25-20, 06:25
Whaaa! I deleted some messages, but alas no mail from any of you. So sad. I want good news!

ColombiaLover you need to delete some messages before they will allow you to receive any more messages. I have a message ready to send, I think you will like it.

09-25-20, 06:48
Look at my past post. I wrote a whole play by play on this. Very exact and detailed. I'm at like 4000 friends. Half regular girls half working. And a few that titter totter between. All women, all in Medellin. No I won't accept your friend request LOL I explain why in the write up. Good luck.

Can someone explains to me how to find Facebook girl? Is it through Facebook dating or Facebook group? How likely do they speak English and how do you know they are DTF for cash?

09-25-20, 07:07
Haha now that's hilarious. Stash unscathed! Perfect example of hiding places. I "think" it was tall man or someone wise like that that told me in my newbie days you got to have meat on the bones when walking the streets. Give them something to steal. Say, in that rate unnormal occasion you find yourself at nice point in a dark alley and this desperate man is shaking you down (or a policia) happens to me BTW. Give them something to deescalate the situation. A crook walking away empty handed when he catches you vulnerable is less likely to harm you once he has "something to show for his robbing effort" . Otherwise his frustration could escalate. I keep a preloaded debit card (not my bank card) with minimal cash on it ($100) in my sock under my foot. Not around my ankle. Right between my foot and shoe. It's for emergency purposes. Lost cash, unexpected bar tab, etcetc. I only carry the amount I intend to spend in my pocket. And in 2 places. My main pocket and the rest in my ankle. This way if you get shook down, I can say here take it all. And even the "stash" in my ankle. This way he feels you coughed it all up!! It's coins anyway but I have a flight to catch in a few days. In Colombia put your pride to the side. Be a tough guy at home in your stomping grounds. You'll probably never even get close to being stuck up here in the touristy areas but "if you do" be a step ahead.

Leave out the cheap stuff. She snagged a lighter--that's it-there is no 2nd time.

Also, I don't see anyone mentioning the safe in the room. I think the safe is a good spot to hide stuff, NO?

In most places-hotels especially--there is at least one recessed light that is pushed into the ceiling. Stand on a chair or the be, use a knife from the kitchen to pull the light out and you will have a nice storage spot in the ceiling of the building. Nobody taking anything from there-nobody trying or thinking about it. LOL.

I stashed a bong lighter weed and 75 kcop in the ceiling of a hotel about 5 years ago. I requested the same room when I came back, but didn't get it. Finally 2 years later I got the room. And there was my stash! Right where I left it 2 years earlier in the ceiling. Light bulb was probably changed but they never actually looked up in there when they took it out to change it- no need to take the whole assembly out of the ceiling. The 75 kcop came in handy-I ordered in food since I arrived late at night and was all set for the 1st night without needing a money exchange or putting something on a card.

09-25-20, 07:42
Recent arrivals: when entering Airports to head to Colombia and at MDE. Did they require a PCR test "administered" and "results" in 96 hours or was it just results from the actual test in 96 hours. Example you have a Wednesday flight. You got tested Friday. Results came Tuesday. Friday was obviously over 96 hours ago but the results came in the window. I have a Wednesday flight. Most facilities send out the samples the next business day morning. So Monday it gets sent off. Result might not be back until Wednesday. 48 hours. That's too late as flight times normally are early. If I got tested Monday. I'd be still possibly miss the mark. Looks like Wednesday is a bad day to fly there if the test has to be administered within 96 hours.

09-25-20, 09:39
Sorry, many of them are. Very much so.Your backpedaling a little. To say "many" chicas are stupid is pointless. It's called a bell curve. There are "stupid" ones as you like to put it, average and smart. If your girls are disproportionately stupid then it's your selection process. One of my faves is a masters student in psychology, speaks English, competitive in-line skate racer (Colombian women are the best in the world at this) so ass and legs to die for. You would know if you had her, she is one of those "Asian" looking Columbianas, a "9" face and body, and when she speaks English about every 5th word is "fuck" Jajajajaja She is worth a look, let's see if I can post my first photos ever here. . . .

09-25-20, 10:45
Hey Tall Man, thanks for all the great advice here; one question, what's your advice on finding non-pros in Medellin?

09-25-20, 11:32
On that note, about safety, I was robbed recently. In El Poblado, at 3 pm, on Calle 10 as I was walking to Exito Wow. A guy walking the other way on the sidewalk came at me super aggressively with a big knife. It was all over in seconds. And I was even wearing pants!

So I guess I'm saying, keep your wits about you. And minimize loss. Don't carry anything or card etc that you do not absolutely need. If you are out with a phone, make sure it is a local burner phone.I'm going to buy a $50 Android phone, and I will use that one when I'm around. And I will not exchange money in advance. With my debit card I can get money from the ATM with no expenses. I will carry with me what is strictly necessary. But what about the debit card? Did they take it or they are looking for cash? Because honestly I can block it in a minute, so they can't use it, not even once. But if they take it, then is going to be a problem, because with the others I have, I will have to pay commissions.

If the guy is only one, with a knife, unless he is Bolt, there is no fuckin way he is going to get a penny from me, because I run too fast for the average people. If he has a gun, or he is with other fellas, then they can take what he wants. But if he is alone with a knife, at 3 PM, unless the knife is on me, if he just threatening me from a distance, like he did with you, then I will run away so fast that he will have to try with someone else. He will not even bother to chase me. These people always go for the easiest targets.

And you know what is funny? I have been robbed by the Hungarian police once. Yes, you heard it, they literally robbed me over 20 years ago. And I mean it, the police robbed me, not a single guy, 4 of them. They took my passport and they asked me money to have it back. And immediately after I left the country, and I will never go back.

09-25-20, 12:38
El Poblado, Laureles, EnvigadoNoted.

Cabify is a usable app for rides, Didi, EasyTaxi, are othersGreat, really helpful.

- Can I buy a local SIM card?I read I can get one directly at the airport airport. Can you confirm?

Prices vary everywhere but a tinder chick is definitely going to ask for more money.I do not currently have Tinder. I might install it when I'm there and I have a local number. Are the Tinder chicks more attractive than the ones I can see on Prepagos? I have seen a few threads on Facebook, but I don't have that either, neither I intend to register.

Always try to negotiate everywhereNoted.

Some do, some do not - negotiate for these things beforehand - when she agrees to the things - keep the Whatsapp conversation handy to remind her (yes you need Whatsapp when in Colombia)
Good advise, thanks.

09-25-20, 14:34
On that note, about safety, I was robbed recently. In El Poblado, at 3 pm, on Calle 10 as I was walking to Exito Wow. A guy walking the other way on the sidewalk came at me super aggressively with a big knife. It was all over in seconds. And I was even wearing pants!

So I guess I'm saying, keep your wits about you. And minimize loss. Don't carry anything or card etc that you do not absolutely need. If you are out with a phone, make sure it is a local burner phone.How recent?

09-25-20, 14:55
I have heard that tinder is the worst in that drugging is what some of them do.

I think the only safe way to monger in Colombia is to use the Casa's. ...............Twelve years ago I went to a casa in centro, after the deed I went to shower. While in there I just got this feeling to check in the room. I never did that before nor since. I got out of the shower all wet and looked in and saw the chica riffling through my pant's pockets. She saw me and screamed. I said nothing. She was very nervous as she thought I might tell the papasan which I did not. Be wary everywhere.

09-25-20, 16:44
I always take my pants and wallet into the bathroom with me unless I can keep it in sight while showering. I don't understand why anyone would take that risk. In my apartment I installed a locking combination keypad on the guest bedroom door. I use the guest room as a very large safe for cash and easy to pilfer valuables. So far so good. Of course this offers no protection if you get Cosby'd but there is another thread about how to prevent that.

Twelve years ago I went to a casa in centro, after the deed I went to shower. While in there I just got this feeling to check in the room. I never did that before nor since. I got out of the shower all wet and looked in and saw the chica riffling through my pant's pockets. She saw me and screamed. I said nothing. She was very nervous as she thought I might tell the papasan which I did not. Be wary everywhere.

09-25-20, 16:45
I noticed that pattern too.

This is your 2nd knife wielding story you have told. Something is wrong here. There was the attempted robbery in centro and now poblado. Either your story telling or doing something terribly wrong..

09-25-20, 16:46
I agree they love trump in Brazil. Not many other places.

My post wasn't and isn't about my politics it's an explanation of how and what I have seen from the cut throat no hold barred drug 'them and rob 'them attitude that many hookers have. Yes, primarily its the money hustle--but also that Americans in general have a bad rep in many places. Many places love America and the idea of america. But not necessarily Americans. Brazil has Bolsonaro-he is south american trump -they love the con man strong man want to be authoritarian. And how is Brazil doing? Good on covid? Strong economy? Lack of crime? Anyway, you can disagree all you want--that's about your politics not mine. You write I'm not talking about working girl perceptions. But that's what my post was about! Save the hate-appreciate! Have fun dodging the covid in Brazil.Your post was an explanation of what? That's not even a good lie. You sound like a politician that stepped in it and has to dig himself out. Unfortunately for you most Americans have learned since March that the ones calling others racists are the racists. I know a misguided lying racist when I hear one.

The Tall Man
09-25-20, 17:00
I agree they love trump in Brazil. Not many other places.

My post wasn't and isn't about my politics it's an explanation of how and what I have seen from the cut throat no hold barred drug 'them and rob 'them attitude that many hookers have. Yes, primarily its the money hustle--but also that Americans in general have a bad rep in many places. Many places love America and the idea of america. But not necessarily Americans. Brazil has Bolsonaro-he is south american trump -they love the con man strong man want to be authoritarian. And how is Brazil doing? Good on covid? Strong economy? Lack of crime? Anyway, you can disagree all you want--that's about your politics not mine. You write I'm not talking about working girl perceptions. But that's what my post was about! Save the hate-appreciate! Have fun dodging the covid in Brazil.
Your post was an explanation of what? That's not even a good lie. You sound like a politician that stepped in it and has to dig himself out. Unfortunately for you most Americans have learned since March that the ones calling others racists are the racists. I know a misguided lying racist when I hear one.Agreed, WTF, Just Incognito is full of rubbish and lies, this post should should be awarded the top BS post of the year, hehehehehe.

Keep on point, this site is and should be all about pussy, that is the slit between a woman's legs and not the left lib democrat pussies with their continual lies and corruption and hate, hehehehe.

The Tall Man.

09-25-20, 17:03
I recently stated: People are people and they have many strange ideas about Americans and many Colombians and Venezuelans have a deep rooted hatred for Americans, trust me I found this out the hard way. Many of these working girls have shown me that they are just as opportunistic as people growing up in the Ghettos of America. I grew up in the Ghettos of america and I know what it is like to live hand to mouth. Many have confided in me and told me, that they all think gringos are stupid, rich, and wasteful with money. I can easily see why they think that after spending 3 years here mongering.
Your logic is terribly flawed. The conclusions you drew are an incredible reach. Funny.

Do Colombian girls target exclusively Americans?

I don't suppose you happen to know what percentage of tourists in Medellin are American vs tourists from other countries do you?

Do people from the ghettos of America hate Americans?

Do you think a desperate person in a ghetto would not rob you? You're American. A black American. Do poor people in ghettos hate black Americans?

I wonder if a desperate Colombian girl would rob a Colombian?

Maybe poor people simply resent people with money.

Is it possible that some Colombians like Americans (well enough) but just don't like you?

I try not to let my thinking be misguided by narcissism. You should consider that as well.

09-25-20, 17:14
Yes your correct, and it's beginning to sound more and more like SJobs was total fiction, or perhaps become a victim of one or more scanadalous Chicas of which we may never hear about and hope isn't the case.I've long suspected SJobs was a fraud.

09-25-20, 17:19
While no way for me to know for sure, I felt the same. He was just too over the top. Almost like reading fiction. I kept imagining some silicone valley geek who never got any in the USA Fleeing to Colombia for satisfaction. Of course, had I known about Colombia when I was in my 20's and 30's, I would have done it too. And saved the hassle of dating!

Will be interested to see if he re-appears.

I've long suspected SJobs was a fraud.

09-25-20, 17:33
Your logic is terribly flawed. The conclusions you drew are an incredible reach. Funny.

Do Colombian girls target exclusively Americans?

I don't suppose you happen to know what percentage of tourists in Medellin are American vs tourists from other countries do you?

Do people from the ghettos of America hate Americans?

Do you think a desperate person in a ghetto would not rob you? You're American. A black American. Do poor people in ghettos hate black Americans?

I wonder if a desperate Colombian girl would rob a Colombian?

Maybe poor people simply resent people with money..You answered most of your own questions. Clearly you are not from the ghettos of America or a person of color, but carry on. My groundwork & events in medellin speak for themselves. Once again everyone who's in Medellin & who's coming to Medellin stay safe. 7 months here & I have seen the good, the bad, & the ugly. But you keep rationalizing why my posts are flawed! Pollo negro is out!

John Gault
09-25-20, 17:44
Leave out the cheap stuff. She snagged a lighter--that's it-there is no 2nd time.

Also, I don't see anyone mentioning the safe in the room. I think the safe is a good spot to hide stuff, NO?

In most places-hotels especially--there is at least one recessed light that is pushed into the ceiling. Stand on a chair or the be, use a knife from the kitchen to pull the light out and you will have a nice storage spot in the ceiling of the building. Nobody taking anything from there-nobody trying or thinking about it. LOL.

I stashed a bong lighter weed and 75 kcop in the ceiling of a hotel about 5 years ago. I requested the same room when I came back, but didn't get it. Finally 2 years later I got the room. And there was my stash! Right where I left it 2 years earlier in the ceiling. Light bulb was probably changed but they never actually looked up in there when they took it out to change it- no need to take the whole assembly out of the ceiling. The 75 kcop came in handy-I ordered in food since I arrived late at night and was all set for the 1st night without needing a money exchange or putting something on a card.The safe is good most of the time. Problem is if they hit you with the scop drug it makes you very docile. Guys who have been hit with that have been taken to an ATM and withdrew their money as the girl asks them to in a sweet voice. It is even better in the room as all they have to do is ask you to open the safe.

Speaking of safes a good friend of mine had a great safe in his house. He was bragging to me and another fellow how secure was his safe. The other fellow laughed and make his fist into a gun and told him open up the fuckin safe.

09-25-20, 17:46
Your logic is terribly flawed. The conclusions you drew are an incredible reach. Funny.

Do Colombian girls target exclusively Americans?

I don't suppose you happen to know what percentage of tourists in Medellin are American vs tourists from other countries do you?

Do people from the ghettos of America hate Americans?

Do you think a desperate person in a ghetto would not rob you? You're American. A black American. Do poor people in ghettos hate black Americans?

I wonder if a desperate Colombian girl would rob a Colombian?

Maybe poor people simply resent people with money..You don't like his "logic," but offer no alternative logic of your own. You just rattle off a bunch of inane questions which make no case for anything. The heart of Pollo's argument is this:

"Many (chicas) have confided in me and told me, that they all think gringos are stupid, rich, and wasteful with money."

I've had them tell me the same thing a number of times over the last twenty years. Others have reported the same to where this is about common knowledge. It's also common knowledge that Americans generally have a bad rep in many foreign countries that boils down to one word, "arrogance." Of course not all are this way but enough are for the stereotype to stick. So that's the sum of it, though for some reason it struck a nerve with you enough to where you attack the guy calling him a "narcissist," like that has anything to do with anything. Lololol. You are the one with the problem as your pointless post demonstrates.

John Gault
09-25-20, 17:53
Good advice about carrying a burner phone versus your smartphone on you. The area you described, Calle 10 either coming up from the Poblado Metro Station, or down the hill from Parque Poblado is one of the busiest streets in Poblado for both vehicles and pedestrians, it's the major gateway into Poblado off of the Autopista. There's always lots of congestion and people walking on Calle 10 during the day and into the evenings. Sounds safer perhaps with so many people around in such a busy area at 3 PM in the afternoon that the thought of somebody trying to rob you wouldn't happen in broad daylight. Wrong.

Typically, myself included, is that you get hit when you least expect it.

It's good you posted this, as we need a constant reminding that besides the Chicas, there are some very brazen thieves out there!Also good to remind guys who think sacred Poblado is so great.

I have heard of a few gringos killed in Poblado but none in Centro.

09-25-20, 17:54
I've long suspected SJobs was a fraud.He even lied about getting the last ticket for that flight. I proved he was a liar with a screen shot using that airline on the day he said he was leaving. Anyone that believes him is a fool.

How can some of you guys believe a guy that writes as if he is in high school and just saw his first piece of at $$? Plus, posting endlessly about trying to illegally come over the border?

09-25-20, 18:28
While no way for me to know for sure, I felt the same. He was just too over the top. Almost like reading fiction. I kept imagining some silicone valley geek who never got any in the USA Fleeing to Colombia for satisfaction. Of course, had I known about Colombia when I was in my 20's and 30's, I would have done it too. And saved the hassle of dating!

Will be interested to see if he re-appears.He can't get a break. People complained when he posted too much. Now he is a fraud when he is enjoying himself. I think members are addicted to his posts.

I will say it. He is the trendsetter of this thread. The type of conversations changed after he appeared and everybody wants to be SJobs. Haha.

09-25-20, 18:40
I believe in using the safes. But my personal concept is don't put all your eggs in one basket. The thought of storing all your prized possessions in one little 1 ft x 1 ft box doesn't resonate with me. You can't trust your life line in a small box screwed to a wood shelf. If your "forced" or let's say someone gets in while your out partying, it will be like when Sonic the hedgehog landson the spikes. You lose everything! It's like traveling and putting your wallet in your suitcase and the your luggage missed the flight. You're in a badddd position. Keep things fluid and keep nest eggs around for emergencies. The last place I want to hide my stuff is exactly where a robber knows for a fact it is.

Now let's be real here. Thrives and robbery happen. I don't want to marginalize that fact. But. Bros. No one would come here at this rate if it was a deathtrap. Or only the brave. I have been enough times to come back over and over and over every 3 months! I'm a traveler but not an ignorant traveler. You are headed to vaginal paradise! Not Rikers Island. Do not get to sidetracked about the idea of being robbed, kidnapped, stolen from, and all that. This place is genuinely fun and precovid, filled to the gills with people just like you partying, drunk, chasing women and living a life they could never sustain in the real world.

Have a sense of protection over your values. Outsmart everysingleperson you meet, and those you might meet and freaking have the time of your life. You will be drunk, you will have women all over ready to spread those knees, you will check off tons of things on your sexual bucket list, and you will laugh at some of the mistakes you made. But I can almost promise your your accomplishments will outweigh your disappointments unless your the guy on here that got robbed and killed and then posted about it from his angel iPhone on God's wifi. But those odds are in your favor. Stay with the tourist, stay where you are not vulnerable, protect your belongings, and wear a condom (rolled all the way down hahaha) and you should have very little negative stories to tell. I'm certain you will be bragging to your friends about how much fun you had when you get back. Safety here is like sex. Sure you can get raped, sure you can catch an STD, etc etc but that can't be your image of sex as a whole. Let's talk about what's really going to happen! Women falling from the sky! LOL.

09-25-20, 18:44
Speak for yourself. I found much of his communication boorish. Like I would expect from someone in tech. I do not care if he is a fraud or not. If he is real, I hope he enjoys himself. I really do not care either way. Maybe some members are addicted. Not me. I prefer to real Blakman and Slapshot. I would have no desire to be SJobs, whoever he is.

He can't get a break. People complained when he posted too much. Now he is a fraud when he is enjoying himself. I think members are addicted to his posts.

I will say it. He is the trendsetter of this thread. The type of conversations changed after he appeared and everybody wants to be SJobs. Haha.

09-25-20, 18:57
Speak for yourself. I found much of his communication boorish. Like I would expect from someone in tech. I do not care if he is a fraud or not. If he is real, I hope he enjoys himself. I really do not care either way. Maybe some members are addicted. Not me. I prefer to real Blakman and Slapshot. I would have no desire to be SJobs, whoever he is.Some want to do the things he is doing, like to be with 18 years old. There is nothing wrong with that. I don't mean people wants to be him literally.

09-25-20, 20:56
While no way for me to know for sure, I felt the same. He was just too over the top. Almost like reading fiction. I kept imagining some silicone valley geek who never got any in the USA Fleeing to Colombia for satisfaction. Of course, had I known about Colombia when I was in my 20's and 30's, I would have done it too. And saved the hassle of dating!
Will be interested to see if he re-appears.It's interesting, in that SJobs posts while supposedly in Medellin up until mid March seemed realistically possible, believable, and a bit audacious, and I would constantly call him out on stuff besides Blakman and others, and upon him returning to the USA, his posts become delusional, and totally beyond belief with his obsession to return.

09-25-20, 21:02
I'm going to buy a $50 Android phone, and I will use that one when I'm around. And I will not exchange money in advance. With my debit card I can get money from the ATM with no expenses. I will carry with me what is strictly necessary. But what about the debit card? Did they take it or they are looking for cash? Because honestly I can block it in a minute, so they can't use it, not even once. But if they take it, then is going to be a problem, because with the others I have, I will have to pay commissions.They want cash.

Happened last week, to answer a different question.

All I'm saying for the sake of other BM's who are arriving soon, is minimize your loss, and be careful. I love Colombia. I live here. But there are a lot of desperate, hungry and broke people here.

09-25-20, 21:39
If SJobs is a fraud. That was a hell of a lot of effort, and for what?!

If not, I can attest that after a long night like he was planning (and his would probably be even longer than some of mine, because he's been chomping at the bit), there is an extensive recharge period, lacking of REM sleep. Then, a haze of a night, dehydrated and malnourished. Then, a good night of sleep. After that, I often found it fun to type my stories, as it helped jog my memory. I think SJobs, if that is his real name, could have put together a back-to-back, bringing in a second, or even third, crew. This would have kickstarted his energy and restarted the cycle. I did it once, and probably won't do it again. So, what I'm saying, based off the series of posts, is he could be hibernating. He could be making first, second, and third drafts of his big I MADE IT TO MEDELLIN Chapter One post. Or, he could have just been a really strange dude with free time and BitCoin to get a membership. Who knows. I hope to read about his first week. At this point, I forget when he arrived, and how long it's been. Maybe he should have given his address to The Tall Man?

Pinky told me yesterday that we need to have a serious conversation. I absolutely hate that. Pregnant? Herpes? Post-Op Tranny? Fuck me! Just say it now! So, anyway, she asked for money for her family. To the tune of 2.000.000 COP. That didn't go over well. I told her I shouldn't be buying her a 1.000.000 cell phone, if that's the case. I could buy her a 300.000 functional smart phone and send the rest home. She has a mom who is out of work with a young baby, and another young brother. I get it. I do. I also don't feel me banging Pinky, shacking up, etc., means I need to support the family. How many horror stories have we all heard about this? I said, so it starts with 2.000.000 to pay the last 3 or 6 months of home and store front rent, and then what? Then it's the same shit in 3 months? Fuck that. I told her she's snorted 2.000.000 of pink shit in the last 6 months. I also have paid her local rent, which makes more sense to me. If I kicked her out or she wanted to leave, I would feel terrible if she had nowhere to go because I had told her not to keep her room rental. She was hiding in one of the bedrooms, making calls and crying, after our talk. Her mom could be a scam artist, she could be a scam artist, who knows. I don't feel like she's a bad person, and she is living with me and not working. However, to send home 2.000.000, she needs to clear 3.000.000 with rent, food, etc. How many citas is that? She'd have to risk OD'ing at SJobs penthouse, if she wanted to make that amount in a week. We're both getting what we want. I almost told her to leave. It would have been so easy. I was gone all morning and was shocked that she was still here when I got back. The thing that pissed me off most was that she said WE need to talk. No, YOU need something. She also said 2.000.000 is nothing to me. That was the trigger that almost got her booted. I had to explain that just because of XYZ that she has witnessed, doesn't mean I'm a bobo, or that I don't have things important to me that I could spend 2.000.000 on. Fuck. I think she's a good girl in a tough spot, that cares about her family. I just wish she would have approached me in a manner of her needing help, instead of we need to talk about sending money to her mom. If she leaves now, she wouldn't send that much home until the holidays, in my opinion. She said she needs to go home in a week for an important family anniversary, so she obviously timed this. She was also filling out some application to be an online dance teacher, yesterday morning, which feels like part of the act, now.

It certainly took a little shine of the situation, but this is the fucking life of many Colombians. Her love, comfort, whatever with me is nothing compared to family. I don't think it makes her a bad person, or means I have to decide to jump into a sink hole, or not, but fuck... I could be blinded. She told me her friend lived in Spain and said it was so much better an easier there. You make more money, etc. I figured a traveling prepago, but she is a chef. I asked her how she'd buy her flight, let alone first month's rent. What would she do for work? Everything in Spain is significantly more expensive than here, etc. I had to drop the, how many countries have you been to? Ok, so you hear a story about ONE girl's experience, a girl with a talent in skilled trade, and you think it's as easy as a flick of the switch?!

Anyone experience a similar situation? I was calculating in my head. All night 3somes, weekly, companionship, etc. What would it all cost? A hell of a lot more than 2.000.000, I think. I could easily spend more than half that in one night, for a similar experience to what I've been having for 250.000, more or less. I think a lot of my decision-making, aside from actually enjoying my time and experiences with Pinky, lies in the fact that I don't want to deal with the searching, the chatting, the rescheduling, the disappointment in a bad cita, etc. Straight-talk is ok, fellas!

Cheers. Freakin weekend!

Member #4665
09-25-20, 23:17
To the tune of 2.000.000 COP. No one is meant to give anyone 2,000,000 pesos. How about she start saving her allowances and develops a trade And then goes for little cheap diploma and an entry-level job. What kind of personality does she have? Will she make a good cook? Is she interested in coding HTML? Why not consider a career in computer science? She obviously has the looks to pay for at least part of her education. What's the problem was?

Don't give a horse a sandwich instead teach a donkey how to make a sandwich. The day a woman ask a man for that kind of money without justification is the day the man gets spooked and leaves. That situation sounds very uncomfortable and could even be dangerous. Obviously I know nothing about you, You could be the most humble reserve person, but generally speaking About other people That's why it's not good be arrogant and flash money around like a hip-hop artist.

There is definitely something wrong with some of these girls they want to have a 1,000,000 pesos smart phone but they make 800,000 pesos a month. Maybe they see having a dumb phone as some sort of status symbol . Why not get an $80 US dollar android and show us in what way the standard technology is holding you back. Can you do anything on that phone that actually demands more memory and faster processor is? Until you prove to us your intellectual technological capacity requires a better Phone use the affordable one.

Any guys in here direct straight forward and always telling people what you think? Go tell the pinky girl to stop Sniffing glue!

09-25-20, 23:36
Anyone experience a similar situation? I was calculating in my head. All night 3somes, weekly, companionship, etc. What would it all cost? A hell of a lot more than 2.000.000, I think. I could easily spend more than half that in one night, for a similar experience to what I've been having for 250.000, more or less. I think a lot of my decision-making, aside from actually enjoying my time and experiences with Pinky, lies in the fact that I don't want to deal with the searching, the chatting, the rescheduling, the disappointment in a bad cita, etc. Straight-talk is ok, fellas!
I think she is young, does not have income. This is bound to happen. Given what you said in your post, I would give her an allowance plus everything you are already providing her currently. Don't know if she can learn to be responsible and does not ask for more. It will be ideal if she can save some money so she will have some money by the time you leave. If she continues to give you different reasons that she needs more money, then it is not a good situation.

I know some girls, especially the older ones, hate Colombian men or men in general because of her father or the father of her child. Personally, I would avoid putting them in the same situation again but that does not mean to take care of them long term.

I am the same way when I am working. Just don't have the time or too lazy to make arrangement.

09-25-20, 23:57
If SJobs is a fraud. That was a hell of a lot of effort, and for what?!

If not, I can attest that after a long night like he was planning (and his would probably be even longer than some of mine, because he's been chomping at the bit), there is an extensive recharge period, lacking of REM sleep. Then, a haze of a night, dehydrated and malnourished. Then, a good night of sleep. After that, I often found it fun to type my stories, as it helped jog my memory. I think SJobs, if that is his real name, could have put together a back-to-back, bringing in a second, or even third, crew. This would have kickstarted his energy and restarted the cycle. I did it once, and probably won't do it again. So, what I'm saying, based off the series of posts, is he could be hibernating. He could be making first, second, and third drafts of his big I MADE IT TO MEDELLIN Chapter One post. Or, he could have just been a really strange dude with free time and BitCoin to get a membership. Who knows. I hope to read about his first week. At this point, I forget when he arrived, and how long it's been. Maybe he should have given his address to The Tall Man?

Pinky told me yesterday that we need to have a serious conversation. I absolutely hate that. Pregnant? Herpes? Post-Op Tranny? Fuck me! Just say it now! So, anyway, she asked for money for her family. To the tune of 2.000.000 COP. That didn't go over well. I told her I shouldn't be buying her a 1.000.000 cell phone, if that's the case. I could buy her a 300.000 functional smart phone and send the rest home. She has a mom who is out of work with a young baby, and another young brother. I get it. I do. I also don't feel me banging Pinky, shacking up, etc., means I need to support the family. How many horror stories have we all heard about this? I said, so it starts with 2.000.000 to pay the last 3 or 6 months of home and store front rent, and then what? Then it's the same shit in 3 months? Fuck that. I told her she's snorted 2.000.000 of pink shit in the last 6 months. I also have paid her local rent, which makes more sense to me. If I kicked her out or she wanted to leave, I would feel terrible if she had nowhere to go because I had told her not to keep her room rental. She was hiding in one of the bedrooms, making calls and crying, after our talk. Her mom could be a scam artist, she could be a scam artist, who knows. I don't feel like she's a bad person, and she is living with me and not working. However, to send home 2.000.000, she needs to clear 3.000.000 with rent, food, etc. How many citas is that? She'd have to risk OD'ing at SJobs penthouse, if she wanted to make that amount in a week. We're both getting what we want. I almost told her to leave. It would have been so easy. I was gone all morning and was shocked that she was still here when I got back. The thing that pissed me off most was that she said WE need to talk. No, YOU need something. She also said 2.000.000 is nothing to me. That was the trigger that almost got her booted. I had to explain that just because of XYZ that she has witnessed, doesn't mean I'm a bobo, or that I don't have things important to me that I could spend 2.000.000 on. Fuck. I think she's a good girl in a tough spot, that cares about her family. I just wish she would have approached me in a manner of her needing help, instead of we need to talk about sending money to her mom. If she leaves now, she wouldn't send that much home until the holidays, in my opinion. She said she needs to go home in a week for an important family anniversary, so she obviously timed this. She was also filling out some application to be an online dance teacher, yesterday morning, which feels like part of the act, now.

It certainly took a little shine of the situation, but this is the fucking life of many Colombians. Her love, comfort, whatever with me is nothing compared to family. I don't think it makes her a bad person, or means I have to decide to jump into a sink hole, or not, but fuck... I could be blinded. She told me her friend lived in Spain and said it was so much better an easier there. You make more money, etc. I figured a traveling prepago, but she is a chef. I asked her how she'd buy her flight, let alone first month's rent. What would she do for work? Everything in Spain is significantly more expensive than here, etc. I had to drop the, how many countries have you been to? Ok, so you hear a story about ONE girl's experience, a girl with a talent in skilled trade, and you think it's as easy as a flick of the switch?!

Anyone experience a similar situation? I was calculating in my head. All night 3somes, weekly, companionship, etc. What would it all cost? A hell of a lot more than 2.000.000, I think. I could easily spend more than half that in one night, for a similar experience to what I've been having for 250.000, more or less. I think a lot of my decision-making, aside from actually enjoying my time and experiences with Pinky, lies in the fact that I don't want to deal with the searching, the chatting, the rescheduling, the disappointment in a bad cita, etc. Straight-talk is ok, fellas!

Cheers. Freakin weekend!I certainly wouldn't do it in a lump sum cash payment. Consider getting an item by item list of things they need paid. Then go to the landlord, GANA, etc and pay them yourself.

09-25-20, 23:57
Anyone experience a similar situation? I was calculating in my head. All night 3somes, weekly, companionship, etc. What would it all cost? A hell of a lot more than 2.000.000, I think. I could easily spend more than half that in one night, for a similar experience to what I've been having for 250.000, more or less. I think a lot of my decision-making, aside from actually enjoying my time and experiences with Pinky, lies in the fact that I don't want to deal with the searching, the chatting, the rescheduling, the disappointment in a bad cita, etc. Straight-talk is ok, fellas! Cheers. Freakin weekend!Straight talk, okay, your very lucky to have someone who is open to you having other women to bang along with her, and someone you enjoy being with. I can totally relate to how hard it is to find somebody you click with on most fronts. She said the $ 2,000,000 was nothing to you, and she was correct, ($ 550 USD) although you found it audacious on her part to ask. Can you blame her for asking after what you were paying for all the other Chicas and that Tussi shit? Perhaps give her just $ 1,000,000 instead, as she probably gave you an inflated number to begin with, along with a caveat moving forward relative to future RFM's like that. Basically 1 M is just a little bit more than the Colombian minimum monthly salary, and if you were to give her the 2 M, you would appear to be weak and subject to many future RFM's, whereas giving her basically $ 225 USD which is chump change for you, it 's somewhat of a compromise, which she may balk at, at least on the surface. Your concern is losing her, and rightly so, but 1 M, at least in my opinion is well worth it. This is what I would do, and I sent you a PM a while back.

09-26-20, 00:14
Damn. Whats up with you writing a long book. Here we go again with some drama shit to get attention. Trying to divert the attention from the new star Sjob. I guess this is what happens when you need to pass time. We know how this is going to turn out. Either pinky going to accept a clever lower figure or before she gets booted sex goddess is going to ask to move in to replace pinky. Whatever we know it always result in a Slaproseyending.

If SJobs is a fraud. That was a hell of a lot of effort, and for what?!

If not, I can attest that after a long night like he was planning (and his would probably be even longer than some of mine, because he's been chomping at the bit), there is an extensive recharge period, lacking of REM sleep. Then, a haze of a night, dehydrated and malnourished. Then, a good night of sleep. After that, I often found it fun to type my stories, as it helped jog my memory. I think SJobs, if that is his real name, could have put together a back-to-back, bringing in a second, or even third, crew. This would have kickstarted his energy and restarted the cycle. I did it once, and probably won't do it again. So, what I'm saying, based off the series of posts, is he could be hibernating. He could be making first, second, and third drafts of his big I MADE IT TO MEDELLIN Chapter One post. Or, he could have just been a really strange dude with free time and BitCoin to get a membership. Who knows. I hope to read about his first week. At this point, I forget when he arrived, and how long it's been. Maybe he should have given his address to The Tall Man?

Pinky told me yesterday that we need to have a serious conversation. I absolutely hate that. Pregnant? Herpes? Post-Op Tranny? Fuck me! Just say it now! So, anyway, she asked for money for her family. To the tune of 2.000.000 COP. That didn't go over well. I told her I shouldn't be buying her a 1.000.000 cell phone, if that's the case. I could buy her a 300.000 functional smart phone and send the rest home. She has a mom who is out of work with a young baby, and another young brother. I get it. I do. I also don't feel me banging Pinky, shacking up, etc., means I need to support the family. How many horror stories have we all heard about this? I said, so it starts with 2.000.000 to pay the last 3 or 6 months of home and store front rent, and then what? Then it's the same shit in 3 months? Fuck that. I told her she's snorted 2.000.000 of pink shit in the last 6 months. I also have paid her local rent, which makes more sense to me. If I kicked her out or she wanted to leave, I would feel terrible if she had nowhere to go because I had told her not to keep her room rental. She was hiding in one of the bedrooms, making calls and crying, after our talk. Her mom could be a scam artist, she could be a scam artist, who knows. I don't feel like she's a bad person, and she is living with me and not working. However, to send home 2.000.000, she needs to clear 3.000.000 with rent, food, etc. How many citas is that? She'd have to risk OD'ing at SJobs penthouse, if she wanted to make that amount in a week. We're both getting what we want. I almost told her to leave. It would have been so easy. I was gone all morning and was shocked that she was still here when I got back. The thing that pissed me off most was that she said WE need to talk. No, YOU need something. She also said 2.000.000 is nothing to me. That was the trigger that almost got her booted. I had to explain that just because of XYZ that she has witnessed, doesn't mean I'm a bobo, or that I don't have things important to me that I could spend 2.000.000 on. Fuck. I think she's a good girl in a tough spot, that cares about her family. I just wish she would have approached me in a manner of her needing help, instead of we need to talk about sending money to her mom. If she leaves now, she wouldn't send that much home until the holidays, in my opinion. She said she needs to go home in a week for an important family anniversary, so she obviously timed this. She was also filling out some application to be an online dance teacher, yesterday morning, which feels like part of the act, now.

It certainly took a little shine of the situation, but this is the fucking life of many Colombians. Her love, comfort, whatever with me is nothing compared to family. I don't think it makes her a bad person, or means I have to decide to jump into a sink hole, or not, but fuck... I could be blinded. She told me her friend lived in Spain and said it was so much better an easier there. You make more money, etc. I figured a traveling prepago, but she is a chef. I asked her how she'd buy her flight, let alone first month's rent. What would she do for work? Everything in Spain is significantly more expensive than here, etc. I had to drop the, how many countries have you been to? Ok, so you hear a story about ONE girl's experience, a girl with a talent in skilled trade, and you think it's as easy as a flick of the switch?!

Anyone experience a similar situation? I was calculating in my head. All night 3somes, weekly, companionship, etc. What would it all cost? A hell of a lot more than 2.000.000, I think. I could easily spend more than half that in one night, for a similar experience to what I've been having for 250.000, more or less. I think a lot of my decision-making, aside from actually enjoying my time and experiences with Pinky, lies in the fact that I don't want to deal with the searching, the chatting, the rescheduling, the disappointment in a bad cita, etc. Straight-talk is ok, fellas!

Cheers. Freakin weekend!.

09-26-20, 00:21

I just opened up this site for the first time today, I saw my name mentioned here and there. Sorry I don't have the mental capacity to read through all of it, but I will do it soon. I had back to back foursomes with some of my favorites since Saturday night, tonight I have a business dinner, after that with two super hot 19 year-olds for tln. I haven't stepped outside of my apartment since I got here, except to go buy with my girls (I normally just stay in the car and enjoy the view of the city).

To answer some questions about getting into Medellin, you need a PCR test that cost 200 dollars, just google it. Fill out the form online, it will speed up the immigration line. They didn't ask me for any app.

All I can say is that Medellin is definitely heaven for me, but sadly I think I've gotten too carried away, I received two complaints from the building manager about music, and girls wearing too little clothes coming in and out of my apartment.

09-26-20, 00:44
No one is meant to give anyone 2,000,000 pesos. How about she start saving her allowances and develops a trade And then goes for little cheap diploma and an entry-level job. What kind of personality does she have? Will she make a good cook? Is she interested in coding HTML? Why not consider a career in computer science? She obviously has the looks to pay for at least part of her education. What's the problem was?

Don't give a horse a sandwich instead teach a donkey how to make a sandwich. The day a woman ask a man for that kind of money without justification is the day the man gets spooked and leaves. That situation sounds very uncomfortable and could even be dangerous. Obviously I know nothing about you, You could be the most humble reserve person, but generally speaking About other people That's why it's not good be arrogant and flash money around like a hip-hop artist.

There is definitely something wrong with some of these girls they want to have a 1,000,000 pesos smart phone but they make 800,000 pesos a month. Maybe they see having a dumb phone as some sort of status symbol . Why not get an $80 US dollar android and show us in what way the standard technology is holding you back. Can you do anything on that phone that actually demands more memory and faster processor is? Until you prove to us your intellectual technological capacity requires a better Phone use the affordable one.

Any guys in here direct straight forward and always telling people what you think? Go tell the pinky girl to stop Sniffing glue!I think that 2 million pesos have already been given to her already, she feels entitled to his money that's why she said " we got to talk".

Mojo Bandit
09-26-20, 00:53
Pinky told me yesterday that we need to have a serious conversation. I absolutely hate that. Pregnant? Herpes? Post-Op Tranny? Fuck me! Just say it now! So, anyway, she asked for money for her family. To the tune of 2.000.000 COP.
Anyone experience a similar situation? I was calculating in my head. All night 3somes, weekly, companionship, etc. What would it all cost? A hell of a lot more than 2.000.000, I think. I could easily spend more than half that in one night, for a similar experience to what I've been having for 250.000, more or less. I think a lot of my decision-making, aside from actually enjoying my time and experiences with Pinky, lies in the fact that I don't want to deal with the searching, the chatting, the rescheduling, the disappointment in a bad cita, etc. Straight-talk is ok, fellas!

Cheers. Freakin weekend!I might be seeing this completely wrong so obviously you can ignore me if I am. I have to say that I do not follow the narrative of every member and what's going on in their life so when you say "Pinky told me yesterday. " I really do not know who Pinky is and so I have to guess about some things, and when I do it comes down to this: I think you have a "girlfriend" and you are asking advice from guys who primarily are mongers who deal in transactions. That being said I have read BMs speaking about having girlfriends so maybe someone else could give you better advice.

So what does it mean to you to be with this chica? 2 000 000 cop would be cheap (centro regulars will not agree, but even they are probably not getting pussy twice a day and all nighters for 66 k a day) if you are banging her twice a day and sleeping with her all night etc for say a month.

But as you say in your post that she might ask for such and such in the future: You have to take control of that right away but first you have to ask yourself if you are ready to go the 2 000 000 a month. Cause that is what I think I would do if I wanted to be with her everyday and every night. I would be firm about the once a month allowance and then stick to my guns if anything came up in the future. They cannot manage money so I am not even sure I would not do the 2 000 000 once and then bring it down to a weekly say 500 000 a week. Let her know that is the arrangement no exceptions. Be very firm and be prepared to be called on it. Then stick to your guns.

She may or may not be "playing" you but Colombian women do expect to be helped out by men. It is a cultural thing. The lower the strata they more help they expect. Below I post a link to a discussion between some gringo expats that are not mongers and some Colombianas who are not prepagos, they are discussing dating Colombian women. If you jump to 6:40 in the video the Colombian woman states plainly that lower strata girls are going to ask for more help with money:


Mr Enternational
09-26-20, 02:33
I think a lot of my decision-making, aside from actually enjoying my time and experiences with Pinky, lies in the fact that I don't want to deal with the searching, the chatting, the rescheduling, the disappointment in a bad cita, etc. Straight-talk is ok, fellas!So give her the money and be done with it. Why all this back and forth stressing out shit every week? I am glad that my fucking habits do not get that complicated.

I think you have a "girlfriend" and you are asking advice from guys who primarily are mongers who deal in transactions. That being said I have read BMs speaking about having girlfriends so maybe someone else could give you better advice.

So what does it mean to you to be with this chica? 2 000 000 cop would be cheap...
She may or may not be "playing" you but Colombian women do expect to be helped out by men. It is a cultural thing.Never have I ever had a girlfriend that would even think I was about to buy her a $500 phone or fork over $500 to pay her family's bills. And I have had some really poor girlfriends in really poor countries including Colombia. It is no cultural thing that I have ever experienced.

His situation sounds more like a bill to me than a girlfriend. I certainly would not want a girlfriend if that meant being hounded about money every week. I would rather be off fucking some new pussy. $500/month to drive the same Ferrari everyday or $500/month to drive a Ferrari one day, Lamborghini the next day, Mercedes the next day, Lexus the next day...

09-26-20, 02:43
Anyone experience a similar situation? I was calculating in my head. All night 3somes, weekly, companionship, etc. What would it all cost? A hell of a lot more than 2.000.000, I think. I could easily spend more than half that in one night, for a similar experience to what I've been having for 250.000, more or less. I think a lot of my decision-making, aside from actually enjoying my time and experiences with Pinky, lies in the fact that I don't want to deal with the searching, the chatting, the rescheduling, the disappointment in a bad cita, etc. Straight-talk is ok, fellas!

Cheers. Freakin weekend!If I were in your shoes, given how she has been weaved through most of your stories on this trip, I would give it to her. It's not much. That's how I feel. I know you have been good to her, but she's the one doing threesomes with you and who has been there the entire time.

09-26-20, 02:46
So give her the money and be done with it. Why all this back and forth stressing out shit every week? I am glad that my fucking habits do not get that complicated.Great point, I am just not sure if all this is true. Many of the recent post make no sense on this page,(2-3 guys), sorry for stating the obvious. I am not getting in the middle of it, but I just do not believe half of there recent posts.

09-26-20, 03:28
I certainly wouldn't do it in a lump sum cash payment. Consider getting an item by item list of things they need paid. Then go to the landlord, GANA, etc and pay them yourself.She did say I could send it directly to her mom. Given the fact that her bus broke down and got held up by some armed group of men, last time, maybe that would be the wise thing to do.

I think she is young, does not have income. This is bound to happen. Given what you said in your post, I would give her an allowance plus everything you are already providing her currently. Don't know if she can learn to be responsible and does not ask for more. It will be ideal if she can save some money so she will have some money by the time you leave. If she continues to give you different reasons that she needs more money, then it is not a good situation.Probably the easiest route. Well said.

Damn. Whats up with you writing a long book. Here we go again with some drama shit to get attention. Trying to divert the attention from the new star Sjob. I guess this is what happens when you need to pass time. We know how this is going to turn out. Either pinky going to accept a clever lower figure or before she gets booted sex goddess is going to ask to move in to replace pinky. Whatever we know it always result in a Slaproseyending.Blakhandedcomplimentman - I always appreciate you taking your fingers off your wallet for a couple minutes to chime in! Although, the Sex Goddess comment reminds me. She's waiting for her COVID test results, but she was sending photos and saying she can't wait to go down on Pinky. What a tease.

I might be seeing this completely wrong so obviously you can ignore me if I am. I have to say that I do not follow the narrative of every member and what's going on in their life so when you say "Pinky told me yesterday. " I really do not know who Pinky is and so I have to guess about some things, and when I do it comes down to this: I think you have a "girlfriend" and you are asking advice from guys who primarily are mongers who deal in transactions. That being said I have read BMs speaking about having girlfriends so maybe someone else could give you better advice.

So what does it mean to you to be with this chica? 2 000 000 cop would be cheap (centro regulars will not agree, but even they are probably not getting pussy twice a day and all nighters for 66 k a day) if you are banging her twice a day and sleeping with her all night etc for say a month.

But as you say in your post that she might ask for such and such in the future: You have to take control of that right away but first you have to ask yourself if you are ready to go the 2 000 000 a month. Cause that is what I think I would do if I wanted to be with her everyday and every night. I would be firm about the once a month allowance and then stick to my guns if anything came up in the future. They cannot manage money so I am not even sure I would not do the 2 000 000 once and then bring it down to a weekly say 500 000 a week. Let her know that is the arrangement no exceptions. Be very firm and be prepared to be called on it. Then stick to your guns.

She may or may not be "playing" you but Colombian women do expect to be helped out by men. It is a cultural thing. The lower the strata they more help they expect. Below I post a link to a discussion between some gringo expats that are not mongers and some Colombianas who are not prepagos, they are discussing dating Colombian women.Pinky is a live-in companion / 3 some partner. We have developed a good connection, and know a lot about each other, at this point. Not a legit girlfriend, but some one I care about and enjoy her company enough to keep her around. She has had a very tough life. It's amazing what these young women have been through, compared to the average American bish. Frank11 touched on some things / asked some questions. She is artistic. She could learn whatever skills. That ain't going to help her look her mom in the eye in 6 days. Her and her friend were in the spare bedroom making belts and wallet chains, today. No clue how much they buy the materials and then sell the finished product for, but I can't imagine they'd earn more than the cost of a menu del DIA. That being said, I love the fact that they're trying, and doing something they enjoy. The only realistic way to make a quick buck in Medellin, for her, would be to spread her legs.

Anyhow, ex-Wifey is coming over for a double-approved trio (her and Pinky). I hope it's not awkward. Not sure if ex-Wifey knows Pinky is living with me, and she puts on a hard front, but is a cryer. Got to love a Friday night threesome party without even a thought about a condom. Their combined age is less than my own (I'm sure that's nothing special for most BMs, but if I was any younger, I'd be getting blocked by the Admin)!

Member #4665
09-26-20, 05:12
Frank11 touched on some things / asked some questions. She is artistic. She could learn whatever skills. That ain't going to help her look her mom in the eye in 6 days. Her and her friend were in the spare bedroom making belts and wallet chains, today. No clue how much they buy the materials and then sell the finished product for, but I can't imagine they'd earn more than the cost of a menu del DIA. I know a little girlfriend she looks like a supermodel and she makes a lot of money with her behind. But I'm always telling her, "babe you have start looking for a 2nd source of income. One day you will be 38 and you'll still be beautiful but there will be 20 18-year-olds competing with you for all that money. ".

Time to look for degree. A lot lot of young girls today use Facebook all-time so why not work for Facebook? Or maybe they like YouTube and Instagram how about learning to edit video.

The situation described by slapshot is actually complex because if the girl gets money is an investment in the girl's life or is it to help her mom. Complex problem.

09-26-20, 06:12
If SJobs is a fraud. That was a hell of a lot of effort, and for what?!
Anyone experience a similar situation?.I've been in a similar but way less awesome situation. We were in Venezuela and she needed money to immigrate elsewhere. Long story short, I didn't give her anything until mid way through the trip and then gave her about 400 usd (I think she only asked for like 150) and one of my backup phones worth like 50 bucks on ebay about a month and a half in. She kept asking me to buy a few things here and there for her but everything put together was about 100 bucks.

Pros: She stopped asking me for money after I gave her 400. She started snuggling with me out of the blue and doing girlfriend stuff (not sure if I should put this in the pro section). She started letting me BBFS her a little time after.

Cons: After I gave her money she started asking me to buy more expensive stuff. I said no to about half the stuff she asked for because when I didn't say no enough she would walk all over me.

Conclusion: I should have just given her a modest allowance and told her she would get a bonus at the end if I felt satisfied. I also would have said "no" to her more since the sex and company was slightly better when she knew who was in charge. Like just say no randomly to even the cheapest stuff.

P.S. I was shacking up with her for about three months. She was hot but she was bad in bed and I only hit it once every couple days. I hadn't been to Colombia yet and she let me BBFS. Knowing what I know now, I would have just gone to Colombia or done more research and got a girl who could give a decent blowjob and liked more than just doggy style.

09-26-20, 06:36
I have been here since Wednesday afternoon, so here is an update:

1) I have felt safe in Laureles so far. I have not seen much difference, other than some places are still closed. I do give businesses credit as they are adhering to social distancing and masks. That said, I know the chance of crime had gone up. Just makes sense. So no walking around late at night for me. Not going to the barrios. I will hang here.

2) I did see the Tinder girl. I had my guard up. Bought some beers and went to the jacuzzi. That's when it started. "amor, I really want you as my boyfriend. I liked you. By the way, I am in a bad situation, but if you could just give me 800 mil, things would be much better and we can have a great relationship. " Ah, no. At that point, it was out of the jacuzzi and downstairs. Gave her money for taxi and said good-bye. Waste of time, but that happens here.

4) As much as I enjoyed being with them, I need some serious fucking that only a puta or a more experienced woman can provide. So switching gears tomorrow for some of my go-tos who just seem to enjoy fucking and give me great service. Two are occasional prepagos. One has a job at a bank, but always makes time for me when I am here (behind her boyfriend's back, which makes me laugh).

If I see any chicas who are obvious prepagos / putas (to me, there is a difference based on how hard core they are) and get great service, I will post links to facebook.

To provide context, I am 55. I am not longer in to fucking all night. Do not party that much any more. Would never take tussi and would no see a girl who does it around me. I am good for two chicas a day. Down from my more normal 4-5 per day when I went to the Mansion. Doing that many chicas in a day is just no longer that fun for me. I like the girls who give great oral and love to receive it. I'll take her ass if she's into it. Kissing is a much. Not too much into 3-somes or stay-overs any more.

Other notes: altitude impacted me a little more than usual. Was pretty tired for the first day and had a massive headache due to dehydration (I always get dehydrated from flying, but it seems worse when you have to wear a mask). But I am fine now. Ready to enjoy my remaining days and then start planning for October. November. December, etc.

09-26-20, 06:41
You all realize the minute they start earning this second income they stop being putas right? Why y'all trying to teach these hoes new tricks. Let them stick to the tricks they know!

Every time one of them finds a trade, or get on webcam and makes it, or on bigo, or whatever is one less around for us mongers. We have all seen what it's liek in the US, why do y'all try to be moving things in that direction there too! Fortunately there is a new crop each year but just let hoes be hoes.

09-26-20, 07:01
I have been here since Wednesday afternoon, so here is an update:

1) I have felt safe in Laureles so far. I have not seen much difference, other than some places are still closed. I do give businesses credit as they are adhering to social distancing and masks. That said, I know the chance of crime had gone up. Just makes sense. So no walking around late at night for me. Not going to the barrios. I will hang here.

2) I did see the Tinder girl. I had my guard up. Bought some beers and went to the jacuzzi. That's when it started. "amor, I really want you as my boyfriend. I liked you. By the way, I am in a bad situation, but if you could just give me 800 mil, things would be much better and we can have a great relationship. " Ah, no. At that point, it was out of the jacuzzi and downstairs. Gave her money for taxi and said good-bye. Waste of time, but that happens here.

4) As much as I enjoyed being with them, I need some serious fucking that only a puta or a more experienced woman can provide. So switching gears tomorrow for some of my go-tos who just seem to enjoy fucking and give me great service. Two are occasional prepagos. One has a job at a bank, but always makes time for me when I am here (behind her boyfriend's back, which makes me laugh)..Why didn't you say "No" to the 800 and boyfriend status offer and then reply with something like, "But here is 150, let's go to my Room and let me fuck your face for an hour?" Just askin', she was already there right in front of you and I'm 99.9% sure she would've accepted a counter-offer. Don't sound right.

09-26-20, 15:03
Increase your intake of fluids. Especially water. To prevent dehydration. Bananas help you retain electrolytes and ward off the effects of dehydration. The potassium in bananas prevent cramping and fatigue related to loss of h6 duration.

I have been here since Wednesday afternoon, so here is an update:

1) I have felt safe in Laureles so far. I have not seen much difference, other than some places are still closed. I do give businesses credit as they are adhering to social distancing and masks. That said, I know the chance of crime had gone up. Just makes sense. So no walking around late at night for me. Not going to the barrios. I will hang here.

2) I did see the Tinder girl. I had my guard up. Bought some beers and went to the jacuzzi. That's when it started. "amor, I really want you as my boyfriend. I liked you. By the way, I am in a bad situation, but if you could just give me 800 mil, things would be much better and we can have a great relationship. " Ah, no. At that point, it was out of the jacuzzi and downstairs. Gave her money for taxi and said good-bye. Waste of time, but that happens here.

4) As much as I enjoyed being with them, I need some serious fucking that only a puta or a more experienced woman can provide. So switching gears tomorrow for some of my go-tos who just seem to enjoy fucking and give me great service. Two are occasional prepagos. One has a job at a bank, but always makes time for me when I am here (behind her boyfriend's back, which makes me laugh)..

09-26-20, 15:31
I always take my pants and wallet into the bathroom with me unless I can keep it in sight while showering. I don't understand why anyone would take that risk. In my apartment I installed a locking combination keypad on the guest bedroom door. I use the guest room as a very large safe for cash and easy to pilfer valuables. So far so good. Of course this offers no protection if you get Cosby'd but there is another thread about how to prevent that.I don't take cell phone and wads of cash to casas. Just necessary cash for business at hand. No need to get my pants wet.

The Tall Man
09-26-20, 16:05
I have been here since Wednesday afternoon, so here is an update:

1) I have felt safe in Laureles so far. I have not seen much difference, other than some places are still closed. I do give businesses credit as they are adhering to social distancing and masks. That said, I know the chance of crime had gone up. Just makes sense. So no walking around late at night for me. Not going to the barrios. I will hang here.

2) I did see the Tinder girl. I had my guard up. Bought some beers and went to the jacuzzi. That's when it started. "amor, I really want you as my boyfriend. I liked you. By the way, I am in a bad situation, but if you could just give me 800 mil, things would be much better and we can have a great relationship. " Ah, no. At that point, it was out of the jacuzzi and downstairs. Gave her money for taxi and said good-bye. Waste of time, but that happens here..Yea the vast majority of Tinder chicas are a waste of time. I have like 200+ connections not because I am so handsome nor because they think I have a 23 cm schlonger, hehehehe rather just because the vast majority are sharks looking to make a quick buck off of stupid gringos.

The expression is so true that "the only honest woman is a prostitute" and this is even more profound here in Medellin.

Much love and respect to all!

The Tall Man.

09-26-20, 17:00
Do Colombian girls target exclusively Americans?.No, the ones target you are hoes that do not respect you.

These broads does not respect you they respect your money when your money is gone they go back to their colombian men with no money. They target you to pay her / buy her things / be her sugardaddy.

Yes you are rich in their view, when you find out how much your fellow countrymen spend on the pussy they think americans are sheiks. Didn't y'all notice the pussy prices are going up since international travel started.

09-26-20, 17:10
First know that this Tall White Man loves blacks
The Tall Man.I love blacks too, but I didn't understand if there are any in Colombia. On Prepagos chicas are all white.

Will I find some black girls in Medellin?

09-26-20, 18:28
To all the new players in Medellin. Can you post some pics of what we are missing. We live vacariously by you so some eye candy would be great. Thanks in advance.

Gringo Trooper
09-26-20, 19:40
To all the new players in medellin. Can you post some pics of what we are missing. We live vacariously by you so some eye candy would be great. Thanks in advance.Thirsty much?

Although, it would be cool to see some sort of evidence of our friend's "back to back foursomes. " LOL.

Member #4665
09-26-20, 19:57
To all the new players in medellin. Can you post some pics of what we are missing. We live vacariously by you so some eye candy would be great. Thanks in advance.If you want to see pictures of the girls in medellin. Just create an account on seeking arrangement and then change your location to med col. Just remember seeking is probably the most expensive place to find a date. Although sometimes the standard rates apply so seeking is not expensive all the time.

Member #4665
09-26-20, 20:10
Why didn't you say "No" to the 800 and boyfriend status offer and then reply with something like, "But here is 150, let's go to my Room and let me fuck your face for an hour?" Just askin', she was already there right in front of you and I'm 99.9% sure she would've accepted a counter-offer. Don't sound right.Okay so the situation is a girl just asked a guy for 800,000. Points plus for your initiative to negotiate with a counteroffer and Your attitude to make the best of the situation. However, the woman practically just tried to rob the guy in broad daylight. Out of the blue she asked for a months salary. The woman has not even proved she can be friendly with strangers make them feel special and have good sex with sugar daddies she just met. And she didn't ask for this money before the meeting through WhatsApp. If someone came up to me and out of the blue asked me for US $1000 I would feel very uncomfortable. Is she a thief? How about she works hard and earns that money in 2 or 3 dates. Is she even repeat material?

The guy said goodbye to the woman as soon as she asked. And I think the guys behavior is just evidence of the woman's lousy business etiquette and dubious honesty and work ethic.

800,000 is a lot for Everyone. Even for people who come from the United States. Money does not grow on trees in the United States. And not everyone in the United States is a top tier engineer.

A lot of the thieves use the "just ask technique" to steal. For example women on seeking with fake profiles asked for money in return for pictures and then when you asked them okay but prove your identity through videoconference. They will say things like videoconference?what is a videoconference? I don't understand what do you mean prove your identity?

So most likely this is just some guy on tinder selling pictures of some girl who probably doesn't even live in Columbia.

09-26-20, 21:58
I am a black girl lover. Although 4 of my most memorable experience in Colombia was with 2 white and 2 indian colombians. There is not an abundance of fine black women that's readily available and accessible. You rarely see them on tinder. The best shot to see them is if lleras park opens back up. And still will be just a sprinkle. My experience comes from 3 weeks no corona and 3 months corona. So you could get better info. You may catch a few at the casas or mileroticas. I was so disappointed with the lack of multitude with african american stars I am taking my lebron talents to Kenya in March LOL. Also I am thinking about a week in Cali or Cartegena to get that fetish. I must say In a 3 some black and indian seemed to be turn on by the different skin color. I was quite surprised in my 3 encounters. Thats if the chica is not racist or have a color preference. I think if your brave enough to travel into the barrios, maybe more visibility in seeing black talent. I can vouch that the black girls were very easy to deal with. But colombian girls are very simple to deal overall.

I love blacks too, but I didn't understand if there are any in Colombia. On Prepagos chicas are all white.

Will I find some black girls in Medellin?.

09-26-20, 22:11
When you read a post and things don't align. You have to wonder are we getting the complete story. Was he expecting a relationship, did he send her money, did he provide her with gifts before f*cking (a no no), did he make an offer and she demanded the 800,000. At the same time, Colomlver could have told the story exactly how it went.

Why didn't you say "No" to the 800 and boyfriend status offer and then reply with something like, "But here is 150, let's go to my Room and let me fuck your face for an hour?" Just askin', she was already there right in front of you and I'm 99.9% sure she would've accepted a counter-offer. Don't sound right..

09-26-20, 22:46
I am a black girl lover. Although 4 of my most memorable experience in Colombia was with 2 white and 2 indian colombians. There is not an abundance of fine black women that's readily available and accessible. You rarely see them on tinder. The best shot to see them is if lleras park opens back up. And still will be just a sprinkle. My experience comes from 3 weeks no corona and 3 months corona. So you could get better info. You may catch a few at the casas or mileroticas. I was so disappointed with the lack of multitude with african american stars I am taking my lebron talents to Kenya in March LOL. Also I am thinking about a week in Cali or Cartegena to get that fetish. I must say In a 3 some black and indian seemed to be turn on by the different skin color. I was quite surprised in my 3 encounters. Thats if the chica is not racist or have a color preference. I think if your brave enough to travel into the barrios, maybe more visibility in seeing black talent. I can vouch that the black girls were very easy to deal with. But colombian girls are very simple to deal overall..So your saying you went with two "Indian Colombians", meaning indigenous or natives, and I am assuming they dressed accordingly for the occasion, with perhaps war-paint, or did you mean to say mulatta (mixture white / black) or morena (darker skin). There's actually a fair amount of "black chicas" that ply El Centro, and a lot of mulattas and morenas there as well. A lot of the darker skin Colombian girls (not Colombian Indians) ranging from morena to black come from the Coast, and a lot of the Venezuelans are darker as well. There actually was one real Colombian Indian with makeup and clothing that was selling Candy in El Centro many months ago. She was a tiny little thing and I thought about taking her for a spin, but her dialect or whatever language she was speaking was so hard to understand that I couldn't even converse with her. She typically would hang near Veracruz Church in case anyone is looking to do an actual Colombian Indian, but she may have not actually be available for a rato as I never got that far with her. I've never done an actual Indian from the Americas, albeit I've done a few Indians from India. I think you will hit the jackpot in Kenya, it's suppose to be dirt cheap there.

09-26-20, 23:41
I love blacks too, but I didn't understand if there are any in Colombia. On Prepagos chicas are all white.

Will I find some black girls in Medellin?Yes, medellin is a major city and you will find girls of all types. You will find even more black girls in Bogota, just by sheer numbers.

But if you really like them darker, medellin isn't really the place to be, you should be in Cali or cartagena. Or some of the southeastern coastal cities, as I've heard the colombians tend to be darker there.

09-26-20, 23:57
Yea, this situation sounds like its going to suck balls. You end up paying the monthly fee for who knows what kind of service. Pussy quality has a half life of about 1 month I'd say. After fucking the same pussy for a month, it's going to taste half as good as last month.

I do get it though, you get tight with a girl, you have some good times, seems like she's moved in with him. Theres geniune caring. For sure. It happens to all of us, if you spend a lot of time with a person, you become invested personally. Its a double edged sword, on the one hand it makes the sexual experiences so much better when you have that level comfortability. On the other hand, most of these girls are not on the level financially as you are. Which is part of the reason they're with you / us / him in the first place. The other edge of the sword, is that every poor girl you get close to is a financial burden on you. Theres always something that needs to be paid for. Theres always an emergency. Thats why I try not to get too close to these girls, I can't afford it. I've learned my lesson many times. Don't ask me how many root canals for poor fiipina girls I've paid for. Every girl I end up getting close to I end up paying some large bill for.

At the end of the day though, I knew exactly where the money was going and was not tricked into it and never regretted it. So yea, I guess if you got the money and you care about her as a friend. Maybe you should treat her like a friend and give her the 2 M pesos this one time. On a monthy basis though, no way. You don't go to Colombia for that.

I might be seeing this completely wrong so obviously you can ignore me if I am. I have to say that I do not follow the narrative of every member and what's going on in their life so when you say "Pinky told me yesterday. " I really do not know who Pinky is and so I have to guess about some things, and when I do it comes down to this: I think you have a "girlfriend" and you are asking advice from guys who primarily are mongers who deal in transactions. That being said I have read BMs speaking about having girlfriends so maybe someone else could give you better advice.

So what does it mean to you to be with this chica? 2 000 000 cop would be cheap (centro regulars will not agree, but even they are probably not getting pussy twice a day and all nighters for 66 k a day) if you are banging her twice a day and sleeping with her all night etc for say a month.

But as you say in your post that she might ask for such and such in the future: You have to take control of that right away but first you have to ask yourself if you are ready to go the 2 000 000 a month. Cause that is what I think I would do if I wanted to be with her everyday and every night. I would be firm about the once a month allowance and then stick to my guns if anything came up in the future. They cannot manage money so I am not even sure I would not do the 2 000 000 once and then bring it down to a weekly say 500 000 a week. Let her know that is the arrangement no exceptions. Be very firm and be prepared to be called on it. Then stick to your guns.

She may or may not be "playing" you but Colombian women do expect to be helped out by men. It is a cultural thing. The lower the strata they more help they expect. Below I post a link to a discussion between some gringo expats that are not mongers and some Colombianas who are not prepagos, they are discussing dating Colombian women. If you jump to 6:40 in the video the Colombian woman states plainly that lower strata girls are going to ask for more help with money:


09-27-20, 00:09
Okay, so I've got lots of facebook chicas friended and get some responses to chat messages, but I always have difficulty broaching the subject of sex for cash. What are you guy's strategies for this? As slutty as some of these girls pictures are, I assume just asking directly is going to get some of them who don't consider themselves prostitutes pissed off. What do you guys do?

09-27-20, 00:30
Okay, so I've got lots of facebook chicas friended and get some responses to chat messages, but I always have difficulty broaching the subject of sex for cash. What are you guy's strategies for this? As slutty as some of these girls pictures are, I assume just asking directly is going to get some of them who don't consider themselves prostitutes pissed off. What do you guys do?I just tell them they are beautiful how much for an hour. I have not had one get mad at me yet. Those chicas that friend a lot of foreigners are gringo hunters. They won't get mad.

09-27-20, 00:51
Okay so the situation is a girl just asked a guy for 800,000. Points plus for your initiative to negotiate with a counteroffer and Your attitude to make the best of the situation. However, the woman practically just tried to rob the guy in broad daylight. Out of the blue she asked for a months salary. The woman has not even proved she can be friendly with strangers make them feel special and have good sex with sugar daddies she just met. And she didn't ask for this money before the meeting through WhatsApp. If someone came up to me and out of the blue asked me for US $1000 I would feel very uncomfortable. Is she a thief? How about she works hard and earns that money in 2 or 3 dates. Is she even repeat material?

The guy said goodbye to the woman as soon as she asked. And I think the guys behavior is just evidence of the woman's lousy business etiquette and dubious honesty and work ethic.

800,000 is a lot for Everyone. Even for people who come from the United States. Money does not grow on trees in the United States. And not everyone in the United States is a top tier engineer.

A lot of the thieves use the "just ask technique" to steal. For example women on seeking with fake profiles asked for money in return for pictures and then when you asked them okay but prove your identity through videoconference. They will say things like videoconference?what is a videoconference? I don't understand what do you mean prove your identity?

So most likely this is just some guy on tinder selling pictures of some girl who probably doesn't even live in Columbia.Yeah, TinEye is your friend. If you don't know what I'm talking about, search it and you will solve the fake picture problem quickly and efficiently.

Fun Luvr
09-27-20, 01:04
Okay, so I've got lots of facebook chicas friended and get some responses to chat messages, but I always have difficulty broaching the subject of sex for cash. What are you guy's strategies for this? As slutty as some of these girls pictures are, I assume just asking directly is going to get some of them who don't consider themselves prostitutes pissed off. What do you guys do?Ask if she wants to visit you where ever you are staying. If she agrees to visit you, then ask how much she expects to receive. I've only had two or three tell me they are not prepagos, and those didn't get pissed off.

09-27-20, 01:25
Ask if she wants to visit you where ever you are staying. If she agrees to visit you, then ask how much she expects to receive. I've only had two or three tell me they are not prepagos, and those didn't get pissed off.Nice. So simple. Thanks for the input. I'll give it a shot. I suppose once she tells me how much she expects, it won't be too forward to tell her I expect sex in the visit.

09-27-20, 01:26
I hope you are asking how much because you are already there? Makes no sense to ask that question if you are not there.

Okay, so I've got lots of facebook chicas friended and get some responses to chat messages, but I always have difficulty broaching the subject of sex for cash. What are you guy's strategies for this? As slutty as some of these girls pictures are, I assume just asking directly is going to get some of them who don't consider themselves prostitutes pissed off. What do you guys do?.

09-27-20, 01:40
I want to fly to from Newark to Medellin (there is a stop over at Fort Lauderdale) . My question is on getting COVID 19 PCR results within the 96 hours. I plan to fly with spirit airlines and there flights leave at 6 am. Does anyone have experience on how much time to get the results back? I am afraid if I take the test to early it will go past 96 hours. If I take it too late I may not have the results in time. Are these results emailed to you as an attachment? Do you need to pickup the actual document? Thanks.

Fun Luvr
09-27-20, 01:55
Nice. So simple. Thanks for the input. I'll give it a shot. I suppose once she tells me how much she expects, it won't be too forward to tell her I expect sex in the visit.She will know you expect sex if she tells you an amount, but you may want to discuss the types of sex and for how long.

Mojo Bandit
09-27-20, 02:07
Okay, so I've got lots of facebook chicas friended and get some responses to chat messages, but I always have difficulty broaching the subject of sex for cash. What are you guy's strategies for this? As slutty as some of these girls pictures are, I assume just asking directly is going to get some of them who don't consider themselves prostitutes pissed off. What do you guys do? ¿Haces citas con Gringos por dinero? Is exactly what I ask. I have asked a few that were not prostitutes, none of them got angry. I guess because prostitution is legal in widespread there.

09-27-20, 02:10
I hope you are asking how much because you are already there? Makes no sense to ask that question if you are not there.

.I have a flight on Friday, connecting through FLL, staying overnight in FLL, then taking off again on Saturday to Medellin. Almost there. I'm in a similar situation as you. I need to get my test done within 96 hours of my flight. I'm getting my covid test done on Tuesday. My local urgent care clinic said they usually get the results back within 24 to 48 hours. I asked them if its ever taken longer as I needed it for travel. The lady I spoke to said they've always received results within 48 hours. So when I board my flight on Friday, the test will be just under 72 hours old. When I board my flight on Saturday the test will be just under 96 hours old.
I still do not know when they will ask for the test, on the domestic leg or the international leg, so I'm timing it so that it should be valid for either situation.
The test will cost me $150.

Just some extra information on Covid testing. During my initial research I found this website that offers mail in testing https://thecovidconsultants.com/ which also gives results in a similar timeframe. Costs a bit extra at $219 but the test is saliva based vs nasal swab based, which should be more comfortable. And it saves a trip out to a clinic.

09-27-20, 02:15
I want to fly to from Newark to Medellin (there is a stop over at Fort Lauderdale) . My question is on getting COVID 19 PCR results within the 96 hours. I plan to fly with spirit airlines and there flights leave at 6 am. Does anyone have experience on how much time to get the results back? I am afraid if I take the test to early it will go past 96 hours. If I take it too late I may not have the results in time. Are these results emailed to you as an attachment? Do you need to pickup the actual document? Thanks.I'm here in Colombia right now I also flew in from Newark to Medellin with a stop in Fort Lauderdale on Thursday with a nearly full flight with Spirit Airlines. I took my COVID-19 test from Rite Aid pharmacy and also CVS pharmacy. I scheduled 2 tests just in case one of them got delayed for whatever reason. It's a self swab test you do on your own at their drive-thru window. I scheduled both tests exactly 4 days before to give it enough time for me to get my test results back in time. The results from Rite Aid I received next day and the one from CVS took 3 days (but I was told test results could take up to a week depending on lab work load). Just print it out and take it with you, you will be asked to show results during check in at Newark, again in FLL before boarding the plane and once more at Medellin airport immigration. Hope this helps.


09-27-20, 02:20
Haces citas con Gringos por dinero? Is exactly what I ask. I have asked a few that were not prostitutes, none of them got angry. I guess because prostitution is legal in widespread there.No need to complicate.

A simple "disponible para cita?

Will get the message across and you will either get an answer or be blocked(but like others said, that only happened maybe twice to me).

I try to make a little small chat before but that's is the simple 3 word that get you the answer you are looking for. If you start off by getting endearing terms like amor, cielo etc. its basiclly a done deal but you can just confirm if you want and negotiate the details later when ready.

09-27-20, 02:30
I hope you are asking how much because you are already there? Makes no sense to ask that question if you are not there.

.True that, from experience the price point is higher when it is a hypothetical vs a take it here and now or leave it, cash offer in your face babe. Dunno what it's at now post covid but earlier this year before it all, for FB chicas it was between 150-200 K with taxi negotiable. Perhaps those on the ground can weigh in(but dont ask Blakman lol). And it usually works better when you throw the offer out there first than the other way around. I always opened with 150k, some took it, some wanted more and Id throw in 20 for taxi, and then if they did and I felt like it and wanted to repeat, might round up to 200K but made sure they knew I only gave her the extra because she made me happy. Some would not budge and were 200+taxi and frankly thats a call you make, I never went for those unless I was really hot for them. The 250K+ ones tend to have the same golden pussy syndrome our women suffer from and I steer clear. I actually think price can be partially counter related to performance as they are used to stupid sex starved gringos and rather entitled and that impacts performance(atleast thats my theory). Very few colombinos pay anything close to 250k for pussy.
They may ask for more, and then you can figure out what you want to do, but atleast they know you know the lay of the land and won't do shit like quote you 600k or some such crap at which point you are on the back foot.

But definitely don't talk price till you're there and ready for pussy delivery!

09-27-20, 02:36
I want to fly to from Newark to Medellin (there is a stop over at Fort Lauderdale) . My question is on getting COVID 19 PCR results within the 96 hours. I plan to fly with spirit airlines and there flights leave at 6 am. Does anyone have experience on how much time to get the results back? I am afraid if I take the test to early it will go past 96 hours. If I take it too late I may not have the results in time. Are these results emailed to you as an attachment? Do you need to pickup the actual document? Thanks.I read someone got a free test and got the result back in 2 hours from New York city. You can find more info via the link.


The result does say PCR so it can be used for check-in. That is all I know. I was not going to post without finding the link.

09-27-20, 02:36
Maybe I should have. But I was really pissed about time wasted before the trip and then at that time. The request for 800 mil stunned me. Never got such a request in 15 years of coming here. I guess it was just a turn-off and I saved my leche for later.

Why didn't you say "No" to the 800 and boyfriend status offer and then reply with something like, "But here is 150, let's go to my Room and let me fuck your face for an hour?" Just askin', she was already there right in front of you and I'm 99.9% sure she would've accepted a counter-offer. Don't sound right.

09-27-20, 02:42
So I was weighing my options for today. Taking a day off from the inexperienced girl and looking for a sure thing. I had a few good options, but decided to see a girl I have known for a while (3 years? But have only seen about 3 times. She always keeps in touch with me. She always says she wants to see me. When I don't see her, she doesn't get angry. And she never asked me for any money during COVID. She's not hot, but certainly not ugly. A flaca. Has a baby, so tits are soft, but no stretch marks or other issues. Nice tight pussy. So I decided to invite her.

Really glad I did. She was here for about 6 hours, which is more than I usually want. Great BBBJ. Great sex. She loves oral and also using a vibrator. Very wet. I had been talking to her about her ass and she had agreed that I could help her try. So got in some ass play. Licked it, fingered it and then used a dildo on it. She listened to me when I told her to relax and when to breath and she liked it. She agreed she wants me to fuck her in the ass next time. I don't do that often, but I want to break that cherry. We enjoyed the jacuzzi. We ate a salad. We were in an out of the cama a few times. Couple of pops for me. Overall great experiene.

Not sure if she sees other guys any more (I need to ask). She has a job. But if she does and anyone is interested, let me know and I'll see if I can give her info.

09-27-20, 02:52
I have a flight on Friday, connecting through FLL, staying overnight in FLL, then taking off again on Saturday to Medellin. Almost there. I'm in a similar situation as you. I need to get my test done within 96 hours of my flight. I'm getting my covid test done on Tuesday. My local urgent care clinic said they usually get the results back within 24 to 48 hours. I asked them if its ever taken longer as I needed it for travel. The lady I spoke to said they've always received results within 48 hours. So when I board my flight on Friday, the test will be just under 72 hours old. When I board my flight on Saturday the test will be just under 96 hours old.
I still do not know when they will ask for the test, on the domestic leg or the international leg, so I'm timing it so that it should be valid for either situation.
The test will cost me $150.

Just some extra information on Covid testing. During my initial research I found this website that offers mail in testing https://thecovidconsultants.com/ which also gives results in a similar timeframe. Costs a bit extra at $219 but the test is saliva based vs nasal swab based, which should be more comfortable. And it saves a trip out to a clinic.Make sure you get the PCR test which is a nasal swab test. Also, you should look for a lab that promises a 24 hour turnaround, or even dame day turnaround, albeit this will be more expensive. I think the 96 hour clock starts from the date of the flight's departure to the Country, the International leg versus the domestic leg. In Southern California I identified a couple of labs with same day turnaround at a whopping $ 475 and around $ 275 for 24 hour turnaround. I suggest you get tested on Wednesday and find a 24 hour turnaround lab to play it safe.

09-27-20, 03:02
So I was weighing my options for today. Taking a day off from the inexperienced girl and looking for a sure thing. I had a few good options, but decided to see a girl I have known for a while (3 years? But have only seen about 3 times. She always keeps in touch with me. She always says she wants to see me. When I don't see her, she doesn't get angry. And she never asked me for any money during COVID. She's not hot, but certainly not ugly. A flaca. Has a baby, so tits are soft, but no stretch marks or other issues. Nice tight pussy. So I decided to invite her.

Really glad I did. She was here for about 6 hours, which is more than I usually want. Great BBBJ. Great sex. She loves oral and also using a vibrator. Very wet. I had been talking to her about her ass and she had agreed that I could help her try. So got in some ass play. Licked it, fingered it and then used a dildo on it. She listened to me when I told her to relax and when to breath and she liked it. She agreed she wants me to fuck her in the ass next time. I don't do that often, but I want to break that cherry. We enjoyed the jacuzzi. We ate a salad. We were in an out of the cama a few times. Couple of pops for me. Overall great experiene.

Not sure if she sees other guys any more (I need to ask). She has a job. But if she does and anyone is interested, let me know and I'll see if I can give her info.Nice report, however the ass licking and salad eating didn't sound good together. Regardless, sounds like a winner, a keeper, one you get along with very well, and tight and wet, hell that's way more important than their looks in my book!

09-27-20, 08:26
Are there much few customers than usual while there are the usual number of prostitutes? Does this mean that there is a better chance of meeting a more attractive woman? Have prices gone down because of less demand but the same supply?

Thank you.

Lucky Nuts
09-27-20, 12:55
Are there much few customers than usual while there are the usual number of prostitutes? Does this mean that there is a better chance of meeting a more attractive woman? Have prices gone down because of less demand but the same supply?

Thank you.I would say it's more like California in 1849 LOL.

09-27-20, 13:03
I saw someone on this Web site ask this question and it may not still be an issue but for completeness and clarification, the 96 hours time limit is from the time of collection, and not the date of the report, which could be days later.

From the Colombian US Embassy Web site https://co.usembassy.gov/covid-19-information/ - Passengers arriving after October 1 are required to present a PCR COVID test with a NEGATIVE result for COVID-19 COLLECTED {CAPS are mine} no more than ninety-six (96) hours before boarding and traveling to Colombia.

09-27-20, 13:21
Yes, medellin is a major city and you will find girls of all types. You will find even more black girls in Bogota, just by sheer numbers.

But if you really like them darker, medellin isn't really the place to be, you should be in Cali or cartagena. Or some of the southeastern coastal cities, as I've heard the colombians tend to be darker there.Thank you, this time I will be in Medellin. I'm not a racist, I fuck any kind of pussy, as long it's hot!

09-27-20, 13:47
I am a black girl lover. Although 4 of my most memorable experience in Colombia was with 2 white and 2 indian colombians. There is not an abundance of fine black women that's readily available and accessible. You rarely see them on tinder. The best shot to see them is if lleras park opens back up. And still will be just a sprinkle. My experience comes from 3 weeks no corona and 3 months corona. So you could get better info. You may catch a few at the casas or mileroticas. I was so disappointed with the lack of multitude with african american stars I am taking my lebron talents to Kenya in March LOL. Also I am thinking about a week in Cali or Cartegena to get that fetish. I must say In a 3 some black and indian seemed to be turn on by the different skin color. I was quite surprised in my 3 encounters. Thats if the chica is not racist or have a color preference. Yeah, some black girls like white men. I live in a multicultural city, and I dated a few blacks with mixed results. After Colombia I might go in Uganda or another African country. I personally love black skin. South Sudan would be a dream, but girls down there are Muslim, so it's not a good spot for punters. Kenya is expensive, I think there are cheaper alternatives.

I think if your brave enough to travel into the barrios, maybe more visibility in seeing black talent. I can vouch that the black girls were very easy to deal with. But colombian girls are very simple to deal overall.I'm definitely brave enough, and I will do that, I will explore the entire city. When I'm in a new city I walk a lot. That's usually what I do, I like to explore, and talk to the girls I like. I would rather go "hunting" than order from Internet, and I would go to a brothel only if I'm desperate and I can't really find any pussy. But that's not going to happen in Medellin.

09-27-20, 14:07
I would say it's more like California in 1849 LOL.Will I be mobbed by beautiful young Latinas begging to spend the night for $30 USD?

The Tall Man
09-27-20, 15:02
Are there much few customers than usual while there are the usual number of prostitutes? Does this mean that there is a better chance of meeting a more attractive woman? Have prices gone down because of less demand but the same supply?

Thank you.Harry,

Fewer gringos for sure in the last 6 months which should change now that international travel has opened up but Colombian men love sex too and the girls have been kept busy albeit they have not had the stupid gringo in mass willing to throw money around but everyone has survived.

What does "more attractive woman" mean, price and looks usually have little correlation to great mileage besides we all have a different perception of attractiveness.

I for one detest tattoos and plastic shit and the Botox enhanced crap with fancy and flashy photoshoped photos and all the counterfeit designer clothing to look cool that these WG wear, give me the natural face and body which to me is delicious.

As for price these WG have almost zero business sense so as they have had much fewer possibilities to sell their pussy during quarantine now some even ask for more to make up for 6 months of earning less, go figure.

This being said, as one recent example, yesterday I enjoyed a paisa for 30 minutes and paid 40 mil, was completely satisfied and I am one hard to please, but again 40 mil or about $11 USD!

My buddy regularly gets locals and newbies for 30 mil for close to an hour and 50 to 100 mil for a few 3 or 4 hours in his man cave. We are talking sweet sweeties with bods looking for some good lov'in.

The difference is that we both live here, are out and about hunting about every day and just let it happen. My bud gets about 2 or 3 sessions each day, everyday and me less but only because that's my choice. I will say it again that I should have been created / born with 5 dicks as they would all get used daily hehehehe.

BREAKING NEWS. After more than 6 months during quarantine my 2 Venezuelan cuties that have lived with me left yesterday! They have provided me almost sex on demand for me during the past 6 months but now my apartment is opened and already have a few new chicas ready for my call to "come on down". It was a very interesting experience that will stay with me for some time. And the departing was good so anytime I need some teenage pussy, and damn it is always fresh and clean, they are just a short drive away across town.

Just come and visit and enjoy.

Much love and respect to all.

The Tall Man.

09-27-20, 17:45
There are definitely many fewer customers, as flights just started within the past week. You have a lot of girls who are desperate for money. That said, some will still hold to a price that they "think" they deserve (and sometimes no longer get it and sometimes get it from guys who do not care about what they pay). In other cases, you can get good deals. And remember, there are new girls every day. I suspect it's going to be a while before things get back to the way they were. And I might expect even more working girls given the economy here is in such bad shape.

Are there much few customers than usual while there are the usual number of prostitutes? Does this mean that there is a better chance of meeting a more attractive woman? Have prices gone down because of less demand but the same supply?

Thank you.

09-27-20, 18:17
There are definitely many fewer customers, as flights just started within the past week. You have a lot of girls who are desperate for money. That said, some will still hold to a price that they "think" they deserve (and sometimes no longer get it and sometimes get it from guys who do not care about what they pay). In other cases, you can get good deals. And remember, there are new girls every day. I suspect it's going to be a while before things get back to the way they were. And I might expect even more working girls given the economy here is in such bad shape.I can confirm what your saying, three of my Chicas awaiting my return are desperate, so desperate one is sending me photo's of her friends for three-somes, etc. It's a bonaza for sure, and will be at least thru the better part of next year.

09-27-20, 18:17
There are definitely many fewer customers, as flights just started within the past week. You have a lot of girls who are desperate for money. That said, some will still hold to a price that they "think" they deserve (and sometimes no longer get it and sometimes get it from guys who do not care about what they pay). In other cases, you can get good deals. And remember, there are new girls every day. I suspect it's going to be a while before things get back to the way they were. And I might expect even more working girls given the economy here is in such bad shape.And can I expect very warm GFE? Is $30 USD for a night an option?

09-27-20, 18:23
Will I be mobbed by beautiful young Latinas begging to spend the night for $30 USD?Yes absolutely, go the Veracruz Church, there are several Colombians who hang directly on the corner of the Church besides the glass covered walkway who will be begging and hooting for you to spend the night with you!

09-27-20, 19:21
She did say I could send it directly to her mom. Given the fact that her bus broke down and got held up by some armed group of men, last time, maybe that would be the wise thing to do.Can anyone say what routes to avoid to reduce the risk of something like this, I like to explore off the beaten path, I want to explore COL, I was planning on avoiding the Pasto area.

How about a bus roundtrip Mde to Bucaramanga / Riohacha, and / or the coffee triangle, I should include I'm a gringo with blonde hair and blue eyes zero espanol.

I typically stand out whether I'm in Asia Europe Russia Latin America or even USA LOL.

Muchas gracias.

09-27-20, 19:49
And can I expect very warm GFE? Is $30 USD for a night an option?You will be mobbed by beautiful Latinas wanting to give you an all night GFE for $30.

I am being sarcastic.

Take charge of your own destiny and form your own opinion, there is more than enough info here to use. Maybe you weren't serious but I think you were. No one can give those kind of guarantees. Tomorrow is promised to no one. Oh, if you are looking for GFE all night for $30 USD, get a hotel near El Centro and cruise Boterro Park at 4 AM and you can probably find a willing skank, if you don't get a knife between your ribs.

09-27-20, 20:18
I would suggest waiting til medellin is totally back to normal. Lleras park, falsa Dos and other major strip clubs. I felt I missed out on a lot with the coronavirus shutting those places down. Trust me plaza botero and el centro is not the high point of medellin. You will be relegated to casas, prepagos, apps.

And can I expect very warm GFE? Is $30 USD for a night an option?.

09-27-20, 21:02
Hey you mansion regulars. Can you confirm she used to work out of there. She is now in NY and doing the modeling thing but swears she never worked there (high and mighty) I'm pretty sure she used to frequent that pool and rooms but she says she never worked there. Anyone can confirm she did. Feel free to pm me.

09-27-20, 21:31
Lleras park, falsa Dos and other major strip clubs. I felt I missed out on a lot with the coronavirus shutting those places down. Trust me plaza botero and el centro is not the high point of medellin..You said Botero / Centro is not the high point. But claim you never visited Lleras park, falsa Dos and other major strip clubs. So how would you know? And even IF you had done it all it really does not matter. Every guy has different wants and needs.

09-27-20, 22:02
There is a colombian Facebook girl that has a video of her arriving miami. She has lots of tats on her if that is the one? Just type her name and you will find her.

Hey you mansion regulars. Can you confirm she used to work out of there. She is now in NY and doing the modeling thing but swears she never worked there (high and mighty) I'm pretty sure she used to frequent that pool and rooms but she says she never worked there. Anyone can confirm she did. Feel free to pm me..

09-27-20, 23:00
Hey you mansion regulars. Can you confirm she used to work out of there. She is now in NY and doing the modeling thing but swears she never worked there (high and mighty) I'm pretty sure she used to frequent that pool and rooms but she says she never worked there. Anyone can confirm she did. Feel free to pm me.The 106th picture on her Facebook page looks like a mansion room.

09-27-20, 23:25
Are shocked to see the talent in the park, unfortunately many of these girls have been eating once every 3 days and may not meet the gringo, Fase Dos standard, do not come to Medellin and expect every girl to look like she looked before the Quarantine, its just not going to happen. If you are looking for the white, silicone, fake boob chics that you could never bang in the states, wait until the city returns to normal. You can use the agencies and that may be your ticket, but the girls in the park and mostly everywhere else have taken a hit, or a loss and they may not be the dream girls you once viewed. Understand that the quarantine has devastated Colombia, if you like them the way they are, then hurry here, there are plenty in Parque Botero ready to bang for a buck. Pollo Negro is out!

Hasideas Tao
09-27-20, 23:30
Maria Camila Gonzales?

09-27-20, 23:44
So, I'm all booked for round to, staying 2 months this month arriving end of October. Are the chica having covid pricing! LOL Anyone else around that time frame?

Hasideas Tao
09-27-20, 23:45
Anybody want to compare notes and hang? Been living here for a while but locked out until now.

PM me.

Please no questions about traveling during Covid. Plenty of discussion about that.

Gringo Trooper
09-28-20, 01:05
Anybody want to compare notes and hang? Been living here for a while but locked out until nowYou're a lucky man. What has your experience's been like living in MDE this year? Have you made a lot of new girl friends?

Let's hear some reports from your life down there.

I'm in the States, otherwise, I would be happy to share notes. I highly recommend Leidy Barron, however, I knew her four years ago (before she turned into a hardcore pro and upped her fee significantly).

In prior years, I used to enjoy hunting along La Raya area. However, I'm not sure if there's much action there right now.

I saw that the bars on La 70 are back in action via a recent YouTube video, also.

09-28-20, 01:05
I for one detest tattoos and plastic shit and the Botox enhanced crap with fancy and flashy photoshoped photos and all the counterfeit designer clothing to look cool that these WG wear, give me the natural face and body which to me is delicious..I am so grateful there are mongers with such horrible taste so we get all the good ones TM LOL.

Give me the smoking hot college student / GND with tight jeans a t-shirt some flip flops and no make-up any day.

You can keep those fake ass stripper looking pornstar high mileage WG.
You couldnt pay me to do them

no gracias lol

09-28-20, 01:36
Does anyone know an agency or a place like the mansion where an honest girl can work to make it through school? She speaks good English and we both get off on the fact she is a working girl. PM me.



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