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10-11-20, 20:38
Claiming that a generic drug is not effective as the "original" just demonstrates the huge ignorance of the claimer. The chemical substance is the same, exactly the same. How could the paper box and label have an effect?

The only precaution is to buy drugs from industries with a reputation, that is not from anonymous suppliers on the Internet. In Colombia, MK and Genfar are maybe the two most important pharmaceutical industries, under the quality control of the government. No way something with that brand could be fake or "less effective".
Every time I go (went) to Colombia, I brough back to my country 10 or more 4x50mg boxes of Sildenafil Genfar. It's a huge saving compared to the prices in my country.

Especially with this kind of products, psychological issues have a major impact. If someone starts to doubt of the pill, it is guaranteed that he will perceive lower performance.

What is stupid is to buy a pill for $5 because "original", when the generic costs less than 50c. Come on!
Still, Pfizer is well aware that there is people who believes that a pill costing 10 times more MUST be more effective, MUST be better. They charge, and some people pays. Look at ibuprofene and compare the cost of big bottles at CVS, with "original" headache killers. In my country, there are brands selling boxes of 10 pills 200mg ibuprofene for 10 euro, when a big bottle of 200 such pills at CVS may cost more or less the same.I have known a very nice old pharmacist in Mexico for several years that works for a chain pharmacy there, he told me do not buy medications in Mexico if you can get them in USA.

He states foreign made knock offs are inferior, don't bother, and most definitely never buy anything "critical" ala antibiotics heart meds cancer et al.

Caveat emptor.

I get Viagra $90 each $2700 per month from Walgreens, I pay $10.

With the virus holding me back I have a huge stockpile building LOL.

Post-script he told me if you must buy something, make sure its from Walmart or Costco those meds are made in USA via FDA etc.

10-11-20, 21:19
5 years ago, girls would send you free pics and videos free as an incentive for you to give them time a day. At least if they were interested. Along comes a desperste pervy that wants to pay for pics and video. Now 70 percent of online girls are asking you to buy pics and video. After one sentence the first words uttered. I sell pics and video. You want to buy. Hell I have free access to girls all over the globe with porn tv that look 10 times hotter than any girl selling pics and video. It just seems senseless. And I repeat it makes trying to communicate with online girls annoying cause the words spreads. Theres fools out there that will buy pics and video and you don't need to fuck anymore. Maybe its a humantarian reason behind it. If it is please let it be known so I can make sense of it LOL.

Well it's not exactly that simple. Because someone who buys pictures from a girl in med could find millions of similar pictures online for free. So is it really worth buying these pictures? That's why someone may be curious about the mentality behind buying pictures.

Like maybe something that can't be found online for free could have some value. Like if the girl takes pictures hanging out with the guy then the guy could Give her a gift for those pictures and have those memories for a lifetime..

Gringo Trooper
10-11-20, 21:27
Every time I go (went) to Colombia, I brought back to my country 10 or more 4x50mg boxes of Sildenafil Genfar. It's a huge saving compared to the prices in my country.I'm a fan of your posts, and I also agree that the blue generics work well down there (in Colombia).

Just a heads up, bringing any pharmaceuticals back from Colombia to the states is a felony.

I may or may not have a friend that had an extremely close encounter with customs upon return to the states regarding this same exact situation.

10-11-20, 21:29
I was in panic mode. Ask the pharmacist for the 2 medication need and was surprised how cheap they were. Well I took them for 2 months til they ran out when I got back to the states. I am still alive and healthy with those generic drugs. The generic conversation is exactly why a newbie or a person coming to Colombia should always following up on someone post to see if statement is accurate.

Here's the one you want guys. Generic Sedenifil made in Bogota. I'm a teenager again with these pills. I cut them in half and take about an hour to two hours before sex washing down with lots of beer LOL. And they're really cheap at one of the pharmacies on calle 10 I think less than $3.00 for two 100 mg pills if I remember correctly. So for me that 75 cents per session..

El Bacano
10-11-20, 21:51
Real fake or in between. If you can't get it up it's your problem. Were trying to find women here guys, Let's stick to the fruits of this beautiful city. Save the lymp dick talk please.

Gringo Trooper
10-11-20, 21:56
Real fake or in between. If you can't get it up it's your problem. Were trying to find women here guys, Let's stick to the fruits of this beautiful city. Save the lymp dick talk please.Okay, will do MR. I haven't posted nor contributed to the thread in 8 months.

Elvis 2008
10-11-20, 22:02
If some girl asks you to pay more than you want to pay, tell her how much you will pay. If she says no, move on. There are other hookers. If some girl asks you to send money, give her a gift, or buy some videos and you don't want to, tell her you're not interested. If she doesn't take the hint, block her.

If all that is too difficult for you, go home and don't come back until you're able to put on your big boy pants.Even though we have had our spats, JJBee, I know you are not like other guys who are out for themselves, but you guys are declaring my approach terrible because there were a few bumps in the road. Did you think that I would expect there would be? The bigger question is if I was happy with the money I put in or do you want to tell me if I am happy or not? Keep in mind I have not even written the last chapter yet.

You and Mr. E and Paulie and all these other guys are all like you do not pay working girls in advance. Tall Man said that 80% of the women in Colombia have taken a payout, and the other 20% are probably women guys would not or could not pay. Point is that all women sell themselves to an extent. You guys make it sound like there is a definite bright line. *****s are in black here, normal women are in white. It does not work like that. There is a little black, a little white, and a hell of a lot more gray.

And before making up what is good and bad for me, keep in mind that I am looking long term. I had $50,000 jump into my lap due to an accounting error. Great right? Nope, I formed a lot of bad habits from that easy money.

The engagement breakup with the Venezuelan girl was terrible right? Nope, long term it was great. If I did not have the pain of the breakup, I would not have been forced me to redefine what I wanted, to understand the real rules of the game, and it also gave me tremendous confidence.

American men are so used to ceding women power it is ridiculous. When the ex fiancé told me "You cannot force me to marry you", that told me it was something she was worried about. So I talked to a Peruvian lawyer about it, and he told me that I pretty much could put her in a position where marrying me was her best option. So then I had to ask myself if that is what I wanted, and I admitted that I did not want to marry the *****. I realized then that all I really wanted was to be the one who chose the terms of the breakup.

As far as blowing it, I followed her on Instagram, and she tried so hard to show her life was so much better when I was not there, but I saw the cracks and finally she let me know me in her own way that she made a mistake with the breakup.

The funny thing about this is this is when women are unhappy with a guy and break it off, they always act like "I deserve better. " I realized I deserved better than her and I got it already but committing to one woman in a foreign country was a mistake. Ironically, once I talk about this relationship and say I am not going to date just you, all the women in other countries say, "I understand. " Hell, the breakup was worth just that get out of jail free card.

And you guys think money only buys sex. It buys power and because you have been raised in the sex prison, you all are just too afraid to yield it.

When the Queen stormed off when I was talking to another woman, she was basically saying, "I fucked you bare, and you have to be faithful to me." And my response to her was a take on, "You think I flew all the way to Colombia to be with you one night, why?" That was a helluva an ego check for her.

And then I told her "And you may think that there is better out there, but every woman who has said that and been with me, has done worse. I am probably the best you are ever going to get. " It is one thing to say that. It is another to really feel that way, and I do.

I didn't respond to her for like 10 days and she got back to me in an hour after I texted her and even apologized. Her last response was "I love you so much".

Most guys think the Queen wants a handsome guy, a young guy, and a guy like me is just a pretender. That is so wrong. What this woman really wants is to be disciplined but in a compassionate way. She knows that she needs a guy that she cannot run over.

And JJBee, your response in a situation like that is "never give 'them any money in advance. Do not trust them!" You are saying all women are the same which is really stupid. It is immature sulking. You reward the trustworthy women and toss the ones who are not. To me, it is "if I cannot trust you, then I am going to cut you off" and most of the time I get, "I am sorry you can trust me, I screwed up."

You guys are like, "you need to lock your wallet away, you never know it can be stolen." With these women, I leave mine out.

You think that is the dumbest thing ever right? Nope, I want the best women, and the best women are not thieves. They should trust me enough that I will meet their needs, and if they try to steal, that is great. Then I weaned out a woman who was not the best. I am living in confidence, and you all are living in fear.

So how did it work out?

There were nine women I helped out that I could have met.

I met with seven of them. They all showed up though one was late a day. I will meet the other two at a later time.

I had sex with all of them.

I barebacked four of them. The one who agreed to and did not I got rid of and will not take back.

And two were tens.

I paid Kiara an agreed on price. I left cash gifts with the amount of my choosing with three of them and three I left nothing in cash.

In the last 24 hours, I have had three of the women send me texts with phrases like I love you, I miss you ETC from Colombia. If you go back three more days, that number climbs to six.

Still, one, the last one, has stood head and shoulders above the rest. In fact, the most valid criticism of what I did wrong was to not spend all my time with her, but I am not going to commit to her, not when I am not with her all the time, and she is fine with that.

10-11-20, 22:16
5 years ago, girls would send you free pics and videos free as an incentive for you to give them time a day. At least if they were interested. Along comes a desperste pervy that wants to pay for pics and video. Now 70 percent of online girls are asking you to buy pics and video. After one sentence the first words uttered. I sell pics and video. You want to buy. Hell I have free access to girls all over the globe with porn tv that look 10 times hotter than any girl selling pics and video. It just seems senseless. And I repeat it makes trying to communicate with online girls annoying cause the words spreads. Theres fools out there that will buy pics and video and you don't need to fuck anymore. Maybe its a humantarian reason behind it. If it is please let it be known so I can make sense of it LOL..Do you buy porn? I'm guessing you probably don't. Yet somehow, even if you see no reason to buy porn, porn is a multi-billion dollar a year industry.

Do you spend money on webcams? I'm guessing you probably don't. Yet somehow, even if you see no reason to spend money on webcams, the webcam industry brings in billions every year.

I can probably list 100 things which are of absolutely no interest to you, but enough people are willing to pay that they are lucrative industries.

How about fucking middle-aged women? Any interest? No? No interest here either, but I don't think anyone who prefers the older women is a fool. They just like different things.

I probably communicate with as many Colombianas each week as you. Besides the ones I regularly communicate with, I get 1 or 2 new ones hitting me up every day. Occasionally one of the new ones will ask if I want to buy videos. If I'm not interested in buying videos I simply tell her "no quiero videos, Pero estaré en Medellin pronto why quiero verte." ("I don't want videos, but I'll be in Medellin soon and I want to see you."

No need to get annoyed. Instead, I use it as a filter. If she keeps asking about buying videos, she's unlikely to perform to my standards, so she gets blocked. On the other hand, if she gets enthusiastic about seeing me, she moves up the list.

What really baffles me here, if the women trying to sell you videos are ugly compared to the girls you have access to, why are you even talking to them? Shit, I delete 5 friend requests a day because I have no interest in them. I certainly don't add them and then hit them up only to get annoyed if they try to sell me something.

While you've still got your box of tissues nearby, care to cry about the guys paying 100k, 150 k and even 200 k? Don't you ever have girls asking for more than 60 k? You know why they do that. Right? Because most guys are comfortable paying more than 60 k. I would almost be willing to bet you have more women who want more than 60k than you have women asking you to buy their videos.

As I've told you before it's a problem that's incredibly simple to deal with.

Say "No." If she persists, block her and move on. The exact same thing you do for the girls who want 300 k, or who want money for their sick grandmother.

10-11-20, 22:33
5 years ago, girls would send you free pics and videos free as an incentive for you to give them time a day. At least if they were interested. Along comes a desperste pervy that wants to pay for pics and video. Now 70 percent of online girls are asking you to buy pics and video. After one sentence the first words uttered. I sell pics and video. You want to buy. Hell I have free access to girls all over the globe with porn tv that look 10 times hotter than any girl selling pics and video. It just seems senseless. And I repeat it makes trying to communicate with online girls annoying cause the words spreads. Theres fools out there that will buy pics and video and you don't need to fuck anymore. Maybe its a humantarian reason behind it. If it is please let it be known so I can make sense of it LOL.

.Agree pics and video sould be like an enticement. Not a pay for item, no clue why people pay for that shit.

10-11-20, 22:48
Real fake or in between. If you can't get it up it's your problem. Were trying to find women here guys, Let's stick to the fruits of this beautiful city. Save the lymp dick talk please.Are the same guys who need and use it the most. And how does Viagra NOT fit into a sex board discussion? Whatever your starting point, Viagra makes you better. I reach for it when I am doing multiple girls in a single day, not sure if that means I "need" it but I sure consider it one of the "tools of the trade" for mongering.

10-11-20, 22:53
Real fake or in between. If you can't get it up it's your problem. Were trying to find women here guys, Let's stick to the fruits of this beautiful city. Save the lymp dick talk please.If you're unable to find women in Medellin you've got much bigger problems than getting it up.

Believe it or not there's more to mongering in a foreign country than just finding women, which in Medellin is slightly more difficult than finding someone in Ireland who drinks. Really, finding women is the easiest part.

Where to stay, what to eat, is the water safe to drink, what are the dangers, what areas should be avoided, what's the best way to get local currency, what do things cost, how to get around, where can you get prescriptions filled, what things should you bring, are there any must see experiences. And so much more are questions people have.

If ED isn't a problem you currently have good for you. If you have no need for extra help getting it up for the 28th girl you've fucked in the past week, that's fantastic. Not everyone is lucky enough to die before age puts limits on their activities. For those of us who have lived a bit longer, or who sometimes appreciate a bit of help, information about where to get sildenafil is useful.

In Medellin you can get generic Viagra and Cialis at any pharmacy. Pharmacies are everywhere and prices vary. I've personally had both MK and GenFar sildenafil that occasionally didn't seem to work. Usually, I've found that 1 50 MG pill 30-45 minutes before the action works fine. Boxes of 4-50 MG pills are available.

For me, I experience residual effects for 24-30 hours. With the 20 MG tadalafil, generic Cialis, I could usually benefit for at least 3 days. However, with tadalafil I would have severe leg and lower back pain for 2 to 3 days. I would also, after taking it daily for several days, have difficulty achieving orgasm.

10-11-20, 23:09
Agree pics and video sould be like an enticement. Not a pay for item, no clue why people pay for that shit.If they have $20 to send, that's more than the minuscule amount of self esteem they have.

Has anyone looked at the stats for global internet traffic, its seems 146% is free porn LOL.

10-11-20, 23:11
Claiming that a generic drug is not effective as the "original" just demonstrates the huge ignorance of the claimer. The chemical substance is the same, exactly the same. How could the paper box and label have an effect?

The only precaution is to buy drugs from industries with a reputation, that is not from anonymous suppliers on the Internet. In Colombia, MK and Genfar are maybe the two most important pharmaceutical industries, under the quality control of the government. No way something with that brand could be fake or "less effective".
Every time I go (went) to Colombia, I brough back to my country 10 or more 4x50mg boxes of Sildenafil Genfar. It's a huge saving compared to the prices in my country.

Especially with this kind of products, psychological issues have a major impact. If someone starts to doubt of the pill, it is guaranteed that he will perceive lower performance.

What is stupid is to buy a pill for $5 because "original", when the generic costs less than 50c. Come on!
Still, Pfizer is well aware that there is people who believes that a pill costing 10 times more MUST be more effective, MUST be better. They charge, and some people pays. Look at ibuprofene and compare the cost of big bottles at CVS, with "original" headache killers. In my country, there are brands selling boxes of 10 pills 200mg ibuprofene for 10 euro, when a big bottle of 200 such pills at CVS may cost more or less the same.The "equivalence" used to tout the non-difference is based on milligram to milligram comparison. There is so much more to it grasshopper, more than I can teach you here. In a nutshell, the excipients, binders, and the manufacturing process can be vastly different. This can (not always) greatly alter the AUC (Area Under the Curve) or the biovavailibility of ANY generic drug. If the peaks and valleys of the curve are not aligned with the brand name drug, the generic can become totally ineffective. This involves time of onset and trough levels needed for a drug to be effective. There are entire seminars on this topic. The information is hard to fine because the public is handed the line that all these drugs are equivalent mainly so formularies of insurance companies can save money. That is not to say that a generic can't be as good as the original. It's possible. But not automatic. If you want empirical evidence, talk to a mom who had her kid's Ritalin or other stimulant med switched without their permission, and the night and day difference it made in behavior of said kid, even thought the drug was the "same. " You were right about one thing, there is a huge psychological component in both directions: being told the generic is just as good; or believing it is inferior because it is generic. Why do you think a standard Rx has a "Do Not Substitute" box on it? Because certain drugs are infamous for being ineffective as generics, and that's when the box gets checked by the prescribing physician.

10-11-20, 23:24
Has anyone try SA at Ukraine or Russia? If so, what's the going rate for 2 hours and overnight for intimate encounter there?

10-12-20, 00:13
Am I missing something here? Theres a large number of ads on photoprepagos without phone numbers like this one.


How are people supposed to make contact?People move to another girl whose phone is posted. She is not available at least at the moment. Some providers without phone numbers can be located through other fora.

10-12-20, 00:37
People move to another girl whose phone is posted. She is not available at least at the moment. Some providers without phone numbers can be located through other fora.Why even post though? Or do you mean at one point the ad had a number and then the poster removed it but decided to leave the ad?

10-12-20, 00:38

10-12-20, 00:38
Has anyone try SA at Ukraine or Russia? If so, what's the going rate for 2 hours and overnight for intimate encounter there?Maybe you should ask in the Russia or Ukraine forum. They would know better.

10-12-20, 00:45
Has anyone try SA at Ukraine or Russia? If so, what's the going rate for 2 hours and overnight for intimate encounter there?Nov 2018 I went to Moscow for my bday, I had never tried SA before, well Moscow is a very tough town to monger, so I thought I would try SA within 1-2 hours a few girls including an African sent me messages.

I asked how much most said either $1500 or $2000 for 2 hrs, I laughed and responded OK, 2000 or 1500 rubles, they immediately blocked me, 2 or 3 hrs later I was blocked from SA.

Someone must of reported me, and SA kicked me off and gave me a refund.

10-12-20, 00:49
Here's the one you want guys. Generic Sedenifil made in Bogota. I'm a teenager again with these pills. I cut them in half and take about an hour to two hours before sex washing down with lots of beer LOL. And they're really cheap at one of the pharmacies on calle 10 I think less than $3.00 for two 100 mg pills if I remember correctly. So for me that 75 cents per session.That works as good as the branded version. See my previous post about generics. The issue is complex and not easily understood without advanced training, not the kind you get from the Internet. Unfortunately, the generics have to be evaluated almost on case by case basis. My previous experience was I found a generic boner drug that was no better than placebo. Thanks for the recommendation and I will keep an eye out for what you listed.

10-12-20, 00:49
The "equivalence" used to tout the non-difference is based on milligram to milligram comparison. There is so much more to it grasshopper, more than I can teach you here. In a nutshell, the excipients, binders, and the manufacturing process can be vastly different. This can (not always) greatly alter the AUC (Area Under the Curve) or the biovavailibility of ANY generic drug. If the peaks and valleys of the curve are not aligned with the brand name drug, the generic can become totally ineffective. This involves time of onset and trough levels needed for a drug to be effective. There are entire seminars on this topic. The information is hard to fine because the public is handed the line that all these drugs are equivalent mainly so formularies of insurance companies can save money. That is not to say that a generic can't be as good as the original. It's possible. But not automatic. If you want empirical evidence, talk to a mom who had her kid's Ritalin or other stimulant med switched without their permission, and the night and day difference it made in behavior of said kid, even thought the drug was the "same. " You were right about one thing, there is a huge psychological component in both directions: being told the generic is just as good; or believing it is inferior because it is generic. Why do you think a standard Rx has a "Do Not Substitute" box on it? Because certain drugs are infamous for being ineffective as generics, and that's when the box gets checked by the prescribing physician.Thanks.

I always request the best.

I only use name brand meds.

Member #4665
10-12-20, 00:56
Without criticizing, just out of curiosity for those guys who claim they go bareback, which means penetrating vagina Without a condom, What do you think about catching sexually-transmitted diseases?

Apparently there are entire forums devoted to bareback activities. Which is unexpected considering everybody Has been told in school never to take the condom off. I just want to know what you guys are thinking when you go bareback.

There is actually a rule in this form that prevents members criticizing other members not practicing safe sex.

Black Page
10-12-20, 00:58
The "equivalence" used to tout the non-difference is based on milligram to milligram comparison.All that you say can be true, but again if the manufacturer is a well reputed industry the molecule of the active principle is the same, the quantity of the active principle is the declared amount within tolerance margins, and the excipients of course do not have to be exactly the same to not impair the drug effectiveness. We are speaking about sildenafil, not a psychoactive drug with effects sensitive to microvariations in dosage!

You should be more concerned about how the boxes of "authentic Viagra" were stored on their way from the industry to the farmacy to your hands, in what conditions and temperature, than about possible low quality of MK or Genfar products.

Why do you think a standard Rx has a "Do Not Substitute" box on it?Indeed this can be considered close to a scam, forcing the people to pay more without necessity. It should be "do not substitute with a dubious product"!

In my country (a major country in Europe) it is simply NOT LEGAL to sell any generic which is not 100% equivalent to the original. I assume this is obvious in any country except in the 4th world. A drug which does not pass a strict verification process is not authorized for sale.

I tell you more: here we have a law that obliges the doctors to prescribe the generic, if available, and not explicitely the original, unless the generic is not equivalent. It was done exactly to forbid dishonest doctors to prescribe more expensive products, when equivalent cheaper generic are available, presumably because lured by big farma with gifts etc. In some cases, the public service does not reimbourse original products above the price of the equivalent generic.

Husker Dude
10-12-20, 01:18
The "equivalence" used to tout the non-difference is based on milligram to milligram comparison. There is so much more to it grasshopper, more than I can teach you here. In a nutshell, the excipients, binders, and the manufacturing process can be vastly different. This can (not always) greatly alter the AUC (Area Under the Curve) or the biovavailibility of ANY generic drug. If the peaks and valleys of the curve are not aligned with the brand name drug, the generic can become totally ineffective. This involves time of onset and trough levels needed for a drug to be effective. There are entire seminars on this topic. The information is hard to fine because the public is handed the line that all these drugs are equivalent mainly so formularies of insurance companies can save money. That is not to say that a generic can't be as good as the original. It's possible. But not automatic. If you want empirical evidence, talk to a mom who had her kid's Ritalin or other stimulant med switched without their permission, and the night and day difference it made in behavior of said kid, even thought the drug was the "same. " You were right about one thing, there is a huge psychological component in both directions: being told the generic is just as good; or believing it is inferior because it is generic. Why do you think a standard Rx has a "Do Not Substitute" box on it? Because certain drugs are infamous for being ineffective as generics, and that's when the box gets checked by the prescribing physician.Being a pharmacist, I say the generic drugs are the way to go. The active ingredient of both the generic & band name drugs are made in the same place. The active ingredient is then sent to the various manufacturers, where they stamp out the pills or make into capsules.

10-12-20, 01:19
Being a pharmacist, I say the generic drugs are the way to go. The active ingredient of both the generic & band name drugs are made in the same place. The active ingredient is then sent to the various manufacturers, where they stamp out the pills or make into capsules.Do you seriously think that applies to every country in the world.

Black Page
10-12-20, 01:21
Just a heads up, bringing any pharmaceuticals back from Colombia to the states is a felony.
I may or may not have a friend that had an extremely close encounter with customs upon return to the states regarding this same exact situation.That is interesting. First, please note I am European. I am not sure if the regulation is the same as in USA, or a bit more lenient.

Before COVID, in one year I was used to enter USA say 2 times, plus say 3-4 times to Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia (the 3 in each trip), say 2 times to Colombia, Ecuador.

Whenever the trip is longer than 3-4 days and I have my luggage checked in, I always bring a whole big *BAG* of various drugs in my luggage, to cover most kinds of disease and discomfort I may face overseas, including pain killers, antinflammatory, antibiotics, for sore throat, flue, fever,. Of course I seldom needed them, but if I have a problem I like to have my stuff in my bag at hand, rather than to have to go looking for farmacy.

Well, outbound in that bag there is always a supply of Sildenafil sufficient for the whole trip duration, and inbound if I come back from Colombia be sure I have at least 15 boxes of 4 x50 MG Sildenafil Genfar (I cut the blisters to make them smallerr and pack them tight together in other boxes, because the original boxes would take too much room). I have never had a single problem with customs. Once they started to look into my drug bag, and from my side it was enough to say they were for my personal usage, because my trip was longer than 1 week.

To be honest, I could not be sure about what would happen if the customs police identifies 60-80 blue pills with other drugs in my luggage, as I do not have the prescription. However, I have been used to criss-cross borders frantically, and Singapore is usually very strict.

10-12-20, 01:23
I did it with 3 out of 60 girls last trip. First chick my mind just said you have to f*ck her raw. No kids and beautiful tits. Second time the girl was one of the best I ever been with sexually and it was free LOL. 3rd time I was not going to bareback then my 8 said just don't cum in me. I was like wow this beautiful girl said its okay to fuck her raw I must obliged. For some reason I wasnt concerned about the 8. But I was concern about first 2 even though it was a non payment arrangement. I did buy penicillin to be on the safe side. Anyways soon as I reach the states I took covid and hiv, std test and negative. I will say there was quite a few I wanted to go raw but chose not to.

Without criticizing, just out of curiosity for those guys who claim they go bareback, which means penetrating vagina Without a condom, What do you think about catching sexually-transmitted diseases?

Apparently there are entire forums devoted to bareback activities. Which is unexpected considering everybody Has been told in school never to take the condom off. I just want to know what you guys are thinking when you go bareback.

There is actually a rule in this form that prevents members criticizing other members not practicing safe sex..

Member #4665
10-12-20, 01:32
I did it with 3 out of 60 girls last trip. First chick my mind just said you have to f*ck her raw. No kids and beautiful tits. Second time the girl was one of the best I ever been with sexually and it was free LOL. 3rd time I was not going to bareback then my 8 said just don't cum in me. I was like wow this beautiful girl said its okay to fuck her raw I must obliged. For some reason I wasnt concerned about the 8. But I was concern about first 2 even though it was a non payment arrangement. I did buy penicillin to be on the safe side. Anyways soon as I reach the states I took covid and hiv, std test and negative. I will say there was quite a few I wanted to go raw but chose not to.
Nice reply. It reminded me of that famous punchline "hold me back, son hold me back, son. " Sounds kind of like a spontaneous thing. Or when a guy meets a girl and all of a sudden they're both feeling very in love and then suddenly that condom appears to be insignificant because they love each other so much. And then and then and then...
Only way Is to prepare mentally for these situations before hand.

10-12-20, 01:35
Without criticizing, just out of curiosity for those guys who claim they go bareback, which means penetrating vagina Without a condom, What do you think about catching sexually-transmitted diseases?

Apparently there are entire forums devoted to bareback activities. Which is unexpected considering everybody Has been told in school never to take the condom off. I just want to know what you guys are thinking when you go bareback.

There is actually a rule in this form that prevents members criticizing other members not practicing safe sex.Nobody wants to catch an STD, and everybody knows what bareback means, and it's not unexpected that there are forums dedicated to barebacking on ISG, regardless of the sex education classes board members had while in junior high school.

There are a lot of board members who occasionally bareback or exclusively bareback, albeit they are not all going to post about it. As far as what guys are thinking when they have gone bareback, well for some it's the difference between night and day. Sounds like you may have never barebacked someone outside of a monogamaus relationship and might be contemplating it based on your questions. It's a personal choice and comes with risks.

Mr Enternational
10-12-20, 01:36
Just a heads up, bringing any pharmaceuticals back from Colombia to the states is a felony.Not really. You can bring almost anything as long as it is not an illegal narcotic and you declare it. You run into problems when you don't declare shit. Same with money. Get caught with over $10,000 that you did not declare and that is when you have problems. For medicine it is supposed to be in the original container and you are supposed to have a prescription for it. As long as you are not trying to bring a suitcase full of viagra. They will not fuck with you for a couple months supply. I know some people that got fucked bringing in massive amounts of steroids. I bring in viagra, asthma medicine, blood pressure medicine, penicillin, cough syrup etc and have never had a problem without having a prescription. Now if your ass want to try to bring in valium then you are on your own.

10-12-20, 01:36
All that you say can be true, but again if the manufacturer is a well reputed industry the molecule of the active principle is the same, the quantity of the active principle is the declared amount within tolerance margins, and the excipients of course do not have to be exactly the same to not impair the drug effectiveness. We are speaking about sildenafil, not a psychoactive drug with effects sensitive to microvariations in dosage!

You should be more concerned about how the boxes of "authentic Viagra" were stored on their way from the industry to the farmacy to your hands, in what conditions and temperature, than about possible low quality of MK or Genfar products.

Indeed this can be considered close to a scam, forcing the people to pay more without necessity. It should be "do not substitute with a dubious product"!

In my country (a major country in Europe) it is simply NOT LEGAL to sell any generic which is not 100% equivalent to the original. I assume this is obvious in any country except in the 4th world. A drug which does not pass a strict verification process is not authorized for sale.c.I am glad guys don't get into degrees, background, education, academics, training, etc. Just like when you publish a research paper in a peer reviewed journal, you don't list your degrees, just your last name and first initials, and let the words speak for themselves. I am not trying to convince you of anything, but making sure the other readers don't get a one-sided story. Generic drugs are one of the biggest smoke screens in US Healthcare all because of what? The almighty dollar. Health insurance companies use generics to save billions of dollars on their formularies. A lot of that is good. But until you understand the pharmacology, calculus, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics, AND pharmacoeconomics, then you cannot understand this issue. Sorry for the "big" words but it's a fact. I have sat in a room and watched slide after slide, over one hundred, of the bioavailability curves for the brand and "equivalent" generic drugs and the curves are so different they are shocking, and in many cases the generic will have lost over 70% of it's therapeutic effect. I judge generics on a drug by drug basis, my background forces me to skeptical. I will admit I have never seen a boiavailability curve for generic Viagra, but I know the generic version me and my buddies tried in Medellin didn't do shit. There is nothing I love more than a good, cheap, generic, but don't blindly accept them all on face value, which was your viewpoint when this discussion started.

10-12-20, 01:46
Being a pharmacist, I say the generic drugs are the way to go. The active ingredient of both the generic & band name drugs are made in the same place. The active ingredient is then sent to the various manufacturers, where they stamp out the pills or make into capsules.I don't know how much of what you say happens, that the ORIGINAL manufacturer is selling the active ingredient to ALL the generic suppliers? There are plenty of generic drug companies making their own drug de novo all over the world.

Even if what you say is true, you supported my argument. As I pointed out, it is the excipients, binders and manufacturing process that makes the difference. Not the milligrams of active drug. Don't ever become a lawyer, when your argument supports the other guy, jajajaja.

10-12-20, 01:48

I did it with 3 out of 60 girls last trip. First chick my mind just said you have to f*ck her raw. No kids and beautiful tits. Second time the girl was one of the best I ever been with sexually and it was free LOL. 3rd time I was not going to bareback then my 8 said just don't cum in me. I was like wow this beautiful girl said its okay to fuck her raw I must obliged. For some reason I wasnt concerned about the 8. But I was concern about first 2 even though it was a non payment arrangement. I did buy penicillin to be on the safe side. Anyways soon as I reach the states I took covid and hiv, std test and negative. I will say there was quite a few I wanted to go raw but chose not to..

10-12-20, 01:51
Being a pharmacist, I say the generic drugs are the way to go. The active ingredient of both the generic & band name drugs are made in the same place. The active ingredient is then sent to the various manufacturers, where they stamp out the pills or make into capsules.Active ingredients may be the same but binders are different and therefore absorption and effects. Plus generics have less stringent manufacturing tolerances so each pill can vary in strength more than brand. Case in point, my thyroid meds. Brand name only or I am not right and blood tests aren't either.

10-12-20, 02:01
I have at least 15 boxes of 4 x50 MG Sildenafil GenfarI remember the limit is 50 pills. I used to print out the custom rules to carry with me so I can show it the custom official. This topic has been discussed in great detail before in Tijuna forum.

10-12-20, 02:44
People move to another girl whose phone is posted. She is not available at least at the moment. Some providers without phone numbers can be located through other fora.130.000 $ does it mean 130 USD or 130000 COL $?


10-12-20, 03:25
If they have $20 to send, that's more than the minuscule amount of self esteem they have.

Has anyone looked at the stats for global internet traffic, its seems 146% is free porn LOL.That's an interesting number. The maximum amount of internet traffic is 100%. If 146% is free porn, then not only does this forum not exist, nor any other website (each website eats up a tiny percentage of the traffic with information which isn't free porn), every second there is a backlog of requests for free porn that is growing exponentially and by now must be adding at least 1000 years of wait time to the queue every second.

I think what you meant to say is a lot of free porn is available. Yes it is. And everyone who pays for porn is a fool with no self-esteem. Right?

Do you have any idea how much free pussy is available? I recently went to my 40 year high school reunion and of the 35 or so women there, at least a dozen let me know that they would be happy to open their legs for me. 3 of them were there with their husbands. Now obviously, since free pussy is available, anyone who pays for pussy is a fool with no self-esteem.

Let's take it a step further. Check the dumpster behind any restaurant. You know what you'll find? Food. Free food. Only fools with no self-esteem would go to a restaurant and pay for food when they can get the same food for free just outside the back door. There's even napkins in there!

There appears to be a flaw in your reasoning.

Here's how life works:

If you don't want to do something, don't do it.

If someone else wants to do something, don't worry about it.

Nobody is using your money to buy videos. Whether or not some other person buys videos has no effect on you. If you're bothered or offended because people are doing things you have no interest in, your self-esteem is the least of your problems.

Seriously, to everyone, are your situations that pathetic? You have nothing more interesting than to try to tell everyone else what they should or shouldn't be doing?

If some guy wants to rent an $1100 per night penthouse and spend $10 k a night in Parque Lleras, or a guy wants to stay in a $7 per night hostel and spend $15 a day, eating the cheapest food and fucking glue sniffers, don't worry about it.

If some guy wants to send $2000 a month Western Union or hand out $100 Victoria's Secret gift cards, don't worry about it.

If some guy wants to buy photos and videos, watch webcams or buy used panties, don't worry about it.

If some guy wants to fuck fat girls, skinny girls, ugly girls, pregnant girls, one-legged girls or old women, don't worry about it.

If some guy wants to fuck a tranny while some girl pegs him, don't worry about it.

Here's the list of things you should be worrying about:

1. Things that affect your dick.

2. Things that affect your money.

You all sound like a bunch of old ladies gossiping.

10-12-20, 03:58
50 seems like a reasonable amount for personal use and the personal use of a friend or two. More than that and it starts to feel like trafficking.

I remember the limit is 50 pills. I used to print out the custom rules to carry with me so I can show it the custom official. This topic has been discussed in great detail before in Tijuna forum.

10-12-20, 05:14
Being a pharmacist, I say the generic drugs are the way to go. The active ingredient of both the generic & band name drugs are made in the same place. The active ingredient is then sent to the various manufacturers, where they stamp out the pills or make into capsules.If its a reputable generic manufacturer. Varying levels of generic quality in 3rd world. So find a reputable generic manufacturer and stick with them, even if price is a bit more. I mean once you go generic they are all cheap anyway so why quibble over a few cents. Don't necessarily go for the cheapest generic.

Elvis 2008
10-12-20, 06:10
Claiming that a generic drug is not effective as the "original" just demonstrates the huge ignorance of the claimer. The chemical substance is the same, exactly the same. How could the paper box and label have an effect?BP,

I agree with your general point, but there is considerable variation in the processing of the pills and the variation of the amount of medication in the pill. I think you can vary the amount by up to 20% so 50 MG may not always be 50 MG.

It is crazy to pay 10 X the price for the brand name. In fact with Viagra and Cialis, I have found two versions you can buy at the Kamagra store, Kamagra for Viagra and Taladista for Cialis that I think work better than the original, and everyone who has used them says much the same thing.

Elvis 2008
10-12-20, 08:02
Doesn't this tell you there is no correlation with the amount of money spent?

He opened the door to allow himself to be manipulated. Elvis would have paid more if the lock down lasted longer. If there was no lock down, he paid nothing. And after all the effort, some girls still only allow covered sex and no DFK. That is very little return with so much effort.I did not pay anything. I invested in long term relationships, and some panned out and some did not which was completely expected. Overall, so far I have gotten the results I wanted, but there is a long way to go.

The best yields come when there are market disruptions. You invest when there is panic / blood in the streets.

Mr Enternational
10-12-20, 10:04
Apparently there are entire forums devoted to bareback activities. Which is unexpected considering everybody Has been told in school never to take the condom off. I just want to know what you guys are thinking when you go bareback.Everybody was told not to go past the speed limit, not to cheat on their wife, not to be late to work, not to play with fire, not to go out in those rough seas, not to fuck with those crocodiles, not to wear shorts in Medellin, and everything else under the sun. Why is it so unexpected they would do these things anyway? What are these people thinking when they do all these things someone told them not to do?

Black Page
10-12-20, 10:25
If its a reputable generic manufacturer. Varying levels of generic quality in 3rd world. So find a reputable generic manufacturer and stick with them, even if price is a bit moreColombia is not (anymore) 3rd world, in the meaning "underdeveloped / poor / everything goes". Colombian pharma industry is reputable and reliable. Genfar and MK have their reputation and supply drugs to hospitals.

10-12-20, 13:32
In my country (a major country in Europe) it is simply NOT LEGAL to sell any generic which is not 100% equivalent to the original. I assume this is obvious in any country except in the 4th world. A drug which does not pass a strict verification process is not authorized for sale.Not just in your country but in every country that is a member of EU. There is a directive from EU that every member needs to comply with it.

10-12-20, 15:22
The not the wear shorts part is funny. Don't wear a hat either cause the glue heads near Botero will steal it off your head.

Everybody was told not to go past the speed limit, not to cheat on their wife, not to be late to work, not to play with fire, not to go out in those rough seas, not to fuck with those crocodiles, not to wear shorts in Medellin, and everything else under the sun. Why is it so unexpected they would do these things anyway? What are these people thinking when they do all these things someone told them not to do?

10-12-20, 17:44
That's an interesting number. The maximum amount of internet traffic is 100%. If 146% is free porn, then not only does this forum not exist, nor any other website (each website eats up a tiny percentage of the traffic with information which isn't free porn), every second there is a backlog of requests for free porn that is growing exponentially and by now must be adding at least 1000 years of wait time to the queue every second.

I think what you meant to say is a lot of free porn is available. Yes it is. And everyone who pays for porn is a fool with no self-esteem. Right?

Do you have any idea how much free pussy is available? I recently went to my 40 year high school reunion and of the 35 or so women there, at least a dozen let me know that they would be happy to open their legs for me. 3 of them were there with their husbands. Now obviously, since free pussy is available, anyone who pays for pussy is a fool with no self-esteem.

Let's take it a step further. Check the dumpster behind any restaurant. You know what you'll find? Food. Free food. Only fools with no self-esteem would go to a restaurant and pay for food when they can get the same food for free just outside the back door. There's even napkins in there!

There appears to be a flaw in your reasoning.

Here's how life works:

If you don't want to do something, don't do it.

If someone else wants to do something, don't worry about it.

Nobody is using your money to buy videos. Whether or not some other person buys videos has no effect on you. If you're bothered or offended because people are doing things you have no interest in, your self-esteem is the least of your problems..Are the igs so low around here they can't even agree on the most reasonable of issues.

This is a community for mongers to communicate, you sound opposed to that, I'm guessing most foreign mongers in MDE and many other hotspots use ISG.

What other ISG members do with their dicks, affects us all, we are all in the same pond.

What other ISG members do with their money, affects us all, your attitude is the problem.

You suggested we should all "go fuck ourselves".

So why are you even here? You clearly have zero interest in consensus.

I guess you feel special because for some reason you are allowed to insult the board with impunity.

You want absolute freedom for your harmful mongering (and posting) style, yet you don't even want others to criticize it.

Admit it because even you know its indefensible.

This is not really what I wanted to write, because if I did, it would not be posted like yesterday's post.

Black Page
10-12-20, 18:07
Not just in your country but in every country that is a member of EU. There is a directive from EU that every member needs to comply with it.You are 100% correct! I wrote "my country" because I wasn't sure, and I did not want to write something that could have offered the opportunity to attack my main claim, which is the important thing.

10-12-20, 18:07
Active ingredients may be the same but binders are different and therefore absorption and effects. Plus generics have less stringent manufacturing tolerances so each pill can vary in strength more than brand. Case in point, my thyroid meds. Brand name only or I am not right and blood tests aren't either.An excellent one. There are many generics that are not equivalent to the brand and the difference gets worse when you start switching from generic to generic. As is every poster who has attempted to prove me wrong here on this topic, on Covid immunity, on anything health related, they are all back pedalling now, even if they won't admit it. Apparently now we are only talking about Viagra, although if you read back, there are posts claiming all generics are equal to branded drugs, jaja.

I am not writing from Googling, didn't check once, but from education, training and real world experience. I know what changing policy that controlled whether or not thousands of members got switched to a different generic drugs does, including the aftermath and the fall out. The Internet makes a lot of info available to a lot of people but I will not post unless I have direct experience or I will say that I don't. And despite my deserved reputation here and elsewhere on the Internet (Legend in My Own Mind Syndrome, jajaja) as a sarcastic, attention whoring asshole, I don't do this to be right. In fact, I would prefer to be wrong and learn something, but it simply does not happen than often because I know what I don't know which is harder than it sounds. And obviously very hard for certain others here.

I do this so other Users can get what I believe to be the correct information or at least a balanced viewpoint. I won't comment on generics anymore for now. I am happy for anyone who is happy with their generic drug choice. I have respect for other members here, no matter what the topic is you can count on me being a truth-seeker.

Member #4665
10-12-20, 18:48
Also, with regards to the generic Viagra, it's been noted in psychology that sometimes our minds play tricks on us. And 1 of these instances is When a person see something that is for free or has a low price they trick themselves into thinking that the free lower-priced product cannot be as good as the more expensive one. False belief.

If you want to critique an item on its quality you need evidence to analyze the performance of the item. The higher price may have to do with licensing issues, import taxes, or cost of transportation, amongst other things. And of course, sometimes, the lower-priced products may be coincidentally inferior in quality.

10-12-20, 19:14
Also, with regards to the generic Viagra, it's been noted in psychology that sometimes our minds play tricks on us. And 1 of these instances is When a person see something that is for free or has a low price they trick themselves into thinking that the free lower-priced product cannot be as good as the more expensive one. False belief.

If you want to critique an item on its quality you need evidence to analyze the performance of the item. The higher price may have to do with licensing issues, import taxes, or cost of transportation, amongst other things. And of course, sometimes, the lower-priced products may be coincidentally inferior in quality.I agree.

This most certainly applies to many mongers that think pussy is better if it cost $500.

I have tried expensive supermodel pussy, and it made me feel like a chump.

I also have tried viagra and cialis in Mexico and it is garbage, it isn't much better in Asia.

I sometimes alternate with viagra and cialis scripts in USA and can state unequivocally the branded pills are superior.

Sometimes you get what you pay for, ie boner pills, sometimes you don't, ie overpriced vagina.

You can pay for chaturbate or watch for free.

You can pay for pornhub or watch for free.

You can join and pay any of the other porn websites or watch for free ala pornhub et al.

For me the best pussy is the best ROI.

The hotter she is.

The cheaper she is.

The better the service for me.

Ie, she swallows, takes a pussy creampie, and / or an ass creampie and eats my ass.


10-12-20, 19:30
Also, with regards to the generic Viagra, it's been noted in psychology that sometimes our minds play tricks on us. And 1 of these instances is When a person see something that is for free or has a low price they trick themselves into thinking that the free lower-priced product cannot be as good as the more expensive one. False belief.

If you want to critique an item on its quality you need evidence to analyze the performance of the item. The higher price may have to do with licensing issues, import taxes, or cost of transportation, amongst other things. And of course, sometimes, the lower-priced products may be coincidentally inferior in quality.https://freakonomics.com/2008/07/24/keep-the-cheap-wine-flowing/

I will state there is a negative correlation with price vs service quality in P4P.

The mongers that pay the most get the worst service, a basic paradox of paying for pussy.

Generally speaking the more you pay the less you get.

There may be a difference between a soi 4 girl in bkk and a girl inside nana.

But once you cross a certain point, each market is different.

But once you start to overpay, the ROI shifts into the negative very quickly.

Very simply put, too much is too much.

Cutting in line by overpaying is not the solution.

10-12-20, 20:16
I concur

Also, with regards to the generic Viagra, it's been noted in psychology that sometimes our minds play tricks on us. And 1 of these instances is When a person see something that is for free or has a low price they trick themselves into thinking that the free lower-priced product cannot be as good as the more expensive one. False belief.

If you want to critique an item on its quality you need evidence to analyze the performance of the item. The higher price may have to do with licensing issues, import taxes, or cost of transportation, amongst other things. And of course, sometimes, the lower-priced products may be coincidentally inferior in quality..

10-12-20, 20:18
I concur

Also, with regards to the generic Viagra, it's been noted in psychology that sometimes our minds play tricks on us. And 1 of these instances is When a person see something that is for free or has a low price they trick themselves into thinking that the free lower-priced product cannot be as good as the more expensive one. False belief.

If you want to critique an item on its quality you need evidence to analyze the performance of the item. The higher price may have to do with licensing issues, import taxes, or cost of transportation, amongst other things. And of course, sometimes, the lower-priced products may be coincidentally inferior in quality..

10-12-20, 20:33
You establish a littany of points just to shoot yourself in the foot. Chicks are saying if I can get this amount from sending a guy pics and videos. For 1 I don't need to sell pussy. 2 I might as well up my price if if I am going to do more physical and harmful work. You give them options and it affects the market. Like I said if your doing it for humanitarian purposes I can understand but geez why why why if there is free porn. The point about free food in a dumpster don't ever use that again. Makes less sense than buying pics and videos.

That's an number. The maximum amount of internet traffic is 100%. If 146% is free porn, then not only does this forum not exist, nor any other website (each website eats up a tiny percentage of the traffic with information which isn't free porn), every second there is a backlog of requests for free porn that is growing exponentially and by now must be adding at least 1000 years of wait time to the queue every second.

I think what you meant to say is a lot of free porn is available. Yes it is. And everyone who pays for porn is a fool with no self-esteem. Right?

Do you have any idea how much free pussy is available? I recently went to my 40 year high school reunion and of the 35 or so women there, at least a dozen let me know that they would be happy to open their legs for me. 3 of them were there with their husbands. Now obviously, since free pussy is available, anyone who pays for pussy is a fool with no self-esteem.

Let's take it a step further. Check the dumpster behind any restaurant. You know what you'll find? Food. Free food. Only fools with no self-esteem would go to a restaurant and pay for food when they can get the same food for free just outside the back door. There's even napkins in there!

There appears to be a flaw in your reasoning.

Here's how life works:

If you don't want to do something, don't do it.

If someone else wants to do something, don't worry about it.

Nobody is using your money to buy videos. Whether or not some other person buys videos has no effect on you. If you're bothered or offended because people are doing things you have no interest in, your self-esteem is the least of your problems.

Seriously, to everyone, are your situations that pathetic? You have nothing more interesting than to try to tell everyone else what they should or shouldn't be doing?

If some guy wants to rent an $1100 per night penthouse and spend $10 k a night in Parque Lleras, or a guy wants to stay in a $7 per night hostel and spend $15 a day, eating the cheapest food and fucking glue sniffers, don't worry about it.

If some guy wants to send $2000 a month Western Union or hand out $100 Victoria's Secret gift cards, don't worry about it.

If some guy wants to buy photos and videos, watch webcams or buy used panties, don't worry about it.

If some guy wants to fuck fat girls, skinny girls, ugly girls, pregnant girls, one-legged girls or old women, don't worry about it.

If some guy wants to fuck a tranny while some girl pegs him, don't worry about it.

Here's the list of things you should be worrying about:

1. Things that affect your dick.

2. Things that affect your money.

You all sound like a bunch of old ladies gossiping..

10-12-20, 22:10
Also, with regards to the generic Viagra, it's been noted in psychology that sometimes our minds play tricks on us. And 1 of these instances is When a person see something that is for free or has a low price they trick themselves into thinking that the free lower-priced product cannot be as good as the more expensive one. False belief.

If you want to critique an item on its quality you need evidence to analyze the performance of the item. The higher price may have to do with licensing issues, import taxes, or cost of transportation, amongst other things. And of course, sometimes, the lower-priced products may be coincidentally inferior in quality.When I wrote, "There is a huge psychological component in both directions: beleiving told the generic is just as good; or believing it is inferior because it is generic."

Oh, and when you can come up with a study that objectively measures performance of an ED drug, I'd like to see that. Surveys? Self reports? Hmmm, notoriously unreliable. I think we need to recruit the best girls Medellin has to offer and let them use their mouth as a gauge, jajaja.

Mr Enternational
10-12-20, 22:12
Theres fools out there that will buy pics and video and you don't need to fuck anymore. Maybe its a humantarian reason behind it. If it is please let it be known so I can make sense of it LOL.I was fucking a chick that does the pics, videos, and cam shit. She said a lot of her clients are here in the same city. That blew my fucking mind. Why would they want to do camming or pics and videos when they could just come over here and fuck? She said she did not know. I am actually paying less to fuck all night than some other guys in the same city were paying her for pics and stuff. Hell when you fucking her you can make your own pics and videos! But I guess everybody has a thing.

10-12-20, 22:39
You establish a littany of points just to shoot yourself in the foot. Chicks are saying if I can get this amount from sending a guy pics and videos. For 1 I don't need to sell pussy. 2 I might as well up my price if if I am going to do more physical and harmful work. You give them options and it affects the market. Like I said if your doing it for humanitarian purposes I can understand but geez why why why if there is free porn. The point about free food in a dumpster don't ever use that again. Makes less sense than buying pics and videos..Other than the price of what the dude is paying at that moment. I don't for pay for pics, pretty sure you don't. I don't give a shit who does. I think it was you who said that it's factual that paying for pics and videos drives up prices, if it wasn't you someone did? Where are those facts? How do you check those facts, or aren't we really talking more about opinon and beliefs? I call them mystical beliefs when some kind of magical cause and effect is attributed to non related events. I can think of a way to check what puta prices are doing, objectively. Can you?

Mr Enternational
10-12-20, 22:50
I had $50,000 jump into my lap due to an accounting error. Great right? Nope, I formed a lot of bad habits from that easy money.I am glad that I formed my bad habits when I was broke so I could realize they really did not require a lot of money. Now that I have money, my bad habits are costing me the same as when I didn't.

American men are so used to ceding women power it is ridiculous. When the ex fianc told me "You cannot force me to marry you", that told me it was something she was worried about. So I talked to a Peruvian lawyer about it, and he told me that I pretty much could put her in a position where marrying me was her best option.
And you guys think money only buys sex. It buys powerBrother all this stuff you are talking is above my paygrade. I am not out here trying to get into psychological warfare with women (least of all broke ass women!) I am out here trying to have a good time and enjoy myself.

It seems you are putting too much stress on yourself with all this getting lawyers involved and trying to purchase power stuff. If a chick pizzes me off or does not want to be with me then it is a simple hit the door; good luck with the next guy. I am not rubbing my hands together scheming how can I show her who's boss like Mr. Burns on The Simpsons. Maybe thinking of vengeance is something for guys that have sunk so much money into chicks. I can cut bait at the drop of a hat with no losses.

To me you are doing it to yourself. If you want to know how someone really feels about you then you DON'T give them money. However you choose to throw more and more money at them hoping it will cause their sentiments to change. You don't have to try to buy someone that really likes you for you. And as you have seen, a chick even only will like your money for so long. The majority of people would rather be broke than to be with someone they did not like. But once again, everybody has their thing. I guess yours is using money to try to force chicks to dig you. It will never work.

10-13-20, 00:09
You establish a littany of points just to shoot yourself in the foot. Chicks are saying if I can get this amount from sending a guy pics and videos. For 1 I don't need to sell pussy. 2 I might as well up my price if if I am going to do more physical and harmful work. You give them options and it affects the market. Like I said if your doing it for humanitarian purposes I can understand but geez why why why if there is free porn. The point about free food in a dumpster don't ever use that again. Makes less sense than buying pics and videos..I've stood right there on la 70 and watched people opening up the bags of garbage the restaurants set out at night and start eating. Might not be as warm or fresh, but it's the same food other people are paying for in the restaurant.

Here's something that will really make you happy. You know those uneaten side items, or uneaten chips or salsa? Restaurants have been known to. Shall we say, recycle? Had it happen to me once. Found something in my food that could have only been put there by another diner.

So now you're spending money on food that may have been partially eaten by someone else and claiming it's somehow superior to getting the same thing for free. Yet you claim paying for specific porn, from a specific girl, often with special requests to suit someone's fetishes is much worse than accepting generic, made for everyone, porn? That right there is hypocrisy! Either start eating out of the garbage, or stop complaining about people buying porn.

Are you trying to tell me that you have been unable to find any girls who will come over for less than 200 k plus taxi? Because before, 150 k plus taxi or 200 k was pretty much the standard rate. If people buying pics and videos has raised the prices, then there's no way you're getting away with less than 200 k.

Now that I think about it, you need to back your blame up at least 7 years. That's when the Colombian webcam industry started booming. I won't repeat the amount of money that can be made on webcam. Anyone interested can look it up. There's a job without physical interaction with guys, which offers more money than most hookers can make. It's even more tempting now since 7 years ago the exchange was 1900 to 1 and now it's 3800 to 1, and they get paid in dollars.

Why aren't you screaming bloody murder at the guys who view webcams? If a few months of a few girls selling videos has ruined the market, just imagine how much 30 k-40 k Colombian webcam models have ruined the market in the past 7 years.

Yes, there are girls who want to sell pics and videos. Shit, 6 years ago there were girls trying to sell pics and videos. There are also girls who want guys to send money. There are girls who want guys to send gifts. There are girls who want guys to take them on trips. I had one girl ask me to buy her a moto.

But you know what all those girls do when the guy they're talking to won't play their game? They switch to whatever will get them paid.

For a price, I'll be happy to teach you my course on how to deal with these types of situations. Normally I'd give an ISG discount. However, since I've already explained it to you 3 times, I'll need to charge full price.

10-13-20, 00:26
I was fucking a chick that does the pics, videos, and cam shit. She said a lot of her clients are here in the same city. That blew my fucking mind. Why would they want to do camming or pics and videos when they could just come over here and fuck? She said she did not know. I am actually paying less to fuck all night than some other guys in the same city were paying her for pics and stuff. Hell when you fucking her you can make your own pics and videos! But I guess everybody has a thing.You're a man of the world. Why act surprised? I've watched guys in strip clubs give girls $100 for a $20 lap dance. I knew one stripper, a customer paid to send her to NYC for 2 days to have a particular photographer take pictures of her feet, paid the photographer and gave her $2500 plus expenses. For $1000 or less he could have taken the pics himself and jerked off on her toes.

Shit. There are even guys who pay to fly to different countries, just to pay women for sex when there's plenty of women right around the corner who will fuck them for free and cook them breakfast.

Everybody finds their thing, whatever that thing is, and they do it. There's no understanding it. You have said you make all the hookers say they love you. Baffles the fuck out of me, why, but that's your thing. Blakman gets the girls to table dance for him. Again, I don't understand it, but that's his thing. Yippeekaye pays girls to let him bareback them for a week and doesn't let them wash their pussy out. Another head scratchier. But that's his thing.

Unless your thing is going to harm someone else, then get out there and do it. Life's too short to spend griping about what other people are doing.

10-13-20, 02:09
Also, with regards to the generic Viagra, it's been noted in psychology that sometimes our minds play tricks on us. And 1 of these instances is When a person see something that is for free or has a low price they trick themselves into thinking that the free lower-priced product cannot be as good as the more expensive one. False belief.

If you want to critique an item on its quality you need evidence to analyze the performance of the item. The higher price may have to do with licensing issues, import taxes, or cost of transportation, amongst other things. And of course, sometimes, the lower-priced products may be coincidentally inferior in quality.I can't believe all of the posts about the little blue pill that the majority of the board members use. It's been around a long time, and I even remember Pfizer's first pitch man for the product Bob Dole. I guess that calls me out as an old fart. It's interesting that after this drug came out, there were a lot of subsequent divorces.

It actually was a miracle drug at the time when you think about it, when it came out it enabled men who hadn't been able to get an erection let alone maintain one have sex after many years of being impotent. Hence a lot of guys getting divorced and chasing after younger women, and what a bonaza for mongers!

10-13-20, 02:35
Has anyone been there lately that would care to weigh in? I'm thinking of possibly doing a trip next month. Also been seeing a few airbnbs that are limiting guest access due to Covid thought I would let the BM's know.

10-13-20, 03:08
I can't believe all of the posts about the little blue pill that the majority of the board members use. It's been around a long time, and I even remember Pfizer's first pitch man for the product Bob Dole. I guess that calls me out as an old fart. It's interesting that after this drug came out, there were a lot of subsequent divorces.

It actually was a miracle drug at the time when you think about it, when it came out it enabled men who hadn't been able to get an erection let alone maintain one have sex after many years of being impotent. Hence a lot of guys getting divorced and chasing after younger women, and what a bonaza for mongers!I plan on mongering til 100+ I don't expect to be picking up new sources of income, that being said, I will need to manage my funds to last many many more years of mongering.

A problem I'm more than happy to have thanks to lilly and pfizer, I despise big pharma but they did really good here.

10-13-20, 03:23
You're a man of the world. Why act surprised? I've watched guys in strip clubs give girls $100 for a $20 lap dance. I knew one stripper, a customer paid to send her to NYC for 2 days to have a particular photographer take pictures of her feet, paid the photographer and gave her $2500 plus expenses. For $1000 or less he could have taken the pics himself and jerked off on her toes.

Shit. There are even guys who pay to fly to different countries, just to pay women for sex when there's plenty of women right around the corner who will fuck them for free and cook them breakfast.

Everybody finds their thing, whatever that thing is, and they do it. There's no understanding it. You have said you make all the hookers say they love you. Baffles the fuck out of me, why, but that's your thing. Blakman gets the girls to table dance for him. Again, I don't understand it, but that's his thing. Yippeekaye pays girls to let him bareback them for a week and doesn't let them wash their pussy out. Another head scratchier. But that's his thing.

Unless your thing is going to harm someone else, then get out there and do it. Life's too short to spend griping about what other people are doing.Man do I like this post!

Life is truly short, being happy and doing your thing is definitely not overrated.

There will always be the criticizers and the nay sayers, however, once one learns to ignore and / or not care about them, life gets better.

Most of us, I imagine, know this.

10-13-20, 03:31
Man do I like this post!

Life is truly short, being happy and doing your thing is definitely not overrated.

There will always be the criticizers and the nay sayers, however, once one learns to ignore and / or not care about them, life gets better.

Most of us, I imagine, know this.Well said, however the reality is that most don't know this.

Member #4665
10-13-20, 03:42
Cutting in line by overpaying is not the solution.This is actually an interesting critique. I agree it's not good for Ronnie to out bid Lucy's current customer so Lucy goes home with Ronnie. It's Way better for Ronnie to find an alternative to Lucy that isn't busy with a another customer. However, the problem arises when Ronnie can't find an alternative. Ronnie isn't attracted to the other girls. Buying time with girls Ronnie doesn't like is worse than jerking off.

The solution here is to find a bigger market Or market that actually interest Ronnie.

10-13-20, 04:40
Are you trying to tell me that you have been unable to find any girls who will come over for less than 200 k plus taxi? Because before, 150 k plus taxi or 200 k was pretty much the standard rate. If people buying pics and videos has raised the prices, then there's no way you're getting away with less than 200 k. That's too simplistic a view of the market. The price isn't controlled entirely entirely by people buying pics and videos. But to say that it doesn't have any effect is not very smart. You can have the prices stay the same but still have an upward pressure on prices due to other factors pushing prices down. You can also have prices stay the same but the product shifts underneath. Meaning sure you can find girls for 150 k and 200 k but they're not the same caliber of girls that used to be available at that price.

If you're buying pics and videos off the internet and are happy with it that's great, but it definitely does affect prices.

Now that I think about it, you need to back your blame up at least 7 years. That's when the Colombian webcam industry started booming. I won't repeat the amount of money that can be made on webcam. Anyone interested can look it up. There's a job without physical interaction with guys, which offers more money than most hookers can make. It's even more tempting now since 7 years ago the exchange was 1900 to 1 and now it's 3800 to 1, and they get paid in dollars. Those were the days, less gringos in parque lleras but everything overall more expensive. I'm not sure how long 3800 is going to last, but lets enjoy it while it does.

Why aren't you screaming bloody murder at the guys who view webcams? If a few months of a few girls selling videos has ruined the market, just imagine how much 30 k-40 k Colombian webcam models have ruined the market in the past 7 years.

Yes, there are girls who want to sell pics and videos. Shit, 6 years ago there were girls trying to sell pics and videos. There are also girls who want guys to send money. There are girls who want guys to send gifts. There are girls who want guys to take them on trips. I had one girl ask me to buy her a moto. I make it pretty clear I don't want to buy girls shit. I don't even want to give them taxi money.

But you know what all those girls do when the guy they're talking to won't play their game? They switch to whatever will get them paid. True that.

For a price, I'll be happy to teach you my course on how to deal with these types of situations. Normally I'd give an ISG discount. However, since I've already explained it to you 3 times, I'll need to charge full price.I'll take your guide, sound like a steal. I have some pics and videos for in exchange.

At the end of the day, people are going to spend what they are going to spend try to justify it to themselves to make themselves feel good. I do the same thing. Everyone does.

Member #4665
10-13-20, 04:53
A month ago a want to be WebCam girl message my friend. He went to her Virtual room that shee was just starting out and she had a huge sign saying it was Her birthday and was asking viewers for money and gifts. Her birthday. Suuure. A month later she message my friend again she Explained at the beginning of the month she didn't have Internet so she stayed Somewhere That provided her with Internet and now she owed the tenant rent money. Of course she made nothing from her WebCam photos nor videos. Not even enough to pay thee rent. She kept telling myFriend that she was going to resort to escorting to pay her rent and Internet bill.

SoJudging by this story I suppose practically all web cam girls are broke and just like this online YouTube video business only a very few percentage of performers are actually making excessive amounts of money and then the next percentage is living below the poverty line and after that practically nobody makes anything. This web cam stuff is just the side hustle at least for most girls. If theey get lucky maybe they make some beer money.

Concerning the other post talking about leftover food at restaurants. I never really understood that because I always take all my leftover food in the restaurant home and Eat it later the same day or the following day. I just can't understand why anybody would leave food on the plate. Maybe to help out the homeboys opening the bags at the end of the day?

10-13-20, 06:40
I agree.

This most certainly applies to many mongers that think pussy is better if it cost $500.

I have tried expensive supermodel pussy, and it made me feel like a chump.

I also have tried viagra and cialis in Mexico and it is garbage, it isn't much better in Asia.

I sometimes alternate with viagra and cialis scripts in USA and can state unequivocally the branded pills are superior.

Sometimes you get what you pay for, ie boner pills, sometimes you don't, ie overpriced vagina.

You can pay for chaturbate or watch for free.

You can pay for pornhub or watch for free.

You can join and pay any of the other porn websites or watch for free ala pornhub et al.How much do you usually pay for 2 hours and overnight for the girls in Medellin?

10-13-20, 06:45
Nov 2018 I went to Moscow for my bday, I had never tried SA before, well Moscow is a very tough town to monger, so I thought I would try SA within 1-2 hours a few girls including an African sent me messages.

I asked how much most said either $1500 or $2000 for 2 hrs, I laughed and responded OK, 2000 or 1500 rubles, they immediately blocked me, 2 or 3 hrs later I was blocked from SA.

Someone must of reported me, and SA kicked me off and gave me a refund.I got similar response recently. Some rich millionaires or billionaires must be spoiling them. I also encounter a lot of scammers, asking me to transfer money online. Telling him her sister is sick and no healthcare. Another girl said she is starving.

10-13-20, 06:46
Maybe you should ask in the Russia or Ukraine forum. They would know better.No one talks about SA there.

Elvis 2008
10-13-20, 06:46
If a chick pizzes me off or does not want to be with me then it is a simple hit the door; good luck with the next guy. I am not rubbing my hands together scheming how can I show her who's bossIf all you are interested in is a working girl and only what is between a woman's legs that is a great strategy. Why would I give up on the best women who have a flaw or two that can be corrected?

If you want to know how someone really feels about you then you DON'T give them money. However you choose to throw more and more money at them hoping it will cause their sentiments to change.You really do not understand the game. You show women money to get their interest. After that, you are on your own.

In fact, the best women hate the notion that they are pay for play and often bend over backwards to prove they are not.

Of the seven women I saw in Colombia, I paid one a wage, gave cash gifts to three which was my choice (I just stuck the money in their purses), and gave no cash to the other three.

Every day my phone lights up from these women. I love you, I miss you, when are you coming to see me? 4 from women today and 8 from women in the last four days, and there was not one request for cash.

You don't have to try to buy someone that really likes you for you. And as you have seen, a chick even only will like your money for so long.The problem with you Mr. E is you make judgements and only read whatever you want. When I was giving the women money, it was not a blank check, it was money for needs and a lot of times I turned them down.

I think that you are totally oblivious to what these Colombian women were going through and now that things have opened up, I have told them I am going to only give them money when I am see them unless they have a huge need.

Later this month, I will be flying a woman to meet me where I live. Sure, I have to pay for an airline ticket, but I would do that with a girlfriend. You guys and your shit are always diminishing the quality of the women but if this woman were here, she would be getting $500 an hour. For three days, the going rate for her would be 3 to 5 grand. Still, when I communicated to her about the flight, money was never brought up. We have great sex, but we enjoy each other's company.

This the resume of the woman I called my super model. She is a different woman.

Miss Teen Venezuela World Star Model.

Miss Venezuela Caribbean international.

Modelo en la fashion week cartagena Colombia.

Actriz principal obra de teatro "PLAN b" - Venezuela.

Modelo e imagen de diversas marcas Rolex-World Golf Championships (Mexico), Nike (Chile), FOREVER21 (panama), Chilevision (Chile), CMB (consejo mundial de boxeo), Porshe (Panama), F1 (Gran premio de mexico 2017) entre muchas otras.

This woman was mad at me because she found the hair of another woman in the shower of my hotel room. Is that something a working girl would be upset at? It shows she had an emotional investment in me, and it spurred on a conversation. I told her that I thought we were going to be friends and I would see her when I was in Mexico City. I said that I did not think you wanted to be my sugar baby or my novia? She said, "I want to be your novia. And I said, "Well, I said. I do not feel like you do. I text you and call you and you do not respond."

She said her family who is in Venezuela had stressed her out so much with texts and calls she would just turn off her phone. She had been supporting them with her modeling but because of Covid, she was out of work. That time, I did not give her any cash. I just sent money to her family in Venezuela because I had learned how. She has been much better responding since then.

You can pay for sex and passion. What you cannot pay for is after that. Does she stroke your head, give you that special loving look and smile, and then buries her head in your chest like there is nowhere else in the world she would rather be? To me, that is almost better than the sex. If I do not get that, I suspect the woman is a working girl.

The woman coming to see me asked for $150 to help with her credit card a few weeks ago, and all you would say is, "You paid a woman and got no sex? Ha, you are an idiot. Never pay in advance." That $150 helped cement a $5000 value.

So you guys can laugh all you want at the times I give $150 and get burned. If I buy five stocks, and four go to zero and one goes up 1000% I have made a killing, yet all you dummies think that I have done is lost money.

I showed the picture of the beauty queen I met in Cartagena. Instead of asking how did you land that, you dummies are like, "those pictures are from her Tinder page." And I have never used Tinder.

The more mature but wrong question I get is how much? You can show women that you have money and are successful, but if you make these women feel like hookers and are paying them for services rendered then you have already lost.

You think you are so smart Mr. E but you do not even get the concept of investing in women. You think spending money on women is purely a cost, and the reality is that I am getting way better than you and for waaaay cheaper. The funny part is I think there is a part of you that knows it too.

Lucky Nuts
10-13-20, 07:14
I can't believe all of the posts about the little blue pill that the majority of the board members use. It's been around a long time, and I even remember Pfizer's first pitch man for the product Bob Dole. I guess that calls me out as an old fart. It's interesting that after this drug came out, there were a lot of subsequent divorces.

It actually was a miracle drug at the time when you think about it, when it came out it enabled men who hadn't been able to get an erection let alone maintain one have sex after many years of being impotent. Hence a lot of guys getting divorced and chasing after younger women, and what a bonaza for mongers!Yeah I remember those commercials too as a teenager. Also remember Johnny Carson saying he went into the bathroom to try this new "miracle drug" but accidentally dropped the pill in the toilet aaaaand.

The toilet seat popped up! Ba Dum Bump!

10-13-20, 08:17
At the end of the day we agree to disagree and since you can bring humor to the debate your alright with me. But please no more expounding on eating out the dumpster. Homeless people does that. Hopefully theres no one on this site homeless. So its an irrelevant analogy.

I've stood right there on la 70 and watched people opening up the bags of garbage the restaurants set out at night and start eating. Might not be as warm or fresh, but it's the same food other people are paying for in the restaurant.

Here's something that will really make you happy. You know those uneaten side items, or uneaten chips or salsa? Restaurants have been known to. Shall we say, recycle? Had it happen to me once. Found something in my food that could have only been put there by another diner.

So now you're spending money on food that may have been partially eaten by someone else and claiming it's somehow superior to getting the same thing for free. Yet you claim paying for specific porn, from a specific girl, often with special requests to suit someone's fetishes is much worse than accepting generic, made for everyone, porn? That right there is hypocrisy! Either start eating out of the garbage, or stop complaining about people buying porn.

Are you trying to tell me that you have been unable to find any girls who will come over for less than 200 k plus taxi? Because before, 150 k plus taxi or 200 k was pretty much the standard rate. If people buying pics and videos has raised the prices, then there's no way you're getting away with less than 200 k.

Now that I think about it, you need to back your blame up at least 7 years. That's when the Colombian webcam industry started booming. I won't repeat the amount of money that can be made on webcam. Anyone interested can look it up. There's a job without physical interaction with guys, which offers more money than most hookers can make. It's even more tempting now since 7 years ago the exchange was 1900 to 1 and now it's 3800 to 1, and they get paid in dollars.

Why aren't you screaming bloody murder at the guys who view webcams? If a few months of a few girls selling videos has ruined the market, just imagine how much 30 k-40 k Colombian webcam models have ruined the market in the past 7 years.

Yes, there are girls who want to sell pics and videos. Shit, 6 years ago there were girls trying to sell pics and videos. There are also girls who want guys to send money. There are girls who want guys to send gifts. There are girls who want guys to take them on trips. I had one girl ask me to buy her a moto.

But you know what all those girls do when the guy they're talking to won't play their game? They switch to whatever will get them paid.

For a price, I'll be happy to teach you my course on how to deal with these types of situations. Normally I'd give an ISG discount. However, since I've already explained it to you 3 times, I'll need to charge full price..

Black Page
10-13-20, 13:13

I agree with your general point, but there is considerable variation in the processing of the pills and the variation of the amount of medication in the pill. I think you can vary the amount by up to 20% so 50 MG may not always be 50 MG.True, but if the manufacturer does not have high quality standards. Actually, the tolerance on the amount of medication is the main problem of generic drugs, when they come from lower quality industry. (I exclude fake products, counterfeited)

Here nobody (or at least not me) claimed to buy *any* generic and be confident it is equivalent to the original brand. The point is that if the manufacturer has its good reputation and works under quality controls of the local Agency, paying more for the "original" is just stupid (yet psychological action has its merit): the two products are 100% equivalent.

One may not trust Colombia as a system and Colombian Pharma Industry, but Colombia is not Papua New Guinea. Maybe tomorrow Colombia newspapers will post articles on a scandal affecting Genfar, proven to cheat and do not apply quality policies, but this did not happen yet. For the time being, I trust MK and Genfar, as Colombian doctors do.

Once again: in my country (I would say in all Europe) we have even a law that obliges the doctors to prescribe the generic, if available, and not explicitly the original, unless a generic fully equivalent is not available. In some cases, the public service does not even reimburse original products above the price of the equivalent generic.

Black Page
10-13-20, 13:27
I know you will not believe this, but trust me it is 100% true.

Earlier today I was talking with a girl, a university student from Medellin spending 1 year of study in my country (no, I do not fuck, I have my reputation and I pretend to be totally uninterested to girls from Medellin).

So we had a conversation starting with "how is situation in Medellin now?", then "are there tourists?", etc. She said that the President decided to reopen the country to tourists in spite of the terrible COVID situation, and people from USA are now coming, etc.

So I could not refrain to ask
- "Wow! Many gringos are used to go to Medellin? I remember I was seeing many around the city"
and she
. "Siii... Todos en Lleras..!".

I am a nasty guy, so I insisted "And also in Centro? How do you spot them??"
- "Siiii... muchos... se veen muchos caminando, todos estan con pantalones cortos!"

When I heard this I wanted to rush to the computer. I could not wait longer to write this here.

10-13-20, 14:36
........Chicks are saying if I can get this amount from sending a guy pics and videos. For 1 I don't need to sell pussy. 2 I might as well up my price if if I am going to do more physical and harmful work. You give them options and it affects the market. Like I said if your doing it for humanitarian purposes I can understand but geez why why why if there is free porn. The point about free food in a dumpster don't ever use that again. Makes less sense than buying pics and videos.I see people making this same (or closely related) argument all the time. Let's think this through a little, shall we?

Girl is selling pics and videos to scare up a little money. Does this mean that she thinks to herself. HEY self! If I can sell the suckers some pics and videos I don't need to sell my holy vag, or better yet, I can sell it for more.

Maybe you think that way but you're dealing with an immature girl who doesn't think anything like the way you do.

Let me explain. Young little paisa makes a few pesos selling the pics and vids. She doesn't put that money in a bank account. Most banks won't let her open an account because she doesn't have a job. So what does she do? She spends that money. She buys a shirt she likes, or another pair of sneakers or a flashy purse but she spends it. Tomorrow she looks in her barren wallet and it all starts again. She's going to sell what every can be sold to make some more money. Her holy vag is not exempt because of yesterday's pic and vid sale.

We often see the typical thesis. Don't overpay you'll ruin it for all of us. Seriously? What a joke. Let's see how it plays out for our young paisa. She gets a call after watching tele-novelas all day. Guy offers her 150 mil + taxi and she's en route after a little clean up and stuff. She gets there does her thing takes the money and goes home. First thing she stops at her store and gets a new pair of shoes she really wants and then goes home and gives mom 20 mil for looking after her little kid. She calls up her best amiga and tells her she had a good score and they go out drinking. Maybe some guys buy them drinks but most likely not because local men are as cheap as a lot of the mongerers on here. So a little tipsy she finally goes home. She wakes up and looks in her wallet and there it is 12 mil and 300 pesos. And it starts all over again just like yesterday. Oh and if our visiting extranjero paid her 250 mil + taxi? She just bought the shoes and a pair of designer pants she wants, gives her mother 30 mil for baby sitting and household expenses and invites her best 2 amigas to go out dancing and drinking. Same result in the morning 12 mil 300 pesos. Did the guy who overpaid ruin the market? I don't think so.

Are all girls like this? Maybe not all but certainly most. BTW she doesn't write any notes on the guys she sees so she won't remember what you paid her but she will remember the guys who give her extra money. She likes them. So do I f* it up for you? Maybe, the next time you make a date and she doesn't show or cancels, it might be because someone else offered her a little more and she canceled you to be with him. Happens all the time.

I'm not saying to throw your money around (that can cause you problems in a different direction) but the premise that it screws up the marketplace is laughable.

Mr Enternational
10-13-20, 15:33
Everybody finds their thing, whatever that thing is, and they do it. There's no understanding it. You have said you make all the hookers say they love you. Baffles the fuck out of me, why, but that's your thing.LOL. That is just me clowning and talking shit to chicks. It is a song called U Ain't Gotta Mean It: Tell me that you love me when we fucking you ain't gotta mean it. I also say shit like "Girl if your mama could see you now". Or "If this is a dream then I am going to be mad as hell. "

10-13-20, 15:44
I know you will not believe this, but trust me it is 100% true.

Earlier today I was talking with a girl, a university student from Medellin spending 1 year of study in my country (no, I do not fuck, I have my reputation and I pretend to be totally uninterested to girls from Medellin).

So we had a conversation starting with "how is situation in Medellin now?", then "are there tourists?", etc. She said that the President decided to reopen the country to tourists in spite of the terrible COVID situation, and people from USA are now coming, etc.

So I could not refrain to ask
- "Wow! Many gringos are used to go to Medellin? I remember I was seeing many around the city"
and she
. "Siii... Todos en Lleras..!".

I am a nasty guy, so I insisted "And also in Centro? How do you spot them??"
- "Siiii... muchos... se veen muchos caminando, todos estan con pantalones cortos!"

When I heard this I wanted to rush to the computer. I could not wait longer to write this here.Ha Ha, that might be why we couldn't get a cab at 7 pm. One time my friend and I were walking toward la 70 after getting lost looking for a casa, we tried to flag down several cabs none would stop for us. When we finally got to the apartments, we were asking the portero why the taxis wouldn't pull over, he laughingly said that we looked too much like colombians LOL. We even had chicas called us ratas, thinking that we were colombians acting as gringos. I guess we should have worn shorts.

10-13-20, 15:46
I'm confused, what is supposed to be hard to believe. There are piles of youtube videos of random street scenes around Medellin. Anyone can watch them and judge for themselves. Personally I don't care if guys wear burkas or diapers. It changes nothing for me.

I know you will not believe this, but trust me it is 100% true.

Earlier today I was talking with a girl, a university student from Medellin spending 1 year of study in my country (no, I do not fuck, I have my reputation and I pretend to be totally uninterested to girls from Medellin).

So we had a conversation starting with "how is situation in Medellin now?", then "are there tourists?", etc. She said that the President decided to reopen the country to tourists in spite of the terrible COVID situation, and people from USA are now coming, etc.

So I could not refrain to ask
- "Wow! Many gringos are used to go to Medellin? I remember I was seeing many around the city"
and she
. "Siii... Todos en Lleras..!".

I am a nasty guy, so I insisted "And also in Centro? How do you spot them??"
- "Siiii... muchos... se veen muchos caminando, todos estan con pantalones cortos!"

When I heard this I wanted to rush to the computer. I could not wait longer to write this here.

Member #4665
10-13-20, 16:47
- "Siiii... muchos... se veen muchos caminando, todos estan con pantalones cortos!"

Good undercover work detective. Keep them on their heels. Justice and Liberty.

Remember these same people who appear civilized today are the dogmatic fanatics that tomorrow will implement the Nordic model and the model from Georgia if given a chance.

10-13-20, 17:22
Good undercover work detective. Keep them on their heels. Justice and Liberty.

Remember these same people who appear civilized today are the dogmatic fanatics that tomorrow will implement the Nordic model and the model from Georgia if given a chance.Yikes, I thought some of my posts were hard to decipher, yet this one even though it's in English I cannot comprehend, perhaps a translation for myself and other board members who might be scratching their heads.

10-13-20, 17:23
I have been here 3 days now and I am being hunted like a shark. I'm running out of leche. Jesus these girls are hungry. Its like clockwork. One comes, stays 2 hours and the next one comes 30 minutes later. My facebook is flooded. I can not answer them all.

10-13-20, 17:27
I have been here 3 days now and I am being hunted like a shark. I'm running out of leche. Jesus these girls are hungry. Its like clockwork. One comes, stays 2 hours and the next one comes 30 minutes later. My facebook is flooded. I can not answer them all.I have never used FB for mongering but it looks like I might have to give it a shot when I head down in a few weeks haha. Thanks for the report!

10-13-20, 17:29
At the end of the day we agree to disagree and since you can bring humor to the debate your alright with me. But please no more expounding on eating out the dumpster. Homeless people does that. Hopefully theres no one on this site homeless. So its an irrelevant analogy.

.Don't take offense. He just gets overly dramatic about anything he can. Its just his style. The best thing about the board is that you can see how other people monger and do their thing. Whether or not you follow their lead is up to you.

10-13-20, 17:31
I have been here 3 days now and I am being hunted like a shark. I'm running out of leche. Jesus these girls are hungry. Its like clockwork. One comes, stays 2 hours and the next one comes 30 minutes later. My facebook is flooded. I can not answer them all.Too many facebook chicas in need of money at the moment. I don't have enough time for them. I mostly ignore them. Had one over here yesterday. Young 22 year old paisa in need of some cash. Gave her 100 k + 20 k taxi.

10-13-20, 17:36
Too many facebook chicas in need of money at the moment. I don't have enough time for them. I mostly ignore them. Had one over here yesterday. Young 22 year old paisa in need of some cash. Gave her 100 k + 20 k taxi.I'm giving them 150 + taxi but I ask for 2 hours and sin condon. Some are offended at first but I just say "ok amor, adios" 5 minutes later they accept.

10-13-20, 20:16
How do you seek out these girls. Is there a search group? This is the only area I am not versed on. I did get with one. But most girls friend list is private. At least that's what I experience.

Too many facebook chicas in need of money at the moment. I don't have enough time for them. I mostly ignore them. Had one over here yesterday. Young 22 year old paisa in need of some cash. Gave her 100 k + 20 k taxi..

10-13-20, 20:44
Dearly beloved mongers we are gathered here to bid farewell to the passing of these three subjects. We promise to move on from them and continue on with our lives. AMEN!

I see people making this same (or closely related) argument all the time. Let's think this through a little, shall we?

Girl is selling pics and videos to scare up a little money. Does this mean that she thinks to herself. HEY self! If I can sell the suckers some pics and videos I don't need to sell my holy vag, or better yet, I can sell it for more.

Maybe you think that way but you're dealing with an immature girl who doesn't think anything like the way you do.

Let me explain. Young little paisa makes a few pesos selling the pics and vids. She doesn't put that money in a bank account. Most banks won't let her open an account because she doesn't have a job. So what does she do? She spends that money. She buys a shirt she likes, or another pair of sneakers or a flashy purse but she spends it. Tomorrow she looks in her barren wallet and it all starts again. She's going to sell what every can be sold to make some more money. Her holy vag is not exempt because of yesterday's pic and vid sale.

We often see the typical thesis. Don't overpay you'll ruin it for all of us. Seriously? What a joke. Let's see how it plays out for our young paisa. She gets a call after watching tele-novelas all day. Guy offers her 150 mil + taxi and she's en route after a little clean up and stuff. She gets there does her thing takes the money and goes home. First thing she stops at her store and gets a new pair of shoes she really wants and then goes home and gives mom 20 mil for looking after her little kid. She calls up her best amiga and tells her she had a good score and they go out drinking. Maybe some guys buy them drinks but most likely not because local men are as cheap as a lot of the mongerers on here. So a little tipsy she finally goes home. She wakes up and looks in her wallet and there it is 12 mil and 300 pesos. And it starts all over again just like yesterday. Oh and if our visiting extranjero paid her 250 mil + taxi? She just bought the shoes and a pair of designer pants she wants, gives her mother 30 mil for baby sitting and household expenses and invites her best 2 amigas to go out dancing and drinking. Same result in the morning 12 mil 300 pesos. Did the guy who overpaid ruin the market? I don't think so.

Are all girls like this? Maybe not all but certainly most. BTW she doesn't write any notes on the guys she sees so she won't remember what you paid her but she will remember the guys who give her extra money. She likes them. So do I f* it up for you? Maybe, the next time you make a date and she doesn't show or cancels, it might be because someone else offered her a little more and she canceled you to be with him. Happens all the time.

I'm not saying to throw your money around (that can cause you problems in a different direction) but the premise that it screws up the marketplace is laughable..

Member #4665
10-13-20, 21:13
Did you see the news story of Jenni Lee The famous porn star living homeless in Las Vegas. It's true a lot of people just don't have the discipline to save money.

Way up north My friend has an escort friend girl that's been working for years and people think these girls are loaded. After getting to know her Very well one day she revealed she had practically no savings. No security, no other job no nothing.Like a Rolling Stone.

nearly 70 percent of Americans have less than $1,000 stashed away. this is why some girls upcharge foreigner s?

10-13-20, 21:50
How do you seek out these girls. Is there a search group? This is the only area I am not versed on. I did get with one. But most girls friend list is private. At least that's what I experience..I want to know too. I have only used SA at the moment.

10-13-20, 22:04
That's too simplistic a view of the market. The price isn't controlled entirely entirely by people buying pics and videos. But to say that it doesn't have any effect is not very smart. You can have the prices stay the same but still have an upward pressure on prices due to other factors pushing prices down. You can also have prices stay the same but the product shifts underneath. Meaning sure you can find girls for 150 k and 200 k but they're not the same caliber of girls that used to be available at that price.

If you're buying pics and videos off the internet and are happy with it that's great, but it definitely does affect prices.

Those were the days, less gringos in parque lleras but everything overall more expensive. I'm not sure how long 3800 is going to last, but lets enjoy it while it does..Sure, there's going to be a effect on the market, but it's far from significant. For every girl I see selling pics and videos, I see a girl who now has an online store. They're selling everything from ice cream to butt plugs. I know one, who I met through another prepago, who was selling videos. She got into the habit of making surprise video calls to me whenever her boyfriend was out of the house. I couldn't even message her because he would get violent if he was around. She would just occasionally message me and ask for $10-$20 for the 5 or 6 video calls she had already made.

Finally she broke up with him and got her own place. She now has a drink cart she runs in the park in Bello at night, plus an online store selling lingerie, plus an online store selling sex toys and she's still selling her pussy and probably videos as well. Once she started asking me for advice on various things, she stopped asking for money, but she still sends little video clips or hits me with a video call.

Maybe her price has gone up. I haven't asked. But I bet I will be in for 200k or less when I hit town.

If you're into that sort of thing, she's one of the few younger chicas I've seen with a full Bush. Big tits, pretty face. If you're in town and interested I will pass along her contact info. Better get her before I get there, because I will have her shave that Bush off.

10-13-20, 22:30
A month ago a want to be WebCam girl message my friend. He went to her Virtual room that shee was just starting out and she had a huge sign saying it was Her birthday and was asking viewers for money and gifts. Her birthday. Suuure. A month later she message my friend again she Explained at the beginning of the month she didn't have Internet so she stayed Somewhere That provided her with Internet and now she owed the tenant rent money. Of course she made nothing from her WebCam photos nor videos. Not even enough to pay thee rent. She kept telling myFriend that she was going to resort to escorting to pay her rent and Internet bill.

SoJudging by this story I suppose practically all web cam girls are broke and just like this online YouTube video business only a very few percentage of performers are actually making excessive amounts of money and then the next percentage is living below the poverty line and after that practically nobody makes anything. This web cam stuff is just the side hustle at least for most girls. If theey get lucky maybe they make some beer money.

Concerning the other post talking about leftover food at restaurants. I never really understood that because I always take all my leftover food in the restaurant home and Eat it later the same day or the following day. I just can't understand why anybody would leave food on the plate. Maybe to help out the homeboys opening the bags at the end of the day?That's a fairly small sample size to draw conclusions from. I remember meeting a guy 30 years ago, he had just signed up to play minor league baseball (brother of a friend's wife). 6 months later he was asking his brother-in-law to help get him a job as a carpenter. Therefore nobody ever makes money playing professional baseball.

Just like most things, most webcam models fail. They fail because there are a bunch of guys who think they can put a girl on webcam and she'll make lots of money for them. It takes 6 to 8 weeks of 40 hour weeks before a model starts making any money. I can't guess at the number of women I've told this to. Every one, after 3 days wants to quit.

If they stick it out for 8 weeks, 75% will eventually be earning at least a middle class income working 30 hours weekly or less.

I was just chatting with my old roommate yesterday. She's been on webcam for 4 years. She now lives in a first world country, is working on her second advanced degree and is planning on buying herself an apartment back in Colombia next year. She will be paying cash. She travels when and where she wants, has a lot of money saved and is easily making a 6 figure US income.

I know of a few hookers who have been successful on webcam, but most lack the work ethic. I also know a few who were making a good living on webcam who gave it up and went back to hooking.

10-13-20, 23:21
You think you are so smart Mr. E but you do not even get the concept of investing in women. You think spending money on women is purely a cost, and the reality is that I am getting way better than you and for waaaay cheaper. The funny part is I think there is a part of you that knows it too.There's no need to cover all the rest. Here's my question for you and everyone else:

How is what you are getting better than what anyone else is getting?

This applies to anything in life, not just pussy. You can be eating at a 3 star Michelin restaurant, a meal in which the chef outdid himself. I could be sitting at home eating ribs cooked by my brother, who thinks Michelin makes tires. Which one of us enjoyed our experience more?

Read the forum. You have guys talking about how great their experiences were, with all different types of girls in different types of situations. Which one is best? Guys are staying at all types of places, from $15 a night to $500 a night and beyond. Guys are riding around in limos and guys are riding the metro. How do you compare your experience to another's experience?

The honest answer is, you can't. I can't. Nobody can.

The experiences you are having are your experiences. They are not better than anyone else's experiences. The girls you are fucking are the girls you are fucking. They are not better than the girls anyone else is fucking.

The food you're eating, bed you sleep in, toilet paper you use can't be compared to how they make anyone else's ass feel.

10-13-20, 23:23
I know you will not believe this, but trust me it is 100% true.

Earlier today I was talking with a girl, a university student from Medellin spending 1 year of study in my country (no, I do not fuck, I have my reputation and I pretend to be totally uninterested to girls from Medellin).

So we had a conversation starting with "how is situation in Medellin now?", then "are there tourists?", etc. She said that the President decided to reopen the country to tourists in spite of the terrible COVID situation, and people from USA are now coming, etc.

So I could not refrain to ask
- "Wow! Many gringos are used to go to Medellin? I remember I was seeing many around the city"
and she
. "Siii... Todos en Lleras..!".

I am a nasty guy, so I insisted "And also in Centro? How do you spot them??"
- "Siiii... muchos... se veen muchos caminando, todos estan con pantalones cortos!"

When I heard this I wanted to rush to the computer. I could not wait longer to write this here.I've seen younger Colombian guys wearing shorts. Not often. But someone 45 or older? Very rare, except for gringos.

10-13-20, 23:47
Don't take offense. He just gets overly dramatic about anything he can. Its just his style. The best thing about the board is that you can see how other people monger and do their thing. Whether or not you follow their lead is up to you.Not overly dramatic, it's a simple tool of logic. You apply the same premise to relatable situations in order to illustrate the fallacy.

The original fallacy was that paying for something, when something similar is free indicates a person has almost no self-esteem.

On the surface, most people should recognize how silly that is. However, this is ISG and for some reason there are a lot of members who can't manage basic math, let alone understand semantics.

Which means it's necessary to go to extremes to illustrate a point here.

Whether or not you pay for something, or how much you pay is no indication of your self-esteem.

Blakman spends much less than Slapshot. Slapshot spends much less than SJobs. Who has the highest self-esteem?

Last year in Medellin, I stayed in a great 3 bedroom apartment, 10 days, for free. What does that tell you about my self-esteem? A month ago I sent a girl $20 for 3 minutes of badly lit video shot with a cheap phone. 5 minute ago A much better looking girl sent me 3 minutes of video, with excellent lighting, shot with her iPhone X, completely free. Did my self-esteem change?

If the logic confuses you, your local university offers courses.

10-13-20, 23:48
Nov 2018 I went to Moscow for my bday, I had never tried SA before, well Moscow is a very tough town to monger, so I thought I would try SA within 1-2 hours a few girls including an African sent me messages.

I asked how much most said either $1500 or $2000 for 2 hrs, I laughed and responded OK, 2000 or 1500 rubles, they immediately blocked me, 2 or 3 hrs later I was blocked from SA.

Someone must of reported me, and SA kicked me off and gave me a refund.I always have this image that Russian cam girls are sex slaves to the Russian Mafia. When a cam model she says she is from Moscow or the Ukraine (whether or not she is telling the truth, who knows) I always get the feeling there is big, burly, Russian Mafia guy in the Room hovering nearby, ready to hit her with a rubber hose, even typing the answers for her. When her hands don't move near a keyboard but there are replies on the screen, someone is typing, jaja. Could be my mind playing tricks because I axed a Russian girl one time who was in the Room with her and she flashed the camera around the entire room, and she was alone, jajaja.

10-14-20, 00:06
Too many facebook chicas in need of money at the moment. I don't have enough time for them. I mostly ignore them. Had one over here yesterday. Young 22 year old paisa in need of some cash. Gave her 100 k + 20 k taxi.I just got a girl that accepts 350 k cop for overnight. Is that a good deal?

Gringo Trooper
10-14-20, 02:04
I've seen younger Colombian guys wearing shorts. Not often. But someone 45 or older? Very rare, except for gringos.I love how far down the rabbit hole we have all gone regarding shorts.

I'm going to buy a new pair of shorts, specially to wear for my trip to MDE in a couple months. I will wear them the entire trip, except when going to nightclubs (as they will likely require pants for admittance).

10-14-20, 02:12
I just got a girl that accepts 350 k cop for overnight. Is that a good deal?For you? No, not at all. I suggest a short-time visit (1-2 hours for 150 k-200 k) first to see how she is. If she's good and you get along, then do an overnight. That way if she's lousy, you limit your losses in both time and money.

If you haven't been with this chica before, there's a roughly 50% chance that she looks at her phone at 1 or 2 AM and says there's an emergency and that she has to leave. Which makes it a fantastic deal for her.

10-14-20, 02:35
I agree that it is better to try her out first. That said, I'm not a big TLN guy. I like my sleep. And when I do TLN, I do it with my chicas who are not being paid. If you have the ability to fuck multiple times during the night, then this may make sense for you. Bang her before you go to sleep, during the night, and first thing in the morning. But be clear she's up for that. And that she knows you might wake her up in the middle of the night for sex. Some girls think TLN is once before bed and once in the morning.

For you? No, not at all. I suggest a short-time visit (1-2 hours for 150 k-200 k) first to see how she is. If she's good and you get along, then do an overnight. That way if she's lousy, you limit your losses in both time and money.

If you haven't been with this chica before, there's a roughly 50% chance that she looks at her phone at 1 or 2 AM and says there's an emergency and that she has to leave. Which makes it a fantastic deal for her.

Member #4665
10-14-20, 02:43
- From life experience I think it's true to say most professional athletes will fail. Just like people in the music industry say you can be a great musician and they have made great music but they never received monetary compensation.

-So sure dream big, go play sports, try to make a record, but also focus on the jobs that you can take in that industry that can sustain your lifetime for example can you be a coach and assistant can you get involved in the business of sport?

The 1st lesson in business is 90% of all startups fail. Learn this fact in a book or university. Therefore it could be fair to say without researching that perhaps only 10% of WebCam girls will make a meaningful income, and it's probably even less because that is usually how life is.

So to say WebCam girls will make Middle-class income buy houses and pay for university sound Unlikely. Some advice for a WebCam girl would be find the a profession with opportunities for growth where you can work and grind it out for lifetime. And then 3 nights a week try to get the web cam thing going, but you should know that statistically speaking you probably won't make more than a little bit for beer money.

10-14-20, 02:54
I just got a girl that accepts 350 k cop for overnight. Is that a good deal?Take the advice of the other members of the board. Do not take a girl you've never met for TLN. Whether 350 k is a good deal, depends on you and the girl. Do you like spending tiime with her? Is she really good looking?

Theres a lot of things that can go wrong if you've never met the girl before. You don't know her or what she's like. Even with pictures, you don't know if she's put on some weight since the pictures or she wears tons of makeup. Maybe she's really bitchy. Or your personalities clash, theres just too much chance to plop down the extra money for TLN for a first meet. Tell you what. Invite her over for a couple of hours at say 150 k. And have session and if you guys hit it off, tell her to stay for the rest of the night for an additional 150 k or whatever numbers make sense for you. Easier to extend a session than it is to cut a session short. If you cut you're TLN session short just because you aren't feeling it, she's still going to expect the 350 k.

10-14-20, 03:01
Sure, there's going to be a effect on the market, but it's far from significant. For every girl I see selling pics and videos, I see a girl who now has an online store. They're selling everything from ice cream to butt plugs. I know one, who I met through another prepago, who was selling videos. She got into the habit of making surprise video calls to me whenever her boyfriend was out of the house. I couldn't even message her because he would get violent if he was around. She would just occasionally message me and ask for $10-$20 for the 5 or 6 video calls she had already made.

Finally she broke up with him and got her own place. She now has a drink cart she runs in the park in Bello at night, plus an online store selling lingerie, plus an online store selling sex toys and she's still selling her pussy and probably videos as well. Once she started asking me for advice on various things, she stopped asking for money, but she still sends little video clips or hits me with a video call.

Maybe her price has gone up. I haven't asked. But I bet I will be in for 200k or less when I hit town.

If you're into that sort of thing, she's one of the few younger chicas I've seen with a full Bush. Big tits, pretty face. If you're in town and interested I will pass along her contact info. Better get her before I get there, because I will have her shave that Bush off.Thats the one thing I'm NOT into. Hairy bushes. I prefer my girls hairless. I'm used to asian chicas with smooth skin and much less hair than their colombian counterparts. In one of my other posts I mentioned there was one chica in santa fe I tried to session with and the hair on her lower back completely ruined doggie style as well as the whole experience for me. Once of the few sessions I couldn't finish in.

10-14-20, 03:03
Take the advice of the other members of the board. Do not take a girl you've never met for TLN. Whether 350 k is a good deal, depends on you and the girl. Do you like spending tiime with her? Is she really good looking?

Theres a lot of things that can go wrong if you've never met the girl before. You don't know her or what she's like. Even with pictures, you don't know if she's put on some weight since the pictures or she wears tons of makeup. Maybe she's really bitchy. Or your personalities clash, theres just too much chance to plop down the extra money for TLN for a first meet. Tell you what. Invite her over for a couple of hours at say 150 k. And have session and if you guys hit it off, tell her to stay for the rest of the night for an additional 150 k or whatever numbers make sense for you. Easier to extend a session than it is to cut a session short. If you cut you're TLN session short just because you aren't feeling it, she's still going to expect the 350 k.Great tip, I was never a fan with Todo Noche, even if I liked the girl. Jaja not because of the money either. I like to sleep alone, fart if I want and SSS in the morning when I'm ready. When I first got into this hobby years ago A wise old monger once told me, "you pay them to leave" good advice.

Member #4665
10-14-20, 03:04
I just got a girl that accepts 350 k cop for overnight. Is that a good deal?Don't do this it sounds dangerous. Only have an overnight with a girl that has a long thread of positive reviews from her clients. After reading her performance reviews you will feel she's an honest hard worker. What if she is a criminal and does something to you while you're sleeping.

10-14-20, 03:19
Not overly dramatic, it's a simple tool of logic. You apply the same premise to relatable situations in order to illustrate the fallacy.

The original fallacy was that paying for something, when something similar is free indicates a person has almost no self-esteem.

On the surface, most people should recognize how silly that is. However, this is ISG and for some reason there are a lot of members who can't manage basic math, let alone understand semantics.

Which means it's necessary to go to extremes to illustrate a point here.

Whether or not you pay for something, or how much you pay is no indication of your self-esteem.

Blakman spends much less than Slapshot. Slapshot spends much less than SJobs. Who has the highest self-esteem?.I cannot say whom it is that has the highest but I believe it is safe to say we all know whom it is with the lowest, he writes like he is trying to impress strangers on the internets.

Whether or not his exploits are fiction or not I do not know, but people with low self-esteem try very hard to convince themselves and others they really aren't inferior.

I saw many guys in Moscow strip clubs with Armani suits you won't see me buying, yes I would say they have low self esteem.

If I had the money they had you would never see me in Scs throwing money around trying to impress putas and men you will never see again.

10-14-20, 03:22
How do you seek out these girls. Is there a search group? This is the only area I am not versed on. I did get with one. But most girls friend list is private. At least that's what I experience.

.No there is no group that you need to sign up for. What you need is an IN to the network. Like you said some of the girls have a private friend list but not all. But you don't just look at a girls friends. You can also look at a girls followers. Just keep going around until you find 1 person that has an open friend list. Once you have one person that lives in medellin with an open friend list you're in. It doesn't really have to be a girl. It can also be a guy. Make sure the person is listed as living in medellin. Then you go to his friend list and click "Current City", that gives you all of his friends that also live in medellin. Start adding all the slutty girls that you see in the list, but also keep a lookout for rando guys in the list that have open friend lists that you can come back to after you finish with the current list. Also keep a lookout for girls with open friends list. The important thing is that all these people are all in medellin. Eventually you'll have enough friends in the network that you'll start seeing some people with a decent amount of mutual friends. These are gold. Make sure you check if they have open friend lists. And repeat the same process over and over again until you have a decent amount of medellin chica friends. Eventually you can stop mining friend lists and just work through the people that facebook suggests you add.

One thing to keep in mind, you'll probably have a better rate of acceptance if you actually have a facebook profile with stuff in it. Pictures. Posts. Etc. I hate friend requests from people with rando images as their profile pics who haven't posted anything ever.

Good luck and have fun. Never give up! Never surrender!

10-14-20, 03:32
Too many facebook chicas in need of money at the moment. I don't have enough time for them. I mostly ignore them. Had one over here yesterday. Young 22 year old paisa in need of some cash. Gave her 100 k + 20 k taxi.Just wanted to add, that during negociations this same chica asked me if I would pay for her taxi. I asked where do you live and how much it would be. She told me she lived in Castilla and said it would be 20 k each way. I looked up Castilla in google maps and then sent her a screen shot of a Cabify quote saying it would be less than 9 k for a ride to castilla. I said I would give her 20 k taxi total. She said "Okay, when should I come over?

Keep in mind also that after the session finished I did indeed give her 20 k and also walked her to the metro. This taxi bullshit is just another way to get money out of you. LOL. Generally she was pretty cool and it was a good session. So I wasn't upset or anything. I found it funny more than anything.

10-14-20, 03:35
Not overly dramatic, it's a simple tool of logic. You apply the same premise to relatable situations in order to illustrate the fallacy.

The original fallacy was that paying for something, when something similar is free indicates a person has almost no self-esteem.

On the surface, most people should recognize how silly that is. However, this is ISG and for some reason there are a lot of members who can't manage basic math, let alone understand semantics.

Which means it's necessary to go to extremes to illustrate a point here.

Whether or not you pay for something, or how much you pay is no indication of your self-esteem.

Blakman spends much less than Slapshot. Slapshot spends much less than SJobs. Who has the highest self-esteem?.Your attempts at sophistry make me embarrassed for you, the way you buy photo and video, please tell me you aren't also one of those people that paid for an online from China?

10-14-20, 03:41
I just got a girl that accepts 350 k cop for overnight. Is that a good deal?Is it a good deal, where did you find this girl. Irrespective of whether you have any history with this girl, if she comes off the streets of El Centro then it's not a good deal.

10-14-20, 03:48
Don't do this it sounds dangerous. Only have an overnight with a girl that has a long thread of positive reviews from her clients. After reading her performance reviews you will feel she's an honest hard worker. What if she is a criminal and does something to you while you're sleeping.What threads are you referring that has reviews of girls performance in Medellin, this is Colombia, and things are different here than you may be used to in other Countries.

10-14-20, 04:02
Take the advice of the other members of the board. Do not take a girl you've never met for TLN. Whether 350 k is a good deal, depends on you and the girl. Do you like spending tiime with her? Is she really good looking?

Theres a lot of things that can go wrong if you've never met the girl before. You don't know her or what she's like. Even with pictures, you don't know if she's put on some weight since the pictures or she wears tons of makeup. Maybe she's really bitchy. Or your personalities clash, theres just too much chance to plop down the extra money for TLN for a first meet. Tell you what. Invite her over for a couple of hours at say 150 k. And have session and if you guys hit it off, tell her to stay for the rest of the night for an additional 150 k or whatever numbers make sense for you. Easier to extend a session than it is to cut a session short. If you cut you're TLN session short just because you aren't feeling it, she's still going to expect the 350 k.Not to mention, what if her pussy stinks? This happens now and then, no matter how beautiful or ugly the chica may be. Kazeu said it perfectly "Easier to extend a session that it is to cut a session short. ".

10-14-20, 04:22
Hello everyone,

Has anyone flown back to NYC from ME recently?

If so, have you been required to quarantine?

When I came back from Europe a month ago, that took my cell number and kept calling me from tracing corps, but I didn't answer, they just left messages that I should quarantine.

Peace out.

10-14-20, 04:39
There's no need to cover all the rest. Here's my question for you and everyone else:

How is what you are getting better than what anyone else is getting?

This applies to anything in life, not just pussy. You can be eating at a 3 star Michelin restaurant, a meal in which the chef outdid himself. I could be sitting at home eating ribs cooked by my brother, who thinks Michelin makes tires. Which one of us enjoyed our experience more?

Read the forum. You have guys talking about how great their experiences were, with all different types of girls in different types of situations. Which one is best? Guys are staying at all types of places, from $15 a night to $500 a night and beyond. Guys are riding around in limos and guys are riding the metro. How do you compare your experience to another's experience?

The honest answer is, you can't. I can't. Nobody can.

The experiences you are having are your experiences. They are not better than anyone else's experiences. The girls you are fucking are the girls you are fucking. They are not better than the girls anyone else is fucking.

The food you're eating, bed you sleep in, toilet paper you use can't be compared to how they make anyone else's ass feel.Certain things are objectively better than others. Charmin ultra soft is better than dollar store single ply. A steak at Morton's is better than Denny's. 15 hours in first class is better than 15 hours in coach. JW Marriott is better than Motel 3. Winter in Hawaii is better than winter in the Gulag in Siberia. Field passes to a football game are better than watching on a 19" black and white tv. Going to prom in a limo is better than going to prom with your date's dad as your driver and chaperone. Fucking a nympho 10 is better than fucking a 0. Fucking a girl is better than getting fucked by a guy (this one may be subjective).

But how happy each person wants to be is up to them. Would you be happier in coach or first class? Probably first class but it's your choice whether to be happy or happier or happiest. It's like the survey you get after eating or staying somewhere. Were you happy with your visit? What could we have done to improve your visit? Your experience could have been better but that doesn't mean you weren't already happy.

10-14-20, 05:44
Take the advice of the other members of the board. Do not take a girl you've never met for TLN. Whether 350 k is a good deal, depends on you and the girl. Do you like spending tiime with her? Is she really good looking?

Theres a lot of things that can go wrong if you've never met the girl before. You don't know her or what she's like. Even with pictures, you don't know if she's put on some weight since the pictures or she wears tons of makeup. Maybe she's really bitchy. Or your personalities clash, theres just too much chance to plop down the extra money for TLN for a first meet. Tell you what. Invite her over for a couple of hours at say 150 k. And have session and if you guys hit it off, tell her to stay for the rest of the night for an additional 150 k or whatever numbers make sense for you. Easier to extend a session than it is to cut a session short. If you cut you're TLN session short just because you aren't feeling it, she's still going to expect the 350 k.I learned my lessons with TLNs. They are incredibly boring. We fucked / fooled around for two hours. I'm satisfied already. So we just lay around on our phones. I go to sleep and we fuck again in the morning which I am not in to because I like to take my mornings slow. I payed 300 mil for that. Never again. I don't speak spanish so I can't really converse with them and even if I could I don't think the conversations would be that entertaining. I'm even questioning my 2 hours deal because I leche twice in an hour and I just tell them to leave. I think I'm going to go with "150 mil mas taxi por dos leches" from now on.

10-14-20, 06:59
How do you seek out these girls. Is there a search group? This is the only area I am not versed on. I did get with one. But most girls friend list is private. At least that's what I experience..Go to the General thread search for "Facebook" and look for a post by me. I explain the process fully.

10-14-20, 07:08
Did you see the news story of Jenni Lee The famous porn star living homeless in Las Vegas. It's true a lot of people just don't have the discipline to save money.

Way up north My friend has an escort friend girl that's been working for years and people think these girls are loaded. After getting to know her Very well one day she revealed she had practically no savings. No security, no other job no nothing.Like a Rolling Stone.

nearly 70 percent of Americans have less than $1,000 stashed away. this is why some girls upcharge foreigner s?It's a lifestyle issue. Get to know some strippers. Even though a decent stripper can pull $3 k per week, most are always broke. As soon as one has a good night she goes out and blows it. Webcam, stripping, hooking, selling videos (RIP), are all instant gratification jobs.

10-14-20, 07:13
I always have this image that Russian cam girls are sex slaves to the Russian Mafia. When a cam model she says she is from Moscow or the Ukraine (whether or not she is telling the truth, who knows) I always get the feeling there is big, burly, Russian Mafia guy in the Room hovering nearby, ready to hit her with a rubber hose, even typing the answers for her. When her hands don't move near a keyboard but there are replies on the screen, someone is typing, jaja. Could be my mind playing tricks because I axed a Russian girl one time who was in the Room with her and she flashed the camera around the entire room, and she was alone, jajaja.The mafia guy is only in the room virtually. He uses a back office program to view and control her computer.

10-14-20, 07:46
- From life experience I think it's true to say most professional athletes will fail. Just like people in the music industry say you can be a great musician and they have made great music but they never received monetary compensation.

-So sure dream big, go play sports, try to make a record, but also focus on the jobs that you can take in that industry that can sustain your lifetime for example can you be a coach and assistant can you get involved in the business of sport?

The 1st lesson in business is 90% of all startups fail. Learn this fact in a book or university. Therefore it could be fair to say without researching that perhaps only 10% of WebCam girls will make a meaningful income, and it's probably even less because that is usually how life is.

So to say WebCam girls will make Middle-class income buy houses and pay for university sound Unlikely. Some advice for a WebCam girl would be find the a profession with opportunities for growth where you can work and grind it out for lifetime. And then 3 nights a week try to get the web cam thing going, but you should know that statistically speaking you probably won't make more than a little bit for beer money.I understand it seems that way to you, and there is much truth in what you say. However, there are significant differences.

Startup businesses fail by the quarter: 3, 6, 9 or 12 months and they close the doors. In many cases it's because they expected quicker success. If they had planned and budgeted to lose money for 12-18 months, many failures would succeed.

Webcam models tend to walk away within the first 30 days, because they expect immediate success. I can't think of any model who stuck it out for 8 weeks who failed to earn at least $50 per day, which is a comfortable living in Colombia.

I say that webcam models can do these things, because I know several who have. It's what I did for a year in Medellin, worked with webcam models. I don't say this stuff because I have 1 friend who once talked to a webcam model.

One model was renting 3, 3 bedroom apartments in Poblado. One up by El Tesoro, where she lived, 1 just north of Envigado where my roommate and I lived, (rent free) and 1 at Ciudad del Rio, which was used as a studio. Combined rent and utilities over 7 million COP monthly. She paid for this from her income and her share of my roommate's earnings. At the time my roommate was saving at least 4 million COP each month.

Will everyone reach that level? Of course not, but an income of 2-3 million COP is within reach of almost every one who sticks it out.

10-14-20, 09:40
Certain things are objectively better than others. Charmin ultra soft is better than dollar store single ply. A steak at Morton's is better than Denny's. 15 hours in first class is better than 15 hours in coach. JW Marriott is better than Motel 3. Winter in Hawaii is better than winter in the Gulag in Siberia. Field passes to a football game are better than watching on a 19" black and white tv. Going to prom in a limo is better than going to prom with your date's dad as your driver and chaperone. Fucking a nympho 10 is better than fucking a 0. Fucking a girl is better than getting fucked by a guy (this one may be subjective).

But how happy each person wants to be is up to them. Would you be happier in coach or first class? Probably first class but it's your choice whether to be happy or happier or happiest. It's like the survey you get after eating or staying somewhere. Were you happy with your visit? What could we have done to improve your visit? Your experience could have been better but that doesn't mean you weren't already happy.Only 1 thing you listed is objective, except you introduced a false equivalence. A vacation is objectively better than a prison sentence, but a vacation in Hawaii is not equivalent to a prison sentence in Siberia.

A steak at Morton's isn't better to a vegan. First class isn't better to someone who values price over comfort. The rating of 0 to 10 is subjective. Sex with a Nympho is nor objectively better. Not when, after barebacking her she tells you she barebacked 3 strangers today. And you went down on her.

However, you missed the point. How do you compare subjective experiences between 2 people? Did you enjoy your steak at Morton's more than the vegan enjoyed her favorite meal at her favorite restaurant?

10-14-20, 14:27
I learned my lessons with TLNs. They are incredibly boring. We fucked / fooled around for two hours. I'm satisfied already. So we just lay around on our phones. I go to sleep and we fuck again in the morning which I am not in to because I like to take my mornings slow. I payed 300 mil for that. Never again. I don't speak spanish so I can't really converse with them and even if I could I don't think the conversations would be that entertaining. I'm even questioning my 2 hours deal because I leche twice in an hour and I just tell them to leave. I think I'm going to go with "150 mil mas taxi por dos leches" from now on.Well you learned an important lesson. TLN (Toda la noche) can be fun but can be an ultimately boring encounter. You don't speak Spanish, you don't have a friendship with the girl, what you effectively did was pay for two single sessions with the girl (the evening and the morning) and you got to feel her warm little body in your bed during the night. You certainly aren't out anything. A single session 150 + taxis vs 300 + taxis so you spent an extra 40 bucks at the current exchange rates and you learned that TLN isn't really for you.

I wish all my learning experiences in life had only cost me 40 dollars.

10-14-20, 14:44
I just got a girl that accepts 350 k cop for overnight. Is that a good deal?Seriously? You're so hot for an overnight that you're going to do it with a girl you don't know and have never met? Good luck.

You might consider the advice from numerous other people in the thread. Never, never arrange a todo la noche with a girl you haven't seen before and don't know.

When you're asleep in the night are you sure she won't go through your things and maybe steal your cash as leave? Or help herself to your cell phone and other things?

The least important consideration is the money. 300, 350, 400, 500 mil you're talking about roughly $55 dollars between the bottom end and the top end. I personally.

Feel my safety, comfort, peace of mind is worth a heck of a lot more than that.

10-14-20, 15:23
Just wanted to add, that during negociations this same chica asked me if I would pay for her taxi. I asked where do you live and how much it would be. She told me she lived in Castilla and said it would be 20 k each way. I looked up Castilla in google maps and then sent her a screen shot of a Cabify quote saying it would be less than 9 k for a ride to castilla. I said I would give her 20 k taxi total. She said "Okay, when should I come over?

Keep in mind also that after the session finished I did indeed give her 20 k and also walked her to the metro. This taxi bullshit is just another way to get money out of you. LOL. Generally she was pretty cool and it was a good session. So I wasn't upset or anything. I found it funny more than anything.Really? You bust on this girl for trying to get roughly $6 instead of $3 for taxi? Better to pick your wars. If she's trying to con you into 600 K for a session when 200 K is a good day for her, that's one thing but come on man 3 bucks? Jajaj I have a favorite I sneak in, every other trip when my girl was in class. I would give her 20 K for the taxi and one day I followed her down stairs to give her a tube of VS lotion she forgot and I saw her running down the street to catch the bus. To her the 20 k was more valuable to her than the luxury of a taxi. I never said anything and I totally understand where she was coming from. She's a good kid, we have never even talked about how much or how long before or after, she just is happy with what I give her. Usually 200 + 20 for taxi. And she gives 100% every time I see her. My time with her is so hot she could probably get double from a lot of you guys because she's that good. I'll give her a gift from time to time but I don't change our price structure.

Elvis 2008
10-14-20, 15:46
I learned my lessons with TLNs. They are incredibly boring. We fucked / fooled around for two hours. I'm satisfied already. So we just lay around on our phones. I go to sleep and we fuck again in the morning which I am not in to because I like to take my mornings slow. I payed 300 mil for that. Never again. I don't speak spanish so I can't really converse with them and even if I could I don't think the conversations would be that entertaining. I'm even questioning my 2 hours deal because I leche twice in an hour and I just tell them to leave. I think I'm going to go with "150 mil mas taxi por dos leches" from now on.One of the reasons I went the sugar route is how stupidly expensive vacations and TLN were in the sex prison, but there are really only three reasons to do TLN. For me, the most common one is the environment. Everybody focuses on the women but fucking someone in a crowded, uncomfortable strip club or a gym mat or massage table makes for a far less enjoyable experience. Like you said though, two hours in a hotel is probably equivalent to TLN in most cases.

The second is if you really like the woman's company beyond sex. Holding someone you like all night, spooning with them, seeing them first thing in the morning, the morning BJ can be great, but even if the woman is a working girl not a SB, you probably want to reserve this for a woman you have seen before and like. I get that for most guys Colombia is a rush to fuck as much strange as possible. Though the temptation for new is always great, if you have a great session with one gal, you probably are better off doing a repeat or considering a TLN.

The third reason is this is the most rare but what guys are hoping for, the prostitute nympho where you fuck all night. I can recall only a few times in my life this happening. The first requirement is you. Can you fuck all night? I am not even just talking about from a stamina point of view but from a hardness / lack of sleep point of view. The second requirement is a full fledged nympho that wants to fuck all night, and her mind has to be there as well. It is great when the stars align and this happens, but for me, this has been a once in a decade occurrence and in all the cases, it was not planned.

10-14-20, 15:51
Really? You bust on this girl for trying to get roughly $6 instead of $3 for taxi? Better to pick your wars. If she's trying to con you into 600 K for a session when 200 K is a good day for her, that's one thing but come on man 3 bucks? Jajaj I have a favorite I sneak in, every other trip when my girl was in class. I would give her 20 K for the taxi and one day I followed her down stairs to give her a tube of VS lotion she forgot and I saw her running down the street to catch the bus. To her the 20 k was more valuable to her than the luxury of a taxi. I never said anything and I totally understand where she was coming from. She's a good kid, we have never even talked about how much or how long before or after, she just is happy with what I give her. Usually 200 + 20 for taxi. And she gives 100% every time I see her. My time with her is so hot she could probably get double from a lot of you guys because she's that good. I'll give her a gift from time to time but I don't change our price structure.I respect every single word you said. I have my favorite that is incredible. Drop dead gorgeous, if not for some hideous tattoos she could easily be a top end model, and she is a hellcat in bed. I pay her above the normal rate but unlike comments from others here, she goes way overboard to make sure I have the time of my life.

Mr Enternational
10-14-20, 18:24
If you really don't care that much about 3 dollars vs 6 dollars, I got a venmo account for you to send me 6 dollars for all of my girls taxis.Why is it always ONLY $3 that you should give away but never ONLY $3 that the girl should forgo? Of the hundreds of chicks that I have talked down on price I have never experienced one of them to be sad or to give bad service because of it. And I have never seen 1 report on this phenomenon either. I have only seen people warn of it. Fair exchange is never a robbery, so why do some take it as the girl being robbed when she agreed to a fair exchange less than her original asking price?

10-14-20, 19:08
I take back what I said about Davivienda if you are using a schwab card. I made 3 attempts to withdraw cash using a Schwab ATM card from 2 separate Davivienda ATM machines. I never recieved any cash from any of these attempts. 1 attempt was blocked by Schwab but the other 2 withdrawal attempts reported "Transaccion con problemas. Intente luego. " and no cash was dispensed. I called schwab today to get my card sorted out and they informed me that the 2 transactions that were not blocked by them actually went through and cash was removed from my account even though I did not receive any cash. So now they are helping me dispute the transactions. There is something definitely wrong with the interaction between schwab and Davivienda at the moment. I recommend that you do not use these ATM's with Schwab cards. Also don't forget to keep your ATM receipts!

I did successfully use their atm with a different card.

10-14-20, 19:47
I take back what I said about Davivienda if you are using a schwab card. I made 3 attempts to withdraw cash using a Schwab ATM card from 2 separate Davivienda ATM machines. I never recieved any cash from any of these attempts. 1 attempt was blocked by Schwab but the other 2 withdrawal attempts reported "Transaccion con problemas. Intente luego. " and no cash was dispensed. I called schwab today to get my card sorted out and they informed me that the 2 transactions that were not blocked by them actually went through and cash was removed from my account even though I did not receive any cash. So now they are helping me dispute the transactions. There is something definitely wrong with the interaction between schwab and Davivienda at the moment. I recommend that you do not use these ATM's with Schwab cards. Also don't forget to keep your ATM receipts!

I did successfully use their atm with a different card.Yeah I tired davienda today for 300 mil and it said problem with the transaction. I hope it doesn't go through, I hate the dispute hassle. Happened twice with banco de cajo too. Bancolombia is my favorite right now. 600 mil and the 18 mil transaction fee doesn't matter because shwab reimburses those.

10-14-20, 19:55
On the topic of todo la noche vs todo la leche, I am firmly in the strongly satisfying 1-2 HR session camp. Its frankly better for all concerned. If you are clear in your head this is a puta and you are not mixing matters it makes sense. Safety, extortion, convenience etc are all in your favor with with Cita situation. If I go with TLN at all, it would be after multiple sessions, and if I were doing that, I probably rather do that on a short trip somewhere.

But I am sure there are other views and that is cool too.

10-14-20, 21:55
On the topic of todo la noche vs todo la leche, I am firmly in the strongly satisfying 1-2 HR session camp. Its frankly better for all concerned. If you are clear in your head this is a puta and you are not mixing matters it makes sense. Safety, extortion, convenience etc are all in your favor with with Cita situation. If I go with TLN at all, it would be after multiple sessions, and if I were doing that, I probably rather do that on a short trip somewhere.

But I am sure there are other views and that is cool too.I like TLN's with Chica's I have some history with, and of course they have to be all in. This means no rules nor quotas or schedules. So when I wake up with morning wood at 6 AM there's no pushback. For me, blowing a load after a good nights sleep seems to be more satisfying than any other time of day for me personally.

Maybe another way of looking at this is imagine when your horny and want to blow a load, instead of having to go on the hunt say in El Centro, go to a casa, or schedule a Cita with a Fayboo or Tinder Chica you don't have to go far nor wait. I know other guys can relate to this, where others just want Ratos.

It's all a matter of how you roll and there's no right or wrong as everyone is so different.

10-14-20, 22:48
Well I'm about 13 girls deep so far this trip all from Facebook and I've noticed a trend. The girls with the hotter more touched up pictures tend to be uglier. I just had a girl named Maria Camila Gonzalez and she was pretty hot in her pictures, but when she came I saw she was caked in make up, body wasnt nearly as nice. Saggy tits, smelly vagina. Did I still fill her up with my leche? Sure but it wasnt nearly as enjoyable as with other girls. In comparison girls who had normal, natural pictures that didn't paint paint them as some instagram models were much more beautiful. Has happened to me twice now. I think I might avoid the instagram girls.

10-14-20, 23:08
Amen. These girls have a lot of competition! And a lot to model after! I wonder if your Maria Camila Gonzalez is the same as the one I had. Probably not LOL. But based on your description. Could be. I actually told her to meet me in Llares park one night at a bar during Halloween. I was pulled left and right by so many to choose from. When she went to the bar I wasn't there more than 20 minutes before I opted out. Her pictures are good bait but in person she was nothing to look at with so many other chicas everywhere. Now if I see a chica online I like, I question my whole decision. She still hates me to this day as I've seen her out Bunches of times after. We lock eyes and then look away. She's not horrendous but definitely a let down. I paid for our drinks and said I'll contact you after I leave the bars tonight. She must have called 20 times starting at 2 am Through 4 am. Good thing I met her out first because I pulled a solid 9 in my book that night. My guy actually saw her on FB and invited her over. Same stinky box story. Too many coincidences.

Well I'm about 13 girls deep so far this trip all from Facebook and I've noticed a trend. The girls with the hotter more touched up pictures tend to be uglier. I just had a girl named Maria Camila Gonzalez and she was pretty hot in her pictures, but when she came I saw she was caked in make up, body wasnt nearly as nice. Saggy tits, smelly vagina. Did I still fill her up with my leche? Sure but it wasnt nearly as enjoyable as with other girls. In comparison girls who had normal, natural pictures that didn't paint paint them as some instagram models were much more beautiful. Has happened to me twice now. I think I might avoid the instagram girls.

10-14-20, 23:21
Well I'm about 13 girls deep so far this trip all from Facebook and I've noticed a trend. The girls with the hotter more touched up pictures tend to be uglier. I just had a girl named Maria Camila Gonzalez and she was pretty hot in her pictures, but when she came I saw she was caked in make up, body wasnt nearly as nice. Saggy tits, smelly vagina. Did I still fill her up with my leche? Sure but it wasnt nearly as enjoyable as with other girls. In comparison girls who had normal, natural pictures that didn't paint paint them as some instagram models were much more beautiful. Has happened to me twice now. I think I might avoid the instagram girls.Lots of fb girls are like this. There really isn't a fb girl that's higher than an 8 imo.

10-15-20, 01:25
For you? No, not at all. I suggest a short-time visit (1-2 hours for 150 k-200 k) first to see how she is. If she's good and you get along, then do an overnight. That way if she's lousy, you limit your losses in both time and money.

If you haven't been with this chica before, there's a roughly 50% chance that she looks at her phone at 1 or 2 AM and says there's an emergency and that she has to leave. Which makes it a fantastic deal for her.One of my mongering rules across 6 continents is always start with "short time" with a new girl. Never say never, but never commit to overnight or "long time" with a new girl up front until you've spent at least a couple of hours with her. I can't stand most new girls more than an hour or two. If she knocks your socks off, go from one hour, to two hours, then in Colombia after two hours usually comes overnight. Negotiate for all night after two hours and then kick her ass out the door early if you want. Always maintain control and set boundaries. The point is, after two hours you will be able to get all night for the same price she would charge you for the additional hour (s) so don't let her bleed you by the hour. Of course, pay at the end, in case she tries to run out on you.

Ninety percent of the time I get the overnight extension for 100 COP more (100.000) than what I paid up to that point. By the time you have paid the "going rate" for two hours, your girl has earned a week's average salary.

I still tip using my "motivation" rule (see my prior post), and throw in 20 for cab fare. If you want them to stay overnight after two hours, and they won't, don't sweat it or act desperate. Bring her back for the overnight a few days later or if she don't come back, she is probably doing you a favor. Don't ever get upset about not getting a certain girl. If you get upset by that shite, it means you don't have your head on straight for this kind of mongering. There are so many girls to choose from. Move on to the next and forget about the ones that fall short. Also, you will be amazed at the number of chicas who will circle back around for more on their own. Even if you fucked her face against the headboard so hard that her hips came off the bed while her legs were flailing in the air, and she left with tears in her eyes saying she will never see you again, jeje, she will be back for more.

10-15-20, 01:27
Now sangnyc, guys who penny pinch about a few dollars are never bitter towards the girls. At least I can speak for myself. I understand I am offering way less so a rejection is expected. My thought process is I am the prize not you. If you want me you accept what I offer. Now I give it to you that sometimes a penny pincher can over do it at times and miss out. But again the attitude I am not paying what is over your worth. Here is the most humorous part. The free spenders similar to elvis, sjobs. Firmly assume that the wealth they proclaim can control these girls and will be at there beckoning. It is these guys that become bitter and call these girls putas. When they discover the wealth meant nothing to these girls as they still rather be with there non income colombian novios LOL.
Sangnyc21 may not be talking about you, then you write something that fit his description, using two that some think are fictional characters. They don't give me that kind of impression you described, at least not yet. I remember Elvis also think like you that he is the prize.

Sometimes mongers pay more because they value their own time more so they are paying for their own time, not the girl's time. There is nothing wrong with willing to miss out like yourself and there is nothing wrong for mongers who have the means to overpay something they want.

Member #4665
10-15-20, 01:43
What threads are you referring that has reviews of girls performance in Medellin, this is Colombia, and things are different here than you may be used to in other Countries.For reviews of the girls in Colombia try the local forum DonColombia With Google translate or get recommendations from friends. In other countries, I definitely would feel uncomfortable with the girl sleeping over unless she had positive reviews. Anybody else know any other COP local forums?

10-15-20, 01:55
You ever notice its the same bitter people that insult others when they over pay or spend too much?

They don't offer a helpful message saying you should pay a certain amount but its always they're "fools" or "dumb".

People who travel on a budget can still be generous but what's mind boggling is some of you are truly bitter towards women in general and its pretty obvious.

I'm not going to call guys out but its hilarious some of you travel the world to get pussy and act like its an accomplishment that you paid less than others.

The fact that some of you guys haggle over literally pennies and nickels is disturbing.

They need the $$ more than you if you're willing to spend it on their bodies.

And some guys say they talk to girls and make fun of guys who overpay and the girls call them fools?

I guarantee you that girl would rather be with the fool than with your broke ass. This is all about money to them nothing more nothing less.

Wake up guys! We all have different budgets and different levels of income. Stop being so fuckin bitter and lets just use this board for info.The chicas are quite hostile with each other if they knew one accepted a lower rate, the FB ones often hold to their cartel rate. So for those arguing about info sharing and being generous, I think you are off base. Two board members who guide you well are Pollonegro in centro, and JJbee for the in apartment, Fb scene etc. I feel like many of the FB chicas have been to the mansion and get their rate from there. The mansion never seems to have issues finding willing chicas to hang around for those rates so clearly the demand supply dynamics are OK at that price point. Beyond that plenty subjectivity on either side.

One more point, those living or staying there long term definitely have a leg up. Especially if they also treat the Chicas well. Think about it, From her point of view, would a 250 k one and done dude serve her needs better on a risk adjusted total value basis, or one that sessions with her 120 k every week for 8-12 weeks? If you don't think that matters to them you are not analyzing the situation well. Heck I know of one that goes to a guys place in envigado, cleans his apartment for a couple hours, makes him a lunch and then fucks him all for 120mil per visit. With an arrangement like that, who needs a wife 😂. I was surprised when she told me she had been doing that for last couple years.
Girls will often come by later for less than the original agreed price if you explain it nicely, once they know and trust you. A bonus if they like fucking you. I have noticed zero correlation between price and performance, arguably to an extent it has been in reverse.

10-15-20, 02:13
For reviews of the girls in Colombia try the local forum DonColombia With Google translate or get recommendations from friends. In other countries, I definitely would feel uncomfortable with the girl sleeping over unless she had positive reviews. Anybody else know any other COP local forums?Well I visited the DonColombia website per your advice, and it was an eye opener with girls advertising prices for one hour as low as 40 K and others offering anal for 80 K (not my cup of tea). The site is almost like Craigslist's used to be in the USA. Of course I couldn't get any of the pages translated by Google but understand enough Spanish that I could navigate it and use it if I elected to. This is a very viable option for those with solid Spanish skills, and illustrates how others could be paying like the locals versus other platforms used by foreigners. As far as sleep overs, regardless of the reviews on a girl, I would never do it unless I had some previous experience with her as others have mentioned.

10-15-20, 02:26
The chicas are quite hostile with each other if they knew one accepted a lower rate, the FB ones often hold to their cartel rate. So for those arguing about info sharing and being generous, I think you are off base. Two board members who guide you well are Pollonegro in centro, and JJbee for the in apartment, Fb scene etc. I feel like many of the FB chicas have been to the mansion and get their rate from there. The mansion never seems to have issues finding willing chicas to hang around for those rates so clearly the demand supply dynamics are OK at that price point. Beyond that plenty subjectivity on either side.

One more point, those living or staying there long term definitely have a leg up. Especially if they also treat the Chicas well. Think about it, From her point of view, would a 250 k one and done dude serve her needs better on a risk adjusted total value basis, or one that sessions with her 120 k every week for 8-12 weeks? If you don't think that matters to them you are not analyzing the situation well. Heck I know of one that goes to a guys place in envigado, cleans his apartment for a couple hours, makes him a lunch and then fucks him all for 120mil per visit. With an arrangement like that, who needs a wife 😂. I was surprised when she told me she had been doing that for last couple years.
Girls will often come by later for less than the original agreed price if you explain it nicely, once they know and trust you. A bonus if they like fucking you. I have noticed zero correlation between price and performance, arguably to an extent it has been in reverse.But you're talking about a steady regular arrangement which is a different ball game.

Obviously the guaranteed money and less risk factor takes into play.

But how often do we see people insulting each other cause we go to places like Gustos or La Islas and pay top dollar to have a great night out. A lot of times guys are partying and too fucked up to even get it up but they'll pay 200-300 usd just to try LOL.

But it's their choice to do so. I think there's too much BS about whose better who got the better deal and bitterness when guys overpay for whatever reason.

I think the majority of the members on this board are here to gather info and tbh some people just love to trash others posts for the above mentioned reasons.

10-15-20, 02:37
Now sangnyc, guys who penny pinch about a few dollars are never bitter towards the girls. At least I can speak for myself. I understand I am offering way less so a rejection is expected. My thought process is I am the prize not you. If you want me you accept what I offer. Now I give it to you that sometimes a penny pincher can over do it at times and miss out. But again the attitude I am not paying what is over your worth. Here is the most humorous part. The free spenders similar to elvis, sjobs. Firmly assume that the wealth they proclaim can control these girls and will be at there beckoning. It is these guys that become bitter and call these girls putas. When they discover the wealth meant nothing to these girls as they still rather be with there non income colombian novios LOL.

.If these girls are prepagos the $$$ is the only thing that matters.

You're right they are going to go back to their broke Colombian novios in their ghetto barrios.

I'm personally not looking to make an emotional connection with these girls. I'm only interested in doing dirty things to them.

And every once in a while I see a girl I must have I'll pay whatever it takes as long as she agrees to my terms.

The next day I wake up I don't feel regret or the need for anything more.

We are mongering here, fucking for sport. Not looking for love.

10-15-20, 02:51
One more point, those living or staying there long term definitely have a leg up. Especially if they also treat the Chicas well. Think about it, From her point of view, would a 250 k one and done dude serve her needs better on a risk adjusted total value basis, or one that sessions with her 120 k every week for 8-12 weeks? If you don't think that matters to them you are not analyzing the situation well. Heck I know of one that goes to a guys place in envigado, cleans his apartment for a couple hours, makes him a lunch and then fucks him all for 120mil per visit. With an arrangement like that, who needs a wife 😂. I was surprised when she told me she had been doing that for last couple years.
Girls will often come by later for less than the original agreed price if you explain it nicely, once they know and trust you. A bonus if they like fucking you. I have noticed zero correlation between price and performance, arguably to an extent it has been in reverse.Experience mongers definitively pay less, not just for mongers who stay longer but I think you are ignoring an important point. When everything is the same, how many Chicas will pick 120 over 250? I also don't think most Chicas thinks rationally or know how to manage money. Lower pay per meet also don't mean lower income.

Member #4665
10-15-20, 03:03
Well there's something that has been confirmed by several members. Repeat customers that keep going back to the same girl usually get the best prices. Some people even call them grandfather rates. It's kind of like buying in bulk or An employee generating business for a company. It also helps to have a business friendship and emotional connection to the girl. But as always it remains a client provider relationship.

10-15-20, 03:37
Well there's something that has been confirmed by several members. Repeat customers that keep going back to the same girl usually get the best prices. Some people even call them grandfather rates. It's kind of like buying in bulk or An employee generating business for a company. It also helps to have a business friendship and emotional connection to the girl. But as always it remains a client provider relationship.I agree 100%. You definitely have an advantage if you can stay for longer periods of time. It lets you build trust with the girls and that leads not only to better sessions but better deals on those sessions.

I would love to be able to take a month or two away form work and get an apartment in Medellin. Sadly that's not possible for me at this time so I can only go for a week at a time, that's why I don't mind paying a little more to get the girls I want. Money I have, its time that I wish I had more of.

Mr Enternational
10-15-20, 03:57
If these girls are prepagos the $$$ is the only thing that matters.They are not prepagos. They are sugar babies. $$$ does not matter to them. You only have to show it to get their attention.

Gringo Trooper
10-15-20, 03:58
Well there's something that has been confirmed by several members. Repeat customers that keep going back to the same girl usually get the best prices. Some people even call them grandfather rates. It's kind of like buying in bulk or An employee generating business for a company. It also helps to have a business friendship and emotional connection to the girl. But as always it remains a client provider relationship.Frank,

I love your enthusiasm for this thread. However, you must visit Colombia one day sir.

10-15-20, 05:07
OK guys,

This is my first contribution to the forum. I have been in Medellin for a few days, since Sunday, we may say.

So far I have been with a few girls. Today I went to Plaza Botero at about 6 PM. I spoke with one Colombian girl, very attractive, model figure, and then another young black girl passed by and I decided to bring them both home. They accepted 150 k COP for two hours 75+75, and they agreed to kiss. One she ate my ass, when I was fucking the other. But, when I have seen them naked, well, what a huge disappointment. Both have kids. One is 18 and she has a 2 years old kid. Her belly was the belly of an old woman, I mean old, really old. And the other one, the tits were like drained. Fuckin hell, why people do still do children in 2020? We are 7 billions, there is no fuckin need to make children! Anyway, these girls don't even have hot water. When they showered, the black girl was so happy cause the hot water.

I mean, these girls could ask 150 on prepagos, even 200, if just they were ok, but they are not anymore. How the background, the environment, and some stupid choice can turn your life in a shit.

Anyway, I let them go after the first one, because the saggy tits of the white one, and the belly of the morena, were a huge turn off.

The other night, after midnight, I went to visit a place called la Mayorista. Turn out I got busted by the police, who checked if I had drugs. They stopped the taxi, most likely because I was sitting in the front seat, since I was speaking with the driver about the place. When the police left us, we looked around a couple of times, then I contracted the price with a white 30 years old girl with fake and huge tits. I let the driver go and I spent 30 minutes with the girl. She was ok, but that's not what I'm looking for, really.

I had few other girls, but only two are worth a mention. Two prepagos. The first one is a black Venezuelan girl. Great ass, all natural, amazing tits, small but with fantastic nipples. Sex was great. I think I paid 150 to my place, but I'm not sure, I don't remember. The second one instead asked me 250, I think I gave her 230 or something like that. She proposed me to be my novia for 10 days, but she asked 800 k / day, which I think is negotiable, maybe she would accept 600. But then I will have to pay dinner, lunch, it doesn't look a good idea. Maybe one day only. That night, it was early morning, I agreed to have a trio, but they blocked the girls at the reception, because the rules don't let you have more than one guest at the time. They also bribe you 100 k COP every time you bring a girl. For that reason I changed my AirBnb booking and I got (for less money) an amazing flat in Laureles, completely independent, where I can bring 4 girls if I want, and they can even stay over, since I have two bedrooms and two bathrooms. So, I ended up to choose one of the girls, and a Canadian guy, got the other. End up the other girl left, because the retarded didn't have any money. I almost got in a fight with this stupid Canadian.

Anyway, this girl, wow, one of the best pair of tits I have ever seen and touched. Natural huge tits. And wow, she squirted. It was a great fuck. Only problem, she didn't suck natural. I'm sure if I book her again, maybe a couple of times, she might do it. Anyway, super hot 18 years old with amazing natural tits.

I can't use Tinder, because I got banned, and when I tried to use the colombian number, I got banned again, immediately. They probably check the device ID. I have instead installed Badoo. I met a black girl, a freebie, but Jesus she was fat as fuck, plus she told me she had a boob surgery, to reduce the size because she had back pain. I just paid her a drink, I even brought her to my apartment, but I couldn't really fuck her. I could have but. And tomorrow I'm about to meet another one. Never spoken about money with these girls from Badoo. Potentially I can meet 2 others, one in particular looks gorgeous. How does it work with Tinder or Facebook, do you offer money or do they ask?

So, I'm still new to the Colombian game, but I noticed all the prepagos, most of them at least, just offer a basic service for 130/150, which doesn't include french kiss, neither oral without. So for me, it's a pain, because I always need to negotiate, and most likely it's between 150 and 250. I have also noticed, many girls don't show their face on prepagos, and when you ask they are reluctant. Some completely refused, even when I said I'm a foreigner.

Anyway, what I noticed is that I'm more about quality than quantity. I will stop these cheap fucks, and I will go only with top girls, because I can't see another pair of saggy tits. What a disappointment, these girls were so pretty. I will give a try for 2 days to Badoo, to see if I can fuck one of these young girls I'm in contact.

10-15-20, 05:17
I learned my lessons with TLNs. They are incredibly boring. We fucked / fooled around for two hours. I'm satisfied already. So we just lay around on our phones. I go to sleep and we fuck again in the morning which I am not in to because I like to take my mornings slow. I payed 300 mil for that. Never again. I don't speak spanish so I can't really converse with them and even if I could I don't think the conversations would be that entertaining. I'm even questioning my 2 hours deal because I leche twice in an hour and I just tell them to leave. I think I'm going to go with "150 mil mas taxi por dos leches" from now on.Me too, but I'm not happy with the basic service. And for 150 they usually don't kiss properly or they don't suck natural.

10-15-20, 05:20
We European always feel this US 15%-20% gratuity thing a real extortion every time we go to USA. If the bill for my table dinner is $500, why the heck should we give $100 to the waiter?? At the end of the night, the waiters collect a basic monthly salary. Every night. Hard to accept this.
Actually the waiters in the USA generally don't collect a basic monthly salary.

They may make a couple dollars an hour plus tips.

10-15-20, 08:06
They are not prepagos. They are sugar babies. $$$ does not matter to them. You only have to show it to get their attention.The whole purpose of a sugar relationship is financial gains for the girl and companionship (sexual or otherwise) on call for the man. So to show it and not give it is deception. And this is ok how?

To say money does not matter to these girls is absolutely not true. Do you guys think they're having sex with you cause they find you irresistible.

If a woman sells her body she is doing it only for the $$ And she will go where the $$$ is. Simple as that.

Sugaring for a female is all about $$ and gains. Gifts money food etc.

10-15-20, 08:10
Well there's something that has been confirmed by several members. Repeat customers that keep going back to the same girl usually get the best prices. Some people even call them grandfather rates. It's kind of like buying in bulk or An employee generating business for a company. It also helps to have a business friendship and emotional connection to the girl. But as always it remains a client provider relationship.I definitely agree. Repeat business will always allow flexibility on price and service.

The girl feels more comfortable with you so it's only natural.

I rarely repeat unless I am desperate to get one off and no one is available.

Black Page
10-15-20, 12:25
Actually the waiters in the USA generally don't collect a basic monthly salary.
They may make a couple dollars an hour plus tips.This is even worse and hard to understand or accept for anyone coming from outside USA. You are admitting openly that in the "American System", waiters are not paid by the employer, but by the customer, who after having paid the (generally expensive) bill to the restaurant, is still charged additionally to compensate the waiter. If a salary is essentially made of tips, what taxes are paid? Where is the social security, retirement saving, health assistance? In Europe we call it "black work"!

I understand all this is 100 km (sorry miles) out of topic of ISG, so I will refrain to comment further, but I know you know what I am thinking.

Mr Enternational
10-15-20, 13:32
This is even worse and hard to understand or accept for anyone coming from outside USA. You are admitting openly that in the "American System", waiters are not paid by the employer, but by the customer, who after having paid the (generally expensive) bill to the restaurant, is still charged additionally to compensate the waiter.That is correct. Here is a show that I like watching that explains all of that BS. The conclusion is that one has been put over on us Americans once again. And like you said Americans take those habits that they have been shammed into doing overseas and ruin other places. They also try to shame you if you do not do it. Paying more than shit costs is a dumb idea, but has gotten ingrained into the American psyche.

Adam Ruins Everything: Season 1, Episode 5:
Adam Ruins Restaurants.

Adam explains why tipping is a custom worth ditching, shows that experts can't tell the difference between wines, and reveals that mislabelled seafood is rampant in the industry.

10-15-20, 15:43
This is even worse and hard to understand or accept for anyone coming from outside USA. You are admitting openly that in the "American System", waiters are not paid by the employer, but by the customer, who after having paid the (generally expensive) bill to the restaurant, is still charged additionally to compensate the waiter. If a salary is essentially made of tips, what taxes are paid? Where is the social security, retirement saving, health assistance? In Europe we call it "black work"!

I understand all this is 100 km (sorry miles) out of topic of ISG, so I will refrain to comment further, but I know you know what I am thinking.I think that is true at the federal level but each state has its own rule so the minimum can be more than $10 in some states.

US residents have to pay income tax to the federal government and to the state government. Some states don't have income tax. In those cases, resident only pay federal income tax.

Member #4665
10-15-20, 15:59
My friend told me, In the USA, if you walk into the restaurant, and order your food for take away, Receive the food in a bag, and then eat it at your apartment, Then you don't have to tip.

The Tall Man
10-15-20, 16:10
They are not prepagos. They are sugar babies. $$$ does not matter to them. You only have to show it to get their attention.
The whole purpose of a sugar relationship is financial gains for the girl and companionship (sexual or otherwise) on call for the man. So to show it and not give it is deception. And this is ok how?

To say money does not matter to these girls is absolutely not true. Do you guys think they're having sex with you cause they find you irresistible.

If a woman sells her body she is doing it only for the $$ And she will go where the $$$ is. Simple as that.

Sugaring for a female is all about $$ and gains. Gifts money food etc.This expression says it best - "The only honest woman is a prostitute".

Enough said in this one sentence. I have little respect for any woman who rationalizes what they do, should say how they justify and change the narrative to suit them, I have much more respect to the prostitute in skimpy cloths walking the streets of centro, at least they are honest and real.

Much respect for everyone!

The Tall Man.

10-15-20, 17:14
I rarely repeat unless I am desperate to get one off and no one is available.Why wouldn't you repeat if it's good?

Sugaring for a female is all about $$ and gains. Gifts money food etc.And so they can feel they are not transactional prepagos banging different guys daily for the money they want. If a girl can get a million COP a month from a guy that only shows up once a month or so then she wins, especially if she can keep it more or less a secret, like it never happened. When that guy does show up he has to take her shopping, of course and occasionally they might take a vacation.

Mr Enternational
10-15-20, 18:00
Why wouldn't you repeat if it's good?
Because there are millions of other chicks to try out. I monger for the variety, and not because I can not get sex. I repeat with non-pros. If I have to pay a chick then I would rather try a new one, unless like Sang said, there is nobody else available.

I monger to be the kid in the candy store trying everything under the sun, and not just sit there munching only on the baby ruths and gummy bears because they are good. 99 times out of 100 it is good anyway. As I said before, I don't really incur things to complain about how many other guys do.

10-15-20, 18:34
Why wouldn't you repeat if it's good?

I monger for variety as well. Once I hand my money over there is nothing more I want from the girl unless she absolutely blew me away which not many Colombian girls can do. They might be the hottest looks wise but the actual act of sex and all that it entails they are not close to the best.
The prettier the girl the more they think taking it up the poop shoot or swallowing my load is degrading to them. When they don’t realize that would make them so much $$$ in the long run.
Every once in a while I’ll find a gem and I’ll repeat. But after one or two at most I look for the next.

And so they can feel they are not transactional prepagos banging different guys daily for the money they want. If a girl can get a million COP a month from a guy that only shows up once a month or so then she wins, especially if she can keep it more or less a secret, like it never happened. When that guy does show up he has to take her shopping, of course and occasionally they might take a vacation.Too many guys do this.

It's so obvious when you look at IG stories or FB updates how these girls are always showing off gifts and how great their life is and kudos to them for their hustle.

Idc how a guy spends his $$ on women.

But I will say the only foolish thing is that some of these guys believe they are the "only one" in the girls lives.

These girls treat the internet and social media as their source of income.

10-15-20, 18:37
I monger for variety as well. Once I hand my money over there is nothing more I want from the girl unless she absolutely blew me away which not many Colombian girls can do. They might be the hottest looks wise but the actual act of sex and all that it entails they are not close to the best.

The prettier the girl the more they think taking it up the poop shoot or swallowing my load is degrading to them. When they don't realize that would make them so much $$$ in the long run.

Every once in a while I'll find a gem and I'll repeat. But after one or two at most I look for the next.

10-15-20, 18:48
Because there are millions of other chicks to try out. I monger for the variety, and not because I can not get sex. I repeat with non-pros. If I have to pay a chick then I would rather try a new one, unless like Sang said, there is nobody else available. I monger to be the kid in the candy store trying everything under the sun, and not just sit there munching only on the baby ruths and gummy bears because they are good. 99 times out of 100 it is good anyway. As I said before, I don't really incur things to complain about how many other guys do.You remind me how so many of us are legends in our own mind.

10-15-20, 18:53
There have been a couple of girls who I enjoyed more than the others and I'm repeating with them today because facebook banned me from sending messages for 24 hours. I guess I offended too many chicas with my proposal. Usually if they seem appalled or say "jajajaja" I just block them and move on but I think they can still report me.

I had a couple of flakes yesterday which pissed me off. And even then no one answered my messages after 9 pm, except the obvious street walkers who for some reason never have a cedula. So yesterday was unfortunately a single girl day. One of the flakes is pleading to meet today and I will try again but the other is awol. Here is her profile: https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100030652815885&ref=content_filter so you guys are aware.

10-15-20, 19:02
There have been a couple of girls who I enjoyed more than the others and I'm repeating with them today because facebook banned me from sending messages for 24 hours. I guess I offended too many chicas with my proposal. Usually if they seem appalled or say "jajajaja" I just block them and move on but I think they can still report me.

I had a couple of flakes yesterday which pissed me off. And even then no one answered my messages after 9 pm, except the obvious street walkers who for some reason never have a cedula. So yesterday was unfortunately a single girl day. One of the flakes is pleading to meet today and I will try again but the other is awol. Here is her profile: https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100030652815885&ref=content_filter so you guys are aware.Maybe I'm being more selective in who I proposition. But every girl I've asked, has responded with an offer.

Mr Enternational
10-15-20, 19:17
You remind me how so many of us are legends in our own mind.What is so legendary about fucking? That is literally what we are on this earth to do; fuck and make more people.

10-15-20, 19:22
Maybe I'm being more selective in who I proposition. But every girl I've asked, has responded with an offer.I feel like I have to many normal girls in my friends list. I just keep adding whoever facebook recommends me and now have over 1 k girls. Also one of the girls I was with showed me a whatsapp group with all these girls in it and someone posted my profile and said I was giving "muy poco dinero" and discouraged others from seeing me. I guess its kind of a win win because girls who want more $ don't have to bother with me and I don't have to bother with them.

10-15-20, 19:37
I feel like I have to many normal girls in my friends list. I just keep adding whoever facebook recommends me and now have over 1 k girls. Also one of the girls I was with showed me a whatsapp group with all these girls in it and someone posted my profile and said I was giving "muy poco dinero" and discouraged others from seeing me. I guess its kind of a win win because girls who want more $ don't have to bother with me and I don't have to bother with them.This is how putas unions inflate prices, but those mongers here that feel forced by fate to overpay, get livid when we try to do the same here.

How many putas will you see on there, arguing this is fucking bullshit, you putas are a bunch of evil monsters.

Its us vs them.

Not us vs us, like some here would prefer it to be.

I vote Mr E president of the MDE mongers local #69.

I will gladly volunteer to be his skull crusher for those that break the rules.

10-15-20, 20:05
OK guys,

So far I have been with a few girls. Today I went to Plaza Botero at about 6 PM. I spoke with one Colombian girl, very attractive, model figure, and then another young black girl passed by and I decided to bring them both home. They accepted 150 k COP for two hours 75+75, and they agreed to kiss. One she ate my ass, when I was fucking the other. But, when I have seen them naked, well, what a huge disappointment. Both have kids. One is 18 and she has a 2 years old kid. Her belly was the belly of an old woman, I mean old, really old. And the other one, the tits were like drained. Fuckin hell, why people do still do children in 2020? We are 7 billions, there is no fuckin need to make children! Anyway, these girls don't even have hot water. When they showered, the black girl was so happy cause the hot water.That's the advantages of the local strip clubs in Medellin, you can see what the girl looks like on stage 1st, then have her at your table for a drink, then test drive at the club and if she is fun and make a deal for the next day or night.

10-15-20, 20:23

I am decided that I can't wait any longer and have booked my first trip to Medellin next month.

Been mining FB as advised by a friend.

Does anyone these girls? Looking for recommendations. First one especially.






10-15-20, 20:36
I feel like I have to many normal girls in my friends list. I just keep adding whoever facebook recommends me and now have over 1 k girls. Also one of the girls I was with showed me a whatsapp group with all these girls in it and someone posted my profile and said I was giving "muy poco dinero" and discouraged others from seeing me. I guess its kind of a win win because girls who want more $ don't have to bother with me and I don't have to bother with them.We should start a whatsapp group where we post profiles of girls who "cobran demasiado dinero" and discourage others from seeing them. Then send a screenshot of that to her.

10-15-20, 22:08
I feel like I have to many normal girls in my friends list. I just keep adding whoever facebook recommends me and now have over 1 k girls. Also one of the girls I was with showed me a whatsapp group with all these girls in it and someone posted my profile and said I was giving "muy poco dinero" and discouraged others from seeing me. I guess its kind of a win win because girls who want more $ don't have to bother with me and I don't have to bother with them.I have been told of this group as well.
But boards like this and private chat groups don’t really help because I know mongers actually fall in love with these hookers and think they’re the only ones lmao.
They don’t like to share info when it’s obvious they are fucking other guys.
I would think a group for reviews on SA girls Tinder girls, IG and FB chicas would be great but based on the lack of actual info of the girls on this board I could already tell how that would go.

Member #4665
10-15-20, 22:15
Thanks for sharing your particular situation. You are doing quite well but maybe there is room for improvement. Would you consider abandoning soliciting non sugar babies on Facebook. How about chatting them up on Facebook and then asking them if they would like to hear your proposal in WhatsApp chat. Let the girls take the initiative by joining your WhatsApp chat. Otherwise you may risk getting banned from Facebook. An internet company can ban your laptop or even your IP address and that would make life difficult.

The same goes for seeking Arrangements. If you look at their website rules offering sex for money is forbidden. That's why people always take the chat outside of seeking right before it gets intimate. Maybe that had something to do with the guy mentioning he got banned in Russia.

10-15-20, 22:15
One of the reasons I went the sugar route is how stupidly expensive vacations and TLN were in the sex prison, but there are really only three reasons to do TLN. For me, the most common one is the environment. Everybody focuses on the women but fucking someone in a crowded, uncomfortable strip club or a gym mat or massage table makes for a far less enjoyable experience. Like you said though, two hours in a hotel is probably equivalent to TLN in most cases.

The second is if you really like the woman's company beyond sex. Holding someone you like all night, spooning with them, seeing them first thing in the morning, the morning BJ can be great, but even if the woman is a working girl not a SB, you probably want to reserve this for a woman you have seen before and like. I get that for most guys Colombia is a rush to fuck as much strange as possible. Though the temptation for new is always great, if you have a great session with one gal, you probably are better off doing a repeat or considering a TLN.

The third reason is this is the most rare but what guys are hoping for, the prostitute nympho where you fuck all night. I can recall only a few times in my life this happening. The first requirement is you. Can you fuck all night? I am not even just talking about from a stamina point of view but from a hardness / lack of sleep point of view. The second requirement is a full fledged nympho that wants to fuck all night, and her mind has to be there as well. It is great when the stars align and this happens, but for me, this has been a once in a decade occurrence and in all the cases, it was not planned.It seems very few guys understand "nympho. " Don't take offense.

An actual nympho, a woman who has the clinical disorder of nymphomania, is not the wonder most guys imagine. She's a woman who literally has no control over who she has sex with or when. She can't achieve any type of satisfaction, but the need to try to get satisfaction is undeniable.

For a guy in his 20's this is great. For someone a bit older, not so great. The eye opening moment for me was, after I had just barebacked her, she told me that when she went to the store for cigarettes, just a short walk away, it took her 2 hours because she fucked 3 different guys who flirted with her, all bareback.

Now a woman with a high sex drive, that's a different story. She can fuck you silly, have multiple Os, then come back an hour later and do it again.

10-15-20, 22:20
I like TLN's with Chica's I have some history with, and of course they have to be all in. This means no rules nor quotas or schedules. So when I wake up with morning wood at 6 AM there's no pushback. For me, blowing a load after a good nights sleep seems to be more satisfying than any other time of day for me personally.

Maybe another way of looking at this is imagine when your horny and want to blow a load, instead of having to go on the hunt say in El Centro, go to a casa, or schedule a Cita with a Fayboo or Tinder Chica you don't have to go far nor wait. I know other guys can relate to this, where others just want Ratos.

It's all a matter of how you roll and there's no right or wrong as everyone is so different.Shoot. I thought you did TLNs because it's cheaper to put them on the metro in the morning than pay for a taxi.

10-15-20, 22:31
The whole purpose of a sugar relationship is financial gains for the girl and companionship (sexual or otherwise) on call for the man. So to show it and not give it is deception. And this is ok how?

To say money does not matter to these girls is absolutely not true. Do you guys think they're having sex with you cause they find you irresistible.

If a woman sells her body she is doing it only for the $$ And she will go where the $$$ is. Simple as that.

Sugaring for a female is all about $$ and gains. Gifts money food etc.I think you missed it. Mr E's post was pure sarcasm.

Member #4665
10-15-20, 22:33
"muy poco dinero" If she wasn't happy with the gift Shouldn't she have asked for more. Why the need to go badmouthing another person publicly?

10-15-20, 22:38
I think that is true at the federal level but each state has its own rule so the minimum can be more than $10 in some states.

US residents have to pay income tax to the federal government and to the state government. Some states don't have income tax. In those cases, resident only pay federal income tax.In most states the minimum is $2.13 per hour, but employer is obligated to cover up to $7.25 per hour if tips are not enough.

Some states have a higher minimum wage.

The tax issue is a good topic. An old stripper friend who saved her money had always reported minimum income for tax purposes. When she decided to buy a house she had to report much closer to her actual income to qualify for a loan, which meant paying a big chunk in taxes.

10-15-20, 22:42
Why wouldn't you repeat if it's good?

And so they can feel they are not transactional prepagos banging different guys daily for the money they want. If a girl can get a million COP a month from a guy that only shows up once a month or so then she wins, especially if she can keep it more or less a secret, like it never happened. When that guy does show up he has to take her shopping, of course and occasionally they might take a vacation.Or, she can take the money, see 2 or 3 other guys every week, for money, have 2 other guys sending her money and have a local boyfriend who disappears whenever one of the daddies comes to town.

10-15-20, 22:51
Apparently, a monger known to frequent Medellin was arrested at the Bogota airport on Tuesday. His passport was confiscated and he will spend 2 months in jail before being deported. He will not be allowed to return for 5 years.

Allegedly this guy liked to tie up hookers and beat them. All good, up to a point. However, he beat them bloody and at least one ended up in the hospital.

There was someone a few months back talking about beating up hookers if they gave him any problems. It would appear that's not a good idea.

10-15-20, 23:30
OK guys,

This is my first contribution to the forum. I have been in Medellin for a few days, since Sunday, we may say.

So far I have been with a few girls. Today I went to Plaza Botero at about 6 PM. I spoke with one Colombian girl, very attractive, model figure, and then another young black girl passed by and I decided to bring them both home. They accepted 150 k COP for two hours 75+75, and they agreed to kiss. One she ate my ass, when I was fucking the other. But, when I have seen them naked, well, what a huge disappointment. Both have kids. One is 18 and she has a 2 years old kid. Her belly was the belly of an old woman, I mean old, really old. And the other one, the tits were like drained. Fuckin hell, why people do still do children in 2020? We are 7 billions, there is no fuckin need to make children! Anyway, these girls don't even have hot water. When they showered, the black girl was so happy cause the hot water.

I mean, these girls could ask 150 on prepagos, even 200, if just they were ok, but they are not anymore. How the background, the environment, and some stupid choice can turn your life in a shit.

Anyway, I let them go after the first one, because the saggy tits of the white one, and the belly of the morena, were a huge turn off.

The other night, after midnight, I went to visit a place called la Mayorista. Turn out I got busted by the police, who checked if I had drugs. They stopped the taxi, most likely because I was sitting in the front seat, since I was speaking with the driver about the place. When the police left us, we looked around a couple of times, then I contracted the price with a white 30 years old girl with fake and huge tits. I let the driver go and I spent 30 minutes with the girl. She was ok, but that's not what I'm looking for, really..Nice report and you might give the Botero area a few more tries, there's a lot of hidden gems there to be found but it takes a while to find them if you have the time.

10-15-20, 23:36
An internet company can ban your laptop or even your IP address and that would make life difficult.I don't know how they'd be able to ban a certain device. Maybe someone with more tech knowledge can chime in. As to IP addresses, there's VPNs, plus simply unplugging your modem for a bit them plugging it back in will get a new IP addressed assigned.

Gringo Trooper
10-15-20, 23:48
Apparently, a monger known to frequent Medellin was arrested at the Bogota airport on Tuesday. His passport was confiscated and he will spend 2 months in jail before being deported. He will not be allowed to return for 5 years.

Allegedly this guy liked to tie up hookers and beat them. All good, up to a point. However, he beat them bloody and at least one ended up in the hospital.

There was someone a few months back talking about beating up hookers if they gave him any problems. It would appear that's not a good idea.Yikes. Do you have a source for this that you can share? Was it in the news?

Gringo Trooper
10-15-20, 23:56
One she ate my ass, when I was fucking the other.And people here wonder why I typically am not into kissing these putas. I feel bad for the next guy she had a session with LOL.

Gringo Trooper
10-16-20, 00:11

I am decided that I can't wait any longer and have booked my first trip to Medellin next month.

Been mining FB as advised by a friend.

Does anyone these girls? Looking for recommendations. First one especially.





https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100025134068072If they are hot in your opinion, and you are ok with the price, go for it.

I haven't used Facebook to monger. I just pick up what I see and like on the streets, bars, and clubs.

Do what works for you. I recommend Leidy Barron, I'm sure you can find her on Instagram.

10-16-20, 00:23
It seems very few guys understand "nympho. " Don't take offense.

An actual nympho, a woman who has the clinical disorder of nymphomania, is not the wonder most guys imagine. She's a woman who literally has no control over who she has sex with or when. She can't achieve any type of satisfaction, but the need to try to get satisfaction is undeniable.

For a guy in his 20's this is great. For someone a bit older, not so great. The eye opening moment for me was, after I had just barebacked her, she told me that when she went to the store for cigarettes, just a short walk away, it took her 2 hours because she fucked 3 different guys who flirted with her, all bareback.

Now a woman with a high sex drive, that's a different story. She can fuck you silly, have multiple Os, then come back an hour later and do it again.Moral of the story? Don't fuck chicks that smoke?? Lmao!

10-16-20, 00:49
Shoot. I thought you did TLNs because it's cheaper to put them on the metro in the morning than pay for a taxi.I do TLN's in El Centro, and when I'm done with them they are on their own whether they get on the bus or the the Metro, it's up to them. In fact, some of them have never been in a Taxi, too expensive as a combination bus / Metro ride will get you literally anywhere in the City whereas the minimum taxi fare will only get you a few miles.

Mr Enternational
10-16-20, 00:53
I think you missed it. Mr E's post was pure sarcasm.It was not sarcasm. I simply repeated what Elvis said. I just forgot to quote him.

Mojo Bandit
10-16-20, 01:02
This is even worse and hard to understand or accept for anyone coming from outside USA. You are admitting openly that in the "American System", waiters are not paid by the employer, but by the customer, who after having paid the (generally expensive) bill to the restaurant, is still charged additionally to compensate the waiter. If a salary is essentially made of tips, what taxes are paid? Where is the social security, retirement saving, health assistance? In Europe we call it "black work"!

I understand all this is 100 km (sorry miles) out of topic of ISG, so I will refrain to comment further, but I know you know what I am thinking.What you need to understand about restaurant workers in the US earning tips is that it works out to be considerable more money than if they were paid a salary. People mostly pay with a bank card so there is usually a paper record of the transaction and this is the basis for determining the taxes. There is usually ample money in the initial pay given by the restaurant to cover the payroll taxes and the person is subject as an independent contractor to handle income tax (they can deduct for their uniforms and other work expenses and health insurance. And an IRA investment vehicle for retirement. I ran a middle of the tiers restaurant years ago and the permanent wait staff made decent money. At the more expensive restaurants that you mentioned those wait staff can earn over 100 000 USD a year, no exaggerations at all.


10-16-20, 01:06
Good riddance.

Apparently, a monger known to frequent Medellin was arrested at the Bogota airport on Tuesday. His passport was confiscated and he will spend 2 months in jail before being deported. He will not be allowed to return for 5 years.

Allegedly this guy liked to tie up hookers and beat them. All good, up to a point. However, he beat them bloody and at least one ended up in the hospital.

There was someone a few months back talking about beating up hookers if they gave him any problems. It would appear that's not a good idea.

10-16-20, 01:16
OK guys,

This is my first contribution to the forum. I have been in Medellin for a few days, since Sunday, we may say.

So far I have been with a few girls. Today I went to Plaza Botero at about 6 PM. I spoke with one Colombian girl, very attractive, model figure, and then another young black girl passed by and I decided to bring them both home. They accepted 150 k COP for two hours 75+75, and they agreed to kiss. One she ate my ass, when I was fucking the other. But, when I have seen them naked, well, what a huge disappointment. Both have kids. One is 18 and she has a 2 years old kid. Her belly was the belly of an old woman, I mean old, really old. And the other one, the tits were like drained. Fuckin hell, why people do still do children in 2020? We are 7 billions, there is no fuckin need to make children! Anyway, these girls don't even have hot water. When they showered, the black girl was so happy cause the hot water..Update on Badoo?

10-16-20, 01:24
I see a lot of conversation about Facebook and etc. I'll be traveling to Medellin for the first time and I'm fairly price insensitive as long as it's within the realm of being reasonable. The important thing for me is to just have a good time. That means I'm just hoping to find attractive women with great service and / or attitude even if I have to pay a premium. I'll be around for two weeks so I'm hoping to avoid duds. Time is more important than the money personally.

What would you recommend for someone traveling under these expectations. The Facebook route seems way to annoying for me personally. I've heard of photoprepago, colombiancupid, mansion, casas, gustos / club freelancers, streetwalkers, massage parlors, strip clubs and a bunch of others. There seems to be an insane number of things to check out. I'm looking to really cut down the list. I've tried to read up on everything but there's a lot that I'll probably just need to try out myself.

When I travel I like to explain that I'm uncultured. I have zero interest in seeing anything. I just want to eat, workout and meet women. Anything outside of that is shitting in my cornflakes.

10-16-20, 01:37
Yikes. Do you have a source for this that you can share? Was it in the news?I haven't seen it in the news yet. Heard about it in a monger group I'm a member of. There had been a lot of talk about the guy in the week before because of the girl who ended up in the hospital.

From the pictures and descriptions I've seen, this was an extreme case. It was a lot more than handcuffs and some light spanking. The guy was trying to do damage.

I'm a little surprised the ban is only for 5 years. Then again, if he makes it through 2 months in jail in Bogota, he probably won't be ready to return anytime soon.

10-16-20, 01:52
I don't know how they'd be able to ban a certain device. Maybe someone with more tech knowledge can chime in. As to IP addresses, there's VPNs, plus simply unplugging your modem for a bit them plugging it back in will get a new IP addressed assigned.Digital fingerprints. And many sites ban vpn services. Using socks is the best way to bypass a certain site but your device can still be recognized. All depends on how strict the security is.

10-16-20, 02:01
Digital fingerprints. And many sites ban vpn services. Using socks is the best way to bypass a certain site but your device can still be recognized. All depends on how strict the security is.I tried a VPN for the 1st time ever.

ExpressVPN, every site I tried to use it on, blocked me.

Member #4665
10-16-20, 02:29
There are so many scammers on seeking. They want to sell pictures without confirming their identity before hand through videoconference. And then they want an upfront fee before confirming their identity through videoconference.

It's such a waste of time talking to a girl and then finding out she's a scammer. Never reveal any of your details before confirming her identity. And also some of the girls are too young to have good manners so they think they don't have to reply quickly on what App and establish trust. Like they say sure let's have the video conference tomorrow. But why would I want to wait a whole day when I'm thinking she's probably just some weird guy selling pictures.

Next time from the 1st message After The greeting just say: I'm busy, please don't message me if you're sscammer. I don't buy pictures without you confirming your identity.

10-16-20, 02:52

I am decided that I can't wait any longer and have booked my first trip to Medellin next month.

Been mining FB as advised by a friend.

Does anyone these girls? Looking for recommendations. First one especially.





https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100025134068072I can't vouch for the other girls but Mariana Palacio should be avoided harder than the clap. Another member posted about her months ago just search the forum. She, Camila Bedoya / Lidsey Santilla and Emiliana Villegas Londono specialize in taking advantage of foreigners in my experience. You're better off jacking off to Whoopi Goldberg.

10-16-20, 02:57
I see a lot of conversation about Facebook and etc. I'll be traveling to Medellin for the first time and I'm fairly price insensitive as long as it's within the realm of being reasonable. The important thing for me is to just have a good time. That means I'm just hoping to find attractive women with great service and / or attitude even if I have to pay a premium. I'll be around for two weeks so I'm hoping to avoid duds. Time is more important than the money personally.

What would you recommend for someone traveling under these expectations. The Facebook route seems way to annoying for me personally. I've heard of photoprepago, colombiancupid, mansion, casas, gustos / club freelancers, streetwalkers, massage parlors, strip clubs and a bunch of others. There seems to be an insane number of things to check out. I'm looking to really cut down the list. I've tried to read up on everything but there's a lot that I'll probably just need to try out myself.

When I travel I like to explain that I'm uncultured. I have zero interest in seeing anything. I just want to eat, workout and meet women. Anything outside of that is shitting in my cornflakes.I'm not sure what makes Facebook too annoying, especially if price really isn't an issue.

It's a simple process. While you're waiting for your trip, start building a list of chicas on Facebook. You can spend 10-15 minutes a day adding to your list. Unless you are starting your trip in the next 2 weeks, you can easily have 100-200 contacts before you go to the airport.

No need to send any messages or get into any involved conversation until about a week before your trip. Any girl that messages you, keep it simple. If they do message you it will probably be something like "Hola, Como estás" (Hello, how are you?)

You can reply with "Bien. Why tu? Estaré en Medellin pronto why quiero verte." (I'm good. How are you? I will be in Medellin soon and want to see you.).

You can add in a few more pleasantries, but there's no need to get too involved. Later on you can talk price and details. My negotiation tactic is simple. If she quotes higher than I want to pay I respond with "Siempre pago. " Followed by my price (I always pay). Other people go back and forth over price. Your choice.

Then it's just a matter of day and time once you arrive.

Most Facebook girls seem happy to stay 2 or more hours and most, in my experience give full GFE. I've rarely had problems getting GFE and BBBJ and never paid extra for either.

To me, there are some advantages to Facebook.

1. Shop at home. No making 3 laps around El Centro, no visits to 3 strip clubs.

2. Many Facebook girls are active, giving you a glimpse into their lives. You can see a lot you won't see on photoprepagos. It can give you a better idea of what kind of person you're dealing with.

3. Hookers have friends who are hookers. Each one opens a door to more contacts.

4. There's always someone available. Just posting that you're in Medellin will likely get you several messages.

5. Access to special discounts. Occasionally a girl will be desperate for money, or just bored. This can result in significant discounts.

However, as you noted, there are many different options, each with advantages and disadvantages.

10-16-20, 02:57
Everything a puta does. Regular girls do the same shit. Maybe not in the abundance but every sex act is done by a regular chick most often unbeknowst to you.

And people here wonder why I typically am not into kissing these putas. I feel bad for the next guy she had a session with LOL..

Member #4665
10-16-20, 03:01
Not bad, why not spill the beans and share how you found These links? This current method of looking at other people's friends list and looking at Facebook suggestion is not very impressive. There should definitely be some sort of group where people can share profiles.


I am decided that I can't wait any longer and have booked my first trip to Medellin next month.

Been mining FB as advised by a friend.

Does anyone these girls? Looking for recommendations. First one especially.






10-16-20, 03:08
I know Daniela Alvarez. Nice girl, but a little quirky. My understanding is that she is retired, other than fucking an occasional old client. She had a baby earlier this year and still has not lost all of the weight. So her body is not what it once is. I have never banged her, so I can't speak to that. But just approach carefully, because she is not actively working as far as I know.

Not bad, why not spill the beans and share how you found These links? This current method of looking at other people's friends list and looking at Facebook suggestion is not very impressive. There should definitely be some sort of group where people can share profiles.

10-16-20, 03:19
It's official. This facebook thread confirms Medellin is back. It's been six plus months since we had a series of "anybody know this facebook girl" profile posts.

Not bad, why not spill the beans and share how you found These links? This current method of looking at other people's friends list and looking at Facebook suggestion is not very impressive. There should definitely be some sort of group where people can share profiles.

10-16-20, 03:28
Two things:

1. Devices have serial number like physical identifiers known as Media Access Control (MAC) addresses. They can be used to restrict or track devices. Like anything else they can be forged and hidden but few users bother with that.

2. Unplugging a device can change a device's IP address but it depends on how the network is configured for the so-called "lease period". It can be set for most any value from indefinite to 24 hours, to several days. Administrators normally try to balance convenience with efficient use of resources.

OK, anyone who uses this information owes me a $100 fee. LOL!

Digital fingerprints. And many sites ban vpn services. Using socks is the best way to bypass a certain site but your device can still be recognized. All depends on how strict the security is.

Gringo Trooper
10-16-20, 03:37
I know Daniela Alvarez. Nice girl, but a little quirky. My understanding is that she is retired, other than fucking an occasional old client. She had a baby earlier this year and still has not lost all of the weight. So her body is not what it once is. I have never banged her, so I can't speak to that. But just approach carefully, because she is not actively working as far as I know.Interesting. Tres areíos, maybe message her and see if she wants to go out for a drink, to see whether she is open to meeting up.

She looks good in her October photo, and she certainly alludes to being a working girl in certain of her posts.

10-16-20, 04:02
I see a lot of conversation about Facebook and etc. I'll be traveling to Medellin for the first time and I'm fairly price insensitive as long as it's within the realm of being reasonable. The important thing for me is to just have a good time. That means I'm just hoping to find attractive women with great service and / or attitude even if I have to pay a premium. I'll be around for two weeks so I'm hoping to avoid duds. Time is more important than the money personally.

What would you recommend for someone traveling under these expectations. The Facebook route seems way to annoying for me personally. I've heard of photoprepago, colombiancupid, mansion, casas, gustos / club freelancers, streetwalkers, massage parlors, strip clubs and a bunch of others. There seems to be an insane number of things to check out. I'm looking to really cut down the list. I've tried to read up on everything but there's a lot that I'll probably just need to try out myself.

When I travel I like to explain that I'm uncultured. I have zero interest in seeing anything. I just want to eat, workout and meet women. Anything outside of that is shitting in my cornflakes.You should try loutron atleast once.

10-16-20, 04:04
Update on Badoo?If no kids, hugely doubtful she would be eating your ass.

10-16-20, 04:08
I see a lot of conversation about Facebook and etc. I'll be traveling to Medellin for the first time and I'm fairly price insensitive as long as it's within the realm of being reasonable. The important thing for me is to just have a good time. That means I'm just hoping to find attractive women with great service and / or attitude even if I have to pay a premium. I'll be around for two weeks so I'm hoping to avoid duds. Time is more important than the money personally.

What would you recommend for someone traveling under these expectations. The Facebook route seems way to annoying for me personally. I've heard of photoprepago, colombiancupid, mansion, casas, gustos / club freelancers, streetwalkers, massage parlors, strip clubs and a bunch of others. There seems to be an insane number of things to check out. I'm looking to really cut down the list. I've tried to read up on everything but there's a lot that I'll probably just need to try out myself.

When I travel I like to explain that I'm uncultured. I have zero interest in seeing anything. I just want to eat, workout and meet women. Anything outside of that is shitting in my cornflakes.If your not fluent in Spanish, and if money is not an issue, you should perhaps stay at the Mansion and / or consider hiring a bilingual driver to take you around and perhaps be your interpreter / bodyguard. Colombia is not like other Countries for hobbying with the issues confronting you being the language, numerous venues, and it can be dangerous, yet on the other hand it can be phenomenal.

I remember the first time I came to Colombia like 12 years ago, I had a driver who took me all around. You might want to do this for a few days until you identify the venues you like such as strip clubs / casa's and when you feel comfortable go out on your own. Also would be good to have a wingman if someone is around to go out with you. I also suggest you stay either in Poblado or Laureles in a known girl friendly establishment.

10-16-20, 04:14
What exactly is it you pay that puts you on their list? Must be pretty bad.

We should start a whatsapp group where we post profiles of girls who "cobran demasiado dinero" and discourage others from seeing them. Then send a screenshot of that to her..

10-16-20, 04:19
There are so many scammers on seeking. They want to sell pictures without confirming their identity before hand through videoconference. And then they want an upfront fee before confirming their identity through videoconference.

It's such a waste of time talking to a girl and then finding out she's a scammer. Never reveal any of your details before confirming her identity. And also some of the girls are too young to have good manners so they think they don't have to reply quickly on what App and establish trust. Like they say sure let's have the video conference tomorrow. But why would I want to wait a whole day when I'm thinking she's probably just some weird guy selling pictures.

Next time from the 1st message After The greeting just say: I'm busy, please don't message me if you're sscammer. I don't buy pictures without you confirming your identity.Porn is free. I never pay for videos, camming, or pics. I only gift if our date leads to intimacy. No more no less.

10-16-20, 04:41
What exactly is it you pay that puts you on their list? Must be pretty bad.


Why isn't the question, what exactly is it that they charge that puts them on my list? Must be pretty bad. Read my past reports for how much I've paid girls.

What is bad and what is good? Is it bad to come to an agreement and pay the agreed upon amount?

I'm not going to make any judgements on what you pay. Don't cast your judgements on mine.

Just to let you know, the chica who I ONLY paid 100k the other day whatsapped me today and asked to see me again this weekend. She doesn't seem so upset about it.
100k was her asking price. Not mine.

10-16-20, 04:49
I don't care about reading your past posts. The girls on WhatsApp and Facebook are 150 to 200 usually.

I know quite a few who will stay with me TLN for around 200. To be on their shit list you must be pretty bad.

Why isn't the question, what exactly is it that they charge that puts them on my list? Must be pretty bad. Read my past reports for how much I've paid girls.

Here's another guy who wants to start making judgements on what people pay again. Every other day. lol..

10-16-20, 05:00
I don't care about reading your past posts. The girls on WhatsApp and Facebook are 150 to 200 usually.

I know quite a few who will stay with me TLN for around 200. To be on their shit list you must be pretty bad.

.No one ever said I was on their shit list. If you read the post I was responding to that guy pays around what you pay. So you would probably make their shit list too. If it makes you feel any better, I pay even less.

10-16-20, 06:04
There are so many scammers on seeking. They want to sell pictures without confirming their identity before hand through videoconference. And then they want an upfront fee before confirming their identity through videoconference.

It's such a waste of time talking to a girl and then finding out she's a scammer. Never reveal any of your details before confirming her identity. And also some of the girls are too young to have good manners so they think they don't have to reply quickly on what App and establish trust. Like they say sure let's have the video conference tomorrow. But why would I want to wait a whole day when I'm thinking she's probably just some weird guy selling pictures.

Next time from the 1st message After The greeting just say: I'm busy, please don't message me if you're sscammer. I don't buy pictures without you confirming your identity.SA is not what it once was, they keep raising the price, what is it now, like a see note? Since the covid it has been flooded by pic sellers, scammers who want your phone number and set up cash app scams, Platonic bullshit, and too many prepagos. Send an interest and the second sentence out of her mouth is "how much you pay" fuck you! Delete. And you pay 100 a month for that? What once was a good source is over and the owners of the board don't do anything about policing that shit or do many upgrades. Thanks to keeping in touch with lots of girls I have over the years, I never need to chase the working girls anymore. Keep in touch with the good ones.

10-16-20, 09:55
It was not sarcasm. I simply repeated what Elvis said. I just forgot to quote him.Elvis said he made investments, not payments. The best ones are during market disruption.

Black Page
10-16-20, 10:57
Apparently, a monger known to frequent Medellin was arrested at the Bogota airport on Tuesday. His passport was confiscated and he will spend 2 months in jail before being deported. He will not be allowed to return for 5 years.
Allegedly this guy liked to tie up hookers and beat them. All good, up to a point. However, he beat them bloody and at least one ended up in the hospital.This is not a monger. This is a dangerous psycho. He should stay in jail much longer than 2 months.

This is not even BDSM (which I like to some extent, BTW), as he lured poor girls with money and then violated their trust. I am surprised first how is it possible that those girls did not have a friend in their barrios who could teach him the lesson, then also how police had his data, as he was arrested at the airport, but was not able to lcate him in Medellin. I am very curious to read more of this story.

10-16-20, 11:34
I mean most casas offer 60 k an hour 2 nuts. Some 90 k, some 120 k. There your not providing any extra entertainment they normally receive from you otherwise. Your not paying for taxi. You only pay additionals no condom, anal, cum in the mouth. Who would know the rates better than the casas. Do you go in a supermarket and pay twice as much as you pay for the listed price. Members are just trying to suggest whoa you don't really have to pay that much. I had an 8 charge me 300 k for 7 days after 2 prior session. She only stayed 5 days but hey I still came out a winner. She said look I charge 300 k for sometimes 30 minutes so don't be upset with me. When these girls hear that such a person got Xtra amount. They start asking for that amount. So now communicating, interacting become a hassle. I think that's the point the big spenders, buy pics, and video guys do not understand. You get a flood of girls requesting offers unrelated to actually meeting someone, having sex or deserving of their value.

What exactly is it you pay that puts you on their list? Must be pretty bad.


10-16-20, 14:21

I am decided that I can't wait any longer and have booked my first trip to Medellin next month.

Been mining FB as advised by a friend.

Does anyone these girls? Looking for recommendations. First one especially.





https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100025134068072I can only vouch for the first one. Erika Munos. I first saw her a few times a couple years back. Saw her again about two months ago. Very thin not a lot of baby damage. Friendly girl and you'll have a good time.

I wouldn't call her a super star performer but I would bet you'll be satisfied with your cita.

Member #4665
10-16-20, 15:16
scammers who want your phone number and set up cash app scams, Can scammers on seeking do a scam If they only have the sugar daddies phone number?

10-16-20, 15:24
Can scammers on seeking do a scam If they only have the sugar daddies phone number?I was getting lots of requests to send my number so we could 'talk' jaja yea right. Never give your number. Also look out for the girl you communicating with changing her city frequently. A real warning to stay away.
They can do lots with your phone number, NEVER give a girl your number, especially here in the states.

10-16-20, 15:44
I don't know how they'd be able to ban a certain device. Maybe someone with more tech knowledge can chime in. As to IP addresses, there's VPNs, plus simply unplugging your modem for a bit them plugging it back in will get a new IP addressed assigned.Paulie your Win has an ID, your PC-HD has an ID, your Motherboard has an ID, the matter fact is that every program you have installed on your PC have an ID. This is one way to recognize you anywhere you travel.

Member #4665
10-16-20, 16:13
They can do lots with your phone number, NEVER give a girl your number, especially here in the states.Thanks for your answer. What exactly can a scammer do with a number?

Maybe then sugar daddys should use a separate number for seeking.

Member #4665
10-16-20, 16:28
Once I hand my money over there is nothing more I want from the girl unless she absolutely blew me away which not many Colombian girls can do. They might be the hottest looks wise but the actual act of sex and all that it entails they are not close to the best.COL only pays dividends to those who are crazy about latin girls.

10-16-20, 17:49
That depends on the sugar daddy more than anything else. It's not complicated, don't send money. Make a deal and consummate it in person only. The less wrapped in the noise you get the less vulnerable you will be to scamming.

Search your phone numbers on the internet to get a feel for how risky it may be to share it.

Can scammers on seeking do a scam If they only have the sugar daddies phone number?

Black Page
10-16-20, 18:50
Paulie your Win has an ID, your PC-HD has an ID, your Motherboard has an ID, the matter fact is that every program you have installed on your PC have an ID. This is one way to recognize you anywhere you travel.Being really anonymous on the Internet is quite challenging. The good thing is that unless you don't do something seriously illegal you don't have the FBI and NSA chasing your footsteps.

Lucky Nuts
10-16-20, 20:16
Being really anonymous on the Internet is quite challenging. The good thing is that unless you don't do something seriously illegal you don't have the FBI and NSA chasing your footsteps.I keep an anonymous cheap walmart tracfone at my home and pay about $100 per year for service. Actually I use it to monitor a security system and my furnace settings but I also use it for my whatsapp number. I have no hesitation to give out my whatsapp number to anyone. If they call the number they will learn the temperature in my home LOL.

10-16-20, 20:35
Thanks for your answer. What exactly can a scammer do with a number?

Maybe then sugar daddys should use a separate number for seeking.You do need a number. How do you keep in touch with SB if you don't have a number. I prefer not to chat on SA so I want to move the conversation elsewhere ASAP. Often I just give out the number on the first message to move to WA or text right away. Sometimes it is the girl who hesitates. You can always block a number.

10-16-20, 20:41
Being really anonymous on the Internet is quite challenging. The good thing is that unless you don't do something seriously illegal you don't have the FBI and NSA chasing your footsteps.It is the site puts something on your computer. They can identify you as long as that exists. In theory, a web site can't even read a file on disk, the other stuff simply are not accessible. If a hole found, it will be plugged quickly.

Member #4665
10-16-20, 20:45
I made it down to COL. Staying with some friends. I tried out the condoms but it was too small so it wouldn't roll all the way down to the base of my Mann shaft. Which brand and make of condom is a larger size. Because the boxes don't really specify the length of the condom.

10-16-20, 20:53
I had an 8 charge me 300 k for 7 days after 2 prior session. She only stayed 5 days but hey I still came out a winner. She said look I charge 300 k for sometimes 30 minutes so don't be upset with me.300 k in total for 7 days? I don't believe it's true not even for one day. I have been with a really hot prepagos, she wants 800 k for the day, she was willing to accept 700 k, but for oral without condom she wants 300 more. I offered her 800 k in total and she didn't accept. If she doesn't accept means she can make more in a day, and she is not for sale. There is no way an 8 will accept 300 k for a week, when any prepagos doesn't even take a taxi for less than 200/250 (in most cases) when oral without and kisses are included. Unless you are Brad Pitt, or you show me proof, there is no other way I'm going to believe you. You can maybe find a girl who works en el centro, with cheap clothes and bad hygiene, a desperate. But I'm not even sure.

10-16-20, 21:11
Paulie your Win has an ID, your PC-HD has an ID, your Motherboard has an ID, the matter fact is that every program you have installed on your PC have an ID. This is one way to recognize you anywhere you travel.Interesting. Thanks for the feedback. I know VPNs are good for spoofing locations and change IP addresses. How widespread is the capability for internet entities to access the info you speak of, Win ID, PC-HD ID, etc? I do now recall now my bank coming back with "we don't recognize this device," but these surely have better than average resources.

Black Page
10-16-20, 21:19
It is the site puts something on your computer. They can identify you as long as that exists. In theory, a web site can't even read a file on disk, the other stuff simply are not accessible. If a hole found, it will be plugged quickly.Well it is not that simple. I use TOR if I really want anonimity, but I check ISG from my office computer plain plain.

Black Page
10-16-20, 21:23
I tried out the condoms but it was too small so it wouldn't roll all the way down to the base of my Mann shaft.I expected such juicy report from SJobs, but nutting.

Gringo Trooper
10-16-20, 21:32
I made it down to COL. Staying with some friends. I tried out the condoms but it was too small so it wouldn't roll all the way down to the base of my Mann shaft. Which brand and make of condom is a larger size. Because the boxes don't really specify the length of the condom.Thank you for making my day kind sir.

Happy to hear you made it down there!

Gringo Trooper
10-16-20, 21:37
This is not a monger. This is a dangerous psycho. He should stay in jail much longer than 2 months.I fully agree. I wonder how his time is going in jail LOL. He is probably getting tag teamed as we speak or worse.

10-16-20, 21:38
I noticed that a lot of you talk but don't share anything. So I decided to share something, hoping you'll do the same:

1) Nakhary aka Giselle.

link (https://www.photoprepagos.com/prepagos/medellin/laureles-estadio/gata-feroz-en-la-cama-quiere-divertirse-contigo-id-9s8av)

link (https://selfiescorts.com/giselle-311-756-4664-escorts-laureles)

It's the black girl I have spoken in the other post. Good attitude, great ass with an amazing hole, nice pussy, clean and not smelly. She doesn't like to kiss, at least me. Natural small tits with big nipples, which I love. Decent blow job. I think I paid 170 at my place. Strong features: ass and nipples, and skin color if you like black girls. She is Venezuelan. I might call her again.

2) Carla aka Klaudia.

link (https://www.photoprepagos.com/prepagos/medellin/laureles-estadio/te-dare-un-oral-garganta-profunda-bien-rico-id-a8wpz)

130 at her place, all inclusive. No anal. Good bbj. Really talkative, she speaks a lot, way too much for me. Body is a 7, face is a 6. I'm really picky, so for you might be more. Small room and small bed. Nice person, student. I didn't come, because after a while she had pain and we didn't stop. It was about midnight and I was the 5th client. I will not return, but for the price she is not bad.

3) Veronica.

link (https://www.photoprepagos.com/prepagos/medellin/sensual-dama-de-boca-grande-y-pezones-paraditos-completamente-adicta-al-oral-id-bgt4a)

I had an appointment this morning at 10. I didn't like her. She has a brace on her teeth, the belly is not lean like the in the pictures, and the face doesn't look so good. Paid for the taxi and sent her away. In my opinion 230 is too much for a girl like this.

4) no name.

[Deleted by Admin]

link (https://www.latinscorts.com/VAGINAL-ANAL-CON-SITIO-AMANECIDAS-24HR-GLUTEOS-GRANDS-3136497549-oral-al-natural/16954)

Different from the pictures, most likely triguena. She was coming for 100 to my place, can't remember precisely. When I saw her, I paid the taxi and I sent her back home. I didn't like her.

10-16-20, 21:39
I made it down to COL. Staying with some friends. I tried out the condoms but it was too small so it wouldn't roll all the way down to the base of my Mann shaft. Which brand and make of condom is a larger size. Because the boxes don't really specify the length of the condom.My choice is Durex, long thick and also available in flavours.

10-16-20, 21:46
Met another girl yesterday. She came to my place, we ordered food. She was here for about 3 hours. A lot of talk with a lot of contact, especially from her side. Legs on mine, etc. She didn't let me kiss her. She asked me to recharge her phone, like 2000 COP before she left, which I didn't. She was nice, but she didn't shave her legs in a while. Student. Not a prostitute anyway.

Another girl was willing to accept my offer 100 + taxi for 2 hours. We had a video call. She was with a friend. After the call she accepted the offer, but then she told me to meet the day after. We never met, and she is not answering anymore. She was looking better in the pictures. They all look much better, usually.

For now, Badoo is a waste of time.

Member #4665
10-16-20, 21:52
I expected such juicy report from SJobs, but nutting.Yeah but really it's important that the Jimmy hat cover the entire Mannshaft. So, although funny, it's actually an important question. Plus, the measurement isn't always on the boxes. What are friends for, anyways?

10-16-20, 22:09
I expected such juicy report from SJobs, but nutting.The reports were never real, all fiction by a guy living in the basement of his parents home in Chicago.

10-16-20, 22:12
Two things:

1. Devices have serial number like physical identifiers known as Media Access Control (MAC) addresses. They can be used to restrict or track devices. Like anything else they can be forged and hidden but few users bother with that.

2. Unplugging a device can change a device's IP address but it depends on how the network is configured for the so-called "lease period". It can be set for most any value from indefinite to 24 hours, to several days. Administrators normally try to balance convenience with efficient use of resources.

OK, anyone who uses this information owes me a $100 fee. LOL!Too late. I knew all about MAC addresses 25 years ago as well as IP assignments. Although back then you had to manually assign the IP at the client computer.

That was back when Sandia National Labs decided every employee and contractor required WWW access, but they didn't bother to put out an Acceptable Use Policy first. Their words, and I quote "use your best judgement. " Before I started installing winsock, assigning IPs and downloading Netscape, I warned them they would soon have a huge problem. "Use your best judgement", when policy already says personal use of computers is acceptable during non-compensated hours, means "we can surf for porn at lunch.

2 weeks later the firings began. Nobody got fired in the 3 departments I supported, although one guy got a written reprimand. I was scrambling around, swapping NICs (Network Interface Cards. To change the MAC address), reassigning IPs and in some cases swapping computers. When they came looking, they found the guilty IPs weren't assigned and the MAC addresses were all in old computers waiting to be sent out to the redistribution center.

10-16-20, 22:17
You guy discussed a lot about fuckin a chaturbate model. Well, I fucked one yesterday. 130 one hour my place. She asked me 170 for 2 hours, but I think she would have slept over for 170. I said no. All inclusive. I didn't ask for anal. Discrete oral, a lot of kisses, good fuck. Face 6, body 6. As always I want to repeat that I'm really picky. Nice girl, student, she also works on chaturbate. She gave me the link but I can't find the paper. She said to me she make more money on chaturbate, but she integrates. She lives with the family, therefore she can't host. She doesn't speak English. She sent me a message this morning to thank me, she clearly wants for me to invite her again, but I will not. But I feel I have to recommend her, because she has a great attitude and she is a really nice person.

The announce was active yesterday but today expired.


So, you can fuck chartubate models, and they are not necessary more expensive than other girls. She works in a studio when camming.

Price is related to the beauty, it's the same in every country. So when people here say me they can get an 80 for 300k a week I laugh, because that is bullshit.

10-16-20, 22:17
If no kids, hugely doubtful she would be eating your ass.You're behind the times. Eating ass is the latest fad. I'm in a twisted US Facebook group of mostly 30 some things and every other post is about eating ass.

Within the next year, most of the Medellin hookers will be eating ass during every blowjob.

Within 2 years they'll be charging extra for it.

10-16-20, 22:20
That depends on the sugar daddy more than anything else. It's not complicated, don't send money. Make a deal and consummate it in person only. The less wrapped in the noise you get the less vulnerable you will be to scamming.

Search your phone numbers on the internet to get a feel for how risky it may be to share it.Seeking is now a prime target for e- whoring methods. These are computer hackers who use escort or dating sites and create tons of fake profiles to get the guys to send them money and gifts without meeting. Along with real girls who have this motive seeking has become a prime target for these people. There are still some gems out there on Sa. This site is actually different in Colombia because I there are girls who actually seek real relationships from guys with financial security. Few and far between but they are there if you're willing to put the work in.

10-16-20, 22:22
Why isn't the question, what exactly is it that they charge that puts them on my list? Must be pretty bad. Read my past reports for how much I've paid girls.

What is bad and what is good? Is it bad to come to an agreement and pay the agreed upon amount?

I'm not going to make any judgements on what you pay. Don't cast your judgements on mine.

Just to let you know, the chica who I ONLY paid 100k the other day whatsapped me today and asked to see me again this weekend. She doesn't seem so upset about it.
100k was her asking price. Not mine.There is no bad price. The parties either agree or walk away. If one party feels the other was unreasonable, they tell their friends. The girls use WhatsApp groups. The guys, at least the gringos, use ISG.

10-16-20, 22:25
I still wonder how can someone can get robbed on La 70, like I read here, not even at night, but during the day. If you get robbed during the day, you are really doing something wrong. I have been walking en el centro for hours and no one touched me. And I'm planning to go after midnight, with just enough money for the taxi, if not any, without my phone, so they will have nothing to rob.

I want to see if it's so dangerous like people say, because I'm sure it's not. They do rob, for sure, but if you don't have anything to rob, they will not rob you anything. During the day there is a LOT of police, and I have spoken with a policeman who told me they are there the entire night. Of course the night is much worse en El Centro, but it's not the Far West.

To be robbed on La 70 you must be dumb, really. There are places in Italy, and not even in the South, much more dangerous than La 70. I never felt unsafe, and I have been walking at 2 AM in the night. I went to la Mayorista at 1 AM.

I think some of you are paranoid, like the one saying you shouldn't give your phone number. LOL, to a Colombian chica. Fact is, you don't know what you are talking about.

10-16-20, 22:34
Here's some pics for the boys. A creampie and some nice tits.

10-16-20, 22:35
This is not a monger. This is a dangerous psycho. He should stay in jail much longer than 2 months.

This is not even BDSM (which I like to some extent, BTW), as he lured poor girls with money and then violated their trust. I am surprised first how is it possible that those girls did not have a friend in their barrios who could teach him the lesson, then also how police had his data, as he was arrested at the airport, but was not able to lcate him in Medellin. I am very curious to read more of this story.I do not know for certain, but I believe it was a monger who tipped the police where to find him. I know that some mongers were definitely getting the word out to the girls warning about him.

As for "not a monger", I wish that was true. But to the outside world he is a monger. A group, especially one outside society's norm, is judged by its worst members, not its best.

I'm certain there are guys here who will be upset that a monger turned him in. They think we're all supposed to stick together. Fuck that. If some girl tells me a monger beat her up, I will explain to her the 2 options for making certain he doesn't beat anyone else up.

As Me Phi Me sang long ago "Not my brother, brother."

Mr Enternational
10-16-20, 22:56
I prefer not to chat on SA so I want to move the conversation elsewhere ASAP. Often I just give out the number on the first message to move to WA or text right away. Sometimes it is the girl who hesitates. The scammers also want to move the conversation elsewhere ASAP. I do not use SA, but it is the same thing on Cupid. I get tons of those messages everyday mostly from Cuba, Venezuela, and Dominican Republic. In the last couple of weeks I have started receiving them from various African countries. Even got one from the Philippines the other day. This is LATIN Cupid, not African or Asian Cupid. Duh scammer.

There will be an initial copied message, most times saying how they want a serious relationship bla, bla, bla and to contact them on whatsapp. 9 times out of 10 this is a scammer. I won't really say scammer, but it is not a person looking for what they are saying. Most are out to sell pics and videos. Others may be some overpriced agency where you can order girls. Then there are others that are I am sick and need your money ASAP to make me better. There is not anything they can do with your number besides talk about these things off the site so they will not get banned. If they could do something with your number then why would they not just pick any random number to run scams.

I pretty much ignore most of these messages. I do not plan to go to Venezuela or Cuba anytime soon. Wish I could just block messages from these countries. The places that I do plan on going then I will tell them that I do not have whatsapp and I am looking for a lover, not the serious relationship that they want. Remember this is based on them being froggish and blurting out send me a message on whatsapp before saying Hello, or anything else.

The real real scammers will just fall off because there is nothing left for them to do without me having whatsapp. The hookers will keep talking asking what I mean by lovers. They will not let me saying that I don't have whatsapp stop them. I will then trade whatsapp with them and make arangements to see them when I am in town. The true non-pros just carry on regular conversation and you usually have to ask them for their contact info; they do not blurt it out in the first message they send you.

Now for the ones that change location, this is part of scamming too. Some will change location to where a guy is and say they are in the same city or they are coming to that city. Then when he starts showing interest they will run the scam. Location change is just different bait.

10-16-20, 22:59
I mean most casas offer 60 k an hour 2 nuts. Some 90 k, some 120 k. There your not providing any extra entertainment they normally receive from you otherwise. Your not paying for taxi. You only pay additionals no condom, anal, cum in the mouth. Who would know the rates better than the casas. Do you go in a supermarket and pay twice as much as you pay for the listed price. Members are just trying to suggest whoa you don't really have to pay that much. I had an 8 charge me 300 k for 7 days after 2 prior session. She only stayed 5 days but hey I still came out a winner. She said look I charge 300 k for sometimes 30 minutes so don't be upset with me. When these girls hear that such a person got Xtra amount. They start asking for that amount. So now communicating, interacting become a hassle. I think that's the point the big spenders, buy pics, and video guys do not understand. You get a flood of girls requesting offers unrelated to actually meeting someone, having sex or deserving of their value..Welcome to unbridled capitalism!

Girls will charge what they want to charge. Guys pay what they want to pay.

We could try to enforce a flat rate, but then you're paying the same for a 3 as for an 8. Then you're not getting any girls staying for 3 days and only getting paid for 30 minutes.

If her rates are out of line, tell her what you'll pay, wish her luck and walk away. Almost every time she'll come back with a lower rate. Be nice but firm and you will usually get your price.

"Te entiendo amor. Está bien. Pero quedaré muchos theías acá why siempre pago este. Tal vez podemos hablar un otro día."

"I understand you, love. It's okay. But I will stay here many days and this is what I always pay. Maybe we can talk another day. ".

If she's actively looking for money she'll probably drop her price. If not, she'll hit you up when the cupboards are bare.

10-16-20, 23:07
I was getting lots of requests to send my number so we could 'talk' jaja yea right. Never give your number. Also look out for the girl you communicating with changing her city frequently. A real warning to stay away.
They can do lots with your phone number, NEVER give a girl your number, especially here in the states.Usually the phone number request is to move you to some other platform, such as Google Hangouts. They are limited on the scamming they can do on SA or whichever site.

However, with some websites, they can spoof your number then submit a change password request, provided they have your user ID. Mostly sites are using your email to notify you if anyone changes info in your account.

10-16-20, 23:09
I keep an anonymous cheap walmart tracfone at my home and pay about $100 per year for service. Actually I use it to monitor a security system and my furnace settings but I also use it for my whatsapp number. I have no hesitation to give out my whatsapp number to anyone. If they call the number they will learn the temperature in my home LOL.Laugh now! But just wait until someone hacks in and you wake up in the morning with frozen nuts.

Member #4665
10-16-20, 23:39
Also be careful with girls who just post 1 or 2 pictures. Sometimes a person can look really good or completely different in a picture than what they really look like. So it's always best to ask for more pictures particularly ordinary everyday pictures To be able to see who a person is.