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Thread: Villach and Klagenfurt

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  1. #41

    Parties in Carinthia

    Hi Folks,

    I am wondering if someone knows sex parties in Carinthia. I mean, small event not in the big FKK like Wellcum but something like the Spermaparties in Germany. Place where you pay the fee and then for 4-5 hours all you can. In Switzerland as well there are such clubs, like St. Tropez in Volketswill that offer gang bangs 3 days / week.

    If you are aware of such parties, please let me know. Thanks.

  2. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by SJR67  [View Original Post]
    Hey there,

    Does anyone know anything about the Events at Wellcum? Specifically, they have an Oktoberfest party listed for Sept 28. Would this be a reason to _go_ on this day (more girls working, better atmosphere?) or a reason to avoid this day (too many guys? Just a scam kind of pointless event)?

    I'm going to be near the area, so I thought I would try out one of these types of places. And I found Wellcum. It sounds like guys here have had mixed experiences lately. So I would welcome (ha, no pun intended) any other suggestions.

    I'm probably going to try to hit this place one day and then head up to southern Germany (Munich area) a few days later. Any advice on that area would also be appreciated.


    Wellcum organize 1 party event monthly. It's a funny day has the girls enrolled on some activities for entertainment and the site turns really on a club atmosphere.

    Those days are overcrowded with both girls and customers, it promotes more interaction for all the guests. Depends of your mood.

    On the trip back to Munich enjoy Carinthia.

  3. #39

    Wellcum party events?

    Hey there,

    Does anyone know anything about the Events at Wellcum? Specifically, they have an Oktoberfest party listed for Sept 28. Would this be a reason to _go_ on this day (more girls working, better atmosphere?) or a reason to _avoid_ this day (too many guys? Just a scam kind of pointless event)?

    I'm going to be near the area, so I thought I would try out one of these types of places. And I found Wellcum. It sounds like guys here have had mixed experiences lately. So I would welcome (ha, no pun intended) any other suggestions.

    I'm probably going to try to hit this place one day and then head up to southern Germany (Munich area) a few days later. Any advice on that area would also be appreciated.



  4. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by DmGomez1  [View Original Post]
    I've been considering a trip to Wellcum for a few years, but I have always bailed out by how difficult it appears to get there. My idea is to stay at the hotel for a few weeks, while working remotely during the daytime assuming the Internet is stable (I've done this before, it's works out great).

    For someone who's okay taking busses / trains / taxis in Germany to get to FKK's, how would I even plan that? Is it just a taxi ride from the airport? Or do I take a train to the area from Frankfurt?

    Or is it not worth it? Sounds like the experience isn't that too different from your average German FKK stuffed full of Romanians?
    Stay in Germany where higher level than Wellcum which is only a beautiful club, but quality there don t worth a long trip. This is my restaurant for Zoncolan. It.

  5. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by DmGomez1  [View Original Post]
    I've been considering a trip to Wellcum for a few years, but I have always bailed out by how difficult it appears to get there. My idea is to stay at the hotel for a few weeks, while working remotely during the daytime assuming the Internet is stable (I've done this before, it's works out great).

    For someone who's okay taking busses / trains / taxis in Germany to get to FKK's, how would I even plan that? Is it just a taxi ride from the airport? Or do I take a train to the area from Frankfurt?

    Or is it not worth it? Sounds like the experience isn't that too different from your average German FKK stuffed full of Romanians?
    You need to catch a train (s) from Frankfurt to Villach Hbf that will take anywhere from 8 to 10 hours depending on connections and then catch a taxi (20-25 minutes) from Villach to Wellcum.

    The train will cost approximately 150-200 euros roundtrip and the taxis are another 80 euros round trip.

    It is a long grueling trip so best to book a room at the Wellcum.

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by DmGomez1  [View Original Post]
    I've been considering a trip to Wellcum for a few years, but I have always bailed out by how difficult it appears to get there. My idea is to stay at the hotel for a few weeks, while working remotely during the daytime assuming the Internet is stable (I've done this before, it's works out great).

    For someone who's okay taking busses / trains / taxis in Germany to get to FKK's, how would I even plan that? Is it just a taxi ride from the airport? Or do I take a train to the area from Frankfurt?

    Or is it not worth it? Sounds like the experience isn't that too different from your average German FKK stuffed full of Romanians?
    I have been a few times in Wellcum, some times ocasional 1 day visit others with 2 days, with 1 overnight sleep on the "ibis style" partner hotel.

    The remote location might does not encourage visitors outside of the targeted market. The North of Italy.

    By plane. Is not so difficult to reach the club, is only 1 h by car for Ljubljana airport which is well connected with airports hub's like Munich, Frankfurt or Zurich meaning that you can reach Wellcum from almost every location in Europe with only 1 airport stop and 1 h by car.

    By train. Villach station is well connected with nearby countries and with 80 euros taxi on 2 ways you can reach and leave wellcum on a convenient way.

    The club is by far the best FKK in Austria and is very well managed with an unbeatable quality / price balance.

    The experience is quite mechanical and basic service oriented, mostly girls push through upselling with "extras".

    Do not stay too much time (few weeks! ? is really crazy.) an 2 days to maximum 3 days is more than enough time to have pleasant experience with the best girls. Be prepare and tolerate some upselling and aggressive atitude of some girls, they work there to make money and not to provide you with a GFE experience.

    Even with many cons, do not hesitate, Wellcum deserves a visit, is by far the best FKK of Austria.

  7. #35

    Is Wellcum difficult to get to?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eryk9021  [View Original Post]

    Fast-forward to 2023: upselling, arrogance, bad vibe, resulting in no room.

    Based on previously positive experience I planned originally to spend 3 days in Wellcum and 1 day in Andiamo, session with at least 2 girls a day, and spend around 1000 e.

    In reality I spent only 1 day in Wellcum (skipped over Andiamo as no girl I was interested in there was working in that period), shortened my hotel stay by 2 days, and spent only 90 e (on entry ticket).

    For me personally Wellcum is finished, despite it's good marketing. It became "just another place" infested with stupid, lazy and arrogant upselling Romanian prostitutes.

    Driving here all the way, making hundreds of kilometers, doesn't have justification anymore.
    I've been considering a trip to Wellcum for a few years, but I have always bailed out by how difficult it appears to get there. My idea is to stay at the hotel for a few weeks, while working remotely during the daytime assuming the Internet is stable (I've done this before, it's works out great).

    For someone who's okay taking busses / trains / taxis in Germany to get to FKK's, how would I even plan that? Is it just a taxi ride from the airport? Or do I take a train to the area from Frankfurt?

    Or is it not worth it? Sounds like the experience isn't that too different from your average German FKK stuffed full of Romanians?

  8. #34

    Wellcum report, Monday, middle of September, 14:30-21:30

    My fifth time in Wellcum. Monday is slow day, but LU was still in range 35-40 (however according to daily schedule there were supposed to be more of them, exactly 50). And I think LU was much weaker than back in 2020 and 2021, when even on slow days (Sunday-Tuesday) LU was scheduled to be in range 70-80, and in reality it was very close to that! Surprisingly, some girls I met there were nowhere to be found in the schedule at all!

    Food was as good as always. From breakfast to dinner, desserts, fruits, soups, everything. Only bad thing I find is that food is served 12-16 and 18-22, so if you arrive slightly after 16, you will not get food for next 2 hours.


    Kelly: arrogant! Ukrainian / Russian? No-go due to her attitude!

    Hannah / Hana (missing on the schedule) (blond): 70 e covered BJ, but immediately offers package 120 e with BBBJ+CIM.

    Lia: sweet face, slim girl with long brown hair.

    Cassandra: blonde, I was with her before, this time no smile on her pretty face, 70 e but no DATY, got bad vibe about her this time.

    Coco: sweet brunette, very sexy, I approached her, I was ready to take her immediately to the room. Then she almost speaks no English. But just enough to communicate that 30 min cost 120 e with her. I turned down her "generous" offer. Funny that later that day she nagged me 2 more times to go with her to room, but she never proposed any better offer! Stupid girl.

    Narcissia (missing on the schedule): Sweet and petite, I was ready to take her to the room just because of her looks. Then I asked her standard question "What do you do in half an hour", she: "And how much you are going to pay me!?" No BBBJ in 70 e, for 100 with BBBJ e she said yes. But I already lost my sympathy for her.

    Marisol (missing on the schedule): Very pretty face, brunette, tanned skin in front of the bar. She said 70 e /30 min, when asked for BBBJ: 100 e. But does not want DATY in that price, and is annoyed that I'm asking "too much questions", haha. And now the best: when I turned down her offer, she responded with loud "Well then FUUUUCK YOUUUU! " in front of other people. This must be a new Wellcum policy of respecting male guests? Well, I'm out.

    There were few other girls I interacted with. Almost each girl had the same "tape": Where you from? What your name? You first time here? You alone? We go to room? At reception no one was checking my satisfaction with girls, as I anticipated already. They have those touch screens for supposedly giving your opinion, but I'm pretty sure giving such feedback is pointless and ignored. If they would be serious about service quality management, they would always ask in person. And by interacting with girls I got enough evidence to claim the management doesn't give a shit.

    Out of my 4 previous visits in Wellcum, 2 visits were in 2020, and 2 in 2021. I had then a total 8 sessions with girls. Price was always 70 e with BBBJ, usually DATY was included. Some girls were also kissing in this price (light kissing). Back then I never had to negotiate anything. We just went to the room and had a satisfaction.

    Back then I sessioned with Anisia, Anna MOL, Rosi ARG, Liv, Lidia, Otillia, Tessa, Cassandra. All sessions were good, even if some were too short for my liking.

    Fast-forward to 2023: upselling, arrogance, bad vibe, resulting in no room.

    Based on previously positive experience I planned originally to spend 3 days in Wellcum and 1 day in Andiamo, session with at least 2 girls a day, and spend around 1000 e.

    In reality I spent only 1 day in Wellcum (skipped over Andiamo as no girl I was interested in there was working in that period), shortened my hotel stay by 2 days, and spent only 90 e (on entry ticket).

    For me personally Wellcum is finished, despite it's good marketing. It became "just another place" infested with stupid, lazy and arrogant upselling Romanian prostitutes.

    Driving here all the way, making hundreds of kilometers, doesn't have justification anymore.

  9. #33

    Pricing at Wellcum

    Quote Originally Posted by DukesFord  [View Original Post]
    Can someone verify if the following are true?

    Girls' prices .....
    You pretty much got it right except for:

    Quote Originally Posted by DukesFord  [View Original Post]
    FK and BBBJ are not extra.
    BBBJ/BLS is pretty much standard service without an extra as far as I have experienced.

    Kissing is NOT a standard service and will vary a lot from girl to girl. Some girls will simply not kiss. Many will for 20- 30 E extra or for free in an extended session. Just my experience. You need to ask each girl specifically about this. Maybe you are a better player.

    From my visit in April:
    Quote Originally Posted by Shark16  [View Original Post]
    My 2023 experiences have been just as solid as my 2021- 2022 experiences. Perhaps slightly more upsell (girl dependant). Still, a BBBJ / CFS session from 70 E /30 is still quite easy to get. A full DFK / BBBJ / DATY / COB / CFS session with top optics possible from 140 E /60 (perhaps adding a 10 E tip). But some girls will quote higher at first.
    The above experiences from Wellcum. I am only guessing that their sister club Andiamo have same standards.

    BBFS? No idea. Not my thing. I would not go to Wellcum expecting such service.

  10. #32


    Can someone verify if the following are true? Also, I heard Vienna has a lot of BBFS options I studios, does Villach / Klagenfurt have this as well, or how difficult is it in Andiamo / Wellcum.

    Girls's prices.

    30 min for 70 euro.

    1 hour for 140 euro.

    CIM +50 euro.

    Anal +100 euro.

    Lesbo show +50 euro each girl.

    FK and BBBJ are not extra.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by KombatWombat  [View Original Post]
    Please divulge more on your experience which seems to include more than the typical Romanian wg's.
    The report has enough information what to expected.

    Is not a question of "passport" of the girls, you will find Romanian w. G girls both on FKK and high class clubs and some of them work on the 2 type of clubs somewhere on their careers.

    In fact "passport" is not relevant, at the end is your money that they want. What differs is the attitude and this is not related with their passport, the best ones are like actress and adapts easily to different type of clubs and customers contexts to maximize their profits.

    Of course that high class clubs are more selective on the recruitment process, but you would find amazing girls on both sides. On high class club there is less risk of have girls with bad attitude, but can happen, so make your "screening time before spend the crazy amounts on an high end club. On a FKK usually there is few screening time (seconds)., or you go with the girl on they jump direct to other customer.

  12. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Fuschlszg  [View Original Post]
    Just coming back from the "Castello" in Klagenfurt.

    Line up improves really a lot with, "Baltic cluster" well represented
    Please divulge more on your experience which seems to include more than the typical Romanian wg's.

  13. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Shark16  [View Original Post]
    Good idea to stay locally with only a short walk to the club. Again, I think the red taxis are the only one with decent pricing. Otherwise a taxi ride will quickly be expensive.

    I have never tried to walk from Arnoldstein Bahnhof to the club. Google Maps stipulates the walk to be around 43 mnts. It is quite doable if the weather is nice, in broad daylight and you travel light. The area looks nice and safe. But to each their own.

    An alternative is of course to call the red taxis in advance making a reservation in stead of waiting to call one when you arrive at Arnoldstein Bahnhof. Man, that train station area is boring! And zero taxis.

    Personally I think will just take a red taxi from Villach next time if the price gap is only 15- 20E. I am way too horny to risk a 90 mnts detour.

    How was the club in your experience? Wellcum was ROCKING on my visit last month with an excellent lineup (70+). Was I just lucky, or is the club that good anytime of year?
    I was in May and it was great experience. As always. Globe in Zurich, Goldentime Vienna and Wellcum are the best FKK clubs in Europe. After lockdown I've only been in Wellcum and almost nothing have changed from period before lockdown.

  14. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by DonDonato  [View Original Post]
    During my last visit to Wellcum I was in apartment in Arnoldstein. I made a phone call to taxi company and guy on the phone told me that taxi is coming from Villach for the price of 50 euros. After that I've decided to take a walk to club. Easy 20 minutes walk.
    Good idea to stay locally with only a short walk to the club. Again, I think the red taxis are the only one with decent pricing. Otherwise a taxi ride will quickly be expensive.

    I have never tried to walk from Arnoldstein Bahnhof to the club. Google Maps stipulates the walk to be around 43 mnts. It is quite doable if the weather is nice, in broad daylight and you travel light. The area looks nice and safe. But to each their own.

    An alternative is of course to call the red taxis in advance making a reservation in stead of waiting to call one when you arrive at Arnoldstein Bahnhof. Man, that train station area is boring! And zero taxis.

    Personally I think will just take a red taxi from Villach next time if the price gap is only 15- 20E. I am way too horny to risk a 90 mnts detour.

    How was the club in your experience? Wellcum was ROCKING on my visit last month with an excellent lineup (70+). Was I just lucky, or is the club that good anytime of year?

  15. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Shark16  [View Original Post]
    Inflation is here: The red taxis are now quoting 40 E from Linz to Wellcum. Still a bargain. Taxi by the meter will easily cost 60+E.

    Taxi from Arnoldstein to Wellcum is 20 E, but there are no taxis available at Arnoldstein. A 30 mnts waiting time after calling a taxi must be expected. I do not recommend.

    LU at Wellcum was excellent. Sessions still available from 70 E /30 with BBBJ included. Very little upsell IME. A Wellcum visit is highly recommended.
    During my last visit to Wellcum I was in apartment in Arnoldstein. I made a phone call to taxi company and guy on the phone told me that taxi is coming from Villach for the price of 50 euros. After that I've decided to take a walk to club. Easy 20 minutes walk.

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