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12-10-20, 17:12
Just an addendum.

"Siempre" is one of the words everyone should add to their toolkit. It's an immediate attention getter. It adds authority to your statements. "Pago despues" is indefinite, especially if you're reading it off of Google Translate. "Siempre pago despues" tells the girl nicely that you have been down this road many times and the discussion is over. You will pay her after you're done.

You can use it in all your negotiations. "Las chicas siempre quedan conmigo por dos o tres horas. " The girls always stay with me for 2 or 3 hours. "Siempre quiero dos polvos. " I always want 2 nuts. "Siempre recibo oral sin condom." I always get BBBJ. There's no guarantee you will get what you are asking for, but it clearly tells the girl what she's competing against.Just an addendum.

I've never heard anyone say I want two nuts using the word "polvo" which means dust or powder in Spanish. Most guys just say "dos leches" which is crude, a more formal way of saying it would be "dos relaciones" or you could say "quiero venir dos veces" meaning I want to come two times. I'm not sure how you would say I want to blow two loads, but I think you would use the verb "tirar" which is to throw. So that's your Spanish lesson for the day!

12-10-20, 17:18
Everyone's situation is different. I personally find the concept of paying a subscription fee to meet women in Medellin utterly surreal. Even if there were not several free online sources for that kind of content it is just so easy to meet them anywhere and everywhere.YMMV. If you're paying $80/ mo (I don't know what the fee is, so just using a round number), and get a couple freebies, you've made your money back. Even one hot freebie, you may have made your money back. If you are into a certain type, or into the non-clock-watching semi-pros, then maybe it's worth it. It's much easier than Facebook, in my opinion. You set up your profile in a similar way, but with information that can be filtered (by chica & you). You sit and wait. You let it build up a few days, then message the girls you like. You get WhatsApp, and then make your own decision to approach the business side, immediately, or go along for the ride and see what happens. I feel like my experience was more than worth it. I found a lot of keepers off SA. I don't know if the crop has changed since the quarantine ended. As previously stated, the range I encountered was between free and 900.000 (I had one smoking hot voluptuous Vennie ask for $500, and I know we matched on Tinder then chatted on WhatsApp, but I can't recall if we originally matched on SA). I think for the younger guys with some coin and a go with the flow attitude, it's worth it. It also helps the non-Spanish speaking guys, as you can use Translator to communicate / negotiate, instead of face-to-face verbal. For the guys looking to save a buck, maybe it's not worth it. When I was using it, I was working 10-12 hour days in Medellin. So, being able to let it marinate and then have several options for a Friday night was ideal.

As most things in life and Colombia, make your own fucking decision. SJobs would've killed it on SA! RIP.

12-10-20, 17:26
Everyone's situation is different. I personally find the concept of paying a subscription fee to meet women in Medellin utterly surreal. Even if there were not several free online sources for that kind of content it is just so easy to meet them anywhere and everywhere.It creates the illusion of a superior product. The girls must be better because you have to pay more to look at them. The same could be said when comparing girls at La Isla with girls at Grill Hilton (do any Gringos ever go there? La Isla is more comfortable and has much to recommend it, but you can find girls who are just as good or better working in the El Centro clubs.

Energy costs almost triple the El Centro casas. The facilities are nicer, but I can't say that the girls are considerably better.

However, we all see things through our own personal filters. I'd say the guys who stay and play in El Centro have less filters. You're there for women. You subtract the surroundings and see the beauty in the women. Guys who can't stand El Centro instead see the garbage and their filters add the garbage to the women. If you took the same woman they wouldn't touch behind Veracruz, stuck her in a $20 dress and some cheap high heels, then sat her down in Gusto they would call her a 9 or 10.

The reality (or the way I see things through my own set of filters) is that Medellin is full of beautiful women. You can find them everywhere and an almost unbelievable number of them are obtainable if approached correctly.

SA gives the opportunity, or an illusion of the opportunity to get the girls which guys classify as unobtainable.

12-10-20, 17:36
Sometimes I am shock you consider yourself a veteran at Centro. The entire situation cost me 46 mil pesos including hotel. Thats $13. What happens in Centro means nothing as long as you walk out alive. Its like your not paying anything. Like a young man said. Its stick and move. Its not worth being a master in centro. I think you put weigh too much claim and ownership to centro. There's really way more to Colombia than centro. The place has become my go to if theres cancellation or I am shifting a date to another day. I share my story. Its nothing to be ashame about. I get nothing to be a superstar on this forum. So why should I tell superman stories. Surfer surfer. Wake up. Its not that serious. Its centro.

We talking $10 to $15. Not $50 $75 or $300.

By the way surfer. Centro has a body type for every mans preference. So your taste will vary from the next man. What centro lack is class and style of women..You appear to be spending more and more time in El Centro, and seem to be having a hard time accepting the transformation your going thru, it's kind of like your in denial as to what is happening to you, as evidenced by your daily El Centro Brief's, kind of like the President's Daily Brief.

Your slowly learning the ropes Grasshopper, and the in's, the outs, and how to navigate the terrain there, albeit you have been stubbing your toes along the way in becoming an El Centro street rat.

Just imagine when you have mastered El Centro and all it's magical charm.

12-10-20, 17:41
I can see how it would be easier than facebook because it does not involve literally billions of uninterested parties. The other facebook issue that's been discussed from time to time here is of course personal data privacy. Something that does not really exist on facebook. It's important enough that I will repeat that creating a separate single purpose facebook account offers little to no privacy protection. The technical details of that are too boring to go into here but interested parties should research it if there is any possibility what you do on facebook could land you in family court. Seeking Arrangement is marginally more private but some of you may be old enough to remember the groundbreaking Ashley Madison incident. I was not a user but it certainly opened my eyes. So anyway back to the subject at hand. I agree with the way you framed it slapshot. Youth and cash are advantages on Seeking Arrangement as they are with most everything else in life. I can see how Seeking Arrangement can be helpful if there is a preference to be inside with a keyboard in front of us. During the lockdown of course it was not a preference it was our way of life. Now that we again have freedom of movement Seeking Arrangement is for me at least less compelling. Guys should consider the source of these views. A Centro rat. LOL! But seriously even if we are laser focused on finding our version of the most beautiful girl we can find there is no denying the pool of candidates is vastly larger out in the real world than it is on any website. But again you have to go out into the real world and interact with that pool. Seeking Arrangements and similar resources pre filter uninterested parties and of course offer the convenience of access across a keyboard and monitor.

YMMV. If you're paying $80/ mo (I don't know what the fee is, so just using a round number), and get a couple freebies, you've made your money back. Even one hot freebie, you may have made your money back. If you are into a certain type, or into the non-clock-watching semi-pros, then maybe it's worth it. It's much easier than Facebook, in my opinion. You set up your profile in a similar way, but with information that can be filtered (by chica & you). You sit and wait. You let it build up a few days, then message the girls you like. You get WhatsApp, and then make your own decision to approach the business side, immediately, or go along for the ride and see what happens. I feel like my experience was more than worth it. I found a lot of keepers off SA. I don't know if the crop has changed since the quarantine ended. As previously stated, the range I encountered was between free and 900.000 (I had one smoking hot voluptuous Vennie ask for $500, and I know we matched on Tinder then chatted on WhatsApp, but I can't recall if we originally matched on SA). I think for the younger guys with some coin and a go with the flow attitude, it's worth it. It also helps the non-Spanish speaking guys, as you can use Translator to communicate / negotiate, instead of face-to-face verbal. For the guys looking to save a buck, maybe it's not worth it. When I was using it, I was working 10-12 hour days in Medellin. So, being able to let it marinate and then have several options for a Friday night was ideal.

As most things in life and Colombia, make your own fucking decision. SJobs would've killed it on SA! RIP.

12-10-20, 18:06
All the intellectual banter & ratings aside. REAL available Colombian women (not the hookers) close to 1/2 of the Seeking girls. Challenge any pre-existing thinking we bring with us from the USA. I try to explain the difference to my brainwashed friends. When they see photos of the girls I am seeing here. They think it's not possible. When I tell them their actual professional backgrounds or that they are students of law, engineers, stewardesses, models etc. They go into denial. Finlay when I mention they want relationships above money and are financially secure and want someone to respect them at their level. That is far beyond almost anyone in Sex Prisons comprehension. LOL Even here on this "mongering" list. So give up all that false logic and enjoy. Find your #1's & 2's. 9's & 10's The path may be tough, the rewards exceptional.You can go online and buy a superior cut of meat and have it shipped to your door. Or you can go to a butcher shop, get an identical cut and pay less. However, most people just grab whatever they see on display at the grocery store.

Most of us spend our early years learning our place. We watch the people we grew up with go to some local school, marry a local girl, come back take a local job and they never even think what's over the horizon. We're the exceptions. We've gone over the next hill to see what's there and in the process learned that the world is different from what we were told.

But most of us are still bound by our local superstitions. We can go to another country and have beautiful women with ease. We can be more comfortable with them than most of the guys back home can be with their plane Jane wife who they've been sleeping with for 30-40 years. However, when we go back home, that beauty queen, 20-30 years younger than us, still looks unobtainable. She probably is willing and ready, if approached correctly.

SA takes away the pressure of approaching the beauty queens, the models and cheerleaders, the university students and white collar successes. Other than the subscription fee, there's no risk. You're just an anonymous guy, dangling his line and hoping for a bite. If a girl shows no interest you can tell yourself you weren't really interested and move on. It provides an emotional safety net.

It also adds the convenience of online shopping, combined with the illusion of a better girl. Maybe they are all better girls. I'll leave that for others to decide. Instead of flying to Medellin and striking up a conversation with the cashier at Falabella, working your way around to getting her number and suggesting a date, you can send 10 messages and get 6 or 7 numbers, all who are interested in a date. Once your plane lands you're already at the "are we fucking or not" stage, instead of looking for the girl at the mall who makes eye contact and smiles at you.

12-10-20, 18:49
Thank you for sharing this report, all of it is extremely valuable. I am still debating whether or not to use fb but I am unlikely to as most of the reports seem like some of these girls are complete loose cannons. Maybe taking drugs beforehand and they know that all they have to do is kick up a fuss and make a scene in order for them to get paid for doing nothing. That girl sounds like a real basket case.

It sucks that this happened on your first night and I had my fair share of disasters also. When I arrive somewhere I always tend to rush and want to do everything on the first day, I think I won't be so quick to take anyone back to my apartment in MDE unless I've road tested them first..You're drawing a conclusion without sufficient information. You're also not considering the entire situation.

By far, the majority of Facebook girls are excellent. Most of them fully understand that their performance will be reviewed, just as most of them share our performance with their friends. They realize that screwing over a gringo can be bad for business.

Now consider Vsebud's situation. The deal was 200 k + taxi for 2 hours. Since he had already paid for the taxi, she expected to leave with 200 k. 1 hour, 2, 3 or 4 hours, once she arrived, her mind told her 200 k was owed to her. When she only received half, she felt cheated. Yes, she was there for less than half the time, but that's not how Paisas think.

This is just my opinion. If he had talked with her about it in the room, which is difficult through Google Translate, and explained the situation nicely, she probably would have either stayed for the full 2 hours, or accepted 150 k without a fuss. By taking her outside and then only paying half, her immediate response was that he was cheating her. I'm not saying her response was justified, or that she deserved the full 200 k, but the trick to avoiding these situations is to understand both sides.

The "my mom called, I have to go", may have been a valid excuse. Her mom might have called before she arrived and said she could only watch her kid until a certain time. More likely she was just ready to leave.

My suggestion for longer sessions is to start slowly. You've got plenty of time. My real suggestion is to leave the time undefined. I have had good results telling girls I don't do dates by the hour. There's no need to rush. That way we can both relax and enjoy ourselves.

Start slowly. Talk about normal things, music, kids, the weather back home. Ask about her favorite place in Colombia or what places she would like to visit. When you're dealing with casa, street or strip club girls, you're on the clock. With Facebook girls you've got all the time you need. Just a little conversation helps change her attitude. You're no longer just a fuck she has to go through to get paid.

From there, control the pace. Some will still push to get it over with. If you're a DATY guy, you can easily add 20 minutes to the session and completely change her attitude. If you brought a wand vibrator, you can accomplish the same thing without your jaw getting sore. Find her spots. If you can push her buttons and turn the fake moans into "Dios mio" you're going to get a much better session and she won't be heading immediately to the shower.

Anyway, looking forward to the rest of Vsebud's reports.

12-10-20, 18:57
Mr E, thanks for the input, but my point is: you can skip the hassle of filing the form AT ALL, just download my screenshot, show it at the counter and you're good to go! I did it on my flight back to states. Haven't even bothered to fill the form, just showed the screenshot from NY and Voila! I'm good to go!I wouldn't advise that, especially on your inbound flight. While the airline may let you board, you run the risk of getting the wrong guy on the wrong day in Medellin and being sent straight back home.

I was having the same problems trying to fill out the form before my flight. It kept telling me my flight was not found. Turned out I had checked the wrong airport from the list. Eventually I went back and checked everything until I found the error.

12-10-20, 21:33
Have a mileroticos girl come to your apartment. Befire She will ask for your apartment number and when she gets there money first. Its standard procedure. You certainly haven't dealt with any LOL.

Prepago, although it translates to prepaid, is a generic term for hookers in Colombia. It doesn't necessarily mean payment in advance is required. They are all prepagos..

Nil Admirari
12-10-20, 22:51
Just an addendum.

I've never heard anyone say I want two nuts using the word "polvo" which means dust or powder in Spanish. Most guys just say "dos leches" which is crude, a more formal way of saying it would be "dos relaciones" or you could say "quiero venir dos veces" meaning I want to come two times. I'm not sure how you would say I want to blow two loads, but I think you would use the verb "tirar" which is to throw. So that's your Spanish lesson for the day!According to my Spanish dictionary, in Colombia, River Plata, Venezuela, and Spain, "polvo" can be heard as a vulgar slang equivalent of the English-speaking, guy-in the street's use of a "shag" (in the. UK) and a "screw" or a "fuck" (in the US of A). So true. , "polvo" is not a synonym for "una leche", but the usage apparently does have some street cred. That said, my ear for picking up on Spanish slang is too pathetic for me to say if I've ever heard "polvo" actually used in that way in the calles (y casas) of Medellin.

John Gault
12-10-20, 23:09
The dime looks much better than her. Unless the 3 puffs hour ago mess with my judgement. But the picture she sent me was stunning.

.Yes a little weed always make the girl look much hotter.

12-10-20, 23:17
Alright so my first day is history and I must say I'm underwhelmed. To start I went to Luna luerna which suck never going again, Then I went to Gusto which is like Ibar there where some hot chicks but not many places closes at midnight so I went to an after hour spot a strip club called la isla closes at 4 am but it was the same chicks as gusto with a few new faces nothing crazy. Now I realize it's me as I've seen photos of chicks available I just don't no where they are. Some of it may be I'm not using facebook but I haven't seen one big fat fake ass and tits yet. It was my first day and I may be a tough judge but today I've got a tinder chick were supposed to meet for drinks also met a cool dude yesterday going try link up fase dos to see how that is. Right now I've seen hotter Colombia chicks in Panama than I'm seeing here if Fase dos disappoints I'm going to Cali Colombia Saturday.

12-10-20, 23:47
What is the scene like the week after Christmas? I've heard its slower than usual since most girls are with their families.

Planning to arrive on 12/27 and want to start planning where I'll likely spend my time until the chicas return.

12-11-20, 00:00
Just an addendum.

I've never heard anyone say I want two nuts using the word "polvo" which means dust or powder in Spanish. Most guys just say "dos leches" which is crude, a more formal way of saying it would be "dos relaciones" or you could say "quiero venir dos veces" meaning I want to come two times. I'm not sure how you would say I want to blow two loads, but I think you would use the verb "tirar" which is to throw. So that's your Spanish lesson for the day!Polvo is a fairly common Colombian slang term for a nut, orgasm, or whatever you prefer. I've used it a few times as a joke. There's a Colombian dish called "pollo sudado", literally sweated chicken. If I'm talking food with a chica, I might say "me gusta mucho pollo sudado, pero prefiero un polvo sudado."

Yes, dos relaciones would be more formal.

12-11-20, 00:02
Just an addendum.

I've never heard anyone say I want two nuts using the word "polvo" which means dust or powder in Spanish. Most guys just say "dos leches" which is crude, a more formal way of saying it would be "dos relaciones" or you could say "quiero venir dos veces" meaning I want to come two times. I'm not sure how you would say I want to blow two loads, but I think you would use the verb "tirar" which is to throw. So that's your Spanish lesson for the day!See my earlier explanation first.

This is one of the hidden advantages of following a few hundred chicas on Facebook. You get an informal introduction to the various slang and also you can pick up a bit of the way things are phrased.

12-11-20, 00:15
I wouldn't advise that, especially on your inbound flight. While the airline may let you board, you run the risk of getting the wrong guy on the wrong day in Medellin and being sent straight back home.

I was having the same problems trying to fill out the form before my flight. It kept telling me my flight was not found. Turned out I had checked the wrong airport from the list. Eventually I went back and checked everything until I found the error.I had a similar experience on my outbound flight from MDE to FLL. My flight was not listed, at least that is what I thought but it turns out that immigrations system only recognizes flights with three numbers and the Jetblue flight only had two numbers and I subsequently found out is I needed to put a number 1 in front of the two numbers and then the flight would be recognized which I found out afterwards. As I was concerned about this at the time, what I did was instead of filling out the form and saying I was on a commercial flight, I checked the box that said I was on a private flight at the same time and the system accepted that and sent me an E mail confirmation which I printed and showed upon entering the airport. Interesting though that according to the confirmation I was a citizen of Thailand though and it didn't matter, security at the airport just looked at the printout and my Passport and let me in, nobody said anything after that including immigration.

12-11-20, 00:23
Just an addendum.

I've never heard anyone say I want two nuts using the word "polvo" which means dust or powder in Spanish. Most guys just say "dos leches" which is crude, a more formal way of saying it would be "dos relaciones" or you could say "quiero venir dos veces" meaning I want to come two times. I'm not sure how you would say I want to blow two loads, but I think you would use the verb "tirar" which is to throw. So that's your Spanish lesson for the day!Actually "polvo" is commonly used in Colombia as a term for a guy getting off.

I've heard it for years.

And a "polvo de gallo" is a phrase for a guy getting off quickly, LOL.

12-11-20, 00:42
Thank you for sharing this report, all of it is extremely valuable. I am still debating whether or not to use fb but I am unlikely to as most of the reports seem like some of these girls are complete loose cannons. Maybe taking drugs beforehand and they know that all they have to do is kick up a fuss and make a scene in order for them to get paid for doing nothing. That girl sounds like a real basket case.

It sucks that this happened on your first night and I had my fair share of disasters also. When I arrive somewhere I always tend to rush and want to do everything on the first day, I think I won't be so quick to take anyone back to my apartment in MDE unless I've road tested them first.

Also one thing I have personally learned, when $hit hits the fan and they want to be paid, just pay them the amount that's being agreed, whether you got your dick wet or not. It sucks yes but it can save a hell of lot of aggravation down the line. Sometimes as mongers we need to look at the big picture, I might get 5 free fucks, 10 silly cheap fucks and 1 girl in 2 years go nuts and demand payment for doing nothing, so on average its not end of the world although it does suck at the time when it happens.

Looking forward to the rest of the report.He held her head down on his cock and cam in her throat? Without it being in negotiations, he makes that very clear, why would you feel bad for him about what happened after that?

12-11-20, 00:45
I am still debating whether or not to use fb but I am unlikely to as most of the reports seem like some of these girls are complete loose cannons.JohnnyO, sorry if my report pushed you to make a wrong assumption, but you probably missed the sentence: "Most sessions were very good, some amazing, couple partially disappointed and one was complete disaster (El Centro). " The session with MM fits into partially disappointed bucket as the first 40 minutes could be rated as 9. 5 of 10 and problem was solved for 50 K without involving the police.

So if you don't want to miss some of the best experiences in Medellin, you HAVE to use FB! I hope it clarifies the situation.

12-11-20, 00:46
I had some weed when the dime showed up. She look good to me. Everything was right.

Yes a little weed always make the girl look much hotter..

12-11-20, 00:54
"Polvo" = nut / ejaculation / leche. I promise.

Actually "polvo" is commonly used in Colombia as a term for a guy getting off.

I've heard it for years.

And a "polvo de gallo" is a phrase for a guy getting off quickly, LOL.

12-11-20, 00:56
The dime turn into a 7 but she was the perfect guest. Its like everything went right. I love her. She gave me 2 nuts when deal was 1: and literally waited for me to bust in face. Was so submissive. Deepthroat, sensuous, freaky, patient, skillful. My god. I need that in my life but no more at 220 k.

12-11-20, 01:01
Key points that stood out for me is Vsebudtet held the girl's head down and skeeted in her mouth. You can usually tell when a girl does not want that. There are non verbal signals and I would be surprised if this apparently experienced pro did not send them. The family emergency exit strategy is an old classic. I think my favorite part of this overall enjoyable report was its reminder how completely fake the much sought after girlfriend experience is. I sometimes think about renting a couple of days at San Peter just to watch the show.Knowledge, you're absolutely right: she definitely didn't want it, but I was at the point of no return and couldn't do anything but pushing her head down. You definitely want to rent a couple of days at San Peter but not to watch the show, but run the show LOL.

12-11-20, 01:02
I can see how it would be easier than facebook because it does not involve literally billions of uninterested parties. The other facebook issue that's been discussed from time to time here is of course personal data privacy. Something that does not really exist on facebook. It's important enough that I will repeat that creating a separate single purpose facebook account offers little to no privacy protection. The technical details of that are too boring to go into here but interested parties should research it if there is any possibility what you do on facebook could land you in family court. Seeking Arrangement is marginally more private but some of you may be old enough to remember the groundbreaking Ashley Madison incident. I was not a user but it certainly opened my eyes. So anyway back to the subject at hand. I agree with the way you framed it slapshot. Youth and cash are advantages on Seeking Arrangement as they are with most everything else in life. I can see how Seeking Arrangement can be helpful if there is a preference to be inside with a keyboard in front of us. During the lockdown of course it was not a preference it was our way of life. Now that we again have freedom of movement Seeking Arrangement is for me at least less compelling. Guys should consider the source of these views. A Centro rat. LOL! But seriously even if we are laser focused on finding our version of the most beautiful girl we can find there is no denying the pool of candidates is vastly larger out in the real world than it is on any website. But again you have to go out into the real world and interact with that pool. Seeking Arrangements and similar resources pre filter uninterested parties and of course offer the convenience of access across a keyboard and monitor.

You can go online and buy a superior cut of meat and have it shipped to your door. Or you can go to a butcher shop, get an identical cut and pay less. However, most people just grab whatever they see on display at the grocery store.

Most of us spend our early years learning our place. We watch the people we grew up with go to some local school, marry a local girl, come back take a local job and they never even think what's over the horizon. We're the exceptions. We've gone over the next hill to see what's there and in the process learned that the world is different from what we were told.

But most of us are still bound by our local superstitions. We can go to another country and have beautiful women with ease. We can be more comfortable with them than most of the guys back home can be with their plane Jane wife who they've been sleeping with for 30-40 years. However, when we go back home, that beauty queen, 20-30 years younger than us, still looks unobtainable. She probably is willing and ready, if approached correctly.

SA takes away the pressure of approaching the beauty queens, the models and cheerleaders, the university students and white collar successes. Other than the subscription fee, there's no risk. You're just an anonymous guy, dangling his line and hoping for a bite. If a girl shows no interest you can tell yourself you weren't really interested and move on. It provides an emotional safety net.

It also adds the convenience of online shopping, combined with the illusion of a better girl. Maybe they are all better girls. I'll leave that for others to decide. Instead of flying to Medellin and striking up a conversation with the cashier at Falabella, working your way around to getting her number and suggesting a date, you can send 10 messages and get 6 or 7 numbers, all who are interested in a date. Once your plane lands you're already at the "are we fucking or not" stage, instead of looking for the girl at the mall who makes eye contact and smiles at you.A few things I forgot to mention about SA:

1) I no longer use it, and maybe it's value was tied to the quarantine, maybe not.

2) Both my best and worst experiences of this 9-month trip were from SA.

3) You can use a profile photo that is from behind, from the side, dark, some one else, artwork, whatever you want. Then, you have private photos. Many chicas will request access. You decide who gets it. So, another layer of protection, for those who are hesitant about creating a burner FB account.

4) I have been PM'd by other BMs asking for advice with SA. Some seem to not be too impressed by SA. However, my thought is that the typical SA chica is looking for either a big pay day or prince charming. Then, if it's a big pay day, they weigh their options vs their desire to lie under you for however long it takes. So, be realistic, be humble, make your own decision, and go for it. For some, it's centro, others it's Mileroticos or Photoprepagos, others prefer casas, some FB, some Lleras, some Fase Dos, La Isla, or Gusto. You can't go wrong. The only way you go wrong is when you choose the path. Once you find the right path, there's a waterfall with a rainbow and a pot of gold waiting for each of us, at the end.

12-11-20, 01:29
A few things I forgot to mention about SA:

1) I no longer use it, and maybe it's value was tied to the quarantine, maybe not.

2) Both my best and worst experiences of this 9-month trip were from SA.

3) You can use a profile photo that is from behind, from the side, dark, some one else, artwork, whatever you want. Then, you have private photos. Many chicas will request access. You decide who gets it. So, another layer of protection, for those who are hesitant about creating a burner FB account.

4) I have been PM'd by other BMs asking for advice with SA. Some seem to not be too impressed by SA. However, my thought is that the typical SA chica is looking for either a big pay day or prince charming. Then, if it's a big pay day, they weigh their options vs their desire to lie under you for however long it takes. So, be realistic, be humble, make your own decision, and go for it. For some, it's centro, others it's Mileroticos or Photoprepagos, others prefer casas, some FB, some Lleras, some Fase Dos, La Isla, or Gusto. You can't go wrong. The only way you go wrong is when you choose the path. Once you find the right path, there's a waterfall with a rainbow and a pot of gold waiting for each of us, at the end.That's always been my advice. Find the method that best fits you.

12-11-20, 01:48
Actually "polvo" is commonly used in Colombia as a term for a guy getting off.

I've heard it for years.

And a "polvo de gallo" is a phrase for a guy getting off quickly, LOL.Jbee2 was correct, there's so many dichos used in Spanish. It's like when there's a traffic jam and everybody is yelling taco, taco in Medellin, not like your ordering at a Mexican restaurant.

And the term polvo de gallo or I guess in English, "speedie Gonzalez", versus Pico de gallo, at least that is how I will remember this new phrase!

12-11-20, 02:01
I was having the same problems trying to fill out the form before my flight. It kept telling me my flight was not found. Turned out I had checked the wrong airport from the list. Eventually I went back and checked everything until I found the error.Your problem wasn't the same: just look at the image. And I'm pretty sure it's quite common case as counter people and immigration officers on both sides US and Colombia just looked at screenshot on the phone screen from 2 feet distance without even trying to read what the error was.

12-11-20, 02:22
A few things I forgot to mention about SA:Slapshot, just quote you to continue the topic. To me, these are some of the differences without getting into too much detail.

I think it is much easier to find college students on SA. I did not have any profile picture and there was no problem. I told girls that I will send pictures on whatsapp. I also think many girls sign up SA as an experiment so some will only be there for a short period of time and they are not always on the site so response will not be as quick when compared to FB.

I went to La Isla a couple of times a week. I also visited the clubs and casas in El Centro frequently. Percentage wise, I think the girls at La Isla have lighter skin, more fake blondes, and take care of themselves better compare to the chicks in El Centro clubs.

12-11-20, 02:44
Premier plaza Is 16 mil for 1 HR. The chicas normally stay 20,30, 40,50 minutes. Varies. It was a day I just wanted to see a girl naked and do my thing. I wasnt going to fuss over $8 upfront. Tomorrow with the dime I pay $50 to $70. Now that's when I do not give the money first unless she's a prepago cause then you have to pay first. Medellin you have to be flexible and understand some rules you stick to and some rules because of cost. You say fuck it.
I have experienced most of what you wrote except one (not going back with you) in El Centro. I have posted this before. There was only one girl that asked me to pay before after we were in the room. I say no then we both left the room. When the room was already paid for, went alone with it may not be a worse choice. This girl was only in El Centro briefly but I have talked to her a day before. She is one of the hottest girls I have met in Medellin. She knew that so she had an attitude and she probably did not care losing one customer.

12-11-20, 02:50
Polvo is a fairly common Colombian slang term for a nut, orgasm, or whatever you prefer. I've used it a few times as a joke. There's a Colombian dish called "pollo sudado", literally sweated chicken. If I'm talking food with a chica, I might say "me gusta mucho pollo sudado, pero prefiero un polvo sudado."

Yes, dos relaciones would be more formal.Never heard it used before, and now I'm going to have to complain to the dean of the language program at EAFIT for not teaching this "dicho" in any of the classes I had.

So many "dicho's" or sayings, meaning slang that are used in Colombia. So using the verb "sudar" to sweat, did you actually tell any of your Chicas that you had a preference for a sweaty orgasm versus sweated chicken, and if so, what kind of response did you get from that.

Hopefully a big grin and a chuckle.

12-11-20, 03:14
Actually "polvo" is commonly used in Colombia as a term for a guy getting off.

I've heard it for years.

And a "polvo de gallo" is a phrase for a guy getting off quickly, LOL.Jajaja. The first time I heard that mentioned, it ruined my negotiations with the Chica. She was a secretive university student semi pro, and when she talked polvo I took it literally to mean powder, as in the kind of powder Colombia is famous for, anyway, I started telling her I don't do drugs and she was confused that I brought up drugs and said she wouldn't care if I did, anyhow it messed things up, and I ended the convo. Never forgot the word since.

12-11-20, 03:22
He held her head down on his cock and cam in her throat? Without it being in negotiations, he makes that very clear, why would you feel bad for him about what happened after that?Sounds like she was a scammer to me, sounds like maybe this was pre-planned? If she doesn't want a guy to cum in her mouth, the onus is on her to tell him that.

If a puta doesn't say don't cum in my mouth, if I want to I'm going to, she has no standing to complain otherwise, unless she does not know what happens eventually when she sucks a penis for some off reason.

Also sounds like more feminism creeping into the forum.

12-11-20, 03:46
Your problem wasn't the same: just look at the image. And I'm pretty sure it's quite common case as counter people and immigration officers on both sides US and Colombia just looked at screenshot on the phone screen from 2 feet distance without even trying to read what the error was.Correction:

I was initially having problems getting the form filled out, just as you were having problems getting the form filled out. It turned out I had made a mistake.

Since thousands of other travelers have managed to fill the form out successfully, I'm assuming you had also made some type of error. If I had to guess, I'd say you may have had a typo in the email address, since most other errors won't submit the form, they'll require you to find your error and correct it. Since you obviously got it to submit (according to the error message) the receipt probably went to the wrong email, or possibly ended up filtered out.

99,999 out of 100,000 times you're absolutely correct. A bored civil servant is going to not pay attention and wave you through. I've relied on the lack of attention on many occasions, up to and including getting through the gate into the high security area of a submarine base (lower base at Bangor, WA) when I realized too late that my vehicle pass had expired. You can almost always count on people who really don't give a damn to let you slide.

Right up until the time when you run into someone who is really in a mood to fuck up someone's day.

Roughly 40 years and 6 weeks ago I was standing on a street corner in Milwaukee, with a Navy buddy, waiting for the traffic light to change. The lights changed, I looked both ways and it was clear to cross. About half a second before the walk signal came on, I stepped into the street and my friend followed me. About 10 seconds later we were both spread up against the wall while a cop searched us. He wasted about 15 minutes of our time, insulting us, threatening us and doing his best to humiliate us, because I took one step into the street before the light changed.

It wasn't that I had done anything wrong. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and a local cop who hated sailors saw a couple of sailors and saw an excuse to fuck with us.

If you absolutely can't get the migration form filled out, then do what you have to do. However, I don't recommend not trying to fill it out and just showing someone else's screenshot. The 5 minutes you save isn't worth it.

12-11-20, 03:51
Jajaja. The first time I heard that mentioned, it ruined my negotiations with the Chica. She was a secretive university student semi pro, and when she talked polvo I took it literally to mean powder, as in the kind of powder Colombia is famous for, anyway, I started telling her I don't do drugs and she was confused that I brought up drugs and said she wouldn't care if I did, anyhow it messed things up, and I ended the convo. Never forgot the word since.That's both tragic and hilarious.

I try to pick up as much as I can. The one that I have a hard time with is "que chevere", which they use all the time. It always sounds to me like they're saying "charity."

12-11-20, 04:56
Bros before girls? LOL!

He held her head down on his cock and cam in her throat? Without it being in negotiations, he makes that very clear, why would you feel bad for him about what happened after that?

12-11-20, 05:01
You nailed it.

It creates the illusion of a superior product. The girls must be better because you have to pay more to look at them. The same could be said when comparing girls at La Isla with girls at Grill Hilton (do any Gringos ever go there? La Isla is more comfortable and has much to recommend it, but you can find girls who are just as good or better working in the El Centro clubs.

Energy costs almost triple the El Centro casas. The facilities are nicer, but I can't say that the girls are considerably better.

However, we all see things through our own personal filters. I'd say the guys who stay and play in El Centro have less filters. You're there for women. You subtract the surroundings and see the beauty in the women. Guys who can't stand El Centro instead see the garbage and their filters add the garbage to the women. If you took the same woman they wouldn't touch behind Veracruz, stuck her in a $20 dress and some cheap high heels, then sat her down in Gusto they would call her a 9 or 10.

The reality (or the way I see things through my own set of filters) is that Medellin is full of beautiful women. You can find them everywhere and an almost unbelievable number of them are obtainable if approached correctly.

SA gives the opportunity, or an illusion of the opportunity to get the girls which guys classify as unobtainable.

12-11-20, 05:31
What is the scene like the week after Christmas? I've heard its slower than usual since most girls are with their families.

Planning to arrive on 12/27 and want to start planning where I'll likely spend my time until the chicas return.I believe is going to be OK. I know one think maybe and this just a maybe the restaurants and bars are going to close by midnight. But for sure there will be girls after 12 walking the Lleras park. I will be landing in Medellin the 26th and I'll be there for two weeks.

Mr Enternational
12-11-20, 06:09
, "polvo" can be heard as a vulgar slang equivalent of the English-speaking, guy-in the street's use of a "shag" (in the. UK) and a "screw" or a "fuck" (in the US of A). So true. , "polvo" is not a synonym for "una leche",Right you are my good man.

The Cane
12-11-20, 06:30
Actually "polvo" is commonly used in Colombia as a term for a guy getting off.During my very first trip to Costa Rica, I fucked this really hot girl from Colombia. I was still learning Spanish then, especially a lot of the slang. When we were done and were just kind of doing some small talk, she told me to tell my friends that she thought I was a "buen polvo". I said OK, but I made sure I looked it up first so I would know what it meant. Looked it up, and I took being a "buen polvo" to mean being a "good fuck". And with that, I decided to keep it to myself what she said LOL! She knew she was telling me something that would be embarrassing if I had been foolish enough to just repeat what she told me without knowing what it meant first. Hahaha!

12-11-20, 07:15
Of course la isla, Gusto girls, many girls elsewhere take care of themselves better than el centro girls. Duh

Slapshot, just quote you to continue the topic. To me, these are some of the differences without getting into too much detail.

I think it is much easier to find college students on SA. I did not have any profile picture and there was no problem. I told girls that I will send pictures on whatsapp. I also think many girls sign up SA as an experiment so some will only be there for a short period of time and they are not always on the site so response will not be as quick when compared to FB.

I went to La Isla a couple of times a week. I also visited the clubs and casas in El Centro frequently. Percentage wise, I think the girls at La Isla have lighter skin, more fake blondes, and take care of themselves better compare to the chicks in El Centro clubs..

12-11-20, 07:25
Right you are my good man.This is a great video to learn some Colombian slang and the girl is smoking hot.


12-11-20, 09:35
Of course la isla, Gusto girls, many girls elsewhere take care of themselves better than el centro girls. Duh.Then there should be no dispute that the girls are not the same if it is so obvious.

12-11-20, 12:13
I have little experience with centro clubs But still the argument is globally universal and sterotypical. Very much associated with covid as well. Obviously someone with a better living is going to be more health and appearance conscience. Not all but most.

Of course la isla, Gusto girls, many girls elsewhere take care of themselves better than el centro girls. Duh


12-11-20, 15:10
I stay in San Peters. They only allow one visitor at a time. How do I get around this. Is there another cheapy charlie hotel that would allow this 3 some or 4 some. But looks inviting not ghettoish.

12-11-20, 16:17
Right you are my good man.Seems totally appropriate for a guy with your handle to have a multilingual translation for fucking in several languages!

12-11-20, 16:38
I stay in San Peters. They only allow one visitor at a time. How do I get around this. Is there another cheapy charlie hotel that would allow this 3 some or 4 some. But looks inviting not ghettoish.Not sure if they will allow but worth trying. I heard that they have a nice Jacuzzi Room. Walk towards Metro on Exito side of La 70 and pass San Juan Blvd 1 or 2 blocks and look to the left. It's called eleven in English not the Spanish once. Big sign with 11.

12-11-20, 16:46
I stay in San Peters. They only allow one visitor at a time. How do I get around this. Is there another cheapy charlie hotel that would allow this 3 some or 4 some. But looks inviting not ghettoish.I can't envision you pulling off a successful foursome, as I believe you will have difficulties cutting the deal monetary wise with three Chicas, along with logistical issues, let alone how things would transpire in the room. I can only imagine you at the front desk of a Hotel explaining your situation, you want a short time room, with three girls in tow. I would love to be a fly on the wall observing all of this upon you checking in.

What you want to do can easily be done in El Centro, as far as other locations, well technically speaking, I suppose you could book a double room on the Internet at a Hotel for four people, and if all of your Chicas had Cedula's, you'd be all set, but that would be the easy part. Again I believe your issues are going to some failed negotiations, logistical issues with three girls, and god forbid the calamities that might happen in the room.

I have to give you credit though, nothing wrong with wanting to pull this off.

12-11-20, 18:21
Well Sir, I am in MDE now, arrived on the 6th and yes a newbie but already learning so much. I realized what you're asking is possible in those Airbnbs that do not have a doorman.

So, I booked hotel Dorado for 8 days as recommended here, I can bring two chicas no prob LOL, then will be in san peters for 7 days after. I wanted a smash pad so I rented a cheap Airbnb no ac for $18/ day for first few days (in addition to Dorado) and I went super raunchy with hoes in there. No doorman, just a lockpad LOL. But when I scan Airbnb, I filtered those that have "self check-in" options, but be careful many claim self check but still has a doorman. What I did I sent questions to the ones I liked, asked two questions: Do you have 24/7 human security, and can I bring guests. Then selectd the ones with no guest restrictions and claims no doorman. They assumed I wanted a doorman, and even got me a discount LOL.

I'm all over the place learning this city, not sure how a report would go. Already been to Gusto, La isla, Face dos, Faison, did tons of mileroticos and photoprepagos, fuckd two tinder and two cupid chics, fuckd two centro rats. Oh man centro is the shit LOL.

I stay in San Peters. They only allow one visitor at a time. How do I get around this. Is there another cheapy charlie hotel that would allow this 3 some or 4 some. But looks inviting not ghettoish.

12-11-20, 18:35
I have been using my Schwab debit card forever yanking money out of Bancolombia ATMs (600,000 cop max / transaction). They kept inching up the "service fee" to now at 21,000 cop which in itself is outrageous, but it really did not affect me as Schwab always reimbursed as promised. Sooner of later, however, Schwab will probably change their policy. CapitalOne has already discontinued their reimbursement.

WHAT HAS CHANGED- in addition to this high transaction fee-- they are now asking you to confirm the exchange rate (which of course is a very shitty rate). This is a double whammy!!

High transaction fee + no longer using international exchange rate, but rather the sub-rate they choose to offer.

I checked out Davivienda- they are doing the same thing.

Has anybody else noticed this change?

Has anyone figured out the "BEST" ATM to pull out pesos recently?

Banco Caja Social only allows 300,000 cop per transaction. I have read they do not charge an ATM transaction fee. I assume they use the international exchange rate. I did a couple of test withdrawls from them and BBVA to see what the final exchange rate ends up being. I will know more once everything gets reconciled in my Scwab account.

Mr Enternational
12-11-20, 19:07
WHAT HAS CHANGED- in addition to this high transaction fee-- they are now asking you to confirm the exchange rate (which of course is a very shitty rate). This is a double whammy!!.You are supposed to decline that offered rate. If you accept it then you are ripping yourself off. Last week I reported getting an even better rate with Schwab than the interbank exchange that was posted at the minute.

12-11-20, 19:17
I had 4 3 some my last trip here. Its very simple to do if san peters allowed more than one girl the 4 some would be a done deal. I don't really want to go out and get another hotel but both girls are down so it may come to that. Centro is just a cancellation, passing time location for me. Its not a place for me to have a good time with two girls that don't clean up themselves after they fuck. I like to see chicks I fuck take a shower. But Centro is definitely a good stick and move place. Walk around and view area to pass time. Grocery and merchandise shopping. Notice bars across the street so its good to explore as well.

I can't envision you pulling off a successful foursome, as I believe you will have difficulties cutting the deal monetary wise with three Chicas, along with logistical issues, let alone how things would transpire in the room. I can only imagine you at the front desk of a Hotel explaining your situation, you want a short time room, with three girls in tow. I would love to be a fly on the wall observing all of this upon you checking in.

What you want to do can easily be done in El Centro, as far as other locations, well technically speaking, I suppose you could book a double room on the Internet at a Hotel for four people, and if all of your Chicas had Cedula's, you'd be all set, but that would be the easy part. Again I believe your issues are going to some failed negotiations, logistical issues with three girls, and god forbid the calamities that might happen in the room.

I have to give you credit though, nothing wrong with wanting to pull this off..

12-11-20, 19:31
I had 4 3 some my last trip here. Its very simple to do if san peters allowed more than one girl the 4 some would be a done deal. I don't really want to go out and get another hotel but both girls are down so it may come to that. Centro is just a cancellation, passing time location for me. Its not a place for me to have a good time with two girls that don't clean up themselves after they fuck. I like to see chicks I fuck take a shower. But Centro is definitely a good stick and move place. Walk around and view area to pass time. Grocery and merchandise shopping. Notice bars across the street so its good to explore as well..Here's your chance to surpass Slapshot, line all three of them up in doggy on the end of the beds, and take some photo's to share of you getting to penetrate them one by one. But no photos of that part.

12-11-20, 19:34
I have been using my Schwab debit card forever yanking money out of Bancolombia ATMs (600,000 cop max / transaction). They kept inching up the "service fee" to now at 21,000 cop which in itself is outrageous, but it really did not affect me as Schwab always reimbursed as promised. Sooner of later, however, Schwab will probably change their policy. CapitalOne has already discontinued their reimbursement.

WHAT HAS CHANGED- in addition to this high transaction fee-- they are now asking you to confirm the exchange rate (which of course is a very shitty rate). This is a double whammy!!

High transaction fee + no longer using international exchange rate, but rather the sub-rate they choose to offer.

I checked out Davivienda- they are doing the same thing.

Has anybody else noticed this change?

Has anyone figured out the "BEST" ATM to pull out pesos recently?

Banco Caja Social only allows 300,000 cop per transaction. I have read they do not charge an ATM transaction fee. I assume they use the international exchange rate. I did a couple of test withdrawls from them and BBVA to see what the final exchange rate ends up being. I will know more once everything gets reconciled in my Scwab account.Scotia Bank is your best bet.

12-11-20, 20:10
You are supposed to decline that offered rate. If you accept it then you are ripping yourself off. Last week I reported getting an even better rate with Schwab than the interbank exchange that was posted at the minute.YES- when I saw the rate offered I declined accepting- that action cancelled the transaction and my card was spit out.

I saw no other options. Did I miss something?

What specific bank ATM machine did you use when you got the good Scwab rate. Do you remember??

Elvis 2008
12-11-20, 20:48
We can be more comfortable with them than most of the guys back home can be with their plane Jane wife who they've been sleeping with for 30-40 years. However, when we go back home, that beauty queen, 20-30 years younger than us, still looks unobtainable. She probably is willing and ready, if approached correctly.I actually agree with part that she can be obtained if approached right, but she looks unobtainable? Well, if your mindset is that she is unobtainable and only wants you for money and to really hang out with your novios, then you have already lost.

I have flown my Mexican lawyer 10 into the USA twice and fucked the shit out of her, and she texts me literally every day. I am having to keep her from getting too serious because I know we are not compatible, something Don Carlos says hardly anybody believes is true, and he is right.

SA takes away the pressure of approaching the beauty queens, the models and cheerleaders, the university students and white collar successes. Other than the subscription fee, there's no risk. It provides an emotional safety net.At least you are conceding there are beauty queens on the site versus the sour grapes they are averaging looking women, but the rest of it is dead wrong. It is not an illusion. One of the hottest women I met was in tears after I just spoke to her. There is no emotional safety net.

It also adds the convenience of online shopping, combined with the illusion of a better girl. Maybe they are all better girls. I'll leave that for others to decide. Once your plane lands you're already at the "are we fucking or not" stage, instead of looking for the girl at the mall who makes eye contact and smiles at you.Again, you do not get it. My thrill was meeting the women I was texting even more than the sex, but I just said I would not use SA going forward because the approach I used on SA worked on a select few working girls. The women want the same thing, and you are going to attract a lot more women if you approach them with having sex in an arrangement, even as a sugar baby, versus a wad of cash. Read that sentence over 10 more times. It is that important.

12-11-20, 22:05
Of course la isla, Gusto girls, many girls elsewhere take care of themselves better than el centro girls. Duh.Nounce isn't entirely correct, or I should say he's correct when taken in context.

You seem to still be under the impression that the girls you see in Gusto are different from the girls you see in El Centro. They aren't.

That girl asking for 500-600 k in Gusto comes from the same neighborhood as the girls taking 30 k in Botero Plaza. That girl swinging from the pole in La Isla has neighbors dancing at Conejitas, or Taberna Victoria. They're all the same girls who come from the same places.

Of course the girls in Parque Lleras look nicer than the girls sitting in a stairwell along Raudal. Nobody puts on a tuxedo to go to McDonald's. No woman is spending $50 on her hair, $20 on her nails and 2 hours on her makeup if her date is taking her for a $5 footling at Subway.

And no chica is putting on her best dress when it's going to end up on the floor of a 10 k room 6 times. The girl at Barra Ejecutivo isn't wasting makeup just to leave it on 4 different nutsacks.

Of course the girls at Gusto and La Isla present themselves better. Going to those places is an investment. They understand the need to look their best. They've got 40 k in costs just for the round trip taxis. That's why 400-600 k drops directly to 200 k when the lights come up, because it's a long walk back to Bello.

Once you accept that the biggest difference between the girls is location, you create opportunities.

I have a friend who used to throw a couple of parties for gringos in Parque Lleras every year. He provided pizza, a limited open bar and promised lots of chicas would be there and charged each guy 100 k. Getting the girls wasn't too hard. He told them it was in Parque Lleras, lots of gringos would be there and he would pay for their taxi if they arrived before a certain time.

The girls jumped at the chance, I know because I made the offer to one girl for one party. She brought 3 friends. It was a great night for them. All 4 got a free ride to Lleras. All 4 got to drink free. All 4 got some new gringo WhatsApp numbers. Two of them scored dates at the party and the other 2 got to work the park, while waiting for their friends, without worrying if they could afford the taxi home.

Every Friday and Saturday night Facebook is full of girls asking who is in Medellin or what is there to do tonight, just letting everyone know they are available. A couple of them used to be more direct. They would post a sexy picture and write "citas disponibles", dates available.

Not many chicas want to sit home bored on Friday and Saturday night, but if they have no money they have no choice. Having a bunch of nightclubs right around the corner and having money to have a few drinks makes a trip to Lleras or Laureles more appealing than sitting at home.

If my main interest was in saving a few pesos I'd plan around it. If you ask why she has no plans for Saturday, you'll get "mor no tengo plata. " And her friends probably don't have any silver (money) either. How sad! Here you are looking for 2 girls for 2 dates right on La 70, but you don't want to spend a lot of money and she's got 3 friends who all want to party at La 70, but they don't have any money. There should be some way to make everyone happy. But that would be unsolicited advice and I know how much you hate that.

Husker Dude
12-11-20, 22:20
I have been using my Schwab debit card forever yanking money out of Bancolombia ATMs (600,000 cop max / transaction). They kept inching up the "service fee" to now at 21,000 cop which in itself is outrageous, but it really did not affect me as Schwab always reimbursed as promised. Sooner of later, however, Schwab will probably change their policy. CapitalOne has already discontinued their reimbursement.

WHAT HAS CHANGED- in addition to this high transaction fee-- they are now asking you to confirm the exchange rate (which of course is a very shitty rate). This is a double whammy!!

High transaction fee + no longer using international exchange rate, but rather the sub-rate they choose to offer.

I checked out Davivienda- they are doing the same thing.

Has anybody else noticed this change?

Has anyone figured out the "BEST" ATM to pull out pesos recently?

Banco Caja Social only allows 300,000 cop per transaction. I have read they do not charge an ATM transaction fee. I assume they use the international exchange rate. I did a couple of test withdrawls from them and BBVA to see what the final exchange rate ends up being. I will know more once everything gets reconciled in my Scwab account.I'm here now & encountered the same thing, but have the Schwab card too so fees refunded later. I tried scotiabank & it was all in Spanish & I couldn't understand it & Usually always used it before.

12-11-20, 22:30
Never heard it used before, and now I'm going to have to complain to the dean of the language program at EAFIT for not teaching this "dicho" in any of the classes I had.

So many "dicho's" or sayings, meaning slang that are used in Colombia. So using the verb "sudar" to sweat, did you actually tell any of your Chicas that you had a preference for a sweaty orgasm versus sweated chicken, and if so, what kind of response did you get from that.

Hopefully a big grin and a chuckle.I go for the brief look of confusion followed by uncontrollable laughter. Occasionally a girl will think I made an honest mistake, but then I give them my best innocent look.

Speaking of EAFIT, my first teacher there was an older woman, short and pudgy, a nice grandmother type (took the class out for tejo and beer at the end). During one of our 1 to 1 progress assessment chats I made an unintended error.

I said something like "Estoy disfrutando mi ano en Medellin. " I realized as soon as I said it that I should have said ao. The look on her face was priceless as she was shocked, confused and trying not to laugh at the same time.

12-11-20, 22:54
Day 2.

Had 10:30 appointment with FB girl Violeta S. She arrived at 11:05. Very nice girl, pretty face, nice body, some piercing and some tattoos. She brought the joint we smoked a little bit, had a beer and started the deed. She's very sweet girl, very enthusiastic and very playful. She is 19 yo but has 3 yo kid, so some baby damage, but her performance let me forget about it. Amazing session, real GFE, she stayed almost 3 hrs and I had to walked her out as I had 2:30 PM appointment.

2:30 PM FB girl Ana M. Arrived 10 min later. Pretty baby face, perky tits, nice ass. She was shy and cold in the beginning, didn't want to smoke, warmed up a little bit after she orgasmed with vibrator, but no DFK and no GFE. Good session but nothing to compare with the previous one.

10 PM FB girl Jeni Gomez. Arrived 45 min later. I was expecting it to be one of the best sessions as I had long chatting history with her on FB, I was the only one who said happy birthday to her and brought her small birthday present ($5) and chocolate as promised before my planned April trip and was thinking there was some chemistry between us. Everything was fine in the beginning, some rom and coke, chocolate, kisses, but after she came back from shower I knew I was cheated. She told me no kids, but I see the baby damage (it wasn't that bad, but I wouldn't invite her if I knew about the kid). Next goes more south. The refuses to do BBBJ. And she was the only one where I didn't put it in writing in negotiations. Ok I can live with CBJ also, so continued to the deed. She orgasmed with vibrator 2 times and 1 time from my fuck, but didn't change her mind about BBBJ. After long efforts and all possible positions (she really tried hard, but I nutted 4 times before that day so it was a challenge) I was able to cum. She massaged me for another 30 min and I let her go. Partial disappointment (she unfriended and blocked me on the next day). Conclusion: 1. She was the only one from all FB girls who insisted on CBJ, but to be on the safe side I was including "chupa sin condon" on the first line of all my negotiations 2. Don't believe in sweet talks and lower your expectations. Better to be pleasantly surprised than disappointed.

Day 3.

11:30 AM FB girl Cordona Laura. Arrived 20 min later. She is really tiny, some ink, and face is different then pictures on FB (photoshop or makeup). Likes to smoke weed. We smoked a little bit, beer, BBBJ, vibrator, all positions. Performance is very good, enthusiastic, GFE. Finally I nutted, break, smoke, beer, 40 minutes left (we agreed for 2 hours), I'm heading to the bedroom and call her, but she says NO. WTF? She said we agreed for 2 hrs but not for 2 leches, I'm checking WA indeed no mention of 2 leches (sad face). I said ok you'll massage me for 40 remaining minutes, she agreed, 15 minutes later she sees that I'm hard and I see doubts in her eyes. I'm asking if we go for the second leche, she refused and without any words from me she started handjob (better than nothing thought I and handed her vibrator). 20 minutes later I finally nutted: 2 leches but not exactly as I was expecting, so partial disappointment.

9 PM appointment with FB girl DR. 9:15 she notifies me that she will be late and arrived at 9:35. She was in my top 5 list. IMHO, Beautiful innocent baby europian face, amazing body (I like flacas), very sweet, real GFE: I would merry her LOL. Couple puffs, beer, kisses, vibrator, and amazing performance. I cum 5 times mentally seeing her face and her body above me and under me. Finally I nutted in reality. Amazing girl and amazing session!

Contacted BM Fun Luvr who we exchanged PMs with while I was preparing for the trip. He suggested me to get Charles Schwab debit card with no ATM fees which I did, thank you Fun Luvr: it saved me money for 2 FB sessions LOL. He was also the reason I finally pulled the trigger and bought the plane ticket when I was doubting with Covid concerns: huge thanks for that! We agreed to meet for beer as he lives in Laureles not far away. He arrived at 11:30 PM and as La70 was closing at midnight we decided to have drinks in my apartment. We had some beers and very nice conversation, later he took cab home and I went to the bed.

End of day 3 and Part 2.

Fun Luvr
12-11-20, 23:05
WHAT HAS CHANGED- in addition to this high transaction fee-- they are now asking you to confirm the exchange rate (which of course is a very shitty rate). This is a double whammy!!

High transaction fee + no longer using international exchange rate, but rather the sub-rate they choose to offer.

I checked out Davivienda- they are doing the same thing.

Has anybody else noticed this change?

Has anyone figured out the "BEST" ATM to pull out pesos recently?

Banco Caja Social only allows 300,000 cop per transaction. I have read they do not charge an ATM transaction fee.Davivienda has been asking the exchange question for a while. It allowed me to decline the rate and continue the transaction. I haven't tried Davivienda in the past couple of months because a BM reported they took money from his account and did not give him any money, using the Schwab card.

Scotiabank Colpatria is the best ATM now. You are allowed to take 900,000 each transaction, and a total of 4,500,000 a day. They do not charge a fee. Select "Other amount" on the first screen and it will show the larger amounts.

I read on this board that Banco Caja Social does not charge a fee. I tried one of their ATM's after that and it displayed that a fee would be charged. I don't remember the amount.

I stopped using Bancolombia when they started charging a fee. BBVA does not charge a fee. I think their max is 400,000 per transaction.

12-11-20, 23:33
Sounds like she was a scammer to me, sounds like maybe this was pre-planned? If she doesn't want a guy to cum in her mouth, the onus is on her to tell him that.

If a puta doesn't say don't cum in my mouth, if I want to I'm going to, she has no standing to complain otherwise, unless she does not know what happens eventually when she sucks a penis for some off reason.

Also sounds like more feminism creeping into the forum.Seriously, you're are going to have such an incredible learning experience when you finally get to Colombia. Every day is going to be like the first day of Catholic preschool, with some pissed off woman screaming at you and beating your knuckles with a ruler. You should consider a visit to Sexo Sentido. They sell a sexy nun costume to add that extra touch of realism.

Please give us all some advance notice of where you plan to stay. I'll send someone over to pay the porteros to video the cops showing up and you curled up in the fetal position while some 90 pound Paisa is kicking and screaming at you.

It's okay to not know everything about how things work in Colombia. Everyone has much to learn. However, you've gone way past the line of "I didn't know that" and are dancing on the "I'm a fucking clueless idiot" stage.

No. The onus is not on the girl to explain that she doesn't want you to dump your load down her throat. Anyone who is no longer a virgin knows that. The same is true that it's not up to the woman to tell you she doesn't want your dick in her ass, she doesn't want to be choked until she's unconscious, she doesn't want to be beaten until she requires medical treatment or she doesn't want you to shit on her chest. None of that is feminism creeping into the forum. It's what's called, not being a piece of shit loser.

It works the same at any fucking business transaction. If you go to Applebee's you don't get to strip naked, lay on the table and rub babyback ribs on your balls, just because they didn't tell you that they don't want you to strip naked, lay on the table and rub babyback ribs on your balls. If you go to a car dealership and test drive a car you don't get to drive it into a wall at 40 mph to test the airbags, just because they didn't specifically say "don't drive the car into a wall at 40 mph."

If you want something beyond the normally accepted pay for sex transaction, then it's up to you to stop being a simpering pussy and ask the girl. If you want sex without a condom, then you negotiate for sex without a condom, or you find another girl. You don't roll her into doggy, pull off the condom and start fucking. That's not an alpha male, that's a scared little boy afraid to ask mommy for a cookie and trying to sneak one from the cookie jar.

If you want to cum in her mouth, you negotiate to cum in her mouth. If she doesn't want to do it, you find someone else. Even if all you're wanting is a few minutes of BBBJ, you don't grab her head and force her to do it, you get her permission. And I've found, if you don't behave like a clueless dickwad, getting BBBJ is almost guaranteed.

She doesn't sound like a scammer at all. Vsebud clearly said that she gave a great session right up to when the problem started. And I think he realizes that he might have caused the problem. He forcibly came in her mouth. He held her head down, not giving her any chance to pull away. Her immediate rush to the bathroom clearly says it was not appreciated or acceptable.

Do you honestly think she planned on getting forced to take a CIM without warning, just so she could leave early and cheat herself out of 50 k? Doesn't sound like a very good scam? How does she manage to force a guy to hold her head down and cum in her mouth? What if the guy has problems getting off and she spends 2 hours working her "scam" in order to get paid 50 k less?

The girl has been reviewed before and got good reviews. I'm going out on a limb here to assume that the other guys didn't cum in her mouth without warning. Why would a scammer not scam everyone? Why fuck up a good reputation and fuck up recommendations, in order to get paid less money?

I'm glad I didn't immediately write the report Vsebud asked me to write about the girl. I'm glad he called me back and said he wanted it up himself. I didn't have all the information and I would have been wrongly blaming the girl for everything.

Yes, her throwing the beer can at the glass door was wrong. Her yelling and calling the police (or whoever she called) was wrong. However, Vsebud also made mistakes and in the end they managed to settle things peaceably.

I fully expect your visit to Colombia (if it ever graduates from "mythical trip" to actual trip) to end with an escort to the airport and at least a 5 year ban from returning. Although there's about a 15% chance we'll all be reading about some gringo crying in a Colombian prison.

12-11-20, 23:58
I stay in San Peters. They only allow one visitor at a time. How do I get around this. Is there another cheapy charlie hotel that would allow this 3 some or 4 some. But looks inviting not ghettoish.Go to La 70, turn left, at the diagonal that heads northwest, next to the chicken place there's a short time hotel. Last year they only were letting in Colombians, but that may have changed. If they won't let you rent, continue up the diagonal to Calle 44. On the corner is another love motel called Suite 44. They should be okay.

Or you can rent a room at Hotel Mediterreano right across the street from San Peter for one night. I'm pretty sure you can have a threesome there because I saw one from my window. No idea about the price.

However, if I was doing a 3 or 4 some, I'd spend the money. To bring 3 girls to Motel Ibiza will cost about 120 k for 6 hours, but it's got a jacuzzi and a stripper pole along with a good sound system. It's very clean and it always makes a good impression. The mini-bar is fully stocked and prices are reasonable. They also have a full bar, restaurant and sex shop on site for discreet delivery of almost anything you might desire.

Then I would probably hit up Dulce María d'g on Facebook. Although she's not tall, she might be able to provide a tall girlfriend or two. She's quite the sweetheart in bed, or was when I was with her and she's somewhat famous for her threesomes. Full girl-girl interaction, double ended dildo and about everything you could want. I know there are some other girls who also provide good threesomes, but no other names come to mind.

The thing to watch out for is the Colombian trio. Many girls will try to pull that one. It usually consists of one girl fucking you while the other plays on her phone. Then they switch places. There's no interaction between the girls and it tends to not be worth it. I've found that if you're not specific about what you want from the threesome, you get the overpriced, boring trio.

12-12-20, 00:02
YES- when I saw the rate offered I declined accepting- that action cancelled the transaction and my card was spit out.

I saw no other options. Did I miss something?

What specific bank ATM machine did you use when you got the good Scwab rate. Do you remember??Try Scotiabank Colpatria. 900 k limit on withdrawal.

12-12-20, 00:03
I was exploring that area today and met a thick Cali and notice the big asses you are surf been referring to right in front of that bar. I then realize if you are exploring. Centro can be interesting maybe fun as well LOL.

Nounce isn't entirely correct, or I should say he's correct when taken in context.

You seem to still be under the impression that the girls you see in Gusto are different from the girls you see in El Centro. They aren't.

That girl asking for 500-600 k in Gusto comes from the same neighborhood as the girls taking 30 k in Botero Plaza. That girl swinging from the pole in La Isla has neighbors dancing at Conejitas, or Taberna Victoria. They're all the same girls who come from the same places.

Of course the girls in Parque Lleras look nicer than the girls sitting in a stairwell along Raudal. Nobody puts on a tuxedo to go to McDonald's. No woman is spending $50 on her hair, $20 on her nails and 2 hours on her makeup if her date is taking her for a $5 footling at Subway.

And no chica is putting on her best dress when it's going to end up on the floor of a 10 k room 6 times. The girl at Barra Ejecutivo isn't wasting makeup just to leave it on 4 different nutsacks.

Of course the girls at Gusto and La Isla present themselves better. Going to those places is an investment. They understand the need to look their best. They've got 40 k in costs just for the round trip taxis. That's why 400-600 k drops directly to 200 k when the lights come up, because it's a long walk back to Bello.

Once you accept that the biggest difference between the girls is location, you create opportunities.

I have a friend who used to throw a couple of parties for gringos in Parque Lleras every year. He provided pizza, a limited open bar and promised lots of chicas would be there and charged each guy 100 k. Getting the girls wasn't too hard. He told them it was in Parque Lleras, lots of gringos would be there and he would pay for their taxi if they arrived before a certain time.

The girls jumped at the chance, I know because I made the offer to one girl for one party. She brought 3 friends. It was a great night for them. All 4 got a free ride to Lleras. All 4 got to drink free. All 4 got some new gringo WhatsApp numbers. Two of them scored dates at the party and the other 2 got to work the park, while waiting for their friends, without worrying if they could afford the taxi home.

Every Friday and Saturday night Facebook is full of girls asking who is in Medellin or what is there to do tonight, just letting everyone know they are available. A couple of them used to be more direct. They would post a sexy picture and write "citas disponibles", dates available.

Not many chicas want to sit home bored on Friday and Saturday night, but if they have no money they have no choice. Having a bunch of nightclubs right around the corner and having money to have a few drinks makes a trip to Lleras or Laureles more appealing than sitting at home.

If my main interest was in saving a few pesos I'd plan around it. If you ask why she has no plans for Saturday, you'll get "mor no tengo plata. " And her friends probably don't have any silver (money) either. How sad! Here you are looking for 2 girls for 2 dates right on La 70, but you don't want to spend a lot of money and she's got 3 friends who all want to party at La 70, but they don't have any money. There should be some way to make everyone happy. But that would be unsolicited advice and I know how much you hate that..

12-12-20, 00:34
Early appearance in centro cause I want to rest and go to falsa dos and gusto tonight. Earlier work out 3 day deal with last night 7. 500 k including 3 some, for 3 days. Oral no condom. Sex condom. First time doing overnight condom. Have not confirm start day. I am at centro around 2:45. Real weak. But centro is now my place where I can get in a mile or 2 from walking so I start walking. Don't see much. But each lap theres more people. I see a girl I was checking 2 days ago we talk. Not quite sure. Slimmy from Cali. Lightskin version. Exotic looking. Much better looking than my last Cali prospect. We go to premiere plaza she forgets ID. I am like fuck where is it. At this point I want to fuck her. She told me she was 21 and looks it. She says we can go to the hotel where we met. I am all for it. 6 k even more with it. No premiere plaza hot shower though. We get there tv has porn on. Hear that jjbee. Porn for free LOL. She undress and looks better than I thought. Size 2 and proportion. I give her hug. She hugs back. Good start. She puts on the condom and sucks slow but gets it deep. Feels really good. She stops and I say mucho mas. She seems very happy with that and allows me to grab her head and deep throat. She comes up for air and goes right back sucking. It was really good. She got points. We go missionary and I felt like I could cum in 2 minutes but didn't happen. I notice she was fingering her clit. So I started talking to her intensely. Next thing I know she was breathing heavy and nutting. I switch to doggy and she said noo. Then I said ride me she said noo. Normally I would be pissed but this new weed make you feel so smooth and easy going. Like you could smack me and I would calmly say to you did that make you feel good. Anyways we settle on a side fuck action. Which was very nice. She let me go hard and Then turn into flat doggy. I realize now a nut was not going to happen so I ask her to jerk it off. She was into the stroking but could not get me off. So yall know the usual. I get her to help me jerk it off and explode. So loud she's trying to cover my mouth and laughing. This was good 5 minutes ongoing. Then she cleaned herself. Rinsed with water. I was impressed. Ask for her number which she gave. Will try to get an impossible visit to the crib. I know the price will be centro outrageous for leaving their district LOL.

12-12-20, 01:33
50 k + round trip uber / didi should seal the desl for a visit to your apt.

Early appearance in centro cause I want to rest and go to falsa dos and gusto tonight. Earlier work out 3 day deal with last night 7. 500 k including 3 some, for 3 days. Oral no condom. Sex condom. First time doing overnight condom. Have not confirm start day. I am at centro around 2:45. Real weak. But centro is now my place where I can get in a mile or 2 from walking so I start walking. Don't see much. But each lap theres more people. I see a girl I was checking 2 days ago we talk. Not quite sure. Slimmy from Cali. Lightskin version. Exotic looking. Much better looking than my last Cali prospect. We go to premiere plaza she forgets ID. I am like fuck where is it. At this point I want to fuck her. She told me she was 21 and looks it. She says we can go to the hotel where we met. I am all for it. 6 k even more with it. No premiere plaza hot shower though. We get there tv has porn on. Hear that jjbee. Porn for free LOL. She undress and looks better than I thought. Size 2 and proportion. I give her hug. She hugs back. Good start. She puts on the condom and sucks slow but gets it deep. Feels really good. She stops and I say mucho mas. She seems very happy with that and allows me to grab her head and deep throat. She comes up for air and goes right back sucking. It was really good. She got points. We go missionary and I felt like I could cum in 2 minutes but didn't happen. I notice she was fingering her clit. So I started talking to her intensely. Next thing I know she was breathing heavy and nutting. I switch to doggy and she said noo. Then I said ride me she said noo. Normally I would be pissed but this new weed make you feel so smooth and easy going. Like you could smack me and I would calmly say to you did that make you feel good. Anyways we settle on a side fuck action. Which was very nice. She let me go hard and Then turn into flat doggy. I realize now a nut was not going to happen so I ask her to jerk it off. She was into the stroking but could not get me off. So yall know the usual. I get her to help me jerk it off and explode. So loud she's trying to cover my mouth and laughing. This was good 5 minutes ongoing. Then she cleaned herself. Rinsed with water. I was impressed. Ask for her number which she gave. Will try to get an impossible visit to the crib. I know the price will be centro outrageous for leaving their district LOL.

12-12-20, 03:22
Nounce isn't entirely correct, or I should say he's correct when taken in context.

You seem to still be under the impression that the girls you see in Gusto are different from the girls you see in El Centro. They aren't.

That girl asking for 500-600 k in Gusto comes from the same neighborhood as the girls taking 30 k in Botero Plaza. That girl swinging from the pole in La Isla has neighbors dancing at Conejitas, or Taberna Victoria. They're all the same girls who come from the same places.

Of course the girls in Parque Lleras look nicer than the girls sitting in a stairwell along Raudal. Nobody puts on a tuxedo to go to McDonald's. No woman is spending $50 on her hair, $20 on her nails and 2 hours on her makeup if her date is taking her for a $5 footling at Subway.

And no chica is putting on her best dress when it's going to end up on the floor of a 10 k room 6 times. The girl at Barra Ejecutivo isn't wasting makeup just to leave it on 4 different nutsacks.

Of course the girls at Gusto and La Isla present themselves better. Going to those places is an investment. They understand the need to look their best. They've got 40 k in costs just for the round trip taxis. That's why 400-600 k drops directly to 200 k when the lights come up, because it's a long walk back to Bello.

Once you accept that the biggest difference between the girls is location, you create opportunities.

I have a friend who used to throw a couple of parties for gringos in Parque Lleras every year. He provided pizza, a limited open bar and promised lots of chicas would be there and charged each guy 100 k. Getting the girls wasn't too hard. He told them it was in Parque Lleras, lots of gringos would be there and he would pay for their taxi if they arrived before a certain time.

The girls jumped at the chance, I know because I made the offer to one girl for one party. She brought 3 friends. It was a great night for them. All 4 got a free ride to Lleras. All 4 got to drink free. All 4 got some new gringo WhatsApp numbers. Two of them scored dates at the party and the other 2 got to work the park, while waiting for their friends, without worrying if they could afford the taxi home.

Every Friday and Saturday night Facebook is full of girls asking who is in Medellin or what is there to do tonight, just letting everyone know they are available. A couple of them used to be more direct. They would post a sexy picture and write "citas disponibles", dates available.

Not many chicas want to sit home bored on Friday and Saturday night, but if they have no money they have no choice. Having a bunch of nightclubs right around the corner and having money to have a few drinks makes a trip to Lleras or Laureles more appealing than sitting at home.

If my main interest was in saving a few pesos I'd plan around it. If you ask why she has no plans for Saturday, you'll get "mor no tengo plata. " And her friends probably don't have any silver (money) either. How sad! Here you are looking for 2 girls for 2 dates right on La 70, but you don't want to spend a lot of money and she's got 3 friends who all want to party at La 70, but they don't have any money. There should be some way to make everyone happy. But that would be unsolicited advice and I know how much you hate that.While some of what you are saying is accurate.

The reason Lleras is great is the unknown!!

Yes there is a lot of girls who are full blown putas out there. There is also the non pro weekend girls who come out to have fun and make money.

When a girl thinks she can make 200 usd + it attracts a different group of girls as well.

While it won't always happen every weekend every once in a while you'll find that bombshell regardless of your taste.

I've met and fucked quite a few girls from Lleras who were lawyers, hair stylists, and even a bang bro porn star. I can see they're not lying when I see them living their lives on social media updates.

I have been to that yearly party you speak of on a haloween a couple years back.

Those girls are not the type of girls I'm talking about.

While most of the girls who are in Lleras are regular putas.

The unknown is what makes Lleras great.

The amount of money they can make is enough to have a normal girl turn themselves into a hooker for the night.

Obviously if you're not willing to pay then you're not going to experience this type of girl.

Not to mention the free sex and dates that are obtained from the tons of women looking for a gringo BF as well.

As for me I don't go out looking for sex when going to Lleras. I go to party and meet new people.

But the actual act of paying for pussy?? Fb is the best option. This is IMO.

12-12-20, 03:29

Do you use a separate, throwaway FB account for contacting chicas?

The Tall Man
12-12-20, 04:20
So every so often I am in the mood for variety of venues and what I love about Medellin is that you can get it all in.

Started my yesterday off with a few hours in Botero and it was lively and much busier than normal, saw some new faces and got a few whatsapp but did not pull the trigger as the day was young.

Made my way over to park Lleras to meet up with my Colombian buddy and he had a friend of a friend with him, a gringo guy. We met at a pub in park Lleras and what a real nice guy his gringo friend was, well as luck has it it is a fellow monger Don Carlos! He is a solid as they come type of guy, salt of the earth, loves to have fun and so after checking out the street girls for a few hours and having some drinks and looking what is entering gustos (some fine looking chicas) we headed up to La Isla.

At La Isla we just played around with the chicas, had a few drinks, got a few whatsapp numbers, and it is fun to see Don Carlos enjoying himself with the chicas.

Now getting close to midnight I leave and head down to the street walking scene in San Diego. Was in a good mood and so spoke to a few girls and settled in on a cute spinner who was ready to party. Headed over to a motel nearer centro and spent the next 4 hours with her doing all kinds of fun and nasty shit together. Party favors and Jacuzzi and some rum and nasty animal sex for hours on end, she was up to anything and everything, it was almost surreal.

I was beat and so after another hour I paid for another 3 hours of the motel room so my girl could sleep it off then I headed home. I spoke to her today and she had so much fun that she wants to repeat it tonight, right like they have no idea that there is any difference between being 18 years old and 60 plus years old hehehehe 40 plus years and it is amazing that I could perform just as I did but shows I need to get back into my regular exercise routine again, it makes a big difference.

Arrived home this early morning at 4:30 AM and fell into my bed then awoke at noon today. Now I am not so young and I needed the whole day just recovering.

I don't do this but maybe twice or three times a year where I party hard till the wee hours of the morning but just wanted to go on a binge before the years end.

Much love and respect to all.

The Tall Man.

12-12-20, 04:43
I'm here now & encountered the same thing, but have the Schwab card too so fees refunded later. I tried scotiabank & it was all in Spanish & I couldn't understand it & Usually always used it before.I always use Scotiabank because I can withdrawal the most in 1 transaction 900 mil. Last year, I used an ATM inside Nutibarra Hotel in El Centro that only withdrawal 450 mil each transaction, and WF has intl fee so it wasn't ideal. Meaning every time I withdrawal the equivalent of Scotiabank, I get slapped with $10 usd. Now I have Charles Schwab with no ATM fee and I still prefer Scotiabank ATM. There is an option for Spanish or English language you can pick after you put in your card.

12-12-20, 05:50
Do you use a separate, throwaway FB account for contacting chicas?Most of us do, with some exceptions. I personally know one BM who will smile reading my answer LOL. But it's not "throwaway": it's permanent Colombian account.

12-12-20, 06:06
I was exploring that area today and met a thick Cali and notice the big asses you are surf been referring to right in front of that bar. I then realize if you are exploring. Centro can be interesting maybe fun as well LOL..I think El Centro is a blast to explore. There are lots of places you will have no interest in, but there's still lots to see. Take a walk through and play a game of spot the gringo in Botero Plaza.

Or there's my personal favorite game of count the nipples. Take a lap and count how many nipples you can see. If you see less than 10 you lose. More than 10, you win. Stop for a beer and then take another lap.

12-12-20, 06:18
So every so often I am in the mood for variety of venues and what I love about Medellin is that you can get it all in.

Started my yesterday off with a few hours in Botero and it was lively and much busier than normal, saw some new faces and got a few whatsapp but did not pull the trigger as the day was young.

Made my way over to park Lleras to meet up with my Colombian buddy and he had a friend of a friend with him, a gringo guy. We met at a pub in park Lleras and what a real nice guy his gringo friend was, well as luck has it it is a fellow monger Don Carlos! He is a solid as they come type of guy, salt of the earth, loves to have fun and so after checking out the street girls for a few hours and having some drinks and looking what is entering gustos (some fine looking chicas) we headed up to La Isla.

At La Isla we just played around with the chicas, had a few drinks, got a few whatsapp numbers, and it is fun to see Don Carlos enjoying himself with the chicas.

Now getting close to midnight I leave and head down to the street walking scene in San Diego. Was in a good mood and so spoke to a few girls and settled in on a cute spinner who was ready to party. Headed over to a motel nearer centro and spent the next 4 hours with her doing all kinds of fun and nasty shit together. Party favors and Jacuzzi and some rum and nasty animal sex for hours on end, she was up to anything and everything, it was almost surreal..Frankly, I think your best reports are when you binge. Sounds like a good night.

12-12-20, 06:32
So every so often I am in the mood for variety of venues and what I love about Medellin is that you can get it all in.

Started my yesterday off with a few hours in Botero and it was lively and much busier than normal, saw some new faces and got a few whatsapp but did not pull the trigger as the day was young.

Made my way over to park Lleras to meet up with my Colombian buddy and he had a friend of a friend with him, a gringo guy. We met at a pub in park Lleras and what a real nice guy his gringo friend was, well as luck has it it is a fellow monger Don Carlos! He is a solid as they come type of guy, salt of the earth, loves to have fun and so after checking out the street girls for a few hours and having some drinks and looking what is entering gustos (some fine looking chicas) we headed up to La Isla.

At La Isla we just played around with the chicas, had a few drinks, got a few whatsapp numbers, and it is fun to see Don Carlos enjoying himself with the chicas.

Now getting close to midnight I leave and head down to the street walking scene in San Diego. Was in a good mood and so spoke to a few girls and settled in on a cute spinner who was ready to party. Headed over to a motel nearer centro and spent the next 4 hours with her doing all kinds of fun and nasty shit together. Party favors and Jacuzzi and some rum and nasty animal sex for hours on end, she was up to anything and everything, it was almost surreal.

I was beat and so after another hour I paid for another 3 hours of the motel room so my girl could sleep it off then I headed home. I spoke to her today and she had so much fun that she wants to repeat it tonight, right like they have no idea that there is any difference between being 18 years old and 60 plus years old hehehehe 40 plus years and it is amazing that I could perform just as I did but shows I need to get back into my regular exercise routine again, it makes a big difference.

Arrived home this early morning at 4:30 AM and fell into my bed then awoke at noon today. Now I am not so young and I needed the whole day just recovering.

I don't do this but maybe twice or three times a year where I party hard till the wee hours of the morning but just wanted to go on a binge before the years end.

Much love and respect to all.

The Tall Man.I am in my late 30's and I have noticed I too have a harder time raging through the night and need the whole day to recover after a hard night of partying. Guys like you still getting it in like a college kid is inspiring. Great post.

12-12-20, 06:36
I am in my late 30's and I have noticed I too have a harder time raging through the night and need the whole day to recover after a hard night of partying. Guys like you still getting it in like a college kid is inspiring. Great post.I'm quite impressed!

12-12-20, 06:51

Do you use a separate, throwaway FB account for contacting chicas?No. However, I wouldn't recommend using your regular Facebook. I use mine because my family and friends know I don't care what they think about my lifestyle.

When my sister asked me why I go to Colombia here's how the conversation went.

"Why would you want to go to Colombia?

"Because for the price of dinner at Red Lobster (her favorite restaurant) I can have a nice lunch a good dinner and then fuck an 18 year old girl."

"You pay girls for sex?

"No. The sex is free. I pay her to go home so I don't have to listen to her bitching about my snoring ".

"You're almost 60. Why would you want to have sex with an 18 year old?

(Show her picture of naked 18 year old) "Any further questions?

"You're sick."

"Hang on. I'll show you the video."

And that was the last time the subject came up.

I have done some things to compartmentalize my Facebook so it's not especially obvious and I don't comment or interact much with the chica accounts. I'm also not in a position where my social media could threaten my job.

The one downside is that I'm rather outspoken with my views on Facebook and it's happened that a monger friend, one of the few mongers to make it to my friend list, got upset about it.

12-12-20, 08:06
Brief look around lleras and straight up to Gusto. Its lit. I mean girls looking like they been in the gym for months. Some fake bodies but lots of real shit too. Music is banging. I am enjoying myself alone. No thoughts of getting numbers. I don't know why. After about an hour. Decide to slip out to lleras. There is heads out there. Plenty of girls on calle 10. Seems that's where girls moving to. This girl, young chocolate, 20, had a nice deceiving body, again one these girls you can find where guys will over look the potential cause not looking glamorous. I inquired about her, got data and just decided to leave with her even knowing theres so much talent out there. She was great from the taxi. Stroking my legs, affectionate. Got into the house and the kiss was amazing. Similar to girl yesterday. Well the kiss escalated in Leche in the her mouth. Full swallow. And bareback fuck orgasm. Vibrator orgasm. 120 mil including taxi. 2 leche, 3 hrs or less. Really was 100 mil then she claim she thought it was dolares. So when she ask for taxi. I said no problem. Gave her the 20 k taxi. Much deserved. Girlfriend friendly 100%. She said rico rico time. Wasnt telling a lie LOL. She did try hustle me with the taxi that brought us to the apartment. First he acted like he couldn't find La 70 and she tried to get me to give him 3 mil. Said fuck that give me my 3 mil LOL. But we got in the apartment and it was on. She cleaned up the kitchen, washed dishes. Starting saying look like a got a girlfriend.

12-12-20, 15:17
Addition to the report.

Brief look around lleras and straight up to Gusto. Its lit. I mean girls looking like they been in the gym for months. Some fake bodies but lots of real shit too. Music is banging. I am enjoying myself alone. No thoughts of getting numbers. I don't know why. After about an hour. Decide to slip out to lleras. There is heads out there. Plenty of girls on calle 10. Seems that's where girls moving to. This girl, young chocolate, 20, had a nice deceiving body, again one these girls you can find where guys will over look the potential cause not looking glamorous. I inquired about her, got data and just decided to leave with her even knowing theres so much talent out there. She was great from the taxi. Stroking my legs, affectionate. Got into the house and the kiss was amazing. Similar to girl yesterday. Well the kiss escalated in Leche in the her mouth. Full swallow. And bareback fuck orgasm. Vibrator orgasm. 120 mil including taxi. 2 leche, 3 hrs or less. Really was 100 mil then she claim she thought it was dolares. So when she ask for taxi. I said no problem. Gave her the 20 k taxi. Much deserved. Girlfriend friendly 100%. She said rico rico time. Wasnt telling a lie LOL. She did try hustle me with the taxi that brought us to the apartment. First he acted like he couldn't find La 70 and she tried to get me to give him 3 mil. Said fuck that give me my 3 mil LOL. But we got in the apartment and it was on. She cleaned up the kitchen, washed dishes. Starting saying look like a got a girlfriend.

12-12-20, 16:57
Brief look around lleras and straight up to Gusto. Its lit. I mean girls looking like they been in the gym for months. Some fake bodies but lots of real shit too. Music is banging. I am enjoying myself alone. No thoughts of getting numbers. I don't know why. After about an hour. Decide to slip out to lleras. There is heads out there. Plenty of girls on calle 10. Seems that's where girls moving to. This girl, young chocolate, 20, had a nice deceiving body, again one these girls you can find where guys will over look the potential cause not looking glamorous. I inquired about her, got data and just decided to leave with her even knowing theres so much talent out there. She was great from the taxi. Stroking my legs, affectionate. Got into the house and the kiss was amazing. Similar to girl yesterday. Well the kiss escalated in Leche in the her mouth. Full swallow. And bareback fuck orgasm. Vibrator orgasm. 120 mil including taxi. 2 leche, 3 hrs or less. Really was 100 mil then she claim she thought it was dolares. So when she ask for taxi. I said no problem. Gave her the 20 k taxi. Much deserved. Girlfriend friendly 100%. She said rico rico time. Wasnt telling a lie LOL. She did try hustle me with the taxi that brought us to the apartment. First he acted like he couldn't find La 70 and she tried to get me to give him 3 mil. Said fuck that give me my 3 mil LOL. But we got in the apartment and it was on. She cleaned up the kitchen, washed dishes. Starting saying look like a got a girlfriend.Sometimes following your posts, and trying to understand what your saying, is hard given the vocabulary you use.

If I got this correct, she's not a beauty queen face wise, but everything else is a go, and a swallower to boot!

Sounds like you found a keeper, move her in right away, and when your ready, you can tie the knot with her at the Veracruz Church.

You could anounce the ceremony date and time here on ISG, and beforehand, other members will meet up with you and throw a "Puta" party for you.

And before you know it, another generation of Blakman's will be spawned.

12-12-20, 17:21
Blakman I quite like your play on words: "falsa 2". It's an apt description of some of the body parts on display there.

Brief look around lleras and straight up to Gusto. Its lit. I mean girls looking like they been in the gym for months. Some fake bodies but lots of real shit too. Music is banging. I am enjoying myself alone. No thoughts of getting numbers. I don't know why. After about an hour. Decide to slip out to lleras. There is heads out there. Plenty of girls on calle 10. Seems that's where girls moving to. This girl, young chocolate, 20, had a nice deceiving body, again one these girls you can find where guys will over look the potential cause not looking glamorous. I inquired about her, got data and just decided to leave with her even knowing theres so much talent out there. She was great from the taxi. Stroking my legs, affectionate. Got into the house and the kiss was amazing. Similar to girl yesterday. Well the kiss escalated in Leche in the her mouth. Full swallow. And bareback fuck orgasm. Vibrator orgasm. 120 mil including taxi. 2 leche, 3 hrs or less. Really was 100 mil then she claim she thought it was dolares. So when she ask for taxi. I said no problem. Gave her the 20 k taxi. Much deserved. Girlfriend friendly 100%. She said rico rico time. Wasnt telling a lie LOL. She did try hustle me with the taxi that brought us to the apartment. First he acted like he couldn't find La 70 and she tried to get me to give him 3 mil. Said fuck that give me my 3 mil LOL. But we got in the apartment and it was on. She cleaned up the kitchen, washed dishes. Starting saying look like a got a girlfriend.

12-12-20, 17:27
During quarentine. I did get a few centros to come to my crib for 50 plus taxi also at 3 hrs. They were on mileroticos and one I met at centro. This trip. Every centro girl I ask to visit at my apartmento stay put at 100 k per hour. Who wants a centro girl at 100 HR. Certainly not me. Unless she has that booty booty 2 bootilicious to resist.

50 k + round trip uber / didi should seal the desl for a visit to your apt..

12-12-20, 17:29
I was beat and so after another hour I paid for another 3 hours of the motel room so my girl could sleep it off then I headed home. I spoke to her today and she had so much fun that she wants to repeat it tonight, right like they have no idea that there is any difference between being 18 years old and 60 plus years old hehehehe 40 plus years and it is amazing that I could perform just as I did but shows I need to get back into my regular exercise routine again, it makes a big difference.It's mind blowing, at least for me, when I am banging someone forty years younger or more than myself, and I have done a few girls 45 years younger than myself. And afterwards, sometimes I just wince in disbelief as to what transpired.

You mentioned some things that really ring a note for me. The first is that it can be as though there is no age difference with the right girl. As far as this girl was concerned, she could of been doing her boyfriend of the same age, yet you were probably doing a much better job of pleasing her, than him, hence the age difference means nothing to her.

You were also surprised at how you performed, it isn't surprising at all, at least to me. What a turn on being with someone much younger than you and into it. I'm basically on adrenaline at times in similar situations.

Another thing you have brought up, and this is the "key" to successful mongering for older mongers (Grandfathers) like you and myself as far as I am concerned, and it's being in shape. I live to monger, and workout at least five times a week by either surfing or swimming, and it makes a huge difference.

12-12-20, 17:54
During quarentine. I did get a few centros to come to my crib for 50 plus taxi also at 3 hrs. They were on mileroticos and one I met at centro. This trip. Every centro girl I ask to visit at my apartmento stay put at 100 k per hour. Who wants a centro girl at 100 HR. Certainly not me. Unless she has that booty booty 2 bootilicious to resist..How many times have I told you that you are going about it all wrong when dealing with the Centro Chicas. Quit asking for quotes and bids for what you want. Keep in mind that a lot of Colombians are earning only between 30 and 40 K a day working 8 to 10 hours a day. And if all the Centro Chicas are telling you 100 K an hour, it sounds as though all of the Chicas in El Centro know who you are, and what you typically ask for, and thru the grapevine, and there is one there, all of the Centro Chicas have agreed to quote you 100 K an hour, at least that's what you have said that every Chica is quoting you this trip. You need to change your game, so next time, just tell them what your willing to pay and quit asking for quotes.

Also, and I told you this before, an El Centro Chica is going to be reluctant to go with someone they have never been with before and leave El Centro.

Perhaps try this, offer them 30 K and do them in El Centro, and if it works out well and you have chemistry, then make an offer to take her back to your place.

12-12-20, 18:02
Brief look around lleras and straight up to Gusto. Its lit. I mean girls looking like they been in the gym for months. Some fake bodies but lots of real shit too. Music is banging. I am enjoying myself alone. No thoughts of getting numbers. I don't know why. After about an hour. Decide to slip out to lleras. There is heads out there. Plenty of girls on calle 10. Seems that's where girls moving to. This girl, young chocolate, 20, had a nice deceiving body, again one these girls you can find where guys will over look the potential cause not looking glamorous. I inquired about her, got data and just decided to leave with her even knowing theres so much talent out there. She was great from the taxi. Stroking my legs, affectionate. Got into the house and the kiss was amazing. Similar to girl yesterday. Well the kiss escalated in Leche in the her mouth. Full swallow. And bareback fuck orgasm. Vibrator orgasm. 120 mil including taxi. 2 leche, 3 hrs or less. Really was 100 mil then she claim she thought it was dolares. So when she ask for taxi. I said no problem. Gave her the 20 k taxi. Much deserved. Girlfriend friendly 100%. She said rico rico time. Wasnt telling a lie LOL. She did try hustle me with the taxi that brought us to the apartment. First he acted like he couldn't find La 70 and she tried to get me to give him 3 mil. Said fuck that give me my 3 mil LOL. But we got in the apartment and it was on. She cleaned up the kitchen, washed dishes. Starting saying look like a got a girlfriend.Now that sounds like a great night!

12-12-20, 18:12
I think El Centro is a blast to explore. There are lots of places you will have no interest in, but there's still lots to see. Take a walk through and play a game of spot the gringo in Botero Plaza.

Or there's my personal favorite game of count the nipples. Take a lap and count how many nipples you can see. If you see less than 10 you lose. More than 10, you win. Stop for a beer and then take another lap.Centro rat or Centro tourist, sounds like it could be the name of a gameshow, and I'd love to be the host, and maybe Blakman could co-host with me, or perhaps you if your up for it. It's like a circus down there at times, and when the tour groups used to stop in front of the Veracruz Church in the afternoons, and the place is in full swing with the parade of hookers, and hearing the tour guide talking about it all it would be so strange. And than the Hare Krishna come thru the area chanting at the top of their lungs. And after nightfall, it's a totally different, like a scene out of the walking dead, somewhat deserted, with a bunch of zombies walking around.

The Tall Man
12-12-20, 18:24
It's mind blowing, at least for me, when I am banging someone forty years younger or more than myself, and I have done a few girls 45 years younger than myself. And afterwards, sometimes I just wince in disbelief as to what transpired.

You mentioned some things that really ring a note for me. The first is that it can be as though there is no age difference with the right girl. As far as this girl was concerned, she could of been doing her boyfriend of the same age, yet you were probably doing a much better job of pleasing her, than him, hence the age difference means nothing to her.

You were also surprised at how you performed, it isn't surprising at all, at least to me. What a turn on being with someone much younger than you and into it. I'm basically on adrenaline at times in similar situations.

Another thing you have brought up, and this is the "key" to successful mongering for older mongers (Grandfathers) like you and myself as far as I am concerned, and it's being in shape. I live to monger, and workout at least five times a week by either surfing or swimming, and it makes a huge difference.So true about the chemistry, when it is there it you know it and feel it.

Now this Tall (white) Man loves the Afroman and Colt 45 and 2 Zig-Zags as I spent much time developing projects in Palmdale in the 80's and 90's so when I party like this I get this song, hehehe.

Enjoy as this is our monger motto. Just replace East Side Palmdale with South Side Medellin -.

Lyrics to a beat:

Well, it was just sundown in a small white town.

They call it East Side Palmdale (Well).

When the Afroman walked through the white land.

Houses went up for sale (Sale).

Well, I was standing on the corner sellin' rap CDS.

When I met a little girl named Jan (Jan), I let her ride in my Caddy.

'Cause I didn't know her daddy was the leader of the Ku Klux Klan.

(Haha) We fucked on the bed, fucked on the floor (Woo).

Fucked so long I grew a fuckin' afro.

Then I fucked to the left (Left), fucked to the right (Right).

She sucked my dick 'til the shit turned white (Haha).

Thought to myself, "Sheeba-sheeba", got my ass lookin' like a zebra.

I put on my clothes and I was on my way.

Until her daddy pulled up in a Chevrolet (Oh).

So I ran, I jumped out the back window.

But her daddy, he was waitin' with a two-by-four.

Oh (Haha), he beat me to the left, he beat me to the right.

The motherfucker whooped my ass all night.

But I ain't mad at her prejudiced dad.

That's the best damn pussy I ever had (Haha).

Got a bag of weed and a bottle of wine (Woo).

I'm going to fuck that * just one more time.

The ISG mongers motto!

Now that I have rested these wary bones there are about 10 chicas who I need to decide which one will get some loving today hehehehe.

Much love and respect to all. Even to the Blackman who although we don't see eye to eye but when it comes to the chicas. Be they white or brown or black. He is my brother from another mother, as they say.

The Tall Man.

12-12-20, 18:29
I am a complete rookie to the game and would like to seek help from the pros. I am looking for a woman that will give me uncovered oral and swallow but don't want to put in the effort of searching long and hard for it. Is there a blow and go type place with attractive women?

I know that my question is amateurish. But we all started somewhere.

Game Time
12-12-20, 19:01
For the price, I'd recommend Barra Ejecutivo. The quality is close to La Isla, but much cheaper. If you want the overall experience, skip Fase Dos and hit La Isla. You'll spend the same and have a much more satisfying night.JB, when me and my boys went to Fase Dos, we paid the extra coin to take the girls back to our Condo. More comfortable in our own spot. Can you do the same at La Isla or you have to nail the babes on premise?

12-12-20, 19:18
She's attractive in the face, but not a Gusto stunner. Does that clear it up for you. Shes not a 7.

Sometimes following your posts, and trying to understand what your saying, is hard given the vocabulary you use.

If I got this correct, she's not a beauty queen face wise, but everything else is a go, and a swallower to boot!

Sounds like you found a keeper, move her in right away, and when your ready, you can tie the knot with her at the Veracruz Church.

You could anounce the ceremony date and time here on ISG, and beforehand, other members will meet up with you and throw a "Puta" party for you.

And before you know it, another generation of Blakman's will be spawned..

12-12-20, 19:20
Its almost completed deal. LOL. Back to lleras park tonight. It was plentiful out there.

Sometimes following your posts, and trying to understand what your saying, is hard given the vocabulary you use.

If I got this correct, she's not a beauty queen face wise, but everything else is a go, and a swallower to boot!

Sounds like you found a keeper, move her in right away, and when your ready, you can tie the knot with her at the Veracruz Church.

You could anounce the ceremony date and time here on ISG, and beforehand, other members will meet up with you and throw a "Puta" party for you.

And before you know it, another generation of Blakman's will be spawned..

Gringo Trooper
12-12-20, 19:23
So every so often I am in the mood for variety of venues and what I love about Medellin is that you can get it all in.Thanks for the report TTM, sounds like the perfect day.

What calle and carrera intersection would you recommend in San Diego to hunt for streetwalkers?


12-12-20, 20:18
I don't think we are that far apart. If you look at my post you will see there is no mention of three hours. That is your thing. From Centro it is a one hour or more round trip travel to the land of Poblaureles. Add in the popcorn and counter dancing at your place plus the sex, wait, then sex some more and the girl is going to lose an entire day. So during quarantine of course it didn't matter if they lost an entire day. Now that quarantine is over, a Centro rat can still get a girl to come to the crib for 50 K but it's going to be a one to two polvo event and then everybody keeps moving. I guess this is in line with the confusion about door knocks at Centro hotels. Surfer, you take it from here please. I am out the door to Plaza Botero now. LOL!

During quarentine. I did get a few centros to come to my crib for 50 plus taxi also at 3 hrs. They were on mileroticos and one I met at centro. This trip. Every centro girl I ask to visit at my apartmento stay put at 100 k per hour. Who wants a centro girl at 100 HR. Certainly not me. Unless she has that booty booty 2 bootilicious to resist..

12-12-20, 20:20
I would hope to get an invitation to that event. Imagine the reception at one of the bars behind the church.

Sometimes following your posts, and trying to understand what your saying, is hard given the vocabulary you use.

If I got this correct, she's not a beauty queen face wise, but everything else is a go, and a swallower to boot!

Sounds like you found a keeper, move her in right away, and when your ready, you can tie the knot with her at the Veracruz Church.

You could anounce the ceremony date and time here on ISG, and beforehand, other members will meet up with you and throw a "Puta" party for you.

And before you know it, another generation of Blakman's will be spawned.

12-12-20, 20:23
She's attractive in the face, but not a Gusto stunner. Does that clear it up for you. Shes not a 7..Yes, perfectly clear, and just as I surmised, not a beauty queen face wise, being a 6 or less.

But I think you may of missed what I was pointing out to you. You found a keeper which you don't need to marry at the Veracruz Church. With my point being that I have articulated before, along with others, is that typically, the one's that aren't the beauty queens face wise, are the performers.

So I was not taking a shot at you because she wasn't a beauty queen face wise if that's what you were thinking, not at all.

None of my "go to girls" have beauty queen faces, yet I always get the full monty, and anything and everything a dirty old man could want.

12-12-20, 21:57
It's mind blowing, at least for me, when I am banging someone forty years younger or more than myself, and I have done a few girls 45 years younger than myself. And afterwards, sometimes I just wince in disbelief as to what transpired.

You mentioned some things that really ring a note for me. The first is that it can be as though there is no age difference with the right girl. As far as this girl was concerned, she could of been doing her boyfriend of the same age, yet you were probably doing a much better job of pleasing her, than him, hence the age difference means nothing to her.

You were also surprised at how you performed, it isn't surprising at all, at least to me. What a turn on being with someone much younger than you and into it. I'm basically on adrenaline at times in similar situations.

Another thing you have brought up, and this is the "key" to successful mongering for older mongers (Grandfathers) like you and myself as far as I am concerned, and it's being in shape. I live to monger, and workout at least five times a week by either surfing or swimming, and it makes a huge difference.I relate very much to you; mongering keeps me healthy and sane. It gives me a goal in life. I am always looking forward to my next visit to Tijuana or Colombia; I do work out everyday at 65 in order to be up to the task.

12-12-20, 22:37
After last night rendevous at lleras park, Centro did not look the same or did look the same. I was not interested in the people there. Time to shift back to casas and dates. I was more interested in guanabana juice, hard ice cream and fruits. I decided to save the little bit for tonight. Hoping I get lucky like last night at lleras. But window shopping at gusto is entertaining as well. Surfer, knowledge, tall man and all the centro rats. CHAO.

12-13-20, 00:14

On behalf of the Centro rates I hereby declare we do not take it personally because we know you will be back. I am personally very pleased you had a good experience in Lleras. You will soon know for sure how much of an outlier it was, maybe as soon as tonight. When you wrote that "window shopping in Gustos is entertaining as well" that is a tell that you know this too. If only subconsciously. The extra activity you saw around Plaza Botero today was due in part to the pro marijuana and pro counterculture event that took place on La Oriental between San Jose and San Antonio. Today was an excellent day to not drive through Centro. So my recommendation is use fruit and desert shopping as your reason for returning to Centro and we will readily accept a "I just went for it on the spur of the moment" as the reason for you upcoming visit to Premier Plaza.

After last night rendevous at lleras park, Centro did not look the same or did look the same. I was not interested in the people there. Time to shift back to casas and dates. I was more interested in guanabana juice, hard ice cream and fruits. I decided to save the little bit for tonight. Hoping I get lucky like last night at lleras. But window shopping at gusto is entertaining as well. Surfer, knowledge, tall man and all the centro rats. CHAO.

12-13-20, 01:45
It's mind blowing, at least for me, when I am banging someone forty years younger or more than myself, and I have done a few girls 45 years younger than myself. And afterwards, sometimes I just wince in disbelief as to what transpired.

You mentioned some things that really ring a note for me. The first is that it can be as though there is no age difference with the right girl. As far as this girl was concerned, she could of been doing her boyfriend of the same age, yet you were probably doing a much better job of pleasing her, than him, hence the age difference means nothing to her.

You were also surprised at how you performed, it isn't surprising at all, at least to me. What a turn on being with someone much younger than you and into it. I'm basically on adrenaline at times in similar situations.

Another thing you have brought up, and this is the "key" to successful mongering for older mongers (Grandfathers) like you and myself as far as I am concerned, and it's being in shape. I live to monger, and workout at least five times a week by either surfing or swimming, and it makes a huge difference.Her Colombian boyfriend is most likely broke and can't support her. Take the money out of the equation and see how long your sexual relationship with her will last. Money just cover the age gap, we all know this. Being in shape is a good thing, but these girls do not date old guys just because they are into them. Money talks.

12-13-20, 01:46
So I meet a young lady at a club. Get the number and get ghost so I don't have to buy drinks. Next day I text and toss out 200 mil like I am slapbiggy or something. She jumps on the offer so I am thinking did I overbid. The body is outrageous. I am thinking she's a girl I saw back in February and I lost her number. Turns out she's not but they both have amazing body. I run my rules down to her and no objections. I ask for more pics since we met briefly. She sends a nude pic and a bikini pic. I was not expecting that though our chat was very good. One of the pics look very familiar. Like a mileroticos girl so I go on mileroticos and review the girl I think it is and sure enough its her. Now her price is 140 for an hour. I am at 200 mil oral no condom, 2 hrs. She said she's all natural but breast looks like silicone. So it appears saying you are all natural is new thing. So this girl is an escort and doubles at clubs as well. I knew that happen but didn't think too much into it. Just thought I would share. It goes down tomorrow I hope.

12-13-20, 04:16
I hope it works out and I look forward to reading the report.

So I meet a young lady at a club. Get the number and get ghost so I don't have to buy drinks. Next day I text and toss out 200 mil like I am slapbiggy or something. She jumps on the offer so I am thinking did I overbid. The body is outrageous. I am thinking she's a girl I saw back in February and I lost her number. Turns out she's not but they both have amazing body. I run my rules down to her and no objections. I ask for more pics since we met briefly. She sends a nude pic and a bikini pic. I was not expecting that though our chat was very good. One of the pics look very familiar. Like a mileroticos girl so I go on mileroticos and review the girl I think it is and sure enough its her. Now her price is 140 for an hour. I am at 200 mil oral no condom, 2 hrs. She said she's all natural but breast looks like silicone. So it appears saying you are all natural is new thing. So this girl is an escort and doubles at clubs as well. I knew that happen but didn't think too much into it. Just thought I would share. It goes down tomorrow I hope.

12-13-20, 04:18
No shit. I agree most if not all of us know this. Thanks for reminding us I guess.

Her Colombian boyfriend is most likely broke and can't support her. Take the money out of the equation and see how long your sexual relationship with her will last. Money just cover the age gap, we all know this. Being in shape is a good thing, but these girls do not date old guys just because they are into them. Money talks.

12-13-20, 04:33
I am a complete rookie to the game and would like to seek help from the pros. I am looking for a woman that will give me uncovered oral and swallow but don't want to put in the effort of searching long and hard for it. Is there a blow and go type place with attractive women?

I know that my question is amateurish. But we all started somewhere.Sounds like you may of been to Thailand and frequented a blow job bar in Bangkok. Getting an uncovered blowjob won't be a problem here, but finding one who swallows, well that's going to be a challenge, and it's very rare for Colombian women to swallow, albeit I had a few, but it wasn't at a walk up establishment.

Perhaps some of my esteemed colleagues that you have referred as pro's, I guess some of them, can direct you to a place that might provide those services short of just asking women you meet whether they would do it for the right monetary compensation.

One of the Chicas I had that would do it had a total fetish for it, begging me to blow my load in her mouth so she could swallow it all while sucking every last (gota) drop out of me. I honestly don't know what turned her on about it as most Chicas run to spit it out as I have been told it's pretty nasty tasting stuff, hence you need to tell them your cum is sweet, like a rich and creamy vanilla milk shake.

12-13-20, 04:55
Her Colombian boyfriend is most likely broke and can't support her. Take the money out of the equation and see how long your sexual relationship with her will last. Money just cover the age gap, we all know this. Being in shape is a good thing, but these girls do not date old guys just because they are into them. Money talks.As your aware, any guy on this Site is in the pay-pool, meaning we all pay for it. And of course if no money is involved, these Chicas aren't going to waste their time with us, meaning dating us.

So your not really saying anything new, or something we don't know about on this board.

12-13-20, 04:56
Centro rat or Centro tourist, sounds like it could be the name of a gameshow, and I'd love to be the host, and maybe Blakman could co-host with me, or perhaps you if your up for it. It's like a circus down there at times, and when the tour groups used to stop in front of the Veracruz Church in the afternoons, and the place is in full swing with the parade of hookers, and hearing the tour guide talking about it all it would be so strange. And than the Hare Krishna come thru the area chanting at the top of their lungs. And after nightfall, it's a totally different, like a scene out of the walking dead, somewhat deserted, with a bunch of zombies walking around.I'd forgotten all about the Hare Krishnas. You've got them chanting away with a couple of trannies in the background.

12-13-20, 05:18
I am a complete rookie to the game and would like to seek help from the pros. I am looking for a woman that will give me uncovered oral and swallow but don't want to put in the effort of searching long and hard for it. Is there a blow and go type place with attractive women?

I know that my question is amateurish. But we all started somewhere.You're going to need to search long and hard.

While finding women who will give oral without a condom isn't too difficult, not all will allow cum in mouth, and even less of them will swallow.

To add to the difficulty, some women will agree to something when messaging, but won't want to do it when they're with you, or they'll want to charge extra.

There is no dedicated blow job with swallow place, so it is a matter of interviewing every girl and negotiating each detail. Just at a guess you'll probably have to talk to about 10 to get 1 to agree to your conditions.

12-13-20, 05:19
JB, when me and my boys went to Fase Dos, we paid the extra coin to take the girls back to our Condo. More comfortable in our own spot. Can you do the same at La Isla or you have to nail the babes on premise?I'm sure you can negotiate them out of the club, although I'm sure you'll pay a premium.

12-13-20, 05:34
Yes, perfectly clear, and just as I surmised, not a beauty queen face wise, being a 6 or less.

But I think you may of missed what I was pointing out to you. You found a keeper which you don't need to marry at the Veracruz Church. With my point being that I have articulated before, along with others, is that typically, the one's that aren't the beauty queens face wise, are the performers.

So I was not taking a shot at you because she wasn't a beauty queen face wise if that's what you were thinking, not at all.

None of my "go to girls" have beauty queen faces, yet I always get the full monty, and anything and everything a dirty old man could want.I happened to see a sign for a new restaurant today and had to turn around and get a picture.

It reminded me of something most of us have learned. Everyone wants to kiss a 10, but you'll have a better time if you fuck a 7.

12-13-20, 06:04
Her Colombian boyfriend is most likely broke and can't support her. Take the money out of the equation and see how long your sexual relationship with her will last. Money just cover the age gap, we all know this. Being in shape is a good thing, but these girls do not date old guys just because they are into them. Money talks.Yes, but.

The age gap in Colombia is not as limiting of a factor as in the US. While the working girls aren't jumping in bed with a lot of old gringos for free, many will jump into bed with real enthusiasm. If you're putting some effort into making sure she enjoys the session, it will often yield dividends.

Many girls, if they enjoyed your company, will stay longer, even overnight, for the same price on a repeat visit. Or they'll drop their price. They'll also recommend their friends, cousins or even sisters.

Of course that works both ways. If the girl doesn't enjoy the visit, she will pass on a repeat, even for more money.

12-13-20, 06:11
So I meet a young lady at a club. Get the number and get ghost so I don't have to buy drinks. Next day I text and toss out 200 mil like I am slapbiggy or something. She jumps on the offer so I am thinking did I overbid. The body is outrageous. I am thinking she's a girl I saw back in February and I lost her number. Turns out she's not but they both have amazing body. I run my rules down to her and no objections. I ask for more pics since we met briefly. She sends a nude pic and a bikini pic. I was not expecting that though our chat was very good. One of the pics look very familiar. Like a mileroticos girl so I go on mileroticos and review the girl I think it is and sure enough its her. Now her price is 140 for an hour. I am at 200 mil oral no condom, 2 hrs. She said she's all natural but breast looks like silicone. So it appears saying you are all natural is new thing. So this girl is an escort and doubles at clubs as well. I knew that happen but didn't think too much into it. Just thought I would share. It goes down tomorrow I hope.Didn't I already tell you that?

Many of the girls are working multiple venues and where you find them changes what the price will be.

I remember comparing notes with a monger about one of the girls who used to work at Energy. We had each had a great session with her at Energy. He told me he got her number and tried to set up something with her at his apartment. The one hour rate at Energy was 140 k, but she wanted 250 k to visit his place.

12-13-20, 06:27
Her Colombian boyfriend is most likely broke and can't support her. Take the money out of the equation and see how long your sexual relationship with her will last. Money just cover the age gap, we all know this. Being in shape is a good thing, but these girls do not date old guys just because they are into them. Money talks.I agree. These girls wouldn't give old guys (grandpops) a second look if you didn't have money. Please don't think you're special or flatter yourself either.

12-13-20, 06:28
I'm lost on how to find girls on facebook.

Its not straightforward like mileroticos.

I'd appreciate if anyone can give a brief explanation.

I'm arriving in MDE in two days if anyone there wants to meet for drinks.

12-13-20, 07:55
I have been in Medellin 4 nights (I 'm losing track) Previously 2 weeks in Bogota. Did 9 girls back in Bog, half from Seeking. 4 from clubs in Santa Fe. It is like mining for GOLD. Mostly because I won't lower my standards for looks. I had to pass on a lot of seeking girls. Got to be an expert at seeing when they were hiding small breasts in their photos or when they were pure gold diggers. O, I said that. . . Yes I have become one but in a different way. It's work. It's worth it. I am in disbelief now because I have 5 of the most beautiful women I've ever met wanting to visit this week. Yeah, I love Medellin. Bogota was not bad either. I will get a lot of details for everyone but here's the basic numbers. I looked at over 1,000 profiles over a 3/4 month subscription period. I saved 300 that gave me their numbers. I deleted half of those for any reason I could come up with. Ended up with 4 folders, Bogota, Medellin, Cartagena and Misc. Only 100 profiles left. If they did not respond or asked for more than your average hooker, they got deleted. If they asked for anything up front, deleted. Any reason at all, deleted. Now down to 75. I still have the original data base of 250 high quality girls (with their numbers) NO you can't have it. . . I wish I could share their photos but I would be breaking confidentiality and maybe some laws. Woodman, Elvis and Tall Man can vouch for the authenticity of my story.

So what's my lesson? It was well with the time, the expense and the disappointments along the way. Mining for GOLD was my choice and I am only half way through all this. I have 12 days more in Medellin. I have constant messages (I have to archive or delete) from girls I've met online or in person. I also spent 3 nights in a row at La Isla. WOW! Half of these girls are as hot as the Seeking girls. No photos to be suspicious of either, guaranteed getting laid. (almost) so I found a few girls there. Time will tell but I have 5, of the smartest, best looking women I've ever met coming over this week. Wish me luck. One wants to marry me, One seems not to want anything but conversation. The others will get around 250 k for 2-3 hours of their time. About the same as Bogota. But Medellin has a higher percentage of willing girls. Or maybe I'm just better at mining gold. I already want to move here. Details when I get back to the USA. Now I'm just giving you an outline.


12-13-20, 08:00
JB, when me and my boys went to Fase Dos, we paid the extra coin to take the girls back to our Condo. More comfortable in our own spot. Can you do the same at La Isla or you have to nail the babes on premise?Costly to take out but yes you can. Girl will charge you near 700 cop plus around 160 take out, I snuck out their numbers instead. . Reminded me I met a girl at Fase 2 also. Dive location but a couple hot girls in there.

Elvis 2008
12-13-20, 09:51
At La Isla we just played around with the chicas, had a few drinks, got a few whatsapp numbers, and it is fun to see Don Carlos enjoying himself with the chicas.

I was beat and so after another hour I paid for another 3 hours of the motel room so my girl could sleep it off then I headed home. I spoke to her today and she had so much fun that she wants to repeat it tonight, right like they have no idea that there is any difference between being 18 years old and 60 plus years old hehehehe 40 plus years and it is amazing that I could perform just as I did but shows I need to get back into my regular exercise routine again, it makes a big difference.

Arrived home this early morning at 4:30 AM and fell into my bed then awoke at noon today. Now I am not so young and I needed the whole day just recovering.

Much love and respect to all.

The Tall Man.Yeah, Don Carlos is a great guy, and I can vouch for all that he has accomplished with seeking. Even though I may have been first, he has done seeking bigger and better than I ever did.

It is funny reading JJBee's post about the disapproving family member and an 18 year old. Like DC, I have met many seeking women who want to marry me, and that has opened up a question to me that I never thought I would have to entertain. Is it better settling down with a nubile 20 something who is crazy in love with you or continuing to play the field?

Lately, my work load has been crazy high and the exercise routine has gone to nothing. Given the fall in my overall health, I was surprised that my sex drive and performance kept up but it was not at what were my previously thinner levels. I know this rate of decline cannot continue and instead of attacking them, I dreaded the hills in Medellin and the staircases in Bogota and the subsequent huffing and puffing.

An event triggered a heart to heart with my #1 girl. I told her that I no longer want to have children which means the next step for me is likely a vasectomy. She told me then that she was not certain if she wanted to marry me which kind of surprised me given how devoted she was to me and had made such plans for us. It is understandable given how I have insisted to her that I would not be exclusive, and there has been no proposal but still the last time I was with her in Medellin was not that great. I had a much better time plowing new and strange in Bogota then with her. She tried going through my passport and if she did not go through my phone again, I would be surprised.

I guess this is the part that bugs me. When I was married and engaged not only did the sex trail off, the women's interest in pleasing me went way down. Of all my ex-wife's misdeeds, the one that got the most traction with others was my telling others that the last decade we were married the ex quit with oral sex. I was watching the standup routine of Chris Rock who said that every man gets the same shitty ass blowjob when married "Three licks, is it hard yet? Put it in. I got laundry to fold. "

There is all this societal shame for cheating but is there any for when your spouse does not give a shit about pleasing you in bed or lets her body go to shit? Hell, if a woman tells you no, that is her right but what about paying the rent or for the school of the children? It seems like women have all the choices.

I get that you are supposed to care about staying in shape for your s. O. But for what? The sex with the #1 novia was good but the headaches seemed to get worse the more serious we got. In comparison with my Mexican lawyer 10, every time she has gotten serious, I have said, "Quit with the serious stuff. We are here to have fun. " Outside of giving her attention on occasion, the relationship is much more no fuss no muss.

My novia told me that the divorce laws in Colombia were worse than in the USA, and I have to say that I shrugged my shoulders and wanted to ask, "And what am I getting in return?" Shit most times these days the women file divorce for the dumbest reasons. My ex filed and one month after the divorce wanted to come back and live with me. I guess it was not that horrible after all.

But what is the big payoff for men in marriage? I do not see it. Even in Colombia, I see women say, "Well, you get a lifetime with me" as if that comes for free. Maybe there are wives who are truly equal partners but for all their bellyaching, I have not seen it with my friends, not at all. No one seems to talk about all the men who are getting fucked over in marriage. Why is that my novia knows about marriage laws to the tee and I do not? Clearly, she has seen people in her life benefit from them.

All I know is that I have tremendous desire to get into shape and try to keep up with the 18 to 30 year old hotties, and I have and had zero desire to do it for the novia or the ex wife because honestly I feel like I have given her enough of my time and money to them. If the Mexican lawyer acts up and tries to get serious, I will find another one. Why is it with marriage or a more serious relationship, the woman thinks that she has the right to let herself go?

All I know is that the pursuit of young, hot pussy makes me happier than anything else, and that pursuit, more than anything else, makes me want to get in shape. Society says that we are fucked up for being like that, and I have seriously questioned if this makes me crazy. It is good to know though that it seems like I am not alone.

12-13-20, 12:25
For those that do not know but care to know, Tusi is colloquially known as pink cocaine but it is really 2-CB, a synthetic psychedelic drug; 2 C = tusi, get it?

So I understand tusi is all the rage now. For those of you in the mix, is that the required preference that ladies want now? I know it is quite expensive compared to Colombia's finest (believe tusi costs 200 kCOP / gram vs 20 kCOP / gram for the white stuff).

If I am gearing up for a night with favors, I'the like to hear some experience with one vs the other, what the chicas prefer and what makes for a better marathon sex session.

Tomcat 88
12-13-20, 12:57
Ordered generic AG sildenafil masticable from my favorite Drogas Calidad. Price went up to 2,000 pesos per box of two 50 MG tablets.

Recall how stunned I was by arithmetic when I first moved to Medellin and fucked an 18-year-old. I was 68 at time.

Steve 9696
12-13-20, 15:07
I have been in Medellin 4 nights (I 'm losing track) Previously 2 weeks in Bogota. Did 9 girls back in Bog, half from Seeking. 4 from clubs in Santa Fe. It is like mining for GOLD. Mostly because I won't lower my standards for looks. I had to pass on a lot of seeking girls. Got to be an expert at seeing when they were hiding small breasts in their photos or when they were pure gold diggers. O, I said that. . . Yes I have become one but in a different way. It's work. It's worth it. I am in disbelief now because I have 5 of the most beautiful women I've ever met wanting to visit this week. Yeah, I love Medellin. Bogota was not bad either. I will get a lot of details for everyone but here's the basic numbers. I looked at over 1,000 profiles over a 3/4 month subscription period. I saved 300 that gave me their numbers. I deleted half of those for any reason I could come up with. Ended up with 4 folders, Bogota, Medellin, Cartagena and Misc. Only 100 profiles left. If they did not respond or asked for more than your average hooker, they got deleted. If they asked for anything up front, deleted. Any reason at all, deleted. Now down to 75. I still have the original data base of 250 high quality girls (with their numbers) NO you can't have it. . . I wish I could share their photos but I would be breaking confidentiality and maybe some laws. Woodman, Elvis and Tall Man can vouch for the authenticity of my story.

So what's my lesson? It was well with the time, the expense and the disappointments along the way. Mining for GOLD was my choice and I am only half way through all this. I have 12 days more in Medellin. I have constant messages (I have to archive or delete) from girls I've met online or in person. I also spent 3 nights in a row at La Isla. WOW! Half of these girls are as hot as the Seeking girls. No photos to be suspicious of either, guaranteed getting laid. (almost) so I found a few girls there. Time will tell but I have 5, of the smartest, best looking women I've ever met coming over this week. Wish me luck. One wants to marry me, One seems not to want anything but conversation. The others will get around 250 k for 2-3 hours of their time. About the same as Bogota. But Medellin has a higher percentage of willing girls. Or maybe I'm just better at mining gold. I already want to move here. Details when I get back to the USA. Now I'm just giving you an outline.

DC.Great stuff DC. Looks like you have lots of good Seeking Arrangement experience in Bogota and hopefully Medellin. Looking forward to more reports (did not find in Bogota thread). Can you make sure to cross post in the Seeking thread:


There is a small but dedicated group of SA afficianados in there who would love details. Thanks!

12-13-20, 16:08
Yes, but.

The age gap in Colombia is not as limiting of a factor as in the US. While the working girls aren't jumping in bed with a lot of old gringos for free, many will jump into bed with real enthusiasm. If you're putting some effort into making sure she enjoys the session, it will often yield dividends.

Many girls, if they enjoyed your company, will stay longer, even overnight, for the same price on a repeat visit. Or they'll drop their price. They'll also recommend their friends, cousins or even sisters.

Of course that works both ways. If the girl doesn't enjoy the visit, she will pass on a repeat, even for more money.Its actually not too difficult for an elderly gringo to pick up non pro girls in Colombia, the only thing is that the girls you pick up for free would not be as hot as Gustos girls or even casa girls. In any event do not neglect to give them something after the act.

Gringo Trooper
12-13-20, 16:30
I'm lost on how to find girls on facebook.

Its not straightforward like mileroticos.

I'd appreciate if anyone can give a brief explanation.

I'm arriving in MDE in two days if anyone there wants to meet for drinks.Go back through the thread to the posts from around October 15, 2020. There is more than enough there to fill you in.

Enjoy your trip, however, your FB pipeline should have been built at least a week ago. It might be tough to build up your pipeline on such short notice unless you're staying there for a longer trip.

12-13-20, 16:53
I'm lost on how to find girls on facebook.

Its not straightforward like mileroticos.

I'd appreciate if anyone can give a brief explanation.

I'm arriving in MDE in two days if anyone there wants to meet for drinks.Use the search function of this website. There is literally a shit ton of information about finding Medellin girls on Facebook. Once you're back from Colombia, be sure to write a trip report. Cheers, mate.

12-13-20, 17:42
The guided tours are back. Watching and hearing the reactions of the unsuspecting tourists is great fun for me. One of my favorite reactions is when the men who are with a wife or girlfriend pretend to not notice or not look at the girls.

Centro rat or Centro tourist, sounds like it could be the name of a gameshow, and I'd love to be the host, and maybe Blakman could co-host with me, or perhaps you if your up for it. It's like a circus down there at times, and when the tour groups used to stop in front of the Veracruz Church in the afternoons, and the place is in full swing with the parade of hookers, and hearing the tour guide talking about it all it would be so strange. And than the Hare Krishna come thru the area chanting at the top of their lungs. And after nightfall, it's a totally different, like a scene out of the walking dead, somewhat deserted, with a bunch of zombies walking around.

The Tall Man
12-13-20, 17:42
Thanks for the report TTM, sounds like the perfect day.

What calle and carrera intersection would you recommend in San Diego to hunt for streetwalkers?

Cheers.Cr 50 and CL 39, there is a Texaco gas station that has the best price in town so is always busy, a good place to fill up at and its located at Cr 50 and CL 41 and these 2 or 3 block areas is about ground central.

You need a car and some decent Spanish but if not don't worry the chicas know why your pulling over to talk to them.

This place is not for the faint of heart and at the southern end, towards Av 33, is where the trans hang out and look for clients.

This area has been known since the beginning of time so to speak, at least 40 years and known as the "calf streets", calfs because what do calfs do? They suck so fill in the blanks. Always check ID's.

Over the past 3 years I have pulled probably 15 from this area, some great fun times like the one the other night and some just average times and only one out of the dozen that were a problem but just take your time and choose carefully. So I don't frequent this place often but if I happen to be traveling through at late night I will pull in and take a look. A few times I have hit jack pot but more times than not just look and maybe get a few numbers and then on my way.

This area in the daytime has auto dealerships and auto repair shops but at about 8 PM every night the business lights are closed then between 8 to midnight they start surfacing. How the commercial activities are transformed to the carnal lust and desires of the flesh at night in itself is interesting in itself. I purchased my car a few years back from a dealership right around the corner hehehehe.

You will see some of the same cast of putas that grace the centro Vera and Botero plaza during the daylight but there is usually a few newer girls just coming into the area, usually with their friends looking to experience the thrill of selling their pussy and actually getting money for it unlike the gamins back in their barrios where they just give it up for nothing hehehehe.

Again use extreme caution should you decide to try this venue, seldom are there any beauties here but it serves a purpose. Send me a PM for additional comments should you decide to check it out and I will give you some pointers, good and bad, what I have learned.

The Tall Man.

12-13-20, 17:56
But what is the big payoff for men in marriage? I do not see it.

All I know is that the pursuit of young, hot pussy makes me happier than anything else, and that pursuit, more than anything else, makes me want to get in shape. Society says that we are fucked up for being like that, and I have seriously questioned if this makes me crazy. It is good to know though that it seems like I am not alone.Thanks for posting, I agree. When I see travelling couples like Amelia and JP in Ecuador on Youtube I just don't see how a guy can be in love enough to be exclusive to one woman over decades. The only good reasons for marriage seem to be providing stability for children, or protecting wealth if two wealthy families arrange a marriage.

12-13-20, 18:02
I'm lost on how to find girls on facebook.

Its not straightforward like mileroticos.

I'd appreciate if anyone can give a brief explanation.

I'm arriving in MDE in two days if anyone there wants to meet for drinks.Go to the General Info thread. Search for "Facebook" and you will find the post I wrote explaining exactly how to do it.

12-13-20, 18:14
Colombian Cupid for online?

Best Bars or Malls to pick up non-pros?

How much Spanish is needed to bang a non-pro in the 7-8 range?

Girls who blur the line between semi-pro and non-pro can be included.

12-13-20, 18:20
I do not want to restart a discussion around the topic. I formed my own opinion since I have been there and whatever you people have to say, I personally don't give a fuss. I think some of you are scared of your own shadow. You probably still believe a monster is hiding in your closet.

I have been in El Poblado and Laureles at late night, as well "en el centro". El Poblado and Laureles are, in my opinion, absolutely safe. And I mean it, safe. Included La 70. El Centro is definitely a place where you can get robbed, and I have assisted, myself, a robbery in plain daylight. But I have never felt I was in danger, when for danger I mean risking my own life. Not even when I was there after 9 PM, which I do not advise because there aren't girls, anyway.

It's true, people get killed. But not you, not the gringos. There are gangs fighting for the territory. I met a girl who lost his brother because he got killed. He was a drug dealer. But you are not a drug dealer, and people don't go around stabbing and shooting at gringos. It doesn't happen. Let me be clear: It doesn't happen. So, if you believe you'll get shot, well you will not. That's just absurd.

My personal opinion is that Medellin is safe for the most part. El Centro is, most likely, the most dangerous place, due to the high concentration of criminals. But the worst it may happen, is that you are going to get robbed. That's it, robbed. You heard me. No one is going to kill, stab, kidnap or beat you. So, my advise for the ones travelling to Medellin is that the place is generally safe, with the exception of El Centro where I suggest to go without your expensive phone, watch, or too much money, that you wouldn't need, in any case. Bring with you 100.000 cop which is enough for 2 fucks and the taxi to get back home.

And overall this is the opinion shared by the people living there. Most of the neighborhoods are safe. Now, if you don't believe me, watch this video, where Colombian girls answer the question.


12-13-20, 18:28
Colombian Cupid for online?

Best Bars or Malls to pick up non-pros?

How much Spanish is needed to bang a non-pro in the 7-8 range?

Girls who blur the line between semi-pro and non-pro can be included.Unless your fluent in Spanish, picking up non-pro's, especially younger than you, is going to be a challenge.

12-13-20, 18:34
For those that do not know but care to know, Tusi is colloquially known as pink cocaine but it is really 2-CB, a synthetic psychedelic drug; 2 C = tusi, get it?

So I understand tusi is all the rage now. For those of you in the mix, is that the required preference that ladies want now? I know it is quite expensive compared to Colombia's finest (believe tusi costs 200 kCOP / gram vs 20 kCOP / gram for the white stuff).

If I am gearing up for a night with favors, I'the like to hear some experience with one vs the other, what the chicas prefer and what makes for a better marathon sex session.I do not do drugs, so I don't have a direct experience, but I asked around because I'm interested in the topic. I have been with a girl who told me she has a girlfriend absolutely addicted to Tusi. She told me that is much more powerful than cocaine, it gives you hallucinations and it is immediately addictive. So, they call it pink cocaine, but it has nothing to do with cocaine. And yes, it's much more expensive than cocaine. For girls who do drugs I think yes, that's definitely the new trendy, especially because it's really expensive and they can't afford it. I asked this same question in Brazil, but the girls I have spoken they didn't have any experience with the drug. I think you should go to El Centro and ask some of the girls you find in Plaza Botero.

12-13-20, 18:38
Seriously, you're are going to have such an incredible learning experience when you finally get to Colombia. Every day is going to be like the first day of Catholic preschool, with some pissed off woman screaming at you and beating your knuckles with a ruler. You should consider a visit to Sexo Sentido. They sell a sexy nun costume to add that extra touch of realism.

Please give us all some advance notice of where you plan to stay. I'll send someone over to pay the porteros to video the cops showing up and you curled up in the fetal position while some 90 pound Paisa is kicking and screaming at you.

It's okay to not know everything about how things work in Colombia. Everyone has much to learn. However, you've gone way past the line of "I didn't know that" and are dancing on the "I'm a fucking clueless idiot" stage.

No. The onus is not on the girl to explain that she doesn't want you to dump your load down her throat. Anyone who is no longer a virgin knows that. The same is true that it's not up to the woman to tell you she doesn't want your dick in her ass, she doesn't want to be choked until she's unconscious, she doesn't want to be beaten until she requires medical treatment or she doesn't want you to shit on her chest. None of that is feminism creeping into the forum. It's what's called, not being a piece of shit loser...Damn I'm sure the guy you replied to is off crying somewhere in a corner. I'm reading this and I'm like GeeezFckngChrist. Great response and agreed 100%. Too many times I read posts by aholes thinking they can treat these women like animals. No wonder why the US will not make whoring legal. Too many scumbags think bc they're paying a few dollars they own the woman's body. Fckng Losers.

12-13-20, 18:39
Thanks for posting, I agree. When I see travelling couples like Amelia and JP in Ecuador on Youtube I just don't see how a guy can be in love enough to be exclusive to one woman over decades. The only good reasons for marriage seem to be providing stability for children, or protecting wealth if two wealthy families arrange a marriage.I saw a post recently from a guy looking for super sized fake boobs and butts. How could anyone be interested in that? After having that once, why would anyone seek it out again.

That's fairly normal. If you dig deep you'll find stuff out there which will turn your stomach, but somewhere there's a guy or girl who is looking for that.

Even if you stick to normal stuff, we all like different things. We've got mongers here who are always looking to find a girl to wife up with. And we've got mongers who will never repeat and only do 30 minute sessions. Some guy will post a picture of the hottest girl he's ever had and someone else is thinking "I hope you got a good price on that."

And there are guys out there who are happy mowing the same yard for 40 years, eating the same 7 meals every week, driving back and forth to the same job and waking up to the same woman.

I know guys who can count all the women they've had sex with on one finger. I know guys who have been married more than 30,40 and 50 years to the same woman. I'm happy for them. I used to dream about being one of them. I even tried, several times. After about a year I'd get that itch and it was time to find new pussy.

I'm profoundly grateful for all of the guys who are happy settling down with one woman. In my younger days it was because there are always a bunch of housewives who want a good fuck, which they'll never get from a guy who thinks oral sex is evil.

But now I appreciate it because they provide the stability which allows the rest of us to do what we do. They're the guys who, figuratively, make the trains run on time. They're the guys throwing our luggage into planes they'll never fly on.

And they're also the ones all those sweet young things are hoping to find each time they take our pesos.

12-13-20, 20:44
Colombian Cupid for online?

Best Bars or Malls to pick up non-pros?

How much Spanish is needed to bang a non-pro in the 7-8 range?

Girls who blur the line between semi-pro and non-pro can be included.The following is strictly my opinion, nothing more.

How much Spanish is needed? This ranges from 0-100%. I have seen guys who can pick up non-pros with nothing more than a smile. It's a combination of looks, attitude and confidence. There are other guys, with fluent Spanish who couldn't pick up a girl who will literally fuck anyone.

If you're trying to pick them up strictly online, which includes Cupid, you can get away with less Spanish, but you'll run into problems when you meet. For most guys, my opinion is that 25-30% should be enough to give you a good chance. Knowing enough to at least get an idea about the conversation and being able to add relevant comments is important.

If you change it, it makes sense that you don't need to be anywhere close to fluent. With just a bit of knowledge of medical jargon you can have a medical discussion with a doctor. It doesn't require 4 years of med school.

There's no real difference between picking them up online and picking them up in person. Obviously everyone has their preference, but the mechanics are the same.

Fortunately, the first step, which is often the hardest, is pretty safe in Colombia. You can smile and say Hello, to almost any woman in Colombia and she'll smile and reply. Unless she's obviously busy with something else, you can strike up a conversation with her. Try that in the US and you're likely to get cussed out.

Another one of my opinions is that you'll greatly improve your chances if you can make the girl laugh. No matter who I'm talking to, I'll look for a chance to get a laugh.

The best bars are probably none of them. While the girls might be hoping to meet someone at the bar, they probably aren't looking for a gringo (unless it's a known gringo hangout, then no matter what you want to call them, they're pros). Plus they have their guard up. They know the guy walking up is looking to score. Obviously it can be done, but it requires more effort, skill and patience.

Malls or any shopping areas are better. Instead of a gringo looking to bang a hot chick, you're just another guy doing normal things. You could look at the customers, but the employees are a good option. If the place isn't busy, she's probably bored, if you can break up the monotony and make her smile, you're halfway there. Besides, in Colombia, if she works there, she probably can't afford to shop there. You obviously can afford it. Her other option is to spend her own money to buy some cheap booze and take it to some guys place.

Again, all just my opinions.

Mr Enternational
12-13-20, 20:54
Best Bars or Malls to pick up non-pros?You say this as if getting chicks that are not hookers is like going to the grocery store: Write a list. Go to XyZ to pick up the items. And go back home to enjoy it.

It does not work that way. Anyone skilled in getting chicks knows there is no particular place or time. You see a chick you like. You talk to her and see if anything comes of it. If there was a best anything then every guy would be there and every girl would be picked up already.

How much Spanish is needed to bang a non-pro in the 7-8 range?It is not how much you talk, but what you put in it. How much of the language wherever you are from is needed to do the same thing? Therein lies the answer.

12-13-20, 21:11
Thanks for posting, I agree. When I see travelling couples like Amelia and JP in Ecuador on Youtube I just don't see how a guy can be in love enough to be exclusive to one woman over decades. The only good reasons for marriage seem to be providing stability for children, or protecting wealth if two wealthy families arrange a marriage.Ok although English is not my native language I 'll try to explain it to you. Sometimes it's really hard to find what you are looking for. For example many of the guys who travel or live in Medellin they only look for 8's or 9's and they have multiple options. But what if a guy is in femdom and is a submissive? What if someone wants to find a woman that is dominant by nature how easy can that be in Medellin? And I am not talking about money and pros. Because we really don't know if a pro is a Dominatrix by nature and to be honest I think she is not. But let's say that I move to Medellin and I start searching for a Dominatrix will I be able to find one? What are the odds?

If finally I do find her and she asks me to marry her since she will be fulfilling my sexual life should I marry her or not? Will I 'll be able to find someone else even in Medellin where there are thousands of cuties? Can money transform a woman to a Dominatrix by nature? If they can't what should I do then?

12-13-20, 21:13
4 from clubs in Santa Fe. It is like mining for GOLD. Mostly because I won't lower my standards for looks.In my experience, GOLD and Santa Fe should not be mentioned in the same sentence. Unless, you meant fool's gold. Or, possibly I just read this the wrong way.

The thing to watch out for is the Colombian trio. Many girls will try to pull that one. It usually consists of one girl fucking you while the other plays on her phone. Then they switch places. There's no interaction between the girls and it tends to not be worth it. I've found that if you're not specific about what you want from the threesome, you get the overpriced, boring trio.The Colombian Trio should be trademarked. This couldn't be more true. This is exactly why I have appreciated the 3-4 somes during this 9 month trip, with my live-ins. Genuine no holds barred passion. I had a couple FB chica trios in past trips. What a joke.

For those that do not know but care to know, Tusi is colloquially known as pink cocaine but it is really 2-CB, a synthetic psychedelic drug; 2 C = tusi, get it?

So I understand tusi is all the rage now. For those of you in the mix, is that the required preference that ladies want now? I know it is quite expensive compared to Colombia's finest (believe tusi costs 200 kCOP / gram vs 20 kCOP / gram for the white stuff).

If I am gearing up for a night with favors, I'the like to hear some experience with one vs the other, what the chicas prefer and what makes for a better marathon sex session.Tusi is about 70-90 k / g. No clue what the white is selling for. Yes, tusi is what the ladies want. Tusi and weed. I know several party girls that have never tried the white, or maybe once or twice with a gringo.

Good crowd at Fahrenheit last night. Definitely worth checking out, but go with a group, and bring girls.

Had 4 girls cleaning the apartment and jacuzzi, today, while I was at the gym. Brought some donuts back. Ready for the final stretch. 3 nights to go. Complimentary photo from Friday night.

12-13-20, 21:32
. Ready for the final stretch. 3 nights to go. Complimentary photo from Friday night.After nine months of debauchery, what's in store for you next?

12-13-20, 21:51
You say this as if getting chicks that are not hookers is like going to the grocery store: Write a list. Go to XyZ to pick up the items. And go back home to enjoy it.

It does not work that way. Anyone skilled in getting chicks knows there is no particular place or time. You see a chick you like. You talk to her and see if anything comes of it. If there was a best anything then every guy would be there and every girl would be picked up already.

It is not how much you talk, but what you put in it. How much of the language wherever you are from is needed to do the same thing? Therein lies the answer.Of course we all understand this concept in your post, but of course some locations must be better than others I would think. I know the city I am from there are prolly over 100 bars, but only a few bars in town which are significantly better for getting laid, every one who is local knows this and attends these bars to fuck chicks. Of course any bar your in, theres probably going to be women to hit on, but some spots I would think are better than others. I am assuming perhaps you meant its just so easy to get girls where ever you are in Medellin it doesn't matter? Regardless thanks for posting.

12-13-20, 21:57
Unless, you meant fool's gold..They are all fools gold, or have you conveniently deluded yourself into believing that only the ones that overcharge you aren't?

12-13-20, 23:23
Threesomes, aka trios or Colombian Trio are most often a case of 1 + 2 = less than 2. Yes, if you put in the time to prep and play matchmaker between the girls it can be a good experience. Of course most hastily arranged threesomes are a variation of one girl with the guy and the other girl biding her time. If you don't know one or both girls one of them can get into mischief while the other has you distracted. I like reading about the good experiences.

In my experience, GOLD and Santa Fe should not be mentioned in the same sentence. Unless, you meant fool's gold. Or, possibly I just read this the wrong way.

The Colombian Trio should be trademarked. This couldn't be more true. This is exactly why I have appreciated the 3-4 somes during this 9 month trip, with my live-ins. Genuine no holds barred passion. I had a couple FB chica trios in past trips. What a joke.

Elvis 2008
12-13-20, 23:30
In my experience, GOLD and Santa Fe should not be mentioned in the same sentence. Unless, you meant fool's gold. Or, possibly I just read this the wrong way.Oh come on man. You got to give some of the Santa Fe hunnies some love. Yes, there is a lotta rough there. The chocolate energizer bunny known as Alejandra had the best body of any woman on my trip. And Vanessa from Fiebre had the nicest ass. When she gets on a stage and shakes or fucks you cow girl, she moves like no other. Both these women are SF creatures and hot, hot, hot.

Mr Enternational
12-13-20, 23:33
I am assuming perhaps you meant its just so easy to get girls where ever you are in Medellin it doesn't matter? No. I meant talk to chicks where you lay eyes on them. It has been said before, Colombians go out in mixed groups. They do not do the single's bar thing. So if you go to some club and see a chick you like and talk to her, then her boyfriend may well be a person that is in the group.

Half the guys on here find it difficult to score with hookers. I would not say it is SO easy to get chicks that are not hookers. As I said before, let your track record in your own country be the judge of that. If you are not doing it at home, then I really would not expect to go to another country where the language is not even yours and all of a sudden be Mack Daddy Don Juan.

12-14-20, 00:49
It won't be so hard to find a willing partner if he doesn't mind the smell of glue.

Sounds like you may of been to Thailand and frequented a blow job bar in Bangkok. Getting an uncovered blowjob won't be a problem here, but finding one who swallows, well that's going to be a challenge, and it's very rare for Colombian women to swallow, albeit I had a few, but it wasn't at a walk up establishment.

Perhaps some of my esteemed colleagues that you have referred as pro's, I guess some of them, can direct you to a place that might provide those services short of just asking women you meet whether they would do it for the right monetary compensation.

One of the Chicas I had that would do it had a total fetish for it, begging me to blow my load in her mouth so she could swallow it all while sucking every last (gota) drop out of me. I honestly don't know what turned her on about it as most Chicas run to spit it out as I have been told it's pretty nasty tasting stuff, hence you need to tell them your cum is sweet, like a rich and creamy vanilla milk shake.

12-14-20, 01:13
1. Is there a healthy meal plans delivery service in Medellin? For those who work out and don't have time to do groceries and cook.

2. Inexpensive Spanish language classes? Not online, but in person, private or in small groups. I have found a few in Poblado but they are pricey, like $150/ week or $600/ month.

Iguana Six
12-14-20, 01:18
Have a friend who is travelling down there tomorrow, and he is not sure if he needs a test to get into the country or not.

12-14-20, 01:26
No. I meant talk to chicks where you lay eyes on them. It has been said before, Colombians go out in mixed groups. They do not do the single's bar thing. So if you go to some club and see a chick you like and talk to her, then her boyfriend may well be a person that is in the group.

Half the guys on here find it difficult to score with hookers. I would not say it is SO easy to get chicks that are not hookers. As I said before, let your track record in your own country be the judge of that. If you are not doing it at home, then I really would not expect to go to another country where the language is not even yours and all of a sudden be Mack Daddy Don Juan.Makes sense, I see what your saying. I have a feeling I ll be sticking to pros if its that hard to fuck non-pros.

12-14-20, 01:35
Have a friend who is travelling down there tomorrow, and he is not sure if he needs a test to get into the country or not.No. Not at this time.

12-14-20, 01:42
I agree. These girls wouldn't give old guys (grandpops) a second look if you didn't have money. Please don't think you're special or flatter yourself either.I'm 53 I'm guessing most members are older? Mongering is mostly an older guys game, at least what I've seen.

So why do you want to pooh pooh their accomplishments? Show me guys that do well with women, most of the time they have money, look at athletes or Hollywood.

But when an older guy does it here, you want to shit in the punch bowl and tell him not to flatter himself?

Seriously? What gives? Unless he's overpaying, he's out there hustling and making the hobby better for everyone, including you.

Maybe instead a little gratitude should be in order.

Elvis 2008
12-14-20, 01:51
Makes sense, I see what your saying. I have a feeling I ll be sticking to pros if its that hard to fuck non-pros.Njoean,

Oprah Winfrey talked to Traci Lords and Oprah said after her abuse she could have been a porn star. Why did Oprah not go the path of Traci probably had to do with Oprah luckily finding a support system in her life.

Still in the USA sex prison for the most part, the working girls are losers who had every chance in life and screwed up. Time and again I tried to work out some form of longer term relationship with said women and it failed. The only guys who those women were interested in were losers who would not leave them or the physical brutal types who made them keep in line.

I am just not sure that this hard and fast rule with working girls applies to Colombians and especially to the Venezuelans in Colombia. There are so many of them who have had to turn to being working girls out of no choice of their own.

There is no doubt than seeking.com is the place to go IMO for the non-working girl versus a bar. The first two dates I had from there were health nuts and had they gone to a bar likely would have been the hottest women there.

To me the interesting part is if you can turn a working girl into a non-working girl. My last seeking date was a repeat with a girl whom I had seen earlier on one of my trips. She admitted to me that she was an escort but had been out of the game for the last six months, and while I am weary of committing to her for anything outside of fun, so far, she has done all I could ask for. And the stripper I saw was a Venezuelan lawyer. Obviously she has had the ability to sustain a long term effort towards a goal.

If you want a non-pro and you are American, I think that is what seeking.com is for. To me, it is interesting to see if the strippers and a few of the Santa Fe types can be good company outside of just the bedroom or are they just going to be the money grubbing, perpetually high or drunk losers like their American counterparts.

Mr Enternational
12-14-20, 02:25
Makes sense, I see what your saying. I have a feeling I ll be sticking to pros if its that hard to fuck non-pros.LOL. Once again, I did not say it was hard. You know yourself and your skill level with women is all that I am saying. It does not magnify because you go to a different location (especially one where you may be at a disadvantage if the language is not yours). You are always you.

Just like driving a car. I consider myself a pretty good driver, offensive and defensive. I am very comfortable with driving. I have rented cars and driven all over the world: Thailand, France, Brazil, South Africa, etc. Last week I rented one and drove from Barranquilla to Playa Blanca in Cartagena and back the same day. Many guys may be scared shitless and will under no circumstances rent a car while travelling overseas.

Same thing with women. If you are comfortable and are able to pick up non-pros at home then why couldn't you do it overseas? If you are not comfortable enough approaching women that are not hookers at home, then don't go overseas and think you are going to be a pick-up artist. The bright side is that you will never pick anyone up if you never say hello to them. That is the same as learning a language. You start with one word.

12-14-20, 02:56
LOL. Once again, I did not say it was hard. You know yourself and your skill level with women is all that I am saying. It does not magnify because you go to a different location (especially one where you may be at a disadvantage if the language is not yours). You are always you.

Just like driving a car. I consider myself a pretty good driver, offensive and defensive. I am very comfortable with driving. I have rented cars and driven all over the world: Thailand, France, Brazil, South Africa, etc. Last week I rented one and drove from Barranquilla to Playa Blanca in Cartagena and back the same day. Many guys may be scared shitless and will under no circumstances rent a car while travelling overseas.

Same thing with women. If you are comfortable and are able to pick up non-pros at home then why couldn't you do it overseas? If you are not comfortable enough approaching women that are not hookers at home, then don't go overseas and think you are going to be a pick-up artist. The bright side is that you will never pick anyone up if you never say Hello, to them. That is the same as learning a language. You start with one word.

I probably can't pull gorgeous women in their early 20's anymore in the USA The hardest part with the pros is avoiding the ones you don't want. I ll give the non-pro scene a try and be sure to report back. If its like the USA Where majority around my age are looking for more than just fun and a fling, then I will absolutely be staying with the pros. I have found the pros in Latin America are exponentially better in price, service, and looks compared to the U.S.A. I did also notice on my Medellin trips, I caught many women just looking at me, kinda like how dudes check out girls in the USA. Maybe they were semi-pros or something, but it was kinda strange and cool at the same time. I was hoping that would translate into easier non-pro fucks.

12-14-20, 03:01
I'm 53 I'm guessing most members are older? Mongering is mostly an older guys game, at least what I've seen.

So why do you want to pooh pooh their accomplishments? Show me guys that do well with women, most of the time they have money, look at athletes or Hollywood.

But when an older guy does it here, you want to shit in the punch bowl and tell him not to flatter himself?

Seriously? What gives? Unless he's overpaying, he's out there hustling and making the hobby better for everyone, including you.

Maybe instead a little gratitude should be in order.I do not consider coming to a third world country to pay for sex an accomplishment, no matter the age. Try to find a smoking hot freebie in the USA And build a genuine relationship with her. This is what I call an accomplishment.

12-14-20, 03:06
I do not consider coming to a third world country to pay for sex an accomplishment, no matter the age. Try to find a smoking hot freebie in the USA And build a genuine relationship with her. This is what I call an accomplishment.I get what your saying, but if your in your 60's and banging pros in their early 20's, you got to give some credit there. Now if you like me, late 30's, yeah its no accomplishment at all and your statement is 100% true.

12-14-20, 03:21
I'm 53 I'm guessing most members are older? Mongering is mostly an older guys game, at least what I've seen.

So why do you want to pooh pooh their accomplishments? Show me guys that do well with women, most of the time they have money, look at athletes or Hollywood.

But when an older guy does it here, you want to shit in the punch bowl and tell him not to flatter himself?

Seriously? What gives? Unless he's overpaying, he's out there hustling and making the hobby better for everyone, including you.

Maybe instead a little gratitude should be in order.I believe the majority of the members on this board are at least your age, and older, with the minority of the members being younger. I have been on this board for a while, and have at times seen a few posts from younger members that appear to dish the older members. However, more of what I have seen from the younger members posts is respect, and gratitude to a certain degree, in that the younger members get to get a glimpse of what guys 20 years older than them are doing, and some of the members are quite surprised, and grateful that they too can still be partaking in our sport when they get a few decades older.

12-14-20, 03:42
I happened to see a sign for a new restaurant today and had to turn around and get a picture.

It reminded me of something most of us have learned. Everyone wants to kiss a 10, but you'll have a better time if you fuck a 7.Satisfaction trumps fantasy most of the time.

12-14-20, 03:51
So true about the chemistry, when it is there it you know it and feel it.

Now this Tall (white) Man loves the Afroman and Colt 45 and 2 Zig-Zags as I spent much time developing projects in Palmdale in the 80's and 90's so when I party like this I get this song, hehehe.

Enjoy as this is our monger motto. Just replace East Side Palmdale with South Side Medellin -.

Lyrics to a beat:

Well, it was just sundown in a small white town.

They call it East Side Palmdale (Well).

When the Afroman walked through the white land.

Houses went up for sale (Sale)...I was born and raised in Palmdale and know every lyric to that song.

Elvis 2008
12-14-20, 04:17
I do not consider coming to a third world country to pay for sex an accomplishment, no matter the age. Try to find a smoking hot freebie in the USA And build a genuine relationship with her. This is what I call an accomplishment.LOL. Most expensive "free" pussy I ever had was my wife in my 20's, and she was as exclusive as they come. Even now thirty years later, only guy she has ever been with is me. At her peak, she walked down the Vegas strip and had three guys offer her four figures. She had a 24 inch waist and natural DS. If that is accomplishing something, you can have it. I think that what I have learned in my age is that you pay for it one way or another and paying in cash is cheaper than with other ways.

In the mean time, just tonight, I have had five women text me today with some variation of how they are missing me or loving me and they are saying it knowing full well that I am not going to give them any money. Thing is I didn't have women offering themselves up to me like this before I got married but I had no game back then.

I was actually looking to break things up with one of my women tonight. I told her that I did not see much of a future with her because she was hesitant to introduce me to her family. That was just the excuse. The reality is that while she is pretty and very sweet, she is kind of boring. Anyway, she tells me that her parents frowned on her being with an older guy. This is much the same thing as everyone here says. These women really want to be with their novios.

Thing is the novio she had the last eight years cheated on her, took her money, gave her herpes, and she said, "And I did everything for him. " It is funny my ex-fiancé did the same thing but in reverse. She was tired of being called a gold digger by her friends. She went with a handsome stud, said she was going to make money on her own, and the end result was she aged a decade in one year and now is broke as shit. The new novio also looks like he has aged a decade in a year.

In the last 48 hours, I have had to confront the serious issues of relationships. It was like these women want to have fun with you, fuck you for just a little bit of compensation, and they do not want to get serious with you? And I had to look in the mirror and scold myself and say Elvis, WTF is wrong with you that you do not want that?

It is funny to see the truth now. These women are supposed to want to be with their novios, but they really want to hang with me. Shiiit, I have been fighting this when I should be embracing it. The next time one of these women gets serious with me, I will tell them they should only get serious with men their own age. He he.

12-14-20, 05:51
LOL.Last week I rented one and drove from Barranquilla to Playa Blanca in Cartagena and back the same day. Many guys may be scared shitless and will under no circumstances rent a car while travelling overseas.
I passed on renting in Bogota. Hate those motorcycles. In Medellin also. How was the coast?

12-14-20, 06:33
Alright fellas I recently just finished a 4 day trip to Medellin I cut it short because I can tell it wasn't going to get any better but I want to know were I came up short. Ok for my trip I mostly went to Fase dos la Isla and gusto and to say these spot were lacking quality is an understatement Fase dos didn't have a single attractive chick the 2 days I went which is surprising since the place gets great reviews. After that la Isla was a little better but not much girl asked me for 300 dollars with a straight face. Gusto which is my style just a bar with freelancers those chicks seemed to be in there late twenties early thirties and were asking for crazy money as well I inquired about prices even if I didn't have an intention of taking chicks just to get a feel of the place. The only place that had a attractive chicks was Loutron that place didn't disappoint. From what other guys were telling me is that Medellin is really an online scene with facebook etc and the clubs are really just the side dish is that simply the case did I not go to the real places. In truth I saw hotter Colombian chick in Panama I'd go so far as my least favorite mongering spot behind Sosua Jaco the PI and Thailand which is crazy because people rave about this place and I thought it was average at best which suggest to me that I did something wrong. For the record I mean the old Sosua not what it is now. Even Jaco just had a better vibe to me.

John Clayton
12-14-20, 06:37
...I consider myself a pretty good driver, offensive and defensive. I am very comfortable with driving...I consider myself a crappy driver (although I've never had an accident), as I am inattentive, easily distracted or bored, and have failing vision and hearing. And yet, I don't hesitate to rent a car in Colombia. I suppose people just perceive risk differently. A note about driving in Colombia -- you've got to have a special little safety kit in the car with you that consists of things like a jack, useless first aid kit, a flimsy plastic reflective triangle, and a tiny orange cone. On rural roads the cops will stop you and they will make you show them these stupid, useless items. First time it happened to me, I really couldn't understand WTF they wanted to see. It finally dawned on me. 'oh this rubbish in the trunk?

12-14-20, 06:54
I do not consider coming to a third world country to pay for sex an accomplishment, no matter the age. Try to find a smoking hot freebie in the USA And build a genuine relationship with her. This is what I call an accomplishment.Smoking hot freebie in the USA and build a relationship with her? Sounds more like a suicide mission if you ask me. Especially nowadays with the way american women have become. There is a reason some of us who could perhaps do still choose not to. You could get accused of rape, or you could get taken to the cleaners. Both have happened widely.

12-14-20, 07:50
1. Is there a healthy meal plans delivery service in Medellin? For those who work out and don't have time to do groceries and cook.

2. Inexpensive Spanish language classes? Not online, but in person, private or in small groups. I have found a few in Poblado but they are pricey, like $150/ week or $600/ month.There are a few big delivery services which will deliver almost anything you want. Rappi is probably the biggest. Their app has menus for many restaurants.

It might depend on what you consider healthy meals. Most restaurants have a menu of the day. Prices range from 9 k to 18 k. Here's what a typical menu of the day consists of:

Some type of soup or beans.

Choice of meat, grilled boneless, skinless chicken breast filet, grilled pork or grilled beef. Some places offer fish.

Small salad typically with a light dressing and a slice of avocado.


Sometimes potatoes, commonly boiled.

Sometimes Yuca, which tastes like potatoes crossed with drywall.

Grilled plantain.

Fruit juice or guarapo (panela, water and lime juice).

Wherever you're staying, there's probably a place serving something similar every day.

If that's not healthy enough, try Mundo Verde in Poblado, Salpijugo in Envigado or SaludPan in Laureles.

12-14-20, 08:11
Makes sense, I see what your saying. I have a feeling I ll be sticking to pros if its that hard to fuck non-pros.The question isn't about how hard it is. The question is, is it worth it?

How long will you be there? How many girls are you hoping to bed while you're there? Finding a pro is a quick and easy thing with a very high success rate. Depending on how many girls a day and when you want them, it's easy to keep your dance card filled.

With non-pros, first you have to find them, either online or in person. Then you have to talk them into a date. The date has to fit into their schedule with work and kids. Then after spending a few hours with them you have to convince them to come fuck you. Some will, some won't. Some will need multiple dates first.

You can easily invest 8-10 hours just to get a kiss on the cheek.

If you're spending a month or more and planning frequent return visits, maybe it's worth the effort.

12-14-20, 08:41
I'm 53 I'm guessing most members are older? Mongering is mostly an older guys game, at least what I've seen.

So why do you want to pooh pooh their accomplishments? Show me guys that do well with women, most of the time they have money, look at athletes or Hollywood.

But when an older guy does it here, you want to shit in the punch bowl and tell him not to flatter himself?

Seriously? What gives? Unless he's overpaying, he's out there hustling and making the hobby better for everyone, including you.

Maybe instead a little gratitude should be in order.A couple of weeks ago I ate a vegetarian meal and I'm not even a vegetarian. If paying a hooker for sex is an accomplishment we should all show gratitude for, I figure I should be getting a Presidential Medal of Freedom for my incredible culinary accomplishment.

Do you have any idea how incredibly difficult it is to have sex with a hooker in Medellin? It's only slightly more difficult than buying a 6 pack of beer and doesn't cost much more. Actually, it might be easier than buying a 6 pack of beer, because you don't have to carry the girl back to your place.

Here's how great an accomplishment it is. This afternoon a successful model in Medellin, fit, young and ridiculously attractive, sent me a message. I've had her on my Facebook and Instagram for a couple of years, but never got around to hitting her up. I seldom have time. Out of the blue she hits me up and lets me know she's hoping I'll call her next time I'm in Medellin.

Where's all that gratitude for my incredible accomplishment of answering a message when a girl asks me when I'm going to fuck her?

Nobody is pooh poohing anyone's accomplishment because there's no accomplishment. Climb a fucking mountain, fight a dragon and rescue the fairest maiden in the land if you want some gratitude.

12-14-20, 10:16
I get what your saying, but if your in your 60's and banging pros in their early 20's, you got to give some credit there. Now if you like me, late 30's, yeah its no accomplishment at all and your statement is 100% true.I don't see how it's any great accomplishment. They're pros.

If being under 40 was the first thing every pro looked for in a customer they would all starve.

12-14-20, 14:25
Her Colombian boyfriend is most likely broke and can't support her. Take the money out of the equation and see how long your sexual relationship with her will last. Money just cover the age gap, we all know this. Being in shape is a good thing, but these girls do not date old guys just because they are into them. Money talks."Money talks".

Good to know, LOL.

I'm back in Medellin in a couple days.

Thanks for the heads up.

12-14-20, 14:44
You and I have very different views on how to handle our business.

Sounds like she was a scammer to me, sounds like maybe this was pre-planned? If she doesn't want a guy to cum in her mouth, the onus is on her to tell him that.

If a puta doesn't say don't cum in my mouth, if I want to I'm going to, she has no standing to complain otherwise, unless she does not know what happens eventually when she sucks a penis for some off reason.

Also sounds like more feminism creeping into the forum.

12-14-20, 16:18
You did everything right for you. Your best play is probably to go back to places you enjoyed, if there are such places.

Alright fellas I recently just finished a 4 day trip to Medellin I cut it short because I can tell it wasn't going to get any better but I want to know were I came up short. Ok for my trip I mostly went to Fase dos la Isla and gusto and to say these spot were lacking quality is an understatement Fase dos didn't have a single attractive chick the 2 days I went which is surprising since the place gets great reviews. After that la Isla was a little better but not much girl asked me for 300 dollars with a straight face. Gusto which is my style just a bar with freelancers those chicks seemed to be in there late twenties early thirties and were asking for crazy money as well I inquired about prices even if I didn't have an intention of taking chicks just to get a feel of the place. The only place that had a attractive chicks was Loutron that place didn't disappoint. From what other guys were telling me is that Medellin is really an online scene with facebook etc and the clubs are really just the side dish is that simply the case did I not go to the real places. In truth I saw hotter Colombian chick in Panama I'd go so far as my least favorite mongering spot behind Sosua Jaco the PI and Thailand which is crazy because people rave about this place and I thought it was average at best which suggest to me that I did something wrong. For the record I mean the old Sosua not what it is now. Even Jaco just had a better vibe to me.

Blue Touch
12-14-20, 16:36
Correct. But it is cruel to call losers losers.

I do not consider coming to a third world country to pay for sex an accomplishment, no matter the age. Try to find a smoking hot freebie in the USA And build a genuine relationship with her. This is what I call an accomplishment.

12-14-20, 16:41
I don't see how it's any great accomplishment. They're pros.

If being under 40 was the first thing every pro looked for in a customer they would all starve.To each their own. My personal opinion is if your in your sixties and you still have the energy to travel to another country, stay in decent shape, have excess funds, party through the night and fuck an attractive latina- then you have my respect. Now I am not saying its a feat comparable to climbing Mount Everest, but to me personally its something I can have respect for. If your in your 20's, 30's, or 40's, its shooting fish in a barrel and the same as any other fiscal transaction. You pay "x" amount of dollars and get "y" in return. I know after a hard weekend I am beat and need a day to recover, I assume its only going to get harder as I get older haha.

In terms of what the pros look for, there number one concern is the amount of money they are going to be paid. I am assuming if they have their choice between a handsome 30 year old and an obese, impotent, 60 year old- they will probably choose the 30 year old as long as the money is the same. If my logic is flawed on this particular issue then Colombia has surprised me once again haha.

12-14-20, 16:59
The question isn't about how hard it is. The question is, is it worth it?

How long will you be there? How many girls are you hoping to bed while you're there? Finding a pro is a quick and easy thing with a very high success rate. Depending on how many girls a day and when you want them, it's easy to keep your dance card filled.

With non-pros, first you have to find them, either online or in person. Then you have to talk them into a date. The date has to fit into their schedule with work and kids. Then after spending a few hours with them you have to convince them to come fuck you. Some will, some won't. Some will need multiple dates first.

You can easily invest 8-10 hours just to get a kiss on the cheek.

If you're spending a month or more and planning frequent return visits, maybe it's worth the effort.I am staying at least a month and yea I would like to meet a few non-pros. Fucking girls is slightly more enjoyable when its free and theirs a higher level of intimacy. Plus I don't really want to spend time with a pro doing tourist stuff with them during the day. I mean I would, but I imagine it would be better with a non-pro for things like going to dinner, a movie, etc. Now if its going to take me more than 2-3 dates, hell no I am not wasting my time. To be honest it would have to be a smoke show for me to ever go on more than 2 dates to fuck a girl and I better be getting my dick sucked on the second date or something. And of course I am going to be having pros on the side. Like I said, I ll give an honest report of what the non-pro scene is like for an American with limited Spanish in Medellin.

12-14-20, 17:41
To each their own. My personal opinion is if your in your sixties and you still have the energy to travel to another country, stay in decent shape, have excess funds, party through the night and fuck an attractive latina- then you have my respect. Now I am not saying its a feat comparable to climbing Mount Everest, but to me personally its something I can have respect for. If your in your 20's, 30's, or 40's, its shooting fish in a barrel and the same as any other fiscal transaction. You pay "x" amount of dollars and get "y" in return. I know after a hard weekend I am beat and need a day to recover, I assume its only going to get harder as I get older haha.

In terms of what the pros look for, there number one concern is the amount of money they are going to be paid. I am assuming if they have their choice between a handsome 30 year old and an obese, impotent, 60 year old- they will probably choose the 30 year old as long as the money is the same. If my logic is flawed on this particular issue then Colombia has surprised me once again haha.There is a guy I know in Bangkok, he's almost 70 and looks in his 40's, works out everyday including jogging 7 days a week, I watched his workout in his apartment.

He moved there 7 yrs ago and bangs very hot 18-22 yo Thai girls 24/7 all BBFS, and has a 20 yo GF, does he have my respect? Absolutely.

He is the #1 skilled monger I've ever met, in the world, he also aims for free using dating sites etc, someone recently said here the closer you can get to free and be happy the better!!

I've tried marrying a hot American girl and having kids, that is not a accomplishment, any dumb ass can do that, IE, fools errand!

Living in USA and getting suckered into getting married to some hot girl is not an accomplishment, that is, like shooting fish in a barrel?

Maybe the really smart guys are the ones that never fall for that sham.

12-14-20, 17:53
In terms of what the pros look for, there number one concern is the amount of money they are going to be paid. I am assuming if they have their choice between a handsome 30 year old and an obese, impotent, 60 year old- they will probably choose the 30 year old as long as the money is the same. If my logic is flawed on this particular issue then Colombia has surprised me once again haha.I'm not going to say your logic is flawed, yet some pro's might not want a young virile guy relentlessly pounding on them and treating them like shit, where as an older guy might treat them better. Yet there are a few BM's here, myself included, who are over 60 and will be relentlessly pounding on them, but I'm not impotent or obese!

12-14-20, 17:54
There are a few big delivery services which will deliver almost anything you want. Rappi is probably the biggest. Their app has menus for many restaurants.

It might depend on what you consider healthy meals. Most restaurants have a menu of the day. Prices range from 9 k to 18 k. Here's what a typical menu of the day consists of:

Some type of soup or beans.

Choice of meat, grilled boneless, skinless chicken breast filet, grilled pork or grilled beef. Some places offer fish.

Small salad typically with a light dressing and a slice of avocado.


Sometimes potatoes, commonly boiled.

Sometimes Yuca, which tastes like potatoes crossed with drywall.

Grilled plantain.

Fruit juice or guarapo (panela, water and lime juice).

Wherever you're staying, there's probably a place serving something similar every day.

If that's not healthy enough, try Mundo Verde in Poblado, Salpijugo in Envigado or SaludPan in Laureles.I was talking about a meal plan that you sign up for. You choose your plan according to your diet goals, number of meals per day, etc. And the food gets delivered to your door usually twice a week if you sign up for a weekly plan. Each meal comes in a plastic to-go container and has a sticker with macros info on it. It is cheaper than ordering a take out from a restaurant / cafe and more convenient because you order once a week.

12-14-20, 18:02
I have no words.

I was talking about a meal plan that you sign up for. You choose your plan according to your diet goals, number of meals per day, etc. And the food gets delivered to your door usually twice a week if you sign up for a weekly plan. Each meal comes in a plastic to-go container and has a sticker with macros info on it. It is cheaper than ordering a take out from a restaurant / cafe and more convenient because you order once a week.

12-14-20, 18:09
I am staying at least a month and yea I would like to meet a few non-pros. Fucking girls is slightly more enjoyable when its free and theirs a higher level of intimacy. Plus I don't really want to spend time with a pro doing tourist stuff with them during the day. I mean I would, but I imagine it would be better with a non-pro for things like going to dinner, a movie, etc. Now if its going to take me more than 2-3 dates, hell no I am not wasting my time. To be honest it would have to be a smoke show for me to ever go on more than 2 dates to fuck a girl and I better be getting my dick sucked on the second date or something. And of course I am going to be having pros on the side. Like I said, I ll give an honest report of what the non-pro scene is like for an American with limited Spanish in Medellin.I'm sorry to have to tell you this, and Jbee2 has done an excellent job of articulating what you will be up against, but at the end of the day, unless your fluent in Spanish, your not going to have much luck with a non-pro and my suggestion is not to waste your time.

And as far as going to dinner and doing tourist stuff with a pro, well you might be surprised how some of them might enjoy that which will most probably reap rewards in the sense that they will treat you better. Something that you shouldn't lose sight of is that whether it is a pro or a non pro, your going to end up paying for everything so it's not really going to be free with a non-pro. And again, unless your fluent in Spanish, and really have something to offer a non-pro, why would they even waste their time with you.

Hopefully you will hit it off with a pro who you can do touristy stuff and dine out with.

12-14-20, 18:18
I was talking about a meal plan that you sign up for. You choose your plan according to your diet goals, number of meals per day, etc. And the food gets delivered to your door usually twice a week if you sign up for a weekly plan. Each meal comes in a plastic to-go container and has a sticker with macros info on it. It is cheaper than ordering a take out from a restaurant / cafe and more convenient because you order once a week.There are a few services like that in Poblado that have a set menu you order from and everything comes packaged and ready to go, albeit it won't be any cheaper than from a restaurant. My suggestion would be to take a look at Rappi which has been previously suggested to you. There are so many restaurants, and high end one's, especially in Poblado from which you can order from. Wouldn't you rather have something cooked to order within an hour versus heating something up in the microwave. And what happens if your in the mood for something very specific. Just my two cents short of going to Exito and buying some of their pre-prepared meals or frozen meals which are horrific.

12-14-20, 18:27
Sounds like she was a scammer to me, sounds like maybe this was pre-planned? If she doesn't want a guy to cum in her mouth, the onus is on her to tell him that.

If a puta doesn't say don't cum in my mouth, if I want to I'm going to, she has no standing to complain otherwise, unless she does not know what happens eventually when she sucks a penis for some off reason.

Also sounds like more feminism creeping into the forum.So this begs the question, if you have ever barebacked a Puta do you just blow your load in her without saying anything to her beforehand?

I have a friend who has the same philosophy as you when bare-backing Putas, if they don't say anything, he blows his load in them.

12-14-20, 18:46
It won't be so hard to find a willing partner if he doesn't mind the smell of glue.I was going to suggest to this poster that finding someone to swallow their cum could be found in El Centro, but with him being such a rookie, and explaining to him that there's a sub-group of deplorables known as "Sacaleros" who work the streets who are so stoned out of their minds that they would do anything you requested of them. Yet being a rookie he would be terrified of them, and yes the stench can be over powering.

I have gone with a few not knowing they were Sacaleros when I went initially upstairs with them as they were not walking around with little plastic bags as most do. And there used to be what I call Sacalero Row to the left of the Museum before the invasion of the Venezuelans, and there were some smoking hot ones, typically very thin and cute, albeit they wreaked with a stench.

A friend of mine used to partake in them and anything goes with them.

Blakman might want to consider going with one of them, as there would be no problem negotiating with them and how may leches are included, except he would have to buy some 2 K bottles of pegamente to have at his apartment instead of popcorn.

John Clayton
12-14-20, 19:11
I passed on renting in Bogota. Hate those motorcycles. In Medellin also. How was the coast?Drove 90 A from CTG to Barranquilla two years ago. Perfectly good, well paved, well marked, straight road. Divided highway (with tolls) near the cities. A little congestion near the ends, but otherwise smooth sailing. It's a little hectic /3rd world in the cities themselves, but out in the country mostly relaxing with very little traffic. I found even the secondary roads pretty good (well...some perfect, some not so much). I would definitely do it again...maybe even on a bicycle.

12-14-20, 19:24
There is the option to buy raw ingredients and prepare meals. If healthy eating and / or cost control are the goals that is the way to go. You have to go to the higher end restaurants to get away from the heavy sodium, saturated fats, and starchy carbohydrates of most Colombian dishes.

There are a few services like that in Poblado that have a set menu you order from and everything comes packaged and ready to go, albeit it won't be any cheaper than from a restaurant. My suggestion would be to take a look at Rappi which has been previously suggested to you. There are so many restaurants, and high end one's, especially in Poblado from which you can order from. Wouldn't you rather have something cooked to order within an hour versus heating something up in the microwave. And what happens if your in the mood for something very specific. Just my two cents short of going to Exito and buying some of their pre-prepared meals or frozen meals which are horrific.

12-14-20, 19:41
So this begs the question, if you have ever barebacked a Puta do you just blow your load in her without saying anything to her beforehand?

I have a friend who has the same philosophy as you when bare-backing Putas, if they don't say anything, he blows his load in them.Puts my dick in her mouth and sucks it until it cums, guess what?

If she puts it in her pussy and fucks until it cums, guess what?

12-14-20, 21:19
Puts my dick in her mouth and sucks it until it cums, guess what?

If she puts it in her pussy and fucks until it cums, guess what?I already knew what your answer was going to be, yet just for others on their behalf, I had to ask, and I am sure some of them are aghast, but I'm not.

12-14-20, 21:22
After nine months of debauchery, what's in store for you next?Back to prison for the holidays, and the only question is: Rio for NYE then Medellin, or just back to Medellin after Jan 1. A one-way to Medellin was extremely cheap for Jan 1-2.

Oh come on man. You got to give some of the Santa Fe hunnies some love. Yes, there is a lotta rough there. The chocolate energizer bunny known as Alejandra had the best body of any woman on my trip. And Vanessa from Fiebre had the nicest ass. When she gets on a stage and shakes or fucks you cow girl, she moves like no other. Both these women are SF creatures and hot, hot, hot.I'd be all over that black gold! I wasn't terribly impressed by Santa Fe, or Bogota, in general. Although, I've tried 6-7 times to bang a chica in Centro and I've never managed to find anything. Well, a couple take-outs from Conejitas after exchanging numbers, but I'd put that in a different category.

12-14-20, 21:29
Alright fellas I recently just finished a 4 day trip to Medellin I cut it short because I can tell it wasn't going to get any better but I want to know were I came up short. Ok for my trip I mostly went to Fase dos la Isla and gusto and to say these spot were lacking quality is an understatement Fase dos didn't have a single attractive chick the 2 days I went which is surprising since the place gets great reviews. After that la Isla was a little better but not much girl asked me for 300 dollars with a straight face. Gusto which is my style just a bar with freelancers those chicks seemed to be in there late twenties early thirties and were asking for crazy money as well I inquired about prices even if I didn't have an intention of taking chicks just to get a feel of the place. The only place that had a attractive chicks was Loutron that place didn't disappoint. From what other guys were telling me is that Medellin is really an online scene with facebook etc and the clubs are really just the side dish is that simply the case did I not go to the real places. In truth I saw hotter Colombian chick in Panama I'd go so far as my least favorite mongering spot behind Sosua Jaco the PI and Thailand which is crazy because people rave about this place and I thought it was average at best which suggest to me that I did something wrong. For the record I mean the old Sosua not what it is now. Even Jaco just had a better vibe to me.What did you do wrong?

First you didn't spend enough time reading this forum. I just did a comparison of Barra Ejecutivo, Fase Dos and La Isla.

Second, the girl in La Isla, unless you were trying to take her home for all night, was almost certainly quoting you 300 k pesos. It's very common in Colombia to drop the last 3 zeros. You'll find many menus written that way, with prices of 7 and 10, for 7,000 or 10,000 pesos, not $7 or $10.

Gusto has also been beaten to death here. Inside the club girls typically want $200 or more. The same girls, at closing time, or outside of the club will take 200 k. You can find the same, often better in my opinion, type of girls anywhere else in the park for 150-200 k. That includes most of the other clubs, or just walking the streets.

Next up, what do you consider an attractive girl? I don't think I've ever been anywhere in Medellin where I couldn't find one attractive girl. On the other hand, I've never been anywhere where I've found the place full of my dream girls.

More so than any other place in Colombia and maybe the world, Medellin is an online marketplace. Once you've established a presence and reputation on Facebook, you have a catalog of thousands to choose from. If you can't find the type of girl you're looking for there, she probably doesn't exist in Colombia.

Probably the biggest thing you did wrong was judged Medellin based on it's similarities to other cities. If your ideal environments are the freelance bars, Medellin is going to be a disappointment. The same would apply if you're looking for blowjob bars.

Medellin has 3 strengths. It has the other stuff too, but only these 3 areas or where it really shines.

1. The casas. There are plenty to choose from and they tend to have diverse lineups. It's quick, easy and inexpensive, about $14 for a 30 minute session. There are a few which are more expensive.

2. Facebook. There are also several other online options which are widely used. Facebook allows you to build a dream harem, all waiting for you to say the magic word. It took me about 6 hours spread over 4 months to get 300 girls. Now I don't even look for them. I just look at the 10-15 who send me a friend request each week and decide which ones I'll add.

3. The Girlfriend Experience. Everyone says Brazil is better, but Medellin puts in a good showing. Although it varies with the individual, it's not difficult to get a girl who will treat you like her prom date for half the night for a reasonable price. While it might all be acting, they're damn fine actresses.

There are also the street girls, the strip clubs, the higher priced escorts, the non-pros, and so much more.

Mr Enternational
12-14-20, 21:43
In truth I saw hotter Colombian chick in Panama I'd go so far as my least favorite mongering spot behind Sosua Jaco the PI and Thailand which is crazy because people rave about this place and I thought it was average at best which suggest to me that I did something wrong. For the record I mean the old Sosua not what it is now. Even Jaco just had a better vibe to me.So which monger places do you like?

Mr Enternational
12-14-20, 21:49
I am staying at least a month and yea I would like to meet a few non-pros. Fucking girls is slightly more enjoyable when its free and theirs a higher level of intimacy. Plus I don't really want to spend time with a pro doing tourist stuff with them during the day. I mean I would, but I imagine it would be better with a non-pro for things like going to dinner, a movie, etc. Now if its going to take me more than 2-3 dates, hell no I am not wasting my time. To be honest it would have to be a smoke show for me to ever go on more than 2 dates to fuck a girl and I better be getting my dick sucked on the second date or something. And of course I am going to be having pros on the side. Like I said, I ll give an honest report of what the non-pro scene is like for an American with limited Spanish in Medellin.So you are just looking to use someone? Non-pros are going to be at work during the daytime unless you are doing the tourist stuff on the weekend.

Mr Enternational
12-14-20, 21:53
I'm not going to say your logic is flawed, yet some pro's might not want a young virile guy relentlessly pounding on them and treating them like shit, where as an older guy might treat them better.Why do you assume the young virile guy will be treating them like shit?

12-14-20, 22:13
I have gone with a few not knowing they were Sacaleros when I went initially upstairs with them as they were not walking around with little plastic bags as most do.
That happened to me once so I think I have a few whiskers for that. She showed up with a large black plastic bag, not the tiny ones that we usually see. She told me there was another place better than Premier Plaza so I went with her as I was curious. It was 16 mil. It is not too bad but there is no way it is as good as Premier Plaza. Later I found out she might have gotten a kickback because the next time it was 5 or 6 mil when I went with a different girl that was new to the area. She also wanted 40 mil, instead of 30 mil that we agreed upon earlier. The session was pretty interesting, to say the least.

and there were some smoking hot ones, typically very thin and cute
I saw some usually stationed at the park boundary by the sidewalk but it's too bad Pollo Negro pointed out the bags to me. In my view they are as hot as one can find elsewhere in Medellin if spinner is your type.

12-14-20, 22:20
Alright fellas I recently just finished a 4 day trip to Medellin I cut it short because I can tell it wasn't going to get any better but I want to know were I came up short. Ok for my trip I mostly went to Fase dos la Isla and gusto and to say these spot were lacking quality is an understatement Fase dos didn't have a single attractive chick the 2 days I went which is surprising since the place gets great reviews. After that la Isla was a little better but not much girl asked me for 300 dollars with a straight face. Gusto which is my style just a bar with freelancers those chicks seemed to be in there late twenties early thirties and were asking for crazy money as well I inquired about prices even if I didn't have an intention of taking chicks just to get a feel of the place. The only place that had a attractive chicks was Loutron that place didn't disappoint. From what other guys were telling me is that Medellin is really an online scene with facebook etc and the clubs are really just the side dish is that simply the case did I not go to the real places. In truth I saw hotter Colombian chick in Panama I'd go so far as my least favorite mongering spot behind Sosua Jaco the PI and Thailand which is crazy because people rave about this place and I thought it was average at best which suggest to me that I did something wrong. For the record I mean the old Sosua not what it is now. Even Jaco just had a better vibe to me.I see that this is the second post about this subject. La Isla is 300 mil. I am surprised that the girls actually asked 300 USD as you pay the club so you can pay by credit card and that will shock everyone. Loutron is good but the girls seem a little older, and my experience is that they don't really offer better service. If you went to La Isla at 4 AM, then you went to the club called Paradise the next door.

12-14-20, 22:21
To each their own. My personal opinion is if your in your sixties and you still have the energy to travel to another country, stay in decent shape, have excess funds, party through the night and fuck an attractive latina- then you have my respect. Now I am not saying its a feat comparable to climbing Mount Everest, but to me personally its something I can have respect for. If your in your 20's, 30's, or 40's, its shooting fish in a barrel and the same as any other fiscal transaction. You pay "x" amount of dollars and get "y" in return. I know after a hard weekend I am beat and need a day to recover, I assume its only going to get harder as I get older haha.

In terms of what the pros look for, there number one concern is the amount of money they are going to be paid. I am assuming if they have their choice between a handsome 30 year old and an obese, impotent, 60 year old- they will probably choose the 30 year old as long as the money is the same. If my logic is flawed on this particular issue then Colombia has surprised me once again haha.Your logic is flawed.

If you're a consultant and you're deciding between 2 jobs, both paying the same, which do you choose? Do you take the one which will require very little effort, or the one that will take 3 times the work?

Most of us fat old guys aren't going to play jackhammer for 60 minutes. We're not going to try positions which require the girl to be a double jointed gymnast, and we're probably going to be relaxed and pleasant the whole time. Most of us don't feel like we need to prove our manhood to the girl.

In other words, she works much less for the same amount of money. There's not a single grocery store in Colombia that gives a discount if the girl got the money from a young gringo. None of the girls will impress their friends because they can't work for 2 days after some young guy fucked them so hard and fast it rubbed them raw.

12-14-20, 22:21
Why do you assume the young virile guy will be treating them like shit?It's not that I have assumed that they will treat them like shit, but I have heard many stories about women wanting the older guys because they are not as frisky and rough at times as the younger guys.

12-14-20, 22:30
So this begs the question, if you have ever barebacked a Puta do you just blow your load in her without saying anything to her beforehand?

I have a friend who has the same philosophy as you when bare-backing Putas, if they don't say anything, he blows his load in them.I suppose if you are in a casa or a love motel where there is no way to trace back your identity that could be a preference. But if you are in an AirBnB or a regular Hotel, you may hear something later.

Like, "Hey Daddy, here is your summons and demand for a paternity test" and if you think you're immune once you get back to the States, well, you're not. We have international agreements concerning.

Child support.

12-14-20, 22:33
That happened to me once so I think I have a few whiskers for that. She showed up with a large black plastic bag, not the tiny ones that we usually see. She told me there was another place better than Premier Plaza so I went with her as I was curious. It was 16 mil. It is not too bad but there is no way it is as good as Premier Plaza. Later I found out she might have gotten a kickback because the next time it was around 5 mil when I went with a different girl that was new to the area. She also wanted 40 mil, instead of 30 mil that we agreed upon earlier. The session was pretty interesting, to say the least.

I saw some usually stationed at the park boundary by the sidewalk but it's too bad Pollo Negro pointed out the bags to me. In my view they are as hot as one can find elsewhere in Medellin if spinner is your type.Yes, prior to the invasion of the Venezuelans about four years ago, they used to be lined up to the left of the Museum, and there were some darlings that were nice and thin. And the experience I had was kind of like fucking a zombie for lack of a better term, with the worst part, besides fucking a "space cadet", was the stench. Kind of like a heavy cigarette smoker, whom you can smell the nicotine, but the glue is much nastier coming from their pores.

Yet there were some hot looking ones that were hard to resist!

12-14-20, 22:36
I was talking about a meal plan that you sign up for. You choose your plan according to your diet goals, number of meals per day, etc. And the food gets delivered to your door usually twice a week if you sign up for a weekly plan. Each meal comes in a plastic to-go container and has a sticker with macros info on it. It is cheaper than ordering a take out from a restaurant / cafe and more convenient because you order once a week.There's nothing like that that I'm aware of. I doubt there would be any market for it in Colombia, maybe in another 5 years.

It's probably not going to be cheaper in Medellin. It's hard to top a complete meal for under $3. With a delivery fee, about $3.60. Probably not more convenient either, since many apartments might lack what you need to prepare the meals. Not every place has a microwave, or an oven. Refrigerators tend to be fairly small and other storage is limited.

The other point is, why travel to another country and spend all your time locked down? I suppose it makes sense if you have a lot of food allergies, or if you're on a very, very strict diet.

Wherever you go you'll find reasonably healthy food options. Sit down, ask about their menu del DIA and give it a try. It's probably nearly as healthy as your meal plan, probably cheaper and you can sit outside and admire all the chicas walking past.

If you need even healthier options, try any of the 3 places I named. Mundo Verde has a few locations.

12-14-20, 22:52
Last week I saw a rare sight. The police in Plaza Botero launched a mini operativo on the lawns nearest the Nutibara Hotel. They seized bottles of glue. I assume the point of the exercise was to get the sacaleros to disperse. That area is where the sacaleros now gather.

I was going to suggest to this poster that finding someone to swallow their cum could be found in El Centro, but with him being such a rookie, and explaining to him that there's a sub-group of deplorables known as "Sacaleros" who work the streets who are so stoned out of their minds that they would do anything you requested of them. Yet being a rookie he would be terrified of them, and yes the stench can be over powering.

I have gone with a few not knowing they were Sacaleros when I went initially upstairs with them as they were not walking around with little plastic bags as most do. And there used to be what I call Sacalero Row to the left of the Museum before the invasion of the Venezuelans, and there were some smoking hot ones, typically very thin and cute, albeit they wreaked with a stench.

A friend of mine used to partake in them and anything goes with them.

Blakman might want to consider going with one of them, as there would be no problem negotiating with them and how may leches are included, except he would have to buy some 2 K bottles of pegamente to have at his apartment instead of popcorn.

Elvis 2008
12-14-20, 22:55
Drove 90 A from CTG to Barranquilla two years ago. Perfectly good, well paved, well marked, straight road. Divided highway (with tolls) near the cities. A little congestion near the ends, but otherwise smooth sailing. It's a little hectic /3rd world in the cities themselves, but out in the country mostly relaxing with very little traffic. I found even the secondary roads pretty good (well...some perfect, some not so much). I would definitely do it again...maybe even on a bicycle.Yeah, I rented a car in Medellin and went to Rio Claro. Anyone looking for a fun excursion from MDE should look into it. The roads were good but the mountains made a quick trip tough. I looked at google maps on how long the trip. Rio Claro is only 73 miles from MDE but it takes five hours. Still, the roads were in good condition. I just spent a lot of times on a 2 lane road behind some very slow moving trucks. I know people may be worried about coverage but AMEX has a great policy for renting cars abroad.

From their site: AmEx Premium Car Rental Protection is an optional insurance package that can be purchased for an additional one-time fee of $24.95 per qualifying rental. This add-on upgrades the typical American Express rental car coverage to a primary insurance that offers additional protections such as coverage for longer rental periods (up to 45 days), a wider array of covered vehicles (up to $100,000 in value), and the added bonus of secondary insurance for personal injuries and property damage in the event of an accident. Incidents that occur with primary insurance such as this will not affect the driver's personally-owned vehicle's insurance in any way.

So long as you use your valid American Express card to fully pay for a qualifying rental, you decline full CDW coverage offered by the rental company, and the primary driver for the rental is the AmEx cardholder, you will be covered with the basic American Express car rental insurance. In order to opt-in for the optional AmEx Premium Car Rental Protection, you must call your car provider prior to picking up your rental to engage the additional service.

End of quote.

I think getting that kind of coverage for $25 is a really nice and underappreciated perk that Amex has.

12-14-20, 22:59
Pollo Negro spoiled the fun. Information is power, so he likely did you a favor. Anyway, yes, that is glue ground zero. In the Centro rat economy no short time hotel in the Veracruz-Plaza Botero axis costs more than 15 K or 16 K. 6 K is the going rate for the lower end joints that line the back of the church. Surprisingly, there is a huge delta among the 6 K joints. Some are reasonably clean with spacious rooms and others for the same price are the kinds of places you wipe your shoes on the way out so as to not soil the sidewalk.

That happened to me once so I think I have a few whiskers for that. She showed up with a large black plastic bag, not the tiny ones that we usually see. She told me there was another place better than Premier Plaza so I went with her as I was curious. It was 16 mil. It is not too bad but there is no way it is as good as Premier Plaza. Later I found out she might have gotten a kickback because the next time it was 5 or 6 mil when I went with a different girl that was new to the area. She also wanted 40 mil, instead of 30 mil that we agreed upon earlier. The session was pretty interesting, to say the least.

I saw a few usually came out at night and stationed at the park boundary by the sidewalk but it's too bad Pollo Negro pointed out the bags to me. In my view they are as hot as one can find elsewhere in Medellin if spinner is your type.

12-14-20, 23:34
I see that this is the second post about this subject. La Isla is 300 mil. I am surprised that the girls actually asked 300 USD as you pay the club so you can pay by credit card and that will shock everyone. Loutron is good but the girls seem a little older, and my experience is that they don't really offer better service. If you went to La Isla at 4 AM, then you went to the club called Paradise the next door.Here's what's happening at La Isla. It's basically the only show in town.

Gustos and most other bars are closing at 12 while La Isla has not changed their hours closing at 2 and 4 on weekends.

My friend who goes there quite often is telling me it's wall to wall packed like never before with gringos and locals.

So when I read girls are trying to go for a score like making 300 usd it doesn't suprise me.

12-14-20, 23:36
Your logic is flawed.

If you're a consultant and you're deciding between 2 jobs, both paying the same, which do you choose? Do you take the one which will require very little effort, or the one that will take 3 times the work?

Most of us fat old guys aren't going to play jackhammer for 60 minutes. We're not going to try positions which require the girl to be a double jointed gymnast, and we're probably going to be relaxed and pleasant the whole time. Most of us don't feel like we need to prove our manhood to the girl.

In other words, she works much less for the same amount of money. There's not a single grocery store in Colombia that gives a discount if the girl got the money from a young gringo. None of the girls will impress their friends because they can't work for 2 days after some young guy fucked them so hard and fast it rubbed them raw.I stand corrected. I am learning new things on this board everyday haha.

12-14-20, 23:49
So you are just looking to use someone? Non-pros are going to be at work during the daytime unless you are doing the tourist stuff on the weekend.What do you mean by "use" someone?

To be honest, there are times I feel like a piece of shit for paying for sex and the guilt does bother me. Its nice to fuck a girl where there is a mutual attraction and I don't feel the shame and guilt of paying for sex. Now am I going to break down crying from this? Haha, not even close. If I bang a few non-pros and establish a non-transactional relationship with them in Colombia with minimal effort then great, if I strike out several times, no big deal- back to the pro leagues haha.

Regardless I assume there are plenty of guys who read this forum and do not post who are curious like I am what the non-pro scene in Colombia is like. I gained a lot of useful knowledge from this forum and I am just trying to contribute back with what I experience. I also completely understand what you have told me several times that fucking non-pro girls depends totally on my own personal ability.

12-15-20, 00:20
Most of us fat old guys aren't going to play jackhammer for 60 minutes. We're not going to try positions which require the girl to be a double jointed gymnast, and we're probably going to be relaxed and pleasant the whole time. Most of us don't feel like we need to prove our manhood to the girl..Speak for yourself Jbee2, albeit I'm not fat, yet old, I can play the part of Jackhammer with my dick, with at times some of my victims propped up on half a dozen pillows, in Quattro, while I'm holding their legs up in the air and pounding away as they are yelping for leniency.

12-15-20, 00:42
So which monger places do you like?That's the thing this is the only place I didn't like I've enjoyed Sosua from 2013-2016 my last trip in 2016 Felt the quality had went down to far so stopped going. I've been to Habanos in Panama and liked it because it remined me of Rumbas in Sosua which is my style of place just a low key bar with a bunch of freelancers which is why I thought I'd like Gusto but the place just felt off. Even the strip clubs here felt like low tier venues not even on the level of small go go bars in Thailand or the PI I wasn't expecting Scandallo Lounge from Sao Paulo but the strip clubs really Fase dos was just so basic and lame that's why I asked did I do something wrong because there know way my opinion should be so far off from everybody else. I don't want to give up on Colombia so I'll give the other city a try unless Asia opens back up.

12-15-20, 00:46
I have no words.Naturally I have some (meant in jest, don't anyone get your Tibetan yak wool boxers in a twist).

The hipsters have landed.

Is this pussy gluten free?

Can I use my cheat day to eat whipped cream off a stripper's tits?

Which casas offer discounts for guys with man buns?

Where can I buy lactose free, non-fat, organic condoms?

12-15-20, 00:53
Hey all,

I joined around 2 years ago in anticipation of a trip I took in March 2019. Obviously, this is a very late trip report. I just started browsing the forum again because I am planning my next trip and I realized that I never followed through on my commitment to report back last year. For that, I apologize. Now that I am back reviewing posts, I recall how much help you guys were for my last trip. So better late than never, I suppose.

I went to Medellin for two weeks in March 2019. I stayed in a Poblado Airbnb with a rooftop pool (Energy building). Beautiful place. Full of gringos. Bit of a party scene. It was girl friendly at the time. The staff was great.

When I arrived, a driver scooped me up at the airport thanks to a hook up from one of the guys here. That was super cool. However, he no-showed on me for my return trip to the airport so I had to get an airbnb last minute.

My strategy heading into the trip was to get my tinder active in Medellin (upgraded to Gold membership) and also started looking around on Colombian Cupid and Seeking. I paid for the memberships there so I could have open comms as needed. I also set up a second Facebook account with my location set to Medellin so I could start adding "friends". All of this prep work was worthwhile and fun tbh.

I knew some Spanish from back in HS and college but at 40 yo I was rusty at best. So starting two months before my trip, I did weekly one on one video tutoring with a Spanish teacher based in Medellin. She was really nice and very cute. We ended up meeting in person twice while I was there but never hooked up because she had a BF (now married). We are still friends today tho on IG so I am really glad I did it.

Colombian Cupid was a decent investment of time and money in that I got a bunch of WhatsApp numbers and was in comms with some girls leading up to and during the trip. I ended up meeting up with one of them. Non-pro. And we hooked up a couple of days. 21 yo, sexy little 7. It was great sex. She was super into it but was immediately ready to move to the US LOL. I had to tell her to pump the brakes a few times. However, we are still friends today. We chat on WhatsApp and I expect to see her if I go back to Medellin for my next trip (I am debating Rio, Mexico City, or Cartagena as well).

Little side note. My mentality going down there included hopefulness that maybe I would find my dream girl LOL, I love Latinas and frankly, American women just don't do it for me (or maybe I am just bitter because they don't like me. Who knows). So while I was definitely planning to pay for play, I was deep down wishfully thinking maybe I could get lucky and find the one. I mention this because it probably cost me some money, time, and a few headaches in the long run.

"Seeking" was the source of a few headaches - 100% my fault because I thought that these girls could be swooned by my youth, swagger, and professional success. HA!! I started thinking too highly of myself during preliminary conversations with some hot girls leading up to the trip, and I was eventually humbled.

First, there was the girl that was a solid 8. She was telling me about how she loved these particular candles that could be purchased here in the US. So I bought her a couple and brought them down for her. She would text me every day on WhatsApp leading up to the trip and she was really flirtatious. We talked about financial arrangements but she was asking me personal questions about who I was, what I liked, etc. So I mistaken that as actual interest in me versus my wallet. We met up on the second day I was there for lunch and then made plans for another day (established that it would be 4 hours) together for 600 mil. She came over and hung out at the pool, we went to another lunch, and then she came back to my room and we fucked. After about 2 hours total she said she needed to go. So I gave her 400 mil and said I am not giving her the full 600 if she is going to leave. Well, she lost it. Started crying and yelling. Texting on her phone. We started arguing and I told her to get out. She wasn't going quietly and I didn't want more drama so I said fuck it and gave her the 600. This was a fucking ordeal and as I said, it was my naivety that caused it. Lesson learned.

Then there was another one that was a 9. Same sort of lead up. We even video chatted while I was still in the US. This one was even more caring and affectionate. Complimentary of me. Expressing how she would like to visit me. How she would like to travel together. Again, I mistook this for genuine interest. This one didn't end as bad but I set myself up for disappointment because I thought I won her over after an incredible night together. The next day I hit her up to see if she wanted to get dinner and she wanted a tip too. Also, I think she swiped $100 USD from my wallet when she was in my place the one night. I will say that the sex with this chick was the best of all the women I had on my visit. She was super into it, clean, smelled great. Total package. We did seem to have a connection but she was all about the business in the end.

Overall, I think Seeking can be worth it because you can develop rapport if that's what you want. I might use it again if / when I return, but I won't make the same mistake of thinking it's anything more than high priced p4 p.

Facebook and Tinder provided similar experiences. It was quite clear which girls there were the prepagos, which made both platforms easy to navigate. I had a stable of around 100 matches / friends on each before I arrived and I worked those contacts into 4 or 5 hookups. Nothing too memorable but nothing bad either. The one thing that sticks out in my memory was a session with a girl from Facebook. She looked like her pics. She was cute but her pussy wreaked, which is a massive turnoff for me.

I also hired a girl off of the Showaround app for a tour of the city. I hired based on cost, tour details, and of course looks. Chick was hot. I tried hitting on her but she wasn't having it. Said she had a BF. Overall we had a fun day together and she texted me later in my trip to see how things were going so that was nice. I liked making friends in this way.

I spent a couple of nights walking around Lleras but I was guarding my sobriety at the time so that wasn't much of a buzz for me. I was a little uncomfortable tbh. Each ti9 me I was there I was approached by girls though. Grazing my shoulder as I walk by with fuck me eyes. Didn't session with any of them.

I didn't hit the casas or other clubs but want to check them out next time.

Aside from the women, I went on a private (1:1) Escobar tour, hit up a soccer match (el Classico actually. Was fuckin mint! Did a communa 13 tour, and just did a bunch of walking around. I found people to be really friendly. I never felt unsafe but I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb when I was in El Centro on the Showaround tour. This asshole wore shorts and bright blue tennis shoes and a backpack, smh. Jeans and shoes with a simple polo shirt next time. Haha.

Ok gents. I think that covers most of it. Hope it helps and was at least a little entertaining. Haha.

My next trip is going to be much more budget-oriented. The last trip was life-changing and I quit my job to try and start my own business so I can live and work from anywhere. This lifestyle is a big motivator for that. My venture is still barely off the ground so I will be burning savings until it does. But I need a trip. Might do a few months in Medellin or a month in Medellin and a month in Rio. Thoughts and opinions on the subject are welcome.

Cheers boys!

12-15-20, 00:55
I already knew what your answer was going to be, yet just for others on their behalf, I had to ask, and I am sure some of them are aghast, but I'm not.The fun part is what might just happen next. I made the teenaged boy with his first piece of pussy mistake once in Medellin, did her bareback (I didn't ask. She offered) and came inside. What happened next could have quickly gotten very ugly. However, I kept things calm.

She immediately got all worked up over it and was clearly headed towards the screaming stage. I talked her down and ended up paying for the Plan b pill.

12-15-20, 00:57
Pollo Negro spoiled the fun. Information is power, so he likely did you a favor. Anyway, yes, that is glue ground zero. In the Centro rat economy no short time hotel in the Veracruz-Plaza Botero axis costs more than 15 K or 16 K. 6 K is the going rate for the lower end joints that line the back of the church. Surprisingly, there is a huge delta among the 6 K joints. Some are reasonably clean with spacious rooms and others for the same price are the kinds of places you wipe your shoes on the way out so as to not soil the sidewalk.Your a lower level street rat then I envisioned patronizing and knowing so much about the 6 K joints. I've been in a few along the backside of the Church, and was quite afraid that I had caught scabies after laying down on the dirty soiled sheets in those places.

Hence I splurge at the Premier Plaza or Zona Rosa, albiet it costs between 13 K and 16 K at these higher end establishments. Yet I'm a preferred customer, and at the Zona Rosa I never have to ask for a second towel as they always give me one without asking. I also get upgraded rooms, meaning when available the front rooms verus the rooms by the lobby. But I do tip the attendants 2 K, so I'm a big spender, and perhaps would be considered a very big rat.

12-15-20, 01:01
Last week I saw a rare sight. The police in Plaza Botero launched a mini operativo on the lawns nearest the Nutibara Hotel. They seized bottles of glue. I assume the point of the exercise was to get the sacaleros to disperse. That area is where the sacaleros now gather.I'm there, all over it. Nothing like a good Sacalero to blow a load in!

12-15-20, 01:10
As others have stated, if you're a good-looking guy that girls throw themselves at in the US (or wherever you live), you will likewise attract non-pro chicas in Colombia. To move beyond attraction to fucking them, it also helps to have time on the ground. Visits of 7-10 days are not conducive to fucking non-pros, even if you're devilishly handsome.

If you're not particularly attractive, going to another country is not going to make you so. Girls in Colombian are every bit as superficial as girls in the US.

What do you mean by "use" someone?

To be honest, there are times I feel like a piece of shit for paying for sex and the guilt does bother me. Its nice to fuck a girl where there is a mutual attraction and I don't feel the shame and guilt of paying for sex. Now am I going to break down crying from this? Haha, not even close. If I bang a few non-pros and establish a non-transactional relationship with them in Colombia with minimal effort then great, if I strike out several times, no big deal- back to the pro leagues haha.

Regardless I assume there are plenty of guys who read this forum and do not post who are curious like I am what the non-pro scene in Colombia is like. I gained a lot of useful knowledge from this forum and I am just trying to contribute back with what I experience. I also completely understand what you have told me several times that fucking non-pro girls depends totally on my own personal ability.

12-15-20, 01:12
There's nothing like that that I'm aware of. I doubt there would be any market for it in Colombia, maybe in another 5 years.

It's probably not going to be cheaper in Medellin. It's hard to top a complete meal for under $3. With a delivery fee, about $3.60. Probably not more convenient either, since many apartments might lack what you need to prepare the meals. Not every place has a microwave, or an oven. Refrigerators tend to be fairly small and other storage is limited.

The other point is, why travel to another country and spend all your time locked down? I suppose it makes sense if you have a lot of food allergies, or if you're on a very, very strict diet.

Wherever you go you'll find reasonably healthy food options. Sit down, ask about their menu del DIA and give it a try. It's probably nearly as healthy as your meal plan, probably cheaper and you can sit outside and admire all the chicas walking past.

If you need even healthier options, try any of the 3 places I named. Mundo Verde has a few locations.I'm perplexed with all of this, besides the places you mentioned, there's a lot of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and Indian places with vegetarian fare, all cheap and fast thru Rappi, so why waste valuable time dealing with food unless you like to cook as a hobby, then that's a different matter.

12-15-20, 01:35
As others have stated, if you're a good-looking guy that girls throw themselves at in the US (or wherever you live), you will likewise attract non-pro chicas in Colombia. To move beyond attraction to fucking them, it also helps to have time on the ground. Visits of 7-10 days are not conducive to fucking non-pros, even if you're devilishly handsome.

If you're not particularly attractive, going to another country is not going to make you so. Girls in Colombian are every bit as superficial as girls in the US.The bar is pretty high. It is to fuck 8 and above non pros with higher level of intimacy for free without speaking the language within 2 dates.

12-15-20, 02:02
As others have stated, if you're a good-looking guy that girls throw themselves at in the US (or wherever you live), you will likewise attract non-pro chicas in Colombia. To move beyond attraction to fucking them, it also helps to have time on the ground. Visits of 7-10 days are not conducive to fucking non-pros, even if you're devilishly handsome.

If you're not particularly attractive, going to another country is not going to make you so. Girls in Colombian are every bit as superficial as girls in the US.I disagree. If you are an average-looking guy, say 5-6/10, in another country you could easily turn into solid 7 or even 8. You just need to look slightly better than their average local dude. And this can be easily achieved, if you dress and smell nicely. If you differ from local guys and look exotic to girls, you can score 1 or 2 extra points. Being a foreigner helps a lot in many countries, especially if you speak local language, most girls would find your accent sexy.

I'm an average looking guy in my mid 30's. Here in the US once in a while I can bang average looking (6/10) non-pros, if I really want to and put a little bit of effort. But I like them young and hot, so my standards are higher and 7-8's are out of my league unless they are pros and I pay. When I go to my home country I can fuck 7-8's non pros, because I got those extra points added and look better than an average local dude and have a US passport. When girls see you as 7-8, there is really no need to pay pros, when you can bang 7-8's freebies, because technically you are now on the same level.

12-15-20, 02:06
Regardless I assume there are plenty of guys who read this forum and do not post who are curious like I am what the non-pro scene in Colombia is like. I gained a lot of useful knowledge from this forum and I am just trying to contribute back with what I experience. I also completely understand what you have told me several times that fucking non-pro girls depends totally on my own personal ability.I'm in the same boat. Looking forward to your reports!

12-15-20, 02:12
If you want to look "exotic," you'd better stay far away from Poblado. Or better yet, go to a small town in Colombia. The days of a Gringo looking exotic in Medellin are long gone. Like by 15-20 years.

And the local dudes are for the most part good-looking and dress nicely. If you look better than the average local dude, you likely look better than most visiting gringos.

I disagree. If you are an average-looking guy, say 5-6/10, in another country you could easily turn into solid 7 or even 8. You just need to look slightly better than their average local dude. And this can be easily achieved, if you dress and smell nicely. If you differ from local guys and look exotic to girls, you can score 1 or 2 extra points. Being a foreigner helps a lot in many countries, especially if you speak local language, most girls would find your accent sexy.

I'm an average looking guy in my mid 30's. Here in the US once in a while I can bang average looking (6/10) non-pros, if I really want to and put a little bit of effort. But I like them young and hot, so my standards are higher and 7-8's are out of my league unless they are pros and I pay. When I go to my home country I can fuck 7-8's non pros, because I got those extra points added and look better than an average local dude and have a US passport. When girls see you as 7-8, there is really no need to pay pros, when you can bang 7-8's freebies, because technically you are now on the same level.

Mr Enternational
12-15-20, 02:35
What do you mean by "use" someone?Because you are saying you just want to fuck these chicks that you already have qualifications for but have not even met or have no idea how you will meet them. So for you it is a game. She has to be an 8 and you will get bent out of shape if she is not fucking by the second time you see her. And you expected "pressured" sex to be any better than transactional sex? I would go as far as to say the former is below the latter.

To be honest, there are times I feel like a piece of shit for paying for sex and the guilt does bother me. Its nice to fuck a girl where there is a mutual attraction and I don't feel the shame and guilt of paying for sex. Hilarious. It seems most guys on this site feel guilty if they don't give a chick money after sex. You know how many times on this site that I have been told I was wrong because I did not give money to a chick that was not a hooker? Time and time again guys want to date hookers and make hookers out of quality chicks they should be dating.

12-15-20, 03:11
Because you are saying you just want to fuck these chicks that you already have qualifications for but have not even met or have no idea how you will meet them. So for you it is a game. She has to be an 8 and you will get bent out of shape if she is not fucking by the second time you see her. And you expected "pressured" sex to be any better than transactional sex? I would go as far as to say the former is below the latter.

Hilarious. It seems most guys on this site feel guilty if they don't give a chick money after sex. You know how many times on this site that I have been told I was wrong because I did not give money to a chick that was not a hooker? Time and time again guys want to date hookers and make hookers out of quality chicks they should be dating.Haha Big Dog Mr. E, I am doing as I always do when it comes to women. I am rolling in, being myself, and hopefully at the end of the night they want to fuck. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. And as always, I explain I am not looking for anything serious, just looking for someone to enjoy some time with. I never said I would get bent out of shape, nor would I ever do that, its not my style. If I sense my time is being wasted and the woman is not interested, I simply just don't schedule a second date. Why would the sex be pressured? I am assuming a Casanova like yourself has fucked dozens of girls on the first date without the sex being pressured. Again if this is a Medellin thing with girls and they are known to give "pressured sex" I apologize for my negligence haha. I guess this is "using" women for sex and I am guilty of this. Yes in a sense, it is like a game, but I am very upfront that I have absolutely no desire for a long term relationship. Personally I think its odd to even bring up "using" someone on a monger forum, but again to each there own.

I apologize if I didn't articulate exactly what I mean't by stating I feel guilty after sex. I don't feel guilt for getting free sex and feeling obligated for a monetary compensation for sex with them. I feel guilt that I am even paying for sex and not married and spending my time and resources raising a family and being an honorable husband. I think most of us understand there is a small sense of shame when a man has to pay for sex. Thats what I meant when I stated I feel guilty. I have absolutely no desire to turn any girl into a hooker nor I do I have any desire to turn a hooker into my girl. Again totally not my style.

And for the record, what you do with your money is none of my fucking business, god bless you if you aren't paying hoes for sex. Thats between you the girls and nobody else.

12-15-20, 03:18
I think most of us understand there is a small sense of shame when a man has to pay for sex..LMAO.

Not me I'm proud to pay for pussy!

There used to be a saying in the hood in the 80's.

"there ain't no shame to my game" LOL.

Guys that think there is honor in being a chump to women and the rigged system, ought to be ashamed!

Mr Enternational
12-15-20, 03:38
god bless you if you aren't paying hoes for sex. Thats between you the girls and nobody else.I pay hoes. I don't pay chicks that are not hoes.

12-15-20, 03:47
I disagree. If you are an average-looking guy, say 5-6/10, in another country you could easily turn into solid 7 or even 8. You just need to look slightly better than their average local dude. And this can be easily achieved, if you dress and smell nicely. If you differ from local guys and look exotic to girls, you can score 1 or 2 extra points. Being a foreigner helps a lot in many countries, especially if you speak local language, most girls would find your accent sexy.

I'm an average looking guy in my mid 30's. Here in the US once in a while I can bang average looking (6/10) non-pros, if I really want to and put a little bit of effort. But I like them young and hot, so my standards are higher and 7-8's are out of my league unless they are pros and I pay. When I go to my home country I can fuck 7-8's non pros, because I got those extra points added and look better than an average local dude and have a US passport. When girls see you as 7-8, there is really no need to pay pros, when you can bang 7-8's freebies, because technically you are now on the same level.I understand your line of thought.

A couple things based on what I have experienced.

You'll never date a girl and fuck her for free.

While you may not actually have to pay for sex itself no girl will give it up for a cup of coffee and taxi fare.

You'll be required to take her out pay her cab fares and maybe more than once before you even score with her.

Also, this is not Mexico or Guatemala or Honduras.

The men of this country are not considered unattractive men.

While I don't compare myself to them or don't care for their looks, if the locals treated their women right, we wouldn't have a shot.

Your passport doesn't mean anything here.

This might be a poor country but it's not third world poor.

To achieve what you're looking for communication is key. If you can't make them laugh or talk to them then things with normal girls will be tough unless they can speak English.

And just like all other cultures confidence is key.

12-15-20, 06:38
Yeah, I rented a car in Medellin and went to Rio Claro. Anyone looking for a fun excursion from MDE should look into it. The roads were good but the mountains made a quick trip tough. I looked at google maps on how long the trip. Rio Claro is only 73 miles from MDE but it takes five hours. Still, the roads were in good condition. I just spent a lot of times on a 2 lane road behind some very slow moving trucks. I know people may be worried about coverage but AMEX has a great policy for renting cars abroad.

From their site: AmEx Premium Car Rental Protection is an optional insurance package that can be purchased for an additional one-time fee of $24.95 per qualifying rental. This add-on upgrades the typical American Express rental car coverage to a primary insurance that offers additional protections such as coverage for longer rental periods (up to 45 days), a wider array of covered vehicles (up to $100,000 in value), and the added bonus of secondary insurance for personal injuries and property damage in the event of an accident. Incidents that occur with primary insurance such as this will not affect the driver's personally-owned vehicle's insurance in any way.I think this type of coverage is also offered by the travel insurance, at least mine covers it, whatever I use to pay for the rent. But good to know. I don't have an AMEX anymore indeed. I was tempted to rent the car in Sao Paulo, but in the end I got Uber all the time. I think I would have saved a bit to be honest and tha car would have served me well, but at least I didn't get stressed int he traffic.

12-15-20, 12:03
This conversation is killing me. Just shows how out of touch a lot of you are with reality keep thinking looks most important thing. You know the easiest way to pull a non pro chick in a Latin American country is to be able to dance. Hot chicks like to go out with there friends and dance and most of you all cannot dance. If you can walk into a club by yourself, and trust me you can ask a chick in a group and if you can dance game over as the whole club will see that. Now that is called swag / confidence and now every chick in the club knows you can dance and you will pull a chick. The problem is most of you all do not make the effort. You can dance Salsa, Bachata, Reggaetone and hip hop any club you walk into you will be fine and will do well as you make a chick feel good in front of people you do not need to speak to make that happen. Do not listen to advice on here just stand behind a girl and let her dance to Reggaetone you will look like a dork.

Just so you know top 5 artists listened too worldwide on spotify: 1. Bad Bunny 2. Drake 3. J Belvin 4. Juice World. 5. The Weekend. You see a pattern here Reggaetone and Hip- Hop is what young chicks are dancing too. Unfortunately, a lot of you want young chicks, but hate hip hop and Reggaetone which young chicks love. A walking contradiction.

Take us home Drake:


12-15-20, 16:07
I disagree. If you are an average-looking guy, say 5-6/10, in another country you could easily turn into solid 7 or even 8. You just need to look slightly better than their average local dude. And this can be easily achieved, if you dress and smell nicely. If you differ from local guys and look exotic to girls, you can score 1 or 2 extra points. Being a foreigner helps a lot in many countries, especially if you speak local language, most girls would find your accent sexy.

I'm an average looking guy in my mid 30's. Here in the US once in a while I can bang average looking (6/10) non-pros, if I really want to and put a little bit of effort. But I like them young and hot, so my standards are higher and 7-8's are out of my league unless they are pros and I pay. When I go to my home country I can fuck 7-8's non pros, because I got those extra points added and look better than an average local dude and have a US passport. When girls see you as 7-8, there is really no need to pay pros, when you can bang 7-8's freebies, because technically you are now on the same level.For God shake in US you speak English and you can communicate with a girl. Ok, let's say you are an 8 then what? If you don't speak Spanish and the girl doesn't speak English why the hell should choose you instead of choosing someone else who can speak Spanish and makes her feel nice? What do you have to offer to her? What makes someone so special who doesn't even speak spanish to a non-pro girl?

And you 're saying that you have a US passport. So what? What do you mean by that? That you offer her a chance to dream that maybe one day she will move in the US? Does she really want to move in the US? If she doesn't would it be better for her to find someone who can afford her life expenses and stay in her country with her family and friends? Oops! Here is where money come in. Eventually whether a girl is a pro or a non-pro you 'll pay no matter what, you won't pay for sex but you 'll pay for a bunch of other stuff.

12-15-20, 16:46
I pay hoes. I don't pay chicks that are not hoes.Actually I pay them to leave).

12-15-20, 17:00
For God shake in US you speak English and you can communicate with a girl. Ok, let's say you are an 8 then what? If you don't speak Spanish and the girl doesn't speak English why the hell should choose you instead of choosing someone else who can speak Spanish and makes her feel nice? What do you have to offer to her? What makes someone so special who doesn't even speak spanish to a non-pro girl?

And you 're saying that you have a US passport. So what? What do you mean by that? That you offer her a chance to dream that maybe one day she will move in the US? Does she really want to move in the US? If she doesn't would it be better for her to find someone who can afford her life expenses and stay in her country with her family and friends? Oops! Here is where money come in. Eventually whether a girl is a pro or a non-pro you 'll pay no matter what, you won't pay for sex but you 'll pay for a bunch of other stuff.IMHO the only thing that matters about your looks is if your clean and dress trendy, Colombians, like most Latinas, don't want to be seen with a dirt bag. I've had lot's of success with non pros over the years, nurses, models, students ect. The most important thing to make it with non pros is you need some GAME and enough Spanish to communicate without making a conversation too much work to speak to each other. And of course some cash. Don't be a cheapskate but don't be a pendejo by giving her everything she wants. In Latin culture, a women needs to see the man as the leader and a set of balls to put her in her place if she gets out of control. Be sweet, respectful but keep her under your control. This has always worked for me.

12-15-20, 17:08
I had an opportunity last night to change the Medellin Puta Market forever. I had a trio lined up with a smoke show. She was the wingwoman of my amiga when I went to Gusto's, a couple weeks back. They roped-in $300 each from a couple of gringos that night. So, we have everything planned for last night, and as we're ironing out the details (address), I ask the price. Shocker. $300. I say, "I don't have dollars. " She says ok, 500 k for you and 500 k for your novia. Example 7 million of a Paisa not knowing the conversion rate, but she wasn't too far off. Although, I guarantee she'd have said the same when it was 4200/1. I tell her I'm not paying the bobo gringo Gusto weekend warrior special price. She says 900 k for both, 800 k for both. I tell her if she wants to be the most expensive puta I've been with in the last 9 months, that's fine, but that means she's getting 550 k. She starts laughing and says that would be the lowest she's ever taken, and no way. My phone dies. 15 mins later we continue. I offer 700 k in a last-ditch effort. She accepts, but says she'll eat dinner at home first, and that she won't be able to stay long.

Now, Pinky wasn't feeling 100% even though she was looking the part, when I got home. So, I may have been trying to spoil my own party, but any time a girl has laughed or been cocky in negotiations, I don't think I've ever followed through. I ask, "2 veces?" and she flips. She told me to stop messaging her and that I'm cheap, etc. I kindly let her know that I fucked her wingwoman for free, and that she can have a good night. I refrained from saying what was really on my mind, about how her pussy is not worth 3 times more, and her attitude certainly has proven it's not worth more. Anyway, I was excited about the prospect of that trio, but the price is just too high, even if I can afford it and would do it daily, in the US.

I think I've been here too long, and done too much, to do a final trip report. That being said, it was amazing. Life-changing. I appreciate all the banter, information, criticism, etc etc etc from everyone. I'll probably be back in 3 weeks, but it will feel like 3 years.


12-15-20, 17:42
I had an opportunity last night to change the Medellin Puta Market forever. I had a trio lined up with a smoke show. She was the wingwoman of my amiga when I went to Gusto's, a couple weeks back. They roped-in $300 each from a couple of gringos that night. So, we have everything planned for last night, and as we're ironing out the details (address), I ask the price. Shocker. $300. I say, "I don't have dollars. " She says ok, 500 k for you and 500 k for your novia. Example 7 million of a Paisa not knowing the conversion rate, but she wasn't too far off. Although, I guarantee she'd have said the same when it was 4200/1. I tell her I'm not paying the bobo gringo Gusto weekend warrior special price. She says 900 k for both, 800 k for both. I tell her if she wants to be the most expensive puta I've been with in the last 9 months, that's fine, but that means she's getting 550 k. She starts laughing and says that would be the lowest she's ever taken, and no way. My phone dies. 15 mins later we continue. I offer 700 k in a last-ditch effort. She accepts, but says she'll eat dinner at home first, and that she won't be able to stay long.

Now, Pinky wasn't feeling 100% even though she was looking the part, when I got home. So, I may have been trying to spoil my own party, but any time a girl has laughed or been cocky in negotiations, I don't think I've ever followed through. I ask, "2 veces?" and she flips. She told me to stop messaging her and that I'm cheap, etc. I kindly let her know that I fucked her wingwoman for free, and that she can have a good night. I refrained from saying what was really on my mind, about how her pussy is not worth 3 times more, and her attitude certainly has proven it's not worth more. Anyway, I was excited about the prospect of that trio, but the price is just too high, even if I can afford it and would do it daily, in the US.

I think I've been here too long, and done too much, to do a final trip report. That being said, it was amazing. Life-changing. I appreciate all the banter, information, criticism, etc etc etc from everyone. I'll probably be back in 3 weeks, but it will feel like 3 years.

Cheers.Yesterday I was reading the thread way too back and after that I start searching on FB for some paisas. I was amazed by one particular profile and I start searching her photos and videos. I live in a country where the cost of an airplane ticket to get to my country in normal rates is around 1500 euros. Guess what? The girl was having summer vacations in my country and in a very expensive island. I know that someone would probably say that maybe her holidays were payed by a monger but I am pretty sure that this was not the case. What do I mean by that? I really think that when someone doesn't care and pays 300 US $ in gusto for I don't know a TLN maybe it is just a matter of time till pros will start asking that price no matter what and finally make an annual income bigger than yours.

And yes I have payed a lot more than US $ 300 in Sao Paulo but it was in Sao Paulo and it is totally different. What's the difference? The most beautiful girl in Gusto will be the ugliest one in Scandalo. Apart from that a GFE experience is guaranteed in Sao Paulo in Medellin it's not.

12-15-20, 17:56
IMHO the only thing that matters about your looks is if your clean and dress trendy, Colombians, like most Latinas, don't want to be seen with a dirt bag.I truly think that to be clean and dress trendy is a prerequisite in most countries not just in Latin America.

Blue Touch
12-15-20, 18:38
Many members here say that they are fit, dress nice and look good. I haven't seen a gringo like that in Colombia.

IMHO the only thing that matters about your looks is if your clean and dress trendy, Colombians, like most Latinas, don't want to be seen with a dirt bag. I've had lot's of success with non pros over the years, nurses, models, students ect. The most important thing to make it with non pros is you need some GAME and enough Spanish to communicate without making a conversation too much work to speak to each other. And of course some cash. Don't be a cheapskate but don't be a pendejo by giving her everything she wants. In Latin culture, a women needs to see the man as the leader and a set of balls to put her in her place if she gets out of control. Be sweet, respectful but keep her under your control. This has always worked for me.

12-15-20, 18:56
Yesterday I was reading the thread way too back and after that I start searching on FB for some paisas. I was amazed by one particular profile and I start searching her photos and videos. I live in a country where the cost of an airplane ticket to get to my country in normal rates is around 1500 euros. Guess what? The girl was having summer vacations in my country and in a very expensive island. I know that someone would probably say that maybe her holidays were payed by a monger but I am pretty sure that this was not the case. What do I mean by that? I really think that when someone doesn't care and pays 300 US $ in gusto for I don't know a TLN maybe it is just a matter of time till pros will start asking that price no matter what and finally make an annual income bigger than yours.

And yes I have payed a lot more than US $ 300 in Sao Paulo but it was in Sao Paulo and it is totally different. What's the difference? The most beautiful girl in Gusto will be the ugliest one in Scandalo. Apart from that a GFE experience is guaranteed in Sao Paulo in Medellin it's not.Brazilian girls are hot no doubt but personally I like Colombian girls. But I agree Brazilian girls are a different breed in the bedroom.

And I know many men who put Colombian and Venezuelan women above all.

Also Brazil has one of the highest rates of stds among working girls.

I have always stated there are a select few girls who do very well and are very high end.

I know girls who drive audis and Mercedes in medellin.

But those same girls come down the hardest when times like these hit.

They're at such a high in life they come crashing when the money isn't there.

12-15-20, 19:10
I truly think that to be clean and dress trendy is a prerequisite in most countries not just in Latin America.Not all gringos understand that. I've seen so many folks wearing cargo shorts, socks and sandals, etc. No wonder they can't attract non pros.

12-15-20, 20:13
This reminds me when I used to date a colombiana for a couple of years. She actually once insisted I go to the mall with her and buy myself better fitting jeans and shirts. She was so proud how I looked that she would tell her friends about how great I looked wearing neater clothes. She absolutely hated my American casual ware.

Not all gringos understand that. I've seen so many folks wearing cargo shorts, socks and sandals, etc. No wonder they can't attract non pros.

12-15-20, 20:50
I offer 700 k in a last-ditch effort. She accepts, but says she'll eat dinner at home first, and that she won't be able to stay long.


Now, Pinky wasn't feeling 100% even though she was looking the part, when I got home. So, I may have been trying to spoil my own party, but any time a girl has laughed or been cocky in negotiations, I don't think I've ever followed through. I ask, "2 veces?" and she flips. She told me to stop messaging her and that I'm cheap, etc. I kindly let her know that I fucked her wingwoman for free, and that she can have a good night. I refrained from saying what was really on my mind, about how her pussy is not worth 3 times more, and her attitude certainly has proven it's not worth more. Anyway, I was excited about the prospect of that trio, but the price is just too high, even if I can afford it and would do it daily, in the US.
Good god man. You should have walked away the moment she said 300 USD. People are really ruining the prices in Colombia. I was banging a hot 25 year old blonde in Rio BAREBACK for the rate $50 USD an hour. I shit you not. This included anal and pussy. No prep anal. The kind where she slaps some lube on and you just go. Also could switch between ass and pussy and she didn't mind at all. 300 USD? 700 K? That chica is nuts.

EDIT: Btw, my Colombian and Venezuelan chicas all confirmed after I told them about Brazil that its cheaper there and the garotas are wilder. One chica told me a friend of hers went there to work and found it was too difficult for too little pay.

12-15-20, 22:49
I need to start working on my Portuguese again.

Good god man. You should have walked away the moment she said 300 USD. People are really ruining the prices in Colombia. I was banging a hot 25 year old blonde in Rio BAREBACK for the rate $50 USD an hour. I shit you not. This included anal and pussy. No prep anal. The kind where she slaps some lube on and you just go. Also could switch between ass and pussy and she didn't mind at all. 300 USD? 700 K? That chica is nuts.

EDIT: Btw, my Colombian and Venezuelan chicas all confirmed after I told them about Brazil that its cheaper there and the garotas are wilder. One chica told me a friend of hers went there to work and found it was too difficult for too little pay.

12-15-20, 23:25
Many members here say that they are fit, dress nice and look good. I haven't seen a gringo like that in Colombia.Have you been to Park Lleras? I think people dress pretty well there but lots of skinny jeans.

12-16-20, 00:34
Good god man. You should have walked away the moment she said 300 USD. People are really ruining the prices in Colombia. I was banging a hot 25 year old blonde in Rio BAREBACK for the rate $50 USD an hour. I shit you not. This included anal and pussy. No prep anal. The kind where she slaps some lube on and you just go. Also could switch between ass and pussy and she didn't mind at all. 300 USD? 700 K? That chica is nuts.

EDIT: Btw, my Colombian and Venezuelan chicas all confirmed after I told them about Brazil that its cheaper there and the garotas are wilder. One chica told me a friend of hers went there to work and found it was too difficult for too little pay.Half the guys on this board would never get laid if everyone walked away at the initial quote. I banged a few 18-24 yo Colombians, and not by the hour (just as I did in Rio with Cariocas), BAREBACK for, get this. FREE! But who gives a shit? I agree, as a whole, we should try to not pay that amount. I didn't. She is hot. I witnessed her pull that amount 2 weeks ago. 700 k for a threesome with this chick is not a terrible deal when the other half of the trio is free. That's 350 k per, if you're pulling 2 chicas from wherever. If you had your Brazilian over for 4 hours, like the chica here would have been, that's $200.700 k is $200. Anyway, it didn't happen but I guarantee she gets her number, regularly. I have been down here and experienced enough to know it's not possible for her to be 3 x better than other chicas. There are plenty of weekend warriors who would look into her eyes and just start nodding as they reach into their back pocket. Wait, just remembered, I banged a hot 22 year old blonde from SP in Vegas, bareback, for free. Game over. OK joking aside, it was supposed to be my last trio party of the trip. I was prepared to pay top dollar, but the conversation killed it. Too many rules, and when you send me a jajajaja. You just died. All this talk about Brazilians is making me want to make a trip further south, but I don't speak the language, and (these are guesses) COVID and crime are worse. Some one also mentioned the STD rate is significantly higher. Side note: I'm stealing the phrase No Prep Anal.

Enjoy the rest of the year in heaven, fellas. It's been a pleasure.

12-16-20, 00:46
Half the guys on this board would never get laid if everyone walked away at the initial quote. I banged a few 18-24 yo Colombians, and not by the hour (just as I did in Rio with Cariocas), BAREBACK for, get this. FREE! But who gives a shit? I agree, as a whole, we should try to not pay that amount. I didn't. She is hot. I witnessed her pull that amount 2 weeks ago. 700 k for a threesome with this chick is not a terrible deal when the other half of the trio is free. That's 350 k per, if you're pulling 2 chicas from wherever. If you had your Brazilian over for 4 hours, like the chica here would have been, that's $200.700 k is $200. Anyway, it didn't happen but I guarantee she gets her number, regularly. I have been down here and experienced enough to know it's not possible for her to be 3 x better than other chicas. There are plenty of weekend warriors who would look into her eyes and just start nodding as they reach into their back pocket. Wait, just remembered, I banged a hot 22 year old blonde from SP in Vegas, bareback, for free. Game over. OK joking aside, it was supposed to be my last trio party of the trip. I was prepared to pay top dollar, but the conversation killed it. Too many rules, and when you send me a jajajaja. You just died. All this talk about Brazilians is making me want to make a trip further south, but I don't speak the language, and (these are guesses) COVID and crime are worse. Some one also mentioned the STD rate is significantly higher. Side note: I'm stealing the phrase No Prep Anal.

Enjoy the rest of the year in heaven, fellas. It's been a pleasure.Just because a puta tells you some guy gave her $300 in a 3rd world country you believe it? Why would she lie?

You think maybe so she could rationalize quoting you $300?

12-16-20, 01:14
I'm perplexed with all of this, besides the places you mentioned, there's a lot of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and Indian places with vegetarian fare, all cheap and fast thru Rappi, so why waste valuable time dealing with food unless you like to cook as a hobby, then that's a different matter.I try to keep some eggs in the apartment and some puree for.

Fruit juice and maybe a couple of avocados to snack on.

12-16-20, 01:18
If you had your Brazilian over for 4 hours, like the chica here would have been, that's $200.700 k is $200. For what its worth I never pay multi-hour rate. I've never really had to. I can't remember a chica, outside of brothels, ever watching the clock.

Some one also mentioned the STD rate is significantly higher. Side note: I'm stealing the phrase No Prep Anal.
Is it? I found getting bareback in Brazil is hard. I never got it in Sao Paolo and in Rio I only got it with that one garota. And yes, no prep anal. Just lube and go. Her sphincter was already trained to dialite on command. Other garotas wouldn't do anal because of my size but she was cool with it. I should point out not all brazilians are that cool, but for the most part I felt they were more honest than Colombians / Venezuelans -- maybe more down to business.

12-16-20, 02:44
Half the guys on this board would never get laid if everyone walked away at the initial quote. I banged a few 18-24 yo Colombians, and not by the hour (just as I did in Rio with Cariocas), BAREBACK for, get this. FREE! But who gives a shit? I agree, as a whole, we should try to not pay that amount. I didn't. She is hot. I witnessed her pull that amount 2 weeks ago. 700 k for a threesome with this chick is not a terrible deal when the other half of the trio is free. That's 350 k per, if you're pulling 2 chicas from wherever. If you had your Brazilian over for 4 hours, like the chica here would have been, that's $200.700 k is $200. Anyway, it didn't happen but I guarantee she gets her number, regularly. I have been down here and experienced enough to know it's not possible for her to be 3 x better than other chicas. There are plenty of weekend warriors who would look into her eyes and just start nodding as they reach into their back pocket. Wait, just remembered, I banged a hot 22 year old blonde from SP in Vegas, bareback, for free. Game over. OK joking aside, it was supposed to be my last trio party of the trip. I was prepared to pay top dollar, but the conversation killed it. Too many rules, and when you send me a jajajaja. You just died. All this talk about Brazilians is making me want to make a trip further south, but I don't speak the language, and (these are guesses) COVID and crime are worse. Some one also mentioned the STD rate is significantly higher. Side note: I'm stealing the phrase No Prep Anal.

Enjoy the rest of the year in heaven, fellas. It's been a pleasure.Here's the issue. I'the say of all the gringos visiting medellin for mongering purposes, only 25% of them use boards like this for info.

So for the gringos who come for a weekend or short stay, there's way more of these types of mongers than people on these boards.

I've always said this on the this forum.

The hot girls will get their $$.

12-16-20, 02:49
Here's the issue. I'the say of all the gringos visiting medellin for mongering purposes, only 25% of them use boards like this for info.

So for the gringos who come for a weekend or short stay, there's way more of these types of mongers than people on these boards.

I've always said this on the this forum.

The hot girls will get their $$.So just give them any amount they ask for!


12-16-20, 03:16
So just give them any amount they ask for!

Bravo!The guys who have expendable money like that will.

To some people $300 is like spending $3 and to others spending $3 is like $300.

This is the world we live in so get over the fact people are out there spending money.

When it comes to medellin, the budget mongering is for Centro and street girls.

Lleras and places like La Isla is not ideal to get bargains on a Friday night from a top notch girl.

It's really as simple as that.

The 60-100 k spenders won't be effected in Centro because people who spend 300 usd on a girl won't be going there.

12-16-20, 03:46
Here's the issue. I'the say of all the gringos visiting medellin for mongering purposes, only 25% of them use boards like this for info.

So for the gringos who come for a weekend or short stay, there's way more of these types of mongers than people on these boards.

I've always said this on the this forum.

The hot girls will get their $$.They will. I don't think knowing the price will help because they can limit the service with lower price like the girl was trying to do with SS. This has happened elsewhere like Bangkok which is a far larger market. On the other hand, why should all girls cost the same?

12-16-20, 04:51
They will. I don't think knowing the price will help because they can limit the service with lower price like the girl was trying to do with SS. This has happened elsewhere like Bangkok which is a far larger market. On the other hand, why should all girls cost the same?Girls talk too.

And many of these girls know how to hustle and make $$.

They can differentiate between the guys whose an easy customer or the guys who falls in love with them or the cheap guys and etc and etc.

And they have group chats and I hear there's even a secret board for working girls in medellin consisting of many fb girls.

They review and share info on clients. They even know which guys are big on BBFS or 18-19 yos.

If you monger long enough in one place you will develop a reputation wherever your stomping grounds are.

So even for the working girls they have a network and some utilize it to make it most profitable for them.

I think too many mongers take this hobby too seriously.

Whatever your budget just pay, fuck and have them leave.

Whether your budget is 30 $ or 300 $ there is pussy to be had for your budget.

12-16-20, 04:58
The guys who have expendable money like that will.

To some people $300 is like spending $3 and to others spending $3 is like $300.

This is the world we live in so get over the fact people are out there spending money.

When it comes to medellin, the budget mongering is for Centro and street girls.

Lleras and places like La Isla is not ideal to get bargains on a Friday night from a top notch girl.

It's really as simple as that.

The 60-100 k spenders won't be effected in Centro because people who spend 300 usd on a girl won't be going there.This is very true. My first trip to MDE, I went to La Isla alone, got myself a drink and took a seat at the back. Sitting next to me was a "guide". Basically he was bi-lingual colombian having lived a period of time in the US, and his gig was organizing and taking around small groups of guys eg bachelors parties, bands etc for fun activities. He was seated next to me and keeping an eye on things. That night his group was a fairly well known Florida music band that was in MDE to blow off some steam. Well those guys were balling it and quite literally throwing money around, like literally taking wads of cash and intermittently making it rain, the bills were 20 mil ones too. And this went on for a couple of hours. They must have easily spent 15 million or more in there (I have no way of knowing for sure). Needless to say they had the attention of every fine chica in the house, they were getting drinks brought to them, and periodically one of them would take a chica into the back room for a smash and be back sometimes in like just 10-15 mins! I saw that perhaps a half a dozen times in the 2 hrs I was there taking it all in. I literally had no chance to chat with any of the desirable chicas far less get their numbers which was my intention that night. Instead I sat with the guide and still had a good time just shooting the shit, about how he got deported, he would comment on the back stories on the various chicas on the dance floor most of whom he knew at some level, and telling me shit like that one should retire. He even went to high school with one, and on and on.

So absolutely the weekend warriors are around and nothing we say or do is going to change their ways. The worst part is that in their aftermath, many of the chicas don't work for a couple weeks till money runs out again. Fortunately most of these chicas are bad planners and eventually will be back. We are also lucky that the supply to date has been plenty enough that the demand is being well met. The guys with the advantage are those there long term, and the ones with large rolodexes from frequnt trips.

I have a chica for example who is more of a part time pro (atleast I haven't seen her much on the radar of too many gringos), but her frinds list does have a few. She is from a nearby town and a good looker. And she has a couple of clients that come in every few months and whisk her away to CTG or Aruba or to some nature retreat for a week. Once I think even to mexico.

If your trip in close to that date ie just after, she's not as interested in the "siempre pago deals" 😂. I have a relationship built that she will still come over once each trip and I put in her purse my usual 150mil regalo, but I doubt she will engage with everyone. But catch her in a lean spell and you will get her easily. On the other hand during the pandemic if I was there, she would have easily shacked up with me. I always see pricey purchases and dresses etc around that time of those week long trips. Though I never asked her exactly, I think she gets paid big, one time she even got her boobs done soon after one of these trips. Cost 7 million!

12-16-20, 05:22
Yesterday I was reading the thread way too back and after that I start searching on FB for some paisas. I was amazed by one particular profile and I start searching her photos and videos. I live in a country where the cost of an airplane ticket to get to my country in normal rates is around 1500 euros. Guess what? The girl was having summer vacations in my country and in a very expensive island. I know that someone would probably say that maybe her holidays were payed by a monger but I am pretty sure that this was not the case. What do I mean by that? I really think that when someone doesn't care and pays 300 US $ in gusto for I don't know a TLN maybe it is just a matter of time till pros will start asking that price no matter what and finally make an annual income bigger than yours.

And yes I have payed a lot more than US $ 300 in Sao Paulo but it was in Sao Paulo and it is totally different. What's the difference? The most beautiful girl in Gusto will be the ugliest one in Scandalo. Apart from that a GFE experience is guaranteed in Sao Paulo in Medellin it's not.Unless you live in Mexico or the Dominican Republic these girls are not traveling to your country on their own. Even most of them going to Mexico or the Dominican Republic are being sponsored by someone.

I have a rather large list of Facebook contacts. Many of them have been on trips throughout Europe. Those same girls are getting 150-250 k in Medellin. Occasionally they might get a $200 or more night, but it almost never gets saved or invested. It goes for a better phone and nicer clothes, then she's back to the normal price.

It's fairly common for a European tourist, or even a gringo, to take one of the girls on vacation with him. As I reported not long ago, one of the street girls who works the Mayorista area has been to Dubai. Pictures from throughout Europe come through my Facebook all the time.

It has very little to do with the occasional girl hitting a big night in Gusto. It's just the common thing of trying to turn hookers into housewives.

12-16-20, 05:42
So just give them any amount they ask for!

Bravo!He didn't. When the deal didn't fit his requirements, he walked.

Girls in Gusto ask the high rate because they know they can get that rate in Gusto. The reason they can get that rate in Gusto is because Gusto isn't interested in attracting the budget monger. They want the guys who are renting the $700-$1000 per night penthouses. They want the guys who show up on Saturday night in a limousine. They want the guys springing for top shelf booze and champagne.

They've got no interest in the guy who wants to sip an Aguila Light and try to get a girl for 50 k. There are plenty of casas in El Centro filling that niche.

If some girl in Gusto starts quoting 150-200 k, she'll quickly find she's not allowed in Gusto. Because Gusto ownership isn't running a club for the guys who are comparison shopping. Those guys are already in the other clubs. Gusto is set up for the "If you have to ask, you can't afford it" crowd.

What happens in Gusto, only happens in Gusto. The second you hit the street, the price drops right back to normal. If you go anywhere else, you won't find the Gusto rate, but if you do simply say "no soy uno de los bobos en Club Gusto."

12-16-20, 05:47
Girls talk too.

And many of these girls know how to hustle and make $$.

They can differentiate between the guys whose an easy customer or the guys who falls in love with them or the cheap guys and etc and etc.

And they have group chats and I hear there's even a secret board for working girls in medellin consisting of many fb girls.

They review and share info on clients. They even know which guys are big on BBFS or 18-19 yos.

If you monger long enough in one place you will develop a reputation wherever your stomping grounds are.

So even for the working girls they have a network and some utilize it to make it most profitable for them.

I think too many mongers take this hobby too seriously.

Whatever your budget just pay, fuck and have them leave.

Whether your budget is 30 $ or 300 $ there is pussy to be had for your budget.I think you nailed it with that one.

We aren't saving the world here. We're just fucking cheap hookers in Colombia. Fuck the ones that are in your price range and stop worrying what everyone else is paying.

12-16-20, 07:09
Hello all,

Just a couple of questions if someone doesn't mind. I'm a newb to Medellin (been to CTG) just booked for first week of March. I'm only going to be there for 4 nights, so I'm in "weekend millionaire" mode unfortunately. Based on all of your posts. I will visit, Gusto, La Isla and Fase dos and Parque Lleras.

However my question is, what are the top two premium casas with the best girls? (Not Loutron). Also Not looking for low end or bargain deals.

Secondly, where is Faison? I googled it for 10 min, but impossible to find on the internet.

Thanks. Will provide a report after my trip.

12-16-20, 07:16
I should point out not all brazilians are that cool, but for the most part I felt they were more honest than Colombians / Venezuelans -- maybe more down to business.What do you guys say?

I will posit that in my experience, Thai putas are incredibly honest (I'll credit the Buddhism), not all LOL just 99%.

Conversely I will say Mexicana putas are brutally dishonest LOL (I'll blame the Catholicism and Cartel culture).

This is just a generalization but please opine.

12-16-20, 12:15
I won't go back again to eros spa. Seems like the girls are getting older. 2 days with Milfs not considered my best mongering days. Like progressive insurance, I did save 160 mil and the sex was great. Pistachio ice cream on the way back was great. Plus i got in 5 to 7 miles of walking. All was not lost. Will try New life. Circling the wagon before its time to leave. Centro Rats. Can I have ice cream and lunch / dinner in Centro without being considered a rat. I am in the area LOL.

12-16-20, 12:37
Watch you mouth. Clearly I am not included in your assessment LOL. Black guys lleras park are pretty fit. Gusto guys are pretty fit. The centro rats well maybe you are on point with them LOL.

Many members here say that they are fit, dress nice and look good. I haven't seen a gringo like that in Colombia..

Blue Touch
12-16-20, 14:11
You sound right. My apology to the black brothers at Lleras, ja ja.

Watch you mouth. Clearly I am not included in your assessment LOL. Black guys lleras park are pretty fit. Gusto guys are pretty fit. The centro rats well maybe you are on point with them LOL..