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  1. #6061
    Quote Originally Posted by AmericanPi  [View Original Post]
    When you've been doing this long enough you definitely see patterns. A girl tells you something in earnest, but it's the fifth time you've heard it.

    On 3 occasions in the past with an overnight arrangement a girl said she had to leave. One made this concerned face as she read her phone that her brother was in an accident and she had to attend to him.

    In every case I said the same thing. Totally fine, life happens, so sorry to hear it. But you're not getting the full amount then. In every case the girl stayed. Turns out the brother's emergency could be put off for the 6000 pesos.
    I do not pay before the deed. If they want money before I say no, you can go. And that is the only way to handle it. It is a hard and fast rule. You would not pay an employee at the beginning of the week before he had done any work, would you? I have walked out on a few hoes and shown a few the door. But they are scammers for sure.

    In Vegas one time I paid the girl and she went into the bathroom and immediately came out saying her period had started. Typical lie. Problem.

  2. #6060
    Quote Originally Posted by FilthyBeaver  [View Original Post]
    She agrees, I give her the money, and a few hours later she "feels sick" and wants to go home then proceeds to ghost me. Oh well, cost of doing business. If I let it upset me I'd miss out on the positive experiences and there are way more of those.
    When you've been doing this long enough you definitely see patterns. A girl tells you something in earnest, but it's the fifth time you've heard it.

    On 3 occasions in the past with an overnight arrangement a girl said she had to leave. One made this concerned face as she read her phone that her brother was in an accident and she had to attend to him.

    In every case I said the same thing. Totally fine, life happens, so sorry to hear it. But you're not getting the full amount then. In every case the girl stayed. Turns out the brother's emergency could be put off for the 6000 pesos.

    Most girls I meet on seeking are quite happy to spend all our time together and more. There's good chemistry. But it's clear when someone would rather be elsewhere and it's all about the money. I get it. I'm middle aged and I prob wouldn't want to bang a 45 year old woman when I was 20. I'm thrilled that so many of the girls are really into it. But when one isn't, I'm not about to part with the entire arranged amount for half the time. I think this is good policy.

  3. #6059

    The other thing you can do is.

    Go direct on the request. I know a girl in Antioquia who is basically destitute. Living in an overcrowded home with her mom, son, and siblings. The family shares food. But, before things got this bad, she was able to enroll in the local university with assistance for tuition (not from me). Her phone is damaged and she has to use a borrowed laptop for school and to communicate with me. She tells me the desks at school don't support the laptop very well and she's starting to get carpal tunnel in her arm. She asks if I can assist with a wireless mouse and a laptop stand. I have a Colombian friend who speaks Spanish obviously much better than I do, reach out to the university with a ruse to verify her enrollment. Turns out she is in fact really a student and going to classes.

    I don't give her any money. Instead I get on Amazon and find her a wireless mouse for $8. 99 USD and no frills laptop stand for $8. 60. Total item costs $17.59. Shipping $9. 63. Collectively I just paid 115,000 Colombian pesos to Amazon, and she responds with "Estoy muy contenta! When they arrive, borrowing her sister's phone to take pictures. What could she possibly do with $17 USD? Try to sell a cheap mouse and laptop stand to a neighbor who probably doesn't need them to begin with, and get 15 USD? What can you do with 15 USD, go to the grocery store and get food for your son?

    I would so much rather shell out $27 to a struggling girl I know is willing to work and trying to improve her life, than give spare change to a stupid, drug addicted bum on an American street who goes around stealing from people.

    Mind you, if she had given me the story that her grandmother was in the hospital with kidney failure, and she needs $1,000 USD. Rather than sending $1,000 to a Colombian hospital, I would have just responded by saying "Sorry, I guess your grandmother is just going to have to die. " Sometimes there are ways to confirm the validity of the request, and not send money directly to the girl.

    Quote Originally Posted by FilthyBeaver  [View Original Post]
    This kind of shit happens all the time. I would bat a lash over it. If they ever ask for something above and beyond our status quo, I make it clear it's a gift. Anything else and you're just setting yourself up for disappointment. Or worse, losing someone you really like.

    Short on rent money? Fine so long as it's occasional. Need an advance on the next liaison? Fine. When and if they try to remind me the next time we meet that I have credit I give it to them anyway. I pat myself on the back and know I've got an honest one.

    I don't let anything come up that I don't mind losing. One time I met a girl for dinner and it went awesome. She was hurting for tuition money and I agreed to give her what she was short to just have dinner with me (which was dumb but I don't regret because we ended up having a good time). We were supposed to continue at my place but she ended up getting too drunk to drive herself. Next day we meet again and I offer her a 4 digit sum to spend the weekend with me. Mostly knowing she needed the help and she was cute enough to really do it for me. She agrees, I give her the money, and a few hours later she "feels sick" and wants to go home then proceeds to ghost me. Oh well, cost of doing business. If I let it upset me I'd miss out on the positive experiences and there are way more of those.

  4. #6058

    No Fatties for $500 a pop. You must meet them in person, they lie like a rug.

    At a restaurant, tonight I met a fatty who posted that her body type was "slim" and some of her photos were large in the butt. I passed on her a month ago, recently she said she had had "liposuction" a few weeks ago, another lie. On the way to dinner she called me lying that she was almost out of gas and was wondering if I had Venmo or a cash app to give her some gas money, another lie. I said no, I do not do those. So she wanted to change the restaurant and meet closer to her house, claiming she only had 20 miles left on her gas, another red flag.

    I met her at the restaurant and saw the same fat belly. Said she was 33 years old, in person, when her profile said 28, another lie. She said she wanted $500 PPM and we had discussed it before and she had come down from $700, which was a lie. I said the most I would do for PPM was $400. Then she argued, the women in your county get $1,000. She asked me why I would not do another hundred more? I said I did not value it at that. I did not call her a fatty nor mention her weight, but should have been honest with her. Then she tried to get $450. I said "no. " She got up and left the table. I enjoyed finishing eating her pizza and cancelled the desert she ordered. The bill came to $57 and I left a $7 tip. What a Heffer.

    My best decisions are the women I pass on! It is necessary to meet them at a restaurant to evaluate them, just like a job interview. So on the way home I texted my regular, a slim tall blonde, who is coming over tomorrow for $200, I have been with her for about 5 years. I would post photos, but do not have permission of the fatty or my slim regular.

  5. #6057

    Price of doing business

    This kind of shit happens all the time. I would bat a lash over it. If they ever ask for something above and beyond our status quo, I make it clear it's a gift. Anything else and you're just setting yourself up for disappointment. Or worse, losing someone you really like.

    Short on rent money? Fine so long as it's occasional. Need an advance on the next liaison? Fine. When and if they try to remind me the next time we meet that I have credit I give it to them anyway. I pat myself on the back and know I've got an honest one.

    I don't let anything come up that I don't mind losing. One time I met a girl for dinner and it went awesome. She was hurting for tuition money and I agreed to give her what she was short to just have dinner with me (which was dumb but I don't regret because we ended up having a good time). We were supposed to continue at my place but she ended up getting too drunk to drive herself. Next day we meet again and I offer her a 4 digit sum to spend the weekend with me. Mostly knowing she needed the help and she was cute enough to really do it for me. She agrees, I give her the money, and a few hours later she "feels sick" and wants to go home then proceeds to ghost me. Oh well, cost of doing business. If I let it upset me I'd miss out on the positive experiences and there are way more of those.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve9696  [View Original Post]
    I think we all agree. Never ever send money or tickets to a girl you don't know. But a couple cautionary tales about being too trusting with girls you DO know.

    I spend a weekend with a seeking girl in Buenos Aires. She was amazing. I dug her. She dug me. It was the real deal. So I flew her to London. And once she got there she dumped me. Had some other guy in BA put her up at a $600/ night hotel so she wouldn't stay with me. And she fucked guys all over town after I flew her there! What a biatch. Thought I knew her. Was wrong.

    And more recently. A girl I have know for five years. She borrowed 200. Paid it back. She borrowed 500 paid it back. Now she's into me for 2000 and has ghosted me. Thought I knew her. I was wrong.

    Now that said these are a couple fails amongst a mountain of successes. But you never even know with girls you know. And you sure as he'll don't know with girls you don't know. So just keep your wits about you and enjoy the ride!

  6. #6056

    Always a Risk

    I think we all agree. Never ever send money or tickets to a girl you don't know. But a couple cautionary tales about being too trusting with girls you DO know.

    I spend a weekend with a seeking girl in Buenos Aires. She was amazing. I dug her. She dug me. It was the real deal. So I flew her to London. And once she got there she dumped me. Had some other guy in BA put her up at a $600/ night hotel so she wouldn't stay with me. And she fucked guys all over town after I flew her there! What a biatch. Thought I knew her. Was wrong.

    And more recently. A girl I have know for five years. She borrowed 200. Paid it back. She borrowed 500 paid it back. Now she's into me for 2000 and has ghosted me. Thought I knew her. I was wrong.

    Now that said these are a couple fails amongst a mountain of successes. But you never even know with girls you know. And you sure as he'll don't know with girls you don't know. So just keep your wits about you and enjoy the ride!

  7. #6055
    Quote Originally Posted by NoBuglyFitches  [View Original Post]
    Depending on the ticket and airline rules, if she misses the flight or cancels it, she might get flight credit -- in her name. I. e. It doesn't go back to your card. Then the scammer can cash it out by buying another plane ticket for someone else. I've had girls ask for train tickets and I assumed it's some scam, then I found the explanation on reddit.
    I guess that's possible, but if you are the authority on the ticket, that would make it very difficult. If the flight credit went back to my email address, I would still have the redemption even if it's in her name. If someone did something like that, then I would sell her passport info on the dark web to help cover the loss, then file a chargeback with my credit card company. I can see a scammer potentially poking holes in a plane ticket, but it's way less risky than sending cash.

  8. #6054

    Re: She can't do anything with a ticket in her name

    Quote Originally Posted by VanessasClient  [View Original Post]
    She can't do anything with a ticket in her name
    Depending on the ticket and airline rules, if she misses the flight or cancels it, she might get flight credit -- in her name. I. e. It doesn't go back to your card. Then the scammer can cash it out by buying another plane ticket for someone else. I've had girls ask for train tickets and I assumed it's some scam, then I found the explanation on reddit.

  9. #6053
    Quote Originally Posted by Laj505  [View Original Post]
    For ukraine girls asking money for tickets by paypal is this normal or some scam. Can anyone elaborate.

    I would love to meet the girls as they chat well and damm hot. If anyone has experience kindly write here.
    Echo the thoughts of others here. Never, ever, ever, no matter how hot the girl, how harrowing the apparent bind she is in give her money in advance for anything. Unless you have a very well established relationship / arrangement. And even then. I've made the mistake of giving advances to girls I thought I knew and who I'd fucked multiple times, only for them to ghost me.

    As for Ukraine girls, I just wouldn't entertain them. Unless they are in your country and down to meet, trying to set something up involving international travel for a first meet is just going to be a waste of your time, unless you are the one doing the travelling and the girl is for your entertainment. Hence I quickly bin Ukraine based girls who come into my matches / orbit. Both my time and my money are valuable to me.

  10. #6052

    Don't send unless.

    Wise words.

    I do NOT send money in advance at all. Unless I have known, met many times and have a connection with the girl.

    My best ever in Spain. We know each other for nearly 3. 5 years now. Met, dated, and fucked many times in first two years. Then, I moved.

    These days, while traveling, I go to Spain to see her but that is more like once in six months.

    Last year, I learned from. Her friend that she had a minor accident and insurance did not cover about 1 k EUR. Lot for her but this girl never asked me.

    I sent it over without she asking me. And she first refused before reluctantly agreeing to keep it on the condition that it's a loan and she will return it. As we were on different continents, I said OK andshe used it for paying debt.

    3 months later, when we met, this Cutie gave me 500 EUR and said she will pay remainder when we meet next.

    I left the entire 500 plus her allowance in her bag beforei left Spain. I later was chided for doing so. She simply wants to return my money.

    I am going to take it next time we meet because she doesn't want to feel indebted to someone. I understand that sentiment.

    But, boy, I must admit. The tender girl friend experience with her only keeps getting better and as a result our sex keeps getting better. If I met her more frequently, I think we will lose it. So, deliberately keeping it once every 4 months or so.

    Best girl, best sex, and she will do me even if I don't pay her.

    Quote Originally Posted by VanessasClient  [View Original Post]
    NEVER send money to a woman you haven't had sex with before, and are established with. If you want to take that level of risk, then you tell them to send you their passport, and you will buy the ticket for them, and the cost of getting from their house to the airport is their responsibility. And no, they cannot have cash because they don't have a suitcase to travel with, or for any other "bullshit" excuse.

    She can't do anything with a ticket in her name, other than possibly take the flight and attempt to dodge you on arrival. Which, if they are as financially strapped as they appear / claim, that would be stupid. They would be stranded in a foreign country with barely enough money for food and uber / taxi. Plus you could immediately cancel the hotel reservation and end the return portion of the round trip flight. They would be quite thoroughly butt fucked at that point; possibly sleeping at the airport and asking for food handouts from strangers who might not even speak their language.

    Even if it is a refundable ticket, and she cancels it, the money goes back to your credit card, and not to her as cash.

    NEVER EVER EVER send cash to someone you don't have a physical rapport with. If they don't have the wherewithal to find someone to watch their kid, get basic travel supplies, or anyone else they would request money for, then you need to move on to the next girl.

    I have sent money to girls I've hooked up with in the past, and the results have been mixed. Some were honest and kept their word; others were cheats. But you have to be prepared to lose the money either way; just like investing in a high risk security.

  11. #6051
    Wise words you wrote.

    The few times I was stupid enough to send an advance gift I regretted it. Even if I wasn't breadcrumbed, which I was, it would've set the precedent that that's how things go. Pay first and then we'll talk about what's next.

    The other many times I said I'm sorry I don't or can't send digital cash before I meet someone, I was rewarded for it. Eg a girl immediately blocks you and you realize oh it was in fact a scam.

    Wisdom is the ability to learn from the mistakes of others and not need to learn them yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by VanessasClient  [View Original Post]
    NEVER send money to a woman you haven't had sex with before, and are established with. If you want to take that level of risk, then you tell them to send you their passport, and you will buy the ticket for them, and the cost of getting from their house to the airport is their responsibility. And no, they cannot have cash because they don't have a suitcase to travel with, or for any other "bullshit" excuse.

    She can't do anything with a ticket in her name, other than possibly take the flight and attempt to dodge you on arrival. Which, if they are as financially strapped as they appear / claim, that would be stupid. They would be stranded in a foreign country with barely enough money for food and uber / taxi. Plus you could immediately cancel the hotel reservation and end the return portion of the round trip flight. They would be quite thoroughly butt fucked at that point; possibly sleeping at the airport and asking for food handouts from strangers who might not even speak their language.

    Even if it is a refundable ticket, and she cancels it, the money goes back to your credit card, and not to her as cash..

  12. #6050

    My 2 cents

    Quote Originally Posted by Laj505  [View Original Post]
    For ukraine girls asking money for tickets by paypal is this normal or some scam. Can anyone elaborate.

    I would love to meet the girls as they chat well and damm hot. If anyone has experience kindly write here.
    NEVER send money to a woman you haven't had sex with before, and are established with. If you want to take that level of risk, then you tell them to send you their passport, and you will buy the ticket for them, and the cost of getting from their house to the airport is their responsibility. And no, they cannot have cash because they don't have a suitcase to travel with, or for any other "bullshit" excuse.

    She can't do anything with a ticket in her name, other than possibly take the flight and attempt to dodge you on arrival. Which, if they are as financially strapped as they appear / claim, that would be stupid. They would be stranded in a foreign country with barely enough money for food and uber / taxi. Plus you could immediately cancel the hotel reservation and end the return portion of the round trip flight. They would be quite thoroughly butt fucked at that point; possibly sleeping at the airport and asking for food handouts from strangers who might not even speak their language.

    Even if it is a refundable ticket, and she cancels it, the money goes back to your credit card, and not to her as cash.

    NEVER EVER EVER send cash to someone you don't have a physical rapport with. If they don't have the wherewithal to find someone to watch their kid, get basic travel supplies, or anyone else they would request money for, then you need to move on to the next girl.

    I have sent money to girls I've hooked up with in the past, and the results have been mixed. Some were honest and kept their word; others were cheats. But you have to be prepared to lose the money either way; just like investing in a high risk security.

  13. #6049
    Quote Originally Posted by Gfefan  [View Original Post]
    They will talk sweet, setup a M&G. But they will somehow have a kid that magically appears or a grandma who needs a caretaker and ask you for $ to cover.
    I simply hang up the phone if they want money to meet. Not worth wasting my time, it never ends. If you agree to help them with gas money, then they need money for a babysitter. And not $30, more like $200. So best just to hang up the phone.

    Your time has to be worth more than theirs anyway, are you supposed to be the one supporting them financially because you earn more? When I have told them that I get more argument, so JUST HANG UP!

  14. #6048

    Girlfriend reconnect

    Wow. Seeking can be so interesting. Because it's real world. So as you know I been kinda juggling three home girls trying to find the one. It kinda settled on Gina because she's a nice compromise all around. Attractive. Sweet. Submissive. Great BJ. What's not to like.

    Then tonight. I reunited with Fuck Bunny who I hadn't seen in two months. And damn I like that girl! Yes her kissing and BJ are mediocre. But we met up for a platonic reunion just to reconnect and DAMN I like that girl. Solid nine with spectacular dcups on a petite Mexicans frame. And we literally chatted and laughed and drank for three hours with no sexual connection except making out twice at the bathrooms. LOL. And it was an amazing. Best three hours ever with a girl with her clothes on. She's really keeper.

    Got to make her my prime. No question. Going to meetup and fuck Sunday. Damn I like this girl!

  15. #6047

    First Time Hook

    Have a friend who plays internationally at clubs but doesn't do Seeking. Too afraid of blowback w the wife. But he's in Mexico looking for action in a college town. So I pulled my pics off the site and went gem mining. Snagged two hotties for him and sent over to his Whatsapps to seal the deal. Has one on for tomorrow night!

    What are friends for after all?

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