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Mr Enternational
05-23-22, 16:28
They are in Park Lleras too but you can't bring them back to San Peter if they only have Venezuela ID.Be more specific about this please. You are saying that Venezuelans are not allowed with only a Venezuelan ID card I guess, and not ID in general. Because a friend of mine from Venezuela happened to be in Medellin the same time I was because her sister came up from Chile for plastic surgery. She stayed with me in San Peter but it was a Venezuelan passport that she showed them at the desk.

05-23-22, 16:58
Talking to them and even buying them beers does not make them your friends. Invite them to your place, if they are your friends as you say, and see how that works out. First chance they get you will be robbed.

The most dangerous time is when it is raining and everyone is packed like sardines under the awnings to get out of the rain. Best time for a bunch of guys to surround you and you think nothing of them being so close to you thinking they are just trying to keep dry.I just go sit at the Nutribara hotel and have a few beers / get an uber to leave, never had an issue.

A possible known scenario is that they work as a group to swam at you. It does not matter how you position yourself.No personal experience nor have I witnessed a tourist getting swarmed (seen plenty of fights amongst the locals), but I have heard a few stories so I guess its possible? I never go down there late at night, I rarely go past 9-10 pm down there.

05-23-22, 17:06
Not saying your wrong bcos I have no evidence, but I am curious to know how you know trans women are more a danger than anyone else in centro?Why do you think they are more dangerous? It is similar to a tight group situation, and it only takes one person in the group to get you in trouble and the other people in the group may or may not help you. Not saying it is absolute.

05-23-22, 17:08
I agree about the swarming tactic. I've seen it happen more than once. I disagree that it does not matter how you are positioned. You are much more likely to be able to foresee, prevent, or escape the crime if some or all of the perpetrators can't run up on you from behind.They are stationed there. It is not like they are coming from some distance away from you. They can even be playful that can confuse you.

05-23-22, 17:28
Twice here at Ground Zero I was circled by 4 or 5 trannies with bad intent. I talked or acted my way out of it both times and I think I wrote about both incidents. Agree prevention is the best tactic. Maybe "befriending" is too nice a word because when I said they "happen along" it's almost always when they are with a regular chica. That's how I met Pumpkin and she made it on my List. The thought of bringing one back to my room never even crossed my mind although I have had two different trannies in a love motel room while I fucked their friend to take fotos and generally put the girl more at ease. I am sure that sounds weird too but one of the trannies was a lifetime friend of the girl before he was trans and the other was a half-sister, and the chicas felt much more comfortable with them in the room the first times.

I am not offended at all if someone wants to use me as a barometer of what not to do, as I have said here many times here before. I have a friend like that in the states. He does and likes most things opposite of me. If you think about it, a person who is "wrong" or opposite of you is more valuable for information than someone who is not because you have a reliable indicator. If you agree with a person say 50/50, then a toss of a coin gives similar results. When the person is always opposite then you do the opposite.

One thing for sure, I am not going to change. I will Keep On Keepin On. Oh, an erraturm, another "stupid" thing I did. I wrote recently that I bought Froggy some new prescription glasses for some unbelievably cheap price, 90 mil COP. Turns out I was only buying the frames and now we have to go back and pays for the lenses or "crystals" as she calls them, at more than the cost of the frames, jajajaja. I am getting out in total at 200 mil COP for frames and glasses, and she has already promised sex as a payback so really not a loss. The glasses simply became a payment instead of a "regalo" or gift.

05-23-22, 17:31
Real talk, there are many desperate people due to drugs and / or economic distress around Centro. Given the opportunity they can get into mischief at an unexpected moment. Unless you expect it could happen at any moment. I don't spend much time worrying about being victimized but I have adopted reasonable and so far effective personal security practices. I think it's not as much of an adjustment to the routine if you have spent significant time in urban settings. If you are from a more rural area then it won't be as intuitive even though it is no less necessary.

Talking to them and even buying them beers does not make them your friends. Invite them to your place, if they are your friends as you say, and see how that works out. First chance they get you will be robbed.

The most dangerous time is when it is raining and everyone is packed like sardines under the awnings to get out of the rain. Best time for a bunch of guys to surround you and you think nothing of them being so close to you thinking they are just trying to keep dry.

05-23-22, 17:34
I don't hang around trannies.

They are stationed there. It is not like they are coming from some distance away from you. They can even be playful that can confuse you.

05-23-22, 17:36
Some guys like to take a walk on the wild side.

So true how quickly and ugly things can get.

Best policy is to stay clear of all, completely, and never, ever, ever engage with, as the outcome can be very ugly, and anyone engaging and befriending is playing " Russian Roulette."

05-23-22, 18:11
I know this is going to sound weird to many but I befriend as many trannies as happen along. They have the tightest network out there. They are also the most dangerous IMO, but if you have a tranny or two as a friend you can feel protected. And two of my better sessions at Ground Zero were with chicas were referred to me by trannies. If you need to know anything about what is going on locally, a trans will know. If I am looking for a girl they will tell me if she's in a hotel and will be out in a minute or she's not around. I know twice I was getting set up for being robbed or worse when a group of trannies circled me and basically I talked and acted my way out of it until we were all laughing. If you can't be normal around them then don't even try, they smell fear and fakeness like a shark smells blood.This is the worst advice I've seen in here in a long time. So you were tipped off on a robbery, what was the tranny getting out of it? Even if this story is true they will just as quickly let you fall if it's to their advantage. They are no more your friend than the hookers you see. Also the notion of "feeling protected" and actually being protected do not equate. In fact "feelings" have nothing to do with it. This is the self-promotion another poster mentioned, but you are not slick.

05-23-22, 20:02
Why do you think they are more dangerous? It is similar to a tight group situation, I didn't say I thought they are more dangerous, you did. I was curious to know if you had evidence or were just being transphobic.

Nearly everyone in the street is "in a group". Its for their own safety. Both sexes. And birds of a feather flock together.

05-23-22, 20:12
Not saying your wrong bcos I have no evidence, but I am curious to know how you know trans women are more a danger than anyone else in centro?By the same token Osteoknot might as well go around making "friends" with anyone hanging out on the streets of Centro while bragging that he is gaining some fringe benefit from it. You've made a valid point. Wink.

05-23-22, 21:09
I've been back a few days now but better late than never for a report I hope.

I was in Medellin for 11 days total, my longest trip to date. My primary avenue of mongering was FB. I sessioned with 5 new FB chicas and repeated with 5 more, a couple more than once. Still paying 200-250 k mas taxi. I paid 300 k mas taxi one time for a chica who would absolutely not take less and I really wanted to meet her. It was not great but fine, but I'd say worth the extra $12.50 to find out. I had one surprise threesome and one surprise almost foursome.

The almost foursome story is just kind of classic you never know what is going to happen in Medellin. The chica I spent the most time with overall was spending the night for the first time. She came over around 10, we spent an hour in the jacuzzi and then back to the room. I finished and we were just relaxing in bed and she tells me her friend wants to come over. "Not for sex, just to hang out and drink" she says. So her friend comes over a little after midnight. They are dancing and drinking Baileys and then some clothes come off and then they start kissing. So much for not for sex. Her friend was flaca and cute, just the way I like them. Needless to say I made it happen. So now it's a little after 2 am, I've finished twice in roughly 3 hours or so. I'm sure that's not impressive for most guys but that takes work for me. Now as I'm literally wiping off after finish number two the second girl goes out of the room. I ask my #1 girl where she is going and she tells me their other friend has arrived after being left by some friends at a bar on her birthday. I'm quite certain this is not the truth but whatever. Now there are 3 girls in the room. The overnight security guy is texting me to make sure I'm ok with 3 girls in the room. I tell him yes but also ask him to check back in an hour or so to make sure. (I had already been tipping him very well, and I was glad that I was). At some point I had to Rappi another bottle of Baileys because they housed the first one. So now it's like 4 am they are still drinking and dancing and girl #3 slides up on the bed next to me..I like your style. You gambled a bit allowing 3 chicas to party with you, but you came out OK with nothing robbed and no silly behavior on their part. Glad you got what you came for and thanks for sharing with the forum the good times. Sometimes you have to gamble a bit to get the most out of a trip, just always be careful when pushing the limits, especially in Medellin.

Sidenote Question: What is the best pregame spot in Medellin? Place to drink with chicas and warm up before a big night out. A place that is good from the hours of 8 pm to 11 pm?

05-23-22, 22:24
Yeah, that's great!

I've befriended many as well, in both Medellin and Bogota.

I'm a pretty cool cat, Lol, and I speak very good spanish, and I like joking around, etc, treating them like human beings.

Lightens it all up.

Everyone wins.I love the vennies, even developed a fetish for the older 1's (I'm 29). Something about them not only blows my load but my mind too.

Nil Admirari
05-23-22, 23:10
They are in Park Lleras too but you can't bring them back to San Peter if they only have Venezuela ID.As Mr. E. has pointed out, you're mistaken. The San Peter welcomes Venezuelan passports, even if they have expired--as I discovered to my surprise and relief when I had a Venezuelan I'd met at Zandalay's visit me there several times earlier this year. On the other hand, my 2021 Señorita Numero Uno (a Venezolana whom I found stripping on stage at Conejitos) was turned away at the San Peter when presenting some form of quite official looking ID that the Colombian government allegedly provides to immigrants who have arrived without passports--and we had to resort to meeting at nearby love motels. Clearly, Conejitos had accepted this form of ID, but the San Peter's management said that they could be too easily faked.

05-24-22, 01:13
As Mr. E. has pointed out, you're mistaken. The San Peter welcomes Venezuelan passportsI mean cedula. I would have said passport if I mean passport. All passports are allowed, There is another form of document rumv that may work.

05-24-22, 01:27
I mean cedula. I would have said passport if I mean passport. All passports are allowed, There is another form of document rumv that may work.It's semantics and I believe Nounce to be more correct because NA does not understand the very important distinction. Every Colombian has to have a national ID = cédula. Relatively few will have passports, which are certainly one form of identification. But if you ask a South American for 'identificación' or Eye Dee, you will get a cédula back 98% of the time. Identification = cédula. Pasaporte es otra cosa.

05-24-22, 01:59
Sidenote Question: What is the best pregame spot in Medellin? Place to drink with chicas and warm up before a big night out. A place that is good from the hours of 8 pm to 11 pm?There are a lot of places around Parque Lleras whether to the east up towards Provenza or to the south with tons of girls to meet, although those won't be working girls. The working girls tend to come out later. I have seen some at the Beer Bar (not sure if still exists) and Sky Bar both before and after Gustos opens / closes.

05-24-22, 03:00
I like your style. You gambled a bit allowing 3 chicas to party with you, but you came out OK with nothing robbed and no silly behavior on their part. Glad you got what you came for and thanks for sharing with the forum the good times. Sometimes you have to gamble a bit to get the most out of a trip, just always be careful when pushing the limits, especially in Medellin.

Sidenote Question: What is the best pregame spot in Medellin? Place to drink with chicas and warm up before a big night out. A place that is good from the hours of 8 pm to 11 pm?Parque Lleras and La 70 have tons of options but this all assumes you speak Spanish and are aware that Colombians like to go out in groups with their friends and / or family members.

05-24-22, 07:56
I didn't say I thought they are more dangerous, you did. I was curious to know if you had evidence or were just being transphobic.

Nearly everyone in the street is "in a group". Its for their own safety. Both sexes. And birds of a feather flock together.It is situational. Replace the group with a gang, it only take one member to provoke you. And exactly like you said, they flock together, you are an outsider. Replace El Centro with a location that is completely locals without foreigner and police presence, the same situation will be worse.

I don't know why you are so interested in trans? Like the other post, I am talking more about the balance between individual right and collective right, you kept steering into trans too. 😵.

05-24-22, 09:09
Living on the edge, All you need is love, Don't change a winning strategy, always change a losing strategy.

05-24-22, 14:31
I don't know why you are so interested in trans? Like the other post, I am talking more about the balance between individual right and collective right, you kept steering into trans too. 😵.It wasnt me that brought them up, it was osteo, and you agreed w him that they were more dangerous.

I am not particularly interested in them, I just speak up when others make unsupported prejudicial remarks about minority groups. Thats my nature. I am like the scorpion in the frog / scorpion / river tale. Hehe.

05-24-22, 17:22

Well I will posit not as bad as Chicago or Mexico!

05-24-22, 17:52
It wasnt me that brought them up, it was osteo, and you agreed w him that they were more dangerous....That's fair. One of them threaten to one day eat my pene a few years ago so I am worried 😒.

05-24-22, 17:53
I think you are right that the overall risk, even adjusted for population, is higher in Chicago or Mexico. In the end I think it has more to do with whether or not personal circumstances put you closer to the source of the risk. For example, you are at much less risk if you spend more of your time shopping and dining on Michigan Avenue or inside the gates of resort communities in Cabo San Lucas than you are if you are a South Side nightcrawler or you kick it with Sinaloa cartel. Bringing it back to Medellin, guys who allow gaggles of providers they barely know within reach of their valuables, or who wander the streets in an impaired state, are at generally more risk than guys who post up in gringo punter clubhouses and exclusively source their entertainment & supplies from mileroticos and rappi.


Well I will posit not as bad as Chicago or Mexico!

05-24-22, 18:45

Well I will posit not as bad as Chicago or Mexico!Yeah? When were you here? We can all google 'Medellin' and read those same types of articles.

Fun Luvr
05-24-22, 19:54
It's semantics and I believe Nounce to be more correct because NA does not understand the very important distinction. Every Colombian has to have a national ID = cdula. Relatively few will have passports, which are certainly one form of identification.I agree it is a matter of semantics, but Nounce stated "you can't bring them back to San Peter if they only have Venezuela ID". You admit a passport is a form of ID. Nounce tried to defend his statement by saying he meant cedula, but that is not what he said.

05-24-22, 20:36

Well I will posit not as bad as Chicago or Mexico!Nothing on Chiraq.

It's relatively safe just don't be a retard. As a rule of thumb the higher in the surrounding mountains you go, the more dangerous it gets.

05-24-22, 20:49
Fearmongering and scapegoating are the coin of the realm across Rupert Murdoch controlled media outlets (one of which is linked to the original post).


Well I will posit not as bad as Chicago or Mexico!

05-24-22, 22:12
Parque Lleras and La 70 have tons of options but this all assumes you speak Spanish and are aware that Colombians like to go out in groups with their friends and / or family members.I was inquiring about locations which are pay for play. Something similar to Gustos or La Isla but with working girls and good from 8-11 pm. Just curious if anybody knew a place that was good around that time of night? Has anyone been to the Mansion recently? I have been there before and it is hit or miss but mostly miss around that time.

05-24-22, 23:26
Nothing on Chiraq.As another poster well noted, safety in Chicago can vary drastically depending on what neighborhood you are in. As to Medellin, it's different for locals and tourists as the latter have targets on their backs. Thus comparisons to the US are invalid before one ever begins as the contexts are different.

05-24-22, 23:49
I was inquiring about locations which are pay for play. Something similar to Gustos or La Isla but with working girls and good from 8-11 pm. Just curious if anybody knew a place that was good around that time of night? Has anyone been to the Mansion recently? I have been there before and it is hit or miss but mostly miss around that time.There's bars in el centro that will have working girls inside them during those times but that might not be your speed.

05-24-22, 23:55
Conejitas, Barra Ejecutiva, Luna Lunera, and several others.

I was inquiring about locations which are pay for play. Something similar to Gustos or La Isla but with working girls and good from 8-11 pm. Just curious if anybody knew a place that was good around that time of night? Has anyone been to the Mansion recently? I have been there before and it is hit or miss but mostly miss around that time.

05-25-22, 00:15
I was inquiring about locations which are pay for play. Something similar to Gustos or La Isla but with working girls and good from 8-11 pm. Just curious if anybody knew a place that was good around that time of night? Has anyone been to the Mansion recently? I have been there before and it is hit or miss but mostly miss around that time.Have you looked at Traveler69's map? There might be something there, but 8-11 pm is obviously difficult. Between casa closure and clubs starting up. Your best bet is FB girls. That's what I do to start the night. Then go out and maybe get a girl to close the night as well.

05-25-22, 00:45
Actually speakin of Covid Tests where are you all getting a covid test 24 hours before flight back to the USA? Does anyone know of a place in Laureles?There is a lab called ABAD in the Laureles Mall. I paid 120 k.

05-25-22, 00:48
Actually speakin of Covid Tests where are you all getting a covid test 24 hours before flight back to the USA? Does anyone know of a place in Laureles?Near Calle 37 and Cra 80 aa.

05-25-22, 00:53
I was inquiring about locations which are pay for play. Something similar to Gustos or La Isla but with working girls and good from 8-11 pm. Just curious if anybody knew a place that was good around that time of night? Has anyone been to the Mansion recently? I have been there before and it is hit or miss but mostly miss around that time.Around Parque Lleras? Similar to which? Gusto, or La Isla?

There's Proc & Rynos, a sports bar where at least some of the waitresses are working girls, and another similar place 2 doors down. But there's no on-site rooms and I don't believe the girls can leave when working. You can use the places to get phone numbers for later.

There's Jade Palace on Calle 10, that's a combination massage parlor and casa. I've not been. I've seen girls who were available around 8-10 in several of the bars in the area. You just have to walk around and be able to recognize which ones are looking for customers.

8-11 isn't a good time. The girls in the area are either looking for someone to pay for their partying, or they're hoping to find a big spender. During that time, other than Facebook, your best option are the El Centro strip clubs.

05-25-22, 01:03
There might be something there, but 8-11 pm is obviously difficult. Between casa closure and clubs starting up. Your best bet is FB girls. That's what I do to start the night. Then go out and maybe get a girl to close the night as well.8-11 pm is not the least bit difficult as the larger Centro strip clubs have plenty going on during that time. That's for those who aren't afraid of Centro. It's true that Fase Dos doesn't get going until quite late, as is the case with some other clubs where you pay for the "high end" illusion. Wink.

05-25-22, 01:23
Thats good intel. I did not know about a gringo bar at the San Peter. I am so glad I booked a room at the san peter LOL.I wish I knew it earlier but Joe was my guardian angel on day 1 when I really found myself in a pickle. I arrived at san peters at 11 am and of course room was not ready despite having been told that it might be available. The lady at reception didn't speak a word of English.

There was no WIFI.

It was my first hour in Colombia.

I had only 10 K pesos left.

I was really pissed off and getting angry just when I heard Joe speak English to another guy staying at SP. The bar opens at 3 PM but I managed to talk to Joe just as he entered the bar door. He was very kind and happy to help come into his bar, let me use bar wifi and introduced me to a vennie who spoke excellent English. Within a minute I was fully back in business, he told me where to get the pesos from, how to get the sim and answered my other questions.

A great conversationalist.

One thing guys need to mention more often at this forum is that San Peter now had a very busy, American run bar right next to reception. SP is now as good as Hotel M.

05-25-22, 01:31
I agree it is a matter of semantics, but Nounce stated "you can't bring them back to San Peter if they only have Venezuela ID". You admit a passport is a form of ID. Nounce tried to defend his statement by saying he meant cedula, but that is not what he said.Next time I will be more careful when stating it. I have never met any venni in Medellin has a passport either.

05-25-22, 01:31
Thus comparisons to the US are invalid before one ever begins as the contexts are different.The point was not to compare USA city neighborhoods to Medellin neighborhoods. The point being made is that a bad neighborhood anywhere is a bad neighborhood, and a bad neighborhood is bad for everyone. From there all neighborhoods will be worse for a non-local. The more removed you are the more dangerous. Centro is more dangerous for non-Centro living people. Safest to least in order would be people living in Centro, other Medellin neighborhoods, other Colombian cities, Latino foreigners, and most dangerous for non-Spanish speaking foreigners. Normally the further you are from being local equates to less friends and support (people you know) to aid you if trouble arises. Another is that if you are just passing through you will not press charges and stay for any court proceedings.

05-25-22, 01:52
Parque Lleras has usually more 3 girls on most evenings, but don't count on it because daily rain can really drop the numbers, for an hour or two. Of course there are more girls in clubs but there is usually a cover charge.

Not sure why anyone would take chances with low quality women in centro while deed can be conducted in nearby casas like new life, zandalay etc for slightly higher prices in much, much, much better circumstances and with much better looking girls. No need to sweat in the trains, take uber from san peter. Its mere 3 bucks one way. Door to door.

FB takes quite a bit of time and effort. One must have dates set well before arrival.

Google translate specially voice and offline translation have made life so much simpler. I had no problems talking with anyone.

Medellin is very safe actually, at least while the sun is up. In the evening just uber door to destination and back.

In driver is better than uber. Pay cash and done. No credit card charges shit.

Colombia is first country in the world that I have seen offer a low exchange rate at money exchangers. The official xe rate was 4100 pesos to 1 USD, exchanges offered 3750 to 3800 with pan cambio in unicentro mall offering highest 3810.

At airport, just before exit, it was just 3250 - holy eff.

Laureles is very central, very lively and is full of restaurants. One can easily walk outside on CR 70 till 11 pm without any fear.

It rains everyday, sometimes it will really rain hard and spoil your evening. Street Girls scatter or don't show up in first place. Always have plan be.

Get a sim ASAP, it is lifeline to enjoyment (aka translation, directions).

A small propina of 1.5 K or 1 K is very appreciated by taxi drivers. Overall Colombians are friendly people happy to talk.

MDE airport is very small for international arrivals and departures, some English is spoken but it is very limited.

Medellin trains must be avoided during rush over, become too busy and sometimes there are long and painful service disruptions. Very unsafe due to covid. Masks are enforced on public transportation. Still need to fill out checking for arrivals and departures.

Most FB girls insist on 200 K plus taxi, 250 is more easily accepted.

Avianca is the worst airline when it comes to price gouging. Stay far far away from these cheapy blood suckers. The dme and nicker to the extent of being criminals (100 bucks for a bag if you failed to check it online, 100 bucks for the check in at airport if you failed to check in online).

05-25-22, 02:00
Next time I will be more careful when stating it. I have never met any venni in Medellin has a passport either.It depends on where you meet them. If you find them in El Centro they probably won't have a passport. The ones I found, 1 through a referral, had a passport and an education in hospitality management. Last time I talked to her she had opened a store in La Floresta. The other one just returned to Venezuela last week.

Lucky Nuts
05-25-22, 04:50
I was inquiring about locations which are pay for play. Something similar to Gustos or La Isla but with working girls and good from 8-11 pm. Just curious if anybody knew a place that was good around that time of night? Has anyone been to the Mansion recently? I have been there before and it is hit or miss but mostly miss around that time.The best evening places are the chica bars in el centro near Plaza Botero. I would usually hit them 6 to 9 pm. They are still going strong later than that but the area becomes less safe later at night. And the metro shuts down so need to take a taxi later. Bars are named conejitos, barra grille nuevo and barra ejecutiva all on calle 53. I would suggest not staying later than the metro shuts down unless you are comfortable and practiced in such areas.

05-25-22, 06:16
I was inquiring about locations which are pay for play. Something similar to Gustos or La Isla but with working girls and good from 8-11 pm. Just curious if anybody knew a place that was good around that time of night? Has anyone been to the Mansion recently? I have been there before and it is hit or miss but mostly miss around that time.Firstly, the only thing similar with Gustos an La Isla is that they're both over priced (more so Gustos). One's a nightclub and the other a stripclub. La Isla actually isn't too bad price wise if you go with a couple friends and share a bottle.

Secondly, there's nothing really like either of them at those hours.

Your best bet is probably some of the stripclubs in Centro as Lucky Nuts mentioned. If that doesn't suit you, then maybe a Fb girl or one that you've gotten contact info from at Gustos / La Isla or wherever else you're hanging out at previous nights to come hang out at your place. I wouldn't bother with Mansion unless you can't line one up to pay you a visit.

Good luck and let us know how it works out.

05-25-22, 10:45
Hello everyone,

First off I would like to thank everyone for this wonderful community. I appreciate the amount the time senior members have put in to help others.

I booked a last minute trip to Medellin for 3 days, and will be reaching tomorrow. I have gone through a lot of pages on this forum. I was a bit overwhelmed with the information but I learned a lot. I will be staying in the Poblano area. I am new to mongering and my Spanish is very limited at best, so I am not sure how I will fare in the establishments.

1. Would you please suggest any massage parlors in the Poblano area? Or any other place I can take a cab to? (In the forum I read that Energy was a good one).

2. Is there any other place you would recommend for a new guy with virtually no Spanish? I can use google translate but do the girls have patience for it?

3. Should I be using Uber, Cabify or Didi for transportation?

Thanks in advance!

- Staying in Poblado.

- Spanish. Very limited.

05-25-22, 10:57
Hi everyone,

First off, thanks for all your contributions to this wonderful community.

I am a relatively new at this and have booked a last minute trip to Medellin, reaching tomorrow, and will be staying in the Poblado area. I went through a lot of pages on this forum and have gotten some very valuable information. My Spanish is very limited and I am a bit overwhelmed with the idea of going into an establishment and going through the communication process. Can you please help me with the following information?

1. Are there any good Massage Parlors in the Poblado area. Or would you recommend massage parlors in another area where I can user to?

2. Is there is any establishment which is not too daunting for someone with virtually no Spanish?

3. Should I be using Uber, Cabify or Didi?

Thanks in advance!

Mr Enternational
05-25-22, 11:45
I arrived at san peters at 11 am and of course room was not ready despite having been told that it might be available.I think they were telling you it may be available just to be telling you that I have never been able to check in to San Peter before 3 pm.

05-25-22, 14:43
I arrived at san peters at 11 am and of course room was not ready despite having been told that it might be available. The lady at reception didn't speak a word of English.

There was no WIFI.

It was my first hour in Colombia.

I had only 10 K pesos left.

I was really pissed off and getting angrySo you wanted to check in several hours early, had not gotten any pesos at the airport, and can't speak any Spanish. I'd be pretty pissed off too. At myself.

05-25-22, 15:02
Sidenote Question: What is the best pregame spot in Medellin? Place to drink with chicas and warm up before a big night out. A place that is good from the hours of 8 pm to 11 pm?As others have said, the clubs in centro are perfect that time. Grills nueva has benn my go-to spot for the past few months. Victoria also has its moments. Both very cheap 6 mil a beer, 60-70 mil a chica. Barra ehecutiva is also good but dbl the price for beers and 50% extra for chicas. Better to go ealier for more choice and calmer atmosphere. Things get nore crazy the later it gets.

I also enjoy the street below for very early evening. I forget its name, but I call it walking street bcos its the clsoest thing MDE has to a short time street in thailand.

05-25-22, 15:28

Well I will posit not as bad as Chicago or Mexico!Oh ya. Latin America is dangerous if you are in a drug bar in a cartel warzone. Course some places are even more dangerous https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/texas-elementary-shooting-1.6464315.

05-25-22, 15:36
Your post is very informative, especially for newB. Thanks.

05-25-22, 16:20
Actually speakin of Covid Tests where are you all getting a covid test 24 hours before flight back to the USA? Does anyone know of a place in Laureles?You can also order a test on Rappi (for real), someone will come to your place and swab you. You get the result in a few hours, via email or whatsapp.

05-25-22, 16:54
There was no WIFI.

It was my first hour in Colombia.

I had only 10 K pesos left.

I was really pissed off and getting angryYou don't speak the native language, didn't plan your finances, and you were in a developing country where Internet and Wifi is known to be spotty.

I guess if you were getting mad at yourself, then it would make more sense but still a nonproductive strategy.

Attitudes like yours don't help the image these people already have about Gringos.

05-25-22, 17:03
I also enjoy the street below for very early evening. I forget its name, but I call it walking street bcos its the clsoest thing MDE has to a short time street in thailand.Cra 53 where all the bars and shithole hotels are with the street girls lining the sidewalks.

05-25-22, 17:11
Not sure why anyone would take chances with low quality women in centro while deed can be conducted in nearby casas like new life, zandalay etc for slightly higher prices in much, much, much better circumstances and with much better looking girls. No need to sweat in the trains, take uber from san peter. Its mere 3 bucks one way. Door to door.

.Glad you enjoy the casas, however, way to sterile and programmed for me.

It's the hunt and the convo and the possibilities I enjoy from the street.

The diamonds that can be found.

Totally disagree with much better quality / circumstances of casa vs the street.

If you know that you're doing, especially if you speak the lingo and are good at sizing up, etc, the street can be a gold mine.

Obviously to each their own.


05-25-22, 18:37
Eliana giraldo is a clinic right off 70 and 43rd. 100 k and results in a couple hours. Open Saturday.

Actually speakin of Covid Tests where are you all getting a covid test 24 hours before flight back to the USA? Does anyone know of a place in Laureles?

05-25-22, 18:51
I think you are right that the overall risk, even adjusted for population, is higher in Chicago or Mexico. In the end I think it has more to do with whether or not personal circumstances put you closer to the source of the risk. For example, you are at much less risk if you spend more of your time shopping and dining on Michigan Avenue or inside the gates of resort communities in Cabo San Lucas than you are if you are a South Side nightcrawler or you kick it with Sinaloa cartel. Bringing it back to Medellin, guys who allow gaggles of providers they barely know within reach of their valuables, or who wander the streets in an impaired state, are at generally more risk than guys who post up in gringo punter clubhouses and exclusively source their entertainment & supplies from mileroticos and rappi.But I'm guessing you haven't been to Chicago recently, I live dtown and eat and shop on Mich ave a couple times a week.

And its one of the most dangerous areas of the city right now, criminals like to go where the money is, and the "blk lesbian mayor."

Is shifting many of the cops to the hood to lower the homicide rate there, consequently.

Mich ave is a criminal haven these days!

Fun Luvr
05-25-22, 20:25
1. Are there any good Massage Parlors in the Poblado area. Or would you recommend massage parlors in another area where I can user to?

2. Is there is any establishment which is not too daunting for someone with virtually no Spanish?

3. Should I be using Uber, Cabify or Didi?1. Are you looking for a real massage parlor or a P4P casa? I don't think there are any good P4P casas in Poblado. Reports on here indicate there are some good massage parlors near Poblado. If you are looking for P4P casas, go downtown.

2. What kind of establishment are you looking for? If a restaurant, there are quite a few in Poblado that understand a little English.

3. Use all of those. All have apps you can load, then compare prices.

05-25-22, 20:48
Glad you enjoy the casas, however, way to sterile and programmed for me.

It's the hunt and the convo and the possibilities I enjoy from the street.

The diamonds that can be found.

Totally disagree with much better quality / circumstances of casa vs the street.

If you know that you're doing, especially if you speak the lingo and are good at sizing up, etc, the street can be a gold mine.

Obviously to each their own.

Enjoy!Diamonds in the Rough, everywhere at Ground Zero, all varieties, colors, shapes and sizes, but as we all know Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.

My guess is a lot of guys who shun Ground Zero bring a "disaster scene" mentality, in other words, they only notice the blood and guts, and don't accurately perceive what is in front of them.

The one time I went to Poblado and Park whatever-it's-called, I saw the same quality women with two exceptions. At the Park, they chicas were better dressed and used more makeup. More plastic inserted in the boobs, butt and lips. Otherwise, same.

Casas also pretty much the same for me except their performance tends to be more mechanical than at Ground Zero, but my sample size in the casas is small.

Gianni Versace
05-25-22, 21:29
1. Are you looking for a real massage parlor or a P4P casa? I don't think there are any good P4P casas in Poblado. Reports on here indicate there are some good massage parlors near Poblado. If you are looking for P4P casas, go downtown.

2. What kind of establishment are you looking for? If a restaurant, there are quite a few in Poblado that understand a little English.

3. Use all of those. All have apps you can load, then compare prices.What are the best p4 p casas near San Peter Apartment in Laureles besides Zandalay and New Life? Or are there any other must see p4 p casa's near by that are also must see.

05-25-22, 21:40
Hey all,

I have been to Medellin before (all over Colombia actually) but I did not partake because I was with company. I am going back in a month but I am having hell setting up chicas through FB. I promise RTFF. I set up my second FB account, friended some chicas I found from other mongers friend lists, but FB won't let me message them. I plan on visiting the casas, strip clubs, the regular clubs / bars, check out the park in Pobaldo and Laureles, and even partake in some prepagos. I am open to experiences, however, I would also like to meet a "non" pro or two.

Thank you all for the forum and info already shared. Thank you for whatever other help you may provide.

05-25-22, 22:26
Checking in!

Apologies, as I got a bit bored posting, transferring / editing photos, and reading some of the redundant or political posts.

Still with Pinky, still having wild nights seeing how many Paisas can fit in a jacuzzi. We had a friend of Pinky's staying with us for awhile which was awesome. Spent 5 weeks in Rio. Decent time and Pinky hit it off with a smoking hot Ukrainian chick.

Rented a finca in Copa for a couple nights and took 12 girls over the course of the stay. I think 9-10 was the most at one time. Pool & hot tub, amazing views, 6 bedrooms, for $600+ USD per night. I'd definitely recommend it for a weekend warrior that has contacts and wants to try something different. Pushing the 19-seater Sprinter up the fucking hill wasn't the highlight, but made the rest of the trip more enjoyable. PM me for contact information for the finca's caretaker, to circumvent AirBnB and the management company.

You might catch me in La Isla once every few months. I'll be the guy that either looks like he's on cloud nine or super uncomfortable, with 2-3 girls that can't fucking help but try to steal the attention from the dancers.

Oh, I just thought of something funny. There was a former sports bar waitress that made her way into the jacuzzi threesome rotation (and eventually the finca weekend roster). At one point, she was either in a bad spot or was feeling pretty fucking confident, because she told Pinky that I need to start paying her 350 k for our party nights. So, for months she was on the back-burner. Well, she comes back on the radar. She is now Pinky's personal trainer 4 x / wk. Coincidentally, she offered to do this for 350 k. I told Pink that's great for her (and actually it's about 40% of what I've heard at my gym), but what the fuck am I getting out of this?! So, I tell her that if the chick comes over to cook for us once a month, and we have a jacuzzi party, it's a deal. This shit never gets old and always blows my mind. She put her foot down for 350 k at one point, and now for that amount I'm getting 16 gym sessions and a home-cooked meal, in addition to what was in play.

Alright, over and out! Cheers, boys. Keep on, keepin on. All that jazz.

05-25-22, 22:29
As another poster well noted, safety in Chicago can vary drastically depending on what neighborhood you are in. As to Medellin, it's different for locals and tourists as the latter have targets on their backs. Thus comparisons to the US are invalid before one ever begins as the contexts are different.Yup. It's ridiculous to say if the crime rate for US city X is the same as the rate for Colombian city Y, they are equally safe or dangerous. If you live in Chicago, Detroit, LA, etc, you likely know the city well, you speak the language, you have friends/resources if you have problems. In a foreign country, one of all of those things may not be true. And in addition, as a tourist, you frequently have a bullseye painted on your back.

Fur Jacket
05-25-22, 23:05
I am traveling in September and I can't wait to go. Looking forward to all the beautiful women. My only fear is communicating with the local people because I don't speak Spanish.

05-25-22, 23:25
Checking in!

Alright, over and out! Cheers, boys. Keep on, keepin on. All that jazz.Glad to hear you are still true to form.

05-25-22, 23:41
Geishas. Near el estadio.

What are the best p4 p casas near San Peter Apartment in Laureles besides Zandalay and New Life? Or are there any other must see p4 p casa's near by that are also must see.

05-26-22, 00:27
As others have said, the clubs in centro are perfect that time. Grills nueva has benn my go-to spot for the past few months. Victoria also has its moments. Both very cheap 6 mil a beer, 60-70 mil a chica. Barra ehecutiva is also good but dbl the price for beers and 50% extra for chicas. Better to go ealier for more choice and calmer atmosphere. Things get nore crazy the later it gets.

I also enjoy the street below for very early evening. I forget its name, but I call it walking street bcos its the clsoest thing MDE has to a short time street in thailand.Thanks for reply. I have never been to centro, but have to Medellin at least 4 times I think. So from 8-11 pm, how dangerous is Centro? I have read to never roll solo after dark there. Is it worth the risk? I obviously can wait a few hours for pussy, but if its not to risky I'll definitely check it out. How long does it take to get from Poblado to Centro around 8 pm?

05-26-22, 00:34
I think they were telling you it may be available just to be telling you that I have never been able to check in to San Peter before 3 pm.This is all they had to let me know. That often it is not possible to get room earlier. Problem solved. I would have happily paid extra night. My day was lot more valuable than the one night charge. Thanks for letting me know if it is often impossible to check in early, I won't take a chance next time.

You don't speak the native language, didn't plan your finances, and you were in a developing country where Internet and Wifi is known to be spotty.

I guess if you were getting mad at yourself, then it would make more sense but still a nonproductive strategy.

Attitudes like yours don't help the image these people already have about Gringos.I always stay in hotels. And have never been to one in any country where the receptionist does not speak a word of English or have WIFI. Not even in Russia, Cambodia, Egypt or panama I have experienced anything like this. San Peter is a serviced apartment but I can't understand why they can have WIFI for arriving customers? Moreover I had read a lot about safety concerns in Medellin so wasn't sure if I could even walk out during daylight. All bullshit of course.

I certainly wasn't in best form but neither was san peters.

So you wanted to check in several hours early, had not gotten any pesos at the airport, and can't speak any Spanish. I'd be pretty pissed off too. At myself.I did have 100 K pesos before arriving in Colombia and knew exactly where to go once I arrive at san peters to exchange more. The problem was that I could not walk to unicentro mall without a working phone. And I could not order uber because of no wifi.

05-26-22, 01:42
Checking in!

Apologies, as I got a bit bored posting, transferring / editing photos, and reading some of the redundant or political posts.

Still with Pinky, still having wild nights seeing how many Paisas can fit in a jacuzzi. We had a friend of Pinky's staying with us for awhile which was awesome. Spent 5 weeks in Rio. Decent time and Pinky hit it off with a smoking hot Ukrainian chick.

Rented a finca in Copa for a couple nights and took 12 girls over the course of the stay. I think 9-10 was the most at one time. Pool & hot tub, amazing views, 6 bedrooms, for $600+ USD per night. I'd definitely recommend it for a weekend warrior that has contacts and wants to try something different. Pushing the 19-seater Sprinter up the fucking hill wasn't the highlight, but made the rest of the trip more enjoyable. PM me for contact information for the finca's caretaker, to circumvent AirBnB and the management company.

You might catch me in La Isla once every few months. I'll be the guy that either looks like he's on cloud nine or super uncomfortable, with 2-3 girls that can't fucking help but try to steal the attention from the dancers.
.600 per night, would love to see the place, can you post some pic.

05-26-22, 01:59
Nice to see another lockdown survivor still thriving. Now, would you please facilitate a Blakman proof of life. A post from him of one of his dates holding up today's newspaper will do.

Checking in!

Apologies, as I got a bit bored posting, transferring / editing photos, and reading some of the redundant or political posts.

Still with Pinky, still having wild nights seeing how many Paisas can fit in a jacuzzi. We had a friend of Pinky's staying with us for awhile which was awesome. Spent 5 weeks in Rio. Decent time and Pinky hit it off with a smoking hot Ukrainian chick.

Rented a finca in Copa for a couple nights and took 12 girls over the course of the stay. I think 9-10 was the most at one time. Pool & hot tub, amazing views, 6 bedrooms, for $600+ USD per night. I'd definitely recommend it for a weekend warrior that has contacts and wants to try something different. Pushing the 19-seater Sprinter up the fucking hill wasn't the highlight, but made the rest of the trip more enjoyable. PM me for contact information for the finca's caretaker, to circumvent AirBnB and the management company.

05-26-22, 02:00
Convos using a translation app are complicated.

Glad you enjoy the casas, however, way to sterile and programmed for me.

It's the hunt and the convo and the possibilities I enjoy from the street.

The diamonds that can be found.

Totally disagree with much better quality / circumstances of casa vs the street.

If you know that you're doing, especially if you speak the lingo and are good at sizing up, etc, the street can be a gold mine.

Obviously to each their own.


Gianni Versace
05-26-22, 02:32
Ok fellas. I am pumped. I have alot of facebook girls lined up for this trip. 2 facebook girls per day LOL while I am there. Prices range from 150 k - 300 k all GFE I am pre negotiating and multiple leches. My question is I found a vennie girl. She does not have a colombian ID nor a Vennie Passport. Only a vennie ID. Do you know if San Peter will let her in with that?

Fun Luvr
05-26-22, 03:04
What are the best p4 p casas near San Peter Apartment in Laureles besides Zandalay and New Life? Or are there any other must see p4 p casa's near by that are also must see.Fantasy Energy is close (Cra. 74 #101-49). Zandalay and New Life are downtown.

05-26-22, 03:06
Hi all,

First time in Medellin and reading all the reports, it sounds like Gusto and La Isla are safe-ish bets as far quality goes. I like 'you get what you see' option, but I'm more of a fan of partying at home, so is there an option of taking a girl out of there for a few hours for an additional fee? Maybe there are other places where this is an option and offering similar quality?

Many thanks.

05-26-22, 06:18
Hi all,

First time in Medellin and reading all the reports, it sounds like Gusto and La Isla are safe-ish bets as far quality goes. I like 'you get what you see' option, but I'm more of a fan of partying at home, so is there an option of taking a girl out of there for a few hours for an additional fee? Maybe there are other places where this is an option and offering similar quality?

Many thanks.Simple. Go to Gustos see what you like, get their whatsapp numbers and hit them up next day early afternoon for a date. Yes you can pay a fee and take them out of la Isla or fase dos.

05-26-22, 06:21
Synlab is all over the city. Search for it in google maps.

It was 90 k for rapid antigen test. They emailed the results within 2 hours.

Actually speakin of Covid Tests where are you all getting a covid test 24 hours before flight back to the USA? Does anyone know of a place in Laureles?

05-26-22, 06:58
I am traveling in September and I can't wait to go. Looking forward to all the beautiful women. My only fear is communicating with the local people because I don't speak Spanish.It's just a suggestion, but you could devote 30-45 minutes a day to learning a bit of Spanish between now and September.

05-26-22, 07:32
Ok fellas. I am pumped. I have alot of facebook girls lined up for this trip. 2 facebook girls per day LOL while I am there. Prices range from 150 k - 300 k all GFE I am pre negotiating and multiple leches. My question is I found a vennie girl. She does not have a colombian ID nor a Vennie Passport. Only a vennie ID. Do you know if San Peter will let her in with that?I hate to rain on your parade, but prices quoted before you are in Medellin are subject to change. The same is true with service.

If I'm not mistaken, if she has her Venezuelan cedula, or a passport she can get in to San Peter.

05-26-22, 11:22
Hi all,

First time in Medellin and reading all the reports, it sounds like Gusto and La Isla are safe-ish bets as far quality goes. I like 'you get what you see' option, but I'm more of a fan of partying at home, so is there an option of taking a girl out of there for a few hours for an additional fee? Maybe there are other places where this is an option and offering similar quality?

Many thanks.Gustos is just a nightclub sort of place, the chicas there don't work for the establishment in any way as far as I know. They come and go as customers just like you.

La Isla and other strip clubs have chicas with shifts, etc. So they work for the club, and need to pay if they leave with a customer.

Quality differences are questionable. The girls working as employees (in some sense) may on average be more attractive, but with all the other options you can pick what you like in terms of looks, so I'm not sure that quality is better in any sense. For sure it will cost a lot more in those 2 places, and that may make you feel better.

05-26-22, 11:38
I wish I knew it earlier but Joe was my guardian angel on day 1 when I really found myself in a pickle. I arrived at san peters at 11 am and of course room was not ready despite having been told that it might be available. The lady at reception didn't speak a word of English.

There was no WIFI.

It was my first hour in Colombia.

I had only 10 K pesos left.

I was really pissed off and getting angry just when I heard Joe speak English to another guy staying at SP. The bar opens at 3 PM but I managed to talk to Joe just as he entered the bar door. He was very kind and happy to help come into his bar, let me use bar wifi and introduced me to a vennie who spoke excellent English. Within a minute I was fully back in business, he told me where to get the pesos from, how to get the sim and answered my other questions.

A great conversationalist.

One thing guys need to mention more often at this forum is that San Peter now had a very busy, American run bar right next to reception. SP is now as good as Hotel M.SP is not really a hotel, as units all have individual owners. So if you arrive early it is your particular room that would have to be ready, not just any room. The staff working there work on behalf of the owners and manage security, and services guests require. I found that the gal at the desk spoke some English, but that might vary depending on who is working. I also am not especially observant on that as I start in Spanish usually and when my Spanish is better than the other person's English I usually stick to Spanish. In Medellin this is almost always.

Good to hear the bar is back up and running. Has had a few iterations of owners / managers.

Wifi in the building is from individual unit owners, so I'm not surprised they don't have one they can give you before you check in.

I understand how frustrating it can be to arrive in a place, have no access to wifi or cell network, yet need that to contact an airbnb host or taxi or whatever. I now check before I leave whether my home cell carrier has any options for roaming in the country I am arriving in, and use that until I can get a local SIM.

05-26-22, 13:33
The takeaway from your helpful post is make basic preparations to avoid situations where you are helpless. On this website there are piles and piles of information about how to hit the ground running in Medellin or any other location. The inner workings of the various gringo punter clubhouses shouldn't matter. Unless you are unlucky enough to be dealing with an inattentive or unscrupulous owner. It's not a military operation but it's also not a bad idea to have some contingency planning in place (E. G. Understand how to use ATMs and whether and how much your home bank allow it, as Zeos said, understand whether you will have phone service on arrival and what to do if you don't). This comes up constantly on this website so in the interest of helping guys I will mention that I don't know of any international airport where you can't buy a local SIM card. Pyongyang might be an exception. In Medellin, there is free WIFI throughout the airport. Everybody rolls differently but when I travel to places where I don't speak the language I make a point of preparing so I don't have rely on someone who does.

SP is not really a hotel, as units all have individual owners. So if you arrive early it is your particular room that would have to be ready, not just any room. The staff working there work on behalf of the owners and manage security, and services guests require. I found that the gal at the desk spoke some English, but that might vary depending on who is working. I also am not especially observant on that as I start in Spanish usually and when my Spanish is better than the other person's English I usually stick to Spanish. In Medellin this is almost always.

Good to hear the bar is back up and running. Has had a few iterations of owners / managers.

Wifi in the building is from individual unit owners, so I'm not surprised they don't have one they can give you before you check in.

I understand how frustrating it can be to arrive in a place, have no access to wifi or cell network, yet need that to contact an airbnb host or taxi or whatever. I now check before I leave whether my home cell carrier has any options for roaming in the country I am arriving in, and use that until I can get a local SIM.

05-26-22, 13:34
"One thing guys need to mention more often at this forum is that San Peter now had a very busy, American-run bar right next to reception. SP is now as good as Hotel M."

I never stayed at San Peter. But the presence of the bar seems interesting. Can I meet or pick up the chicas from there? Can anyone elaborate on that, please?

05-26-22, 13:36
Great advice but it doesn't work for everyone. Guys who are here for a handful of days at a time need on the spot action. A week can evaporate quickly if you get caught up in a bad cycle of waiting around to get ghosted a couple of times.

Simple. Go to Gustos see what you like, get their whatsapp numbers and hit them up next day early afternoon for a date. Yes you can pay a fee and take them out of la Isla or fase dos.

05-26-22, 13:38
There is a lower cost Centro style casa just next door to Energy. It is to the right of Energy if you are facing Energy. I don't remember if there is a bell or you have to knock but I do remember it takes a bit of time for them to answer the door.

Fantasy Energy is close (Cra. 74 #101-49). Zandalay and New Life are downtown.

05-26-22, 13:43
I think knowledge of Spanish is over emphasized quite a bit on this website. Yes it is of course helpful but not indispensable. That said, I agree 100% that no one should, or has to, get themselves in a situation where they are desperate to find someone who speaks English to hold their dick for them.

You don't speak the native language, didn't plan your finances, and you were in a developing country where Internet and Wifi is known to be spotty.

I guess if you were getting mad at yourself, then it would make more sense but still a nonproductive strategy.

Attitudes like yours don't help the image these people already have about Gringos.

05-26-22, 14:42
Hey all,

Been lurking for quite some time and thanks to all of your tips I decided to take a quick trip to Medellin! I'll be there Jun 2 - 6 staying in Orange Suites. It'll be my first time and I'm doing mostly the FB route, though would be cool to hit up the casas. Would be cool to meet up with you more experienced guys while there. I'm fluent in Spanish BTW. Thanks for sharing so much info on here!

I'm wondering about buying a 'throw away'/ prepaid phone while down there so I don't have to worry about carrying around my new expensive smartphone around. I imagine there are stores that sell them. Anyone know of any? Thanks again for all the info!

05-26-22, 15:09
I hope this is going to devolve into a war of scary links. Mr. Moderator, please get us back on topic.

Oh ya. Latin America is dangerous if you are in a drug bar in a cartel warzone. Course some places are even more dangerous https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/texas-elementary-shooting-1.6464315.

05-26-22, 15:25
Geishas. Near el estadio.Never heard of Geishas, what is the address?

Entergy is a good casa near the stadium.

05-26-22, 15:46
What are the best p4 p casas near San Peter Apartment in Laureles besides Zandalay and New Life? Or are there any other must see p4 p casa's near by that are also must see.Luna Lunera is in Laureles, was 150 k / hour last time I was there.

05-26-22, 15:57
Hi all,

First time in Medellin and reading all the reports, it sounds like Gusto and La Isla are safe-ish bets as far quality goes. I like 'you get what you see' option, but I'm more of a fan of partying at home, so is there an option of taking a girl out of there for a few hours for an additional fee? Maybe there are other places where this is an option and offering similar quality?

Many thanks.Just grab their numbers and hit them up the next day, you are already paying a premium just for simply meeting them at gustos or La Isla.

05-26-22, 16:08
... The problem was that I could not walk to unicentro mall without a working phone. And I could not order uber because of no wifi.Maybe you can share info how you get the sim card to help others. Most people just withdraw COP from ATM.

Like Mr E mentioned, I don't remember being able to get early check-in. I personally will drop my luggage and walk or take Metro to Plaza Botero to spend the day there just sightseeing. There is a WOM store with staff speaking English next to the white church that you can get a SIM card from as well. You probably can even pay by card. Card is also accepted by the outdoor museum cafe.

05-26-22, 16:56
Maybe you can share info how you get the sim card to help others. Most people just withdraw COP from ATM.Exchanging money and getting sim is easy actually. Take a 5 K taxi ride from SP to Unicentro Mall. The claro store is right in front. One has to pay 7 K for the sim to a guy who will set it up. Recharge is another 7 K, paid to cashier. Takes 10 minutes or so overall. I found many guys selling sims on CR 70 next to SP but they can not recharge. There is a valucell shop across SP on cr 70 but it opens a bit late and closes before 8 PM.

Plenty of cambios to change money on 2nd floor. But obviously it is better to just with draw from ATM. There is a cambio near SP, towards estadio on CR 70. Just next to subway restaurant.

05-26-22, 18:01
"One thing guys need to mention more often at this forum is that San Peter now had a very busy, American-run bar right next to reception. SP is now as good as Hotel M."

I never stayed at San Peter. But the presence of the bar seems interesting. Can I meet or pick up the chicas from there? Can anyone elaborate on that, please?I was in San Peter two weeks ago. Yes the bar is nice and the food is good. The owner is a great guy and its overall a fun hangout place if you want to be around some fellow Americans. With that said, I was there 4 or five nights over my stay and the only women I saw there were the bartenders. Not once did I see any girls hanging out looking for fun. Maybe it was just an off week but I doubt it because t was the same on my last trip. Great place, but not a place to pick up girls.

05-26-22, 18:08
... I found many guys selling sims on CR 70 next to SP but they can not recharge. ...Actually, they will point you the place to recharge probably just across the street. The SIM is 5 K from them. Or just go to the Ganas store show them the SIM you just bought to recharge. This process although easy but maybe a little more complicated for the first timer. That is why I asked your method.

My comment about getting money is because you seem to not have the flexibility with how you can get COP from your post

05-26-22, 19:10
If she cuts it to shoulder length, which is her plan, she can sell her hair for 250 mil COP. To buy it on the other end costs over one million, another 200.000 to have it installed. You can buy the fake, polyester hair for one-third the price. Obviously, there is no comparison between the real hair and the fake shit sheds like crazy. The human hair is so prized that my Numero Uno Novia was attacked and they ripped the human hair extensions out of her head. I don't know how, but a couple of weeks later, she got her hair back.

I promised to see the chica in these fotos twice a week at Fair Market Value if she didn't cut it until after I left. So far so good.

Her ass crack looks dirty but it's just pigmented or stained. She wouldn't let me go near her ass when I first had her, now she asks for it. That and foot massages.

Fun Luvr
05-26-22, 19:52
I'm wondering about buying a 'throw away'/ prepaid phone while down there so I don't have to worry about carrying around my new expensive smartphone around. I imagine there are stores that sell them. Anyone know of any? Thanks again for all the info!You should buy a cheap phone. Walk down Calle 10 to the bottom of the hill. Across the intersection, there is Monterrey Mall. It is primarily an electronics mall. You should be able to find some cheap phones there, and also providers to sell a sim card and register the phone. Take a copy of your passport with you (necessary for registering).

05-26-22, 20:22
Luna Lunera is in Laureles, was 150 k / hour last time I was there.Was at Loutron last week, 350 k was the damage. But there were 10-12 beautiful tall women parading in front of me and opening their white lab coats. Underneath was see through lingerie. Of the 12 girls, probably 6 had silicone and I prefer naturale. Some had tattoos, but most were very beautiful, ranging from 7 to 9 out of 10. Everyone should have this experience once in a lifetime. I selected a slim brunette with naturals and she did not disappoint; however she wanted to upcharge in the room for kissing, DATY and BBBJ. I politely declined, it still was worth the cost. The Loutron mansion in Las Palmas is a huge house with about 6 bedrooms and parking lot security man. In the center of the mansion, near the business desk are a couple of soft spots in the floor, try to find them when you pay, they need some solid floor support there. Otherwise a solid visit.

05-26-22, 20:37
Thanks for reply. I have never been to centro, but have to Medellin at least 4 times I think. So from 8-11 pm, how dangerous is Centro? I have read to never roll solo after dark there. Is it worth the risk? How long does it take to get from Poblado to Centro around 8 pm?Well, Centro can be dangerous at night if you don't know where your going BUt the area where these clubs are is a very small area and busy, so you would have to be very unlucky for anything untoward to occur. You can walk between them all in 2-3 minutes along a quite busy street. You can taxi in from Poblado in 8-10 minutes, then taxi out again. Just stand by the doorman when you leave and look for a taxi, he will surely help if need be. I usually stay at Nutibara, and they are all easy walkign from there, even at 11 pm. That's why I like Centro. Everything is easy walking, and so many options. Day and night.

The strip of bars on Walking Street are better late afternoon-early evening. I would say 8 pm is last orders down there. When you arriving? If you give me some warning, I will give you a guided tour. And I promise not to talk politics all night. Hehe.

05-26-22, 20:49
"One thing guys need to mention more often at this forum is that San Peter now had a very busy, American-run bar right next to reception. SP is now as good as Hotel M."

I never stayed at San Peter. But the presence of the bar seems interesting. Can I meet or pick up the chicas from there? Can anyone elaborate on that, please?The bar in San Peter is called Medellin Sports Bar and is full of Americans to talk to. This is not a pick up bar, but the bar tenders are all hot. You can sit and watch the girls come and go on the elevator. We need to figure out how to get the girls to stop by for a drink as they are leaving the elevators LOL.

05-26-22, 20:50
There is a lower cost Centro style casa just next door to Energy. It is to the right of Energy if you are facing Energy. I don't remember if there is a bell or you have to knock but I do remember it takes a bit of time for them to answer the door.Somebody get the address to that place or a better description. I never knew it was there and would like to check it out.

Nil Admirari
05-26-22, 21:14
I was in San Peter two weeks ago. ........... and the only women I saw there were the bartenders. Not once did I see any girls hanging out looking for fun. Maybe it was just an off week but I doubt it because t was the same on my last trip. Great place, but not a place to pick up girls.During my stay at the San Peter from February through May, on an occasional weekend night the owner of the sports bar would announce Ladies Night on the curbside chalkboard out by the street.

Those evenings, on my way in and out of the building, I saw from six to perhaps eight or ten chicas in the bar. Never bothered chatting any up myself, but I presume they were working girls and a few looked reasonably cute. But the sports bar is not a chica venue other nights, and, even on the rare Ladies Night, definitely not a scene remotely like the Mansion's.

05-26-22, 22:55
Thanks for reply. I have never been to centro, but have to Medellin at least 4 times I think. So from 8-11 pm, how dangerous is Centro? I have read to never roll solo after dark there. Is it worth the risk? I obviously can wait a few hours for pussy, but if its not to risky I'll definitely check it out. How long does it take to get from Poblado to Centro around 8 pm?And I have a high risk tolerance.

El Centro depends where you are but it's going to be dicey no matter where.

Get to know El Centro in the daylight hours, then pick your spots.

Ground Zero after dark is always a risk. I've done it many times, and worse, so do as I say and not as I do, as my mongering father used to say to me, usually when he was getting ready to hit me, jajaja.

Photo: Pretty good body on this one, I would say, if you like them lithe. Face was a 6.314159265359 or pi.

05-26-22, 23:22
You should buy a cheap phone. Walk down Calle 10 to the bottom of the hill. Across the intersection, there is Monterrey Mall. It is primarily an electronics mall. You should be able to find some cheap phones there, and also providers to sell a sim card and register the phone. Take a copy of your passport with you (necessary for registering).The cheapest phones are not to be found in the Monterey Mall as the starting prices for a basic smart phone are around 400,000 COP, and they will not have the lower end smart phones that can be found for as low as 250,000 COP in Centro.

But for a truly cheap smart phone, buying a used smart stolen phone is an option, and is what many locals due.

I don't condone buying stolen phones, yet there is quite a market for them, and can be quite a bargain starting at around 100,000 COP and up. So how do I know this, well one of my street urchins took me with them to buy one, and there are a bunch of vendors very close to the Hotel Nutibarra, directly underneath the overhead Metro tracks. The vendors will have foldable tables with an assortment of stolen phones for sale. I don't know how they get away with this, but they are there, and they will turn the phones on, and most of the phones have all the Whatsapp contacts and messages of the previous owners on them when you buy them. Some of the vendors also sell SIM cards, but don't sell the chargers.

So the girl I was with paid 90,000 COP for a phone, 5,000 COP for the SIM card, and then went to a nearby store to buy a charger, and a weeks of data for the phone so spent less than 140,000 COP for the total set up.

05-27-22, 00:08
Was at Loutron last week, 350 k was the damage. But there were 10-12 beautiful tall women parading in front of me and opening their white lab coats. Underneath was see through lingerie. Of the 12 girls, probably 6 had silicone and I prefer naturale. Some had tattoos, but most were very beautiful, ranging from 7 to 9 out of 10. Everyone should have this experience once in a lifetime. I selected a slim brunette with naturals and she did not disappoint; however she wanted to upcharge in the room for kissing, DATY and BBBJ. I politely declined, it still was worth the cost. The Loutron mansion in Las Palmas is a huge house with about 6 bedrooms and parking lot security man. In the center of the mansion, near the business desk are a couple of soft spots in the floor, try to find them when you pay, they need some solid floor support there. Otherwise a solid visit.Loutron / Fase Dos / La isle are nice but for that money I can fuck some woman and her 19 year old daughter at the same time in el centro and still have money left over.

05-27-22, 01:19
The cheapest phones are not to be found in the Monterey Mall as the starting prices for a basic smart phone are around 400,000 COP, and they will not have the lower end smart phones that can be found for as low as 250,000 COP in Centro.

But for a truly cheap smart phone, buying a used smart stolen phone is an option, and is what many locals due.

I don't condone buying stolen phones, yet there is quite a market for them, and can be quite a bargain starting at around 100,000 COP and up. So how do I know this, well one of my street urchins took me with them to buy one, and there are a bunch of vendors very close to the Hotel Nutibarra, directly underneath the overhead Metro tracks. The vendors will have foldable tables with an assortment of stolen phones for sale. I don't know how they get away with this, but they are there, and they will turn the phones on, and most of the phones have all the Whatsapp contacts and messages of the previous owners on them when you buy them. Some of the vendors also sell SIM cards, but don't sell the chargers.

So the girl I was with paid 90,000 COP for a phone, 5,000 COP for the SIM card, and then went to a nearby store to buy a charger, and a weeks of data for the phone so spent less than 140,000 COP for the total set up.And if during a routine police stop they check your phone like they almost always do, they will take it from you when it is not registered right or stolen. What happens next I am not sure, but the chica I was with had to spend about 13 hours in jail, barefoot, on a cold wet concrete floor. Catgirl and I brought her pizza while she was in jail. If the phone belonged to a Gringo? I don't know, my feeling is they would not roust you, but depends on the day and the individual cop with whom you are engaged.

05-27-22, 04:11
Thanks for reply. I have never been to centro, but have to Medellin at least 4 times I think. So from 8-11 pm, how dangerous is Centro? I have read to never roll solo after dark there. Is it worth the risk? I obviously can wait a few hours for pussy, but if its not to risky I'll definitely check it out. How long does it take to get from Poblado to Centro around 8 pm?I think you are asking the wrong question. It is fine to go to the bars mentioned at 8 PM, no problem. Get a taxi or use metro and study the route before you go. How long does it take depending on what transportation you use and maybe how far away you are from the Poblado metro station as it is a short metro ride.

05-27-22, 04:20
... Both very cheap 6 mil a beer..When was the last time you were there?

05-27-22, 04:35
What's the current address for Loutron? It's been like 8 years since my last and only visit, and yes it was an experience to behold. I remember the taxi got lost and was a bit difficult to find even with address. I plan on taking couple buddies of mine who are coming down on their virgin voyage to Medellin. I just want to see the look on their faces when they witness the magic of Medellin, then off to El Centro so they can see the underbelly of it as well.

Was at Loutron last week, 350 k was the damage. But there were 10-12 beautiful tall women parading in front of me and opening their white lab coats. Underneath was see through lingerie. Of the 12 girls, probably 6 had silicone and I prefer naturale. Some had tattoos, but most were very beautiful, ranging from 7 to 9 out of 10. Everyone should have this experience once in a lifetime. I selected a slim brunette with naturals and she did not disappoint; however she wanted to upcharge in the room for kissing, DATY and BBBJ. I politely declined, it still was worth the cost. The Loutron mansion in Las Palmas is a huge house with about 6 bedrooms and parking lot security man. In the center of the mansion, near the business desk are a couple of soft spots in the floor, try to find them when you pay, they need some solid floor support there. Otherwise a solid visit.

05-27-22, 04:35
Loutron / Fase Dos / La isle are nice but for that money I can fuck some woman and her 19 year old daughter at the same time in el centro and still have money left over.But I bet he wasn't laying in the guy's before him cum! And got a hot nice shower at end, and clean sheets and excellent mattress, I'm glad it works for you though, keep having fun the way you like! Be safe guys!

Lover Boy #2
05-27-22, 04:58
If she cuts it to shoulder length, which is her plan, she can sell her hair for 250 mil COP. To buy it on the other end costs over one million, another 200.000 to have it installed. You can buy the fake, polyester hair for one-third the price. Obviously, there is no comparison between the real hair and the fake shit sheds like crazy. The human hair is so prized that my Numero Uno Novia was attacked and they ripped the human hair extensions out of her head. I don't know how, but a couple of weeks later, she got her hair back.

I promised to see the chica in these fotos twice a week at Fair Market Value if she didn't cut it until after I left. So far so good.

Her ass crack looks dirty but it's just pigmented or stained. She wouldn't let me go near her ass when I first had her, now she asks for it. That and foot massages.She has a lot of large bandaids on her in one photo. No?

05-27-22, 05:19
What's the current address for Loutron? It's been like 8 years since my last and only visit, and yes it was an experience to behold. I remember the taxi got lost and was a bit difficult to find even with address. I plan on taking couple buddies of mine who are coming down on their virgin voyage to Medellin. I just want to see the look on their faces when they witness the magic of Medellin, then off to El Centro so they can see the underbelly of it as well.Here is their address and phone number. Hot looking girls, but some can be mechanical. YMMV.

Calle 16 a Sur #9 E 500, Medellíand, Antioquia.

Telephone: 313 7035517.

05-27-22, 05:27
Thanks bro!

Here is their address and phone number. Hot looking girls, but some can be mechanical. YMMV.

Calle 16 a Sur #9 E 500, Medelland, Antioquia.

Telephone: 313 7035517.

05-27-22, 16:11
Quite true, you also have the option of buying the mother / daughter team white robes and transparent lingerie. You could fund a makeover with make up and hairdos. But seriously, why not go for it with mad money or discretionary funds you would not miss? I suppose if I read about enough I might get curious about it again but I have my doubts. I went to their now closed sister property Abydos a few times while they were still around 10+ years ago. The experiences were OK, neither great nor bad.

Loutron / Fase Dos / La isle are nice but for that money I can fuck some woman and her 19 year old daughter at the same time in el centro and still have money left over.

05-27-22, 17:14
But I bet he wasn't laying in the guy's before him cum! And got a hot nice shower at end, and clean sheets and excellent mattress, I'm glad it works for you though, keep having fun the way you like! Be safe guys!Clean sheets, check.

Hot shower, check.

Soap, check.

Towel, so so.

Mattress, good.

Beautiful girls milling around inside and outside seconds away, check.

Music, bring Blue Tooth speaker.

WIFI, spotty.

Condoms, check, bring lube.

Hygiene, bring Listerine and panitos.

All in all, Check Plus.

05-27-22, 17:24
"One thing guys need to mention more often at this forum is that San Peter now had a very busy, American-run bar right next to reception. SP is now as good as Hotel M."

I never stayed at San Peter. But the presence of the bar seems interesting. Can I meet or pick up the chicas from there? Can anyone elaborate on that, please?The bar is way too small. Not much the owner can do about that but when he has a party it is just too cramped. The SP is just an apartment building with a desk and cleaning staff. It isn't a casa, LOL. Lots of gringos but it isn't really a place to grab a girl like Hotel M's "LE Bar". The best bang for the buck in the city is just to do the casa circuit in Centro. For higher quality one can do a private tour of all the chica apartments advertised on Catador.

05-27-22, 18:49
Carrera 74 #49-107, I now remember there is a door bell. I don't think there is a better description but I am keen to hear about your visit results if you come to Colombia.

Somebody get the address to that place or a better description. I never knew it was there and would like to check it out.

05-27-22, 18:55
Here is their address and phone number. Hot looking girls, but some can be mechanical. YMMV.

Calle 16 a Sur #9 E 500, Medelland, Antioquia.7.350,000 pesos is less than $100 US. Top notch girls. On a dirt road, up in the hills. All the girls are from Medellin. They upsell inside the room.

05-27-22, 19:38
Please be advised (or reminded) that sales of alcoholic beverages will be suspended beginning tomorrow, 28 May until Monday at noon. Stock up now or don't complain later.

05-27-22, 20:15
"One thing guys need to mention more often at this forum is that San Peter now had a very busy, American-run bar right next to reception. That bar in the San Peter is not the least bit busy though it may look that way from the street if five or six people happen to be hanging out. That's because it's tiny. It's often completely empty and closes early, even while all the apartments are full. It's on track to become yet another failed gringo business venture in Medellin.

05-27-22, 21:33
What's the current address for Loutron? It's been like 8 years since my last and only visit, and yes it was an experience to behold. I remember the taxi got lost and was a bit difficult to find even with address. I plan on taking couple buddies of mine who are coming down on their virgin voyage to Medellin. I just want to see the look on their faces when they witness the magic of Medellin, then off to El Centro so they can see the underbelly of it as well.I had the pleasure of going to the original Loutrons in 2004 . You think the one now was something special, the original was one of Escobars compounds and had like 8 different buildings and special chalet rooms in different decorations and the Pablo stripper pole room.

05-27-22, 23:25
Clean sheets, check.

Hot shower, check.

Soap, check.

Towel, so so.

Mattress, good.

Beautiful girls milling around inside and outside seconds away, check.

Music, bring Blue Tooth speaker.

WIFI, spotty.

Condoms, check, bring lube.

Hygiene, bring Listerine and panitos.

All in all, Check Plus.Que quiere decir panitos?

05-28-22, 00:10
I remember those days. My first (and last time) was back in 2005. When the location was a few blocks above the Mansion. I remember walking their with Aussie Greg and a few guys. Had a good session. My favorite session back in those days were at Abydos, which I was told was the "training ground" for chicas who would eventually "move up" to Loutrons. Those were the day! Of course, the pesos was only about 2200 then. I think pussy is actually cheaper now (or close to it) with the 4000 rate. Back then I think Mansion girls wanted 120 mil and if I remember Loutrons was charging 225 mil (

I had the pleasure of going to the original Loutrons in 2004 . You think the one now was something special, the original was one of Escobars compounds and had like 8 different buildings and special chalet rooms in different decorations and the Pablo stripper pole room..

05-28-22, 00:27
That bar in the San Peter is not the least bit busy though it may look that way from the street if five or six people happen to be hanging out. That's because it's tiny. It's often completely empty and closes early, even while all the apartments are full. It's on track to become yet another failed gringo business venture in Medellin.I think it is the exact opposite. I am not a bar person but I have never seen a bar this busy every single evening when I passed by it. Seems to be extremely successful.

Also I would like to clarify that this is just a normal, tiny bar to hang around with other English speakers, most of whom are staying at SP. Some natives too. Most likely a good place to find a wingman or catch some tips about Medellin scene.

05-28-22, 01:23
When did they change to their current location? During my visit back in 2014, I had to enter a gate, drive up a dirt road, and once inside it was a big ol mansion with multiple pool tables and there were seats by the bar to do the presentation and a balcony with an amazing view. I didn't partake, but drank a beer just to have the experience. The girls taking off their lab coats and showing off their bodies in lingerie were def the highlight.

I had the pleasure of going to the original Loutrons in 2004 . You think the one now was something special, the original was one of Escobars compounds and had like 8 different buildings and special chalet rooms in different decorations and the Pablo stripper pole room.

05-28-22, 01:45
But I bet he wasn't laying in the guy's before him cum! And got a hot nice shower at end, and clean sheets and excellent mattress, I'm glad it works for you though, keep having fun the way you like! Be safe guys!That's the best part, you are missing out.

05-28-22, 01:49
Clean sheets, check.

Hot shower, check.

Soap, check.

Towel, so so.

Mattress, good.

Beautiful girls milling around inside and outside seconds away, check.

Music, bring Blue Tooth speaker.

WIFI, spotty.

Condoms, check, bring lube.

Hygiene, bring Listerine and panitos.

All in all, Check Plus.Yes I'm not against it at all, I've been lurking around centro recently myself when in town, I was just sayin the guy had company coming in town and wanting something a little more upscale, their is definitely some hot chicks down their, I just need to know where to go when I close deal, what place you talking about with hot water and clean sheets (it's what I would prefer) thanks!

05-28-22, 01:55
That's the best part, you are missing out.Not against it at all, I e been lurking around recently also, some super hot chicks down their, but poster wanted something a little more upscale with friends coming in town, nothing wrong with it is all I was saying, stay safe! What best place in central little more upscale with hot water and clean sheets you recommend. ?

Mr Enternational
05-28-22, 02:18
Que quiere decir panitos?Baby wipes.

05-28-22, 02:47
Que quiere decir panitos?Panitos, Baby Butt Wipes, toallas humedas.

That's what my girls call them. If you carry the small cheap packs of 20 and give them to the girl at the end of a session, she loves it. Qualifies as a regalo.

05-28-22, 03:02
She has a lot of large bandaids on her in one photo. No?If you are talking about the first foto I tried to blur out one of her tattoos on the back of her right arm.

Mini-erratum: after I posted I noticed the third pic was of a different girl, not the same one with the long dark hair. Oh well, still good eye candy.

05-28-22, 03:31
Que quiere decir panitos?I think he means paitos. Remember he is still using a translator. Paitos are wet wipes.

05-28-22, 03:32
Panitos, Baby Butt Wipes, toallas humedas.

That's what my girls call them. If you carry the small cheap packs of 20 and give them to the girl at the end of a session, she loves it. Qualifies as a regalo.It has a tilde. Panyitos. Sigh.

05-28-22, 04:06
Yes I'm not against it at all, I've been lurking around centro recently myself when in town, I was just saying the guy had company coming in town and wanting something a little more upscale, their is definitely some hot chicks down their, I just need to know where to go when I close deal, what place you talking about with hot water and clean sheets (it's what I would prefer) thanks!I may have oversold it a bit, but there are some decent love motels about a block over from Ground Zero. Sorry, I can only see them in my deranged mind and don't recall the actual names, if fact one of them is unmarked without signage on the street. The closest love motel to the front doors of the Vera Cruz church is super cool, I'm not sure they have hot water. I think it's called the Hotel Bolivar Real or something like that. If you ask for a room with good WiFi sometime they will put you closer to a router. One time I cracked open the door to try and get a better WiFi signal and the maid grabbled my phone and used her cellular as a WiFi hotspot for me which I thought was incredibly nice. As they say in Medellin, Ciao!, or their version, Chao!

05-28-22, 04:38
Just grab their numbers and hit them up the next day, you are already paying a premium just for simply meeting them at gustos or La Isla.Great advice, thanks!

I realize there's a premium, but I think it may be worth it given the time you save sifting through FB or just going out to Centro and not knowing why you'll get. Sure, there's an element of excitement with these, but I won't have the luxury of time (or game).

I'll be sure to report back.

05-28-22, 06:34
Clean sheets, check.

Hot shower, check.

Soap, check.

Towel, so so.

Mattress, good.

Beautiful girls milling around inside and outside seconds away, check.

Music, bring Blue Tooth speaker.

WIFI, spotty.

Condoms, check, bring lube.

Hygiene, bring Listerine and panitos.

All in all, Check Plus.Sounds amazing 1-5 please tell me the name of this place, will make me well prepared if I know! Thanks bud!

05-28-22, 07:47
Sometimes I don't know WTF is going on. I come out of the shower and two of my favorite girls are doing a foto shoot on my bed, with poses way better than they typically offer up to me. So I say, "Q pasa?" The roommate first gave me some bullshit story about wanting to compare their figures before and after going to the gym. Then I asked my Numero Dos Novia, Scarlet, "Now tell me what you are really doing? Without any malice, she says, "You don't give us enough money to live on, so we have to sell pictures to a guy on-line. " I told her, "Yes, you should try to make as much money as you can like that. " The funny part was at the end of all these PG-17 rated poses, Scarlet tried to throw in a sexy-as-hell spread-eagle pussy shot, and Cheery with the camera said, "Are you serious?" and didn't take the foto, jajaja. Poor guy will never know what he missed. I love Scarlet's slightly dirty feet, adds to the trampy effect. She's awesome.

05-28-22, 10:33
Not against it at all, I e been lurking around recently also, some super hot chicks down their, but poster wanted something a little more upscale with friends coming in town, nothing wrong with it is all I was saying, stay safe! What best place in central little more upscale with hot water and clean sheets you recommend. ?The places on front side of the church are better than the ones on the back side. The definition of cleanness depending on what you are accustomed to. My guess is that most places don't change sheet between sessions. It's not easy to tell like in Bangkok where you see white sheets and towels stacked everywhere and cleaning staff working. The rooms in some strip clubs are nasty. The trick is to bring or wear flip-flop or throw away you socks after so you don't have to touch the floor. That applies to most El Centro places.

Usage of baby wipes often implies they don't wash after the session. That is just my observation. There is a casa that changes sheet every session. I know because the girl changed it in front of me. The shower is not in the room so the girl has baby wipes to clean up after the session. I don't know if the girl takes a shower after she leaves the room.

05-28-22, 13:50
Was at Loutron last week......Of all the casas I have visited in Medellin over the years the hottest lineups have been at Loutrons.

05-28-22, 18:43
The places on front side of the church are better than the ones on the back side. The definition of cleanness depending on what you are accustomed to. My guess is that most places don't change sheet between sessions. It's not easy to tell like in Bangkok where you see white sheets and towels stacked everywhere and cleaning staff working. The rooms in some strip clubs are nasty. The trick is to bring or wear flip-flop or throw away you socks after so you don't have to touch the floor. That applies to most El Centro places.
Some information about this.

The places on the front side of the Church do change the sheets and pillow covers between usage, while the ones on the backside do not. It's pretty much a function of what you pay for the room. I don't use the rooms on the backside above the bars, typically dirty, no hot water, towels, etc. Most very sleazy, and a good place to get Scabies.

If you stick with the Premium PLaza, Zona Rosa, and the one a few doors down from Zona Rosa you will get hot water, clean towels / sheets, and they also clean the floors as I have never gotten Athletes foot at any of these places so I don't worry about being barefoot there. Also there's a place right opposite the glass covered walkway which I have never used which is supposed to be nice as well. And then there is Hotel Calle Real up the same passageway going towards the Metro that is fairly clean but old and musty.

Again, it's going to be a function of what you pay more or less, and getting Scabies is not fun, so guys should splurge and stay at the finer establishments. LOL.

05-28-22, 19:43
That bar in the San Peter is not the least bit busy though it may look that way from the street if five or six people happen to be hanging out. That's because it's tiny. It's often completely empty and closes early, even while all the apartments are full. It's on track to become yet another failed gringo business venture in Medellin.Agreed. Surprised to hear it being busy. I've stayed at SP, near Sp and also went to the bar many times when staying in other areas. The only time it was busy was when there was big American sports games / events on. Otherwise empty or close to empty. Definitely not a pick up place. There use to be a couple cute bartenders but they've moved on. Not sure about current ones because I stopped going there. Doubt the place will last. BTW, other side of the lobby is small burger joint that's really good and lines up most nights mostly because it only has about 5 tables.

05-28-22, 20:51
Of all the casas I have visited in Medellin over the years the hottest lineups have been at Loutrons.They seem to be proud to work there. A few are slightly overweight, but not much. About half have silicone boobies that can cover for a big butt. I prefer slim and tall. They seem happy to meet customers. Abydos went out of business, those girls were slightly shorter, but had alot of value. Lourton's girls are all Colombianas, no Venies.

05-28-22, 22:22
Good afternoon punters,

For a one week trip for mongering is Tijuana or Medellin a better option? I have heard Tijuana is better for being a weekend warrior but Medellin seems like the cheaper option. Plus I feel like there is more shit to see and do. Which one is safer? Plane tickets are about the same.

05-28-22, 22:27
Good afternoon punters.

For a one week trip for mongering is Tijuana or Medellin a better option? I have heard Tijuana is better for being a weekend warrior but Medellin seems like the cheaper option. Plus I feel like there is more shit to see and do. Which one is safer? Plane tickets are about the same.

05-29-22, 00:38
For the price you have to pay, they damn well better have the best line-up! But I'm not sure the performance is always the best. You pay for the Loutron "experience" and fucking a hot chica. Performance definitely varies.

Of all the casas I have visited in Medellin over the years the hottest lineups have been at Loutrons.

05-29-22, 01:05
Of all the casas I have visited in Medellin over the years the hottest lineups have been at Loutrons.Since you mostly post in the Euro forums I'd question how often you've been to Medellin or if you've even been recently. I was in Loutron in September 2021 and again in February this year. On the first occasion they showed six girls and all were silicone enhanced but one. I interviewed the one natural one but she had crazy prices for extras. In February they showed me about 9 and again, all were silicone sisters, a few what I'd call mega silicone sisters making them look like cartoon characters, but one who was too skinny to be worth the fee.

It can come down to how you define "hotness," and if you're into silicone, and often with exaggertions of the same, Loutron could be your spot. Isn't my thing though. Good luck guys.

05-29-22, 01:09
You should buy a cheap phone. Walk down Calle 10 to the bottom of the hill. Across the intersection, there is Monterrey Mall. It is primarily an electronics mall. You should be able to find some cheap phones there, and also providers to sell a sim card and register the phone. Take a copy of your passport with you (necessary for registering).A huge thank you!

05-29-22, 01:31
Good afternoon punters.

For a one week trip for mongering is Tijuana or Medellin a better option? I have heard Tijuana is better for being a weekend warrior but Medellin seems like the cheaper option. Plus I feel like there is more shit to see and do. Which one is safer? Plane tickets are about the same.I can't imagine spending an entire week in Tijuana, I would go nuts. My suggestion is Medellin for a number of reasons. The drawbacks of course are likely flight time (depending on where travelling from), need for Covid test to return (always a risk), and of course the complications of a different country. Safety depends on where going, but Medellin likely safer. For the same price you'll have a better GFE experience in Medellin.

05-29-22, 02:39
Good afternoon punters,

For a one week trip for mongering is Tijuana or Medellin a better option? I have heard Tijuana is better for being a weekend warrior but Medellin seems like the cheaper option. Plus I feel like there is more shit to see and do. Which one is safer? Plane tickets are about the same.Which is safer? Neither one. Your behavior has a much greater impact on safety than your location. However, drinking a glass of tap water in Medellin won't put you on the toilet for the next 7-10 days.

I doubt you can get the same value for your money in Tijuana, food, lodging, public transportation and women. I can't imagine staying for a week in Tijuana, without a great deal of boredom.

However, the people on the Tijuana forum probably have a different opinion.

05-29-22, 02:40
For the price you have to pay, they damn well better have the best line-up! But I'm not sure the performance is always the best. You pay for the Loutron "experience" and fucking a hot chica. Performance definitely varies.If you like giant silicone asses unnaturally protruding atop spindly legs along with inflated prices and plenty of rules, then Loutron is your place.

Mr Enternational
05-29-22, 02:56
For a one week trip for mongering is Tijuana or Medellin a better option? Tijuana is a place where you go and fuck and eat and leave. I have been going for 32 years and have never spent more than 1 day there. Cross the border from San Diego. Do what you have to do. Then cross right back. Medellin is a place where you can chill and relax and have an actual vacation.

05-29-22, 07:40
I will be in Bogota from 1 to 3 and 4 to 7 in Medellin. I have done tons of research. Let me know if you want to join me.

05-29-22, 15:52
I Don't Know What the Fuck (IDK WTF) is going on, sometimes.

I posted recently that I pay a chica for her time, but then I said to one today, "Forget about the time, I am paying you for the experience". I am constantly changing and end-up contradicting myself.

I took my godson to Parque Norte today with his mom. She canceled that morning because she felt he was very sick. After I don't know how many messages back and forth I ordered her to get in a taxi with the child and meet me at the entrance of the Park, and you never saw a healthier kid. She wasn't lying, but she was freaking out because his temperature was 1. 5 degrees Centigrade above normal.

I keep circling back around to Freckle, formerly Froggy, formerly Nymphette (Freckle will stick). Freckle made it on my List faster than any other chica except Catgirl who was the reason for forming The List two years ago, and always my Numero Uno. I told Freckle her new name, and she instantly took her purrfektly manicured and decorated index fingernail and pointed right where to her one and only freckle on her body exists, on her pussy. She knew. You can see it in the first foto, just to the left of her pussy hole.

Usually it is the chicas who circle back around, ask any mongerer who's been here awhile, but I can't get enough of this 18 year-old Vennie with Purrfekt skin and a body built by Pininfarina. Why ask why? Keep going until there is a reason to slow down or stop.

When Freckle and I are together it feels like love or a close facsimile, deep lust. At the end of our sessions I ask her how much money she needs and so far she always says an amount I am more than comfortable giving or what I would call FMV (Fair Market Value) as determined by the Law of Supply and Demand. Today she stayed for 2.5 hours and she asked for 150 plus 10 for taxi. Actually, that is a little below FMV, but I am sure she will catch on soon enough when she talks to her amigas. She lives very close by but in dangerous part of El Centro, where I stayed my first five nights this trip.

Parque Norte, an old school amusement park owned by the government, was a disappointment for the first time today. Soft Swirl in first trip ever to there and with her usual candor said it was "boring". There are only about a dozen or so rides, but four of the best rides were closed for maintenance, so that made quite a dent in the fun factor.

The walk around the lake at Parque Norte is always nice. Less than a 15.000 mil COP taxi ride from El Centro, right at the Universidad Metro Stop. There is also a nice botanical garden there, known for it's orchids. Three stops north from the Parque Berrio metro station closest to Ground Zero, taking the Niquia line. I can't swear to my spelling on those Metro stops, but I am close.

Lexy, who is tied with Soft Swirl at Numero Tres cock-blocked me and didn't show up for an overnight stay last night. I think she was trying to keep me from being with the other chicas, which is the definition of cock-blocking and chicas all over the world do it. Like intentionally leaving hairs in the bathroom or even spraying their perfume on the pillows. Felines marking their territory. Fortunately, there is not too much of that going on among the chicas on my List. Last night would have been Lexy's second overnight in a row which she never did before, so I wasn't too surprised.

What else? I got invited to a big overnight soiree at Guatape next weekend by one of my regular, meaning not Pay 4 Play, chicas. I put down the deposit so I guess that means I am going, more about that later. Qualifies as a WTF IDK because I did not expect her to invite me into her social scene. Basically, I have been slowly converting her into a freak in bed. I first met her when she was the hotel manager where I once stayed, a couple of trips ago. She told me she would never have sex with me back then and I am the second guy in her life. Now, she grabs her ankles and holds them next to her ears, Jajajaja. I thought maybe she harbored some resentment for how I am using her body as my personal playground, but turns out she loves it.

Ostee Out, and hopefully we all can all Keep On Keepin' On.

P.S. Lexy just messaged me and wrote she had to take her baby to the emergency room in the middle of the night and did not contact me because she did not have any minutes on her phone. Maybe I am gullible but I believe her. Four or five days ago I gave her money for some antibiotics for her daughter so at least there is a consistent thread. My wingman is a total cynic and every time something like that happens he starts calling my chicas "lying w-ho-re-s". I need to turn a little more of a deaf ear toward his direction on that subject, but in general his observations are great.

Fotos show three different chicas, Freckle, Scarlet, and one of Scarlet's friends I had not seen in a while.

05-29-22, 18:19
I spent a few days visiting the casas based on the map https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?hl=en&ll=6.253006598183289%2C-75.5628901233285&z=17&mid=1UxdkQ9-vm36hqZmjE87YQcheNFdWBiKd.

A few modifications: the casas open at 10 am (contrary to what is indicated for New Life for example). Locuras is closed. Zendaly and Club de Amigas sexy had the best line-up and more than ten girls and the prices went up a bit (80-85 usd / h). Dulce Compania does not have hot water. New Life is a safe bet with displayed prices and after-the-fact invoicing according to the time spent.

The experience strongly depends on the encounter but it is never disappointing. On the contrary, I had excellent moments.

In short, I find that the casas are the simplest solution as far as I am concerned.

05-29-22, 20:43
I spent a few days visiting the casas based on the map https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?hl=en&ll=6.253006598183289%2C-75.5628901233285&z=17&mid=1UxdkQ9-vm36hqZmjE87YQcheNFdWBiKd.

A few modifications: the casas open at 10 am (contrary to what is indicated for New Life for example). Locuras is closed. Zendaly and Club de Amigas sexy had the best line-up and more than ten girls and the prices went up a bit (80-85 usd / h). Dulce Compania does not have hot water. New Life is a safe bet with displayed prices and after-the-fact invoicing according to the time spent.

The experience strongly depends on the encounter but it is never disappointing. On the contrary, I had excellent moments.

In short, I find that the casas are the simplest solution as far as I am concerned.If El Centro casa prices are now 80-85 USD per hour, they went up more than a little. I'm pretty sure you mean COP.

05-29-22, 23:46
I spent a few days visiting the casas based on the map https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?hl=en&ll=6.253006598183289%2C-75.5628901233285&z=17&mid=1UxdkQ9-vm36hqZmjE87YQcheNFdWBiKd.

A few modifications: the casas open at 10 am (contrary to what is indicated for New Life for example). Locuras is closed. Zendaly and Club de Amigas sexy had the best line-up and more than ten girls and the prices went up a bit (80-85 usd / h). Dulce Compania does not have hot water. New Life is a safe bet with displayed prices and after-the-fact invoicing according to the time spent.

The experience strongly depends on the encounter but it is never disappointing. On the contrary, I had excellent moments.

In short, I find that the casas are the simplest solution as far as I am concerned.I agree. Casas are the simplest solution. No need to prepare for hours.

Did you find afternoons around 3 PM to be best in terms of quality and quantity?

Found any English speaking girls or any that you decided to take home afterwards?

Any deals for a threesome on premsis?

05-29-22, 23:50
I have added more than 50 girls as friends on facebook page. However many of them don't respond to my offer of 200 K plus taxi. Is this normal or they playing hard to get?

Also how do I increase this number substantially. I have told them where I am staying, what dates I will be in Medellin but response is very little. My profile has very little info about me and no pics. Should I upload a Brad Pitt pic or what?

05-30-22, 00:29
I know this Monday is a holiday in Colombia, will nightlife be open at all? Sort of itching to go out after LE sey (no alcohol) and finding out everything was closed this Saturday.

Does anyone know if la isla is open on mondays and tuesdays? Thanks.

05-30-22, 01:33
I spent a few days visiting the casas based on the map https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?hl=en&ll=6.253006598183289%2C-75.5628901233285&z=17&mid=1UxdkQ9-vm36hqZmjE87YQcheNFdWBiKd.

A few modifications: the casas open at 10 am (contrary to what is indicated for New Life for example). Locuras is closed. Zendaly and Club de Amigas sexy had the best line-up and more than ten girls and the prices went up a bit (80-85 usd / h). Dulce Compania does not have hot water. New Life is a safe bet with displayed prices and after-the-fact invoicing according to the time spent.

The experience strongly depends on the encounter but it is never disappointing. On the contrary, I had excellent moments.

In short, I find that the casas are the simplest solution as far as I am concerned.320000 cop per hour? You either got completely fleeced or need to come up with a new way of converting cop to usd. 🤦*♂️ lol

05-30-22, 01:59
That has to be a typo.

If El Centro casa prices are now 80-85 USD per hour, they went up more than a little. I'm pretty sure you mean COP.

Mojo Bandit
05-30-22, 03:09
I have added more than 50 girls as friends on facebook page. However many of them don't respond to my offer of 200 K plus taxi. Is this normal or they playing hard to get?

Also how do I increase this number substantially. I have told them where I am staying, what dates I will be in Medellin but response is very little. My profile has very little info about me and no pics. Should I upload a Brad Pitt pic or what?First thing: I have had seasoned mongers writing me lately telling me that 200 k is not enough right now. Chicas are all asking for more. My advice is to get into negotiaition with them but it sounds like you are first going to have to get their attention.

Second: I would not advise you to upload a "Brad Pitt" pic. FB could very well flag your account and shut it down. If anything consider putting on sunglasses and and hat and taking a selfie to use as your profile pic.

Third: Speaking for myself only I usually do not start off talking to these chicas in an "all business" way. I do start off saying that I frequent Medellin and then a general timeframe for when I am coming there but I start off with some kind of small talk first, maybe some flirting but I get down to business when I start moving toward setting up a cita. So you are going to then have to lob the ball to them to see what's up. Say something more like "the last chica I was with wanted 200 k plus taxi, how much do you charge?" then you can see what they are willing to negotiate down to.

Lastly. When you say "how do I increase this number substantially"? Are you asking how you increase your chica contacts substantially because the answer is that I did it through putting in the time. I systematically searched the chicas and mongers friends list that I already had for other chicas that look like they were prepagos (three ways I found to tell 1) they have gringos as friends who you have mutual friends with 2) some have a tell-tale photo like sitting on their bed in underwear. Or a photo of them with horns or a devil emoji. Or a photo of them shaded red etc). 3) they have a lot of prepago friends. 4) they have memes on their page about being a prepago or stacks of money etc

I used the desktop / laptop comuter when searching so I could be systematic. Once I found one and she added me I saved her profile in a browser folder I created for that purpose (you cannot do this using a mobile FB app) so that way as I found new ones I do not get so far down the rabbit hole that I got cunfused. I exhaust a chicas friends list then I delete the profile out of that browser folder and move on to the next. Of the chicas have gringo friends that are mongers that is another profile to mine and add the chica friends in that profile to your folder etc etc. Its time consuming and there are no special shortcuts.

Horns and Memes examples

05-30-22, 06:22
I have added more than 50 girls as friends on facebook page. However many of them don't respond to my offer of 200 K plus taxi. Is this normal or they playing hard to get?

Also how do I increase this number substantially. I have told them where I am staying, what dates I will be in Medellin but response is very little. My profile has very little info about me and no pics. Should I upload a Brad Pitt pic or what?I just got back a couple of weeks ago. I met 5 new FB girls while I was there. Of the 5, I paid (3) 200 k mas taxi and (2) 250 k mas taxi. The reason I paid the 250 k was because the girls were very beautiful and it wasn't worth it to me to argue over $12.50. If I had wanted to, I could have told them thanks for the offer but there are plenty of girls that will come for 200 k, which is true. And maybe they would have come for that price at a later time, or maybe not.

I don't have any pictures of me on my FB account and very little in the way of info. I usually offer to send the chica a pic over Whatsapp or do a video call so that she can see what I look like prior to our first meeting.

I almost never post anything except when I first arrive in Medellin. Once you post that you are on the ground, you will get a lot more attention and many more offers. On my first trip I had about 75 or 100 friends when I arrived. I posted that I was in town and I had like 10 "Hola's" on messenger in the first 24 hours and that was good enough for the whole trip.

At this point I have around 350 friends. I stopped sending out new friend requests a long time ago. I get a few new requests every week. If they are my type they get added. And if not, it makes no difference to me because I already have way more than I will ever meet. I spent many hours in the beginning looking up and adding good contacts. And once you hit around 150 or 200 friends it becomes self sustaining.

05-30-22, 07:34
Planning to travel Medellin next month for 7 days.

Are there any reliable apps or websites for connecting to prepagos girls.

Please share your experiences if anyone have used online tools. Thank you.

05-30-22, 12:09
Mojo Bandit,

Thank you for being so helpful and detailing so many steps in your post. I did understand that this requires time but now I am more clearer that this can not be achieved in 2-3 weeks.

Yes, price point seemed to have moved up to 250+taxi. However what surprised me was the general lack of response. I will start slowly again.

You are really a FB pro Amigo.

First thing: I have had seasoned mongers writing me lately telling me that 200 k is not enough right now. Chicas are all asking for more. My advice is to get into negotiaition with them but it sounds like you are first going to have to get their attention.

Second: I would not advise you to upload a "Brad Pitt" pic. FB could very well flag your account and shut it down. If anything consider putting on sunglasses and and hat and taking a selfie to use as your profile pic.

Third: Speaking for myself only I usually do not start off talking to these chicas in an "all business" way. I do start off saying that I frequent Medellin and then a general timeframe for when I am coming there but I start off with some kind of small talk first, maybe some flirting but I get down to business when I start moving toward setting up a cita. So you are going to then have to lob the ball to them to see what's up. Say something more like "the last chica I was with wanted 200 k plus taxi, how much do you charge?" then you can see what they are willing to negotiate down to.

05-30-22, 13:27
Tijuana is a place where you go and fuck and eat and leave. I have been going for 32 years and have never spent more than 1 day there. Cross the border from San Diego. Do what you have to do. Then cross right back. Medellin is a place where you can chill and relax and have an actual vacation.What he said. And the dope is better in MDE.

05-30-22, 15:13

How do you find girls on facebook?

What to you say to ask for the service?


05-30-22, 17:22
The reason I paid the 250 k was because the girls were very beautiful and it wasn't worth it to me to argue over $12.50. If I had wanted to, I could have told them thanks for the offer but there are plenty of girls that will come for 200 k, which is true. And maybe they would have come for that price at a later time, or maybe not.
...Not sure about your negotiation sequence. You don't have to offend her to let her know what your offer is. You can use a variation of the siempre pago 150/200... line. Some will come down. I have at least one came down to 200 from 300 automatically after I used it. There is no extra work or overhead to do it. All the basic details are in the Reports of Distinction thread.

05-30-22, 17:30
I have added more than 50 girls as friends on facebook page. However many of them don't respond to my offer of 200 K plus taxi. Is this normal or they playing hard to get?

Also how do I increase this number substantially. I have told them where I am staying, what dates I will be in Medellin but response is very little. My profile has very little info about me and no pics. Should I upload a Brad Pitt pic or what?You will get more help if you provide an example of your negotiation sequence. I have always been told by experienced members not to negotiate until you are here and ready to have the date. Many girls can't keep an appointment for tomorrow, how can they keep an appoint weeks ahead?

Unless you know the girl's price, you can start with 150. I was told by a friend that I will be surprised how many will accept that. There is virtually no downside, and I have been surprised occasionally.

05-30-22, 18:50
I agree. Casas are the simplest solution. No need to prepare for hours.
It all boils down to "How much is your time worth"? If you have no job and can spend hours each night on FB, then your time is worth very little and you make accomplish a lot. If your time is worth a lot, your highest and best use is to visit a casa, get laid, then party with your friends.

Same thing about travelling by air. How much are you saving by booking a connecting instead of a direct flight? You will spend 3 or more hours in an airport, waiting for a connection, it probably is not worth $100, and more likely your luggage will get lost.

05-30-22, 19:25
I am in no way a facebook expert. In fact, the only facebook girls I know are girls that I did not meet on facebook. Now that I disqualified myself from offering advice, I am going to go ahead and offer advice. Like many other subjects discussed here if you read the threads the NASA Engineers who saved Apollo 13 had an easier task compared to scoring facebook dates or getting your dick sucked in a casa. In reality, it is no more complicated than the following: (1) name your price and stick to it. If you want to make it more complicated then you can engage in the seemingly popular game of auction style bidding and justify higher prices by converting the difference into US $ so it seems trivial. Pro tip, as soon as you rationalize a price by converting it to dollars that should be a red flag that you are about to rip yourself off. (2) block out time, lots of it, to build a friends list and once you are here to wait and hope enough dates show up before your trip time runs out. It's a numbers game. You can put the numbers in your favor by building the aforementioned list and by taking a firm stand with the girls that there is a grace period of 15 minutes from the agreed arrival time. Once that grace period is exceeded, there should be no date because you will have moved on to another provider. The alternative is to exchange messages and hope you aren't being strung along while a girl is dealing with some other punter or enjoying her life until she is ready to come take your money. For me personally, I'm happy to pay a premium for something that is extra valuable or convenient. I don't deal with the world of facebook because I rarely have found it to be extra valuable or convenient.

05-30-22, 20:07
I will be in Bogota from 1 to 3 and 4 to 7 in Medellin. I have done tons of research. Let me know if you want to join me.I am there on those dates and would be great to have a friend.

05-30-22, 21:12
Had dinner with a seeking girl on Saturday (dry law so couldn't drink that evening). She's 20 years old and I'm quite attracted to her / we had good chemistry and she's chatty in WhatsApp. Didn't sleep with her and no money given besides the cost of that dinner.

She claimed someone had offered 4000 usd per month and I'm not about to pay her that.

I know there isn't a general consensus when it comes to seeking prices, but in general would 250 k-300 k pesos (ppm) be reasonable to offer a young attractive college girl? Also trying the Instagram strategy, so once I get them messaging on WhatsApp I'm curious how much to offer. I'll be here for at least 6 weeks, so time isn't an issue.

05-30-22, 21:45
Great advice, thanks!

I realize there's a premium, but I think it may be worth it given the time you save sifting through FB or just going out to Centro and not knowing why you'll get. Sure, there's an element of excitement with these, but I won't have the luxury of time (or game).

I'll be sure to report back.No worries I feel you, definitely report back with at least a price update, I don't need the details jajaja.

05-30-22, 22:02
It all boils down to "How much is your time worth"? If you have no job and can spend hours each night on FB, then your time is worth very little and you make accomplish a lot. If your time is worth a lot, your highest and best use is to visit a casa, get laid, then party with your friends.

Same thing about travelling by air. How much are you saving by booking a connecting instead of a direct flight? You will spend 3 or more hours in an airport, waiting for a connection, it probably is not worth $100, and more likely your luggage will get lost.Over the past 5 years I've probably spent 40-50 hours devoted to finding girls on Facebook and at least half the time was spent in the first month. Now I spend 15-20 minutes per week, all of it reviewing the 20-50 girls who have sent me a friend request.

Before I get on a plane, I can have already have run 100 girls through the lineup and figured out who to call depending on my mood. No viewing fee required. Or I can post a picture standing in front of a jacuzzi and see how many girls want to join me.

Casas are great, but extremely limited. If there's nobody to your liking, pay the fee and walk to another. If you do find a girl who is a gem, you can almost guarantee her attitude and performance won't be great. Not only are you on the clock, but you're limited to the casa's hours and roster.

There's nothing wrong with casas. They are excellent for entry-level mongering. However, there are many other options.

If I drive 7-8 hours I can take a direct flight to Bogota. It's a minimum of a 12 hour drive to get a direct flight to Medellin and then I'm limited to one of the 5'9" and under airlines. So I can waste a day to get a direct flight, save money and be unable to walk for 2 days each way, or I can drive 25 minutes from work, or 2 hours from home and be there quicker.

And they've never lost my luggage.

Mojo Bandit
05-30-22, 22:35

How do you find girls on facebook?

What to you say to ask for the service?

Thanks.LOL Jajaja. RTFF (Read the Fucking Forum) is the proper answer that should be given to your question. But instead of giving you the proper answer I am going to give you some solid advice. And then a nudge in the right direction.

You see this is a give and take kind of forum and we can see by your one little post that you have not given anything. You have not read the forum becuase all the information can be found in the forum if you study it. In fact all the answers you need are actually in the last few posts on here but it is not spelled out.

The first thing is the advice. Pay for a membership before you come asking questions and having not contributed. Then you get more perks to your search abilities.

The second thing is this: Nounce just mentionted the thread entitled "Reports of Distinction" and that is a short cut to all you seek. The biggest contributuion being Nounce post numbered 210,214, 212.

05-30-22, 23:00
Freckle has two freckles, not just the one on her pussy, on her otherwise nearly flawless skin.

I was high as a kite during my first skin survey of her so that is my excuse.

05-31-22, 00:01
... Also there's a place right opposite the glass covered walkway which I have never used which is supposed to be nice as well..You mean this one? This is one of the hotels that give you one small towel so you can share with the girl. LOL. I don't mean one will get disease or anything like that. It really comes down to what one is accustomed to.

05-31-22, 00:08
Group of five of us are heading to Medellin in July for a bachelor's party. We want everything high-end and willing to pay a premium for convenience, quality and the overall experience.

What would the good folks recommend? Hotel? Venues? Clubs? Tips / advice?It depends what you consider high end, but for strip clubs I'd just hit up the flashy ones you'll find on this board like Fase II (fun strip club, grab a table), La Isla (same as Fase II, more silicon), and Loutron (more of a high-end house, brothel). If you want to go a step below look at Traverl69's map in the Medellin List section.

For venues, Envy Rooftop is a hopping place and worth checking out. Look online for other nice rooftop views.

For hotel, that depends on you and if you're bringing in girls. Your better bet is to find an airnbnb that is fine with parties and girls (not many of them, but I think more fun for a bachelor party than separate hotel rooms). If you're set on nice hotels, then the Hotel Charlee and Dann Carlton are higher end hotels that are generally ok with girls as long as you're discrete.

For dinners and bouncing around bars, the Parque Lleras area is going to be the most friendly for first timers and have the most options. If you want to go higher end go up the hill towards Provenza. There are some restaurants up that way that will have a beautiful view of the city at night. If you want to party with more locals, then go to La 70 (setenta) in Laureles.

Tips - Don't be showy. Leave the nice watch and jewelry at the hotel, or better yet, in the states. Also try to have cell service and ideally a couple people that can speak some Spanish as English is uncommon in most places.

My two pesos-.

05-31-22, 00:09
Your making offers with no replies? First question is are you physically in Medellin? Are you ready to meet the same day? If the answer is no to these questions then you are a nuisance to the girls. I can't blame them for not responding. I tell them I am there and would like to meet up. No problem getting responses. No reason to bring up price until you are ready to meet. Lots of guys here like collecting names of Facebook girls and never actually see them. Girls have every right not to bother responding

I have added more than 50 girls as friends on facebook page. However many of them don't respond to my offer of 200 K plus taxi. Is this normal or they playing hard to get?

Also how do I increase this number substantially. I have told them where I am staying, what dates I will be in Medellin but response is very little. My profile has very little info about me and no pics. Should I upload a Brad Pitt pic or what?.

05-31-22, 00:19
I am in no way a facebook expert....

(1) name your price and stick to it. If you want to make it more complicated...I think one should set a price first, but should be flexible at the same time. If someone generous is sharing a contact with you, you should stick to the known price out of appreciation, otherwise there is no obligation to stick to a price besides trying to set a price (150 or 200) first.

I'm happy to pay a premium for something that is extra valuable or convenient...
I offer 150, the girl counters 250, I accept. That is no more than a few minutes even if you counter one more time, whether the girl will show up that is another question.

05-31-22, 00:25
It all boils down to "How much is your time worth"? If you have no job and can spend hours each night on FB, then your time is worth very little and you make accomplish a lot. If your time is worth a lot, your highest and best use is to visit a casa, get laid, then party with your friends.

Same thing about travelling by air. How much are you saving by booking a connecting instead of a direct flight? You will spend 3 or more hours in an airport, waiting for a connection, it probably is not worth $100, and more likely your luggage will get lost.I agree where you are coming from but there is a certain classiness about ordering a girl to your room while in speedo and watching porn LOL.

And you can right after the deed.

Your making offers with no replies? First question is are you physically in Medellin? Are you ready to meet the same day? If the answer is no to these questions then you are a nuisance to the girls. I can't blame them for not responding. I tell them I am there and would like to meet up. No problem getting responses. No reason to bring up price until you are ready to meet. Lots of guys here like collecting names of Facebook girls and never actually see them. Girls have every right not to bother responding.Exactly. This is what has mystified me. I offered a price and told them I am here. Can you join me today or tomorrow. No response? And for heaven's sake they are all putas. I can clearly see the telltale signs. Only few asked for more but most did not reply.

No one blocked me, I am still their friend though.

05-31-22, 00:26
I do not partake in this, but the word I hear from chica is that guys usually pay between 1 million and 2 milliones per month. I know some that have paid a lot more. I imagine you could find someone who does not know their worth, but they have to make money somehow, so beware.

Had dinner with a seeking girl on Saturday (dry law so couldn't drink that evening). She's 20 years old and I'm quite attracted to her / we had good chemistry and she's chatty in WhatsApp. Didn't sleep with her and no money given besides the cost of that dinner.

She claimed someone had offered 4000 usd per month and I'm not about to pay her that.

I know there isn't a general consensus when it comes to seeking prices, but in general would 250 k-300 k pesos (ppm) be reasonable to offer a young attractive college girl? Also trying the Instagram strategy, so once I get them messaging on WhatsApp I'm curious how much to offer. I'll be here for at least 6 weeks, so time isn't an issue.

05-31-22, 00:26
Would anyone know if orange suites charges for guests, Or is chica friendly.

I was dumb and booked a room on booking.com and I can't cancel it.

05-31-22, 00:46
Had dinner with a seeking girl on Saturday (dry law so couldn't drink that evening). She's 20 years old and I'm quite attracted to her / we had good chemistry and she's chatty in WhatsApp. Didn't sleep with her and no money given besides the cost of that dinner.

She claimed someone had offered 4000 usd per month and I'm not about to pay her that.

I know there isn't a general consensus when it comes to seeking prices, but in general would 250 k-300 k pesos (ppm) be reasonable to offer a young attractive college girl? Also trying the Instagram strategy, so once I get them messaging on WhatsApp I'm curious how much to offer. I'll be here for at least 6 weeks, so time isn't an issue.In my experience, the really attractive girls will start at 400 k to 600 k per session, but agree to 300 k to 450 k + taxi depending on how hot, popular, or put together (ie educated, used to nice things, good life). You can multiply that by roughly however many times you think you'll be seeing them and if they have other sources of income. For the college girl I'd personally start at 300 k and / or 1.2 M a month. See if she'll be exclusive. The arrangements are a good natured negotiation so maybe you move from there. Of course she'll expect you to pay for nice dinners and some gifts on top of that. I support with some shopping trips or nice perfume from the states. Things they can't get in Colombia and occasional trip. Of note, some less popular girls can be had for 200k if you give them a decent dinner / experience / IG for their friends (just taking a girl to Envy rooftop for one drink, then to your place for example), on the other hand, I've started at 300 k in negotiations for some gorgeous girls before and they were offended enough to block me LOL, but it sounds like you guys clicked so that shouldn't happen.

Medellin has tons of SBs so she has competition on one hand, on the other, a large number of Paisa men have side pieces and there are some pretty rich guys making good offers (or at least I've been told). Good luck!

05-31-22, 01:14
See if she'll be exclusive.That's a joke, right?

05-31-22, 02:06
In my experience, the really attractive girls will start at 400 k to 600 k per session, but agree to 300 k to 450 k + taxi depending on how hot, popular, or put together (ie educated, used to nice things, good life). You can multiply that by roughly however many times you think you'll be seeing them and if they have other sources of income. For the college girl I'd personally start at 300 k and / or 1.2 M a month...Thanks for the feedback, I'll negotiate with her and see what happens.

I do not partake in this, but the word I hear from chica is that guys usually pay between 1 million and 2 milliones per month. I know some that have paid a lot more. I imagine you could find someone who does not know their worth, but they have to make money somehow, so beware.Have another Seeking girl right now on WhatsApp; 18 and quite attractive. I offered 300 k and she went off saying never going to happen / good luck / take care, and how she gets 1 million pesos per meet. I'd pay 1 M per month, but per meet is a bridge too damn far. The thing is though, she kept on messaging and said I could make her a better offer. Haven't replied yet, so I'll just let her stew for a bit. Money isn't an issue and I'd for sure pay 1 M (yes I'm an idiot, centro rats) for a hot 18 year old, but it's the principle; plus I'm not in a rush. I think I'll counter with 500 k.

05-31-22, 02:15
In my experience, the really attractive girls will start at 400 k to 600 k per session, but agree to 300 k to 450 k + taxi depending on how hot, popular, or put together (ie educated, used to nice things, good life). You can multiply that by roughly however many times you think you'll be seeing them and if they have other sources of income. For the college girl I'd personally start at 300 k and / or 1.2 M a month. See if she'll be exclusive. The arrangements are a good natured negotiation so maybe you move from there. Of course she'll expect you to pay for nice dinners and some gifts on top of that. I support with some shopping trips or nice perfume from the states. Things they can't get in Colombia and occasional trip. Of note, some less popular girls can be had for 200k if you give them a decent dinner / experience / IG for their friends (just taking a girl to Envy rooftop for one drink, then to your place for example), on the other hand, I've started at 300 k in negotiations for some gorgeous girls before and they were offended enough to block me LOL, but it sounds like you guys clicked so that shouldn't happen.

Medellin has tons of SBs so she has competition on one hand, on the other, a large number of Paisa men have side pieces and there are some pretty rich guys making good offers (or at least I've been told). Good luck!I would add you should expect the chica to be at your beck and call when you are in town, basically exclusively yours, depending on how much time you spend here and how much you are paying. When you are away, assume she is sourcing as many different guys for income as she can no matter what she tells you.

Catgirl and I have evolved into a slightly different plane. She sources other guys and tells me about it. I tell her about all the chicas on my List, when she asks.

She just got back from the DR today after a few weeks with a guy who obviously has more money than me. She put him on the phone when they were on the beach, and we chatted a bit. I thanked him for taking such good care of her.

Hopefully he didn't have a horse dick and stretch her all out for me, jajajajaa. These Colombiana and Vennie pussies snap back amazingly, nothing like what I was used to in the United States. Ostee Out.

Photos: Freckle and I chillin' at the Sante Fe and El Tesoro malls today. Very nice, prices about the same as in the USA.

Mojo Bandit
05-31-22, 02:17
I agree where you are coming from but there is a certain classiness about ordering a girl to your room while in speedo and watching porn LOL.

A.The difference between going to the casas and going in FB is the difference between shopping at the corner convenience market and going on Amazon. You go to the corner convenience market and you settle for the few choices that they have. Of all you want to do is stick your pecker into something wet than by all means it is convenient but if you want to get a little pickier and have choices. Hundreds and hundreds of choices going online is the way to go.

05-31-22, 02:25
I am there on those dates and would be great to have a friend.There are some real Gringo hucksters out there who will con you. I trust the average Colombian more than I do the others. If someone seems overly eager to "help" you, be doubly cautious.

05-31-22, 02:38
And for heaven's sake they are all putas. I can clearly see the telltale signs. Maybe that has something to do with your response rate, maybe not. If your belief that "they are all putas" bubbles up in your communications with them, then it is relevant.

Call them putas if you have a black & white view. Those girls don't consider themselves even close to being a puta. For them, a puta is a girl who works on the street. The girls you are talking about are on a continuum of girls who will accept money for sex, and that basically includes every adult female in Colombia.

I know some guys believe in a threshold or some imaginary line a girl crosses the second she accepts money or gifts for sex, and that makes her a puta or another word that is banned from this site by admin. You can believe what you want, but if you want better results with the chicas here, don't act like that is your belief.

I've been with more than one girl her, that if I even suggested I was giving them money for sex, they would shut down and refuse. In the end, we have sex and they get the money.

05-31-22, 03:01
It depends what you consider high end, but for strip clubs I'd just hit up the flashy ones you'll find on this board like Fase II (fun strip club, grab a table), La Isla (same as Fase II, more silicon), and Loutron (more of a high-end house, brothel). If you want to go a step below look at Traverl69's map in the Medellin List section.

For venues, Envy Rooftop is a hopping place and worth checking out. Look online for other nice rooftop views.

For hotel, that depends on you and if you're bringing in girls. Your better bet is to find an airnbnb that is fine with parties and girls (not many of them, but I think more fun for a bachelor party than separate hotel rooms). If you're set on nice hotels, then the Hotel Charlee and Dann Carlton are higher end hotels that are generally ok with girls as long as you're discrete.

For dinners and bouncing around bars, the Parque Lleras area is going to be the most friendly for first timers and have the most options. If you want to go higher end go up the hill towards Provenza. There are some restaurants up that way that will have a beautiful view of the city at night. If you want to party with more locals, then go to La 70 (setenta) in Laureles.

Tips - Don't be showy. Leave the nice watch and jewelry at the hotel, or better yet, in the states. Also try to have cell service and ideally a couple people that can speak some Spanish as English is uncommon in most places.

My two pesos-.Is it for sure that the Dann Carlton is girl friendly?

Fun Luvr
05-31-22, 03:56
Would anyone know if orange suites charges for guests, Or is chica friendly.

I was dumb and booked a room on booking.com and I can't cancel it.Report #53675 in this thread has a report about Orange Suites. Appears to be chica friendly.

05-31-22, 04:46
You are allowed to bring a towel of your own. You don't even have to plan ahead. There are shops within a few doors of the hotels where you can buy a towel for 10,000 pesos or so. A wad of toilet paper after you wash your dick wors too. In a pinch once in Bogota I used my boxer shorts to dry my dick. The girl was terrific looking but the short time hotel was eeeww.

You mean this one? This is one of the hotels that give you one small towel so you can share with the girl. LOL. I don't mean one will get disease or anything like that. It really comes down to what one is accustomed to.

05-31-22, 05:54
"How much is your time worth"?When someone tells me their time is worth X amount of dollars per hour, or minute, or whatever, I reply, "My cellular has a stopwatch, make that amount of money in front of me, right now." Jajajajaja.

05-31-22, 07:38
Not sure about your negotiation sequence. You don't have to offend her to let her know what your offer is. You can use a variation of the siempre pago 150/200... line. Some will come down. I have at least one came down to 200 from 300 automatically after I used it. There is no extra work or overhead to do it. All the basic details are in the Reports of Distinction thread.That is exactly the negotiation sequence I use. When the conversation turns to money, my very first line is Siempre pago 150/200 k. The amount I choose to start with depends on several things. Have they been recommended to me and I know how much another monger has paid? How hardcore to they appear to be based on the profile? It is an art not a science after all.

What I was trying to say in the previous post is that I had 2 chicas on this past trip who did not accept my starting point and held firm at 250 k. Could I have spent more time and negotiated lower? Maybe. But once they tell me they have other guys that pay them 250 k mas taxi, it just doesn't make sense to me to haggle over what amounts to 50 k /$12.50 USD. These two girls also happened to be very beautiful and they were on my "to do" list so I really didn't mind.

On the flip side if a girl is not one that I have a particular desire to see and she asks for 250 k or more I just say something to the effect of, you are beautiful so I'm sure you have guys that will pay that amount. I will get back to you if I decide I am willing to pay more than normal. And I stop messaging her. Now it is her decision on if she wants to come down to 150 or 200 k. And I have left her with a compliment so that maybe she doesn't feel offended if she decides to accept less money and see me.

05-31-22, 08:08
Over the past 5 years I've probably spent 40-50 hours devoted to finding girls on Facebook and at least half the time was spent in the first month. Now I spend 15-20 minutes per week, all of it reviewing the 20-50 girls who have sent me a friend request.

Before I get on a plane, I can have already have run 100 girls through the lineup and figured out who to call depending on my mood. No viewing fee required. Or I can post a picture standing in front of a jacuzzi and see how many girls want to join me.

Casas are great, but extremely limited. If there's nobody to your liking, pay the fee and walk to another. If you do find a girl who is a gem, you can almost guarantee her attitude and performance won't be great. Not only are you on the clock, but you're limited to the casa's hours and roster.

There's nothing wrong with casas. They are excellent for entry-level mongering. However, there are many other options.I spend a little more than 15-20 minutes per week but not more than an hour. In addition to the friend requests I occasionally like to look through the stories so I can see how the ones I have on my radar are looking and maybe even find something new that I like.

Like JJBee said the majority of the total time I have spent was done in the first few weeks before my very first trip to Medellin last year. Whenever I am able to go next I will spend a few hours the week before to get the hot prospect list up to date. Post a picture when I arrive and start setting up citas. There are just so many more options than what you will find in the casas.

I do also like the casas and the advantage there (I'm stating the obvious here) is that you see what you are getting. I think most guys that use FB probably have a story of a girl showing up that looked better in her online pictures than she did upon arrival.

05-31-22, 09:12
Just trying to get some opinions of other guy's experiences.

Back from another great trip and once again my happiest memories are sessions I had with ones who don't LOOK the hottest but performed the best.

Before a trip I try to line up ones who look amazing but I am always shocked at how they may look great but are often duds.

Meanwhile, that girl who I wouldn't look at twice that I happen to get with (sometimes as a replacement for a flake girl who is a solid 9) leaves me drained, exhausted and happy.

Is this something you've noticed in your travels as well?

05-31-22, 10:13
Had dinner with a seeking girl on Saturday (dry law so couldn't drink that evening). She's 20 years old and I'm quite attracted to her / we had good chemistry and she's chatty in WhatsApp. Didn't sleep with her and no money given besides the cost of that dinner.

She claimed someone had offered 4000 usd per month and I'm not about to pay her that.

I know there isn't a general consensus when it comes to seeking prices, but in general would 250 k-300 k pesos (ppm) be reasonable to offer a young attractive college girl? Also trying the Instagram strategy, so once I get them messaging on WhatsApp I'm curious how much to offer. I'll be here for at least 6 weeks, so time isn't an issue.Are you wanting quality? A ppm quickie? What kind of hotel are you staying at?

SA. Start at 300 if it's in your budget, 400-700 for someone decent an 8 or 9.

Same for Lleras Park, FB, or any other venue that is not a street girl or online "freelancer" less for downtown SW. Casa girls start at 150-250 Bogota even cheaper. SA or top escorts are the most expensive.

05-31-22, 12:06
I love how Scarlet is cool with one of her friends spreading her ass for you to fuck her.

I tip my hat to you sir.

I Don't Know What the Fuck (IDK WTF) is going on, sometimes.
too much of that going on among the chicas on my List. Last night would have been Lexy's second overnight in a row which she never did before, so I wasn't too surprised.

Fotos show three different chicas, Freckle, Scarlet, and one of Scarlet's friends I had not seen in a while.

05-31-22, 13:15
That's a joke, right?You'll need to pay more for it, and it's relative, but yes I've had some girls that if I keep them happy I think are quite nearly exclusive. These are girls I've dated who are full time students or have regular jobs as dentists, lawyers, business managers. They don't have a lot of extra time, prefer long term arrangements for safety and ease of getting $$ and I believe were exclusive for the most part. I'm sure they were double dipping here and there, but they were always available.

05-31-22, 13:36
I agree. Casas are the simplest solution. No need to prepare for hours.

Did you find afternoons around 3 PM to be best in terms of quality and quantity?

Found any English speaking girls or any that you decided to take home afterwards?

Any deals for a threesome on premsis?I don't know about 3 pm but for sure at 5 there will more customers. I use to go at 11 and it was good too.

I don't know about English speaking girls but I don't think they are many.

Haven't asked for threesome but this should be available. Doesn't know if it's worth it.

I had a great porn star experience (PSE) at Zendaly with a girl dressed as a school girl at Zendaly but that's not common and I'm more into girl friend experience (GFE).

JjBee62: About the price: yes, it is not USD but COP. Sorry!

05-31-22, 14:13
These ask for 400 based on my experience. It is for your reference, it does not mean I have sessioned with them. I am doing this in hope others will do the same, and not just talk about prices which is not that important without a face IMO.

05-31-22, 14:16
This is an example of how it goes with FB girl. The image order is reversed. We made contact on FB. She was reluctant so we made video call to prove I am real. I said nice to see you after our call finished. She is 19 and claimed to be in University, and that explains why she speaks some English. I may post more later.

05-31-22, 14:47
These ask for 400 based on my experience. It is for your reference, it does not mean I have sessioned with them. I am doing this in hope others will do the same, and not just talk about prices which is not that important without a face IMO.400 for the skinny one is worth it IMO. I'm sure some of the seasoned veterans wouldn't agree. I appreciate you talking about prices with pictures because I agree that's very important.

05-31-22, 15:33
Thanks for the feedback, I'll negotiate with her and see what happens.

Have another Seeking girl right now on WhatsApp; 18 and quite attractive. I offered 300 k and she went off saying never going to happen / good luck / take care, and how she gets 1 million pesos per meet. I'd pay 1 M per month, but per meet is a bridge too damn far. The thing is though, she kept on messaging and said I could make her a better offer. Haven't replied yet, so I'll just let her stew for a bit. Money isn't an issue and I'd for sure pay 1 M (yes I'm an idiot, centro rats) for a hot 18 year old, but it's the principle; plus I'm not in a rush. I think I'll counter with 500 k.It is very possible that she gets 1 m pesos per meet, which is $250 usd. I rarely have been quoted more than 800 k pesos, but 400-600 k is the norm for a hot 8+ girl. If she doesn't lower the price, I usually try to negotiate more time, or just make sure she understands that the date has to be overnight (so that I get 3 pops without any rush). I will be coming to MDE next week, for a month, if you would like to meet for a beer, hit me up. Looking at your screen name I assume you are Russian?

Fun Luvr
05-31-22, 15:52
The dollar is currently trading at 3762 COP /$1. Two weeks ago it was over 4100. For anyone in Colombia now, you can still get about 3930 at the ATM's. That rate should be good until 7 pm tomorrow.

05-31-22, 16:05
These ask for 400 based on my experience. It is for your reference, it does not mean I have sessioned with them. I am doing this in hope others will do the same, and not just talk about prices which is not that important without a face IMO.I have sessioned with Salome, girl on the right, last year. That's before some rich guy flew her to Rio de Janeiro and took a MSC cruise trip. Now her value doubles. Hahaha. With that said, she is a fun girl. I would rather spend 400 k on her than on a random pretty girl from SA.

05-31-22, 16:13
I do not partake in this, but the word I hear from chica is that guys usually pay between 1 million and 2 milliones per month. I know some that have paid a lot more. I imagine you could find someone who does not know their worth, but they have to make money somehow, so beware.Of course that's per SD that they are being exclusive for. Most are satisfied with 2 exclusive arrangements, although some are greedy.

05-31-22, 16:20
That's a joke, right?Nope. Many SBs will be exclusive to one SD, along with 1 novio and 6-15 customers.

05-31-22, 17:18
These ask for 400 based on my experience. It is for your reference, it does not mean I have sessioned with them. I am doing this in hope others will do the same, and not just talk about prices which is not that important without a face IMO.Understood your point. The fotos are heavily foto-chopped, and these chicas are experts at lighting and angles. Don't be too surprised when you open the door if what you see is not what you thought you were going to get, jeje.

05-31-22, 18:55
Understood your point. The fotos are heavily foto-chopped, and these chicas are experts at lighting and angles. Don't be too surprised when you open the door if what you see is not what you thought you were going to get, jeje.Most girls edit their pictures. My purpose is to provide a frame of reference. It does not add anything to the post by providing my own opinion.

05-31-22, 19:04
Back from another great trip and once again my happiest memories are sessions I had with ones who don't LOOK the hottest but performed the best.

Before a trip I try to line up ones who look amazing but I am always shocked at how they may look great but are often duds.Absolutely. Attitude and connection are what count.

05-31-22, 19:14
So many of you coming here are absolutely ruining the PPP game here.

I've been coming here since 2005 and have watched it crumble.

Ill be 60 this year. Speak very little Spanish, yes I use a translator and I'm average in looks.

The day I start paying 400 & 500 cop & up is when its time to stay home! 200 - 250 COP is the normal. Stop ruining the game here fools!

Idiots paying 1 mil per meet. Yes you are idiots and are frowned upon!

Elvis 2008
05-31-22, 19:32
Had dinner with a seeking girl on Saturday (dry law so couldn't drink that evening). She's 20 years old and I'm quite attracted to her / we had good chemistry and she's chatty in WhatsApp.

She claimed someone had offered 4000 usd per month and I'm not about to pay her that.She is probably full of shit or the guy who offered it was fucking clueless. It does not matter which. It should have no effect on you.

I know there isn't a general consensus when it comes to seeking prices, but in general would 250 k-300 k pesos (ppm) be reasonable to offer a young attractive college girl? Also trying the Instagram strategy, so once I get them messaging on WhatsApp I'm curious how much to offer. I'll be here for at least 6 weeks, so time isn't an issue.What you want is a woman who is looking for some financial help who is doing something else in her life: going to school, a job ETC. The women I have met make between $300 and $600 per month at their job. So even $100 is a huge amount of money for them.

Do not listen to the dummies who think there are not women on seeking who can be loyal. They are not a majority but there are those types. To me, you need to define if she is SB material or a ho before you go forward. With seeking hos, if they were really hot, I would give them $100 and if not, I would do $60 to $80.

But look for the tells of the ho. How long has she been on the site? What neighborhood does she live in? What do her parents do? Check out her social media. If she is posting pics with her friends partying, that is far different than a girl posting about her work and family. If you go to a hotel, how quickly does she get out her ID? If you have to tell her to get out her ID, that is a good sign. What is her skill like with a condom? Can she open up and put it on you without using her hands?

For the most part, you are better off trying out hos and finding the ones you like if you just want sex. To me, seeking is about finding women you like in and out of the bedroom. One time I had this date with this 23 year old civil engineer. She worked three jobs, and she told me that I was the third guy she had been with and I believed her because she was so lousy in bed.

A few months pass, and she texts me. Her father is sick with Covid, on a ventilator and she wants airfare money from me to fly and see him. I have to ask her something that no ho would not know. Do you get that when I give you money your job is to please me? We go back and forth and I pay the airfare, and she later texts me a photo of her in the hospital with her father.

Later, I see her in Medellin, and she tells me that she wants to please me. Up until the point, I honestly think she never thought pleasing a man sexually had any value. It was all this shit about her being comfortable. I knew a woman with her drive and determination to succeed in life would be amazing in bed if she gave it all she had. We do it again, and the difference in sex was amazing. She was gasping for air, sweating, and having orgasm after orgasm as she rode me like a champ. Hos hold themselves back, but this woman gave me everything she had, and it was great.

I eventually settled on a woman who was better looking, better in bed, older and established in her career, but this woman was a top 1% type woman not based on her looks or sexual skills but her work ethic, loyalty, and intelligence, and this is the type of woman I like. A top 1% girl in the USA is going to want a $1000 for a meet and $5000 a month. In Mexico City, it is $500 and $2000 a month. In Colombia, it is $100 and $500 a month.

This is the kind of woman I want to invest in. If I married this woman, in five years, she would be making six figures in the USA. In ten, she would probably be supporting me.

If I had more time like you do Dima, I would have been looking in Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. The women there are better looking, better in bed, and if you go to the right places, can be had for even less than Colombia.

When I first used seeking, most of the time it was the first time the women had been on a date. Look at it now. All these mongers who are in Medellin / Colombia, on seeking, and a chick asking for $4000 a month? Fuck that. Colombia is no longer a target rich environment with seeking. When I first went, it was like 3 of 4 of the women I met were either hos or nothing special. I cannot imagine what it is like now. It seems like there are even more hos now masquerading as SB / GF types.

05-31-22, 20:22
I can vouch for Men's Do Spa in El Poblado. Fantastic massage with solid ending just no FS. However it being Poblado its pretty pricey. 250 k all extras included with full hour massage.

However, does anyone else have any go-tos for an actually good massage with extras? Anywhere in the city!

05-31-22, 21:51
Nope. Many SBs will be exclusive to one SD, along with 1 novio and 6-15 customers.Are we discussing semantics as to what defines "exclusive"? Or were you joking as Huacho, originally stated? I believe you could pay a chica 5 million pesos per month, and she would still want to fuck around when Sugar Daddy, (SD) was not around, for fun or out of boredom. These chicas love to fuck! Obviously, I am speaking in generalizations, which generally have a basis of truth.

05-31-22, 22:00
The dollar is currently trading at 3762 COP /$1. Two weeks ago it was over 4100. For anyone in Colombia now, you can still get about 3930 at the ATM's. That rate should be good until 7 pm tomorrow.Two weeks ago when the rate was around 4162 COP to the USD, I pulled out 5 million COP, and recommended to others to hit the ATM's and am glad I did. A drop of about 400 COP to the USD is almost 10%.

It's so unpredictable, as this same thing happened a few months back when the rate hit 4,000 COP to the USD, and then dropped down to 3,600 COP, and then rose back up to over 4,100 COP, and now is in retreat.

I told some friends here when it peaked at over 4100 COP to hit the ATM's, but they were reluctant and didn't.

If it goes up to over 4,200 COP, and I'm around, I will be hitting the ATM's again.

I'm wondering what's going to happen when the new President is elected on the 19th of this month, and what type of impact that will have on the exchange rate.

Especially concerning is if the leftist candidate Petro is elected.

If he is elected, I'm sure the Colombian "wealth tax", which expired a few years back will be re-initiated, and wealthy Colombians and foreigners who file taxes in Colombia will get hammered big time, and more so than before.

God forbid if Colombia goes the way of Venezuela.

05-31-22, 22:41
You are allowed to bring a towel of your own. You don't even have to plan ahead. There are shops within a few doors of the hotels where you can buy a towel for 10,000 pesos or so. A wad of toilet paper after you wash your dick wors too. In a pinch once in Bogota I used my boxer shorts to dry my dick. Why would anyone spend 10,000 Pesos to buy a towel to use in a Love Motel in Centro. Granted the 5,000 Peso hotels don't have towels in them to begin with, and your looking at a toilet paper wipe, like In Tijuana, but for 13,000 Pesos you can get into a place that will have towels, so why buy one, and who would want to carry the towel around with them afterwards.

And yes, some of the Hotels that have towels can be stingy with them, only providing one towel.

So instead of bringing your own, just grease the skids and take out a 2,000 Peso bill, smile at the attendant at the desk, or the girls cleaning the rooms and ask for another one if there is only one and you want two towels.

Sometimes the issues of towels is when they run out because all of their towels haven't dried out yet after being washed.

That's why sometimes places that typically provide two towels, will only have one out on the bed.

The true sign of a first class Love Motel in Centro is when there is hot water, two bars of soap, two towels, a shower head on the shower, and the biggest item of all is a toilet seat.

It still amazes me why the majority of the Love Motels in Centro don't have shower heads or toilet seats. Perhaps there's quite a market for used showerheads and toilet seats like cell phones, yet I haven't seen a lot of vendors selling used toilet seats in Centro.

I can remember many years ago when I used to stay at the Premier Plaza Hotel that I would bring my own showerhead with me.

05-31-22, 22:53
Are you wanting quality? A ppm quickie? What kind of hotel are you staying at?

SA. Start at 300 if it's in your budget, 400-700 for someone decent an 8 or 9.

Same for Lleras Park, FB, or any other venue that is not a street girl or online "freelancer" less for downtown SW. Casa girls start at 150-250 Bogota even cheaper. SA or top escorts are the most expensive.Not looking for a quickie, I would like quality; offered 600, waiting to hear back. I'm staying at a nice Airbnb, which I know not to bring them to. Also stayed at chica friendly hotels in the past, so I'll have a room ready there when the time comes.

It is very possible that she gets 1 m pesos per meet, which is $250 usd. I rarely have been quoted more than 800 k pesos, but 400-600 k is the norm for a hot 8+ girl. If she doesn't lower the price, I usually try to negotiate more time, or just make sure she understands that the date has to be overnight (so that I get 3 pops without any rush). I will be coming to MDE next week, for a month, if you would like to meet for a beer, hit me up. Looking at your screen name I assume you are Russian?Got it. You'd think Russian with the name, but no, I'm your run-of-the-mill boring American. Bought my membership and waiting on activation so I can message; down to meet for a beer.

05-31-22, 22:53
There are some real Gringo hucksters out there who will con you. I trust the average Colombian more than I do the others. If someone seems overly eager to "help" you, be doubly cautious.Good call thanks for heads up.

Be safe.

05-31-22, 23:00
So many of you coming here are absolutely ruining the PPP game here.

I've been coming here since 2005 and have watched it crumble.

Ill be 60 this year. Speak very little Spanish, yes I use a translator and I'm average in looks.

The day I start paying 400 & 500 cop & up is when its time to stay home! 200 - 250 COP is the normal. Stop ruining the game here fools!

Idiots paying 1 mil per meet. Yes you are idiots and are frowned upon!Your not alone in your sentiments on this.

05-31-22, 23:11
Thank you very much for this notification. I just got 3912.38 at Davivienda at about 5 PM local time. The offered rate was a bit more than 3500. I normally avoid the ATMs within a few days of the 1st and 15th of the month because of the long lines. I am glad I made an exception today. I assume the Monday holiday and the end of the first round of the election is what caused today's rate change. The second round of the election is a little less than three weeks out. It will be interesting to see what happens to the exchange rate in the meantime.

The dollar is currently trading at 3762 COP /$1. Two weeks ago it was over 4100. For anyone in Colombia now, you can still get about 3930 at the ATM's. That rate should be good until 7 pm tomorrow.

05-31-22, 23:15
So many of you coming here are absolutely ruining the PPP game here.

The day I start paying 400 & 500 cop & up is when its time to stay home! 200 - 250 COP is the normal. Stop ruining the game here fools!

Idiots paying 1 mil per meet. Yes you are idiots and are frowned upon!So much for RTFF about prices and FB girls.

Nearly every week the past two months guys ask the same "How do I get the FB contacts? They ask why the girls ignore them. Simple. You are not there yet! You contact the girl the day before to meet and work out prices. I have never used a FB girl but still read some of the FB content at times.

You guys paying Western prices are indeed fools. Anyone paying 500,000+ COP is a complete idiot.

05-31-22, 23:17
Casa girls start at 150 to 250? I'm confused.

Are you wanting quality? A ppm quickie? What kind of hotel are you staying at?

SA. Start at 300 if it's in your budget, 400-700 for someone decent an 8 or 9.

Same for Lleras Park, FB, or any other venue that is not a street girl or online "freelancer" less for downtown SW. Casa girls start at 150-250 Bogota even cheaper. SA or top escorts are the most expensive.

05-31-22, 23:47
What you want is a woman who is looking for some financial help who is doing something else in her life: going to school, a job ETC. The women I have met make between $300 and $600 per month at their job. So even $100 is a huge amount of money for them...I eventually settled on a woman who was better looking, better in bed, older and established in her career, but this woman was a top 1% type woman not based on her looks or sexual skills but her work ethic, loyalty, and intelligence, and this is the type of woman I like. A top 1% girl in the USA is going to want a $1000 for a meet and $5000 a month. In Mexico City, it is $500 and $2000 a month. In Colombia, it is $100 and $500 a month...I would have been looking in Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. The women there are better looking, better in bed, and if you go to the right places, can be had for even less than Colombia...Great post, thanks for sharing your experience and insights. The only real restriction on my activities are the visa lengths, so I can head to Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay for greener pastures. I've been to Brazil before, but only did the Scandallo thing and that was pretty much it; never got into the sugar scene. I've read good things about Argentina in the Seeking thread on here, so I'll definitely check that out (link to Seeking thread for anyone lurking http://www.internationalsexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?4144-Seeking-Arrangements/).

06-01-22, 03:50
Yes, the chamber maids are pretty generous with towels if you ask. Now that you mention the 2,000 pesos it occurs to me I never tipped them. I'm a cheap bastard and I didn't even realize it. I don't think I've ever been refused an extra towel but now I am going to start tipping.

Why would anyone spend 10,000 Pesos to buy a towel to use in a Love Motel in Centro. Granted the 5,000 Peso hotels don't have towels in them to begin with, and your looking at a toilet paper wipe, like In Tijuana, but for 13,000 Pesos you can get into a place that will have towels, so why buy one, and who would want to carry the towel around with them afterwards.

And yes, some of the Hotels that have towels can be stingy with them, only providing one towel.

So instead of bringing your own, just grease the skids and take out a 2,000 Peso bill, smile at the attendant at the desk, or the girls cleaning the rooms and ask for another one if there is only one and you want two towels.

Sometimes the issues of towels is when they run out because all of their towels haven't dried out yet after being washed.

That's why sometimes places that typically provide two towels, will only have one out on the bed.

The true sign of a first class Love Motel in Centro is when there is hot water, two bars of soap, two towels, a shower head on the shower, and the biggest item of all is a toilet seat..

06-01-22, 04:59
So much for RTFF about prices and FB girls.

Nearly every week the past two months guys ask the same "How do I get the FB contacts? They ask why the girls ignore them. Simple. You are not there yet! You contact the girl the day before to meet and work out prices. I have never used a FB girl but still read some of the FB content at times.

You guys paying Western prices are indeed fools. Anyone paying 500,000+ COP is a complete idiot.Not to mention an idiot calling themselves an expert.

06-01-22, 05:01
Your not alone in your sentiments on this.I consider a chica my friend when she can laugh with me about the bobo paying this.

06-01-22, 05:08
If he is elected, I'm sure the Colombian "wealth tax", which expired a few years back will be re-initiated, and wealthy Colombians and foreigners who file taxes in Colombia will get hammered big time, and more so than before.

God forbid if Colombia goes the way of Venezuela.Look no further than Argentina. When the leftists came the currency plummeted and inflation spiraled, its 58% PA now. Something similar but less will happen in Colombia if Petro gets in on June 19th. Markets currently pricing in a Hernandez victory, as the non Petro vote coalesces around him. He's a bit unorthodox so it will be an interesting 3 wks and you may see some volatility. I'd guess 3600-3700 if Hernandez gets in and 4400-4500 if Petro wins.

06-01-22, 05:21
These ask for 400 based on my experience. It is for your reference, it does not mean I have sessioned with them. I am doing this in hope others will do the same, and not just talk about prices which is not that important without a face IMO.The one on the left used to be 200-250 mil BBFS until about 6-8 mths ago. She now web cams and has a sponsor from Washington state, and will quote you all the way up to 600 mil if she can get you to pay, she is just trying and said she does that because she doesn't really need the extra money but some dudes pay that. If you bargain hard and she likes you she can still be had for 300 mil.

The other one is a prepago for atleast 2. 5 yrs that I know of, and has always stuck to 350 for me, I have never sessioned with her (a buddy that did said she wasn't all that good). But when I told her what I usually pay, she offered up a friend. LOL.

06-01-22, 05:24
You'll need to pay more for it, and it's relative, but yes I've had some girls that if I keep them happy I think are quite nearly exclusive. These are girls I've dated who are full time students or have regular jobs as dentists, lawyers, business managers. They don't have a lot of extra time, prefer long term arrangements for safety and ease of getting $$ and I believe were exclusive for the most part. I'm sure they were double dipping here and there, but they were always available.LMAO. There's what they say and then there's the truth.

Mr Enternational
06-01-22, 05:34
It still amazes me why the majority of the Love Motels in Centro don't have shower heads or toilet seats. Perhaps there's quite a market for used showerheads and toilet seats like cell phones, yet I haven't seen a lot of vendors selling used toilet seats in Centro.When you go into these chicks' houses you will see they don't have toilet seats and shower heads as well. And when you invite them to a place that has a toilet seat, they will raise it and sit directly on the porcelain. You may think they are too poor to afford one, but it is a cultural thing that they do not use it. It is the same in many public bathrooms. Before they built the new airport in Bogota, there were no toilet seats in the bathrooms of the old airport.

06-01-22, 06:50
If you bargain hard and she likes you she can still be hadWork the chicas down on their price if after you meet them you still want them. That's one argument for pleasuring the girl, although it may not hold much water. I guess working a girl down in price takes a time investment some guys don't have if they are here for a short trip.

One mongerer posted here, that the longer he was seeing a chica, the more he was paying her. Not as a girlfriend, strictly Pay 4 Play. I never could wrap my head around that one. Well, yeah I can. Pussy whipped. Crack that whip! (channeling Devo).

06-01-22, 11:02
Look no further than Argentina. When the leftists came the currency plummeted and inflation spiraled, its 58% PA now. Something similar but less will happen in Colombia if Petro gets in on June 19th. Markets currently pricing in a Hernandez victory, as the non Petro vote coalesces around him. He's a bit unorthodox so it will be an interesting 3 wks and you may see some volatility. I'd guess 3600-3700 if Hernandez gets in and 4400-4500 if Petro wins.Well, look at what happens when your a right-wing vassel state of the USA and a pariah in the block of united southern American states - 40% of the people survive on less than USD 100 per month and inflation at 9%. I guess that's what mongers want. For the people to suffer so that more are forced in to prostitution and more bodies can be enjoyed for a few dollars, just as many relish in the struggles of Vnzla and Cuba so that they can fuck their wonem on the cheap. Such wonderful ethics.

06-01-22, 12:01
I am in no way a facebook expert. In fact, the only facebook girls I know are girls that I did not meet on facebook. Now that I disqualified myself from offering advice, I am going to go ahead and offer advice. Like many other subjects discussed here if you read the threads the NASA Engineers who saved Apollo 13 had an easier task compared to scoring facebook dates or getting your dick sucked in a casa. In reality, it is no more complicated than the following: (1) name your price and stick to it. If you want to make it more complicated then you can engage in the seemingly popular game of auction style bidding and justify higher prices by converting the difference into US $ so it seems trivial. Pro tip, as soon as you rationalize a price by converting it to dollars that should be a red flag that you are about to rip yourself off. (2) block out time, lots of it, to build a friends list and once you are here to wait and hope enough dates show up before your trip time runs out. It's a numbers game. You can put the numbers in your favor by building the aforementioned list and by taking a firm stand with the girls that there is a grace period of 15 minutes from the agreed arrival time. Once that grace period is exceeded, there should be no date because you will have moved on to another provider. The alternative is to exchange messages and hope you aren't being strung along while a girl is dealing with some other punter or enjoying her life until she is ready to come take your money. For me personally, I'm happy to pay a premium for something that is extra valuable or convenient. I don't deal with the world of facebook because I rarely have found it to be extra valuable or convenient.There are many ways to find women in Medellin. Facebook is just one of the tools available.

Like any tool, it might appear confusing to someone who has no experience with it. However, like any tool, anyone can learn to use it and with practice learn to use it well.

Different people have different aptitudes. Some will easily pick up how to use Facebook, others will struggle. It's the same with pulling girls off the street in El Centro. For some it's second nature, for others it's incredibly difficult.

Each method has advantages and disadvantages. For example, during a downpour, or at 2 am, getting a street girl is more difficult than getting a Facebook girl.

I've been meeting people through online connections for over 30 years. For me, using Facebook, or other online methods is natural.

06-01-22, 12:15
Yes, the chamber maids are pretty generous with towels if you ask. Now that you mention the 2,000 pesos it occurs to me I never tipped them. I'm a cheap bastard and I didn't even realize it. I don't think I've ever been refused an extra towel but now I am going to start tipping.Greasing the skids works wonders, even 1,000 Pesos is appreciated. When I used to frequent Zona Rosa a lot, whenever I checked in, the girls would automatically give me an extra towel and a bar of soap without asking.

Now perhaps at the establishments with no towels, aka the "toilet paper" wipe places, a 200 Pesos coin will get you an extra wad of toilet paper, or perhaps that's too much, maybe a 100 Peso coin tip will establish you as a valued customer and you can enjoy the perks of being a big tipper. LOL.

06-01-22, 12:33
Look no further than Argentina. When the leftists came the currency plummeted and inflation spiraled, its 58% PA now. Something similar but less will happen in Colombia if Petro gets in on June 19th. Markets currently pricing in a Hernandez victory, as the non Petro vote coalesces around him. He's a bit unorthodox so it will be an interesting 3 wks and you may see some volatility. I'd guess 3600-3700 if Hernandez gets in and 4400-4500 if Petro wins.Such a mess in Argentina for sure. I was there just before the onset of the Pandemic and was amazed how cheap things were there if you had US dollars to trade on the blue market.

Regardless, it will be bad news for the well off Colombians if Petro is elected, and hopefully won't, yet as you mention, Hernandez is a wild card as well.

It's almost like a Maduro and Trump running for President in Colombia.

06-01-22, 12:42
Look no further than Argentina. When the leftists came the currency plummeted and inflation spiraledTrue, but that also happened in Argentina under rightist military governments, neo-cons, and neo-liberals in Argentina. Argentina has every natural resource and virtually no natural disasters, unlike much of LatAm. But they just can't get their shit together. They have world's stupidest economic policies and the world's worst business practices. It's hard to even get a good steak there now because all the good beef is being exported to get hard currency that they then fritter away. Sigh. And yeah, I lived there for many years. QEPD on that one.

06-01-22, 12:48
I've had some girls that if I keep them happy I think are quite nearly exclusive.Quite nearly exclusive? Is that like just slightly pregnant? Or does it mean you almost won't get syphilis? Not sure I understand the concept of 'near exclusivity. ' But good luck keeping a paisa hooker happy.

Nil Admirari
06-01-22, 13:30
Well, look at what happens when your a right-wing vassel state of the USA and a pariah in the block of united southern American states - .... I guess that's what mongers want. For the people to suffer so that more are forced in to prostitution and more bodies can be enjoyed for a few dollars, just as many relish in the struggles of Vnzla and Cuba so that they can fuck their wonem on the cheap. Such wonderful ethics.
Gentlemen (and JustTK, not to question the validity of anything you wrote, one way or the other}, let's move the political discourse (aka: rants) over to the Stupid Shit in Medellin thread where it belongs, and leave this forum alone for the deplorables (myself included, and be they left-winged, right-winged or indifferent)) who just want to get laid. Be it (choose your sweet) an El Centro, 30 k Candy Girl quickie, or an SA Sugar Daddy 600k bonding.

Gianni Versace
06-01-22, 15:16
Gents I'm spending my last day here in Medellin and it has been great so far. I have this vennie who does not have a passport but a regular vennie is. San Peter won't accept her indentification card. Are there any love hotels nearby I can go with her? Don't want to pass up this opportunity. Also will report in full detail my experience here so far. In short the girls that ask for 400 mil cop are crazy that they only allow 1 pop. Sure they maybe hot but I'm done in 4 minutes. All experiences so far have been BBBJ BBFS. I have paid between 150000 mil cop to 350000 mil cop with the latter being a 400000 mil cop girl who was hot and agreed to give me 2 leches.

Any help with where I can go with the vennie in Laureles will be appreciated.

06-01-22, 15:55
Gentlemen (and JustTK, not to question the validity of anything you wrote, one way or the other}, let's move the political discourse (aka: rants) over to the Stupid Shit in Medellin thread where it belongs, and leave this forum alone for the deplorables (myself included, and be they left-winged, right-winged or indifferent)) who just want to get laid. Be it (choose your sweet) an El Centro, 30 k Candy Girl quickie, or an SA Sugar Daddy 600k bonding.I agree! Political discussions do not belong here, maybe in the "stupid shit forum".

Nil Admirari
06-01-22, 16:02
....... Are there any love hotels nearby I can go with her? .........
Any help with where I can go with the vennie in Laureles will be appreciated.Some options:

--Very nearby (a 5 minute walk or less): go left on La 70; in a few yards, just after Calle 42, take the diagonal 70 A to the left for two blocks. There's a small hotel at the corner with Avenida San Juan (Calle 44) that offers rooms short time. (I forget the name). Was about 30 k earlier this year. Rooms tiny, but clean, good hot shower, TV (with porn?) And music.

--For a a good quality Love Hotel: Golden Suites, Av. Nutibara ##71-53. Large rooms with love couches, refrigerators and all the other standard amenities. 3 tier pricing. Simplest rooms were about 40 k (but one could ask for a discount card for return visits, at about 30 k). If I'm not mistaken, some of the more expensive rooms have jacuzzis. A 10 to 15 walk from the San Peter. I had my passportless Vennie pick me up in her taxi and then we would drive there together. After the session we might eat out at one of the nicer Nutibara area restaurants (nicer when compared with the eateries directly on La Setenta) or I'd just split at the hotel and stroll back to the San P, perhaps stopping for a post-coital gelato on Carrera 71.

--Just ask any of the hotels around San Peter if they have "cuartos ocasionales" (the lingo for short time rooms"). There used to be one just a few doors to the right of the San Peter, and another one (where I was meaning to ask) just a block away on Circular 5 near where it meets up with Calle 41 A.


06-01-22, 16:10
Gentlemen (and JustTK, not to question the validity of anything you wrote, one way or the other}, let's move the political discourse (aka: rants) over to the Stupid Shit in Medellin thread where it belongs, and leave this forum alone for the deplorables (myself included, and be they left-winged, right-winged or indifferent)) who just want to get laid. Be it (choose your sweet) an El Centro, 30 k Candy Girl quickie, or an SA Sugar Daddy 600k bonding.Agreed with all you said. Apart from the 600 k Sugar Daddy option. Hehe.

"Gentlemen (and JustTK, "
But do u mean that you do not think I am a gentleman?

06-01-22, 19:05
There are many ways to find women in Medellin. Facebook is just one of the tools available.

Like any tool, it might appear confusing to someone who has no experience with it. However, like any tool, anyone can learn to use it and with practice learn to use it well.

Different people have different aptitudes. Some will easily pick up how to use Facebook, others will struggle. It's the same with pulling girls off the street in El Centro. For some it's second nature, for others it's incredibly difficult.

Each method has advantages and disadvantages. For example, during a downpour, or at 2 am, getting a street girl is more difficult than getting a Facebook girl.

I've been meeting people through online connections for over 30 years. For me, using Facebook, or other online methods is natural.I don't disagree with anything you have said, and a key difference between Fayboo girls and street girls is the immediate element of it.

For some guys like myself, I don't want to schedule and wait around for a girl to show up. How many hours might go by, and what happens if you go with a new one that turns out to be a dud, you can't finish, have blue balls, and want to blow a load, and then have to wait for another Fayboo girl to show up. Where as with a street girl, you can have immediate attention without waiting, and if she turns out to be a dud, you can pay, walk out, and grab another one.

I had an experience like this a few weeks ago. It was a new street girl, and I just couldn't finish with her, so I paid her as I promised, and grabbed another one within fifteen minutes.

I think this illustrates the biggest difference between these two mongering platforms irrespective of the mongers aptitude, and price / quality which is whole other topic discussed here many times before.

06-01-22, 21:58
Quite nearly exclusive? ... does it mean you almost won't get syphilis? Not sure I understand the concept of 'near exclusivity. ' Had an old sugar baby, a former stripper with fake tits who thought she was swimsuit runway material, I got tired of her and ended it. A few weeks later I received a nasty text message accusing me of giving her "fucking syphillis" even though she was "non-reactive" on the paper, which meant she actually was negative. She said she had been "exclusive" with me, and so I was immoral for having sex "raw" without protection and from being on the SA website where I met her from. I am sure that was her nasty way of saying she missed me and wanted me back only to be putting money in her pocket.

I emailed her a copy of my syphillis negative text from a month before, I get tested every 6 months for free and never have had an STD. I did not try to educate her that if she had fucking syphillis she had to have gotten it from some other man. Nor did I try to educate her that "non-reactive" meant she was negative. Figured I would just let it die, don't care to have any more contact with her.

No more interest in her, she was a big pot head anyway.

06-01-22, 22:32
So many of you coming here are absolutely ruining the PPP game here.

I've been coming here since 2005 and have watched it crumble.

Ill be 60 this year. Speak very little Spanish, yes I use a translator and I'm average in looks.

The day I start paying 400 & 500 cop & up is when its time to stay home! 200 - 250 COP is the normal. Stop ruining the game here fools!

Idiots paying 1 mil per meet. Yes you are idiots and are frowned upon!If there are really guys paying a million per session then I have to congratulate the young ladies of Medellin. I sure as hell won't pay that but I can't hate on a girl who can make that kind of sale.

06-01-22, 23:16
If there are really guys paying a million per session then I have to congratulate the young ladies of Medellin. I sure as hell won't pay that but I can't hate on a girl who can make that kind of sale.I'm sure there are guys paying that and much more. And I'm with you on that. If the girl can get it, more power to her. Same as when some guy would drop $500 or more on my old roommate's webcam. I'd cheer for her every time. Then I'd get her to buy me lunch.

The one thing many of the guys complaining about someone driving up the price never consider:

Not all girls have the same value.

It boggles my mind that so many people can't understand that. They understand that everything else has a wide price range, but can't accept that some girls are going to cost more than other girls.

Whether they're worth it depends on the buyer.

06-02-22, 00:28
Quite nearly exclusive? Is that like just slightly pregnant? Or does it mean you almost won't get syphilis? Not sure I understand the concept of 'near exclusivity. ' But good luck keeping a paisa hooker happy.LOL. By that I mean that I think they still fuck some of their old Paisa boyfriends / friends, but aren't banging gringo's nightly. Colombian culture can be interesting where they're still fuck old friends and boyfriends, but it's 'not really cheating' at least not in their mind. They compartmentalize.

The two girls I'm thinking of weren't straight up hookers. One is a legit dentist and one was a business manager / accountant for a textile group in Colombia. I've seen both of their offices, no BS. Between their work obligations and the gym for 1. 5 hours everyday I'm not sure they would have had too much time to be banging multiple gringos anyway LOL. And beyond that the dentist likely makes more than many of the gringos living in Medellin. She'd even worked in Texas for a bit (I guess they recognized the license enough for her to do some stuff).

As many have noted, there is a HUGE spectrum of P4 P.

And or clarify I AM NOT the idiot paying the 1 M.

Fun Luvr
06-02-22, 01:55
I have paid between 150000 mil cop to 350000 mil cop with the latter being a 400000 mil cop girl who was hot and agreed to give me 2 leches.Leave off "mil" when you write the amount as 150000. I'm pretty sure you didn't pay 150000000 COP to 350000000 COP, but that is what you wrote. Most people understand what you meant, but some newbee's may not understand.

06-02-22, 01:58
The one thing many of the guys driving up the price never consider: There are about four billion women in the world to choose fromFixed that for you.