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Chico Charlie 1
07-18-06, 12:38
Dear fellow monger,

Always remember. It pays to share. Kindly share your contacts in pvt with the seniors. You would always get good leads in return.



07-18-06, 12:59
Mate the onus of sharing does not fall only on the seniors. What about the newbies? What about the 7 post guys? If you check the forum you will be surprised at how many guys just cooly shoot off a post telling us to send them the contact on their personal email or pm. And what happens if, by any chance, we do send off the contact to their pm? They dont even bother to write an FR about their experience.

Isn't it just natural curtesy to write an FR once you get the contact from some generous forum member?

Instead we see this guy, who got the contact from us, peddling that contact in exchange for another contact. He does not care that the contact was given to him by a senior and, by rights, he should perhaps ask the senior's permission before passing on the contact.

I have passed on contacts to guys in the past. The result? They use the contact, have fun and then when they are in the mood for a change they post on the forum inviting others to send them contacts in return for a contact that they got from me. Without even bothering to ask me if I needed a secretary to pass on my contacts.

Just had to get that off my chest. Now I feel a bit better.


If any of you are in Gurgaon and don't mind the SW/cheap *****s, then the rickshaw wallah is your friend. There is definitely prostitution going on in Gurgaon. I was offered pussy by a rickshaw guy. I refused it, I don't do the SW thing. Didn't ask him where or how much..but now I'm thinking. May be I'll get a HJ. Probably the safest and cheapest. I'll report on what I find.

N.B: sorry about my rant in my last post. I still think, seniors here should help new comers out, especially since it's so hard to get into the inner circles here in India. It was a piece of cake where I live(US of A, bay area).

Daft Fuzz
07-18-06, 16:02
I do agree with the seniors. There are many in here who exploiting the forum But, why give your leads out to people who haven't been regular? The 7-post wonder that JSF was talkin about is a good example. Be a little discerning and I guess we would be able to get rid of the "slam-bam thank-you sir" kinds.

I guess I say this cause I'm willing to persevere and wait till I get noticed by some benefactor. But this strategy has obviously not worked. All I have got is advice and sanctimony. No one willing to give me any contacts unless I somehow magically present them with one myself. (Where does a guy start??).

So, I suppose the smarter men of the species directly get to the contact-begging (requesting??) mode. The child that cries certainly does get fed first. At this rate, am gonna starve to death ! :). All i'm saying is, Seniors, choose who you give ur leads out to. Gratitude is not a currency many deal in over here.


DF ("",)

07-19-06, 07:58
I guess I say this cause I'm willing to persevere and wait till I get noticed by some benefactor. But this strategy has obviously not worked. All I have got is advice and sanctimony. No one willing to give me any contacts unless I somehow magically present them with one myself. (Where does a guy start??).


DF ("",)Not trying to lecture but It would be nice if you posted your experiences. Even bad experiences will be greatly appreciated if you point out to the forum members what to avoid. I know it might sound selfish asking you ( this you is not you in particular just a general you all) to post your bad experiences so that others benefit from your bad experience by avoiding going with a particular WG or MP etc.

What would be great is to name the names of those who rip you off or give a lousy service. Once you start contributing you will get recognition as a fellow forum member and will find it easier to get contacts from seniors.

I remember when I came to Delhi in 2004 I got a lot of pm from the senior regulars on the forum advising me on what to do and what not to do, where to go etc. Got a few contacts too. But unfortunately got caught up in beaurocratic jumble and did not get a chance to indulge. So there were no reports at that time. I thank all the forum members(you know who you are) who gave me contacts at that time. And my offer of reciprocal contacts still stands. Whenever you guys are in my part of the world (dubai currently, Mumbai maybe in a few months) give me a shout and It will be my pleasure to pass on what contacts I have.

I once asked a fellow monger from Srilanka for a contact in mumbai. And he promptly gave me the contact. He does not know me from Adam. But I guess he has seen the two or perhaps three FRs that I have posted so far on the forum and decided I was an alright guy. Thanks buddy.

It did turn into a lecture. Sorry for that guys.


Chico Charlie 1
07-19-06, 12:34
Hi fellows,

I should say I do agree with JSF. Just to avoid the fly by night mongers, the seniors do not willfully give the contact numbers to any tom, dick or harry. Excuse the Pun, but some of our experinces in the forum have not been good.

One needs to gradually grow as a monger and share your experiences, good or bad with others. You may not give out personal names, but at least try to understand that the reason we all visit the forum is to share new ideas and places and females for entertainment and fun. All of us have been new to the forum when we join but just by posting our experiences, we gain confidence of the senior mongers who thereafter accept us as one of them. In my opinion it is the best way as we all can access the messages written by any particular member on the forum.

Have a great time and share it with others. Enjoy WSG.


Chick Luver
07-19-06, 13:46
I agreed with JSF and Chico, giving contact to unknown people is not at all good for anyone. It may not only bring the SW in the limelight and open to all sort of threats with strangers calling her at odd hours asking for service. There are many people who ask for contacts so bluntly without realising that we have developed contacts after lot of groundwork. These ladies would never like to disclose their identity, no matter how much they like you. Moreover, it is not advisable for you Daff, may be it's a trap for you and you might get ripped off.

It's better to use your own common sense before giving any contact to anyone. I don't want to offend anyone but just being on this Board/Forum, doesn't entitle anyone to ask for contact as his right but he must establish his reputation before asking for contacts.

Daft Fuzz
07-19-06, 16:38
Hindustani and I are plannin to hook up and check out the scene in Gurgaon. Let's see what happens. I'd love to have an FR to post. Just never had the opportunity in Del.

JSF, Chico agree with everything you had to say.

07-20-06, 08:48
JF/ChickLu/Chico and others

Absolutely agree with the three of you. I monger all over the world and have shared contacts often. The challenge sometimes is that our own contacts keep changing.

I had a really bad experience a few months ago of sharing the contact of WG in India with someone in this forum who has had only 6 posts. Seemed like a decent sort who asked politely and offered to reicprocate in the furture and also more importantly post an FR. So I guess everything needed to give someone the benefit of th doubt

Guess what happened, when I ran into the lady in question a week ago, she informed she was being harassed by a guy after she met him the first time. When she politely informed him that she didnt do some stuff, he actually hit her and threatened to have her kicked out of India (she is from nepal). The name she gave me for the guy matched 100% with the guy I gave the lead to. She has gotten so scared that she has left town and doesnt know when she will come back. Felt really bad for her and of course there goes one of my contacts.

So newcomers and periodic visitors, dont be surprised if we regulars are wary of sharing until you have earned your stripes. For me it will be a long time before I give my leads to anyone new anytime soon.


07-21-06, 05:45
Hindustani and I are plannin to hook up and check out the scene in Gurgaon. Let's see what happens.Be sure to let us know how it turns out - whichever way it does! We're rooting for ya!


07-21-06, 05:54
You could take me under ur wing and show me the ropes. I'd be quite the willing understudy! :P.Hey I'd love to man, but I've just got too much to lose in the off-chance that someone recognizes me. I've often wanted to monger with someone (I think it'd be a blast) but for personal reasons, I'm forced to do my mongering in total anonymity OR, on the very rare occassion, with time trusted friends that I know are completely safe.

Let me also say, for the record, that you're probably the best 'junior' member that I've seen in this forurm - if I had contacts to pass on, I'd give them to you. The only 'contacts' I have are the couple of SWs that I use from time to time and I've done my best (for everyone here) to pass that information on by way of descriptions, rates, and photographs. The upmarket experiences I've had, as I've said before, were set up by (said) friends, so I don't have those contacts.

Stick with it. You'll do well.


Daft Fuzz
07-21-06, 17:23
Thanks for being my cheer party dude ! :) Am stickin to it.. all that's left for me now, is to do well ! Fingahs cwossed!

Stick with it. You'll do well.


Blue Mango
07-22-06, 13:53
Any chance for space for one more to take under your wing? I have been mongering unsuccessfully for over a year now :-( Maybe I just don't know the right places, but even the def col seems to dry up if I'm mongering. Talk about bad luck.

07-25-06, 18:33
Hi all,

Delhi may be easing up from the LE angle. Was in Delhi last week after a long time and felt like an out call. Picked up a random number from TOI. He asked me to reach rendevous point (no change in procedure from last time) and ring which I did. You need a safe cell no. for this or at least a PCO close by. He sauntered into sight after a while without a care and asked me to follow. A good 10 minute walk to the flat on ground floor. You sit for a while twidling your thumbs until he thinks its safe. Only two babes. Late twenties to early thirties. Both 5/10. Chose the one with a flatter stomach but flatter bottom too. Beat him down from three grand to two point five for FS. She takes you into one of the bedrooms and bolts up. She then strips and starts a slow caress ending up with a 5 minute BBBJ (with your permission). Reasonable tits without too much sag. FS for about twenty minutes, three positions. Clean body, no smell, friendly to the point of abject, but behenji type all the way. She wanted to know how much I paid the guy, then said "that's too much. you come to my place for lesser damage and a longer undisturbed session". She gave me her cell no. Later the provider said he could get 18 or 20 year olds for 4k. Doubtful. If you want her number PM me (regulars and/or seniors only). Bangalore/Calcutta contacts will be welcome as I propose to go there early next month.


07-26-06, 21:40
I can attest to the previous post, as I was in Delhi recently, and I had much the same experience as the previous monger. But let us not drop our guard, as I read about police raids on brothels and massages parlors every so often in Hindustan Times and Times of India (both of which are available online). Moreover, be aware that some of these gals work hand-in-hand with LE to rip you off, i.e., take you to a place, try to arrest for prostitution then extort as much as possible, ex. $500.00 U.S. dollars or so.
In conclusion, New Delhi is not as dry as other mongers claim, nor is it 100% or even 90% safe. Always be on your guard!!!
The experience I had was in South Delhi, near AIMS!

Chico Charlie 1
07-28-06, 06:35
Hi fellow mongers,

I have to agree with the earlier two reports that some girls/pimps are working hand in glove with the LE. Also for the new members please note that the LE is continuously visitng this forum so please take care about nos., places etc.
I have also mentioned in one of my earlier reports about a friend who got trapped by such a scam.

Regardless, there is always a way on dealing with everything in India where money is your best and constant companion. The other thing is to rent a flat in Delhi which is quite cheap in some areas i.e. about 5000 a month. Bring all the fun there and no one will harass you.

Have a great time. Would love to share contacts in pvt.


Delhi Zen
07-29-06, 11:24
Aurangzeb - Man you write some great reports!

Hindu Stani - Now that you have one girl's number, you should be able to set up a few more. More than likely she has a few contacts herself, you just have to make sure she feels cool to pass them on.

For those who don't have even one number, it's always worth paying top dollar once with the TOI, HT guys. Once you've met one girl, get her contact number, be nice, and you will be introduced to more, and likely get better rates.

Delhi Zen
07-29-06, 11:48
When it comes to dealing with the HT/TOI middlemen, don't let yourself be intimidated. I read an earlier report where one monger felt obliged to take a girl when he didn't want to.

I would always advise against being friendly with pimps, they view courtesy as weakness. Look at them as you would a pizza deliverer, or a gardener. No need to be rude to them, but always remember that they are there to do a job for you, and then leave. If they are not doing their job, walk (or rather drive) away.

On that note, never rely on just one number. Call at least 10-15 numbers. Depending on the time and day, at least half will let you down, or be something like 2 hours late. Sometimes you will need to call with reminders every 15 minutes!

These guys really are useless and greedy. Expect it, adjust your behaviour to deal with them effectively, and build up your network thereafter -never forget to get a girl's cell number. Even if you don't want to see her again, she may be able to help you find another, and could save you the hassle of the TOI route.

Delhi Banker
07-29-06, 14:36
Hi Guys,

I have been a member of the forum for sometime now and have been reading your interesting reports posted on the forum! Would request you guys to accept me as a novice monger on the forum!

Cool Sinbad
07-31-06, 16:28
Was in Delhi for the weekend and decided to go to Dublin at the Maurya Sheraton for a drink. It was loud, boisterous and packed with people (saturday night) and I found a place at the railing overlooking the dance floor to just chill and scope out the scene.

While looking down at the dancers, I felt a brush on my behind and looked around to see a pretty young thing in a sky blue dress passing by. She didn't look back. A while later I felt a brush again, and turned around to see the same girl passing by behind me. 10 feet farther up she looked back and then suddenly turned around as if embarrassed to have been caught looking!!!

I followed her to the bar where she was chatting with another couple. She noticed me slide up to the bar next to her and order my next drink. She turned to me and asked if she could take the stool in front of me and I replied she could. Over the next 30 minutes we both exchanged casual glances while she chatted up her friends and I looked around back and forth, deciding to leave if nothing happened soon.

After I had lit a cigarette, I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Can I bum a cigarette from you" said the sky blue dress. What ensued was a casual discussion broken by instances of her talking with her friends. She was a college student from Chandigarh doing a course on Interior design in Delhi. Suddenly there was a breakthrough. Her friends left, and she simply turned around, faced me and we continued chatting. We then danced several times, and had several drinks over the next hour or so.

At 2:00am I announced it was getting really stuffy in the place and asked if she wanted to do anything else. She replied "yeah, it's getting crowded here, anything you wanna do is fine". 1 minute later we were up in my room (I was staying upstairs in the Hotel), and I pulled out my bottle of whiskey and poured out 2 glasses. She hesitated, but after a couple of sips she settled into a comfort zone.

By 3:00am, we were both lounged onto the bed watching a western flick on TV, and I simply moved over to her face and planted a soft kiss on her lips. Risky - but conclusive and the start of a fantastic night that went on up until 7:00am. Without going into details, we did the humpty bumpty 3 times (twice on the bed and once in the shower). Several positions, lots of sweating and occasionall loud noises. I was thankful when she said she was tired when the sun was clearly coming through the windows. At first hesitant and shy, she'd transformed into a tigress by the time we went in for the 2nd "act" in the shower, and on the 3rd "act", I later realized she'd scratched up my shoulders and back.

We had breakfast in the room and by 10:00am, she'd gotten dressed to leave. "I wish I had enough money to buy a beautiful lenga to wear at my cousin's wedding next week". I understood exactly what she meant even though we had not even mentionned money throughout the night. I cooly gave her 10K and said "this is for you" and planted a kiss on her cheek. She smiled radiantly and said "please call me when you're in Delhi again, I want to see you." I replied " don't worry, I 'll call you when I'm here". I've been exchanging sms's with here almost 10 times a day since this past saturday.

hmmmmmm. Once in a blue moon, you strike a hit. It's the 10 other misses and losers that you have to go through before you get the hit, that are a pain in the ass !!!!!!! Yes, having to pay for it is a b*t*h, but at the end of it all, it doesn't matter that much, if it's worth it........

Cool Sinbad

Daft Fuzz
07-31-06, 16:37
Very refreshing post Sinbad ! And a very aptly chosen nick as well. Seems like you end up having the best of adventures like the sailor himself.

It's wonderful to read such posts. Although most in here would never really have an experience to match this, they can certainly know it's possible if they keep trying :)


Cool Sinbad
08-01-06, 08:20
Hey, thanks DF.

Actually, I have my share of losers and bad experiences (quite a lot of them in India) but I rarely post them on the forum.

I should because they're equally helpful, but I always think it's best to sweep the bad stuff under the carpet and forget about it.


Cool Sinbad

Cool Sinbad
08-01-06, 08:42
I've received quite a few PM's about the night at Dublin. Just before landing in Delhi, I had flown in from Singapore. I've posted my experience about a night there on the Singapore forum if anyone would like to read it. It's about a miss that should technically have been a hit.... Like I said - expect 1 hit for every 10 misses.

Cool Sinbad

Honey I Am On
08-01-06, 12:34
Hi all,

I'm going to be in Delhi from Aug 10, 2006 for a few days. I can't seem to get a good list of women to meet over there. Any chance you guys can be helpful and give me some must-see stopovers?

I'll be in a hotel somewhere ;-)

Pls provide contact numbers, rating, service offered.

Thanks a lot in advance!

08-02-06, 00:05
Your delhi report is very nice.

Good to see honest post. ;-)

Chico Charlie 1
08-02-06, 08:16
Hi sinbad,

Great Report. Well done. Quite informative without going into the nitty gritty details.

Keep up the good work. Happy mongering.


08-03-06, 00:15
When I checked out last in feb this year, they were asking for more like 3000 - 5000 for an hour and 15000 - 20000 per person per night.

I think thats way too much even for classy babes.

Whats the scenario now a days?

Chico Charlie 1
08-06-06, 07:54
Hi fellow Monger,

The prices of Mongering are in direct proportion to the prices of the hotel rooms in Delhi.

Lots of people coming to delhi naturally jacks up the prices of everything. It is a demand and supply rule.

As per my knowledge for a 5+ girl the price for an ST is around 4000 and goes up with the quality. The price of a good quality the LT could be around 15000 onwards.

Just my two bits

Happy mongering


08-06-06, 19:07

Just arrived in Delhi, first time here and have no idea where to monger. I prefer a street or 'real' experience as opposed to the high class escort scene, like getting out there to feel the scene.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Delhi Zen
08-07-06, 13:40

Just arrived in Delhi, first time here and have no idea where to monger. I prefer a street or 'real' experience as opposed to the high class escort scene, like getting out there to feel the scene.

Any help would be much appreciated.Aurangzeb wrote a great street report here:


Chico Charlie 1
08-09-06, 12:43
Hi fellow monger,

I understand you are a newbie on the forum.

If you are a foreigner, dont try to sample the street stuff. You may not come out of it happily. Try the Times of India or the HT and get the message girls to come to your room. Expensive but safe.

On the other hand, if you are an Indian and know the local language, RTFF the reports written by Aurangzeb. You will get lot of info.

Happy mongering


Sexy Raaj
08-14-06, 13:34
Hi fellow mongers,

I am in Delhi next week and will be staying at the Intercontinental Nehru Place for the first time. Is there any good action near by or in the hotel disco? Is the hotel okay with taking visitors(!) up to the rooms? Any additional risks with the tight security situation in India currently?

08-14-06, 18:24
If its street action you are after then Nehru place is very close to Kalkaji. Go straight on under the flyover and keep walking till you get to the Deshbandhu College bus stop. If you hang around there for a while you should be approached. Several of the HT adds are from this area so that.s another option.


Fresh Meat
08-16-06, 11:59
Hi guys,

I recently saw a report in crime reported in zee news that school going girls are into this nowadays in New Delhi and that lot of pimps are in it near Lajpat Nagar.

I would appreciate any resident feedback .

Sexy Raaj
08-16-06, 15:08
Thanks Lagap333,

Any one specifically from HT you have tried and would recommend? From what I gather on this site, some of them can be pretty untrustworthy and expensive. What is a good rate on offer for ST/LT? Does the Intercontinental have a disco?


Delhi Zen
08-25-06, 07:28
Thanks Lagap333,

Any one specifically from HT you have tried and would recommend? From what I gather on this site, some of them can be pretty untrustworthy and expensive. What is a good rate on offer for ST/LT? Does the Intercontinental have a disco?

RaajThey are all fairly similar. I dont think one can be recommended over another.

Chico Charlie 1
08-29-06, 07:37
hi fellow mongers,

have just returned from my eventful trip of delhi. stayed there for about a week but was free for only a couple of nights and a sunday evening. the place is as wild as u can get. you need to have the right contacts.

first of all was very sad to know my regular contact has changed her nos. and i do not have a new one. sad to see one of the best gfe lose out. was a real wonder at 10k for night.

got through the routine ht and toi stuff and dialled several nos. got a good positive response from angelica, a female who speaks good english and hindi. also if you are experienced enough and precisely state the kind of goods you want she would understand and readily deliver. her charges for the girls are 5k one time st, 7k two times st and 12k full night.

was staying in a 5 star hotel in the city and she made sure of my room no. by confirming at the reception and calling back in the room. thereafter sent in a girl who once again confirmed my details via her mobile. ( stupid cg, now i have her mobile no.)

anyways priya, as the girl called herself, came to the hotel within 40 minutes. came by auto rickshaw. a real beauty, not too fair, but real figurative. took her to my room from reception and there were no queries asked whatsoever. being a saturday, the hotel lobby was full, an advantage as lots of people come and go. she came in casually dressed to avoid any queries. to cut it short had a good time including 6-7 shots the night. games included bbbj, shower, tub bath with good oils, cim and a good message. the best thing is liked is being woken up by a bbbj, a fantasy coming true. gave her a 500 rupee tip. also being more friendly, got some of her friends nos also for my collection. she was more than willing to please.

the next day being sunday, got some information about a nude mujra being performed on the outskirts of the city. was extremely excited about the prospect of seeing one for the first time. cost was rs. 5k inclusive of the various private activites you can enjoy with the girls. a friend of mine in delhi had organised the same at some farmhouse.

the system is simple. a group of about 10-12 people have to pool together about 50k rupees. the place will be booked alongwith 5-6 dancers. the main dancer will not be nude as she is a professional. all the other sidekicks slowly strip tease and go nude within an hour. hardcore drinks are served, and for people like me there are soft drinks, juices, veg, snacks etc. once the first hour is complete with most of the females almost nude, you can take you pick and go to any of the rooms that are available. it was really good and i had the pleasure of 3 girls in a span of 4 hours. the party started at about 4 in the afternoon and ended at 10. a real fun time.

the next day monday had to be back to work. had a bad headache. completed the work early at about 4 pm and called one of the other contacts provided by priya. her name is tina. she recently has got married but her pussy was quite tight. negotiated the prices with her and was cheaper as the commission for the madam was cancelled. a 7 on the scale of ten with all the usuals gfe. however, not so good as priya. anyways a cheaper shot at 3k and she left at 6 before her 'husband comes home'.

came back yesterday and thought would share the details with fellow mongers. delhi is still vibrant. the only thing is it has become more expensive. charges have gone up to 4k which were 1.5k 3 years ago.

have a great time in delhi. please do not pm me for numbers unless you are willing to provide actual numbers and details beforehand.

happy mongering


08-29-06, 08:55
This is a fantastic report.The type of girls like Tina are really suitable--married and willing,so safe and best is you did not have to go through an intermediary.

08-30-06, 08:07
I am new on this board but otherwise a purana paapi.I have been thrilled to discover this board --so far I was member of some firang boards only.This is something much better as I stay in Delhi itself. However,being afraid of LE, generally avoid hanky panky in India.

In 2004, I visited Thailand and was thrilled with the massage experiences there.So once I returned, I started to try out the scene in Delhi too.

Since I am married,getting masseurs at home was out of the question. So I scanned the ads for a number of days. I rang up but mostly responses were rude and crude which itself was putting off. Finally,got a response from a soft spoken female who said for details I'll have to come there. She gave me the adress as Affinity Parlour, located at Green Park market. I landed there at 6p.m. and was impressed by the ambience--located discreetly in the commercial area ,with a haircutting area and posters of La Oreal.

I asked for a body massage. They said one by a female will cost 1200 rs,money to be paid in advance. I paid and out trotted 6 to 7 females,mostly north-east types but a few north indians. Chose a dusky female. She took me to a cabin and asked me to remove my clothes. She actually massaged me for full 45 minutes. Though it was no where near the thai massages,it was quite relaxing and stimulating. Seeing my erection,she offered to give me hand relief. I agreed and she asked for 500 rs. I paid and she did it--was relieved in minutes since was already excited and stimulated. I was so relieved by the availability of massage in the heart of Delhi that I gave her 500 rs tip more and gave her my visiting card also.

After a month I visited again but this time was disappointing as the same girl I chose and she ,after just 10 minutes of a perfunctory massage,dived for my organ and again hand relieved me. I requested for DAITY but she refused.

I never went back there and later I read about a raid on this parlour. Wonder if it still exists. I have not seen their ads for a long time now.

08-31-06, 14:03
Hi folks, I am a hobbyist from the States and am in New Delhi these days. I think I will be here for at least another 2 months working on various projects. So while I am here, I want to and will be exploring what Delhi has to offer. I am a member of, and subscribe to, The Erotic Review. I have many reviews on ***. And I hope to add my contributions here.

I have some contacts of providers in Delhi (mostly North-East Indians and Nepalis). They are very affordable (1 to 2K per shot and 3 to 5K a night). But the looks and quality of service are mediocre compared to what we get in the States. I wish we have ***, India version. With all those search features. That will be a dream come true.

I have been reading some of the posts here. Thanks to the authors of those posts. And yes, I will be checking out the Defense Colony. Nirula flyover route. If nothing else, then just for the kick of it. I have also started frequenting some of the night clubs/ discos here in Delhi.

I hope I will get to know some of you here.



09-01-06, 08:31
Hi folks, I am a hobbyist from the States and am in New Delhi these days. I think I will be here for at least another 2 months working on various projects. So while I am here, I want to and will be exploring what Delhi has to offer. I am a member of, and subscribe to, The Erotic Review. I have many reviews on ***. And I hope to add my contributions here.

Welcome aboard Prince, we look forward to reading about your exploits.

09-01-06, 08:48

You can try Vasant Vihar also--opposite Modern school in early evenings and near Vasant Intercontinental. If you are alone and lurking, you may be approached by some girls. I was approached by two females,saying'hi,we are professionals,would you like to try us' .Since they did not have a place to take me, I declined,but you being in a hotel,could try your luck.

09-01-06, 11:28
Okay guys, last night I was introduced to a place called Pegs-N-Pints in Channakkya (area name in New Delhi). It is a dingy little night club, very loud and crowded. My first reaction was: "Why this place?" It didn't look very appealing. Male-female ratio was lop-sided: at least 10 males to 1 female. I asked my local friends if we can go to some other, less crowded place. They asked for my patience and gradually explained why they picked the place. We had some beer and made our way into the crowd. I danced around now and then, but mostly sat on lounge chairs and watched the cword. In the mean time, my friends were working ... picking up girls to take back with us. They came back with three girls from North-East India (Nagaland/Mizoram?). I was the guest of honor, so I got the first pick. We left the place around 1 AM with the girls. The deal, as I was explained, is Rs. 4 to 5K for the night.

She said that her name is Marlyn. She is a petite girl, about 5' 2", A or small B-cup, and from Mizoram. She lives in Munirka (near Vasant Vihar). Apparently, a lot of these North-East girls live in Munirka. We took shower together and everything was included (I didn't try A). Her service was acceptable and oral was WO. On a scale of 1 to 10: 7 for service, 6 for look, 8 for value.

Back to this Pegs-N-Pints place. I was told later that this is the place to pick up girls. I guess it is almost a sure thing ... just like going to one of those Asian MPs back in the States. Well, next time, I want to have to work a little in picking up girls. Half the fun is in the hunt. I was told to go to Delhi Devils in South Extension II or Flesh in Vasant Vihar. We'll see.


Available Delhi
09-01-06, 12:46
Hi Prince,

The best discs / joints I found so far are in South Delhi - Hash / RPM in Vasant Vihar, priya complex and Devils / Lizard Lounge at South Ex part 2.

Somethime I feel these places are almost same as so called Disco Bars (pick up bars) in Bombay. you go there have some drinks and start dancing if you are expert or just hang around and ask any girl you like.

All da best

Hi folks, I am a hobbyist from the States and am in New Delhi these days. I think I will be here for at least another 2 months working on various projects. So while I am here, I want to and will be exploring what Delhi has to offer. I am a member of, and subscribe to, The Erotic Review. I have many reviews on ***. And I hope to add my contributions here.

I have some contacts of providers in Delhi (mostly North-East Indians and Nepalis). They are very affordable (1 to 2K per shot and 3 to 5K a night). But the looks and quality of service are mediocre compared to what we get in the States. I wish we have ***, India version. With all those search features. That will be a dream come true.

I have been reading some of the posts here. Thanks to the authors of those posts. And yes, I will be checking out the Defense Colony. Nirula flyover route. If nothing else, then just for the kick of it. I have also started frequenting some of the night clubs/ discos here in Delhi.

I hope I will get to know some of you here.



09-02-06, 10:13
Can you please give the exact location address to find out the place.
Are all the girls there pick ups?Only N.E. girls? Do they speak English?

09-02-06, 16:27

One thing I want to warn you is about the advertised friendship clubs in Delhi. They promise you the moon and deliver horse-shit.

I rang up one called Noble Friendship Club. The female incharge was all sugary and promised me 3 contacts straight away if I took the deluxe membership,and telephone sex on regular basis for life. I was desperate looking for a break and paid 10 k for the membership. She gave me 2 girl's telephone numbers but these girls would just not talk and never agreed to meet. I rang up the agence and sent them threatening mails. Ultimately,one day a 45 years old female ,plump and punjabi housewife walked into my office and I almost puked. I thanked her and sent her away.

Since then, I tore away my membership card as a bad joke.

Daft Fuzz
09-03-06, 17:23

WOuld like to share my pune trip with you. 7 days there were a billion times better than the 8 months i've had in Delhi. :) So.. read on if you have the time to spare..



09-04-06, 06:16
StudFarm, here is the 411 on P-n-P:

Pegs 'n' Pints
Chanakaya Lane
Chanakyapuri, Delhi 110021
Tel.: 26878320, 26878323

Chanakyapuri is one of the nicer neighborhoods of Delhi. I am sure any taxi or auto driver can take you there.

Don't got there on Tuesdays to pick up girls. I heard Tuesday is an alternative lifestyle night.

Regarding girls: I don't know if all the girls there are working girls. I guess you have to ask discreetly and find out. Also, I didn't see many Indian girls. I will say most of them are from N.E. From what I can tell, all of them speak English. I don't think you will have any language or communication problem. Good luck!



Can you please give the exact location address to find out the place.

Are all the girls there pick ups? Only N.E. girls? Do they speak English?


09-04-06, 06:21
My local friends advised me against pursuing these friendship clubs. I saw their ads in ToI and HT, right along with MP ads. My curiosity led me to call a couple of them. They promised the same thing and asked for money upfront. I made a mistake of giving one of them my mobile number. She kept calling me for two weeks. That's where I stopped. I am glad I didn't pursue further. Thanks for sharing your experience Adhin.



One thing I want to warn you is about the advertised friendship clubs in Delhi. They promise you the moon and deliver horse-shit.

I rang up one called Noble Friendship Club. The female incharge was all sugary and promised me 3 contacts straight away if I took the deluxe membership,and telephone sex on regular basis for life. I was desperate looking for a break and paid 10 k for the membership. She gave me 2 girl's telephone numbers but these girls would just not talk and never agreed to meet. I rang up the agence and sent them threatening mails. Ultimately,one day a 45 years old female ,plump and punjabi housewife walked into my office and I almost puked. I thanked her and sent her away.

Since then, I tore away my membership card as a bad joke.

09-04-06, 13:50
If anyone from LE is reading this, I want to state that the following is a fiction. I couldn't possibly do anything discussed here in real life.

I spent the weekend with two of my local friends near the north campus (Delhi University). We got some booze and partied hard. My friends arranged two ladies to entertain us. So it was a 3 on 2 act basically. The girls live in that area, but I don't think they are DU students. I didn't get that college student feel from them. Plus they appear to be in their late 20s or early 30s. Kiran is an Indian, Puja is a Nepali.

Kiran is taller and slimmer. Puja is shorter, darker and average build. They didn't do girl on girl, otherwsie they served all three of us well. Oral was without, everything else was covered. Puja was very good with cow girl and reverse cow girl. Damn, plus she makes all these sounds that encourage you to pump harder. We went at it taking turns from 10 PM till about 4 in the morning. We took booze breaks in between. Then I went at it again with Puja around 10 AM before the girls left. Wow!

I did a lot of group parties back in the States, so I was fine with doing in front of my friends. This kind of arrangement might not work for everyone.


Daft Fuzz
09-04-06, 18:51

09-07-06, 08:48
I have been trying to upload a picture of Puja without any success. Yesterday, I tried to upload it, but it didn't work because the file was too large (straight from my camera). So last night, I edited the photo in photoshop to create a file for web (reduced to 47KB in size). I thought that should do it, but I was wrong. I need to make it even smaller. You will have to wait a bit longer to see Puja's pic. Any tips on doing this right in the future? Sorry.


Social Doctor
09-07-06, 13:40
Hey mongers what's happening in NOIDA!

I have found out an MP which goes by the name of Prakash saloon. Though situated at a very congested place HAROLA near NOIDA administrative office(opp. secto 6). There are two women there Shipra and Divya. Shipra the older one more experienced gives an ultimate massage with whole lot of licking and kissing through the entire body but Divya with her ultimate assets is worth a try. She is not good at massage but has enormous assets (boobs and bum) a truly 18 year old chikni and and very good in the act. Rates 1.5 for half an hour for massage and 2.5 for for the act with rubbers on. Never tried oral or anal but you may negotiate it overall 7 out of 10. I have the nos. [Telephone Number deleted by Admin] (ask for Shipra)

Happy mongering.

In ashram in South Delhi just below the Bhogal flyover there is one MP which gives 'Kerala massage' though nothing mallu about it but is worth a try for Rs. 700-900 for a session i did not ask for more as her attitude did'nt seem to be very good.Any takers ? It is situated just below the flyover if u are coming from Bhogal side take an U turn as soon as the flyover ends walk in the lane (no car parking available there) walk a few paces there is a property dealer after two three buildings it is bang there on the first floor of a white building. 63 Hari Nagar.

Happy mongering !

Any idea about the scene in Rajdoot hotel( Nizammudin) these days as it used to be famous for wild outings and floor shows?

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove personal telephone numbers in the text. Please do not post personal telephone numbers in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you for this information directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

09-08-06, 05:34
Nice report, SD. But in future save the details on exact location, names and numbers for PM... it won't be surprising if LE gets to these places soon. We don't want them to close down, mate :)

Best, Gos

Hey mongers what's happening in NOIDA!

I have found out an MP which goes by the name of ***.Though situated at a very congested place HAROLA near NOIDA administrative office(opp. secto 6). There are two women there Shipra and Divya. Shipra the older one more experienced gives an ultimate massage with whole lot of licking and kissing through the entire body but Divya with her ultimate assets is worth a try. She is not good at massage but has enormous assets (boobs and bum) a truly 18 year old chikni and and very good in the act. Rates 1.5 for half an hour for massage and 2.5 for for the act with rubbers on. Never tried oral or anal but u may negotiate it overall 7 out of 10. I have the nos. ***(ask for Shipra)

Happy mongering.

In ashram in South Delhi just below the *** there is one MP which gives 'Kerala massage' though nothing mallu about it but is worth a try for Rs. 700-900 for a session i did not ask for more as her attitude did'nt seem to be very good.Any takers ? It is situated just below the flyover if u are coming from Bhogal side take an U turn as soon as the flyover ends walk in the lane (no car parking available there) walk a few paces there is a property dealer after two three buildings it is bang there on the first floor of a white building. ***.

Happy mongering !

Any idea about the scene in Rajdoot hotel( Nizammudin) these days as it used to be famous for wild outings and floor shows ?

Honey I Am On
09-17-06, 16:48
pls share the contact details.

pm me.

it's good that there is atleast some movement in this dead forum, specially delhi. i reached here yesterday for a 3 days business trip. delhi has changed a lot and as per the chief minister, it is going tobe the best city of the world. god bless her. the mongering scene has definitely changed a bit and now sws and teenaged girls from north east are very easily available everywhere.

yesterday evening at 6.00 pm, visited one of the best hospitals in south delhi with one of my friends who introduced me to maya, a senior physiotherapist doctor, a young 26 years, very beautiful female and selected a quick therapy package. i was escort by the boy to the clinical lab, having all five star facilities, with 6 north east, nepali and one uzbek or tajakistan girls to choose from. all aged between 18-20 - very young and seductive. i selected lilly, 18 yrs mizo beauty. unbelieveable service and unforgettable experience. she offered a whole body massage with fs. she didn't hurry up but seemed quite relaxed and enjoying the moments. i returned fully satisfied with a promise to return again. total damage 3k including room plus 500/- tip to this young beauty. she didn't allow me to photograph her but who bothers.

i feel this is the most economical and safest place to have massage with fs at such a down to earth cost. no tension but full of fun.

happy mongering

Delhi Zen
09-20-06, 16:54
Hi Prince,

The best discs / joints I found so far are in South Delhi - Hash / RPM in Vasant Vihar, priya complex and Devils / Lizard Lounge at South Ex part 2.

Somethime I feel these places are almost same as so called Disco Bars (pick up bars) in Bombay. you go there have some drinks and start dancing if you are expert or just hang around and ask any girl you like.

All da bestI went to Lizard Lounge some time ago, and noticed a lot of NE looking girls. Thing is though, it looked as though they all came with a (NE-looking) boyfriend. Now I'm all up for approaching a chick on her own or in a group, but when she's with someone that looks like a bf.

Anyone know the score with Lizard Lounge, was I just unlucky that night and all the girls genuinely did have partners with them?

09-21-06, 12:42
They are not necessarily their boyfriends. At best, they know each other; that's all. I felt the same way as you did and hesitated approaching them when I started out; now I know better. ;-) Just ask one of them to dance with you. If she is available, she will. If she is with her BF (in rare cases), then she will decline. Delhi Devils, right nearby, in SE II and Hash in Vasant Vihar (Priya complex) provide similar pick up opportunity. Good luck!


I went to Lizard Lounge some time ago, and noticed a lot of NE looking girls. Thing is though, it looked as though they all came with a (NE-looking) boyfriend. Now I'm all up for approaching a chick on her own or in a group, but when she's with someone that looks like a bf.

Anyone know the score with Lizard Lounge, was I just unlucky that night and all the girls genuinely did have partners with them?

09-21-06, 19:23
Hi guys,

Thanks for the leads in South Delhi. I'm from Mumbai and come to Delhi often on work. Will make it a point to visit Lizard Lounge and the other joints on my next trip. I usually stay at Connaught Place and was wondering if there are any reasonably priced hotels in South Delhi close to these pubs.

Thanks in advance.

09-22-06, 18:22
I think I saw several small inns and guest houses near these joints in South Delhi. There is Hotel Orchid or Orchid Inn, right across Delhi Devils, also near Lizard Lounge, in SE II. happy hunting.


Hi guys,

Thanks for the leads in South Delhi. I'm from Mumbai and come to Delhi often on work. Will make it a point to visit Lizard Lounge and the other joints on my next trip. I usually stay at Connaught Place and was wondering if there are any reasonably priced hotels in South Delhi close to these pubs.

Thanks in advance.

09-29-06, 13:59
Will be visiting delhi early next week. Want someone I can enjoy in my Hotel room. GFE, BBBJ, DATY. Preferred. If any one has recommendations with contact info, please PM me.

09-30-06, 07:48
This is a delayed posting of puja's pic. I am getting lazy and also tied-up with work to write new reviews. I have couple pending. Will try get to those posted soon.

Bull Dozer
10-01-06, 08:43
Hi Folks,
I am visiting from San Francisco, USA will be in Delhi for a few days starting October 3rd, could you kindly PM me some info on the hospital scene , if possible an address & phone # or any other mongering contacts,would be greatly appreciated. I am a Senior member & have a lot of postings in Photo Gallery in China section, look around 23th July 2006 for verification

10-03-06, 18:58

I am new here. Just want to share my experience. I tried TOI numbers around a month back on my last delhi visit.

At one of the number I was assured that along with the massage some extras are alsoavailable on additional cost. I was told it could be 4K for FS.

The person asked me to come till Hayatt Hotel. I reached there and called him again, then he asked me to come further till the petrol bunk in front of Hayatt.

I waited there for 25 mins then finally a person came in a bike and took me along towards some narrow lanes. And finally after 1.5 KMs we reached one small apartment complex.

At the TOP floor's flat there were only one gal 4.5/10. There were no other options so went for that.

OK experience, but will not go there again.

10-03-06, 20:06
MY experiences were similar to sugarsex inregard to the adds in HT/TOI. It is rather hit or miss? Neverthless, as stated by him, he did get some! This was my experiences when I used these adds! Neverthless, there were some experiences I would love to repeat and others which were so-so! I did not find a direct relationship between cost and the resulting exprience! I had a better experince with a 4K gal (short time) than a 10K gal (short time)!

10-04-06, 06:21
Visited Delhi few weeks ago. Was there for a day and half, here is the story.

Day 1 - Stayed at a medium level hotel close to the airport, called up a number that I got from one of the friends. I was under the impression that she was a part timer but turned out to be a pimp. Anyways, we negotiated a price on phone for 5k for 2hrs and she promised to send the girl straight to the room. Here starts the problem. I just dont understand why they promise to send the girls to the room and finally ask us to go downstairs and take them to room. Doesn't that make very obvious to the people at the reception?

So, she calls me up after 30mins and says that the girl is waiting outside hotel. I was really pissed, but then she said she got 2 girls in the car and I can choose anyone I want. I didn't want to waste too much of time, I am on a mission and needs to accomplish that, so agreed, went outside the hotel and waited. They came in a tainted car and asked me to get into the car. There were two guys, one driver and one in passenger seat and two girls in the back seat. It was a bit risky, but I always took chances in this hobby, have seen the worse, so this was nothing, got into the car and we just started driving around.They asked me to pick the girl. Both were good, one is North East girl, must be 20, about 7 on looks and the other is punjabi, probably 25 and again a 7 on looks. I dont get attracted to NE girls, so I have decided to go with punjabi girl. They asked for payment upfront, I said no, they tried to create a scene, thought I would be scared because I am in their car, but I didnt give up. Finally they agreed to collect the cash 'after' the session. I didnt want to take the girl with me, gave her clear directions how to get to the room and walked away. She followed me, after I got into the room, got a call from reception saying there is a girl waiting for me downstairs and they cant let her in !

I had a similar experience in Chennai and I was already getting frustrated with these hotels. I went to the reception, took her to the restaurant downstairs, I noticed a backdoor exit to the hotel from the restaurant and somehow managed to take her to the room. I got a call again from reception saying that they know that I took the girl and I should let her go in 30mins. I agreed. She was ok on bed, CBJ,CFS, nothign great to write about, just another session. She is willing to give BBBJ, but I go for it only with the parttimers/non-professionals. So, looks 7,skills 6, attitude 7, damage 5k. She would have stayed longer, but I had to let her go, thanks to the hotel staff.

I got a number of a pimp from this board, his name is Baba. He seems to be very popular on this board and couple of other similar boards, I got the same number from few folks. And they all said he is really good, but later I realized that most of those folks wouldn't have tried him, they just got the number from someone else and passed them on to me.

Called up this guy, agreed to meet at Hotel Grand (Vasant Kunj). He came in a nice car and picked me up, rates start at 7k, but said he has a fantastic girl at 10k, she is just coming out of the class and willbe at his home in 15mins. I dont usually believe this crap, cuz I have been mongering for long and know the game, but I gave in because I got the number from lot of folks. Finally, we go to his house which is 10mins away from Hotel Grand, there is a girl waiting, probably a 6, punjabi,with a typical pro look. I was disappointed, she is definitely not worth 10k for ST. I still went ahead because I was very much mentally prepared for the session and didnt plan any alternatives for that day.

This guy talked a lot, but I realized that he is just another pimp taking advantage of folks from internet. He is a bit educated and speak english, so he knows how to reach customers like us, the ones with money but no contacts in Delhi. The same girl becomes a college student, model, airhostess whatever else you want. I called him up from a different number next day just to confirm and asked for an airhostess, he said she would be available in 15mins and gave exactly the same description like he did the day before asked me to come to Hotel Grand..blah..blah...

Bottom line - Stay away from this guy. He is a RIP OFF. Lesson learned, dont waste your money on this guy.

Day 2- Moved to Hotel Rajdoot, as I had a better impression about it, but the dances are closed and the room boys werent very helpful either. Called up some numbers from HT, went to a massage parlor close to PVR at Connaught. There were 3 girls in there, picked the best of them, 1.5k for massage+HJ. Looks-7 (I liked her eyes :) ), skills - massage 1, HJ 5, attitude - 6.

Talked to an auto driver outside Saravana Bhavan,this guy is extremely smart, speaks fluent english, knows the scene very well, but he wants to partake along with me and thats a strict no-no for me. I would rather give 100 bucks extra than taking these guys along with me. However, he told me about couple of places, one is a girl that works at a beauty parlor, but does give massages outside work. He actually took me there, but she wasn't in. Next he told me about a mujra place, I went there myself, but the party starts only after 8pm.

Called up another number from HT, told them I am at CP, he came and picked me up on a bike after 30mins,took me somewhere, dont even know where it is, I was more busy just watching the city. After 15mins, we stopped at an old apartment, there were 4 chicks, 1 is from Russia but she looked like high on drugs and a real pro. Even otherwise, I try to stay away from foreigners when I am in India, I want to try the real desi maal. Be a roman when you are in rome, screw the indian pus*y when you are in India ! Opted for one (later found the name, Nisha), 3.5k for ST, must be 28,looks-7,service-6,attitude-6. Not bad.

About the time to say good bye to delhi as I had to catch a flight.

People told me stories about clubs in star hotels, didnt get a chance to try them, hopefully I will next time. You will probably have a better chance if you stay at the same hotel because most of them dont allow single guys, but then you will spend 8k just for the room. If you find really a hot chick, may be its worth it, otherwise its just waste of money, especially if you are paying from your pocket and not a company sponsored trip. In general, I dont enjoy staying at star hotels, I had the fantasy, lived through it, now I prefer medium hotels where you have access to all the small restaurants, tea shops etc. I enjoy that better.

This was my first trip to Delhi, had better expectations, but as a first timer, it was a learning experience, hopefully I will fare better next time.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Hindu Stani
10-05-06, 04:15
I called up this pimp (Tania) after getting the number from one of the messages posted in this board(the message has been removed, but thank god for Google desktop I had it in my cache). She operates from Malvia Nagar in South Delhi. It is a standard operation, but cheaper compared to the TOI classified rates. She brought along two girls in her car and asked me to pick one. You have the option of taking the girl with you or going to their incall location. I asked them to provide the room. The room was a few minutes away from our meeting point. The chick I picked up was cute and had a tight body(and pussy). She can't speak english, but then I was not planning on hiring her as my english teacher. The service was good, if I ignore the fact that she didn't want to do doggie. She had a good sense of humor and I enjoyed my time with her. Damage 2K + 1k room + 100rs tip. Now that I know how Tania operates, I'll try and see if she has "college chicks" as was mentioned in the message and report back.

As for Baba, I figured he was a rip-off after I saw his response to my email. Never called him. I think the overall consensus here is that "chamadi.com" is the only reasonable escort service on the internet.

Kalu Ji
10-07-06, 15:34
Hi All,

I am new to this site.

Have been through the postings pretty informative and very good to go through.

I am coming to new delhi in couple of days. And staying south ex. Have meeeting to attend and would like to explore. ! :-)

Would like seek your guidance and help to get around the place and get what would be memorable stay.



Akshay Tocool
10-08-06, 09:29
Hi Chuck,

Please share the contact & whereabouts for the south delhi hospital as i frquent delhi from mumbai, and i would like to use the services.

PLease let m know when if u visit mumbai as I can give you a very good contact there who is similar to South Delhi hospital (great massage + free handjob, extra services at negotiable rates between you and the girl). I realy miss fun when I visit Delhi as I have been ditched once by the classified adds wherein they took 200 usd from me and the girl I got was shitty. I am a genuine guy who is interested in some fun so please share the Delhi contacts and especialy the South Delhi hospital.

Thanks & cheers


Kalu Ji
10-09-06, 15:25
If any one has any contact nos uselful in Delhi plz do provide me! :-)


10-09-06, 17:07
I have been in Gurgaon for 6-7 months without any action. Can someone recommend a source? I don't want to spend rps 8000 to 15000, that's too much for me, I can only afford rps 2000, where can i go?

Are there any outcalls in Gurgaon itself?

10-09-06, 19:06
Hi Akshay

Can you passon me some contacts in Mumbai, I will be there on Thursday. In turn I can passon contacts in Calcutta. You may contact me atleast one week before calcutta visit, to have latest contacts.

Thank you,


Hi Chuck,

Please share the contact & whereabouts for the south delhi hospital as i frquent delhi from mumbai, and i would like to use the services.

PLease let m know when if u visit mumbai as I can give you a very good contact there who is similar to South Delhi hospital (great massage + free handjob, extra services at negotiable rates between you and the girl). I realy miss fun when I visit Delhi as I have been ditched once by the classified adds wherein they took 200 usd from me and the girl I got was shitty. I am a genuine guy who is interested in some fun so please share the Delhi contacts and especialy the South Delhi hospital.

Thanks & cheers


10-14-06, 10:25
just when i was getting tired with the same old ne and nepali girls in delhi, i got lucky with a real indian hottie -- jyoti. i met jyoti in cp, near the big india today sign board. (i think it is in the south side of cp. thete is a woodland store near by.) i have been stopping by that place now and then after learning that some working girls can be found in that area. guys, it is true and i got lucky about 5 days ago.

i was by myself and was just sitting on one those iron rails. justing doing some people watching and nothing else. pretty soon, i saw a girl haging out by herself in the vicinity. i made eye contacts, gave her a smile. she looked around and returned my smile. i moved closer and started small talk with her. she was shy but friendly. she is a college student and told me she was there to do some shopping (yeah right). it was late evening around 8 pm and i asked her what she is doing that evening. she replied to say that she has no plans. she asked me, what i am doing. i told her i have no plans either and may be we can hang out together. (guys, at this time i had no idea she is a working girl, so i was taking some risk here.) she said, maybe and asked how much i can offer. wow, jackpot! she is available! (my heart started beating faster at this point.) i asked if she will come to my place. and her answer was yes. (i am like all excited at this point.) we agreed on 5000 rupees (a little over 100 usd).

in my state of excitement, i didn't even ask her if this was for one shot, couple of hours or all night. i was flying blind in hind sight. she was hot: anout 5' 4", fair complexion, in early 20s, shoulder length black hair, average body, decent size tits, smelled nice and talks really well. just the company alone would be worth half the price. her spoken english is very good. we hopped in an auto (local transportation) and were on our way to my place. (i was giddy at this point.) we behaved well in the auto and didn't do anything to raise suspicion. (i was tempted though.) it takes only 20 minutes to my place from cp, but felt a lot longer.

once we were in my rented apartment, i held her hand, gave a hug and we started kissing. which turned into dfk. took a break from that to fetch drinks. just soda and juice. she said that she doesn't drink alcohol. sat in front of the tv and started small talk. soon. we were making out on the couch. she was wearing a jean and a t-shirt, and those came off to show a nice (nothing fancy) body in a blue panty and a matching bra. she has smooth skin. and felt really good when i moved my hands all over. she helped undress me and went for my junior. she gave a decent bbbj; no dt or wet saliva type, but still felt very good. part of it was just seeing this real indian beauty going down on me. she went at this for a while and i was feeling the heat in my balls. we switched; got sitting on the couch, opened here legs wide and dived in for a delicious daty. her cooch was not shaved, but no jungle either. nicely trimmed. i did my daty for almost half hour and she got really wet. we took a break and moved to bedroom. where i have my rubber. started kissing on the bed. it was a true gfe. our hands were busy pleasuring each other. she was totally wet down there. i got the hat on and went in mish. i like this style for intimacy. her pussy felt really warm and inviting; this was sensational. we went at thsi for a while and then switched to have her on top. sicked on those see-cup tits. delicious. back to dfk. i couldn't control and let go. i came this way and stayed in this position for some after glow. this was definitely one of my better sex, anywhere. we cleaned up a little and got more drinks (water, juice and soda).

we talked more. covered a wide range of topics. this girl has some brains too to go with that great body. soon we made out again. this time we went for some of the other styles. cowgirl, doggie, flat doggie, standing, . more pse flavors. she is not leaving. at this point, i was pretty confident that she will spend the night. because it was getting late and in delhi, girls don't rarely travel late night (safety reasons). and that's what happend, she spent the night with me. we did it one more time before getting some zzzzz.

i wanted to do more in the morning, but she had to leave early. and i was pretty happy with her performance the night before and didn't want to push. i asked for her mobile number, but she instead asked for mine. i gave her my number. she said she will call. later that day, she called me to say hi, and thanked me. wow, she thanked me. i didn't show my excitement and said that the feeling is mutual and i enjoyed her company. i told her we should stay in touch. even though now i have her number (caller id), she requested i don't call her at that number. (maybe she is trying to be discreet. i understand.) she said that she will call me.

this is a true gem and i got lucky. couple of more girls like jyoti and i will be moving to delhi for good.

Deep Wet
10-16-06, 07:11
Visited Delhi two weeks ago. Was there for a day and half. I was expecting a better time in this city but, it seems most of the things have changed. There are a lot of demolitions by local authorities and in this process many incall service providers has shut down or changed locations. Even the Hospital I visited, was closed and sealed. I tried to meet my other direct contacts but most of them had changed their numbers and one I could get through was not in town. So, I had to start all this just as a First Timer.

Day 1 - Stayed at a medium level hotel close to the airport, called up a number that I got from one of the friends. I was under the impression that she was a part timer but turned out to be a pimp. Anyways, we negotiated a price on phone for 5k for 2hrs and she promised to send the girl straight to the room. Here starts the problem. I just dont understand why they promise to send the girls to the room and finally ask us to go downstairs and take them to room. Doesn't that make very obvious to the people at the reception?

So, she calls me up after 30mins and says that the girl is waiting outside hotel. I was really pissed, but then she said she got 2 girls in the car and I can choose anyone I want. I didn't want to waste too much of time, I am on a mission and needs to accomplish that, so agreed, went outside the hotel and waited. They came in a tainted car and asked me to get into the car. There were two guys, one driver and one in passenger seat and two girls in the back seat. It was a bit risky, but I always took chances in this hobby, have seen the worse, so this was nothing, got into the car and we just started driving around.They asked me to pick the girl. Both were good, one is North East girl, must be 20, about 7 on looks and the other is punjabi, probably 25 and again a 7 on looks. I dont get attracted to NE girls, so I have decided to go with punjabi girl. They asked for payment upfront, I said no, they tried to create a scene, thought I would be scared because I am in their car, but I didnt give up. Finally they agreed to collect the cash 'after' the session. I didnt want to take the girl with me, gave her clear directions how to get to the room and walked away. took her to the restaurant downstairs, I noticed a backdoor exit to the hotel from the restaurant and somehow managed to take her to the room. I got a call again from reception saying that they know that I took the girl and I should let her go in 30mins. I agreed. She was ok on bed, CBJ,CFS, nothign great to write about, just another session. She is willing to give BBBJ, but I go for it only with the parttimers/non-professionals. So, looks 7,skills 6, attitude 7, damage 5k. She would have stayed longer, but I had to let her go, thanks to the hotel staff.

Day 2- Moved to Hotel Rajdoot, as I had a better impression about it, but the dances are closed and the room boys werent very helpful either. Called up some numbers from HT, went to a massage parlor in Connaught Place. There were 3 girls in there, picked the best of them, 1.5k for massage+HJ. Looks-7 (I liked her eyes ), skills - massage 1, HJ 5, attitude - 6.

Talked to an auto driver outside Scindia House,this guy is extremely smart, speaks fluent english, knows the scene very well. He told me about couple of places, one is a girl that works at a beauty parlor, but does give massages outside work. He actually took me there, but she wasn't in. Next he told me about a mujra place, I went there myself, but the party starts only after 8pm.

Called up another number from HT, told them I am at CP, he came and picked me up on a bike after 30mins,took me somewhere, dont even know where it is, I was more busy just watching the city. After 15mins, we stopped at an old apartment, there were 4 chicks, 1 is from Russia but she looked like high on drugs and a real pro. Even otherwise, I try to stay away from foreigners when I am in India, I want to try the real desi maal. Opted for one (later found the name, Nisha), 3.5k for ST, must be 28,looks-7,service-6,attitude-6. Not bad.

About the time to say good bye to Delhi as I had to catch a flight to Singapore. My main problem is that my PM system is off and I cannot get the latest from my Friends. Anyway, I request you to wish a better luck to me for next time.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

10-16-06, 14:56
Any one has news about NYX 32 milestone Gurgaon?


10-16-06, 15:02
I did see some SW in Galleria market but the Security guards are tough and i got some dirty stares. Had to back off. I have one contact number at Delhi but the ***** is moody.

10-16-06, 17:40

I will be travelling to Delhi on work and regularly starting next week from Sri Lanka. I was wondering if anyone of you could help me get some action during my visits. I am looking for the higher end model level classy escorts for a bit of fun.

Have been going through the many websites promoting classy excorts in Delhi, however have doubts iabout there legibility.

I would be really grateful if anyone of you could reccommend any good websites for me to check for the type of women that I require.

Thank you

10-17-06, 05:34
My dear Deep Wet,

Your posting is not only similar to the one by Little Monster (#581 date 04OCT2006; see link below), but in fact complete paragraphs have been lifted from the post. I would be grateful if you could clarify to the forum how this happened.


Little Monster's Post: http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=514377&postcount=581

Visited Delhi two weeks ago. Was there for a day and half. I was expecting a better time in this city but, it seems most of the things have changed. There are a lot of demolitions by local authorities and in this process many incall service providers has shut down or changed locations. Even the Hospital I visited, was closed and sealed. I tried to meet my other direct contacts but most of them had changed their numbers and one I could get through was not in town. So, I had to start all this just as a First Timer.

Day 1 - Stayed at a medium level hotel close to the airport, called up a number that I got from one of the friends. I was under the impression that she was a part timer but turned out to be a pimp. Anyways, we negotiated a price on phone for 5k for 2hrs and she promised to send the girl straight to the room. Here starts the problem. I just dont understand why they promise to send the girls to the room and finally ask us to go downstairs and take them to room. Doesn't that make very obvious to the people at the reception?

So, she calls me up after 30mins and says that the girl is waiting outside hotel. I was really pissed, but then she said she got 2 girls in the car and I can choose anyone I want. I didn't want to waste too much of time, I am on a mission and needs to accomplish that, so agreed, went outside the hotel and waited. They came in a tainted car and asked me to get into the car. There were two guys, one driver and one in passenger seat and two girls in the back seat. It was a bit risky, but I always took chances in this hobby, have seen the worse, so this was nothing, got into the car and we just started driving around.They asked me to pick the girl. Both were good, one is North East girl, must be 20, about 7 on looks and the other is punjabi, probably 25 and again a 7 on looks. I dont get attracted to NE girls, so I have decided to go with punjabi girl. They asked for payment upfront, I said no, they tried to create a scene, thought I would be scared because I am in their car, but I didnt give up. Finally they agreed to collect the cash 'after' the session. I didnt want to take the girl with me, gave her clear directions how to get to the room and walked away. took her to the restaurant downstairs, I noticed a backdoor exit to the hotel from the restaurant and somehow managed to take her to the room. I got a call again from reception saying that they know that I took the girl and I should let her go in 30mins. I agreed. She was ok on bed, CBJ,CFS, nothign great to write about, just another session. She is willing to give BBBJ, but I go for it only with the parttimers/non-professionals. So, looks 7,skills 6, attitude 7, damage 5k. She would have stayed longer, but I had to let her go, thanks to the hotel staff.

Day 2- Moved to Hotel Rajdoot, as I had a better impression about it, but the dances are closed and the room boys werent very helpful either. Called up some numbers from HT, went to a massage parlor in Connaught Place. There were 3 girls in there, picked the best of them, 1.5k for massage+HJ. Looks-7 (I liked her eyes ), skills - massage 1, HJ 5, attitude - 6.

Talked to an auto driver outside Scindia House,this guy is extremely smart, speaks fluent english, knows the scene very well. He told me about couple of places, one is a girl that works at a beauty parlor, but does give massages outside work. He actually took me there, but she wasn't in. Next he told me about a mujra place, I went there myself, but the party starts only after 8pm.

Called up another number from HT, told them I am at CP, he came and picked me up on a bike after 30mins,took me somewhere, dont even know where it is, I was more busy just watching the city. After 15mins, we stopped at an old apartment, there were 4 chicks, 1 is from Russia but she looked like high on drugs and a real pro. Even otherwise, I try to stay away from foreigners when I am in India, I want to try the real desi maal. Opted for one (later found the name, Nisha), 3.5k for ST, must be 28,looks-7,service-6,attitude-6. Not bad.

About the time to say good bye to Delhi as I had to catch a flight to Singapore. My main problem is that my PM system is off and I cannot get the latest from my Friends. Anyway, I request you to wish a better luck to me for next time.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

10-18-06, 03:52
At Ashok hotel , (near PMs residence) theres a pastry shop. A chubby fair middle aged lady is in charge. Many years back i met her through an ad in BM Ads and her husband was one Kapoor and they live in Janakpuri . Saw her there about an year back . Pretty professional *****.

Haven't been there recently and hope shes still there. As i said, chubby vary fair and middle aged.

If someone meets her post an update pls.

10-18-06, 12:59
Hi all the members, Especially Senior Members,

I have a business trip to Delhi Faridabad for a week or less. But I really do not know anythink about the Delhi. Members says also lots of changes adress telephones etc.

So anyone provide me some numbers and detail informations by PM.I will be so appreciated?



Akshay Tocool
10-19-06, 22:22

Try this contact at Mumbai first.

GO to Tunga hotel in Andheri east which has a spa/massage parlour.

The parlour is clean as it doesnt allow any sex but just massage.

But you can request for a massage by a girl. CHoose the girl and if you can negotiate with the girl to meet you outside when they close.

I have fucked some realy hot babes there.

ANy contacts at delhi. No one has given me the address yet for the posh south delhi hospital which provides sexy massage. i request please give it so that i can have safe fun at delhi.


Hi Akshay

Can you passon me some contacts in Mumbai, I will be there on Thursday. In turn I can passon contacts in Calcutta. You may contact me atleast one week before calcutta visit, to have latest contacts.

Thank you,


10-20-06, 11:15
A few months back, in Melbourne forum, Deep Wet had reported about an Indian girl named Sunidhi with photos. But later another forum member notified that same photos had appeared in other forums earlier.

Chico Charlie 1
10-20-06, 14:13
Hey fellows,

It is an interesting observation but I have noticed that the reports posted by Deep Wet are already mentioned in another forum known as Webrats. These reports are posted by several other members.

Are we or is Jackson being taken for a ride??

hey Deep get the real stuff man.


Chick Luver
10-23-06, 11:33

Good report but why have you not given more info abt the Hotels where you stayed last. I wish to stay in the same Hotel this time. Pls reply to my e. mail.

Visited Delhi two weeks ago. Was there for a day and half. I was expecting a better time in this city but, it seems most of the things have changed. There are a lot of demolitions by local authorities and in this process many incall service providers has shut down or changed locations. Even the Hospital I visited, was closed and sealed. I tried to meet my other direct contacts but most of them had changed their numbers and one I could get through was not in town. So, I had to start all this just as a First Timer.

Day 1 - Stayed at a medium level hotel close to the airport, called up a number that I got from one of the friends. I was under the impression that she was a part timer but turned out to be a pimp. Anyways, we negotiated a price on phone for 5k for 2hrs and she promised to send the girl straight to the room. Here starts the problem. I just dont understand why they promise to send the girls to the room and finally ask us to go downstairs and take them to room. Doesn't that make very obvious to the people at the reception?

So, she calls me up after 30mins and says that the girl is waiting outside hotel. I was really pissed, but then she said she got 2 girls in the car and I can choose anyone I want. I didn't want to waste too much of time, I am on a mission and needs to accomplish that, so agreed, went outside the hotel and waited. They came in a tainted car and asked me to get into the car. There were two guys, one driver and one in passenger seat and two girls in the back seat. It was a bit risky, but I always took chances in this hobby, have seen the worse, so this was nothing, got into the car and we just started driving around.They asked me to pick the girl. Both were good, one is North East girl, must be 20, about 7 on looks and the other is punjabi, probably 25 and again a 7 on looks. I dont get attracted to NE girls, so I have decided to go with punjabi girl. They asked for payment upfront, I said no, they tried to create a scene, thought I would be scared because I am in their car, but I didnt give up. Finally they agreed to collect the cash 'after' the session. I didnt want to take the girl with me, gave her clear directions how to get to the room and walked away. took her to the restaurant downstairs, I noticed a backdoor exit to the hotel from the restaurant and somehow managed to take her to the room. I got a call again from reception saying that they know that I took the girl and I should let her go in 30mins. I agreed. She was ok on bed, CBJ,CFS, nothign great to write about, just another session. She is willing to give BBBJ, but I go for it only with the parttimers/non-professionals. So, looks 7,skills 6, attitude 7, damage 5k. She would have stayed longer, but I had to let her go, thanks to the hotel staff.

Day 2- Moved to Hotel Rajdoot, as I had a better impression about it, but the dances are closed and the room boys werent very helpful either. Called up some numbers from HT, went to a massage parlor in Connaught Place. There were 3 girls in there, picked the best of them, 1.5k for massage+HJ. Looks-7 (I liked her eyes ), skills - massage 1, HJ 5, attitude - 6.

Talked to an auto driver outside Scindia House,this guy is extremely smart, speaks fluent english, knows the scene very well. He told me about couple of places, one is a girl that works at a beauty parlor, but does give massages outside work. He actually took me there, but she wasn't in. Next he told me about a mujra place, I went there myself, but the party starts only after 8pm.

Called up another number from HT, told them I am at CP, he came and picked me up on a bike after 30mins,took me somewhere, dont even know where it is, I was more busy just watching the city. After 15mins, we stopped at an old apartment, there were 4 chicks, 1 is from Russia but she looked like high on drugs and a real pro. Even otherwise, I try to stay away from foreigners when I am in India, I want to try the real desi maal. Opted for one (later found the name, Nisha), 3.5k for ST, must be 28,looks-7,service-6,attitude-6. Not bad.

About the time to say good bye to Delhi as I had to catch a flight to Singapore. My main problem is that my PM system is off and I cannot get the latest from my Friends. Anyway, I request you to wish a better luck to me for next time.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

10-24-06, 07:11
He can't, because he just copied and pasted my post. While I dont really care as long as it provides some information to fellow hobbyists, I just wonder what do these guys get out of this.


Good report but why have you not given more info abt the Hotels where you stayed last. I wish to stay in the same Hotel this time. Pls reply to my e. mail.

Handyman 2626
10-27-06, 18:12
Thanks a lot for the information on Delhi.

This is to say a big thank you to all the guys who’d posted on the Delhi forum. I was in Delhi a week ago and had a great time. Although I’ve been to India many times, this was my first visit to Delhi.. I will post a detailed report for the benefit of fellow mongers once I find some free time.



10-30-06, 18:11

No one has given me the address yet for the posh south delhi hospital which provides sexy massage. i request please give it so that i can have safe fun at delhi. AKshayAkshay,

The Post on South Delhi hospital is yet another fake by a poor sod named Deep Wet. Beware guys of this malevolent guy who wastes his and our time for some sort of personal gain, I suspect. Let us make sure he doesn't stain our fraternity with his sad act.

10-31-06, 09:56
Akshay, Shanti is right. The hospital in Delhi was a figment of imagination of our friend Deep Wet, as many more of his postings across the ISG board. So please don't bother wasting your time over it.

P.S. Shanti, good to see you back after a while. I am sure you noticed our other friend who never fails to support DW's claim is back... maybe Jackson should start checking some IPs...


The Post on South Delhi hospital is yet another fake by a poor sod named Deep Wet. Beware guys of this malevolent guy who wastes his and our time for some sort of personal gain, I suspect. Let us make sure he doesn't stain our fraternity with his sad act.

10-31-06, 14:19
I have tried hard to locate these hospitals and clinics to no avail. I was curious. Either they don't exist or are hidden very well. I don't bother anymore. There are many other avenues to engage in our hobby while in Delhi.

Akshay, Shanti is right. The hospital in Delhi was a figment of imagination of our friend Deep Wet, as many more of his postings across the ISG board. So please don't bother wasting your time over it.

P.S. Shanti, good to see you back after a while. I am sure you noticed our other friend who never fails to support DW's claim is back... maybe Jackson should start checking some IPs...

11-01-06, 03:54
These hospitals are no more than fertile imagination of the guy who posted them. Best ignored.

Chick Luver
11-01-06, 07:32
I just want to refrain myself from disclosing whereabouts of Hospital just because a few Members of this Board are local LE's representatives. I don't want to put the Hospital or these Girls at risk by making their identities public. A lot of you have sent PM to me for this but I have given the leads to someone who are reliable and are known to me. There are other members, whom I don't want to name, are posting names and places openly which I hope Jackson should notice. As a result of their postings, some of the places have been raided by LE and Girls are arrested. I met two Girls who have been harassed by LE and they had to paid a very heavy price for their release.

Nothing personal but I hope you would not mind my comments but try to safeguard our interests here afterall, we are here for mongering not to pin point others and setting personal scores by putting everybody at high risk.

11-01-06, 13:59
If they exist, then I hope to find them soon. I am an active horndog from LA and am living up to it here in Delhi. Hobbying in Delhi is different than how it is done in the States. There is very little public information on providers in India. No reliable websites and hardly any private dog forums where information is shared openly. I found this difficult when I started out in Delhi. But now I am well connected in the local network and have sampled what Delhi has to offer -- from low end to high end. I have had some for as little as 500INR and paid as high as 20,000INR. I am yet to find any hospital and clinic based providers. I will continue my dog hunt and report when I find one. There are massage parlours in residential areas; I am not counting them as the ones I have frequented are not hospitals or clinics.

We know that Dep Wet blatantly copied India trip report by Little Monster, and submitted the same as his own. That was mind boggling and rediculous. Yet Chick Luver congratulated Dep Wet for posting that plagiarized report. I find that very curious.

I just want to refrain myself from disclosing whereabouts of Hospital just because a few Members of this Board are local LE's representatives. I don't want to put the Hospital or these Girls at risk by making their identities public. A lot of you have sent PM to me for this but I have given the leads to someone who are reliable and are known to me. There are other members, whom I don't want to name, are posting names and places openly which I hope Jackson should notice. As a result of their postings, some of the places have been raided by LE and Girls are arrested. I met two Girls who have been harassed by LE and they had to paid a very heavy price for their release.

Nothing personal but I hope you would not mind my comments but try to safeguard our interests here afterall, we are here for mongering not to pin point others and setting personal scores by putting everybody at high risk.

11-01-06, 14:04
Decibel at Hotel Samrat is a good hunting ground for us horndogs. I have been ther 6 times and never left without a fish. Decibel is a night club and Samrat is right next to Ashoka in Chanakyapuri. If you are on business visit here, then you can stay at Ashoka and play across the street at Decibel. Guest rooms at Samrat are lousy.

11-01-06, 14:14
I have had some success on Fropper.com finding semi-pros and non-pros here in Delhi. Mind you, I wouldn't call my encounters freebies. In some cases, I ended up spending upwards of 10K to 15K INR for hotel, food and gifts. But it is fun; the hunt is fun for me. I get the big Os from the hunts alone. ;-)

If you can splurge, Manesar is a nice place to take your date for the weekend. Memorable weekends!

11-01-06, 21:01
Thanks for the good contribution, Prince.

I agree with you that chase is the real thrill. For me sex is sex, once you are 'inside', its all the same :), but the real thrill comes from hunting, exploring and finding the treasure. Not everytime do we find a gem, but when we do, its worth all the effort. Even though I live in US, and finding pus*y is so easy here, I still enjoy mongering in India. Its purely because its not easy! And ofcourse, screwing Indian females has its own charm.

The idea of screwing a female that puts an ad in newspaper/website and is easily available to anyone and everyone doesnt excite me, doesnt mean I never did them, I did lot of times and I will continue to do, but thats just because when you are hungry, you just need a burger, you may not relish it, but fills the stomach.

11-03-06, 20:07
I will be visiting very brief- 1-2 days. Staying at the Grand. Will any members recommend any good hotel bars or clubs in the area of the Grand?


Jeffrey Jones
11-04-06, 09:56
I will be visiting very brief- 1-2 days. Staying at the Grand. Will any members recommend any good hotel bars or clubs in the area of the Grand?


Try nearby, Tapaz, in Vasant Continental Hotel, very near to the Grand. Fri night hophop and Sat night salsa, u will find lots of northeast girls on Fri night. Relatively easier to chat up these northeast girls.

11-05-06, 16:45

Stopped in DEL a couple of nights, made the mistake of entering my name in to the guest book and then deciding to change hotels, found a cheaper one when looking to change my currency, be warned...entering a name into the register is just as good as staying the night - you HAVE to pay, the hotel staff were willing to use force to stop me from leaving.

That aside, went down to Connaught Place looking for a bit of action, the Auto Rickshaw guy told me to hang around the Regal Cinema and I would eventually get approached. I did hang around there for a while and only chatted to one girl for directions, she asked me if I was going to watch a movie but I didnt realy fancy her and said I was waiting for a friend. Anyone lese have any info about this area ?

Sugar Daddy 69
11-08-06, 18:25
Buddies. Tried this tonite. From aurangzeb's reports. No go. Saw a gal standing behind a car round the corner from the market. Real cute collegian-type. Made eye contact. And she walked ahead. Thought she was making the you-turn. But disappeared. Was v. Cute though. Then another aunty. With a little girl. On a cycle rickshaw. Loooked and looked. But the gal looked too young, and the aunty. Too old. Sp dodn't follow through. Am new here to this forum, but now I've found like-minded guys. Am willing to post freely. And explore freely. Give me tips and I'll do the rounds. Promise. Gk-1, v. V. And v. Kunj are my hangouts, so any tips there are welcome. Can also "keep the seat warm" for visiting visitors. Just to add. Got pots of $$$$ and lotsa time to kill.

Sugar Daddy 69
11-09-06, 09:52
Finally at midnight - called a number off ToI / HT - swell chick - around 20y.o. - claimed was from allahabad - was pretty fresh meat, which is the way i like it - rendevous outside the grand - went at it for 1-1/2 hrs - she came thrice - real thrasher - umm, yeah - direct number available, but only for senior members, and on getting positive id - don't want her caught by LE.

11-09-06, 11:00
You guys need to upgrade your account to get private messages. I tried to send specific info to Parallax via PM few days ago; it didn't work. Today I tried to PM Sugar, it didn't work. The small investment with Jackson is worth it guys. Get PM feature. You will get more info.

11-09-06, 11:11
Hi, Guys,

I got the attached email from a guy named Sameer recently. I want to check with my fellow hobbyist in Delhi to see if any of you have received the same or similar offer. I like to try different sources. I did the same when I was in LA. I am an old monger;.) Remember the days when we have to go on alt.sex.prostitution or similar. Sometimes using deja vu?

From: sameer sonal [mrs33mr38atyahoo. Co. In]

This is sameer and sonal from Delhi. We are 38 and 32 and not married to each other but married otherwise. We are good friends and sonal is searching for some good company and money (pls don't think she is professional *****). I am trying to help her if someone decent and truthfull wud like to have her company while travelling to Delhi as Delhi guys can't be trusted at all. Only thing is that her relationship with her hubby is not coordial and as I know her personally I have never tried to exploit her even knowing what she is needing to take care of her only daughter. If you trust, all other things can be explained in our meet. She is not getting a good job as she is not learned in english medium. Rest on hearing from your side.

11-09-06, 11:16
Damn, there is a real hottie in my office here in Delhi. I am wondering if she might be available for P4P or a casual fling. I know it is risky. I have been told that you don't shit where you eat. A true wisdom, but damn. I will see.

11-09-06, 20:53

You can give it a shot just for the heck of it, but in my experience, all such ads / emails are scam. I wouldn't recommend Friendship Groups either. These are all professional escorts just trying to make more money pretending to be hosuewifes/students etc.

Well, if you have time and money, if your job sucks and gf doesn't, give it a try. And, btw, dont forget to write a review :)

Hi, Guys,

I got the attached email from a guy named Sameer recently. I want to check with my fellow hobbyist in Delhi to see if any of you have received the same or similar offer. I like to try different sources. I did the same when I was in LA. I am an old monger;.) Remember the days when we have to go on alt.sex.prostitution or similar. Sometimes using deja vu?

From: sameer sonal [mrs33mr38atyahoo. Co. In]

This is sameer and sonal from Delhi. We are 38 and 32 and not married to each other but married otherwise. We are good friends and sonal is searching for some good company and money (pls don't think she is professional *****). I am trying to help her if someone decent and truthfull wud like to have her company while travelling to Delhi as Delhi guys can't be trusted at all. Only thing is that her relationship with her hubby is not coordial and as I know her personally I have never tried to exploit her even knowing what she is needing to take care of her only daughter. If you trust, all other things can be explained in our meet. She is not getting a good job as she is not learned in english medium. Rest on hearing from your side.

Chico Charlie 1
11-10-06, 06:35
Hi dude,

Seems the world is full of Scamsters. How did you get the email in the first place???

Nevertheless, it is also not harmful to try and to call them to 'Your Place' and check if they are telling the truth. It is the best way to be safe and at the same time enjoy if you can. You may also go for a threesome if they oblige. LOL.

Have a nice time.


Chico Charlie 1
11-10-06, 06:48

Welcome to the forum. Although you seem to be a newbie, it shows you have a lot of experience with the Delhi areas.

Would love to receive and share good contacts with you.

Have fun mongering.


11-10-06, 10:05
Let me see: Time and money, this a relative matter but I think I do fine here. My job, I have a great job and enjoy it very much. So a cross here. My GF, my GF sucks like a vacuum, and will rate 9/10 on bbbj. So another cross here. The net is two crosses and one check. I guess I will have to pass this one.

Lol. I will pursue this a little further and see where the road leads. Sniff sniff.


Well, if you have time and money, if your job sucks and gf doesn't, give it a try. And, btw, dont forget to write a review :)

11-10-06, 10:08
Hehe. I get emails and phone calls. I have tentacles and receivers out there in the field searching for mongering opportunities all the time. You want to see some other emails? Lol.

Hi dude,

How did you get the email in the first place?


11-10-06, 10:19
Anybody here from the Los Angeles (California) area? You will know hostess clubs likes the famous Boss Club in the City of Industry and Club Fantasy in downtown LA. Damn, we get some really p***ies from these hostess clubs and get to do the deeds right there in the open in the club. The Boss is closed. Anyway, I am writing about this in the Delhi forum because I am hearing from unconfirmed sources that similar arrangements exist out here in Delhi. I hope this is true and will do my research to find out.

Chico Charlie 1
11-11-06, 06:24
Hi Prince,

I have been to California (Pasadena) earlier but havent been lucky enough to get into clubs like Boss. I believe what you are talking is similar to the FKK Clubs in Germany.

Being an avid monger on the Delhi and Mumbai areas, I am still to come across such a place. I understand they may exist but even with my solid contacts, we have not come across such a scene. The Indian forum is quite compact with the limited exposure here and I wonder if you would get such a place.

With regards to emails received from other parts, it would be fun to read them on the forum so that we can be aware of what such scams (or realities) may occur in India. Names can be hidden but it is the language and the matter of the mail which could be interesting.

Happy mongering


11-11-06, 08:08
Hey Prince,

I came to know from other source that this guy is a pimp. Here is the message he sent to my friend,

'When are you coming exactly? I have gals in age group 21-38...working gals to housewives. Exactly college gal no., as i can't lie to get a deal. From where are u coming? Who is Ravi? I cud not recognise, better if u give a proper id or ref.'
Coming to the hostess lounges, I would be shocked (not surprised) if they exist in Delhi. Usually its all behind the closed doors and even if the girls are willing to, most of the guys are too shy to do it in public!

I have very limited exp with LA, everytime I go there, I usually drive south and hit the pus*y super market called, Tijuana.

Have fun in Delhi.

Let me see: Time and money, this a relative matter but I think I do fine here. My job, I have a great job and enjoy it very much. So a cross here. My GF, my GF sucks like a vacuum, and will rate 9/10 on bbbj. So another cross here. The net is two crosses and one check. I guess I will have to pass this one.

Lol. I will pursue this a little further and see where the road leads. Sniff sniff.

11-11-06, 08:46
Anybody here from the Los Angeles (California) area? You will know hostess clubs likes the famous Boss Club in the City of Industry and Club Fantasy in downtown LA. Damn, we get some really p***ies from these hostess clubs and get to do the deeds right there in the open in the club. The Boss is closed. Anyway, I am writing about this in the Delhi forum because I am hearing from unconfirmed sources that similar arrangements exist out here in Delhi. I hope this is true and will do my research to find out.I doubt if any of such clubs exist in Delhi or Mumbai, howsoever I wish they did, I am not doubting, in today/s world anything is possible, beware it is not a scam.

11-11-06, 11:12
A few months back, in Melbourne forum, Deep Wet had reported about an Indian girl named Sunidhi with photos. But later another forum member notified that same photos had appeared in other forums earlier.

Hi StudFarm, it was actually Chick Luver who posted those fake pics on the Melbourne board. And he has done it in the past too. Check http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?p=310337#post310337

Going by their posts, I feel Deep Wet and Chick Luver are both IDs of the same person, or are in league together for whatever reasons; I don't know what exactly do they get out of it.

Best, Gos

11-12-06, 08:15
First off, i would like to thank 4 people, Chico, JSF, Prince and Cool Sinbad, for trying to help make my experience in delhi enjoyable. Thanks a bunch guys.

I was in delhi last week for a night, so by the time i got your replies i had already left delhi. Hopefully the info you'll have sent me, i shall put to use in late december when i come to delhi again.

I was staying at the Maurya Sheraton and since i didnt have any numbers, called a few numbers in HT. Eventually spoke to this guy Bobby, who seemed professional and promised to send over a good lookin girl with the right kind of "attributes" i had in mind.

As luck would have it, he started dilly dallying at the appointed time, so to play safe, also asked Tina (another no. from HT) to send someone over for P4P.

Bobby eventually just asked me to come over to some place in GK2 to meet the girl and then take her back to the hotel. Sounded shady. So insisted that he send her to the hotel instead. He just switched off the phone.

On the other hand Tina sent over the girl (after a very tedious set of conversations), who refused to come into the hotel and made me come out of the hotel to meet her on the main road???? Does this happen to everyone? is this the custom? Why cant the girls come directly to the romm?

So went out to meet her and she turned out to be butt ugly (nowhere close to the description Tina gave me) so told her that i wasnt interested.

Guys feel free to give me any advice which may come handy the next time i am in Delhi.



11-12-06, 09:24
Yesterday I took one on the chin for the group. I wanted to try something different. I met another guy from the States and together we went to just check out the GB road scene. I know it is yucky and we were 90% sure that it was going to be just window shopping, nothing more. We were curious. I have never been there before yesterday. So the smart guy that I am, I try to do some research on this forum. I did some search on GB road scene and found couple of posts that mentioned stair number 53, 59 and 64. Armed with that information, we ventured out there. It is near the New Delhi train station. I speak Hindi, so I felt comfortable. My friend who is visiting here and doesn't know a word of Hindi was more nervous.

That road is very busy and seedy. Congested traffic and gawkers describe the place. From the street you can see some of the girls waving from their windows. Some of them look doable (hehe). Okay something like 5 to 7 on scale of 10. Our curiosity got the better of us and we decided to check out the girls. We knew it is risky to enter any of these establishment. These are realy dark and seedy. We looked for number 53, 57 and 64. We found 53. To play it safe, we decided that I will go first and my friend will wait for me on the street. This way if I didn't come out by certain time, he can go look for help. I left my mobile and bag with him. I took a condom and 600 INR with me. Just in case (my little head has taken over by now). Well I was scared, but went in anyway. Partly knowing that my friend is waiting for me downstairs.

I climbed the stairs on number 53. It is dirty. But I thought I will check out how the girls look. Immediately I was asked to enter a small room. I thought they will send the girls in here for me check out. A big mistake. A man and woman entered right after me and the door is locked from outside. I asked what is going on. They told me to shut up and pay up what I have. Now I know Hindi, so I started talking to them in Hindi. I told them I have friends waiting for me downstairs who will call police if I don't come out in 5 minutes. They didn't budge. I didn't realize, but the room has no window and the door is a metal door. I was damn scared. I told them I don't have any money, I came up to see the girls and if I like I will go get money from my friend and then come up for the service. But they searched through my pockets and emptied out what I had: 600 INR. I didn't resist or fight. That would have been foolish in their house. When they were satisfied that I didn't have any more money on me, they opened the door and let me out. I just ran all the way out. I told my friend what happened. He was angry and scared. Well, we both were. I got MUGGED and there was nothing we could do.

A BIG lesson learned. I am glad I came out safe and only lost 600 INR. I didn't see any girl. Forget about doing anything. So be warned. Don't go there. They rob you in the open.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Ice Bullet
11-12-06, 10:31
Fellow mongers,

I will be visiting delhi somewhere in the mid of December. Would like to have info on hotels that are girl friendly. For my review you can read my posts.

Any fellow mongers welcome to join for a drink.

11-17-06, 21:32
Going by their posts, I feel Deep Wet and Chick Luver are both IDs of the same person, or are in league together for whatever reasons; I don't know what exactly do they get out of it.

Best, GosYeah, I've suspected for a while now that Chick luver and Deep Wet are the same guy. I also know that CL is a bit of a scam artists - he's ripped off a few of my posts as well and posted variations of them on the boards of other cities.

He also says things like 'I was in Delhi recently' and that's just a bunch of bs, because I've talked to him on the phone and know he lives in west delhi.

Chick Luver man - if you want to monger then get out there and explore. By trying to be sneaky you're only going to wind up with the current situation, where whether you support the board by paying or not, you're just thought of as cheesy. We want you on board man, but be genuine.

11-18-06, 07:37
Here are some pictures. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

11-18-06, 07:39
I for got to attach the pictures.

11-18-06, 11:03
[QUOTE=Prince007Yesterday I took one on the chin for the group].

Hey Prince you're cool Man; we all hope that you are not too shaken by this. Thanks for this FR. It is an important contribution though.

11-18-06, 11:35
After posting the bizarre report on the Delhi hospital, Deep Wet gave me his number too, but I never bothered to call as I along with a fellow monger had already ran a close check on all the city hospitals. I am unable to comprehend the need to do this kind of thing. The guy needs a shrink, for sure.

Yeah, I've suspected for a while now that Chick luver and Deep Wet are the same guy. I also know that CL is a bit of a scam artists - he's ripped off a few of my posts as well and posted variations of them on the boards of other cities.

He also says things like 'I was in Delhi recently' and that's just a bunch of bs, because I've talked to him on the phone and know he lives in west delhi.

Chick Luver man - if you want to monger then get out there and explore. By trying to be sneaky you're only going to wind up with the current situation, where whether you support the board by paying or not, you're just thought of as cheesy. We want you on board man, but be genuine.

11-18-06, 14:39
Hi Bro,

I read your report, lucky escape. Thats the thing with this part of the world, everyone is on a hussle. I my self heard about the "infamous" heera mandi in lahore, but was told to avoid it at all costs, as being from overeas, I would be spotted straight away and that with not only dodgy charaters etc, you are also lvunerable to the local corrupt cops.

I think the best scene, is to get contacts for middle class educated girls, as with them you wil no you are safe. Is there a middle / upper class, bar girl scene in Dehli as in Bombay?

11-19-06, 15:14
I was staying at the Maurya Sheraton and since I didnt have any numbers, called a few numbers in HT. Eventually spoke to this guy Bobby, who seemed professional and promised to send over a good lookin girl with the right kind of "attributes" i had in mind.

As luck would have it, he started dilly dallying at the appointed time, so to play safe, also asked Tina (another no. from HT) to send someone over for P4P.

Bobby eventually just asked me to come over to some place in GK2 to meet the girl and then take her back to the hotel. Sounded shady. So insisted that he send her to the hotel instead. He just switched off the phone.

On the other hand Tina sent over the girl (after a very tedious set of conversations), who refused to come into the hotel and made me come out of the hotel to meet her on the main road???? Does this happen to everyone? is this the custom? Why cant the girls come directly to the romm?

So went out to meet her and she turned out to be butt ugly (nowhere close to the description Tina gave me) so told her that i wasnt interested.

Guys feel free to give me any advice which may come handy the next time i am in Delhi.



I guess she would probably have never passed the security.
How was the negotiated price? Usually classic girls know how to dress and pass the security. The cheeper the girl is the more risky is it to get her in.

I had once (3 years ago) a shamefull experiance in Radisson.
My first and only try ever. Ordered a girl from the news paper. Negotiation was 4000 rupies. They asked me to pick her up when arrived, even if we agreed that she comes up alone. I wondered, but went down in front of the entrance (of the driveway = outside the hotel). They asked to pay, but I said I did have the money in the room (didn't but I thought on a scam).

That was ok, but the girl looked to normal for such a Hotel. Not soooo bad, but just not fine enough for an Indian woman supposed to be a rich lady. (western men can look like they want). I was stopped with the girl at the elevator of the hotel. They said she can not pass as she has a house ban. Unfortunately the situation was obvious. She didn't speak any english even if I had ordered a college girl of 20 Years with english skills and dressed for entering.

Probably hotel secutity saved me from some scam.

So you need to be carefull: Never pay in advance. I have heard bad stories afterwards, that probably more then 50% of the agencies are cheating you.

If you stay longer in the Maruya Sheraton and probably at Saturday, then try the night party at the Irish pub there. Even mostly local people, air hostesses and other guests, there are still a few girls available you can take to your hotel room. Not so easy to spot so. But they may find you if they spot you are lonely. But probably be prepared for 7 - 10.000 Rupies for a night at least.

Stayed there as well, but couldn't check the talent as to many working team members around at the time. I prefer secret mongering, not in front of 'lower ranked' coworkers.



11-21-06, 08:54
I hope you enjoy these too ...

The Sher
11-23-06, 18:56
I am going to New Delhi next month on a business trip for around 10 days, do any guys have any genuine contacts that might be up for a meet, might prefer to stay with the one person for the whole duration depending on person. Will definately share experience with anyone genuine when I come back and maybe some numbers. Your help would be much appreciated.

11-28-06, 03:43
Looking through this forum, I can't believe so many guys have paid 8k to 20k rps, that's $177 to $444 USD. for that price, mind as well just stay in the US and monger. to pay that is giving these women in a few hours what takes 2 to 4 months for an average hard working indian to earn on a 6 days a week, 10 hours daily job. overpriced for the quality of what you get, here in India, there is a saying, "they'll take you for a ride."

Thailand is even cheaper, more open, safer, and easier to get around. Unless someone is Indian in origin, why would anyone want to monger in India?

Hot Guy32
11-28-06, 09:32
You are f.u.c.king right man,

In US, you can just spend a cover charge of $20 in a dance pub and get a lap dance for $15 or $20 with damn cute college going chicks. And as you become more close and regular customer, they allow more freedom.

India s.u.c.k.s when compared to that.

Looking through this forum, I can't believe so many guys have paid 8k to 20k rps, that's $177 to $444 USD. for that price, mind as well just stay in the US and monger. to pay that is giving these women in a few hours what takes 2 to 4 months for an average hard working indian to earn on a 6 days a week, 10 hours daily job. overpriced for the quality of what you get, here in India, there is a saying, "they'll take you for a ride."

Thailand is even cheaper, more open, safer, and easier to get around. Unless someone is Indian in origin, why would anyone want to monger in India?

11-28-06, 18:37
I thought of ignoring this, but decided to respond for the sake of information sharing. I have used P4P services in the US and in India. The cheapest ones in India can be had for as little as 500 INR .... this is like 10 USD. Cover charges in the US cost more. Go to Mitchelle Brothers in San Francisco and you will be charged 45 USD cover. Average P4P services in the US cost around 200 USD for 1 hour. The quality of services are much better (on average) in the US than in India. Quality is very spotty in India. I cannot afford all night service in the US. They costs upwards of 1000 USD on average. But India, I do many over nights -- about 10K INR on average. This comes to less than 250 USD.

I agree the P4P prices in India are high compared to average salary out here. I wish I can get good all nighters for less than 100 USD .... but it is rare. I have had over nights in India for as little as 3000 INR (75 USD). I guess the prices reflect demand and supply. The girls don't advertise openly out here. I had great difficulty finding these girls. if not for my local friends, I might be staying dry in India. And that would be a bummer.

Anyway, this is a free world and any transaction requires a buyer and a seller. So make ur choices.

Looking through this forum, I can't believe so many guys have paid 8k to 20k rps, that's $177 to $444 USD. for that price, mind as well just stay in the US and monger. to pay that is giving these women in a few hours what takes 2 to 4 months for an average hard working indian to earn on a 6 days a week, 10 hours daily job. overpriced for the quality of what you get, here in India, there is a saying, "they'll take you for a ride."

Thailand is even cheaper, more open, safer, and easier to get around. Unless someone is Indian in origin, why would anyone want to monger in India?

11-30-06, 20:45
That's exactly what I am saying, without speaking hindi or having a really good close friend that's a local that you can trust, it is virtually impossible or obscure to find. So you are a little more fortunate in that way.

Honey I Am On
12-05-06, 15:21
Hi Sugar Daddy 69.

Pls share the contact of this as well if any more


Finally at midnight - called a number off ToI / HT - swell chick - around 20y.o. - claimed was from allahabad - was pretty fresh meat, which is the way i like it - rendevous outside the grand - went at it for 1-1/2 hrs - she came thrice - real thrasher - umm, yeah - direct number available, but only for senior members, and on getting positive id - don't want her caught by LE.

Available Delhi
12-11-06, 15:34
But India, I do many over nights.- about 10K INR on average. This comes to less than 250 USD.

Are you kidding, 10K a night! , I can take 2-3 of them, all decent enough, can talk broken english (Hinglish) and wola.

I think it is time for me to subscribe for PM so that I can share the info with needy friends.

Don't waste your money friends, share it if you have too much money (hahahha)

12-12-06, 11:23
That's great. This is the forum to share such information. You can help your fellow hobbyist with your contacts and information. We are waiting.

But India, I do many over nights.- about 10K INR on average. This comes to less than 250 USD.

Are you kidding, 10K a night! , I can take 2-3 of them, all decent enough, can talk broken english (Hinglish) and wola.

I think it is time for me to subscribe for PM so that I can share the info with needy friends.

Don't waste your money friends, share it if you have too much money (hahahha)

12-20-06, 05:55
Hi guys,

I am travelling to Delhi in two weeks. I have to do some road travelling for a day, and was wondering where I could pick up girls for travel so I can enjoy blowjobs while driving, check into some hotel for some fuck and so forth.

Can anyone, please help me get what I am trying to do.



Dirty Tom
12-21-06, 00:39
Hello maite,

You have disabled PMs, wonder how one can reach you or how you can reach someone else... am sure there may be many folks out there who would treat you well if you help them save some moolah on quality pussies in Delhi!

Let others know what you got man... and have some fun!


But India, I do many over nights.- about 10K INR on average. This comes to less than 250 USD.

Are you kidding, 10K a night! , I can take 2-3 of them, all decent enough, can talk broken english (Hinglish) and wola.

I think it is time for me to subscribe for PM so that I can share the info with needy friends.

Don't waste your money friends, share it if you have too much money (hahahha)

12-21-06, 13:33
Don't waste time with Available Delhi. I asked him to share info and he hasn't come forward. My suspicion is that AD is just BS. Empty bravo.

I have shared couple of contacts with senior members visitng Delhi. I will continue to assist members with proven mongering record. LE, please stay away. Let us enjoy our harmless hobby.

Hello maite,

You have disabled PMs, wonder how one can reach you or how you can reach someone else... am sure there may be many folks out there who would treat you well if you help them save some moolah on quality pussies in Delhi!

Let others know what you got man... and have some fun!


12-22-06, 05:00
Your experience is quite typical of anyone staying ina 5 star hotel and trying to sneak in a CWS.

If you read my report posted in March this year, you will notice pretty much same stuff, i too was asked to come down to the front door and whisked away in a car to to later jump into a 2nd one in which they had the girl. a quick yes and then they proceeded to drop us off back at the front gate.I had no trouble getting past lobby and went staright to the room but was winked at later by the hotel workers who obviously knew what was going on. i was also advised by the guys in car that in future i should not pay off the guys like them in advance otherwise they may just run with it and infact that happens a lot.Also i remarked to the girl that she should have dreesed up in more conspicous/ sober colors than dress herself up in bright red.

But in the end it depends on your luck, presence of security guys when you enter the lobby and if you are with a obvious CWS looking chick.

I guess she would probably have never passed the security.
How was the negotiated price? Usually classic girls know how to dress and pass the security. The cheeper the girl is the more risky is it to get her in.

I had once (3 years ago) a shamefull experiance in Radisson.
My first and only try ever. Ordered a girl from the news paper. Negotiation was 4000 rupies. They asked me to pick her up when arrived, even if we agreed that she comes up alone. I wondered, but went down in front of the entrance (of the driveway = outside the hotel). They asked to pay, but I said I did have the money in the room (didn't but I thought on a scam).

That was ok, but the girl looked to normal for such a Hotel. Not soooo bad, but just not fine enough for an Indian woman supposed to be a rich lady. (western men can look like they want). I was stopped with the girl at the elevator of the hotel. They said she can not pass as she has a house ban. Unfortunately the situation was obvious. She didn't speak any english even if I had ordered a college girl of 20 Years with english skills and dressed for entering.

Probably hotel secutity saved me from some scam.

So you need to be carefull: Never pay in advance. I have heard bad stories afterwards, that probably more then 50% of the agencies are cheating you.

If you stay longer in the Maruya Sheraton and probably at Saturday, then try the night party at the Irish pub there. Even mostly local people, air hostesses and other guests, there are still a few girls available you can take to your hotel room. Not so easy to spot so. But they may find you if they spot you are lonely. But probably be prepared for 7 - 10.000 Rupies for a night at least.

Stayed there as well, but couldn't check the talent as to many working team members around at the time. I prefer secret mongering, not in front of 'lower ranked' coworkers.



12-22-06, 05:01
Aurangzeb, Prince and Chico,

If you guys remember, i had posted my reports way back in March. My experience ranged form total exstasy to sheer frustration. The local scene is still not very monger friendly and one runs into trouble at every step, starting from ripoff artists, phony pimps offering a slice of heaven and sending total crap, skyward rocketed prices, non availablity of hotels and dishonesty in general. Even though prices have clibed and are almost reaching the levels in western countries, the overall experience is usually nerve wrecking or total rip off. I am planning another trip to delhi soon and will love to be in touch with you guys (as you had offered in march) to get any tips, hints, advise etc. if possible can you please advise me on how to go about being in contact with you...PM or e mail.

Will really appreciate any help that seasoned comrades like you can provide.

Suffering Snakes
12-22-06, 05:08
Hi Chick Lover,

I was going through your report posted on 14th April where you had mentioned of spendin Good fuckin time with 19y.o beautiful Russian chick Elya.You lucky dude the girl is fantastic would you pass me info on how to get her in moscow i will be obliged
(F.Y.I I keep going to moscow )

Thanks Buddy


12-22-06, 19:42
I am bombarded with give me girls' numbers PMs. Let me make this clear: I am not pimping girls. This is purely about sharing information ... which means give and take. You contribute with information and you can expect to get similar information in return. No one way traffic here. Newbies with no reports asking for numbers will not get any response. Don't waste your time.

Don't waste time with Available Delhi. I asked him to share info and he hasn't come forward. My suspicion is that AD is just BS. Empty bravo.

I have shared couple of contacts with senior members visitng Delhi. I will continue to assist members with proven mongering record. LE, please stay away. Let us enjoy our harmless hobby.

Hindu Stani
12-24-06, 06:39
Hello guys,

I've been busy with life in general and now I have some more time to escape into the fantasy world. I'll start posting more often, and if you guys need any (limited) contacts let me know. I don't discriminate and will give it out to newbies if I feel they are genuine. Also, I haven't talked to Available Delhi for a while, but I do remember him sending me some contacts, which in fact where real, though I couldn't keep up my appointments. So it's unfair to criticize him, me thinks.

Don't waste time with Available Delhi. I asked him to share info and he hasn't come forward. My suspicion is that AD is just BS. Empty bravo.

I have shared couple of contacts with senior members visitng Delhi. I will continue to assist members with proven mongering record. LE, please stay away. Let us enjoy our harmless hobby.

Dirty Tom
12-27-06, 18:00
Hello friends,

I ain't necessarily asking for contacts in Delhi in this post, but more important - a place to do the deed!

Yeah, am looking for GF hotels, preferably in South Delhi which are not hugely expensive, coz I got a night's transit in Delhi after deplaning from Mumbai before proceeding on to my next stopover.

Any suggestions in that regard (and of course, good contacts) are very welcome.


Dirty Tom
12-29-06, 18:47
Hello maite,

Thanks for your response, appreciate it.
Am sure it would help our other community members as well.


15 kms from the airport you would hit Nehru Place. More specific would be Savitri Cinema area (Outer Ring Road). There you could get into top of the line guest houses on both sides of the road. All are GF. Prepaid taxi fare from airport is Rs.170. Room tariff @ Rs.2000/-

12-30-06, 00:44

I am in same boat as you. Last time i had tough time getting hotels in a timely manner.

If other seniors are willing to help me with just a bit of info such as hotels and any good contacts, I would happily subscribe and use PM option.

Please help out guys.

Jeffrey Jones
12-30-06, 09:08
Hello friends,

I ain't necessarily asking for contacts in Delhi in this post, but more important - a place to do the deed!

Yeah, am looking for GF hotels, preferably in South Delhi which are not hugely expensive, coz I got a night's transit in Delhi after deplaning from Mumbai before proceeding on to my next stopover.

Any suggestions in that regard (and of course, good contacts) are very welcome.


RB.Hi guys,

Just want to add, dun mind me, but I feel from the airport to nehru place would take more then 15 mins, easily 25 mins and if there is a traffic jam, as always in the morning and evening would take you 40 mins at least sometimes.

12-31-06, 20:05
Could someone please recommend a good escort service that could provide service in Gurgaon?

Looking for a reply A.S.A.P please.

Thanks in advance.

01-02-07, 15:18
Aurangzeb, Prince and Chico,

...Will really appreciate any help that seasoned comrades like you can provide.Margaya, give me a way to get in touch with you (I didn't bother subscribing so don't have PM facility) and I'll see if I can set you up w/ some workable info.


01-03-07, 01:23
I made some enquiries about accomodation in escorts friendly hotels and it looks like things are pretty tight now.

Is this true?

Can someone please recommend some hotels that are helpful? Or any other best possible option such as check in paharganj hotels etc along with the girl?

Looks like surajkund is no longer an option.

Chico Charlie 1
01-03-07, 06:10
Hi fellows,

Sorry couldn't reply earlier as was out of town (as usual).

The good hotels which immediately come to mind are

Hotel Rajdoot and preet Vihar (or Palace) near Nizamuddin.

Hotel Maharani Baug ( or palace ) opposite Oberoi's in Nizamuddin.

Other CP hotels like Jukaso Inn.

Of the TOP BRacket, the Hotel Crowne Plaza, formarly SURYA is the best place followed closely be The new Intercontinental, Nehru Place which was known as the Park earlier.

Hotel Trident in Gurgaon is the only hotel that I know of which is easy to get into with a GF.

My two cents report.

01-03-07, 07:51
I am in S. Delhi traveling until next week, pls if anyone has a contact for a massage girl, good looking and young money does not matter pls post something, I understand I am new but you need to start somewhere. I really appriciate it alot. Pls post thanks so much.,


01-03-07, 22:30
I am in S. Delhi traveling until next week, pls if anyone has a contact for a massage girl, good looking and young money does not matter pls post something, I understand I am new but you need to start somewhere. I really appriciate it alot. Pls post thanks so much.,

RegardsTry the numbers in the sunday paper of TOI or HT.

You will get many.

Try calling few numbers and judge for yourself before you visit them.

San Jay 23
01-04-07, 18:09
Called up a contact and he gave me an address in Mulund area. It was near burial ground, char rasta. I don't remember the name of the Hotel but it was on the junction. The hotel only allows you with partners. My partner could not arrive on time so I requested the waiter to arange few girls. He brought 2 girls, one was 5 another 7. chose 7 her name was julie from bengal or bangladesh. Had 3 rounds all postions including BBBJ. total damage Rs 450 for the room, 1500 for the girl and 200 for beer.


01-05-07, 02:57
Called up a contact and he gave me an address in Mulund area. It was near burial ground, char rasta. I don't remember the name of the Hotel but it was on the junction. The hotel only allows you with partners. My partner could not arrive on time so I requested the waiter to arange few girls. He brought 2 girls, one was 5 another 7. chose 7 her name was julie from bengal or bangladesh. Had 3 rounds all postions including BBBJ. total damage Rs 450 for the room, 1500 for the girl and 200 for beer.

San123jayMulund is in Bombay not in Delhi ;-)

01-13-07, 21:20
For thos eof you you travel between the two megapolis frequently, what is your opinion about which one is better in terms of.

1. Quality and ease of procurement

2. Variety and hassle free supply.

I am torn between the two really. I have had jolly good time in Bombay more than a decade ago but Delhi has changed tremendously since then.

Please share your opinion and experience.

01-13-07, 21:23
I noticed that there are hardly any reports on good message parlours in Delhi. Are there none?

01-14-07, 07:32
Even Delhites prefer mumbai over delhi becuase it is still cheaper and offers more variety than delhi. hands down the winner is bombay.

01-14-07, 19:30

Even Delhites prefer Mumbai over Delhi becuase it is still cheaper and offers more variety than Delhi. hands down the winner is Bombay.So it seems.

I thought Delhi has come of age but of late there is very little activity or reports in Delhi section.

Trance Genie
01-15-07, 03:43
Hey All,

I'll be travelling to India on the 19th of Jan, landing on 20th Jan. Spending first 4 days in New Delhi for a wedding, then going to travel around to wherever I can I find good p***y. Need your help. I've never been to India before. Can someone please provide me with some contacts or ideas of where to go in Mumbai, N Delhi or anywhere else. Thanks.

01-16-07, 01:31
Any more opinions?

Help me make up the mind guys. There is not blood left in it ayways as the blood is fast moving to other parts.

For thos eof you you travel between the two megapolis frequently, what is your opinion about which one is better in terms of.

1. Quality and ease of procurement

2. Variety and hassle free supply.

I am torn between the two really. I have had jolly good time in Bombay more than a decade ago but Delhi has changed tremendously since then.

Please share your opinion and experience.

01-17-07, 09:22
Any more opinions?

Help me make up the mind guys. There is not blood left in it ayways as the blood is fast moving to other parts.It is Bombay for sure. Just beleive them.

01-18-07, 00:27
It is Bombay for sure. Just beleive them.All right. I am gonna save the best for baambay then ;-)

Hot In Town
01-18-07, 10:05
Any one some nice contact f for 2000 range.


01-20-07, 02:09
Looking through this forum, I can't believe so many guys have paid 8k to 20k rps, that's $177 to $444 USD. for that price, mind as well just stay in the US and monger. to pay that is giving these women in a few hours what takes 2 to 4 months for an average hard working indian to earn on a 6 days a week, 10 hours daily job. overpriced for the quality of what you get, here in India, there is a saying, "they'll take you for a ride."

Thailand is even cheaper, more open, safer, and easier to get around. Unless someone is Indian in origin, why would anyone want to monger in India?This is quite true. The price in big cities has crossed all limits, thanks to nri's and is almost the same one pays in the west but for much better quality in better circumstances. In india one gets fleeced at every step and there is a constant danger of being in trouble all the time. Many pimps even run away after they get the money.

Can someone please post their expereinces with russian and afghanis in delhi? Are they all fatso junkies or is there hope of finding some rare gems and what would be right price?

I am also keen to know about scene in paharganj hotels. Are there any good ones that anyone can recommend for this kind of mongering?

Chico thanks for all your support. You guys make this forum come alive.

Sam I Am
01-21-07, 11:47
Will greatly appreciate any contacts / phone numbers in Delhi.

01-21-07, 15:07
I met a girl in delhi via the internet, who has offered an introduction to a girl from nagaland via a middleman.

She says that everthing is on offer in return for sponsorship.

I must pay the middleman 1000 inr for the introduction.

Am I about to meet a Prostitute or Brothal worker ?

What am I leaving myself open to.

Will she be a girlfriend or a Hooker, am i being set up, or what are the chances of this being genuine.

The question is should i meet her ?

We have arranged to meet outside my hotel on tuesday so I really need your help, from wiser mongers than I.

Guys please help me make this decision.

01-21-07, 17:40
Thanks a lot for your message aurangzeb.

I will try to be in touch if possible by any means.

This is quite true. The price in big cities has crossed all limits, thanks to nri's and is almost the same one pays in the west but for much better quality in better circumstances. In india one gets fleeced at every step and there is a constant danger of being in trouble all the time. Many pimps even run away after they get the money.

Can someone please post their expereinces with russian and afghanis in delhi? Are they all fatso junkies or is there hope of finding some rare gems and what would be right price?

I am also keen to know about scene in paharganj hotels. Are there any good ones that anyone can recommend for this kind of mongering?

Chico thanks for all your support. You guys make this forum come alive.

01-21-07, 23:20
I met a girl in delhi via the internet, who has offered an introduction to a girl from nagaland via a middleman.

She says that everthing is on offer in return for sponsorship.

I must pay the middleman 1000 inr for the introduction.

Am I about to meet a Prostitute or Brothal worker ?

What am I leaving myself open to.

Will she be a girlfriend or a Hooker, am i being set up, or what are the chances of this being genuine.

The question is should i meet her ?

We have arranged to meet outside my hotel on tuesday so I really need your help, from wiser mongers than I.

Guys please help me make this decision.

You're about to be ripped off.

01-22-07, 12:01
I noticed that there are hardly any reports on good message parlours in Delhi. Are there none?There is a lot of massage parlor action in Delhi. I have a post somewhere on this. Have a looksee. As far as I know, the situation has not changed.

01-23-07, 15:10
There is a lot of massage parlor action in Delhi. I have a post somewhere on this. Have a looksee. As far as I know, the situation has not changed.I think situation has changed. Atleast the ones in green park were raided and I stopped going after that.The ones in lajpat nagar and g.k. also seem closed or atleast keep shifting base frequently. Who wants to go for such risky massages with cops fear looming.

I'd rather have some private masseu in her own place--willing to pay any amount--more than fs even.

01-23-07, 16:30
Ok guys, while many of you know me as someone that partakes and recommends the SW scene around Def-Col and Lajpat Nagar, I thought I should post something about the other side of the coin as well.

Mongering with SWs, if you're careful, has very minimal risk, but there IS some risk (of various types) and I thought I'd take the opportunity to just complete the image by presenting some thoughts that you might want to factor into your mongering. These aren't in any particular order...

1. As I've said before, avoid groups of girls. Never ever allow more than one SW to sit in your car. If you're approaching or are approached by a group, choose one and don't let anyone else get in. The scams vary, but in a nutshell, by letting more than one girl into the car you're setting yourself up for overcharging, harassment, embarassment, or at the least, just a lousy time.

2. Sometimes there will be a group and they will try to convince you to pay before the girl gets into your car. Don't ever get into a situation where the person you pay is not the person providing the service. Choose a girl, get her in your car and deal with her exclusively - once you're alone with her in the sanctuary of your vehicle, paying her before she provides the services is not only acceptable, but is expected and polite for a first time transaction. Like any business transaction it takes time to establish comfort levels. Once you've used a girl a couple of times, and you've established a comfort level, she'll be happy to provide service and receive payment after the deed.

3. Don't be blatantly obvious about attracting a SW's attention. Mongering IS an illegal activity, be sensible about how you go about it. Basically this means, don't roll down your window and call out to her (or something similar). By doing that you're attracting the attention of everyone around - including the potential plainclothes LE that's hanging out on the corner, or maybe just someone she knows outside her profession that happens to be in the same place. Just make eye contact and pull over. She's been standing there for a while, is more aware of the immediate environment than you are (and therefore its potential risks), and if it's safe and convenient, she'll approach you. The risks of ignoring this rule can be pretty dramatic - ranging from finding a cop walking up and putting his hand on your shoulder, to her having to act like you're harassing her (very, VERY embarassing - I know!), to having some godzilla like dudes show up and threaten you with blackmail/physical violence/whatever.

4. If you're with a SW you've not used before, or do not have an established comfort level with, never pay her and allow her to get out of your sight. Odds are slim to none that you'll see her again.

5. Know and accept the fact that by giving a SW a loan, you've given her a gift. You'll not see the money back either in cash or in kind. That's not to say that you shouldn't give her a tip/loan/gift occassionally, but just be aware of the fact that once you do, that money is gone.

6. If you find a girl you like and establish a working relationship with her, don't forget that she's not your friend. She is a SW, she's a shrewd businesswoman and the odds of you being special to her are negligible. You're just another john - maybe nicer than most, but just another john. Keep it professional and you'll both be happy. Having said that, be nice to your regular girl - it'll pay for itself over time.

I can't think of anything else at the moment, but will certainly add to this as and when I recall anything else.

Happy (and safe) mongering guys!


01-23-07, 17:01
Dear Aur and others,
It should be noted that the SW scene, be it New Delhi, Mumbai, New York , London, etc, is the LOWEST of the low, meaning quality and prices!! Granted there are a few hidden gems (ex. In the Manchester,UK, section someone claimes to have gotten a very beautiful Pakistani 18 yr old female for 20 pounds or $40 U.S. or 2,000 INR for one shot, similarly Juhu beach in Mumbai, occasionally, very occassionally, has some great babes for relatively cheap, ex. 1,000-2,000 INR), but usually you get what you pay for!! Aur, Brother, you seem to not to address the REAL problem with SW the world over and that is the prevalence of STDs when dealing with this sub-group of pay-for-pleasure! Again, one can certainly contract STDs from message parlours, indepedents and high-class incall places, the probability is lower! How much lower, I don't know, but it certainly is lower, again the world over! Why? Because, in these types of establishments the gals usually take better care of themselves, again the world over! Thanks for the info, but I would advise all mongers to be wary of SWs, both in New Delhi and the World over!!!!

01-24-07, 01:38
Good Reports and points Aurangzeb and Mrpusa. It is nice to see some activity in delhi section after quite a while. Hope to see some more recent reports before I arrive in 10 days !! ;-)

01-24-07, 01:45
15 kms from the airport you would hit Nehru Place. More specific would be Savitri Cinema area (Outer Ring Road). There you could get into top of the line guest houses on both sides of the road. All are GF. Prepaid taxi fare from airport is Rs.170. Room tariff @ Rs.2000/-Bro,

Could you rattle off some of the names if possible?

01-26-07, 00:21
Well, frankly am forgetting their names....6 to 7 of them, bunched together. Just instruct your taxi guy to drop u off at Savitri Cinema complex. All are within stones throw of each other.The unfortunate aspect of trying to arrange accomodation with a girl on your side usually means lot of wasted time which gets added to the time one had negotiated with pimps.

I wonder how other regular mongers in Delhi take care of the accomadation part.

01-27-07, 08:38
I wonder how other regular mongers in Delhi take care of the accomadation part.

I live here, so I order home delivery whenever I have the house to myself :)

But Aurangzeb is right. Most guest houses on the outer ring road near Savitri are gf. The ones on NH8 close to the airport are also ok. The former, IMHO, are much safer as compared to the latter, though.


01-28-07, 00:42
Here is another best of the best reports about the scene in Delhi.

2/3 Years ago when I first noticed these ads in delhi papers, I thought Gee globalization has arrived in India but alas soon found out that though it has arrived, it is certainly pakka desi in flavour. The same usual crap pf dishonest, rip offs and leaving a very bad taste int he mouth.

Well for this year I am all set to enter the scene myself in next few days but next time. I will bypass India and head staright to Bangkok where rates are almost 1/3rd and quality is delivered straight to your doorstep in hotel.

01-28-07, 03:57
Hmmmm.....well, this place is quite near to where I stay. So, took the trouble to get them names for the benefit of you guys.

Bright Star Inn, Lords Inn, Corporate Park Hotek, Regale Inn. Regale Inn also has a Rest-o-bar by the name of Paradisso....chic place...but only gets occupied during some festivals.Thanks a lot pal. much obliged.

02-01-07, 06:24
Well yeah, that goes w/out saying. Protect yourself always. There are however, levels and personalities of SW too - at the lowest end of the scale you've got the dirty skanks riddled with disease, and it goes up from there.

There are two SWs that I use on a regular basis. One refuses -no matter the price- to suck me without a condom, and the other, after using her for a year or so has just started blowing me w/out protection. I get myself tested for STDs every 6 months, and am clean.

Having said that, I'd hasten to add that Mrpusa's advice is sound, and logic correct. With SWs you ARE dealing with the bottom of the barrel and while as he acknowledges, there are the occassional hidden gem (like the the two above), for the most part they are representative of the lowest rungs of professional women. Be judicious in your choice, be safe, use protection.

As clarification, my effort was to provide operational tips and alerts, not big picture tips and alerts.

Dear Aur and others,
It should be noted that the SW scene, be it New Delhi, Mumbai, New York , London, etc, is the LOWEST of the low, meaning quality and prices!! Granted there are a few hidden gems (ex. In the Manchester,UK, section someone claimes to have gotten a very beautiful Pakistani 18 yr old female for 20 pounds or $40 U.S. or 2,000 INR for one shot, similarly Juhu beach in Mumbai, occasionally, very occassionally, has some great babes for relatively cheap, ex. 1,000-2,000 INR), but usually you get what you pay for!! Aur, Brother, you seem to not to address the REAL problem with SW the world over and that is the prevalence of STDs when dealing with this sub-group of pay-for-pleasure! Again, one can certainly contract STDs from message parlours, indepedents and high-class incall places, the probability is lower! How much lower, I don't know, but it certainly is lower, again the world over! Why? Because, in these types of establishments the gals usually take better care of themselves, again the world over! Thanks for the info, but I would advise all mongers to be wary of SWs, both in New Delhi and the World over!!!!

02-01-07, 06:28
Hrm, I think it's then time for me to check it out again. Will report. ;-)

I think situation has changed. Atleast the ones in green park were raided and I stopped going after that.The ones in lajpat nagar and g.k. also seem closed or atleast keep shifting base frequently. Who wants to go for such risky massages with cops fear looming.

Krum Lov
02-07-07, 14:09
hi Aurangzeb, will be in ND very soon and was wondering if you have any news to report about MPs. have never been to ND before, so if you do have some info, pls include exact locations and prices. i'm not into FS, just HJ or, f lucky, BJ. thnx so much, cheers, Krum.

R Shks
02-10-07, 15:34

I am male / 26 / straight. i have just moved to Gurgoan for my new job. Very alone.
If any one of you help me to get contact details so that I can spent some quality time and enjoy.

Daft Fuzz
02-16-07, 16:53
Hey all,

Now I have no idea if any of you remember me. I've had a real long hiatus. And I write now, on the brink of leaving this wonderful city.

I come back to the forum with a shamelessly selfish motive... :) help me folks.

What's the best place in town to pick up chinki (north-eastern) chicks who are into P4P. I've always had a fancy for them, but never really got into hunting. The ones I dated back in Pune were absolutely divine company !!

If anyone wants to hook up and go hunting together, that'd be awesome. I've got a place (a simple affair) in south delhi, 2 mins drive from Saket.

I'm set.. who else is? :)

Daft Fuzz
02-17-07, 16:04
can join hands then to do some serious chinki hunting. Would you be around then ...... ?

Absolutely :) I'm off to Pune in march...will be back by mid march. Will be leavin delhi for good come the end of May. So we have 2 months to go chink-hunting. what say?

How do we get in touch?

DF (,'')

02-18-07, 16:07
hi Aurangzeb, will be in ND very soon and was wondering if you have any news to report about MPs. have never been to ND before, so if you do have some info, pls include exact locations and prices. i'm not into FS, just HJ or, f lucky, BJ. thnx so much, cheers, Krum.

Hey Krum, sorry I haven't had the time to be out and about as yet - I do intend to revisit and explore the MP scene in Delhi, but work's been too busy for me to do it. Give me a few weeks. In the meanwhile I suggest you call the MPs in the daily papers and see what you come up with.

02-20-07, 17:20

Can anyone give me contacts for call girls contacts in Gurgaon/Delhi?

If possible give me Massage parlor contacts also?

Please mail me at [Email address deleted by Admin]

Thank you

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

Available Delhi
02-21-07, 07:37
Absolutely :) I'm off to Pune in march...will be back by mid march. Will be leavin delhi for good come the end of May. So we have 2 months to go chink-hunting. what say?

How do we get in touch?

DF (,'')AG / DF,

Happy to be back after so many months. And happy to find the old friends (with same old numbers! )

Delhi has best CHINKIS to offer. Loads of them. Try out these joints.

# Hash Vasnt vihar. Go after 10 Pm any day # Delhi Devils, SE-2, weekends # Peg and pints in Chanukyapuri (they have Gay nights someday, check out before you go there) # Vasnt COntinental. On week ends # Decible. On weekends

In fact most of the chinks hop to next open joint when the regular one closes (when Hash or DDevis closes they report to 5 start joints like decible, because they are open till 3-4 am in the morning)

Happy chinting friends

02-21-07, 08:21

Can anyone give me contacts for call girls contacts in Gurgaon/Delhi?

If possible give me Massage parlor contacts also?

Go to Mojos in DT MALL after 10 p.m. It will be crowded with call girl crowds,including loads from the north-east. Try your luck there --they all remain till 4 a.m.

For massage go to DLF Moulsari arcade in DLF phase -. They have 4 girls who look very promising but I do not know if they will offer massage to males.

Best of luck.

Krum Lov
02-23-07, 10:12
Can you pls tell me where the DLF Moulsari Arcade in DLF phase is exactly?

I have never been to ND before.


Ice Bullet
02-25-07, 14:41
I would like to know about any girl friendly hotel at or near cannught place & how much would they charge I will be there for a day or 2. Any advice where I could get some nice girls / Massage parour near around there

Help is always appriciated and rewarded.


02-26-07, 04:37

Can anyone give me contacts for call girls contacts in Gurgaon/Delhi?

If possible give me Massage parlor contacts also?

Please mail me at [Email address deleted by Admin]

Thank you

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!Came across this advertisement in HT Classifieds dated 25 Feb 2006.

"Well body massage by expert female staff. Rs. 800/- (HS-32, Kailsah Colony Mkt. FF. Union Bank entry from back nr. GK-I). Sharma 9899202711"

Disclaimer: I have not tried them so am not recommending them either. Do bear in mind that massage parlours in Delhi are notorious for keeping cops on their payroll and bankrolling customers if the chance arises.

Happy mongering,


Daft Fuzz
02-27-07, 09:46
Delhi has best CHINKIS to offer. Loads of them. Try out these joints.

Happy chinting friendsDude,

You rock!

Any idea on how much one should be paying for ST/LT with a chink? I know it's quite a naive question, but what's the min-max range I should be looking at?

You wanna tag along maybe?


Available Delhi
02-27-07, 14:51
Dude... u rock!!!

Any idea on howmuch one should be paying for ST/LT with a chink? I know it's quite a naive question, but what's the min-max range i should be looking at?

You wanna tag along maybe? :)

DF (,"")I have not tried much of Chinkies, but it will not cost you more than 2-3 bears + 1 to 1.5K.

I am back in Delhi by 2nd March, ping me. Let us chink together.

P K Dhut
03-01-07, 00:26
I have not tried much of Chinkies, but it will not cost you more than 2-3 bears + 1 to 1.5K.

I am back in Delhi by 2nd March, ping me. Let us chink together.Hi Available Delhi,

Well a student with a tight budget, hoping you could help by providing cheap but good deals in Delhi. It would be great if you could email me at [Email address deleted by Admin].

Thanks a ton.


EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

03-02-07, 13:59
Tried Hash last night (Thursday). Total bust. Filled with African males. They repeatedly hit -- to no success -- on the only two North American girls to enter. They chased the duo out pretty quickly. Did not see any Chinkis, but maybe I left too early (10:15).

Probably will give Decibel a try tonight.

Parlour Paul
03-02-07, 17:18
Here is an update on the latest situation in Delhi. According to a local, all the MP around Connaught Place (see earlier post in this forum) have been closed by a combination of LE and government. Reason seems to be that the new Delhi Metro has a big station here and its being cleaned up. Another reason given is the coming Commonwealth Games in 2010. The (great) underground bazaar is still there...

So Connaught Place gone. I tried the Hindustan Times routine (ads under Classifieds). Called around and few places spoke English. One did, but said no foreigners (?). One guy was very welcoming and offered all kind of services on the phone, however only Hotel Services. Then I found one called Aromatic Health Center. That name is in the papaer only, preumably to foil LE. The place is close to Lado Sarai in South Delhi. All of the places were actually in South Delhi, around Green Park or Lado Sarai.

Taxi Ride from Central Delhi was 300 rs. Always settle on amount first. The cabbie actually waited at the place, I paid the same on the way back without paying the waiting time. BTW, all taxi/tuk-tuk drivers try to get you to visit a carpet/pashmina/tourist shop. They get comission that way.

Back to business: The lady on the phone gave the location only as Lado Sarai, then asked me to put the driver on the phone once at Lado Sarai. Did so, she explained him the way and he found it. interesting area with big drumming festival going on.

Walked in, met the lady from the phone, she offered body massage for 1000, 30minutes, then Cleopatra massage for 2000 (two ladies) and Massage/Spa for 1600. That is what I took. Went downstairs and regretted the Spa part instantly, since facilities looked not to impressive (even for India). Then the lady came, made me shed my clothes (put in locker) and shorts and robe was given. Then followed her in a massage room. Massage Bed was good and clean, room a bit run down. Lady was a 4 in looks (short, fat and about 28) but had a nice smile and good attitude. Massage was quite nice (30 minutes) and with oil. Cream option was offered. Then she proceeded to HJ after asking first. Rating: Looks 4, Attitude 6, Massage Skills 5, HJ Skills 3, Facilities 4. Tip for lady 400.

So overall not great, but better then nothing and safe. As always, an interesting cultural expericence.

Happy hunting

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-03-07, 01:14
Just got back. Will post juicy details pretty soon.

Overall it was a gr8 trip. Had one hell of a time and some very expensive dissapointments too. Am very thankful to some of the senior members who were helpful. And must say that I was seriously annoyed with many not helping at all.

Details coming in few weeks.

03-03-07, 14:23
Following up on some other places mentioned in previous days...

Hash in VV on Friday night -- Americans refused entry, told "no stags." We did not even try to bribe our way in based on the previous night's lack of action.

Decibel/Hotel Samrat -- totally empty at 2300 on a Friday. Saw some Asian-looking females in pairs but they were apparently refused entry as they flipped off four guys dressed in black guarding the entrance. Possible crackdown?

Tapas/Vasant Continental Hotel -- Very drunk local males causing a scene on the dance floor, African males in packs on the hunt. A guy who looked like a Russian mafioso or former KGB hitman had several average looking Asian females with him. Possible pros, but he was also with a conventional middle-aged couple.

Maybe because it is Holi weekend every place seems relatively dead. If anyone else has up to date reports, please post.

03-03-07, 16:44
According to 2007 Times of India Nightlife Guide, Mojos does not allow stags on weekends -- only couples. Have not been there yet, but guess I'll try on a weekday evening.

Go to Mojos in DT MALL after 10 p.m. It will be crowded with call girl crowds,including loads from the north-east. Try your luck there --they all remain till 4 a.m.

For massage go to DLF Moulsari arcade in DLF phase -. They have 4 girls who look very promising but I do not know if they will offer massage to males.

Best of luck.

03-06-07, 16:54
I'd like to offer some suggestions but have not seen any girls available at any of the bars/clubs suggested recently on this forum during the month I've been here. But I have not ventured out to Noida yet. You might have better luck there with the call center girls.

There's a list floating around from the Delhi Sex Report (downloadable by paing from other net sites) which lists girl-friendly hotels. But I believe it's outdated based on the other info in it.

I am in Delhi on 6 - 8 March. Any good places to find some girls for some action / fun? Please let me know. I am not familiar with Hindi & Delhi. Can I bring them to my hotel? Is it safe? How much will a decent girl cost me? I am staying in New Friends Colony area.

03-08-07, 14:13
Does anyone know of any bars that offer girl dancers near or in The Grand Hotel Connaught Place?

Am just looking for a good night out this weekend!

03-09-07, 21:28

I'm new to this forum. Just joined. Can anyone please provide some information as to where to get a SW in gurgaon?

03-10-07, 09:51
Hi Aurangzeb,

I am a fan of you'are reports. Can you pls help me out? I want some action in Gurgaon. Like SW. Pls lemme know whr can I find them. Also, as you mentioned in you'are earlier reports, does SW still available in Moolchand and frm' what time I will find them? Will they accompany me to gurgaon to my place? Looking 4 you'are guidance. Its Raj.

Darren Roberts
03-10-07, 19:11
new in delhi and have been following the reports which indicate that action is difficult to find. in correspondance with pronce who is/was going to provide a couple of numbers, but it was saturday afternoon and i could not wait anymore.

went onto yahoo messanger into the delhi room and kept sending messeges saying "hi, i am in radisson hotel delhi looking for female companion". the night before i did that and got a responce from a girl (maybe?) who said she would call the next day-and did not.

suddenly i got a responce from a delhi guy who told me to look in the newspapers for escort/massage classified adds. i said/text that i new that but did not know which ones were real and which were scams. he then suggested a massage place (and know i forget the name) and he gave the number 09899753967.

i called (with some trepidation as it sounded a scam to me-but just drawn in). i woman answered and said she could have a girl at the hotel (which she new of) in 1 hour. i was offered a college/school girl at 8,000; a university girl at 10,000 and a model at 12,000.

this was better than a couple of places that i rang which quoted 20,000 (although for 2 hours).

i said i would go for the college/school girl at 8,000 (cheap skate, wot!!! at these prices!!!), and she said she had a fair skinned girl for me. i said i preferred a dark skinned girl as if i was in india, i wanted a more local flavour - plenty fair skins in europe. she said she could do that to and that i should wait for her downstairs. after reading other reports i did not think this wise because of (a) the hotel, and (b) the potential scams. so i said that i wanted the girl to come to my room and that i would pay her once she was inside. the lady said that was fine, but in that case i would not be able to have a choice of girl. (so apparently if i met them downstairs/outside i would have a choice). (by the way the lady rang back to room to confirm who i was).

ok, so waited 45 minutes but i think in delhi 45 mins=90 mins. cutting a long story short i was called to be told the girl was outside my room now-she was not, but 10 minutes later a young girl appeared in the corridor. i quickly established she was for me and she seemed very cute, about 5ft 7in, good figure, smooth skin, long black silky hair, nice eyes, nice smile. an 8 in my eyes.

ok she came into room and asked for money which i gave, then asked for extra 1000 for security bribe. i said i did not have the money as i was told 8000 for everything but if she needed i would cash travel cheque afterwards. she then relented on the extra money.

we then talked a little and she said she was 19 yrs old etc. she was very nice, but the only downside was that she did not kiss and only did cbj + fucking wichever way i wanted. her name was arti and i managed to obtain her telephone number which i may give out to other mongers who have also helped people. wanted extra 5,000 for massage. (but booking directly is better)

basically she finished after i came and the asked me to escort her to lift area wence she departed. (she also then asked for taxi fare-again i said it was an inclusive price - also it became obvious she has a driver anyway). technique about 5 but upgraded to 6 as she tried her best - maybe still learning.

so a sweet nice young girl, with good body and boobs, nice soft voice, but as hard as nails (judging by the way she spoke/shouted at her driver). she still has to learn technique, but i may invite her back again, if the need arises. usually these girls are better second time round as you show appreciation by inviting back and they can see that you really mean it when you say that will give a call. once they know they have you, they try harder not to lose you.

so you have a story and a helpful number. my advice though is that at these prices it is better even to go in london as i can get 40 mins for equiv of 5400 roupees and include a massage, and of course bkk even better.

but then again i am in india and so i must try at least one home grown product.

Chico Charlie 1
03-11-07, 06:30
Hi fellows,

I'm back. After a long wandering and lousy work at Vancouver (Canada), I am glad to be back in India.

Have been a long while away since last two months and would love to get an upgrade on the Indian scene. Have gone quickly through the Delhi and Mumbai forums and am glad to see quite a good number of new mongers coming up.

Anyways, glad to know MARGAYA enjoyed his trip to India. Will await the juicy details. Any other senior mongers wishing to share nos are always welcome.

To conclude, Vancouver is very very expensive for mongering and not at all GFE. A **** place in the winters as well.

For the new report by Darren Roberts, a good one. However, please note that such so called schoolgirls are available from 3000Rs. onwards. Just do not give your Hotel Name before because that is the way to judge your financial status by the pimps.

Have a great time.


03-12-07, 03:30
Some info about WelcomHotel Saket. Go to the rear entrance after 5.30 pm and you are sure to find many chinkis there.The security guy as well as the hotel staff are a part of the game and you wont be disappointed. BTW the hotel staff told me that before 9. Pm there are no restrictions on girls visisting rooms. Makes it pretty simple I guess.

03-12-07, 13:13

I am new to the forum.

Could you pls provide more details about the location of MP in Harola, Noida.


Truly great report.

This mp would be worth the try.



Zazl Joe
03-13-07, 00:33

I'm soon coming back to Delhi.

And would like to explorer the female fun there.

So if any can give some hints or guide me, would be great full.

I live in Lajpat Nagar, so if anybody know a place near, it would be cool.

Seeking information on:

Where to find street hooker's?

How to find girls!


Massage palours

Or any other information you think would help me.


03-13-07, 01:27
Hey CC,

Looks like we switched the countries in past month eh?

Well my report is sure coming next.....have recovered from the jet lag.

Hi fellows,

I'm back. After a long wandering and lousy work at Vancouver (Canada), I am glad to be back in India.

Have been a long while away since last two months and would love to get an upgrade on the Indian scene. Have gone quickly through the Delhi and Mumbai forums and am glad to see quite a good number of new mongers coming up.

Anyways, glad to know MARGAYA enjoyed his trip to India. Will await the juicy details. Any other senior mongers wishing to share nos are always welcome.

To conclude, Vancouver is very very expensive for mongering and not at all GFE. A **** place in the winters as well.

For the new report by Darren Roberts, a good one. However, please note that such so called schoolgirls are available from 3000Rs. onwards. Just do not give your Hotel Name before because that is the way to judge your financial status by the pimps.

Have a great time.


Darren Roberts
03-13-07, 12:23
See my previous report (about five back from here).

Meanwhile I followed Chica Charlies advice and changed my hotel name to "Holiday Inn" and then the quoted prices fell to 5,000 ST(2 hours) 8,000 LT (4 hours) and 10,000 overnight.

Then gave real hotel name to another agency and price jumped up to 10,000 12,000 and 15,000 respectively. Said I dont have that money so was asked my budget. I said 5,000 (including taxi, security e.g. includes any extras) and they said ok. Next time I call I will try 3000 to see what happens.

Meanwhile a member on this site has shared a telephone number with me which looks promising (He knows who he is) and at the same time I found a non-agency college girl of 27 (so she says). I did that by subscribing to yahoo group "Delhi Sexy Girls" and putting adverts on it. Nothing of real interest happened and then yesterday I went to Yahoo Messenger and upped popped a chat box from someone who said she saw the adds on the chat group. She wanted my telephone and I wanted hers, both afraid of "scamming" each other.

Eventually she gave me hers and she was indeed a girl (and not the "man" I expected). I may meet with her but she want 10,000 ST because thats what she thinks price is - but negotiated down. She can not stay for night as parents try to protect her "innocence" by keeping her at home at night

Unfortunately no real action to report as I am too tied up with people till late at night but I am starting to feel comfortable with the scene, even though I realise I overpaid the first time for an underperformer.

When you negotiate with agent some will take girl to room (by herself) some in lobby. I am wary of the ones with a car except when it is very late and you really need to accompany girl inside. Also specify exactly what you want:
e.g. French Kissing, BBBJ, CIM etc and that the money is inclusive of taxi and "security bribes"

Sorry about the mess in this advice AND PLEASE NOTE THAT AT THE MOMENT THIS IS 50% THEORY as I have not yet received the girls found by the above method yet to verify if it works

Daft Fuzz
03-13-07, 16:00
I have not tried much of Chinkies, but it will not cost you more than 2-3 bears + 1 to 1.5K.

I am back in Delhi by 2nd March, ping me. Let us chink together.

Sure thing dude. I couldn't PM you... how about u send me a line?

DF (,"")

03-14-07, 09:59
I just posted some recent pictures showing Delhi action in the Photo Gallery. Hope my fellow mongers enjoy these vicariously.


Darren Roberts
03-17-07, 17:15
following on from previous reports, this is about the experience i had today and how i came to have it. it was not the planned story, as one member on this forum (he knows who it is) kindly gave me the number of a contact which through events fell through. this story starts about two months ago..........

before coming to delhi, i was doing a scan of the web sites and this board to gather information, this being my first time visit. one of the yahoo groups i discovered was "delhi sexy girls" and so i subscribed to see what would happen.

on this site i asked if any girls were interested in a "generous" man from the uk. no answers, just indian boys looking for girls. eventually i even mentioned (potentially foolishly) a price of 10,000 rupees. one girl "sicha" answerd with a price of 50,000 for ten minutes!!!!

nothing happened and that was the end of that (i thought). so i arrived and the previous reports show what happened. however on the monday as i logged into yahoo messenger i got a pop up from someone i did not know who asked if/how and was i a friend of "sicha".

the conversation went on and she said that she was willing to go with me for 10,000 but wanted to meet first as she had never done this thing before and was very nervous. i said that 5,000 was the top rate (having learnt how to negotiate the hindu times adverts down over that previous weekend with the aid of some comments from this forum).

any way, she wanted my telephone and i wanted hers, both of us not trusting each other (i thought she could be a man), but eventually she gave me hers and i called and it was a female voice. she explained she was a phd student with lots of debts and needed money and had not done this before and was very nervous. she also said that she lived at home at could only come during the day.

so i said i would arrange to meet her on the saturday in town if my plans allowed (i had at that time been setting up a meeting with the contact given me). on friday i could not contact the person i hoped to see so contacted this girl to arrange a potential meeting on the saturday as a fall back situation.

on saturday i realised my original contact was not available (a prick in the hand is worth two in the bush...) and so i made arrangement to meet the girl i would eventually have and at 11.30 am we met outside one of the mcdonalds in cannaught circle, checking who we were by telephone until we collided.

she looked older than 27 but reasonable since i really did not have a choice at this time. we talked and she became relaxed with me and i with her, but she said she wanted 12,000 as it was first time and she was not from agency (i would have thought no experience and not splitting the fee would easily produce a lower figure, go figure.....). however i had a copy of the classified from the hindu times and showed her the prices i had written down and said she could call to confirm prices. after some negotiaiton we settled on 5,000 (i expect i could have got 4, but...) and that she would pay for herself to go home from the hotel.

as we walked around i asked her if she had condoms, as i did not (one spare left). she said she did not and then i also found out she was not on the pill either. so she did seem very niaive in this business or playing very clever.

after we bought a pack of three we went to the hotel by taxi and talked on the way. i realised she was a very intelligent lady and started to like her and she warmed to me too.

arrived at hotel and went to lift and that is when she gave me a hug and and put her head on my shoulder and allowed me to kiss her forhead and then some french kissing.

in the room she acted as though i was her greates love and that she had to take care of me both emotionally and physically. we got indressed, felt each other, french kissed and eventually went to the shower where i showered her and she showered me, holding, hugging and kissing and then in the shower she started a bbbj on me, feeling my testicles and scratching my leg seductively with the other hand.

to cut the story we made "love" i was allowed all three holes, she masturbated me, kissed me, carresed me, scratched me as she climaxed etc etc. in all the most gfe i ever had, even beating my previous favourite in thailand.

after we finished and showered again she suddenly said "i lied to you". i am not a student i am post phd (e,g, older)and suddenly pulled out her resume for me to see. as i looked through it, the last page showed marital status:married!!!

as i looked she said that, yes she was married, but her husand has left her. she can not divorce as it was an arranged marriage and her parents had paid a large dowry to her husband and was hoping they would get back together. this explained her eagernes-she was frustrated sexually.

we went on the web and she showed me her e-mails and that she was applying to work in the uk. she also showed me that she had applied to an escort agency but did not follow it through as they wanted her picture and she was afraid.

in the end we parted, but decided to keep in contact by yahoo mail from time to time and i promised that if i ever came back to delhi, i would see her again. however neither of us made any false promised to each other.

all in all it was a very nice experience even though somewhat unexpected.

education: 12 (she has a ba, ma and phd and does voluntary work with malnurated children in india as she is a dietician).
gfe: 10

was worried about the "5" above, but better a 5, 10, 10, than a 12, 6, 6.

i have picture, but need to edit her face and promised not to show the one in the bath and bed. if a normal prostitute i would pin up, but she has a very responsible job and i dont want to destroy it. her salary is 140,000 a year, so this 3 hours or so gave her an extra 2 weeks salary.

Tenth Legion
03-18-07, 07:42

First of all let me say I'm a n00b when it comes to the Delhi scene. Just got here a couple of months ago and yet haven't been able to stumble into Delhi's close knit provider "networks". Now I've heard most of the Delhi massage parlors and the local escorts (who have websites) are MAJOR rip-offs. Plus, I'm not sure if the G.B. Road Kothas have the professionalism, hygeine and quality that at least some Mumbai Kothas have. I've heard GB Road's No.64 and No. 59 are quite honest (and clean), but surely there should be some rather upscale bordello in that place. Coming to the third option, viz. the ubiquitous streetwalker, I've seen some even in the educational hub that is the IIT-Munirka stretch (one of them was wearing the MOST revealing outfits I've ever seen. And believe me when I say revealing, I've even been to Tijuana.). Now even here, if you are not driving your own car and don't have a discreet place, that option ain't an option. In my case I am trapped in my Company Guest House for the near future and I don't think the HR boss would give me a pay-hike if he learns some Chameli and I were in the spotted slinking in at 2:00 AM.

Therefore my dear Old Timers, have mercy on an overworked n00b and help me with the following queries:

1. How safe are the Kothas in GB Road? The prospect of a strip/ body-cavity search by a grizzled Moschay bouncer AND getting fleeced afterwards rattles me no end.
Are the rooms/cubicles clean? I'm not a hypochondriac but I sure don't want to plonk my bare ass on the still warm cum of the previous dude. Does LE (plainclothes / mufti) watch the area and run their own shakedown rackets? Is there any Kotha that's "protected" from such LE meddling? Which of these DO NOT engage in child-prostitution? I'm not into that and such bordellos are black-listed by the Pandus too.

2. Delhi has a couple of well entrenched and quite professional networks that run mid-level/upscale providers. Can someone please tell me where the agents of such networks hang out, if at all? I mean, perhaps it's all by word of mouth recommendation. In the US you can ID a pimp from a mile away (even if they are not dressed like an East Coast rapper) but I understand that things in Delhi are more discreet. How does one ID such an agent?

I understand n00bs won't be given phone numbers or addresses.... but a little more specific information can't hurt, right? Please let me have this harmless info and I believe I can establish contact myself.

3. Of course, the topper in the FAQ: Which motels/inns in Central Delhi (near Old Delhi) or in South Delhi (Nehru Place-Munirka stretch) are "friendly" and safe, and charges you only in the Rs.500-Rs.1000 a day range. Anything outside this range is IMO unreasonable given the purpose. Now the mentioned areas are quite teeming with people and businesses and LE can't watch this place as good as they do with Def Col/Saket/South Ex. Most rackets that are busted come from the residential areas, ever notice that?

If not hotels, do the providers from the above networks offer discreet incalls?

Finally, thank you all for being on this forum and posing some useful info. This forum has been quite illuminating.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Adroit Jack
03-18-07, 16:53
Hi all,

Been visiting this forum (prefix excellent) and decided to verify what I read from the senior guys here.

The background:

-I'm a guy with average money to spend. No 5 stars, or 3 stars even. Have car and reasonable money to spend but essentially no lodging place of safety. I read the info from this site and it's spot on, more about this later.

-Laugh thru your dicks, friends, but I was a 30 year old virgin. Being Indian, middle class (read virtuous aka dope), non-rich, unmarried etc being the causes. Hence, desperate for no-strings action.

The experience:

This site helped big time. I do not belong to Delhi. Visit there every 3-4 months for 3-4 days. Started by making rounds of the places reported. Watched the SW action. Hit gold on Aurangzeb's reports. Hats off Sultan, you're precision itself.

Experience 1, Meena: Place was the junction of road into Lajpat Nagar little distance from Def-colony fly-over (there are two roads, I refer to the one closer to Ring road). Time around 11 pm. Saw a woman in Salwar Cameez near the very junction. Slowed after the junction and stopped. Kept glancing from the rear view. After a while, noticing my looks, she walked over and spoke to me thru the passenger's window. It is actually happening. I'm nervous. She asks me what I wanted in Hindi. I ask what is available. She says she does sucking, fucking. I ask how much for a suck and am replied 300. She said 500 for the whole thing. I say I only want sucking. She says ok and I ask her to sit in the car. Then I could really have a look. Average. 4/10. Dark, long hair made in a braid. I hated her makeup. She asks me if I got a place and I reply in negative. She tells me to drive and takes me by the first by lane in the residential area and has me park between a long line of cars. Place looks dark and quiet, my fear reduces. She asks me for the money. I take out my wallet. Damn I got only notes of Rs. 500 and I give her one. She smoothly slides it in her blouse somewhere. I wanted only a BJ and that's a whole fuck. (These things made me forge the Rules of Engagement I've given below). Anyway, there's no turning back. My throat is dry so I drink some water and offer to her which she refuses. She asks me slide the seat back and open up. I obey. In all this, there's somehow no shame or guilt. Only a normal transaction and I am astounded at the calmness of the situation but remain nervous just the same. She then straightaway grabs my willy and starts jerking. It's no shame to admit, the friend is as limp as it could be. I feel no extraordinary pleasure too. She then slips a condom on (don't know how she managed with the hardness absent!) and bends over to suck it. That's a little better but her teeth jar me. She senses my nerves and asks me to relax. She offers to go to the back seat but I decline (front seat good for an emergency drive-off). But I relax a little and she is able to energize the sleeping guy a little but not much. Getting bolder, I place one hand on her hair and hold her boob. So she raises her Kameez and I'm able to fondle the (good sized) boob nicely This lasts 2 min I guess. Then she asks me to get on her side which I do clumsily. I position myself over her and she takes me in. I only know I'm in her 'cos she stops maneouvring. So I thrust but it's not greatly pleasurable. Frustrated, I get back to my side and she resumes the BJ patiently. With little more hardness and fondling, the process is repeated. But the distant headlights and horns distract me. When I fuck her next, it's little more successful but not enough to excite me and I know I would not cum in this setting, at least tonight. So I get off and zip up. She knows I'm a fresher and is patient (though mindful of her time). She asks me what's the matter to which I mumble something. She tells me her name on asking, prefers to get down there itself and leaves. I drive off. Not much enjoyable but educating experience in my life. I realize the lack of foreplay and nervousness as the causes for not enjoying. The woman was not a looker too. Anyway, there's always a tomorrow. Exerience 2 in the next repot. Do tell me your opinions guys.

Good luck.

03-19-07, 07:58
I enjoyed your post and you sound genuine. Tried to send you a PM with pointers, but it won't go. So here is my advice to anyone who really want to get actionable info and pointers: Subscribe to PM. PM is the only way to share these types of information in India.



First of all let me say I'm a n00b when it comes to the Delhi scene. Just got here a couple of months ago and yet haven't been able to stumble into Delhi's close knit provider "networks". Now I've heard most of the Delhi massage parlors and the local escorts (who have websites) are MAJOR rip-offs. Plus, I'm not sure if the G.B. Road Kothas have the professionalism, hygeine and quality that at least some Mumbai Kothas have. I've heard GB Road's No.64 and No. 59 are quite honest (and clean), but surely there should be some rather upscale bordello in that place. Coming to the third option, viz. the ubiquitous streetwalker, I've seen some even in the educational hub that is the IIT-Munirka stretch (one of them was wearing the MOST revealing outfits I've ever seen. And believe me when I say revealing, I've even been to Tijuana.). Now even here, if you are not driving your own car and don't have a discreet place, that option ain't an option. In my case I am trapped in my Company Guest House for the near future and I don't think the HR boss would give me a pay-hike if he learns some Chameli and I were in the spotted slinking in at 2:00 AM.

Therefore my dear Old Timers, have mercy on an overworked n00b and help me with the following queries:

1. How safe are the Kothas in GB Road? The prospect of a strip/ body-cavity search by a grizzled Moschay bouncer AND getting fleeced afterwards rattles me no end.
Are the rooms/cubicles clean? I'm not a hypochondriac but I sure don't want to plonk my bare ass on the still warm cum of the previous dude. Does LE (plainclothes / mufti) watch the area and run their own shakedown rackets? Is there any Kotha that's "protected" from such LE meddling? Which of these DO NOT engage in child-prostitution? I'm not into that and such bordellos are black-listed by the Pandus too.

2. Delhi has a couple of well entrenched and quite professional networks that run mid-level/upscale providers. Can someone please tell me where the agents of such networks hang out, if at all? I mean, perhaps it's all by word of mouth recommendation. In the US you can ID a pimp from a mile away (even if they are not dressed like an East Coast rapper) but I understand that things in Delhi are more discreet. How does one ID such an agent?

I understand n00bs won't be given phone numbers or addresses.... but a little more specific information can't hurt, right? Please let me have this harmless info and I believe I can establish contact myself.

3. Of course, the topper in the FAQ: Which motels/inns in Central Delhi (near Old Delhi) or in South Delhi (Nehru Place-Munirka stretch) are "friendly" and safe, and charges you only in the Rs.500-Rs.1000 a day range. Anything outside this range is IMO unreasonable given the purpose. Now the mentioned areas are quite teeming with people and businesses and LE can't watch this place as good as they do with Def Col/Saket/South Ex. Most rackets that are busted come from the residential areas, ever notice that?

If not hotels, do the providers from the above networks offer discreet incalls?

Finally, thank you all for being on this forum and posing some useful info. This forum has been quite illuminating.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Available Delhi
03-19-07, 14:34
Sure thing dude. I couldn't PM you... how about u send me a line?

DF (,"")Y not DF. I am back in Delhi from 23rd onwards. write to me at [Email address deleted by Admin]

See You

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

Adroit Jack
03-19-07, 17:59
hi guys,

picking up from my previous report.

experience 2, sunita: once again on the prowl after my first (!) experience, i took rounds of the entire stretch of the ring road from moolchand to hyatt. couldn't spot any obvious sws since i'm inexperienced at this. got back to the def-colony cut and drove towards the fly-over. approached the first bus-stop, slowed down but no noticeable females, lot of crowd though, this was at 10 pm. at the second bus stop, i spotted female getting into a car from the pavement at a distance and it seemed like meena but wouldn't bet on it. spotted some le and drove off. no joy till the entire stretch to nirula's was covered. so got on to the other side and drove back to ring road and round back again. this time, when i came in the side lane near the petrol pump and proceeded towards nirula's, 200 m past saw a cycle rickshaw with a lone female in it. there are many on this road like this (residential area, ladies out buying groceries etc) but two bikers stopped by the ladies and spoke to the female and rode off. good sign. overtook them and pulled over. my guess was confirmed from the rear view with the woman's make up. as the rickshaw approached, i made a sign to stop and saw the woman look at me in a scrutinizing manner. i knew she was a hooker. asked her how much (was shy 'cos the rickshaw driver was watching too, but then he must know her trade and then there's a strange frankness among the poor about such things anyway). she said 800. i said that's too much and asked her to come near the curb. seeing that i was serious, she got down and spoke through my window. i asked again if she would reduce a little). to this, she said she'll do in the car for 500 but for 800, she'll take me to a room nearby. i was spooked 'cos it's not an area where hotels at cheap rates might be available. anyway, i asked her to get in. she told the rickshaw wala to wait near nirula's and sat in the car. this female was also in salwar kameez, little plump and has a round face, wheatish complexion, average looking. her make up was a little subdued. she asked me if i had a preferred room and if i wanted to do it in hers for 800. i said we would go to hers, wanting to see what place she is taking me to ( i didn't have a suitable place anyway). i would not have gone in some shady area though. but when we drove off, she told me pull over just 200m ahead on the curb. we had just crossed a building under construction. she got down and asked me to follow at some distance and to hurry since all round there were only residential buildings. i went inside the compound and she was trying to call the watchman who was somewhere inside and took 2 min to appear. i was wondering at the resourcefulness of the lady. the guy appeared unperturbed at the business and took us to a room right at the outside corner where we were standing. i realized that it was meant to be a toilet once the building was finished, but right now only had an assortment of rundown couches and tidbits lying about. there was a bathroom inside too. but the room didn't have any bolt so i just put a bench against the door. she asked me for the money which i handed over. she asked me to give 200 more to which i said we'll see later. she told me to sit down and started fondling my willy directly. this time the result was a little better but these ladies seem to bite your dick on the downgoing movement which is very jarring. when i grabbed her boob, she asked me to lie comfortably. but it wasn't very comfy so i just got out of my pants and she just took off her entire dress. this was promising. once again the cbj performance resumed and i had semi hard on. this woman had smoother boobs or so i imagined. in a min, she asked me to come up and do it. once again, she took me in and i started but it was again not exciting. it was so funny, i was movin on this female and didn't feel much so i asked her if i had slipped out. she says see for yourself. so i saw and i was actually moving in and out of her. i took a better position to maximize the pleasure but was put off all the same. she again gave me more bj and asked me to do it. i couldn't move properly so asked her to around. she smiled at me wonderingly, probably thinking that i was enacting some fantasy or something but man, i was looking for a more free pose to give my inexperienced dick a better time. she complied though and i got at her back. this was a little better since i had full control and view of the scene. but i started making a noise when bumping against her plump buns which added a little to the pleasure as well as nervousness. there were loud voices somewhere outside (probably quite far) and i stopped for a while. on resuming again, the feeling was the same but to be honest, i knew again that at this rate or even faster, i wouldn't cum. so i got off her. (i do admit that this position was a huge hit with me and in better settings and a gorgeous female and some foreplay, it would be the ultimate engine of earthly salvation :) she assumed that i would want to do it normally and got on her back. so what the heck, i fuecked her some more. but somehow my excitement was frozen at a particular maxima. i just decided to take it easy and said that was it. she asked if i didn't like it 'cos her body was 'loose', in hindi. she meant to ask if i found her hole too large. i mumbled something non-committal and dressed up. she pestered me for more money but i didn't give any. when we came out, i saw the watchman walking away (probably listened all the while). she gave me her mobile number and that was it.

rules of engagement: there are a few things i decided to check while going out for a romp like this. please add more points as you can think of:

1. always be comfortable with the surroundings. unfamiliarity breeds uneasiness.
2. pre-empt chances of getting caught at the wrong time. remember, you're not teenage kids fooling around and getting steamier. what you're doing is illegal and punishable with imprisonment. no safety, no taking off pants.

3. carry only the cash you need to spend, in 100 rs notes. rest of your cash or wallet, you can store in the car or hide in some inner pocket. bargain/ decide price beforehand and never pay before making sure you would get what you want.

4. into the act, use a condom always. i could never see the pussy of the first woman i screwed. darkness doesn't help. lights do but not for hiv. condom protects, use it. don't get fucked for a fuck.

5. even after paying, if safety is under question, let the session go and leave the place (talking about unknown buildings, rough operators). don't persist if gets uncomfortable (expecially brothel scene). better to lose a fuck or a few bucks than feeling threatened or getting roughed up.

6. always be polite. if the female or her pimp etc show tendency to impoliteness, don't go for them. just leave quietly.

7. advertised escorts/masseurs: if in a hotel and asked for a person to come in, have a good look before you let them enter your room. if she doesn't match the description given, tell her to go away.

8. if a female threatens you inside your hotel room, and you've not actually screwed her, don't give in. she would threaten to scream [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) but it's not easy for her to do it. firstly, she's a ***** and the cops know it, so she's bluffing 'cos she's soliciting sex for money which is illegal too. if you're a foreigner, just calmly tell her that you are calling the cops and your embassy yourself. you can actually call the hotel security. mind you, the moment you pick up the phone, she'll bolt out. follow basics of encountering a snake, it's as scared as you are (though poisonous or not), remember that.

9. once the deed is done, don't linger without purpose.

ok, i'll keep adding as my experience increases, but till now i've encountered safe situations only. rule 8 above may be open for debate but go by your common sense guys. i've read many cases of duped people on this forum and it happens all the time. it kinda leaves bad memories but to those who sufferred, you've helped us newcomers greatly. maybe there should be a thread on this forum for the do's and don'ts of mongering.


editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-19-07, 18:58
dear readers,

new delhi is not a great place for finding wg's. indian women are beautiful indeed, and there are millions of them in a place like new delhi. but even though you might expect (because of the very low income of most people) that are is a real and reliable service industry, there actually ain't much really.

so i tried the classifieds in the hindustan times (new delphi edition). after looking around a bit i found the "health and physical fitness" part that contained a fairly long list of "massage services". well, you know what that means.

so i tried one, called "arav" which published an ad with the telephone number 9811479938. it was a total scam. the guy on the other end of the line did mention an attractive price (3500 for 2 hours) so i said, ok let's give it a try. he said his "boy" would show up and show me some girls (photos), i pick one, pay and then the girl would come. well his "boy" showed up alright, but the girls never did. so lost a few thousand roupees on this scam. never call that number.


lesson #1: don't expect to get any wg for less than 5000 for 1 or 2 hours. if you are offered something less than that price in new delhi for a massage in your hotel, it will probably be a scam.

lesson #2: never agree to pay in advance, until after you have physically seen the girls and selected one. it seems to be common here though to pay in advance, because you don't pay the girl, but you pay their 'manager".

well then. that was a bummer. got scammed and felt bad about it. so don't repeat my mistake please.

ok, but i was not going to give up that easily. so i tried some of the other numbers. i found another ad, of "really hot massage service". the person to call was called lara, her telephone number was 9871117971. i called and after a short introducation message (tape) an indian lady answered. her english was ok, so that helped.

she immediately asked for my room number. don't give them that until you know the pricing. so i said i first wanted to know what they offer. she said 6000 for two hours. i said that was too much and another company had offered me 3500.

she said that price is impossible for 2 hours and was probably a scam. (so she was right about that, i knew that by now). i said it was still too much . she asked what my budget was and i got the price down to 5000 for 2 hours, which i think is sort of ok, considering it is new delhi. anywhere else that price would still be way too much. personally i like it when they travel and come to my hotel.

so she asked what i wanted, and i said a female masseur, beween 20-25 years. indian. that could be arranged, she would be there in 45 minutes she said, together with the manager. i would first see the girl, then decide and pay. if i did not like her, i would pay nothing. so ok then.

i gave the room number of the hotel and she did a confirmation call to my room. just to check me out.

lesson #3: do not give your room number until you have negotiated time and price. when they refuse to give any price unless you give your room number first, hang up.

i waited and waited. after one hour still nothing. so i called again. they had gone to the wrong hotel. boy, that is a little stupid. i told them which hotel it was and even gave them the tel. number. they could have called my hotel and checked the address. so i waited again.

lesson #4: if they say it will take 30 minutes, expect 1 hour. if they say 45 minutes, expect 2 hours. if you are lucky they will be there earlier, but usually take more time.

finally after much waiting and several phone call hey showed up. a female "manager" and the massage girl. she was cute and rather young. (20 or so) the hotel had made some trouble though, letting them in. i had to go out of the hotel again and then later take the girl back to my room. i paid 5000 for the two hours and we went to my room. the girl did not speak english, so communication was difficult.

lesson #5: if you prefer it, ask for an english speaking girl. makes thing much easier. however it may increase the price a littlebit.

she (nicky) turned out to be a cute girl, but shy and unexperienced. the session went ok, but after 1 hour she did start to show signs that she thought we were getting out of time. also her phone range twice, in the middle of things. hmm, i don't like to be interrupted.

lesson #6: ask the girl to turn her phone off and make sure she knows that you agreed on 2 full hours (or whatever you choose).

conclusion: well it was kind of ok, but not great. perhaps the other massage places offer more experienced "massage" girls, at similar prices. here are some telephone numberq i found in the hindustan times that could be such places. no guarantee that they are not scam services though. you need to check them out yourself and then decide if they are any good.

full body relax: (gaurav) 9811100655
cute delhi: (bhavna) 9999726372
quality 5/7 star (femina) 9899654466
blue moon: (juhi) 9910015054
world class (malika) 9911898888

my guess is that 50% of those kind of places are probably scam. so i wish you good luck.


editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-19-07, 19:00
Following on from previous reports, this is about the experience I had today and how I came to have it. It was not the planned story, as one member on this forum (he knows who it is) kindly gave me the number of a contact which through events fell through. This story starts about two months ago.Nice report Darren. At least you had a better experience in New Delhi, than I.


03-20-07, 10:42
Hi there,

I live in Delhi and would be happy to go out hunting with you one night.

Hey all,

Now I have no idea if any of you remember me. I've had a real long hiatus. And I write now, on the brink of leaving this wonderful city.

I come back to the forum with a shamelessly selfish motive... :) help me folks.

What's the best place in town to pick up chinki (north-eastern) chicks who are into P4P. I've always had a fancy for them, but never really got into hunting. The ones I dated back in Pune were absolutely divine company !!

If anyone wants to hook up and go hunting together, that'd be awesome. I've got a place (a simple affair) in south delhi, 2 mins drive from Saket.

I'm set.. who else is? :)

03-21-07, 10:18
Working NE girls are everywhere in Delhi. I found them the easiest picks here in Delhi. I have an Asian persuasion in my hobby preference and that works out well. Go to almost any disco clubs in Delhi and they are there for the picking.


Hi there,

I live in Delhi and would be happy to go out hunting with you one night.

Adroit Jack
03-21-07, 14:37
Hi guys,

This is a shorter bersion of the query I posted on the Mumbai thread. Everybody seems to say that India generally is lousy about the mongering scene. It seems to me that it is due to the deeply ingrained cultural values about female virtue. Yet I wonder, is soliciting sex actually legal anywhere? What about Thailand, for example? People swear by the scene there. What about the developed countries? Better informed members, please enlighten me.

Adroit Jack
03-21-07, 15:33
Hi guys,

Sorry for being lazy and posting a query for others to answer. So I did some research out of remorse (more out of curiosity :) and this is what I found from http://www.sexwork.com/coalition/whatcountrieslegal.html

Prostitution itself is legal but laws very in different states regarding street soliciting and brothels.

New Zealand :
The Prostitution Reform Act 2003 made ALL adult prostitution and brothels a legal occupation in New Zealand but may have too many restrictions on brothels. In fact the government has online their "Brothel Operator Certificates." There are reasonable health and safety requirements such as using condoms, local bylaws can restrict signage and brothel locations, and a provision to outlaw pimping.

The Philippines is a good Asian example, Technically prostitution is illegal but when it had U.S. military bases there was such a huge demand by U.S. military men for sex, it flourished. But to be politically correct, bargirls are "Customer Relations officers". They are required to have weekly STD checkups and quarterly HIV tests! But officially there are no barfines or sexworkers, just Guest Relationship Officers who are bargirls that have to carry government issued ID badges. Sexwork is an very big industry and supports many people especially in smaller cities like Angeles. Unless it involves children there is no enforcement and no legal risk for the bargirls or their customers. It's just like secondary wives in much of Asia. It is simply accepted but often not publicly acknowledged. And for $20-$30 barfine and maybe a $10 tip you have a very attractive happy bargirl who enthusiastically goes to your hotel for the night and is very happy with the arrangement. But that $40 cost in PI is equivalent to perhaps $400 in purchasing value in the U.S. since food, housing and all living costs are so much higher. So it is unfair to compare rates of American providers, living here with Asian providers. On the other hand it makes the travel costs very worthwhile, not only in cost but in attitudes of Asian vs. U.S. providers without worry about legal problems.

Thailand has a very similar situation and has been known since the Vietnam war days as one of the best places in the world to go for great sexuality. For centuries brothels have just been an accepted part of the culture. Most Thai men got their first sexual education and experience in the local brothel. When sexwork became so popular when the U.S. military enjoyed their rest and relaxation stops in ports, for public relations purposes, Thailand made it officially illegal due to Western pressure, but the Entertainment Places Act and "special services" exempted most all of the sexwork for the military or tourists since it brings in so much cash. Consenting adult prostitution is illegal only officially in Thailand, not in practice.

Canada is a closer example of few legal problems and more equal purchasing power. The typical $CAN200/hr cost for 1 hour of full service with no silly tips expected is a bargain for U.S. customers since this is about $US170. One reason prices are so reasonable compared to the U.S. is there is no legal risk and many more women choose sexwork as a profession for the right reasons and enjoy it. Canada (as in most of the world) has mostly honest sexworkers vs mostly scams, rip offs or much higher priced providers in the U.S. with the huge unmet demand for natural sexuality but fewer women willing to take the legal risks. More women get into sex work for the right reasons as a legitimate choice, when you don't have the legal risks of the U.S. Prostitution has always been legal in Canada, but its limited by the 1850 bawdy house restriction and you can't publicly solicit on a busy street or public area.

England and Scotland has gone further than Canada since "incalls" or brothels are allowed but with only one girl per flat. There are many trying to increase this limit so providers can work more safely. Of course outcall adult sexwork has always been legal but not street hookers.

Even in IRAN: The 1925 Penal Code stated that prostitution was not a crime in itself, but that it was a crime to advocate it, to aid or abet a woman to enter prostitution or to operate a brothel. The current regime believes that execution - by firing squad or stoning - is a more fitting penalty. Execution is common. Some Iranian feminists regard mutïa, a form of temporary marriage where the woman has few rights, as akin to prostitution . Under mutïa, it is possible to be `married for as little as half an hour. Men who visit prostitutes simply marry them for a few hours and its totally legal in Iran.

Some additional info I found: It's illegal in the US and also in India, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Sri Lanka etc. (In US, it's legal in all counties of Nevada state except Las Vegas).

But I read some debate on legalization of prostitution in US which included comments on the system in Germany and Netherlands. What I gathered was:

Netherlands first legalized Marijuana which raised a big hue and cry. The aim was to separate the levels of dangerous traffickers of hard drugs from marijuana. Mixed opinions on this. Next, they legalized pros. BIG hue and cry with a vey engaging range of opinions. This was followed by Germany and many allege that it's only made identification of traffickers harder. The proponents say that it brings a relief to the victims of the trade, which of course, are women. While the debate rages in the USA, leagalization of such a nature, IMO, will neve occur in India in our lifetimes.

Bottomline: Let the world seethe my friends, I'm looking for hot spots for my next vacation and already getting goosebumps from my rosy (!!!) pictures of blooming b(l)os(s)oms. Ahhhh, my legal p****, here I come!


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-21-07, 19:41
I've become acquainted with a group of NE girls who frequent the clubs in Delhi. I would not consider them pros. Yes, they are much easier to pick up than Hindu girls and have a decided interest in white collar men who have money and treat them with respect, especially diplomats and foreign biz execs. But the ones I know would be offended if some guy quickly propositioned them and offered money up front. I've spotted other cruder NE'ers who appear more of the mercenary type, but if you are looking for a cute, semi-educated woman you won't be embarrassed to be seen with in public and who could be a semi-regular lay, then better to initially regard them as amateurs.

As suggested in a previous posting, what seems to work is to chat them up, buy a group of them some beers and suggest going elsewhere when the place you are in is about to close. If you get lucky, in the morning you should offer them generous cab fare to get back home (some of them live quite far away). This offer will not be refused.

Working NE girls are everywhere in Delhi. I found them the easiest picks here in Delhi. I have an Asian persuasion in my hobby preference and that works out well. Go to almost any disco clubs in Delhi and they are there for the picking.


03-22-07, 12:05
An excellent rejoinder, NevadaBoy. I couldn't agree with you more. I am sorry if I came across calling all NE girls pro in this business. Many of them are just amateurs and can be quite selective on who they go out (home) with. And then there are the mercenary type (as mentione) .... for example those hanging out at Pegs-n-Pints. Avoid them, unless you want a sure lay. In any case, treat them well and you will be a happy man. ;-)


I've become acquainted with a group of NE girls who frequent the clubs in Delhi. I would not consider them pros. Yes, they are much easier to pick up than Hindu girls and have a decided interest in white collar men who have money and treat them with respect, especially diplomats and foreign biz execs. But the ones I know would be offended if some guy quickly propositioned them and offered money up front. I've spotted other cruder NE'ers who appear more of the mercenary type, but if you are looking for a cute, semi-educated woman you won't be embarrassed to be seen with in public and who could be a semi-regular lay, then better to initially regard them as amateurs.

As suggested in a previous posting, what seems to work is to chat them up, buy a group of them some beers and suggest going elsewhere when the place you are in is about to close. If you get lucky, in the morning you should offer them generous cab fare to get back home (some of them live quite far away). This offer will not be refused.

Amorous Jay
03-22-07, 14:46
The info is real informative. It does give one the knowledge of one's "rights" in the countries mentioned.


03-23-07, 03:55
Adroit Jack,

Thanks for such a great report. It must have took a while compile this precise information. Congrats on your thesis:)

03-24-07, 07:51
Well Guys,

Sorry for taking so long to post this report.

I reached Delhi late in th enight after a long transatlantic flight and checked into a paharganj hotel for couple of hours. I wanted to dump my belongings there while I go out hunting during the day.

Called couple of numbers given to by other fellow mongers but received no response. The pimps were probably asleep after a hard night's work.

Called again at 3. 00 PM and decided to go with a high quality very expensive pimp who asked me to come over to chanakaya theatre which was a fair distance from CP. Spent quite a bit of time in the traffic of Delhi to reach there and then the sucker wasted another full one hour in asking us to come to the corner, come to the grocery shop blah blah

I was quite exhaused already as had no more than 3 hours of sleep in past 36 hours. Anyways after almost two hours he did show up with 2 girls, one a punjabi, 20 yrs old, somewhat fair complexioned and other a NE type, tall, long leggy type.

Since I was with my friend we decided to have both. The deal was set to go to faridabad and pimp will organize food, room etc. Total cost a whopping Rs. 26000. 00 Since we were badly exhausted already and did not want to start hunting again we agreed and took off to faridabad. The journey took yet another hour and half on delhi's polluted, over populated, smoke choked roads with blaring horns. And then the bloody idiot pimp decided to stay over for chitchat till 10. 30 PM!

We started the action afterwards and both zeroed in on punjabi babe. Infact it was a mistake on our part to agree for NE girl as she was not very open, had language problem and was not very sexy either. But the punju babe made up enthusiastically and even managed to handle both of us at the same time. All in all we had a jlly good session and retired for dinner.

After dinner I had another round with NE girl while my friend took his time. We then tried to start the session with panju babe and this is where things went down the drain rather rapidly.

During the first session she tried very hard to make us cum fast and was insisting on riding me vigorously saying that she is about to come. It was just a stupid excuse to get us off ASAP. But as soon as we tried 2nd round she snapped and said that only one guy can have it and started a long ramble. Boy were we pissed off? It simply killed the mood and we told her to eff off and tried to get some sleep in mosquito ridden rooms. She sensed that we are very badly pissed off and tried to make up by saying that she will give good service but the die was cast by that time. The NE girl slept happily during this ruckus. In th emorning we were not in any mood anyways but the panju biatch tried to pull another fast one by saying that her date has started overnight.

Yeah right.

We overpaid too much, should have insisted on one girl only and paid no more than 8000-10000.

Anyways the 2nd day had just begun.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-24-07, 08:12
Next day after we were free around 4 PM, we called a few numbers from TOI. Most were crappy guys but one guy from Saket grabbed my attention. He spoke immaculate english, offered 8000 for two girls for 4 hours including accomodation for two dudes. Not bad although I prefer not to use anyone's accomadation but decided to take up the chance. The place was a bit far considering mad traffic of Delhi but the deal was good. It was in an apartment building and both girls were a bit bony, about 20 years old and a bit dusky but excellent otherwise. We had solid two sessions with drinks etc. But all the while I was a bit paranoid about this being a set up to extract more money from us.

The third day I decided to call it quits in Delhi and check out the scene in Chandigarh where I had terrible time last year.

We went to a hotel on the outskirts of chandigarh and boys, this is THE WAY to monger. The manager ushered us into rooms, asked for chamiyas to come over forinspection while we laid down on the beds like a Mughal Maharajah;.)

We selected one girl from UP, a bit bony and had plenty of fat in right places. About 21 years old again and pretty coperative and had no qualms about handling both of us at the same time. The total cost for about 3 hours of romping including room, babe, drinks. A mere 5000!

Things were looking good.

2nd day my friend drove me to a place a few kilometers from the city to another hotel for a rendezvous with another petite babe from UP. She had the best tits ever we came across this year. Absolutely perfect and was again 19-20 years old but looked a bit younger because of petite frame. I was put off a bit first by driving (you know pollution, horns, dust) and then by hotel being more suitable for labour class but had a satisfying session. Cost including everything was just 3500 for two guys Third day we decided to try international flavour and asked for a Russian girl at the first hotel we had been to. In came a sweet, tall, white 19 year old Russian/Turkish babe with awesome body. She was just great on the bed and gave FULL service. Tried her level best to make sure that we have a paisa vasool session. May god bless her and send more babes like her to this planet.

By the way she had the most responsive nipples I have ever come across so far, they would perk up to full one inch as soon as kisssed!

4th day My time in India was coming close to the end so we decided to try a little bit high end maal. The first girl that was shown to us was crappy and we sent her back but the second one was man o man what was she doing in this profession.

Tall, fair complexioned, classy Punjabi girl belonging to a very rich family. She was very suave, co-operative and just gorgeous. Thats the kind of woman I would like to be caught with if it ever comes to that;.)

Again we had kick ass sessions with her. Cost a bit more, 8000 for two guys plus 1200 for the room. 4-5 hours.

Finally on the last day we were promised another drop dead gorgeous NRI for 15000 but the whole process of trying to have a look at the girl, go from one place to the other was too tiring so I backed out.

So folks as you can see we spent less money in chandigarh on 4 very nice girls than on two stupid ones in Delhi. The prices quoted by pimps are all subjective and you should try to beat them down w/o any ado. Also it is rather difficult in Delhi to rrange hotels etc as most girls look like prostitutes and are around 20 years old which makes it look suspicious.

Finally I am thankful to a handfull of guys here who tried to help me and gave me valueable tips and numbers. Not to mention some pricks who won't even respond to messages as if they are about to share Kohinoor diamond or something like that.

Happy Mongering

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-25-07, 22:46
Hi Aurangzeb,

I am a fan of you'are reports. Can you pls help me out? I want some action in Gurgaon. Like SW. Pls lemme know whr can I find them. Also, as you mentioned in you'are earlier reports, does SW still available in Moolchand and frm' what time I will find them? Will they accompany me to gurgaon to my place? Looking 4 you'are guidance. Its Raj.

Raj, sorry I have no idea of any SW action in Gurgaon. Logic tells me there should be something around the malls, because that's typically the type of place a SW frequents, but I can't say I've noticed any action there.

SW scene at Moolchand is alive and kicking. I spend 90% of my time on the DefCol side of the road as that's where most of the action is happening now. The traffic circle near DefCol Market is very busy w/ SW on foot, in cycle rickshaw and occasionally in autorickshaw as well. Between 7 and 10:30 is the best time. I just get bjs in my car, but I can't see why they'd object to going to your place in Gurgaon. They might hesitate in the beginning, but after a couple of experiences I'm sure they'll oblige.

03-25-07, 22:50
Hi fellows,

I'm back. After a long wandering and lousy work at Vancouver (Canada), I am glad to be back in India.

Welcome back CC ;) Hope to hear more from you in the not too distant future.

04-01-07, 08:02
Hi Aurangzeb!

Thanx a lot for your reply. I was egarly waiting to hear from you from last couple of days! You know I went to DefCol just 10 days back. From the Ring road I have taken left towrads DefCol and finally reached the DefCol market. I parked my car in the paid parking lot and was roaming around searching for some action. But failed to notice any. Then I came back and just before you hit the Ring Road while coming back from DefCol market, there is an ICICI ATM. Where I waited for another 30-40 mins. But again in vain. I saw some good looking girls standing in the bus stop just near to the Flyover (I mean the one on the Ring Road). But they all got into the bus. And fianlly I had to come back without any thing.

May be I am looking at wrong places. ! Can you please lemme know some landmark near which I should wait so as to get a sure hit. ! Please help me out!



Raj, sorry I have no idea of any SW action in Gurgaon. Logic tells me there should be something around the malls, because that's typically the type of place a SW frequents, but I can't say I've noticed any action there.

SW scene at Moolchand is alive and kicking. I spend 90% of my time on the DefCol side of the road as that's where most of the action is happening now. The traffic circle near DefCol Market is very busy w/ SW on foot, in cycle rickshaw and occasionally in autorickshaw as well. Between 7 and 10:30 is the best time. I just get bjs in my car, but I can't see why they'd object to going to your place in Gurgaon. They might hesitate in the beginning, but after a couple of experiences I'm sure they'll oblige.

04-01-07, 12:59
Hi all,

I am new to this forum, just wanted to know where i can find decent NE girls(Chinkis) in Delhi. any contacts or places where i can find them,pls let me know.



04-03-07, 10:32
Its good to see some action on the Delhi board. Margaya, finally someone had a series of good experiences in this city. Thanks for sharing. I have been out of action for a long time but now i am back and have started looking around, old contacts are all dead and gone so it will take some time.

04-04-07, 08:36
May be I am looking at wrong places. ! Can you please lemme know some landmark near which I should wait so as to get a sure hit. ! Please help me out!I've seen/picked up SWs at all the places marked in red. Best is if you drive around the route marked in yellow. There is usually a high density of SWs between 7:00pm and 10:00pm, on foot and in rickshaws, at the places marked in green.

Hope this helps, and good luck!

Mark Inspire
04-04-07, 10:09
Dear Aurangzeb,

What a way to throw light on the scene in Delhi!

Excellent!. Armed with this map, the mongering scene will be a lot better in Delhi!


I've seen/picked up SWs at all the places marked in red. Best is if you drive around the route marked in yellow. There is usually a high density of SWs between 7:00pm and 10:00pm, on foot and in rickshaws, at the places marked in green.

Hope this helps, and good luck!

04-04-07, 12:41
Adroit Jack, I'm glad you managed some contact from reading my posts. I understand the trepidation completely, having experienced exactly what you have when I first started mongering. Relax, it'll get better. And Meena will give you a decent enough bj eventually. I hate her makeup too - she'd look ordinary without it, and that would be an improvement!

BTW. she'd have given you the change if you asked for it. She's pretty good about stuff like that.

04-04-07, 12:54
Experience 2, Sunita: Again, I'm glad you're getting some action even though thus far it doesn't seem that you've enjoyed any of it. Again, been there, done that. It takes a while to latch onto a decent girl and then you'll suddenly start recognizing which are good and which aren't, just on sight (for the most part, anyway).

There's a girl called Divya that usually is available near the DefCol roundabout (see my map in a recent post) (near the mkt) who's darkish but attractive enough and pleasant in personality. She's decent.

There's a tall lanky lady named Anjali who walks on the road (in green on my map) between the roundabout and the nala. Everytime I've seen her, except once, she's been wearing a good quality silk sari and could (almost) pass for a resident of DefCol if it wasn't for the fact that she looks into each car that passes her by (as all SWs do) for a customer.

I think you should start with Anjali - your comfort level will increase by the fact that she speaks English. Claims to be a nurse at a private nursing home during the day actually. She'll lick your balls and stuff while blowing you too - pretty good technique.

Good luck man!

04-04-07, 22:03
Hey People,

I'm new to this forum and want know of any other places (other than def col) where it is easy to pick up some bootie.

Thanks in advance!

Adroit Jack
04-06-07, 05:47
Thanks a lot man. I knew everyone gets nervous initially, those who brag they don't are either lying or are form Mars. Anyway, those experiences account for the few times I could monger. My trips to delhi have become sporadic and will catch up the next time around. I remember your mentioning anjali from previous reports. But I can't view your map since it's a paid service and I got no way to pay in dollars, though I don't mind paying. Hullo, Mr. Jackson, you there? But where there's a will, there's a way and your directions were clear enough from the start. I would say that if I was not inclined, I would not recognize an SW even if she stood right next to me. If you are sniffing, you'll learn to spot'em from afar too. But that area is rife for action. Enjoy guys.

Adroit Jack
04-08-07, 09:32
Hey guys,

This is what I call good folks. I clicked on Aurangzeb's map today and voila, it opens! Thanks Mr. Jackson, it's greatly appreciated. As to the map itself, awsome effort. Hail Aurangzeb! Actually I had driven around the rounabout but the one way there got me going in a wrong direction thereby earning me a good many scoffs from the oncoming drivers. One old guy stopped and MLed me to death too. \ Drat. Anyway, that's an amazing piece of info there. And I've seen it happening in half of those places, no reason why I shouldn't see it in all the red/green/yellow places too. BTW, I'm stuck in a godforsaken place for a while where no action is possible. Recently thought of buying a love doll but dunno where they're available in Delhi or other places in India. Can anyone shed some light? The sites show varying quality with more varying prices for silicone to latex to plain rubber, at a whopping 1500 $ to a measly 27 $. Has anyone any experience with them? Thanks again guys.


P.S.. I attempted to watch a few celebrity vids and got a few from isohunt torrent but none would open. Anyone an idea where they could be had? Lastly, if this site only supports moger related exchanges, I already apologize for this off-the-track drivel. But it spices up the life, say what?

04-08-07, 14:20
Hi all,

I am new to this forum, just wanted to know where i can find decent NE girls(Chinkis) in Delhi. any contacts or places where i can find them,pls let me know.


Dampa79Hi all,

Just wanted to remind you all that I am looking for some NE girls. Pls help with any pickup spots or contacts.



Noa Daboa
04-09-07, 13:01
I am new to this forum, and I must say it is just what I have been looking for. I tend to travel quite a bit and always enjoy trying the local products. I have been in Delhi for a week so far. Unfortunately I dont have a car and therefore I cant go for SW's but I have checked out escort sites on the internet and was able to have 2 hours with a nice Indian. Also, I whent to GB road, looking at most women I found a nice one in 55. I also hear 64 and 100 are quite good relative to the other crummy joints. It was filthy but I took her standing and so did not have to touch the bed. She gave me her number and asked me which hotel I was at, but the language barrier poses a problem. I was hoping to find an upper market bordello, but I am not sure where to start looking. Any advice you all? I am in Delhi till the 10 of April so if any body wants to go exploring, I am staying in the Defence colony and I can be reached on 9811906976.

Take care you all and have fun.

04-10-07, 16:50
Hi Noa,

Please tell us what you paid at 55? This is so I don't get ripped off when I go there :)



I am new to this forum, and I must say it is just what I have been looking for. I tend to travel quite a bit and always enjoy trying the local products. I have been in Delhi for a week so far. Unfortunately I dont have a car and therefore I cant go for SW's but I have checked out escort sites on the internet and was able to have 2 hours with a nice Indian. Also, I whent to GB road, looking at most women I found a nice one in 55. I also hear 64 and 100 are quite good relative to the other crummy joints. It was filthy but I took her standing and so did not have to touch the bed. She gave me her number and asked me which hotel I was at, but the language barrier poses a problem. I was hoping to find an upper market bordello, but I am not sure where to start looking. Any advice you all? I am in Delhi till the 10 of April so if any body wants to go exploring, I am staying in the Defence colony and I can be reached on 9811906976.

Take care you all and have fun.

Magic Moments
04-11-07, 06:09
Hi Everyone,

I came across this site 2 days back. WOW . Great work guys. I am truly impressed. Though I have been using the net for the past 7+ yrs, but I never knew the existance of this site ( realize my pathetic net skills now). I always wanted to get the info posted here, but some of the stupid chat grops I joined fared pathetically. Defenitely passsing on the link to a few of my friends with similar interests. I am sure they will enjoy it too.

I travel regularly within in India, to Mumbai, Chandigarh, Chennai, and Bangalore. Out side India to Thailand, Singapore, the US, UAE and occassionaly to Europe. I hope to contribute positively to the knowledge pool.

I was a bit disappointed that I could not look at the Photos, but having gone through the FAQ understood the logic and shall patiently and consistantly work my way up to be a Senior Member ASAP.

See you on the forum regularly

Magic Moments
04-11-07, 06:24

I'm new to this forum. Just joined. Can anyone please provide some information as to where to get a SW in gurgaon?Hi Hotguyx,

Gurgaon has its fare share of SW action too, but compared to the Delhi scene, it is very pale. Pls go through the reports in the forum. I am in Gurgaon at least 2/3 days in a week. You can find some action on NH-8 between IFFCO chowk and Rajiv Chowk, late evenings, mostly low Quality for Trukkers. As Aurangazeb put it, malls should be active but I personally have never had success there. I felt some of the girls could be working, but was a bit afraid to ask.

Possibly the best bet is operators from home. I have a contact which I can share with you once my PM is activated.

Happy hunting.

Hindu Stani
04-11-07, 15:44

If any of you have a contact in Gurgaon, would someone share with me? . I've been in gurgaon for the past 9 months and I'd be leaving next month. It sucks that all my plans have gone to waste. I get pretty busy with work related matters and couldn't spend as much time as I wanted on mongering. I do have a couple of contacts in Delhi. But I want to have a ball in Gurgaon. I want to go back with fond memories. If you guys know what I mean. My budget is 1lac for then next 3 weeks (obviously not on just one chick). Any help would be appreciated.

04-12-07, 03:22

If any of you have a contact in Gurgaon, would someone share with me? . I've been in gurgaon for the past 9 months and I'd be leaving next month. It sucks that all my plans have gone to waste. I get pretty busy with work related matters and couldn't spend as much time as I wanted on mongering. I do have a couple of contacts in Delhi. But I want to have a ball in Gurgaon. I want to go back with fond memories. If you guys know what I mean. My budget is 1lac for then next 3 weeks (obviously not on just one chick). Any help would be appreciated.Try Chinese n Thai cafe in JMD towers. The palce is usually crowded iduring weekends with cpls as well as single girls dancing . It hhas long happy hrs and so grab ur drinks before 9.30 PM . Stag entry is allowed (the only place where it is i think) . Discrete enquiries with the staff brought out knowing smiles. Was with biz ciolleagues and so cudnt check out the scene in details. Looks promising tho'.


04-14-07, 15:14
Hi all,

I have come across two very decent looking chinkis (NE Gals) near munirka. Actually, tried one of them,experience was mindblowing. Looking forward to meet the other one. Anybody interested in giving me company can contact me at my email [Email address deleted by Admin]



EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

04-15-07, 10:00
Hey Dampa79,

How about giving a report on the chinks?

And the exact coordinates and they time when to find them.

Hindu Stani
04-15-07, 12:47
Thanks for the tip. I went there to see if I could get some action, but unfortunately they were closed because of a private party.

Try Chinese n Thai cafe in JMD towers. The palce is usually crowded iduring weekends with cpls as well as single girls dancing . It hhas long happy hrs and so grab ur drinks before 9.30 PM . Stag entry is allowed (the only place where it is i think) . Discrete enquiries with the staff brought out knowing smiles. Was with biz ciolleagues and so cudnt check out the scene in details. Looks promising tho'.


04-15-07, 17:15
I will be in Gurgaon/Delhi for a business trip soon - I need details of ladies to visit me in my hotel. Also adult (lapdancing ?) clubs. If anyone has Ash Kumars Delhi Sex Guide that would be nice to have too ?

Magic Moments
04-16-07, 10:11
I will be in Gurgaon/Delhi for a business trip soon - I need details of ladies to visit me in my hotel. Also adult (lapdancing ?) clubs. If anyone has Ash Kumars Delhi Sex Guide that would be nice to have too ?Vince,

From your post, it appears that you are visiting India/ Gurgaon for the first time. There are no establishments where lap dancing is legal. In most bars in Delhi / Gurgaon you wont even find women serving drinks. You might be able to find some places in Mumbai. But there too, the women serving drinks in bars are legally not allowed to have physical contact with customers.

Aurangazeb's posts in the forum is defenitely informative. If you are not able to hit pay dirt, let me know. I shall try to help.